5 Live were agitating for the release of Shaker Aamer from Guatanamo on the Victoria Derbyshire programme. He was cleared for release in 2007, we’re told. So why haven’t the Americans released him? A spin through Aamer’s leaked Guatanamo file shows that the Americans have him pegged as a fairly senior Al Qaeda figure. That could be the reason, I suspect.
One suspects there’s going to be a lot of positive stories about islam in the coming days, after what happened last week, stories like, muslim rescues cat from tree or muslim helps granny across the street. There’s never any stories on the BBC about Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism or Heaven forbid, Christianity, but then, I suppose, to the BBC there’s only one religion in town, and that’s, Islam.
‘Josie Long spent her early life in Orpington, South East London and began performing stand-up comedy at the ridiculously young age of 14. At 17 she won the BBC New Comedy Awards’
‘She contributed sketches and one-liners to BBC Radio One’s 2004/05 comedy show, The Milk Run with Andrew O’Neill. One edition of the show was entirely given over to a script she co-wrote with her friend Dan Harkin’
‘Her radio series Josie Long: All of the Planet’s Wonders was broadcast on BBC Radio 4′
‘She has also been involved in BBC Switch, on a weekly mini-feature called Josie Long’s Confuse the Teacher Feature’
Pretty much a BBC comedy apprenticeship.
It would be unfair to attempt to judge her talent for comedy – but I think it is safe to say that she has hardly had to build a career in a traditional sense. Fringe awards and regular BBC Radio 4 gigs are certainly not the way that Les Dawson or Ken Dodd flourished.
And as so often with the modern BBC and its so-called comedy it really isn’t (Josie) long before we come to politics. Our Josie joined the HIGNFY team recently.
Our Josie does do her fair share of political comedy. She does Trade Union sponsored activist shows telling the young (and vulnerable?) that the evil Tories are busy closing their youth centres.
Is our Josie an honest child of the humble toilers?
‘My parents are … My mum just retired and moved to Tenerife. She’s obsessed with Tenerife and her dog, it’s very cute. When he worked, my dad had something to do with the Dartford Tunnel. Now he’s just obsessed with Facebook.’
‘The house I grew up in … Until I was 12, it was a semi-detached on an estate – half council, half owned – in the dreary suburbs of Orpington, south London. There was a mix of people – one girl on our road had a pet pig; we did stuff like carol singing and collecting for charity.’
‘Long spent her early life in Orpington, Kent, where she attended Newstead Wood School for Girls in Swift House. She also attended GIFT Ltd. summer schools’
‘At 18 she gave up stand-up whilst attending Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford’ ‘She read English Language and Literature’
Posh single sex girl’s school and English at Oxbridge – how uncool!
‘My house is … My boyfriend and I rent half a terraced house; it’s untidy but full of love.’
Something tells me she’s slumming it considering all the BBC fees she must have banked.
‘My secret crush … is [the rapper] Mos Def..’
Ah… he sounds well cooool! (On several counts) Suffice to say I hade to look him up.
Long was full of half-understood union talking points in her attack on Michael Gove. And naturally she spat Nigel Farage’s name out as if she were Simon Wiesenthal talking about Adolf Eichmann.
Is there some assembly line turning out these people. ? Where is is and who operates it I wonder?
Probably somewhere in the Guardian’s basement. After the worst generation in our history we get the most boring. England deserves better.
I suppose anyone who appears on the BBC, must be a comedian, if they don’t like the Conservatives, but don’t know much about politics.
She did seem to know that Nigel Farage was as popular as Jeremy Clarkson, and she did seem to find her own comment about this funny, although no one else even understood whether the comment was supposed to be a joke or not.
If she knew more about politics, then she could understand that about one quarter of the electorate don’t like the Conservatives because they chose David Cameron as their leader, but then these are people who support UKIP not Labour.
But her career prospects at the BBC where helped when she make it clear that she did like Labour.
I really enjoy the Commentator – here is a great article – who wants to bet on how long it will take the Biased-BBC to report that there is a strong groundswell move to impeach Obama??
Did anybody watch the Newsnight (only for comedy value) segment last night with George Monbiot arguing for bringing back wolves to Wales.
I distinctly like the bit where he said that they are less dangerous than you think. The poor sheep farmer debating with him was just incredulous that this man could come up with such a load of tripe.
The poor sheep farmer debating with him was just incredulous that this man could come up with such a load of tripe.
The poor sheep farmer clearly hadn’t heard anything by Monbiot before or he certainly wouldn’t have been incredulated by Monbiot coming up with a load of tripe.
I am unable to understand why Newsnight would waste 15 minutes of valuable airtime on a man who wants to reintroduce wolves to the UK and who considers sheep ‘a white plague’.
Made a change from the Religion of Death, I suppose but there must have been something more newsworthy to spend our money on: Obama’s misdeeds, for example..
Don’t forget Monbiot is a foaming-at-the-mouth advocate of the ‘settled science’, so he justifies a daily appearance on the BBC through that one qualification alone.
Hideously white sheep? No, not the British public in the eyes of the BBC, but the poor animals which the wolves would prey on. Does Monbiot foam at the mouth because he was bitten by a rabid wolf? I think we should be told!
Radio 5 Rusting Iron Lung’s harpies cranked it up to full howl on Nick ‘Crimewatch’ Ross saying something *controversial* to flog his crap book. R5RIL’s Wimmin-In-Chief, Chucklin’ Nikki was of course in the van.
Discussing the subject, he came out with another droid neologism *zajisadaymay*. As in
‘zajisadaymay putin some stuff in bold and other stuff in the background.’
‘Is that just the Daily Mail’, is I think a rough translation.
Accusing one of Britain’s most popular newspapers of ‘slanting’ the news. As if.
Anyhoo, can anyone think of any other media organisation that might occasionally be ‘putin some stuff in bold and other stuff in the background’. Yer know like talking about ‘men shouting political slogans’.
Convert to Islam arrested in stabbing attack on French soldier”
“Yet another convert to Islam misunderstands the religion that we must affirm as peaceful on pain on charges on ‘Islamophobia.’ Yet Muslims in France have no program to teach converts to Islam to reject the understanding of Islam that they ostensibly reject. And no one ever ponders the implications of that.”
The BBC’s US President editor is a little worried that his beloved Obamessiah might get forced into military intervention in Syria by those cowboys in Europe. No, really.
There are many practical problems about the US and its allies taking action in Syria, and many potentially messy outcomes if they do. But it is more than this.
We should know by now that if President Obama is a liberal interventionist at all, he is a very cautious, reluctant one. He knows that, without the US, nothing will be done, but he seems to feel that it can often be the least worst option to do nothing.
It is worth reflecting that this is the majority position of leaders all over the world. It also appears to be the view of many Americans, tired of war, and few in the region are clamouring for open intervention.
But commentators and politicians in France, the UK and the US, do demand “something must be done”. The sabres may yet be unsheathed.
Yeah, He’s cautious and reluctant, alright, except when it comes to drone-bombing the bejeezus out of innocent civilians along with the occasional actual terrorist operative. In fact, He’s so reluctant to intervene that His operatives ordered the rescue team to stand down rather than try to save our people in Benghazi. But other than that, He’s earning that Nobel Peace Prize every day. Which Mardell didn’t mention.
Curiously, Mardell’s link to the Daily Beast goes to David Frum’s page, which is nothing more than a link to the actual Daily Beast article about which Mardell is writing. So why link to the Left-wing outlet’s pet RINO and not to the actual report itself? Or have I answered my own question?
The Catholic Church in Venezuela has said it is running out of wine to celebrate Mass because of nationwide shortages of basic supplies.
It said the scarcity of some products had forced the country’s “only wine maker” to stop selling to the Church.
Critics blame the shortages on tight state control of the economy and inadequate domestic production.
But the government insists that an opposition-led conspiracy and price speculations are the problem.
Nicely balanced, of course. But it’s a little difficult to find an excuse for this:
But the problem was not limited to wine, he said.
“The makers of consecrated bread have told us that they’ll have to raise prices because they can’t find enough flour.
“Wheat is not grown here – it all comes from abroad,” he said.
Can’t blame the opposition for that.
Oil-rich Venezuela relies on imports, but currency controls have restricted its ability to pay for foreign goods, a reason for the shortages.
Supplies of milk, sugar, cooking oil and corn flour – which is used to make Venezuela’s national dish, arepas – are all affected, including sanitary items.
Last week, Venezuelan lawmakers approved plans to import millions of rolls of toilet paper, in an effort to relieve a chronic shortage.
BBC Mundo correspondent Abraham Zamorano, in the capital, Caracas, says many Venezuelans are wondering why this is happening to a self-proclaimed rich country with the largest proven oil reserves in the world.
I just clicked on the BBC news site and was fascinated by the unbelievably ‘live’ coverage of France’s first homosexual ‘marriage’.
First man on the moon maybe but why is our money being spent on showing this absurdity?
Radio.5 Drive. isll a gush, had it live on the anoon news programme? … (shakes head)
human tobyjug Peter Allen slimes.. “shall i translate for you”
why not! … Va te faire foutre, trouduc
translate that
It was also on the BBC TV lunchtime news – reporters getting all giddy with themselves they were, gushing over the ‘sealed with a kiss’ gay snog they insisted on showing us.
But wait – could all be ruined by the ‘far right’ protests (though how the hell they’d fight their way through the 600 camera crews that had somehow got an invite, God knows – theirs couldn’t possibly be an activist set piece, what?) and what have we here – a ‘right wing’ mayor who’s agin it. So definitely only ‘right wingers’ oppose (but interviews with their favourite ‘conservatives’ in the Muslim banlieus of Paris conveniently absent).
Never mind, touching letter from a youngster who can now hold his head up with his mates because his lesbian ‘parents’ (a miracle of biology – wouldn’t the BBC use the term ‘adoptive’ for hetero couples?) now have equal recognition.
Meanwhile, the sticky issues of proof of consummation and adultery remain………an inconvenient truth for the Beeb or perhaps a bit………too technical. Where’s the equality in that?
Since when was it the State’s function to legislate for the meaning of words in the English language? If there is no legal difference in the rights obtained through a Civil Partnership and a Marriage why the change in the law on marriage simply to alter the meaning of the word?
Could it be down to an EU directive by any chance? Funny how a number of EU states are obsessing with this non-issue whilst the economy of Europe is burning.
Or is that the point? Are they sacrificing gays as a distraction to their fiscal bungling?
A suicide bomber targeted the office gate, with two attackers now holed up inside the building, officials say.
A gun battle between the attackers and security forces is continuing, according to a spokesman for the governor of Nangarhar province.
In response to Red Cross foreign policy, no doubt.
This is the second time in less than a week that international aid workers have been caught up in violence.
On Friday several staff at the International Organization for Migration were injured in an attack in Kabul.
The Taliban announced a “spring offensive” in April, saying they would target foreign military bases and diplomatic areas.
“Caught up in violence”? That’s like saying Richard III got caught up in the violence of the Battle of Bosworth Field. It was a deliberate, targeted attack on a clearly marked, non-military group, BBC. Quit dissembling.
BBC 5 Live Drive team sitting comfortably in the plastic imitation ivory tower which is Salford had me almost chuck the radio at the wall (a la Gordon Brown).
They interupt extensive coverage of some French farce taking place at a remote Marie involving a couple of French lads playing all the parts – I may have got the wrong end of the stick there…. these theatricals! – to note that the Red Cross is they agreed Beebo to Beebo not a legitimate target for the Taliban.
Whereas British peace keepers are, presumably, fair game.
Posters here often refer to the BBC as the enemy in our midsts – it is increasing hard to argue differently.
I’d say that if the “peace keepers” are armed and in military uniform, they’re a legitimate target if we admit it’s a war. Of course, the BBC excuse will be that the Red Cross wouldn’t have been attacked at all if there were no Crusader troops in Afghanistan. Hence the editorial choice of “caught up in violence”.
News Sniffer reveals that the news brief originally included a statement from the Afghan Interior Ministry that it was a “terrorist attack”. This was curiously redacted from the updated version.
The independent report that concluded that the BBC was biased in favour of immigration and tended to suppress news unfavourable to Islam, is most welcome.
The BBC and most of the rest of liberal left establishment are out of step with what the vast majority of the country think about these topics. So oppressive is the suppression of open debate that the majority of the country is increasingly frustrated that it has no representation in parliament, no voice in the media and faces prison if they say what they think. This frustration is dangerous and will lead to more incidents that the BBC label Islamophobia because it is the only way that the people can vent their feelings.
