Open Thread Thursday

Dragon Den’s Khan was given plenty of airtime to make excuses about employing his daughters…but so far nothing on the Telegraph’s story of Labour donor’s tax dodge..helped by the Labour Party….

Anyway…another open thread….all yours….


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248 Responses to Open Thread Thursday

  1. stuart says:

    remember i told you 2 blogs ago that the far left will turn there bile and hatred against ukip next,just looked on a website called hope not hate funded by the labour party and they have started to smear ukip and bracket them as fascists and racists, i vote ukip and i am no fascist or racist you far left liars and ukip welcome anybody into there party regardless of race and religion


    • Mice Height says:

      The taxpayer funded ‘Hate not Hope’ is busy stirring up hatred against UKIP. Their UAF thugs attacked an event at which Farage was speaking in Sussex yesterday:

      They also abused a group of OAP’s who just happened to be at that venue giving blood, earlier in the day:

      The stupidity of these Communist morons really does know no bounds.


      • Mice Height says:

        Here they are in action last Saturday. A whole gang of them beating up a 70 year old grandfather. I didn’t see this footage on the BBC


      • Charlatans says:

        I posted ths on previos thread. I also attended this UKIP meeting at Hove Town Hall and was quite perturbed by the haranguing and insults blasted into my left ear by loud haler, wrongly calling me a “Fascist” and “shame on you”.
        I was not the only pensioner so treated as once inside I spoke with some of my neighbours also seeking to discover more about UKIP, before we decide to give them our precious democratic vote. My retired friends were similarly insulted by these GMB flag wavers and Socialist Workers Party/UAF people?
        I tried to have a discussion to no avail with one of these protesters that sat next to me inside the hall, (before they were evicted for disrupting the meeting). But she was so rude to me and not interested in democratic debate whatsoever.
        I tried to tell this protester it was my democratic right after 25 years military service and paying taxes every year without exception since I was 15, without ever claiming benefits, (yes, I admit to being lucky too), that I should want to know more about the party I may cast my vote.
        Most of the protestors I saw were of the age range where they must have been educated mainly under the Blair years. What on earth has gone wrong during that time that has turned out this section of undemocratic, disrespectful bunch of oppressors with such warped minds?


        • The General says:

          “What on earth has gone wrong during that time that has turned out this section of undemocratic, disrespectful bunch of oppressors with such warped minds?”

          Just look at the behaviour of Labour MPs in the House of Commons and the morons sent to the Lords by Blair to disrupt what used to be a civilised debating chamber.


        • Mice Height says:

          You’ll be pleased to hear that some of those taxes are helping to pay for these cretins and their policy of violence, intimidation and misinformation to corrupt the democratic process:


    • Richard Pinder says:

      They hope people will vote Labour, not hate Labour.

      But they hate.
      (1) People do not vote Labour.
      (2) People with more money than themselves.
      (3) People who violate the hatred laws.
      (4) Christians who forgive people who hate.


      • Andrew says:

        There is an interesting discussion to be had about whether hate is always a bad thing. Jesus overturned the tables of the money lenders in the temple and anti-capitalist hate has been seen on the streets of many cities in recent years. We were taught to hate Nazism and Germans in the many war films on TV when I was growing up. We are taught to hate racism and injustice (Voltaire’s “Ecrasez l’infame!”) Hate may sometimes be a better guide to action than the audacity/stupidity of ungrounded hope (sorry, Barry, couldn’t resist that one!)


    • JayBee says:

      It made me laugh when the SNP and UKIP had a go at each other, the BBC didn’t know which way to turn.

      Big Brother Corporation hates UKIP because it is anti-EU and hates the SNP because it is anti-Union.

      If UKIP got into a future coalition then the first thing on the list should be the breaking up of a highly politicised BBC, the removal of public funding and the replacement of its boardroom with a proper representation of the public.


  2. The Beeebinator says:

    ive never voted, but at the next election im voting for UKIP just to piss the bbc off.


    • Scrappydoo says:

      Try not buying a TV license, that should piss them off even more!


      • The Beebinator says:

        i’d never give money to a socialist organisation like the BBC
        whether its soviet socialism, national socialism or the BBC, they’re all the same evil left wing scumbags to me


  3. David Brims says:

    Some mosque got burned down in Londonistan, the media has immediately said it was ‘waaycist’ and Islamophobic !

    Strange that, when the white British soldier was butchered by two black muslims, I never heard the media say it was a racist or Christanphobic attack.


    • Rich Tee says:

      It looks like Woolwich murderer might be classified as mentally ill under British legal system which will be a problem for Muslims as it means anybody who quotes from the Koran will get classified as mentally ill too.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Unequivocably this type of behaviour is to be condemmed. However, there have been no arrests and the perpetrators are as yet unknown. The allegation of EDL graffiti is very convenient and this could equally well be a false-flag operation by Leftist thugs, Islamists or even the security services (note Cameron’s threat against the EDL just 3 days ago). The BBC quote MP Theresa Villiers as saying: “This kind of hate crime is absolutely despicable.” Rather makes one wonder if there are certain kinds of hate crime that are not absolutely despicable in their eyes.


      • David Brims says:

        If you stare at a muslim walking down the street, for more that 3 seconds, that, I suspect, is a hate crime, equivalent to Auschwitz.

        Butchering a British solder, not a hate crime !


        • Mo says:

          Good one David


        • Richard Pinder says:

          Is it illegal to hate people who butcher British soldiers in the streets of Britain?

          The strange thing about these anti-fascists is that as far as I can recall, the last time that I remember people calling themselves fascists was in Spain in the 1970’s, and they behaved very much like the emotionally violent anti-fascist headbangers of today.

          Also as regards UKIP in Scotland. UKIP is a Unionist and Capitalist party while the SNP are a Nationalist and Socialist party. So in Scotland that means that UKIP are Unicaps and the SNP are Nazis. Emotionally violent anti-fascists headbanging Nazis, calling Unicaps, Nazis.


      • Mat says:

        Any bets on how big the new publicly funded sole use ,one religions building will be put up by the [totally trustworthy ] Haringey Council to replace this old run down hall that was burned down by >awful racists/Mossad/Mi5 <and not an scam ! honest !


      • David Brims says:

        Ian Rushlow

        I suspect if Tommy Robinson of the EDL so mush as drops a crisp packet or sweet wrapper in the street. The full force of the law, establishment, MI5, will be down on him like a ton of bricks on a trumped up charge of littering. He’ll probably get 30 years in a maximum security prison.

        The Multicultural Inquisition doesn’t like heretics.


    • noggin says:

      have you seen the picture of that delapidated garage come … i mean mosque … i mean islamic centre, ex scout hut
      BEFORE the fire? … “insurance job” beckons, with the added, helpful obfuscation of the “victim-industry” factor, never mind stephen lennon, i d be damn sceptical… very sceptical.

      i shouldn t worry, there will be some damn fool government airhead throwing money at it before long.


      • Pounce says:

        You mean like this f-ing government has just done with a bunch of elderly terrorists in Kenya.

        I will never vote Tory ever again. (20 years0 UKIP from now on. Fucking Tory wankers.


