Was it me?…or was that Question Time about as fair as I could expect?
Only saw bits of it, but Hitchens was, at least listened to…and even got applause when he blasted the political parties for being silent EU accessories to the energy rip offs.
Old Shouty turned to true self near the ned, but the damage had been done…basically, he`s just a Socialist Worker from 1980, adapted for the thicker or hard of hearing in 2013.
Eek…was I right?
The socialist runt didn’t seem to like it when Hitchens dared to mention the forbidden words : “mass-immigration”. He’s obviously not asked the working class – that he purports to speak on behalf of – their opinion on this one.
Tim Far-wrong even called it a “blessing”!?
A greater endorsement of Hitchens’ analysis – that the political elite are entirely out of touch with the British public – you couldn’t have had heard.
I was pleasantly surprised at just how much latitude Dimbledore gave Peter Hitchens on last night’s QT to adequately make his points free from the usual unnecessary interventions Dimbles specialises in (usually when a speaker goes ‘off-message’ and starts breaking the BBC’s progressive narrative). Definitely an improvement from the fusty Chairman on his p*sspoor record to date. Hitchens was free, for the most part, to launch a most satisfactory attack at both the EU and the CAGW panic mongers (pretty much the same thing in all honesty), while the other panelists just couldn’t rally a coherent reply between them to his Exocet volleys, other than to vaguely bluster the usual tired leftist platitudes and falsehoods.
Another gem of a moment on QT – catch it on iPlayer if you can and savour the moment.
I was also surprised as I was expecting PH to get a much harder time. A positive result for a change made easier by the low quality of those representing the left/liberal viewpoint.
Noted that old Al Madinah canard_what`s Arabic for that?
Need we remind the BBC and its Tardists that Al Madina tends to be a…er…faith school if your faith is not Dibley-lite!
It`s F888in Muslim Islamic supremacy…mad, madrassa!
But not to the BBC…or Shouty….who don`t seem to note that word.
Denying their identity….racist is it not?
Oh-and anybody know who this Chelsea Manning that Owen seems to be taken with?
That bullet-headed speccy squaddie isn`t Bernards lovechild…so why the fawning.
Call me Fulham from now on!…
Al JaBeeBa is, as ever, giving us only part of the story over immigration/jobs/white murders. Presumably to protect the innocent, a la Stan Freiburg.
Italian jobseeker killed in Maidstone by, allegedly, 4 Lithuanians who accused the Italian of ‘taking our jobs’ (I kid you not!)
Cue ZanuLab, messageboard and Italian outrage against ‘English savages’.
What does Al JaBeeBa report? No mention of the faux outrage or of the ZaNuLab attempt to smear Tories for their (justified) anti- economic immigration.
Saw that Old Shouty was on the panel, assumed that PH would not get a fair hearing – so didn’t bother watching. The BBC really know how to lower audience numbers – but how low do they need to be for QT before it is pulled?
But what of the salmonella risk?
Edwina Currie still about to dish ole Thatch?
Or is Sir John the go-to guy this week?…he was for her sometime way back was she not?
WGAF(who gives a?)
A Russian friend, who being a Dinamo fan despises CSKA with her very soul, listened to the incident several times and could not hear the racism Five Live majored long and loud on this morning.
It undoubtedly happens in Russia, but it is not clear to a native speaker it did on this occasion. I tend to believe her rather than Nicky Campbell, or George “I like t’Rugby League, ah do!” Reilly.
Friday fact: Russian monkeys make the same noise as British monkeys: “Oo! Oo! Oo!” Dogs, pigs and chickens make a range of very curious noises.
Heard Jim Naughtie on Today beofre the 8am news.
He was at Grangemouth all day yesterday you know…hence the hangover in Edinburgh this morning and an easy lounge back to the Trossachs later,
For spending a day sniffing gas flares at Grangemouth, he seemed rather incurious-anybody else wonder why he didn`t ask the local Labour MP there why the Tories had caused this?
They always do-unless it`s Eric Joyce and he`s already not with the BBCs programme to blame the have-yacht who runs Ineos, Jim says he`s toxic and his yacht won`t be welcome near HIS berth!
No Green types-no SNP either?..reckon Falkirk and Unite are still a bit raw for wee Jim and the useful rebels of the green tartan?
