Will the viewers vote bear out many recent polls, on genuine islamic problems, on the BBC?
really the people who should matter to the BBC … the viewers?
Inayat Bungalawa, has shot himself in the foot again, obviously desperate to raise his profile, on the coat tails of this weeks events … he hasn t changed one iota, duplicitous and arch apologist
I d posted this earlier.
this is the BBC interview mentioned in the debate
from 2hrs 20 mins
So, in BBC terms ‘views are split’ again, then?
Bet a few in or seeking power are wondering how closing votes that look like straying can be carried out as does the BBC.
Unique democracy too?
Does the English Defence League represent a view that needs to be heard?
Well surprise, surprise … 95% of BBC viewers say yes!
expect much more, 95% more Robinson or EDL coverage then, on the BBC then?
I thought the viewers vote was closed a bit early 😀
maybe why the EDL had more registered supporters
than any political party? …. well one thing is crystal clear
in this country great, great concern about Islam? … and non of it good.
BBC response? … erm, this erm result? we have to stress this isn t a scientific poll … erm a, erm remarkable result
of course erm multiculturism, we ve been through a long process, of erm, of redevising, in groups there is a lot of variants – ya da ya da ya da
‘Everyone is concerned by extremists’ ? I suppose that’s why people are just falling over themselves queuing up at police stations to shop and stop the radicalistion of youths at local mosques ?
Here’s another thought – if these ‘extremists’ really are, as we are told so often, not real Muslims – then why don’t the Imams club together and declare these radicals as apostate – that would certainly show some concern about the issue. (Besides possibly basically issuing a fatwa against any and all of them).
It was/is a pressure group, and despite the absurd media has been successful.
The issues he/they highlighted won t go away.
I actually look forward to maybe a new no nonsense organisation, hopefully more media savvy……………….
“all the muslims you know”
Again it comes like a round robin … what? … are they concertedly, actively doing about THEIR Ideologies problems? …
because that is what they are?, they are not anyone else’s. …
I urge you, take your own advice … look it up
Robinson’s behaviour, as ever , is puzzling and it is far too early to speculate.
I should hope everybody is concerned about extremists. Empathy has nothing to do with creating a safe society. That is a matter of the acceptance of responsibility and obeying the law. In this country it means our Common law and the acceptance of the British way of doing things. We do have a problem in that the Muslim extremists believe they are not extreme but devout. On the other side I expect the extremists hold to similar beliefs- that is they are not extreme.
This situation has been bought about in this country by negligence, bad government and fantasies about human nature by our liberal elites. Add to that the usual greed and self promotion and you get close to the real answer.
That the inhabitants of this country were never consulted over mass immigration of different cultures is a matter of fact. All the iberal empathetic behaviour in the world is not going to change this fact. Reality, as ever, will have it’s way sooner or later. Now is a time for firm government and cool heads not for liberal handwringing.
An odd introduction to the classic Peter Seller’s comedy Two Way Stretch yesterday morning, ‘back to a bygone time, made in 1960, classic comedy with language to match.’ Eh? The heinous word: ‘nignog’. Sensitive flowers at the beeb aren’t they?
have you seen all the web sites that are telling Polish people how to rob from the British welfare state?
Google “Benefity w UK” translated it means benefits in the UK. the results will be horrifying to everyone. Except of course, to the swivell eyed looney left.
A US politician gives a long long list of Muslim attacks on Christians all round the world. Says the media minimise it, brush over it. “Where is the rest of Islam, why don’t they stand up and condemn this ? Radical Islam will cease only when Islam begins to police itself”. And he makes it clear that domestic attacks in the US – and the UK – are rooted in extreme Islam. ( No pussyfooting around it.)
Why can’t some UK politicians be a s forthright ? Are they ALL scared of the Muslim vote here ?
Oh dear, when will folk realise there is NO extreme Islam
Only Islam itself.
It arrives as a complete package, and followers are not allowed to cherry pick the bits they consider moderate.
Go read ‘ A Politically Incorrect Giude to Islam’ by Robert Spencer. Yes that’s right the initials spell pig to islam.
The myth of moderate V extremists is one invented by our treacherous liberal media.
In reality all are facets of the same religion.
It’s not true that all Muslims are terrorists, of course, but the vast majority of terrorists are Muslim.
Whether it’s true or not that muslims suffer proportionally more than we do from their ideolgy, from which they have no escape, is irrelevant to us kuffars.
Why any politician would actually want more followers of the prophet who married a 6 year old girl to flood into the EU is utterly beyond me.
I was astonished to hear this morning, on BBC News, that ‘3 dozen’ UK police officers were working full-time in Praia de Luz on the Madelaine McCann case. Whilst I have some sympathy for the parents (only some sympathy, mainly because they were the initial miscreants in this case, having abandoned three tots to look after themselves whilst they went off to have dinner and drinks with their mates – out of sight and earshot of an apartment in a location strange to the family), that number of police is staggering.
Tell me, please, that none of them have any family or friends visiting the vicinity whilst they are out there…
But I do have a number of questions to ask – e.g. how many man-hours were spent by police investigating the Stafford Hospital deaths, compared to the man-hours expended on one, albeit very sad, case ?
