The BBC is having a spate of programmes that deal with immigration and culture (Andrew Green from Migration Watch even getting decent treatment on the Today programme)…I wonder if that has anything to do with the ongoing review of its coverage of such issues…and will they suddenly be on the back burner again once the review is published?
Anyway, the floor is yours…..a new open thread for any BBC subject you think fit to mention…..
The BBC hate UKIP with a passion. Basically they hate anything that’s not dripping wet lefty.
Anyway, check the tone of this piece:
“Protestors shout ‘scum’ at UKIP leader”
“UKIP leader Nigel Farage had to find refuge in a pub after he was swarmed by angry protestors as he left a press conference.
When he later left the Canons’ Gait pub in Edinburgh’s historic old town and was escorted into a police van, protestors chanted “scum, scum, scum”.”
Projecting much, Mr/s. BBC journalist?
Who are these protestors? Why are they disrupting the democractic process? The BBC don’t care. For them the key point is ‘UKIP leader’ ‘scum’.
That is their opinion, and they will never cease repeating it, for they are terrified of the right, and will demonise it at every opportunity.
Had a Labour leader been thus disrupted it would have been
‘Protests disrupt Blair speech’
or something along those lines.
more likely SWP/commie flash mob. Im scottish working class and would vote UKIP if given the chance.
Farage swarmed by angry protesters: a 34-character headline? Seems like it was only yesterday that the bBBC was telling us they could only be short like ‘EDL bomb plot’ and they wouldn’t have had room to put ‘Muslim terrorist plot to bomb EDL’ (33 characters).
Isn’t “swarmed” a rather mild way of describing pure intimidation?
Can you imagine “Trevor Phillips swarmed by angry protesters”?
‘Seems like it was only yesterday that the bBBC was telling us they could only be short like ‘EDL bomb plot’ and they wouldn’t have had room..
Maybe it was… a different time?
Seems the issue is not so much the number of characters but which ones are chosen (or not) and how they are placed relative to one another.
This latest excuse from the BBC Big Book of Whoppers is already looking pretty ragged.
Who do these political lefties think FARAGE is, to demand that he is not allowed to speak in Britain?
An Israeli?
Or Geert Wilders?
All I heard on Reporting Scotland was that they were “students”. I don’t believe they simply happened past on their way to lectures and have to wonder why the BBC was so coy as to who organised it.
“… have to wonder why the BBC was so coy as to who organised it.”
Maybe because he’s a Labour party member…
“Why I joined the Labour Party: Max Crema”
More info on the little charmer…
Exactly what I was thinking…
Thanks for the link! I think many of us suspected it was a stitch up. It smacked of the same vile, uneducated crap that came from Amy Rutland on BBC QT toward Diane James.
Ha ha, these stupid kids (nor lieBour will ever learn)!
From “Why I joined the Labour Party: Max Crema” (have a read – it’s wonderfully terrible)…
“We should be working to build a strong rank and file willing to challenge the leadership to expose the false dichotomy offered to the electorate every 5 years.”
Yet when you encounter one person who is actually trying to expose that ‘false dichotomy offered to the electorate every 5 years’…rather than engage in converstion…you chant ‘scum, scum, scum’.
Way to ‘engage’, Mr. Socialist.
“However, I eventually realised that sitting on the sidelines of this fight, just so that I could feel ‘pure’ in my lack of affiliation to the Labour Leadership, was a wholly selfish decision which unnecessarily tied my hands.”
Feel the warm glow of sacrifice and humility. Damn, they’re so worthy, these progressive warriors for social justice.
Interesting interview with Farage on Good Morning Scotland after the 8:00 news. He really shouldn’t have done it, because he was evidently very emotional still. I hestitate to speculate if he was also tired, but he gave the impression he was attempting to tar all Scottish nationalists with the brush of these scum. Which I think was foolish.
However, the hostility of the interviewer to him was quite breathtaking, and it ended with Farage putting the phone down on him.
The end of that interview is now up at Guido’s.
“And remind me how many elected representatives you have in Scotland?”
“Absolutely none. But rather more than the BBC do.”
Farage did better than I was expecting.
I find the interviewer’s implication that Farage had no right to be there at all particularly objectionable.
The news about Ian Katz gets worse and worse. Here is an updated entry from Guido.
His political history means he should NEVER have been selected by the bBC. Questions in Parliament are urgently needed.
No, no, unless he spoke openly about his support for Israel, there is no problem. No awkward questions necessary. He may very well be a Red Sea Pedestrian, but to my knowledge he hasn’t made any public statements in support of Israel.
me ow, guardianistas at the ready eh!, maybe he s there to give panto a run in the “interesting hair” stakes
Should get a regular spot for the harridans at Scumsnet too, bitter frustrated women who spout half-baked opinions, braindead views and all seem to hate their men? and then wonder why they clear off with a 25 year old workmate who has A/personality and – B/doesn’t spend their life on the Internet!
keep it in the family eh! Ian
Kirsty over to you 😀
I’ve just had four attempts at posting a comment on the ‘A steel at any price’ thread without success, but had no problem on this thread. Has anyone else experienced the same?