WE paid Jim just to shiff pipes, sniff back the tears and weep at the prospect of unions getting what their members supposedly voted for…oh dear…THAT wasn`t meant to happen.
Payday wonga shops and bookies to come…juts like the rest of Labours Britain, Salmonds SNP rotten boroughs.
Poor Jim…luckily he`ll be on that last helicopter back to Islington tomorrow though!…
Remember the other-week when the US went into both Libya and Somalia . The bBC reporting was so pro Islamic terrorist, and anti-whoever attacked them, that they grasped at any straw in which to report the news of this God allah forbid an attack on the soldiers of the Holy Koran. I quote from the bBC: “A statement by Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, al-Shabab’s military operations spokesman, which said that British and Turkish special forces were involved. He said the commander of the British force was killed, and four SAS and a Turkish soldier were wounded.”
As we all found out it was the Americans and not the British but the bBC was happy to report the above. Well today the bBC reports a little further on that British element : Al-Shabab commander ‘spent time in UK’
Got to love how the bBC goes out of its way to promote Islamic terrorism as a good thing.
Sexist white European tourists who go round raping coloureds as it there was still an Empire. Silly me I meant White bBC workers going around raping little boys.
At least the BBC leave the link to the full report.
Out of the 136 countries where it`s not nice to be a lady, Yemen, Saudi, Pakistan,and the like…well Chad too…are at the rock bottom.
Wonder if Womans Hour might enlighten us later on what the common denominator might be?
Just as well they`re not including specific areas like Sparkbrook, Chadderton or Bethnal Green isn`t it?
Do you think the BBC would care to check on regional variations in the UK…get their local stringers out for a day?
I can only ask…it`s my BBC you know!
On the question of gang rape the interviewer on BBC World service strongly said to the African woman being questioned that it was because of provocative dress . She rightly denied this was an excuse.
There should be absolutely no excuse for a man to behave like an animal and commit rape and for a public broadcaster the BBC to justify it is dangerous for society. But than the BBC is keen to find excuses for murder as well !!
Interestingly it seems that women dressed conservatively in Islamic countries have found themselves gang raped. So it appears (As we all know) that a rapsit does what he does because he is f-ing evil.
” …. a reverse gender gap taking place in the United Arab Emirates. Many more women than men are now finishing university here.”
Doesn’t this count as “Less Equal” ? If so, why is the UAE’s Education graphic coloured green and not orange?
I guess some gender gaps are more acceptable than others.
It can’t be anything to do with the religion of peace. It must be the West’s fault. If we weren’t so imperialistic and anti-Islamic, women in the Middle East / N. Africa would be fine.
So on that note can anybody point me in the direction of which country has spent more time and effort in fighting Terrorism these past 11 years?
Could it be the UK where Terrorists are paid £1 million in which compensate them for their time in Prison, who then relocate to Londonstan in which to promote their agenda of attacking whites,gays and anybody drinking alcohol on the streets.
Could it be Spain which capitulated to terrorism after Madrid got bombed.
Could it be Sweden with its open door policy (As loved by Al Beeb) to any Muslim who can get there.
The fact is the EU is the the biggest defender of Islamic terrorism going, it has gone hell for leather in attacking the US over how it goes about despatching the followers of Allah to that great mosque in the ground and goes even further in defending the rights of the followers of Allah to kill,rape and maim as they please. Maybe there lies the reason the bBC loves the EU(SSR)
Towards what ideology were these Muslims ‘radicalised’?
Towards the unmentioned tenets of Islam.
INBBC forever portrays Islamic jihadists as having no moral responsibility for their choice to take murderous actions against we kafirs.
Instead, we are merely told that such Muslims had a vague thing done to them: ‘they were radicalised,’ by other Muslims.
I know that Radio 4 is going through some wimmin centred phase at the moment – but that is no excuse to have that creature Cherie Blair on Today to tell us about how tough she has had it – people could well be eating their breakfasts at that time of day!
At least they should have given us a warning.
Today at 7.18 Radio 4
“In the midst of the on-going political furore over soaring energy bills, Public Health England is today urging people to use their heating this winter – and to turn the thermostat up to 21C in rooms like the living room which are occupied during the day. The Today programme examines what the right temperature is for a home.”
