Burqa riots in Paris but our world class BBC don’t seem that interested on telling us on their home page. (Yes, I know it is the World page) By way of comparison they have the US bombing the Great Barrier Reef on the home page.
Burqa riots in Paris but our world class BBC don’t seem that interested on telling us on their home page. (Yes, I know it is the World page) By way of comparison they have the US bombing the Great Barrier Reef on the home page.
they weren’t bombs, they carried no explosives, i think training projectiles is the correct term. bbc describes them as “inert bombs” bit of a non story, but its shows them damn yankee imperialists damaging the environment so great lefty propaganda
US fighter jets dropped inert bombs on the Great Barrier Reef off Australia’s coast during a training exercise that went wrong, it has emerged.
The two planes jettisoned four bombs in more than 50m (165 ft) of water, away from coral, to minimise damage to the World Heritage Site, the US navy said.
So the correct headline is “US Navy did not ‘bomb’ the Great Barrier Reef”
Those eeeevil yankees eh?
great lefty propaganda. plane loads of beeboids will be flying out to film the damage soon. god bless ’em
First class tickets all-round!
They really are getting more and more out of control as the days go on, they know that there will be no consequences of their bias and down right lies and so it emboldens them to do it more and more.
This government needs to get a backbone and stamp on them now because not doing so may end up costing them the 2015 electon.
Yeah, the Government should intervene to move this story from the World news page to the Home news page. All that’s needed is a backbone.
You’ve really got the Beeb banged to rights there.
Yet another troll with nothing to offer, no attempt to debate the issues or engage in reasoned argument, no willingness to realise that the BBC is out of control and not following its charter obligations.
It will be interesting to find out just how far away from the reef those inert canisters were dropped. And I agree with Corran Horn, the BBC’s news reporting is getting more and more outrageous every day. But then unchecked, what can you expect, especially from a Liberal viewpoint?
Eh, that was a month ago mate, news moves on.
Think you’ll still find the articles on the website though.
Will Muslims of Trappes postpone their nightly burqa riots until the Tour de France finishes in Paris this evening?
Watching Tour de France ITV 4 , when ads were on had a quick flick to news 24 , & they were on about some musie mosque in Brum , & how the poor devils , had been terrorised by some Ukrainians ! Oh yeah total f***ing bias by the evil lefty BBC bastards , just don`
Yes, INBBC has already censored this from history of Birmingham and Islam:-:-
“Islamic extremists who plotted to kill EDL members at rally are jailed for up to 19 years each as judge blames ‘freely available material’ for their radicalisation”
Got it INBBC?: Birmingham Muslims plotted to murder English Defence League people.
And the EDL has a right to be in Birmingham.
But INBBC, you’ve still got your political knife into the EDL, haven’t you?
cont : don`t pay that bloody fee to those evil socialists !
If I had my way all lefty’s would be banned from breathing oxygen on this planet.
Goodbye, troll.
You would not be able to get that into law, but you would be able to get a law where anyone who expelled carbon dioxide after breathing in air could be put to death, you could then add an amendment giving Lefties the privilege of being first in line for the tests, and then when that is finished, you then repeal the law.
So in Vance’s weird world, the BBC report a story but they are still biased?
Oh because in Vance’s bigoted world all islamic stories must be inflated so that he can continue to pour invective that resembles the Nazis continual assaults on the Jews. He hopes that the moslem population can be frightened and isolated then what? Probably the majority are British born citizens. Like German Jews.
Funny that.
Tommy do us a favour and just go away please, we don’t need people like you here trolling and not willing to partake in any form of honest debate.
You know that you have nothing to offer but personal attacks and baseless insinuations that were anti-Semites because we’re sick of having the BBC ram Islam down our throat and the disingenuous way they portray it as the religion of peace when we all know its a violent 7th century death cult.
One that uses rape and sexual violence against the native female population and the most vulnerable section of that population at that.
So please just go, try CiF I think you’ll be more at home over there.
Sorry, you do need people like me to point out the hypocrisy that you want to do to moslems what Hitler did to the Jews. Ostracise then what?
Since I constantly undermine the tripe that appears here, a bit like cleaning a sewer, I perform a great public service!