If the liberal left and their mouthpiece the BBC wish to avoid serious escalation of ill feeling towards immigrants in general and Muslims in particular, they should allow the people to speak and promote an open debate. If they choose not to do so things will be worse when the truth eventually is brought into the open.
Here’s a Daily Beast article Mardell could have linked to, one which may not have the international significance of the Syria issue, but has far more significance for the US he’s supposed to be covering, as well as his colleagues in the media:
The same journalists who did not hesitate to assume the worst of previous Republican administrations—E.J. Dionne, Walter Pincus, Jack Shafer, to name a few—are now tying themselves in knots trying to explain that there is nothing to see when the IRS probes Obama’s enemies or that the Justice Department secretly seizing the phone records of one of their peers and his mother was really a good thing. One has to wonder if it were their mother and her records, how that mother-son conversation would play out.
“Well, Mom, you know, the president has to do these things, and I’ve told you time and again not to email Aunt Sally about my sources. Is that any way to keep hope alive?”
What to make of journalists who have decided that it’s more important to defend the president than to defend their own profession?
You could add the BBC to that list.
It’s disheartening to see the Obama administration attack the press in unprecedented ways and the reaction from the press is to accept that blame and then go forth to explain to the world that the president isn’t really like this. Most of the time he is a good guy. He loves us, honestly. He just has these moods.
By playing the victim, the press empowers not only this administration but also every one to follow. So if you’re okay with Eric Holder going after your mom’s phone records, just remember that you are giving permission to the next AG who might be some Republican you and your editorial board loathe.
This is a much bigger deal for the US than Syria, especially as Atty. General Holder is coming under fire for lying to Congress about this. Instead of reporting that, of course, the top story currently on the BBC’s US & Canada page is Michelle Bachmann announcing she’s not running for office again.
The whole operation should be shut down and replaced by a news aggregator run by an orangutan. You’d be more informed and the money saved could be used to alleviate some of the budget cuts the Beeboids are complaining about in domestic news and current affairs.
‘But how much of this can actually be nailed to the White House door? Is there a “smoking gun” Obama email that says: go and get those guys who are giving me a hard time? Almost certainly not. But there was no need for one: he and his official spokesman had been banging on openly about the threat from Tea Party fanatics and the obstacle that Fox News presented to their virtuous reforms, for as long as they had been in power.
When you cast your opponents as the personification of evil – when you cease to see them as simply fellow countrymen who have different values and contrary views to your own, then this is where it ends.
Who, they implicitly demanded, would rid them of these turbulent enemies? Clearly, there were plenty of eager officials ready to try.’
Given that 1000s of Axis servicemen were held as POWs for up to 6 years without trial in WW2, what breach of Geneva Convention rules arises from holding 80 Taleban for up to a year in Afghanistan?
Climate scientist Chris de Freitas, presumably on the BBC’s ‘banned’ list (because he’s one of those climate scientist who doesn’t ‘say’…):
‘To date, scientific evidence suggests that negative (stabilising) feedback processes prevail; possibly due to the cooling effect of increased cloudiness from water vapour increase. If true, this means it is unlikely higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will greatly influence global climate.
Negative feedback processes are played down by climate alarmists who assume climate is governed by positive feedback processes which they claim will lead to runaway global warming. Four billion years of global climate history shows that negative feedbacks prevail.
Climate warming does not confirm that carbon dioxide is causing it. The evidence would have to distinguish between human-caused warming and natural warming. This has not been done.
Climate is always warming or cooling. There are natural variability theories of warming. Much of the talk of “increasing evidence for global warming” is actually evidence of climate variability.
Whatever the cause of the current warm phase, its occurrence is not unprecedented. Global warming happened from 1850 to 1940, then cooling to 1979. During the Medieval Warm Period from 900 to 1200AD, the Vikings sailed in arctic waters that are now covered with sea ice, and farmed Greenland soil that is now too cold for agriculture.’
I had exactly the same thought when I read this Tim Yeo: humans may not be to blame for global warming Humans may not be responsible for global warming, according to Tim Yeo, the MP who oversees government policy on climate change.
Knew he has to have an angle – ethics is not what this lot do.
just had my posts deleted for asking who is paying the lawyers representing Taliban prisoners.
yet people who post supporting all manner of “bad people” seem to have no issues.
This is final proof the BBC despises the military.
Irrespective of the content of the BBC’s output today, I wonder if anyone is looking at the editorial decisions leading to the subject matter included in the programming. We have Phil Shiner on this morning claiming the existence of a ‘secret’ detention facility in Afghanistan. He was allowed to get away with caling it secret even though his own law firm are apparently acting in the High Court on the very matter – and it has been discussed in Parliament. Why was this news today? Why have we been subjected to ‘Return to Guantanamo’ today? Neither of these stories were breaking news – but what they do achieve is to move the listener away from the current news and restore ‘victim’ agenda. As these stories spanned both 4 and 5, this suggests a deliberate political strategy.
Can anyone tell me why the BBC News website has as their top story the Afghans held at Camp Bastion by British Forces – unlawfully they say – when no other news outlet seems to be carrying this story? Am I mistaken? Apparently, the detainees are supposed to be handed over to Afghan Forces but a number of NATO countries don’t do this because the detainees may be mistreated. I would have thought that was in the detainees best interest. Who are the UK lawyers acting for some of the detainees? Who is paying them? Why is this a major story for the BBC now when Muslim extremists are in the spotlight in the UK? Why nothing on their news site about the attack on the Red Cross Office in Afghanistan as on other news outlets?
… just asking because I’m puzzled. If there’s a story of interest to me I cross check with other news outlets to get a clearer picture of events without the spin.
1. Phil Shiner, of Public Interest Lawyers
“This niche Birmingham firm is well regarded for its work representing individuals in human rights claims. It enjoys a strong reputation for its representation of claimants affected by the war on terror, having acted for Iraqi civilians and the families of British soldiers killed in Iraq. The firm has expertise in international human rights law and acts for Daoud Mousa and nine others in the Baha Mousa public inquiry.”
2. You are paying sir – assuming you are a UK tax payer :
‘But when Defence Secretary Philip Hammond indicated that the military was prepared to release them to the Afghan authorities, the same lawyers – funded by LEGAL AID – said they might launch fresh action in the UK courts to prevent that happening.’
REPLY REPORT COMMENT oh I want to comment push button…and find I might have upset someone. Can someone sort the buttons out I won’t be the first or the last. Again sorry for messing with someones comments earlier. Age and anger are messy bedfellows!
Anyone notice that the BBC have stepped up their ‘NHS in Peril’ stories over the past few weeks.
Today its, ‘you’ll die if you get admitted to hospital on a Friday’, and complaints about maternity provision. Last week the GP’s were kicking off and the Tories were having to answer for a huge increase in attendance at A&E.
All of this the post-Stafford fight-back.
The BBC must have had one their expert ‘decision making’ meeting at which they have decided to take a position in support of the NHS. Expect those in attendance to reflect the BBC’s love for this unreformed Stalinist entity on Newsround, Live at the Apollo, Newsnight, HIGNFY, The Culture Show and East Enders.
Interesting isn’t it how the BBC manage to flip a story about poor care in the NHS into one of evil Tory cuts?
I work odd hours and often nights and on the weekends if the demand is there. So why can’t doctors? That doesn’t mean 24/7 but how about split shifts?
My first wife was a nurse and she was often on rotated shifts so that she sometimes worked weekends and sometimes didn’t. All except the junior doctors & nurses never did. Why not?
Surely the rise in deaths at the weekend is down to the working practices of the medical profession, nothing else.
Just when you think The Left can’t stoop any lower in its fight to preserve the rotten status quo, they do. Filthy, shameless and despicable acts – but totally in character.
Bias is also obtained by omission. I offer this example of an interview from Wednesday morning’s “Morning in America with Bill Bennett” that would never have be broadcast on the BBC at the present time. The interviewee is Dr Michael Welner, an American forensic psychiatrist. The topic is Islam.
We all know on here the BBC likes to bring us the news with its own inimitable left-wing slant, but should it be allowed to manufacture the news?
Case in point this morning on Today around 7.20. Lord Smith, former Labour Environment Minister was brought on to tell us we are burning too much coal as a result of US coal prices falling through the floor – in turn due to its abundance of cheap, fracked gas.
Of course, this is doing no end of damage to our health (sulphur dioxide) but is also hampering our efforts to tackle (yawn) climate change (looks outside for signs of the hot dry summer). And yes folks, it was another cosy chat with another of those ever-so-wise ex Labour ministers who we miss so much because the coalition is a bunch of incompetents. And no, we won’t challenge you Lord Smith on the fact your government sat on its hands for 13 years and did absolutely bugger all about an energy strategy, leaving us in a position where a couple of weeks ago we werer within a whisker of serious power cuts. No, we’ll use this interview for something else……..
…….so ten minutes later at 7.30, there it was as a news item.
Your biased BBC – fearlessly pursuing its own agenda for the good of all.
On Radio 4 “Toady” programme this morning, the beloved Harrabin was telling us (with the connivance of “Lord” Chris Smith AND the Yeo thing), that they want the country to be “carbon free” in terms of energy by 2030, that coal burning for power generation has increased since the nineties, that there is a glut of cheap coal, that our health is suffering because of the increase in CO2 and Sulphur Dioxide, and that the nasty CO2 is definitely causing the climate to change, and it’s all our fault. Even shale gas produces “carbon”, and we’re all going to die.
Personally, I fail to understand how, with the systematic closure of coal-fired stations in the UK (and no new ones) how the country can possibly be burning more coal to generate power. And if coal is cheap, buy it, use it – it must be a better solution all round to importing wood chips from the states to burn instead. They are completely bonkers.
So Mr. “Trougher” Yeo is a bit two faced. What a surprise.
At the daily expenditure of radio sets which have been thrown at the wall in château goat, due to biased BBC “reportage”, I shall soon be broke. Why can’t the ruddy BBC EVER involve an alternative view?
I suspect it’ll take more than the combined efforts of Peter Lilley and the common sense brigade to put the brakes on, and halt this arrant lunacy.
Another classic BBC non-interview on the Today program. Stephen Pinker was on doing an Uncle Tim act: apparently, it’s all over for men, we suck and he, for one, welcomes his new feminist overlords.
Hearing this kind of unchallenged feminist drivel was bad enough, but I’m guessing we won’t be hearing from Dr Helen Smith about her book ‘Men on Strike’ any time soon? As ever with the BBC, the ‘consensus’ is everything.
I heard this too. And how much time did they give it? He seemed to be droning on for bloody ages. Humphrys introduced it along the lines of ‘What’s the matter with men’, quoting child abuse cases as a starter for justifying a ten-minute long rant against the male population – though of course, the inference being it was western men they were discussing. The feminisation of men was seen as a good thing, though the increasing aggression and laddism amongst young females was never brought up as a counterpoint, let alone the fact that domestic violence is not a one-way street either. Then there was Humphrys pointing out that the Sun still has its page 3 nude, whilst ignoring the fact that women are not averse to – how shall we say – ‘ogling’ naked males.
No balance, just an undiluted feminist rant.
Following on quickly from the Smith interview, where the climate change ideology got a nice big tick, it felt like they were simply moving swiftly from one leftist agenda item to another.
Now, I didn’t hear it, but are you saying that child abuse by a minority of men was used as an excuse to attack men in general? I’m sure I can think of situations, in the not too distant past where they went out of their way to assure us that abuse (or indeed other anti-social actions) by a minority had nothing to do with the group as a whole.
Not BBC bias directly but an illustration as to how the left wing mind (doesn’t) work!
Story about the EDL woman with the flag, having it taken from her by the Police and being arrested (yes I know later they said she wasn’t but it can be heard in the audio that they were)
So I post that the Police were quick enough to deal with the white woman potentially causing offence and yet they fail to intervene with Muslim hate preachers.
The reply comes back that as a white person alleging that white people are being treated in a way less favourable than ethnic groups is ‘crypto racism’
So Ethnic person is treated less favourably than a white person & that’s the classic definition of racism.
White person is treated less favourably than an ethnic person then the white is still racist !
Honestly you just couldn’t make it up! These people are insane by anyone’s measure.
Perhaps we should call for the BBCs New Broadcasting House to have it’s name changed to New Broadcasting Asylum?
While INBBC ‘Newsnight’ spends its time, and our money, talking in hushed tones to Muslim friend (now arrested) of the Islamic jihad beheader,
‘Atlas Shrugs’ has-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“At a protest against our sister group Stop the Islamization of Europe and the EDL, the Muslim beheader made these quranic inspired remarks. Bear in mind the media always denounces, smears and libels our demos for freedom while painting these savages as the victims. Every time. ”
last word on this mornings 5dead phone in, a woman who said she was present at the EDL downing street protest said she watched the EDL “Seig Heil-ing” their way up Whitehall.
a lie, and probably a member of the fascist UAF
BBC 5Live (highly selective) “Your Call” … the rise in nationalism 😀
hint hint! …. panto dame, a speaker in anti fascism studies, some muppet from “searchlight” …
take up most of the time.
