Morning everyone. Here is a new open thread to end the month and start the week! I note quite a bit of heat being exchanged in a the last open thread. Can I remind everyone of the need for civility when commenting here. I would appreciate it if you can follow that request. Thanks.
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Currently watching the Paliament channel. A bloke called Lindsay Johns talking, Well worth a watch. He’s a weiter and from an ethnic minority. He attacks the liberals for trying to dumb down great writers and history to make it appealing for ethnic minoities. He makes the point that they should not need everything reduced to rap because its condecending.
Saudi Mufti again calls for destruction of all churches on Arabian Peninsula,” Pravoslavie, Sept 30
“Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Abdulaziz Bin Abdullah has once again called for the destruction of all Churches on the Arabian Peninsula” …
obviously being a GRAND 😀 Mufti does not inspire much in the way of great “peacefulness”
in actuality a truly shocking statement, in the light of the latest massacre of Christians in Peshawar.
so ……………. BBC? …… Hello? … anybody home?
well there must be someone, as we can read at great length
that in Saudi – “driving risks damaging women’s ovaries?”
and that they have suffered, as “militant Islamists have launched several deadly attacks” …
what? on their own churches?
I blame Catholic Church foreign policy and inequality in Saudi Arabia. Certainly nothing to do with religion, according to our defenders of the indefensible.
hmmm … The Grand Poobah! of Islam for Saudi Arabia …
obviously knows nothing about Islam, destroy all the churches … what!
… ah! he must be a damn Islamo-FAUX-be,
doesn t he know Islam is all about romping through the daisies?.
If only he would follow the worlds leading quranic scholar, prime messenger cameron
this grand muffdiver mustn’t be a muslim though, because i’m always hearing on al beeb that muslims who promote mass murder aren’t muslms because no real muslim would say such a thing. I suppose he’s just in a minority on the Arabian Peninsula and 99.999 of muslims would be horrified by such comments.
In fact i’m expecting to see muslims (and their left wing supporters) from around the UK protesting on the streets of our capital city this very weekend who are horrfied about this outragous cleric and his perverted interpretation of islam.
Islam preaches peace, love, happiness, compassion, and to love thy neighbour. Thats why we need more of them here. The cultural diversity they add to our own can only solve our decedent culture. allah akbar y’all
Maybe it was just another poorly understood Islamic Benediction?
There appear to a lot of them about at the ‘mo.
The BBC, with only 8,000 ‘journalists’ scattered about, ‘investigating’ ‘n stuff, surely can’t be expected to stay on top of what every religious faith leader pops out with.
Well, unless he’d popped the word effnik in there.
Then there’d be hell to pay, natch.
Washington Times
EDITORIAL: Destroy all churches?
Obama silent while Saudi grand mufti targets Christianity.
Hello and welcome to BBC4’s Only Connect with Victoria Coren. Only the Connect: the show that asks the very brightest of quiz contestants to connect all sorts of disparate things that at first glance appear to have absolutely nothing in common.
Here to tease out those links and connections we have two eager teams. So let’s say hello to our guests this evening who go under the witty titles of – Common Purpose and the Labour Alumni.
Let’s start the quiz. In round one the teams are going to pick one from six Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs – it will reveal the first of four clues…. I want to know what it is that is the connection between the clues – if you tell me after seeing just one clue I’ll give you five points. If you see two clues you get three points. Three clues you get two points and if you see all four clues you get one point. However if you fail to spot the common factor you get no points at all.
Now Common Purpose chose your question.
Twisted Flax, please, Victoria.
You’re going to see four clues… shout ‘next’ if you want another one… your time starts now.
Oh um… think of something… Morecambe and Wise… no, they were at ITV as well… Next!
The Public Sector
Err… generous pensions… early retirement… job security… gosh I can’t think of anything…. Next!
