This is the first time I have ever received a considered and substantive response to a complaint made to the BBC.
Could it be a sign of the beginning of the end of the hegemony of the ‘deep liberal bias’?
Either way, it may suggest more complaints should be tried.
(Original website story that was complained about on the TUC view of shrinking pay is at end).
BBC News Online
Complaint category: Bias
Complaint title: This story is without any attempt at balance.
Complaint description: This story about pay reductions is based on a TUC press statement. There is no alternate view published, no BBC critical commentary of any sort, and no attempt to obtain opposing opinion. It might as well be the TUC’s website as it carries also its intentions on how they will campaign on the matter.
Two immediate issues spring to mind: (1) Why is there no mention of public sector pay and its probable increase in the same time period nor of how those regions with less public sector jobs may be the ones with the highest pay reductions?
(2) Why is there no context, as in a discussion of pay reductions being necessary for competitiveness or that a pay reduction may be an alternative to a company’s closure and redundancies?
This online news story is a prime example of lazy churnalism laced with (possibly unconscious) biased assumptions about what is essentially good and bad in economic terms. This should not be inevitable in BBC coverage even if it is a public sector entity.
Will it be amended?
By the way Frances O’Grady is not a man, which error says a lot.
Thank you for your email. We have reviewed this story and accept that you make several good points. You will see that the story has been amended and improved during the day.
This story was based on ONS figures collated by the TUC – and the accuracy of those statistics themselves has not been challenged. But you are quite right: even in the most basic, short story, we should be providing context and hearing more than a single point of view.
At the time the story was written early in the morning, it was naturally more difficult for the reporter to seek other responses. But the TUC should not have been the only voice in this story for several hours and we have since added in comments from the Federation of Small Businesses and the CBI to provide context as to why employers may have been forced to hold or cut wage levels over the past six years.
These figures do not differentiate between private sector and public sector pay so it may be we do not examine that issue as closely as you may wish on this particular story. But we will ask our business unit whether the regional differences you highlight – and the possibility that those regions with fewer public sector jobs are suffering bigger drops in pay – could be a subject that should be examined in more detail in a separate feature or story.
The error which saw us quoting Frances O’Grady as a “he” was a very basic error. All our journalists should double-check names and make no assumptions on spelling or gender. In this case, it seems the reporter was well aware that Frances was a woman but made a typo. This should have been picked up in the subbing process and should not have happened – or taken a couple of hours for this to be changed on air.
Such errors can happen but we are very aware how they can undermine the confidence that readers have in the rest of our work – as you point out.
Thank you again for contacting us and pointing out our errors in this story.
Pay has shrunk by 10% in parts of UK, TUC study finds
The TUC analysed figures from the Office for National Statistics
Total pay in some parts of the UK has shrunk by more than 10% since the start of the downturn in 2007, analysis by a union organisation suggests.
The TUC said north-west and south-west England had seen the sharpest cuts – 10.6% and 10.1% respectively.
It blamed wages failing to keep pace with inflation, reduced hours and changes in employment, such as more part-time working.
The TUC said it was making fair pay one of its main campaign issues.
Its analysis of official figures suggested that on the eve of the recession, workers across the UK were earning a total of £690bn.
Last year the overall pay packet was £638bn – £52bn (7.5%) lower.
The North West saw the sharpest cut in its overall pay packet between 2007 and 2012 – a fall of 10.6% or £7bn last year. The West Midlands and Scotland saw cuts of 9.7%, it said.
Wales saw a reduction of 8.1%, Northern Ireland 4.8% and London 3.9%, the smallest cut.
The TUC analysed figures from the Office for National Statistics’ annual survey of hours and earnings and its labour force survey. [Regional analysis followed but the table layout has been lost]
A modest increase in employment had failed to offset a “sharp” cut in wages in recent years, said the TUC.
General secretary Frances O’Grady said: “Over the last five years, people have taken a massive hit in their pay packets, while millions more have had to reduce their hours or take lower paid work. Many people have lost their jobs altogether.”
She said that shrinking wages were hitting living standards, holding back businesses and damaging growth prospects.
“While economic growth is the key challenge facing the UK today, the years running up to the crash taught us that growth without wage gains just creates more unsustainable debt,” she said.
“Employers and both local and central governments need to recognise the importance of decent wages in delivering sustainable economic growth. They can start by becoming living wage employers and being more transparent about their pay systems.”
The TUC study coincides with its new pay campaign, Britain Needs A Pay Rise.
(The complaint was made at about 11 a.m. and ‘he’ was changed to ‘she’ later but the story’s date and time were not amended and continued to say “11 June 2013 Last updated at 07:25”. It appears the BBC hides evidence of updates on the news website where necessary.)
This addition appeared 7 hours after the initial story:
11 June 2013 Last updated at 14:15
John Moylan Industry correspondent, BBC News
The TUC’s analysis makes for grim reading.
But it does recognise that while wages have been under pressure, employment has risen during the downturn.
Unemployment – while high – has not yet reached the levels that some originally predicted.
There have been changes in the labour market with a rise in self-employment and part-time working.
For some that means less secure employment, possibly with less income than they had in the past.
But the government would argue that the fall in the number of people employed in the public sector has been outweighed by a rise in the numbers employed in the private sector – and that this has been part of a necessary re-balancing of the economy.
And it points out that more than 80% of those who work part-time do so “because they want to or it suits them”.
Framer – that is most inspiring to read your well thought out Bias complaint to the BBC which has received a positive outcome.
It has made me think maybe I ought to be more pro-active rather than just shouting at the TV interviewer, (metaphorically, inside my head), when I believe bias is occurring.
More often than not I get these mental tantrums when rank hypocrisy occurs when the interviewer is favorably asking the wrong questions of some socialist about the economy or immigration, for example.
I so often find BBC interviewers, instead of challenging the Labour legacy, of how this came about, since it was instigated, or a consequence, of what happened under their watch, they let them blatantly turn the tables onto the current Government without any robust challenge.
That is my first bitch this morning with my cup of tea. I feel so much better now.
‘You will see that the story has been amended and improved during the day.’
Making it, originally, what? Factually useless & dire prior due to lack of information and competence?
In which case, on what basis was the first stab made?
A rare, telling admission to garner… Well done.
I do note that there is no hint that this will ever get logged publicly other than between you both. Well, until now.
Expect a expediting if you keep this up.
Nice one Framer. I wonder if they’ll now take me up on my challenge to dump a gay couple in the Alum Rock area of Birmingham, and secretly film the results, just like they did on their Panorama special when they dumped a couple of Muslims on a Bristol sink estate.
I shan’t be holding my breath.
Well done, Framer. Clear points, made succinctly, and the BBC realized they were busted. The result is an admission of the reflexive, biased approach to the issue we complain about so often here. An isolated incident? Yeah, right.
Good work. My most recent complaint also got a more credible and reasonable response than normal (yes, I know, that bar is particularly low) even though I had to remind them of it one month after submission.
But I’m not buying the ‘oh, we knew she wasn’t a he really’ bullshit and the stealth edit is inexcusable.
Why is editing inaccuracies suddenly a stealth edit? Surely correcting mistakes is exactly what one wants otherwise stories become frozen and on the internet after a period become ‘fact’? Bit pointless complaining if there is no redress!
Tommy instead of accepting the biased behaviour of the BBC you critisize people who , whilst accepting an improvement in the BBC’s complaints handling, are still understandably cautious about accepting the BBC as being neutral. One swallow does not a summer make
INBBC gets local journalist, Ms Shahira AMIN to present the sole and pro-Muslim Brotherhood, anti-Army account of Friday’s political events in Egypt on INBBC News Channel.
This fits with INBBC’s general tendency to delegate reports pertaining to Islam to Muslims, and local pro-Muslim Brotherhood people.
Usually Egypt ‘s political events are covered by someone from the over-populated INBBC Cairo Bureau or from the pro-Islam INBBC Arabic TV Service, both politically empathetic with Muslim Brotherhood. (Maybe most of the staff based there are on vacation.)
No apologies for bringing Daniel Greenfield’s Thursday essay to your attention. Find it on
He deals with demographics that inescapable destiny that awaits Europe.
It is the single most important issue of our time and for us Westerners an existential one.
Don’t ever expect the BBC or the liberal media to deal with it.
Not only is the current colonisation and population replacement in Europe a matter the liberal just cannot handle but it also highlights just how decadent our Western attitude to reality and the future has become.
Twent year ago it would have been inconceivable that Salisbury Cathedral which has watched over my valley and generations of my people for 750 years would not endure for another 1000years watching over the same people.
This is no longer true. We just cannot know.
Those who have allowed this to happpen have committed the greatest crime against a people I can think of. Even to argue with the liberal mind is to waste your time. To allow them to indulge their selfish needs and lack of commitment to family and nation is pointless. We have nothing in common with such people. Tell your children and grand children what has been done to England and hope that the pendulum will swing and we can save this country and our children’s future.
Yes, INBBC can’t even grasp the notion and consequences of Islamisation of Europe, including Britain, even though Beeboids are instrumental in that Islamisation process; they support mass immigration, including entry of Turkey into E.U, and avoid criticism of Islamic ideology and history.
A brilliant book-hats off to our local library that seems to include Caldwell, Phillips and Hitchens if you look carefully.
Any other authorities harbouring subversive librarians?…maybe an award for the best one.
Listening to the 10 O’clock news this evening, and there was quite a section dedicated to the problems of the NHS in Cardiff. These same problems are highlighted within the online version ( although it is probably the case that the TV news hinted at a wider problem and a degree more urgency than appears to be the case online.
The thing that leapt out from both reports is the reluctance of the BBC reporters in both cases to highlight that the NHS in Wales falls into the bailywick of the Labour run Welsh Assembly which has cut health budgets, and to imply via linkage to problems elsewhere that this is somehow not a Labour problem.
‘to imply via linkage to problems elsewhere that this is somehow not a Labour problem’
What… bending the reality via distraction & omission? The very idea.
You could try complaining, but be prepared for several months as the BBC wastes your time and (more) licence fee payer money with that unique way they fudge things:
If it got to the Trust Comittee they will doubtless again be mindful of how many hollow platitudes are needed to make it seem like they are addressing issues such as this in a serious and transparent manner.
With the BBC there is seldom much doubt on which half of their story is ‘working’.
Johnny Rotten talks about Jimmy Savile’s seediness in 1978
”He went on to comment about the late DJ and serial sex criminal’s ’seediness’, and also that he (Savile) ‘was into all sorts’.
The admission took place during what appears to be an actual BBC radio interview, but Lydon’s damning inferences about the BBC’s golden child Jimmy Savile seem to have been removed from the interview at the time, so the excerpt was not broadcast, but has just been made available as part of the reissue of the first PIL album.”
”The emergence of the 64-page report – which was circulated to the then director general and chairman – will further fuel allegations that the BBC failed to protect teenage girls from Jimmy Savile, the corporation’s then most feted star who was unmasked last year as Britain’s most prolific sex offender.”
It seems that everyone knew about at least some of the sordid practices of the late Sir Jimmy Savile OBE, but few dared speak it in public. Of course, this cover-up within the entertainment and media industry was led by the BBC itself, as it would be incredibly naive to think that no one working in the BBC knew of Savile’s propensity for sexual deviances (rape, pedophilia and other disturbing pastimes too dark to mention here). By all accounts, it was an open secret within “The Industry”
Nicky Campbell is a useful weathervane of BBC in-house opinion and current spin. Let’s keep in mind Nicky’s 3 step shuffle:
1. ‘He [Savile] left [Radio 1] as I [Nicky Campbell] joined’
So obviously the BBC is a series of hermetically sealed bunkers between which rumours can not/will not/may not/do not cross. This concept was at the very heart of the Entwistle defence. Does anyone out there still believe it? Not to worry, we’ve just begun…..
2. ‘We thought he was a sex-less eccentric’
An interesting “we” there. I wonder, is that a BBC “we” or a more general showbiz “we”? Because the general public “we” as in me and my mates (and also it seems Mr Lydon – see above recording) were quite well informed (relative to the showbiz crowd) about Savile. Funny that!
3. ‘I thought he might have been gay’ Ah my favourite this one. Quite clearly all was not exactly right and upstanding vis-a-vis our Jimmy’s sexual proclivities. Hard, so hard, to keep and maintain the line re item 2 above in the face of such widespread and general head shaking. Item 3 therefore is a hopeful debate killer because it says ‘look luvvs, that was back in the dark days’ of mostly ‘don’t ask don’t tell’. Gaydom is a protected no go area. And look, if we said we thought he was a secret – anything else – that would simply be preposterous. So gay it is then. Mind you, it is a risky side avenue down which to delve considering certain linkages that are not ever, not never, to made between this and that and a bit of the other.
I don’t buy into this ‘everybody new’. The press happily destroyed Jeremy thorpe and would have done the same to Saville if concrete evidence was available.
I thought it interesting how lenient Hall’s sentence was. It was the time he would have served had he been convicted in the 80s. It is pathetically low. Does that not give you an indication to how young people were treated by the entire country. Almost like ‘fair game’.
Yes he was a creep, but so are lots of people who don’t hurt flies.
The thing is, why would anyone listen to John Lydon – the man is a fool of the highest order. All that talk about betraying punk and off he goes advertising butter …
Saville was exactly the sort of person Lydon would hate. Imagine, just for a second that Savile was not a pervert. As a ‘sex-less’ type with no history of girlfriends he would immediately become the target of gossip and spite. Just as Cliff Richard has. Being a Tory, or at least not one for helping out labour he would be twice damned and being a Christian who practiced what he preached (charity n all that) he would be thrice damned. The left would accuse him of the very things he has been accused of now but without any evidence. Simply because they couldn’t let someone who wasn’t one of theirs be seen as a ‘good type’.
Lydon, having heard rumours, or just being a puerile shit would have jumped at the chance to pass such rumours on or simply made them up. It’s inevitable – he thinks everyone is a hypocrite simply because he is one himself. So, just because there is some tape of his sad little mewling it doesn’t mean that, just because he actually hit a target, he knew anything. He was slinging mud, that’s all.
The only reason the rumours about Savile stayed rumours is that if his true nature came out it would badly damage the BBC. Even if they could achieve the Holy Grail and smear Thatcher and the Tories as part of the fallout the BBC would still end up looking very bad indeed. So the BBC was in a cleft stick. It didn’t like Savile or what he stood for, not one bit. They knew he was a pervert and that strengthened their hatred of him and his mates in the Tory party – who are obviously guilty by association. Who knows maybe they were keeping their powder dry until they could drop the bombshell when the time was ripe? But really they could do nothing about it without drowning in the shit themselves. So they tried to hush it up and, as they always do, failed.
The whole thing is a disaster for the BBC and hopefully it will destroy them. That can’t come too soon for me.
Saville hasn’t destroyed the BBC as its essentially irrelevant to what the BBC provides. In fact satisfaction with the BBC is going back towards its normal 70%.
As to Savile not damaging the BBC you must be joking, especially as much of the detail has yet to be released.
