Something on the loose at the English seaside is ‘Dangerously English’ says ex-BBC 3 man Sir Nicholas Kenyon
What might that be? A swarm of English football fans, James Bond, the EDL?’s the Proms….that well known recruiting festival for the BNP.
Last Night of the Proms were ‘dangerously English,’ says ex-BBC boss Sir Nicholas Kenyon
But the panic is over…it is now safe for ethnic minorities to venture out of doors once again…the beast has been tamed:
The former BBC Radio 3 controller welcomed the fact this year’s concert will feature talent from overseas.
He told BBC Radio 4’s Broadcasting House programme yesterday: ‘The Last Night of the Proms, from being something dangerously English, has now become something totally inclusive.
Next up the dangerously Asian ‘Asian Network’ and the dangerously Black Black Music station 1Xtra.
Guess he was only obeying the Boss:
The culture minister, Margaret Hodge, is facing a chorus of criticism from across the political spectrum after attacking the Proms for not being multicultural enough.
Downing Street was forced into an immediate U-turn and denied that the Government, or Mrs Hodge, had attacked the Proms.
Gordon Brown’s spokesman praised the concerts as a “wonderful, democratic and quintessentially British institution”.
Typical arrogance of the BBC to attack a unique ‘institution’, imposing their own small minded, condescending, pretentious view of what the world should look like upon everyone else…..wasn’t so long ago that they were telling us that mixed race people were better looking, more intelligent and more psychologically stable than those of supposedly ‘pure’ stock….more genetically fitter.
The proof….mixed race Lewis Hamilton is a top Formula 1 driver….er…just like this guy:
(of course the research came from the BBC’s favourite university…Cardiff)
Unsure just when you become ‘pure’ or what level of ‘mixing’ is ‘mixed’….does a black great great grandfather make you ‘black’ or mixed race…or are you white because you look white?
Still nice to know that racial profiling is alive and kicking on the ‘inclusive’ BBC.
Just imagine the BBC saying the same thing about the ‘White race’.
Yeah..hard to imagine that.
Is Nick Griffin sponsoring the BBC? Our international treasure seems to be inciting, not decades of white guilt followed by a golden age of multicultural harmony, but race war.
Of course, over the years the Prom concerts have been very international in terms of composers, conductors, orchestras and soloists.
But, it seems, some self-important Beeboids want to usurp Henry Wood’s values as a British patriot.
can someone let me know when its safe to be English, im just asking because im 39 years old ,and for the first 20 odd years of my life it wasn’t a problem, but now it seems that all of a sudden we are the lowest form of life in our own country, that is if you believe the bbbc , im just glad im not 13 , female and “vulnerable” .if I am a proud Englishmen then I am rascist? there are a lot of immigrants championed via the bbbc that ARE rascist ,treating this country with contempt, and I cant blame them . after all, they get away with it don’t they?
Well said Brett
If only we had our own culture, like the Austrians New Year’s Concert.
The Establishment is strongly anti-English. Here’s the take from Jack Straw and William Hague from January 2000 – Note the particularly disgusting language from Jack Straw (real name John Whitaker Straw), which would get him up before the courts if used to describe any other ethnicity.
Home Secretary Jack Straw says the English had used their “propensity to violence to subjugate Ireland, Wales and Scotland”
This is not true. Scotland and Ireland were threats to the English Crown. Scotland often did battle with England and were encouraged to do so by France, who used Scotland to weaken the English.
Mr Straw will describe the English as “potentially very aggressive, very violent”
Well, you cannot say that of his Father, who, was locked up during the second world war because his dad did not want to fight. Fair enough ! But by what right then does this man’s son have the right to support a government that inflicts violence upon another country (Iraq) that has not threatened us. – Hypocrite !
Mr Hague will say: “English nationalism is the most dangerous of all forms of nationalism that can arise within the United Kingdom . . .”
Has he never heard of Sinn Fein then ? The only UK political party to draw from the ranks of a murderous terrorist organisation.
“Many left wing politicians are frightened of the topic of nationalism because of its associations with the far right – but the issue needs to be discussed.”
Many of the Nationalist Parties in the UK are not right-wing but Socialist or Marxist in their ideology. So that in his world view makes them OK but any tendency towards the right, is not. Nazism was a left wing organisation, but they do not want you to know that.
” . . . because we’re becoming more European at the same time.”
You’re telling me.
“Once a part of a united country or kingdom that is so predominant in size becomes nationalistic, then really the whole thing is under threat,”
Scotland 2014 ? These idiots really do my head in.
Given that Straw’s constituency in Blackburn is significantly Islamic and Pakistani in ‘heritage’, has be called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan very ‘violent’ in its jihadism?
Next up the BBC complain MOBO awards as ‘dangerously black’.
