It’s official ! BBC Radio 4 Today programme said that the most intractable problems in the world are the Iranian nucleur threat and the Syrian conflict. So why is Obama making silly speeches at the UN that one of his two proirities is the Israeli Palestinian issue?
Oh Lynette!
Logic…coherence…consistency even within their bite-size , sound-bite brains and methods?
This is the BBC…all over the shop!
As long as the One World, Common Purpose limewashed world of Lennon and Ono comes about?…they`ll not fuss themselves.
Time to derail this runaway train of theirs, before Islam does it for us…
I know lynette!…wasn`t meaning to imply otherwise.
Like me you`ve done enough posts…all of us here know if it`s not the usual trolls(anybody seen them lately?), then we`re …well “ALRIGHT” as Kinnock once yelled in his rebel way!
Is there a sarcastic symbol?…if so, I`d be happy to see one!
The bBC promoting Islam every chance it gets: Halal food ‘changing restaurant landscape’ Fans of halal food and drink – haloodies – are heading to London’s Docklands this weekend as it hosts Britain’s first ever halal food festival. Haloodies are people who come from any background, profession, race or religion and simply enjoy consuming halal food and drink.
Here’s a question, can anybody here tell the difference between a halal and non halal curry made by the same person, in the same kitchen on the same day?
If the answer is as i surmise , then what the f-ck is the bbC doing promoting : “Haloodieism” if such a word exists, you know like ‘Islamopbia’ But in order to substaniate their bent the bBC comes out with:
According to the latest census, there are 2.7 million Muslims in the UK with a spending power of over estimated in the region of £20bn. The population is rising and in the capital more than one in 10 inhabitants is now Muslim.
Pray tell bBC, if the vast majority of these Muslims were born here, or arrived from a pure Islamic country, seeking shelter and thus so a lot of that £20 billion spending power is actually British taxes paid by a majority non-Islamic population (98%) in which to allow Muslims to breed like rats and play the victim card and reshape the landscape into the very countries they ran away from seeking shelter here. I mean the bBC do mention that some people are opposed to Halal meat: Peter Williamson, from Brighton, started an online petition demanding the council ban the event as “the ritual slaughter of all halal animals is extremely cruel and has no place being celebrated in Great Britain”
But the bBC only use that in which to point out that actually slitting a throat is much nicer than the humane methods as used by us non-Muslims: But any banning of the production of halal seems unlikely in the UK as supporters argue it is a kinder method of killing the animal than the use of stun guns.
Have the BBC decided now to disdain the pink pound in favour of the rial then?
Methinks there`ll be some fun at the ensuing cashpoints here….suppose we`ll have to rely on CCTV for our clips though, seeing as the BBC won`t be making a film about this one.
Haloodie?..haloumi?…words, words and a few made up ones at Quisling Centrals editing suites!
Cheers Piers!
I see that the Woolwich ‘incident’ is now described as murder after the two ‘men’ have appeared at the Old Bailey.
Mr Adebolajo has asked to be known as Mujaahid Abu Hamza in court, while Mr Adebowale wants to be called Ismail Ibn Abdullah. But the ‘incident’ is nothing to do with their religion, of course.
Completely impossible to monitor much less archive (and they know it), but beyond the choice of stories to push, or not (reasons FOi exempted), there is also the often interesting order in which headlines are constructed, especially hoping for a quick win with the time poor, small screen tweet/mobile crowd.
Two ‘breaking news’ emails just in, coincidentally: Two deny soldier Lee Rigby murder Two men accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south-east London, in May plead not guilty
At least there’s a hint now it wasn’t an accident. Global warming now ‘unequivocal’
Blimey… is it? That settles that. Oh, just a ‘mo… The UN’s climate panel says it is 95% certain that humans are to blame for global warming
Ah, a discredited, interest-conflicted set of jolly and funding addicts are unequiv… make that ‘95% certain’ now on the Classic Coke old faithful of AGW guesswork: ‘global warming’!
Meanwhile, in other BBC ‘news’… ‘Bizarrely, the producers of this programme apparently did not consider it necessary to inform listeners that the clip had been edited.’
Calling Susan Watts… Susan Watts to aisle 9, clean-up required on a quote needed.
Not bizarre at all. They do it all the time.
It is propaganda by deceit.
So no, not feeling the trust guys. Not at all.
What about “butcher Number One.”..and “other butcher”?
Let`s hope those two necks of theirs don`t get smitten as their Profiterole tells them is all too due to cowarldy murdering scumbags like these.
Suppose Harry Allen or Albert Pierrepoints lads don`t fancy learning how to smite necks in a less cowardly way do they?
Maybe an apprenticeship or two are going begging here.
Qn. how was the 95% Confidence figure scientifically calculated ?
Answer – Turns out it’s not, they just asked panel “”do you FEEL its, 85%, 95%, 97% sure etc. ”
..yes just feelings not science
(The BBC actually let Bob Carter make this point 13.05pm radio 4)
I see the BBC have acknowledge the court hearing today. I wonder how long it will take them to relegate the story into a poorer position, casting it into the shadows. I also await the victimized follow up story which will undoubtedly delve into the personal issues the two Muslim butchers had as a result of ‘alienation’ and ‘prejudice’.
I also found this whilst browsing on YouTube. What a refreshing piece of news coverage that doesn’t cower away from the facts in order to appease the believers. If only we had a news outlet in Britain that had a shred of dignity.
Yes. Giving her invaluable insights into Climate Change along with that idiot Greg Barker. Great to see, though, that Matt Ridley is being given plenty of opportunity to put the sceptical viewpoint, which he is doing very well indeed. The other guest, Michael Brown, is making sense, also.
Quite extraordinary to see this even-handedness on the BBC. What are they up to?
Why is it necessary for the BBC to promote Facebook?
Every BBC radio station has a Facebook page, and as a involuntary Radio 2 listener by day, I get fed up at the ‘check it out on our Facebook page’ rants almost hourly. Maybe it would be OK if it wasn’t necessary to set up an account and bear your soul before you can look at such pages, but that’s not possible.
Should the BBC be promoting a commercial enterprise, and one that encourages us to give up all our personal details and do a deal with the devil? Not me, but I guess thousands have succumbed.
The BBC has a long list of internet businesses that it has promoted over the years, some of them in competition with ‘free’ sites.
Some that come to mind: Friends Reunited, Last and ‘their own’, Savvy – other web businesses are available but they don’t go to the same wine bars as the BBC people.
‘…other web businesses are available but they don’t go to the same wine bars as the BBC people’
Some simply across the pillows ask the new Editor of Newsnight to have a word.
And these days, it’s more ‘coffee shops’, I think.
In fact the BBC top floor should be clocking off about now to get the Java browing for their TGIF early bog-off mates at the second job.
What happened with all that, BTW?
Why is it necessary for the BBC to promote Facebook?
Well, like twitter it’s free and fills a lot of empty space at no cost, so the BBC can charge £145.50 for nothing.
Not too sure they’ve thought the whole thing through, mind.
When the Flokk chanced an outing when some poor soul (possibly at their instigation) intoned ‘Candyman’ and the opportunity of a shutdown report was presented, they seemed to go rather mute when presented with BBC FaceBook pages populated by raging nutters advocating genocide, and allowed to do so for weeks as BBC administrators post and forget, being simply worried about viewer stats not what is said.
The Beeb also promotes Apple.
‘iplayer’ – sounds a bit like ipod, ipad,iphone. They could have called iplayer almost anything. Presumably Apple is seen as having the correct sort of political opinions.
Promoting any company’s products is in direct contravention of the BBC charter.
‘seventy five BBC “journalists”
I wonder if these are actual journalists with possibly unhealthy market rate salary expectations, as there seems no shortage of boatloads of flowers from Amsterdam getting shipped in to share their expertise on anything from social affairs to readerette-outing-manwords to World Health.
The union may like to probe if the roles are going or they are just being outsourced, albeit internally.
I find that the quality of R4 news and current affairs output improves greatly whenever there is a strike.
Consequently, the Brothers will have my heartfelt support for as long as it takes to get whatever it is they’re bitching about this time.
I’ll take that as motion seconded brother, if there are no other speakers from the floor I’ll call for a vote.
‘This branch believes that the entire BBC news department should withdraw its labour permanently effective immediately ‘
those in favour
re my post of yesterday of how one of Tonight On The Big Wheel’s hired cacklers, Rachel Boredom, referred to the England Ladies football team as girlserwomen. Wimmin are never ever ever *girls* on Radio 5 Rusting Iron Lung.
In the post match ‘the lads done great slot’ nice then to hear the respective captains of the English and Scottish teams both referring to ‘the girls’.
…and wileyeron keep an eye out for a chubby bottled-blonde droid, invariably dressed in a blue ‘Glasto’ tent and going by the name of (I think) Martine Croxall.
Last week when giving us the IPCC release that (surprise surprise and yawn) still finds that AGW is ‘95% certain’ the stupid heifer said,
‘And *still* some people don’t believe in man-made global warming’.
Yep, that’s right, treacle; some of us outside the hive who read beyond the Guardian and listen beyond the BBC canteen realise it’s a dirty great big eco-con.
Not satisfied with being particularly stupid last week. she carried on this week, expressing to a correspondent (who subsequently slaughtered her) that it is somehow unfair that only Israel in the ME has nuclear weaponry.
Oh….and there was me thinking Pakistan & India had nuclear capability…
Perhaps Pakistan can’t send a nuke on the back of a donkey that far…what the beeb REALLY want is Israels neighboring loons to have it, as they are more likely to use the bloody thing.
Humphrys asked exactly that question of an Israeli official he was interviewing on Thursday. In the end the very polite Israeli had to remind Numphry of Iran’s aim to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Guess it has never occurred to beeboids that nukes are the ideal way of achieving such an objective.
Predictably, Humphrys could not hide his distaste at having to be even in the same studio as the sworn enemy, let alone interview him. Biased twats.
… and finally Stephen ‘Haw Are Ye Naw’ Nolan, a man with a keen relish for the pleasures of the table, regularly has on a young Lib Dum, possibly going under the name of Moham.., Muhamm.., Mohhamm… whatevs.
‘UKIP’, the lad shrieked, ‘keep going on about how they want to cut taxes, but here they are saying they’re going to *rais* the threshhold from £10,000 to £11,500’.
F me. Even Nolan, not the brightest, was able to put him right on that one. S’what happens when you recruit by ticking the ‘Young’ box, the Lib Dum ‘box’, the ‘Muzzy’ box, and (probably ) the ‘Gay’ box. And ignore the ‘Intelligent’, ‘Able’ and ‘Knowledgeable’ boxes.
And Nolan’s use of the demotic ‘ye’, I find as convincing as Cilla Black (after 50 years of living in Surrey) pretending that she referes to everyone as ‘shooch’.
Plummy beeboid or what…he makes me want to puke.
The way he bangs on about his beloved beeb being totally unbiased.
Give me strength…… Give him a proper story and he runs a fcuking mile.
Journo my arse……… sinn fein/psni dogsbody and nothing else.
Texter on Jeremy Vine asks why the BBC allow climate skeptics to air their view, as this view only allows the ‘uninformed’ to endorse their distorted view, what is it with these people?
The thing was the so called ‘expert’ skeptic was only moderately so, the producers must have worked hard to find him…
You know what, I actually believe that man has had an effect on the environment. But rather than subscribe to the ‘the sky is falling in” propaganda as parroted by the bBC. I believe that the effects aren’t as bad as they make out. That stance of mine is backed by hard facts rather than the ethereal ‘What if’s, could ifs or even may happens’ which are pushed out by the bBC as hard evidence. Ironically the US under Bush which the bBC loved to pillar because it didn’t sign up to Kyoto has seen much larger falls in CO2 emissions than the EU (where they slapped on taxes and targets) where emissions have actually risen. Oh how the bBC loved to lambaste ‘Bush’ yet, it transpires he and not the left was right on this on how to reduce CO2 emissions, That hatred towards the US is still promoted by the bBC, here read this and tell me what’s wrong with it: Could power plants of the future produce zero emissions? In the US, about 70% of the country’s electricity comes from burning fossil fuels. Other major economies, such as China, are even more dependent.
Since 2006 China has been the worlds biggest producer of CO2. in 2011 it produced nearly 25%, the US 18% and the UK? well it produces 1.5% less than Canada ,Saudi Arabia and Iran.
This green Mafia where those who don’t toe the line are treated like lepers is intimidation worthy of the Costra Nostra, just like Racism , a huge growth industry has sprung up and what do you know the biggest winners are those so called communists who have set up orgs to capitalise in on the green movement. I for one can’t wait for power cuts to hit the Uk (As they will) and after a winter of cold dark nights, the public will see the sham that Greening really is and consign them to the ethical dustbin that they helped set up with EU funding. (On that note I see the EU has demanded another top up from the UK (£3.9 Billion) towards their ever growing budget) I quote from the bBC: “Most of the 3.9bn is to cover cohesion projects – EU funding to help disadvantaged parts of Europe create jobs and narrow the gap with prosperous regions.”
And yet the Billions which went to Spain,Portugal, and Greece and the rest not only was squandered but has resulted in record amounts of people from the very countries the EU is trying to build up, to move to….the UK.
I wonder when the left will add the CO2 emissions of these countries to the UKs total seeing as so many have relocated here. The bBC, the traiotrs within our Midst
The US, funnily enough, is leading the world’s developed nations in reducing those ‘noxious’ CO2 emissions, as it happens. How come? Well, fracking. Yes, fracking. You know – that thing the BBC seem to want to demonise at every possible opportunity. Turns out that the USA’s fracking industry has actually reduced the country’s CO2 emissions (and retail prices) by almost a half over the past couple of decades – natural gas appears to be a cleaner, cheaper fossil fuel than CAGW zealots want you to know.
None of these stone cold facts will stop the BBC from cheerleading the attacks on Britain’s chances of developing its own secure domestic fracking industry (which, if allowed to flourish, could well reduce domestic and business energy prices here in the UK as significantly as fracking has already managed in the States).
Anti-fracking propaganda from the BBC is a clear case of the the Corporation working – consciously and wilfully – against the public interest for its own selfish political ends.
Sadly, this coalition government dithers over the issue of the UK’s fledgling fracking industry, whilst somehow still humouring the likes of Ed Davey and his reckless ‘sustainability’ agenda with a straight face.
Meanwhile, the rest of us ordinary mortals must suffer the insult of a completely needless and unjustified 40% price rise in our energy bills to pay for useless ‘renewables’ and the investment needed to subside their inherent failings in a commercial marketplace. You can thank (in no particular order) Ed Miliband, the EU and the UN for this unhappy state of affairs.
Don’t know why, but I have a feeling fracking on a commercial scale is never going to happen in the UK, or at best only when it’s too late and the country is in meltdown through the politicians’ quest for the Holy Grail of Zero Carbon Emissions.
How many times have you read something from the Green lobby about how desert Islands stand most to lose with any change to a rise of sea levels. Today the Guardian runs one such article it claims that sea levels will rise 97cms by 2100 and then they show a picture of Male the capital of the Maldives.
Here is a picture of what the Island looks lie:
Anybody want to change the subject to…Human overpopulation?
“Most of the 3.9bn is to cover cohesion projects – EU funding to help disadvantaged parts of Europe create jobs and narrow the gap with prosperous regions.”
Fab, “The flying gorillas” get to survive another year….we can enjoy more magic like “The smelly foot” dance.
Get your sick-bag, or preferably a bucket, ready if you’re going to look through the list of 100 most influential left-wingers, including such favourites, ever-present on the bBBC’s speed-dial but famous for doing nothing, as Owen Shouty Jones and Mehdi Hasan.
and each and everyone of those wankers has contributed absolutely nothing to the world never mind the Uk. The best thing that could happen to them all is if somebody took a gun to their heads and pulled the trigger. I mean just think how much the UK would save instead of funding their John Lewis accounts alone.
