Well, as some of us predicted, post Mubarak Egypt is a mess and all sensible people will be appalled at the loss of life on the streets of Cairo and elsewhere. However the BBC is clearly aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, doing all it can to push the MB narrative at all times. Report after report from the BBC paints the MB as ‘victims” and I hear the BBC declare this morning that the interim government is there by virtue of a coup. It’s interesting the BBC says this because even Obama won’t quite go that for. The reality is that the BBC has been cheerleading for the MB for years now – quite remarkable given the venom that this bunch of Islamic extremists represent.
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‘even Obama won’t quite go that for’
Far? Before a committee descends.
And as a dedicated thread has emerged, may I port this over as the BBC’s selection of facts and opinion is a concern in such a febrile situation…
Reporting when uncertain on confirmed facts can head into dangerous territory, so it is wise for anyone, especially the MSM, to tread carefully on claims.
They key word is ‘reporting’. Once ‘analysis’ or selecting quoting is deployed, it can move into propaganda for one side or the other.
Not an objective medium’s job. Especially if notionally representative of another country.
It’s why I still await clarification of the call-out unattributed ‘snipers’ quote source here:
(Noting the video report, at the least, has changed since yesterday – it confirms the shared SKY report on firing from MB. If followed by a series of one-sided vox-pops).
As a side-note, looking at the reporter’s garb, and comparing it to the riot police, in a fog of war situation, I have to wonder who may get be confused for whom, and by whom, with inevitable consequences.
On Today this morning (Thursday) the Egyptian ambassador (supporting the authorities) pointed out that gunfire was coming out of the MB enclaves but this was quickly talked over. He did score though when he asked the presenter whether we in the UK usually met the police with such levels of violence. Harrumph, we’re different!
I watched the news last night and saw the armoured bulldozer bush through the MB barricades and could only wish that we could treat our muslim extremists in muslim enclaves in the UK, the same way that the Egyptian Government does.
Perhaps we could outsource certain government functions – I’m thinking mainly of those in top positions who are very highly rewarded for their supposed ‘elite policy & decision making’?
Selected experienced foreign workers, who would certainly be cheaper, could only be more effective than the over-paid, over-educated out-of-touch Islam-loving prole-despising Humphreys that we are burdened with.
If it’s worked in fruit-picking thenn the same approach can certainly work with government departments, which need a hell of a lot of weeding.
Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood supporters attack 22 churches
And at home
Machete wielding man attacked and robbed teenagers after gatecrashing Haringey party
The suspect is described as a Somali man, just under 6ft tall, wearing a black hoody with white cords around the edges and black tracksuit trousers. He was also described as having facial hair and yellow teeth and unusually large forehead.
Man has arm broken in gang attack in Chorley
34 year old assaulted while walking dog POLICE are appealing for information after a 34 year old man was assaulted by four men as he walked his dog in Chorley.
All four men are described as being “Asian” and police are appealing for anyone with information to contact them.
We are getting there. Slowly but with quickening pace, Britain will be like Egypt, Syria, Iraq or Nigeria – churches burnt and Christians massacred.
For those who think they are atheists or agnostics – forget it.
Muslims in Britain consider anyone not wearing Islamic clothes or some other identifying symbol, to be Infidel Christians.
From past experience, I would expect the BBC main news item on the same day to be: ‘A Palestinian was injured in Gaza’.
Good one.
The MB is the parent of al Qaeda and a whole host of Islamic Jihadi organisations. The MB has its main HQ in Egypt. If the military can bury MB, it will bury quite a lot of other Jihadi units as well.
Strange that it turns out that the Egyptian military will be the one that defeats Islamic terrorisim and not the USA.
In fact, the USA needs Islamic Jihad to justify its draconian Big Brother surveillance of Americans and Europeans.
I read in the mail that the majority of people are firmly behind the military even in this latest episode.
I wonder what the Islamists did to deserve such venom?
No mention in the BBC?
Ex president Mursi actually started his Presidency rather well and in a contrite fashion, but sadly this did not last. He quickly became a puppet of more extreme elements and in order to fulfil their desires, declared himself Pharoah.
It was this launching himself as a dictator over Egypt in complete opposition to all the democratic ideals of his election to power, which triggered the military response.
But of course you would not know that if you only heard the bbc. They side with Islam every time in every way.
No. They really don’t.
“They side with Islam every time in every way.”
You mean like this?
“Analysts are optimistic that the ousting of President Morsi may presage a brighter future for Egypt’s economy.”
Or this?
“Egypt judges call for national strike over Mursi decree”
the interim government is there by virtue of a coup.
For once, I agree with the BBC. Let’s call a spade a spade. No matter how arguably justified it was, when the army takes over from a democratically elected (or even a fraudulently elected or even not elected) government the correct word to use is coup.
But if it is a ‘coup’ then POTUS has to stop providing military aid. Tricky.