Because if it is in proportion to the amount of coverage the BBC has given to these two cases, than I would have to guess the Stafford case was investigated by one man and his dog, on alternate Tuesdays, but only if the month had a ‘Y’ in it.
And, given the pressing need to find anyone who knew about the case, why is e-fit material being released through a BBC TV programme, days after it is available – and not being widely distributed through the media right now ? And please, don’t anyone give me the cr@p that it’s to create the maximum impact with Watchdog’s re-construction of events – 90% of the population won’t see that – and it could be splashed over every newspaper, TV broadcast, viewed at the door of every superstore, newsagent and petrol station right now !
But I suspect that, despite claims that there will be a ‘game-changing’ set of new evidence and leads, we only have to ask how often we’ve heard that in this story ?
E-fits which have been put together 6 years after the event ? Couple that with any scientific analysis of the ability of normal people to put together an e-fit picture 6 hours after an event, rather than 6 years !
Amazing who also seems to be well and truly indoors and not feeling the least bit affectionate, reduced to ‘if yer ‘ard enuf’ taunts.
Nor, just for today, that concerned with BBC bias when it seems safe to exit the bunker for a bit of a distraction kickabout.
“…use heavy innuendo, based on not a shred of actual knowledge or evidence”
Seems just like lessons learned from those hidden sections of the BBC Editorial Guidelines Pollard heard whispered about, as used by the Newsnight team and others.
Guess it was a different time, then it wasn’t, then it was again…
Tx, but while acknowledging you do seem well, if exclusively versed solely in BBC-based resources, this is a site about BBC inaccuracy, lack of professional objectivity and failure in integrity.
Much as you would like to make it about anything but. So, maybe not.
However the opportunity to make this key point again is appreciated.
Even if yours, in the manner chosen, probably will not be by the entity you appear to think needs championing.
Recent history has thrown up many with a way with words in writing or oratory that has been compelling and probably text book. Hasn’t always made what they articulated correct or them the best of representatives.
Now let’s see. Parents leave three very young children alone in a flat that proves to be insecure, in a foreign country while they go and have “dinner” with friends some distance away. According to the parents the kids are left alone for approximately 90 minutes before one of them goes to check on them.
Now,aren’t the parents primarily responsible in the first instance? If it was a chav couple leaving their kids alone in the house while they swanned off to their local for a couple of hours the press and the authorities would have crucified them. And yet these particular parents, being of the professional classes, moan when some, not all, question their wisdom in leaving their kids alone in the first place.
“Trolls really ought not be fed.”
At risk of adding to the diet you appear to have initiated replying to a new cycle in the Borg deity list, I am intrigued by the effectiveness of a policy that seems to have zero impact on the number of existing or new monikers spring up spontaneously to clog up threads. If left alone I have my doubts they would disappear, leaving their, often inaccurate, views to dominate.
Which sounds about like the bully-pulpit twittosphere’s wettest of Leveson dreams, and by the standards of the BBC and Guardian in complement, a ‘result’.
Closing outlets of free expression and imposing costs on individuals.. an interesting set of ambitions for champions of holding corrupted power to account.
Maybe A. Journalist or A. Lawyer could help out here?
Is it really possible for contribution of an anonymous independent outside source (who, if so, may have been commissioned as a false flag for just such a purpose?) into a free forum to result in a closing?
If so, the BBC will last about ten more seconds by what is on their FaceBook pages at any one time.
Then of course, as a force public-funded entity there is what happens if things do get serious and legal, especially when it involves staff and deliberate ideological abusive targeting.
As I recall few if any individuals were actually held to account over the Newsight BIJ job on McAlpine, and the only bankrupting was of the programming budget to dig a bunch of market rate public sector employees back into their multiple hundred kps troughs again.
So why would what is suggested happen as wished for here, but not a state media monopoly with various obligations, some by Charter?
‘Maybe A. Journalist or A. Lawyer could help out here?’
Odd. Usually the advice flows free and fast.
Appreciating the weekend is left to the work experience kids (12 of them at least, looking at the like cycle), maybe one could again prevail on those who know how news really works to explain how the BBC gets to sail on no matter what they host, but BBC critical sites need closing down at the first hint of something iffy from anyone who fancies dropping a poo in the pool?
Is the British legal system becoming as selectively ‘unique’ as its broadcaster?
A theory shared by the Daily Express at one time. It cost them £550,000. Amaral is currently being sued. It will cost him more unless the judge plays for the home team.
Scott only addressed one post, and look how a little reason and fact showed some of you up for what you are. The great majority of posts would suffer the same fate if anyone took the effort to do the same.
I visit the site for a bit of entertaiment as I think ‘biggoted dickheads’ are funny.
One post, yet you claim that discredits thousands at a stroke, without offering a single ounce of substance yourself. Sneering and insulting. Throwing rocks at strangers is fun, isn’t it?
Also on BBC News at around 08:30 this morning, Naga Munchetty and some other Beeboid on the sofa, speaking to an expert they brought in to discuss the Chancellor’s visit to China and its potential (very positive) impact on our economy.