All the insults are coming from you and to be honest you are merely making a fool of yourself and bringing this site into disrepute.
I respect differing views; it seems that you don’t and when challenged resort to vile insults.
‘The site owners must be really proud to have someone like you supporting them’
No need to comment on what has prompted this, as you are already one who has specified this site should be about the BBC.
Hence, as a proud supporter of the BBC, any thoughts on this I just saw on the Latest FaceBook page they are hosting dedicated to the Kenyan mall massacre:
Talibans and terrorists i got ma answer today keep it up
and kill all these stupid and selfish people specially these christens
What say you, Albaman? Genuine thoughts or a false flagger? Either way, seems to have escaped the mods at the BBC. Maybe they have no answer? Feel free to drop ’em line, and be sure to let us know how you get on.
I have praised no one. Certainly no one who does not in word or deed deserve it.
However, you I have taken to task, posing a simple question.
One you have tried to dodge in a now all too familiar manner. Your inability to answer when cornered is now a tired default.
That the BBC hosts worse than what you are trying to push as an excuse to damn all by a few here has fried your circuits.
You once had slight value here.
Now your contributions serve only to make you look foolish and the BBC further damaged by having someone of your calibre acting as their agent here.
The ‘jokey’ death threat which kicked off this argument was silly. But exchanging insults is just as silly.
It’s nice to have differing views, and that’s a good thing.
The words used by too many here seem no joke I recognise.
The aim of some appears to be to poison the well. If possibly their job is made easier by others.
And given the clear ability for accounts on this site to be hijacked, easy to nudge along if needed.
Unchecked, in such cases the ability to enjoy a forum to share any view can possibly be lost as reasons get provided for other forces to be brought in. Often in censure.
That could be a bad thing.
The world’s not always nice, and those who thrive on discord gain when those who hold them to account are silenced.
I rather suspect that question may remain unanswered here.
The not so small matter of a £4bpa force funded state medium being unable to police open forum comments any more than any free, independent niche sites rather undercuts any attempt at using isolated false flags to institute a pan-blog ban.
Unless the notion is that when the BBC hosts such material that’s fine and unique, but any sites critical of the BBC have errant comments and the wrath of many quangos must be allowed to descend.
If the case, utterly hypocritical and hence totally credible where the BBC is concerned.
No wonder he’s now ‘resting’, with a tag-teamer from the Emerald Isle back on duty this morning.
The Obama admin stumbled over itself rushing out to condemn the slaughter of a baby butchering psychopath…
But the first terrorist attack in 8 years on American soil, resulting in the death of a US soldier, William Long… Silence from the American Idol and the entire Administration.
When a right-wing Christian vigilante kills, millions of fingers pull the trigger. When a left-wing Muslim vigilante kills, he kills alone.
anyone unfortunately catch bbc 5live this morning…….
“The Perfect (bullsh-t?) Storm”
ok sorry 😀 for the pun
on climate change as “well known climate change Marxist”
R Harribin had a long cosy with “Panto” N Campbell this morning, following the latest climate change propaganda.
is it going to be a loooonnnng day …
how right I was, I ve just got back … listening to climate change report, 95%, ad nauseum
sheesh! I spoke before BBC s 5dead Drive ..
… just bloody relentless with everything added, apart from the poor polar bears, obviously still busy dodging nearly as many holes as there are in this report,
(and their numbers are still rising too, much like the percentage points in that “crock” 😀 ).
Australians – BBC comedy poison Abbots image
Do our auntie media give a fair balanced view ? No It’s all about poisoning the wells. the green/lefties inject poison at every opportunity. There were no BBC comedy sketches at all about Gillard. But the BBC already seem to air this sneer at Abbott which has no comedy value
: “fan of old racist, sexist white men ? give us a twirl luv & fetch me a tinny”
link :
Normally on NewsJack people send in their own sketch ideas and the producer selects the best ones for the team to make. I don’t know who authorised this one. (it’s only on the BBC website for another 48 hours)
” I don’t know who authorised this one. ”
And neither you, nor anyone else will ever see those who make such decisions justify them, as they can hide behind a ‘purposes of..’ exemption quicker than you can say ‘BBC spokesperson says they have nothing to say except they got it about right again, suckers’.
Feeling the transparency and trust yet?
Funnier comedies haven’t seen a second series, yet this was recommissioned after it was averaging 3 million viewers, amazing one may think, but that’s about 4% of the population……
laugh ….. I thought I d never … just a minute!
Xmas Special! …
tsk tsk hope the bbc are taking into account the serious nature of how Islam views Xmas.
… some sidesplitting help from islamoweb
“To a Muslim living in the West, the Christmas Holiday period is one of the most stressful times because of the differences in our attitudes towards this holiday and celebrations of the status quo.
Even in Islamic countries, there can be misunderstandings on these issues with Christian colleagues. The following essay
(oooh brother!) is my personal attempt at bridging this gap to promote an understanding of the Islamic perspective regarding this topic”
oh my aching ribs
more hilarity as some cherub faced kid ask
“I want to wish Merry Christmas”
I mean … 😀 what could go wrong
ps the look on the imams face, as he rushes from his seat … priceless
So this tosser (whom the bBC thinks the sun shines out of his arse) is against Muslims wishing people ‘Merry Christmas’ yet the same wanker has no problem having non Muslims wishing Muslims ‘PBU) when they utter the name of a paedophile.
I m always astounded that these intelligence stunted morons, get the airtime ….
oh on “PEACE”? 😀 tv too
just wrong … so seriously wrong,
I can t even start
Yep, all true plus we can expect the inevitable trailers being aired twenty times a day on the ‘no adverts’ BBC and bogus (non-) news stories on the Toady program and the rest about the deep sociological significance of it all – including, of course, Five Dead’s crew of zombie leftists claiming that if you don’t find this Al-Teri and J’hun crap funny, you must be raycist
I couldn’t help but watch the sad funeral of the little Welsh Girl yesterday on the BBC thinking that no doubt in three years time they will going to bat for the monster who murdered her claiming fabricated evidence/police entrapment/dodgy DNA/unfair trial/human rights etc etc etc like they seem to do with every high-profile conviction.
Indeed an extremely sad case, something that no parent should have tp experience. But personally I hate those OTT funerals, all dressed in pink and all too public. For me it cheapens the whole affair for what really should be a very private affair away from the cameras. I just get the feeling that such events are staged for the MSM’s benefit.
“……………….. no doubt in three years time they will going to bat for the monster who murdered her claiming fabricated evidence/police entrapment/dodgy DNA/unfair trial/human rights etc etc etc like they seem to do with every high-profile conviction.”
Yet more unsubstantiated nonsense. The media rightly highlight potential cases of injustice but it is always the courts that have the final say.
When are the Beeb and the sainted Paul Foot going to apologise for the (just on the legal side) defamation – or indeed make the follow up programme confirming the guilt of Saint James of Hanratty fame – The Mark Duggan of his day?
Good point. They were happy to rubbish the reputation of the poor woman who survived the shooting although paralyzed by it, which was a disgraceful outrage to add to her tragedy,
“UK: Jihadis who beheaded soldier on London street plead not guilty”
(video clip).
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Adebolajo is on video holding a bloody cleaver and referring to the Qur’an to explain why he murdered Rigby, and he pleads not guilty.”
Are you suggesting that somehow the BBC is to blame for the accused pleading not guilty?
Why don’t you suggest that this sites owners link directly to the Daily Mail and Jihadwatch – this would save you a good few hours of cutting and pasting every day!!
You miss the basic point of the difference in the reporting of headlines. ‘The Washington Times’ uses the word ‘Muslim’, INBBC doesn’t. Get it now?
It would suggest discernment if you could see such differences and understood the implications of such differences.
Of course, you can’t see the relevance of referring to sources other than BBC-NUJ, but I can, and will continue to contrast BBC-NUJ’s bias with such references, whether you like it or not. Obviously you do not. Thanks for the tip.
Do you use non-BBC media sources for your education? Which ones? Do you believe in plurality of sources? You are merely a BBC apologist who wants to end criticism of your favourite and biased media institution which licence-payers are forced to pay for.
Re- a further contrast in reporting Rigby murder case:
RAPSI has:
“Reuters reported Friday that Aderbolajo and Adebowale, who used their Islamic names Mujahid Abu Hamza and Ismail Ibn Abdullah respectively …”
Sorry George but you miss an essential point. At no time in criminal proceedings in the UK do you require to state your religion. Are the BBC equally biased by not prefixing others accused of crimes as “Catholic”, “Jewish” or “Christian”?
Thank you for what you think is your expert, superior legal counsel, and which ‘Washington Times’ does not take, in choosing to use the word ‘Muslim’. And I inform you that there is, of course, no legal necessity to describe the Islamic jihad murderers in Kenya, or anywhere else as ‘militants’ as INBBC irresponsibly and misleadingly does, routinely.
If a murder is done in the name of a faith, as with the butchers who murdered Lee Rigby, and the animals who slaughtered 70 in Nairobi, and the murdering bastards who killed 60 in Pakistan, I’d suggest that pointing out they are MUSLIM, and did their deed because of Quranic teachings…I’d say it’s a pretty fucking important aspect of the story….wouldn’t you Alby?
It’s a waste of energy arguing with someone who has such entrenched views – it’s like arguing your case with the Head of complaints with the BBC- he would just ignore views he couldnot deal with eg he’d say “that point is controversial” and leave it at that even though you’d explained it clearly.
‘A former soldier has retracted claims made in a TV interview that he saw British troops abuse a prisoner after a gun battle in 2004 in southern Iraq.’
‘Former L/Cpl Mark Keegan told the Al-Sweady inquiry that he had exaggerated some of his account made to BBC’s Panorama programme three years later.’
On Today this morning there was a long interview with a Muslim chap from Leicester whose family had all died in a house fire whilst he was away on business. He was very dignified and conducted himself well despite his recent loss.
But what i couldn’t understand was why was this interview on prime time national radio. There seemed nothing untoward about the fire, no comments that it had been started deliberately, it just seemed to be an awful accident. So why was he interviewed at length on this prime spot?
It couldn’t be that the BBC wants us to hear how a well educated and articulate Muslim bears his sorrow in such a dignified way, in order to elicit our sympathy. Well this chap certainly had my sympathy, but there is all the difference in the world between being sympathetic to the pain of an individual and having millions of aliens dropped unwanted in our midst.
The BBC will have to work very much harder to turn me into someone who welcomes multicultural Britain with open arms.
“There seemed nothing untoward about the fire, no comments that it had been started deliberately, it just seemed to be an awful accident. So why was he interviewed at length on this prime spot?”
You seem to be unaware that the deaths are being treated as murder and that the CPS have warned the media to be careful in their reporting of the case.
“Steve Chappell, chief crown prosecutor at CPS East Midlands, said lawyers had decided there was sufficient evidence to charge and that it was in the public interest for a prosecution to take place.
He said: ‘It is important to note that proceedings are now active, and the accused is entitled to a fair trial.
‘Nothing should be said or reported that would prejudice that right.'”
The BBC went big on an interview with no news value whatsoever out of respect for the judicial process?
If the BBC has something to say, it should say it. If it can’t, it should say nothing.
There are good reasons why this fact-free, emotionally-manipulative stuff isn’t admissible in court, and there is nothing admirable about a supposedly respectable broadcaster resorting to this kind of thing.
Err sweaty sock, did you watch the news ar 7am this morning, he was allowed a vehicle in which to promote the ‘Islamic faith’ He was happy they died as they had to die sometime. I’m sorry but when was the last time the bbC offered the same to a Christian in the predominately Christian UK. They would have laughed at him and then reported him to the morality police. Can you imagine Muslims allowing the same in any Islamic country.
‘Nothing should be said or reported that would prejudice that right.’”
So, the BBC interviewed the bloke who’s house burned down anyway…now then, for all we know, this bloke could well have been another Abu Hamza, but, of course, the Beeb will lend a sympathetic ear…
Lets get to the facts of the case before anything else, i.e. his 17 year old son, who died in the fire, was he the target?, was it gang related?…no facts…the bloke was conveniently out of the country as his family burned to death, was it a set up?…was it a set up by the grieving man?…Honor killings are rife in the Islamic community, this could easily be another one…who knows?…but the BBC still interviewed him?
Therefore, they have prejudiced the case, have they not?
I didn’t hear that reported during the piece on Today. But it does make sense about why the BBC were so interested in the story. They can obviously see leverage for their agenda in this poor man’s tragic loss.
Don’t be silly the militants in Nairobi did not represent islam – slaughter and oppression of non muslims is forbidden by the koran – they were just misguided – nothing to see move on lots of heroic muslim rescuer stories/real victims the muslim community stories to follow –
Wrong Mein Colonel, the Koran does exhort muslims to rise and kill the unbelievers, also to oppress and enslave if not kill. Sure, there were muslims who helped many to escape, and good on them, their sense of decency is to be applauded. But too many take the Prophets line and become murderous bastards, and we have shedloads of them in this country. Our turn will come.
Switched on Radio 4 (on the way to the gym). Straight into a piece on Halal meat, how animals have their jugulars cut (no panic or terror, apparently, as you might get with the cuddlywuddly foxes) as the quickest way for them to die. Then all about how delicious Halal food is – it’s more than just meat, y’ know.
No mention of: so you won’t eat anywhere that doesn’t use Halal food? Doesn’t that mean less likelihood of mixing with non-Muslims?
In the gym, lunchtime news: the father of the family who died in the Leicester fire is given several minutes to explain how his faith sustains him. Pictures of his two boys, one of whom loved playing football on a Saturday (?) and both were studying Islamic theology. Cue photos of supportive community which could have been anywhere in downtown Islamabad but were in actual fact Leicester (you know, where it’s damned hard to spot a Muslim in the crowd at Leicester City).
Then the trolls on this website wonder about its ‘obsession’ with the BBC’s coverage of Islam.
‘Then the trolls on this website wonder about its ‘obsession’ with the BBC’s coverage of Islam’
One is trying to make another summer out of a single swallow as we speak, bless ‘im.
In related ‘news’, just had this rushed as a ‘breaking’ email: Militants ‘hired Kenyan mall shop’
Militants who attacked the Kenyan mall hired a shop there before the siege, a BBC investigation uncovers
Took me a brief moment to suss what the BBC’s ‘investigation’ has ‘uncovered’ (If Karen can keep a straight face in repackaging ‘senior security sources have told the BBC’ as a BBC investigation, fair play to her) was referring to the Terrorists who murdered scores of innocents within said building, rather than engaging in a bit of bricks & mortar retail Mallicide. People died, you sick twats.
Be hard to imagine a dafter attempt at not saying what actually happened if they tried.
There’s also ‘analysis’ such as this: ‘That extremist gunmen could secure a base within the mall in the weeks leading up to the attack and pre-position weapons is in itself astonishing. But for many Kenyans, audacious as it is, it will come as little surprise when bribery remains the currency of everyday life.
I was wondering when the BBc would get ‘audacity’ in on behalf of their PR clients.
Covert, suicide-accepting murder rampages are not audacious or astonishing as they are not difficult. It was… a shopping mall. I doubt they loaded the booth with RPG’s trollied along the corridor like the terrorists in the check-in scene in ‘Airplane’. But if this gushing Gertie is not careful, some smart bomber may decide that certain ‘bomb-proof bunkers’ may be worth testing to destruction. Unless she and her colleagues are hoping the calibre of disinformation as reporting they carry out puts them on the ‘friends’ list.
Are you affected? You can share your experience using the form below.
Guessing telling them that I felt physically sick reading the BBC’s attempt at ‘reporting’ its cleverness in such a way may not make the cut?
