We know that the BBC has issues with Islam and that is a prime source for Islamophilia. However when the world’s most prominent Islamic scholar calls for jihad to be waged in Egypt, one would have thought all those world class journalists that we pay for MIGHT have found the story. It seems they missed it. How convenient. I suppose they are too busy hunting down Islamphobes?
“Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi—one of the most influential Islamic clerics in the world, author of over 100 books on Muslim doctrine, head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood—has just posted a new video where he calls on all the Muslims of the world to come and wage jihad with their lives in Egypt on behalf of “what’s right”—that is, the return to power of the Muslim Brotherhood.
He called on everyone and anyone—the “sons of Al Azhar,” businessmen, journalists—and from all around the world, specifically mentioning Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Senegal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan.
Qaradawi called on them to be shuhada, “martyrs” who sacrifice their lives in the course of the jihad.”