It seems the butthurt is deep at the BBC over the Zimmerman verdict. Using the topic of celebrity lawyers as a hook, the BBC’s Tara Mckelvey has penned a hit-piece portraying Zimmerman lawyer Mark O’Mara as a self-serving celebrity-craving huckster using up his 15 minutes of fame to foment anger: “Zimmerman’s lawyer raises profile – and incites rage”
You won’t find BBC articles on the Zimmerman trial questioning the race-baiting comments from hustlers such as the Reverends Sharpton and Jackson. One assumes their views are taken as pearls of conventional wisdom within the politically correct world of left-liberal BBC newsrooms.
Mckelvey explains that the “vigilante” George Zimmerman shot Martin “through the heart”.
The jury accepted self-defence as justification for the shooting. The trial resulted in freedom for Mr Zimmerman – and in a new profile for O’Mara.
A “Justice For Trayvon” photo appears at this point in the article.
Mckelvey tells us that O’Mara’s “fame, or notoriety, was ratcheted up even more after the trial”.
After the jury reached their verdict, Mr O’Mara spoke at a press conference – and surprised people with his inflammatory comments about race.
If Zimmerman had been black, said Mr O’Mara, “he never would have been charged with a crime”.
“This became a focus for a civil rights event, which again is a wonderful event to have,” O’Mara said.
“But they decided that George Zimmerman would be the person who they were to blame and sort of use as the creation of a civil rights violation,” Mr O’Mara said. “The facts that night were not borne out that he acted in a racial way.”
Many people found his remarks offensive.
People such as BBC journalist Tara Mckelvey, evidently.
But what O’Mara said is true. Zimmerman did “become a focus for civil rights violation” because of the colour of skin. It happened when the race hustlers got involved. It happened when Obama said “If I had a son he would look like Trayvon.” It happened when the media made Zimmerman a “white Hispanic” and tried to portray him as a racist, even to the extent of selectively editing his 911 call. And it’s also true that the “facts that night were not borne out that he acted in a racial way.” The FBI conducted extensive interviews with Zimmerman, his friends and his colleagues, and could find no evidence he was racist.
Mckelvey then gives us a renatgob with approved views to make the case against O’Mara.
“The defence looked unfeeling and callous during the trial,” says Jeannine Bell, a professor of law at Indiana University. “This comment – that if Zimmerman had been black, he would not have been charged – reinforced that view.”
Jeannine Bell is author of “Policing Hatred: Law Enforcement, Civil Rights, and Hate Crime”. It’s always someone like that the BBC calls on, isn’t it? God forbid they ever get the views of a black conservative. How about asking, say, Thomas Sowell for example, eh BBC?
Mckelvey continues:
Mr O’Mara may have appeared callous, yet his remarks fuelled his fame. It is not clear how long he will stay in the limelight, though.
After a few paragraphs on other celebrity lawyers, she wraps up her article by quoting another on-message expert:
“Celebrity journalists [sic] have an agenda,” says Laurie Levenson, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, California. “They know exactly what they want to use the media for.”
Mr O’Mara’s racially charged comments at the press conference after the trial may have been an honest expression of his views but were not “helpful” to his client, says Ms Levenson.
“Being on camera in a press conference is not the time to vent,’ she says. “It’s not a therapy session.”
Mr O’Mara heightened tension with his racially charged remarks after the trial, she says, and made the situation harder for his client. She believes that his remarks hurt his chances for a career as a celebrity lawyer.
“This is O’Mara’s 15 minutes of fame,” says Ms Levenson. “It’s a flash in the pan.”
“incites rage… notoriety… inflammatory comments… offensive… unfeeling and callous… callous… racially charged comments… racially charged remarks”. Get the point? He’s a bad, bad man. Luckily he’ll be “a flash in the pan”, so he’ll get his and no mistake. The “15 minutes of fame” line is the pull quote used in the sidebar of the article.
According to Wikipedia Laurie Levenson is “a frequent television commentator on criminal legal issues, first coming to fame as a frequent commentator for CBS in the OJ Simpson trial.” Perhaps she sees O’Mara as a potential competitor on the circuit?
Not mentioned in Mckelvey’s hit-piece are O’Mara’s comments on the prosecutors:
Zimmerman’s lawyer calls prosecutors ‘disgrace’ to profession
(Reuters) – George Zimmerman’s chief defense lawyer on Monday called Florida prosecutors “a disgrace to my profession” for holding back evidence for months and pledged a new effort to impose sanctions against them.
