Hitler OldBoys





We’ve had the Hitler Youth, and of course the Commie version, the Young Pioneers….but now apparently the Nation’s liberal, progressive judicial system  is under threat from ‘Dad’s Waffen SS’…in WWII they defended us from the Nazis now Dad’s Army are the Fascists.


The age limit for jury service may be raised to 75.

Evan Davis’ main concern seemed to be that as we get older we get more right wing….he tells us.

Can’t have that can we…right leaning jurists…they might have to pass judgement on black, Muslim or gay defendants…absolutely no chance of a fair trial!



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74 Responses to Hitler OldBoys

  1. Deborah says:

    Is that what has happened to Humphries? Apart from his ideas on benefits I haven’t noticed a lot of it.


    • Demon says:

      As we get older we, supposedly, gain more widsom. That’s why wiser, older people tend to move to the right. Stupid older people, and those with a vested interest in left-wingedness (e.g. politicians) will continue to vote against the country’s interests and for Labour and the Lib dummies.


  2. Jebediah says:

    I noticed that. The radio 2 news announced this and then had a quote from a guy saying people over 70 are likely to be “bigoted” towards youth. Great balance. The BBC is most definitely ageist.

    The BBC’s filtering process works like this:
    1. Are you left-wing?
    2. Are you young?
    3. Are you metropolitan?
    4. Are you ethnic?
    5. Are you gay?

    If you pass all of that, hurrah, you can be an employee.


    • Albaman says:

      Pity that you did not listen to the Radio 2 news at 10.00am. The section on this story included a spokesperson from SAGA who fully supported the proposal.

      No quote “from a guy saying people over 70 are likely to be “bigoted” towards youth.”


      • Guest Who says:

        Are you saying that Jebediah was/is in error, or that BBC news needs to be listened to and/or viewed across the board to connect the totality of picture individual segments may have neglected?
        Also any ‘spokesperson’ the BBC wheels out tends to speak for themselves.
        How the ‘SAGA’ age ‘community’ as a whole feels will be interesting to learn… assuming the BBC shares it if not in complement to their initial sourcing.
        As one headed in this direction (most of us without odd paintings in the attic are) my ‘support’ is, on present information, less than supportive. But I doubt I’d get past a BBC researcher even if asked, would I?


        • Albaman says:

          Banish the thought that a bBBC contributor could be posting nonsense!!


          • Guest Who says:

            ‘a bBBC contributor’
            I know you like to play by BBC ‘Unique’ Rules, but welcome to the club, whether you like it or, as shown by you so perversely, so often, not.


          • Jebediah says:

            Check it. I think it was on the 7.00am news.


          • Jebediah says:

            checked it:

            Hitler OldBoys

            Chris Evans show 7.00am news 33mins 15 seconds into the show.

            Albaman check your own facts before you think to accuse others. Or is that too hard, you’d have to take your blinkers off.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘…If you pass all of that’
      Not to mention the various gatekeepers meeting such criteria to ensure who is invited, to say what, are selected to ensure who speaks for the nation speaks the way the BBC expects.
      They tend to invite or edit in who they like and what they like to hear.
      Any questions on what may have been left out… FOI excluded.


    • Jethro says:

      Being female helps as well.


  3. Demon says:

    Someone was asking where the trolls were this morning.


    • Underthericketyracketybridge says:

      Well I think the BBC is a paragon of virtue implementing the strictest principles of impartiality in all their news, social affairs and historical production. That their employees work extremely hard in trying conditions in countries impoverished by capitalism to bring us the REAL stories that matter – and all for a pittance with no job security and having to suffer regular reductions in wages to cover the enforced redundancies that this Coalition Government are forcing through.


      • Jethro says:

        “Well I think the BBC is a paragon of virtue implementing the strictest principles of impartiality in all their news, social affairs and historical production.”

        Yeah, sod evidence and common sense. Just think what you want, facts be damned.


        • Arthur Penney says:

          I don’t think you appreciate sarcasm – I wrote the comment as the community was pining for a troll.


          • Mark says:

            Trolls, being part of Norwegian folklore, usually spend time pining for the fjords.