The expert in this field, from Grant-Thornton (a well-respected, and NON-political, worldwide firm well qualified to offer a view on the subject) was waxing lyrical on how George Osborne and Boris Johnson were leading the way in improving Sino-British commercial relations, with significant benefits to both countries, and resulting in 16,000 jobs in the North-West of England.
Munchetty and her mate were going to have none of that if they could get away with it, basically trying to tear holes in anything the Grant-Thornton man said – culminating with la Naga questioning whether Messrs Osborne and Johnson were basically ‘trading with the enemy’ – querying whether we ought to be having commercial relationships with China at all ”…..given their human rights record….”
Give him his due, the Grant-Thornton guy just batted that away as he had done with all of their objections to a good news story.
But – two questions – do Munchetty and her comrades really want this country to recover from the mess left to us by the previous Labour government ? ( probably more to the point, does Munchetty have a clue what she’s talking about in this field ?)
And secondly, where have I ever heard Munchetty, or any other of her BBC buddies ever promote the cessation of relationships with any Arabic country, or Russia, Pakistan, African countries, or any others of a long list which have equally bad, if not worse, human rights records ?
The BBC just can’t stand good news, unless it’s good news for Mr Milliband and co (and therefore, by defintion, for the BBC).
I am not quite sure why I should be concerned about the upcoming Crimewatch programme into the McCann disappearance, but I am. I appreciate that it is probably Scotland Yard who have asked for this additional exposure and that the BBC are merely obliging (in this instance) but there remains the feeling that there is a re-scoping of this investigation that the BBC are complicit with.
A 25 minute reconstruction of the events leading up to the disappearance is one thing, but the fact remains that the story does appear to have changed (once again) quite dramatically, or so we have been told and it seems that there is little explanation as to why this should be the case after so long or indeed what it means.
At the end of the day, the programme will be based on what the McCanns say, and I am uncomfortable with that. Some readers may be interested in this blog too…
my advice is to take no position and preferably no interest. The whole tragic case is a minefield. Certainly it would be most unwise to advance any theory at all.
According to bBBC ‘news’, the most important news of the day is that something will be shown in a bBBC television programme tomorrow evening. They won’t tell us what, but want to bump up the viewing figures and hope that their distorted priorities of what is ‘news’ will help.
Half listening to 5Live at about 00.45 this morning I heard the lefty guest state that the cyclone in India was due to global warming (ignoring the fact that the West Indies/Easter Seaboard had had its quietest hurricane season for many a year -despite predictions to the contrary) and that WE had responsibility for the half million displaced people. To be fair, Edwina Currie exploded on my behalf on the latter point but the former was totally unchallenged so another tranche of Saturday night boozers have been fed totally unsubstantiated “facts”
Significant Veterans march on the White House lawn (on the legal side of the fence, don’t worry) going on right now. Live streaming amateur video going on right now over at WeaselZippers and other places. Ted Cruz and the BBC’s bête noire, Sarah Palin, have been sighted with them. With the low quality of the video signal, it’s impossible to tell how many there are. It’s not thousands, or anything like that, but much larger than other things the BBC has made sure to report.
It’s too bad they’re not doing the same thing in front of Democrat HQ, as that would be more effective and much harder to dismiss as racism.
BBC: ZZZZzzzzzz.
I’m sure they’ve sent one of the scores of young digital media grads they’ve hired to head over there to produce one of those patented “bespoke” video magazine pieces and tell you all about this Klan rally.
Somebody shouted about there being a Communist in the White House, naturally. The man’s wrong, of course. The President was only raised and mentored by Communists. He isn’t really one Himself. Somehow I feel this one voice will allow defenders of the indefensible and BBC journalists and their supporters to dismiss all these people as extremists and nutjobs based on this one voice, just like they don’t do with Occupiers or UAF or similar favored protest groups.
Perhaps if these protesters made a few noises about corporate greed or income inequality, the BBC would give them the credence and deference they paid to the Occupiers.
Here’s a little more on today’s protests in front of the White House. Apparently veterans have removed a bunch of barricades recently placed – paid for by the federal government during a supposed shutdown – in front of memorials and carried them to the gates of Versaillles the White House.
It’s Breitbart, yes, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen or that it should be difficult for BBC journalists to discover the facts. I’m sure the BBC will right on this.
Just watched Tommy Robinson on Sunday Morning Live. I think already he is showing how his move in leaving the EDL is justified as the BBC is finally starting to give his views some air time, as did Paxman also did on Newsnight. Well done (at last) to some in the BBC. This leaves Channel 4 still behind the curve however.
Hopefully moderate Muslims will now be encouraged to combat the radicalism which threatens to consume their own youth.
The BBC documentary on Tommy Robinson when it airs will be crucial in showing whether the BBC has really grasped what is going on, or if it is going to revert to type and do a hatchet job.
Statements including terms like ‘regain trust’, ‘open and accountable’, ‘transparent’, ‘mindful of public trust’, ‘responsible’, are but a few of those the BBC like to tell their public, to show they are truly concerned and care.
Their diminishing ignorant public just suck it up, happy to believe that the trust they have vested in this body is well founded, and ‘their world’ will continue in the way they want to believe it is.
