Morning everyone. Here is a new open thread to end the month and start the week! I note quite a bit of heat being exchanged in a the last open thread. Can I remind everyone of the need for civility when commenting here. I would appreciate it if you can follow that request. Thanks.
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I’ve learned something from the BBC in the past week.
We can control the weather – see BBC reporting on ‘Global Warming’
But murderous Islamist ‘Militants’ are a force of nature.
Why do I say that? Well this moring a school massacre in Africa is blamed on the Government of Nigeria ‘which promised protection that it failed to provide’
yes … it appears that “gunmen” from yesterday, turn into “militants” today reported a couple of seconds ago
on bbc news, so … those sleeping children must have beendreaming about arming themselves in their sleep?
it is a scandal … disgraceful
Well, I spotted Mark Easton’s redefinition of Britishness as ‘diversity’… I’m not sure what to make of it, but it seems to argue that you’re more likely to say you’re British if you live in an ethnically diverse area…
Bizarre to be honest. There is something subversive about it though.
Interesting top comments; I predict a closing.
Also have to love the picture editing again.
At least they snuck the shot of the dusky maidens of Harrow from behind to spare their blushes.. Or avoid copping that Churchillian ‘V’ for victory sign they do so like to sport.
Then there’s the in no way anything but representative image of a white male, knotted hankie for a head covering, in his footsie shirt chugging a beer.
They speak for the nation, see.
Of course, the chap in the hanky is defining himself as English. This is to reinforce the point of the article, to suggest that immigrants are the most British of all. That he’s dressed up like this to support the football team doesn’t seem to concern Mr Easton. I wonder how some of these “British” immigrants would dress up for the cricket?
However if he is defining himself by his garb, I’m not altogether sure the gaggle of girls are defining themselves as British by theirs either, regardless of what box they tick. When they tick the box they are, I suspect, describing themselves as entitled to live here – quite a different thing.
Yes, but who are self defining themselves as ‘British’? My supposition is that it would be indigenous people doing so to differentiate themselves from the foreigners living there. My hypothesis therefore has exactly the opposit conclusion to the BBC definition – it is a symptom of separation rather than ‘community cohesion’. The only way to find out would be to understand the data, but the BBC is never honest when it comes to data
“We had to try really hard to find him…..” vox pop methodology and phone ins with the callers screened to prevent non-narrative opinions or facts on air.
I’ve been White-Other,
Please insert: English
for years.
It gives me an enormous sense of well being to balls up the statistics on the ethnicity questionnaires. Also the term ‘British’ no longer represents the principles and values that I was brought up to believe in. This is mostly due to the sterling efforts of the BBC and their fellow travellers.
You will be sanctioned and the people on here (such as johnnythefish) will support it even though it has nothing to do with BBC bias
You are absolutely right – I never give a straight answer to these things, because whatever they say they want the stats for, you can bet your life the plan is not to help white, middle-aged, straight, British (English), working, fully-abled people.
Unsurprisingly, Trout Mask Replica and Little_Old_Me are spouting the usual drivel about how “everyone’s an immigrant.” At no point in human history has a politically-motivated, electorate-rejected ethnic revolution on the scale we’ve seen in the last two decades every taken place on these shores, but try telling that to these unthinking Guardianista fuckwits who still associate wanting control of immigration and a set cultural identity with “racism” even though most of the immigrants are themselves white.
Just another try at propaganda. Not even very good as most of us can read between the lines.
Must try harder next time .
Just a thought: I wonder if anyone has analysed a correlation between those calling themselves ‘British’ and the language that they speak.
Well said Sir Arthur on British and the language they speak
The BBC were at it again last week, ” British ” people are caught up in the Nairobi terrorist attack. Strange that these ” British ” people always holiday in the most bizarre holiday destinations, like the Congo or the Khyber Pass. Let me put it this way, they don’t look like Terry-Thomas.
Allahu Akbar? Ding dong!
Not an item of bias but I have to say it!
The announcement today of the withholding of benefits is truly unnecessary and cruel, I hope one day Osborne has to experience this, but somehow I doubt it.
Imagine you live 5 miles or more from the Job centre and have to travel every day to sign on. You cannot claim the costs of travel, so that’s another benefit cut. Many people will be forced to walk there, and back taking up a whole day when they could be looking for work.
The first tiniest infraction of the rules will result in loss of benefit for a month, the second for three months. For an honest person either of these is a death sentence, and it’s being administered by brainless morons in the Job Centre who just love to exercise their power without thinking of the consequences.
But then Osborne hasn’t thought of the consequences either and the rise in crime from people so desperate to eat will soon persuade him of the stupidity of his policy. It’s quite possible that riots on large scales will result from this cruel idiocy, all I can hope is that the people who support this are the ones who are the victims of the consequences, and not the ones who can see it’s cruelty.
Extrapolating policies that haven’t even been announced yet! Well done.
Erm, the policies about sanctions for periods of 4 weeks, 13 weeks etc are already in force and have led to such stupid decisions like the following:
But of course Osborne has never had something for nothing (like his inherited claim to baronetcy)
Or the Benn Dynasty’s inherited estates
Ah yes, the next big BBC investigative scoop:
[Tony Benn replies: “I’m no longer the shecond viscount Shtanshgate, I renounshed my title, yer shee!”]
But not the estates
The eshtatesh?
If I fished a little drowning kiddy out of a river, the Tory papers would headline it “Benn grabs child!”
while the BBC would run with
“Tony Benn slated for Nobel Peace Prize”
Anthony Wedgwood Benn. I rebranded to Tony ( I feel your pain brother ) Benn. But kept the family jewels.
The next logical step in the renaming process would be “Benny”, i.e. very demotic AND the loss of a further syllable to boot!
‘Birmingham against the Cuts’.
Sort of says it all, really, in a funny kind of way.
Why not: ‘Birmingham Says Keep Running a Deficit Until the Country Collapses Under a Mountain of Debt’.
Nah, lacking in – what do you call it – pithiness (with a ‘th’)?
Well argued, Sir. Let’s give up on Welfare Reform and hear no more of it. It is far too difficult to do. The status quo must be about right so let it be.
Without doubt something needs to be done about those that can’t afford to eat yet can afford plenty of tattoos, large TV’s and food for their Pit Bulls.
What gets me is that its always go after whitey, why don’t we have an announcement about what Cameron and his chums are going to do about immigration? No doubt Mohammed will be given leeway when not attending a Job Center interview because it was his prayer time.
Its a wood for the trees situation, until we get rid of all the sh*te that shouldn’t be here, costing us far more in police time, interpreters, housing, welfare and printing literature in endless languages than what our indigenous scroungers are.
Sort them first, then go after all the fat slobs sat on their asses.
Rant over!
Well put. I (to my shame) have come out of University a few months back and have failed to find a job. Not through lack of trying might i add. I’ve been rejected by quite a few places already but will continue to look for jobs, even the most menial. What strikes me every time i enter the job center are the amount of scrotes sporting the latest chavviest clothing (trainers that cost £100, tracksuit bottoms, nice watches, Tattoos up necks etc). Of course, Labour might well try and force you into a corner and demand you don’t stereotype those on benefits, but the fact is they are well and truly no hopers with absolutely no intention of finding work. The generic process of finsing work in the job centre focuses on a pointless chit-chat with your designated ‘mentor’ on what work you’ve been searching for. Needless to say, those a sandwich short of a picknick will return home and wait for their next installment of taxpayers cash without blinking an eyelid. It’s wrong and demoralising, but until the country rids itself of foreigners and focuses on getting it’s indigenous back into work, then they’re really is no hope. And as for Labour peddling the myth that Foreigners do the jobs that the ‘lazy and feckless’ British won’t is a disgrace.
I suspect that even without foreigners, those with tattoos up their necks would be unemployable anyway. A tattoo tax, anyone? Might catch a few footballers too.
A Koran tax for the muslims and a Nike trainer tax for the the black community.
One has to ask why they feel it necessary to ink up. Immigration has destroyed the white working class, maybe its hopelessness? how can you have pride in your country and consequently yourself when its no longer yours? Where do you belong, maybe tattoos give that identity?