I had the misfortune to hear the beginning of PM (bBBC R4 at 5 p.m.) this evening, when the lead item was their revelation that the cause of the Nairobi mall attack wasn’t psychopathic brainwashed Muslims finding a soft target; no, it was the inherent corruption in Kenyan life that allowed militants to act.
Any excuse from the bBBC to avoid admitting that Muslims like to kill us ‘non-believers’.
“Militants who attacked the Kenyan mall hired a shop there before the siege A BBC INVESTIGATION UNCOVERS.”
The only investigation the BBC must have conducted is surfing Internet News sites as this “news” was doing the rounds two or three days ago. The suspicion was announced by a Kenyan
security official and was repeated on Sky News and R.T. a couple of nights ago.
Just shows what a £4 billion a year broadcasting organisation can do when in search of an “exclusive” story.
The subliminal message is, “Its your fault !” Just like it was all the, “Girls fault !”, that they got gang raped by ‘Asian men.
When you believe something so much, for it then to turn out quite the opposite, its hard to believe and you go into denial.
From beaten wife, who thinks her abuser will change because she thinks he still loves her, too the Jew heading for the gas chamber, because the SS Guard who is whipping them and pointing a gun wouldn’t really hurt him. He just wants them to have a nice hot shower after a long journey in a cattle truck.
The pattern IS there. Its whether you choose to see it or not.
Just been listening to the 6pm news on Radio 4. Main item about the Kenyan Mall. Was going along with it, until the BBC reporter said ” up to 61 civilians were killed”. Just think about that… Civilians? Who were these unfortunate civilian shoppers at war with? And the people who murdered them – these “civilians” – are, I must assume according to the BBC, apparently a legitiate military force?
USA Today reported that “hostages were left hanging and had their eyes gouged, others were dismembered. Others had their throats slashed or were castrated and had fingers amputated.”
One to follow on from the post a few days ago started by Roland D, based on the odd logic of The BBC’s views are not the views of the BBC
The rest of the disclaimer is equally daft, or plain creepy, especially the Savilesque ‘we’ll keep this our little secret, eh, as we know where your kids go to school.
One is sure Ms. Flanders secured her new role purely on the merits of her evident abilities, and in no way based on the profile that a BBc gig can confer on top of eye-watering market rates, or any other backroom abilities she may bring to the party that have led to her rise thus far. ‘..joins a small team, one suspects as an extra – there’s no record of a previous Chief Market Strategist, UK and Europe. ‘
Well, well… just like the senior market rate trimming by expansion top floor of the BBC then.
JP Morgan bought Blair for his contacts book not his intellect.
More of the same here I suspect – Flounders comes far cheaper as she only has two telephone numbers of interest to them. Be Interesting to see what happens to Flounders’ career when Labour lose the next election.
Mind you I note that no-one was willing to put their names to this. Meanwhile in other news only a few pages earlier was an article by her partner John Arlidge…
if you are a n power customer like i am a bit of advice,if you are on the standard rate, n power offering a price freeze till 2017 ,be in no doubt after labour party proposal to freeze the prices if they get in power the energy companys will whack up there prices before the end of this year and next year,freeze now it the best defence against the price rises.
Why does the BBC (& the rest of the media) keep claiming that energy tariffs are beyond the understanding of the electorate? Why are people not following your advice, in fact why have they waited so long to switch to the cheapest tariffs, which are fixed price with no early exit fees?
This Week, last night and Frank Gardner is talking about Nairobi and the likelihood of it happening here, ‘as somebody who’s been shot themselves several times by religious extremists, obviously, it brings back some unpleasant memories’. Religious extremists? Pray tell, were they psychopathic presbyterians, callous Catholics, bonkers Buddhists? He couldn’t even bring himself to say they were muslims.
Extra biased BBC brownie points for mentioning Brevik (‘that was a guy who had nothing to do with Islam, I mean he had a problem with Islam, but he was a right-wing fascist extremist’) in a discussion about Nairobi.
So, he was shot by ‘religious extremists’ who he wouldn’t name but Oslo had ‘nothing to do with Islam’ and Brevik had a ‘problem with Islam.’ Gardner should know better that to cover for these people, especially given what happened to him.
Didn’t take the bBC long in which to defend the the idiots who attacked that shopping centre in Kenya. Yup instead of blaming the warped individuals who carried out their murderous attack, the bBC instead blames the victims.
Just watched more global warming “debate” on news night….guess who our world class propagandists have now wheeled out to give his exulted sermon and communion?….yes folks it’s that paragon of honesty and lord of the windmills….Chris the criminal Hune, no less !
I have just kicked the telly over and spewed up on the cat.
Mercy, mercy I plead….just how much more of this shit are we supposed to take from these morons.
PS: I have just asked the cat to apply for a job with the beeb as a producer.
Tonight I watched the Ten O’Clock news presented by Pheonia Brusie. First there was the BBC’s investigation into how the ‘militants’ got into the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi. It appears that there was ‘gross’ incompetents by the Kayian security services and the ‘militants’ were able to rent a space in the Mall, where they stocked piled weapons & ammo. See where this is going? Then there was a startling revelation that the bodies of 61 people have been found, but it is likely that there are another 61 plus buried under the rubble. But wait for it. These people were kiled as a result of the building collasping as a result of he Keyanian forces assualt. Got it???? .The same number of people murdered (my word) by the ‘miltants’ were killed by the Kaynian security forces. No investigation into the brutality of the Muslim ‘militants’. No attempt to vary or dispute the reportsd in the Mail, regarding the brutalitry used in the buchery of men, women and children by the ‘militants’. So once again Ilamism is videcated and it is the Keyian state that isresonsible.
And bbc breakfast is still driving the message home.
It’ s all the fault of lax security. Couldn’t possibly be those sweet cuddly militants or attackers then who are at fault.
They just happened along on this wide open target and it kind of prompted them to do what exactly? Oh, the Inbbc dont wish to dwell on what they did. They are too busy attributing blame to others, oh and seeking out a couple of heroes along the way.
Lets have a newsnight special inbbc on the unspeakable torturous practices of these barbarian savage scum.
Savages, yes, it’s unkind to animals to use that comparison. But dont expect any word from inbbc about it soon.
Bastards, thats the inbbc, as well
On BBC News FaceBook they are currently pushing the ‘story’ of a ‘vigilante’. Now, given the BBC’s unique way with semantics, I immediately dismissed the desired notion that there was now a Kenyan Charles Bronson luring errant muggers to their just deserts.
And so it turned out. Seems a chap was texted by his brother trapped inside and rushed round with some guns (seems the Jamie Foxx video didn’t play, or play well, in Nairobi either) to help.
Now, that doesn’t to me sound like vigilantism.
Why would the BBC seek to describe it as such?
Credit where due; the BBC cranks out the floral byline names for sure.
Like any ‘has learned’ claim for sitting around until the fax spews out a #prasnews release, a BBC ‘investigation’ appears to involve being one of scores of hacks taking a briefing at the scene.
Only with the BBC the skill is then getting rid of anything awkward and then spinning what is left to distract from the core facts.
Hence this seems to have been more a botched building demolition than planned massacre, which any Kenyan security guard on 2s 6d channeling his inner John McLane could have thwarted were they not corruptly chatting up the ice cream concession girl in the foyer. The BBC’s entrance jobsworths must be a breed apart. And, oh, it’s a sensitive security building as a state broadcaster… Not a place where you go to get shoes. You don’t place obstacles in the way of shoppers.
Can’t wait for the BBC to scream an ‘ism the minute anyone, anywhere institutes a bit of screening that errs into profiling; they really are that shameless, damning any who do, or those who don’t.
People need to stand ground and hold them to account when they do.
Details seem extremely sparse on the Leicester stabbing-arson-murders story. Any chance that the BBC will explain what -if any – connection there is between these events?
Charlie and Louise on breakfast this morning…”David Cameron has announced a tax break for married couples” …thats good then…enough said…but wait for it…”we also believe that It will apply to gay couples”…for f**** sake..does anybody care!!
And the above sums up cock sucking leftie wankers like you. You have no problem inposing your beliefs,views and agenda on everybody else, yet when somebody says no. you try and claim the moral high ground. So Mr (Why does my Mother prefer black cock to my father) you come on here and wind people up and when they answer back you shout out: Racist,racist, racist.
Err cunt features, I live in the real world not one written by your mullah….(and on)
Doris, a new name crops up in which to castigate little old pounce. But Doris yer trout lets put things into perspective shall we:
For years anybody who has spoken out of line of the Politically correct black handbook has been character assassinated, ostracised and sent off to Coventry in which to appease the gods of civil discourse. So we had Ray Honeyford sacked for speaking out about how Muslims don’t integrate, oh what a nasty man, we had Enoch Powell, Carole Thatcher,Killroy. In fact anybody who the left doesn’t like is silenced by the left. Then there’s the abuse, why is it leftwing pressure feel free to use violence in which to achieve their aims , Anti-Israel, Anti-tax, Anti-fur,Anti-Meat or even Anti-gay (from the Islamic community)
Muslims have constituted the vast majority of the bad news these past 20 years, be it terrorism, wars, oppression, rape gangs, murder, FGM,Homophobia etc.. Just today the news is of how a band of suspected militants have shot dead students while sleeping in their beds. Anybody who dares opine about how Islam is to blame is instantly met with a torrent of abuse (Example Will Self on question the other day) and deemed a racist. Then if you react, they offer you violence on the balance that if they come off worse they are the victim)
The problem we have here is the left have left civilised debate behind in which to promote more result giving methods in order to garner a result. So while it is perfectly acceptable for a Muslim shop keeper working at Selfridge’s to tell a customer who has done nothing wrong to “Fuck off” It isn’t right for a Judge to ask a Muslim woman on charges of witness intimidation to remove her body covering.
In order not to be seen as a racist, people of all colours of the political spectrum back down from saying what they want to say and actually agree with the leftwing accusers so as to remain free of finger pointing.
In otherwords the left who have no problem attacking people who don’t agree with their ideology, have no problem playing the victim card when somebody does likewise.
Which brings me to the left-wing clones, Albaman, Dez Scott the gay blade and the many new names which come on board in which to highlight just how nasty and racist the people who use this board are. Tell me arseholes, why is is acceptable for pricks like you to throw abuse, yet when somebody shoves a mirror in your face, you play the victim card?
If you think this board is full of racists why are you here? why aren’t you swapping address’s with your bum chums on facebook or its Islamic equivalent. You lot are nothing but trolls who bring nothing to the debate. If you have something constructive to say, say it, you don’t all you do is talk shite. Just becasue I treat you wankers like you treat everybody else doesn’t make me evil, it makes me the same as you.
No, she died a few years ago. But feel free to insult a loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother who was a better person than you will ever be.
And yet while professing a victim status for your curry loving mother, you continue to communicate with me, if you were actually truthful or sincere you would have stopped communicating with me ages ago. You haven’t , so that tells me you haven’t got the message yet, to leave me alone yer prick.
“Who was a better person than you will ever be.”
Really and you know this how, as I said above, pricks like you try to claim the moral highground in which to silence those who don’t agree with your agenda.
I don’t give a jot about your family and if you are looking for sympathy , then how about asking the local curry shop for a discount. If you can’t stand the heat here, then bugger off to a blog where everybody will feel sorry for you.
“Yes Doris” Doris
Please Miss, Pounce is calling people names, can he be kicked out of school ,be made to undergo political re-education and made to wear a yellow star as he supports nasty evil hook nosed ‘Jews’ Teacher
Why is pounce, calling people names Doris,? Doris
Well Miss, he doesn’t like how some people can call others names and then hide behind political correctness in which to get others to agree with their blinked leftwing agenda. So he says what is good for the goose is good for the gander. But Miss, I don’t like him calling people names? Teacher
What names do the others use Doris? Doris
Well Miss, ‘Waysist is used a lot, EDL supporter, Jew lover and Nasty party, but miss that’s ok isn’t it as those people are really evil and need to be silenced. Teacher
And what has Pounce said to you Doris? Doris
Nothing miss, as I don’t really exist, I am simply a papier-mâché figure used to give the impression that I am really really hurt and in order to give the impression that the public won’t put up with name calling. Teacher
I don’t get paid enough for this shit.
This blog is neither racist or bigoted but nobody told Dysgwr_Cymraeg
Oh, the Inbbc dont wish to dwell on what they did. They are too busy attributing blame to others, oh and seeking out a couple of heroes along the way.
Lets have a newsnight special inbbc on the unspeakable torturous practices of these barbarian savage scum.
Savages, yes, it’s unkind to animals to use that comparison.
Of course being utterly offensive is free speech. And so is pointing the racists and bigots hiding here!
Pointing out to whom and why? what’s your point?
Does Dysgwr_Cymraeg being, by your definition (i.e. any that don’t share your views it seems) a racist or a bigot, make the atrocities in Kenya and Pakistan any less terrible or his criticism of the BBC’s obfuscation any less valid?
Please tell me ,this is not a rhetorical question, do you believe that physical crimes, torture, murder, organised sexual abuse, are less serious than the thought crime of ‘racism’?
The more one learns about the gruesome details of the cruelty of the Islamic jihadists in their massacre at the Nairobi mall, the more appropriate words like ‘savages’ are to describe them.
I just groomed the Cat (Mrs Miggins) she hates it and is now sleeping away from brush and comb upstairs on the couch. The thing is she is next doors cat, so does that make guilty of abuse?
‘Mesmeric performance’ seems one to add the lexicon that has brought such winners as ‘Islamic Benediction’. I really hope the BBC doesn’t take a shine to that one in those ‘context wouldn’t fit’ twitter or mobile headlines they trot out, where ‘quotes’ excuse all so long as explained elsewhere.
As to the appalling details now emerging, I find myself again confused as to what admittedly deranged mind sets are concocting.
It’s hard to accord such folk much rationality, and it’s clear human life in any form is just a tool to abuse, but for sure these guys are aware of and court PR. Especially the variety willingly offered to happy to oblige ‘we want to hear your slaughter views’ BBC studios with apparent direct lines of access post-event.
I can’t see the PR value to being tagged as psychopath sadists, and serving up clear evidence in support even the BBC PR guys are choking down, to a world audience.
Yes it terrorises the victims and any others in range, but mutilating kids does not play well even in Tower Hamlets and may even interfere with the donation queue at the Western Union counter at the corner shop.
Doesn’t add up on any basis.
I suspect Doris is a one time visitor who will return using a different name. Probably not even female. These trolls change names more often than Chelsea changes managers.
I too cannot grasp your point.
If accounts from Nairobi are to be believed then the mall was a scene from helL
Are you trying to play this down?. If so why?
I suppose the clue is in your use of the meaningless buzzwords” racist and bigot”
You are either on the side of civilisation or you are not. Time to choose.
I’m is excusing the Nairobi or any other terrorist atrocity.
It’s smearing everyone of a religion or colour or race with guilt for the crimes of a few which is racist or bigoted. The Jews are apparently still guilty for crucifying Jesus in some minds. Blaming every muslim for the crimes of a few is exactly the same.
Of course I suspect this post will quickly disappear like the last reply so it’s pointless writing it out again.
It’s smearing Muslims to report that the Muslim religion is the inspiration behind the recent Muslim terrorist attacks – but it is not smearing Christians to hark back to a time when they blamed Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus over 2000 years ago? Typical double standards of the (Western hating) Left. No wonder these sick [and by the way frequently Jew hating] bastards are apologists for Islam.
“I’m is excusing the Nairobi or any other terrorist atrocity”
Not being a member of the spelling stazi I is reading that as ‘Not excusing’ But not condemning either dos that mean you support their aims?