And some people claim the BBC doesn’t have a strong effect on the national culture……
The phrase is drivel so laugh. “Dangerously English'” is meaningless and a typical liberal said for effect piece of garbage.
Even listening to these people makes me ill. As for countering their arguments just do not bother. These people are nothing to me and should be nothing to any true Englishman.
Well said Dave S
what a grade 1 moron kenyon is,his marxist.communist idealogy attack on english culture sicken me,would he attack the notting hill carnival by calling it to black and west indian,would he attack eid or ramadan by saying it is to asian and muslim,far left types like him who live in the middle class leafy surburbs are the reason why this country called england is being raped of are cultural identity.i hate all these communist english haters like him.
I wonder if the B-BBC would consider the Notting Hill Carnival to be Dangerously Afro-Caribbean or the Gay Pride Parades to be Dangerously Gay? Just as the Notting Hill Carnival and the Gay Pride Parades are what they are so are the Proms. They are what they are and should be allowed to remain so.
The Proms are specifically for the playing of Orchestral Music and, when the music played is by composers from all over the world of Orchestral Music and there are often Guest Orchestras from other countries, if I recall correctly, they can hardly be considered to be only English. In fact most of the pieces are from composers who are definitely not English.
I hardly thing that the BBC Orchestra operates a bar on Non-English musicians joining it’s orchestra either so I can’t see what justification, other than pure mischief making, for the claim that the Proms are “Dangerously English”.
I seem to recall an attempt by people of the same ilk to try and destroy the Last Night of the Proms and ban “Land of Hope and Glory” to appease the “Europeans”, who seemed singularly unbothered about the issue, using the pathetic excuse that, as members of the then Common Market such patriotism might cause offence. That attempt failed miserably, without any distress to the good people of Europe, and this nonsense should be dismissed with equal contempt.
Yes Amounderness – I like much of the music I hear at the Proms and Nick Kenyon seems to have forgotten that most of the composers are not English. You may notice how few of the audience are of Afro-Caribbean appearance (although some from the Asian continent) but I have not seen signs at the box office to say ‘blacks not welcome here’. But I have missed the efforts that the organisers of the Notting Hill Carnival have done to get me, a white English born, middle aged female to attend.
I thought the BBC is supposed to embrace diversity – but it doesn’t seem to apply to all.
And Prom tickets are cheap – subsidised by the TV licence payer – so they can hardly argue that it’s elitist.
What’s infuriating is that Henry Woods started the whole thing specifically to bring in non-elites to the concert hall to hear Classical Music. That mission gets eroded little by little each year.
There’s always loads of fights at the Proms. Police turn out by the van load to deal with the dangerous sorts spilling out of the Royal Albert Hall. It’s appalling!
However I’ve been at a Celtic, Rangers derby and the love and good will….Oh you wouldn’t believe…what lovely atmosphere…
Yep, he was listening to the boss all right (but in an independent kind of way). That’s the boss whose government got tossed out three years ago, but a little thing like the views of the public don’t matter in Beebland. Vote Labour, get leftism, vote conservative, get leftism. How long is it going to take for the Tories to work this out?
Come on Alan you must know that it was over 5 years ago that Margaret Hodge criticised the proms, evidenced by the fact that you’re post names her as a government minister. Now I know leftie Dave is so far to the left that Margaret Hodge might be the type of Minister he would appoint, but she’s moved onto more important things (well she thinks they are!)
If you are going to use such aged stories it’s as well to point them out.
The BBC has hated the last night of the proms for years and would do anything to stop it. It’s all part of the lefts mission to impose every other culture on the English while destroying their culture.
Old Madge was one of the worst “expenses” thieves, oops sorry that’s a mistake, I mean MP’s. She brought a room full of “white goods” almost on the last day before her yearly expenses were up. When held up for public scrutiny she said she only got them in one go because she “was busy.”
The rest of us idlers, who aren’t busy like Margaret, buy washing machines, dish washers etc. when we have the cash ‘cos we just sit at home all day waving our flag’s of St George trying to make them in to swastikas.
Why do our elite treat us with such contempt?
Does it not enter their spiteful heads that we pay for them? Yes, its mainly the English that put their hands in their pockets.
Oops! I meant Margaret Becket. I don’t know how I got those two mixed up. Yes I do…
Will anyone call him to account for his racism? I am English. I am offended, why should he think it acceptable to attack my Englishness? Is it not an offence to offend a persons ethnicity? Should he not be charged?
This is a follow-on from my comment about Kenyon anti-English racism speech
Section 18 of the Public Order Act 1986 says:
“A person who uses … abusive or insulting words …. is guilty of an offence if—
…. having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby.”
Section 4A of the Public Order Act 1986 says:
“A person is guilty of an offence if, with intent to cause a person ….. distress, he— (a) uses …. abusive or insulting words ….. thereby causing that or another person … distress.”