For a short period in early ’08 I was made redundant, luckily I only had the need to sign on a couple of times. My ‘mentor’ and ‘advisor’ didn’t have English as his first language. That was just just my experience, but imagine being patronised week in week out by someone not ‘like’ you.
Suicide and depression are on the up, I wonder why?
”My ‘mentor’ and ‘advisor’ didn’t have English as his first language.”
I’m not surprised you’ve got a brooding resentment, so would I, they’re now holding the whip hand. But the immigrant is not responsible, the Ruling Elites, both labour and tory, who are supposed to be looking out for us, have instead, lowered down the drawbridge and let in the barbarians.
Ancient Rome and Greece fell, why would Britain be any different.
But……they did not give up without a fight….Greece and Rome went down fighting to the end. And, hey, evidence of their culture and civilisations are still there to see…..not so the barbarians who destroyed them. When i see a mosque, i see a future target for destruction, as did Charles Martel in the 8th Century. Do not give in so easily.
Can’t hear you. Could you speak up, please.
”And as for Labour peddling the myth that Foreigners do the jobs that the ‘lazy and feckless’ British won’t is a disgrace.”
Yes, This is the new narrative, I’ve heard it a million times, when did the white British suddenly become lazy ? you know those people responsible for the Industrial Revolution, the building of an Empire and who fought in two World Wars are now ” all good for nothing, slackers.”
While Third Worlders from stone age countries are venerated as soo beneficial and enriching !!
Who ran all the little shops, groceries, newsagents etc etc in the 1950s and 60s before the advent of mass immigration from Pakistan cornered that particular market ? it was white British people.
In the ideal world, if I ran the place, say, a dictator, I’d round the lot of them up, stick them on a big boat and deport every single one of them.
Of course, as we all know, nothing will happen, it’s easier for the government to cut the benefits of the disabled, they wont cause a fuss, instead of touching the thorny subject of black knife crime and muslim terrorism, etc etc, all the fruits of mass immigration.
That was the point I was trying to make. One knows full well that as far as these proposed measures go, the indigenous will have zero recourse, whilst newcomers will be able to hide behind racism, human rights and religion should anyone dare to touch their benefits…
How dare you describe my colleagues and friends as fat slobs sat on their asses
Just because it hasn’t been formally announced does not mean that the details haven’t been publicised.
Perhaps you can explain AslSeelt where I said that I am opposed to welfare reform ? or where I said that things should be left as they are??
The fact is that you’ve added 2 to 2 and come up with 72 !
The point is that no civilised society should attempt to starve it’s people to death on the whim of a junior civil servant, without a court hearing.
You must have total faith in the competence and the infallibility of the public sector to get things right, I on the other hand don’t believe that the public sector can get anything right !
Lets look at a couple of examples shall we?
So graduate fails to attend a Job Centre interview, because she’s at a job interview and her benefit is stopped for a month because attending a job interview is not a good enough reason to miss a Job centre one !!
The incompetence would be staggering if it wasn’t par for the course in the public sector.
Then here is the result of the cruel idiocy:
Hadn’t eaten for three days because they stopped his benefit so did something to get arrested because he knew the Police would feed him !
How much has this cost the country? By all means force work but pay the expenses, and don’t expect people to pay their travel from the pittance they receive – some less than £10 pw.
I think you need to think about the real world and not the very wealthy perspective that the Tories have, and get a realistic view of how incompetent the civil service actually are.
One key point – to qualify for “work for dole”, you first have to be unemployed for two years on the trot – surely at that stage people will do anything just to get out of the house?
That isn’t true – in the first year of unemployment you’re likely to be ‘encouraged’ to do a work experience placement, which you can end at any time provided you have a valid reason. You then have Mandatory Work Activity which last for four weeks, 30 hours a week, and is usually working for a charity or other not-for-profit organisation. To me, that’s absolutely fair enough. It’s working for a good cause and gets you good experience. Where it crosses the line is after a year when you’re put on the work programme and in many cities and towns you can be forced to work an INDEFINITE placement at a for-profit organisation, often a large company like Tesco who are clearly abusing the system for free labour – thus increasing unemployment since these are positions that would otherwise be for paid staff – and during that time you obviously don’t have any spare time available to do voluntary work or even give your regular job search the attention you otherwise would be. It’s a vicious circle.
There are people who abuse the welfare state who should be punished for doing so, but initiatives like this just cause more headaches than cures. And I’m not convinced that benefit cheats are a big enough drain on the economy to create blanket laws like this, especially when there are much bigger problems like tax avoidance which cost the economy many times more (plus the unjustifiable BBC license fee).
Didn’t mean to report that comment, my finger slipped on the mouse 🙁 Mea Culpa!
sitting on your arse for years should no longer be an option
Sorry have i feel I’ve lost the plot.- what has all this to do with BBC Bias!
What I love in our Orwellian world is that generations of unemployed who have never worked, and don’t intend to, collect something called a “jobSEEKER’S allowance”. Will the BBC whose business is words point out the anomaly. I guess if they can’t tell a “gunman” from a ‘militant” from an “Islamist” from a “British Citizen” I won’t be holding my breath.
By that stage they’ll have been sanctioned several times thanks to DWP sanction targets
Isn’t attending every day one of three options?
The problem here is much the same as it with ATOS situation. There are a percentage of crooks and spongers whose only preferred work is to work the system. How do you get rid of them while still helping the truly needy? They use deserving people as a form of human shield.
Surely most of us here want those in true need to get more not less. The “blame” here lies not with the government but with some claimants.
We are hearing now on Five Live a young man who is 23 and has not had a full time job since he was 16. He lives in Southampton, hardly an unemployment hotspot. This is the second time he’s been wheeled out in the last three days, partly because he has a slight disability. What he needs is help. He’s patently depressed and needs real help rather than being left to rot.
I heard this jerk on the radio, fekin moaning because asda had him out in the rain collection trolleys, he’s only depressed because hes to sit on his butt every day watching jeremy kyle and loose wimmin. A good kick up the arse, a haircut and 5 years in the army – thats the ticket.
Night after night listening to radio 5 dead I’ve listened to the usual pinheads ranting, raving and bemoaning the the fact that they aren’t working.
But horror of horrors, when a plan is unveiled to alleviate their plight it all of a sudden turns into an affront on their lifestyle.
If the BBC really is the home of the world’s best investigative journalism, it will get off its fat arse and after interviewing one of these victims go and scour their allegedly job-lite neighbourhood or town and see how many employed Eastern Europeans they find.
No not bias but a knee-jerk leftist response. I am afraid that my tolerence of the millions of aristoscrats that I work long hours to support has worn vert thin – as thin as your (and no doubt BBC) cries about ‘victimhood’.
For every one who walks the ten mile round trip every day* (If you find and cocument even one person who eventually does this I will eat my hat – and there will be an option to go out and work of course) there will be hundreds of thousands pissed off because it is infringing on their inalienable right to work cash in hand.
Go rend your hair shirt elsewhere. I am surprised you didn’t wheel out the spectre of a disabled person in a wheelchair struggling through the snow whilst fighting bailiffs evicting him from his free four bedroom house to sign on as well
This policy will be massively popular with the working (yes working) class and is amied specifically at the professional lay-about. The ‘Shameless’ population of dole aristocrats who live on > £26 K benefits of which the dole is a tiny element. I will have to work for 40 years to have a pension anything like that – a fund of over a million pounds, why T F shouldn’t they get out of bed in the morning? As for the harming the job search you are joking aren’t you? How long does it take to read the local paper or search the internet at the local library. Perhaps they could opt to read the newspaper looking for jobs or filling out applications at 7:30 PM (when I tend to get home) rather than watching TV. Or they could get up at 5:30 AM (when I get up) and put in an hour or so of job hunting.
*By the way a five mile walk takes 1 1/2 hrs – the same amount of time as my commute each way to work – so I presume that you think it is alright for me to waste 3hrs of my life every day but not the person who depends on my income and goodwill for the housing, heating, clothing, food, beer, ciggies and birthday presents for his/herself and family.
You really a fool CCE, you haven’t got the first insight as to what is being proposed and yet you assume you have because the Daily Mail told you so!
Well I think you’d change your tune pretty quickly if it happened to you, and this shower expected you to survive on less than £10 pw which is happening to some, and then decided to stop your money altogether for some stupid reason.