The “problem” of the EDL is mentioned, repeatedly beleaguered muslim community, mentioning islam in the same context as jews in the 30s, “Woolwich” nothing to do with islam, etc, a contant pneumatic headache inducing multiculti drone.
i note this … someones just told me, anyone calling in, was told not to mention events in “Woolwich”? because of the court case?
seems somewhat dictatorial, doesn t it, considering those very events, are almost certain to cause a surge, in nationalism, which in turn triggered this program. … hmmm BBC eh!
Who the BBC think dunnit isn’t the point. Legal process has to be gone through and the murderer accused has to be presumed innocent until the trial is over. You wouldn’t want him to get off on a technicality because the BBC, or anyone else, told us he was guilty, surely?
Very true but it is funny how the same does not apply to the Police. I am yet to see it be ‘alleged’ that the ‘two men’ were shot by police. It is usually just baldly stated that they were. That could lead some less discerning folk to conclude that the men were innocent and shot by the cops out of spite.
This article is currently second most popular on the BBC website:
10 reasons why so many people are moving to Texas http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22649624
Not one mention of Mexico or immigrant in the entire piece. Who are the people moving to Texas? Could any of them be illegal immigrants that have crossed America’s southern border?
Population increases are always OK if due to immigration…
In this case, I have to support the BBC article. Mostly. They leave out the real reasons behind a couple of the reasons they give (more jobs because of less regulation and state oppression, more personal freedom, etc.), but the story they’re telling is a legitimate one. People are leaving the oppressive Democrat-controlled States and moving to places like Texas with less government intrusions. Nothing to do with Mexican illegal swarming in this particular case.
At no point does Geoghegan mention the political party largely responsible for the situation, not even when mentioning Gov. Perry. Lame.
Also: a primary reason for defining Texas as family-friendly is the large number of homosexual couples in San Antonio? What happened to equality, BBC? Why single them out? Families are families, full stop, no? Why should homosexuals especially prefer low housing costs? Non sequitur. This is the kind of pointless, gratuitous lines which makes people think the BBC has an agenda.
BBC – sheela foglegity in the most insidious manner, imaginable is pushing a muslim “victim” narrative, over some bengali children muslim children abused, by neighbours, uncles etc …. all who are muslim.
Miniscule in relation to all the multitude of recent cases,
involving white children … and played (of course) to max by the BBC.
But the big difference being, seeing the “community” deliberately protecting the perps again, however in this case, the silence is to protect from shame, or “honour”, postion in the community etc, of the VICTIMS families … such an inversion of any kind of moral at all is just astounding … and i know
this retarded community has first cousin marriages and the like, as a matter of course …
but still, i never fail to be surprised (shakes head)
The bBBC is giving a lot of publicity to the bizarre view from the Chief Executive of the NSPCC that the murder of April Jones has ‘left a deep scar on the nation’. I thought it was just the lone act of a deranged pervert but according to their propaganda it is much deeper than that.
Now, if Mark Bridger had followed the Religion of Peace, would the bBBC be telling us that he was a lone wolf, or representative of the whole nation?
Ghana’s President John Dramani Mahama has warned that Islamist militancy poses a threat that could destabilise the whole of West Africa.
Mr Mahama told the BBC that although Ghana had not been directly affected, no country was safe if insurgency was allowed to take hold elsewhere.
I blame Ghanan foreign policy and inequality.
Note the attribution quotes in the title (and none on the link from the main news page) are around the “all West Africa”, but not around “threatens”. It’s Mahama’s opinion here, something he said, that there’s a threat. This is the kind of thing we complain about, and it’s clear that the BBC does not have a consistent policy like defenders of the indefensible tell us they do. It’s not like anyone here would disagree with the statement that there’s a threat, so in this case I’m complaining that the BBC is presenting something as fact and not an attribution even though I agree with the sentiment expressed. Which means other instances of selective attribution are now open to scrutiny.
BBC News Channel have now been obsessing for 30 minutes non-stop over the April Jones case. I have lost count of how many reporters the BBC have down in Wales.
Meanwhile Sky have covered the story and found time for a report from Woolwich showing Drummer Rigby’s grandparents visiting the site of the floral tributes.
I just caught the end of Dame Campbell s show this morning to be informed that I am descended from immigrants and I live in a nation of immigrants and (the rest of this sentence is my interpretation)therefore I can have no problem with the mass immigration that is burying my country. Do they (BBC) never bloody well stop?
I wonder, do you recall Leonard Rossiter as Reggie Perrin? There was an episode where he was discussing with his miliatry brother-in-law Jimmy (cock-up-on-the-catering front) his plans for an uprising against the forces of socialism and anarchy.
It encapsulats rather neatly every cliche you will hear on the BBC regarding the even the very slightest murmerings of English national sentiment.
It went something like this….
You realise the sort of people you’re going to attract, don’t you Jimmy? Thugs, bully-boys, psychopaths, sacked policemen, security guards, sacked security guards, racialists, Paki-bashers, queer-bashers, Chink-bashers, anybody-bashers, Rear Admirals, queer Admirals, Vice Admirals, fascists, neo-fascists, crypto-fascists, loyalists, neo-loyalists, crypto-loyalists.
Do you think so? I thought recruitment might be difficult.
We are the only real immigrant country on the planet. The liberals tell us this so it must be true. Alone amongst peoples the benighted English have no claim on any land anywhere.
Perhaps we should all give up and go off to invade somewhere else. The liberal left doesn’t want us here.
Hampstead would be a start. Most of it’s inhabitants are too ashamed to admit to English blood.
So with the Dept. of Justice scandal about going after journalists, and Atty. Gen. Holder apparently lying to Congress about it, the media is finally reporting it and giving the White House a hard time. So the JournoLista brigade met with…somebody….at the White House recently, and now Holder has invited media bosses to meet with him about how best to deal with the ongoing scandal. If that doesn’t sound frighteningly like a Soviet-era country’s behavior already, it gets better.
Holder is demanding that the meeting stays off the record. Cue grumbling from a press that’s already had this forced on them. The President met with a few top liberal media doyennes, trying to convince them that His drone policy was cool now, even though it was obviously a load of BS. Only people like Mark Mardell bought it hook, line, and sinker, describing it as “intellectually powerful”. The President demanded that it remain off the record, until enough moaning forced Him to allow them to report a little as “deep background”.
So far, the NY Times and the AP (both of whom have been targeted by Holder’s minions) have declined to attend in protest of the restriction.
Now there’s this from a White House mouthpiece:
POTUS asked AG to review how leak investigations are done but some in the media refuse to meet with him. Kind of forfeits your right gripe.
Won’t do our bidding? You lose your 1st Amendment rights. And this from an Administration run by a former Constitutional Law lecturer. Hows that hopey-changey stuff workin’ out for ya now, BBC? I’m sure you’re chomping at the bit to get in on that meeting anyway.
Oh, by the way: the BBC has censored all news of this. Daniel Nasaw and his colleagues don’t think this is as important as how many people watched the Liberace film on HBO or that an Afghan soldier has plead guilty to attacking US troops. It’s beyond bias now. It’s about uselessness and skewed priorities. The BBC is not a serious news organization when it comes to US issues.
And it is not just about the journalists, DoJ was after for their parents as well. (Rosen’s parents phone records were also seized.) Unbelievable, but don’t expect the al-beeb to put their Progressive Messiah in a slight shadow, let alone a bad light.
The Beeboids hate Fox News. They’ve ridiculed the network plenty of times, and don’t see it as a legitimate news source of any kind. Defenders of the indefensible like to ridicule and dismiss anyone here who posts a link to anything from Fox News for the same reason.
But this is the NY Times and the AP we’re talking about. Both organizations have been in the tank for Him since 2008 (the NY Times much more than AP), and they still got targeted by the DoJ under the Espionage Act. Don’t bite the hand that carries water for you.
Who wrote the “viewpoint”? The executive producer of BBC World News America. In case there was any doubt about the bias, or a reason why a foreigner like myself cares about what the BBC gets up to….
An astonishing article, even by BBC standards. It downplays the scandals to the point of insignificance while cherry-picking and candy-coating the “positives” (see, two can play at the inverted comma game, Mr Meyer). It reads like a self-justifying piece designed to explain why the BBC US division has failed to undertake any investigative journalism into the Obama administration. It’s almost like a rallying call to the rest of the BBC: “Look guys, we haven’t bothered investigating this scandal stuff because it’s not important. The core message is the same – Obama is awesome and we need to sell his achievements.”
And boy does Dick Meyer have a rosy view of those achievements. He should check the real employment rates, and the growing opposition to Obamacare as that expensive, intrusive reality sets in.
(btw mods – if you find a “report comment” for the above DP comment it was me – bad clicking.)
Sure, the president of the United States called the Internal Revenue Service targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups “intolerable and inexcusable,” but that hasn’t stopped an army of commentators from claiming loudly and proudly that there’s no there there. Just do a Google News search on “so-called scandal,” and here’s part of what comes up:
And the BBC is magically on message, even though they weren’t invited to any of the wagon-circling meetings. There’s no need for a conspiracy or orders from the top if they all think the same way anyway.
We chosen folk all know that the graffiti was sprayed by the EDL, BNP, Combat 18 (do they still exist ?) etc etc to start a race war, so how can the perp possibly be “of African appearance” ?
Well, obv. the far-Right have now resorted to having some of their more fanatical followers undergo dramatic plastic surgery to disguise their un-vibrant appearance so as to land the blame on the most law-abiding sections of our wondrous multi-culti melting pot of a society. Which is (All together now) Chilling.
Oh, and clearly the vandal wasn’t educated at one of our fine comprehensives, as he’s able to spell “Islam” without using extra letters. Probably went to Eton. Like all the other haters.
Of the two people interviewed – one was gay and the other disliked republicans (He likes Austin Texas because it is a “blue dot (democrat) in a red sea”
Hey ho, another “report” by dis-interested, absolutely-no-conflict-of-interest here parties leading to yet another uncritical reporduction of a press release from advocay groups by the BBC.
F***ing Foodbanks, AGAIN! I must say that as Britain groans under a 1930’s level of starvation and deprevation I can hardly get to the station in the morning for the droves of starving peasants who have been deiven from the land by the evil land owning tory magnates.
More than half a million UK people may rely on food banks, says a study by Church Action Poverty and Oxfam.
It blames benefit cuts, unemployment and the increased cost of living for the growth in hunger and poverty.
Oxfam said: “Cuts to social safety-nets have gone too far, leading to destitution, hardship and hunger.”
The BBC prints this UTTER ARSE without the least application of critical thought or any challenge. 1/2 a million MAY RELY on food banks. Don’t they know? Has the BBC done anything to check that figure, or is it easier for the BBC to just print a press release? After all it is Oxfam and Church Action Poverty…. and 350,000 people got free food handed to them. The BBC doesn’t seem to be able to tell me who is getting this stuff. Does the fact that they get free stuff make them starving refugees fleeing the famine ridden ruins of post industrial britain or could some of them just be people who appreciate free stuff. There is not a chance that the BBC will use any if its billions and tens of thousands of journalists to actually investigate the assumptions behind this report and give us some facts rather than emotive politically motivated pap.
This BBC article means nothing, is unsubstantiated and it is a shameful, feeble, excuse for journalism.
I have a cunning plan: why doesn’t the BBC, in an act of solidarity with the poor and oppressed whom it claims to care about, offer to reduce its TV Poll Tax for the unemployed, under-25s, people on low incomes and pensions?
“What it is like to rely on food banks?” (details of the torments of a publicity hungry new author of austerity cookbooks)
It’s almost as if there was a co ordinated campaign goin on here….
“It took Jack 11 weeks to receive housing benefit after quitting her job” – plenty of heart wrenching self justification is presented by the Beeb, but nevertheless……
Perhaps she shouldn’t have QUIT her job and expected me (taxpayer) to feed her and her child then.
I can’t wait for the next instalment of starvation Britain. These stories are full of assertions, hear-say, exaggerations, evaisions and downright lies. Will the BBC please establish some facts
The world’s greatest investigative journalists could hang around one of the food bank queues and do a bit of research – find out who these people are, where they live, employment status, how much in benefits they’re receiving, what they’re spending their money on etc etc.