The BBCs standing with the Public is at an all time low, so I can’t see how you think it is back where it started. It is not simply Savile either, all the bias in politics is starting to piss people off in growing numbers – and that’s before we get onto the gross waste of monies on payoffs and failed projects. And then is Stuart Hall et al.
live coverage of South Koreas anniversary bbc telling us that people from 30 different country’s died actually it was prob 90% USA ana since the war North Korea has got on like a house
Any perceived pro-North Korea bias here will have been balanced out, naturally, by John Sweeney’s preening and berating a couple of NK citizens in his legendary documentary.
Here’s an interesting fact, one thing that all these pedophiles have in common, Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall, Johnathan King, ITV This Morning weatherman Fred Talbot, they’ve all got outward going, gregarious personalities.
Which brings me to the subject of Ken Clarke and child actor Ben Fellows, Clarke is also very outward going and gregarious.
This is what David Vance wrote on June 12th
”One of the speakers at the Bilderberg fringe festival was child actor Ben Fellows who has been involved in a criminal investigation into Kenneth Clarke’s alleged link to the paedophile ring as uncovered in the BBC via Saville-gate. ”
”I can only imagine that the BBC are concerned that further evidence is going to come to light about not only their ingrained corruption but it’s links to Parliament. It’s a total can of worms.”
Do you think Ken Clarke is going to end up in court ? too powerful, too rich, too many influential connections. The law is for the little people, like us. Like Savile, he’ll get away with it.
ken clarkes too powerful, the police have even told him that. But why havnt the people he’s named sued him for defamation of character? Fellows is now on the run, broke, homeless, even is wife has left him and he’s now begging for donations. its pointless for anyone to sue him, whether Ken Clarke, Tom Cruise or others, or is that the idea, sue me ive got noting you can take from me anyway. Most definitely a huge can of worms tho
The Anniversary London Olympics, Gawd Almighty ! talk about flogging a dead horse, I’ve still got a brooding resentment about the cultural marxist, multicultural propaganda of the opening and closing shows.
Spot the difference, photograph of the British Olympic team, all white and the BBC version of the UK Olympic team, black / mixed race ! How very strange.
Ah ‘floggin a dead horse’ – let’s put that up as a new Olympic sport for Rio 2016. Then Beeb have a very well funded well trained and expert mixed relay team – GB is bound to ‘medal’. It will take the Chinese decades to overtake us.
BBC 3 is repeating the Opening of the Games ceremony tonight. Danny Boyle’s Soviet style set-piece is going to look like a sick joke with its NHS love letter spectacle after Stafford and the 16 other English hospitals – and now Cardiff hospital mortality rates. It would rate as comedy gold were it not for the thousands of tragic, unnecessary deaths of unfortunate patients.
The BBC gave my niece the impression that the economy was boosted by all those Gold medals won at the Olympics last year, that’s how she came to understand the BBC propaganda.
no wonder BBC Director general Mark Thompson said he was ‘increasingly unhappy’ with the patriotic tone of the news coverage of the Games. Obviously too hideously white for him
i never watched the Olympics, but from the news coverage from al beeb, one would have thought that if it wasnt for the benefits of immigration and multiculturalism, Team GB wold have walked away from the Olympics with fuck all
Who was that white, ginger fella that won gold in….erm…was it the high jump, or long jump?
There you go…that’s how well he was represented by the “Olympic channel”…I can’t A: Remember his name without googling, or B: remember what Olympic event he won gold in…
I had always wondered why I saw so much athletics of the BBC, after all there are many sports that should grace the screens of the paying public. It was by chance that last year, on searching a data base on who does what in sport in general, I came across the fact that the BBC is a main sponsor to the G.B. athletics programme. Are we then surprised that we see the over promotion of certain athletes and as pointed out, no white athletes shown in the picture library linked in with the above thread post? In my book, isn’t that racist reporting? Who would have thought, the BBC being racist because of their bias?
Of course. Hampstead Harrabin ensures that the same story also gets top billing at his propagandist home in the misnamed ‘Science & Environment’ online section.
First… sorry… By mistake I hit the report comment tag when i meant to reply… wasn`t looking properly…
When you mention the limitations of the SNES I couldn`t help but remember Nintendos faux pas when they persisted with the cartridge format even though the PS1 with its CD rom system 32 bit was kicking the N64 off the map… They lost a lot of support from gamesmakers.. Like Squaresoft, who launched FF7 on the PS1 becouse the N64 couldn`t handle the game.. I never liked the SNES I liked the NES becouse it was the best 16bit at the time… Everything that came after was shite… As for the endless Mario games …. its been overdone… for the last twenty years… We have three consoles in our house guess which one has only been played about twenty times in over two and a half years??? I do hope you are employing your skills elsewhere mate…. The Wii didn`t even play DVDs FFS!!! And the remote feature wasn`t up to all the hype either..
Don’t worry, some random people on the internet have told me this is a ‘cultural issue’ and that religion has nothing to do with. I for one am very relieved…………..
Over the 13 year devastation of Liebore, there were many accusations of immigrants getting social housing. This was always denied by liars Blears, Johnson, Harman etc.
After the uprising of the 17th June
The Secretary of the Writer’s Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
The damage started much sooner, a lot of it under the Conservatives’.
Not sure what you’re getting at. If you look at this graph, you’ll see net immigration tripled within a year of Labour taking office then took a further hike in 2004 (after Labour legislated for family members to also come and join in the fun lil’ ole treasure island UK?!).
What I’m “getting at” is that immigration was having a significant impact on relatively small cities like Bradford long before people in larger metropolitan areas like London began to take it seriously.
Nationally, nobody was particularly interested in what Ray Honeyford had to say in The Salisbury Review in 1984 – under Margaret Thatcher.
(That was not an excuse to have a dig at MT because, generally, I don’t.)
That’s fine, I understand your point now. Honeyford has been vilified for it by The Left ever since – just for daring to raise concerns about integration.
Destruction is the only thing that the Left is good at, and that has been true since the French Revolution. Everything else is arrogance and greed dressed up as love of truth and equality. The BBC lives off the labour of others and prove their superiority (in their own eyes) by sowing dissolution.
Fred Bloggs,
“Over the 13 year devastation of Liebore, there were many accusations of immigrants getting social housing. This was always denied by liars Blears, Johnson, Harman etc.”
You are completely and utterly wrong Mr Bloggs. No one ever denied that immigrants could get “social housing”. The constant accusations where that immigrants got “preferential treatment”; that “they came over here and got given a council house straight away…”.
That was, and always has been a complete myth. The Daily Mail article you link to even admits it;
“In 2009, a report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission claimed there was ‘no evidence to support the perception that new migrants are getting priority over UK-born residents’. The research found no evidence of abuse of the system such as queue jumping or providing false information.”
Which is kind of ironic, seeing as it was a myth endlessly propagated by the very same Daily Mail.
Dez, we talking about Liebore. A gov that had a public enquiry under Hutton and found Bliar ‘not guilty’. The equalities commision was stuffed with Liebore placemen, so I would not trust it an inch. Plus how would they find something that the gov of the day always denied. A gov that lied saying no ‘boom and bus’ but had sent the finances into a death spiral with it’s disastrous financial administration. A gov the lied to Parliament to get it to go to war.
When the current gov got in they repealed an edict that a proportion of social housing is to be reserved for immigrants. I trust my instincts when I visit my nearby council estate as to the proportion of immigrants. Not a report from a bunch of Liebore placemen
Dez, you make absolutely no mention of council homes allocation on the basis of ‘need’, which is heavily influenced by family size. Once granted residence, a migrant or an asylum seeker can bring over his entire family & thereby move up the priority list. As a Londoner, I’ve seen this happen time & time again within my family & circle of friends. The patient accumulation of points for social housing trumped by new arrivals with four (or more) kids, when my nearest & dearest stuck to two because they couldn’t afford more & acted responsibly. And resentment is increased by the fact that asylum seekers fly over safe countries to reach the greener benefit fields of the UK. If they were that desperate wouldn’t they joyously embrace the first safe haven they arrived at?
‘A major study called ‘The New East End’, by the Young Foundation, 2006, revealed the true extent of the problem…in Bethnal Green over the past generation.
They found that the Whitehall concept of ‘need’ has, in practice, favoured Bangladeshi workers who were beginning to bring over their families. Young British workers with smaller families were pushed out to Essex, away from their roots & away from their parents, who stayed put in their council houses in East London.
The outcome was that family & social bonding between Bangladeshi families was strengthened – while the traditional working-class family structure of British workers was severely weakened. The researchers found that the white working class were seething with resentment.’
That last line is an understatement. The white British working class has been royally shafted by a succession of politicians, especially the well-heeled social engineers of New Labour.
It’s not only the white working class. For 2nd and 3rd generations of children whose parents were immigrants, their chances of getting a council flat or house are practically zero. They and their parents and grandparents aren’t too thrilled about it either!
For some reason known only to Stephanie herself, the government meeting its own growth estimates, which agree with City experts’ analysis, and are incidentally ‘the fastest annual rate of growth since 2011’ translates to a headline of ‘UK Economy: half speed ahead’.
A bit more analysis on the article for anyone that cares:
Stephanie talks about ‘the wrong kind of growth’. Following the link to her prior article, it turns out that the wrong kind of growth is when households spend money rather than companies. We further discover that this increased spending comes from lower savings rates. Not much consideration is given as to why households are saving less (an austrian perspective on this would be that the sustained low interest rate and money-printing has made savings less attractive – i.e. inflation eats savings, so its better to spend your money now rather than waiting – so what we’re seeing is a very natural consequence of the continued attempt by the bank of england to inflate its way to growth).
We also get a pretty multicoloured graph showing the breakdown of services, construction, and production. What is startling for me about this graph is not the bit that Stephanie is interested in, i.e. the recent dips in activity, but rather what happened to services and production during Labour’s long tenure in the late 90s / early 2000s – this chart captures how Labour expanded ‘services’ (in reality, most of this ‘growth’ was in government jobs, as they added an extra one million pubic sector jobs to the existing 5.5million or so jobs) at the cost of production – normally, the BBC is quick to point the finger at the tories, and in particular the thatcher years, as a wholesale destruction of manufacturing in favour of services, so its a bit jarring to see the reality. The other highlight of the graph is the clear evidence of the property boom that was created during the labour government.
Perhaps most worrying about the graph though is that services are higher during the coalition years whilst production and construction are lower. For some reason Stephanie doesn’t put the boot in on the coalition for this (in my view, this is clear evidence of continuing mismanagement by Cameron and co – an important lesson of the financial crash in my opinion is that we need to rebalance the UK economy to favour manufacturing, and a good way to do this is to really start exploiting the shale gas deposits that have been discovered in the UK).
We then get treated to a howler – “But, some economists would argue that the rise in imported inflation was itself made worse by the low value of the pound, which – in turn – might be at least partly due to the government’s determination to rely mainly on the Bank of England printing money to deliver the recovery, while the chancellor got a handle on borrowing. ”
Somehow, in Stephanie’s world, borrowing money is preferable to printing it, when in reality they’re both pretty much equivalent. Printing money is ‘stealth’ borrowing, and the media is complicit in allowing the government to get away with the fiction that there is any real difference between the two.
All in all, I think Flanders tried her best here to tone down the good news of the most recent growth figures, but theres only so much you can dress things down.
It is the wrong kind of growth. Companies are sitting on billions waiting for some Unknown moment when they will invest. When they invest the dole queues will vanish, social security payments drop, the youth of this country will get a future. They haven’t at present.
Have you considered why companies don’t want to invest?
Whilst the BBC won’t tell you this, things like Obamacare create huge uncertainty for businesses, and to play it safe they sit on their cash.
The best thing governments can do is get out of the way by reducing red tape on businesses, lowering barriers to entry to markets (e.g. by getting rid of farcical oversight bodies such as the FSA which are prone to capture by the entities they supposedly regulate and who in practice make it harder for new entrants to markets) and repealing ‘diversity’ legislation that is really a backdoor way for politicians to obtain favoured treatment for their key voting constituencies.
Steps like this are anathema to keynesians such as Flanders, and so whilst she has identified that companies aren’t investing, she can’t really admit why.
I thought it was productivity, and producing something someone wants to purchase that would get the country out of recession…”investment” is a lazy word, and a very lazy philosophy….Invest in what?….A camel cleaning service?…how about that underpant rolling company in Eastbourne?
‘When they invest the dole queues will vanish, social security payments drop, the youth of this country will get a future. They haven’t at present.’
How naive. The youth of this country has been shafted by a) mass immigration b) its unswerving belief in ‘only the right job will do’ c) its own laziness and sense of entitlement. Many exceptions to a) and b) of course, but stories from employers of young people who can’t stick at a job for more than a couple of days are legion.
Note that ‘our Steph’ didn’t actually shout at the top of her voice about it being ‘the wrong kind of growth’ when households were spending like there was no tomorrow during the Labour years. Household debt exploded from around £0.5 trillion to a peak of about £1.45 trillion during the years 1997 and 2009. But then, hadn’t our former Chancellor, a certain Mr Brown, told everyone he had abolished boom and bust, that basically household income would just keep increasing, as would the value of property, so rush out and re-mortgage – it’ll all be OK, so spend, spend, spend. But that kind of ‘growth’ was OK during a period of Labour government, apparently. What ‘Steph’ has still to figure out is that debt growth is NOT economic growth, and neither is public sector growth.
‘some xxxx would argue’
I see that one degree of separation, source-unspecific weasel trotted out anywhere, but especially in a BBC editor’s ‘analysis’, I know to check around elsewhere very carefully, very quickly.
It is surely not beyond her ken to name these ‘experts’ to share ownership of such opinion?
Unless of course it serves to allude negatively over informing accurately.
And, of course, anonymously. That old trusted, professional integrity again.
Escaped Radio 4s Hatewave of tittle tattle this morning,and relaxed with the wonderful Brian Matthew on Radio 2.
Yet the BBC news headlines obviously carry over, as foppish interns pass the same hogwash agendas between the tentacles of BBC News Management.
Why else would the Government be “accused of not doing enough to save the Arctic”?
What kind of crap is that?…and how can such a sentence pass as news?
Cameron takes years to get rid of a dangleberry like Qatada, but is also so powerful that Putin and the USA need to be checked…and his administration are not doing that.
Only the BBC could call that news-does the BBC have a Minister for Greenpeace?..awful crap.
Only glad Brian doesn`t know what`s being said as he goes for his toilet break!
Yep, the MP interviewed from whatever parliamental (my description) committee came up with this demand also mentioned the harm done by fossil fuels in terms of ‘global warming’. No challenge, of course, because it was all so BBC-worthy – fitting perfectly the agenda they agreed at their 28gate meeting with activist friends.
The Today show is ever more louche and gung-ho
with its facts at the weekend, when their bosses are doing anything but listening to their own crap-unless it`s to be called in from Tuscany or Daddys pad in the country, should another scandal go Savileward.
Any resemblance to the truth of things by the BBC at times like there is purely coincidental, and bears no relation to any facts as established elsewhere in those few pockets of resistance not stuffed with expenses and ball gags for the whistleblowers re their pay and pensions.
The BBC-providing nothing but succour to Islam, Lefties, the EU and our quisling traitors in the political , diplomatic and academic strata since 1979.
Why else would the Government be “accused of not doing enough to save the Arctic”?
Yes i vaguely remember some years ago Merkel promising to reduce the temperature of the globe by three degrees only for Mad Gordon MacRuin to promise that he would reduce the temperature by four degrees.
