Guess the BBC didn’t forgive Blair for the Iraq War and Dyke having to fall on his sword, and Blair still relying on Murdoch to get his message across:
1.58pm from Ruth Turner (Blair’s director of government relations at No 10):
So BBC chose [MPs] Sarah McCarthy-Fry, Julie Morgan and George Mudie who are hostile rather than Mike Gapes, Ann Clwyd and Karen Buck [who] are reasonable and supportive. This is a campaign organisation and not a news outlet!
3.36pm from Jonathan Powell [Blair’s long-serving chief of staff]:
Did we publish his three foreign policy speeches as a pamphlet? TB wants to send to Murdoch.
Make of that what you will….this is yet another open thread to take you into the weekend….
laurie penny?!*!? attn. seeking liberal f-ckwit
with no concise or cogent point … whats new?
and a so called celebrity chef?
non-debate the veil in “religion of paeds” hotspot Rochdale, with 3 political jellyfish.
hmmm … a sad and inconsequential joke in there somewhere … oh yes! a programme called QT.
The orchestrated audience join in with nose growing corkers like “its a religious garment” … enough lies and islamic bias for one night ………………….
off switch
remember this? bbc interviewer constantly butts in to N Farage, and then accuses him of not being prepared to listen – and then fawns on S (the gob) Yaqoob s every word
If Magda Yaqoob is right and there are only 2% of Muslims in the UK, they make an awful lot of f*****g noise. Consequently the BBC should only give them 2% airtime and exposure and thats too much.
The squeaking wheel gets the oil.
It’s interviewers like this urchin that are corroding the value of free speech in this country. When multi-cultural garbage is shoved down your throat daily by the BBC both openly and subliminally, there comes a point when a person believes what the BBC says is gospel. People are afraid to tackle ‘taboo’ subjects at the moment in fear of being labelled ‘waaycist’, that term the BBC oh so loves and has no shame in dissecting it’s real meaning to tarnish anyone with views contrary to their’s.
Well said Beez. The scum BBC have a conga line of willing liars and leftie filth to back up their disgusting lies. These rebellious Muslims just hate Britain and want to be different and the anti-British (especially anti-English) BBC just can’t wait to stick the boot in to British values.
That little weasel of a prat interviewer personifies left-wing, metro-trendy intelligentsia.
On a much brighter note:
anyone who didn t know of this sh-thead
might have felt a pang of concern …. (mind you he is such an abhorrent piece of scum, who hasn t heard of him)? …
until the last lines
“Shahid is serving a minimum of 25 years for leading the gang who abducted and killed Kriss in 2004.
They snatched the terrified boy off the street in Glasgow’s Southside because he was white and drove him around Scotland for hours.
Then, in a crime that shocked the country, they stabbed Kriss repeatedly and set him on fire while he was still alive”.
Note to other inmates – do five reps at 20kg next time!
Highly likely we haven’t heard of him, I hadn’t and not many were aware of the crime, it wasn’t widely broadcast by the INBBC – wrong perpetrator, wrong victim…
Another scandal brushed under the carpet by Auntie. Doesn’t fit the mold now does it?
They were going to spend more time on the Kris Donald case (the most brutal racist murder in British history), but Doreen Lawrence made a change to her usual grocery shopping list that week, so it took precedence.
“Then, in a crime that shocked the country”
Unless, of course, you were watching the BBC for coverage of this revolting crime…it is hardly, if ever mentioned.
(Cue lefty retards with BBC links to show me how wrong I am)
Where is the BBC outrage?
Could have been a brighter note though seeing as hes still alive
The Beeboid political bias is obvious in its differential treatment of the two interviewed speakers.
BBC-NUJ is politically compliant towards Islam, so that when it comes to issues such as banning the burqa/niqab from public in Britain, BBC-NUJ over-represents and politically indulges majority Muslim interests; and relegates the negative impact on the 99%+ of people in Britain, who are confronted with this anti-social threat of the burqa/niqab wearers.
“Five Reasons To Ban the Burqa”
“Islamic schools in Britain forcing girls as young as 11 to wear full-face veils”
‘The essence of a modern society is that it extends civic participation to everyone. Deliberately preventing an entire gender from participating in society as identifiable individuals is an assault on the democratic character of the state.’
In a f****** nutshell, though I’d go one step further and say such participation is also an obligation to your fellow citizens.
Expect another anti-UKIP surge from the BBC soon
Video: ‘Wearing the veil gives me my identity’. Which niqab wearer were you in your school photo, luv? Third from left, back row? Middle of the front row? Got it – you were the teacher! (Er, now I’m really confused…)
Interview summary: we shall do what we effing well want in this country, Nigel, because it’s not yours anymore.
Peter Hitchens (scroll down)-
“Britain will continue to vanish behind the veil”
Since the EU opposed the Iraq war, the BBC had to as well, or the grants and loans from Brussels would have dried up.
Saddam’s generous contracts with French and German suppliers came to an end when his regime fell, as did his Oil-for-Food bribes to people like the French president. Germany and France have a lot of influence in Brussels.
The real BBC clash of interests with Blair was EU funding versus Blair’s connections with BP and JP Morgan Chase, both of whom are enjoying the fruits of Saddam’s downfall.
Brussels has fewer qualms about a Syrian war – as has its client broadcaster.
Just what is happening in Leicester? Appeals for calm and now the police saying there is no racial motivation?
Sum efnics av bin killin otha efnics. I fink.
The only Beeboid clue is reserved for the cryptic, very last sentence:-
“Abdul Hakim, of Wood Hill in Leicester, was remanded in custody.”
I wonder which of the Beeboids’ wonderful ‘communities’ he is from?
“Man remanded over Leicester house fire deaths”
So not racist then, according to the approved BBC definition.
It’s Damien McBride Book Day and it is all over the British media except on……the BBC. Probably the insights into their precious Labour Party are too much for them to cope with along with everything else, poor lambs.
Well I heard it on the Today Program! The thing is that it was distanced into being a different Labour party, that run by Tony BLiar and edging into Gordon Browns take over. We were told BLiar had to go because his poll ratings were falling like a stone.
The message – Bliar screwed up so badly that someone had to ride to the rescue and that was Brown. What was done in his name was a necessary evil !
Yeah but who did Today have on? Potty Bloody Toynbee surprise surprise. The BBC/Graun axis circling their wagons pre Labour Conference.
“The BBC/Graun axis circling their wagons pre Labour Conference. ”
And they will still be present through the Conservative conference too.
Yes. R4 are playing this as ancient history…a side show a long…long time ago. Nothing of course to do with Miliband and Balls.
Norman Smith said this morning that ‘everybody knew about it, we all knew about it’.
So we have a bloody civil war within the UK government and this wasn’t newsworthy?
Why weren’t we told? Does anyone believe that if these shenanigans were going on in a conservative government the BBC wouldn’t have reported it?
Here’s why you weren’t told:
Blair and Brown: an apology
I would like to apologise for my reporting of the relationship between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in the years they were together in government. Some said it was tittle tattle, others that it was speculation, a few dared to suggest that it was fabrication.
I now accept that I made mistakes. Things were worse – much worse – than I reflected at the time.
Why trust anything these people say any more? They all wanted to ignore it, hoping the problem would go away and that Labour would remain in power.
If Robinson still allegedly has even the slightest hint of his old young Conservative self about him (he’s apparently the only BBC journalist besides Andrew Neil who defenders of the indefensible don’t think can leave his personal politics at the door), then he was averting his gaze and pretending not to see it in order to protect his insider access and maintain the steady flow of gossip on which his job relies.
Speaking of Robinson, you want to hear something really scary?
Robinson has long been tipped for a presenting gig on Radio 4’s Today, but it hasn’t happened yet for the former Young Conservatives chairman and lifelong Manchester United fan. Maybe after the 2015 general election?
Norman-cough-cough-but Labour-say-Smith
As a former BBC journalist, Craig Oliver would know about impartiality, right? Nick Robinson claimed to be ignorant of his politics even after knowing and working with him for years.