One poor sod actually found a job – told the job centre he was starting it the following week, so they stopped his money because he was no longer actively looking for work !
When you make the lives of the unemployed so bad that prison is a better alternative – and that’s what is now being talked about, all you can expect is a massive crime wave.
All I can hope is that it is people like yourself and others who support this cruel insanity are the ones targeted by those trying to get into prison for a better life than they have on benefits!
You need to think about this CCE, you really think it’s a good idea to make prison a more attractive alternative to behaving yourself and looking for work?
and this shower expected you to survive on less than £10 pw which is happening to some,
Really? How many and why? Are they the exception or the rule? Are they cases created by Unite members to ‘highlight’ the issue?
If you are of a young age then the amount per week is just £56.80.
Take away the amount for bedroom tax, council tax, and deductions for maintenance of a child, and fines, and debt recovery and it’s pretty easy to get to a position where you have very little to live on. In extreme cases it’s possible to owe the government more money that they are actually giving you to survive on !
“If you are of a young age then the amount per week is just £56.80.”
That does not include housing benefit so how does withdrawal of spare room subsidy effect that sum?
also do they not get supplementary benefit or rebate on council tax?
And how many ‘young people’ are paying maintenance for a child
That £56 is the base line figure payable to a young unemployed person living at home with parents
I’m not saying it not tough for some on the dole (Its tough for plenty more at work) But don’t over egg the pudding – that’s the BBC’s job
No they don’t get a supplementary benefit, nor a rebate on council tax, they have to pay a proportion of it like the Poll Tax. They also have to make up the shortfall in rent from the bedroom tax.
I was challenged over a statement that benefits could be as little as £10 so there’s the proof it’s not an over egging, in some extreme cases they can end up owing more in taxes rents etc etc than they are receiving.
I manage a 10 mile commute every day on my bicycle. About 25 minutes each way(5 miles).
must be good beer at that pub
Spare a thought for right-on BBC world service journalist Roland Hughes who feels “conflicted” by his Israeli kitchen appliance:
The inability to pour a g&t on demand must be causing many a Beeboid to feel conflicted, yes.
No problem with shops selling cocktails of the Molotov variety one presumes, if approved clientele demand it?
Just imagine, my tv tax is paying thousands to wankers like this.
“Conflicted” ?
What the hell?
Is this cretin a made up person or does he actually exist?
Ah.. memory’s of Berlin in the 30’s.
Now I feel strangely compelled to buy a SodaStream………..
I still have a 30+year old model but don’t use it – what’s the point when Asda does 2l sparkling water for 17p? I guess I should put it out on display when lefties visit. The cylinders are nice and hefty though – worth having to hand in case of unwelcome guests [see previous sentence].
The interesting thing about the above is while it substaniates everything the elft hate about Israel, what they don’t mention is that actually it employs Palestinians and actually pays them very well indeed.
But you don’t here the left actually mention that snippet do you.
Deleted already. Nice catch, DB. Unfortunately for this idiot Beeboid, he missed the part in the social media training course where they said that even if you delete a tweet, the embed code lives forever.
How many other appliances or electronic devices or software does this bigot feel conflicted about, I wonder?
I’d like to see him boycott all the medical equipment patented in Israel.
Wow, so he’s deleted it – I’m genuinely surprised by that.
What an arse.
This tweet from one of his friends last night. Was the Soda Stream tweet under discussion at the time?
No idea. I’m just catching up. And this Kunawicz is a BBC Sports “journalist”. They’re all at it. Groupthink? What groupthink? No memo needs to be handed down, no editorial directive on high necessary. And people wonder why we think there’s an endemic anti-Israel bias at the BBC.
Note to the “But They Get Complaints From Both Sides” crowd: wake me up next time you see a Beeboid tweet something negative like this about Palestinians or Hamas or Hezbollah.
Don’t know which has greater value, the tragic of his attempted cover up, or the comedic of his mate Alex keeping it alive… albeit in so doing also making a hash of the spelling.
Or maybe that’s the other way around.
Pity the BBC won’t show this because far from being “conflicted about owning a soda stream” he should be pleased he is helping the Palestinian Arabs and their economy.
It will never occur to him.
BBC reporting that the Big Issue has gone on line.
No mention of the disgraceful way this rag has behaved to get Romanian nationals into the UK and onto benefits.
Apparently sales have fallen & how the management has been behaving probably has a big effect, but this is not mentioned at all.
Some sort of Roma woman has been flogging the Big Issue in my town for several years. I find her endless call of “Beeg Ishoo” intensely annoying, and would never give her a penny. The fact that the Big Issue is helping people like her colonise our country means they have lost my support for ever.
Rob, would this woman be situated at the entrance to a parade of shops named afer the local church and which now contains the public library? If so we live in the same town and that Roma woman has been pi**ing me off for years. “Beeg Isshoo Pliz” for years and years. if not, I suspect that this demonstrates just how many roma vendors there are across the country
Joke from 1999 about beggars in Romania.
A foreign visitor and his Romanian host are walking around Bucharest when they come across a beggar:
“Pliiz, pliiz to give me some money, I damage my eyes for to looking at the eclipse!”
Romanian host: “Oh don’t worry about him! Last week it was that he’d eaten British beef!”
No, this one occupies a position outside Tesco. I wonder how many customers she deters? A group of old Roma were begging in the streets last weeks, carrying signs saying they were “hungri”. The Beeg Ishoo vendor takes a few weeks off every summer, I assume to visit her big house in Romania. Britain is the laughing stock of Europe.
We have one outside of Waitrose (obviously a much nicer area ;p). I once offered her a sandwich as I’d just bought my lunch. Well, she said she was hungry …
Guess what her reply was? Yep, not suitable for polite society.
A few years ago there was a spate of tearful women at motorway services explaining to people in broken English how they had run out of petrol and what a desperate plight they were in ‘pleeze you elp me’
Sure says my mate Paul and pulls 2 gallon can of petrol from boot of his car ,she walked of without reply but not looking to happy
-true story
I wonder if that is the same woman that sells it in all the towns of southern England that I frequent. It never ceases to amaze me that she is able to be in 20 places at once.
I never, ever give a penny to Big Issue sellers unless they have a British accent. They left homes somewhere else to become beggars here, not to be encouraged!
I stopped giving to big issue years ago when it became obvious the sellers were foreign. My beef is how the hell are they here if they haven’t got a job. Naive I know.
And it`s a crap, lefty read as well.
The likes of Howard Marks, Tracey Emin get a free pass to be “radical”…it`s dire rubbish with self-loathing crap poetry as well.
Mind you-those jobs it advertises tells you a,lot about ” the penny Guardian jobs” that our councils and quangos are offering us.
Spliff management studies anybody?
Crap…give `em a quid on condition that they use it for dog blankets
Because it counts as a job, and therefore they can access the benefit system, simples.
I did read that over half the Big Issue sellers in the UK are now Romanian or Bulgarian. Selling the rag allows them to describe themselves as self-employed, gives them right of residence (pre-accession) along with their families.
Not really what Big Issue was supposed to be about.
And what it was supposed to be about was always a stupid idea anyway.
BBC s 5dead, air-miles expert, VD Derbyshire, turns up all girly, giggling away with Mehdi Hasan, this morning on Breakfast TV.
I suppose exactly the same point will be used for her show this morning … oh she enlightens us also, that the best way to steal … erm I mean find a husband is at work, sooner than the pub where it would all be one night stands.
She could be ONE of Hasan’s many he is allowed. She would look good all burkhad up as he would insist.
Hope he told her she was ‘just cattle’, which is what he really thinks……youtube caught him out….he’s non too bright.
“BBC gives Left the freedom of the airwaves: Radio 4 and 5 Live give pressure group with links to Labour’s radical wing extraordinary on-air platform.
“Don’t Judge My Family was the only quoted organisation in stories.
“Director Julianne Marriott is a left-wing campaigner and Labour blogger.
“Has links to radical wing of the party, but there was no mention of affiliation.
“Tory MP claims the group is a front for Labour to criticise the policy.”
The current state of the comments to that piece interesting.
Almost like there are 147 people beavering away pretending to be BBCphiles.