I see you then descend into more vile accusations akin to the Nazis accusing Jews of drinking babies blood. The motivation is the same. You proved my point.
I only see quite reasonable complaints that Muslims get special treatment, and it is the Jews who suffer particularly from this because of Islamic anti-semitism.
I see you have resorted to that trick from the left wing troll/UAF hand book, call all those that disagree with you as nazis and accuse them of wanting to start a new Holocaust.
As some one that has been to visit Auschwitz and have met survivors of that vile site and the evil of a nation devoted to the eradication of one ethnic group. I take grate offence in your suggestion that I wish to do the same to followers of Islam, only a sick and twisted individual would ever consider that to be an aceptable way to solve a problem with something.
What does need to happen with Islam is for it to be place under a bright light and that light to be shined into all the dark places they don’t want us to look. We need to be supporting the honest reformers in that religion and not treat it in a cowardly coddled way because the followers of Islam may get uppity and threaten to blow you up or chop your head off because you suggested they aren’t the master race or that Mohammed wasn’t the perfect human specimen.
And I’m sorry but what are you prattling on about? Vile accusations? I’m sorry I didn’t realise that all these court cases with Muslim pedophile grooming gangs we don’t get the full story on from the cowardly BBC are a fallicy, they must just be a nasty right wing conspiracy and the accused are all inocen pawns in this, being set up to vilify Islam? I mean that seems to have been the reaction of the police who threatened to arrest the girls and their parents for racism instead of investigating a crime. So please do me a favour and pull the other one its got bells on.
Well said, Corran.
‘What does need to happen with Islam is for it to be place under a bright light and that light to be shined into all the dark places they don’t want us to look.’
The trouble is, when somebody has the temerity to shine the bright light the full force of political correctness is brought down on them – witness the police reaction to the Channel 4 documentary on hate-preaching mosques and the authorities (including Plod – again) who did their utmost for years to turn a blind eye to the (racist) Muslim child grooming gangs.
The trouble is political correctness (or is it just blind optimism?) has still got the upper hand, courtesy of the likes of the BBC and Tommy. I still find it unbelievable that they can treat Islam, which is a serious threat to our hard-won democracy and freedoms, as somehow beyond criticism.
Tommy, it is interesting that you try to compare those who speak out against Islam with Hitler’s persecution of Jews.
There is no difference whatsoever between Nazi ideology and Islamic ideology, yet you seem to have taken the side of the new Nazi’s in Europe…..
‘There is no difference whatsoever between Nazi ideology and Islamic ideology’
I think there might be a few differences actually. Grow up Paul.
“you seem to have taken the side of the new Nazi’s in Europe”
Jew hating, Christian despising, authoritarian, totalitarian, violent, and tribal, but not German nationalists who are socialists, although Arab (et al) nationalists who are socialists (and Jew hating, Western despising, authoritarian, totalitarian, violent and tribal) is pretty standard in the Islamic world.
I would say that the people who arselick Islam in the West are the same people that arse licked Stalin and Hitler in the Thirties. Once Islamic terrorists caused blood to run in the streets it was only a matter of time before they got converts from the Left. Our friend Persona Non Grata confessed to getting sexually excited by one of the terrorists. He has probably replaced his Che Guevara poster with the front cover of Rolling Stone.
The reason that Persona Non Grata loves the BBC so much is that it is filled with people who hate England (unlike Hitler they do not actually bomb England but they are sympathetic to those that do) so you can just imagine their discomfort while the BBC has to report news of the birth of an heir to the throne.
“The reason that Persona Non Grata loves the BBC so much is that it is filled with people who hate England (unlike Hitler they do not actually bomb England but they are sympathetic to those that do) so you can just imagine their discomfort while the BBC has to report news of the birth of an heir to the throne. ”
No doubt such a sweeping statement can be backed up with fact otherwise it is just another absurd rant from a bBBC regular.
Our resident Scottish nationalist confesses his love of England and the British royal family. What next? A profession of love for capitalism? A quiet confession that he believes that the Union was the best thing to happen since a Scot invented sliced bread?
No problem with England or the Royal Family. Capitalism in the last few years can hardly be deemed a success and whilst the Union has had its moments I do believe that it is time for Scotland to stand on its own.