No of course not but you might remember that next time you feel moved to play the witch finder roll
( we have one of those already ,though grand inquisitor seems to vacant currently if you’d like to apply, you seem to have the necessary qualifications)
“It’s smearing everyone of a religion or colour or race with guilt for the crimes of a few which is racist or bigoted.” leaving aside the ‘witches and heretics’ part perhaps a fair point
but you didn’t say that ,you said
” And so is pointing the racists and bigots hiding here! ”
I’m still waiting to find out who to and why.
But mostly I would genuinely like an answer to my last question
So according to you, the following is bigoted, racist and smearing everyone of this particular religion:
‘Lets have a newsnight special inbbc on the unspeakable torturous practices of these barbarian savage scum.
Savages, yes, it’s unkind to animals to use that comparison.
I think you need some coaching in verbal reasoning.
You also need to think outside the Nairobi box, as religious cleansing of Christians is widespread in the Muslim world and has been for some time, but if you rely on the BBC for your news then I can understand why you might not have known that fact.
Your quoted text is from my post, but appears to be directed as a response shown under someone elses.
Whilst I agree with you that my expression of exasperation with the bbc appears to have gone a little off-target, due to extreme blood pressure, and yes I could use some lessons in verbal reasoning; i defy anyone to read that quoted text in the context of wot i rote, and cone to the same conclusions about my intentions that you did. Anyone else care to pass a comment feel free.
Sincere apologies to Johnnythefish, I have now read the complete thread and it changes my perception of your comment. My mistake.
I stand by my original post of course, and Doris can sod off.
Well seeing as you’ve pretty much already crossed the Godwin’s law Rubicon…
Not all WW2 German soldiers were SS camp guards gassing people to death.
What you are doing is excusing the SS war criminals because most of the normal soldiers were not involved in the holocaust.
You, the BBC, the PM and the media. They have the excuse of worrying about ‘community cohesion’, you don’t have that excuse.
These psychos are doing what they are doing in the name of their religion. How am I to know whether they are following their faith accurately? They appear to believe they will go to heaven if they torture non-muslims to death in shopping malls, or blow themselves up in Christian churches murdering 80 people, or eat their dead enemies’ hearts and post the videos on you tube.
Why are you defending people like that?
I’ve said previously that if it was just one faction of Islam committing the atrocities then we might say that they are distorting the teachings of the Koran. BUT, these atrocities are being committed all around the world – New York 9/11, London 7/7, Madrid, France, Russia, Kenya, Nigeria, all over the Middle East etc. Bloody hell,they are even killing each other in places like Iraq and Syria because some belong to a different kind of Islam. All murders and atrocities committed while crying the “Islamic Benediction” “Allahu Akhbar!”
There’s obviously something in Islamic teachings that makes killing other human beings acceptable. We very rarely hear “moderate” Muslims publicly vilify killing in Allah’s name. We never hear Islamic scholars telling us that the Koran forbids the murder of other human beings. So I have to conclude that that is EXACTLY what the Koran tells these barbarians to do. Where did the claim that suicide bombers will go to live with Allah and be rewarded with the service of 70 virgins come from? The hate preachers must have got it from somewhere and since they only refer to Koranic scripture, then one can only assume they find references in the Koran.
Lefties and Jihadists depend on our ignorance of the Koran in order to perpetuate “the Religion of Peace” lie. That’s why they scream “Islamaphobe” at anyone who dares challenge them on their disinformation.
I believe Islam has become a nihilistic death cult around the world, and people are right to question its aims and conduct.
And inbbc is this morning reporting that militants have killed 50 students .
Would that be something connected to the previously called militant tendency, with Degsy Hatton involved? I had no idea that branch of militant was so deadly.
Oh, hang on, they give it a little more context by mentioning that eco friendly bunch Boko Haram.
Anyone dare say the word terrorist?
Nah……Staytt as usual smugly deceiving the proles, two fingers to you lot, I will continue to distort your world view if I choose.
Militants? For FS!
Glad to hear you are not excusing the terrorists of Nairobi.
Nobody is assuming every Muslim is a terrorist. That would be illogical and absurd.
However the vast majority of terrorist atrocities carried out in the world are done by people who profess themselves to be Muslim.
This undeniable fact is what causes the problem for it seems that the clash of civilisations is sought only by one side.
However if it continues then the inevitable will happen and the clash will become a two sided matter with all the death and misery that entails.
Like I said it is time for all to choose both Muslim and the rest of us. Civilisation or barbarism.
To fail would be to usher in a new dark age.
The problem is that we do not hear many Moslems speaking out against the atrocities that some of their co- religionists are committing. I haven’t heard these people come forward on the BBC but correct me if I’m wrong ,Once their preachers and leaders speak out and totally condemn this barbaric behaviour loud and clearly we would have more respect for the majority .
I still fail to see what is offensive about pointing out the barbarity of what has been done to human beings in Nairobi. And to label those who did such savage and barbarian acts as savages indeed is in no way offensive to anyone I could think of, perhaps doris may give me some examples of how that fits into a racist bigoted speech.
How exactly would you Doris describe human beings who carry out such cruelty?
Answers on a postcard perhaps Doris?
I also need to remind myself of one of my own principles, trolls ought not to be fed.
Sorry folk.
BBC gleefully announcing ‘The First Female Final Scores Reader’.
Well, considering the BBC made the appointment some time ago and have been harping on about it ever since this is hardly news.
So I conclude that the BBC are busy campaigning here. It is as though they have invited a black man to lunch with them for the first time and are boastfully advertising the fact.
It is both condescending and trite. I would hope the newbie recognises that she is being treated as a token – put in place not primarily for her abilities but as BBC PC tickbox statistic.
The added downside of this form of diversity tokenism is that it simply invites the cries of unfair from other supposed unrepresented groups.
By following this trend the BBC snookers itself.
The same has happened with Doctor Who – already we hear cries of ‘but Capaldi isn’t black, female or gay enough!’
BBC will next have to appoint results readers on the basis of their ethnicity, gender realignment – and why not dyslexic and stammering results readers…?
In fact the BBC headline ought to have been : The Last Ever White Male Results Reader….. who could do his job on merit….
It’s more prosaic than that. The BBC are in the process of promoting Women’s Football as a replacement for the lack of men’s football on their channels. A woman reading the scores out is just part of the softening up process.
Incidentally, my memory must be at fault but I’m sure they had a female score reader in the ’70’s or ’80’s. Or maybe that was ITV?
Yes, women’s football attracting more and more airtime on the BBC, and quite right! – the England World Cup qualifier the other night drew a mighty crowd of 6200 – a bit more than the Div 2 average.
As spectator sports, of any sex, are not really my thing, it matters not to me.
However, on a purely technical level, I am intrigued as to what skills it takes to translate written data into human audio in complement that most speech software have not managed in years.
Possibly more cheaply than swelling bloated BBC pointless staffing levels ever higher.
Try watching a BBC show (or even Sky now) with the sound off and sub-titles on. It’s hilariously unprofessional.
You would think, given the amount of time they have on, say News 24 and how bloated the BBC is they could find someone to write up the sub-titles before they put out the news. Any live interviews could be re-transcribed later – especially as they are often repeated ad nauseum throughout the day at 15 minute intervals. But no. Red Bee Media who do the sub-titles, interesting name by the way as they are an ex-BBC hive-off company, simply output laughable ‘live’ sub-titles which rarely convey the speakers words accurately.
It is a complete joke – but somewhere someone is making a lot of money from it all so who cares if the deaf are not catered for?
The perils of the off-the-cuff comment. I apologise.
Whenever the missus pops to the loo at Wetherspoons, I entertain myself watching the muted TVs they have on with subtitles. The result is, granted, pretty dire.
That said, male, female, Siri, HAL, or well trained parrot, it is surely not too tricky to upload the correct pronunciation of All teams from Arsenal to Zagreb Elbow, plus the numbers nil through to a few hundred, such that the final scores can in audio be correctly tallied with the appropriate team?
Regarding Red Bee Media, they are often credited with the subtitles on BBC 4 foreign language films too. As usual the credit has the additional information that the subtitles are there for the deaf and hard of hearing.
Given that the audio is in the original language, i.e. French, Italian etc, it doesn’t say much for the BBC’s production values that no one has twigged that the subtitles are in English! There can’t be many who lip-read in French and read in English!
One advantage that sub-title readers do get is some clue what the clever, barely audible, sound effects are and what the various music clips are.
That little black fella in the wheelchair must be odds on for the next Doctor Who. He just needs to buy himself a twin set and pearls.
I turned on Final Score on BBC One to see Robbie Fowler being made to give a grovelling apology for saying something “offensive” about women’s football, somehow related to the Torres sending off? That it is utter shit? “Handbags at dawn”? One can only hope. I missed the actual quote itself, but regardless it is now Robbie Fowler: dead man walking.
Hang on, isn’t it the BBC and programmes like Woman’s Hour who keep telling us how better managed and more peaceful the world would be if it were women in high places rather than ‘testosterone-fuelled’ men? Shouldn’t these feminista-supporting Political Correctionists take Fowler’s comment as ‘right-on’, and indeed a compliment to the less violent, non testosterone-fuelled fairer sex?
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
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DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
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Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
It’s official ! BBC Radio 4 Today programme said that the most intractable problems in the world are the Iranian nucleur threat and the Syrian conflict. So why is Obama making silly speeches at the UN that one of his two proirities is the Israeli Palestinian issue?
“Iran declares victory over Obama, says U.S. ‘reached this conclusion that they can’t challenge the powerful Iran'”
Oh Lynette!
Logic…coherence…consistency even within their bite-size , sound-bite brains and methods?
This is the BBC…all over the shop!
As long as the One World, Common Purpose limewashed world of Lennon and Ono comes about?…they`ll not fuss themselves.
Time to derail this runaway train of theirs, before Islam does it for us…
Thanks for this – it was meant to be sarcastic -I should have used a symbol!
I know lynette!…wasn`t meaning to imply otherwise.
Like me you`ve done enough posts…all of us here know if it`s not the usual trolls(anybody seen them lately?), then we`re …well “ALRIGHT” as Kinnock once yelled in his rebel way!
Is there a sarcastic symbol?…if so, I`d be happy to see one!
I can do a sideways Homer Simpson symbol…
Has INBBC reported on this?;-
“‘Sex Jihad’ in full thrust (yes, you read that right)”
By Raymond Ibrahim.
“Tunisian women ‘waging sex jihad in Syria'”
“Pakistani men waging ‘Sex Jihad in northern mill towns!”
ahem .. “too bad to be true” rule ..almost certain it’s a hoax
The bBC promoting Islam every chance it gets:
Halal food ‘changing restaurant landscape’
Fans of halal food and drink – haloodies – are heading to London’s Docklands this weekend as it hosts Britain’s first ever halal food festival. Haloodies are people who come from any background, profession, race or religion and simply enjoy consuming halal food and drink.
Here’s a question, can anybody here tell the difference between a halal and non halal curry made by the same person, in the same kitchen on the same day?
If the answer is as i surmise , then what the f-ck is the bbC doing promoting : “Haloodieism” if such a word exists, you know like ‘Islamopbia’ But in order to substaniate their bent the bBC comes out with:
According to the latest census, there are 2.7 million Muslims in the UK with a spending power of over estimated in the region of £20bn. The population is rising and in the capital more than one in 10 inhabitants is now Muslim.
Pray tell bBC, if the vast majority of these Muslims were born here, or arrived from a pure Islamic country, seeking shelter and thus so a lot of that £20 billion spending power is actually British taxes paid by a majority non-Islamic population (98%) in which to allow Muslims to breed like rats and play the victim card and reshape the landscape into the very countries they ran away from seeking shelter here. I mean the bBC do mention that some people are opposed to Halal meat:
Peter Williamson, from Brighton, started an online petition demanding the council ban the event as “the ritual slaughter of all halal animals is extremely cruel and has no place being celebrated in Great Britain”
But the bBC only use that in which to point out that actually slitting a throat is much nicer than the humane methods as used by us non-Muslims:
But any banning of the production of halal seems unlikely in the UK as supporters argue it is a kinder method of killing the animal than the use of stun guns.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst”
Have the BBC decided now to disdain the pink pound in favour of the rial then?
Methinks there`ll be some fun at the ensuing cashpoints here….suppose we`ll have to rely on CCTV for our clips though, seeing as the BBC won`t be making a film about this one.
Haloodie?..haloumi?…words, words and a few made up ones at Quisling Centrals editing suites!
Cheers Piers!
INBBC wouldn’t censor this, would it?
do you mean like calling a Islamic massacre a
ahem … “robbery”?
I see that the Woolwich ‘incident’ is now described as murder after the two ‘men’ have appeared at the Old Bailey.
Mr Adebolajo has asked to be known as Mujaahid Abu Hamza in court, while Mr Adebowale wants to be called Ismail Ibn Abdullah. But the ‘incident’ is nothing to do with their religion, of course.
Won’t be long before the bBC will rewrite these murdering scum as…victims. Oh hang on:
Adebolajo pushed against window, brother claims
Completely impossible to monitor much less archive (and they know it), but beyond the choice of stories to push, or not (reasons FOi exempted), there is also the often interesting order in which headlines are constructed, especially hoping for a quick win with the time poor, small screen tweet/mobile crowd.
Two ‘breaking news’ emails just in, coincidentally:
Two deny soldier Lee Rigby murder
Two men accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south-east London, in May plead not guilty
At least there’s a hint now it wasn’t an accident.
Global warming now ‘unequivocal’
Blimey… is it? That settles that. Oh, just a ‘mo…
The UN’s climate panel says it is 95% certain that humans are to blame for global warming
Ah, a discredited, interest-conflicted set of jolly and funding addicts are unequiv… make that ‘95% certain’ now on the Classic Coke old faithful of AGW guesswork: ‘global warming’!
Meanwhile, in other BBC ‘news’…
‘Bizarrely, the producers of this programme apparently did not consider it necessary to inform listeners that the clip had been edited.’
Calling Susan Watts… Susan Watts to aisle 9, clean-up required on a quote needed.
Not bizarre at all. They do it all the time.
It is propaganda by deceit.
So no, not feeling the trust guys. Not at all.
What about “butcher Number One.”..and “other butcher”?
Let`s hope those two necks of theirs don`t get smitten as their Profiterole tells them is all too due to cowarldy murdering scumbags like these.
Suppose Harry Allen or Albert Pierrepoints lads don`t fancy learning how to smite necks in a less cowardly way do they?
Maybe an apprenticeship or two are going begging here.
The BBC are trumpetting
As any scientist will tell you 95% equals 100% so the science is settled.
Treble research grants all round!
Qn. how was the 95% Confidence figure scientifically calculated ?
Answer – Turns out it’s not, they just asked panel “”do you FEEL its, 85%, 95%, 97% sure etc. ”
..yes just feelings not science
(The BBC actually let Bob Carter make this point 13.05pm radio 4)
As though these ‘scientists’ just happen to have a report coming out.
Like they haven’t put their Big Green bought and Big Green paid-for heads together and said,
‘we’re losing the battle re AGW, time to get back on the front foot, chaps’.
I see the BBC have acknowledge the court hearing today. I wonder how long it will take them to relegate the story into a poorer position, casting it into the shadows. I also await the victimized follow up story which will undoubtedly delve into the personal issues the two Muslim butchers had as a result of ‘alienation’ and ‘prejudice’.
I also found this whilst browsing on YouTube. What a refreshing piece of news coverage that doesn’t cower away from the facts in order to appease the believers. If only we had a news outlet in Britain that had a shred of dignity.
Bugger me, BBC perma fixture Toynbee on DP again.
Yes. Giving her invaluable insights into Climate Change along with that idiot Greg Barker. Great to see, though, that Matt Ridley is being given plenty of opportunity to put the sceptical viewpoint, which he is doing very well indeed. The other guest, Michael Brown, is making sense, also.