From the ‘likes’ not sure the support teams are out of bed yet.
She described the Tory policy as ‘out of touch’.
Now where have I heard that Labour-BBC mantra before…
Had long enough time for this to be outed? Here in June is . This is about Julianne Marriot and the Labour propaganda about Marriage allowance. There are several articles in the papers that finger her as a labour party activist. towards the end of last week she did all the radio and tv stations. I admit the Labour Party black Ops unit are very good.
Apologies to George R, had not read the blog, just got very annoyed last week when that c*w was doing the rounds and and not one of the media outed her.
Well, why does it take until today for a Tory to go running to the Mail to bleat about it? (In fact that isn’t clear from my skim reading of the article – he may have said nothing until asked, which is even worse.)
The Tories should have been straight on top of the BBC demanding answers the minute she appeared. And bringing it up every interview. They weren’t, either becuause they don’t care or they’re f***ing useless.
Where were the Conservative critics of Labour policy during last week’s New (Order) Labour Conference? As I predicted, this week will be full of Labour critics whereas the same wasn’t equivalent last week. Proof of total bias. Where are the bias-deniers recently, Dezi, Scotty etc.?
They are all in a frenzy making sure BBC /Labour mantra is spread far and wide after the ‘it’s that 1970’s ‘revival rally last week at Nurem?? sorry Brighton!
hmm BBC as usual ignores, the insidious scam
that USED to be called big issue
I wonder , if the … “it will only be highly skilled IT workers”
tory party political retards, are taking notice of this
facet of their, out of touch drivel
Mr Bird said Romanians presented a particular challenge.
He said: ‘But we can’t even get Romanian groups in the UK to work with the Roma people. We ring them up and say, “Look, we’re working with a lot of Romanians now. Can you help?”
‘They tell us, “These people aren’t Romanians. They’re gipsies.” That’s the real problem and nobody wants to know them”
what? Romagarians? a people synonymous with petty crime
scam, pickpocketing, violence and prostitution … a gypsy culture … and nobody wants to know them? … why?
get in touch with the “IT crowd” quick
Real Romanians hate the Roma with a vengeance, and cannot believe their luck that these vagabonds are leaving for the warm embrace of the British welfare teat.
The question is: why does the Big Issue want to know them? What are they now, some kind of sponsor for attracting Romanian beggars to Britain?
Upper case writing is extremely difficult to read. In fact, I haven’t bothered to do so. And, I suspect, neither have many other visitors to this article.
Well it wasn’t difficult for me to read, at all, and largely correct, too.
Ok Simon a brief search reveals that planetary alignment (especially of giant planets) effects tidal flow of suns surface and hence production of sun spots .Seems straight forward enough
and has been know about since 1950s apparently
But is the link between sun spots and global temperature ,either through solar radiance or cloud production in any way established ?
Warmists (including the breathless Brian Cox ) say that relationship ,as described in ‘great global warming scandal’, has broken down.
It is difficult for a layman, like me, to judge these claims .
And that is my main complaint against the BBC They should be examining these competing theories fully and fairly, not insisting that as I’m not capable understanding the science I should simply except the pronouncements of the priest class as unalterable truth.
I think it is particular important in this case that they fulfil their public broadcaster remit , but as they are not going to I would be happy to have any poster here put me straight on this
Is there a tactical link between solar activity and global tempreture?
Here, here.
And whilst Brian Cox is at it, he might make the observation, him being a scientist an’ all, that the hypothesised relationship between CO2 levels in the atmosphere and planetary warming has also broken down.
We need some big boys science, not the Blue Peter-level patronising propaganda we get from the BBC.
Montague gave the iron chancellor a going-over this morning. And why not? It’s what she’s paid to do. Unfortunately she and her colleagues failed to do the same when confronted with the Labour parasites last week. One salient fact she got out of Ozzi though was that he is a fully paid up warmist and an unquestioning believer in the MMGW scam (which statement Montague failed to follow up critically or, indeed, at all)
Earlier, in its “impartial” treatment of Labour Party policies and Conservative criticism of them Today took exception to Cameron’s description of Miliband’s corporation tax proposals as “nuts” and brought on economic analyst Juliette Burton to comment. Oh no, she’s not an academic or political analyst, she’s a comedy writer and actress with “mental health issues”. The substantive issue of corporation tax and the lunacies of Labour were, of course, ignored but Cameron and Pickles were anathemised for demonising the mentally ill (including, I assume, Miliband) and criticism of this particular Labour policy was accordingly demonised by association.
I got the distinct impression they were wrong-footed when Juliette Burton failed to bite.
Ah yes – bit of a disapointment for the BBC and, as it turns out, for Juliette. After all, there for the taking was an opportunity for a permanenet spot with Marcus Brigstocke and the lads at 6:30 pm weekdays on radio 4’s
BBC-New Labour Newspeak now embedded in our everyday lives.
Just another form of control.
Watching RT this morning, and a report on the latest Austrian elections came up. The “Far Right” party had garnered nearly 25% of the vote.
To my mind any party in any country in Europe which achieved this sort of result from virtually nothing, would merit huge coverage from the MSM.
BBC & MSM zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…….
Is this a harbinger of coverage UKIP can expect from our impartial State broadcaster, and for that matter the rest of them?
In a way, I can understand non BBC broadcasters shying away from reporting non BBC approved subjects – They all want to leave the door open for themselves when a position comes up with the BBC. After all, it’s cushy, well paid with a bloated pension, and lots of spin off benefits. Why jeopardise all that by reporting the truth?
I can’t explain the thinking of the rest of the MSM but I’m guessing the Beeb doesn’t want to talk about the rise in the Eurozone of support for parties with emblems suspiciously similar to swastikas because it might suggest the Grande Projet Euro is not doubleplusgood.
If you support them you shouldn’t conflate UKIP and the likes of Golden Dawn. The BBC and other left wing media do this to paint UKIP as extremist nutters.
BBC economics and political journalist Lewis Goodall and BBC business news producer & presenter Victoria Fritz weren’t impressed with the content or delivery of George Osborne’s conference speech today:
Hadn’t heard of Goodall before. According to his Twitter profile he worked at lefty think tank IPPR before joining the BBC. A profile accompanying an article he wrote for the Guardian in 2010 says:
“Lewis Goodall is a history and politics student at St. John’s College, Oxford, and a Labour Party activist and blogger.”
Natural progression – Oxford Uni Labour Party activist > IPPR > BBC economics and political journalist.
Serious question – is there such a thing as a non-lefty BBC economics or business journalist?
You don’t mean serious.
You mean rhetorical.
If he ends up at Newsnight, it’ll be QED time.
‘Oxford Uni Labour Party activist > IPPR > BBC economics and political journalist.’
CV like that, he’s a fast-tracker to the market rate top floor asap.
Of course, acquiring astounding uncuriosity and/or forgetfulness to Olympic standards is a mandatory.
Or a lobotomy. Which in most cases seems a given.
One small thing…
Presently political and economics journalist for BBC News. Brixtonite and latterly of IPPR parish. Principally a Stockard Channing fan.
BBC business news producer & presenter. Not so secret obsessive compulsive gardener.
Seems his views and Fritzy are those of the BBC. So why no weasel?
Not sure trading tribal snipes is quite the remit of objective media professionals, is it?
And as ‘news’ types, questions like this may be legitimate, if you actually have the answers…
Hasn’t Osborne just told a porky? They’re NOT putting everyone on the cheapest tariff. Extraordinary defensive stroke against @UKLabour
Because that’s a BBC producer accusing a UK minister of lying (cute porkie pie attempt fail notwithstanding).
Is she correct?
If so, has she held other party politicos to equal account, as it is possible all do stray from the truth, and if the BBC’s mission is to hold such things to account, it should be equally.
Otherwise they’d be, what… no more than Labour propagandists.
political retards david cameron, hussein obama,, get a starring role here and rightly so, on Nairobi and the reaction to it, the bbc are right front and centre
Can someone please try and send this excellent video to Cameron…….
It took a while but they managed it. It must have been a headache for them trying to exonerate Islam from the Nairobi massacre but now they are putting the blame on the intelligence services. Yep, no doubt it will be white, Christian, right wing members of of the intelligence who are to blame.