Hasn’t there been every year someone’s recommendations about how to keep warm – I am sure one year it was ‘put a pullover on’ (it’s my recommendation too). But of course keeping the room nice and cosy means more heating, higher heating bills, and more pro-Labour stories for the BBC. It has been so mild so far that our heating has scarcely been on in October – saving us 1/6th of our heating bills – a climate change story for the BBC perhaps?
What I can’t understand is how these people who earn so much (Sorry did I say earn , I meant scrounge) always live like pigs, oh they have the biggest TVs, Sat channels and the like, but are unable to get their hands on wallpaper, detergent or even books for their children. I won’t even mention the state of their garden.
Scum breeds scum and the bbC loves them until that is they gob off at an immigrant on a tram.
21c is 70f. I would be lying on a beach, with little on, at those temperatures. My heating is staying off for a few more weeks. It’s a bit colder today so guess what? I’m going to pop another layer on. Which I’ll take off again when I start to do my week-end chores* in a few minutes.
This week, according to the BBC it seems that putting a jumper on, or switching supplier is out of touch and an affront to the dignity of people. But in truth, once again, it’s evidence that we are a country of moaners, full of people who can’t be arsed to take ownership of their own problems. They’d sooner give them the government to solve, a legacy of Gordon Brown who took control of everything and taught people not to think for themselves. People have learned that in today’s Britain complaining is better than having a solution.
Get off your arses and take some responsibility, I say. I switched my energy supplier two years ago and my bill this year is HALF of what it was in 2011. When I travel, unlike those that can’t be bothered and like to complain, I book my rail tickets in advance and save a fortune. When I shop, I shop carefully but buy well. I don’t waste food, I also use vouchers and buy offers – I spend £30 a week less than I did last year and eat better.
Labour and the BBC are becoming an unremitting tidal wave of misery and manipulation. They country they describe as todays Britain is a construct created for their own political activism.
* Chores! Yes…bone idle lard-arses might find that doing a few cleaning chores might help them keep warmer, be more fulfilling than watching Jeremy Kyle all day and help ensure that their houses stink less
GDP figures out today, and actually looking quite good with increased growth over the last quarter.
BBC still try to play it down though… noticable that Hugh Pym still wants further evidence of a truly balanced recovery. I guess he wants all three sectors to be showing exactly the same levels of growth for that to be the case, it in his (read the BBC) world it will never be truly balanced.
Pym: But overall economic activity is still not back where it was before the recession.
That the pre-recession economy was fuelled to that height by
mad credit lending and lunatic government borrowing is lost on Mr Pym. Or willfully ignored. Take your pick.
The thing is I did ‘A’ Economics at School and I learnt then that Labour just don’t have a clue. The only industry that Labour are good at is..Throwing money away.
Be it computer systems for the NHS
Be it waging wars
Be it hand outs to anybody who wants a bit of extra cash
Labour is a world leader.
But ask it about the economy and all they can come up with is…tax the rich, then the not so rich and then the rich some more.
“The only industry that Labour are good at is..Throwing money away.”
Be fair though – They’re also aces at actually raising the money to be wasted in the first place via punitive taxation on their ever expanding roll-call of ‘enemies’.
One of the most amazing pieces of wilful blindness in pursuit of the hierarchy of isms.
“Middle East and North Africa
This is the region where some of the greatest gender inequalities exist. But the picture is far from uniform. For instance, the Gulf states have tended to invest heavily in female education, with a reverse gender gap taking place in the United Arab Emirates. Many more women than men are now finishing university here.
This contrasts with countries like Yemen, where levels of female education are very low.”
I can’t imagine why this might be the case and the BBC isn’t offering any kind of explanation. I wonder why?
The reality is that no matter where in the world you are, the worst places to be a woman are the Muslim countries.
Just take a look at these names and the amount involved and ask yourself why it is that this doesn’t even make the local let alone the national news.
In areas with Pakistani immigrants barely a day goes by without them being in court or guilty of some serious crime. It seems it’s a way of life for them, but we’re not even allowed to talk about it.
all delivered to the greater Manchester area?
oh … I wonder which parts?
how complicit is the …. “community”?
have all these goods been recovered?
questions which won t be answered or even asked
sooo … the upshot … get used to it, a lot more where that came from.
If the BBC ever get round to reporting it they’ll say something like, ‘Chris Goodhew and eight other men have been charged following a half-million scam’ or some such shit.
If we are not allowed to talk about how come you are kinking to a press article? Doh.