I suppose Cameron could have appeased the ecoloons by top-trumping them with five degrees.
Government accused of not doing enough to save the Arctic from what.
(1) Turning Green or Wet
(2) Summer or Winter
(3) Russia or Canada
(4) Sunshine or Clouds trapping heat
(5) Carbon dioxide or fresh air
(6) The EU or Socialism
There are intelligent MP’s, even Labour MP’s, but the BBC is very reluctant to give them a say, maybe its because they are all patriots who want Britain to leave the EU, but its also possible that BBC journalists cannot understand a statement unless it is simple enough for anyone outside of the BBC to see as an idiotic statement.
Richard Pinder,
“Government accused of not doing enough to save the Arctic from what.”
Oh dear Richard. Not too bright are you? A little bit gullible? A bit thick in other words…
Well observational evidence shows an increase in Cloud Albedo in the Arctic, trapping heat, caused by an alternating Hale magnetic cycle which causes an alternation of weather trends between the Arctic and the Antarctic.
I suppose you think it is caused by carbon dioxide being more effective at warming the North Pole were the Sun don’t shine much, rather than the computer models that predicted that warming would be more effective in warming the tropics where the Sun does shine much.
Dear dez, I wonder, do you think that carbon dioxide is magnetically attracted to the North Pole?
I wonder if that is why they make such simple mindless statements without detail. These statements must be thought up by simple minded people who make assumptions about assumptions that they assume everyone outside of the BBC also makes, but then I do not assume that the government can stop the climate from changing, even by destroying China.
“Why else would the Government be “accused of not doing enough to save the Arctic”? What kind of crap is that?…and how can such a sentence pass as news?”
Yes chris, it’s a completely crap sentence; but that’s because it’s one completely made up in your own head. What the BBC newsreader actually said;
“MP’s have accused the government of failing to protect the Arctic by complacently standing by while oil companies start to drill in the region.”
But if you would like to continue describing the contents of your alleged brain as “crap” then go right ahead. Finally we can agree on something.
Oh now be fair I like Dezzys little unsound bites ! it reminds me that nature is in balance and the genetic imperative that so many humans have to be ‘village idiots ‘ is still evolving !
No sign of any drowned polar bears either! All those “Fox’s Glacier Mint” shots of beleaguered bears on little cubes of ice awaiting their fate, not forgetting touchy feely Dave’s dash to the frozen North to show the Greens he “cares”. O tempora, o mores!
Those nasty coalition politicians are lying to us again it seems, but luckily we have “the BBC’s very brainy economics guru Stephanie Flanders” to help us understand the truth.
Funnily enough, whilst Nick talks at length about increases in population meaning that we’re even further behind on GDP per head measures since the last recession (compared to the aggregate GDP growth figures usually quoted), he somehow fails to recall that the increases in population are largely down to net inward immigration to the UK – a policy heavily driven by Labour during its last government, and one that, whenever the coalition starts trying to do something about, has the beeboids out in force accusing them of racism.
Its hard to win I guess when the BBC adopts ‘heads I win tails you lose’ to coalition policy.
So how many people have heard about the Bloodshed in Eygpt overnight, funny enough it transpired on a friday (Gee shock,horror,surprise) So how is the bBC reporting this story, which honesty?,Clarity? and impartially?
Come on this is the bBC I am talking about, to them, their is only one god and his name is…Allah:
Egypt crisis: ‘Scores killed’ at Cairo protest More than 100 people have been killed at a protest by supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in the capital, Cairo, doctors say. They said more than 1,000 were also hurt. The state health ministry says 38 people had died – 180 injured.
Doctors say bBC? Would that be the same Doctors who you go straight to when somebody is killed by: Israel, The US or even the UK?
Here is how Huff Post report the same story: Egypt Protests: 100 Supporters Of Ousted President Mohammed Morsi Killed Say Muslim Brotherhood
UPI: Morsi supporters claim 120 dead, 4,500 hurt in clashes with police
Asharq Al-Awsat (Arab news) Egypt’s health ministry reported on Saturday that 38 people were killed, while the Muslim Brotherhood claimed that at least 139 people were killed and 4,500 others wounded in the attack.
Irish times: The Muslim Brotherhood has claimed at least 70 people were killed overnight when security forces opened fire on protesting supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi in Cairo. The claim has not yet been independently verified.
Ahram online: The Muslim Brotherhood claims 120 killed in overnight violence with police near Rabaa Al-Adawiya Mosque; Ministry of Health says only 38 dead arrived at hospitals so far according to health ministry
China daily: the MB said in a statement posted on its official website that at least 120 people were killed and more 4,500 others wounded, most of them suffered gunshot wounds in confrontations between pro-Morsi protesters and security forces in the Naser street in Cairo.
It seems that out of all the worlds reputable News agencies only one is parroting the line given by the Muslim Brotherhood as fact. I wonder who that could be?
ever so slightly believing the bBC are edging towards the side of MB/Morsi, why could that be? maybe one Iran in the world isn’t enough for powder puff central.
I hate you, I put off going on a 20 mile (mountain) Bike ride in which to watch the above video. Initially I was just going to watch 5 mins, I watched it all. That video should be aired for all to see. It encapsulates everything about ‘Islam’ that the left don’t want you to know about. (If you have better things to do just watch for 3 mins from 35 mins)
That video should be compulsory viewing for all everybody in the West. I am sure the bBC will play the race card in which to combat it.
God, this is brilliant!
Thanks for posting this up.
With Jihadwatch, Gates of Vienna etc-we have absolutely NO excuse not to know what Islams plan for the rest of us is going to be.
Please keep these clips coming everyone-and thanks again Leha! God Bless you-and Israel, friends of the West everywhere.
If only we could get our trolls to read it-but it`s not about Milibands flares ,and how they differ from Andy Coulsons-which is what we`re supposed to settle for in sticking only to “BBC Bias”…this is the substrate of all BBC/Left liberal deceit…we need to study this lady FAR more!
I wonder if anyone else heard a short item about the Korean war on the Today programme this morning (Saturday). Please click the link and listen from 7:18am for about 3 minutes.
Was anyone else as uncomfortable with this piece as I was? Mao, were he alive today, would no doubt send a message of congratulations to the BBC. It is beyond bias. The question is how was this item broadcast with no balance?
Thanks for that, I was really impressed by the bBC message that standing up to American imperialism is what good standing people must do. Also the bit about that NK only wants peace.
Meanwhile in la la land another bBC paedophile (Why are Muslims never classed as Paedophiles by the bBC?) Got his Jail sentence increased by 15 months, no doubt he was fighting American imperialism as well. To the left he can only be a Hero, much like anybody willing to murder for Allah, Communism or leftwing justice.
So the Chinese weren`t really fighting…only providing music, and building airports.
That`ll explain it all-suppose there`s no chance of hearing from a South Korean….I`m assuming it wasn`t ALL Obamas grandparents was it?…maybe even a British perspective?
Poor misunderstood Mao…a poet, a primary school teacher and a fine swimmer until Uncle Sam turned him bad…or should that be over-exuberant in aspects of creating his diverse nation of pandas and horoscopes.
Pyongyang pandas, these BBC useful tools and fools…this endless stabbing of our nation in the back is getting to be a problem.
Funnily enough there was a programme about the Household Cavalry and their musical importance.(R4 10.30 am today)
Maybe if we could tell the BBC that Lee Rigby was a promising young drummer on the verge of signing for Genesis, then they`d reconsider and elevate Rigby to being a martyr.
As opposed to being yet another casualty of not enough traffic calming, congestion charges being too low etc in the London area. Poor Michael would have been upset, and responded in a cultural appropriate way.
Our BBC…traitors to their core.
Unpleasant, but if Twitter installs a ‘report abuse’ button, there will be almost nobody left to tweet. Twitter seems to be a forum that specialises in rapid fire abuse.
Amid the Obama administration’s crackdown against whistleblowers,, the 2008 website of the Obama transition team laying out the candidate’s promises, has disappeared from the internet.
The Sunlight Foundation notes that it last could be viewed on June 8, which was two days after the first revelations from Edward Snowden (who had then not yet revealed himself) about the NSA’s phone surveillance program. One of the promises Obama made on the website was on “whistleblower protections:”
How come it's impossible to find the Obama campaign's Life of Julia online anymore? All links redirect to home page— Adam Blenford (@adamblenford) July 19, 2013
Blenford, eh? interesting that this is the same Adam Blenford who worried about how cleaning up voter registration rolls – you know: removing dead people and non-residents – would harm the sainted minorities, and
Although he was fairly moronic for assuming that nobody in their right minds could have been supporting Herman Cain after the media hyped up his alleged sexual liaison.
“Muslims should be told they are welcome to stay in the West if they integrate into our society, but if Muslims want separate parallel communities or behave as a fifth column, then it is best for everyone if those Muslims go and live in an Islamic country. Sounds harsh? Yes, it does. But constant caving in to Muslim demands is seen as a weakness to be exploited by the Muslim community and will only lead to another concession when the next knee-jerk offence occurs.”
Mere workplace spat.
Nothing to see here.
Get on with your lives citizens… and do keep away from that Clare Lopez woman up here on this site.
Hasans testimony is worth twice hers at least-and he`s a psychologist too!
Ed Stourtons Sunday slither tomorrow won`t be saying anything about Fort Hood though.
Now as for women bishops not getting on the Popemobile in Rio?…now THAT`S worth a ten minute critique.
Bloody thing costs a bomb…and does not even runs on biofuels!…and all that sugar cane there too!
BBC-Democrat’s failure to report self-confessed murderer, Muslim HASAN’s statement today can apparently be put down to either 1.) or 2.) of the following:
1.) BBC-Democrat finds it impossible to spin Hasan as the Muslim victim;
2.) Muslim Hasan issued his statement to BBC-Democrats’ media enemy, ‘FOX NEWS,’ so for BBC-Democrat Muslim Hasan’s statement does not exist.
The trouble is that the figures are meaningless, more so given the example quoted.
They tell how many families have been housed, but not how many homes that entails.
So in the example given who has a family of 10 people that would mean only 5 000 homes per year.
But there’s another flaw the example given isn’t an immigrant, he’s an asylum seeker, and very different rules apply. For instance he doesn’t claim housing benefit because he isn’t entitled to it.
The whole article is so flawed by the writer ignorance of the processes involved that it’s little more than an ignorant rant.
I think the article means that 470,000 social housing tenancies have been granted to foreigners.
With regard to the asylum seeker, he must have been granted leave to remain, in which case he can claim housing benefit. This must be the case because the property he occupies is a private property and someone must be paying the rent. That someone isn’t unemployed Mr Khalif.
I suppose this isn’t strictly bias, but it does illustrate a certain mindset.
UK migration figures ‘a best guess’
Official UK migration figures are little better than “a best guess” and are not fit for purpose, an influential committee of MPs argues
The next associated article completely ignores this and states :
Net immigration ‘down by a third’
In the year to September, 153,000 more people came to the UK than left – down from 242,000
The number of immigrants coming to Britain fell from 581,000 to 500,000, while the number of migrants leaving the country was up from 339,000 to 347,000.
Not bad for figures which are completely unreliable. At least they quote the actual figures as well as the disingenuous ‘Net’ figures.
The BBC and numbers – in, out, rounded up, down or ‘analysed’ – can always be entertaining to delve into to find what they like vs. don’t.
From crowd estimates to 100:1 ‘splits’, they can vary from plain bent to masterpieces of semantics.
Not really optimal for information & education sources seeking trust in integrity, mind.
Staying with my wee cuzzy, and watching an hilarious car crash on BBC news as they try to set up an outrage over some daft PR stunt ad campaign to advise illegal immigrants on how to return home voluntarily. Or else.
Actually the Tory suit was pretty feisty, and the droids’ response to him pointing out the notion of running campaigns to mutter darkly about failure to obey legal impositions being a TVL staple, was hilarious in its ‘but we’re unique so the rules don’t apply to the BBC!’ delusion.
Bit of a dilemma for the BBC presented, by of all people, Trevor Phillips on the Marr Show.
Handed a softball no-brainer on how racist this truck poster is, he laughed and said it wasn’t racist at all. That’s… Trevor Phillips.
Thing is, the basis for the entire BBC outrage segment du jour is the griefmonger from some NGO flatly stating it is ‘clearly racist’. Be interesting which the go with in the edits.
I’m afraid I’ve reached such a point of overload with the relentless campaigning by unelected self-interested and usually left-leaning groups given a platform by the BBC, that now when I hear a BBC news headline along the lines of ‘a shock new report out todays reveals that 60% of vulnerable people ….yada yada yada….’ well, I turn off – sometimes literally.
For example…
Today Newsniffer reveals a recent incident of a matching pair of reports where Guardianista journos would have us believe two opposing facts at one and the same time….
‘Contactless cards were supposed to take over as the way to pay, but stretched shoppers are returning to cash to help control their spendingThe arrival of a “cashless society” appears to be further away than we thought: coins and notes are staging an unexpected comeback.
It has emerged that UK consumers and businesses made 20.8bn cash payments in 2012 compared with 20.6bn in 2011, breaking the longer term trend of falling cash usage seen over most of the past decade.’
‘A new industry report also reveals that more people are turning to cash exclusively, as financially stretched Britons seek to have greater control over their spending.’
‘PayPal surges in popularity as cash payments fall by 10% to account for 54% of transactions’
‘Consumers are increasingly ditching cash and credit cards in favour of alternative payment methods, according to figures from the British Retail Consortium.’
‘Although cash remains king, accounting for 54% of transactions in 2012, the number of times it was used to pay for goods was down 10% on the previous year.’
Colin Murray faces Twitter sexism row about Jessica Ennis “bottom” comments at London’s Anniversary Games
27 Jul 2013 10:38
Radio presenter Colin Murray shocked fans last night with an apparent sexist remark about Olympics queen Jessica Ennis-Hill
By Mike Walters
Colin Murray faces Twitter sexism row about Jessica Ennis “bottom” comments at London’s Anniversary Games
27 Jul 2013 10:38
Radio presenter Colin Murray shocked fans last night with an apparent sexist remark about Olympics queen Jessica Ennis-Hill
Defused: Colin Murray Defused: Colin Murray
Radio presenter Colin Murray shocked fans last night with an apparent sexist remark about Olympics queen Jessica Ennis-Hill.
The BBC star, warming up the capacity crowd at the Olympic Stadium for the Anniversary Games, said the ultimate athlete would have “the stamina of Mo, the speed of Bolt, the leap of Rutherford and the bottom of Jess Ennis”.
Fans took to Twitter to register their disgust at former Radio 1 DJ Murray, 36. Julie Haigh tweeted: “Boys get their skills mentioned, but @J_Ennis has her bum mentioned. In the 50s are we?”
Olympic heptathlon gold winner Ennis-Hill, 27, is due to compete in the long jump and 100m hurdles today as she recovers from an ankle injury ahead of next month’s World Championships in Moscow.
The Northern Irish broadcaster later tried to defuse the row, tweeting: “Hey guys, I said she was the ‘greatest all-round athlete in the world’.”
But the negative reaction to the presenter’s comments continued.
Another Twitter user said: “Ace night at the athletics. Shame @colinmurray had to reduce Jess Ennis’ achievements solely to the appearance of her bum. #everydaysexism”
Natalie Vincent tweeted: “@ColinMurray You serious? Colin, did the Inverdale debacle not teach you ANYTHING?”