The TV Licence Fee
Oh errr…. how about 2016 renewal… err frozen for four years… what else has been frozen? err icecaps… no you can’t say that…. 2016… must be to do with 20-something… 2012 was the Olympics? Billions spent…. er how about – gold plated, golden handshake, golden shot? No that was ITV! Next!
Ed Miliband
No we give up Victoria, we’re completely stumped! We just can’t see any connection at all.
Mike Sergeant…next….Dan Snow….next….Roland Buerk
Shouts out “Victoria Coren”
“That’s right” (with startled amazement) “And the connection is?”
.The beeb are really pulling out the stops to defend poor Ed Miliband and his dead dad – I don’t seem to remember them being so supportive during the ding-dong the witch is dead incident
Possibly the genie of a ‘gate’ has been uncorked again by those of a mind to Wreck it with Ralph in the same way that pleb thing managed?
It’s not the incident… it’s the outrage.
Now I’m interested in a bit more detail on our hero of the seas.
One assumes he was not a conchy, so ‘serving’ if an able-bodied male really not easy to avoid.
And like any green-suited colleague shadowing a patrol in Helmland, was he a valued member of the watch, or was half an eye spared for what he got up to, especially when the Nazis surrendered and Churchill & Patten were pondering what next for world peace to endure?
‘P.M’-BBC NUJ-Labour Party-Milbands political axis:
-the Beeboids’ pro-Labour Party, anti-‘Daily Mail’ stance is amazingly blatant today.
The BBC-NUJ’s main political propaganda of the day is:-
‘support E. Miliband; attack the ‘Daily Mail’.
Virtually the first 30 minutes of Radio 4’s ‘PM’ was designed as a political demolition job on the ‘Daily Mail-even down to the detail of having the ‘Daily Mail’s words read by an actress in a coarse mock-cockney accent, while E. Miliband’s words were read by an actor with sincerity.
By political design, in devoting the bulk of ‘PM’ programme to the putting Beeboids’ political arms around the Milibands, ‘PM’s Mair (who was well on board with the Milibands politically) avoided having to report on the Conservative Party Conference.
To hear how egregious is the politically biased ‘PM’ pro-Milibands and anti-‘Daily Mail, check out ‘i-player.’
Radio 4 ‘PM’ -BBC NUJ-Labour Party, to prove that it has no time for the Conservative Party, devoted instead a ‘vital’ 6 minutes to a report about conditions on buses in Calcutta instead.
Pro-Labour Party political bias all the way with Mair and ‘PM. ‘
Wall to wall wet liberal crap from the BBC all day then.
The US budget was portrayed as Republicans stalling on Obamacare…described as “health reform” and a “landmark policy” by the BBC in their morning news bulletins.
As ever no context…out of a clear blue sky.
All I know is the BBC would describe the Nazi Enabling Act as a “landmark policy” and the liquidation of mental patients by the Nazis would be called “health reforms”…if it suited the BBC to do that.
So Beeb…unless you give me a background, have some history on the storys evolution I can check…and give me some balance..I`ll not believe a f***in words you say!
The truth got buried with Jimmy Savile-at least he crawled off to die alone in his flat, and didn`t continue to throw his soiled trackies and socks at me from his hamper after his purpose and credibilty were shown to be so much shit and skids.
Not so the BBC…they glory in the scum of their own creating.
Landmark trainwreck, more like. It’s a disaster already. More than half the States’ websites don’t work. Delays have already been put in place because the Administration knows all too well how messed up this is.
Premiums are going up for most people, lots are going to lose their coverage, and so on. This is not the bill of goods the BBC claimed it was, nor what they’re claiming now. This is going to do serious harm to the nation, but the BBC will instead be worldwide cheerleaders for it.