            As do dead parrots ….


        • marc says:

          Ten people don’t get sarcasm


          • Chop says:

            Those would be the same 10 folk who ‘like’ alby, scotty & dezzy posts.

            3 people, 3 accounts each, and one spare.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:



  4. Roland Deschain says:

    Didn’t hear the item. Why did the BBC decide it was a question that needed asking? Before this suggestion was aired did anyone at the BBC ask whether juries without those older representatives are currently skewed to the left compared with the general population?


  5. Guest Who says:

    Winston Churchill… for some 40’s-era balance:
    Big hearts & no brains don’t seem the best way to run countries or assess legal argument, mind.
    But what would I know? I come from a different time.
    And hence am easily confuded.


  6. Dazed & Confused says:

    I’m “confude” about what you’re actually saying…


  7. Span Ows says:

    Evan Davis asks questions, that’s his job. The uninformed sometimes confude that with a statement of opinon. [sic]

    Either (a) you don’t listen to Evan Davis much, (b) you are Evan Davis.


  8. Alan says:

    The facts of life are conservative..get used to it…when you grow up of course you will realise that…so says Evan Davis.

    Life is obviously very serious Hillbilly, glad you take such a thoughtful and solemn view of it….you’re no sillybilly.

    The strange thing is despite there being no rightwing comedians rightwingers do seem to have a sense of humour unlike their po-faced rather anal left wing adversaries.

    Even as the fascist agents of the State are waterboarding you or thrashing you with a rubber truncheon they try to take your mind off things with a bit of levity, even as they disembowel a Guardianista’s Apple Mac they manage a laugh and a joke to keep things light:

    ” with two GCHQ security experts overseeing the destruction of hard
    drives in the Guardian’s basement just to make sure there was nothing
    in the mangled bits of metal which could possibly be of any interest to
    passing Chinese agents. “We can call off the black helicopters,” joked one as we swept up the remains of a MacBook Pro.”

    Yes, the laughing’s stopped now at the Guardian……the joke’s on them.


  9. Beeboidal says:

    Anyone who followed the Beeboids reaction to the Zimmerman verdict knows that the Beeboids have issues with the wrong sort of juries. Only bien-pensant lefties can be relied upon to deliver an unprejudiced verdict based solely on the evidence.


  10. Old Timer says:

    Poor old Albie, he must hover over this site like a bad tempered vulture looking for road kill. His pickings really must be a bit lean though if he has nothing better to do than witter over whether an old bowler on BBC this morning was put up to say old folk can be bigots.

    You really must get a life outside of the BBC bubble and this site Albie. Lighten up a bit old chap. Try darts with a few mates down the pub now and again. Or even try bowling yourself like the old boy interviewed this morning, he seemed a cheerful chap. So, take a deep breath and say after me “the BBC is a biased load of old crap” and you will soon feel better.


    • Albaman says:

      If only I could Old Timer, but my contract says I have to make so many pro BBC comments a day. Scott, Dez and I are thinking of going on strike over pay, but our handlers told us that we are on zero hour contracts, and as such the BBC would terminate our contracts immediately.
      With what they pay us, we would be insane to upset them that much – SO…..

      “you’re all talking crap, you right wing Nazis, the BBC are great!”

      There, that’s an easy fifty quid I’ve earned, must go ‘cos Dez wants to get his fifty quids worth, Tada.


      • Albaman says:

        I did not post the above comment.


        • Albaman says:

          Yes I did.


        • Albaman says:

          Im just depressed because the BBC is not left wing enough and i take it out on the people here. I’m sorry


        • Guest Who says:

          You know the other day when folk like me got a bit worried that folk could be, or at least claim to be other folk, or not folk. Or something?
          Can’t imagine how that was even flagged as a concern. Falsely or otherwise.
          Glad the cubicles seem to know who to ‘like’ and who to leave alone as ‘bizarre’.


          • Demon says:

            I’m liking the real Albaman’s posts as it is totally wrong to pretend to be someone else here. I hope the mods take action.


          • Albaman says:

            “Glad the cubicles seem to know who to ‘like’ and who to leave alone as ‘bizarre’.”