Jo Stroud added: “There is no way that @ColinMurray should get away with what he came out with re: @J_Ennis earlier. For shame.”
Ian Jackson said: “Sexism in sport alive & well. Apparently Jess Ennis just has good bum. Shame on Colin Murray.”
Jon Slade tweeted: “Colin Murray just said: ‘the stamina of Mo, the speed of Bolt, the bottom of Jess Ennis’. Inverdale & him must be buddies. #everydaysexism”
It is not the first time Murray has courted controversy.
He quit BBC Radio 5 Live’s Fighting Talk show this month after it included a section on how openly gay racing presenter Clare Balding, 42, could be “turned around”.
He also follows former BBC colleague John Inverdale, 55, in making offensive remarks on air.
Inverdale said Wimbledon women’s winner Marion Bartoli “will never be a looker”. A BBC spokesman said of Inverdale’s comments: “We accept it was insensitive and we apologise.”
Had the BBC not been so biased to the left this kind of incident could not have happened. Of course the BBC have brought this on themselves – and on the rest of us for that matter.
The BBC have done much to create the fevered atmosphere of faux-outrage where the previously most innocuous of comments is supposed to be tantamount to a sexual attack.
The other issue is the BBC’s slavish devotion to Twitter which provides the very meat of these stories – thoughtless sloganised lefty instant outrage.
“The free-spending culture in the corridors of power at the BBC has wasted almost £350 million of licence fee payers’ money on excessive pay-offs for departing executives, lavish relocation packages and a failed digital scheme.”
BBC Memo to all Sports Department staff
Re: Recent incidents of sexist comments
After examining your conscience and telling Twitter of your sorrow, go into the confessional. You may kneel at the screen or sit to talk face-to-face with the audience.
Begin your confession with the sign of the five rings, “In the name of the Lord Coe, and of the BBC, and of the Olympic Spirit. My last confession was _________ weeks (months, years) ago.”
The audience may be read a passage from Holy Scripture (ie a statement from Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson).
Say the sins that you remember. Start with the one(s) that is most difficult to say. (In order to make a good confession the faithful must confess all sexist sins, according to kind and number.) After confessing all the sins you remember since your last good confession, you may conclude by saying, “I am sorry for these and all the sins of my past life.”
Listen to the words on Twitter. It will assign you some penance. Doing the penance will diminish the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven. When invited, express some prayer of sorrow or Act of Contrition such as:
An Act of Contrition
O my God {OMG}, I am heartily sorry for having offended and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of Glasto and the pains of ITV. But most of all because I have offended you, my BBC, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen.
Do your assigned Penance
Most likely this will be a prolonged stint of commentary on wheelchair racing.
Commentary on Women’s soccer is reserved for the more serious of sinners.
The ‘truth’ on immigration/emigration? From the BBC? Give me a break! The whole infrastructure and climate at the BBC is predicated on the ideology of ethnic diversity and ‘inclusion’. The BBC and other institutions forced on the public have made am industry out of equalities, ethnic diversity and immigration…
sunday morning live –
bbc – once again the ONLY religion that matters eh!
anyone would think a muslim was head of religion, was running the show eh! … ermmm
are muslims being demonised? –
by bbc web pages, propaganda, and airtime?,
just (imagine if bbc was your only source), propaganda propaganda … PROPAGANDA!.
I note that with disturbing regularity, that the bbc must now believe that wheeling out Mehdi Hasan and his OIC excuse book somehow eradicates any points Douglas Murray makes – note the usual bbc ploys of dictating talktime etc.
I’ve lost count of the number of times that Mehdi Hasan has been given a free platform to push his victim argument. Anne Atkins and Douglas Murray were so careful to be so ‘British Fair Play’ that they hardly opposed his view, just saying that others also get criticised in British society, (perhaps we need new laws to ‘control’ the internet?).
The one person who really challenged Hasan and Islam was totally ignored by Hasan, (his usual debating technique).
There is a book that Hasan and the BBC should read. After reading it no sane person in the West would want anything to do with Islam. Finally Hasan could achieve mental freedom from his demons.
uh oh! the viewers vote spanks al bbc arses again! 78% to 28% – despite all the best thought police tactics –
muslims/islam not ahem … “demonised”
great … we can expect 3 times the amount of programming being objectively critical then?
especially as this is a true reflection, concurred by quite a few other SML public votes, on islam.
I’m hearing that this morning’s SML is utterly atrocious in its Islamic groveling, bias and censorship. I say it again, the best evidence and examples of bias, propaganda and censorship we have is that of the BBC’s worship of all things Islamic. But, hey, don’t take my word for it, pick up a book about the Frankfurt School of Marxism and find out for yourself why socialists and commies look to a dominant and head-strong movement to spearhead their dirty work. It’s classic Chapter 1 stuff of the cultural Marxist ideology, and the BBC are guilty as charged.
Regarding immigration figures: Bryant was making a fool of himself to those of us who know but given an easy ride by BBC News this morning.
There was no attempt to really attack him admitting that the same method of estimating had been used over the 13 years of Labour in power.
He made an idiotic statement – highlighting his ignorance about statistics – that 5000 was too small a sample size.
I don’t know the details behind the methodology. It may be that many people answering such questions lie through their teeth. But I do know that a sample of 5000 is more than adequate and gives a reasonably small margin of error (<2%) all other things truthful.
I mean, the BBC relies on viewing figure data from BARB that uses 5000 TV homes. Are they now going to dismiss 32 years of figures (BARB was set up in 1981)?
Isn`t he Captain Underpants in days of old?…wonder if he uses his gaydar when he advises Muslims on how best to help Labour….just as Andrew Neather did when HE was Labours Immigration Adviser.
Which amounted to “let them all in, give them what they want and maybe they`ll send their block votes to us”
So-to hear Labour DARE to speak on ” open doors, unfettered immigration”-AND get “questions” from Shaun Lie as if they have no form on f***ing this country over with their payroll vote from Pakistan or wherever…is a new low.
Talk about Brass neck…maybe it`ll save the likes of Bryant from being hanged from a crane, come their glorious day.
Why did this report come out on a Sunday? This allows the BBC not even to discuss it on Today on Monday morning.
In any other world it would be the led story for days but then there is no mention of arch-rival to the BBC monopolists Murdoch.
If you want to witness Cultural-relativism, cultural-Marxist and PC multicultural brainwashing then you could do no worse than watch an episode of the stultifyingly disgusting and perverted Eastenders. It’s pure sick and twisted Left-wing propaganda with ethnic minorities portrayed as saints and white folk as morally-corrupt, downtrodden sheep. It is through this subliminal indoctrination that the BBC is hard at work wiping put British identity with its multi-ethnic Muslim visions of ‘utopia’.
Interesting article on the cultural marxist propaganda of Eastenders.
”The BBC continues its drive to expunge the British from the face of the earth. This agenda can be seen in action through the BBC drive to eliminate British and specifically English identity through miscegenation. Here is an analysis of the racial character of the ’love interest‘of just one family, that of Bianca in ‘East Enders’
Bianca: Bianca has a mixed race son, Morgan.
Carol : (Bianca’s mum) – Married a black man Alan Jackson and had a mixed race son, Billy. Carol has shared a black boyfriend (Connor) with Bianca’s adopted daughter, the perennial victim
Whitney: Shared a black boyfriend with Carol (see above).
Thus three generations of this one English BBC TV family have had or are having sexual relationships with blacks. (The concentration on blacks arises from the Cultural Marxist position that as historically the most primitive and most ‘oppressed’ of races, the negro most requires to be shown as on the same socio-economic level as the ‘oppressing’ whites).
Some major points arise: although the East Enders’ depiction of reality is grossly perverted through the deliberate, ridiculous exaggeration of the frequency of mixed–race liaisons which is a device for encouraging them, there is a certain amount of truth in it:-”
A certain former Labour MP and Minister once rather gave the game away when she described what (I believe) was no more than a sexual fantasy of hers. I am not merely repeating tabloid tittle-tattle here, as I heard this story confirmed by someone who worked at the House of Commons. Please excuse the unpleasant detail, there is a serious point here.
The fantasy involved the lady being in a kind of sexual sandwich between two Black men, who would gratify themselves using her two lower orifices. I make no judgement about this, because what consenting adults do in private is not the concern of me, the State or anyone else.
The racism of her fantasy, however, is clear for all to see. Put simply, why did she specify Black men rather than two men of any race? The only reason I can think of is that she would feel a particular frisson from this inter-racial threesome. In other words she, though an anti-racist, felt that the Black element made the whole thing more exotic and exciting. She is quite entitled to this view but she must accept that this preference of hers is the same natural awareness of racial difference that might lead others to dislike Black men.
Have made point before. That ‘Cultural Marxism’ is a misnomer.
‘Moral Relativism’ is a more accurate description of the liberal inquisitions driving faith, as it far more informed by Freud than by Marx
What would Sigmund Freud make of the desire for (sexual) annihilation by something wild and alien? Is this yet more psycho-passive / submissive behaviour? And can we in the UK afford such people as Ministers in our governments?
Yet another blindingly stupid gaffe from The Obamessiah which will not be featured in snarky BBC tweets:
And one of the interesting things that we don’t talk about enough is the contrast between what’s happened in the United States and what’s happened in a lot of other developing countries, Europe in particular.
Sure, He went on to talk about “a lot of European countries”, but imagine, as Nile Gardiner suggests, the derision which the Beeboids would have heaped on George Bush had he said such a thing. Most likely, any BBC journalist who read the interview would instead be filled with joy at His insistence that more government spending is the only way forward.
I’ve been listening to BBC Radio 5Dead commentary on the Hungarian F1 Grand Prix, but every now and again they interrupt to go to someone in Barcelona, telling us that Tom Daley looks bronzed and fit in his tight trunks, the weather in Barcelona is superb, the diving centre has a nice view of the city in the background, and, oh yes, the judges have given Tom Daley a 7.5 for that one. They then return to the Hungaroring where the commentators say “you’ve just missed some fantastic action here …”
Presumably the bBBC editor has the hots for Tom Daley, but otherwise, what is the point?
Mentally ill people ‘hit hard by recession’ screams the bBBC headline. They are much more likely to be unemployed and their ‘their economic and social position’ gets worse.
But nowhere does their report empasise that this study, conducted from 2006 to 2010, is about the problems that Gordon Brown’s recession has caused.
But aren`t Brown, Fry and the like doing rather well out of it all?
Brown is hardly ever in the country( Lourdes is it?) and Fry is never off the telly waving his certificates about.
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
I see the Beeb has been sticking the boot into Osborne’s boom.
Apart from not letting anybody lay the blame at Labour’s door I think they may have a bit of a point on this one.
The coalition has really cocked up a once in a generation chance to reverse the socialist programme of decline.
There’s a good take on that at Ruthless Truth in: “George’s Bluff” at:
This is the first time I have ever received a considered and substantive response to a complaint made to the BBC.
Could it be a sign of the beginning of the end of the hegemony of the ‘deep liberal bias’?
Either way, it may suggest more complaints should be tried.
(Original website story that was complained about on the TUC view of shrinking pay is at end).
BBC News Online
Complaint category: Bias
Complaint title: This story is without any attempt at balance.
Complaint description: This story about pay reductions is based on a TUC press statement. There is no alternate view published, no BBC critical commentary of any sort, and no attempt to obtain opposing opinion. It might as well be the TUC’s website as it carries also its intentions on how they will campaign on the matter.
Two immediate issues spring to mind: (1) Why is there no mention of public sector pay and its probable increase in the same time period nor of how those regions with less public sector jobs may be the ones with the highest pay reductions?
(2) Why is there no context, as in a discussion of pay reductions being necessary for competitiveness or that a pay reduction may be an alternative to a company’s closure and redundancies?
This online news story is a prime example of lazy churnalism laced with (possibly unconscious) biased assumptions about what is essentially good and bad in economic terms. This should not be inevitable in BBC coverage even if it is a public sector entity.
Will it be amended?
By the way Frances O’Grady is not a man, which error says a lot.
Subject: Complaint Reply Required
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 16:17:43 +0000
Thank you for your email. We have reviewed this story and accept that you make several good points. You will see that the story has been amended and improved during the day.
This story was based on ONS figures collated by the TUC – and the accuracy of those statistics themselves has not been challenged. But you are quite right: even in the most basic, short story, we should be providing context and hearing more than a single point of view.
At the time the story was written early in the morning, it was naturally more difficult for the reporter to seek other responses. But the TUC should not have been the only voice in this story for several hours and we have since added in comments from the Federation of Small Businesses and the CBI to provide context as to why employers may have been forced to hold or cut wage levels over the past six years.
These figures do not differentiate between private sector and public sector pay so it may be we do not examine that issue as closely as you may wish on this particular story. But we will ask our business unit whether the regional differences you highlight – and the possibility that those regions with fewer public sector jobs are suffering bigger drops in pay – could be a subject that should be examined in more detail in a separate feature or story.
The error which saw us quoting Frances O’Grady as a “he” was a very basic error. All our journalists should double-check names and make no assumptions on spelling or gender. In this case, it seems the reporter was well aware that Frances was a woman but made a typo. This should have been picked up in the subbing process and should not have happened – or taken a couple of hours for this to be changed on air.
Such errors can happen but we are very aware how they can undermine the confidence that readers have in the rest of our work – as you point out.
Thank you again for contacting us and pointing out our errors in this story.
BBC News website
Pay has shrunk by 10% in parts of UK, TUC study finds
The TUC analysed figures from the Office for National Statistics
Total pay in some parts of the UK has shrunk by more than 10% since the start of the downturn in 2007, analysis by a union organisation suggests.
The TUC said north-west and south-west England had seen the sharpest cuts – 10.6% and 10.1% respectively.
It blamed wages failing to keep pace with inflation, reduced hours and changes in employment, such as more part-time working.
The TUC said it was making fair pay one of its main campaign issues.
Its analysis of official figures suggested that on the eve of the recession, workers across the UK were earning a total of £690bn.
Last year the overall pay packet was £638bn – £52bn (7.5%) lower.
The North West saw the sharpest cut in its overall pay packet between 2007 and 2012 – a fall of 10.6% or £7bn last year. The West Midlands and Scotland saw cuts of 9.7%, it said.
Wales saw a reduction of 8.1%, Northern Ireland 4.8% and London 3.9%, the smallest cut.
The TUC analysed figures from the Office for National Statistics’ annual survey of hours and earnings and its labour force survey. [Regional analysis followed but the table layout has been lost]
A modest increase in employment had failed to offset a “sharp” cut in wages in recent years, said the TUC.
General secretary Frances O’Grady said: “Over the last five years, people have taken a massive hit in their pay packets, while millions more have had to reduce their hours or take lower paid work. Many people have lost their jobs altogether.”
She said that shrinking wages were hitting living standards, holding back businesses and damaging growth prospects.
“While economic growth is the key challenge facing the UK today, the years running up to the crash taught us that growth without wage gains just creates more unsustainable debt,” she said.
“Employers and both local and central governments need to recognise the importance of decent wages in delivering sustainable economic growth. They can start by becoming living wage employers and being more transparent about their pay systems.”
The TUC study coincides with its new pay campaign, Britain Needs A Pay Rise.