      • Derek says:

        “…“insurance job” beckons…”

        I hope the insurance company is a bit more on the ball than the MSM, which hasn’t queried why the burglar alarm didn’t go off – it can be seen in the photos under the sign ‘Bravanese Centre’ and in some of the other photos too.

        The DailyMail article also has this quote which the insurance company should pay attention to**:
        “Another volunteer claimed more graffiti was spotted inside the building, a former Scout hall, before it collapsed.”

        Hat-tip to George R for pointing to this article:

        ** the police probably won’t


        • Aerfen says:

          I hope the insurance company is a bit more on the ball than the MSM,

          Indeed. Had the EDL had anything to do with this surely the last thing they would have done is leave a signature? Everything about this suggests an attempt to smear them.


          • Aerfen says:


            Not the most appealing building. I can see why they might hope for a replacement!


            • Aerfen says:

              Try again.


            • Derek says:

              Something a bit taller, maybe even with a high tower, to overlook, overshadow and overwhelm the local community and school?

              Then the BBC could do a piece about how the local community looks up to it.


        • Stewart says:

          Does any one know if there any credibility to Robinsons claim about previous arson attacks in Luton ?


          • Stewart says:

            I found this and was hoping someone from Luton might put some more meat on these bones


    • Aerfen says:

      Sounds a bit like when they immediately said Dr Kelly had committed suicide, within hours of his death, even though suicide is a verdict which has to be proven ‘beyond reasonable doubt’.


    • Aerfen says:

      Sound like when, within hours of his death, the BBC reported that Dr Kelly had committed suicide, even though suicide is a verdict which has to be proven ‘beyond reasonable doubt’, as of course is a ‘hate crime’.


  4. MD says:

    There’s a story on how the Labour Party received a donation from pre-tax income so that the donor avoided paying tax. It’s quoted from the Telegraph and obviously the story is the hypocrisy of Labour encouraging tax avoidance.

    Look at how the BBC have deliberately quoted the one line from the story that makes it look like the donor paid tax. Of course that doesn’t make sense given the story. The BBC have such poor journalistic skills that they can’t even copy a story properly.  Or perhaps it’s really because they want their buddies to look good. With their current presentation many people will read the story, realise it doesn’t make sense, but then dismiss it because it’s from the right wing press and not bother to click the link and find out more.


    • Arthur Penny says:

      Note also that the headline paragraph (in bold) massages the £1.5 million into ‘hundreds of thousands’.


  5. David Brims says:

    James Delingpole was on Michael Savage the other day, discussing the media’s appeasing reaction to the beheading of the British soldier ( all forgotten now, like the Boston atrocity ) very interesting, starts at 1.32.00


    • David Brims says:

      Incidentally Michael Savage is banned from entering Britain. When Jacqui Smith ( who’s husband bought porn videos and billed the taxpayer ) was making up a list of dangerous people not allowed into the UK, it was all black and muslim, funny that, isn’t it ? so she stuck on Geert Wilders and Savage so that she wouldn’t be accused of ‘waaycism’.–hes-suing.html


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        Didn’t she also ban some martial arts instructor because he encouraged people to defend themselves against attackers, which was twisted into something like he was promoting violence?


        • Joshaw says:

          I remember this. His name was Larkin and he was a Navy Seal, I think.

          From memory, I believe he was extremely candid about the purpose of self defence and this probably contributed to the ban. He made it clear that his techniques were actually designed to hurt people, a novel idea, and this was clearly too much for the sensitive Smith. In case you hadn’t realised, all UK violence is imported from the US; I have it on good authority that you decapitate each other on a regular basis.

          I believe his techniques had some basis in the Israeli Krav Maga – again, this probably went against him.


        • David Preiser (USA) says:

          Oops, I’m wrong. He was banned by the ludicrous Teresa May.

          It was covered here at the time. Victoria D described his technique as “self defense which leads to violence”. As if the initial assault isn’t violence.


          • Joshaw says:

            Ahh – I thought it was more recent.

            Smith/May – fat lot of difference.


            • Richard Pinder says:

              They both believe in the old Labour myth that the Tories are nasty because under Thatcher they smashed socialism at home and abroad.


  6. JayBee says:

    Arch bleeding heart Sue Lloyd-Roberts with a piece on how racist we all are for not allowing boat loads of Syrians into the EU.

    Don’t Syrians have an acceptably muslim Turkey to pass through first?

    The liberals are determined to use Europe as a lifeboat for the world to flush its detritus into. Doesn’t Tarquin at the BBC understand that a lifeboat sinks when it becomes too heavy?

    Europe = SS Titanic


    • thoughtful says:

      The Republic of Turkey is party to the 1951 Refugee Convention, but maintains a “geographical limitation” under Article 1 (B) of the Convention, whereby it is not obligated to apply the Convention to refugees from outside Europe. Therefore, in Turkey UNHCR registers non-European asylum-seekers and determines their refugee status, with a view to advising the Government on who should be given temporary asylum, and identifies refugees for resettlement.

      Of the States in the region, only Israel and Yemen have signed the 1951 Refugee Convention.

      So under Turkish law they are not automatically entitled to claim asylum there. The nearest country would be Cyprus (EU member).

      I can’t see either them or Israel wanting to settle there, Iran & Iraq are hostile so no chance of going there, and it’s also a long walk across a desert.

      Doesn’t leave many options does it? The next nearest country is Greece which then gives access to the EU and is in deep recession.

      I just shows the lunacy of British foreign policy – arming Jihadists with heavy weapons and prolonging a war causing even more refugees. The possibility of that war moving to Lebanon is very real creating even more refugees.

      The Tories for some insane reason have for a long time been wanting to allow millions of Turkish Muslims into the UK, it looks like they’re trying to do it by other means!


      • JayBee says:

        Looks like a good reason to renegotiate Turkey’s NATO membership and scrapping any desires for EU membership.


      • Researcher says:

        A refugee’s right to be protected against forcible return, or refoulement, is set out in the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees:

        “No Contracting State shall expel or return (‘refouler’) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social or political opinion” (Article 33(1)).[7]

        It is widely accepted that the prohibition of forcible return is part of customary international law. This means that even States that are not party to the 1951 Refugee Convention must respect the principle of non-refoulement.[7] Therefore, States are obligated under the Convention and under customary international law to respect the principle of non-refoulement. If and when this principle is threatened, UNHCR can respond by intervening with relevant authorities, and if it deems necessary, will inform the public.[7]

        However, the act makes it clear that a refugee should, in the first instance, apply for assylum in the nearest safe country to their own.
        This allows any country to refuse assylum, if they are not bordering or near the seekers country of origin.
        Furthermore, the act does not confer permanent residence and assumes that when the assylum seeker’s country is safer, they will return.
        The fact that Western countries have allowed millions to claim assylum from far off countries who do not share Western values and beliefs, and given them indefinite leave to remain is but one symptom of the general decline of Western civilisation.


    • George R says:

      Yes, her propaganda to get Syrian refugees into E.U and into Britain was continued on ‘Newsnight’ tonight.

