Two reports about Christianity that hit the BBC cutting room floor:
I can’t imagine why that was kicked into the long grass by the BBC….a BBC all too keen usually to report the word of the Godly …as long as they are slagging off Bankers and Tories.
Yesterday we had a tsunami of stories about 85 Afghan Taliban…held, for their own safety, by the British.
Nothing about the report that came out of the 100,000 Christians killed every year…yes, that’s 100,000 Christians killed every year….for their faith.
The BBC are on the ball as always when it comes to reporting death and destruction in Iraq…the message…‘look at Bush and Blair’s legacy’ (No thought that what is happening in Syria would have happened in Iraq had it been left under Saddam…with almost certainly a regional war bringing in Turkey, Iran and the rest):
Iraq violence: Bomb blasts leave at least 11 dead
Iraq’s reminder of the worst of times
What? No comments yet? BBC Thought Crime Unit working its tricks on a population too afraid to comment?
I really have no idea why Big Brother Corporation is so in love with islam. You can’t watch a history or archaeology programme without being told that even in Roman times Britian worshipped the multi-cult. Of course there were foreigners in Britain, we were being occupied by a foreign army!
Maybe it is oil. Saudi Arabia promises oil so long as we take the never-ending stream of immigrants. Wealthy Saudi Arabia could house every muslim immigrant in luxury. But no, muslim immigrants are to go to where they feel alienated rather than where they will be with the like-minded.
When will people stop worshipping “Aunty Beeb” and realise that Big Brother Corporation is a propaganda machine for the LibLabCon-trick.
Immigrants are not here to do the jobs we don’t want to do. They are here to do all jobs more cheaply than the last wave. Ignore the BBC/LibLabCon-trick lies.
Do not pay for a TV license. Do not watch or record TV programmes in this digital age. Exempt yourself from the Propaganda Tax by watching programmes a little later with catch-up or downloads.
BBC propaganda is numbing the population’s perception of reality. A reality distortion field that would make Steve Jobs proud. A propaganda machine that Goebels would marvel at.
Ten years from now the islamic population will have critical mass and will demand muslim-only areas with islamic law. No “liberal democracy” wants to be the first to repatriate so either there will be sectarian warfare on the streets or the government will cave-in and partition the country.
Oh dear! No comments. I have found that BBC no comments signals silent approval; now no comments is the opposite. (I apologise for feeding the troll).
this report wouldn t even get through the door
buts its the truth, proven again and again.
“Maybe it is oil. Saudi Arabia promises oil so long as we take the never-ending stream of immigrants.”
Evidence of that is demonstrated in ‘Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis’ by Bat Ye’or
Still available (for present at least) in kindle format from well known tax managing internet book seller
It’s pretty shoddy of the BBC to not report this although I would like to know how he arrived at this figure. Can you imagine the police doing that to an Iman in the UK? Makes me laugh out of desperation to think. Whenever I think about this horrible World/Islam divide I can’t help but think about the film Terminator: That we helped create the monster that eventually destroyed us.
Less of the ‘we’ if you don’t mind. I for one didn’t get a vote on it, not being a member of the Labour party, Common Purpose or Islington chattering classes.
And that it the point isn’t it. No one ever asked us ,the British people , if we wanted to be host to millions of immigrants with alien cultures and outrageous beliefs. If we had been asked we would of course have said NO .
There is a massive cover up going on , in which the BBC plays the lead role as it must being in control of the news agenda of the country, to try and persuade us that all is fine and buy time before for the immigrants to integrate and the Brits to accept them. But every islamic terrorist outrage sets that process further and further back.
The BBC and the liberal left can lie, suppress the truth , suspend free speech , send those who stand up for Britain to prison , but things are not getting better are they.
For information:-
“One country, two religions and three very telling pictures:
The empty pews at churches just yards from an overcrowded mosque.”
And the LibLabCon-trick thinks it is going to do to islam what it has done to Christianity. Deluded.
In a battle between lily livered liberals and islam there can only be one winner.
And the irony is, islam is ultra conservative, totally against liberalism and laughs behind a liberal’s back whilst using them to further their gains.
Why would the BBC report the Afghani detainees story and not the continued mass persecution of Christians? Simple: one is an important issue on which they need to remind everyone that Britain must act in accordance with lofty principles, etc., while the other is dog bites man, not newsworthy. Mohammedans killing Christians all over the landscape? The soft racism of lowered expectations dictates that this is what’s expected of these people, and most of the Christian victims probably had it coming due to the usual sectarian strife. They all have darker skin than BBC upper management, so it’s what BBC News producers and editors have come to expect from them. I mean, if the BBC had to report it every time some group with darker skin than BBC upper management slaughtered a bunch of other people with darker skin than BBC upper management, they’d have no room for anything else.
Okay, lurking journalists, here’s where you come in to give us the real reason why it’s a non-story.
Douglas Murray, ‘Standpoint’ (March 2013):-
“Census That Revealed a Troubling Future”
“On the night of the census announcement I was invited as a guest onto the BBC’s Newsnight — the only one on a panel of four (five if you include the presenter) who expressed any concerns or reservations about mass immigration. The others were unanimously happy about it. The onus was therefore on me to explain why there might be any problems. This is not an unusual set-up.”
Alan you’re an absolute nutter if you’re in favour of the Iraq war. Those lucky Iraqis. All that depleted uranium. The white phosphorus. The stupendous birth defects all over the country. The incessant car bombings. The destroyed infrastructure. A country with the third highest oil revenues yet they have no infrastructure and an intermittent electricity supply.
The thing is you should love the BBC because they don’t report any of this. This website seems to reside quite often in some parallel universe of insanity.
Yes Christians across the middle east are being slaughtered and the BBC doesn’t report on that but you do yourself no favours projecting this gross falsehood.
There are still those on the right who think the Iraq war was a good thing. I see at as a neo con absurdity. This does not mean supporting the leftwing viewpoint at all.
Disengagement from the ME and the Islamic world is the only sensible policy.
From this all sorts of policies flow that have profound implications for Western civilisation. . That we will not see sense and adopt it is going to be our downfall.