(The complaint was made at about 11 a.m. and ‘he’ was changed to ‘she’ later but the story’s date and time were not amended and continued to say “11 June 2013 Last updated at 07:25”. It appears the BBC hides evidence of updates on the news website where necessary.)
This addition appeared 7 hours after the initial story:
11 June 2013 Last updated at 14:15
John Moylan Industry correspondent, BBC News
The TUC’s analysis makes for grim reading.
But it does recognise that while wages have been under pressure, employment has risen during the downturn.
Unemployment – while high – has not yet reached the levels that some originally predicted.
There have been changes in the labour market with a rise in self-employment and part-time working.
For some that means less secure employment, possibly with less income than they had in the past.
But the government would argue that the fall in the number of people employed in the public sector has been outweighed by a rise in the numbers employed in the private sector – and that this has been part of a necessary re-balancing of the economy.
And it points out that more than 80% of those who work part-time do so “because they want to or it suits them”.
Framer – that is most inspiring to read your well thought out Bias complaint to the BBC which has received a positive outcome.
It has made me think maybe I ought to be more pro-active rather than just shouting at the TV interviewer, (metaphorically, inside my head), when I believe bias is occurring.
More often than not I get these mental tantrums when rank hypocrisy occurs when the interviewer is favorably asking the wrong questions of some socialist about the economy or immigration, for example.
I so often find BBC interviewers, instead of challenging the Labour legacy, of how this came about, since it was instigated, or a consequence, of what happened under their watch, they let them blatantly turn the tables onto the current Government without any robust challenge.
That is my first bitch this morning with my cup of tea. I feel so much better now.
Why “only inside your head”?
‘You will see that the story has been amended and improved during the day.’
Making it, originally, what? Factually useless & dire prior due to lack of information and competence?
In which case, on what basis was the first stab made?
A rare, telling admission to garner… Well done.
I do note that there is no hint that this will ever get logged publicly other than between you both. Well, until now.
Expect a expediting if you keep this up.
Nice one Framer. I wonder if they’ll now take me up on my challenge to dump a gay couple in the Alum Rock area of Birmingham, and secretly film the results, just like they did on their Panorama special when they dumped a couple of Muslims on a Bristol sink estate.
I shan’t be holding my breath.
Well done, Framer. Clear points, made succinctly, and the BBC realized they were busted. The result is an admission of the reflexive, biased approach to the issue we complain about so often here. An isolated incident? Yeah, right.
Good work. My most recent complaint also got a more credible and reasonable response than normal (yes, I know, that bar is particularly low) even though I had to remind them of it one month after submission.
But I’m not buying the ‘oh, we knew she wasn’t a he really’ bullshit and the stealth edit is inexcusable.
Why is editing inaccuracies suddenly a stealth edit? Surely correcting mistakes is exactly what one wants otherwise stories become frozen and on the internet after a period become ‘fact’? Bit pointless complaining if there is no redress!
Why is editing inaccuracies suddenly a stealth edit?
Because there is no record that the article ever contained inaccuracies. For example, the bottom of this NYT article to see how it should be done.
But the ‘last updated’ time should be… erm updated… when the article was… well… last updated!
Tommy instead of accepting the biased behaviour of the BBC you critisize people who , whilst accepting an improvement in the BBC’s complaints handling, are still understandably cautious about accepting the BBC as being neutral. One swallow does not a summer make
INBBC gets local journalist, Ms Shahira AMIN to present the sole and pro-Muslim Brotherhood, anti-Army account of Friday’s political events in Egypt on INBBC News Channel.
This fits with INBBC’s general tendency to delegate reports pertaining to Islam to Muslims, and local pro-Muslim Brotherhood people.
Usually Egypt ‘s political events are covered by someone from the over-populated INBBC Cairo Bureau or from the pro-Islam INBBC Arabic TV Service, both politically empathetic with Muslim Brotherhood. (Maybe most of the staff based there are on vacation.)
“AP EXCLUSIVE: Military grilling Morsi to build broader case against him and Muslim Brotherhood”
No apologies for bringing Daniel Greenfield’s Thursday essay to your attention. Find it on
He deals with demographics that inescapable destiny that awaits Europe.
It is the single most important issue of our time and for us Westerners an existential one.
Don’t ever expect the BBC or the liberal media to deal with it.
Not only is the current colonisation and population replacement in Europe a matter the liberal just cannot handle but it also highlights just how decadent our Western attitude to reality and the future has become.
Twent year ago it would have been inconceivable that Salisbury Cathedral which has watched over my valley and generations of my people for 750 years would not endure for another 1000years watching over the same people.
This is no longer true. We just cannot know.
Those who have allowed this to happpen have committed the greatest crime against a people I can think of. Even to argue with the liberal mind is to waste your time. To allow them to indulge their selfish needs and lack of commitment to family and nation is pointless. We have nothing in common with such people. Tell your children and grand children what has been done to England and hope that the pendulum will swing and we can save this country and our children’s future.
Yes, INBBC can’t even grasp the notion and consequences of Islamisation of Europe, including Britain, even though Beeboids are instrumental in that Islamisation process; they support mass immigration, including entry of Turkey into E.U, and avoid criticism of Islamic ideology and history.
This guy, Christopher CALDWELL, is only a liberal, but the very important message of his book is largely overlooked or dismissed:-
“Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West”
‘Look inside’ (Amazon)-
A fine book. Caldwell is not afraid to face reality which for a liberal is certainly something.
A brilliant book-hats off to our local library that seems to include Caldwell, Phillips and Hitchens if you look carefully.
Any other authorities harbouring subversive librarians?…maybe an award for the best one.
Meanwhile as the latest death toll estimate in Syria reaches 100000. We are fed the lie Israel is the greatest threat to world peace.
Listening to the 10 O’clock news this evening, and there was quite a section dedicated to the problems of the NHS in Cardiff. These same problems are highlighted within the online version ( although it is probably the case that the TV news hinted at a wider problem and a degree more urgency than appears to be the case online.
The thing that leapt out from both reports is the reluctance of the BBC reporters in both cases to highlight that the NHS in Wales falls into the bailywick of the Labour run Welsh Assembly which has cut health budgets, and to imply via linkage to problems elsewhere that this is somehow not a Labour problem.
Once again, only half the story…
‘to imply via linkage to problems elsewhere that this is somehow not a Labour problem’
What… bending the reality via distraction & omission? The very idea.
You could try complaining, but be prepared for several months as the BBC wastes your time and (more) licence fee payer money with that unique way they fudge things:
If it got to the Trust Comittee they will doubtless again be mindful of how many hollow platitudes are needed to make it seem like they are addressing issues such as this in a serious and transparent manner.
With the BBC there is seldom much doubt on which half of their story is ‘working’.
Johnny Rotten talks about Jimmy Savile’s seediness in 1978
”He went on to comment about the late DJ and serial sex criminal’s ’seediness’, and also that he (Savile) ‘was into all sorts’.
The admission took place during what appears to be an actual BBC radio interview, but Lydon’s damning inferences about the BBC’s golden child Jimmy Savile seem to have been removed from the interview at the time, so the excerpt was not broadcast, but has just been made available as part of the reissue of the first PIL album.”
”The emergence of the 64-page report – which was circulated to the then director general and chairman – will further fuel allegations that the BBC failed to protect teenage girls from Jimmy Savile, the corporation’s then most feted star who was unmasked last year as Britain’s most prolific sex offender.”
It seems that everyone knew about at least some of the sordid practices of the late Sir Jimmy Savile OBE, but few dared speak it in public. Of course, this cover-up within the entertainment and media industry was led by the BBC itself, as it would be incredibly naive to think that no one working in the BBC knew of Savile’s propensity for sexual deviances (rape, pedophilia and other disturbing pastimes too dark to mention here). By all accounts, it was an open secret within “The Industry”
Jimmy Savile photographed with the serial killer the Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe.
thats a spooky photo. frank bruno looks like he wants to punch him, and saville looks like…. well a BBC paedo
Nicky Campbell is a useful weathervane of BBC in-house opinion and current spin. Let’s keep in mind Nicky’s 3 step shuffle:
1. ‘He [Savile] left [Radio 1] as I [Nicky Campbell] joined’
So obviously the BBC is a series of hermetically sealed bunkers between which rumours can not/will not/may not/do not cross. This concept was at the very heart of the Entwistle defence. Does anyone out there still believe it? Not to worry, we’ve just begun…..
2. ‘We thought he was a sex-less eccentric’
An interesting “we” there. I wonder, is that a BBC “we” or a more general showbiz “we”? Because the general public “we” as in me and my mates (and also it seems Mr Lydon – see above recording) were quite well informed (relative to the showbiz crowd) about Savile. Funny that!
3. ‘I thought he might have been gay’ Ah my favourite this one. Quite clearly all was not exactly right and upstanding vis-a-vis our Jimmy’s sexual proclivities. Hard, so hard, to keep and maintain the line re item 2 above in the face of such widespread and general head shaking. Item 3 therefore is a hopeful debate killer because it says ‘look luvvs, that was back in the dark days’ of mostly ‘don’t ask don’t tell’. Gaydom is a protected no go area. And look, if we said we thought he was a secret – anything else – that would simply be preposterous. So gay it is then. Mind you, it is a risky side avenue down which to delve considering certain linkages that are not ever, not never, to made between this and that and a bit of the other.
I don’t buy into this ‘everybody new’. The press happily destroyed Jeremy thorpe and would have done the same to Saville if concrete evidence was available.
I thought it interesting how lenient Hall’s sentence was. It was the time he would have served had he been convicted in the 80s. It is pathetically low. Does that not give you an indication to how young people were treated by the entire country. Almost like ‘fair game’.
Yes he was a creep, but so are lots of people who don’t hurt flies.
The thing is, why would anyone listen to John Lydon – the man is a fool of the highest order. All that talk about betraying punk and off he goes advertising butter …
Saville was exactly the sort of person Lydon would hate. Imagine, just for a second that Savile was not a pervert. As a ‘sex-less’ type with no history of girlfriends he would immediately become the target of gossip and spite. Just as Cliff Richard has. Being a Tory, or at least not one for helping out labour he would be twice damned and being a Christian who practiced what he preached (charity n all that) he would be thrice damned. The left would accuse him of the very things he has been accused of now but without any evidence. Simply because they couldn’t let someone who wasn’t one of theirs be seen as a ‘good type’.
Lydon, having heard rumours, or just being a puerile shit would have jumped at the chance to pass such rumours on or simply made them up. It’s inevitable – he thinks everyone is a hypocrite simply because he is one himself. So, just because there is some tape of his sad little mewling it doesn’t mean that, just because he actually hit a target, he knew anything. He was slinging mud, that’s all.
The only reason the rumours about Savile stayed rumours is that if his true nature came out it would badly damage the BBC. Even if they could achieve the Holy Grail and smear Thatcher and the Tories as part of the fallout the BBC would still end up looking very bad indeed. So the BBC was in a cleft stick. It didn’t like Savile or what he stood for, not one bit. They knew he was a pervert and that strengthened their hatred of him and his mates in the Tory party – who are obviously guilty by association. Who knows maybe they were keeping their powder dry until they could drop the bombshell when the time was ripe? But really they could do nothing about it without drowning in the shit themselves. So they tried to hush it up and, as they always do, failed.
The whole thing is a disaster for the BBC and hopefully it will destroy them. That can’t come too soon for me.
Saville hasn’t destroyed the BBC as its essentially irrelevant to what the BBC provides. In fact satisfaction with the BBC is going back towards its normal 70%.
You’ll have a long wait.
You’ll have a long wait.
Maybe so, but I’m a very patient man.
As to Savile not damaging the BBC you must be joking, especially as much of the detail has yet to be released.
The BBCs standing with the Public is at an all time low, so I can’t see how you think it is back where it started. It is not simply Savile either, all the bias in politics is starting to piss people off in growing numbers – and that’s before we get onto the gross waste of monies on payoffs and failed projects. And then is Stuart Hall et al.
Oh dear…
live coverage of South Koreas anniversary bbc telling us that people from 30 different country’s died actually it was prob 90% USA ana since the war North Korea has got on like a house
Bbc reports North Korean numbers of people who died during the war.
Any perceived pro-North Korea bias here will have been balanced out, naturally, by John Sweeney’s preening and berating a couple of NK citizens in his legendary documentary.
Pictures quite impressive (north Korean celebrations)
“I did not have sextext with that Empire State Building”
Well, expect the al-beeb USA to keep you up-to-date with everything going on in the USA.
Here’s an interesting fact, one thing that all these pedophiles have in common, Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall, Johnathan King, ITV This Morning weatherman Fred Talbot, they’ve all got outward going, gregarious personalities.
Which brings me to the subject of Ken Clarke and child actor Ben Fellows, Clarke is also very outward going and gregarious.
This is what David Vance wrote on June 12th
”One of the speakers at the Bilderberg fringe festival was child actor Ben Fellows who has been involved in a criminal investigation into Kenneth Clarke’s alleged link to the paedophile ring as uncovered in the BBC via Saville-gate. ”
”I can only imagine that the BBC are concerned that further evidence is going to come to light about not only their ingrained corruption but it’s links to Parliament. It’s a total can of worms.”
Do you think Ken Clarke is going to end up in court ? too powerful, too rich, too many influential connections. The law is for the little people, like us. Like Savile, he’ll get away with it.
Ben Fellows, Ken Clarke sexually assaulted me.
Ben Fellows was smart enough to secretly tape his interview with the police, he names several names in the entertainment industry.
Part 1
Part 2
ken clarkes too powerful, the police have even told him that. But why havnt the people he’s named sued him for defamation of character? Fellows is now on the run, broke, homeless, even is wife has left him and he’s now begging for donations. its pointless for anyone to sue him, whether Ken Clarke, Tom Cruise or others, or is that the idea, sue me ive got noting you can take from me anyway. Most definitely a huge can of worms tho
Just sent this link on to Ken Clark.
Hope you’ll be hearing from him soon!
and if we dont hear from him, does that mean he is admitting them?
Anybody remember my post from the previous thread about the London Olympics and of how the BBC were promoting a certain black athlete?.
It would also seem there were no white athletes taking part in the games…….
The Anniversary London Olympics, Gawd Almighty ! talk about flogging a dead horse, I’ve still got a brooding resentment about the cultural marxist, multicultural propaganda of the opening and closing shows.
Spot the difference, photograph of the British Olympic team, all white and the BBC version of the UK Olympic team, black / mixed race ! How very strange.
Ah ‘floggin a dead horse’ – let’s put that up as a new Olympic sport for Rio 2016. Then Beeb have a very well funded well trained and expert mixed relay team – GB is bound to ‘medal’. It will take the Chinese decades to overtake us.
BBC 3 is repeating the Opening of the Games ceremony tonight. Danny Boyle’s Soviet style set-piece is going to look like a sick joke with its NHS love letter spectacle after Stafford and the 16 other English hospitals – and now Cardiff hospital mortality rates. It would rate as comedy gold were it not for the thousands of tragic, unnecessary deaths of unfortunate patients.
Sorry, posted the above before I saw the other posts below referring to the same repeat.