      Interesting how such refugees skip Turkey to get to Greece and beyond, to get higher welfare payments of E.U.


  7. #88 says:

    It’s the little things, the unconscious reflexes that betray the BBC’s left wing activistism; you know, when for example, dealing with MPs’ wrongdoing, the listener is left in no doubt whatsoever of the party they belong to when a TORY MP’s is involved. But time and again, when it’s one of the BBC / Labour Party’s own parliamentarians who has been up to no good, ‘LABOUR’ somehow disappears from the narrative.

    And it’s the same with select committees; the self promoting, grandstanding ‘LABOUR’ Chair of the PAC is never off our screens (there’s never a doubt about what party she belongs to). But when the Banking Standards Committee laid into banking malpractice recently – it’s excellent Chairman, Andrew Tyrie wasn’t even recognised by the BBC as an MP, let alone a Conservative.

    The BBC’s left wing agenda was in evidence again late last night on ‘Today in Parliament’ (link below). Remember a few weeks ago, at PMQ’s – the one Cameron missed because he was in the US on an official visit? The incredibly stupid Harman open up an attack on Cameron’s failure to appear at no more than 2 PMQ in the previous six weeks – the only issue being there had only been 2 PMQs in the previous six weeks! Pathetic.
    Last night, the BBC’s Sean Curran dutifully picked up where Harman left off. On-message, he was at pains to report that this was Cameron’s first appearance at PMQs in six weeks (and on Labour MPs response to this). Of course Curran forgot to tell the listener that Cameron had only missed one PMQs in that time, and Parliament had not in any case been sitting for much of the period. Telling the whole story, though, would not have allowed Curran to paint the picture he did.
    Yet again, the BBC’s output is tainted. Unacceptable. [02:20]


  8. Colonel Blimp says:

    Anyone else stunned by the amount of lead coverage the BBC News website gives to the NSA/Verizon snooping scandal? Even makes the lead on the Guardian (although they make it clear that it’s all the fault of that nasty Bush chap and the comments agree). Still, you would have thought that the Beeb might make some token reference to it.

    Also, US liberals have decided that LGBT activist group CodePink is racist because it criticised Michelle Obama for shouting down a CP activist, something that was then removed from the official transcript of the event.


    • Colonel Blimp says:

      Wow – it’s now up on “breaking news” and it follows the classic Beeb angle on items that show Obama in a bad light – “The US National Security Agency is collecting the telephone records of tens of millions of Americans, according to the Guardian newspaper.

      The British paper published what it said was a secret court order directing the Verizon company to hand over electronic data on all its customers on an “ongoing daily basis…the Guardian said”

      so it’s all hearsay and unproven and anyone who thinks otherwise is some kind of racist Tea Party idiot who deserves to be persecuted by the IRS


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Bush started it (not, but that’s the impression left), and in the end it won’t be His fault. It will soon be pushed off the news radar as it’s a non-story because this is about collecting metadata and not the actual content of the calls.

      So the BBC can publish the story – from the Guardian, so it’s not a racist conspiracy theory, right, BBC? – about something negative done by His Administration, proof that they are impartial. This will of course be expected to balance out all the censorship of stories they refused to report, just like Andrew Neil, Nick Robinson, and Lord Patten are supposed to balance out 20,000 Left-wing Beeboids.


  9. RCE says:

    Item about air traffic control in SE England on Today at about quarter to 8.

    After the piece there was some in-studio chat. I think Evan Davis had actually visited NATS to make the item and he pointed out that it was particularly interesting because that day there was something-or-other going on at Stansted and the BA engine fire at Heathrow.

    The incident at Stansted that could not be spoken of was, of course, the PIA flight where two Pakistanis caused fighter jets to be scrambled. But it seems listeners shouldn’t be reminded of that particular event, for some reason…


  10. George R says:

    “Yentob’s £150,000 salary secret: BBC arts supremo fails to declare that he’s paid TWO separate salaries by the Corporation”


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Shouldn’t that be, “BBC fails to declare….”? Yentob didn’t pull this on his own. Sort of like the deals to help some of the highest paid Beeboids to avoid paying higher taxes. That was secret, too, until it wasn’t, and blame was shifted all over the place.


      • Ian Hills says:

        I few years ago, I think I read somewhere that Yentob and other senior execs were benefitting from the BBC’s program procurement process, as they had set up their own film companies. Can anyone confirm this?


  11. noggin says:

    meanwhile ….
    woolwich machete jihad murderer, whom the bbc
    appear to love giving an extended platform to.

    why list his complaints,
    about belmarsh,
    about the officers,
    the way he was treated,
    that he was searched,
    he hadn t received medical reports?
    that he said – the barrister said –
    so the the judge said –
    so he replied ya da ya da ya …
    and on, and on it goes.

    the necessary facts –
    this muslim, jihadi again ranting, again interrupting,
    his aim disruption, so his microphone was cut … thats it

    does this cretin deserve any more?
    the bbc are playing voyeurism/sensationalism
    and it is neither warranted or necessary

    mind you, apparently he s angling to be classified as mentally ill under British legal system, which is strange considering his organised list of complaints and grievances ………… so
    is anybody who quotes from the Koran will classified as mentally ill?.


    • noggin says:

      oops … is anybody who quotes from the Koran to be classified as mentally ill?. there are over 21, 000 examples of exactly the same examples of this “illness” since 9/11? and that is the tip of the iceberg!.
      There are over 2000 cells under surveillance here in the UK, of “lone wolves” (which incidently in the Woolwich case now runs to 15 people).


      • David Brims says:

        ” A lone wolf ”

        Where did this NEW phrase come from ? Mossad says that usually terrorist cells are about 15 or 16 people.


  12. Mark II says:

    I know that this must have been said many times but this morning’s Today programme might as well have been called Radio Guardian – I can’t see that a supposedly even handed national broadcaster could imagine that this is even vaguely acceptable.
    The programme’s “journalists” seem so at ease with spouting their liberal attitudes as if they know that their managers and governors will not bat an eyelid.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Did you have any specific examples in mind?


      • Mark II says:

        The free run given to Liam Byrne (I think) talking about how Labour would be constrained by the financial disaster that they would inherit from the evil Tories, as if they were in no way responsible for it in the first place.
        The highly critical response to proposals that locals should be allowed to object to wind farm developments.
        The treatment of Polly Toynbee as a national treasure – even the Guardian readers can’t stand her (if you go by the comments to her articles).
        Whenever they have a Tory politician on they go into attack mode – but if they are Labour the interviewer seems to see it as his job to help them get their policy proposals across in as agreeable manner as possible.


        • johnnythefish says:

          ‘There’s no money left’ Byrne was treated to the usual ‘cosy little chat’ by his mate Evan Davis, who should be sacked for his bias, and if it’s not bias then his sheer incompetence.