Now do you have any facts to back up your previous rant or by ignoring it and moving on do you now agree it was absurd?
Or just shake that magic money tree.
Also Albaman since you have a problem differentiating between private and public money – for you they are all the same – will you post your bank account details on the website so the public can have access to it? After all it is essentially public money, as is you house and pension plan.
Oh by the way why the sudden interest in facts? There are a lot of posts here which give factual examples of the bias of the Quisling Broadcasting Corporation but you choose to ignore them, or selectively respond to the opinion derived after posters have outlined the substance of the Quisling Broadcasting Corporations bias. How arrogant.
Further could you respond to your previous rant that all charges of bias reflect merely the perception of those making the accusation. As I pointed out if you hold this to be the case then you yourself can hold no real views as they are merely perception. And logically this would result in Albaman never expressing his opinion, a mere perception, as that would be again quite arrogant.
“Our friend Persona Non Grata confessed to getting sexually excited by one of the terrorists.”
Forgive me if I missed it, but where did he say that?
Can you prove that the BBC is filled with people who hate England?
Can you prove that the Muslims who live in this country hate England? I would remind you that many served, and continue to serve, in the British armed forces.
If the BBC is as anti-British as you claim, then why are they making such a big deal about the royal baby?
“why are they making such a big deal about the royal baby?”
“Forgive me if I missed it, but where did he say that?”
Try to keep up.
So the BBC isn’t anti-British? I have no problem whatsoever with all the coverage of the royal baby, and no problem with the monarchy either. I’m not anti-British, in fact I’m very proud to be British.
Can you show me where Persona non Grata said it?
Persona Non Grata is Scott Matthewman.
OK, thanks for providing that.
As a gay man Scott can fancy whoever he likes. I would have thought it’s a turn-off to be a terrorist, but hey.
What relevance does it have though? Are you trying to argue that Scott is slavishly pro-Islam just because he fancies one Muslim man?
Oh jesus. You’re still following DB’s deluded posts where he screengrabbed a jokey tweet, stored it for several months, before sharing it on here in a post that was non-stop personal attack on me and nothing to do with the BBC?
The same post where several commenters threw various four-letter words in my direction to the apparent glee of the site moderators?
And you think that dragging this up again makes Biased BBC look good? Every time you attempt to revive this nonsense, it demonstrates your complete detachment from reality.
‘Is it just me, or is suspepected Times Squarer bomber Faisal Shahzad kinda hot looking?’
You define it as ‘jokey tweet’ good for you, I consider it an unpleasant view into the perverted mind of a Quisling.
Good for you. Given that you don’t know me, and choose to be influenced by what DB later admitted was a total act of juvenilia, I’m not particularly inclined to give the slightest hoot what you think. You go ahead calling me names, if you want. Won’t make you any more of a better man, unfortunately.
So from ‘jokey tweet’ we have moved on to ‘juvenilia’. How old are you?
By the way I’m not calling you names. It is a statement of what you are and where you are.
Oh I love this one.
Lefty makes a statement that he thinks he’ll get away with. Doesn’t get away with it THEN BLAMES ALL THE PEOPLE WHO REMIND HIM OF THE STATEMENT FOR GOING ON ABOUT IT.
Absolute classic.
I’m not blaming anybody. I’m pitying them. I made a weak joke three years ago, and still the nut jobs think that makes me some sort of terrorist collaborator. You can’t be too angry at people that intellectually inept, really.
But at least we know that you value doggedly repeating something if you’re not satisfied. So I take it when I have to repeat a question to Andy S or David Brims because they refused to answer it the first time, you’ll point out that they’re throwing the toys out of the pram, and should man up and answer the question?
Or are you frightened of them? What is it about them that makes you so afraid to let them know that they should answer straightforward questions?
You don’t understand do you. Your ‘joke’ is offensive because of the contempt it displays. Your concern is about the ‘attractiveness’ of the terrorist, not his intent. Only a Quisling (or 12 year old) could make that ‘joke’ and not understand why it offends.
So you’re offended. Go you. Hope the name-calling makes you feel so much better. I’ve been called far worse on here by people who think that, because they’ve decided they don’t like me, it’s appropriate to call me all sorts of names, up to and including the c-word. Many of which were egged on by DB, the numbskull who saved that tweet on his hard drive for six months before posting it on here, and then whipped up the commenters below the line to send me all sorts of abuse.
