solemn candlelit vigils, “black” 😀 arm bands, ya da ya da
sheesh! to watch the abject tomfoolery of a multitude of “worthy” beebots trying to out-grieve each other, will be literally nauseating.
bbc news trumpets… “As Nelson Mandela remains critical in a Pretoria hospital, doves have been released in his honour” ….
Mandela worship? the BBC will always, as a matter of course refrain from asking any of the tough or ahem difficult questions lest the halo slips
I hope he can hang on till December, and dies on Christmas day or New Years Day. The coverage wont be so Full Bongo since BBC staff will be on holiday.
if youre letting your kids go to glastonbury, dont forget to warn them to stay well clear of anything to do with the BBC. With their history of drug abuse and predatory sexual attacks, they just cant take the chance of becoming another victim
There have been 2 reports recently on the BBC that should be watched/listened to by other BBC reporters.
Storyville BBC4 by an Israeli reporter describing among other things the legitimacy of the Occupation and how legally Israel went over and above the Geneva Convention by providing Palestine’s the right to appeal to the Israeli Supreme court.
2nd BBC World service – Not sure of the programme but the report was about the split between Sunni and Shia Muslims and the raising tensions in Britain. Although not detailed in the report could this be why there are more attacks on Muslims?
So that’s one BBC report – featuring an Israeli, so already discredited in the “you would say that, wouldn’t you?” fashion – providing the viewpoint that Israel is not in fact doing everything illegal, against all other BBC reports on anything to do “Occupied Territories” which invariably fall on the side of “illegal according to international law”, or “Israel occupied X out of the blue in 1967”.
“Balance” provided, job done, complaints from both sides received.
My point was not that the BBC are providing a balanced view because they showed this programme but that they have programmes available that do inform and BBC reporters should watch these so they can gain background knowledge and report a balanced view in the future. The chances of it actually happening is close to zero.
British citizens are bypassing immigration regulations to get their relatives into the UK, using a technicality that means that if they work in another European country for three months, they can be considered under EU rather than British law on their return. Is this cheating the system or just getting past unfair rules?
[Is this cheating the system? I don’t know. But when the story of legal loopholes was about tax avoidance getting past rules in this country it all sounded pretty naughty – on the BBC]
Who exactly are the ‘Britons’ doing this?
In their little graphics the imaginary couple are called… wait for it… John and Jill. Why suddenly so un-PC?
The BBC gives the real life example of ‘Sarah Pitard… a screenwriter from Chicago who had been living in the UK for four years on student visas when she married actor Chris Hall from Swindon’.
Sounds like a nice BBC in-house media type couple – probaly mates of the BBC journo
However the rule-bending is named…. ‘the Surinder Singh route’
And this BBC feature is written by….
‘Catrin Nye BBC Asian Network & Newsnight’
And it wouldn’t be the BBC if there wasn’t a campaign….
‘Are you affected? Do you think the current government immigration regulations rules are unfair? Do you consider the ‘Surinder Singh route’ to be cheating the system? Send your comments and experiences using the form below.’
Will BBC-NUJ report UAF intimidation in Southend?:-
“Southend landlady fears for business after attack over EDL meet”
“A Southend landlady said she fears for her business after protestors attacked the venue for allowing English Defence League (EDL) members to meet in the pub.”
It beggars belief that those UAF scumbags and their offshoot Hope not Hate call themselves ‘antifascist. It really is a sick joke, nearly as sick as the way the establishment looks the other way.
Seen on the BBC. Reporting on Nelson Mandela (condition unchanged) Underneath the scrolling* notice announces Mandela caught tuberculosis while imprisoned on Robben Island (i.e. between 1982-1988).
What possible relevance is that to the coverage of a serious and potentially fatal illness of the 95 year old man, a quarter of a century later?
Because it weakened his lungs. He might not be having so many respiratory problems now if he hadn’t. Mandela is surely a rarity among 95-year olds in having to occasionally go to the hospital with pneumonia or similar ailments, right? Er….