Whilst there is sure to be genuine hardship the rapid rise in foodbanks is way out of kilter with unemployment (hardly changed since Brown was kicked out) and benefits changes, most of which have only recently been implemented. Just like the queues which form when a malfunctioning ATM starts giving out free cash, who’s to say similar-minded freeloaders don’t take advantage of food banks?
Here good old “Look North” keep trying it on with food bank stories but the meme doesn’t seem to stick so the Beeb keep on trying. All the video reports contain a few oddities though ..
1)They never say where the “food banks” are or how people who need them can get int touch.
2)Its never explained who pays for the “food banks” i.e where the food comes from.
3)We are always shown a nice polite , clean and grateful person receiving said food then putting it in their kitchen watched by assorted clean , polite children. This person is never , never asked any questions about their finances and why they need to get food this way. Not that I think this person is a put up job who actually a local Labour party/Union activist , oh no the Beeb has to many principles for that 🙂
Finally does anyone else find the use of the expression “food bank” rather odd ? I mean its not like you deposit a can of peas one day and then get your can of peas out again a week or two later (with a couple of extra peas as interest). What we have here (or I suspect don’t actually have) is a food charity but why isn’t it called that ?
So there I was listening to Radio 2 and at 0930 pause for thought came on. I kid you not I couldn’t believe what the vicar was pushing out as the facts on the ground: Go to 2.53.40 on the time stamp and listen how according to the left, white people are the real hate mongers in the UK. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01slnd7
Good spot Pounce. Happy clappy vicar managed to turn the SAVAGE FUCKING BUTCHERY OF A SOLDIER IN WOOLWICH BY MUSLIM EXTREMISTS into a lesson about how the racism of the English is the real problem.
“The shouting of the suspects at the scene of the crime has been replaced by the shouting of neo-fascist groups in subsequent protests. The ugliness of racist and Islamophobic chants stands in sharp contrast to diverse community and religious organisations in Woolwich… Consider the two crowds. One of some angry Englishmen shouting hate-filled slogans, and the other of people of diverse creeds cultures and colours coming together out of care for one another.”
Is that a Freudian slip suggesting the diverse community isn’t English too? Who would want to be English, after all?
The original horror – a savage crime, years in the making through religious indoctrination – is as nothing compared to the reaction of those despised “Englishmen”. Look, says Ms Vicar, there’s your problem, as she sticks her head back in the sand and hopes she’ll be fucked in the arse last.
Agree – thanks for the reference, Pounce. I don’t listen to Radio 2, unless I’m having my hair cut somewhere, but this is depressingly like Radio 4. Shifting the blame onto White English people simply will not do!
Her “logic”, i.e. the pseudo-argument that anger and hate towards others is a sign that it is you who are the problem, needs to be challenged. If I’m angry about a racist stabbing of an elderly Muslim in Birmingham, does it mean that I am the problem rather than the (presumably White or Black) knife-wielder? If I hate the Nazis for their death camps and love of war, do I need to get psychiatric help?
The liberal sees what he wishes were true rather than the reality. This, in essence , is the major absurdity at the core of modern liberalism. Hence the liberal is not open to argument. The belief is stronger than the ability to reason.
The grief of the soldier’s mother does not really register. The horror does not either.
This woman has lost the ability to understand reality. It is the fate of the liberal.
The bBC, two very similar EU stories and how the bBC reports them:
UKvEU: UK faces European Court over benefits for EU nationals Britain is being taken to court by the European Commission for allegedly discriminating against EU nationals who claim social security in the UK.Ministers are accused of discriminating against those from EU member states who have been living and working in the UK.It is alleged an extra residency test applied by the UK to see if migrants are eligible to claim breaches EU law.
SpainvEU EU warns Spain over hospitals’ rejection of EU health card The European Commission is launching legal action against Spain over the refusal of some hospitals to recognise the European Health Insurance Card. The EHIC entitles EU citizens to free healthcare in public hospitals. But some Spanish hospitals rejected the card and told tourists to reclaim the cost of treatment via their travel insurance, the Commission says. A BBC correspondent says the Commission is not accusing cash-strapped Spanish hospitals of trying to make money.
So the UK which has taken in millions of EU immigrants and even pays them for children they left behind in the Mother country is found to be discriminatory by the bBC. Yet Spain which (unlike the NHS) demands that Brits stump up if they require medical treatment is reported by the bBC as:
“A BBC correspondent says the Commission is not accusing cash-strapped Spanish hospitals of trying to make money.”
That people is a perfect example of how the so called impartial bBC hates the people who fund its very existence. if you are non- British. non white,female gay and non Christian. The bBC will support your cause, be you Herb-allah Hamas or Taliban terrorists , somebody who found a British stamp on the floor of the shit house in Gutanamo bay prison or even somebody who the British army can’t hand over to the Afghan government becasue the very person screaming for you to be handed over, is the same legal aid paid terrorist chaser who ensured that we stop handing them over in the first place. The bBC will fight your cause.
Yet opine about how leftwing policy’s are dragging the UK into the gutter and the bBC will only paint you as a racist bigot.
Well in a week where we’ve had Islamic machete or knife attacks in Woolwich, Full Sutton prison in East Yorkshire, in Paris France, it seems as if the BBC doesn’t consider it news any more.
The two victims had been inside the shop in Ormerod Street when four masked men carrying machetes and knives forced their way inside. Detectives investigating the incident said the gang attacked the pair before forcing them into the street. The thugs also attacked a parked car during the incident at midnight on Saturday.
The victims both suffered deep wounds and had to be taken to hospital by paramedics.
Then very political correctly 🙄 they tell us Police said they were looking for a gang of Asian men in connection with the attack.
We’ve long since come to realise when any media source now talks of ‘Asian men’ they usually mean Pakistani Muslims rather than Japanese Yakuza, but heaven forbid they would say of Muslim appearance. 😯
The BBC however decided this kind of incident is becoming so commonplace it’s no longer news – so they declined reporting anything about it.
“The Today programme runs an interview, on Syria, with ‘the head of arms control at Oxfam’. Why does Oxfam have a head of arms control? Is it an organ of the state? Does it have the power to control any weapons? If so, who gave it that power? Many charities today are so political that they give themselves all the trappings and pretensions of government, without the boredom of having to seek a democratic mandate.”
Seem to remember Oxfam were also in attendance at the Beeb’s secret ’28gate’ meeting – you know, supporting mitigating actions for ‘climate change’ like, um, let’s see – redistribution of wealth. So double the good guys in your books, I’d imagine.
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:49 Weekend 29th March 2025 Not about the BBC – But about freedom – the malicious arrest of 2 parents – from the DT STARTS…
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Sometime the self awareness of the BBC is a source of mild humour …. On ‘from our own correspondent ‘…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 29, 11:44 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari. It’s especially bad up here in Sunderland where the local North East radio is forever going on about their…
BRISSLESMar 29, 10:55 Weekend 29th March 2025 Absolutely! Well done W. (pssst Snuffy – he’s a lurker ) 😀
Fedup2Mar 29, 10:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Digg My instant response is – is he a real doctor ? Where qualified ? I found his company address…
tomoMar 29, 10:42 Weekend 29th March 2025 Stew – I went and looked 🙂 It would’ve been fun if they did issue that sort of travel advisory…
tomoMar 29, 10:34 Weekend 29th March 2025 I remember when Tim Pool and others had their work flagrantly stolen by corporate media – who in some cases…
tomoMar 29, 10:20 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari The sausage machine of nooze has really got performative and the editors / directors get the on-screen “key talent”…
tomoMar 29, 10:14 Weekend 29th March 2025 “wind going to be cheaper” already 9x cheaper! – the (usually paid for) Zealots screech The systematic mendacity of the…
5 Live were agitating for the release of Shaker Aamer from Guatanamo on the Victoria Derbyshire programme. He was cleared for release in 2007, we’re told. So why haven’t the Americans released him? A spin through Aamer’s leaked Guatanamo file shows that the Americans have him pegged as a fairly senior Al Qaeda figure. That could be the reason, I suspect.
-Irrelevant to touchy, feely, pro-Islamic Ms Derbyshire.
For Islamophilic Ms Derbyshire:
“Britain seeks release of the Guantanamo ‘professor'” (2009)
One suspects there’s going to be a lot of positive stories about islam in the coming days, after what happened last week, stories like, muslim rescues cat from tree or muslim helps granny across the street. There’s never any stories on the BBC about Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism or Heaven forbid, Christianity, but then, I suppose, to the BBC there’s only one religion in town, and that’s, Islam.
yes she d got ejector seat M Begg on the
(moon)- Bat Phone again, how much time has that creature spent at the bbc eh! ?
‘she wishes she knew more about politics but knows she doesn’t like Conservatives’
Josie Long is a BBC nurtured and sponsored comedian.
‘Josie Long spent her early life in Orpington, South East London and began performing stand-up comedy at the ridiculously young age of 14. At 17 she won the BBC New Comedy Awards’
‘She contributed sketches and one-liners to BBC Radio One’s 2004/05 comedy show, The Milk Run with Andrew O’Neill. One edition of the show was entirely given over to a script she co-wrote with her friend Dan Harkin’
‘Her radio series Josie Long: All of the Planet’s Wonders was broadcast on BBC Radio 4′
‘She has also been involved in BBC Switch, on a weekly mini-feature called Josie Long’s Confuse the Teacher Feature’
Pretty much a BBC comedy apprenticeship.
It would be unfair to attempt to judge her talent for comedy – but I think it is safe to say that she has hardly had to build a career in a traditional sense. Fringe awards and regular BBC Radio 4 gigs are certainly not the way that Les Dawson or Ken Dodd flourished.
And as so often with the modern BBC and its so-called comedy it really isn’t (Josie) long before we come to politics. Our Josie joined the HIGNFY team recently.
(Series 45 episode 8! Goodness me. Time for a rest perhaps? I digress)
At 1.47 our Josie is introduced in this way ‘A comedian who says she wishes she knew more about politics but knows she doesn’t like Conservatives’
Oh dear. Where to begin?
Our Josie does do her fair share of political comedy. She does Trade Union sponsored activist shows telling the young (and vulnerable?) that the evil Tories are busy closing their youth centres.
Is our Josie an honest child of the humble toilers?
She would have us believe so….
‘My parents are … My mum just retired and moved to Tenerife. She’s obsessed with Tenerife and her dog, it’s very cute. When he worked, my dad had something to do with the Dartford Tunnel. Now he’s just obsessed with Facebook.’
‘The house I grew up in … Until I was 12, it was a semi-detached on an estate – half council, half owned – in the dreary suburbs of Orpington, south London. There was a mix of people – one girl on our road had a pet pig; we did stuff like carol singing and collecting for charity.’
Is that the whole story Josie?
‘Long spent her early life in Orpington, Kent, where she attended Newstead Wood School for Girls in Swift House. She also attended GIFT Ltd. summer schools’
‘At 18 she gave up stand-up whilst attending Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford’ ‘She read English Language and Literature’
Posh single sex girl’s school and English at Oxbridge – how uncool!
‘My house is … My boyfriend and I rent half a terraced house; it’s untidy but full of love.’
Something tells me she’s slumming it considering all the BBC fees she must have banked.
‘My secret crush … is [the rapper] Mos Def..’
Ah… he sounds well cooool! (On several counts) Suffice to say I hade to look him up.
‘In 2000, Mos Def performed a benefit concert for death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal’
(Mumia Abu-Jamal was once a Black Panther)
‘Mos Def said that he did not listen to any of Osama Bin Laden’s messages because he did not trust the translations’
Right on Man! (Wo-man!?)
I can’t help but feel the BBC is forcing the likes of Josie Long on the British public. Consequently they are helping her to spread her views.
Long was full of half-understood union talking points in her attack on Michael Gove. And naturally she spat Nigel Farage’s name out as if she were Simon Wiesenthal talking about Adolf Eichmann.
as if she were Simon Wiesenthal talking about Adolf Eichmann.
… or me talking about Josie Long.
Is there some assembly line turning out these people. ? Where is is and who operates it I wonder?
Probably somewhere in the Guardian’s basement. After the worst generation in our history we get the most boring. England deserves better.
I suppose anyone who appears on the BBC, must be a comedian, if they don’t like the Conservatives, but don’t know much about politics.
She did seem to know that Nigel Farage was as popular as Jeremy Clarkson, and she did seem to find her own comment about this funny, although no one else even understood whether the comment was supposed to be a joke or not.
If she knew more about politics, then she could understand that about one quarter of the electorate don’t like the Conservatives because they chose David Cameron as their leader, but then these are people who support UKIP not Labour.