            Which “cubicles” are you referring to? If you think that the BBC is coordinating some form of “attack” on this site you are deluded.


            • Demon says:

              Which Albaman are you? Clearly the BBC are using people (no doubt paying them as private companies) to attack any site that dares to critisize them.


              • Albaman says:

                The original one.
                As you believe that “the BBC are using people (no doubt paying them as private companies) to attack” this site” then no doubt you can provide evidence to support your “belief”.


                • Guest Who says:

                  ‘..no doubt you can provide evidence to support your “belief”’
                  How many must wish they could have thought of that counter with the BBC Complaints, ECU & Trust when they base their decisions on just such a basis.
                  Oh.. they have. And get expedited.
                  Also, precedent-wise, is Labour, the Graun & the BBC only using substantiated facts alone when they weigh in so confidently on topical matters?
                  Because often I see ‘so-called’, ‘quoted’, sources who say who have proven nothing, yet seem able to secure the front page and top of the hour based on what they ‘believe’, often packaged as ‘analysis’.


                  • Guest Who says:

                    I have no idea what is going on, or truth any more. Certainly not from authority or most if not all MSM.
                    Interesting though they are all fighting like rats in a sack so far based on no more currently than… ‘belief’ too.
                    Seems that speculation can be valid, or not, based mostly whether it’s about folk not onside (good) or about the home team (bad).


            • Guest Who says:

              ‘you are deluded’
              As once was penned: ‘if you say so’.
              But it was a different time.
              And, possibly, a different ‘you’.
              Who now can tell?
              So on a more serious note, if anyone can be anyone, things could get more than messy.
              Whose interests that serves remains to be seen.


  11. Jethro says:

    This sadly evidences another hypocritical prejudice of the far-left – ageism. So-called ‘progressives’ (in the US especially) are all too easy to moan about “dinosaurs” especially if they’re Caucasian males, presumably as you mentioned because they often lean further to the right than their younger counterparts – even when “leaning further to the right” actually means they’re still centre or left/right of centre, because their younger counterparts are so far to the left that they don’t even recognise what centre left policies are. Being pro-controlled immigration, pro-NHS, pro-welfare etc. is a centre-left mindset, but far-leftists will still accuse you of being an ivory tower-dwelling racist if you don’t want immigration to be open-door or you want British people to be put first, if you recognise certain procedures (such as cosmetic surgery, caesarians etc) should not be funded by the tax-payer except in emergencies and fertility treatment is not a priority especially with so many kids still awaiting fostering or adoption, or if you don’t think people should earn more on benefits than they will from working. And then, to top it all off, these same supposedly non-bigoted far-leftists will make a blatantly bigoted comment about how English people are lazy, how white people are are racist, how all men are sexists and want to rape and harm women, and other such bollocks.

    The difference between the far right and the far left is that the far right is usually rejected by the centre right and by much of the press. The far left is not only accepted, but usually endorsed by the ‘impartial’ BBC and so-called centre-left sources.


  12. Rtd Colonel says:

    Don’t listen to Today much any more but was there any discussion on the Labour proposal to reduce the voting age to 16 – if so surely the counter argument must apply and is simply a new form of gerrymandering since they finally got rumbled on the immigration scam


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Did Evan Davis by any chance ask if that would skew the electorate to the left? After all, I’m reliably informed it’s his job to ask questions.


  13. Rtd Colonel says:

    And of course the client state scam, the public sector non jobs scam etc etc etc


  14. George R says:

    BBC ‘Today’ policy?:-

    ‘Pack Britain with unlimited numbers of immigrants, not give full rights to old people, but extend voting to 16 year-olds.’


    • Albaman says:

      Which “rights” are not extended to the elderly?


      • Mat says:

        Hmm well the right to live through winter would be a good one !


      • Ian Hills says:

        The right to life – ever heard of the Liverpool “Care” Pathway?


      • Rtd Colonel says:

        to sit on a jury – the original comment around Evan Davis being horrified at the prospect due to his perceived bias that they would me more likely to be ‘conservative’ try and keep up old boy


    • George R says:

      And was someone at ‘Today’ heard to say?:-

      ‘If we can’t get our Labour Party in power after that, I don’t know what will’.