I’ve commented before on root cause analysis; it only ever goes back as far as it needs to in order to suit the agenda.
One could just as easily argue that he was clearly well treated in prison, otherwise he wouldn’t have made it to his ripe old age (and perhaps beyond).
Tucked away on the Beeb homepage, a HYS comment on “The Britons leaving the UK to get their relatives in” by Catrin Nye of the BBC Asian Network. This reveals some loopholes on how to get your nearest and dearest in the UK, now there’s a suprise, but most of the comments are from people who are NOT Asian (Americans. French, Dutch) – so why is this on the “Asian” Network?
I hear that one of the policemen investigating the Stephen Lawrence murder once had a shit on the same day he met with the Lawrence family and their solicitors.
The BBC is demanding a judge-led public enquiry to address these latest shocking revelations.
to Chris
I note that you still will not answer any question directly – (Why should I not mourn)-where as I have answered all yours frankly and without hesitation.
Instead you continue to suggest a supremacist motive (without your beloved evidence) behind my position
-(that the world would be poorer for having no ethnic whites in it and that the prospect saddens me)-In order I suspect to make them fit your prejudices about those that do not embrace your relativist views
your constant references to questions of racial superiority ,I believe betray either your motives or your uncertainties
I suggest you find the courage of your conviction before you continue in the role of Torquemada
I answered your question directly – I said ‘You can of course mourn if you like’. My opinion differs, as I have explained.
You say you have answered all my questions directly – in my last post I asked if it would be any sadder to lose white people than to lose black people. You did not answer. If your answer is yes, I would suggest that implies a belief that white people are better. If your answer is no, I will of course have no grounds to make that assertion.
You accused me of wanting a world without white people, without a shred of evidence.
” I asked if it would be any sadder to lose white people than to lose black people.”
No- But had already answered that but still you pursue your insinuation
“I would suggest that implies a belief that white people are better”
To you clearly, but I am not you
Now you answer- do you believe the world would be a better place without white people in it?
You hadn’t answered it before, not directly in any case. I only asked it in the last post before you started on this new page.
If you would be sadder at the loss of white people than black people, it is logical that you think white people are better. Can you tell me why this logic is wrong? (I know you answered no to my question, but I ask this because of your ‘To you clearly, but I am not you’ comment).
No, I do not believe the world would be a better place without white people in it. The absence of white people, or black people, or people of any skin colour, has no impact on how good the world is.
“You hadn’t answered it before, not directly in any case”
10:41 pm
{“However, I do not think that any one ethnic identity is inherently better than any other”
Who has said differently?
Or that or that the individual should be judged by anything other than their own actions?’}
You mean not in a way that suites your purpose. But answer it I did yet you continued to regurgitate your ‘ you hate black people you do ‘ smear
{10:53 pm
You would be sad because some whiteness had been lost (Please correct me if I’m wrong).
If no one race is better than another (as you say) then I do not understand why you would be sad at this.}
And do so again hear.
{If you would be sadder at the loss of white people than black people, it is logical that you think white people are better”}
Where did I say that? in fact I said the opposite (For the record while both would sadden me I would feel one more acutely )
If I said that forests would be diminished by the annihilation of oak trees does that mean I favour them over the ash or If the human condition would be diminished but
the destruction of Art does that mean
I hate science?
In your self righteous sanctimonious mind perhaps But as I said I am not you and increasingly glad of it
And your last piece of disablement
” the absence of white people, or black people, or people of any skin colour, has no impact on how good the world is.”
do then retract your former comment?
” No, ethnic identity is not worthless. ”
How can the two positions co-exist ?
No what I accuse you of is being a zealot who demonises any who do not share your ersatz theology
And believes any who love their own and mourn the passing of their familiar world guilty of thought crime.
But the other may well be true
“(For the record while both would sadden me I would feel one more acutely )”
Thank you for answering it directly. I have no problem with that view.
“If I said that forests would be diminished by the annihilation of oak trees does that mean I favour them over the ash or If the human condition would be diminished but
the destruction of Art does that mean
I hate science?”