“Christianity declining 50pc faster than thought – as one in 10 under-25s is a Muslim.
“Christianity could be facing a catastrophic collapse in Britain according to official figures suggesting it is declining 50 per cent faster than previously thought.”
By John Bingham.
What political spin will Beeboids put on this, after years of their advocacy of Mass Immigration into U.K?
Oh yes: indigenous British people need to be even more generous and understanding towards their colonisers; and millions more will be coming in.
Just heard a piece on The World Tonight(16.5.13).
The campaigners that want Mid-Staffs Hospital to stay open have been conducting a vendetta against Julie Bailey. Julie is one of the leading lights that went public with what was going on, and her own mum was one of the victims of the NHS there.
Julie now has to leave the town, seeing as her mums grave has been desecrated and her house and cafe have been targetted by the “caring NHS supporters” locally.
Still-the BBC won`t dwell on what kind of people who want to save their jobs in the local hospital would wish to push shit through a letterbox or to send death threats to a woman who lost her mum to mid-Staffs “caring professionals.”
Its sad alright, but let`s hope those nasty Tories don`t scapegoat that fine hospital…and maybe Julie Bailey isn`t as much a victim as she paints herself. Her mums case was self-selecting, and so the Francis Enquiry can`t really be trusted.
The BBC and the unions have had three months now since the nid-Staffs scandal…and this is the best they can come up with.
God Bless and keep you Julie Bailey…and let`s see Operation Yewtree/ Bullfinch/ Ore etc try to put just a couple of their finest onto the scum of Stafford that do things like this to an innocent woman.
F**k Bailey, let`s keep Qatada!…thank you BBC!
Sinister as Pyongyang these days this country at times…the NHS really has got to be weeded out before it makes mid-Staffs patients out of all of us that dare to speak out against this sick cult of “Health” Worship!
just got back to the comments after my previous entry……….My faith is slightly restored (none of us on here is in a position to make change) but I am gratified to know that many others have the respect for those terrible actions we had to take in ww2.
bbc definitely needs to be closed down…..they do so much destruction of normal standards of behaviour
Look. You could politely say you are mistaken. But your whole post was wrong. The story was covered extensively by the BBC. It’s hard to argue with people who just make stuff up.
With the greatest respect (see, arrogantly telling folk how to behave gets you the response it deserves), it’s also hard to argue with people who seem to change operating system like a Borg drone coming down a Starship corridor.
BBC Question Time was a pro-EU stitch up.
The pro-European Left-winger was gifted the opening uninterupted speech to which the audience responded loudly and approvingly (contrary to the balance of attitudes found in opinion polls). The Eurosceptic had second go and was badgered and repeatedly interrupted by the BBC chairman. Questions from the floor were introduced so as to prevent him making his case and to prevent the completion of his argument in a way that may have ended in audience applause.
An item about CO2 this morning on “Toady” – Harrabin up to his usual tricks, with the usual imbalance. To be fair, Andrew Montford (aka Bishop Hill) had a couple of token 30 second slots, to try to show the sceptic point of view, but this was largely about John Houghton and others telling us that though warming seems to have ceased for the time being, it’s a temporary thing, and will be back with a vengeance, and we should all be doing something to protect our children and grandchildren…
Still plugging the same old messages about how the heat is hiding (probably in the sea), and how greenhouse gases are increasing at a dreadful rate, and how things are much worse than they were, and how the weather is becoming more “variable” (didn’t mention “extreme” this time, and how the “already warm room is getting warmer” and that we will all go to hell in a handcart unless we do something about it.
Quite what we have to “do about it”, wasn’t specified, but they though it a good idea to do something, rather than nothing (and let nature and natural variation take its course).
The BBC will NEVER have its belief in the alarmist, doom-laden AGW scenario, even as we all freeze to death.
Harrabin’s piece was obviously very carefully crafted. I noticed the firmness with which it was asserted that climate change was happening; that ‘variable’ weather was due to man slipped in with care (h.t. Old Goat – I hadn’t even noticed that Harrabin hadn’t mentioned the word ‘extreme’ until I read your post). Finishing with Houghton saying he couldn’t risk his children and grandchildren made me think. Maybe it is the changes demanded by the climate activists (is that the opposite of the skeptics?) that may risk our children and grandchildren – certainly is from an economic point of view.
Bishop Hill’s take on it…
Spud…… have missed the point of my post………There was no live broadcast by the bbc – they chose to deliberate over Syria thus indicating to the viewer that they consider the fighting there between many questionable groups and a questionable government rather than to remember the brave souls and their unquestionable bravery. So, my post is valid