As for the shutdown, any BBC “journalist” who claims this is only because Republicans are trying to cause harm is lying. Yes, lying. The Community Organizer-in-Chief wants a shutdown because He knows the media has His back. Every political analyst on the planet knows the President thrives on blaming others. Even Mark Mardell admitted that the press will blame Republicans for it (because he believes they’re to blame exclusively, not because he thinks his fellow journalists are biased). The President loves chaos, loves disasters because that puts Him in His element: blaming someone else, demonizing His opponents, pointing fingers. That’s what He does best, and it’s what He’s always done. We saw the same thing with last year’s budget fiasco, with the Sequester (He and the BBC blamed Republicans even though He offered it), and every time there’s a minor crisis.
Did anyone at the BBC mention that the Democrats and the President rejected an offer to raise the debt ceiling if Congress killed the tax on pacemakers and insulin injectors? Any suggestion that the Democrats are willing to shut the government down because they want a tax on something that helps the most vulnerable among us? Sure, the other Republican demand was a one-year delay on ObamaCare, but that’s looking more and more like it’s going to delay itself due to incompetence (they’ve had three years to put this in place, and it’s not even close), so I’d bet that the Republicans would have gone for it if the tax was repealed.
This shutdown is the President’s goal. That’s the strategy Mardell should have been talking about, instead of how the Republicans are just trying to destroy the country in search of campaign cash. Any political analyst who doesn’t point out His penchant for blaming and demonizing opponents isn’t worth a damn.
Don’t trust the BBC on US issues.
The sad and squalid story of the death of Hamzah Khan
BBC just about find space to state – almost in passing – that ‘Ms Hutton said Mr Khan could be violent towards her.’
Still, no to worry ‘”There were good times, there were bad times,” she said.’
Just like any other relationship then.
Funnily enough the Left-leaning Guardian has quite a different take on the Court evidence today
‘Amanda Hutton tells court of decades of domestic violence’
‘Hamzah Khan’s mother, on trial for starving her child to death, says partner underwent arranged marriage in Pakistan after first two children were born’
I wouldn’t say the BBC was less Left-leaning than the Guardian – but the BBC appears more Islam-leaning. Why else should our national broadcaster always tend to lend a helping hand to wipe their mucky bottoms?
I don’t know if it has been mentioned further up this thread but I’ll say it anyway. I have had the radio on most of the day tuned to R5 and R4 and I am sick to my back teeth of hearing about Red Eds father and his (Eds) whinging grating voice trying to come across as all hurt. This is nothing but endless publicity that the BBC is giving to Ed and Labour during the conservative conference week. As it happens I do believe that to a point Ralph Milliband hated Britain or why else would he want to turn it into a socialist workers paradise (hell hole). Another point, if he came here from Belgium in 1940 to escape the Nazi’s (no problem with that at all) why didn’t he go back there after the war. I think, like a lot of immigrants still do, he wasn’t too keen on our culture (quite happy to subvert all that made us the nation we were) but liked the opportunities this country provides. Heaven help us if Ed gets to be Prime Minister.
Dam I forgot to add that this also plays into the BBC’s wish to have the rest of the media censored.
A lovely rainbow image, and likely to see more bands added as the job creation scheme at the BBC fun factory expands, expensively, ever further.
Meanwhile, speaking of market rates and the talent they bring…
“The staff will be playing buzz-word bingo.”
I’m betting on more world class trust and national treasuredom… because they say so. And often.
Seems silly to break with a winning pitch.
Especially when the manual says repeat, repeat, repeat…
Not like what’s left after the new hires, new pensions, pay offs, write offs and compo can go to anything creatively original.
Well, unless they’re going to point at ‘Atlantis’.
With Murdoch cowed or at least only fighting back against Cameron, slyly and obliquely, the BBC has one target, the next biggest media group in the UK. (The Telegraph group is anti-Tory these days or at least eclectic.) On the Ralph Miliband story, we will never hear the end of it until others join the anti-Mail witch hunt. Beeboid pack mentality. Statists stick together.
The logical of Leftist policies.
The logical end of leftist policies.
See now, the bBBC can do it if it tries. Include the M-word in a news headline, that is: Muslim free school closes doors.
There must be an ulterior motive (anti-Gove?). What’s their reason?