The BBC’s trust problem is much more than fat payoffs to Mark Byford.
there’s a piece on guido about a highly offensive lee jasper tweet on Kathryn bliar’s mugging.
ignored by the bbc of course.
imagine if carol thatcher had celebrated the mugging of dianne abbott’s spoiled brat
‘highly offensive Lee Jasper tweet….. ignored by the BBC’
Odd that – when meanwhile Lee is so keen to quote his pals at the BBC
‘BBC poll confirms worst fears: London’s Black communities no longer trust the Metropolitan Police’
And I’m tempted to rearrange that statement….
‘Poll confirms worst fears: communities no longer trust the BBC’
‘highly offensive Lee Jasper tweet….. ignored by the BBC’
Does seem variable. Elsewhere they seem to be posting but then deleting furiously.
This propaganda/censorship thing still hard to get right when you can’t get the staff.
Beeboids gleefully telling me that the average size of TV screens had doubled since 2000.
So, in stark contrast with their doomladen reporting of statistics such as ‘the growth’ in so-called “foodbanks” – no particular conclusions are to be draw.
Leftist narrative – what Leftist narrative?
Yea bigger better technology laden HD TV’s, littered with programs full of lefties, greenies, feminist’s, homosexuals and immigrants.
Rather have a 70’s/80’s 22″ CRT set with just 3 channels of un -pc, entertaining non multicult, non diverse, non ‘reality tv’ and non agenda pushing stuff anyday….
Nigel Farage getting the usual sneering treatment from the Salford breakfast sofa set about what he might have got up to as a child in school and whether he was a racist.
Glad he at least put thicko beeboid in his place (thicko because you were told twice what happened yet you came back a third time saying you still don’t understand) by pointing out that the BBC didn’t seem interested in asking about policies.
Trying hard to remember when Caroline Lucas got in-depth sneering questioning on what she was like at school and whether she made remarks as a child that might be questionable today.
“….whether she made remarks as a child that might be questionable today.”
And why she never stopped.
I wonder if the rest of the boys at Caroline Lucas’ and her mate Natalie Bennett’s old school would be willing to talk ….?
Caroline Lucas went to an all girls independent school and guess what? So did Natalie Bennett. Quelle surprise!
You didn’t think they were working class did you? 😉
No I was joking they went to an all boys school…
About Bennett being a schizophrenic?
Yes, Channel 4 News, in best besmirching mode were at it last night, too. Nigel, as usual, dealt with it admirably.
Although I now live in France, this morning I shall be joining UKIP – thirty quid well spent, I think.
All this only serves to promote their cause. Silly media.
Ha, Another UKIP supporter in France. There’s quite a few of us you know?
Apparently, just this once, it wasn’t ‘a different time’.
From the Channel 4 story:
“Terry Walsh, who was then deputy master at Dulwich (ie. deputy head), says Farage was well known for provoking people, especially left-wing English teachers who had no sense of humour.”
And who wrote the letter that has mysteriously made its way into the public domain? Why, “a young English teacher, Chloe Deakin“. It seems a very long letter from someone who claims not to have known him personally. And also rather surprising that she would have “no memory of her letter“, given the trouble she went to over someone she did not know.
Further questions need asking, methinks. And the BBC is just the organisation not to do it.
The letter is hearsay and as such evidence of nothing.
However someone, somewhere is in breach of trust if the letter has been acquired from the school. But then ‘hacking’ is OK if done by the ‘right’ people against the ‘wrong’ people.
“Farage was well known for provoking people, especially left-wing English teachers who had no sense of humour.”
Good on him!…set of brainwashing socialist pricks from my distant recollection of secondary school.
Clearly your teachers failed you if your inadequate use of English is a guide.
They do adult remedial classes for people look yourself. Enrol today.
That’s you that is nah,nah,nah
‘They do adult remedial classes for people look yourself.’
If gunning for the high ground on adequacy of English use, maybe bone up first on the value of punctuation?
Luckily you seem to have access to the necessary documentation to rectify this.
Left wing people have no sense of humour – other than puerile attacks on the right.
They just have hate and intolerance.
‘provoking people’ = asking questions about their beliefs they cannot answer.
“They don’t like it up ’em!”
(To be fair, they probably do…)
That would be the Caroline Lucas that went to Malvern Grirl’s College (current fees for re named school, Day pupil £16,425 PA Border £31,005 PA). Clearly a “Toff” like Cemero (and Blair) far too posh to represent real people ……….acording to the narrative
Talking of Lee Jasper, I see that the BBC’s backing for Operation Black Vote is working well…
‘Rev Jackson on the campaign to mobilise UK black vote’
Yeah, there’s been some resounding successes here in the UK. The campaign is really achieving great results.
Some UK constituencies have seen well over 120% of the local Muslim community casting its ballot.
‘Four women who were part of a vote rigging operation at a Derby election have been sentenced…..Polling clerk Nasreen Akhtar, 46, from Derby, admitted malpractice, while her nieces Tameena Ali, 27, and Samra Ali, 28, both of St Chad’s Road, admitted personation in the May 2012 election. At Derby Crown Court, Akhtar was jailed for 14 months. Her nieces were given eight months suspended for 18 months. The fraud aimed to give more votes to a Labour council candidate.’
‘The Conservatives have won a by-election that was called after the High Court ruled the previous winner and his team rigged the vote. Liberal Democrat Mohammed Bashir won the seat by 16 votes in May 2012 but a judge ruled he and his team had carried out corrupt and illegal practices.’
Would Nigel Farage get away with organising “Operation White Vote”, do you think?
I think he should give it a whirl – nothing ventured, nothing gained…
Vote rigging is now so widespread in the UK sometimes it feels like we’re fast becoming a third world country.
Er, remind me again of that video interview at the top of this thread…
Considering its track record of bias QT struck new low with its panel last night – 3 self proclaimed lefties balanced by ‘left of most people’ Ken Clarke + a chef who admitedly talked more sense than most but not really balance. Oh and dont forget the carefuklly selected audience – if they represent Rochdale then Rochdale must be a dire place to live.
Only listened to the first question. Not one of the panel pointed out that if doctors cannot wear anything below the elbow or ties because they are an infection risk – might the same be said about the niquab? All answers were based on being told ‘serious news’ by someone wearing the veil. Am I missing the obvious answer? And yes one felt that this was a panel of has beens.
Wonder how long it will be before the BBC has a newsreader in a niqab?
days propably
there is nothing to erm … “debate”?
banks etc, railway/bus stations, airports
job interviews, news interviews, school interviews, at any point of public serious discourse, in court, the police station, the solicitors, the school, if behind the wheel, etc, etc, etc, etc
and get the message!
in fact, its a Quasi-Religious Garment
… right? … that’s the constant bleat WELL! isn t it?
keep it for the mosque, the hajj, the home then.
only it is NOT! … it is discouraged from the the mosque, the hajj, not worn in the home.
there is no cogent argument for this overt political statement, that creates
disdain, mistrust, and prevents fair and open interaction.
After 3 challenges Farage finally got that Islamo-fascist to admit the Koran doesn’t demand that it should be worn, though not without her following it up with an ad hominem put down straight out of The Leftist’s Handbook.
I wish Silverton would .
And Dimblebore was boasting about how he had once come across the naked rambler ( whoever he is).
Sorry, I’ll rephrase that, he had once encountered……etc.
What an odd interjection!
An odd interjection. Quite. I’m guessing you don’t come across many burkas in Polegate – so he went with what he knew – the naked rambler. Talk about ivory towers.
I honestly don’t understand what there is to debate. Your health and maybe life is in their hands. How can I put my trust in someone who hides their face from me?
More importantly how can you put your trust in some one who is making the public statement
‘ Non-believers are Untermenschen ‘
Anyone that puts their religion above their profession, especially one as important as healthcare, should be sacked. Same goes for that knighted Sikh judge who said Sikhs should be allowed to carry their little knife around in a country with high knife crime rates.
Rochdale the home of that late wonderful MP Cyril Smith…
I often wonder when watching, the ethnic make up of the audience. If you have to apply for tickets are ethnics given priority? are they given seats near the front?
Probably not, but it always seems the case that when the camera cuts away from the panel it will always pick up on the minorities in the audience, or a camera will be placed with one in the foreground, this was obvious last night. Again drip drip drip selling us an agenda.