Mark O’Mara and co-counsel Don West argued the self-defense case that helped Zimmerman win an acquittal of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges on Saturday for the 2012 shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin.
The law requires prosecutors to share evidence with defense attorneys, especially if it helps exonerate defendants. The requirement is known as the Brady disclosure.
O’Mara accused prosecutors of several Brady violations, which were heard by Judge Debra Nelson before the trial. Nelson postponed some of her decisions on sanctions until after trial, saying the process was time-consuming.
“This is not acceptable, and is not going to be tolerated in any case that I’m involved in,” O’Mara told Reuters in New York on Monday, accusing special prosecutor Angela Corey and lead trial attorney Bernie de la Rionda of Brady violations.
Pointing out any of that doesn’t serve the petty revenge-driven agenda of Mckelvey, so she conveniently ignores it.
Another low in the BBC’s biased coverage of this issue.
UPDATE. Tara McKelvey has form: BBC Admits Error in Claiming Race Played Role in Cleveland Kidnappings Coverage (h/t The Beebinator)
Originally, the police and the DA were convinced that Zimmerman was innocent of everything except defending himself. But the US government, with Pres Obama in the lead, subverted justice, fired the police chief and DA, and made political appointments to the vacant positions.
Now Zimmerman has been acquitted by a jury – unanimous decision.
So another witch hunt is starting.
Two main points
1. The President of the USA interfered in the normal course of justice. This does not happen in free civilised countries, but does happen in countries where show trials are common..
2. Why have the jury, all women, elected to remain anonymous?
The jurors are unlikely to be all white, given the race hysteria that is present in the US. So its quite likely that even the Black female jurors believed that Zimmerman was innocent.
Despite all this, the jurors, like Zimmerman himself, are on the run.
Dershowitz to Newsmax: ‘Prosecutorial Tyrant’ Violated Zimmerman’s Rights
Famed defense lawyer and Harvard law professor Alan M. Dershowitz is calling for a federal investigation into civil rights violations stemming from the George Zimmerman case — but he says the probe should focus on prosecutorial misconduct rather than on allegations of racial profiling and bias.
The jurors were five white and one Hispanic.
One of the decisions by Judge Debra Nelson that I didn’t like was her refusal to allow the defence request for the jury to visit the crime scene, a useful and common practice. I never bothered to read up why she declined this request. Perhaps concerns for juror anonymity was a factor.
ON 5Live the other night, Bishop Stephen Lowe, the former Bishop of Socialism, insinuated that a white jury was reason for the not guilty verdict. Bishop, here’s some people who would agree with you, and attests to the wisdom of keeping the jurors anonymous.
Niggas coming for that bitch ass jury too.
Calypso (@fuvk_) July 14, 2013
College Freshman @_ThuggaIAm
FUCK Zimmerman, FUCK his family , FUCK the 6 hoes on that jury, FUCK 12 & Florida’s judicial system …Karma is a bitch.. #KnowThat
3:16 AM – 14 Jul 2013
Fuck George Zimmerman let’s kill every jury bitch son and see how they feel—
#OsOaRrOgAnT (@illytre25) July 14, 2013
Baby Back Bitch @UrDadsFav
Somebody should kill one of the jury members sons and let the killer free. #Karma
Fuck Zimmerman. Find the address of every fool in the jury .. “not guilty” .. Idiosyncrasy.—
(@JDervon) July 14, 2013
@icecube surely somebody knows the address of the jury…
fuck zimmerman address give me the jury address and his lawyer address!—
DopestThug (@TyesDope) July 14, 2013
i don’t want zimmerman’s address i want the names and contact info of the members of the jury—
misha ♓ (@screammishaa) July 14, 2013
Show me the jury’s faces. Give me those address’—
☮ (@Aunzzo) July 14, 2013
IG:TeamXclusive_Droo @Droo_NoBlunt
Where these jury hoes stay? Can we get they address? #HELLO
who all was in the jury..find they address and post them mfs too they need to get it just as bad as zimmerman
fuck Zimmerman’s address. gimme ALL of the people on the jury address. fuck them.—
MK (@queenemkay_) July 14, 2013
∆ Niarbre Bank$ ∆ @niarbre_
Right ! What’s the jury address we need to kill that Mf
3:28 AM – 14 Jul 2013
Hang the jury!RT @FreeFilthyTv: they need to put ALL 6 of them BITCHES on TV with their address, email, all dat shit.right below their faces
3:35 AM – 14 Jul 2013
Everyday Is BlackDay @BlackWorld_Shaq
We Got ZIMMERMAN Address & We Need The JURY Address WE ON THEY ASS
3:34 AM – 14 Jul 2013
Fiifi Genaro… @kofijunior2
This is the Time the Gangs in America shud come as one and Kill Zimmerman and the whole Jury that decided this case…#FUCKERS!!!
