The story so far. Red Ed has problems with Red Len, so what to do? How about sending Harriet Harman onto the Marr programme on a Sunday morning so she can waffle her way through the Labour talking bite agenda? The BBC does gently point out that Unite is backing candidates in 41 other constituencies, but Harriet was allowed to claim that the problem is restricted to Falkirk and that Ed is showing his strength by dealing with the issue … in an article in The Observer. Pure farce, of course, but the BBC seems keen to present Ed as a herculean figure, confronting the evil Union barons! You have to love their instinctive bias towards the left
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The BBC is determined to present this as little Ed’s Clause 4 moment – he is lucky that the beeb and the Guardian can be relied upon to present his case for him.
When Harriet Harman was on the Mire Show did they ask her about her leaving the site of an accident, getting her husband on a women only short list, and then call her a nasty piece of work?
Harriet Harman of Labour Party, married to Jack Dromey, of ‘Unite’ and now Labour Party MP.
Some background for Labour Party supporting, BBC-NUJ:
“Harriet Harman accused of double standards over shortlist” (2010)
Her husband, Jack Dromey, ‘Unite’ and Labour Party MP-
“Jack Dromey needs a severe dressing down over £60,000 ‘peccadillo’, even if it does upset the unions “(2012.)
“Jack Dromey, the shadow housing minister, secretly accepts £60,000 in payment from the trade uniion Unite – a grave breach of parliamentary rules – and is merely told to be a good boy in future.”
If one thinks that the Kinnocks are financially incestuous…
A few years back, Gordon Brown starting using the old BNP slogan: “British jobs for British workers”. Dromey was being interviewed on the BBC for his comments (sorry, can’t remember by whom). Ever time the interviewer used the phrase “British workers”, Dromey changed it to “Workers in Britain”. To his credit, the interviewed challenged him about it. Dromey was unrepentant; his hatred of everything about this country being so great and he couldn’t force himself to use the phrase “British worker”.
Does anyone remember Jack Dromey on “Desert Island Discs” on Radio 4 a few years ago? He spoke earnestly of his Irish origins and let everyone know that he was entitled to victim status accordingly. Well you would have to feel sorry for the man, what with him being married to Harriet. Oh to be a fly on the wall in that household!
Yes after failing in his bid to replace Bill Morris as general secretary of the T.G.W.U. (By some way ,a surprise only to Dromey I seem to remember)
Mrs Dromey kicked aside the sisters to make room for hubby to parachuted into safe Labour seat.
Now that’s riding on your wife s petty coats even in Gaelic.
As Labour treasurer, Dromey affected not to notice all the illegal donations masquerading as “soft loans” pouring into party funds from wealthy backers.
Neither the police nor the BBC picked him up on that.
Wifey shares her husband’s attitude to illicit dosh, arguing that expense fiddlers shouldn’t have to repay stolen taxpayers’ money.
Dromey should have been charged with false accounting over all that money going into Labour Party coffers in return for Peerages. Strange how, as Treasurer, he never thought ask where all those extra millions were coming from.
As George mentions the sheer hypocrisy and double dealing is unbelievable, what is more unbelievable is that she can so brazenly lie on live TV. Didn’t see it but if she wasn’t challenged about (a) other proven example openly in several media and (b) her own husband’s situation and how he became an MP then the BBC has failed miserably (I know we here expect but as we have said many a time they seem to be getting more brazen in their bias and not-fit-for-purpose-ness!)
Is anyone else having problems posting? Either that or the Big D has banned me!
Oh no, everything seems to be fine. Apologies.
When Harriet is the answer to any question relating to your organisation….THEN you really are in deep doo-doo.
As useful as an ash tray on a motorbike!
Hilarious ! The daft bint has made herself a hostage to fortune, publically and on tape so no “I didn’t say that”s or “That’s not what I meant”s, and Auntie has assisted !
Get in the popcorn, boys and girls: this is going to be good. 🙂
Perhaps the BBC will put the tape in the locker in which they hid the Kinnock World at One meltdown and will only release it decades later.
Next to the “Walden on Heroes” tapes?
So politically embedded is BBC-NUJ with both the trade unions, and with the Labour Party, that the propaganda broadcasting output on this is merely treated as an issue internal to the glorious ‘Labour and trade union movement’ of which BBC-NUJ is a part.
The BBC-NUJ’s uncritical, censored material on Harman-Dromey epitimises not only what’s wrong with the Labour Party and ‘Unite’, but also what’s wrong with political role of BBC-NUJ.
Beyond BBC-NUJ’s politically embedded, Harman-Dromey friendly ‘reporting’ on its Labour Party and trade union comrades :-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Union battles could send us into oblivion says Labour grandee Lord Reid as he warns Miliband ‘credibility’ is at stake.
“John Reid warns of ‘ideological battle’ with unions at the heart of Labour.
“Tory chairman calls on Labour leader to reveal influence of unions.
“Senior Labour figures tell Miliband he must impose discipline before recess.
“Harriet Harman announces new measures to control election spending.
“Miliband vows to ‘mend not end’ party’s relationship with the unions.”
Guido showing the BBC the way again and still not costing me £140pa
Two More Labour Selections Reported to Met Police
Tory MP Bob Neill has written to Met Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe asking him to investigate Unite’s behaviour in Labour selections in Ilford North and Lewisham Deptford.
“Met is asked to probe claims of Unite vote-fixing in London seat”
More from Guido
‘Len’ll Fix It: Vote Unite in Bristol North West ‘
Come on beeb catch up
trouble with radical leftie harriet is she still thinks she is very important within the labour party,if eddy wants to lose his red tag i would ditch her straight away before the next election.
Interesting addendum to unite-labour story
will Len be looking for labour bailout as a result of ‘infiltration’?