The Crown Prosecution Service has an agreement with the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) that the police will identify a file that meets the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report definition of a racist incident when they send it to the CPS to prosecute.
That definition is:
“A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.”
We, the English are entitled to defend ourselves. We are not to be treated as if we do not have the same rights and sensitivities as anyone else.
Despite its grandiose name, the Association of Chief Police Officers is actually a private limited company (company registration number 3344583). It makes its money by selling information from the Police National Computer at a profit, plus receives funding from the Home Office to run various schemes. So what entitles a private company to enter into an agreement with the Crown Prosecution Service to decide when the laws of the country can be interpreted in a manner to support a largely political agenda?
‘what entitles a private company to enter into an agreement with the Crown Prosecution Service to decide when the laws of the country can be interpreted in a manner to support a largely political agenda?’
One could try an FOI to ask.
But what if it was rejected on the grounds of commercial sensitivity?
I wish. The English get shafted at every opportunity, just look at the utterances by Cameron since becoming “leader” of the not-the-conservative party.
I suppose we could soon be treated to the a bongo concerto that was written at least 500 years before the west even knew how to blow down a pipe. It may sound like a chimpanzee with a dustbin lid to me but I’m sure it will be a deeply enriching experience to those with an open mind.
These BBC folks really are beyond belief. Why do we have to pay for their hatred of Britain and England in particular? How can these arrogant , stupid sods keep conning the public into paying their huge salaries and at the same time allowing them to systematically destroy our culture , our heritage, re-write our history, erode the respect of the young for their country, destroy our education system, support flooding our country with aliens who they value more than the indigenous population.
Has any society in history ever allowed its self to be taken over so easily? Why don’t people wake up and see what the liberal elite is doing to the country?
Brilliant doublethinker. Everything that needs to be said you said it. This is an immensely effective form of invasion and is aided abetted by our own traitors who whose wages we pay
Just how many police officers are required to stop the Promenaders stabbing each other, or other people, on a regular basis? How many racial attacks outside the RAH?
And how many did it take to make the Notting Hill Crime Festival more or less respectable? I seem to remember the figure of 10,000 being quoted a few years ago. 10,000!
Nothing worse than a upper middle class leftie. The BBC is infested with them and their self loathing that leads to us all suffering while they live in their nice areas sipping lattes
If Sir Nicholas Kenyon is so offended by his own Englishness, he’ll no doubt be handing back his knighthood very soon.
In light of a top BBC man’s recent comments there are some much loved TV shows now requiring more diversity….
BBC2 Francesco’s Italy: Top to Toe
(pericolosamente Italiano ?)
– Dangerously Italian
BBC4 The Art of Russia
Art historian Andrew Graham-Dixon travels through time to unlock the world of Russian art
-Dangerously Russian
BBC Radio 4 Front Row – Seamus Heaney tribute
-Dangerously Irish
Simon Schama ‘History Of The Jews” — *head explodes*
Simon Schama ‘History Of The Jews’
– Dangerously full of Simon Schama.
BBC are fond of these slogans aren’t they? Dangerously English, Hideously White well here’s one for them Traitorously Seditious. Bastards!!!
“Dangerously English”?????
ROFLMAO! At least the phrase “dangerously American” contains a hint of concealed weapons permits, although the reality here is that an Obamaite might… just MIGHT… get an apple pie thrown at them at a TEA Party rally– although a pie isn’t likely to survive long enough to get thrown at anyone, being devoured, so maybe just the tin…
This is just WAY too much “extremist” overkill! ROFLMAO!
Typical patronising possibly racist guff typical of the mindset that believes all high art/science/anything of excellence has to be dumbed down so the not elitist masses (Obviously Sir Nicky, mixing in elite circles as he does fully appreciates it but how could the great unwashed do likewise – if so it would undermine his own sense of self worth and superiority – does not compute)
I would like him to define “English” in this regard – if he is using this as shorthand for white then he is inferring that non whites cannot like the works of Williams, Britten, Godric, Taverner, Tallis, Handel, Elgar, Walton, etc etc. Racist based on Skin Colour.
If he is defining “English” as born in England, then Scots, Welsh, Northern Irish – indeed all other nationalities should feel slighted. – Racist by nationality.
It is a common theme by ‘the superior elite’ to identify jingoism and insult where there is none and none would be taken (except for the professional race hustlers out for a quick buck). It is more about self gratification – that warm glow of knowing you care more and are more enlightened, sensitive, intelligent and human than the common man – sorry person.
As a footnote is the BBC still “hideously white” or only in the “Officer Class” full of the type described above?