10:35 AM – 14 Jul 2013
♡ K . M A S H A Y ♡ @XoXoMashay_
The Bitches Who On The Jury They Needa Get Killed Too , Now Wtf Is There Address ?
3:32 AM – 14 Jul 2013
Y’all needa kill the jury as well. they ain’t no different—
skeetsworld (@sugar_titssss) July 14, 2013
The purge should be in Florida just for tonight Kill the jury Kill Zimmerman.
Kill the lawyers Kill Zimmerman wife
4:06 AM – 14 Jul 2013
twan bunnysnook @mstwan24
I hope somebody kill the jury kids….
4:01 AM – 14 Jul 2013
Geechi Liberache @StonerTheo
6:29 AM – 14 Jul 2013
Taking the jury on a field trip to the crime scene would have resulted in a ridiculous circus. No way would there be no crowds or publicity or hassles. The judge was under enough pressure as it was. At least she did allow that odd animation, which featured a reasonable facsimile of the crime scene, in the defense’s closing statement. That seemed to give the jury a reasonable understanding of the real estate involved.
How colourful.
Enriching, even.
Vibrant !
Absolutely terrifying. What a wonderful advert for multiculturalism.
This will be Britain in twenty years.
Twenty years is very optimistic. Wouldn’t those tweets be a crime here and be acted on by the police? Don’t know if that’s the case in the US.
This man has it right about blacks getting worked up over Zimmerman.
If only the BBC would not polarise all victimised US blacks against an entire white population of racists
It has now emerged that the PROSECUTION rejected a potential black juror – because he watched Fox News!
Thanks DB. I did not know that.
Given that race played a significant role from the very start, why did the jury selection procedure include a few Blacks as well?
Very strange.
Well I remember another show trial last year – and so does Lord McAlpine. It is dashed inconvenient (not to mention expensive) when it turns out that your target is innocent after all.
(The defence appeared callous because they deliberately stuck to the facts and presented them coolly and dispassionately – the prosecution tried to inflame passions with their disgraceful summing up which was virtually devoid of anything resembling logic or common sense)
Alan Dershowitz: Zimmerman Special Prosecutor Angela Corey Shou
This video is MUST SEE.
No mention on the BBC about what this spokesman for the African American community had to say about Zimmerman.
I take it they are on their way to interview the local KKK to balance up the reporting?
“New Black Panther Party Finds Way to Inject Anti-Semitism into Zimmerman Case”
By Daniel Greenfield.
So Mahommet of the New Black Panther Party does not like ‘no good Jews’. Sign him up for the BBC.
He’s a prophet….a prophet of peace, if you will.
(Provided you are not white…or Jewish…or both)
Well said, DB. The BBC just moves from sick behavior to sick behavior on this one. Any mention that the DoJ assisted the protests demanding a trial, above and beyond their legal remit to provide impartial assistance to all groups?
I hope all lurking journalists are aware that your continued silence on this issue reduces what credibility you may have next time you chime in to tell us how we don’t understand how news works regarding some other story.
I’ve just been on the phone with Ofcom registering a complaint about David Willis’ false reporting. They’ve accepted and registered my complaint, but who knows what will happen.
I know…. They will do NOTHING.
I believe that this trial will go down in political history. A democratic government pushes false accusations against an innocent civilian, propagates them through willing media, and continues to do so after a not-guilty verdict, even though the propaganda had already caused public unrest and was sure to do so again.
No need to evoke Godwin’s law. This time it is for real.
Perhaps Mr O’Mara could review this article and see if there were any grounds for legal action against this lefty arsehole.
I wonder if the Quisling Broadcasting Corporation’s journalist who penned this is aware that UK celebrity solicitor Imran Khan also tried to have the murder convictions overturned (as a mis-carriage of justice) for those who murdered Richard Everitt.
Richard Everitt being murdered by a gang of Muslims, though only 2 convicted, and even being accepted as a racist murder.
I think Quisling Tara will be quite outraged when she hears about the noble Imran defending racists.