There were nearly 16000 cases of fraud last year so in fact any reporting is going to be selective. Maybe the press only report cases involving non-whites to fit some prejudices?
I’ve worked in banking for almost all the big banks. I’ve worked in conjunction with fraud departments. The vast majority of reports begin “an asian gentleman”.
The Soca newsletters always read as a pakistani whos who.
And then there is VAT fraud. HMRC are praticaly chasing half the pakistani community.
Should we all still be “clunk clicking every trip”?…Jimmy Savile isn`t exactly Mr Trustworthy any more is he?
Might he not just have been using it as an excuse to lock his prey into position for his station wagon(the one the BBC allwed to be parked at Wood Lane and Dickinson Road for as long as he liked)
Reason I say that is that I see an awful lot of the “Asian Community” in my old town-and they don`t seem to believe Mr Savile, and tend to drive without them.
Fair few have restricted views and long robes tangling with the clutch pedal too?
If it saves just one life…or gets up the nose of the lefty Tardies…then I make no apology for “raising the consciousness”.
No-my pleasure Scorris!..or is it Dott?
Yes A pair of Pakistani brothers in Birmingham about 9 years ago got away with £18Million in Carrousel fraud. HMRC were useless at dealing with it. Massive frauds estimated at £8B and the EU wouldn’t allow the UK to take steps to stop it!
FN are a patriotic and generally the French are proud of France and its culture. In Britain being patriotic is portrayed as “far right” xenophobic and racist. See how far the Left have corrupted public debate?
Hollande won the day over Sarkozy on the strength of 95% of the Muslim ethnic vote and constant smearing of Sarkozy by the Paris left wing press. If any of this sounds familiar.. think Obama.
Its how the politics of Socialism is conducted.
And when that fails it will be totalitarianism. The Left always resort to totalitarianism; Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao. They lose every argument in the end, but are so convinced of the superiority of their evil ideology that millions have to die before they are defeated.
My comment was that such serious criminal & terrorism activities together with female mutilation & a 400% increase in forced marriages has been ignored by the BBC.
Contrast this with their coverage of the so called police CCTV spy cameras in, guess where? That’s right, exactly the same Muslim areas that are cited in the report
The BBC in the Midlands ran & ran the CCTV storey, giving uncritical support to the Muslim clerics and others who called it racist, Islamaphobic and so on claiming they were peaceful law abiding areas.
The cameras were removed. It is quite clear now that there is a link between those cameras put up some two years ago and the report publish on Wednesday
I wonder if the BBC Midlands Today ever get round to mentioning the report they will acknowledge that monitoring criminals and would be terrorists would have been easier and made our lives safer if they hadn’t run a virtual campaign against the CCTV cameras?
But you ignore that the adherents of a certain religion account for 5% of the population but 24% of the prison population. So they are 5 times more likely to commit crime? No?
No of course not Alan, how could you be so Waycist???
Those poor unfortunate ethnic darlings are there because of the clash of their vibrant diversity, the thuggish Police and Judges just don’t understand when they victimise them and throw them into prison where they still remain as vibrant as ever !
Labour won the contest in Dunfermline, Fife, by 2,873 votes after a fierce battle that saw an unexpectedly high turnout of 42.75 per cent.
Mr Salmond was left personally humiliated after he made a last-minute appearance on doorsteps yesterday evening in a bid to pick up votes.
Winning candidate Cara Hilton was heckled and booed by SNP activists as she made her victory speech. She claimed the result sends a clear message to Mr Salmond ahead of next year’s referendum on Scottish independence.
bBBC: Dunfermline by-election: Labour’s Cara Hilton wins seat from SNP
The bBBC ‘news’ has no mention of Salmond’s personal standing or the impact on the independence vote. Mustn’t say anything that might undermine the bBBC’s anti-British campaign.
..and ‘Wee Nappy’ Salmond has already donned a brightly coloured pair of underpants, outside his trousers, and made the rounds of the BBC studios (and anyone else who’s listening, claiming it was he who won the glorious battle of Grangemouth, singlehandedly, and showed the world just how effectively an independent Scotland can rule the world…
What was that ?…..some sort of £125 million government loan guarantee ?….from Westminster ?……well, never mind, it was still the SNP that rescued Scotland, and the Dunfermline by-election was just a minor blip.