So you can repeat “Quisling” until you’re blue in the face, it will not affect me one jot. Why should I give a hoot what an anonymous little troll thinks of me?
NB: I note also you ignore the question about Andy S and David Brims. I take it that you agree with them that a three-year-old joky tweet is fair game, but Brims’ racist lies should be forgotten once they’re a few hours old? Shame on you.
Here’s a straight question:
Do you accept that the Primark Panorama, 28-Gate, Saville, Stuart Hall, the non-competitive recruitment of James Purnell, the phone-in scandals, Helen Boaden’s admission of ‘deep liberal bias’ on immigration, Lord McAlpine, £28m of gagging orders and the registering of BBC employees as companies to avoid paying tax mean that David Vance, Alan and the majority of posters on here have been absolutely right about the BBC all along?
‘doggedly repeating something [until] satisfied’
All a bit #2wrongs accepted, but that rather seems more of a trait of the BBC when they get the bit between their teeth.
Of course, on matters jokey, they can be quite swift & ruthless, as Ms. Thatcher discovered. Weak.. private joke, and…. what happened?
But then, that was another time.
And, as with modding policies that can so exercise you, another set of standards you seem curiously able to abide in a publicly force-funded broadcaster but not a private niche blog so irrelevant you appear unable to resist forming part of the human wave of brain dead trying to cause a breach, like a scene from WWZ.
Third Reich/Islamic Caliphate, the use of violence to achieve this. Hitler/Mohammed, two warlords/prophets who could not be criticised. Racial superiority/religious superiority. Death to Jews, death to homosexuals, women fit only for children, kitchen and place of worship. Untermensch/infidel…..they seem pretty closely linked to me.
Superbly well put Corran Horn. well done
‘He hopes that the moslem population can be frightened and isolated then what?
I’ve obviously got no idea where you live, Tommy, but haven’t you noticed that they choose to isolate themselves? Never heard ‘this is a Muslim community’ with film of a neighbourhood in Birmingham, Bradford, Blackburn, Oldham, Tower Hamlets etc etc which could be anywhere in Pakistan save for the western infrastructure? Have you ever been to one of these places? Does this separation and lack of integration not worry you?
Brockley, South London. I have every idea as my neighbours are from all over the world and include Moslems, Hindus, Christians and a Buddhist. Then again I work with all races and religions and count many as friends.
Try it. Challenge your inner hate. You may find you grow as a positive person instead of the inward looking man you’ve becme.
You describe a community that is peculiar to London and a few other cities. It is not the general experience of most of the indigenous population.
London is on the way to a separate status. A city state on it’s own with less and less in common with the shire England as the indigenous percentage of the inhabitants continues to drop .
You might think this admirable but it is a situation which has been forced upon the indigenous majority with out their leave. That not only raise important questions of accountability and makes one wonder just who decides what happens to this land and on what authority they do so.
It also raise important questions of what exactly is a nation and a people.
Liberals shy away from confronting these questions because they cannot cope with them. It is the thought of confronting reality that so terrifies them.
“Challenging inner hate” is an irrelevance. There are serious matters here.
Interesting Dave, an astute comment.
My own opinion is that vast immigration’s purpose is to lessen the sense of nationhood, to destroy this & others countries around the world to pave the way for One World Govt, for which the bankrupt EU is the forerunner, God help us & save us.
Tommy. I agree with you in so much as there are good and bad people of all ethnicities. I have lived next to muslimas for the last eight years and noticved that some of them spoke English , or made the attempt, amd engaged and were part of the overall community. I like them . Note also that there are more who do not. They are literally racist towards all but their own.
“…my neighbours are from all over the world and include Moslems, Hindus, Christians and a Buddhist. Then again I work with all races and religions and count many as friends.”
‘Challenge your inner hate. You may find you grow as a positive person instead of the inward looking man you’ve becme. ‘
And how have you deduced that, Tommy, apart from the fact I have put up a very reasonable argument which challenges your head-in-the-sand multicultural view of Britain?
Ad hominem rules, as usual with you BBC-supporting lefties.