Quite extraordinary to see this even-handedness on the BBC. What are they up to?
Of course if anyone accuses Polly of having a house in Tuscany they’ll be asked to ‘retract that slander’ (now that she’s sold it)
Smart move, though where the money from the sale now resides may still be a small niggle.
Why is it necessary for the BBC to promote Facebook?
Every BBC radio station has a Facebook page, and as a involuntary Radio 2 listener by day, I get fed up at the ‘check it out on our Facebook page’ rants almost hourly. Maybe it would be OK if it wasn’t necessary to set up an account and bear your soul before you can look at such pages, but that’s not possible.
Should the BBC be promoting a commercial enterprise, and one that encourages us to give up all our personal details and do a deal with the devil? Not me, but I guess thousands have succumbed.
The BBC has a long list of internet businesses that it has promoted over the years, some of them in competition with ‘free’ sites.
Some that come to mind: Friends Reunited, Last and ‘their own’, Savvy – other web businesses are available but they don’t go to the same wine bars as the BBC people.
‘…other web businesses are available but they don’t go to the same wine bars as the BBC people’
Some simply across the pillows ask the new Editor of Newsnight to have a word.
And these days, it’s more ‘coffee shops’, I think.
In fact the BBC top floor should be clocking off about now to get the Java browing for their TGIF early bog-off mates at the second job.
What happened with all that, BTW?
Why is it necessary for the BBC to promote Facebook?
Well, like twitter it’s free and fills a lot of empty space at no cost, so the BBC can charge £145.50 for nothing.
Not too sure they’ve thought the whole thing through, mind.
When the Flokk chanced an outing when some poor soul (possibly at their instigation) intoned ‘Candyman’ and the opportunity of a shutdown report was presented, they seemed to go rather mute when presented with BBC FaceBook pages populated by raging nutters advocating genocide, and allowed to do so for weeks as BBC administrators post and forget, being simply worried about viewer stats not what is said.
Perhaps they should be required to say “other online social networking services are available” every time they mention Facebook.
don’t forget they also promote that national gambling outfit, the lottery, HTF did that happen?
The Beeb also promotes Apple.
‘iplayer’ – sounds a bit like ipod, ipad,iphone. They could have called iplayer almost anything. Presumably Apple is seen as having the correct sort of political opinions.
Promoting any company’s products is in direct contravention of the BBC charter.
“Why is it necessary for the BBC to promote Facebook?”
Profiling perhaps ??
I note that seventy five BBC “journalists” are to lose their jobs, and the Comrades of the NUJ are anything but happy….
Still, the BBC can simply copy and paste many more stories from their Guardianista print arm, onto their ever “neutral” homepage..
‘seventy five BBC “journalists”
I wonder if these are actual journalists with possibly unhealthy market rate salary expectations, as there seems no shortage of boatloads of flowers from Amsterdam getting shipped in to share their expertise on anything from social affairs to readerette-outing-manwords to World Health.
The union may like to probe if the roles are going or they are just being outsourced, albeit internally.
Disgraceful, the NUJ should call for a strike ballot immediately .Hit the stones brothers and don’t come back in until… well just don’t come back in.
I find that the quality of R4 news and current affairs output improves greatly whenever there is a strike.
Consequently, the Brothers will have my heartfelt support for as long as it takes to get whatever it is they’re bitching about this time.
I’ll take that as motion seconded brother, if there are no other speakers from the floor I’ll call for a vote.
‘This branch believes that the entire BBC news department should withdraw its labour permanently effective immediately ‘
those in favour
One man one vote and Secretary General is that man.
Block vote. Motion carried by 38,000 votes to nil.
Isn’t democracy great?
the BBC are having a consultation on News – here is the link for those who care to respond.
Yep, filled in and posted, leaving no stone unturned in connection with my views upon across the board BBC output…
They’ll obviously disagree, but I think that I got it “Just about right”.
Just filled it in also.
I tried, but it just made me angry…
re my post of yesterday of how one of Tonight On The Big Wheel’s hired cacklers, Rachel Boredom, referred to the England Ladies football team as girlserwomen. Wimmin are never ever ever *girls* on Radio 5 Rusting Iron Lung.
In the post match ‘the lads done great slot’ nice then to hear the respective captains of the English and Scottish teams both referring to ‘the girls’.
Nikki, Rache, STFU why dontcha.
…and wileyeron keep an eye out for a chubby bottled-blonde droid, invariably dressed in a blue ‘Glasto’ tent and going by the name of (I think) Martine Croxall.
Last week when giving us the IPCC release that (surprise surprise and yawn) still finds that AGW is ‘95% certain’ the stupid heifer said,
‘And *still* some people don’t believe in man-made global warming’.
Yep, that’s right, treacle; some of us outside the hive who read beyond the Guardian and listen beyond the BBC canteen realise it’s a dirty great big eco-con.
Not satisfied with being particularly stupid last week. she carried on this week, expressing to a correspondent (who subsequently slaughtered her) that it is somehow unfair that only Israel in the ME has nuclear weaponry.
When her arse is getting powdered in Islington by a rogue terrorist nuke sponsored by Iran, will it be too late for her waking up moment?
Oh….and there was me thinking Pakistan & India had nuclear capability…
Perhaps Pakistan can’t send a nuke on the back of a donkey that far…what the beeb REALLY want is Israels neighboring loons to have it, as they are more likely to use the bloody thing.
Humphrys asked exactly that question of an Israeli official he was interviewing on Thursday. In the end the very polite Israeli had to remind Numphry of Iran’s aim to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Guess it has never occurred to beeboids that nukes are the ideal way of achieving such an objective.
Predictably, Humphrys could not hide his distaste at having to be even in the same studio as the sworn enemy, let alone interview him. Biased twats.
… and finally Stephen ‘Haw Are Ye Naw’ Nolan, a man with a keen relish for the pleasures of the table, regularly has on a young Lib Dum, possibly going under the name of Moham.., Muhamm.., Mohhamm… whatevs.
‘UKIP’, the lad shrieked, ‘keep going on about how they want to cut taxes, but here they are saying they’re going to *rais* the threshhold from £10,000 to £11,500’.
F me. Even Nolan, not the brightest, was able to put him right on that one. S’what happens when you recruit by ticking the ‘Young’ box, the Lib Dum ‘box’, the ‘Muzzy’ box, and (probably ) the ‘Gay’ box. And ignore the ‘Intelligent’, ‘Able’ and ‘Knowledgeable’ boxes.
And Nolan’s use of the demotic ‘ye’, I find as convincing as Cilla Black (after 50 years of living in Surrey) pretending that she referes to everyone as ‘shooch’.
sb ‘*raise* the threshhold’
but I’m sure ye knew that anyway
No doubt Nolan observed it will cost the government tens of thoysndz of poyndz.
Plummy beeboid or what…he makes me want to puke.
The way he bangs on about his beloved beeb being totally unbiased.
Give me strength…… Give him a proper story and he runs a fcuking mile.
Journo my arse……… sinn fein/psni dogsbody and nothing else.
Texter on Jeremy Vine asks why the BBC allow climate skeptics to air their view, as this view only allows the ‘uninformed’ to endorse their distorted view, what is it with these people?
The thing was the so called ‘expert’ skeptic was only moderately so, the producers must have worked hard to find him…
You know what, I actually believe that man has had an effect on the environment. But rather than subscribe to the ‘the sky is falling in” propaganda as parroted by the bBC. I believe that the effects aren’t as bad as they make out. That stance of mine is backed by hard facts rather than the ethereal ‘What if’s, could ifs or even may happens’ which are pushed out by the bBC as hard evidence. Ironically the US under Bush which the bBC loved to pillar because it didn’t sign up to Kyoto has seen much larger falls in CO2 emissions than the EU (where they slapped on taxes and targets) where emissions have actually risen. Oh how the bBC loved to lambaste ‘Bush’ yet, it transpires he and not the left was right on this on how to reduce CO2 emissions, That hatred towards the US is still promoted by the bBC, here read this and tell me what’s wrong with it:
Could power plants of the future produce zero emissions?
In the US, about 70% of the country’s electricity comes from burning fossil fuels. Other major economies, such as China, are even more dependent.
Since 2006 China has been the worlds biggest producer of CO2. in 2011 it produced nearly 25%, the US 18% and the UK? well it produces 1.5% less than Canada ,Saudi Arabia and Iran.
This green Mafia where those who don’t toe the line are treated like lepers is intimidation worthy of the Costra Nostra, just like Racism , a huge growth industry has sprung up and what do you know the biggest winners are those so called communists who have set up orgs to capitalise in on the green movement. I for one can’t wait for power cuts to hit the Uk (As they will) and after a winter of cold dark nights, the public will see the sham that Greening really is and consign them to the ethical dustbin that they helped set up with EU funding. (On that note I see the EU has demanded another top up from the UK (£3.9 Billion) towards their ever growing budget) I quote from the bBC:
“Most of the 3.9bn is to cover cohesion projects – EU funding to help disadvantaged parts of Europe create jobs and narrow the gap with prosperous regions.”
And yet the Billions which went to Spain,Portugal, and Greece and the rest not only was squandered but has resulted in record amounts of people from the very countries the EU is trying to build up, to move to….the UK.
I wonder when the left will add the CO2 emissions of these countries to the UKs total seeing as so many have relocated here.
The bBC, the traiotrs within our Midst
The US, funnily enough, is leading the world’s developed nations in reducing those ‘noxious’ CO2 emissions, as it happens. How come? Well, fracking. Yes, fracking. You know – that thing the BBC seem to want to demonise at every possible opportunity. Turns out that the USA’s fracking industry has actually reduced the country’s CO2 emissions (and retail prices) by almost a half over the past couple of decades – natural gas appears to be a cleaner, cheaper fossil fuel than CAGW zealots want you to know.
None of these stone cold facts will stop the BBC from cheerleading the attacks on Britain’s chances of developing its own secure domestic fracking industry (which, if allowed to flourish, could well reduce domestic and business energy prices here in the UK as significantly as fracking has already managed in the States).
Anti-fracking propaganda from the BBC is a clear case of the the Corporation working – consciously and wilfully – against the public interest for its own selfish political ends.
Sadly, this coalition government dithers over the issue of the UK’s fledgling fracking industry, whilst somehow still humouring the likes of Ed Davey and his reckless ‘sustainability’ agenda with a straight face.
Meanwhile, the rest of us ordinary mortals must suffer the insult of a completely needless and unjustified 40% price rise in our energy bills to pay for useless ‘renewables’ and the investment needed to subside their inherent failings in a commercial marketplace. You can thank (in no particular order) Ed Miliband, the EU and the UN for this unhappy state of affairs.
socialismthe Green Agenda wonderful?Don’t know why, but I have a feeling fracking on a commercial scale is never going to happen in the UK, or at best only when it’s too late and the country is in meltdown through the politicians’ quest for the Holy Grail of Zero Carbon Emissions.
Alas I agree with you, they will find a way to completely stuff it up, partly by imposing swinging carbon taxes on it.
You mean on a larger commercial scale because fracking has been going on in the UK for decades.
Yes, and a good point made – please note BBC, who have yet to acknowledge this fact (how strange, for the world’s greatest……..yada yada)
How many times have you read something from the Green lobby about how desert Islands stand most to lose with any change to a rise of sea levels. Today the Guardian runs one such article it claims that sea levels will rise 97cms by 2100 and then they show a picture of Male the capital of the Maldives.
Here is a picture of what the Island looks lie:
Anybody want to change the subject to…Human overpopulation?
… and, of course it is never pointed out that many Pacific islands are sinking under the waves anyway – due to plate tectonics.
“Most of the 3.9bn is to cover cohesion projects – EU funding to help disadvantaged parts of Europe create jobs and narrow the gap with prosperous regions.”
Fab, “The flying gorillas” get to survive another year….we can enjoy more magic like “The smelly foot” dance.
Get your sick-bag, or preferably a bucket, ready if you’re going to look through the list of 100 most influential left-wingers, including such favourites, ever-present on the bBBC’s speed-dial but famous for doing nothing, as Owen Shouty Jones and Mehdi Hasan.
and each and everyone of those wankers has contributed absolutely nothing to the world never mind the Uk. The best thing that could happen to them all is if somebody took a gun to their heads and pulled the trigger. I mean just think how much the UK would save instead of funding their John Lewis accounts alone.
“The best thing that could happen to them all is if somebody took a gun to their heads and pulled the trigger.”
Classy – reasoned debate and a respect for the views of others is obviously beyond you!!
Slim pickings for you, as ever, Albaman.
Your failure to support your beloved BBC over their global warming wankfest is now reaching a tipping point.
“Get back in yet box yer porridge wog come next year Scotland will become a third world country. ”
And the class keeps on coming!!! The site owners must be really proud to have someone like you supporting them.
Sorry yer chuckta did yer squeak something?
Squeak,squeak squeak or is that noise your bed makes as your wife finds comfort in an Islamic grooming gang. (Bet she loves it)
Not so much raking the bucket as through into the muck below it. No doubt the sycophants on here will boost your ego with a few “like”.
All the insults are coming from you and to be honest you are merely making a fool of yourself and bringing this site into disrepute.
I respect differing views; it seems that you don’t and when challenged resort to vile insults.
Say hi to your wife with my kids.
You still haven’t answered the question, Albaman. But then you don’t give a straight answer to a straight question do you.
Isn’t there a food bank you need to attend?
‘The site owners must be really proud to have someone like you supporting them’
No need to comment on what has prompted this, as you are already one who has specified this site should be about the BBC.
Hence, as a proud supporter of the BBC, any thoughts on this I just saw on the Latest FaceBook page they are hosting dedicated to the Kenyan mall massacre:
Talibans and terrorists i got ma answer today keep it up
and kill all these stupid and selfish people specially these christens
What say you, Albaman? Genuine thoughts or a false flagger? Either way, seems to have escaped the mods at the BBC. Maybe they have no answer? Feel free to drop ’em line, and be sure to let us know how you get on.
And right on cue the number on sycophant turns up.
I have praised no one. Certainly no one who does not in word or deed deserve it.
However, you I have taken to task, posing a simple question.
One you have tried to dodge in a now all too familiar manner. Your inability to answer when cornered is now a tired default.
That the BBC hosts worse than what you are trying to push as an excuse to damn all by a few here has fried your circuits.
You once had slight value here.
Now your contributions serve only to make you look foolish and the BBC further damaged by having someone of your calibre acting as their agent here.
The ‘jokey’ death threat which kicked off this argument was silly. But exchanging insults is just as silly.
It’s nice to have differing views, and that’s a good thing.
The words used by too many here seem no joke I recognise.
The aim of some appears to be to poison the well. If possibly their job is made easier by others.
And given the clear ability for accounts on this site to be hijacked, easy to nudge along if needed.
Unchecked, in such cases the ability to enjoy a forum to share any view can possibly be lost as reasons get provided for other forces to be brought in. Often in censure.
That could be a bad thing.
The world’s not always nice, and those who thrive on discord gain when those who hold them to account are silenced.
So answer his question! … You really are losing credibility, and even I am beginning to believe you are nothing but a BBC troll
Albi doesnt answer questions, he asks them.
A bit like another inbbc “employee” paxo. He is also above answering questions.
I rather suspect that question may remain unanswered here.
The not so small matter of a £4bpa force funded state medium being unable to police open forum comments any more than any free, independent niche sites rather undercuts any attempt at using isolated false flags to institute a pan-blog ban.
Unless the notion is that when the BBC hosts such material that’s fine and unique, but any sites critical of the BBC have errant comments and the wrath of many quangos must be allowed to descend.
If the case, utterly hypocritical and hence totally credible where the BBC is concerned.