But her career prospects at the BBC where helped when she make it clear that she did like Labour.
Is she related to Janice Long by any chance?
Janice Long is Keith Chegwin’s sister.
Apart from the embarrassment does that preclude her from being related to Josie Long?
Maggie Philbin was Cheggers’ wife you know …
One of the many reasons why BBC comedy is so unfunny these days, comedians are employed for political rather than comedic reasons.
Hence no more Frankie Boyle but two of the least funny people I have ever seen, Jack Whitehall and Russell Howard get their own shows on BBC Chav.
I really enjoy the Commentator – here is a great article – who wants to bet on how long it will take the Biased-BBC to report that there is a strong groundswell move to impeach Obama??
Sorry pushed wrong button wasn’t reporting LOJO!! Was going to say “The Commentator” seems to have sussed the BBC and has some excellent articles.
Can you imagine if all this had been happening under Dubya?
The coverage from the BBC would have been suffocating.
Did anybody watch the Newsnight (only for comedy value) segment last night with George Monbiot arguing for bringing back wolves to Wales.
I distinctly like the bit where he said that they are less dangerous than you think. The poor sheep farmer debating with him was just incredulous that this man could come up with such a load of tripe.
The poor sheep farmer debating with him was just incredulous that this man could come up with such a load of tripe.
The poor sheep farmer clearly hadn’t heard anything by Monbiot before or he certainly wouldn’t have been incredulated by Monbiot coming up with a load of tripe.
I am unable to understand why Newsnight would waste 15 minutes of valuable airtime on a man who wants to reintroduce wolves to the UK and who considers sheep ‘a white plague’.
Made a change from the Religion of Death, I suppose but there must have been something more newsworthy to spend our money on: Obama’s misdeeds, for example..
Don’t forget Monbiot is a foaming-at-the-mouth advocate of the ‘settled science’, so he justifies a daily appearance on the BBC through that one qualification alone.
Hideously white sheep? No, not the British public in the eyes of the BBC, but the poor animals which the wolves would prey on. Does Monbiot foam at the mouth because he was bitten by a rabid wolf? I think we should be told!
… and what are the wolves going to eat when they can’t get sheep? Small Welsh children perhaps?
Maybe Monbiot does have something against the Welsh?
Don’t worry; if this goes ahead and any sheep die, the BBC will be along to reassure us that it was a lone wolf attack…………….
Radio 5 Rusting Iron Lung’s harpies cranked it up to full howl on Nick ‘Crimewatch’ Ross saying something *controversial* to flog his crap book. R5RIL’s Wimmin-In-Chief, Chucklin’ Nikki was of course in the van.
Discussing the subject, he came out with another droid neologism *zajisadaymay*. As in
‘zajisadaymay putin some stuff in bold and other stuff in the background.’
‘Is that just the Daily Mail’, is I think a rough translation.
Accusing one of Britain’s most popular newspapers of ‘slanting’ the news. As if.
Anyhoo, can anyone think of any other media organisation that might occasionally be ‘putin some stuff in bold and other stuff in the background’. Yer know like talking about ‘men shouting political slogans’.
Convert to Islam arrested in stabbing attack on French soldier”
“Yet another convert to Islam misunderstands the religion that we must affirm as peaceful on pain on charges on ‘Islamophobia.’ Yet Muslims in France have no program to teach converts to Islam to reject the understanding of Islam that they ostensibly reject. And no one ever ponders the implications of that.”
“Suspect ‘admits soldier knife attack in Paris'”
I blame French foreign policy and inequality in the banlieues.
hmmm “asian”? – “machetes and knives”? …
no NO! it couldn t be?
“the incident at midnight on Saturday” …
a barbers open at midnight?
The BBC’s US President editor is a little worried that his beloved Obamessiah might get forced into military intervention in Syria by those cowboys in Europe. No, really.
There are many practical problems about the US and its allies taking action in Syria, and many potentially messy outcomes if they do. But it is more than this.
We should know by now that if President Obama is a liberal interventionist at all, he is a very cautious, reluctant one. He knows that, without the US, nothing will be done, but he seems to feel that it can often be the least worst option to do nothing.
It is worth reflecting that this is the majority position of leaders all over the world. It also appears to be the view of many Americans, tired of war, and few in the region are clamouring for open intervention.
But commentators and politicians in France, the UK and the US, do demand “something must be done”. The sabres may yet be unsheathed.
Yeah, He’s cautious and reluctant, alright, except when it comes to drone-bombing the bejeezus out of innocent civilians along with the occasional actual terrorist operative. In fact, He’s so reluctant to intervene that His operatives ordered the rescue team to stand down rather than try to save our people in Benghazi. But other than that, He’s earning that Nobel Peace Prize every day. Which Mardell didn’t mention.
Curiously, Mardell’s link to the Daily Beast goes to David Frum’s page, which is nothing more than a link to the actual Daily Beast article about which Mardell is writing. So why link to the Left-wing outlet’s pet RINO and not to the actual report itself? Or have I answered my own question?
WTF is a ‘liberal interventionist’?
Was Bush Junior or Bush Senior a ‘liberal interventionist’ in Mardell’s eyes, I wonder?
Here’s one for you:
Venezuela Catholic Church ‘running out of wine’
The Catholic Church in Venezuela has said it is running out of wine to celebrate Mass because of nationwide shortages of basic supplies.
It said the scarcity of some products had forced the country’s “only wine maker” to stop selling to the Church.
Critics blame the shortages on tight state control of the economy and inadequate domestic production.
But the government insists that an opposition-led conspiracy and price speculations are the problem.
Nicely balanced, of course. But it’s a little difficult to find an excuse for this:
But the problem was not limited to wine, he said.
“The makers of consecrated bread have told us that they’ll have to raise prices because they can’t find enough flour.
“Wheat is not grown here – it all comes from abroad,” he said.
Can’t blame the opposition for that.
Oil-rich Venezuela relies on imports, but currency controls have restricted its ability to pay for foreign goods, a reason for the shortages.
Supplies of milk, sugar, cooking oil and corn flour – which is used to make Venezuela’s national dish, arepas – are all affected, including sanitary items.
Last week, Venezuelan lawmakers approved plans to import millions of rolls of toilet paper, in an effort to relieve a chronic shortage.
BBC Mundo correspondent Abraham Zamorano, in the capital, Caracas, says many Venezuelans are wondering why this is happening to a self-proclaimed rich country with the largest proven oil reserves in the world.
Are they, now? Well, at least Hugo the Hero’s policies led to the fairest income distribution in Latin America, right, BBC? If only he had done more while he was still with us…..
The droids never quite seemed to find the Venezuela pages in Amnesty International’s annual reports.
Funny that – they could always find Saudi Arabia’s, China’s and Israel’s for example.
I just clicked on the BBC news site and was fascinated by the unbelievably ‘live’ coverage of France’s first homosexual ‘marriage’.
First man on the moon maybe but why is our money being spent on showing this absurdity?
Radio.5 Drive. isll a gush, had it live on the anoon news programme? … (shakes head)
human tobyjug Peter Allen slimes.. “shall i translate for you”
why not! … Va te faire foutre, trouduc
translate that
It was also on the BBC TV lunchtime news – reporters getting all giddy with themselves they were, gushing over the ‘sealed with a kiss’ gay snog they insisted on showing us.
But wait – could all be ruined by the ‘far right’ protests (though how the hell they’d fight their way through the 600 camera crews that had somehow got an invite, God knows – theirs couldn’t possibly be an activist set piece, what?) and what have we here – a ‘right wing’ mayor who’s agin it. So definitely only ‘right wingers’ oppose (but interviews with their favourite ‘conservatives’ in the Muslim banlieus of Paris conveniently absent).
Never mind, touching letter from a youngster who can now hold his head up with his mates because his lesbian ‘parents’ (a miracle of biology – wouldn’t the BBC use the term ‘adoptive’ for hetero couples?) now have equal recognition.
Meanwhile, the sticky issues of proof of consummation and adultery remain………an inconvenient truth for the Beeb or perhaps a bit………too technical. Where’s the equality in that?
Was there mention of civil partnerships for heterosexual couples?
So, it wasn’t about equality for all after all?
Can someone please answer me this question?
Since when was it the State’s function to legislate for the meaning of words in the English language? If there is no legal difference in the rights obtained through a Civil Partnership and a Marriage why the change in the law on marriage simply to alter the meaning of the word?
Could it be down to an EU directive by any chance? Funny how a number of EU states are obsessing with this non-issue whilst the economy of Europe is burning.
Or is that the point? Are they sacrificing gays as a distraction to their fiscal bungling?
Some naughty scoundrels in Afghanistan have attacked the Red Cross offices in Jalalad.
A suicide bomber targeted the office gate, with two attackers now holed up inside the building, officials say.
A gun battle between the attackers and security forces is continuing, according to a spokesman for the governor of Nangarhar province.
In response to Red Cross foreign policy, no doubt.
This is the second time in less than a week that international aid workers have been caught up in violence.
On Friday several staff at the International Organization for Migration were injured in an attack in Kabul.
The Taliban announced a “spring offensive” in April, saying they would target foreign military bases and diplomatic areas.
“Caught up in violence”? That’s like saying Richard III got caught up in the violence of the Battle of Bosworth Field. It was a deliberate, targeted attack on a clearly marked, non-military group, BBC. Quit dissembling.
BBC 5 Live Drive team sitting comfortably in the plastic imitation ivory tower which is Salford had me almost chuck the radio at the wall (a la Gordon Brown).
They interupt extensive coverage of some French farce taking place at a remote Marie involving a couple of French lads playing all the parts – I may have got the wrong end of the stick there…. these theatricals! – to note that the Red Cross is they agreed Beebo to Beebo not a legitimate target for the Taliban.
Whereas British peace keepers are, presumably, fair game.
Posters here often refer to the BBC as the enemy in our midsts – it is increasing hard to argue differently.
I’d say that if the “peace keepers” are armed and in military uniform, they’re a legitimate target if we admit it’s a war. Of course, the BBC excuse will be that the Red Cross wouldn’t have been attacked at all if there were no Crusader troops in Afghanistan. Hence the editorial choice of “caught up in violence”.
News Sniffer reveals that the news brief originally included a statement from the Afghan Interior Ministry that it was a “terrorist attack”. This was curiously redacted from the updated version.
oo la la!
french gay marriage amid tight security
sheesh! two filmed reports on the same page
are these cream puffs, clothes collection the big story on newsnight?
al bbc oui oui –
franglais and a crepe?
these self deluded tossers have too much time on their hands.
On s’en fout, comme on dit en francais!
Oh right… The BBC are in communications with ‘senior Taliban sources’ – one big happy family. Surprised they’ve not had an invite to Newsnight.
The independent report that concluded that the BBC was biased in favour of immigration and tended to suppress news unfavourable to Islam, is most welcome.
The BBC and most of the rest of liberal left establishment are out of step with what the vast majority of the country think about these topics. So oppressive is the suppression of open debate that the majority of the country is increasingly frustrated that it has no representation in parliament, no voice in the media and faces prison if they say what they think. This frustration is dangerous and will lead to more incidents that the BBC label Islamophobia because it is the only way that the people can vent their feelings.
If the liberal left and their mouthpiece the BBC wish to avoid serious escalation of ill feeling towards immigrants in general and Muslims in particular, they should allow the people to speak and promote an open debate. If they choose not to do so things will be worse when the truth eventually is brought into the open.
Here’s a Daily Beast article Mardell could have linked to, one which may not have the international significance of the Syria issue, but has far more significance for the US he’s supposed to be covering, as well as his colleagues in the media:
A Bad Relationship: How the Press Came To Love Obama More Than Itself
The same journalists who did not hesitate to assume the worst of previous Republican administrations—E.J. Dionne, Walter Pincus, Jack Shafer, to name a few—are now tying themselves in knots trying to explain that there is nothing to see when the IRS probes Obama’s enemies or that the Justice Department secretly seizing the phone records of one of their peers and his mother was really a good thing. One has to wonder if it were their mother and her records, how that mother-son conversation would play out.
“Well, Mom, you know, the president has to do these things, and I’ve told you time and again not to email Aunt Sally about my sources. Is that any way to keep hope alive?”
What to make of journalists who have decided that it’s more important to defend the president than to defend their own profession?
You could add the BBC to that list.
It’s disheartening to see the Obama administration attack the press in unprecedented ways and the reaction from the press is to accept that blame and then go forth to explain to the world that the president isn’t really like this. Most of the time he is a good guy. He loves us, honestly. He just has these moods.