You will have your waking up moment, son. It might take a good few years but have it you certainly will. You will then either choose to re-affirm your blinkered view and blame it all on those who warned you what would happen, or you will finally man up and face reality.
And by the way, Tommy, you didn’t answer my main question/concern (but no surprise there).
Tommy seems to come across like most lefties. He’d rather be loved for being/acting in the interests of political correctness and unity than being hated for standing up for what is right and so blatantly obvious. Keep wearing that PC badge with pride Tommy, one day it will come back to bite you on the arse.
Bradford was one of the first cities to enjoy the benefits of diversity and, being smaller than London, has seen greater changes.
Sorry, Tommy, but having grown up there, I don’t recall diversity working its magic in the way you describe. The young middle class adventure of spending a few years surrounded by exotic food and customs before settling down in more prosperous and stable areas, just hasn’t worked in the northern industrial towns and cities.
Social cohesion among the working class people who didn’t have the option of moving on, has been destroyed. And this, in a city which had an excellent record of accommodating incomers.
I think it’s about priorities – the give away is in the thread title.
But well done for joining the (growing) list of moronic cretins who are completely incapable of constructing a coherent argument against the case in point.
Yep. And the Muslims join Catholics, women, those with AIDs, the poor, black people….
Have I missed anyone out?
I don’t know. How many other names are there in your grievance farming book of hate? How about anybody defeated by the English in the last 300 years? Don’t forget to polish your moral compass.
Apropos Paris has anyone noticed that the bbc call the burqa a”veil”?
“Muslims Riot In France Because The French Wish Their Laws To Be Respected.”
They should send the French army in and order them to shot to kill.
That will soon sort them out.
Don’t be absurd. .
They can pretend they are the French Foreign legion from the 19th century.
Or any Arab army of today
To bring it into our everyday life view of what they think it is. It is not just a veil. It is an exclusion of Western culture. It is one of their symbols of racism towards the Western countries the infrastructures of which they readily take advantage of but make no contribution to.
For this they exclude us!
To Tommy the burqa is a totem of our admirable, integrated, open multicultural society.
For INBBC, this is not ‘the veil’, this is ‘the burqa’:-
Interesting to see BBC Midlands Today news programme give a religious leader of the Tipton Mosque carte blanche to eulogise his Sunni religious sect as peaceful and against violence etc. etc.
Perhaps the BBC ”interviewers” are forbidden from asking why all Muslims do not pray together rather than having very separate Mosques and communities, whether Sunni, Shia, Pakistani or Bangladeshi.
They might, if they had the guts or integrity, have asked the Sunni leader whose peaceful side he was on in the Syrian conflict. Would he openly condemn the atrocities carried out by Sunnis or did he support them? He could have been reminded of the 2500 Muslims murdered in Iraq this month, the similar daily bombings and murders of Muslims in Pakistan and asked to explain and denounce such barbarity. Much closer to home, (now lives in Birmingham, clearly, no Muslim country cared about her stand) the schoolgirl shot in Afghanistan by the Taliban, was he in favour of universal education for girls and would he denounce any Muslim group who would deny a female child an education.
I could go on. The BBC never ever confront these religious mouthpieces with the stark truth of what is really happening in Muslim countries and show them up to be in denial about the violence and barbarity of this violent brain washing medieval religion.
Oh for the questions to be asked and the answers pursued by real journalists.
The questions will not be asked. Perhaps the liberal intelligentsia is just incapable of coping with a belief system akin to the Middle Ages in European terms.
This intelligentsia would just not have coped with 13th century Europe.
Speculate on why if you must. I prefer a mix of incomprehension and cowardice.
Either way it puts Western civilisation at a massive disadvantage which will probably add to the pressures exerted on it and lead to it’s future collapse.
Yes, INBBC increasingly delegates all issues relating to Islam to Muslims, either on its staff, or to Islamic lobbyists, to have the deciding propaganda line on Islam.
Invicta 1066 completely correct
I’ve been searching Al Beebs multi million pound website for some info on this but alas….
Maybe when they get round to writing up about how these evil Christians are getting in the way of holy Islamic bullets like they told us how it was the Christians fault in Egypt that army tanks were driving back and fore over Christian bodies and it was the evil Christians fault in Nigeria that tens of thousands of them have been murdered and their churches and homes were burnt to the ground the it might get a mention.