Allahu Ahkbar……trebles all round.
the school massacre too … why can t we see it?
its everbody elses fault … apart from … 😀
“from preachers” eh!
Previous commenters have noted the bBBC’s new-found obsession with pushing women’s football. bBBC NorthWest is, as usual, even worse, salivating at the unusual opportunity to use Liverpool and Ladies in the same sentence. Now the attendance figures are in, and Saturday’s championship game was watched by the stunning total of … 2,165 people. By contrast, every one of this weekend’s men’s games in Premiership, Championship, Leagues One or Two attracted more spectators (apart from Dagenham and Redbridge v Bury).–/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD0yOTE7cT04NTt3PTQ0OQ–/ " alt="a> " />
The excitement of the crowd is really obvious as they watch a girlie score a goal.
I could increase audience figures a hundred-fold overnight.
Wear short skirts and make-up and do their hair. Oh and employ pretty ones.
Somehow I doubt the Beeboid feminazis would go for it though.
Tut.Tut. You naughty sexist.
Next you’ll be suggesting compulsory swapping of shirts at the end of the match … 🙂
Liverpool Ladies championship win was actually in the headlines of the main news at the weekend. Not even subtle now.
Womens football, average attendance in England (including international fixtures)….570…..
Perhaps the BBC are linking it’s current “popularity” to the readership of their beloved print arm, the Guardian newspaper.
Wait till burkha football comes out. No prizes for guessing the punishment for an own goal.
‘It wasn’t me boss, it was her’.
‘No it wasn’t boss, honest, it was her’.
‘It wasn’t either of those two, it was her over there – the one in the burqa.
Liverpool have finally won the league. lol.
Soon to go to press…
Sister Samantha Lewthwaite, 29, is being hailed as the ultimate positive role model to the female British Islamic converts of today. Despite suffering tragedy in her life, she has risen to be a senior figure in terror organisation, Al Qaeda’s Somali offshoot, Al Shabaab, whilst also being a full-time mum to two boys and two girls, all without ever claiming a penny in kuffur benefits.
In a cozy interview with our beloved state broadcaster she gushingly revealed: @ ‘It all shows that women can make it in both the boardroom and the bedroom – though admittedly we haven’t got either of those in Somalia” The Buckinghamshire-born entrepreneur, known jokingly as the ‘White Widow’, told reporters over a simple meal of qat and goats intestines at the bijou love nest she shares with her second husband Abdi Wahid at an undisclosed location in the Kenyan port city of Mombasa.
Tragically, Islamic convert Samantha lost her first husband Germaine Lindsay in dramatic circumstances in July 2005. She still clearly finds it hard to talk about this time in her life. However, she was determined to make a new start for herself and left the grime and squalor of Britain behind, along with it’s disgusting Islamophobic culture for Africa in 2009.
Samantha’s success in rising to the top at Al Shabaab is all the more remarkable in that Somali men traditionally do not accept that women might take senior managerial roles or issue orders to them…. or ever be seen in public….or have intact vaginas…or opinions….or education….
To make it in the world of fundamentalist-inspired psychopathic barbarity and hateful violence, Lewthwaite had to show she could match any man by having any potential rivals killed off…..
However, Samantha is not content to sit on her laurels just yet, and is now branching out into new lines of business by turning her house in the Kenyan city of Mombasa into a celebrated bomb factory. Guardianista PR consultants are now urging her to launch her own line of niqabs for women who worry about the burqa may occasionally leave their ankles showing.
“Sometimes I think back to my old life with the Allah be damned kuffur in Aylesbury,’ Lewthwaite said. ‘I didn’t go out much– neither in Aylesbury or here. there’s no reason to, really, the shopping malls in Nairobi have never been anything to write home about, that is until now. But life is better here in Africa, where an ordinary Muslim girl like me has a much better chance to make a name for herself.’
An interview on “Woman’s Hour” will surely follow: Jenni and Jane must be dancing with excitement as she ticks so many boxes! Blazing a trail for women in a male-dominated profession (terrorism), overcoming the tragic loss of her first enriching husband (caused by the callous British authorities) embracing her inner African and the Religion of Peace.
very believable.
Just thought I’d repost a humorous comment from the HYS on welfare reform.
342. DeadMike
“317.Jim – Usual BBC Left wing bias.
Are you mental? The same BBC who put a news blackout on 50k+ people protesting in Manchester yesterday. They’re in the pocket of the Torys yet you still think they’re ‘left wing’. I imagine you must’ve considered Stalin a ‘woolly liberal’.”
Granted it was a stretch to suggest the article was biased towards the left, but to a) suggest the BBC is ‘in the pocket of the Tories’ and b) apply an only marginally less hysterical version of Godwin’s law is really taking the piss.
The sad thing is I don’t agree with these welfare measures or the general scapegoating of unemployed people as ‘scroungers’ when many of them are genuinely seeking work, but this sort of hyperbolic, inane comment just makes the left look even more ridiculous.
If there was a news blackout, how come I saw it mentioned on last night’s BBC news? Has Albaman been on that HYS to correct the poster?
shocking coverage on news24. a bloke was actually presenting the sport headlines at 1633hrs. i think there are more ufo sightings than blokes presenting sports news
The BBC is still in damage limitation mode. Deliberately confusing missing and killed.
“The Kenyan Red Cross has said the number of missing … has gone down to 39 from an earlier figure of 61.” Directly following with this statement;
“The government has said 67 people were killed after al-Shabab militants stormed the Westgate centre in the capital, Nairobi, on 21 September.”
Both statements can be true.
Then the BBC repeats the justification given by Al Shabab for it terrorism uncritically. Next they want to make the point that the mall is jointly Israeli owned. To give more prominence they place empty line before and after this single line.
The BBC is the enemy.
Kenya’s joint parliamentary defence and national security committees met briefly on Monday morning to begin their investigation into possible lapses in the country’s security system.
Committee head Ndung’u Gethenji … told the BBC last week that “people need to know the exact lapses in the security system that possibly allowed this event to take place”.
What’s the betting that these ‘lapses’ include how armed terrorists could walk into the shopping centre but not how gangs of Muslim psychopaths could be allowed free rein in the country?
“Deliberately confusing missing and killed.”
In what way?
It is clear from the article that many people that were initially reported as missing were not in the shopping centre at the time of the attack. This is clearly explained in the article:
“The Red Cross says some relatives were not updating them when they found people who had been reported as missing.”
“A Red Cross tracing manager has told the BBC that “some were reports from people who could not get through to their relatives on the phone and thought they might have been at the mall”.
“The organisation has been calling those who reported people missing for updates.”
You have also conveniently not quoted the full text relating to the Israeli connection:
“A dossier from the NIS – amounting to more than 8,000 pages according to Kenya’s Standard newspaper – also suggests the Israelis issued warnings that buildings owned by its citizens could be attacked between 4 and 28 September.
Westgate is partly Israeli-owned.”
They start this article about the missing. Then they insert the sentence; “The government has said 67 people were killed after al-Shabab militants stormed the Westgate centre in the capital, Nairobi, on 21 September.” It would be better if they had said that 67 people were killed and 61 are missing. Now they suggest that the missing are in some way incorporated in the killed.
What you leave out, is that the sentence “Westgate is partly Israeli-owned.” is highlighted by adding a blanc line before and after this sentence.
Can you say on the basis of this article how many people were killed, I would like to know?
Why is it very important that the mall was partly owned by Israelis?
And if this a justification for attacking the mall what percentage would OK and what percentage would justify such an attack?
“Can you say on the basis of this article how many people were killed, I would like to know?”
As stated in the article:
“The government has said 67 people were killed after al-Shabab militants stormed the Westgate centre in the capital, Nairobi, on 21 September.” This number includes seven who were previously reported to the Red Cross as being “missing” by friends/relatives etc. It is not unusual in such circumstances for figures for both “dead” and “reported missing” to be given initially pending positive identification of the fatalities.
“Why is it very important that the mall was partly owned by Israelis?”
Because as the article states:
“A dossier from the NIS – amounting to more than 8,000 pages according to Kenya’s Standard newspaper – also suggests the Israelis issued warnings that buildings owned by its citizens could be attacked between 4 and 28 September.”