The BBC gave my niece the impression that the economy was boosted by all those Gold medals won at the Olympics last year, that’s how she came to understand the BBC propaganda.
no wonder BBC Director general Mark Thompson said he was ‘increasingly unhappy’ with the patriotic tone of the news coverage of the Games. Obviously too hideously white for him
i never watched the Olympics, but from the news coverage from al beeb, one would have thought that if it wasnt for the benefits of immigration and multiculturalism, Team GB wold have walked away from the Olympics with fuck all
Judging by a photo in the sports pages of the Telegraph the Olympic volunteers were hideously white too. Funny that, in our multi-culti ‘world city’.
Who was that white, ginger fella that won gold in….erm…was it the high jump, or long jump?
There you go…that’s how well he was represented by the “Olympic channel”…I can’t A: Remember his name without googling, or B: remember what Olympic event he won gold in…
It was on “Mo’s” night, btw.
Greg something I think.
I had always wondered why I saw so much athletics of the BBC, after all there are many sports that should grace the screens of the paying public. It was by chance that last year, on searching a data base on who does what in sport in general, I came across the fact that the BBC is a main sponsor to the G.B. athletics programme. Are we then surprised that we see the over promotion of certain athletes and as pointed out, no white athletes shown in the picture library linked in with the above thread post? In my book, isn’t that racist reporting? Who would have thought, the BBC being racist because of their bias?
Is Usain Bolt ‘British’ ? the way the BBC salivates over him, he probably is !
Mr Bolt British? He will only run in Britain given certain tax assurances.
What is BBC’s top ‘story’ on its ‘Politics’ online page about?
-The U.K? The U.S.? Europe? No.
“UK ‘complacent’ over Arctic drilling”
This alarmist piece has all the HALLmarks of a Harrabin headline, complete with an inevitable big dollop of ‘Greenpeace’ propaganda.
Of course. Hampstead Harrabin ensures that the same story also gets top billing at his propagandist home in the misnamed ‘Science & Environment’ online section.
Oh my God, BBC 3 is repeating the entire marxist BS, Olympic opening ceremony tonight at 7.30pm, special director cut by commie Danny Boyle.
“Yes, a brilliant show and Danny Boyle’s a genius.
But why have so many been taken in by his Marxist propaganda?”
(Aug 2012).
“Yes, a brilliant show and Danny Boyle’s a genius.
But why have so many been taken in by his Marxist propaganda?”
I think you’ll find this answers its own question.
Given recent revelations, that ‘glorious, happy, smiling NHS’ segment will look a bit… ill-judged.
Danny Riefenstahl’s ‘triumph of the pill’
The topic of moderation in all things is raised.
At least the Tel has allowed comments this time.
But Mr Booker’s notions of holding to account but not being held resonate.
Brooker, in his younger, even smugger days reviewed one of the games I was involved in (it’s on youtube)
Arrogant little tw*t he is, like he understood any of the SNES architecture…or limitations.
First… sorry… By mistake I hit the report comment tag when i meant to reply… wasn`t looking properly…
When you mention the limitations of the SNES I couldn`t help but remember Nintendos faux pas when they persisted with the cartridge format even though the PS1 with its CD rom system 32 bit was kicking the N64 off the map… They lost a lot of support from gamesmakers.. Like Squaresoft, who launched FF7 on the PS1 becouse the N64 couldn`t handle the game.. I never liked the SNES I liked the NES becouse it was the best 16bit at the time… Everything that came after was shite… As for the endless Mario games …. its been overdone… for the last twenty years… We have three consoles in our house guess which one has only been played about twenty times in over two and a half years??? I do hope you are employing your skills elsewhere mate…. The Wii didn`t even play DVDs FFS!!! And the remote feature wasn`t up to all the hype either..
Yemen’s child brides
Yemen has a problem with young girls (11 years old, sometimes even younger) being forced to marry by their familes.
The BBC’s article hints at this being a religious problem, but is coy about which religion that would be.
A quick google search however sheds lights on the mystery: 99% of Yemenis are muslim.
The BBC: journalism that gives you all the facts as long as you’re willing to google to find the answers the BBC deems you unfit to be able to handle.
Don’t worry, some random people on the internet have told me this is a ‘cultural issue’ and that religion has nothing to do with. I for one am very relieved…………..
Over the 13 year devastation of Liebore, there were many accusations of immigrants getting social housing. This was always denied by liars Blears, Johnson, Harman etc.
So I looked for our national interest news station to tell us how we had been lied and deceived by Liebore. Nope could not find a thing.
The news gets grimmer by the day immigration-wise, unless you’re watching the BBC.
” mass immigration is destroying the fabric of society.”
That was the Labour party intention all along and revenge for Margaret Thatcher.
East German marxist Bertholt Brecht ” If the people vote the wrong way, change the people.”
sounds like what al beeb do when kids dont pick the correct name for the blue peter cat
I’d love you to find the exact basis for this ‘quote’. You won’t of course because it doesn’t exist but is used in right wing blogs as smear.
In fact your post comes up on the first page of Google!
The Solution
by Bertolt Brecht
After the uprising of the 17th June
The Secretary of the Writer’s Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
I’d say that the recent increase in the rate of immigration was “the Labour party’s intention all along and revenge for Margaret Thatcher”.
The damage started much sooner, a lot of it under the Conservatives.
Yes, the tories and big business like immigrants, cheap labour, drives down wages, either way, the British people are screwed.
The damage started much sooner, a lot of it under the Conservatives’.
Not sure what you’re getting at. If you look at this graph, you’ll see net immigration tripled within a year of Labour taking office then took a further hike in 2004 (after Labour legislated for family members to also come and join in the fun lil’ ole treasure island UK?!).
What I’m “getting at” is that immigration was having a significant impact on relatively small cities like Bradford long before people in larger metropolitan areas like London began to take it seriously.
Nationally, nobody was particularly interested in what Ray Honeyford had to say in The Salisbury Review in 1984 – under Margaret Thatcher.
(That was not an excuse to have a dig at MT because, generally, I don’t.)
That’s fine, I understand your point now. Honeyford has been vilified for it by The Left ever since – just for daring to raise concerns about integration.
His career and, arguably, his life were destroyed.
Destruction is the only thing that the Left is good at, and that has been true since the French Revolution. Everything else is arrogance and greed dressed up as love of truth and equality. The BBC lives off the labour of others and prove their superiority (in their own eyes) by sowing dissolution.
Fred Bloggs,
“Over the 13 year devastation of Liebore, there were many accusations of immigrants getting social housing. This was always denied by liars Blears, Johnson, Harman etc.”
You are completely and utterly wrong Mr Bloggs. No one ever denied that immigrants could get “social housing”. The constant accusations where that immigrants got “preferential treatment”; that “they came over here and got given a council house straight away…”.
That was, and always has been a complete myth. The Daily Mail article you link to even admits it;
“In 2009, a report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission claimed there was ‘no evidence to support the perception that new migrants are getting priority over UK-born residents’. The research found no evidence of abuse of the system such as queue jumping or providing false information.”
Which is kind of ironic, seeing as it was a myth endlessly propagated by the very same Daily Mail.
Dez, we talking about Liebore. A gov that had a public enquiry under Hutton and found Bliar ‘not guilty’. The equalities commision was stuffed with Liebore placemen, so I would not trust it an inch. Plus how would they find something that the gov of the day always denied. A gov that lied saying no ‘boom and bus’ but had sent the finances into a death spiral with it’s disastrous financial administration. A gov the lied to Parliament to get it to go to war.
When the current gov got in they repealed an edict that a proportion of social housing is to be reserved for immigrants. I trust my instincts when I visit my nearby council estate as to the proportion of immigrants. Not a report from a bunch of Liebore placemen
Dez, you make absolutely no mention of council homes allocation on the basis of ‘need’, which is heavily influenced by family size. Once granted residence, a migrant or an asylum seeker can bring over his entire family & thereby move up the priority list. As a Londoner, I’ve seen this happen time & time again within my family & circle of friends. The patient accumulation of points for social housing trumped by new arrivals with four (or more) kids, when my nearest & dearest stuck to two because they couldn’t afford more & acted responsibly. And resentment is increased by the fact that asylum seekers fly over safe countries to reach the greener benefit fields of the UK. If they were that desperate wouldn’t they joyously embrace the first safe haven they arrived at?
‘A major study called ‘The New East End’, by the Young Foundation, 2006, revealed the true extent of the problem…in Bethnal Green over the past generation.
They found that the Whitehall concept of ‘need’ has, in practice, favoured Bangladeshi workers who were beginning to bring over their families. Young British workers with smaller families were pushed out to Essex, away from their roots & away from their parents, who stayed put in their council houses in East London.
The outcome was that family & social bonding between Bangladeshi families was strengthened – while the traditional working-class family structure of British workers was severely weakened. The researchers found that the white working class were seething with resentment.’
That last line is an understatement. The white British working class has been royally shafted by a succession of politicians, especially the well-heeled social engineers of New Labour.
Should be:
Poor Dez. Hammered again.
It’s not only the white working class. For 2nd and 3rd generations of children whose parents were immigrants, their chances of getting a council flat or house are practically zero. They and their parents and grandparents aren’t too thrilled about it either!
Stephanie Flanders damns government policy with faint praise:
For some reason known only to Stephanie herself, the government meeting its own growth estimates, which agree with City experts’ analysis, and are incidentally ‘the fastest annual rate of growth since 2011’ translates to a headline of ‘UK Economy: half speed ahead’.
A bit more analysis on the article for anyone that cares:
Stephanie talks about ‘the wrong kind of growth’. Following the link to her prior article, it turns out that the wrong kind of growth is when households spend money rather than companies. We further discover that this increased spending comes from lower savings rates. Not much consideration is given as to why households are saving less (an austrian perspective on this would be that the sustained low interest rate and money-printing has made savings less attractive – i.e. inflation eats savings, so its better to spend your money now rather than waiting – so what we’re seeing is a very natural consequence of the continued attempt by the bank of england to inflate its way to growth).
We also get a pretty multicoloured graph showing the breakdown of services, construction, and production. What is startling for me about this graph is not the bit that Stephanie is interested in, i.e. the recent dips in activity, but rather what happened to services and production during Labour’s long tenure in the late 90s / early 2000s – this chart captures how Labour expanded ‘services’ (in reality, most of this ‘growth’ was in government jobs, as they added an extra one million pubic sector jobs to the existing 5.5million or so jobs) at the cost of production – normally, the BBC is quick to point the finger at the tories, and in particular the thatcher years, as a wholesale destruction of manufacturing in favour of services, so its a bit jarring to see the reality. The other highlight of the graph is the clear evidence of the property boom that was created during the labour government.
Perhaps most worrying about the graph though is that services are higher during the coalition years whilst production and construction are lower. For some reason Stephanie doesn’t put the boot in on the coalition for this (in my view, this is clear evidence of continuing mismanagement by Cameron and co – an important lesson of the financial crash in my opinion is that we need to rebalance the UK economy to favour manufacturing, and a good way to do this is to really start exploiting the shale gas deposits that have been discovered in the UK).
We then get treated to a howler – “But, some economists would argue that the rise in imported inflation was itself made worse by the low value of the pound, which – in turn – might be at least partly due to the government’s determination to rely mainly on the Bank of England printing money to deliver the recovery, while the chancellor got a handle on borrowing. ”
Somehow, in Stephanie’s world, borrowing money is preferable to printing it, when in reality they’re both pretty much equivalent. Printing money is ‘stealth’ borrowing, and the media is complicit in allowing the government to get away with the fiction that there is any real difference between the two.
All in all, I think Flanders tried her best here to tone down the good news of the most recent growth figures, but theres only so much you can dress things down.
It is the wrong kind of growth. Companies are sitting on billions waiting for some Unknown moment when they will invest. When they invest the dole queues will vanish, social security payments drop, the youth of this country will get a future. They haven’t at present.
In the US it is a $trillion!
Without investment we can’t get out of the recession and we are stuck in the current cycle.
$1trillion wow so that is why the U.S economy is tanking ! not the $17 trillion public sector debt after all !
Have you considered why companies don’t want to invest?
Whilst the BBC won’t tell you this, things like Obamacare create huge uncertainty for businesses, and to play it safe they sit on their cash.
The best thing governments can do is get out of the way by reducing red tape on businesses, lowering barriers to entry to markets (e.g. by getting rid of farcical oversight bodies such as the FSA which are prone to capture by the entities they supposedly regulate and who in practice make it harder for new entrants to markets) and repealing ‘diversity’ legislation that is really a backdoor way for politicians to obtain favoured treatment for their key voting constituencies.
Steps like this are anathema to keynesians such as Flanders, and so whilst she has identified that companies aren’t investing, she can’t really admit why.
I thought it was productivity, and producing something someone wants to purchase that would get the country out of recession…”investment” is a lazy word, and a very lazy philosophy….Invest in what?….A camel cleaning service?…how about that underpant rolling company in Eastbourne?
‘When they invest the dole queues will vanish, social security payments drop, the youth of this country will get a future. They haven’t at present.’
How naive. The youth of this country has been shafted by a) mass immigration b) its unswerving belief in ‘only the right job will do’ c) its own laziness and sense of entitlement. Many exceptions to a) and b) of course, but stories from employers of young people who can’t stick at a job for more than a couple of days are legion.
Note that ‘our Steph’ didn’t actually shout at the top of her voice about it being ‘the wrong kind of growth’ when households were spending like there was no tomorrow during the Labour years. Household debt exploded from around £0.5 trillion to a peak of about £1.45 trillion during the years 1997 and 2009. But then, hadn’t our former Chancellor, a certain Mr Brown, told everyone he had abolished boom and bust, that basically household income would just keep increasing, as would the value of property, so rush out and re-mortgage – it’ll all be OK, so spend, spend, spend. But that kind of ‘growth’ was OK during a period of Labour government, apparently. What ‘Steph’ has still to figure out is that debt growth is NOT economic growth, and neither is public sector growth.
Steph still hasn’t got over not being head girl at her posh school.
She became the ‘Ed’ girl though. Twice.
He was half right. He abolished boom.
‘some xxxx would argue’
I see that one degree of separation, source-unspecific weasel trotted out anywhere, but especially in a BBC editor’s ‘analysis’, I know to check around elsewhere very carefully, very quickly.
It is surely not beyond her ken to name these ‘experts’ to share ownership of such opinion?
Unless of course it serves to allude negatively over informing accurately.
And, of course, anonymously. That old trusted, professional integrity again.
Escaped Radio 4s Hatewave of tittle tattle this morning,and relaxed with the wonderful Brian Matthew on Radio 2.
Yet the BBC news headlines obviously carry over, as foppish interns pass the same hogwash agendas between the tentacles of BBC News Management.
Why else would the Government be “accused of not doing enough to save the Arctic”?
What kind of crap is that?…and how can such a sentence pass as news?
Cameron takes years to get rid of a dangleberry like Qatada, but is also so powerful that Putin and the USA need to be checked…and his administration are not doing that.
Only the BBC could call that news-does the BBC have a Minister for Greenpeace?..awful crap.
Only glad Brian doesn`t know what`s being said as he goes for his toilet break!
Yep, the MP interviewed from whatever parliamental (my description) committee came up with this demand also mentioned the harm done by fossil fuels in terms of ‘global warming’. No challenge, of course, because it was all so BBC-worthy – fitting perfectly the agenda they agreed at their 28gate meeting with activist friends.