No wonder he’s now ‘resting’, with a tag-teamer from the Emerald Isle back on duty this morning.
He never had any, Michele. When the going gets tough, Albaman goes missing – he’s got loads of previous to prove it.
Where’s the BBC on that list? I thought it would be No. 1.
Don’t be so hard on yourself.
I really should stop replying on my mobile. They seem to land up anywhere but where it was intended.
Here is a good 2009 article that we can identify with, the B-BBC delivering exactly the same left-wing bias as US Mainstream Media –
The Obama admin stumbled over itself rushing out to condemn the slaughter of a baby butchering psychopath…
But the first terrorist attack in 8 years on American soil, resulting in the death of a US soldier, William Long… Silence from the American Idol and the entire Administration.
When a right-wing Christian vigilante kills, millions of fingers pull the trigger. When a left-wing Muslim vigilante kills, he kills alone.
anyone unfortunately catch bbc 5live this morning…….
“The Perfect (bullsh-t?) Storm”
ok sorry 😀 for the pun
on climate change as “well known climate change Marxist”
R Harribin had a long cosy with “Panto” N Campbell this morning, following the latest climate change propaganda.
is it going to be a loooonnnng day …
how right I was, I ve just got back … listening to climate change report, 95%, ad nauseum
sheesh! I spoke before BBC s 5dead Drive ..
… just bloody relentless with everything added, apart from the poor polar bears, obviously still busy dodging nearly as many holes as there are in this report,
(and their numbers are still rising too, much like the percentage points in that “crock” 😀 ).
Australians – BBC comedy poison Abbots image
Do our auntie media give a fair balanced view ? No It’s all about poisoning the wells. the green/lefties inject poison at every opportunity. There were no BBC comedy sketches at all about Gillard. But the BBC already seem to air this sneer at Abbott which has no comedy value
: “fan of old racist, sexist white men ? give us a twirl luv & fetch me a tinny”
link :
Normally on NewsJack people send in their own sketch ideas and the producer selects the best ones for the team to make. I don’t know who authorised this one. (it’s only on the BBC website for another 48 hours)
” I don’t know who authorised this one. ”
And neither you, nor anyone else will ever see those who make such decisions justify them, as they can hide behind a ‘purposes of..’ exemption quicker than you can say ‘BBC spokesperson says they have nothing to say except they got it about right again, suckers’.
Feeling the transparency and trust yet?
Something for us not to laugh at, a new series of Citizen Khan starts peak time next Friday…
Oxymoron alert – a Christmas special as well
Funnier comedies haven’t seen a second series, yet this was recommissioned after it was averaging 3 million viewers, amazing one may think, but that’s about 4% of the population……
Oh no, does that mean The Wright Stuff might be in with a shout of a new series too?
laugh ….. I thought I d never … just a minute!
Xmas Special! …
tsk tsk hope the bbc are taking into account the serious nature of how Islam views Xmas.
… some sidesplitting help from islamoweb
“To a Muslim living in the West, the Christmas Holiday period is one of the most stressful times because of the differences in our attitudes towards this holiday and celebrations of the status quo.
Even in Islamic countries, there can be misunderstandings on these issues with Christian colleagues. The following essay
(oooh brother!) is my personal attempt at bridging this gap to promote an understanding of the Islamic perspective regarding this topic”
oh my aching ribs
more hilarity as some cherub faced kid ask
“I want to wish Merry Christmas”
I mean … 😀 what could go wrong
ps the look on the imams face, as he rushes from his seat … priceless
So this tosser (whom the bBC thinks the sun shines out of his arse) is against Muslims wishing people ‘Merry Christmas’ yet the same wanker has no problem having non Muslims wishing Muslims ‘PBU) when they utter the name of a paedophile.
Don’t forget all the call to prayer during Ramadan on CH4 the 98% of us non Muslins had to suffer…..
I m always astounded that these intelligence stunted morons, get the airtime ….
oh on “PEACE”? 😀 tv too
just wrong … so seriously wrong,
I can t even start
Looking at the audience in that vid’, I must say, it wasn’t very ‘inclusive’ was it.
Perhaps Channel 4 and Crick could go wave the DVD at them?
Yep, all true plus we can expect the inevitable trailers being aired twenty times a day on the ‘no adverts’ BBC and bogus (non-) news stories on the Toady program and the rest about the deep sociological significance of it all – including, of course, Five Dead’s crew of zombie leftists claiming that if you don’t find this Al-Teri and J’hun crap funny, you must be raycist
Oh I found it funny, just not for the the reasons the BBC intended…………………..
The canned laughter machine will be working overtime again !
One can only hope it doesn’t back fire on them
Alternative reports of same massacre-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Pakistan: Jihadists murder 19 with bomb on bus carrying government officials”
2.) INBBC:-
“At least 17 die in Pakistan bus bomb”
I couldn’t help but watch the sad funeral of the little Welsh Girl yesterday on the BBC thinking that no doubt in three years time they will going to bat for the monster who murdered her claiming fabricated evidence/police entrapment/dodgy DNA/unfair trial/human rights etc etc etc like they seem to do with every high-profile conviction.
Indeed an extremely sad case, something that no parent should have tp experience. But personally I hate those OTT funerals, all dressed in pink and all too public. For me it cheapens the whole affair for what really should be a very private affair away from the cameras. I just get the feeling that such events are staged for the MSM’s benefit.
Just my opinion.
“……………….. no doubt in three years time they will going to bat for the monster who murdered her claiming fabricated evidence/police entrapment/dodgy DNA/unfair trial/human rights etc etc etc like they seem to do with every high-profile conviction.”
Yet more unsubstantiated nonsense. The media rightly highlight potential cases of injustice but it is always the courts that have the final say.
‘The media rightly highlight potential cases of injustice….’
Ha ha Ha! Oh, that Albaman!
When are the Beeb and the sainted Paul Foot going to apologise for the (just on the legal side) defamation – or indeed make the follow up programme confirming the guilt of Saint James of Hanratty fame – The Mark Duggan of his day?
Good point. They were happy to rubbish the reputation of the poor woman who survived the shooting although paralyzed by it, which was a disgraceful outrage to add to her tragedy,
Two reports of same court case:-
1.) ‘Washington Post’:-
“Lee Rigby’s Muslim murder suspects plead not guilty to hacking in London street”
2.) INBBC:-
“Two plead not guilty to Lee Rigby murder in Woolwich”
“UK: Jihadis who beheaded soldier on London street plead not guilty”
(video clip).
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Adebolajo is on video holding a bloody cleaver and referring to the Qur’an to explain why he murdered Rigby, and he pleads not guilty.”
Are you suggesting that somehow the BBC is to blame for the accused pleading not guilty?
Why don’t you suggest that this sites owners link directly to the Daily Mail and Jihadwatch – this would save you a good few hours of cutting and pasting every day!!
You miss the basic point of the difference in the reporting of headlines. ‘The Washington Times’ uses the word ‘Muslim’, INBBC doesn’t. Get it now?
It would suggest discernment if you could see such differences and understood the implications of such differences.
Of course, you can’t see the relevance of referring to sources other than BBC-NUJ, but I can, and will continue to contrast BBC-NUJ’s bias with such references, whether you like it or not. Obviously you do not. Thanks for the tip.
Do you use non-BBC media sources for your education? Which ones? Do you believe in plurality of sources? You are merely a BBC apologist who wants to end criticism of your favourite and biased media institution which licence-payers are forced to pay for.
Re- a further contrast in reporting Rigby murder case:
RAPSI has:
“Reuters reported Friday that Aderbolajo and Adebowale, who used their Islamic names Mujahid Abu Hamza and Ismail Ibn Abdullah respectively …”
INBBC has a different formulation of words which omits any Islamic content:-
“Mr Adebolajo has asked to be known as Mujaahid Abu Hamza in court, while Mr Adebowale wants to be called Ismail Ibn Abdullah.”
Sorry George but you miss an essential point. At no time in criminal proceedings in the UK do you require to state your religion. Are the BBC equally biased by not prefixing others accused of crimes as “Catholic”, “Jewish” or “Christian”?
Thank you for what you think is your expert, superior legal counsel, and which ‘Washington Times’ does not take, in choosing to use the word ‘Muslim’. And I inform you that there is, of course, no legal necessity to describe the Islamic jihad murderers in Kenya, or anywhere else as ‘militants’ as INBBC irresponsibly and misleadingly does, routinely.
If a murder is done in the name of a faith, as with the butchers who murdered Lee Rigby, and the animals who slaughtered 70 in Nairobi, and the murdering bastards who killed 60 in Pakistan, I’d suggest that pointing out they are MUSLIM, and did their deed because of Quranic teachings…I’d say it’s a pretty fucking important aspect of the story….wouldn’t you Alby?
No, thought not.
That’s the difference, in a nutshell. Don’t expect practitioners of the moral equivalence argument to understand it, though.
Oh now be fair Albthing has only just got back from the Labour party rally !
Performance related pay explains much of Alba’s output
More by volume than result, possibly?
Like DQF, only more cynically nothing of the sort.
Albi is kind of exempted having to answer questions, a bit like paxo.
They ASK the questions, not answer them.
Do you understand the difference in usage of ‘Militant’ and ‘Terrorist’, Albaman?
His silence delivers the answer.
He does seem to lose interest a lot when cornered.
It’s a waste of energy arguing with someone who has such entrenched views – it’s like arguing your case with the Head of complaints with the BBC- he would just ignore views he couldnot deal with eg he’d say “that point is controversial” and leave it at that even though you’d explained it clearly.
Should read “Alleged militants plead not guilty to suspected militants action”.
Any chance the BBC will make much of this…?
‘A former soldier has retracted claims made in a TV interview that he saw British troops abuse a prisoner after a gun battle in 2004 in southern Iraq.’
‘Former L/Cpl Mark Keegan told the Al-Sweady inquiry that he had exaggerated some of his account made to BBC’s Panorama programme three years later.’
I wonder what prompted such claims?
‘Two soldiers from Kent have accused the government of betraying British servicemen injured in the Iraq war.’
‘Former Lance Corporal Mark Keegan, from Gravesend, and Private Kevin Challis, from Canterbury, were both severely injured in southern Iraq in 2004’
[That will be the New Labour Government in 2004 – 2007 btw]
Here’s a reminder of Jeremy Vine’s Panorama
Nicely fitting the BBC anti-military, anti-British narrative
BBC 5 Live reporter’s observation of Lee Rigby’s widow in Court today : ‘She was a bit tearful’
Disrespectful scumbag
Compare BBC-NUJ reporting of Mark Duggan’s mother.
but was mark duggan not the British Trayyon Martin?
Yes, he deserved to die too.
NO ! Neither CaMoron or his trusty side-kick, Clegg could ever get away with, “The son I never had”, crap.
Bet they wished they could though ?
Yes, CASCIANI of INBBC said something similar; in contrast, ‘Daily Mail’ described her as “distraught”:-
On Today this morning there was a long interview with a Muslim chap from Leicester whose family had all died in a house fire whilst he was away on business. He was very dignified and conducted himself well despite his recent loss.
But what i couldn’t understand was why was this interview on prime time national radio. There seemed nothing untoward about the fire, no comments that it had been started deliberately, it just seemed to be an awful accident. So why was he interviewed at length on this prime spot?
It couldn’t be that the BBC wants us to hear how a well educated and articulate Muslim bears his sorrow in such a dignified way, in order to elicit our sympathy. Well this chap certainly had my sympathy, but there is all the difference in the world between being sympathetic to the pain of an individual and having millions of aliens dropped unwanted in our midst.
The BBC will have to work very much harder to turn me into someone who welcomes multicultural Britain with open arms.
“There seemed nothing untoward about the fire, no comments that it had been started deliberately, it just seemed to be an awful accident. So why was he interviewed at length on this prime spot?”
You seem to be unaware that the deaths are being treated as murder and that the CPS have warned the media to be careful in their reporting of the case.
“Steve Chappell, chief crown prosecutor at CPS East Midlands, said lawyers had decided there was sufficient evidence to charge and that it was in the public interest for a prosecution to take place.
He said: ‘It is important to note that proceedings are now active, and the accused is entitled to a fair trial.
‘Nothing should be said or reported that would prejudice that right.'”
Say what?
The BBC went big on an interview with no news value whatsoever out of respect for the judicial process?
If the BBC has something to say, it should say it. If it can’t, it should say nothing.
There are good reasons why this fact-free, emotionally-manipulative stuff isn’t admissible in court, and there is nothing admirable about a supposedly respectable broadcaster resorting to this kind of thing.
Err sweaty sock, did you watch the news ar 7am this morning, he was allowed a vehicle in which to promote the ‘Islamic faith’ He was happy they died as they had to die sometime. I’m sorry but when was the last time the bbC offered the same to a Christian in the predominately Christian UK. They would have laughed at him and then reported him to the morality police. Can you imagine Muslims allowing the same in any Islamic country.
‘Nothing should be said or reported that would prejudice that right.’”
So, the BBC interviewed the bloke who’s house burned down anyway…now then, for all we know, this bloke could well have been another Abu Hamza, but, of course, the Beeb will lend a sympathetic ear…
Lets get to the facts of the case before anything else, i.e. his 17 year old son, who died in the fire, was he the target?, was it gang related?…no facts…the bloke was conveniently out of the country as his family burned to death, was it a set up?…was it a set up by the grieving man?…Honor killings are rife in the Islamic community, this could easily be another one…who knows?…but the BBC still interviewed him?
Therefore, they have prejudiced the case, have they not?
Clearly going against the wishes of the CPS.
Doublethinker – he also had an extended slot on the lunchtime news (see post below).
It’s just the BBC giving more positive publicity to Islam in a vain attempt to neutralise Nairobi.
I didn’t hear that reported during the piece on Today. But it does make sense about why the BBC were so interested in the story. They can obviously see leverage for their agenda in this poor man’s tragic loss.….a devout muslim heh,are these the same type of devout muslims who tortured and murdered women and babies in kenya last week
Don’t be silly the militants in Nairobi did not represent islam – slaughter and oppression of non muslims is forbidden by the koran – they were just misguided – nothing to see move on lots of heroic muslim rescuer stories/real victims the muslim community stories to follow –
Wrong Mein Colonel, the Koran does exhort muslims to rise and kill the unbelievers, also to oppress and enslave if not kill. Sure, there were muslims who helped many to escape, and good on them, their sense of decency is to be applauded. But too many take the Prophets line and become murderous bastards, and we have shedloads of them in this country. Our turn will come.
Within the space of 20 minutes on the BBC.
Switched on Radio 4 (on the way to the gym). Straight into a piece on Halal meat, how animals have their jugulars cut (no panic or terror, apparently, as you might get with the cuddlywuddly foxes) as the quickest way for them to die. Then all about how delicious Halal food is – it’s more than just meat, y’ know.
No mention of: so you won’t eat anywhere that doesn’t use Halal food? Doesn’t that mean less likelihood of mixing with non-Muslims?
In the gym, lunchtime news: the father of the family who died in the Leicester fire is given several minutes to explain how his faith sustains him. Pictures of his two boys, one of whom loved playing football on a Saturday (?) and both were studying Islamic theology. Cue photos of supportive community which could have been anywhere in downtown Islamabad but were in actual fact Leicester (you know, where it’s damned hard to spot a Muslim in the crowd at Leicester City).
Then the trolls on this website wonder about its ‘obsession’ with the BBC’s coverage of Islam.
Stroll on.
I take it that if farmers were merely hanging badgers upside down and cutting their throats, the BBC would have no problem with the badger cull then?
‘Then the trolls on this website wonder about its ‘obsession’ with the BBC’s coverage of Islam’
One is trying to make another summer out of a single swallow as we speak, bless ‘im.