Although in the UK there seems always to be a lot of sympathy for the underdog, the truth is that the UK would be better served if Assad remains President of Syria and the MB do not regain control of Egypt.
After all – one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter.
One final comment – read it years ago, still true today.
“People who shout ‘power to the people’ want power to the people who shout power to the people.”
The election which put Morsi into power was there because of the previous coup (contra Bowen, it was a coup even though Mubarak was not democratically elected). A coup which was also demanded by the will of the people. The coup to remove Morsi seems to have been supported by even more people than the one which removed Mubarak. Yet the BBC continues to dance around this.
What Beeboids seem to miss about the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt:-
“Muslim Brotherhood ‘Reprisals’ & ‘Enemies of Islam’”
By Andrew C. McCarthy.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“The Muslim Brotherhood and its Islamic supremacist allies – portrayed in the mainstream media as ‘peaceful protesters’ subjected to unprovoked violence by Egyptian security forces – continue their jihad against Christians. And that jihad continues to be portrayed in the mainstream media as ‘reprisal’ attacks, as if it were the Copts rather than the armed forces who had ousted the Brotherhood from power.”
Yesterday morning on Sky, they had one of their ME experts who was obviously an Israeli (Yossi something). He also took the line about the coup being against the democratic mandate that the Muslim Brotherhood received. He added the throwaway line “Whether you like them [the MB] or not” but backed the will of the Egyptian people in electing who they wanted.
For INBBC’s Cairo Bureau to report?:-
The BBC likes inspirational kid vox pops.
Maybe they should ask this rather remarkable young man for an update:
If they so, they might want to offer a wee bit more support afterwards than last time.
I can see how, in the abstract, in a total vacuum, it’s a black-and-white case of “Democratically elected government” (Huzzah!) being forcibly removed (Boo!) by the military. But that’s only on paper, as it would exist in a classroom discussion. The reality of what Morsi did and was doing, and the historic relationship between the Egyptian military and the country’s governance – not to mention the fact that Egypt didn’t magically transform into a modern, stable democratic State with all the infrastructure bells and whistles the moment Mubarak went into the hospital, and it’s silly for the Beeboids to act as if it is – makes things quite different.
By acting as if it’s a simple case (like Bowen did with El Baradei the other day), the BBC certainly gives the appearance of sympathizing with and backing the Muslim Brotherhood. Some of them probably do, for reasons known only to them, but I think in many cases it’s just how it comes across. They also end up misleading the audience into focusing on the abstract picture and not on what’s actually been happening. The BBC’s angle on this situation – and it does seem magically to be the same angle in all their coverage and discussions all over the spectrum of broadcasting – can certainly lead people to pick sides. It may be unintentional, but it’s still there.
i fullly support and applaud the restraint showed by the egytian police and army in dealing with these bloodthirsty throwbacks to the 7th century screaming allah hu akbar muslim brotherhood lot rioters and murderers who by the way have killed and slayed in cold blood 156 police officers so far,personally i think the army and police should go in a bit harder,that my personal view,but the hidden tragedy in this murderous rampage by the muslim brotherhod mob is the plight of the coptic christians,so far.100 churches have been bunrt to the ground,200 dead including women and children,christians fleeing there towns villages under attack by muslim brotherhood rampaging mobs,in fact its just mass murder of coptic christians,where are the bbc,where are sky news and other media outlets reporting these massacres of christians in egypt,where is medhi hassan and tell mama condemming this,the silence is just deafening from these lot.
Well said about the Coptic Christian massacre Stuart.No mention by the BBC about those as massacres . Rather simply a a report that churches have been attacked.
The Egyptian government may like to pitch for a future Olympics, set maybe in a resort.
The BBC’s finest may suddenly get less critical as they seem to around the prospect of a pool party.
Seemed to work for the Chinese post-Tiananmen.
‘Mishal has reported from around the world for the BBC and presented live programmes on location including from Pakistan after the deaths of Osama bin Laden and Benazir Bhutto, from Cairo during the Egyptian revolution and from China during the Beijing Olympics’
Sounds… ideal.
you live by the gun you die by the gun,screaming allah hu akbar wont save you from the bullets
Err..no, but at least they have the 72 virgins awaiting for them in paradise.
I wonder how He manages to endure an endless supply of the virgins?
The BBC have been cheerleading the “peaceful” Muslim Brotherhood.
Anyone care to guess how the peaceful protesters could be responsible for the deaths of 43 heavily armed security personnel who were buried today? Not going to be rocks is it?
” In Egypt, Media Sympathizes with Muslim Brotherhood, Persecution of Christians Ignored”
By Raymond Ibrahim.
“Qatar’s Ties with the Muslim Brotherhood Affect Entire Region”
“The alliance between the Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar is becoming a noticeable factor in the reshaping of the Middle East. There are several striking aspects to this evolving and deepening relationship.