“And if this a justification for attacking the mall what percentage would OK and what percentage would justify such an attack?”
Who says it was “justification”. Obviously it would be best if no one (0%) was killed in such circumstances.
You prove my point. Just read your quote;”This number includes seven who were previously reported to the Red Cross as being “missing” by friends/relatives etc.” It doesn’t say this in the article, you just made it up. The article is absolutely not specific about these deaths. Just for comparison.
wikipedia; atleast 72 killed
“Westgate is partly Israeli-owned.”
If this sentence had relevance only in relation to previous section they should have added it to the previous section and not high lighting it by inserting blanc line before and after it.
What percentage would justify such an attack?
The answer I expected was;
There is no justifcation, but explanation of motivation of the terrorist. But you couldn’t say that, could you? Instead you said; “Obviously it would be best if no one (0%) was killed in such circumstances.” I can only conclude that you don’t object an attack on Israeli property as long as there is no lose of live. Am I correct?
“I can only conclude that you don’t object an attack on Israeli property as long as there is no lose of live. Am I correct? ”
No, you are not correct and where did I suggest that I “don’t object an attack on Israeli property” or any property for that matter.
I am glad to hear that.
“It doesn’t say this in the article, you just made it up.”
Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the article:
“The Kenyan Red Cross has said the number of missing in the Westgate shopping centre attack has gone down to 39 from an earlier figure of 61.
Fourteen of the missing have been found alive and seven bodies were in the morgue, it said.”
You seem unable to understand the difference between confirmed fatalities and people “reported” missing. Only seven of those reported “missing” have been confirmed as “fatalities” at this time.
You said that the seven found death were included in the 67 killed(figure government). Your quote’s don’t document that the 7 were the bodies were found in the morgue were included in the government figure. You just made it up. That is not in the article.
You said;
“The government has said 67 people were killed after al-Shabab militants stormed the Westgate centre in the capital, Nairobi, on 21 September. This number includes seven who were previously reported to the Red Cross as being “missing” by friends/relatives etc.”
BBC has removed this page from it’s front pages.(Africa) Obviously they also thought it was not appropriate.
Oh do piss off Albie.
You are obviously a paid stooge.
Go and find some real work, like turd sorting at your local sewage works.
Real work is all right, if you dare try it!
I have been in full time paid employment for over 37 years with no spells of unemployment.
Any other assumptions you wish to make?
A nice gold plated pension funded by the tax payer to follow?
37 years !
Any other assumptions you wish to make?
Yep I will give it a go BBC ? guardian ? wee ecks pet helper monkey ? Pollys pool cleaner ? Eddie miilibund’s nanny ? Owen Jones nappy changer ?
You make assumptions about all of us on here so why shouldn’t we return the hatre?? soz favour !
Local government would be my guess
Guess? it would be my fucking assertion!
“I have been in full time paid employment for over 37 years with no spells of unemployment”
As someone once said: ‘if you say so’.
A generous employer it is too who indulges such extensive extracurricular surfing and commentary.
Well we know it’s coming…
It gives the BBC time to prepare a programme entitled “how can we connect with these poor souls”.
“Al Shabaab is a Threat to the World at Large”
And well worth watching, a Peter Taylor documentary on Al Shabab:-
‘Panorama’ is showing this on BBC 1 TV at 8:30 pm tonight: –
“Terror in Nairobi”,
(of course, ‘Islamic Jihad Terror in Nairobi’ would be more accurate, but still)- a summary-
“With at least 67 people killed, the murderous assault on the Nairobi shopping centre has brought the terrorist group al-Shabab to world attention. A gang, armed with machine guns and grenades, stalked the mall singling out non-Muslims for execution – Kenyans and foreigners alike. Pregnant women and children were among those murdered in the name of Jihad. With its roots in war-torn Somalia and formally allied to al-Qaeda since last year, al-Shabab is banned in the US and the UK. Panorama reporter Peter Taylor was already in Kenya as final preparations for the attack were underway, investigating the network the terror group uses to cross the Somali/Kenyan border at will and its appeal to radicalised Muslim youth in Britain and beyond.”
I thought that this was an informative report, going against the Islam-compliant grain of the usual INBBC output and propaganda- until the 27th minute, when we had two participants saying in effect that Islam ‘ is a ‘religion of peace’. Ha!
‘The Religion of Peace’:-
I thought by Al Beeb standards it was pretty fair
Were it fell down a bit ,I thought, was its continual inference that al-Shabab represent only a small minority of Somalia Muslims .
That may be true (I certainly hope so)
but they are conspicuous by their silence
not if but when …
and most disturbing, in the event, the narrative is probably already prepared
From the organisation which brought you this –
Apologies if this has already been posted but ITV’s Exposure, a new series of which starts next week, is apparently doing another exposure on Top On the Pops.
“TV show maker Mark Williams-Thomas, 42, said on Twitter that he had more “shocking” information about a potential plot to keep secret the BBC presenter’s activities.
He wrote: “Got told some very interesting info about who knew about Savile’s offending – which if it can be substantiated as true is shocking”
Is another BBC employee is about to be exposed?
This late ‘star’ is still held in high esteem by the Beeb, and you still hear his theme tune every Saturday on Radio 2….
I bet the BBC’s lawyers are working overtime…
Interesting it is in the Mirror.
I also notice a one-liner rebuttal of a calibre that seems oddly familiar.
“I bet the BBC’s lawyers are working overtime…”
If they are, it is to be hoped there is any budget left to raid in programming to uniquely fund what now seems the BBC’s core activity.
What remains certainly explains ‘Atlantis’.
Didn’t Harry Enfield as Smashy point us all in this direction more than 10 years ago?
not arf mate
BBC seems a bit worried about FaceBook, the free US-based social network system that’s now core part of its £145.50 offering.
Some interesting highlights:
“Facebook users who liked or interacted with the original post are not notified of any changes made”
A bit like any commenter on any ‘story evolving’ BBC blog thread then?
“A spokesman for Facebook was unable to provide comment.”
A bit li… no… precisely like any BBC droid ‘quoted’ when the corporation is outed daily.
So, probably the two are made for each other then.
According to bBBC Northwest Tonight, the most important news in the whole region is that something will happen in Warrington in six months’ time.
Of course this is the re-opened inquests into the deaths at the 1989 football match at Hillsborough and the bBBC is continuing its self-appointed role leading the whingeing Scousers’ self-publicity campaign.
With no mention of Heysel, why cages became necessary in the first place, or the well known inability of many football fans to behave in a remotely civilised way.
Seems like it is still happening…
Step forward the BBC and take a bow
I notice that BBC News 24 are recycling the story about the Census nationality question.
Gosh, muses our BBC man, I wonder why white English people suddenly shrink from calling themselves British?
Gosh, I think to myself, I wonder what powerful media institution may have sullied the word British in the eyes of the white English?
Scottish bagpipes at an Indian wedding in north London…. what could be more British than that? Or so says the BBC man.
Well, considering there is nothing English about it… are the BBC saying yes, good, job done? I rather suspect they are.
Throwaway one, but Martine ‘Rent-a-Tent’ Croxall reporting a story about the Alitalia plane crash-landing yesterday, described Alitalia as ‘the flagship carrier’.
I never seen an Alitalia plane carry any flagships.
Maybe she meant ‘flag-carrier’.
Would it kill them to take time out from reading their tweets on their I-phones to just spend a little time in trying to get rigour and accuracy into their news bulletins.
They truly are lazy f*ckers.…do we live under islamic law or english law ?
That question was rhetorical wasn’t it?
prison grub take it or leave it
leave it … fine see you tomorrow
pc idiots make a mistake even attempting to provide it.
not a leg to stand on either in our law or
the cults law
if there is no other food available then a Muslim is allowed to eat non-halal food.
Surah 2:173 states:
If one is forced because there is no other choice, neither craving nor transgressing, there is no sin on him.
Why pander to them? If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime….
Apart from being beheaded what rights would a Christian prisoner have in a Muslim country?
Enough of this crap…
This is what we BBC licence-payers/tax-payers pay for –
“‘Civil war’ at BBC Arabic”
(and that’s in addition to political propaganda on Muslim Brotherhood, and for Islam)
By Jake Kanter.