In related ‘news’, just had this rushed as a ‘breaking’ email:
Militants ‘hired Kenyan mall shop’
Militants who attacked the Kenyan mall hired a shop there before the siege, a BBC investigation uncovers
Took me a brief moment to suss what the BBC’s ‘investigation’ has ‘uncovered’ (If Karen can keep a straight face in repackaging ‘senior security sources have told the BBC’ as a BBC investigation, fair play to her) was referring to the Terrorists who murdered scores of innocents within said building, rather than engaging in a bit of bricks & mortar retail Mallicide. People died, you sick twats.
Be hard to imagine a dafter attempt at not saying what actually happened if they tried.
There’s also ‘analysis’ such as this:
‘That extremist gunmen could secure a base within the mall in the weeks leading up to the attack and pre-position weapons is in itself astonishing. But for many Kenyans, audacious as it is, it will come as little surprise when bribery remains the currency of everyday life.
I was wondering when the BBc would get ‘audacity’ in on behalf of their PR clients.
Covert, suicide-accepting murder rampages are not audacious or astonishing as they are not difficult. It was… a shopping mall. I doubt they loaded the booth with RPG’s trollied along the corridor like the terrorists in the check-in scene in ‘Airplane’. But if this gushing Gertie is not careful, some smart bomber may decide that certain ‘bomb-proof bunkers’ may be worth testing to destruction. Unless she and her colleagues are hoping the calibre of disinformation as reporting they carry out puts them on the ‘friends’ list.
Are you affected? You can share your experience using the form below.
Guessing telling them that I felt physically sick reading the BBC’s attempt at ‘reporting’ its cleverness in such a way may not make the cut?
I had the misfortune to hear the beginning of PM (bBBC R4 at 5 p.m.) this evening, when the lead item was their revelation that the cause of the Nairobi mall attack wasn’t psychopathic brainwashed Muslims finding a soft target; no, it was the inherent corruption in Kenyan life that allowed militants to act.
Any excuse from the bBBC to avoid admitting that Muslims like to kill us ‘non-believers’.
“Militants who attacked the Kenyan mall hired a shop there before the siege A BBC INVESTIGATION UNCOVERS.”
The only investigation the BBC must have conducted is surfing Internet News sites as this “news” was doing the rounds two or three days ago. The suspicion was announced by a Kenyan
security official and was repeated on Sky News and R.T. a couple of nights ago.
Just shows what a £4 billion a year broadcasting organisation can do when in search of an “exclusive” story.
The subliminal message is, “Its your fault !” Just like it was all the, “Girls fault !”, that they got gang raped by ‘Asian men.
When you believe something so much, for it then to turn out quite the opposite, its hard to believe and you go into denial.
From beaten wife, who thinks her abuser will change because she thinks he still loves her, too the Jew heading for the gas chamber, because the SS Guard who is whipping them and pointing a gun wouldn’t really hurt him. He just wants them to have a nice hot shower after a long journey in a cattle truck.
The pattern IS there. Its whether you choose to see it or not.
Just been listening to the 6pm news on Radio 4. Main item about the Kenyan Mall. Was going along with it, until the BBC reporter said ” up to 61 civilians were killed”. Just think about that… Civilians? Who were these unfortunate civilian shoppers at war with? And the people who murdered them – these “civilians” – are, I must assume according to the BBC, apparently a legitiate military force?
These are Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s “militants” in Kenya:-
“The Unbelievable Savagery of the Kenya Mall Terrorists”
Still censored by INBBC.
USA Today reported that “hostages were left hanging and had their eyes gouged, others were dismembered. Others had their throats slashed or were castrated and had fingers amputated.”
Just like that “Humane” Halal slaughter process.
One to follow on from the post a few days ago started by Roland D, based on the odd logic of The BBC’s views are not the views of the BBC
The rest of the disclaimer is equally daft, or plain creepy, especially the Savilesque ‘we’ll keep this our little secret, eh, as we know where your kids go to school.
Oh dear. What have I started?
One is sure Ms. Flanders secured her new role purely on the merits of her evident abilities, and in no way based on the profile that a BBc gig can confer on top of eye-watering market rates, or any other backroom abilities she may bring to the party that have led to her rise thus far.
‘..joins a small team, one suspects as an extra – there’s no record of a previous Chief Market Strategist, UK and Europe. ‘
Well, well… just like the senior market rate trimming by expansion top floor of the BBC then.
JP Morgan bought Blair for his contacts book not his intellect.
More of the same here I suspect – Flounders comes far cheaper as she only has two telephone numbers of interest to them. Be Interesting to see what happens to Flounders’ career when Labour lose the next election.
Return to Droidland I suspect.
It seems like the Sunday Times sees Stephanie Flanders as a heroine and future PM.
Mind you I note that no-one was willing to put their names to this. Meanwhile in other news only a few pages earlier was an article by her partner John Arlidge…
Two thirds of the British public want a burka ban, and the BBC are totally silent…..
Does that mean that sixty odd percent of the British public need yet more sickening propaganda from Al-Beeb and their cohorts?….
Love the way you tore the Muslim squealing “Waaaaaaaaysist” a new arsehole D&C. 🙂
Top marks fella.
SML view on the 95% … they need more education … only at the biased broadcasting cresent eh!
95% think its divisive (bbc viewers) which is about as near, as al bbc gets to allowing an opinion on ban it.
still conclusive …. not welcome
if you are a n power customer like i am a bit of advice,if you are on the standard rate, n power offering a price freeze till 2017 ,be in no doubt after labour party proposal to freeze the prices if they get in power the energy companys will whack up there prices before the end of this year and next year,freeze now it the best defence against the price rises.
Why does the BBC (& the rest of the media) keep claiming that energy tariffs are beyond the understanding of the electorate? Why are people not following your advice, in fact why have they waited so long to switch to the cheapest tariffs, which are fixed price with no early exit fees?
INBBC as part of the ‘Enemedia.’
This Week, last night and Frank Gardner is talking about Nairobi and the likelihood of it happening here, ‘as somebody who’s been shot themselves several times by religious extremists, obviously, it brings back some unpleasant memories’. Religious extremists? Pray tell, were they psychopathic presbyterians, callous Catholics, bonkers Buddhists? He couldn’t even bring himself to say they were muslims.
Extra biased BBC brownie points for mentioning Brevik (‘that was a guy who had nothing to do with Islam, I mean he had a problem with Islam, but he was a right-wing fascist extremist’) in a discussion about Nairobi.
So, he was shot by ‘religious extremists’ who he wouldn’t name but Oslo had ‘nothing to do with Islam’ and Brevik had a ‘problem with Islam.’ Gardner should know better that to cover for these people, especially given what happened to him.
INBBC is still censoring the horror of the Islamic jihad massacre in Nairobi.
INBBC’s political motive in this is obvious.
“Kenya shopping mall attack: Nairobi hostages were tortured before they were killed, says police doctor”
Seems BBC ‘investigators’ were on break during that part of the briefing?
Didn’t take the bBC long in which to defend the the idiots who attacked that shopping centre in Kenya. Yup instead of blaming the warped individuals who carried out their murderous attack, the bBC instead blames the victims.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism
Just watched more global warming “debate” on news night….guess who our world class propagandists have now wheeled out to give his exulted sermon and communion?….yes folks it’s that paragon of honesty and lord of the windmills….Chris the criminal Hune, no less !
I have just kicked the telly over and spewed up on the cat.
Mercy, mercy I plead….just how much more of this shit are we supposed to take from these morons.
PS: I have just asked the cat to apply for a job with the beeb as a producer.…..what type of death god do these people worship.just obscene
Tonight I watched the Ten O’Clock news presented by Pheonia Brusie. First there was the BBC’s investigation into how the ‘militants’ got into the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi. It appears that there was ‘gross’ incompetents by the Kayian security services and the ‘militants’ were able to rent a space in the Mall, where they stocked piled weapons & ammo. See where this is going? Then there was a startling revelation that the bodies of 61 people have been found, but it is likely that there are another 61 plus buried under the rubble. But wait for it. These people were kiled as a result of the building collasping as a result of he Keyanian forces assualt. Got it???? .The same number of people murdered (my word) by the ‘miltants’ were killed by the Kaynian security forces. No investigation into the brutality of the Muslim ‘militants’. No attempt to vary or dispute the reportsd in the Mail, regarding the brutalitry used in the buchery of men, women and children by the ‘militants’. So once again Ilamism is videcated and it is the Keyian state that isresonsible.
And bbc breakfast is still driving the message home.
It’ s all the fault of lax security. Couldn’t possibly be those sweet cuddly militants or attackers then who are at fault.
They just happened along on this wide open target and it kind of prompted them to do what exactly? Oh, the Inbbc dont wish to dwell on what they did. They are too busy attributing blame to others, oh and seeking out a couple of heroes along the way.
Lets have a newsnight special inbbc on the unspeakable torturous practices of these barbarian savage scum.
Savages, yes, it’s unkind to animals to use that comparison. But dont expect any word from inbbc about it soon.
Bastards, thats the inbbc, as well
On BBC News FaceBook they are currently pushing the ‘story’ of a ‘vigilante’. Now, given the BBC’s unique way with semantics, I immediately dismissed the desired notion that there was now a Kenyan Charles Bronson luring errant muggers to their just deserts.
And so it turned out. Seems a chap was texted by his brother trapped inside and rushed round with some guns (seems the Jamie Foxx video didn’t play, or play well, in Nairobi either) to help.
Now, that doesn’t to me sound like vigilantism.
Why would the BBC seek to describe it as such?
Credit where due; the BBC cranks out the floral byline names for sure.
Like any ‘has learned’ claim for sitting around until the fax spews out a #prasnews release, a BBC ‘investigation’ appears to involve being one of scores of hacks taking a briefing at the scene.
Only with the BBC the skill is then getting rid of anything awkward and then spinning what is left to distract from the core facts.
Hence this seems to have been more a botched building demolition than planned massacre, which any Kenyan security guard on 2s 6d channeling his inner John McLane could have thwarted were they not corruptly chatting up the ice cream concession girl in the foyer. The BBC’s entrance jobsworths must be a breed apart. And, oh, it’s a sensitive security building as a state broadcaster… Not a place where you go to get shoes. You don’t place obstacles in the way of shoppers.
Can’t wait for the BBC to scream an ‘ism the minute anyone, anywhere institutes a bit of screening that errs into profiling; they really are that shameless, damning any who do, or those who don’t.
People need to stand ground and hold them to account when they do.
Say, anyone want to guess at the BBC’s response if shopping mall operator started carefully scrutinising rental applications from guys called Abdul?
Details seem extremely sparse on the Leicester stabbing-arson-murders story. Any chance that the BBC will explain what -if any – connection there is between these events?
Or is that sub judice?
i only, caught a few of minutes of any questions,
ken clarke, that smug tw-t falconer, caroline lucas
neil Hamilton … LAWD SAVE US … off switch
Charlie and Louise on breakfast this morning…”David Cameron has announced a tax break for married couples” …thats good then…enough said…but wait for it…”we also believe that It will apply to gay couples”…for f**** sake..does anybody care!!
Only 40% of the BBC’s payroll….
Isn’t BBC pushing a ‘racist’ line here, when the issue is about criminality?
“Concern over closure of ethnic minority accounts”
By Bob Howard
Reporter, Money Box.
My concerns are:
1.) that there is extensive money laundering going on in Britain;
2.) that BBC is ‘concerned’ that some of suspects may be of a certain ethnic group which is worthy of preferential treatment.
The words of Pounce:
And the above sums up cock sucking leftie wankers like you. You have no problem inposing your beliefs,views and agenda on everybody else, yet when somebody says no. you try and claim the moral high ground. So Mr (Why does my Mother prefer black cock to my father) you come on here and wind people up and when they answer back you shout out: Racist,racist, racist.
Err cunt features, I live in the real world not one written by your mullah….(and on)
Utterly priceless entertainment!
Much as I dislike the BBC and all its works, I find this kind of vile language unacceptable.
It does no credit to the operators of this blog to let it stand.
It speaks volumes and discredits the blog.
Pounce, you should be ashamed and apologise.
Doris, a new name crops up in which to castigate little old pounce. But Doris yer trout lets put things into perspective shall we:
For years anybody who has spoken out of line of the Politically correct black handbook has been character assassinated, ostracised and sent off to Coventry in which to appease the gods of civil discourse. So we had Ray Honeyford sacked for speaking out about how Muslims don’t integrate, oh what a nasty man, we had Enoch Powell, Carole Thatcher,Killroy. In fact anybody who the left doesn’t like is silenced by the left. Then there’s the abuse, why is it leftwing pressure feel free to use violence in which to achieve their aims , Anti-Israel, Anti-tax, Anti-fur,Anti-Meat or even Anti-gay (from the Islamic community)
Muslims have constituted the vast majority of the bad news these past 20 years, be it terrorism, wars, oppression, rape gangs, murder, FGM,Homophobia etc.. Just today the news is of how a band of suspected militants have shot dead students while sleeping in their beds. Anybody who dares opine about how Islam is to blame is instantly met with a torrent of abuse (Example Will Self on question the other day) and deemed a racist. Then if you react, they offer you violence on the balance that if they come off worse they are the victim)
The problem we have here is the left have left civilised debate behind in which to promote more result giving methods in order to garner a result. So while it is perfectly acceptable for a Muslim shop keeper working at Selfridge’s to tell a customer who has done nothing wrong to “Fuck off” It isn’t right for a Judge to ask a Muslim woman on charges of witness intimidation to remove her body covering.
In order not to be seen as a racist, people of all colours of the political spectrum back down from saying what they want to say and actually agree with the leftwing accusers so as to remain free of finger pointing.
In otherwords the left who have no problem attacking people who don’t agree with their ideology, have no problem playing the victim card when somebody does likewise.
Which brings me to the left-wing clones, Albaman, Dez Scott the gay blade and the many new names which come on board in which to highlight just how nasty and racist the people who use this board are. Tell me arseholes, why is is acceptable for pricks like you to throw abuse, yet when somebody shoves a mirror in your face, you play the victim card?
If you think this board is full of racists why are you here? why aren’t you swapping address’s with your bum chums on facebook or its Islamic equivalent. You lot are nothing but trolls who bring nothing to the debate. If you have something constructive to say, say it, you don’t all you do is talk shite. Just becasue I treat you wankers like you treat everybody else doesn’t make me evil, it makes me the same as you.
Hey Albaman,
Did your mother enjoy her curry last night?
No, she died a few years ago. But feel free to insult a loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother who was a better person than you will ever be.
“No, she died a few years ago.”
And yet while professing a victim status for your curry loving mother, you continue to communicate with me, if you were actually truthful or sincere you would have stopped communicating with me ages ago. You haven’t , so that tells me you haven’t got the message yet, to leave me alone yer prick.
“Who was a better person than you will ever be.”
Really and you know this how, as I said above, pricks like you try to claim the moral highground in which to silence those who don’t agree with your agenda.
I don’t give a jot about your family and if you are looking for sympathy , then how about asking the local curry shop for a discount. If you can’t stand the heat here, then bugger off to a blog where everybody will feel sorry for you.
Really is time Vance gave Pounce a break.
Doris, what will you be calling yourself tomorrow?
“Yes Doris”
Please Miss, Pounce is calling people names, can he be kicked out of school ,be made to undergo political re-education and made to wear a yellow star as he supports nasty evil hook nosed ‘Jews’
Why is pounce, calling people names Doris,?
Well Miss, he doesn’t like how some people can call others names and then hide behind political correctness in which to get others to agree with their blinked leftwing agenda. So he says what is good for the goose is good for the gander. But Miss, I don’t like him calling people names?
What names do the others use Doris?