By playing the victim, the press empowers not only this administration but also every one to follow. So if you’re okay with Eric Holder going after your mom’s phone records, just remember that you are giving permission to the next AG who might be some Republican you and your editorial board loathe.
This is a much bigger deal for the US than Syria, especially as Atty. General Holder is coming under fire for lying to Congress about this. Instead of reporting that, of course, the top story currently on the BBC’s US & Canada page is Michelle Bachmann announcing she’s not running for office again.
The whole operation should be shut down and replaced by a news aggregator run by an orangutan. You’d be more informed and the money saved could be used to alleviate some of the budget cuts the Beeboids are complaining about in domestic news and current affairs.
Excellent article here by Janet Daly on Obama’s apparent transgressions:
‘But how much of this can actually be nailed to the White House door? Is there a “smoking gun” Obama email that says: go and get those guys who are giving me a hard time? Almost certainly not. But there was no need for one: he and his official spokesman had been banging on openly about the threat from Tea Party fanatics and the obstacle that Fox News presented to their virtuous reforms, for as long as they had been in power.
When you cast your opponents as the personification of evil – when you cease to see them as simply fellow countrymen who have different values and contrary views to your own, then this is where it ends.
Who, they implicitly demanded, would rid them of these turbulent enemies? Clearly, there were plenty of eager officials ready to try.’
Given that 1000s of Axis servicemen were held as POWs for up to 6 years without trial in WW2, what breach of Geneva Convention rules arises from holding 80 Taleban for up to a year in Afghanistan?
Apparently, in INBBC’s Islamic world, the Taleban is at war with the West, but the West is not allowed to defend itself.
Our security comes last, according to INBBC apparently.
Climate scientist Chris de Freitas, presumably on the BBC’s ‘banned’ list (because he’s one of those climate scientist who doesn’t ‘say’…):
‘To date, scientific evidence suggests that negative (stabilising) feedback processes prevail; possibly due to the cooling effect of increased cloudiness from water vapour increase. If true, this means it is unlikely higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will greatly influence global climate.
Negative feedback processes are played down by climate alarmists who assume climate is governed by positive feedback processes which they claim will lead to runaway global warming. Four billion years of global climate history shows that negative feedbacks prevail.
Climate warming does not confirm that carbon dioxide is causing it. The evidence would have to distinguish between human-caused warming and natural warming. This has not been done.
Climate is always warming or cooling. There are natural variability theories of warming. Much of the talk of “increasing evidence for global warming” is actually evidence of climate variability.
Whatever the cause of the current warm phase, its occurrence is not unprecedented. Global warming happened from 1850 to 1940, then cooling to 1979. During the Medieval Warm Period from 900 to 1200AD, the Vikings sailed in arctic waters that are now covered with sea ice, and farmed Greenland soil that is now too cold for agriculture.’
Full article here:
“Trougher” Yeo has been doing a little back-pedalling, too, apparently. There must be money in it somewhere…
I had exactly the same thought when I read this
Tim Yeo: humans may not be to blame for global warming
Humans may not be responsible for global warming, according to Tim Yeo, the MP who oversees government policy on climate change.
Knew he has to have an angle – ethics is not what this lot do.
just had my posts deleted for asking who is paying the lawyers representing Taliban prisoners.
yet people who post supporting all manner of “bad people” seem to have no issues.
This is final proof the BBC despises the military.
We’re paying..legal aid…whilst barristers write to government to complain about legal aid cuts here!
Irrespective of the content of the BBC’s output today, I wonder if anyone is looking at the editorial decisions leading to the subject matter included in the programming. We have Phil Shiner on this morning claiming the existence of a ‘secret’ detention facility in Afghanistan. He was allowed to get away with caling it secret even though his own law firm are apparently acting in the High Court on the very matter – and it has been discussed in Parliament. Why was this news today? Why have we been subjected to ‘Return to Guantanamo’ today? Neither of these stories were breaking news – but what they do achieve is to move the listener away from the current news and restore ‘victim’ agenda. As these stories spanned both 4 and 5, this suggests a deliberate political strategy.
Can anyone tell me why the BBC News website has as their top story the Afghans held at Camp Bastion by British Forces – unlawfully they say – when no other news outlet seems to be carrying this story? Am I mistaken? Apparently, the detainees are supposed to be handed over to Afghan Forces but a number of NATO countries don’t do this because the detainees may be mistreated. I would have thought that was in the detainees best interest. Who are the UK lawyers acting for some of the detainees? Who is paying them? Why is this a major story for the BBC now when Muslim extremists are in the spotlight in the UK? Why nothing on their news site about the attack on the Red Cross Office in Afghanistan as on other news outlets?
… just asking because I’m puzzled. If there’s a story of interest to me I cross check with other news outlets to get a clearer picture of events without the spin.
what an indictment of our country’s national broadcast service, that you get a more balanced picture of an event from Al Jazeera or Russia Today!
‘Who are the UK lawyers acting for some of the detainees? Who is paying them?’
1. Phil Shiner, of Public Interest Lawyers
“This niche Birmingham firm is well regarded for its work representing individuals in human rights claims. It enjoys a strong reputation for its representation of claimants affected by the war on terror, having acted for Iraqi civilians and the families of British soldiers killed in Iraq. The firm has expertise in international human rights law and acts for Daoud Mousa and nine others in the Baha Mousa public inquiry.”
2. You are paying sir – assuming you are a UK tax payer :
‘But when Defence Secretary Philip Hammond indicated that the military was prepared to release them to the Afghan authorities, the same lawyers – funded by LEGAL AID – said they might launch fresh action in the UK courts to prevent that happening.’
“BIG surprise here: the BBC is biased, hates Christianity and carries water for Islamic supremacists”
looks like theres some mileage in this yet eh!
REPLY REPORT COMMENT oh I want to comment push button…and find I might have upset someone. Can someone sort the buttons out I won’t be the first or the last. Again sorry for messing with someones comments earlier. Age and anger are messy bedfellows!
Yes, I did exactly the same thing earlier. (Sorry, johnnythefish – it was an accident, I assure you).
The simplest solution, surely, would be a “are you sure” menu – at least then we’d know what we’d done, and recover the situation.
yep hust tried it on this comment. needs to be sorted.
Not bias but another howler
‘As you may have seen there was a minutes silence for Lee Rigby’
Heard a minutes silence surely?
Can you hear silence?
I’m off to the forest to cut down a tree …
Interesting article in the Commentator today:
Anyone notice that the BBC have stepped up their ‘NHS in Peril’ stories over the past few weeks.
Today its, ‘you’ll die if you get admitted to hospital on a Friday’, and complaints about maternity provision. Last week the GP’s were kicking off and the Tories were having to answer for a huge increase in attendance at A&E.
All of this the post-Stafford fight-back.
The BBC must have had one their expert ‘decision making’ meeting at which they have decided to take a position in support of the NHS. Expect those in attendance to reflect the BBC’s love for this unreformed Stalinist entity on Newsround, Live at the Apollo, Newsnight, HIGNFY, The Culture Show and East Enders.
Interesting isn’t it how the BBC manage to flip a story about poor care in the NHS into one of evil Tory cuts?
I work odd hours and often nights and on the weekends if the demand is there. So why can’t doctors? That doesn’t mean 24/7 but how about split shifts?
My first wife was a nurse and she was often on rotated shifts so that she sometimes worked weekends and sometimes didn’t. All except the junior doctors & nurses never did. Why not?
Surely the rise in deaths at the weekend is down to the working practices of the medical profession, nothing else.
The bBBC-Labour propaganda has been very successful in promoting the Nationalised Death Service as the Envy of the World! NHS supporters in Stafford, who apparently would rather be killed by their local hospital than cured by a more distant one, have attacked Julie Bailey (founder of Cure the NHS), driven her out of Stafford, and desecrated her mother’s grave, all because they think she is a Conservative.
Just when you think The Left can’t stoop any lower in its fight to preserve the rotten status quo, they do. Filthy, shameless and despicable acts – but totally in character.
Bias is also obtained by omission. I offer this example of an interview from Wednesday morning’s “Morning in America with Bill Bennett” that would never have be broadcast on the BBC at the present time. The interviewee is Dr Michael Welner, an American forensic psychiatrist. The topic is Islam.
You can start listening at 4’00”.
[audio src="http://media.townhall.com/townhall/bennett/DrMichaelWelner5.29.13.mp3" /]
Thank you.
We all know on here the BBC likes to bring us the news with its own inimitable left-wing slant, but should it be allowed to manufacture the news?
Case in point this morning on Today around 7.20. Lord Smith, former Labour Environment Minister was brought on to tell us we are burning too much coal as a result of US coal prices falling through the floor – in turn due to its abundance of cheap, fracked gas.
Of course, this is doing no end of damage to our health (sulphur dioxide) but is also hampering our efforts to tackle (yawn) climate change (looks outside for signs of the hot dry summer). And yes folks, it was another cosy chat with another of those ever-so-wise ex Labour ministers who we miss so much because the coalition is a bunch of incompetents. And no, we won’t challenge you Lord Smith on the fact your government sat on its hands for 13 years and did absolutely bugger all about an energy strategy, leaving us in a position where a couple of weeks ago we werer within a whisker of serious power cuts. No, we’ll use this interview for something else……..
…….so ten minutes later at 7.30, there it was as a news item.
Your biased BBC – fearlessly pursuing its own agenda for the good of all.
Posted on Delingpole in the DT:
On Radio 4 “Toady” programme this morning, the beloved Harrabin was telling us (with the connivance of “Lord” Chris Smith AND the Yeo thing), that they want the country to be “carbon free” in terms of energy by 2030, that coal burning for power generation has increased since the nineties, that there is a glut of cheap coal, that our health is suffering because of the increase in CO2 and Sulphur Dioxide, and that the nasty CO2 is definitely causing the climate to change, and it’s all our fault. Even shale gas produces “carbon”, and we’re all going to die.
Personally, I fail to understand how, with the systematic closure of coal-fired stations in the UK (and no new ones) how the country can possibly be burning more coal to generate power. And if coal is cheap, buy it, use it – it must be a better solution all round to importing wood chips from the states to burn instead. They are completely bonkers.
So Mr. “Trougher” Yeo is a bit two faced. What a surprise.
At the daily expenditure of radio sets which have been thrown at the wall in château goat, due to biased BBC “reportage”, I shall soon be broke. Why can’t the ruddy BBC EVER involve an alternative view?
I suspect it’ll take more than the combined efforts of Peter Lilley and the common sense brigade to put the brakes on, and halt this arrant lunacy.
Another classic BBC non-interview on the Today program. Stephen Pinker was on doing an Uncle Tim act: apparently, it’s all over for men, we suck and he, for one, welcomes his new feminist overlords.
Hearing this kind of unchallenged feminist drivel was bad enough, but I’m guessing we won’t be hearing from Dr Helen Smith about her book ‘Men on Strike’ any time soon? As ever with the BBC, the ‘consensus’ is everything.
I heard this too. And how much time did they give it? He seemed to be droning on for bloody ages. Humphrys introduced it along the lines of ‘What’s the matter with men’, quoting child abuse cases as a starter for justifying a ten-minute long rant against the male population – though of course, the inference being it was western men they were discussing. The feminisation of men was seen as a good thing, though the increasing aggression and laddism amongst young females was never brought up as a counterpoint, let alone the fact that domestic violence is not a one-way street either. Then there was Humphrys pointing out that the Sun still has its page 3 nude, whilst ignoring the fact that women are not averse to – how shall we say – ‘ogling’ naked males.
No balance, just an undiluted feminist rant.
Following on quickly from the Smith interview, where the climate change ideology got a nice big tick, it felt like they were simply moving swiftly from one leftist agenda item to another.
Now, I didn’t hear it, but are you saying that child abuse by a minority of men was used as an excuse to attack men in general? I’m sure I can think of situations, in the not too distant past where they went out of their way to assure us that abuse (or indeed other anti-social actions) by a minority had nothing to do with the group as a whole.
No, not used as an excuse to generalise, but it was a pretty damning example used to support the ‘what’s the matter with men’ intro by Humphrys.
Not ever listening to Today has made every mornig that much more pleasant. Give it up.
Not BBC bias directly but an illustration as to how the left wing mind (doesn’t) work!
Story about the EDL woman with the flag, having it taken from her by the Police and being arrested (yes I know later they said she wasn’t but it can be heard in the audio that they were)
So I post that the Police were quick enough to deal with the white woman potentially causing offence and yet they fail to intervene with Muslim hate preachers.
The reply comes back that as a white person alleging that white people are being treated in a way less favourable than ethnic groups is ‘crypto racism’
So Ethnic person is treated less favourably than a white person & that’s the classic definition of racism.