“Salmond personally humiliated after making appearance on doorsteps.”
As if you actually needed a reason not to put the X next to “SNP” on the form, he actually gives you one in person by manifesting as some sort of Caledonian Fatima. Pure comedy gold.
What’s this “100 women” guff about? According to wiki:
100 Women is a day long event that will be held at BBC Broadcasting House in London, United Kingdom on 25 October 2013, and involving a hundred women from around the world, all of whom come from different walks of life. The day will feature debate and discussion on radio, television and online, in which the participants will be asked to give their opinion on the position of women in the modern world
As a male payer of the Licence fee I’d like to know who is paying for this event and why it is targetting 50% of the population but not the rest?
Come on Scott. They spend their lives looking for signs of a BBC Marxist conspiracy run from Frankfurt aided by the EU to restore the Ottoman Empire and introduce Sharia law. Quite why the BBC would want to embrace a viewpoint that would result in most of them being fired or worse doesn’t seem to seep into the deep thinkers minds here.
What is salient is that despite the utter mess the BBC has got itself into over wages and Saville, this site has utterly failed to attract any serious contributors. Apart from Alan who is presumably Vance pretending to be someone else, there are no fresh voices or indeed any voices. Even the USA geek seems to have given up.
What remains is a shrinking collection of left behind people in an echo chamber,
Oi you two!
Credit where credit is due.
The BBC are so predictable that I was able to predict that Titos wife and Felix Dexter would comprise half of “Last Word”…the obituary show on Radio 4 at the moment.
My point being that the BBC is so predictable that we just know there`ll be lefties in their dotage, and multiculti useful tools of alternative comedians that get the tributes.
Safe to say that if you actually HAD changed things…or used to be a “right winger”-there`ll be no mention of them.
The BBC gives its paste and plaster medals to the Miliband archetypes, the Howard Marks safe rebels…you try bringing up a few kids not to riot?…the Beeb won`t bother its arse.
It`s the total predictabilty-the obvious perpetual engineering of the social soul…that cheeses us off.
I have learned much from this site-you seem to keep coming back-so we pray for your continuing interest.
Oh hell-another dead social work lecturer-a champion of the profession! Didn`t get her , but 50% isn`t bad from the “ever-original BBC” is it?
Bless you children!(Prov 26.11)
Oh no. ‘Lefties in their dotage ‘do adverts for financial services to old people. You know the sort of thing, mortgage you house so that your kids can afford your funeral and other such touchingly caring products for Old Folks!
doris says:
October 25, 2013 at 4:11 pm Come on Scott. They spend their lives looking for signs…
Now, you two (H/T: ChisH… folk are noticing) what was it again that someone once said … ah, yes… ABBA says:
October 5, 2013 at 7:00 pm Most of this site is populated by a handful of very lonely men replying to their own posts!
Guessing… you two exempted?
I miss ABBA though, but in a small way, it’s like s/he never left.
But in honour of you and Scott, with thanks for making a boring wet Friday that little more fun, what I will always feel is ‘your’ song (if Diddle joins in later it will be extra fun):
doris – think yourself fortunate to be commenting on a site like this. I’ve made my “right wing” comments on so-called liberal sites and they found ways to ban me because I didn’t share their views. If you can make genuine ripostes to things said here then I welcome you to partake in good honest debates.
‘Scott is a gentleman. I am not’
On a purely gender-addressing basis, that was sort of obvious from the names.
Now, if you mean debating-courtesy, to use a favoured couple of phrases from one so far missing… if you say so, but have you a link for that?
If not on the latter, a few examples of the art of gentlemanly discourse may be available to share to suggest otherwise.
Not that anyone who reads his posts need telling.
The BBC must be thrilled to have you ‘fighting’ (if that is your other allusion) their corner with comments like this.
Doris, one thing you must remember: Guest Who is incapable of ever admitting that he’s wrong. If he ever finds himself in a situation where it’s clear that he is wrong, he’ll muddy the waters by producing paragraph after paragraph which waffles on about how everybody else other than him is trying to shut down debate by not agreeing with him.
He’s nearly as bad as Preiser in the arrogant self-delusion stakes. Still, at least when he’s on Biased BBC the rest of the waking world is spared the inconvenience of having to cope with his ridiculous personality.