          Davis introduced the chat along the lines of ‘this is just broad policy at this stage and the details are going to come later, right?’ – in other words, you are making a vague promise to cap welfare without a clue how you’re going to do it but don’t worry I’m not going to challenge you’. He also asked Byrne not to take pot shots at the coalition, because they’ve had enough of that already. Three unchallenged pot shots later, it was obviously business as usual, including an incredible claim that Labour would inherit an economic mess in 2015….waiting for…..’but wasn’t it you Mr Byrne who gave incoming government the ‘no money left’ note?’…..waiting…………and still waiting.

          A promise to guarantee a job for everyone, a proposal to give councils the power to regulate the local house rental market, a barmy idea to make employers pay more so not as much benefits are being claimed. All unchallenged as regards cost and feasibility, and of course the overall implication that Labour, as ever, would massively increase borrowing.

          In the end it was left to Nick Robinson in his summary at the end to sort Davis’s mess out and explain why Labour’s plans were slightly less than credible.

          Davis must be sacked.


        • David Preiser (USA) says:

          “Michael Gove, what do you think is the most important part of the speech?”

          Yeah, me neither.

          But hey, at least we heard a Beeboid say the words, “what Labour did wrong”. That doesn’t make up for the fact that he let Byrne get away with just listing a couple of things they could have done better. The classic Davis interjection where he restates his guest’s answer in an unfair way, usually beginning with, “In other words….” The Conservative guest generally objects to the way Davis just twisted his words, yet Byrne couldn’t have agreed with him more. “That’s exactly right.”

          Lengthy softball question after softball question, often telegraphed to the point where the expected answer is laid out before us like a set table. Byrne’s responses are remarkably different from what we usually hear from non-Labour guests. “It is a great question…” “Mmm, I think this is at the core of the debate.”

          Davis did once challenge Byrne about not answering the question, but he actually was working into an answer – it just wasn’t the one Davis wanted to hear. And he kept trying to help Byrne towards the right answer on the housing question.


      • Richard Pinder says:

        Did you have any specific examples in mind?

        That is tricky because censorship or ignorance is the usual evidence for bias at the BBC.


  13. David Brims says:

    This weeks Radio Times with the Queen on the front cover, page 8,

    David Dumbledy ” I don’t like being interviewed, I don’t like talking about myself.” ( fake humility, perhaps ? )

    Then proceeds on the next 4 or 5 pages to talk about himself.


    • Andrew says:

      One reason why David Dimbleby might not like being interviewed is because certain awkward questions might be asked about him and his brother, such as how much they earn (at the public expense) and what their tax arrangements are.

      I remember Tony Benn listing four questions to ask yourself about anyone in a position of authority:
      (1) What powers as he got? (2) Where did he get them from? (3) In whose interest does he exercise them? and (4) How can we get rid of him?

      When David Starkey taunted him on a recent “Question Time” about being hereditary broadcasting aristocracy (son of Richard, brother of Jonathan) he simply said he wasn’t “actually”. He and many others in the BBC attack-dog pack such as Humphrys consider that they have a duty/right to hold others to account without being questioned themselves. Once again it is their apparent lack of self-criticism which I find most worrying; it suggests to me a basic intellectual failing, i.e. the doctrine that, as part of Britain’s supposedly greatest national institution, they are speaking ex cathedra and are thus infallible.


    • will says:

      He demonstrated his vanity in his recent interview where he claimed the Bullingdon Club in his day was just like an outreach team, not the beastly set of toffs it became with Johnson & Cameron.

      He went on to make the rather sinister claim that he could still fit into the uniform. Why does he keep trying it on? & what other wardrobe secrets should he share with us?

      Speaking to the Radio Times, Dimbleby disassociated himself with the politicians’ well-publicised youthful exploits, but added: “I loved being elected to the Bullingdon Club and I’m very proud of the uniform that I can still get into.”


      • Ian Hills says:

        He should have added “and of course, Bullers don’t go round abusing everyone, unlike like my work colleagues”.


  14. Deborah says:

    I know it is very easy to go off topic and some of the sentiments may well be ones many of us would agree with….but after David’s recent plea I have noticed that some of the comments on this thread have not been directly linked to the BBC. Without some care from those posting comments this site will get labelled as an extremist site and blocked from some computers.


    • Non licence fee payer says:

      Talking in any way negatively about the holy Beeb, the Grauniad, Poly Toynbee, the Obamamessiah, the religion of Peace, uncontrolled immigration, or any other Left wing right thing holy cows, is by definition extremist.
      It’s surprising you don’t know that.
      It’s a self evident truth, isn’t it?


    • Joshaw says:

      One of the problems with this site is that, in order to be able to criticise the BBC with any authority, we have to watch it or listen to it.

      I can only stand so much of either.


      • John Anderson says:

        Among all the leftist dross there are still some pearls. Like this past week – In Our Time last Thursday dealing with Queen Zenobia of Palmyra in Syria- which competed with Petra as a way station on the spice/silk route from the East, and the TV programme on Henry VII.

        It would be worth paying a licence fee of at least £10 a year to have decent stuff and only decent stuff. The rest can go hang – it is either lowbrow trash or leftie propaganda.


        • Joshaw says:

          “It would be worth paying a licence fee of at least £10 a year to have decent stuff and only decent stuff. The rest can go hang – it is either lowbrow trash or leftie propaganda.”

          Agree entirely. Back to basics.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Calling someone extremist implies that you do not understand the person that you call an extremist.

      In that case you should not censor what they have to say even if it is a rude word or a very naughty illegal word about efniks, because that contradicts the morally superior idea of free speech, common to very advanced and superior civilisations.

      It is a well known fact that inferior civilisations and cultures such as those in socialist states, do not tolerate free speech, which is the main problem that has developed in recent years at the BBC.

      I remember a time when free speech was seen as evidence for the superiority of Britain over other nations, but then, now we see this as a racist argument against free speech by the left-wing BBC.

      I don’t think that the left-wing BBC mindset understands the free speech sentiment in UKIP, the USA, India or other truly free and democratic nations. A sentiment that today only exists in less that half the Tory party, about ten percent of the Labour party and seems to have almost totally disappeared from the LibDems.


  15. Maturecheese says:

    Extremist, the new Racist. In other words a label to shut down dissenting debate. I don’t find this site to be extremist in the correct sense of the word but if we are going to play the leftish game then yes we had better watch what we say. Eventually we will go so far down that road that we won’t really say anything at all.


    • Dave s says:

      Sadly true. The danger then for the elites ( currently liberal) is that all opposition falls silent and goes underground. Then lulled into a false sense of security by this lack of dissent the elite over reaches itself and provokes an uncontrollable backlash. It has often happened before.
      Then the elite is faced with a choice – tyrrany or give way.
      Never underestimate the stupidity of our governers.


      • Aerfen says:


        You’re having a laugh! Self acclaimed
        ‘liberals’, they are aware of the euphemistic power of the word, but the true description is Globalist totalitarians!