It would take very little for anybody with an open mind to see just how traitorous, insidious, greedy, and self serving this organisation truly is.
The Mail on Sunday has found out that between January 2010 and June 2013, 9 out of 91 BBC executives who had been earning over £100,000 a year, and had their contracts terminated, all receiving huge payoffs, were subsequently secretly rehired.
The BBC responded to this ‘revelation’ by stating ‘In three and a half years, nine individuals have returned to work for the BBC and been engaged on short-term or freelance contracts – none have returned to full-time employment at the BBC.’
However they refuse to reveal the names of any the 91 individuals who received a payoff or to say how much each received on leaving the BBC or in what departments they are now working. So much for transparency.
1) The BBC have exaggerated the figures showing how it has trimmed the various departments.
2) Some employees will have been rewarded with a higher earning than before.
3) As we have also previously seen, by being reinstated as a freelancer, they can also avoid paying the normal rate of tax.
No doubt their faithful brainwashed flock will see it as a positive bit of news.
Muslim Rageh Omaar (who else?) presents another episode of Islamic history on INBBC TV tonight: ‘The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors’ where we are given his Islamic version of the Ottomans’ imperial conquest of large parts of Europe, Asia and Africa.
A non-Muslim view of the struggle to halt Islam in Europe in the time of the Ottoman Empire:-
“The Real History of the Crusades.”
“The crusades are quite possibly the most misunderstood event in European history. Most of what passes for public knowledge about it is either misleading or just plain wrong.”
By Prof. Thomas F. Madden
“One might think that three centuries of Christian defeats would have soured Europeans on the idea of Crusade. Not at all. In one sense, they had little alternative. Muslim kingdoms were becoming more, not less, powerful in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. The Ottoman Turks conquered not only their fellow Muslims, thus further unifying Islam, but also continued to press westward, capturing Constantinople and plunging deep into Europe itself. By the 15th century, the Crusades were no longer errands of mercy for a distant people but desperate attempts of one of the last remnants of Christendom to survive. Europeans began to ponder the real possibility that Islam would finally achieve its aim of conquering the entire Christian world.”
Damned if you do-damned if you don`t!
Money Box tonight (Sun 9pm Radio 4) is moaning on about the “small investor” , getting a less good service in acquiring Post Office shares…big business being favoured.
Yet last week, the BBC didn`t want ANYONE to apply for them-for the little people(except for union bosses and post office staff) would be class traitors in effect.
The Tories just can`t win-we don`t want the shares sold…and if you DO sell them, then that`ll be crap too!
“We played the flute for you…yada, yada”…the BBC are serially dyspeptic , unless Labour say it aren`t they?
Breaking news at 10 O’clock that a number of ‘men’ from the London area have been arrested under the terrorism act. I wonder if they will turn out to be the usual suspects, and why it is that neither the useless brigade nor the biased broadcaster can actually give any details as to their backgrounds.
As per usual we are left to be able to ‘discern’ who they are from the names.
Today program, interviewing Golden Dawn members in Greece. A member says in translation for friends, “they don’t want to talk to you because they think you’ll report what ever they say to the authorities”
It seems the BBCs doings are known even to people as far away as Greece !
tomoFeb 23, 17:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Wiltshire has local elections in May just wondering if it’s only Labour places that are skipping democracy?
tomoFeb 23, 17:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Ever wonder (I have, often… – sad I know, but that dork ain’t worth £1million a year)
richard DFeb 23, 17:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The even bigger story will unfold tomorrow, in all the left-wing (i.e. mainstream) outfits, press, media, etc., where it will…
tomoFeb 23, 16:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025
ZephirFeb 23, 16:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The BBC’s reporting conveniently ignores the core issue: the astronomical cost of net zero policies to the average British household.…
ZephirFeb 23, 16:50 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bbc bias (lies) in a nutshell, once again: “BBC exposes its own bias against Reform UK in coverage of major…
vladFeb 23, 16:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The big story in the German election is the unstoppable rise of the AfD. The BBC can’t bear that reality,…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Comment “The sheer insanity, we can’t even give weather payments to our Elderly and have bankrupt councils and they want…
atlas_shruggedFeb 23, 16:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Stew I need to help you with your thinking. You are completely right. The politicians know that they are special…
Will the viewers vote bear out many recent polls, on genuine islamic problems, on the BBC?
really the people who should matter to the BBC … the viewers?
Inayat Bungalawa, has shot himself in the foot again, obviously desperate to raise his profile, on the coat tails of this weeks events … he hasn t changed one iota, duplicitous and arch apologist
I d posted this earlier.
this is the BBC interview mentioned in the debate
from 2hrs 20 mins
The vote on sunday morning live now closed.
Does the EDL represent a view that should be heard?
95% yes 5% no.
So, in BBC terms ‘views are split’ again, then?
Bet a few in or seeking power are wondering how closing votes that look like straying can be carried out as does the BBC.
Unique democracy too?
It’s only a matter of time before they begin lying about the results.
you misunderstand bbc thinking. They believe that people just need to be educated. Watch Rageh Omaar and his islamic propaganda on al beeb tonight
Does the English Defence League represent a view that needs to be heard?