“First, note that the Brotherhood is barely involved in Qatari domestic affairs. The arrangement is akin to the one between Qatar and Al Jazeera, the biggest Arab television channel, which is based in Doha. The station covers news throughout the Arab world but refrains from covering controversial events in Qatar.” (2012.)
I never understand the bbc’s love for groups such as the muslimm brotherhood. The bbc is well known for having a lot of feminists and gay people working for it and the muslim brotherhood absolutely hates women and gays. I honestly can’t understand it
Is it me or has Syria dropped off on to the back burner? Even before these terrible events in Egypt the BBC was trying to “sell” the insurgents in Syria on a daily basis. It wasn’t anything to do with the disgraceful heart-eating video widely circulated was it? I’m sure the Christian minority in Syria feel a darn sight safer under Assad than they would under these insurgents. Not for the first time the BBC try to sell their politics to influence us and then stand well back when it all goes pear shaped. Immigration here is there present little number.
INBBC: Muslim Brotherhood (MB) broadcaster, as Qatar’s Islamic Al-Jazeera.
As an indication of how Islamised INBBC has become, note INBBC’s politically empathetic reporting for MB:-
-note the friendly tone of voice towards MB,
-the censorship of criticism of MB,
-the INBBC lack of emphasis in MB persecution of Christians and Jews,
-the ignorance of MB ‘Project’ strategy,
-the avoidance of crucial Sharia law aims of MB,
As an antidote:-
Recent ‘JihadWatch’ reports on Egypt:-
A different view of Muslim Brotherhood to that of INBBC:-
“Crush the Muslim Brotherhood”
By Daniel Greenfield.
Islamising TURKEY supports Muslim Brotherhood (MB).
Turkey Minister supports MB, not least to please E.U’s political class and so get even more approval of Turkey’s entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U.
(No INBBC online report to date.)
“Turkish EU minister: ‘MB will not be deceived by this game'”
Of course, Turkey and INBBC both oppose Egypt’s anti-MB military, just as they both support the Islamising AKP against the army in Turkey.
For INBBC: which global Islamic organisation, with the initials ‘MB’ has this as its political slogan?:
“Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our model; the Koran is our constitution; jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our aspiration.”
No prizes.
Are we, non-Muslim British people, now to be allowed by INBBC to describe violent activities of Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian Army as “fascist” as does actor, Mr Abdalla here in interview in Cairo with INBBC Muslim Ms Husain?
“Egypt crisis: ‘Both sides are wrong’ – actor and activist Khalid Abdalla”
(3 min video.)
Note: INBBC caption on-screen states that Mr Abdalla is described as “Egyptian actor and activist” – although that is misleading. He was born in Glasgow of Egyptian parents, went to schools, and then trained and performed as an actor, in Britain. As an “activist” he was anti-Mubarak, but whether he was an activist against the Muslim Brotherhood is not known.
It would have been interesting and perhaps informative to have know what those ‘ordinary’ Egyptians, were saying and what they thought
I had some sympathy for his point of view that it’s the extremes being pushed all the time, especially by the media (for which they should be ashamed) at the expense of the middle ground.
But you and George are right to note the airflown BBC anchor without a clue (or word of the lingo) has only a limited set of numbers on her speed dial.
And who better than a dishy, dusky actor to speak for the nation as he looks the part?
Maybe her people would be better tasked looking for that YouTube kid who had more political savvy in his little finger than a whole balcony-full of cosy ME experts overlooking Tahrir Square? But he doesn’t speak English, so she may need to pull in Dev Patel as a looky-likey.
Is the following an implict INBBC admission that it has got it wrong on the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic jihad?
As we know many Beeboids went overboard for something it termed ‘the Arab Spring’ with weekend Beeboid vistors from Broadcasting House, London to Tahrir Square, Cairo, optimistically, confidently and ignorantly pontificating on Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and the prospects for freedom and democracy.
Now, when Beeboid WHEWELL talks of the changing (i.e. more pessimistic) ‘perceptions’ in the Islamic Middle East and North Africa on what he calls, but doesn’t define, ‘Islamism,’ he is also really talking of the similarly changing INBBC ‘perceptions’. Are some Beeboids now slightly catching up with the harsh reality which is Islam? (But not, of course, explicitly admitting it.)
“Egypt crisis: Does political Islam have a future?”
Will Beeboids be reading ‘JihadWatch’ next?
“Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood supporters torch a Christian school, parade nuns through streets as ‘prisoners of war'”
“The persecution of Christians in Egypt continues, perpetrated by the same group that the mainstream media in the West treats as victims.”
Update for INBBC to report:-
“Latest total from Egypt:
Muslim Brotherhood has attacked, looted, and torched 58 Christian churches, schools, institutions, homes and shops”
I read in comments
‘finally the msm is reporting on this. just watched NBC news and they talked about it. M’ (on air I presume)
Perhaps Albaman could tell me what back water of the BBC parish gazette I might find this reported?