  16. lmda says:

    During a ‘what the papers say’ section of radio 4’s Today programme this morning, Evan (or it might have been Justin) mentioned that Matt (now Lord) Ridley, the science writer and renewable energy sceptic, had pointed out that among the many parliamentary “special interest groups” not one existed to promote the views of the tax-payer. In case the listeners were tempted to think “good point Lord R, keep socking it to ’em”, Justin (or Evan) was there to deflate with ‘Lord Ridley was, of course, chairman of Northern Rock when it required a bail-out from the tax-payer’ – which we are supposed to decode as ‘you should ignore this two-faced loon’. But whether or not he personally has benefited from tax-payer funded largesse does not affect the truth of his point, and how often are we reminded of embarrassing little details in the political life of Labour mps or Lords inconsistent with what they are currently saying? Never, I would answer my own question, as long as ‘what they are currently saying’ conforms with BBC leftish prejudices and they can get away with it.


  17. John Anderson says:

    I have seen many arguments dispelling the BBC-supported myth of global warming, but this brief essay gives a useful summary of 25 reasons why the alarmists are wrong – proven wrong by facts and events.

    Faced with this amount of contrary evidence, any rational person has to challenge the global warming myth – or reject it. To do so is not to be a “denier” or to be in thrall to mysterious vested interests.

    The real “deniers” are people like Roger Harrabin, as manipulative as you could get. It is a scandal that he keeps his job, that he keeps spouting the “97% consensus” lies, that he still tries to marginalise the truth that global warming is a busted flush.

    The paper gives 25 reasons why it is a busted flush. How many of these reasons has Harrabin (or Black or any of the BBC ignoramuses) ever reported properly ?


    • johnnythefish says:

      Great link – thanks. If more people wrote to their MP challenging the misguided political consensus on global warming and the current economy-wrecking policies on carbon reduction targets and ‘renewable’ energy, attching this piece from WUWT, the worm might eventually start to turn.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      If science was divided into 33 equal specialisms, and only one of those specialisms had secret knowledge about the “Unified Theory of Climate”. Then I suppose Harrabin could be correct. But that would mean that it was a consensus of the ignorant.

      It has happened before. Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Darwin and Einstein were all originally part of a three percent, defying a consensus of ignorance.


  18. noggin says:

    the BBC seems a bit slow reporting this? …. yay feminism eh! … don t know why? it hits all their narrative buttons.
    in the er … “modern” – “moderate” “wonderful example of muslim integration” Indonesia.


  19. DYKEVISIONS says:

    As #88 has sensibly mentions in an earlier thread today, it is the ‘little things’ that betray the BBC’s activisms.
    Talking of ‘little things’,heterophobe,(why not?)Evan Davis could not help himself and foister his one and only agenda on the Today programme yet again!

    He was interviewing Lord Brown formerly of BP about Non Executives within Government Departments and he shoe horned in before the weather, Brown’s first speech in the Lords, about wait for it, Homosexual ‘Marriage’.
    Brown crooned ‘Marriage is not a fixed idea!!’ Then about the new Law going through the Lords, Davis gushed ‘It’s a done deal?’
    The interview starts at 53m.44s but the rot starts on 57m.15s
    How nauseating and a total waste of precious air time!


  20. bob says:

    if i was the leader of ukip nigel farage, i would sue hope not hate for defamation,for hope not hate to class ukip as a hate and fascist group is beyond contempt.


  21. JimS says:

    Good grief! Jeremy Vine socks it to Greenpeace on useless wind turbines!

    Pity he didn’t challenge them on Germany’s imports of electricity from Sweden or their rush to bring online new ‘dirty’ brown coal power stations.

    It’s a start! Well done Jeremy!


    • Chop says:

      Perhaps he just got his latest electric bill.

      I know when I got my last gas bill, I wanted to smack a few Greenies for the 25% raise in cost from this time last year.

      “Frack me” I say.


  22. JayBee says:

    More on islamic centre attack…

    We are told, “Community ‘shocked'” but which community? We have so many communities and not one nation.

    The article quotes just one muslim from the community and no non-muslims from the same community. Hardly representative. The only other quotes are from the LibLabCon-trick.

    The muslim says, “”I can only speak for myself but I feel this is an act of terrorism.” Does he have anything to say about the act of terrorism upon the soldier in Woolwich? No.


    • Chop says:

      Surely, in light of the supposed “EDL” “Community Center” attack*, Tommy and the gang should be on every BBC channel condemning the actions, but pointing out that it is British foreign policy that is to blame…(rolley eyes)

      * Unproven, but hell, lets run with it! – BBC


    • noggin says:

      well apparently, there was grafitti inside … this pillar of the community, islamic “delapidated/shed/ex scouthut” community centre”? …. scrawl from some eloquent passing tramp? maybe … bored teenagers dossing perhaps … who knows.

      hmmm anyway, 5dead have just stopped the presses and reported “breaking news” …
      someone from the edl has been arrested?, for protesting about the terrorists who wanted them all dead how “very dare you”


      • Chop says:

        Tsk…..Pesky protestors….they should be bloody well happy that a bunch of beardy halfwits want to kill them.

        Don’t they realise that protesting about their own demise may* offend Muslim sensitivities?

        * According to the BBC.


  23. AsISeeIt says:

    Shushhhh… Ed’s speaking.
    Vicky Derbyshire on BBC 5 live goes silent for the lastest platitudes from the dear leader.
    Wait about! We break away for some breaking news. Gosh, what could have happened? Oh Andy Coulson is facing a short procedural Court appearance. (‘Phone Hacking’ – crime of the century doncha know!). Quick…. back to project Miliband.
    Now let’s have a balanced BBC chat about the lastest musing of the potential PM (and Great-TV-Licence-Fee-increaser) in waiting.
    It is a four sided square table discussion: Our Vicky, John Pienaar and two Labour supporters.
    Where’s the balance I hear you ask?
    Well one of the labouristas is worried about her Party turning too far to the right on benefits policy.
    I shudder as I feel a premonition of post-2015 when is Ed is PM and the Beeb are egging him further left. Or was my shudder a frightening echo of pre-2010 when the BBC were forever pushing Gordon further leftward in his mad spending spree at our expense?
    BBC : Labour : Same as ever.


  24. George R says:

    While INBBC adopts Islamic propaganda of ‘Islamophobia’, Douglas Murray has just written a book (which I think describes the INBBC political position well) entitled, ‘Islamophilia’.

    “Don’t ‘monitor’ him. Lock him up and throw away the key: DOUGLAS MURRAY on why police need to act now against Britain’s most reviled man”

    [ ‘Islamophilia’ by Douglas Murray, published by EMBOOKs, is available from]


  25. David Preiser (USA) says:

    This should be amusing:

    Your questions about Guantanamo Bay

    Jonathan Beale is at Gitmo to wring his hands over their human rights.

    Do you have a question for Jonathan about Guantanamo?

    Jonathan will be available to answer your questions in a live Twitter Q&A on Guantanamo at 15:30 BST (14:30 GMT, 10:30 EST) on Thursday.


    • Ian Hills says:

      “Obama thinks it’s damaged US reputation – hence his promise to close it down. So far US Congress has blocked Gitmo closures.”

      Funny, I didn’t think He needed the Ku Klux Klan’s Congress’ permission to close it down.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        He doesn’t, but He needs their help to shift the inmates elsewhere. Not to mention the help of other countries for some of them. But we do get the “Congress blocks His every move” Narrative, as usual eliding the fact that the Senate is controlled by the Democrats, who also controlled all of Congress for the first two years of His reign.