Don’t forget that confirmed communist Nicolai Gentchev is the series editor, and Anita Boakye-Boateng is the series reasearcher, and if related to Paul (sorry Lord) Boateng we probably know where her politics lie…
Oh Lord.
The BBC rolls into Rochdale, albeit without Savile and Hall in tow-but Lord alone knows who Operation Yewtree will be looking at next…they can`t ALL be in their late 70s or so can they?
And it goes to the very place where Muslim gangs have been targetting white girls in Labour-type “care” homes?
Well-what could possibly go wrong-white liberal media honeypots on offer with Islamic compliance and halal certified stamped all over them?…in the same town?
If any consequences of this marriage made in hell DO become apparent soon-the BBC won`t be telling us will they?
Bloody Farage though…eh…eh?
“Rochdale must be a dire place to live”
Ohhhhh, it is!….It’s Oldham’s ugly half brother…the one the family keep locked in the cellar.
I hope the audience included a representative sample of Rochdale’s grooming victim community.
Did I hear aright? John Humphrys interviewing Roger Helmer, who sayeth (in a nutshell) “Fewer windfarms, and more fracking”? On BBC Radio 4? Heaven be praised.
Well, Question Time (from Rochdale) last night was the usual grisly exercise in mutual self-congratulation for Dimbles and Co and they began by falling over each other to emphasise just how ‘outrageous’ it would be for anyone (one assumes they mean white male politicians) to ban the Niqab, Burqa, veil or whatever the fuss is about this week.
A motley assemblage of halfwits on the panel included Harridan Harperson and Shirley Williams (I think she’s probably got a season ticket for QT appearances), but the star of the show had to be broiling feminazi from The New Statesman – a young, shrill lady who’s every comment was laced with professional hard-line socialist outrage, a conspicuous dislike for men and repeated attempts to play, quite brazenly, to the gallery.
Come the revolution, friends. Come the revolution…
‘…a young, shrill lady’ – Laurie Penny? Once described on another blog as, ‘Having the voice & intellectual horizon of a bath toy.’
More here:
Where do the BBC find this endless supply of shrieking, self-righteous, identikit socialists who all seem to have been to the same Finishing School for the Spouting of Hate-Fuelled Shite?
One could be forgiven for thinking there’s some common purpose behind it all.
This was a particularly bad panel. The only vaguely right wing panelist is a shoplifter mainly known for being a bit of a joke. What were they thinking?
Same as they normally think -we know best
‘ What were they thinking?’
They? Where usually it’s an all-inclusive ‘we’ or ‘you lot’.
Welcome to the side of light.
So with Harriet Harman, Shirley Williams and Laurie Penny as the three witches, I guess Antony Worrall Thompson was Macbeth and Ken Clarke appeared as Banquo’s ghost?
McBride’s head revisited !!!!!
There should be lots to run on this one. Look forward to developments and whether the BBC will expand on it.
BBC journalist Martha Buckley-Flynn:
“Hodge for Mayor!” tweet now deleted, even though she’s not being political or anything. Perish the thought.
Shows just how thick and naive these BBC journos really are. She needs to do some serious research into Margaret Hodge and then be sacked.
These are the people influencing our kids …
Not the first time a Beeboid has supported a mayoral candidate, gob on a stick Chris Evans gave Ken Livingstones campaign £200k back in 2000.
Yet the BBC still re-employed him after this and walking out on them in 1997…
In Ken’s Socialist Utopia I fear poor old Chris might be minus a Ferrari or two. Another useful idiot.
You assume that Ms Buckley-Flynn (buckers to the gals at her old school?) finds anything wrong in in actions or character of Hodge the dodge.
I wonder what Ms Buckley-Flynn’s tax status is?
I wasn’t referring to her tax dealings more so her inept leadership of Islington Council, and the irony that she should later become children’s minister.
But good point!
I assume then that her twitter account is full of admiring comments about Maggie Thatcher?
Judging someone on their gender as opposed to their policies is the very definition of prejudice. Buckley-Flynn should be fired.
With apologies to Betjeman:
Miss M Buckley-Flynn, Miss M Buckley-Flynn
Your Twitter defence is exceedingly thin,
What tortuous logic explaining your bodge
When tweeting devotion to Margaret Hodge.
It isn’t her platform that fills you with joy
But simply that Hodgey was not born a boy?
Forgive me for saying but that sounds like spin
To cover your tracks, Miss M Buckley-Flynn.
Miss M Buckley-Flynn, Miss M Buckley-Flynn
You convince me less, even, than Carolyn Quinn.
Go Hodge for Mayor! you declared in a tweet
Then, claiming your innocence, hit the delete.
“Her feminine power inspires me to care!”
The scent of excretions from bulls fills the air.
But bad as it smells, there’s a far greater sin:
The licence fee pays for Miss M Buckley-Flynn.
Bet this does not apply to Margaret Thatcher though does it?…who actually paid her taxes and was never a multimillionare either.
She was.
From pathologically anti-thatcher guardian article
“Despite her wealth, Thatcher appears to have earned less than other former prime ministers – particularly Tony Blair”
So what? She believed in free market capitalism for everyone.
Blair, Mandelson, Brown, Balls, Miliband and the rest believe in socialist policies for us but still manage to make millions themselves – manily from the public purse.
Suggest you read up on ‘hypocrisy’.
“She’s a good candidate because vaginas.”
Martha Buckley-Flynn -just checked out some more of her tweets -anther horny handed daughter of toil
Tweets by MarthaBF
funnily enough, I got my HRT-lite today by listening to “The Reunion”-where Sue McGregor was gassing on with the Spare Rib-ticklers of the 70s.
They went round to Arabs to get money-they`d not dare tell daddy what they were publishing-but all of them did rather well…and coming from Cheltenham, St Pauls etc didn`t seem to do any harm did it?
God what a load of privileged no-marks-but their BBC chums were clearly able to get them their expenses and a footrub downstairs with Consuela.
We pay for this horsemuck…and the fruit of their vajazzles is Laurie Penney…safe to say there`ll be no revolution with these bedwetters-but we`ll be hearing plenty more from them until they turn Toynbee(it`s a recognised medical diagnosis these days!)
Another for David Preiser’s catalogue.
It’s mostly DB’s hard work. I’m just the curator.
(un)Fortunately, the embed code lives forever. And if it was only a show of support for Hodges genitalia and not a political stance, why delete it?
‘why delete it?’
It appears to be an extra service provided (free, ironically) by BBC staff of restricted brain, unaware that the cover-up attempt is often more telling than the original.
Reporting on violent conflict between Egyptian police and Muslim Brotherhood jihadists in Kerdasa, near Cairo, INBBC’s Mr Sommerville concludes:-
“Pictures of Mr Morsi are still in evidence on many buildings and lampposts in the town, our correspondent reports, leaving little doubt over where many people’s allegiances lie.”
OR he could have said?:-
‘Pictures of Mr Morsi are still in evidence on many buildings and lampposts in the town, our correspondent reports, leaving little doubt over where many people’s allegiances [including those of INBBC] lie.’
Beeboids, politically embedded with (illegal?) Greenpeace action against Russian oil rig.
“Russia ‘seizes’ Greenpeace ship after Arctic rig protest”
The wearing of balaclavas (as with burqas) probably makes the illegal(?) action more politically impressive to Beeboids.
Beeboids’ report ignores the illegality question: maybe it is irrelevant to them, as they consider Greenpeace above the law, nationally and internationally?
Ha! Did they not realise they aren’t dealing with the pussy-footing, self-loathing West?
It was reported on Today that one member “covertly” phoned the BBC while the vessel was being boarded. It comes as no surprise to find that Greenpeace has a speed dial directly to the BBC. The rest of us would no doubt have to listen to a series of options, none of which quite fitted the bill, before joining a queue to be told our call was important to them.
Good on the Russians. The Greenpeace thugs are pirates and deserve to be treated as such.
Well done Russia.
Only the ignorant lefty tools of Gaia would think that the Russians would let these Arctic monkeys continue to upset the delicate ecosystem out there.
Trust them to ring the BBC…it`s not the “get out of jail” card that the BBC probably tells them it is here in the self-loathing lazy west.
I`d have rung my mum…these clowns seem to think that Auntie is to be trusted.
Thank you Russia-we could send you plenty more if you`d like!
Russia knows how to deal with these workshy fops and rent-a gobs!
‘“As Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace, explains, the ‘80s ushered in the age of environmental extremism. The basic issues, for which he and Greenpeace fought, had largely been accomplished, and the general public was in agreement with the primary message. In order for the environmentalists to remain employed, they had to adopt ever more extreme positions. Moore says: “What happened is environmental extremism. They’ve abandoned science and logic altogether.” Their message today is “anti:” anti-human, anti-science, anti-technology, anti-trade and globalization, anti-business and capitalism, and ultimately, anti-civilization.”
Fantastic quote.
Time to bring up that Bloom County strip again:
“Now, now, fellas…..we’re all basically leftists here…”
Wednesday. Newsnight tries to link Golden Dawn with the murder of a far left rabble-rouser despite scant evidence. Who better to talk about Golden Dawn than Maria Margonis, writer for The Nation, which Wikipedia describes as ‘the self proclaimed flag-ship of the left.’ No bias there then.
Funny how the BBC don’t try to link Islam with honor killings, FGM, pedophilia, terrorism, child rape, vote rigging, Muslim supremacy, be-headings of soldiers in London…ect…
Who said double standards?…bastards!
For INBBC to report?:-
“Non-Muslim teachers ‘forced to wear veil’ at faith school
Female teachers at a state funded Muslim school have been ordered to cover their heads with Islamic scarves during school hours even if they are not Muslim, it has been claimed.”
By Hayley Dixon.
there is nothing to erm … “debate”?
banks etc, railway/bus stations, airports
job interviews, news interviews, school interviews, at any point of public serious discourse, in court, the police station, the solicitors, the school, if behind the wheel, etc, etc, etc, etc
and get the message!
in fact, its a Quasi-Religious Garment
… right? … that’s the constant bleat … WELL! isn t it?
so keep it for the mosque, the hajj, the home then.
Only it is NOT! … it is discouraged from the the mosque, the hajj, not worn in the home.
there is no cogent argument for this overt political statement, that creates disdain, mistrust, and prevents fair and open interaction.
Once again the viewpoints are heavily skewed in favour of promoting the BBC’s agenda. The fact they resorted to using that racist idiot from the Society for Black Lawyers that they kept pushing down our throats a few months back speaks volumes. Of course, the comments once again tell the BBC to pull its collective head out of its collective arse and start listening for once.
A carefully selected bunch of Common Purpose lefties there!
Hardly a balanced view as we would expect!
As a student of BBC threads where comments stray from the narrative, when this fellow kicked off but then mysteriously was brought to conclusion comes as little surprise.
According to the BBC ‘four men have appeared in court’ charged with a conspiracy to steal from Santander.
Here’s what the BBC won’t tell you but The Daily Mail does -‘Lanre Mullins Abadu 25, Dean Outram 34, Akash Vaghela 27 and Asad Ali Qureshi 35 are to appear on conspiracy to steal charges at Southwark Crown Court.’
There’s a lot of it about…. ‘men’ strike again – this time at Barclays
Eight men have been arrested in connection with a £1.3m theft by a gang who took control of a Barclays Bank computer.
Will INBBC report this’ or would it mar INBBC image of Islam?
“Tunisian women ‘waging sex jihad in Syria'”
call them what theya re: genuine slags or whores
Come September 28th the BBC will broadcast the first episode of its new Autumn family series ‘Atlantis’ ! This one of the most expensive drama series the BBC has ever produced so it had better live up to its price tag.
From the previews the production values certainly look up to the part, but with trendy lefty gay director of drama at the corporation Ben Stephenson, who has openly stated that he wanted BBC drama to be ‘left of centre’, I believe that the series will be tainted with the same mindset which ruined ‘Merlin’ before it started.
The plot behind Merlin was a disguised attack on people who discriminate, in this case the King ‘Uther’ who persecutes people who have magical powers. So we are shown all the problems and hypocrisy which supposedly follows from his discrimination.
Even at the end of the first show this one trick pony idea had run out of story lines, and they were repeated with depressing monotony until even the actors gave up on it and quit!
Hopefully ‘Atlantis’ will avoid such left wing messages, and stick to entertainment, but given recent performances I’m not very hopeful.
Climate change/Global warming -any one want to take that bet
Atlantis….rising sea levels….extreme weather events….. It all fits very nicely indeed.
Oh, hang on, what will they do for man-made CO2 pre-industrialisation?
Nah, wind that one back. This will be a civilisation at one with Nature and themselves, living sustainably and working for The Common Good.
Yes but evil wizardly types (undoubtedly white and male) will corrupt Atlantis’s earth magic in search of limitless power bringing about ecological catastrophe
Ill put money on it
You mean the c6th century series littered with endless ethnic characters and a black Guinevere?
Like Merlin I won’t be watching Atlantis, watch the ratings plummet, the BBC still don’t get it…
Control the past control the future
Seems quite a reasonable article on UKIP and Farage given the BBC”s well known loathing of the party and its policies. However, the BBC inevitably let itself down at the end of the article by including two of it’s most sacred agendas to snipe away at UKIP:
-Shale gas extraction
Alas I think you can bet your last cent that Atlantis will very much swing to the left. I think the last decent drama I saw from them was The Falklands Play, and I bet the Beeb bosses felt sick as parrots when they grudgingly showed it.
Yet another Christian preacher arrested, not in Saudi Arabia or Somali, but in our very own culturally enhanced democracy.
I’ve listened to Islamic preachers of hate in Glasgow and London calling for death and violence yet the police just look on……is it just me or does anyone else feel that there’s something not quite right?
This is a sign of things to come. I’m not surprised really, given that it was recorded on a high street in Oldham. The place has become a breeding ground of Western loathing. Like Tower Hamlets, there are no go areas, or, to be poltically astute, ‘Muslim communities’.
Thanks to the BBC and the loony left, it has now become so embedded in the English mindset to accept backward situations like this, because after all, to contest these ludicrous laws would make one ‘waycisstt’.
Here’s a prime example of a nut job adamant on bringing British values into disrepute. She should apply for a job at the beeb; a match made in
*ooops, here’s the link*
Why are Muslims offended by mention of the crusades?
They were , after all, a just and selfless war of liberation
Actually Beez’s link page shows that moslems think the council is going too far. Unlike the council’s white cranks –
“Eleanor Jackson, a university lecturer, said: ‘My big problem is it is offensive to some Muslims”
Never disputed that. If you care to look at my post, i stated that:
Thanks to the BBC and the loony left, it has now become so embedded in the English mindset to accept backward situations
Here’s a prime example of a nut job adamant on bringing British values into disrepute
Where have i stated or insinuated that Muslims advocate this nonsense? Nowhere. I’ve cited examples of the over zealous leftist, PC do-gooder’s.
Put your spectacles on. I was replying to Stewart’s comment, not yours.
I assume the council members don’t watch international soccer tournaments.
This is what happens when you enter a ‘muslim community’ accidentally.
“But a police spokesman said: ‘The racial aspect is an open question at the moment” really?
Yet when Anuj Bidve was senselessly murdered in Salford, it was declared a hate crime before there was a suspect let alone a defined motive
Now that it turns out that his murderer was just your ‘run-of -the -mill’ psychopath has it been down graded to a love crime?
But of course there is no conspiracy of silence, unconscious or otherwise is there ?
That’s the way to do it
Wonderful! Channel Four really have the bit between their teeth re UKIP, they tried the same last night. It must be remembered that 4’s chief political correspondent Crick spent 21 years at the BBC.
The establishment must be getting worried…
I refer my learned friend to my post today at 12:33 hrs. Didn’t expect it to start so soon
How about this one.
“UKIP’s Godfrey Bloom under fire over ‘demeaning’ joke“
And from Autonomous Mind!
The picture was originally tweeted by BBC TV Sportscaster Olly Foster, before he deleted the post saying: “Apologies for my previous tweet. An error of judgement on my behalf.”
Olly Foster, and the Salford crew who gave Farage the Hitler moustache on live TV, probably have very small willies.
Very small brains, certainly!
Deleted? A Beeboid tweet? Shocked I tell you. Shocked!
Evidently he felt he could own his views like fellow kindergarten members (see what I did there?) Naughtie & tee-hee Marr.
You can lie about the reason. Does anyone actually believe they didn’t mean this?
Is Crick black?
Was his father Sir Bernard an Asian?
Crick was obviously very disconcerted that the UKIP programme didn’t follow the public sector publications we have become mind-numbingly familiar with where every front cover includes a bird wearing a religious headscarf and other photos have an ethnic content of around 60%.
Crick need to get his arse down to a Leicester City home game and wonder why 50% of the crowd aren’t ‘Asian’ (or 40%, or 30%, or 20%….). But then, lack of integration is not an issue for the BBC.
Blimey, first this UKIP brochure then I saw a discount furniture store advert the other day and guess what…? The young couple shown shopping for a new sofa weren’t of different ethnicities! Where’s Lee Jasper’s phone number… I need to complain!
BBC Shelagh Forgarty on Nigel Farage claim that 90% of cash point crime is committed by Romanians:
‘….well he’d better have his figures right….’
Really Shelagh… or else what? BBC going to come gunning for him?
Meanwhile should he be able to back up this claim you can bet your bottom Euro that’s the last we’ll hear of it.
Ne should have told her that immigrants bring 90% of the mice in Britain.
the way to deal with the bbc …
1 – did you say a rude word …………….. fail
2 – no black faces are you waaycist … fail
3 – not acceptable behaviour …………. fail
more than a bit of desperation from al bbc
who of course will play Bloom clip ad nauseum
over Farage any day.
Should have said
“do you want an interview, or a kick in the nuts?”
‘Well he’d better have his figures right’
Didn’t think so.

as expected,question time last night was a spectacle of politacaly correct pandering and buttering up by these leftie sounding politicians to the muslim community over the veil issue,the audience was no better.full of lefties and socalist workers party types,but i reserve my anger for this nobody middle class posh girl marxist laurie penny,what the hell was she going on a about last night when she said that she thought white people was being racist and islamaphobic to muslim women over opposing this 3rd world backward imported into this country practise of covering up with the veil or burkha,laurie penny was the racist for introducing colour into this debate,there are as many people with black and browns skins who are opposed to this sick practise of wearing the veil,she did not mention that did she last night,the far left extremists like laurie penny sunk to a new low last night by trying to bring race into this issue of the veil,she is the racist and i hope i never see her on a question time panel again.
on last nights QT laurie penny bleats “racist” (default position) on the veil? … what race is islam again?
oh yes, also bleated “islamophobia”?!?!* the false construct, the lie intending to deceive, the fictitious term
invented solely because islam is not a race, and so can t play the “race card”.
As I ve reiterated earlier there is no debate? … to encourage it, is giving far too much credence to
a political statement, that the vast majority find abhorrent.
Likewise R4 “Any Questions” plays the same tune
just cringe-worthy, spineless yes men on display
not vertebrae between them, who steer any discourse
round to hospitals again (shakes head)
Martin Lewis shows his ignorance and waffles on about “the religious aspect”???
WHAT! … there isn t one … just gaulling
that’s it … wasted too much time ..
BBC – Biased & Beneath Contempt
What race? Any with darker skin than Mark Thompson has:
He suggested other faiths had “very close identity with ethnic minorities” and as a result were covered in a more careful way by broadcasters.
“Without question, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms’, is different from, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms and I am loading my AK47 as I write’,” he said. “This definitely raises the stakes.”
Gee, I wonder what he could be referring to? And shame on this racist for stereotyping non-Christian ethnic minorities as being a bunch of gun-toting maniacs ready to kill over their religion. Doesn’t the BBC have standards about this sort of thing?
Just let it all wash over you. The bias is not what they would ever recognize as such. Just years and years of recruiting good little Beeboid bees who all think the same. All presided over by the worst generation in our history.
Ignore them. In the culture war they are not on your side. No time left to argue with them.
It’s vital to argue with them. later ideas justify actions. It just takes good people to do nothing for evil to triumph-
Lame. Aside from having this laughable chimp being the one to assure people all is well, this is a bogus discussion. Fat salaries and payoffs to mandarins have zero to do with trusting their news output, really. It will be the easiest thing to reassure the audience that Lord Hall has it all under control, new limits on severance golden handshakes have been put in place, etc., even for that clown.
“Richard Bacon is a fearless presenter and I am sure will ask the questions on everyone’s mind”
Yeah, like this one:
is that the same richard bacon who admiited he stuffed his nose with cocaine while working on blue peter and still sounds like he is still suffering the after effects of his drug addiction by the amount of loud shouting and bawling his does on his afternoon show
I felt sorry for him at the time. He was off duty and was ratted on by a “friend” for cash. But listening to his radio show, I have realised that all that coke has turned his mind into mush.
Bacon Spongiform Encephalopathy
(Sorry,I know its bad form to find your own jokes funny)
How many thousand Blue Peter annuals with Bacon’s pic on the front cover did they have to pulp that Christmas?
A single tweet from one BBC journalist, the only one of its kind among a deluge from his schadenfreude-filled BBC colleagues on the subject of Bloom and the slut comment. Credit where it’s due:
Fair play to the left wing ‘huff’ for letting us make up are own minds -perhaps the left wing BBC could do the same sometime, about some thing – anything
P.S. disappointed the Farage has allowed him self to be bullied. – If he has
5 Live have that angle covered. Slipping seamlessly from sports reporter to biased Beeboid substituting for Peter Allen, Jonathan Overend said “There were no cameras in the room so we don’t know if they were laughing uncomfortably”.
Well at least it got the Damian McBride story off the front of the news.
I presume it was the major reason for getting so much air time on the BBC. I watched a repeat of ‘Would I like to You’ last night. David Mitchell called Lee Mack ‘a slut’ in the same sense as Godfrey Bloom used it. Will he get sacked from all appearances on the BBC?
I heard that he had “abused women” and “assaulted a BBC journalist.” Feeling excited I tuned in only to see him give an irritating journo a playful slap with a slip of paper.
Blimey if that’s an assault…
As reliable as clockwork : BBC Newsnight attacks UKIP.
What’s the phrase…? Oh yes…. ‘boring snoring’.
BBC Radio 4 news at 6 tonight reported (no interview – we must be thankful for small mercies) that Tessa Jowell is very worried that Damien McBride’s revelations will destroy all the good work done by Labour when they were in government. And that was it. A nice bit of propaganda gleaned from a speed dial moment.
So what ‘good work’ would that be, Tessa? Would it include dragging politics from the gutter and down into the subterranean depths of our Victorian sewage system by giving rats like McBride, Campbell and Watson senior posts in the Prime Minister’s Office?
Tessa got her mortgage paid for by ex-hubbys dealings with Silvio Berlusconi.
But-silly fluttery female that she is…she didn`t seem to know this.
Just the woman, then to run the Olympic shambles.So New Labour.
Since then, she dropped hubby for political reasons, but is with him again I`d have thought-and is now this generations Shirley Williams FFS!
Funny how these mighty titans of feminism collapse into girly heaps when plod comes calling with his mucky boots…Vicky Pryce springs to mind, but can I suggest Jane Garvey too(she said re Blairs wedding…we ladies love a good wedding don`t we?..BH last Sunday paper review?).
Stereotyping and cliches, going all feeble and weepy…all in the gift of the feminist as she sees fit…we men are not to question the hypocrisy and offensive caricaturing.
Tessa Jowell…another Robin Cook beardo!
“Any Questions?” Radio 4, 20:03-20:50, Friday 20/9/2013.
The questions were: (1) The Bloom “slut” joke and UKIP; (2) Syria / chemical weapons; (3) The “omni-shambles [sic] bedroom tax”; (4) Veils in court and “Islamophobia” [sic]; (5) McBride and the Labour spin revelations.
Where to start?! Q (1) should have been no higher than four or five in the batting order; no prizes for guessing why it was first up! Q (5) should have been higher up the order but, by leaving it until last, discussion was reduced to rushed comments; so ask yourself once again, CUI BONO ? Q (4) The issue of women wearing veils, fair enough, but … put within the context of “Islamophobia” of course! Q (3) A double whammy against the Tories, reviving the smear ‘omni-shambles’ from the Labour/BBC narrative on an old Osborne (+ Alexander) budget, and getting in the deliberately vague ‘bedroom tax’, more correctly referred to (but only later!) as ‘under-occupancy charge’ or ‘spare room subsidy’.
Were the questions planted? I don’t know; but the order, and thus the time allowed on each topic, distorted the discussion.
Predictable also were Thornberry’s assurance that Ed Miliband would have nothing to do with the backstabbing of the Brown/Blair years, and Sir Many-zzzzzz’s Campbell’s moralising about UKIP and Bloom, when he should be concentrating on his own party’s sleaze (Huhne, Lord Rennard, Brown, David Laws, wee dragm Kennedy, Hancock, Cyril Smith, etc).
‘The “omni-shambles [sic] bedroom tax’
That’s two conjoined Labour mantras.
Well done, BBC, you are such clever boys and girls! But next time try and get THREE together, for example: ‘The out of touch omnishambles bedroom tax’
Do I get the job Dez? Eh? Eh?
SYRIA: INBBC needs to re-evaluate the nature of the civil war there.
Is INBBC less enthusiastic now in its support for the political opposition to Assad in Syria?
Have Beeboids finally caught on to the fact that this murderous opposition in Syria is led by Islamic jihadists (some of whom are using bases in Britain, but Beeboids do not expose that)?
Do Beeboids now see that the present Syrian Islamic Jihad War is not the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s?
This late-in-the-day info on INBBC pages is at least something-
“Profile: Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant”
And, of course, there’s this:-
“Islamists dominate Syrian insurgency”
Quick, call in the Police…. set up a Judge -led Public Inquiry… bring in the UN Special Rapporteurs…. take this to the European Court of Human Rights….
After a BBC investigation Newsnight can now reveal….
UKIP…. wait for it…. have some OLD FASHIONED VIEWS!
The Kiwi Shoe Polish-sponsored Oxblood dictionary says:
‘Old fashioned views’: possessing or expressing common sense; a perspective on life gleaned from years of weary experience; not barking left wing; wishing to preserve the civilised attributes of one’s society; having responsibility for one’s own actions; not living beyond one’s own means (Ok, that enough – Ed.)
Why shouldn’t INBBC censor this about the ‘morality’ of global Islamic jihad supporters?:-
“Tunisia’s ‘sex jihadis’ who were sent to Syria to have sex with 100 rebels EACH are coming home pregnant with their children”
Ratings have been steadily declining on BBC’s ‘boring snoring’ flagship Newsnight. Scrapping the show would be seen as a defeat for the BBC so instead efforts have been made to jazz up the format whilst intensifying the Guardianista-style outlook.
And so we go over live to the Newsnight ‘Big Sister House’!
[In a Geordie accent] ‘It’s eviction night and the political housemates have been gathered together on the sofa for four hours – drinking cider’
‘Political Housemates! This is Allegra speaking… can you hear me?’
[The Political Housemates scream and wave at the mere mention of the name Allegra]
‘Political Housemates…. this week the Big Sister has cancelled the Public Vote – but there will still be an eviction’
‘Tory Boy, we hated your bedroom tax antics and you may or may not have failed the deficit task… but we loved your ‘gay marriage’ and your improvised Euro dance… so you’re safe’
‘UKIP Old Geezer… I’m afraid it’s you…. watch the screen to see the nomination from one of your fellow Political Housemates’
[Lilly Liberal] ‘Well, I don’t really like the process of nominating – it’s so divisive – but my first nomination is easy. It’s UKIP Old Geezer. He’s very disruptive in the house and when there’s only so much to go round I don’t want some other third party – and he’s always smoking – what’s that about?’
For Labour supporting, BBC-NUJ:-
-from ‘Daily Mail’:-
“What emails did Ed send to smear plotter? More disturbing questions for Labour leader in our serialisation of spin doctor’s explosive memoir.
“The allegations were made by Gordon Brown’s spin doctor Damian McBride.
“The tell-all autobiography has sent shockwaves through the Labour Party.
“Senior figures have questioned what Miliband and Ed Balls knew of tricks.”
“We tried to knife her, but she knifed us… Cherie was an even more aggressive promoter of Tony than I was of Gordon.”–Cherie-aggressive-promoter-Tony-I-Gordon.html
Enjoyed hearing Humphries this morning calling the Islamic jihadist maniacs in Syria, “so-called Jihadists”, as if the term is a fiction, and has been somehow made up with no basis in islamic doctrine whatsoever.
If you ignore them, it’s not really happening. Honest…
just another deflectionary moniker to add to the bbc s :-
“gud ole”
… rebel, freedom fighter, militant, moderate islamist, so called jihadist, muslim brotherhood …
“…Enjoyed hearing Humphries this morning calling the Islamic jihadist maniacs in Syria, “so-called Jihadists”
I’ll give Humphrys the benefit of the doubt on this one – it seems possible that by describing ‘the rebels’ as ‘so-called Jihadists’ he meant to infer he actually believes them to be little more than murderous armed gangsters.
I know: it’s a long shot. I’ll get my coat…
Its a testament to the British education system that so many Beebiods have such a deep understanding of Islam. In Humphries case it must have been covered in depth at the Welsh 1950’s grammar school he attended. Much better in fact than the madrassas the Jihadists attended. I do hope they are suitably ashamed of themselves.
Its all very interesting to me as it appears the Jihadists are following the instructions requested my their meme to the letter. But what do I know 🙂
Mrs Browns boys probably one of the best new BBC comedies of recent times and gloriously un pc, but is it?
Note the attitude to the church and gay marriage in last nights episode over the refusal of a church blessing for her gay son.
robbery gone wrong in downtown nairobi says bbc – quoting AP news and benson kibue,police chief.
let’s just check their sources then…
benson kibue – surely he’s saying this is a robbery ???
“Nairobi police chief Benson Kibue said this was a terrorist attack and that there are likely no more than 10 terrorists involved, as gunfire continues to be exchanged.”§ion=international
oh . i see.
question 1 – how long before al beeb correct their story
question 2 – how long before al beeb blame kenyan police for poor response
question 3 – how long we hear that muslims are discriminated against in kenyan and that we need to look at underlying reasons for this
How stupid can the BBC get ? A “robbery” – yeah, using grenades ???
Sky’s story said straight away that it was a terrorist attack. Quoting local sources.
BBC covering for those “men” as usual.
14.24 update – bbc have just updated the page but are still refusing to say that the attackers are terrorists or that they specifically were seeking to kill non muslims.
it’s all over the internet ! why do the bbc have to censor our news !
checkout newsniffer
there have been 5 changes to this story so far – and all are saying this is a robbery.
But they’ve added the bit about the grenades, and I don’t see it as the BBC claiming it was a robbery, but instead quote the AP, which is all they had at the time, I guess. It’s too early to know what’s real and what isn’t, except that this is so very obviously not a robbery gone bad, regardless of what a policeman told the AP.
Now it’s just a question of whether or not BBC news journalists are interested in discussing the motive behind the attack, the way they are about other incidents we could name.
For a detailed critique of BBC reporting of the Kenya attack:
Rather forensic, and damning, of the BBC’s now hopelessly compromised ‘reporting’ standards and hence value.
“Since media outlets often delete articles which they later find embarrassing, I can’t guarantee it will be online forever, so to preserve the evidence I took a screenshot”
It will be interesting to see if and how the BBC evolve the story as facts continue to highlight the sheer corruption of their craft.
That everyone now accepts that they ‘tidy up’ afterwards for a revisionist version of the record shows the depths at which they find themselves.
Much of the BBC;s newsite is filled with cut-and-paste jobs on articles from Associated Press (another leftie news-source).
AP has a big story up about how the IPCC is tying itself in knots trying to explain away the planet’s temperatures refusing to rise fo 15 or more years. I bet Roger Harrabin or some junior oik at the BBC will be on to that one quickly. NOT.
Aljazeera – Terrorist attack
SKY – Terrorist attack
RT – Terrorist attack
BBC…….. look away now its just a robbery, move along , nothing to see
oh and Ed Miliband made a speech to hordes of people (looked like about 100 at most)
They all had excellent questions which he brilliantly answered….
Oh and a UKIP duffer has wiped out any chance of them getting any votes…
And the BBC have never heard of McBride and know nothing about a book or any animosity in the Labour party…
And we at the BBC did manage to get 5 mentions in of the Nasty party reputation of the conservatives…
oh and the Lib Dems might be back in favour if Ed needs a coalition..
Labour really know how to ‘plant’ the easy questions from the crowd; and who to give a microphone to:
Just sent the following email to Sky coverage after waiting in vain to see if a ‘real’ member of the public gives Ed a question:
Eds team certainly learnt from the Ali Campbell school of public question ‘plants’:
Dear Sky news
Ed Milliband now on his soapbox on SKY news just a mile from where I live in Brighton inviting questions. God, I wish I knew and was there – somebody please ask a real questions like:
“Labour were in power twice in my lifetime, both times you seriously trashed the economy. What has changed for you to be able to get it right this time, (after all you Ed were at the heart of Brown’s team that resulted in such tumultuous disaster)?”
“What steps are labour planning to ensure we never again see a heinous deceit by Government of the nation to take us to war which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths?”
“What is Labours policy to ensure we do not have another enormous body bag count on your NHS watch?”
“What has changed with Labours immigration policies to ensure the country never again has such an unmanageable immigration explosion under your watch, (overwhelming our NHS, housing and schools and then accusing anyone who raises the matter a racist)?”
Re IPCC (John Anderson’s post/link)
‘”I think to not address it would be a problem because then you basically have the denialists saying, ‘Look the IPCC is silent on this issue,”‘ said Alden Meyer, of the Washington-based Union of Concerned Scientists.’
‘Denialists’, eh? And this muppet claims to be a scientist? Come on, BBC, do your ‘world’s greatest investigative journalism’ bit and challenge him.
(Picks up War and Peace to read whilst waiting.)
Johnny, I’m afraid as far as the Corporation is concerned something only counts as an ‘offensive slur’ when:
a. It’s directed at immigrants
b. It’s directed at Islam
c. It’s directed at women
d. It’s anything UKIP have said
It then follows that it’s perfectly acceptable in a liberal progressive world for anyone (including the BBC itself) to refer to climate sceptics as ‘deniers’, thus wilfully equating them with despicable Holocaust deniers.
This is how common purpose trolls operate – not just just on the BBC (such a repeat offender I suspect it’s well past the point of rehabilitation), but in much of the rest of the ‘liberal’ mainstream media.
Still looks like robbery gone wrong? Nothing to do with islamic terrorists,no nothing like that.
The Westgate centre is often frequented by wealthy Kenyans and expatriates. Police have urged residents to stay away from the area.
Yes at 15.07, BBC website still furiously underplaying what seems a racially motivated attack in Nairobi especially on Asians. It remains the number 2 story.
Time for the BBC to be told to end its news websites. It doesn’t even do them properly and they destroy other news organisations. They were told to abandon news journalists’ blogging pages which is why we are spared Mark Easton’s toxic views although he has even less to do for his enormous salary.
If, as you say, BBC “news journalists” were told to stop blogging, what does that say about those who keep doing it, like Mark Mardell? If those regular articles he writes are supposed to be news reports and not personal opinion blogs, then the line between the two no longer exists.
Can’t find the detail on when the BBC agreed to curtail some of its newspaper style commentaries on the website for plurality resons (can anyone?), but this is why Easton now only does Twitters and the occasional ‘in-depth’ news story i.e. disagreeing with any non-statist view in the news.
Whether it is or not, why would the BBC edit and omit parts of the AP story they are clearly quoting from?
The report as it stands now mentions the possibility of a “terrorist” attack, including the threat from the “militant” group al-Shabab. For “militant”, read “jihadi”. Even though they quote the police via the AP that it started out as a robbery, the line about them throwing grenades into the mall sure doesn’t add up to a robbery gone bad.
However, I don’t see the BBC censoring the most important details here the way they do with US issues or when Mervyn King condemns green energy policies.
And I assume we won’t be seeing any BBC journalists rushing to find a larger issue about which Nairobi now must have a national discussion, or that anyone’s culture needs changing. Yet when a mentally ill person in the US goes on a rampage with guns he took off the first person he killed….
in the current climate details like telling Muslims to leave as only non-Muslims would be targeted is an important detail David; even the Independent has that bit:
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this turns out to be true. Especially if the grenades really happened, the reports of a robbery gone bad are laughable. But I’m going to wait a while longer before declaring all the facts are in. We just had a shooting in the US right in the middle of a very media-savvy and twitter-happy society, with plenty of witnesses and reports from the police and FBI and whatnot, and the most important “fact” of all turned out to be completely false. Even if the professional, world-class journalists at the BBC won’t learn their lesson, I will. And anyway, just saying to wait a few more hours doesn’t mean I’m telling you you’re wrong, or it’s wrong to suspect what you suspect, etc.
Lurking and non-lurking journalists may laugh and roll their eyes now.
I agree with your point but it is different (??!!). The other day there were various versions of 1 2 and 3 gunmen; 6, 7, 9 and 12 dead (all simultaneous news so not more dead later etc) type of guns etc, the whole thing was a shit-fest of wrong. HOWEVER, here we have quotes (not unconfirmed snippets) some of which were in the same report the BBC used: they quoted some quotes and not others; that is my point.
Oh yes, it has all the hallmarks of a robbery gone wrong, oh hang on ….
How long before the Somali “enrichers” try it here?
Website has by now (16.10) promoted it to number one item.
It’s still a ‘gun battle’ implying the earlier massacre of non-Muslims did not occur.
As usual..
guardian…. comments not allowed
Independant … comments not allowed
Mirror….. don’t work Saturdays… so not reported it yet….
Any paper that has articles written by toilets Maguire isn’t worth wiping your arse on.
How long? It’s just a matter of time.
It’s not an if, it’s a when, as you rightly say.
Up until now the inbbc has used it’s standard deflection tools of turning agressors into victims.
The BBC’s Anne Soy, who is at the scene, said there are reports one of the gunmen has been shot dead.
Some of the attackers were reportedly dressed in hijabs, and it is unclear whether they were men or women, our correspondent says.
A good argument there for our wonderful government for banning the hijab on security grounds.
Of course, they patently lack the balls to do so.
If true of course
Also from Al Beebs latest version
“I saw three of the attackers dressed in black and with covered faces and they were carrying heavy rifles,” said another witness.”
‘Dressed in black’
Love it.
Were they wearing dinner suits?
Another example of the basic argument against the wearing of burqa/niqab, which INBBC discounts.
al bbc s robbery?
The BBC seems to be omitting some very important facts here.
Compare and contrast….
Blatant lying by omission from the BBC not to implicate their ROP buddies.
Sorry I see this has already been pointed out up thread.
I wonder how the BBC will modify their story as the facts come out.
The BBC prefers assumptions to facts.
Even the Grauniad is reporting the targeting of non-muslims in the attack.
Even the bloody Guardian – but the BBC – not a mention.
Could they make their agenda any clearer?
They did that with the lee Rigby murder ,to all but those that refuse to see
It was not a ‘murder’, merely a ‘killing’.
Get it right old boy.
Quite right ,quite right-in fact should I not have said ‘the Woolwich incident’?
Lee Rigby; Killed
Stephen Lawrence; Murdered
‘The gunmen attacked the Westgate centre – one of the city’s most exclusive. Dozens of shoppers fled; many are still feared trapped inside.’
Odd way to report the murder of 20 plus people. Makes it sound as if the buildings were attacked not the innocent shoppers. Anything to avoid reporting the inconvenient truth.
Wait, now I get it: the attackers weren’t jihadis at all. They were really just angry at the income inequality on display.
Well who wouldn’t be?
And at least they had the decency to wear evening dress, apparently.
Yes, ‘JihadWatch’ reports on Islamic jihad are much more trustworthy than those of INBBC.
From ‘JihadWatch’ above-
“At least 10 murdered in Kenya mall attack: ‘The gunmen told Muslims to stand up and leave. They were safe, and non-Muslims would be targeted.’
“But remember: to examine and oppose the ideology that leads to this brutal and wanton mass murder would be ‘racist.'”