Are you drawing an analogy between the destruction of forests and the loss of race through mixed-race marriage? The two cannot be compared, unless you mean that the trees are white and black people and the ash is people born of mixed-marriages. I’m afraid I don’t understand the second half of that quote.
“How can the two positions co-exist ?”
They can co-exist quite happily. All ethnic identities are worth something, and all are of equal value. Therefore all ethnic identities, to put it bluntly, ‘cancel each other out’ in terms of making a judgement on how good the world is. The world is not good just because it has white people or black people in it, but because it has both black and white people in it. What matters is the character of the person underneath the skin. Ethnic identities all equally make up part of a person’s quality.
Where have I tried to demonise you? I have not accused you of thought crime, my opinion simply differs from yours. I fully support your right to hold and express your view.
tomoMar 28, 21:20 Midweek 26th March 2025 [img][/img]
wwfcMar 28, 21:00 Weekend 29th March 2025 first lol
ZephirMar 28, 20:09 Midweek 26th March 2025 I remember a live music TV show called Revolver, hosted by Peter Cooke, no less, playing the ignorant “club owner”,…
ZephirMar 28, 20:04 Midweek 26th March 2025 You must have had a slush fund then ? And what happened if you didn’t sell it fast enough ?…
ScrobleneMar 28, 20:03 Midweek 26th March 2025 One issue I have with lefties, is their arrogant distaste for anything commercial. Years ago, I sold concrete to various…
Lefty WrightMar 28, 19:52 Midweek 26th March 2025 Mrs Wright has informed me that after watching a BBC chat show this morning that she will no longer take…
ZephirMar 28, 19:39 Midweek 26th March 2025 Talking of “X”.. “Am I overweight ?” Boomers: “You could lose a few pounds” Millenials: “No, you’re beautiful” Gen Z:…
solemn candlelit vigils, “black” 😀 arm bands, ya da ya da
sheesh! to watch the abject tomfoolery of a multitude of “worthy” beebots trying to out-grieve each other, will be literally nauseating.
bbc news trumpets… “As Nelson Mandela remains critical in a Pretoria hospital, doves have been released in his honour” ….
Mandela worship? the BBC will always, as a matter of course refrain from asking any of the tough or ahem difficult questions lest the halo slips
I hope he can hang on till December, and dies on Christmas day or New Years Day. The coverage wont be so Full Bongo since BBC staff will be on holiday.
if youre letting your kids go to glastonbury, dont forget to warn them to stay well clear of anything to do with the BBC. With their history of drug abuse and predatory sexual attacks, they just cant take the chance of becoming another victim
There have been 2 reports recently on the BBC that should be watched/listened to by other BBC reporters.
Storyville BBC4 by an Israeli reporter describing among other things the legitimacy of the Occupation and how legally Israel went over and above the Geneva Convention by providing Palestine’s the right to appeal to the Israeli Supreme court.
2nd BBC World service – Not sure of the programme but the report was about the split between Sunni and Shia Muslims and the raising tensions in Britain. Although not detailed in the report could this be why there are more attacks on Muslims?
So that’s one BBC report – featuring an Israeli, so already discredited in the “you would say that, wouldn’t you?” fashion – providing the viewpoint that Israel is not in fact doing everything illegal, against all other BBC reports on anything to do “Occupied Territories” which invariably fall on the side of “illegal according to international law”, or “Israel occupied X out of the blue in 1967”.
“Balance” provided, job done, complaints from both sides received.
Hi David
My point was not that the BBC are providing a balanced view because they showed this programme but that they have programmes available that do inform and BBC reporters should watch these so they can gain background knowledge and report a balanced view in the future. The chances of it actually happening is close to zero.
The BBC entitle this feature ‘Extreme Immigration’
[I though we had that under New Labour?]
The Britons leaving the UK to get their relatives in
British citizens are bypassing immigration regulations to get their relatives into the UK, using a technicality that means that if they work in another European country for three months, they can be considered under EU rather than British law on their return. Is this cheating the system or just getting past unfair rules?