Wayne Dupree: My take on Zimmerman verdict. Black racism at its worst
Update. YouTube version:
Highly recommended. The man speaks common sense, and from the heart. I do hope he has children. They will certainly be brought up well.
I agree. Let’s hope there are more like him than there are like Sharpton and the Black Power racists.
it would appear that the BBC’s Tara Mckelvey has form for being an “anti-white racist”
Nice one. Update added to the post.
Nice catch, Beebinator. How did we miss this? Typcial BBC, seeing racists under the bed, no matter what.
im just going to eat that slop my girlfriend calls food, spend some time with the kids, then im going to try and email Mr Zimmermans lawyers regarding the bbc’s article, asking them, whether or not they agree with me that calling their client a “vigilante” is libel and that the appropriate course of action would be to sue Tara Mckelvey personally together with the BBC as her employer for publishing the article
‘sue Tara Mckelvey personally together with the BBC as her employer for publishing the article’
I was going to pen an ‘Easy, tiger’ there, given that anything ‘legal’ that passes through the BBC, bad, worse and always ugly, ends up deducted from the licence fee unique fund first.
However, given everything else does anyway, heck, why not?
But surely Mckelvey can be sued as an individual for writing a libellous article and the BBC for publishing it. If she loses a libel case she will have to pay damages out of her own pocket. It’s only the BBC’s damages that would come out of the Licence Tax.
Hell In this case paying damages to Mr Zimmerman I think would be a better use of the license fee than it going on the normal useless crap they do that’s Pro-AGW, Pro-Gay marriage, Pro-EU, Pro-Islam Anti-Israel, Anti-Christian, Anti-Tory, Anti-UKIP, Anti-British, or wages for pedos, wages for those that cover for pedos, wages for those that slander people as pedos, wages for people that just are not up to the job, wages for Labor PR reps and the just down right crap it normally goes on.
“Thank you for contacting O’Mara Law Group. Your message has been sent.”
i dont expect anything to come of it, but ya never know 😈 😈 😈
Here is my story now give me the evidence-base – BBC anti-racist journalists.
what the hell has this zimmerman case got to do with that race baiter and race stirrer rev al sharpton.this man should of been locked up in prison years ago for stiiring up racial hostility towards white people,now hes picking on and baiting the hispanic community,funny how when white people get battered and murdered by black gangs in the usa al sharpton keeps his big gob shut ,where was he and his race baiters when oj simpson got of with murder of his white wife a few years ago,sure if oj simpson got found guilty al sharpton would of been jumping up and down outside the courthouse saying the jury was racist.this whole race industry in the usa and the uk is just getting on my nerves now and al sharpton and his race baiters are no worse than them other race baiters in the kkk.
The farce that is the racialisation of the Zimmerman trial and reaction to its verdict is only the latest in a long line of such travesties. The plain fact is that most young Black males like Trayvon Martin who are killed are killed by young Black males like Trayvon Martin. Most trans-racial killings involving Black and White are committed by young Black males like Trayvon Martin. Neither of these facts fit the Narrative except insofar as they can be used to somehow paint the System as so oppressive that young Black males like Trayvon Martin resort to such conduct out of desperation.
Enter man-bites-dog story about a petty Black hoodlum having had the tables turned upon him, by a young Hispanic man who may have not shown the ultimate in good judgment in his own actions on the night. Now, you have the makings of a racially-divisive controversy! Seize upon the fact that his name is George Zimmerman instead of Jorge Zamora to make him “White,” seize upon the fact that, while he appears to have had good intentions as a neighbourhood watch participant, owing to his other voluntarism endeavours, such can be painted as self-appointed “saviour,” seize on the fact that Trayvon Martin was, on the night, unarmed– all these facts can make for a 21st C. version of a “lynching,” which, as we know, is a commonplace occurrence in the benighted US South like Florida.
Enter politically-motivated prosecutors who need to be seen as not disregarding the death of a young Black man lest they be called “racist,” and enter a Press full of hacks who profess to see a much larger picture of racial animus in this tragic incident and how emblematic this is of American society.
All you eventually do is to dispirit all citizens about the possibility that anything can be put right, and those who express their revulsion at how cynical all this is will, if Black, be lionised as “speaking truth to power,” and if White, be condemned as heartless haters who have failed to “check their privilege.”