Well surprise, surprise … 95% of BBC viewers say yes!
expect much more, 95% more Robinson or EDL coverage then, on the BBC then?
I thought the viewers vote was closed a bit early 😀
maybe why the EDL had more registered supporters
than any political party? …. well one thing is crystal clear
in this country great, great concern about Islam? … and non of it good.
BBC response? … erm, this erm result? we have to stress this isn t a scientific poll … erm a, erm remarkable result
of course erm multiculturism, we ve been through a long process, of erm, of redevising, in groups there is a lot of variants – ya da ya da ya da
Everyone is concerned about extremists. Including all the Muslims I know.
So is Tommy Robinson who realised in time he was leading nasty closet racists and bigots.
EDL is no more. It’s leaders turned to have one quality utterly missing from this bizarre little world of hate@ empathy. Look it up.
‘Everyone is concerned by extremists’ ? I suppose that’s why people are just falling over themselves queuing up at police stations to shop and stop the radicalistion of youths at local mosques ?
Here’s another thought – if these ‘extremists’ really are, as we are told so often, not real Muslims – then why don’t the Imams club together and declare these radicals as apostate – that would certainly show some concern about the issue. (Besides possibly basically issuing a fatwa against any and all of them).
Empathy! Please stop I cant catch my breath for laughing
Your posts just ooze with empathy don’t they
No political empathy for Islam’s ideology and its history of conquest by violent jihad, and its rule by repressive Sharia law.
It was/is a pressure group, and despite the absurd media has been successful.
The issues he/they highlighted won t go away.
I actually look forward to maybe a new no nonsense organisation, hopefully more media savvy……………….
“all the muslims you know”
Again it comes like a round robin … what? … are they concertedly, actively doing about THEIR Ideologies problems? …
because that is what they are?, they are not anyone else’s. …
I urge you, take your own advice … look it up
oh! … and to which “race” are you referring?
Robinson’s behaviour, as ever , is puzzling and it is far too early to speculate.
I should hope everybody is concerned about extremists. Empathy has nothing to do with creating a safe society. That is a matter of the acceptance of responsibility and obeying the law. In this country it means our Common law and the acceptance of the British way of doing things. We do have a problem in that the Muslim extremists believe they are not extreme but devout. On the other side I expect the extremists hold to similar beliefs- that is they are not extreme.
This situation has been bought about in this country by negligence, bad government and fantasies about human nature by our liberal elites. Add to that the usual greed and self promotion and you get close to the real answer.
That the inhabitants of this country were never consulted over mass immigration of different cultures is a matter of fact. All the iberal empathetic behaviour in the world is not going to change this fact. Reality, as ever, will have it’s way sooner or later. Now is a time for firm government and cool heads not for liberal handwringing.
An odd introduction to the classic Peter Seller’s comedy Two Way Stretch yesterday morning, ‘back to a bygone time, made in 1960, classic comedy with language to match.’ Eh? The heinous word: ‘nignog’. Sensitive flowers at the beeb aren’t they?
have you seen all the web sites that are telling Polish people how to rob from the British welfare state?
Google “Benefity w UK” translated it means benefits in the UK. the results will be horrifying to everyone. Except of course, to the swivell eyed looney left.
Will the bBc expose this scandal?
A US politician gives a long long list of Muslim attacks on Christians all round the world. Says the media minimise it, brush over it. “Where is the rest of Islam, why don’t they stand up and condemn this ? Radical Islam will cease only when Islam begins to police itself”. And he makes it clear that domestic attacks in the US – and the UK – are rooted in extreme Islam. ( No pussyfooting around it.)
Why can’t some UK politicians be a s forthright ? Are they ALL scared of the Muslim vote here ?
Oh dear, when will folk realise there is NO extreme Islam
Only Islam itself.
It arrives as a complete package, and followers are not allowed to cherry pick the bits they consider moderate.
Go read ‘ A Politically Incorrect Giude to Islam’ by Robert Spencer. Yes that’s right the initials spell pig to islam.
The myth of moderate V extremists is one invented by our treacherous liberal media.
In reality all are facets of the same religion.
It’s not true that all Muslims are terrorists, of course, but the vast majority of terrorists are Muslim.
Whether it’s true or not that muslims suffer proportionally more than we do from their ideolgy, from which they have no escape, is irrelevant to us kuffars.
Why any politician would actually want more followers of the prophet who married a 6 year old girl to flood into the EU is utterly beyond me.
People who covered up Jimmy Savile’s activities at the BBC are probably delighted at the prospect of 6 year-old brides.
So all muslims are guilty for the acts of a few – just as all Jews are guilty of crucifying our Lord?
Possibly the most bigoted post to ever appear here.
Probably the stupidest thing you ever said , and that’s saying someting
I was astonished to hear this morning, on BBC News, that ‘3 dozen’ UK police officers were working full-time in Praia de Luz on the Madelaine McCann case. Whilst I have some sympathy for the parents (only some sympathy, mainly because they were the initial miscreants in this case, having abandoned three tots to look after themselves whilst they went off to have dinner and drinks with their mates – out of sight and earshot of an apartment in a location strange to the family), that number of police is staggering.