        Notice that in his Twitter response about that he admits that the BBC isn’t using the US’s preferred terminology, “cleared for transfer.” The article on the website says “cleared for release”, which is so not the same thing at all as to be borderline dishonest. It’s a mixture of both.


  26. AsISeeIt says:

    ‘Chris Denning, a former [BBC] Radio 1 DJ from the 1960s, can be named as the 72-year-old man arrested earlier this week under Operation Yewtree on suspicion of sexual offences.’

    Another unrepresentative lone wolf?

    ‘Last week it emerged that 20 past and present BBC employees have faced 36 allegations of sexually abusing children and teenage victims since the Savile scandal last October. The allegations were among a total of 152 recent and historic complaints of sexual abuse against 81 BBC employees and freelancers, including 48 about Savile, made in the past nine months.’

    Don’t worry BBC, statistics show that most child abusing perverts live within 100 yards of a takeaway outlet or a minicab office.


    • The Beebinator says:

      my god, is there any another media organisation in the whole wide world that employs more paedos and rapists than the BBC? this must be down to the unique way its funded. either that or climate change


  27. George R says:

    While BBC-NUJ reports on beggars in e.g. Pakistan, BBC-NUJ is more reluctant to report on beggars in England:-

    “Beggars and thieves from across Europe are flocking to the streets of Britain, Theresa May warns the EU.
    “Home Secretary warns of ‘unacceptable burden’ on schools and hospitals.
    “Uses speech to EU ministers to demand changes to border rules.
    “Highlights how EU nationals are fleecing the British taxpayer.”
    By JAMES SLACK.^headlines


    • Ian Hills says:

      Soothingly, though, Auntie has reassured us that there won’t be a problem when Romania, with its vast gypsy population, joins the EU.


  28. noggin says:

    Mr Hague said
    “Britain still did not accept it was legally liable for the actions of what was a colonial administration in Kenya”

    well f-ckwit, you ve opened a can of worms now …
    £20,000 000 – whats the betting they ll be belly dancing
    in Kenya tonight, along with that Martin Day?

    Quite a precedent to set eh! … you ll be shocked to hear
    yep!, the rep for the terrorists, i mean mau mau says its
    nowhere near enough, as there are 1000s more terrorists, oops i mean mau mau, to be represented by Mr Day
    and it will be cheaper to shower them with cash than expensive court cases in the long run surely.

    I mean “WHAT? have the Romans ever done for us”
    well i don t know, but their atrocious crimes and murderous
    rampages, should help clear our deficit, with all the millions
    owed eh!
    Those pesky Froggies better get the wallet out,
    Hitler 😀 hey heeeeyy! … quids in, that is the absurdity of it.

    The sh-tbags at BBC radio “colonial guilt” … i mean 5live,
    are “colonial” cockahoop! … two segments on the
    5″colonial guilt”live Drive News already.


  29. George R says:

    While BBC-NUJ advocates homosexual ‘marriage’, BBC-NUJ is less interested in exposing sham marriages:-

    “Now half of sham marriages involve foreign students: Members of bogus colleges who face being kicked out marry Britons and EU citizens to prolong their stay.
    “Figures come from a snapshot Home Office survey over three months.
    “It is revealed 50% of ceremonies involved people who had first entered as students.”
    By JAMES SLACK.^headlines


  30. George R says:


    When is a political U-turn not a U-turn for BBC-NUJ?

    -When it’s the Labour Party making it .

    ‘Daily Express’:

    “Ed Miliband taunted over U-turn on child benefit.

    “LABOUR leader Ed Miliband was accused of a massive U-turn yesterday after he dropped plans to restore child benefit for better-off households.”

    By Macer Hall.


  31. johnnythefish says:

    Decided to do a bit of catch up on the old Sky box last night and watched a Horizon special which was all about the latest inventions and potential breakthroughs in science.

    The first bit was about Google putting up a £20 million prize for the first private company to land a rover vehicle on the moon and for it to complete a certain number of tasks. We were told in the intro (mixed race bird, Irish accent, loads of boxes ticked already) that the reason the US govt. had gievn up on space exploration in 1972 was the prohibitive cost.

    Then we had a brilliant guy whose company of young inventors had already filed for 800 patents and they were growing almost daily.

    Fair enough.

    But then on some pretext which I can’t quite remember (the sleight of mouth of these BBC presenters puts even ‘Lord’ Mandelson to shame) she was suddenly interviewing this doctor or professor of something or other from Sussex Uni telling us that without the public sector we wouldn’t have had anywhere near the number of innovations we now take for granted. Examples given were the touchscreeen (CIA), microchips (NASA) and the world-wide web (US military).

    No mention of the bottomless pits of money these ‘public sector bodies’ were given to give the US a massive strategic advantage in space, military or intelligence, and of course it never occurred to this airhead that this massive spending splurge will partly explain why the US is $16 trillion in debt.

    No, just a smug knowingness between the two and a subliminal message successfully delivered, leaving the gullible BBC viewer imagining the atom being cracked in the potting sheds by their local parks department in their spare time.

    Then we had the wonderful web inventors who share ideas and develop new inventions without seeking reward, co-operating and collaborating with the environment at the top of their agenda and without a thought for profit, whilst large companies have profit as their driver and care for the environment comes way down their list. So, when the invention looks like a goer, I felt like screaming at the TV, who puts up the risk capital to deliver it? It was as if I’d entered an alternative universe where people don’t need jobs anymore, or get paid, or pay taxes to fund public services (including aforementioned potting sheds), let alone work to make a profit for companies who provide jobs and pay company taxes and keep a country solvent through its exports etc etc.

    It was an undiluted eco-socialist agenda dressed up as a science programme and an even bigger fantasy than Labour’s strategy for welfare, and that’s saying summat.


  32. johnnythefish says:

    Can anyone imagine why this analysis might have escaped the world’s best investigative journalists?

    Could it be that one of them, Roger Harrabin, still burbles on abour rising temperatures as if the alarmists’ climate modelling had been absolutely spot on?

    Bad news, *Rog, they have failed on an epic scale due to their massive assumptions regarding ‘positive feedback’.

    See modelling predictions vs observed temperatures here, and wonder why it’s not being debated in Parliament and why we are still being misled by the BBC:

    ‘Now, in what universe do the above results not represent an epic failure for the models?

    I continue to suspect that the main source of disagreement is that the models’ positive feedbacks are too strong…and possibly of even the wrong sign.

    The lack of a tropical upper tropospheric hotspot in the observations is the main reason for the disconnect in the above plots, and as I have been pointing out this is probably rooted in differences in water vapor feedback. The models exhibit strongly positive water vapor feedback, which ends up causing a strong upper tropospheric warming response (the “hot spot”), while the observation’s lack of a hot spot would be consistent with little water vapor feedback.’

