Colour Blind





Just heard 5Live Sport tell us that Britain is a multicultural country now and so shouldn’t we be going out looking for more players who are a little less white in those communities….to improve our team.


Kitted out: England will go for glory in Poland and Ukraine wearing the latest offering from Umbro



I know the BBC are trained to be  ‘colour blind’…hadn’t realised just how effective that training must be.


Though not sure what race Rooney is…might even be ‘Human’.



On a different but related subject always wonder how the BBC think it is OK to talk of an ‘English Quota’ in the Premier league, and how they don’t see how close they are to the BNP’s outlook on life even if limited to the football pitch.

How is it ‘acceptable’ for the BBC to chat away about the detrimental effects of ‘immigrant’ players on the skill, development and success of the England team and yet UKIP can’t say similar things about the effects of immigrants upon British workers and their prospects without being called ‘racist bigots’?

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18 Responses to Colour Blind

  1. Alex says:

    This, like its islamic groveling, is the best evidence we have of the BBC/Labour/cultural Marxist agenda. No, Britain is not yet a multicultural country, large parts are but many are not. The BBC wants you to believe this vile Left-wing ideological propaganda like many other media outlets which are increasingly showing blatant multicultural adverts that show mixed racial couples and groups on TV… The BBC and the Left have no problem with the fact that we were never asked whether we wanted this country flooded with every bloody national on planet Earth. It was forced upon us and now if we voice dissent we are labeled as ‘racist’. Disgraceful.


  2. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Nobody make an “Ascent of Man” joke.


  3. therealguyfaux says:

    Our concerns about encouraging too much separation amongst various elements introduced in unwieldy numbers in a multicultural society are considered to be the hallmark of a mind focused on perpetrating and perpetuating entirely hateful animosities; oooh, look, a squirrel!, we are told, and told to behave in our turn, lest the whole thing degenerate into one large row by discussing such a subject.

    Football, on the other hand, as the sainted William Shankly might have said, is not a matter of life and death, it’s far more important than that. Much, much more time must be devoted, to this the most weighty of topics.


  4. Mark B says:

    We are all forgetting. We can say what ever we want on any subject we like, so long it has ‘their’ approval. Hence why ‘they’ can get away with it, and ‘we’ cannot.


  5. F*** The Beeb says:

    This is the same broadcaster that aired a documentary about how great it was that 40 Muslim footballers (i.e. not even 10% of the Premier League) had totally changed the culture of the entire football league system. The BBC would dearly love for their first B to mean anything other than British.


  6. Span Ows says:

    who’s the guy on the left and the Nazeem looking one 2nd from the right?


  7. stuart says:

    well lets make the uk sports scene more multi cultural by having more muslim lady swimmers,high jumpers,100 metre runners.200 metre runners,110 metre hurdlers,footballers,marathon runners,rugby players,snooker players,dart players,you get the drift i think,now would not my idea here make this country more intergrated and multi cultural,i am sure that the male muslim community in this country would not object to there women taking part in these sports that i have outlined above,would they?.


    • chrisH says:

      And what of the upper echelons of that nest of squirming white men and Oxbridge bluestockings(actually , a fetching Rosa Luxembourg red for the autumn season) that run the BBC…and hog the Today spots etc?
      Hideously white-time to turf `em out and employ any old refugees from Greek telly or Rwandan radio…could not be any worse-and far better value for money.


  8. Doublethinker says:

    Its just like some of the medal winners at the Olympics – nothing to do with Britain/England , its just where these people now live. But they are not British


  9. The Poltergeist says:

    I bet you wouldn’t get the BBC saying that a lot of the African football teams could do with mixing up the palette a bit!


  10. The men in white coats says:

    Ugh, its the blacks again is it?

    Maybe you missed how Greg Dyke called on the Premier League and the FA work together to cut the percentage of foreign players. Moron.

    Ive also noticed how the BBC gives a lot more coverage to the English Premiership than the Mongolian league. Racists!


  11. Flexdream says:

    Why are their no black faces in senior BBC management?


  12. Flexdream says:
