Miliband has made a speech. Without notes the BBC notes.
The BBC seem rather in awe of Miliband’s speech.
Perhaps John Pienaar’s description of Miliband as ‘Bold and statesman like’ should have warned us of the attitude the BBC would strike in relation to this.
The Telegraph by contrast has a much more critical stance, some positive but mostly negative about the content of the speech.
Miliband’s decision to cap fuel prices (somehow) has struck a chord and looks like a winner for the BBC.
No mention of course that fuel prices are rising because of the ruinous green taxes imposed by legistlation enacted by…Ed Miliband.
This report of the speech seems more like a press release from Labour than a critical look at the policies or lack of policies and substance on show from Miliband:
Ed Miliband: Labour would freeze energy prices
This from James Landale is even worse, all too ready to explain Miliband’s side of the argument without any critical thoughts on it:
Labour: Could energy pledge power Miliband to victory?
This quote from Landale shows which side he is on perhaps:
‘As he [Miliband] said, the rising tide doesn’t lift all boats, just the yachts.’
Really? I don’t think so.
Perhaps this encounter with Alastair Campbell helped Landale align his thinking [Godfrey Bloom must be thinking life is so unfair]:
This rather curious piece of work from Landale might inform us of his own attitude towards Europe and whether we should stay or go:
IF… (a verse for David Cameron)
If you can talk with sceptics and keep us in the EU
Or walk with Europe’s kings – nor lose the Commons touch,
If you can stop your party dividing between In and Out
and genuinely settle the European question,
If you can keep the British people onside
and not go down in history as the man who took Britain out of the EU,
Yours is the next election, Dave, and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll have won, my son!
Miliband seems to have been given a bit of a free pass by the BBC commentators, at least on the website….just as they gave him when he decided that there was ‘no evidence’ to indicate Unite’s guilt in Falkirk…the BBC telling us Unite is exonerated…when in fact the evidence was ‘withdrawn’ rather than not existing….and that doesn’t explain all the other documented examples, much of which implicated Miliband himself knowing what was going on, especially in regard to MEP candidates.
When my kids stayed up late and remembered their lines for the school play, I was impressed.
That a grown man does this, and can do nothing else of value, does not.
If It does the BBC, then they are idiots. But this is by now already well known.
Quite why anyone should believe anything that Alastair Campbell says is a complete mystery and yet he is still the BBC go-to guy on most political issues.
Probably because the BBC and many of its more fanatical supporters believe it’s more important to be ‘differently honest’ and uphold a paradigm than it is to report the facts and cast doubt.
Campbell – David Kelly’s becoming an embarrassment.
Scarlett – Only if you make me head of SIS afterwards.