The truth about Bulgarian and Romanian immigration into this country must lie somewhere inbetween the reassuring utterances adopted by the BBC:
Polls: No indication of huge Romanian-Bulgarian influx
And those of the Sun:
Next stop UK: Romanians & Bulgarians are queueing up for handout Britain
The BBC however is actively working to change your opinion about immigration and the numbers coming here…going so far as to make completely ill-matched comparisons to bolster their dodgy position:
British entrepreneurs invest in Bulgaria
The suggestion that Bulgarians and Romanians will soon arrive in the UK in their thousands may have fuelled UKIP’s surge in the polls, provided column inches in the newspapers, and given news programmes something to chew on – but it has also concealed the fact that there is quite a bit of migration in the other direction.
….Amid the cacophony of voices one distinctly British accent sticks out.
It belongs to Matt Pigden, the founder of a snowboarding and ski company that has cornered the market here.
Thanks to him, and others like him, Borovets is awash with British skiers in the winter season.
Influx of entrepreneurs
“Borovets has seen massive investment. New lifts, new hotels,” he says.
Mr Pigden says he and his company, Snow and Wake Bulgaria, are now making a difference to the local economy.
“We’re employing people. We’re building a project at the moment. All the materials are sourced locally. Yes, the money is definitely going back in.”
So Brits are bringing in skills and massive investment…..whilst most Bulgarians coming to the UK are bringing what?
Where are the figures for all the unemployed Brits in Bulgaria claiming benefits, housing, free schools and health services?
Disingenuous to think this compares in the slightest to the type of immigration that goes the other way…here to the UK.
I’ve noticed this whitewash by the bBC. The simple fact remains 7000 Brits have gone to live in Bulgaria and every penny they spend they have earned, no benefits and as pointed out above they put money into the Bulgarian economy.
Unfortunately in the Uk anybody and everybody can claim without having put into the pot. I quote this headlines I haven’t seen on the bBC this week:
Labour ‘sent out search parties for immigrants’, Lord Mandelson admits
Lord Mandelson admitted: “In 2004 when as a Labour government, we were not only welcoming people to come into this country to work, we were sending out search parties for people and encouraging them, in some cases, to take up work in this country.”
The final graph here
shows that according to the ONS there are 100,000 here, and working, already – that’s 100,000 ahead of the relaxation of controls.
Presumably as they are working they already have access to the generous UK benefits system.
I recall the bbc 5live news trumpet some Tory lame brain, stating it was only highly skilled IT workers, that would come? … so there must be 100,000 of them here already then? …
i must remember that, next time i hear “big ish” & see worlds worst accordian players, (from the cartel of distictly Romanian types), loitering outside Sainsburys
As they are all highly skilled IT experts, I had always assumed that “Big Issue” was a new operating system that they were trying to promote. I am amazed that Microsoft and Apple haven’t snapped up their undoubted talents.
They can do all the stealing from Bulgaria, in the Netherlands there is a big scandal how Bulgarians for more then a year came to the Netherlands with organized bustrips, registered as citizen which gave them the right to certain benefits, and went home again where the money made practically local millionaires. The fraud has been estimated about 60.000 euro per Bulgarian, to the nice sum of several billion euros. The government estimates they can plug the hole somewhere in 2014. Isn’t the EU fun?