The Today show is ever more louche and gung-ho
with its facts at the weekend, when their bosses are doing anything but listening to their own crap-unless it`s to be called in from Tuscany or Daddys pad in the country, should another scandal go Savileward.
Any resemblance to the truth of things by the BBC at times like there is purely coincidental, and bears no relation to any facts as established elsewhere in those few pockets of resistance not stuffed with expenses and ball gags for the whistleblowers re their pay and pensions.
The BBC-providing nothing but succour to Islam, Lefties, the EU and our quisling traitors in the political , diplomatic and academic strata since 1979.
Why else would the Government be “accused of not doing enough to save the Arctic”?
Yes i vaguely remember some years ago Merkel promising to reduce the temperature of the globe by three degrees only for Mad Gordon MacRuin to promise that he would reduce the temperature by four degrees.
I suppose Cameron could have appeased the ecoloons by top-trumping them with five degrees.
They’re crazy.
The whole lot of them.
Government accused of not doing enough to save the Arctic from what.
(1) Turning Green or Wet
(2) Summer or Winter
(3) Russia or Canada
(4) Sunshine or Clouds trapping heat
(5) Carbon dioxide or fresh air
(6) The EU or Socialism
There are intelligent MP’s, even Labour MP’s, but the BBC is very reluctant to give them a say, maybe its because they are all patriots who want Britain to leave the EU, but its also possible that BBC journalists cannot understand a statement unless it is simple enough for anyone outside of the BBC to see as an idiotic statement.
Richard Pinder,
“Government accused of not doing enough to save the Arctic from what.”
Oh dear Richard. Not too bright are you? A little bit gullible? A bit thick in other words…
Dez, Message to pot from kettle.
Well observational evidence shows an increase in Cloud Albedo in the Arctic, trapping heat, caused by an alternating Hale magnetic cycle which causes an alternation of weather trends between the Arctic and the Antarctic.
I suppose you think it is caused by carbon dioxide being more effective at warming the North Pole were the Sun don’t shine much, rather than the computer models that predicted that warming would be more effective in warming the tropics where the Sun does shine much.
Dear dez, I wonder, do you think that carbon dioxide is magnetically attracted to the North Pole?
I wonder if that is why they make such simple mindless statements without detail. These statements must be thought up by simple minded people who make assumptions about assumptions that they assume everyone outside of the BBC also makes, but then I do not assume that the government can stop the climate from changing, even by destroying China.
“Why else would the Government be “accused of not doing enough to save the Arctic”? What kind of crap is that?…and how can such a sentence pass as news?”
Yes chris, it’s a completely crap sentence; but that’s because it’s one completely made up in your own head. What the BBC newsreader actually said;
“MP’s have accused the government of failing to protect the Arctic by complacently standing by while oil companies start to drill in the region.”
But if you would like to continue describing the contents of your alleged brain as “crap” then go right ahead. Finally we can agree on something.
Eh? You’re not all there mate.
Oh now be fair I like Dezzys little unsound bites ! it reminds me that nature is in balance and the genetic imperative that so many humans have to be ‘village idiots ‘ is still evolving !
‘Protect the Arctic’ from what, Dez? A few drilling rigs? Global un-warming? Where do you think you will be when the lights go out?
the little puddle of water currently at the north pole is nothing
No sign of any drowned polar bears either! All those “Fox’s Glacier Mint” shots of beleaguered bears on little cubes of ice awaiting their fate, not forgetting touchy feely Dave’s dash to the frozen North to show the Greens he “cares”. O tempora, o mores!
A non-INBBC, non-Muslim Brotherhood commentary.
(9 min video)
Raymond Ibrahim.
Nick Robinson is in awe of Stephanie Flanders’ intelligence:
Those nasty coalition politicians are lying to us again it seems, but luckily we have “the BBC’s very brainy economics guru Stephanie Flanders” to help us understand the truth.
Funnily enough, whilst Nick talks at length about increases in population meaning that we’re even further behind on GDP per head measures since the last recession (compared to the aggregate GDP growth figures usually quoted), he somehow fails to recall that the increases in population are largely down to net inward immigration to the UK – a policy heavily driven by Labour during its last government, and one that, whenever the coalition starts trying to do something about, has the beeboids out in force accusing them of racism.
Its hard to win I guess when the BBC adopts ‘heads I win tails you lose’ to coalition policy.
The pro Islamist agenda of the bBC
So how many people have heard about the Bloodshed in Eygpt overnight, funny enough it transpired on a friday (Gee shock,horror,surprise) So how is the bBC reporting this story, which honesty?,Clarity? and impartially?
Come on this is the bBC I am talking about, to them, their is only one god and his name is…Allah:
Egypt crisis: ‘Scores killed’ at Cairo protest
More than 100 people have been killed at a protest by supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in the capital, Cairo, doctors say. They said more than 1,000 were also hurt. The state health ministry says 38 people had died – 180 injured.
Doctors say bBC? Would that be the same Doctors who you go straight to when somebody is killed by: Israel, The US or even the UK?
Here is how Huff Post report the same story:
Egypt Protests: 100 Supporters Of Ousted President Mohammed Morsi Killed Say Muslim Brotherhood
Morsi supporters claim 120 dead, 4,500 hurt in clashes with police
Asharq Al-Awsat (Arab news)
Egypt’s health ministry reported on Saturday that 38 people were killed, while the Muslim Brotherhood claimed that at least 139 people were killed and 4,500 others wounded in the attack.
Irish times:
The Muslim Brotherhood has claimed at least 70 people were killed overnight when security forces opened fire on protesting supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi in Cairo. The claim has not yet been independently verified.
Ahram online:
The Muslim Brotherhood claims 120 killed in overnight violence with police near Rabaa Al-Adawiya Mosque; Ministry of Health says only 38 dead arrived at hospitals so far according to health ministry
China daily:
the MB said in a statement posted on its official website that at least 120 people were killed and more 4,500 others wounded, most of them suffered gunshot wounds in confrontations between pro-Morsi protesters and security forces in the Naser street in Cairo.
It seems that out of all the worlds reputable News agencies only one is parroting the line given by the Muslim Brotherhood as fact. I wonder who that could be?
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
ever so slightly believing the bBC are edging towards the side of MB/Morsi, why could that be? maybe one Iran in the world isn’t enough for powder puff central.
I hate you, I put off going on a 20 mile (mountain) Bike ride in which to watch the above video. Initially I was just going to watch 5 mins, I watched it all. That video should be aired for all to see. It encapsulates everything about ‘Islam’ that the left don’t want you to know about. (If you have better things to do just watch for 3 mins from 35 mins)
That video should be compulsory viewing for all everybody in the West. I am sure the bBC will play the race card in which to combat it.
thanks Leha. I found the most frightening the quote from Obama at 57 mins 36 seconds from his speech to the UN. Now why didn’t the BBC report it?
God, this is brilliant!
Thanks for posting this up.
With Jihadwatch, Gates of Vienna etc-we have absolutely NO excuse not to know what Islams plan for the rest of us is going to be.
Please keep these clips coming everyone-and thanks again Leha! God Bless you-and Israel, friends of the West everywhere.
If only we could get our trolls to read it-but it`s not about Milibands flares ,and how they differ from Andy Coulsons-which is what we`re supposed to settle for in sticking only to “BBC Bias”…this is the substrate of all BBC/Left liberal deceit…we need to study this lady FAR more!
there are none so blind as those who will not see.
I wonder if anyone else heard a short item about the Korean war on the Today programme this morning (Saturday). Please click the link and listen from 7:18am for about 3 minutes.
Was anyone else as uncomfortable with this piece as I was? Mao, were he alive today, would no doubt send a message of congratulations to the BBC. It is beyond bias. The question is how was this item broadcast with no balance?
Thanks for that, I was really impressed by the bBC message that standing up to American imperialism is what good standing people must do. Also the bit about that NK only wants peace.
Meanwhile in la la land another bBC paedophile (Why are Muslims never classed as Paedophiles by the bBC?) Got his Jail sentence increased by 15 months, no doubt he was fighting American imperialism as well. To the left he can only be a Hero, much like anybody willing to murder for Allah, Communism or leftwing justice.
So the Chinese weren`t really fighting…only providing music, and building airports.
That`ll explain it all-suppose there`s no chance of hearing from a South Korean….I`m assuming it wasn`t ALL Obamas grandparents was it?…maybe even a British perspective?
Poor misunderstood Mao…a poet, a primary school teacher and a fine swimmer until Uncle Sam turned him bad…or should that be over-exuberant in aspects of creating his diverse nation of pandas and horoscopes.
Pyongyang pandas, these BBC useful tools and fools…this endless stabbing of our nation in the back is getting to be a problem.
Funnily enough there was a programme about the Household Cavalry and their musical importance.(R4 10.30 am today)
Maybe if we could tell the BBC that Lee Rigby was a promising young drummer on the verge of signing for Genesis, then they`d reconsider and elevate Rigby to being a martyr.
As opposed to being yet another casualty of not enough traffic calming, congestion charges being too low etc in the London area. Poor Michael would have been upset, and responded in a cultural appropriate way.
Our BBC…traitors to their core.
Some places seem to ‘get it’. I wonder how the BBC would report attempts by the coalition to end NHS tourism to the UK?
“It is important that all migrants have an acceptable standard of health to minimise costs and demands on New Zealand’s health services,” he said.
Unpleasant, but if Twitter installs a ‘report abuse’ button, there will be almost nobody left to tweet. Twitter seems to be a forum that specialises in rapid fire abuse.
…and of course Owen Jones couldn’t resist pushing his way onto the stage.
Cue BBC interview in 3…2…1…Newsnight Special! Twitter Misogyny!
The Beeboids will love this. They can report for abuse anyone who challenges them.
al beeb love feminist Caroline Criado-Perez dont they? If i was married to Ms Criado-Perez, i’d convert to islam
Nobody tell Matt Danzico about this:
Obama Promises, Including Whistleblower Protections, Disappear From Website
Amid the Obama administration’s crackdown against whistleblowers,, the 2008 website of the Obama transition team laying out the candidate’s promises, has disappeared from the internet.
The Sunlight Foundation notes that it last could be viewed on June 8, which was two days after the first revelations from Edward Snowden (who had then not yet revealed himself) about the NSA’s phone surveillance program. One of the promises Obama made on the website was on “whistleblower protections:”
Is He still the coolest ever, BBC?
It’s been spotted by at least one BBC employee…
Blenford, eh? interesting that this is the same Adam Blenford who worried about how cleaning up voter registration rolls – you know: removing dead people and non-residents – would harm the sainted minorities, and
Although he was fairly moronic for assuming that nobody in their right minds could have been supporting Herman Cain after the media hyped up his alleged sexual liaison.
Will BBC-NUJ support this?:-
“‘British Culture Awareness Month’ for Muslims”
“Muslims should be told they are welcome to stay in the West if they integrate into our society, but if Muslims want separate parallel communities or behave as a fifth column, then it is best for everyone if those Muslims go and live in an Islamic country. Sounds harsh? Yes, it does. But constant caving in to Muslim demands is seen as a weakness to be exploited by the Muslim community and will only lead to another concession when the next knee-jerk offence occurs.”
Has BBC-Democrat taken high-level political decision NOT to report on Muslim Major HASAN, on trial for murders?
(BBC-Democrat has not reported on Muslim Hasan for two months.)
Information for the rest of us, from elsewhere, on Muslim Hasan today:-
“Fort Hood jihad mass murderer repents of years in Army, says U.S. is at war with Islam”
Mere workplace spat.
Nothing to see here.
Get on with your lives citizens… and do keep away from that Clare Lopez woman up here on this site.
Hasans testimony is worth twice hers at least-and he`s a psychologist too!
Ed Stourtons Sunday slither tomorrow won`t be saying anything about Fort Hood though.
Now as for women bishops not getting on the Popemobile in Rio?…now THAT`S worth a ten minute critique.
Bloody thing costs a bomb…and does not even runs on biofuels!…and all that sugar cane there too!
BBC-Democrat’s failure to report self-confessed murderer, Muslim HASAN’s statement today can apparently be put down to either 1.) or 2.) of the following:
1.) BBC-Democrat finds it impossible to spin Hasan as the Muslim victim;
2.) Muslim Hasan issued his statement to BBC-Democrats’ media enemy, ‘FOX NEWS,’ so for BBC-Democrat Muslim Hasan’s statement does not exist.
U.K MASS IMMIGRATION: numbers unknown.
“Migration figures a best guess, say MPs”
Of course, this is not concerning to BBC-NUJ anyway, because it wants open borders to Britain, and no upper limit to number of immigrants.
‘Daily Mail’-
“Revealed: How 500,000 immigrants have been given social housing in last decade as number of families on waiting list hits record high”
The trouble is that the figures are meaningless, more so given the example quoted.
They tell how many families have been housed, but not how many homes that entails.
So in the example given who has a family of 10 people that would mean only 5 000 homes per year.
But there’s another flaw the example given isn’t an immigrant, he’s an asylum seeker, and very different rules apply. For instance he doesn’t claim housing benefit because he isn’t entitled to it.
The whole article is so flawed by the writer ignorance of the processes involved that it’s little more than an ignorant rant.
I think the article means that 470,000 social housing tenancies have been granted to foreigners.
With regard to the asylum seeker, he must have been granted leave to remain, in which case he can claim housing benefit. This must be the case because the property he occupies is a private property and someone must be paying the rent. That someone isn’t unemployed Mr Khalif.
I suppose this isn’t strictly bias, but it does illustrate a certain mindset.
UK migration figures ‘a best guess’
Official UK migration figures are little better than “a best guess” and are not fit for purpose, an influential committee of MPs argues
The next associated article completely ignores this and states :
Net immigration ‘down by a third’
In the year to September, 153,000 more people came to the UK than left – down from 242,000
The number of immigrants coming to Britain fell from 581,000 to 500,000, while the number of migrants leaving the country was up from 339,000 to 347,000.
Not bad for figures which are completely unreliable. At least they quote the actual figures as well as the disingenuous ‘Net’ figures.
The BBC and numbers – in, out, rounded up, down or ‘analysed’ – can always be entertaining to delve into to find what they like vs. don’t.
From crowd estimates to 100:1 ‘splits’, they can vary from plain bent to masterpieces of semantics.
Not really optimal for information & education sources seeking trust in integrity, mind.
Staying with my wee cuzzy, and watching an hilarious car crash on BBC news as they try to set up an outrage over some daft PR stunt ad campaign to advise illegal immigrants on how to return home voluntarily. Or else.
Actually the Tory suit was pretty feisty, and the droids’ response to him pointing out the notion of running campaigns to mutter darkly about failure to obey legal impositions being a TVL staple, was hilarious in its ‘but we’re unique so the rules don’t apply to the BBC!’ delusion.
Bit of a dilemma for the BBC presented, by of all people, Trevor Phillips on the Marr Show.
Handed a softball no-brainer on how racist this truck poster is, he laughed and said it wasn’t racist at all. That’s… Trevor Phillips.
Thing is, the basis for the entire BBC outrage segment du jour is the griefmonger from some NGO flatly stating it is ‘clearly racist’. Be interesting which the go with in the edits.
Not many UK citizens here illegally!
Lies, damned lies, and statistics….