    *Please note, Rog, Dr Spencer is a climate scientist.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Until presently the Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect was the only one available to climate scientists, but you need positive feedback to fill the gaps between the facts, but the proof is that the feedback is negative, that is why there is no formula for feedback, feedbacks are only fictional assumptions in computer models.
      Its why climate scientists are now abandoning the Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect. Because only recently we have a method called the “Unified Theory of Climate” which solves the problem of explaining the temperatures in all parts of the atmospheres of all the planets in the Solar System, including the Earth and the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars. The description of the method would be to say that as the increase in pressure reduces the speed of transfer of heat, the increase in heat maintains the equilibrium with the input of heat from the Sun, as more heat is transferred but at a slower rate, maintaining the equilibrium.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        Warmist dogma is largely based on feedback assumptions, no? That and Michael Mann’s non-repeatable tree ring results.


  33. George R says:

    For INBBC:

    – the real problem with Islam is not the EDL-

    “Can we ‘save Muslims’
    by banning the EDL?
    “Activists want to squish the EDL because they think its propaganda turns Muslims into Islamists. How patronising.”

    By Tom Bailey, a history undergraduate.


  34. George R says:

    INBBC still avoids saying that this anti-alcohol campaigner is a Muslim:-

    “England’s north-west ‘needs minimum alcohol price'”


    • pounce says:

      I for one can’t wait for Sharia law in the Uk, I will just go around saying that: these gay bBC wankers have disparaged Islam and as such have to die…Simples.


      • George R says:

        Yes, is this an anti-alcohol campaign, or part of a covert Islamic transitional political programme towards the implementation of Sharia law?


    • Pob says:

      Why is it salient, George? Were it a Christian and creed wasn’t mentioned would you be so critical?


  35. pounce says:

    I see the bBC is promoting the case of funding Kenyan terrorists as a just cause. Watch the anti british video clip from the bBC about how the British can only be guilty.
    You know what I see:
    Kick out every Kenyan passport holder in the Uk
    Stop all Aid to Kenya
    Write to your MP to stop the bBC tax
    Write a letter to the f-ing ambulance chaser telling him what a traitor he is.
    Vote UKIP


  36. George R says:

    A comment from Beeboid Ms KAY:

    “Can old white men fix sex assault in military? asks Katty Kay.”

    (right-hand column.)

    Is Ms Kay’s comment:

    a.) ageist ? b.) racist? and/or c.) anti-male?


    • Stewart says:

      No clearer example of the liberal inquisitions quasi-religious world view


  37. George R says:

    INBBC’s Islamophilia extends to its continuing empathetic coverage of jihad detainees at Guantanamo.

    Beeboid Beale doesn’t report this:


    “Gitmo: Controversy over inmates hiding weapons in Qur’ans leads to hunger strike.

    [Opening excerpt]:
    “The guards there already handle the Qur’an with great care, in tacit admission that they really are unclean kuffar, and know it. Now the jihadis there are pressing for their Qur’ans to be off limits to inspection, even by the ‘Muslim linguists’ who inspect them now (the kuffar guards are apparently unworthy to perform such an inspection). They’d be able to plot all sorts of things in that event — but at least the military wouldn’t be ‘Islamophobic.'”

    Instead, Beale has an appeasing attitude towards the Gitmo jihadists’ usual complaints, especially re-Koran.

    Beale gives no hints of the past jihad actions of inmates; and gives no indication of how many of them on release have become recidivist jihadists, receiving especially friendly treatment in Saudi Arabia.

    Beale’s bias here:-

    “Guantanamo’s asymmetric war as hunger strike continues”
    By Jonathan Beale
    BBC News, Guantanamo Bay.


  38. Pob says:

    I spent a long day on the road but I am sure I heard the Beeb mention two scumbags who raped a boy in Manchester. One had muslim name, the other hadn’t. Which one is worse?


  39. Pob says:

    Sorry if that was Off -Topic it was a question for George R.


    • will.duncan says:

      George R or one of socks? He forgets to change his ID when replying to his own posts (see examples above)!


  40. Peter Thomas says:

    Why was this Iraqi scumbag allowed in our country? Every day, we here of such scummy foreigners allowed to reside here. Is it possible, in Law, for a victim to sue the Minister responsible does anyone know? It seems foreigners don’t have any problems getting legal aid and sueing our Government or Government Department, but it doesn’t seem to work that way for British victims. Why is that?


  41. Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

    The bBBC continues its Hillsborough campaign, hoping to smear as many people in government at the time as they can. Now the ‘news’ is that the new inquest will consider problems at other football matches including the Cup Final in 1923 (!). But the bBBC fails to mention Heysel, where the rampaging Scousers murdered 39 Italians.


    • Pob says:

      Sorry. Sir Arthur but the BBC can’t say “Because of violent thugs at Heysel we can’t address Hillsborough” Both deserve enquiries. All victims deserve justice.

      Have you personally read the Taylor Report? Have you seen how it has been factually dissembled? What should the BBC do here? How do you want them to report it.?

      Killers? Pickpockets? Drunkards? Come on. That has been a smear that keeps coming up. Nobody in their right mind forgets Heysel but little kiddies crushed due to negligence is not in any way equatable to vicious hooligans.


      • uncle bup says:

        ‘Nobody in their right minds forgets Heysel’.


        But how many minutes of silence have there been at Anfield for Heysel vs how many for Hillsborough.


      • Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

        Those of us who live in the northwest are used to having rammed down our throats the bBBC ‘revenge for the 96’ propaganda on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis. Hillsborough is hardly ever out of the top six ‘news’ stories on the bBBC Merseyside website.
        According to their version of ‘the truth’, there were only 96 Liverpool supporters in Leppings Lane, when Mrs Thatcher ordered the Yorkshire police to crush them, watched by the entire population of Merseyside who were elsewhere in the Hillsborough ground, quietly and soberly minding their own business. Those Liverpool thugs who turned up late, ticketless, pushing the early-arrivals into the fence, have been airbrushed from history.
        And now they want the 1923 Cup Final to be considered as part of the inquest, a game 66 years before Hillsborough with no relevance except to provide a smokescreen. But not the Heysel game, just four years before, where Liverpool supporters also killed other fans, the reason why they were caged into pens at other matches. Context is all.
        But we shouldn’t have to pay for the bBBC to support the whingeing campaign for revenge.


        • Ian Hills says:

          Rather like Bloody Sunday, with its civil rights protesters throwing acid and nail bombs at our troops (and MacGuinness armed with a sub-machine gun).

          Any relation to the “Liverpool thugs” mentioned by Arthur, I wonder?


        • will.duncan says:

          Even The Sun has apologised for its slurs but clearly the truth doesn’t often break into this trolls alternative reality.


          • Stewart says:

            Forced to apologise don’t you mean?
            Or is there no difference in your constructed one?


          • Christopher says:

            But they’re not Trolls – that is the consensus here.


          • Chop says:


            Have you ever watched the footage of Hillsborough?

            I recommend you do, not the edited highlights.

            It’s online, and easy to find, go on….fill your boots, then report back, and tell me that the piss heads who were late and ticketless did not cause the surge that killed the innocent 96 fans.

            Not many people covered themselves in glory that day, but to ONLY blame the police is fecking ludicrous.