Tell me, please, that none of them have any family or friends visiting the vicinity whilst they are out there…
But I do have a number of questions to ask – e.g. how many man-hours were spent by police investigating the Stafford Hospital deaths, compared to the man-hours expended on one, albeit very sad, case ?
Because if it is in proportion to the amount of coverage the BBC has given to these two cases, than I would have to guess the Stafford case was investigated by one man and his dog, on alternate Tuesdays, but only if the month had a ‘Y’ in it.
And, given the pressing need to find anyone who knew about the case, why is e-fit material being released through a BBC TV programme, days after it is available – and not being widely distributed through the media right now ? And please, don’t anyone give me the cr@p that it’s to create the maximum impact with Watchdog’s re-construction of events – 90% of the population won’t see that – and it could be splashed over every newspaper, TV broadcast, viewed at the door of every superstore, newsagent and petrol station right now !
But I suspect that, despite claims that there will be a ‘game-changing’ set of new evidence and leads, we only have to ask how often we’ve heard that in this story ?
E-fits which have been put together 6 years after the event ? Couple that with any scientific analysis of the ability of normal people to put together an e-fit picture 6 hours after an event, rather than 6 years !
I suppose it is too much to hope that the two responsible for the death of this girl will be finally named on Crimewatch tomorrow night.
If you know who is “responsible” why are you not brave enough to say?
Amazing who also seems to be well and truly indoors and not feeling the least bit affectionate, reduced to ‘if yer ‘ard enuf’ taunts.
Nor, just for today, that concerned with BBC bias when it seems safe to exit the bunker for a bit of a distraction kickabout.
It sounds like you already know. However, unlike you I wouldn’t wish the owner of this site to get into trouble for a theory shared by many.
Preferring instead to use heavy innuendo, based on not a shred of actual knowledge or evidence.
“…use heavy innuendo, based on not a shred of actual knowledge or evidence”
Seems just like lessons learned from those hidden sections of the BBC Editorial Guidelines Pollard heard whispered about, as used by the Newsnight team and others.
Guess it was a different time, then it wasn’t, then it was again…
Maybe you should avail yourself of this useful resource:
And here’s a link for you:
Nobody takes you seriously, nor your three or four alternative screennames. Just give up, dipshit.
…or, wot ‘e said.
Tx, but while acknowledging you do seem well, if exclusively versed solely in BBC-based resources, this is a site about BBC inaccuracy, lack of professional objectivity and failure in integrity.
Much as you would like to make it about anything but. So, maybe not.
However the opportunity to make this key point again is appreciated.
Even if yours, in the manner chosen, probably will not be by the entity you appear to think needs championing.
Recent history has thrown up many with a way with words in writing or oratory that has been compelling and probably text book. Hasn’t always made what they articulated correct or them the best of representatives.
Now let’s see. Parents leave three very young children alone in a flat that proves to be insecure, in a foreign country while they go and have “dinner” with friends some distance away. According to the parents the kids are left alone for approximately 90 minutes before one of them goes to check on them.
Now,aren’t the parents primarily responsible in the first instance? If it was a chav couple leaving their kids alone in the house while they swanned off to their local for a couple of hours the press and the authorities would have crucified them. And yet these particular parents, being of the professional classes, moan when some, not all, question their wisdom in leaving their kids alone in the first place.
I share the view of someone very much in the know. A certain Portuguese detective.
The truth will out. Hopefully innocent people will not be imprisoned in the meantime.
Please keep going!. Your innuendo will close this site and bankrupt Vance.
Trolls really ought not be fed.
“Trolls really ought not be fed.”
At risk of adding to the diet you appear to have initiated replying to a new cycle in the Borg deity list, I am intrigued by the effectiveness of a policy that seems to have zero impact on the number of existing or new monikers spring up spontaneously to clog up threads. If left alone I have my doubts they would disappear, leaving their, often inaccurate, views to dominate.
Which sounds about like the bully-pulpit twittosphere’s wettest of Leveson dreams, and by the standards of the BBC and Guardian in complement, a ‘result’.
Closing outlets of free expression and imposing costs on individuals.. an interesting set of ambitions for champions of holding corrupted power to account.
Maybe A. Journalist or A. Lawyer could help out here?
Is it really possible for contribution of an anonymous independent outside source (who, if so, may have been commissioned as a false flag for just such a purpose?) into a free forum to result in a closing?
If so, the BBC will last about ten more seconds by what is on their FaceBook pages at any one time.
Then of course, as a force public-funded entity there is what happens if things do get serious and legal, especially when it involves staff and deliberate ideological abusive targeting.
As I recall few if any individuals were actually held to account over the Newsight BIJ job on McAlpine, and the only bankrupting was of the programming budget to dig a bunch of market rate public sector employees back into their multiple hundred kps troughs again.
So why would what is suggested happen as wished for here, but not a state media monopoly with various obligations, some by Charter?
‘Maybe A. Journalist or A. Lawyer could help out here?’
Odd. Usually the advice flows free and fast.
