Many in the BBC frequently denounce the Daily Mail for having supported the Blackshirts, and proclaim it a right wing paper…..not so keen to similarly denounce the Mirror for the same past errors:
On Monday, 22 January, 1934 the Mirror ran the headline “Give the Blackshirts a helping hand”. The paper went one further than the Mail, urging readers to join Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, and giving the address to which to send membership applications.
The Mirror’s Sunday sister paper, then known as The Pictorial, followed up with a Hello!-style picture essay showing uniformed blackshirt paramilitaries playing table tennis and enjoying a sing-song around the piano while off duty inside the Black House, Mosley’s barracks-cum-dungeon on London’s King’s Road.
The now editor of the Daily Mirror declares that this is irrelevant…there are no relatives of Lord Rothermere running the Mirror now…..
The thing is the Left have always used the ‘smear’ of the Daily Mail’s ‘flirtation’ with Fascism as a stick to beat it with….not just now as a reaction to the Mail’s attack on Miliband…so it is hypocritical of them to now claim that article ‘offends the British sense of fair play’ when they have been doing exactly the same thing for years now.
Even the Guardian must be in two minds about all the fuss after publishing this in 2011:
Don’t damn the Daily Mail for its fascist flirtation 80 years ago
The Mail was not the only paper to carry articles supporting Oswald Mosley‘s blackshirts. The Daily Mirror did too.
In January 1934, he wrote – under his own byline – articles that appeared in both the Mail and the Mirror. The former was headlined “Hurrah for the Blackshirts”. The latter was headlined “Give the Blackshirts a helping hand.”
The leftists have updated their hatred toward the Daily Mail to this article now…
Shouldn’t this go under ‘sins of the father’?
Another good piece, Alan, on historical aspects of media ‘left’ which Beeboids censor.
No doubt this is censored too from CoJo indoctrination courses.
And although Beeboids have political disdain for News International, and for Daily Mail,’ the Beeboids give a free political pass to ‘Mirror’ group, despite its history of the 1930s, and of Maxwell, up to its Labour Party sycophancy.
Its worse than I thought, I have just discovered the fact that Ed Millibands dad was a Belgian as well as a Marxist.
No wonder he wont give us a referendum, if he admires a father who only reluctantly joined the Royal Navy Belgian section to fight the Germans because they attacked Brussels and Stalin’s beloved Marxist paradise.
Yes they keep pumping Milliband senior’s war service and how he rushed to join royal navy admirable perhaps
But was it like the 2nd Viscount Stansgate’s ,once ,much vaunted service in the Royal Air Force?
Found this
“The three missing years to which he refers were spent in service as a naval rating in the Belgian section of the Royal Navy. Aware of the fact that many of his Belgian comrades were engaged in the war against fascism and traumatized by the absence of his mother and sister, he had volunteered, using Laski’s influence to override the bureaucracy.
He served on a number of destroyers and warships, helping to intercept German radio messages. He rose to the rank of Chief Petty Officer and was greatly amused on one occasion when his new commanding officer informed him how he had been rated by a viscount who had commanded the ship on which he had previously served: “Miliband is stupid, but always remains cheerful!””
So in fairness actually in theatre of war ,but seems to have been in naval intelegence
“Miliband is stupid, but always remains cheerful!”
Sounds like a new party slogan!
I guess it’s better than spending the war cowering in a prison cell, like Jack Straw’s pathetic twat of a father.
presumably he would eventually have been called up anyway as an able-bodied man of suitable age from a friendly country?
He wasn’t Belgian, he was a Pole……There’s interesting evidence out there to suggest that the Miliband family took refuge in Belgium after Ralph Milibands father Samuel, fought with the red army in the Russian/Polish war…..And Samuel was a Pole..
Therefore, does it run in the family that the Milibands will slaughter their own people?
People’s political past is always a dangerous area to pry into – no doubt St. Tony Blair (PBUH) didn’t look too closely at the antecedants of his best pal George Bush…
Of course it was only his grandpappy (Prescott) – so no real connection.
The Mail are factually accurate are they not?
The quotes are verbatim aren`t they?
So what the fuss?
Surely if we replace the word “hate” with “despise” or “scorn” or “contempt”. this would please the Lefties….for they do the same…they`d resonate with this, which is why the BBC , the EU and the Left are all as one on this.
Maybe they should have given Hobsbawn a pasting instead of justifying his evils…and maybe they ought to have shown Margaret Thatcher a modicum of humanity and humility when she died.
Instead of sucking up to Savile and his sweaty tracksuits…
A long learning curve at Lefty Central isn`t it?
Send for Professor Prescott!…
i dont know what to say here,i am very shocked to read about the daily mirrors support for fascism in the past,this story about the daily mirrors links to fascism warrants futher scrutiny and investigations,like they say,what goes around comes around and i think the daily mirror must explain themselfes and there links to fascism in the past and links to present violent fascist groups that they support now like the falsely named ultra violent uaf and other far left violent national socalist fascist groups.
Stuart, my dear boy, have you ever heard of punctuation ?
“Eats shoots and leaves” comes to mind !
Labour leader Ed Miliband said today: @“Eric Hobsbawm was an extraordinary historian, a man passionate about his politics and a great friend of my family.
“His historical works brought hundreds of years of British history to hundreds of thousands of people. He brought history out of the ivory tower and into people’s lives.
This was one of Ralph Milibands closest friends, a man that was still an apologist for Stalin until his death this time last year…
Here we see the BBC suck up to his vile beliefs..
nope, smell the glove,my spelling and punctuation are frankly horrible and i dont apologise for that all for that,but on the other hand .if you dont like it there is more to come,so i dont give a @@@@ what you think about my poor punctuation matey,get it.
No one mentions the Indie’s history of supporting the Serbian extermination of the Bosnians, then I take it? Or their fanatical desperation to support anything against capitalism and free markets at any cost to human life, including their beloved Khmer Rouge?
No? Oh, what a short memory they have.
At least I got my very own comma. Thankyou.