White person is treated less favourably than an ethnic person then the white is still racist !
Honestly you just couldn’t make it up! These people are insane by anyone’s measure.
Perhaps we should call for the BBCs New Broadcasting House to have it’s name changed to New Broadcasting Asylum?
You’ve only now figured out the rules of racism? Where have you been?
While INBBC ‘Newsnight’ spends its time, and our money, talking in hushed tones to Muslim friend (now arrested) of the Islamic jihad beheader,
‘Atlas Shrugs’ has-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“At a protest against our sister group Stop the Islamization of Europe and the EDL, the Muslim beheader made these quranic inspired remarks. Bear in mind the media always denounces, smears and libels our demos for freedom while painting these savages as the victims. Every time. ”
Racist Mehdi Hasan, Mr Shouty Man, is on Question Time tonight.
” All non muslims, the kufir, are just like cattle.”
Mehdi Hasan having a demented rant, ham acting at its finest.
Multiculturalism, the gift that keeps on giving.
last word on this mornings 5dead phone in, a woman who said she was present at the EDL downing street protest said she watched the EDL “Seig Heil-ing” their way up Whitehall.
a lie, and probably a member of the fascist UAF
but I expect youi probably knew that, Panto.
BBC 5Live (highly selective) “Your Call” … the rise in nationalism 😀
hint hint! …. panto dame, a speaker in anti fascism studies, some muppet from “searchlight” …
take up most of the time.
The “problem” of the EDL is mentioned, repeatedly beleaguered muslim community, mentioning islam in the same context as jews in the 30s, “Woolwich” nothing to do with islam, etc, a contant pneumatic headache inducing multiculti drone.
i note this … someones just told me, anyone calling in, was told not to mention events in “Woolwich”? because of the court case?
seems somewhat dictatorial, doesn t it, considering those very events, are almost certain to cause a surge, in nationalism, which in turn triggered this program. … hmmm BBC eh!
” anyone calling in, was told not to mention events in “Woolwich”? because of the court case?”
I wonder who did the murder ? does the BBC think it was Colonel Mustard using a candlestick in the Library ?
Who the BBC think dunnit isn’t the point. Legal process has to be gone through and the
murdereraccused has to be presumed innocent until the trial is over. You wouldn’t want him to get off on a technicality because the BBC, or anyone else, told us he was guilty, surely?Very true but it is funny how the same does not apply to the Police. I am yet to see it be ‘alleged’ that the ‘two men’ were shot by police. It is usually just baldly stated that they were. That could lead some less discerning folk to conclude that the men were innocent and shot by the cops out of spite.
Interesting stuff you wont hear on the BBC about the Swedish street riots.
This article is currently second most popular on the BBC website:
10 reasons why so many people are moving to Texas
Not one mention of Mexico or immigrant in the entire piece. Who are the people moving to Texas? Could any of them be illegal immigrants that have crossed America’s southern border?
Population increases are always OK if due to immigration…
I was just going to post the same comment. Another of the bBBC’s ‘big grey pachyderm in the corner’ articles.
In this case, I have to support the BBC article. Mostly. They leave out the real reasons behind a couple of the reasons they give (more jobs because of less regulation and state oppression, more personal freedom, etc.), but the story they’re telling is a legitimate one. People are leaving the oppressive Democrat-controlled States and moving to places like Texas with less government intrusions. Nothing to do with Mexican illegal swarming in this particular case.
At no point does Geoghegan mention the political party largely responsible for the situation, not even when mentioning Gov. Perry. Lame.
Also: a primary reason for defining Texas as family-friendly is the large number of homosexual couples in San Antonio? What happened to equality, BBC? Why single them out? Families are families, full stop, no? Why should homosexuals especially prefer low housing costs? Non sequitur. This is the kind of pointless, gratuitous lines which makes people think the BBC has an agenda.
BBC – sheela foglegity in the most insidious manner, imaginable is pushing a muslim “victim” narrative, over some bengali children muslim children abused, by neighbours, uncles etc …. all who are muslim.
Miniscule in relation to all the multitude of recent cases,
involving white children … and played (of course) to max by the BBC.
But the big difference being, seeing the “community” deliberately protecting the perps again, however in this case, the silence is to protect from shame, or “honour”, postion in the community etc, of the VICTIMS families … such an inversion of any kind of moral at all is just astounding … and i know
this retarded community has first cousin marriages and the like, as a matter of course …
but still, i never fail to be surprised (shakes head)
that is the BBC narrative on the foglegity show.
“81 BBC staff face sex allegations in wake of Jimmy Savile scandal”
“BBC sex abuse claims hit 152 in wake of Savile.”
The bBBC is giving a lot of publicity to the bizarre view from the Chief Executive of the NSPCC that the murder of April Jones has ‘left a deep scar on the nation’. I thought it was just the lone act of a deranged pervert but according to their propaganda it is much deeper than that.
Now, if Mark Bridger had followed the Religion of Peace, would the bBBC be telling us that he was a lone wolf, or representative of the whole nation?
Interesting, given the piece on this morning’s Today about men (see post above), and the intro highlighting child abuse.
A case of NSPCC/BBC collusion? Both part of the leftie network, of course.
Militants threaten “all West Africa”
Ghana’s President John Dramani Mahama has warned that Islamist militancy poses a threat that could destabilise the whole of West Africa.
Mr Mahama told the BBC that although Ghana had not been directly affected, no country was safe if insurgency was allowed to take hold elsewhere.
I blame Ghanan foreign policy and inequality.
Note the attribution quotes in the title (and none on the link from the main news page) are around the “all West Africa”, but not around “threatens”. It’s Mahama’s opinion here, something he said, that there’s a threat. This is the kind of thing we complain about, and it’s clear that the BBC does not have a consistent policy like defenders of the indefensible tell us they do. It’s not like anyone here would disagree with the statement that there’s a threat, so in this case I’m complaining that the BBC is presenting something as fact and not an attribution even though I agree with the sentiment expressed. Which means other instances of selective attribution are now open to scrutiny.
BBC News Channel have now been obsessing for 30 minutes non-stop over the April Jones case. I have lost count of how many reporters the BBC have down in Wales.
Meanwhile Sky have covered the story and found time for a report from Woolwich showing Drummer Rigby’s grandparents visiting the site of the floral tributes.
All a matter of news priorities, I suppose.
I just caught the end of Dame Campbell s show this morning to be informed that I am descended from immigrants and I live in a nation of immigrants and (the rest of this sentence is my interpretation)therefore I can have no problem with the mass immigration that is burying my country. Do they (BBC) never bloody well stop?
I should have added that I look forward with joy in my heart at the prospect of Medhi Hassan on QT tonight.
Didn’t your immigrant forebears used to be called “invaders”?
It’s true. All of us came from somewhere else. We didn’t just pop up one day.
There’s a lot of research on the origins of Brits which is on wiki at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_history_of_the_British_Isles
It would appear we came from the middle east originally.
better dust off me burkha then …
Ah, the liberal view of English nationalism.
I wonder, do you recall Leonard Rossiter as Reggie Perrin? There was an episode where he was discussing with his miliatry brother-in-law Jimmy (cock-up-on-the-catering front) his plans for an uprising against the forces of socialism and anarchy.
It encapsulats rather neatly every cliche you will hear on the BBC regarding the even the very slightest murmerings of English national sentiment.
It went something like this….
You realise the sort of people you’re going to attract, don’t you Jimmy? Thugs, bully-boys, psychopaths, sacked policemen, security guards, sacked security guards, racialists, Paki-bashers, queer-bashers, Chink-bashers, anybody-bashers, Rear Admirals, queer Admirals, Vice Admirals, fascists, neo-fascists, crypto-fascists, loyalists, neo-loyalists, crypto-loyalists.
Do you think so? I thought recruitment might be difficult.
We are the only real immigrant country on the planet. The liberals tell us this so it must be true. Alone amongst peoples the benighted English have no claim on any land anywhere.
Perhaps we should all give up and go off to invade somewhere else. The liberal left doesn’t want us here.
Hampstead would be a start. Most of it’s inhabitants are too ashamed to admit to English blood.
So with the Dept. of Justice scandal about going after journalists, and Atty. Gen. Holder apparently lying to Congress about it, the media is finally reporting it and giving the White House a hard time. So the JournoLista brigade met with…somebody….at the White House recently, and now Holder has invited media bosses to meet with him about how best to deal with the ongoing scandal. If that doesn’t sound frighteningly like a Soviet-era country’s behavior already, it gets better.
Holder is demanding that the meeting stays off the record. Cue grumbling from a press that’s already had this forced on them. The President met with a few top liberal media doyennes, trying to convince them that His drone policy was cool now, even though it was obviously a load of BS. Only people like Mark Mardell bought it hook, line, and sinker, describing it as “intellectually powerful”. The President demanded that it remain off the record, until enough moaning forced Him to allow them to report a little as “deep background”.
So far, the NY Times and the AP (both of whom have been targeted by Holder’s minions) have declined to attend in protest of the restriction.
Now there’s this from a White House mouthpiece:
Won’t do our bidding? You lose your 1st Amendment rights. And this from an Administration run by a former Constitutional Law lecturer. Hows that hopey-changey stuff workin’ out for ya now, BBC? I’m sure you’re chomping at the bit to get in on that meeting anyway.
Oh, by the way: the BBC has censored all news of this. Daniel Nasaw and his colleagues don’t think this is as important as how many people watched the Liberace film on HBO or that an Afghan soldier has plead guilty to attacking US troops. It’s beyond bias now. It’s about uselessness and skewed priorities. The BBC is not a serious news organization when it comes to US issues.
Fox news have also declined the meeting.
And it is not just about the journalists, DoJ was after for their parents as well. (Rosen’s parents phone records were also seized.) Unbelievable, but don’t expect the al-beeb to put their Progressive Messiah in a slight shadow, let alone a bad light.
The Beeboids hate Fox News. They’ve ridiculed the network plenty of times, and don’t see it as a legitimate news source of any kind. Defenders of the indefensible like to ridicule and dismiss anyone here who posts a link to anything from Fox News for the same reason.
But this is the NY Times and the AP we’re talking about. Both organizations have been in the tank for Him since 2008 (the NY Times much more than AP), and they still got targeted by the DoJ under the Espionage Act. Don’t bite the hand that carries water for you.
From what I saw so far, HuffPo and CBS have also joined the boycott. This must hurt.
Oh, FFS:
Viewpoint: Obama’s achievements unheralded amid ‘scandals’
Who wrote the “viewpoint”? The executive producer of BBC World News America. In case there was any doubt about the bias, or a reason why a foreigner like myself cares about what the BBC gets up to….
An astonishing article, even by BBC standards. It downplays the scandals to the point of insignificance while cherry-picking and candy-coating the “positives” (see, two can play at the inverted comma game, Mr Meyer). It reads like a self-justifying piece designed to explain why the BBC US division has failed to undertake any investigative journalism into the Obama administration. It’s almost like a rallying call to the rest of the BBC: “Look guys, we haven’t bothered investigating this scandal stuff because it’s not important. The core message is the same – Obama is awesome and we need to sell his achievements.”
And boy does Dick Meyer have a rosy view of those achievements. He should check the real employment rates, and the growing opposition to Obamacare as that expensive, intrusive reality sets in.
(btw mods – if you find a “report comment” for the above DP comment it was me – bad clicking.)
Downplaying the scandals? Funny you should say that:
Obama: IRS Behavior ‘Inexcusable.’ Obamaite Journalists: It’s a ‘so-called scandal’
Sure, the president of the United States called the Internal Revenue Service targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups “intolerable and inexcusable,” but that hasn’t stopped an army of commentators from claiming loudly and proudly that there’s no there there. Just do a Google News search on “so-called scandal,” and here’s part of what comes up:
And the BBC is magically on message, even though they weren’t invited to any of the wagon-circling meetings. There’s no need for a conspiracy or orders from the top if they all think the same way anyway.
For INBBC to report?
“WATCH: Vile vandal who daubed Islam on Bomber Command war memorial caught on film”
How can this be ? !
We chosen folk all know that the graffiti was sprayed by the EDL, BNP, Combat 18 (do they still exist ?) etc etc to start a race war, so how can the perp possibly be “of African appearance” ?
Well, obv. the far-Right have now resorted to having some of their more fanatical followers undergo dramatic plastic surgery to disguise their un-vibrant appearance so as to land the blame on the most law-abiding sections of our wondrous multi-culti melting pot of a society. Which is (All together now) Chilling.
Oh, and clearly the vandal wasn’t educated at one of our fine comprehensives, as he’s able to spell “Islam” without using extra letters. Probably went to Eton. Like all the other haters.