Appreciating the weekend is left to the work experience kids (12 of them at least, looking at the like cycle), maybe one could again prevail on those who know how news really works to explain how the BBC gets to sail on no matter what they host, but BBC critical sites need closing down at the first hint of something iffy from anyone who fancies dropping a poo in the pool?
Is the British legal system becoming as selectively ‘unique’ as its broadcaster?
A theory shared by the Daily Express at one time. It cost them £550,000. Amaral is currently being sued. It will cost him more unless the judge plays for the home team.
Scott only addressed one post, and look how a little reason and fact showed some of you up for what you are. The great majority of posts would suffer the same fate if anyone took the effort to do the same.
I visit the site for a bit of entertaiment as I think ‘biggoted dickheads’ are funny.
Hope the four others liking that one did so while on a brief break outside spreading the love around. As you do of a wet Sunday.
Your reciprocity is greatly appreciated
One post, yet you claim that discredits thousands at a stroke, without offering a single ounce of substance yourself. Sneering and insulting. Throwing rocks at strangers is fun, isn’t it?
Biggoted?…an extra “g” there i`ll think you`ll find!
Not funny though…maybe a spelling website might help you while away the hours!
Also on BBC News at around 08:30 this morning, Naga Munchetty and some other Beeboid on the sofa, speaking to an expert they brought in to discuss the Chancellor’s visit to China and its potential (very positive) impact on our economy.
The expert in this field, from Grant-Thornton (a well-respected, and NON-political, worldwide firm well qualified to offer a view on the subject) was waxing lyrical on how George Osborne and Boris Johnson were leading the way in improving Sino-British commercial relations, with significant benefits to both countries, and resulting in 16,000 jobs in the North-West of England.
Munchetty and her mate were going to have none of that if they could get away with it, basically trying to tear holes in anything the Grant-Thornton man said – culminating with la Naga questioning whether Messrs Osborne and Johnson were basically ‘trading with the enemy’ – querying whether we ought to be having commercial relationships with China at all ”…..given their human rights record….”
Give him his due, the Grant-Thornton guy just batted that away as he had done with all of their objections to a good news story.
But – two questions – do Munchetty and her comrades really want this country to recover from the mess left to us by the previous Labour government ? ( probably more to the point, does Munchetty have a clue what she’s talking about in this field ?)
And secondly, where have I ever heard Munchetty, or any other of her BBC buddies ever promote the cessation of relationships with any Arabic country, or Russia, Pakistan, African countries, or any others of a long list which have equally bad, if not worse, human rights records ?
The BBC just can’t stand good news, unless it’s good news for Mr Milliband and co (and therefore, by defintion, for the BBC).
Of course, the propagandising BBC-NUJ and Secular Society blame U.K Christian schools:-
“Religious groups ‘preaching’ in schools, claims report”
By Judith Burns,
BBC News education reporter.
Who’s preaching?
I am not quite sure why I should be concerned about the upcoming Crimewatch programme into the McCann disappearance, but I am. I appreciate that it is probably Scotland Yard who have asked for this additional exposure and that the BBC are merely obliging (in this instance) but there remains the feeling that there is a re-scoping of this investigation that the BBC are complicit with.
A 25 minute reconstruction of the events leading up to the disappearance is one thing, but the fact remains that the story does appear to have changed (once again) quite dramatically, or so we have been told and it seems that there is little explanation as to why this should be the case after so long or indeed what it means.
At the end of the day, the programme will be based on what the McCanns say, and I am uncomfortable with that. Some readers may be interested in this blog too…
my advice is to take no position and preferably no interest. The whole tragic case is a minefield. Certainly it would be most unwise to advance any theory at all.
According to bBBC ‘news’, the most important news of the day is that something will be shown in a bBBC television programme tomorrow evening. They won’t tell us what, but want to bump up the viewing figures and hope that their distorted priorities of what is ‘news’ will help.
Half listening to 5Live at about 00.45 this morning I heard the lefty guest state that the cyclone in India was due to global warming (ignoring the fact that the West Indies/Easter Seaboard had had its quietest hurricane season for many a year -despite predictions to the contrary) and that WE had responsibility for the half million displaced people. To be fair, Edwina Currie exploded on my behalf on the latter point but the former was totally unchallenged so another tranche of Saturday night boozers have been fed totally unsubstantiated “facts”
Significant Veterans march on the White House lawn (on the legal side of the fence, don’t worry) going on right now. Live streaming amateur video going on right now over at WeaselZippers and other places. Ted Cruz and the BBC’s bête noire, Sarah Palin, have been sighted with them. With the low quality of the video signal, it’s impossible to tell how many there are. It’s not thousands, or anything like that, but much larger than other things the BBC has made sure to report.
It’s too bad they’re not doing the same thing in front of Democrat HQ, as that would be more effective and much harder to dismiss as racism.
BBC: ZZZZzzzzzz.
I’m sure they’ve sent one of the scores of young digital media grads they’ve hired to head over there to produce one of those patented “bespoke” video magazine pieces and tell you all about this Klan rally.