Well Miss, ‘Waysist is used a lot, EDL supporter, Jew lover and Nasty party, but miss that’s ok isn’t it as those people are really evil and need to be silenced.
And what has Pounce said to you Doris?
Nothing miss, as I don’t really exist, I am simply a papier-mâché figure used to give the impression that I am really really hurt and in order to give the impression that the public won’t put up with name calling.
I don’t get paid enough for this shit.
Priceless pounce, simply priceless.
Yes, the BBC’s approach towards the Kenyan terrorist attack was that the shopping centre had it coming. AKA “Her skirt was too short” argument.
This blog is neither racist or bigoted but nobody told Dysgwr_Cymraeg
Oh, the Inbbc dont wish to dwell on what they did. They are too busy attributing blame to others, oh and seeking out a couple of heroes along the way.
Lets have a newsnight special inbbc on the unspeakable torturous practices of these barbarian savage scum.
Savages, yes, it’s unkind to animals to use that comparison.
Of course being utterly offensive is free speech. And so is pointing the racists and bigots hiding here!
Pointing out to whom and why? what’s your point?
Does Dysgwr_Cymraeg being, by your definition (i.e. any that don’t share your views it seems) a racist or a bigot, make the atrocities in Kenya and Pakistan any less terrible or his criticism of the BBC’s obfuscation any less valid?
Please tell me ,this is not a rhetorical question, do you believe that physical crimes, torture, murder, organised sexual abuse, are less serious than the thought crime of ‘racism’?
Yes, we’re not talking ‘racism’ here.
The more one learns about the gruesome details of the cruelty of the Islamic jihadists in their massacre at the Nairobi mall, the more appropriate words like ‘savages’ are to describe them.
And we know what ‘race’ Samantha Lewthwaite is, and we know what her religion is: Islam-
“From Home Counties prom queen to world’s most wanted woman:
How the ‘White Widow’ was obsessed with Islam even as a schoolgirl”
Can they spell the word ‘groomed’ ?
hmm troubled child, family break up, hanging round with muslim gang,
at least 5 years older than her, … predatory?
anyway …
the white widow? is that a tad waaycist for al bbc
I just groomed the Cat (Mrs Miggins) she hates it and is now sleeping away from brush and comb upstairs on the couch. The thing is she is next doors cat, so does that make guilty of abuse?
Yes it does. You are a bad, bad man.
You should never touch next door’s pussy unless you are Mrs Slocum!
‘Mesmeric performance’ seems one to add the lexicon that has brought such winners as ‘Islamic Benediction’. I really hope the BBC doesn’t take a shine to that one in those ‘context wouldn’t fit’ twitter or mobile headlines they trot out, where ‘quotes’ excuse all so long as explained elsewhere.
As to the appalling details now emerging, I find myself again confused as to what admittedly deranged mind sets are concocting.
It’s hard to accord such folk much rationality, and it’s clear human life in any form is just a tool to abuse, but for sure these guys are aware of and court PR. Especially the variety willingly offered to happy to oblige ‘we want to hear your slaughter views’ BBC studios with apparent direct lines of access post-event.
I can’t see the PR value to being tagged as psychopath sadists, and serving up clear evidence in support even the BBC PR guys are choking down, to a world audience.
Yes it terrorises the victims and any others in range, but mutilating kids does not play well even in Tower Hamlets and may even interfere with the donation queue at the Western Union counter at the corner shop.
Doesn’t add up on any basis.
I suspect Doris is a one time visitor who will return using a different name. Probably not even female. These trolls change names more often than Chelsea changes managers.
I too cannot grasp your point.
If accounts from Nairobi are to be believed then the mall was a scene from helL
Are you trying to play this down?. If so why?
I suppose the clue is in your use of the meaningless buzzwords” racist and bigot”
You are either on the side of civilisation or you are not. Time to choose.
I’m is excusing the Nairobi or any other terrorist atrocity.
It’s smearing everyone of a religion or colour or race with guilt for the crimes of a few which is racist or bigoted. The Jews are apparently still guilty for crucifying Jesus in some minds. Blaming every muslim for the crimes of a few is exactly the same.
Of course I suspect this post will quickly disappear like the last reply so it’s pointless writing it out again.
“I’m is excusing the Nairobi or any other terrorist atrocity”
Glad you cleared that up, doris (no relation to Doris, also fresh of this parish?).
“It’s smearing everyone… with guilt for the crimes of a few”
There is a lot of that about, mind. Have word with Albaman, there’s a dear.
“Of course I suspect this post will quickly disappear like the last reply so it’s pointless writing it out again.”
Yet here it is. Miracle!
It’s smearing Muslims to report that the Muslim religion is the inspiration behind the recent Muslim terrorist attacks – but it is not smearing Christians to hark back to a time when they blamed Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus over 2000 years ago? Typical double standards of the (Western hating) Left. No wonder these sick [and by the way frequently Jew hating] bastards are apologists for Islam.
“I’m is excusing the Nairobi or any other terrorist atrocity”
Not being a member of the spelling stazi I is reading that as ‘Not excusing’ But not condemning either dos that mean you support their aims?
No of course not but you might remember that next time you feel moved to play the witch finder roll
( we have one of those already ,though grand inquisitor seems to vacant currently if you’d like to apply, you seem to have the necessary qualifications)
“It’s smearing everyone of a religion or colour or race with guilt for the crimes of a few which is racist or bigoted.” leaving aside the ‘witches and heretics’ part perhaps a fair point
but you didn’t say that ,you said
” And so is pointing the racists and bigots hiding here! ”
I’m still waiting to find out who to and why.
But mostly I would genuinely like an answer to my last question
So according to you, the following is bigoted, racist and smearing everyone of this particular religion:
‘Lets have a newsnight special inbbc on the unspeakable torturous practices of these barbarian savage scum.
Savages, yes, it’s unkind to animals to use that comparison.
I think you need some coaching in verbal reasoning.
You also need to think outside the Nairobi box, as religious cleansing of Christians is widespread in the Muslim world and has been for some time, but if you rely on the BBC for your news then I can understand why you might not have known that fact.
Your quoted text is from my post, but appears to be directed as a response shown under someone elses.
Whilst I agree with you that my expression of exasperation with the bbc appears to have gone a little off-target, due to extreme blood pressure, and yes I could use some lessons in verbal reasoning; i defy anyone to read that quoted text in the context of wot i rote, and cone to the same conclusions about my intentions that you did. Anyone else care to pass a comment feel free.
Sincere apologies to Johnnythefish, I have now read the complete thread and it changes my perception of your comment. My mistake.
I stand by my original post of course, and Doris can sod off.
No probs bud.
Well seeing as you’ve pretty much already crossed the Godwin’s law Rubicon…
Not all WW2 German soldiers were SS camp guards gassing people to death.
What you are doing is excusing the SS war criminals because most of the normal soldiers were not involved in the holocaust.
You, the BBC, the PM and the media. They have the excuse of worrying about ‘community cohesion’, you don’t have that excuse.
These psychos are doing what they are doing in the name of their religion. How am I to know whether they are following their faith accurately? They appear to believe they will go to heaven if they torture non-muslims to death in shopping malls, or blow themselves up in Christian churches murdering 80 people, or eat their dead enemies’ hearts and post the videos on you tube.
Why are you defending people like that?
I’ve said previously that if it was just one faction of Islam committing the atrocities then we might say that they are distorting the teachings of the Koran. BUT, these atrocities are being committed all around the world – New York 9/11, London 7/7, Madrid, France, Russia, Kenya, Nigeria, all over the Middle East etc. Bloody hell,they are even killing each other in places like Iraq and Syria because some belong to a different kind of Islam. All murders and atrocities committed while crying the “Islamic Benediction” “Allahu Akhbar!”
There’s obviously something in Islamic teachings that makes killing other human beings acceptable. We very rarely hear “moderate” Muslims publicly vilify killing in Allah’s name. We never hear Islamic scholars telling us that the Koran forbids the murder of other human beings. So I have to conclude that that is EXACTLY what the Koran tells these barbarians to do. Where did the claim that suicide bombers will go to live with Allah and be rewarded with the service of 70 virgins come from? The hate preachers must have got it from somewhere and since they only refer to Koranic scripture, then one can only assume they find references in the Koran.
Lefties and Jihadists depend on our ignorance of the Koran in order to perpetuate “the Religion of Peace” lie. That’s why they scream “Islamaphobe” at anyone who dares challenge them on their disinformation.
I believe Islam has become a nihilistic death cult around the world, and people are right to question its aims and conduct.
And inbbc is this morning reporting that militants have killed 50 students .
Would that be something connected to the previously called militant tendency, with Degsy Hatton involved? I had no idea that branch of militant was so deadly.
Oh, hang on, they give it a little more context by mentioning that eco friendly bunch Boko Haram.
Anyone dare say the word terrorist?
Nah……Staytt as usual smugly deceiving the proles, two fingers to you lot, I will continue to distort your world view if I choose.
Militants? For FS!
Glad to hear you are not excusing the terrorists of Nairobi.
Nobody is assuming every Muslim is a terrorist. That would be illogical and absurd.
However the vast majority of terrorist atrocities carried out in the world are done by people who profess themselves to be Muslim.
This undeniable fact is what causes the problem for it seems that the clash of civilisations is sought only by one side.
However if it continues then the inevitable will happen and the clash will become a two sided matter with all the death and misery that entails.
Like I said it is time for all to choose both Muslim and the rest of us. Civilisation or barbarism.
To fail would be to usher in a new dark age.
The problem is that we do not hear many Moslems speaking out against the atrocities that some of their co- religionists are committing. I haven’t heard these people come forward on the BBC but correct me if I’m wrong ,Once their preachers and leaders speak out and totally condemn this barbaric behaviour loud and clearly we would have more respect for the majority .
I still fail to see what is offensive about pointing out the barbarity of what has been done to human beings in Nairobi. And to label those who did such savage and barbarian acts as savages indeed is in no way offensive to anyone I could think of, perhaps doris may give me some examples of how that fits into a racist bigoted speech.
How exactly would you Doris describe human beings who carry out such cruelty?
Answers on a postcard perhaps Doris?
I also need to remind myself of one of my own principles, trolls ought not to be fed.
Sorry folk.
INBBC mentions no perpetrators of Islamic jihad massacre of Christians at church in Peshawar.
“Scottish priest’s family hit by Peshawar church bomb”
By Aleem Maqbool
BBC News, Peshawar.
Of course, in Maqbool’s headline version, a passive sentence, there are no perpetrators.
The headline should in truth reflect the following:-:
‘Scottish priest’s family hit by Islamic jihadists’ Peshawar church bomb.’
INBBC’s Mr Maqbool has one mention relating to ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslims’ in his ‘report’: the phrase ‘the Muslim community’ appears, once.
For INBBC’s Mr MAQBOOL in Peshawar:-
“Pakistan: ‘I asked my imam to condemn the Peshawar church blast’ — he wouldn’t”
BBC gleefully announcing ‘The First Female Final Scores Reader’.
Well, considering the BBC made the appointment some time ago and have been harping on about it ever since this is hardly news.
So I conclude that the BBC are busy campaigning here. It is as though they have invited a black man to lunch with them for the first time and are boastfully advertising the fact.
It is both condescending and trite. I would hope the newbie recognises that she is being treated as a token – put in place not primarily for her abilities but as BBC PC tickbox statistic.
The added downside of this form of diversity tokenism is that it simply invites the cries of unfair from other supposed unrepresented groups.
By following this trend the BBC snookers itself.
The same has happened with Doctor Who – already we hear cries of ‘but Capaldi isn’t black, female or gay enough!’
BBC will next have to appoint results readers on the basis of their ethnicity, gender realignment – and why not dyslexic and stammering results readers…?
In fact the BBC headline ought to have been : The Last Ever White Male Results Reader….. who could do his job on merit….
It’s more prosaic than that. The BBC are in the process of promoting Women’s Football as a replacement for the lack of men’s football on their channels. A woman reading the scores out is just part of the softening up process.
Incidentally, my memory must be at fault but I’m sure they had a female score reader in the ’70’s or ’80’s. Or maybe that was ITV?
Yep plenty of coverage of the Woman’s Ashes this year, as well as a female commentator on the England Australia one dayer’s as well.
Yes, women’s football attracting more and more airtime on the BBC, and quite right! – the England World Cup qualifier the other night drew a mighty crowd of 6200 – a bit more than the Div 2 average.
As spectator sports, of any sex, are not really my thing, it matters not to me.
However, on a purely technical level, I am intrigued as to what skills it takes to translate written data into human audio in complement that most speech software have not managed in years.
Possibly more cheaply than swelling bloated BBC pointless staffing levels ever higher.
Try watching a BBC show (or even Sky now) with the sound off and sub-titles on. It’s hilariously unprofessional.
You would think, given the amount of time they have on, say News 24 and how bloated the BBC is they could find someone to write up the sub-titles before they put out the news. Any live interviews could be re-transcribed later – especially as they are often repeated ad nauseum throughout the day at 15 minute intervals. But no. Red Bee Media who do the sub-titles, interesting name by the way as they are an ex-BBC hive-off company, simply output laughable ‘live’ sub-titles which rarely convey the speakers words accurately.
It is a complete joke – but somewhere someone is making a lot of money from it all so who cares if the deaf are not catered for?
Well, I do for one.
The perils of the off-the-cuff comment. I apologise.
Whenever the missus pops to the loo at Wetherspoons, I entertain myself watching the muted TVs they have on with subtitles. The result is, granted, pretty dire.
That said, male, female, Siri, HAL, or well trained parrot, it is surely not too tricky to upload the correct pronunciation of All teams from Arsenal to Zagreb Elbow, plus the numbers nil through to a few hundred, such that the final scores can in audio be correctly tallied with the appropriate team?
Regarding Red Bee Media, they are often credited with the subtitles on BBC 4 foreign language films too. As usual the credit has the additional information that the subtitles are there for the deaf and hard of hearing.
Given that the audio is in the original language, i.e. French, Italian etc, it doesn’t say much for the BBC’s production values that no one has twigged that the subtitles are in English! There can’t be many who lip-read in French and read in English!
One advantage that sub-title readers do get is some clue what the clever, barely audible, sound effects are and what the various music clips are.
One advantage that sub-title readers do get is some clue what the clever, barely audible, sound effects are and what the various music clips are
And song lyrics too – but that can be a double edged sword when what you thought was pithy and clever turns out to be just plain dumb! 🙂
sub titiles also allows the BBC to edit what is said according to what they want the viewer to understand and not what is actually said.
That little black fella in the wheelchair must be odds on for the next Doctor Who. He just needs to buy himself a twin set and pearls.
I turned on Final Score on BBC One to see Robbie Fowler being made to give a grovelling apology for saying something “offensive” about women’s football, somehow related to the Torres sending off? That it is utter shit? “Handbags at dawn”? One can only hope. I missed the actual quote itself, but regardless it is now Robbie Fowler: dead man walking.
Well, he might get away with it. He described a confrontation between Torres and Vertonghen as being like “a pair of girls”.
No wonder the BBC were so horrified.
Hang on, isn’t it the BBC and programmes like Woman’s Hour who keep telling us how better managed and more peaceful the world would be if it were women in high places rather than ‘testosterone-fuelled’ men? Shouldn’t these feminista-supporting Political Correctionists take Fowler’s comment as ‘right-on’, and indeed a compliment to the less violent, non testosterone-fuelled fairer sex?
“BBC storm! Broadcasters criticised for forcing Fowler to make on-air apology after comparing Torres and Vertonghen to girls”
“BBC flooded with complaints after Robbie Fowler says Fernando Torres and Jan Vertonghen were fighting ‘like girls'”
I bet they got more complaints about making him apologise, he should have just stood up and walked out.
He who pays the piper calls the tune sadly.