We’re through the looking-glass here, people.
The BBC gets more and more repetative/predictable. I came accross this BBC wepage.>>
“10 reasons why so many people are moving to Texas”
Of the two people interviewed – one was gay and the other disliked republicans (He likes Austin Texas because it is a “blue dot (democrat) in a red sea”
Hey ho, another “report” by dis-interested, absolutely-no-conflict-of-interest here parties leading to yet another uncritical reporduction of a press release from advocay groups by the BBC.
F***ing Foodbanks, AGAIN! I must say that as Britain groans under a 1930’s level of starvation and deprevation I can hardly get to the station in the morning for the droves of starving peasants who have been deiven from the land by the evil land owning tory magnates.
More than half a million UK people may rely on food banks, says a study by Church Action Poverty and Oxfam.
It blames benefit cuts, unemployment and the increased cost of living for the growth in hunger and poverty.
Oxfam said: “Cuts to social safety-nets have gone too far, leading to destitution, hardship and hunger.”
The BBC prints this UTTER ARSE without the least application of critical thought or any challenge. 1/2 a million MAY RELY on food banks. Don’t they know? Has the BBC done anything to check that figure, or is it easier for the BBC to just print a press release? After all it is Oxfam and Church Action Poverty…. and 350,000 people got free food handed to them. The BBC doesn’t seem to be able to tell me who is getting this stuff. Does the fact that they get free stuff make them starving refugees fleeing the famine ridden ruins of post industrial britain or could some of them just be people who appreciate free stuff. There is not a chance that the BBC will use any if its billions and tens of thousands of journalists to actually investigate the assumptions behind this report and give us some facts rather than emotive politically motivated pap.
This BBC article means nothing, is unsubstantiated and it is a shameful, feeble, excuse for journalism.
They may not have money for food but they must still buy a TV license.
I have a cunning plan: why doesn’t the BBC, in an act of solidarity with the poor and oppressed whom it claims to care about, offer to reduce its TV Poll Tax for the unemployed, under-25s, people on low incomes and pensions?
Now followed with the next phase in the story arc. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22715458
“What it is like to rely on food banks?” (details of the torments of a publicity hungry new author of austerity cookbooks)
It’s almost as if there was a co ordinated campaign goin on here….
“It took Jack 11 weeks to receive housing benefit after quitting her job” – plenty of heart wrenching self justification is presented by the Beeb, but nevertheless……
Perhaps she shouldn’t have QUIT her job and expected me (taxpayer) to feed her and her child then.
I can’t wait for the next instalment of starvation Britain. These stories are full of assertions, hear-say, exaggerations, evaisions and downright lies. Will the BBC please establish some facts
The world’s greatest investigative journalists could hang around one of the food bank queues and do a bit of research – find out who these people are, where they live, employment status, how much in benefits they’re receiving, what they’re spending their money on etc etc.
Whilst there is sure to be genuine hardship the rapid rise in foodbanks is way out of kilter with unemployment (hardly changed since Brown was kicked out) and benefits changes, most of which have only recently been implemented. Just like the queues which form when a malfunctioning ATM starts giving out free cash, who’s to say similar-minded freeloaders don’t take advantage of food banks?
IMO it’s all a political stunt. It stinks.
Here good old “Look North” keep trying it on with food bank stories but the meme doesn’t seem to stick so the Beeb keep on trying. All the video reports contain a few oddities though ..
1)They never say where the “food banks” are or how people who need them can get int touch.
2)Its never explained who pays for the “food banks” i.e where the food comes from.
3)We are always shown a nice polite , clean and grateful person receiving said food then putting it in their kitchen watched by assorted clean , polite children. This person is never , never asked any questions about their finances and why they need to get food this way. Not that I think this person is a put up job who actually a local Labour party/Union activist , oh no the Beeb has to many principles for that 🙂
Finally does anyone else find the use of the expression “food bank” rather odd ? I mean its not like you deposit a can of peas one day and then get your can of peas out again a week or two later (with a couple of extra peas as interest). What we have here (or I suspect don’t actually have) is a food charity but why isn’t it called that ?
So there I was listening to Radio 2 and at 0930 pause for thought came on. I kid you not I couldn’t believe what the vicar was pushing out as the facts on the ground: Go to 2.53.40 on the time stamp and listen how according to the left, white people are the real hate mongers in the UK.
Good spot Pounce. Happy clappy vicar managed to turn the SAVAGE FUCKING BUTCHERY OF A SOLDIER IN WOOLWICH BY MUSLIM EXTREMISTS into a lesson about how the racism of the English is the real problem.
“The shouting of the suspects at the scene of the crime has been replaced by the shouting of neo-fascist groups in subsequent protests. The ugliness of racist and Islamophobic chants stands in sharp contrast to diverse community and religious organisations in Woolwich… Consider the two crowds. One of some angry Englishmen shouting hate-filled slogans, and the other of people of diverse creeds cultures and colours coming together out of care for one another.”
Is that a Freudian slip suggesting the diverse community isn’t English too? Who would want to be English, after all?
The original horror – a savage crime, years in the making through religious indoctrination – is as nothing compared to the reaction of those despised “Englishmen”. Look, says Ms Vicar, there’s your problem, as she sticks her head back in the sand and hopes she’ll be fucked in the arse last.
Agree – thanks for the reference, Pounce. I don’t listen to Radio 2, unless I’m having my hair cut somewhere, but this is depressingly like Radio 4. Shifting the blame onto White English people simply will not do!
Her “logic”, i.e. the pseudo-argument that anger and hate towards others is a sign that it is you who are the problem, needs to be challenged. If I’m angry about a racist stabbing of an elderly Muslim in Birmingham, does it mean that I am the problem rather than the (presumably White or Black) knife-wielder? If I hate the Nazis for their death camps and love of war, do I need to get psychiatric help?
The liberal sees what he wishes were true rather than the reality. This, in essence , is the major absurdity at the core of modern liberalism. Hence the liberal is not open to argument. The belief is stronger than the ability to reason.
The grief of the soldier’s mother does not really register. The horror does not either.
This woman has lost the ability to understand reality. It is the fate of the liberal.
The type of lefty liberal, do gooding Christian that gives Christianity a bad name, 500 years ago they would be burned at the stake for heresy.
If the BBC were balanced, we’d also hear opinion from a right wing point of view.
Something along these uncompromising lines:
Zubeidat Tsarnaeva at 1.51
What a mad bitch. Of course, nothing to do with islam.
Anglophobe Vicar Ruth Scott of Richmond ( or should that be the UAF parish ) Just heard it, unbelievable.
”She has also run workshops on conflict for an annual international gathering ”
Ah yes, the liberals favourite word, the ” workshop.” Where would we be without it ?
http://www.womenspeakers.co.uk/speakerprofile/434/Rev Ruth Scott
Another favourite Left word is ” interfaith.”
Indeed why is the word “faith” used ? Christianity , Islam , Judaism etc etc are religions but that seems to be a word we can’t use.
I wonder how many food banks she runs?
No doubt that stupid women would be cheering on these thugs.
“Who runs western foreign policy.”
The Saudis with their oil billions again
James B. Steinberg – Former Deputy Secretary of State
Lee Feinstein – Foreign Policy Advisor
– Eric Lynn – Middle East Policy Adviser
– Dennis Ross – Special Advisor on the Middle East; Iran
– Dan Shapiro – Former NSC Adviser on the Middle East, Currently Ambassador to Israel.
Jack Lew – Obama’s Chief of Staff (first chief was Rahm Emanuel)
Ronald Klain – V.P Biden’s former Chief of Staff (also Al Gore’s Chief)
Alan Krueger – Chair of Council of Economic Advisers
Jeffrey Zients – Director of Office of Management and Budget
David Plouffe – Senior Adviser to President
David Axelrod – Senior Adviser to President
Jarrod Bernstein – White House Jewish Liaison to Jewish Community
Susan Sher – Chief of Staff for First Lady Michelle Obama
President Obama appointed Representative Debra Wasserman Shultz (D-FL) as Chair of the Democratic National Committee
– Richard Hass – President of the CFR and Ambassador at large.
– Sharon E. Burke – Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs.
Senator Diane Feinstein – Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee
Senator Joe Lieberman – Chair of the Homeland Security Committee
Senator Carl Levin – Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen – Chair, House Committee on Foreign Affairs
The above is a fraction of the power they wield. Number of Muslim chairs – zero. Number of Saudi positions in Obama’s team. Yep you guessed it …zero.
Funny – I read Apothecary as Suppository!
Just cleaned my glasses. Much clearer now but still reads like shit.
Der Stürmer or Der Guardian have a job for you.
The bBC, two very similar EU stories and how the bBC reports them:
UK faces European Court over benefits for EU nationals
Britain is being taken to court by the European Commission for allegedly discriminating against EU nationals who claim social security in the UK.Ministers are accused of discriminating against those from EU member states who have been living and working in the UK.It is alleged an extra residency test applied by the UK to see if migrants are eligible to claim breaches EU law.
EU warns Spain over hospitals’ rejection of EU health card
The European Commission is launching legal action against Spain over the refusal of some hospitals to recognise the European Health Insurance Card. The EHIC entitles EU citizens to free healthcare in public hospitals. But some Spanish hospitals rejected the card and told tourists to reclaim the cost of treatment via their travel insurance, the Commission says. A BBC correspondent says the Commission is not accusing cash-strapped Spanish hospitals of trying to make money.
So the UK which has taken in millions of EU immigrants and even pays them for children they left behind in the Mother country is found to be discriminatory by the bBC. Yet Spain which (unlike the NHS) demands that Brits stump up if they require medical treatment is reported by the bBC as:
“A BBC correspondent says the Commission is not accusing cash-strapped Spanish hospitals of trying to make money.”
That people is a perfect example of how the so called impartial bBC hates the people who fund its very existence. if you are non- British. non white,female gay and non Christian. The bBC will support your cause, be you Herb-allah Hamas or Taliban terrorists , somebody who found a British stamp on the floor of the shit house in Gutanamo bay prison or even somebody who the British army can’t hand over to the Afghan government becasue the very person screaming for you to be handed over, is the same legal aid paid terrorist chaser who ensured that we stop handing them over in the first place. The bBC will fight your cause.
Yet opine about how leftwing policy’s are dragging the UK into the gutter and the bBC will only paint you as a racist bigot.
Well in a week where we’ve had Islamic machete or knife attacks in Woolwich, Full Sutton prison in East Yorkshire, in Paris France, it seems as if the BBC doesn’t consider it news any more.
Yesterday, the Lancashire Telegraph reported a Machete attack horror at Accrington barber’s shop,
The two victims had been inside the shop in Ormerod Street when four masked men carrying machetes and knives forced their way inside. Detectives investigating the incident said the gang attacked the pair before forcing them into the street. The thugs also attacked a parked car during the incident at midnight on Saturday.
The victims both suffered deep wounds and had to be taken to hospital by paramedics.
Then very political correctly 🙄 they tell us Police said they were looking for a gang of Asian men in connection with the attack.
We’ve long since come to realise when any media source now talks of ‘Asian men’ they usually mean Pakistani Muslims rather than Japanese Yakuza, but heaven forbid they would say of Muslim appearance. 😯
The BBC however decided this kind of incident is becoming so commonplace it’s no longer news – so they declined reporting anything about it.
World class 😈
How very INBBC and Oxfam:-
Charles Moore in ‘The Spectator’:-
“The Today programme runs an interview, on Syria, with ‘the head of arms control at Oxfam’. Why does Oxfam have a head of arms control? Is it an organ of the state? Does it have the power to control any weapons? If so, who gave it that power? Many charities today are so political that they give themselves all the trappings and pretensions of government, without the boredom of having to seek a democratic mandate.”
[penultimate paragraph in link below-]
To it’s credit Oxfam is against arming the rebels so there you go good on them.
I assume the Spectator is all in favour of arming Al Qaeda….just only in Syria right.
Seem to remember Oxfam were also in attendance at the Beeb’s secret ’28gate’ meeting – you know, supporting mitigating actions for ‘climate change’ like, um, let’s see – redistribution of wealth. So double the good guys in your books, I’d imagine.
Bunch of Marxist twats.
It’s okay coldest May in 50 years!
Coldest Spring, actually.
Well the Manchester Evening News is leading with the racist attack on a cyclist by a gang of ‘Asians’ .
This was a serious assault in which the victim suffered a broken jaw, and a witness who intervened was also attacked.
Yet nothing on the BBC. You can bet that if this was a white gang attacking Asians that it would be the lead story on the 10 O’Clock News !