This stor has been running from late May. You wont find any TV, Newswire or Newspaper has run it. It’s tiny blogs.
The reason is that there is no independent verification whatsoever. No reputable news media prints unverifiable rumours. Hence nobody else has run the story.
Maybe the entire media is now under the heel of islam.
Enire media is now under the heel of Islam? Don’t be silly – it’s those wicked Jooze that control it all – Helen Thomas told us in no uncertain terms.
No reputable news media prints unverifiable rumours. All I have to say to that is BBC and Lord McAlpine.
Ah, I see! Just like they didn’t report on the Jenin ‘massacre’ I suppose.
The MSN reports what fits their masters not what suits their readers.
Yes, the BBC can hardly bring themselves to mention the fact that most of the troubles in Nigeria, especially in the north, are created because militant Muslims are determined to create a Caliphate State there under total Sharia Laws and are trying to terrorise the people into accepting that or forcing them to move away under the threat of being slaughtered.
How droll. According to the BBC’s (fake) news website: “Veil row sparks Paris suburb unrest”
Strange how it’s mere ‘unrest’ when one of its favoured client groups is on the rampage, ins’t it?
BBC-NUJ priorities:-
“Why did the BBC let Russell Brand insult Andrew Sachs again? Actor’s wife says interview with comedian was ‘very nasty to hear'”
Brand truly is a loathsome character. I see the BBC welcomes him with open arms now he’s appeared on question time and declared his love for the religion of peace.
He is narcissism personified.
INBBC priorities:
-licencepayers have to pay for more ‘essential’ pro-Muslim propaganda by INBBC’s Mr Schofield in Paris (who could be reporting Muslim riots in the city).
This INBBC article reads like something from Islamic ‘Al Jazeera’:-
“Why many French Muslims choose burial abroad”
By Hugh Schofield,
INBBC News, Paris.
Note the use of the specific phrase, ‘French Muslims,’ rather than ‘Muslims who have lived in France’, or ‘French people’.
BBC-NUJ encourages the same sort of apartheid with the existence of its ‘Asian Network’ station, where people are described as ‘British Asian’ and such like, rather than ‘British’.
As a “Muslim” is an adherent of a religion not a race then the description “French Muslim” is just as proper as Italian Catholic, British Christian or Icelandic Atheist.
Cool then we can criticise ‘Muslims’ and not in anyway be abused as ‘racist ‘ by the chorus girls of the BBC !
‘Italian Catholic, British Christian or Icelandic Atheist.
Aye, you hear the BBC using them all the time. Deffo.
Though I do expect before very long ‘English community’ will be the familiar term used by the BBC to describe the indigenous population of England.
Or Scottish salmon?
Or Welsh monkfish – nice with laver bread.
What do the French call them?
My understanding is that France only recognises individual rights not group rights, So any Frenchman can practise any religion he wants but that religion doesn’t receive any special privilege.
The French regard any concept no-go areas where only appropriately dressed women can enter or Sharia Law introduced into French Law, as is debated in the UK, as an abomination.
Anyone knowing France reasonably well would recognise these burqua-showings are a deliberate provocation. Talk about only gay in the village. There is one in a town I know who has been arrested probably a hundred times for “face covering”. She is needless to say “a convert” – the most dangerous variant of muslims. If you go up toPrimark and M&S in Oxford St and see the burqua’d women shopping for clothes like crazy, the very idea that women want to go around dressed in a black sack is laughable. It is a requirement based on the instruction of men, under threat of violence if they don’t comply. Unless of course you are that dopey relative of Cherie Blair.
It’s the fact that Muslims constantly separate themselves from the rest of society that leads to suspicion, dislike and “Islamophobia.” They also treat their women with utter contempt. The other afternoon, with the temperature scraping 90 degrees, I saw a poor creature wrapped in a suffocating black shroud go shuffling by. Where is the chorus of disapproval from all the militant feminists that infest Radio 4? Deafening silence, or the feeble excuse that these women are dressing “modestly.” There is no other belief system in the world that does this to its women.
It’s barbaric and backward and an insult to our democracy.