And here was me thinking afternoon tea was going to be boring.. ‘Doris, one thing you must remember’
Given her rather noticeable absence it seemed more like she was keen to forget the whole thing. Good of you to bring it up again. ‘.. incapable of ever admitting that he’s wrong.’
I’ll have to err on taking another view to yours on that. And given your record on the admission front, I’m not sure you’re the best of judges. Or accuser.
Also, as a matter of interest, on what, here, have I been ‘wrong’?
Anytime you are ready’s fine. ‘…paragraph after paragraph which waffles on about how everybody else other than him is trying to shut down debate by not agreeing with him’
Now, in which paragraph of diatribe of yours was this? And, for that matter, what ‘debate’ are you having? It rather reads more like a pointless rant. I merely chipped in on you and doris having a mutual-support Flokker whinge over the garden fence, so getting flustered about anyone intruding to spoil your troll flow is… well… rather funny. ‘He’s nearly as bad as Preiser in the arrogant self-delusion stakes.’
Good to see you read the bit about you being a gentleman from the person you are having a self-centred, non-BBC bias-related conversation with. And dragging in for no coherent reason the one clearly gentlemanly dedicated debater here is not one of your smarter plays, of very few that could rival a box of rocks.
As to the rest, well, when you’re done digging, I’ll stop tipping your own spoil back on top of you.
See what I mean? An arrogant blowhard who’s so in love with sound of his own voice that he doesn’t realise that, far from coming across as a. Once of authority, the pathetic, tedious, grubby little soul he tries so desperately to hide from the world shines through like a beacon.
Guest Who wants our adulation. The most he’ll get is our pity.
‘See what I mean?’
Crikey, been watching The Caine Mutiny?
Perhaps not the best plea when everyone bar thee & me have moved on.
I know it, but as you don’t it kills the time to munch a Hob Nob.
Let me know if you’re going to move to thrashing about seeking help against stalkers, as trolls whining about being out-trolled gets a double word score. ‘An arrogant blowhard…yadayada’
Probably ‘words’ more than ‘voice’ but… if you say so. Can’t help but feel that ‘gentleman’ accolade will be even harder to prop up come employee of the month awards. ‘Guest Who wants our adulation. The most he’ll get is our pity’
Bit intrigued as to who this ‘our’ may be. If it’s the BBBC community then that’s already odd as that would suggest ‘you’ have become one of ‘you lot’. Which may again see dark looks over the half pints of shandies at the post-weekend debrief. It’s hard to be credible generalising about a community if now identifying oneself as being at its heart . Plus being a DOTI drive-by specialist who hardly goes near matters of BBC accuracy or integrity would make that a stretch anyway.
But nice you’re thinking of me.
ps: Sympathies on the typo. When your tool lets you down best to blame it. But that really was a loooong way to do it… for a humble non-blowhard.
That huge left wing chip on Scott’s shoulder must really be wearing him down. How can anyone be so miserable is beyond my understanding.
I think it just proves that lefties are pre-conditioned to hate the world and everything with it. The fact that he also considers himself to be part of what the Guardian describes as a “victimised minority” just adds to his obvious personal issues.
His posts are becoming increasingly hysterical and abusive. He hates contradictory opinions and those who don’t hold his own narrow world view. In fact, it’s probably more correct to say he just hates. A very leftie emotion, in fact probably the main emotion that lefties possess.
By the way, have any of Scott’s recent posts had any relevance to any of the points being made? They just seem to be an excuse to pour out bile at his perceived enemies.
Probably best to just ignore him in future. He brings nothing but rancour to the debate.
Wow. Something really hit a nerve with Andy S. Regular readers will note that this is a man who throws hissy fits when asked questions that he can’t answer without exposing his own prejudice and ignorance. If you repeat the question because he’s refused to answer, he continues to throw his toys out of the pram.
Andy, if you want to try and claim the moral high ground, man up and behave like an adult at all times, rather than a recalcitrant little child.
He hates contradictory opinions and those who don’t hold his own narrow world view. In fact, it’s probably more correct to say he just hates.
From Andy. What next? George R accusing somebody of being a raving racist who succumbs to every bit of link bait going? Guest Who accusing somebody of being a dreary up-their-own-backside egotist who can’t write? Preiser accusing somebody of pretending to know about US politics to an audience of imbeciles because it’s the only he’ll get something the validation he craves? Vance accusing somebody of being unelectable because his idea of NI politics are thirty years out of date? David Brims accusing somebody of being a racist halfwit who blames his own failures on black people?