  15. Glenn says:

    Labour have announced that they want to extend the franchise to 16 year olds. I don’t recall anyone at the BBC asking if that was gerrymandering to the Left.


  16. Ian Hills says:

    The left are so immature. I think they were spoiled by their wacky, “free expression” loving middle class parents.

    Thankfully 16 year olds tend to be more sensible – polls show they’re not very keen on immigration, the EU, or the green fantasies they’re fed at school. (Those “youth parliaments” are full of left-wing plants, as are media interviews with the young.)

    16 year olds will exert a healthy right-wing influence once they get the vote and sit on juries.


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Yes, my experience of working with younger folk in an office was quite encouraging in that respect. They might not know many facts or much history, thanks to State schools, but they had common sense views on prison, immigration, work, benefits, etc. Their own real life experience and parents & family saved them from the BBC brainwashing … and they didn’t watch as much TV as you might think, because of the new media.

      Also, remember what happened in 1970: the reduced voting age was thought likely to help Labour … but the Tories won the election.


  17. The Beebinator says:

    from my experience doing jury service, its the age limit that should be raised. a lot of the young ones (18 -25) were of the opinion that they were not going to find anyone guilty no matter what the evidence. usually because they knew people in jail or hated the police.

    ageism from the bbc, oh my, who would have thought such a thing


  18. David Vance says:

    I am not impressed with whoever impersonated Albaman. It causes confusion and derails debate. If you value this site please don’t repeat or I track you down and ban.


  19. stuart says:

    mate of mine done jury service in 2006 a domestic murder case lasting 6 weeks, he got £40 a day expenses plus free travel and food.guy got found guilty,life in prison with recommedation he serves only 7 years before parole hearing pending release,jury service is outdated in my opinion now.to many people get found not gulity who are guilty,and rare cases of people who are not guiilty getting found guilty,the whole system is in a state of confusion and needs revamping lock stick and barrel.


    • Rich Tee says:

      Juries don’t decide sentences as far as I know, and a judge just implements sentencing guidelines from the Crown Prosecution Service.

      The problem of leniency is because our political and justice system is now dominated by 1960s liberals who think that the perpetrator is a “victim of an oppressive societal system”.

      It does need a clear out but it is not the fault of juries. The jury system is not perfect for sure, but the alternative is decisions made in secret by out of touch or corrupt judges influenced by greedy and corrupt lawyers.


      • Banquosghost says:

        At the end of a long trial two suspects were found guilty of GBH with Intent and it came to sentencing. The CPS Barrister pushed by us (the police) asked for 10 years for each of the offenders, the Judge actually said from the bench ‘I thought we were supposed to be keeping them out of jail?’

        He gave them 7 years each which was good but it is more than clear that the Judiciary are under pressure not to send people to prison.

        I would like to see the BBC investigate sentencing within the Court system to show that sentences for serious violent and sexual offences have dropped significantly.


  20. sc says:

    http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/local-news/boots-remove-pasta-meals-shelves-5753373.. kiddies starving in africa and more moaning again from selfish muslims


    • Demon says:

      It is wrong to include chicken in a supposedly vegetarian dish. It is equally wrong not to lable meat dishes, which were prepared in a Halal way and not lable them as such in very big letters. She should know how the rest of us felt when we heard that we were eating halal meat without being told. Any dish prepared in that medieval manner should actually be called so e.g. “Halal Beef and horseradish sauce” etc.


  21. Mo says:

    No Hillbilly Evan was making a point not asking a question. He is frightened that people who are not indocrtinated by the left will make up their own minds.

    You must be aware of this and you expose yourself as not applying your mind to the statement , rather reacting to it in your conditioned way.


  22. Doublethinker says:

    The next move will be to reduce the voting age to no one older than 50!


  23. Cedric says:

    Mr Davis’s question was another clear indicator of the ingrained view of the BBC that normal, nice and mentally healthy people are ipso facto left wing, and that to be on the right is the very definition of being aberrant in a decidedly nasty way.