If Lee Rigby had been armed as Zimmerman had been and had reacted as Zimmerman did, you know and I know the same grim comedy would have resulted in Britain, with the added fillip that double jeopardy immunity for Rigby might not be assured. (And any calls for Federal prosecution of Zimmerman on deprivation-of-civil-rights charges are cynical, because there is no basis for any– but of course, this doesn’t stop people from theorising that it should happen, the failure to do so merely being evidence of more injustice).
‘Racist’ O’Mara being interviewed
Much has been made about race in this case. Where do you see this in this case?
“I see race being injected into this case in the first week that it existed and I see that it’s never left this case, even though time and time and time again, race has been proven not to have been an element in George’s consideration that night. I see attorneys who say, four weeks ago, that this is the most significant civil rights trial of the century and then I see a partner who’s, a week ago, saying race has nothing to do with this case. So, I only wish that they would have said race has nothing to do with this case in, let’s say, March 15th or March 16th, which was the day that they heard the tape. Anytime before they allowed the pressures and animosities to foment to the point where there was at least concerns over civil unrest, disobedience, riots, whatever you want to call it.”
This case to many is a cause, it’s not just a case. These would be people who are very much in support of Trayvon Martin, who believe that there was great wrong here, and in essence, that this is a civil rights case. And I mean that in the full sense of advancing civil rights. You are perceived as a man standing in the way of this civil rights case. How do you handle that?
“Right. Very simply. I will walk over to that side, put my arm around those people and walk with them on civil rights issues. I’ve represented young black males for thirty years, I know better than most people, better than most of the people who are complaining, how young black males are treated in the criminal justice system and we need to fix it. We need to address those problems, it’s not just in the system, it’s in the schools, it’s in the churches, it’s in the families , it’s in the homes, we need to address it.”
“Get your crosshairs off George Zimmerman and I will join you. Keep your crosshairs on George Zimmerman then don’t tell me that I’m getting in the way, because you are. Because you’re the one sitting back telling me that this is a civil rights case when George had nothing to do with civil rights. This was an unfortunate event between two people. I want to walk down that path, I want to have a conversation, I’ve been asking for that conversation for over a year, let’s talk about it. This is a great opportunity for that conversation. Even if we didn’t do it right, even if George Zimmerman was not the poster child for racial improprieties towards young black males, now that the conversation is raised to the forefront, let’s have it. But don’t let that conversation override Mr. Zimmerman’s rights to a fair trial. He’s just not the racist you thought he was, and my fear is that now that they’ve connected that conversation to his conviction, that his acquittal is going to be seen as a negative for civil rights. Absolutely untrue.”
Thanks for highlighting this. It comes from an interview O’Mara gave to CNN after the jury went into deliberation but before the verdict. Here’s a link to the full transcript:
Further evidence that BBC hack Mckelvey was more concerned with pushing her biased agenda than giving a balanced and fair representation of O’Mara’s views. Simply disgraceful.
I can recommend Bonfire of the Vanities by Tome Wolfe
‘The character of the Reverend Bacon is considered by many to be based on the Reverend Al Sharpton and/or Jesse Jackson, who have both campaigned under the banner of eliminating racism, but whose methods have come under fire in recent years.’
I suppose they’re gonna blame this one on George Zimmerman too:
I don’t know about that, but you can bet the BBC will blame Zimmerman and the racist Unites States for this:
Witness claims youths yelled ‘this is for Trayvon’ in beating
Police still investigating claim in beating of Hispanic man
There have been some amendments to the original article since I first blogged. They’ve done a bit of subbing on errors, removed a “racially charged”, but have squeezed in yet another anti-O’Mara point of view:
Others are more blunt. “One of the most infuriating and insulting comments to come from Zimmerman’s legal tea [sic],” writes Dallas Morning News editorial writer Jim Mitchell.
Zimmerman’s legal tea? Another one for the sub.
Newssniffer has the history of changes (no timestamp update by the BBC since 3:03 this morning, btw) .
The addition of the quote from Jim Mitchell (as I said above – without a timestamp update) is, I venture, a direct response to my criticism here and on Twitter.
Mitchell is a black lawyer and journalist who accepts the Zimmerman verdict. His beef is with O’Mara’s comments in the press conference. Funny how Mckelvey/BBC chose to shoehorn in his views rather than those of someone more supportive of O’Mara.
One thing that hasn’t changed in the article – there isn’t a single person quoted who supports O’Mara.
Nice work, DB. It would be interesting to find out about McKelvey’s past, to see if she has the same bona fides as, say, Matt Danzico or Daniel Nasaw.