[Is this cheating the system? I don’t know. But when the story of legal loopholes was about tax avoidance getting past rules in this country it all sounded pretty naughty – on the BBC]
Who exactly are the ‘Britons’ doing this?
In their little graphics the imaginary couple are called… wait for it… John and Jill. Why suddenly so un-PC?
The BBC gives the real life example of ‘Sarah Pitard… a screenwriter from Chicago who had been living in the UK for four years on student visas when she married actor Chris Hall from Swindon’.
Sounds like a nice BBC in-house media type couple – probaly mates of the BBC journo
However the rule-bending is named…. ‘the Surinder Singh route’
And this BBC feature is written by….
‘Catrin Nye BBC Asian Network & Newsnight’
And it wouldn’t be the BBC if there wasn’t a campaign….
‘Are you affected? Do you think the current government immigration regulations rules are unfair? Do you consider the ‘Surinder Singh route’ to be cheating the system? Send your comments and experiences using the form below.’
Yes, BBC ‘Asian Network’ has a vested, and political interest in getting as many of their relatives in as immigrants as possible.
al beeb A.N. been advertising this for over a week! must contain handy tips and pointers
… now where is that keith,(we need 1000s of bangladeshi chefs) vaz,
pass the vaseline
Oops, just posted this one, missed that you had already reported it, sorry!
Will BBC-NUJ report UAF intimidation in Southend?:-
“Southend landlady fears for business after attack over EDL meet”
“A Southend landlady said she fears for her business after protestors attacked the venue for allowing English Defence League (EDL) members to meet in the pub.”
the fascist UAF are not different from nazi brown shirts
“said they could use the pub so long as there was no trouble, they were as good as gold”
.. unlike the gov backed Union of Arrogant Fascists
It beggars belief that those UAF scumbags and their offshoot Hope not Hate call themselves ‘antifascist. It really is a sick joke, nearly as sick as the way the establishment looks the other way.
Seen on the BBC. Reporting on Nelson Mandela (condition unchanged) Underneath the scrolling* notice announces Mandela caught tuberculosis while imprisoned on Robben Island (i.e. between 1982-1988).
What possible relevance is that to the coverage of a serious and potentially fatal illness of the 95 year old man, a quarter of a century later?
Because it weakened his lungs. He might not be having so many respiratory problems now if he hadn’t. Mandela is surely a rarity among 95-year olds in having to occasionally go to the hospital with pneumonia or similar ailments, right? Er….
I’ve commented before on root cause analysis; it only ever goes back as far as it needs to in order to suit the agenda.
One could just as easily argue that he was clearly well treated in prison, otherwise he wouldn’t have made it to his ripe old age (and perhaps beyond).
Tucked away on the Beeb homepage, a HYS comment on “The Britons leaving the UK to get their relatives in” by Catrin Nye of the BBC Asian Network. This reveals some loopholes on how to get your nearest and dearest in the UK, now there’s a suprise, but most of the comments are from people who are NOT Asian (Americans. French, Dutch) – so why is this on the “Asian” Network?
“The BBC long ago became a mouthpiece for green lunatics.
“Why does it pretend otherwise?”
By James Delingpole.
I hear that one of the policemen investigating the Stephen Lawrence murder once had a shit on the same day he met with the Lawrence family and their solicitors.
The BBC is demanding a judge-led public enquiry to address these latest shocking revelations.
If diversity is good, why are they trying to homogenise us all?
Even Soros-funded, leftist ‘HuffPost’ lets through a rare, mainly realistic piece on nature of Islam.
INBBC doesn’t even do that.
“Islam At War — With Itself”
(Apart from a para or two, this is more realistic than usual HuffPost’s Islam appeasing fare.)
to Chris
I note that you still will not answer any question directly – (Why should I not mourn)-where as I have answered all yours frankly and without hesitation.