More White House talking points from the BBC, this time about the two biggest, most ominous shadows looming over the US: ObamaCare and the debt ceiling. Yes, this is how news works: a news organization simply reporting the news. In this case, the News is the President demonizing His opponents (shocking, I know), and a statement of defiance. We also get a quote from Democrat Senate leader Reid, expressing his own determination to shut the government down in order to defeat the Republicans in the House and let ObamaCare roll on. Of course, that’s not how he phrases it.
We do get one voice from the opposition, Rep. Cantor, who says that our economy is turning into a part-time one. This is a reference to the fact that so many companies are now reducing hours – and thus take-home pay – for their workers in order to avoid the draconian fines ObamaCare will place on them if they don’t want to pay the rising costs of health care for full-time employees. In fact, ObamaCare provides a two-pronged incentive to reduce full time workers and increase the number of part-time workers. It’s not just about evil greedy capitalists firing people to avoid giving them a vital human right. Regardless, if people working part-time get some health benefits, that will ultimately reduce the tax base. Less hours of work equals less taxes paid. Cantor’s remark seems like a partisan complaint without any substance to back it up. Naturally, there’s plenty of evidence already, which the BBC hasn’t told you. See here (this is just the tip of the iceberg), here, and here. Then see this and this for an alternate viewpoint. The problem with the latter is that, if ObamaCare is not at all to blame for the shift to more part-time and less full-time jobs, then the President’s economic policies have to take some blame. Either way, the BBC isn’t going to inform you. That’s not the kind of news and analysis they do anymore.
I’ve been warning people here about this for years, but the BBC has never really told you what’s going on.
The President is quoted as saying that the Republicans are doing this only because it’s all about Him, and not about the country or the people. No mirrors at the White House, I guess. He also says that He won’t negotiate with Republicans this time around. The BBC phrases it – the last line of the article – this way:
Mr Obama has said he will not be forced into making concessions as he did during the 2011 debt crisis, where he accepted a $2.1 trillion spending cut over a decade.
But it’s Republican intransigence if they don’t reach across the aisle, right, BBC?
In any case, the caption under the video clip says that the President used “a vehicular metaphor” to frame the budget situation. Watch the video to see just how deluded He is about debt. This is what the BBC isn’t telling you: recently the President said that raising the debt ceiling won’t increase our debt. It’s only to pay money we already owe, and borrowing more to pay it won’t make us owe more. No, really. That’s what He thinks. That’s the context in which He was giving that dopey analogy of financing a car purchase. Stephanie Flanders would be proud, and thank goodness even Democrats objected to the appointment of her mentor, Larry Summers, to the Fed so much that he bowed out.
Well, here’s another vehicular metaphor for you to frame both the budget situation and ObamaCare: train wreck. Not that the BBC has ever or will ever tell you about the damage it’s causing. After all, it’s His signature achievement, one of which
BBC journalistsHis supporters are immensely proud. That’s probably why the BBC hasn’t been reporting about all the delays and waivers, or the massive – *gasp* – union opposition to it.(Cue game show loser SFX)
Putin says he can’t guarantee Syria will turn over chemical weapons
Oops. Who could have seen this coming? Who’s looking like the smartest guy in the room again? But hey, at least the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate-in-Chief got Assad to sign that chemical weapons piece of paper, right? Whew!
Putin and Assad and the Iranians are playing Obama and his team like a bloomin’ fiddle. It just gets worse and worse – but so predictable. Put an inexperienced waffling dummy in the White House and you get dummy decisions.
The more we see of the President faced with real geopolitical crises, the more I’m convinced that He simply didn’t know what to do and never cared before. Mostly, He didn’t want to do anything because His personal belief system has always been that the US is generally bad and should do as little as possible. The national interest doesn’t enter into it. This is what happens when we elect an anti-war President who grew up steeped in vitriolic anti-US rhetoric. Originally, that was supposed to be part of His appeal, and we see the fruits of it now.
Worse still is that nearly all of His advisers seem to be the same: Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and especially Valerie Jarrett.
Bit behind with this thread so apologies if this has been posted before.
On this morning’s Today, Hilary Benn was given the usual soapbox from which to rubbish Coalition policies. Just for a change it was on the ‘spare room subsidy’ (which Benn surprisingly referred to as ‘the bedroom tax’, without any correction from our intrepid interviewer that in fact it’s not a tax at all).
One of his main criticisms was that had the Coalition built more social housing there wouldn’t be a problem. So, like you do, and despite from long experience you know it’s not going to happen, you wait for the ‘But what did you do about it for the 13 years you were in government?’ Silly me.
Then at the end of Sarah Montague’s interview there was this unprecedented interjection from John Humphrys (concerned voice): ‘Before you go…’
‘Ah, morning John’
‘Could we ask how your father is? We believe he’s ill in hospital’.
‘Well John, he’s 88 and blah blah blah blah…..’
Cosy, from start to finish.
Hilary Benn is a chip of the old block – i.e. a rank hypocrite.
Tony Benn, that renowned ‘man of the people’, doesn’t like the plebs wandering across his land at his splendid country estate (Stansgate Abbey) and has resisted pressure to allow a coastal public footpath on his land for many years.
The situation was particularly comical when Benn jr. was the Environment Secretary charged with ‘opening up England’s coastline to walkers’.
I’m sure Countryfile will get on his case, now, bb.
Benn? When Mandela shuffles off, assuming he beats Benn to the great reckoning, Tony Benn will become God’s representative on earth to the BBC.clown school.
Is that the inherited estate he declined to give up when he nobly gave up his inherited title?
For INBBC: there are all sorts of links between Islamic jihadists
in Somalia-Kenya-Britain, including:-
“London Beheader Arrested in 2010 for Attempting to Join Al Qaeda”
By Daniel Greenfield,
(May, 2013).
BBC R4 – Any Answers? obviously “Any” so long as they follow the bbc bias narrative ….
ho hum … a third of the programme attributed to the
bbc s orchestrated “burkha”, “niquab” non debate …
and follows the same pattern as QT and Any Questions
and Newsnight, up pops a Dr Iqbal , to drone on and on about if? a woman is asked to to remove the burkha she would be so … shocked? and upset? as she would be under stress, etc etc etc …
for crying out loud! what is this PAP! … two more “potted plant” callers and time filled.
In 4 programmes now, and I suppose BBC 1 s Sunday Muslim Live tomorrow … the same doctored and sterile
non debate ensues, directing only questions that pussyfoot around, when can we consider it politically correct, to enquire if the burkha may be removed for a fleeting moment? in the right circumstances ?!?!*! …
WHAT IS THIS? … all these programmes, all this airtime
and not one, NOT ONE! attempt to address the real issue.
The Burkha/Niquab is an overt political statement, showing the middle finger to our rule of law, our institutions, and what is acceptable in OUR! culture. A deliberate tool of non integration by a totalitarian political ideology instituted by it, by men, for the benefit of men.
A vehicle of deliberate separation, a true “apartheid”, creating discrimination, from muslim men and indeed the wider community, creating mistrust and disdain by its very existence during any open, or important face to face discussion,(that is, if anyone would wish engage with someone wearing one).
It is NOT a Religious Garment
… right? … and that is the constant bleat ?
WELL! isn t it?
So … keep it for the Mosque, the Hajj, and the Home then.
only it is NOT! … it is discouraged from the the Mosque, the Hajj, not worn in the Home, it is designed to separate
a tool of discrimination.
There is no cogent point to make for its use, that is advantageous to US, the vast majority that find it for any number of reasons,(safety, security, discriminatory, non integrationary etc ) an abhorrent garment
Nothing to erm … “debate”? –
banks building societies etc,
railway/bus stations, airports
job interviews, news interviews, school interviews,
at any point of public serious discourse,
in court, the police station, the solicitors, the surgery, the hospital the school, the restaurant, if behind the wheel,
etc, etc, etc, etc
GET IT OFF! , and get the message … why can no one
even mention one of the above, its not racist to do so, islam is not a race, islamoFAUXbic? a fabricated term
devised because islam is not, and so cannot play the insidious “race card” …
anyway thats of no consequence
why can no one even mention one of the above points
it has to be bias, bbc bias, the bbc narrative