I’m afraid I’ve reached such a point of overload with the relentless campaigning by unelected self-interested and usually left-leaning groups given a platform by the BBC, that now when I hear a BBC news headline along the lines of ‘a shock new report out todays reveals that 60% of vulnerable people ….yada yada yada….’ well, I turn off – sometimes literally.
For example…
Today Newsniffer reveals a recent incident of a matching pair of reports where Guardianista journos would have us believe two opposing facts at one and the same time….
Report One:
‘Cash payments stage a comeback’
‘Contactless cards were supposed to take over as the way to pay, but stretched shoppers are returning to cash to help control their spendingThe arrival of a “cashless society” appears to be further away than we thought: coins and notes are staging an unexpected comeback.
It has emerged that UK consumers and businesses made 20.8bn cash payments in 2012 compared with 20.6bn in 2011, breaking the longer term trend of falling cash usage seen over most of the past decade.’
‘A new industry report also reveals that more people are turning to cash exclusively, as financially stretched Britons seek to have greater control over their spending.’
Report Two:
‘Cash payments fall as shoppers go ‘alternative”
‘PayPal surges in popularity as cash payments fall by 10% to account for 54% of transactions’
‘Consumers are increasingly ditching cash and credit cards in favour of alternative payment methods, according to figures from the British Retail Consortium.’
‘Although cash remains king, accounting for 54% of transactions in 2012, the number of times it was used to pay for goods was down 10% on the previous year.’
BBC Radio 5 live made a decision to go down the rocky road of mixing sport with left-leaning campaign politics.
Goodness, but what a load of trouble this has has caused the BBC.
Yet another Twitter storm is brewing…..
Colin Murray faces Twitter sexism row about Jessica Ennis “bottom” comments at London’s Anniversary Games
27 Jul 2013 10:38
Radio presenter Colin Murray shocked fans last night with an apparent sexist remark about Olympics queen Jessica Ennis-Hill
By Mike Walters
Colin Murray faces Twitter sexism row about Jessica Ennis “bottom” comments at London’s Anniversary Games
27 Jul 2013 10:38
Radio presenter Colin Murray shocked fans last night with an apparent sexist remark about Olympics queen Jessica Ennis-Hill
Defused: Colin Murray Defused: Colin Murray
Radio presenter Colin Murray shocked fans last night with an apparent sexist remark about Olympics queen Jessica Ennis-Hill.
The BBC star, warming up the capacity crowd at the Olympic Stadium for the Anniversary Games, said the ultimate athlete would have “the stamina of Mo, the speed of Bolt, the leap of Rutherford and the bottom of Jess Ennis”.
Fans took to Twitter to register their disgust at former Radio 1 DJ Murray, 36. Julie Haigh tweeted: “Boys get their skills mentioned, but @J_Ennis has her bum mentioned. In the 50s are we?”
Olympic heptathlon gold winner Ennis-Hill, 27, is due to compete in the long jump and 100m hurdles today as she recovers from an ankle injury ahead of next month’s World Championships in Moscow.
The Northern Irish broadcaster later tried to defuse the row, tweeting: “Hey guys, I said she was the ‘greatest all-round athlete in the world’.”
But the negative reaction to the presenter’s comments continued.
Another Twitter user said: “Ace night at the athletics. Shame @colinmurray had to reduce Jess Ennis’ achievements solely to the appearance of her bum. #everydaysexism”
Natalie Vincent tweeted: “@ColinMurray You serious? Colin, did the Inverdale debacle not teach you ANYTHING?”
Jo Stroud added: “There is no way that @ColinMurray should get away with what he came out with re: @J_Ennis earlier. For shame.”
Ian Jackson said: “Sexism in sport alive & well. Apparently Jess Ennis just has good bum. Shame on Colin Murray.”
Jon Slade tweeted: “Colin Murray just said: ‘the stamina of Mo, the speed of Bolt, the bottom of Jess Ennis’. Inverdale & him must be buddies. #everydaysexism”
It is not the first time Murray has courted controversy.
He quit BBC Radio 5 Live’s Fighting Talk show this month after it included a section on how openly gay racing presenter Clare Balding, 42, could be “turned around”.
He also follows former BBC colleague John Inverdale, 55, in making offensive remarks on air.
Inverdale said Wimbledon women’s winner Marion Bartoli “will never be a looker”. A BBC spokesman said of Inverdale’s comments: “We accept it was insensitive and we apologise.”
Had the BBC not been so biased to the left this kind of incident could not have happened. Of course the BBC have brought this on themselves – and on the rest of us for that matter.
The BBC have done much to create the fevered atmosphere of faux-outrage where the previously most innocuous of comments is supposed to be tantamount to a sexual attack.
The other issue is the BBC’s slavish devotion to Twitter which provides the very meat of these stories – thoughtless sloganised lefty instant outrage.
“Do not adjust your set: BBC did waste £350 m.”
“The free-spending culture in the corridors of power at the BBC has wasted almost £350 million of licence fee payers’ money on excessive pay-offs for departing executives, lavish relocation packages and a failed digital scheme.”
By Jon Coates.
BBC Memo to all Sports Department staff
Re: Recent incidents of sexist comments
After examining your conscience and telling Twitter of your sorrow, go into the confessional. You may kneel at the screen or sit to talk face-to-face with the audience.
Begin your confession with the sign of the five rings, “In the name of the Lord Coe, and of the BBC, and of the Olympic Spirit. My last confession was _________ weeks (months, years) ago.”
The audience may be read a passage from Holy Scripture (ie a statement from Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson).
Say the sins that you remember. Start with the one(s) that is most difficult to say. (In order to make a good confession the faithful must confess all sexist sins, according to kind and number.) After confessing all the sins you remember since your last good confession, you may conclude by saying, “I am sorry for these and all the sins of my past life.”
Listen to the words on Twitter. It will assign you some penance. Doing the penance will diminish the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven. When invited, express some prayer of sorrow or Act of Contrition such as:
An Act of Contrition
O my God {OMG}, I am heartily sorry for having offended and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of Glasto and the pains of ITV. But most of all because I have offended you, my BBC, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen.
Do your assigned Penance
Most likely this will be a prolonged stint of commentary on wheelchair racing.
Commentary on Women’s soccer is reserved for the more serious of sinners.
The ‘truth’ on immigration/emigration? From the BBC? Give me a break! The whole infrastructure and climate at the BBC is predicated on the ideology of ethnic diversity and ‘inclusion’. The BBC and other institutions forced on the public have made am industry out of equalities, ethnic diversity and immigration…
sunday morning live –
bbc – once again the ONLY religion that matters eh!
anyone would think a muslim was head of religion, was running the show eh! … ermmm
are muslims being demonised? –
by bbc web pages, propaganda, and airtime?,
just (imagine if bbc was your only source), propaganda propaganda … PROPAGANDA!.
I note that with disturbing regularity, that the bbc must now believe that wheeling out Mehdi Hasan and his OIC excuse book somehow eradicates any points Douglas Murray makes – note the usual bbc ploys of dictating talktime etc.
how talktime message would pan out , if it was even handed and not constructed to be 3 against 1
oops! nearly forgot ….
WHY? is “tell lies … I mean mama” still being
given credibility? airtime? … absurd
I’ve lost count of the number of times that Mehdi Hasan has been given a free platform to push his victim argument. Anne Atkins and Douglas Murray were so careful to be so ‘British Fair Play’ that they hardly opposed his view, just saying that others also get criticised in British society, (perhaps we need new laws to ‘control’ the internet?).
The one person who really challenged Hasan and Islam was totally ignored by Hasan, (his usual debating technique).
There is a book that Hasan and the BBC should read. After reading it no sane person in the West would want anything to do with Islam. Finally Hasan could achieve mental freedom from his demons.
The book? I think it is called the Koran.
uh oh! the viewers vote spanks al bbc arses again! 78% to 28% – despite all the best thought police tactics –
muslims/islam not ahem … “demonised”
great … we can expect 3 times the amount of programming being objectively critical then?
especially as this is a true reflection, concurred by quite a few other SML public votes, on islam.
yeeaahh right.
You need to check those %. Albaman will be after you and declaring the whole poll null-and-void.
Yeah, it sure looks like the poor Muslims are oppressed…
BBC-NUJ: is it anti-CANADA?
BBC-NUJ is very reluctant to report much from Canada.
Is Canada ‘too white’ for Beeboids?
Or does it have too much ‘British heritage’?
So when it comes to an issue like reporting Islamic jihad in Canada, well, BBC-NUJ is nowhere:-
‘Atlas Shugs’ (Pamela Geller):-
I’m hearing that this morning’s SML is utterly atrocious in its Islamic groveling, bias and censorship. I say it again, the best evidence and examples of bias, propaganda and censorship we have is that of the BBC’s worship of all things Islamic. But, hey, don’t take my word for it, pick up a book about the Frankfurt School of Marxism and find out for yourself why socialists and commies look to a dominant and head-strong movement to spearhead their dirty work. It’s classic Chapter 1 stuff of the cultural Marxist ideology, and the BBC are guilty as charged.
free adverts for Hajj breaks, and don t mention the temple mount for Jewish people … job done
Regarding immigration figures: Bryant was making a fool of himself to those of us who know but given an easy ride by BBC News this morning.
There was no attempt to really attack him admitting that the same method of estimating had been used over the 13 years of Labour in power.
He made an idiotic statement – highlighting his ignorance about statistics – that 5000 was too small a sample size.
I don’t know the details behind the methodology. It may be that many people answering such questions lie through their teeth. But I do know that a sample of 5000 is more than adequate and gives a reasonably small margin of error (<2%) all other things truthful.
I mean, the BBC relies on viewing figure data from BARB that uses 5000 TV homes. Are they now going to dismiss 32 years of figures (BARB was set up in 1981)?
Isn`t he Captain Underpants in days of old?…wonder if he uses his gaydar when he advises Muslims on how best to help Labour….just as Andrew Neather did when HE was Labours Immigration Adviser.
Which amounted to “let them all in, give them what they want and maybe they`ll send their block votes to us”
So-to hear Labour DARE to speak on ” open doors, unfettered immigration”-AND get “questions” from Shaun Lie as if they have no form on f***ing this country over with their payroll vote from Pakistan or wherever…is a new low.
Talk about Brass neck…maybe it`ll save the likes of Bryant from being hanged from a crane, come their glorious day.
Why did this report come out on a Sunday? This allows the BBC not even to discuss it on Today on Monday morning.
In any other world it would be the led story for days but then there is no mention of arch-rival to the BBC monopolists Murdoch.
If you want to witness Cultural-relativism, cultural-Marxist and PC multicultural brainwashing then you could do no worse than watch an episode of the stultifyingly disgusting and perverted Eastenders. It’s pure sick and twisted Left-wing propaganda with ethnic minorities portrayed as saints and white folk as morally-corrupt, downtrodden sheep. It is through this subliminal indoctrination that the BBC is hard at work wiping put British identity with its multi-ethnic Muslim visions of ‘utopia’.
Interesting article on the cultural marxist propaganda of Eastenders.
”The BBC continues its drive to expunge the British from the face of the earth. This agenda can be seen in action through the BBC drive to eliminate British and specifically English identity through miscegenation. Here is an analysis of the racial character of the ’love interest‘of just one family, that of Bianca in ‘East Enders’
Bianca: Bianca has a mixed race son, Morgan.
Carol : (Bianca’s mum) – Married a black man Alan Jackson and had a mixed race son, Billy. Carol has shared a black boyfriend (Connor) with Bianca’s adopted daughter, the perennial victim
Whitney: Shared a black boyfriend with Carol (see above).
Thus three generations of this one English BBC TV family have had or are having sexual relationships with blacks. (The concentration on blacks arises from the Cultural Marxist position that as historically the most primitive and most ‘oppressed’ of races, the negro most requires to be shown as on the same socio-economic level as the ‘oppressing’ whites).
Some major points arise: although the East Enders’ depiction of reality is grossly perverted through the deliberate, ridiculous exaggeration of the frequency of mixed–race liaisons which is a device for encouraging them, there is a certain amount of truth in it:-”
Read full article here
A certain former Labour MP and Minister once rather gave the game away when she described what (I believe) was no more than a sexual fantasy of hers. I am not merely repeating tabloid tittle-tattle here, as I heard this story confirmed by someone who worked at the House of Commons. Please excuse the unpleasant detail, there is a serious point here.
The fantasy involved the lady being in a kind of sexual sandwich between two Black men, who would gratify themselves using her two lower orifices. I make no judgement about this, because what consenting adults do in private is not the concern of me, the State or anyone else.
The racism of her fantasy, however, is clear for all to see. Put simply, why did she specify Black men rather than two men of any race? The only reason I can think of is that she would feel a particular frisson from this inter-racial threesome. In other words she, though an anti-racist, felt that the Black element made the whole thing more exotic and exciting. She is quite entitled to this view but she must accept that this preference of hers is the same natural awareness of racial difference that might lead others to dislike Black men.
So, I ask you, are we all racists?
oreo orgasms?
Have made point before. That ‘Cultural Marxism’ is a misnomer.
‘Moral Relativism’ is a more accurate description of the liberal inquisitions driving faith, as it far more informed by Freud than by Marx
What would Sigmund Freud make of the desire for (sexual) annihilation by something wild and alien? Is this yet more psycho-passive / submissive behaviour? And can we in the UK afford such people as Ministers in our governments?
Uncle Bup’s Television Highlights.
Count Arthur Strong
BBC2 8.00pm
More from the old-fashioned sudio sitcom which despite low ratings and mixed critical reaction,, has been recommissioned for a second series.
(Sunday Telegraph actually).
So there yer have it. It’s shite, no-one watches it, but we’re giving it to you anyway. Well it’s all we got.
Public sector broadcasting at it’s finest.
Yet another blindingly stupid gaffe from The Obamessiah which will not be featured in snarky BBC tweets:
And one of the interesting things that we don’t talk about enough is the contrast between what’s happened in the United States and what’s happened in a lot of other developing countries, Europe in particular.
Sure, He went on to talk about “a lot of European countries”, but imagine, as Nile Gardiner suggests, the derision which the Beeboids would have heaped on George Bush had he said such a thing. Most likely, any BBC journalist who read the interview would instead be filled with joy at His insistence that more government spending is the only way forward.
I’ve been listening to BBC Radio 5Dead commentary on the Hungarian F1 Grand Prix, but every now and again they interrupt to go to someone in Barcelona, telling us that Tom Daley looks bronzed and fit in his tight trunks, the weather in Barcelona is superb, the diving centre has a nice view of the city in the background, and, oh yes, the judges have given Tom Daley a 7.5 for that one. They then return to the Hungaroring where the commentators say “you’ve just missed some fantastic action here …”
Presumably the bBBC editor has the hots for Tom Daley, but otherwise, what is the point?
Since the diving is currently being shown on BBC2, what is the point indeed ?
Mentally ill people ‘hit hard by recession’ screams the bBBC headline. They are much more likely to be unemployed and their ‘their economic and social position’ gets worse.
But nowhere does their report empasise that this study, conducted from 2006 to 2010, is about the problems that Gordon Brown’s recession has caused.
But aren`t Brown, Fry and the like doing rather well out of it all?
Brown is hardly ever in the country( Lourdes is it?) and Fry is never off the telly waving his certificates about.