“is a common theme by ‘the superior elite’ to identify jingoism and insult where there is none and none would be taken (except for the professional race hustlers out for a quick buck). It is more about self gratification – that warm glow of knowing you care more and are more enlightened, sensitive, intelligent and human than the common man – sorry person.”
you have hit the nail on the head with this comment. The fact that none of these people actually work for a living or have done any real hard graft but are well off says it all for me. They never grew up from 6th form politics thinking they are against the establishment when they are actually a big part of it
if he is using this as shorthand for white then he is inferring that non whites cannot like the works of Williams, Britten, Godric, Taverner, Tallis, Handel, Elgar, Walton, etc etc.
Proms producers seem to share this sentiment, which is why they scheduled the Gospel and Urban and World Music. Any whites who object or don’t want to hear that music in a Classical Music festival are parochial, close-minded, racist. Any non-whites who allegedly don’t care for any of the Classical Music because of the dearth of people who look like them and prefer music from their own communities are not, and must be catered to. I’m sure there’s some academic argument to be made about how popular music tastes have changed since Henry Wood’s time, and this upgrade from English light music for the concert hall to jazz etc. is merely a reflection of that. But I’d like to hear it articulated that way, rather than the divisive racial argument, which ends up belittling everyone.
Try and get a Haydn quartet performed at the next BBC Jazz or Urban music festival or Glastonbury, though, and watch the eyes roll.
I think the last night of the proms is very diverse and multicultural.
Lets look at the composers being played this year. The is Anna Clyne she’s a woman. Wagner,a kraut, Bernstein, American (bad), Jewish(good), gay (even better!), Rossini, a wop, Verdi another wop and Handel another kraut.
You can’t get more diverse, inclusive and multicultural than this bunch. As for being dangerously English, Bryn Terfel sang at the last night a few years back and he’s Welsh!
Handel ended up being British and spent most of his life here.
And Handel was possibly even homosexual. I don’t know if anyone’s ever said it out loud, but there were a couple of hints in Christopher Hogwood’s biography.×4745282/full_english_breakfast_sign_IS098UQ4R.jpg
Guessing this may soon be classed as a hate sign?
The entire concept of “racist” is being utterly destroyed by the news media everywhere. It is a very serious problem that is being rendered mundane, like environmentalists using the word “rape” to describe what we’re supposedly doing to the planet. Serious crime, word overuse. It’s hitting a point here in the US where if you’re “somebody” on the right and certain persons, like Al Sharpton, have not accused you of being a “racist”, you just aren’t doing your job. The word finally completely lost its sting in the Zimmerman trial overkill. Half the minorities in the world wouldn’t know what to do if they ever encountered a REAL racist!
LOL…it wont be long though
40 years on current trends?
I stumbled across a facebook page last Sunday called “I am Proud To Be British” and it was a pleasant surprise to see them sticking the boot into the BBC because it shows that people beyond this forum are also catching onto their anti-British agenda.
It had no less than 73,000 “Likes” which to anyone unfamiliar with facebook is basically subscribers.
Kenyon was the prick who – as controller of Radio 3 in the early 1990s – totally wrecked the station by sacking its best and best-loved presenters, utterly altered the style of programming, and began the process of dumbing down which has been proceeding headlong and relentlessly ever since.
You don’t get knighted for nothing these days.
This… was another time.
i dont bow down to this man peter kenyon and call him sir,i am writing to the queen your madam to request she strips this traitor of his ill deserved bestowed honour
Dangerously English eh?
Maybe if we`re NOT…then the BBC would be happy to “include us” in their perpetual Benjamin Zephaniah, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Darcus Howe, Sandeep Kholi or Yasmin Alibiah Brown/Bonnie Greer version of ” non-threatening” Englishness.
In other words-if we`re not enraging Nick or Owen…then we`re as much traitors to the true cause as THEY are.
I demand Vaughn Williams and Elgar now…and no reggae or bhangra versions either!
Fuck the likes of Kenyon.
Kenyon would obviously rather he was Kenyan. Disgusting little racist cunt.
Of course ,in the next 20 or so years when us english become a minority in england,these liberals wishes will have come true, although i very much doubt it will be the multi-culti utopia that sir kenyon,et al hope for,and thanks to his ilks education policies of the last thirty years, i doubt that we shall have an english generation to fight the outcome or be dangerously english.
Not necessarily the correct form, but a good “Life Scientific” with Jim Al Khalili interviewing Mark Lythgoe.
No global warming crap…no agendas, just a cross-collaborating scientist who has made it on his own terms despite artistic, sporting and other digressions.
In short, an interesting bloke with an original take on life…and his story is interesting and thought-provoking.
As opposed to the eco-Nazis and the likes of Harrabin.
Why can`t the BBC stick to the truth like this-their licence fee would not then be in such peril?
Yeah, bloody blacks