Lets hope it doesn’t spread to Al Beeb’s English language section that would be awful
Just awful.
Googling ‘Dinah Rose, QC’ may be worth a wee surf, though.
I did ,It was
al beebs, “hideously white” english language section you mean
“listed their grievances in an email to Tony Hall earlier this year. It is understood the whistleblower is yet to receive a formal reply ”
Veterans of the BBC Complaints process may permit themselves a wry smile in empathy.
Of course, the BBC-NUJ section of membership at Arabic TV service is inclined to strike over ‘working conditions’ (2011).
“BBC Arabic service protest over work Grievances – London”
The John Peel section of the Broadcasting House building, Portland Place, London is ‘state of the art’.
Of course, BBC Arabic TV service should be CLOSED DOWN because:
1.) funds can be more usefully spent on other public services for British people (not BBC interests);
2.) BBC’s audience is mainly Arabic/Islamic Middle East interests, and its political message will not be allowed to alienate Arabic political interests, e.g. on Israel, Islam.
3.) there are many providers of Arabic TV services, notably Al Jazeera, making BBC Arabic TV redundant;
4.) internal wranglings at BBC Arabic TV are the last straw.
complaints of mistreatment of staff by presenters, bullying investigations, and at least two on-going employment tribunals.
In other words, business as usual at the BBC.
A number of complaints about bullying have also been levelled at female presenters at the service, particularly from make-up artists.
But I repeat myself…..
In the comments:
1-Oct-2013 1:27 pm
I work for this department and therefore wont be commenting on whats going on inside but do think it’s a bit unfair that the accused are named of bullying when the accusers are not.’
Then the BBC wonders why Gove wants to bring back a 1950’s standard of English in our schools.
Stroll on.
Want to watch some ridiculous anti ethnic British propaganda aimed at our ‘yooof’ and ‘yoots’?
Watch BBC 3 Some Girls, at 10 oclock.
I haven’t seen it yet but if the last series in anything to go by negative racist stereotyping of the ‘whites’ will abound, with foreign ethnics shown in a far more positive light.
“negative racist stereotyping of the ‘whites’ will abound, with foreign ethnics shown in a far more positive light.”
Surely you mean East Enders
How do you know?
I’ve watched it and just as predicted.
Both white girls thick as two short planks, one overweight too, while the black heroine is ambitious and focused as well as caring and considerate. The Asian girl is also bright, though perhaps less all round ‘good egg’. Two white teachers are both grossly overweight including the one they *deaded*, while the skinny white New Zealander is a cow.
They havent yet shown the even more stupid white girl who has a baby (the most dishonest stereotype since blacks are the ethnic group most likely to choose teenage motherhood!
It is sickening how working class ethnic British people are always held up as targets for mockery!
Check out the Anti White Media blog
”Exposing the Subtle and Blatant Ways in Which the Media Seeks to Denigrate, Humiliate, and Ultimately Exterminate People of European or Caucasian Descent, One Image at a Time.”
Mark Mardell’s totally unbiased take on the US budget negotiations and Republican radicals:
The Republican leadership in the House are not stupid. But they are trapped by their radicals.
Any backing away from confrontation could brand John Boehner an Obama-loving apostate, and cost him his job. The same goes for his members who don’t want to be deselected in primary elections.
This is not about ideology. The Republicans in the House are all conservatives, all hate “Obamacare” and think government spending is irresponsibly out of hand.
This is about strategy. It is an argument between those Republicans who want to rush to the barricades and go down in a blaze of glory, heroes of the revolution to like-minded Tea Party types, and those who think it is a pointless charge but don’t want to be labelled traitors and cowards.
Heard about the 50000 people who were on a march through Manchester last week? Thought not. The BBC forgot to report it.
Only it was a march in favour of the NHS one of the favourite targets of the extreme right and the old yoghurt packer Vance. Funny that none of the defenders of liberty here picked it up, although had it been 50 imbeciles of the EDL they would have ranted.
Do you mean this one
“Do you mean this one”
There is a poetic aspect to that, on a variety of levels, which has quite made my day, thank you.
And it was frequently mentioned on 5 Live.
Labourlist ? lol rolling out the big guns on this one !
” The BBC forgot to report it.”
What is interesting is that a Shadow Minister feels that a protest he has participated in demands coverage to a level he has come to expect.
That it is from one whose reputation beyond union colleagues with NHS performance, say with Mid Staffs next-of kin, makes it either brave of him, or suggests a confidence that he is at least assured of no negative cover where it doesn’t suit.
Guessing the BBC, who as Labour’s more competent PR arm do know what to play up vs. down, rather hoping he’ll keep schtum before worm cans spill over.
It’s Mr Vance to you, Mr Doris.
Is that ‘Doris behind the net curtain’?
Beeboid: ambiguous about Al Shabaab Islamic jihad murderers?
Beeboid Mr DOYLE, freelancing in ‘The Observer’ (?) does not seem to be prepared to criticise Al Shebaab in this article:
“On the shifting frontlines of the fight against al-Shabaab”
Beeboid Doyle seems to allow that poverty may be an excuse for Al Shebaab to carry out any action, however horrific.
His own attitude towards Al Shebaab seems about as ambiguous as this Somali he mentions:-
“When I asked this grey-haired Somali about the al-Shabaab presence in Goobweyn he shrugged as if to dismiss the question. ‘Al-Shabaab are everywhere,’ he said through a translator. ‘They are here; they are in Mogadishu. And look what happened in Nairobi – they are there, too.’ An ambiguous response. It could have meant he condemned this widespread presence – or he could have been boasting about it. Maybe he was an innocent elder; maybe he was an al-Shabaab supporter.”
And where does Doyle stand re-Al Shebaab?
His lack of clarity is continued with this concluding remark:-
“And Somalia’s wars, conducted in shopping malls or in the frontlines around Kismayo, appear to be far from over.”
Doyle seems to be suggesting that Al Shabaab IS Somalia!
That the massacre in Nairobi was not perpetrated by an inhuman Islamic jihad Al Shabaab, but instead was carried out by “Somalia”?! What Doyle says and the way he says it, is at best, ambiguous.
I’ve never seen any of this watching the state broadcaster, because of course it’s not what they do frame and report, it’s what they ignore all together..
Dishonest, disrespectful BBC distorts “Thatcher’s” views on EU
Quite apart from the blatant pro-EU timing for the Conservative Party conference, it’s the BBC’s utter disdain for Margaret Thatcher that comes shining through
BBC presenters : bad diction and proud of it
Listen to 5 Live where this morning Nicky Campbell and Rachel Burden are taking the mick out of the 20th anniversary of the launch of shopping channels.
They play a clip of the news from back then:
‘sounds like they’re announcing a national disaster… ha ha!’
‘yeah, that was twenny years ago!’
Campbell is outdoing himself this morning. His main theme is sneering at the term “hard working”, which for some reason he finds a deeply distasteful phrase.
Glad to see others are noticing the semi literate BBC presenters. It is getting worse. I think they must all go to ‘Sound illiterate seminars’.
It is yet another symbol of their contempt for us.
Will BBC-NUJ follow this up as part of its investigative journalism to show how Islamic jihadists are a security threat to British people?:-
“Shabaab plot to attack London planned to be ‘similar to … Mumbai'”
Any investigation of Al Shabaab threat to London could start here:-
For BBC-Democrat to report?;-
BBC1 pushing the agenda tonight with the ‘Stephen Lawrence Unity Concert’ plenty of ‘right on’ naive young popstars appearing, no doubt the good lady Baroness Lawrence will also be in attendance.
BTW when is the Kriss Donald concert?
It’ll be the same day a Beeboid interviewer asks Emile Sande why she’s protesting a racially-motivated homicide in London but ignoring one in her hometown.
Must be something different about this one…
“BTW when is the Kriss Donald concert?”
Far too expensive. On the last list I saw, there were 34 black on white murders between Stephen Lawrence (using that as a starting point) and Kriss Donald.
That’s a lot of concerts.
(And BTW, they were racist because I wish to exercise my right to say they were.)
Not too sure whether best to post this here in the high 100s or on the virgin thread titled Labour Party Ringers….
