Last Friday Nicky Campbell was asking if we should ban the Muslim face veil of whatever configuration.
Who did he have on as the ‘pro-Veil’ advocates?
The main one was Mohammed Ansar, Muslim activist….a regular on the BBC and on very friendly terms with Campbell.
Harry’s Place has a short run down on some of Ansar’s activities, along with those of Mohammed Shafiq…from one of the BBC’s other favourite Muslim advocacy groups ‘The Ramadan Foundation’.
And BBC Watch has also taken a look at Ansar.
Ansar is not in favour of ‘integration’ preferring to tell us that we must just accept Muslims and their religion because of their ‘contributions’….er…their contributions in the Muslim ‘Golden Age’..and of course what they can do for us now.
MoAnsar Mohammed Ansar
@holland_tom If slaves are treated justly, with full rights, and no oppression whatsoever… why would anyone object, Tom? July 15, 2012 10 retweets #
Not exactly ‘moderates’.
There was also a caller calling herself ‘Leila’ from London who was given a lot of airtime…she said that she was a ‘revert’ which should have immediately alerted Campbell that she was not an ‘ordinary’ Muslim.
Reverts are Converts to Islam…but named Reverts usually by the extremist groups such as Islam4UK…they like to tell us that everyone is a Muslim but that many have let it slip…so when they ‘convert’ they are really just ‘reverting’ to their natural religion.
Leila said she had been a Muslim for 13 years and had protested at the French Embassy in London in 2011 about the veil ban in France.
Pretty clear that she is closely associated with an extremist Muslim group…but Campbell didn’t pick that up at all.
So Ansar and this ‘Leila’ are on the BBC representing the ‘Muslim community’.
Funny how the BBC so often tells us that extremists don’t represent the ‘Muslim community’ and are in fact perverting and distorting Islam and its teachings.
Nicky DOES seem to like Mo, I wonder why?
must be the cosy little twitter repartee 😀
… feel the love eh!
Ansar is the BBC’s go-to trendy imam these days because he makes all the right noises as long as Campbell doesn’t push it.
I’d like to see Campbell have him and the Rev. Richard Coles together discussing religion and homosexuality.
“Not exactly ‘moderates’.”
Maybe they are the moderates.
BBC = Biased Bastard Cunts
nicky campbell and other 5 live presenters including stephen nolan seem to have this blind spot and give a easy time to radical islamists when it comes to inviting them on as guests to rant on about how oppressed they are in this racist and islamaphobic country.mohammed ansar and mohammed shafiq always come across as very aggressive and shout everybody down as a tactic to deny them there freedom of speech,campbell and nolan never slap these 2 guys down and in fact seem to be scared of them.i wonder at the heart of the bbc and radio 5 live is there not a pro islamist agenda,it certainly feels like it.
“5Live – Your Call
should the face-veil be banned?
Panto gets his bosom buddy Mo Answar
lots of airtime, who next? “honest” Ibe Mogra?
lots of handpicked callers who
“don t like it up em – Captain Mannering”
still … allowing the debate to be steered via religion?
why? … no mention in the hate manual of burkhas?
… and on and on it goes, EDL far right ya da ya da
laughable obligatory handpicked feminist who wants to get down “wiv da sistas” –
It appears, that as usual the biased broad cresent, flatly ignores its listening/viewing publics wishes, and fails to represent them – bbc bias.
Nobody, apparently can put 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2
together, see the blindingly obvious, and state that its all about control (like everything in Islam) .. women as possessions, and an overt political statement to the society /community they are in
Only someone did … try to get on the debate, but was given the al bbc inquisition, and given no dice … no interest in cogent points obviously.
the real issue … the private members bill – is that effectively this is not all about muslims … to talk all about muslims, to listen to what muslims think about this, or any other bloody issue.
The Bill itself, it is about face covering in the public sphere in general, whether a balaclava, an army blackout, a motorcycle helmet, scarf n hoodie combo or pig ignorant muslim political attire.
It is the bbc, who have been reading “tell mama” s bullsh-t again, pushing to make it, all about muslims … to talk all about muslims, to listen to what muslims think about it ad nauseum, to give lots of airtime to their perspectives, their views.
Campbell was the full grovelling, handwringing
apologist in chief , just sickening “
Well said Noggin
” state that its all about control (like everything in Islam) .. women as possessions, [..] Only someone did … try to get on the debate, but was given the al bbc inquisition, and given no dice … no interest in cogent points obviously.”
Might have been me “Peter from Reading” when I challenged them about Koran 4:34 which dictates the inferiority of women in Islam. Got a point across but soon drowned out 🙂
on at 25mins
ah yes, the al bbc microphone fade out fairy strikes again
anyway well done to get on, 😀
you had more luck than me 😀 … once I d layed out all the points in my post above, and told them i could quote multitude chapter and verse, if required, there was a bit of a silence and I was asked how I knew so much about Islam :-D,
I just retorted its (the actual bill and the veil) not all about Islam though is it?
uh oh! … I soon realised the fix was in, and ……
well like I said … no dice.
Well done that man.
That’s Leila!! Third from the left. I’d know her anywhere.
She’s the looker of the group…”phhhhwoooooor!”
Presumably if all women were to wear the veil, then none of us need concern ourselves with the beatings or the acid in the face.
Maybe we need an Order of the Brown Nose Award for BBC types that double up as magic carpets or Persian Rugs whenever a mullah, imam or Islamic taqqiya toady comes wandering in to his studio of choice.
Are there any bigger suckups to Islam than our Nicky…Simon Shama approached it in part the other night night with his TV show…but his first programme was enough for me to to withhold the OBN from him…for now.
Here’s a screenshot from that 9/11 truthers blog. Was going to highlight the juicy stuff,however take a look and read it for yourselves. What’s extremist amongst this lot?
Moansar “the moderate” and pal of Nicky in all his glory…
P.S. Don’t forget to scroll down. Safe Link.
ooops! My bad.
What’s *not* extremist amongst this lot?
anyone who trumpets “hurling truth against falsehood” and then cites islamo-faux-bia?
as something real?
in the next sentence! …
give this bullshine, a very VERY wide berth
I really liked the advertising sitting on the bottom of Mr Ansar’s website…
‘when good girls go bad’
is that only the ‘white’ ones!
Very edifying.…..well done brum today,very angry muslims again ummm
Will INBBC report how Islamic regimes have imposed Sharia law on their subordinate Christian, Jewish and other religions throughout history including the impostion of the ‘JIZYA’ (Islamic tax), which continues to this day?
“The Return of Jizya to Egypt”
By Raymond Ibrahim .
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Now that the attacks on Egypt’s Christian churches have subsided, stage two of the jihad — profiting from the fear and terror caused by stage one — is setting in: reports are arriving that the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters are forcing the roughly 15,000 Christian Copts of Dalga village in south Minya province to pay jizya — the money, or tribute, that conquered non-Muslims historically had to pay to their Islamic overlords ‘with willing submission and while feeling themselves subdued’ to safeguard their existence, as indicated in Koran 9:29.”
So they are pro-veil then?
I don’t think they were described as representing the ‘Muslim community’ were they?
Nil Points…….again.
is it worth complaining at all….