By the way, I noticed something in your feed from a “David Jack Smith”. Is that pic not the same avatar used by someone who used to comment here under the name Jack Bauer? If that’s some celeb photo, I don’t recognize it, and don’t think I’ve seen it elsewhere.
I think it’s probably the same guy.
Oh dear, we have just found out that Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman, because he thought Zimmerman was gay!
Ohhhhhhhh dear… then, what are the gay loving gangsta yoof loving Beeb gonna do….does not compute….he was black, n lovely….but he hates gayes….arrrgh!!!
The BBC will doubtless be asking a member of the gay rapist community to do a ‘special report’ on how they are all now living in fear?
One presumes locating such a person for the job will not be a stretch. zimmerman was hispanic, so why have the racists attacked this white man
As the racial violence escalates, one wonders where the Community Organizer-in-Chief is these days. First, He said to accept the judgment of the jury out of one side of His mouth, then out of the other side He ordered the DoJ to initiate the process of trying to charge Zimmerman with a civil rights violation. Where is He now? When is He going to give one of those thoughtful, intellectually profound, healing speeches the Beeboids love to fawn over? He healed us after Sandy Hook, He healed us after Tucson/Gifford, He healed us after the Gulf Oil spill, and He healed us after the Boston bombing. So where is He now? Why isn’t the White House releasing an appeal for calm every day?
Fortunately, the BBC’s US President editor is still busy beavering away at his documentary on how China is going to save the US economy and doesn’t have to ask out loud.
I would have thought that the BBC would “rejoice” at the news that a man of Hispanic heritage was acquitted by a jury comprised of six female-all women,no less!…jurors.
All we need is a great big melting pot….sisters are doing it for themselves?…come on BBC!
“Rejoice at that news”!
Worth a 1,000 words.
After reading a lot of different news fables (don’t really want to call them reports as a report is normally based on fact) on this case, I honestly hope the prosecution team, the judge and people from the laughingly named justice department face legal and disciplinary charges for the many breaches of ethics and other laws, i.e. Brady Disclosure that they committed trying to for all intents and purposes set up an innocent man.
Also surely there must be some way to get the prosecutors to stop saying he is guilty of murder as the trial found him innocent?
And one last thing and I hope one of our US readers can help here. I was asked if there is any way Mr Zimmerman can take Obama to task for the way he has acted and the statements he made, or is the only way for anything like that to happen going to require Obama being impeached? unfortunately I can’t see that happening even if in this case he’s been giving Kim Jong Un a run for his money. If it would take Impeachment can they wait get him once he’s left office as I know on some things there is a statute of limitations?
Dream on, Corran. Any criticism of the President is racist, and that goes triple for this case. The best Zimmerman can hope for is a nice lawsuit against NBC. If, that is, he isn’t driven to suicide before it gains traction. That’s my prediction, anyway.
Yeah David, I forgot I was living in a world were the Good get shafted and the Bad get the rewards, but for a moment, Just a moment I could have sworn my brain was telling me it was the other way around. Silly me, I’ll be off to take my BBC approved blue pill now can’t have the old brain box thinking for itself can we.
Pamela Geller, American freedom-fighter, banned from U.K, has:-
If President Obama had a boring day, would it look just like this?
Scary to think that in a system without jury trial it’s possible ZImmerman might have been convicted.
Must’ve coincided with a basketball match:
Wow… 3?
Out of 300,000,000, to the BBC that would be like… a country split along racial lines.
Current blurb accompanying the link and photo on the BBC’s US & Canada page about LA police trying to quash more race riots in response to Zimmerman’s acquittal:
Los Angeles police prepare a show of force to deter any fresh outbreak of disturbances, after a Florida man who killed a black teenager walked free.
No prejudicing the audience there, right, BBC? The Beeboids have their personal opinion of the case, and it shows. Every time.
Apologies if this already posted.
Truly obscene ‘reporting’ by this latest edition to the BBC US desk thought police.; (editor BBC online mag)
Dear M/s Mckelvey,
Mr Zimmerman’s lawyer certainly incited rage with you didn’t he?
‘Toys out of the Pram’ – Biased BBC.
Welcome to the BBC panoply of bent left wing journalists doing hit jobs on anyone who spoils the narrative. Try to get over your dissappointment that the petrol can the US media gives to racial arsonists like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson wasn’t enough to race hustle a jury into sending an innocent man to prison.
Dont worry, I’m sure Mr Holder will do his best for you.