Anyway following the BBC/Miliband in synch ‘Heros of the North’ theme we have a tweet from George ‘man of the people’ Riley
George Riley @georgeyboy 27 Sep
at 9 on @bbc5live. Have you been treated unfairly because of your accent? I was once denied work on a BBC station as I “didn’t sound right”
Aw bless. What terrible discrimination. Poor Luv.
Wait a minute. As a broadcaster sounding ‘right’ is pretty much the main job spec…. the be all and end all? No?
the bbc trumpets the 95% IPCC reports ad nauseum?
this actually, is from RT, but note the same whiney drone
and exactly the same inferences, (in fact a this host is a perfect example of whiiinneee!)
Wow. I don’t want to be unkind to the female presenter, but…wow.
Monckton remained his usual polite, eloquent self in the face of what basically amounted to an ad hom attack on air. This woman was unprofessional, uninformed, naive, rude and embarrassing.
A stark reminder of just how very low ‘journalistic standards’ are in broadcast media.
Like to see Christopher up against Monbiot, Chris would tear him apart.
‘suggestion that she should commit to closing down the BBC and bring about an end to her own department’
Sounds like ‘balance’ I could live with.
The basis of what and who we are, lest some forget.
Used to have a lot of time for Hannan, but with with some recent pretty poor pieces in the Telegraph he has morphed into a member of the establishment.
If he stood by his convictions he would have joined UKIP years ago, just another happy to take the Euro umm Euro …
Daniel Hannan wants Turkey in the EUSSR, his reasoning is he doesn’t want it as a white Christian club
Then he’s a fuckwit.
Never forget Dopey Dave Cameron wants them in as well, now there’s a REAL fuckwit!
BBC radio 4 has excelled itself this morning with a program on the Muslim view of ecology global warming and care of threatened species; Womans hour which always has a far left bias but managed some stunning stupidity today; story of Ed Milibands father hating England, a response by Red Ed but absolutely no expansion of the accusations at all.
And I didn’t get on you & yours because I wanted a moan about all the stealth taxes loaded onto gas & electric , which they didn’t want people to know about at all!
“You and Yours” – ah, yes, all those lucky people who could afford their solar panels, and were benefiting from the subsidies everyone who couldn’t afford solar panels, are forced to pay.
It never ceases to amaze me the lengths people now seem to have to go to just to keep reasonably warm. What did they do years ago? Apart from energy being cheaper, they, of course, wrapped up warm and hung heavy curtains up, and put draught excluders at the bottom of their internal doors. I remember drawing patterns on the inside of my frosted bedroom window as a child. (I Don’t like warm bedrooms, anyway).
What I find infuriating, is that energy is plentiful and freely available to all, but we are forbidden to exploit and use it by the EU and eco-greenies. We stand with hundreds of years of coal beneath our feet, the world is truly awash with oil, and there is gas in abundance. And nuclear energy is far safer than these same eco-greenies would have us believe.
What happens when all the remaining homes that could be better insulated, are? The energy price will still keep rising. What do we do then?
We should not be obliged to keep looking at different suppliers to find a less expensive “deal” every five minutes, neither should we be expected to pay green fines, and subsidies to those can afford to go further.
Energy is a prerequisite, and should be provided, at a reasonable cost as a service, as it used to be.
All we appear to be doing, is to deliberately make energy more expensive, and less available by closing and mothballing power stations, in order that the ubiquitous and useless windfarms may proliferate. And all whilst the climate, far from warming, is on the cusp of a cold plunge.
We must be utterly, utterly mad.
The Age of Stupid is upon us, and heartily supported by the BBC.
Dear BBC,
I saw this and thought of you…
“Once the trust goes out of a relationship, it’s really no fun lying to them anymore.” Norm from Cheers
One feels your pain.
So says a journalist whose wages are paid thanks to compulsion:
Wiser professional journalistic heads would probably know better than to go anywhere near such an unedifying tribal spat, that so far serves neither the DM or Ed M well.
However, wisdom is not something these two have, appear to need, or have any concerns in being shown to lack.
Must be a unique funding thing.
“Must be a unique funding thing” – yup, a salary guaranteed by a compulsory tax will do that for you.
How desperate are BBC viewers that they continue to fund….
Didn’t hear any of these BBC tosspots complain when Boris Johnson was told he was ‘a nasty piece of work’ by one of their own – or label their own viewers as ‘desperate’ for tuning in to the low rent crap that passes for BBC news.
…but they get all bent out of shape over a dead marxist. I can understand Miliband being upset, it’s his father they’re talking about, but…did anyone see tweets from BBC types when Margaret Thatcher died, condemning those celebrating and singing ‘The Wicked Witch Is Dead”? Was there any tut-tutting at many of the vicious articles written by leftist journalists in the immediate aftermath of her death, with accompanying contempt for the readers collectively?
No – quite the opposite – their corporation has long provided a platform for so-called ‘comedians’ to indulge in this very kind of nastiness for years.
Imagine this QI episode…
Jeremy Hardy
Miliband’s grave is going to be a permanent urinal to all decent people, isn’t it? There will be . . .
Stephen Fry
Won’t it be a . . . in fact, a dance floor?
Alan Davies
What they should put on Miliband’s grave is one of those arcade machines where the lights flash up and you have to put your feet on the lights.
Think they’d ever allow it to be broadcast?
‘Think they’d ever allow it to be broadcast?’
Nah. And if it was, they’ll be getting that side-stepped archive guy from Newsnight in archives to make whizzy with the bar magnets… If rather forgetting there is this thing called YouTube, and the internet.
It’s an edit and broadcast system like the BBC, only free, and can’t be censored.
How does this wet squit of a non-story make it to the head of the BBCs new headlines from morning to teatime?
Geoffrey Levy wrote it on Saturday, no factual errors; and fair comment given how Miliband drags his dads corpse across The Conference stage when it suits his pollsters to do so.
That the BBC got Tariq Ali to back up this “Marxist academic” from the sixties rather confirms what the Mail says…he was a lefty useful idiot, well paid by academe to propagate the good rebellion…and it`s still ongoing today.
F*** off BBC…when you try to defend a Nazi academic with the same sense of balance as the Marxist ones, THEN I`ll listen to you.
The Marxists caused far more deaths than than the Nazis,,,and they corroded this country with far more effect than the Nazis managed.
Exhibit A…Owen Jones, Laurie Penney…for starters!
On PM Milliband’s Dad Story dominated the programme for 30 minutes!
Why did the Mail publish this just when the Tory conference was on ? They could have waited until next week before publishing.
It wasn’t until after 5:35 that the Tory conference got on the programme and then of course we got the usual jaundiced BBC view of anything that didn’t conform to their view of more government , more spending , more unions etc etc.
Poor editorial decision ,not for the first time
“…The Marxists caused far more deaths than than the Nazis,,,and they corroded this country with far more effect than the Nazis managed.”
Ah, but the Marxists were ‘one of us’ as far as the BBC is concerned, which is why to this day the Nazis get far shorter shrift with the Corporation than those loveable, genocidal commies – some estimates put Stalin’s final murderous tally at around 20 million. Not bad, for a ‘hero’ of the Left.
Not sure how many Mao had put to death, nor Pol Pot in his killing fields…I won’t wait around for the BBC to tell me, though.
”The Black Book of Communism is a book written by several European academics and edited by Stéphane Courtois, which documents a history of repressions, both political and civilian, by Communist states, including genocides, extrajudicial executions, deportations, and artificial famines.”
It’s roughly 100 million deaths.
Why, all of a sudden, are we constantly being bombarded by the BBC, with women sports presenters?
Looks like Inverdale has had his marching orders, being replaced by the ‘High Priestess’ of Beeboid sports matters, Gabby Logan nee Yorath.
Because women’s sport is equal to men’s.
Even when it isn’t.
Maybe there’s been an edict about the BBC being hideously bouffant?
Be afraid, Bill Turnbull… Be very afraid.
Sorry, meant to say Gabby (Do you realise who I am?) Logan.
Because they’re eye candy for the mostly male audience and cause a bulge in viewing figures .. er.. I mean a rise .. um ..increase?
Seriously isn’t the Beeb just competing with the Sky sports crumpet?