Instead you continue to suggest a supremacist motive (without your beloved evidence) behind my position
-(that the world would be poorer for having no ethnic whites in it and that the prospect saddens me)-In order I suspect to make them fit your prejudices about those that do not embrace your relativist views
your constant references to questions of racial superiority ,I believe betray either your motives or your uncertainties
I suggest you find the courage of your conviction before you continue in the role of Torquemada
I answered your question directly – I said ‘You can of course mourn if you like’. My opinion differs, as I have explained.
You say you have answered all my questions directly – in my last post I asked if it would be any sadder to lose white people than to lose black people. You did not answer. If your answer is yes, I would suggest that implies a belief that white people are better. If your answer is no, I will of course have no grounds to make that assertion.
You accused me of wanting a world without white people, without a shred of evidence.
” I asked if it would be any sadder to lose white people than to lose black people.”
No- But had already answered that but still you pursue your insinuation
“I would suggest that implies a belief that white people are better”
To you clearly, but I am not you
Now you answer- do you believe the world would be a better place without white people in it?
You hadn’t answered it before, not directly in any case. I only asked it in the last post before you started on this new page.
If you would be sadder at the loss of white people than black people, it is logical that you think white people are better. Can you tell me why this logic is wrong? (I know you answered no to my question, but I ask this because of your ‘To you clearly, but I am not you’ comment).
No, I do not believe the world would be a better place without white people in it. The absence of white people, or black people, or people of any skin colour, has no impact on how good the world is.
“You hadn’t answered it before, not directly in any case”
10:41 pm
{“However, I do not think that any one ethnic identity is inherently better than any other”
Who has said differently?
Or that or that the individual should be judged by anything other than their own actions?’}
You mean not in a way that suites your purpose. But answer it I did yet you continued to regurgitate your ‘ you hate black people you do ‘ smear
{10:53 pm
You would be sad because some whiteness had been lost (Please correct me if I’m wrong).
If no one race is better than another (as you say) then I do not understand why you would be sad at this.}
And do so again hear.
{If you would be sadder at the loss of white people than black people, it is logical that you think white people are better”}
Where did I say that? in fact I said the opposite (For the record while both would sadden me I would feel one more acutely )
If I said that forests would be diminished by the annihilation of oak trees does that mean I favour them over the ash or If the human condition would be diminished but
the destruction of Art does that mean
I hate science?
In your self righteous sanctimonious mind perhaps But as I said I am not you and increasingly glad of it
And your last piece of disablement
” the absence of white people, or black people, or people of any skin colour, has no impact on how good the world is.”
do then retract your former comment?
” No, ethnic identity is not worthless. ”
How can the two positions co-exist ?
No what I accuse you of is being a zealot who demonises any who do not share your ersatz theology
And believes any who love their own and mourn the passing of their familiar world guilty of thought crime.
But the other may well be true
“(For the record while both would sadden me I would feel one more acutely )”
Thank you for answering it directly. I have no problem with that view.
“If I said that forests would be diminished by the annihilation of oak trees does that mean I favour them over the ash or If the human condition would be diminished but
the destruction of Art does that mean
I hate science?”
Are you drawing an analogy between the destruction of forests and the loss of race through mixed-race marriage? The two cannot be compared, unless you mean that the trees are white and black people and the ash is people born of mixed-marriages. I’m afraid I don’t understand the second half of that quote.
“How can the two positions co-exist ?”
They can co-exist quite happily. All ethnic identities are worth something, and all are of equal value. Therefore all ethnic identities, to put it bluntly, ‘cancel each other out’ in terms of making a judgement on how good the world is. The world is not good just because it has white people or black people in it, but because it has both black and white people in it. What matters is the character of the person underneath the skin. Ethnic identities all equally make up part of a person’s quality.
Where have I tried to demonise you? I have not accused you of thought crime, my opinion simply differs from yours. I fully support your right to hold and express your view.
I was right first time ,about your weasel words I mean
I’m sorry?
Don’t apologise
I fully support your right to hold and express your view.
I wasn’t apologising, I didn’t understand your last comment about my weasel words.
Anyway, this debate has probably run its course.