            • johnnythefish says:

              Correct. Those scenes have now been airbrushed from history as far as our brave media are concerned, and the great British public (like Will) brainwashed in the process.

              Another big compo bonanza on the way, coming out of our pockets.


  42. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Beeboid Beale in Guantanamo reacting to a staff member explaining that the inmates on hunger strike are strapped down and forced to receive nutrition.

    “Which suggests that they don’t want to be force-fed.”

    No comment necessary.


  43. George R says:


    Beeboid Bowen, at Istanbul Stock Exchange, seems disappointed in Erdogan’s hard-line with demonstrators.

    Of course, Bowen is mindful of the BBC-NUJ/Labour/Lib Dem/Tory political commitment to get 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U as soon as possible, under Erdogan’s Islamising government or not.

    “Turkish PM Erdogan’s tough stance ‘affects stock market'”


    “Turkish Government Supplying Textbooks for German Schooling System That Deny Armenian Genocide and Are Filled With Fanatic Turkish Nationalism”


    • Mark says:

      Do pupils in English madrassas still have their books supplied from a Saudi publisher, complete with their messages of hatred against Christians and Jews ?

      Things have gone quiet on this one.


  44. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Let’s see Mark Mardell squirm his way out of this one:

    President Obama’s Dragnet

    The administration has now lost all credibility.

    Is the NY Times editorial board racist?


    • Reed says:

      They’re throwing that around like zoo chimps flinging shit…



    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      The NY Times did a stealth edit last night. The line now reads, “lost all credibility on this issue“.

      I suppose it would be churlish to suggest detecting the hand of Mark Thompson, but there aren’t too many people above the editorial board. In any case, this is literally Winston Smith territory, and nobody can blame Republicans or the Tea Party or racism on this one.

      I’m surprised a defender of the indefensible hasn’t already rushed over to check and come back to attack me for making up something that isn’t there. Missed your chance, guys.


  45. George R says:

    Syrian refugees:
    Beeboids will add them to UK’s mass immigration.

    Beeboids have begun the political softening up process (e.g. first item ‘Newsnight’ tonight) to get Syrian refugees into Britain.


    • Derek says:

      Very clever manipulation by Newsnight, though, talking about Christian Syrian refugees**, who were understandably fleeing outright bloody war between two or more factions of the ‘Religion of Peace’.

      Then having the sob piece from a Muslim Syrian woman who wants to go with her family to Sweden.
      Here Newsnight ignored that they had already described the escape route through Turkey – which by last reckoning is a Muslim country becoming even more Islamic.

      **Thoroughly ignored by Newsnight was the aspect that Christian Syrians did not appear to need to become refugees until the rebels (who the BBC seem to support) decided to fight for Islamic ideology (or theocracy – nearly the same difference?).


  46. DB says:

    Compare and contrast the BBC’s editorial focus.

    When it emerged that the Bush administration authorised snooping on foreign phone calls by hundreds of people in the US following 9/11, the BBC headlines were:

    Bush admits he authorised spying

    Bush stands firm over spying row

    Bush! Spying!

    And now the phone records for tens of millions of Americans under the Obama admin:

    US confirms Verizon phone records collection.

    It’s not spying any more, it’s “record collection”. And you don’t see the name “Obama” until the 6th paragraph. Funny that.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Must be a few more of those rogue employees about which He knew nothing.


      • DB says:

        Waiting for Katty Kay to tweet something along the lines of “Textbook response to NSA/Verizon story by White House. Clearly GOP’s fault.”


        • David Preiser (USA) says:

          We already saw the “Bush started it” Narrative in the initial report, so that’s where I’m putting my money for the time being.

          BTW, in other Community Organizer-in-Chief Didn’t Know About These Rogue Agents news, an IRS flunky in Cincinnatti has cracked and named an IRS lawyer in DC for leading the Stop the Tea Party scheme. Which means there’s another name or three above him.


        • David Preiser (USA) says:

          Wow! To her credit, Katty actually RTed the NY Times “lost all credibility” editorial. She went via the JournoList-infested Politico, which is revealing, but never mind. I’m shocked. But credit where due. This is an historic first, and about damn time. I might have to watch next time she’s on MSNBC to see how she blames someone else for this.


  47. noggin says:

    i posted this earlier …
    the BBC seems a bit slow reporting this? ….
    yay feminism eh! …
    don t know why? it hits all their narrative buttons.

    in the er … “modern” – “moderate” “wonderful example of muslim integration” Indonesia.

    Islam … never one to “play the laughing boy”
    shows that one stop on the sharia train, is never enough.
    and erm the bbc? … the story is growing, still not a clue.


  48. George R says:

    BBC-Democrat’s political portrait of Obama appointment, Samantha POWER, is lacking.

    Some missing material, from ‘The Blaze’:-


    (inc video clips)-


  49. Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

    Yet more of the BBC’s bias by omission. Surely there can be no possible downside from millions of Muslims gathering in a disease-ridden country then spreading all over the world? So, no reason to report this:

    Health officials in Saudi Arabia are battling to halt the spread of a deadly Sars-like virus before millions of pilgrims arrive for the haj.

    The virus, which is baffling experts, has caused 30 deaths from 53 confirmed cases worldwide since it emerged in the Middle East last year. Saudi Arabia accounts for three quarters of those cases, with 24 deaths from 39 infections. Three more deaths were confirmed in the kingdom this week.

    The World Health Organisation has warned that the disease poses “a threat to the entire world”.


    • Derek says:

      Why are they worried about this, and interested in using science – surely there is no will but Allah’s? They’re not trying to go against that, are they?


      • noggin says:

        “warned that the disease poses “a threat to the entire world”.
        sure does, and stopping the spread of that Sars virus is just as important.


    • noggin says:

      Sadly one of the the worse things about Islam is that it is truly a cult of ignorance.
      The Saudis know the danger … will they put peoples health first … re – the hajj – we know the answer.
      Half the people that go, jabber on bleating the Quran by rote, not understanding anything they re saying.
      mind you …
      maybe best not to

      “Also shown was a snippet of formal prayers at Mecca, Islam’s holiest city. As Muslims circumambulated around the Ka’ba, the following supplications were blasted on a megaphone, chanted to like a drone by Islam’s devotees:
      O Allah vanquish the unjust Christians and the criminal Jews, the unjust traitors; strike them with your wrath; make their lives hostage to misery; drape them with endless despair, unrelenting pain and unremitting ailment; fill their lives with sorrow and pain and end their lives in humiliation and oppression; inflict your tortures and punishments upon the unjust Christians and criminal Jews.
      This is our supplication, Allah; grant us our request!”

      little knowledge is a dangerous thing, total lack of it
      well do the math.
      oh!, any concern for the health of the kufr?


      • Derek says:

        I think that prayer you quoted is the BBC’s current mission statement, replacing ‘Inform, Educate and Entertain’.


  50. John Anderson says:

    Snooping in the US under Obama goes far far wider than the original Verizon story:

    Mainstream media are finally latching on to some of the Obama scandals. But would the BBC even consider using the word “Scandal” in the same sentence as Obama ?