Somebody shouted about there being a Communist in the White House, naturally. The man’s wrong, of course. The President was only raised and mentored by Communists. He isn’t really one Himself. Somehow I feel this one voice will allow defenders of the indefensible and BBC journalists and their supporters to dismiss all these people as extremists and nutjobs based on this one voice, just like they don’t do with Occupiers or UAF or similar favored protest groups.
Perhaps if these protesters made a few noises about corporate greed or income inequality, the BBC would give them the credence and deference they paid to the Occupiers.
Here’s a little more on today’s protests in front of the White House. Apparently veterans have removed a bunch of barricades recently placed – paid for by the federal government during a supposed shutdown – in front of memorials and carried them to the gates of
Versailllesthe White House.It’s Breitbart, yes, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen or that it should be difficult for BBC journalists to discover the facts. I’m sure the BBC will right on this.
Quite bizarre. I don’t think even our idiot governments would dare barricade memorials . Obama must be mad.
Just watched Tommy Robinson on Sunday Morning Live. I think already he is showing how his move in leaving the EDL is justified as the BBC is finally starting to give his views some air time, as did Paxman also did on Newsnight. Well done (at last) to some in the BBC. This leaves Channel 4 still behind the curve however.
Hopefully moderate Muslims will now be encouraged to combat the radicalism which threatens to consume their own youth.
The BBC documentary on Tommy Robinson when it airs will be crucial in showing whether the BBC has really grasped what is going on, or if it is going to revert to type and do a hatchet job.
Robinson is now apparently in league with the Islamic Quilliam Foundation, so this politically suits INBBC’s political agenda.
Statements including terms like ‘regain trust’, ‘open and accountable’, ‘transparent’, ‘mindful of public trust’, ‘responsible’, are but a few of those the BBC like to tell their public, to show they are truly concerned and care.
Their diminishing ignorant public just suck it up, happy to believe that the trust they have vested in this body is well founded, and ‘their world’ will continue in the way they want to believe it is.
It would take very little for anybody with an open mind to see just how traitorous, insidious, greedy, and self serving this organisation truly is.
The Mail on Sunday has found out that between January 2010 and June 2013, 9 out of 91 BBC executives who had been earning over £100,000 a year, and had their contracts terminated, all receiving huge payoffs, were subsequently secretly rehired.
The BBC responded to this ‘revelation’ by stating ‘In three and a half years, nine individuals have returned to work for the BBC and been engaged on short-term or freelance contracts – none have returned to full-time employment at the BBC.’
However they refuse to reveal the names of any the 91 individuals who received a payoff or to say how much each received on leaving the BBC or in what departments they are now working. So much for transparency.
1) The BBC have exaggerated the figures showing how it has trimmed the various departments.
2) Some employees will have been rewarded with a higher earning than before.
3) As we have also previously seen, by being reinstated as a freelancer, they can also avoid paying the normal rate of tax.
No doubt their faithful brainwashed flock will see it as a positive bit of news.
BBC secretly rehires NINE top earners after handing them huge payoffs when they left
Muslim Rageh Omaar (who else?) presents another episode of Islamic history on INBBC TV tonight: ‘The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors’ where we are given his Islamic version of the Ottomans’ imperial conquest of large parts of Europe, Asia and Africa.
A non-Muslim view of the struggle to halt Islam in Europe in the time of the Ottoman Empire:-
“The Real History of the Crusades.”
“The crusades are quite possibly the most misunderstood event in European history. Most of what passes for public knowledge about it is either misleading or just plain wrong.”
By Prof. Thomas F. Madden
“One might think that three centuries of Christian defeats would have soured Europeans on the idea of Crusade. Not at all. In one sense, they had little alternative. Muslim kingdoms were becoming more, not less, powerful in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. The Ottoman Turks conquered not only their fellow Muslims, thus further unifying Islam, but also continued to press westward, capturing Constantinople and plunging deep into Europe itself. By the 15th century, the Crusades were no longer errands of mercy for a distant people but desperate attempts of one of the last remnants of Christendom to survive. Europeans began to ponder the real possibility that Islam would finally achieve its aim of conquering the entire Christian world.”
Damned if you do-damned if you don`t!
Money Box tonight (Sun 9pm Radio 4) is moaning on about the “small investor” , getting a less good service in acquiring Post Office shares…big business being favoured.
Yet last week, the BBC didn`t want ANYONE to apply for them-for the little people(except for union bosses and post office staff) would be class traitors in effect.
The Tories just can`t win-we don`t want the shares sold…and if you DO sell them, then that`ll be crap too!
“We played the flute for you…yada, yada”…the BBC are serially dyspeptic , unless Labour say it aren`t they?
Breaking news at 10 O’clock that a number of ‘men’ from the London area have been arrested under the terrorism act. I wonder if they will turn out to be the usual suspects, and why it is that neither the useless brigade nor the biased broadcaster can actually give any details as to their backgrounds.
As per usual we are left to be able to ‘discern’ who they are from the names.
Today program, interviewing Golden Dawn members in Greece. A member says in translation for friends, “they don’t want to talk to you because they think you’ll report what ever they say to the authorities”
It seems the BBCs doings are known even to people as far away as Greece !