You claim I’m full of hate. Like everything else Andy S comes out with, it has no basis in fact. He’s just a sad, lonely little man who really, truly wants to believe that he can be a bully, but is desperately afraid that people will realise he can’t even do that.
Pity him. Give him a hug. It won’t turn him into a decent human being overnight, but then nothing will.
Thank you Scott, you’ve just proved my point. What an hysterical rant. Shouldn’t take much more to tip you completely over the edge. You’ve just abused just about every decent regular to this site.
If you really knew me you would know I would never throw a hissy fit if I’m proved wrong about an opinion I hold. I am man enough to accept when I’m in the wrong. You, on the other hand, just revert to type. You never disappoint. Whatever next? Finding out where we live so you and your friends can criticise our curtains and soft furnishings?
Oh Andy, you poor man. I know that you’ve taken great offence at being asked a question again that you refused to answer in the past – it hadn’t occurred to me that your indignation was rooted in amnesia.
Remember when you claimed that a nasty and offensive comment was a “false flag” posted by some “leftie” you didn’t like (let’s leave your, and so many others’, use of that term as an insult as something else for which to laugh at you for another day).
When it turned out that it was actually a genuinely nasty comment from a genuinely nasty man, did you acknowledge that you’d got it wrong? No. You went all guns blazing at the people, myself included, who pointed out your stupidity and hypocrisy.
I am man enough to accept when I’m in the wrong.
The facts disprove you, I’m afraid. As so many times in the past.
I realise that your grip on reality as tenuous – describing the bigoted liars and idiots that seek refuge in this site as “decent” backs that up – but don’t try and portray yourself as some sort of virtuous man. Your posts in the pasts reveal the truth – a sad little bloke who wants to throw his weight around, but isn’t very good at it.
Oooooh……Scott! A bitch slapping by you is about as bad as being hit with a feather. By calling me and others on this site liars is projection of the most extreme kind.
If you hate us so much why do you continue to pollute this site with your abusive posts. You never answering the points at hand. You just abuse and insult. I’d just love to see you do the same in a face to face confrontation down at your pub. But then that’s the beauty of trolling for you isn’t it. You don’t risk face to face confrontations. Anyway, if you behave in the same manner in public as you do on, this site, you’d either be eating hospital food through a straw or being locked up for committing a breach of the peace or some other public order offence.
That will be my last reply to you as I don’t want to waste any more energy on a dishonest, demented toe-rag.
I wouldn’t want to ban anyone from posting on this site, but in your extreme case I’d make an exception. You are being deliberately vexatious to disrupt and divert. As well as being obnoxious for the sake of it. A disgraceful and pathetic human being.
Its wider than that, the same leftists that scream about Murdoch and the so called ‘right wing’ popular press, that advocate censorship via Levison of any that oppose their views most loudly ,are the very same that defend the BBC and the poll tax that funds it.
Cui bono?
The point is they don’t cater for certain groups. Only the “minority” or “victim” groups have such blatantly divisive programming made for them e.g. Asian network radio and now this “100 women” – you would never get “100 men” or “Anglo Saxon Network” – programming for white British males.
There was a feminism conference this afternoon apparently.
A BBC lady in blue was elated at the sheer presence of a black lady telecom engineer( Botswana I think) who was in fact…Madame Deputy General of the Commonwealth or such like…big curtsey, ma`am!
She was patronised both by our Beebette as well as the ubiquitous Pauline Nevil-Jones,,,anybody else wonder what she is actually for, apart to give a template to Judi Dench.
Oh how they gaily gassed…sisters doing it for themselves, ladies in mans world…need I give you the script?
Anyway-it was a ball and dancies, drinky poos to flooww, so ever so sorry to detain you your Ladyboys/ships or whatever.
Think they had their footy boots on, but couldn`t tell!
Yes folks…Mrs Banks and her suffragettes in Mary Poppins live on…Vicky Pryce souvlakis to follow?
Oh…that Yemeni thingy about Muslims being somewhat curt to the ladies etc?…no problem….bloody UN reports, and Islam…don`t mix, let`s leave the fellas to the port!
Godawful crap-even for a Friday weekend collapso…we`ll be apying for the frangipandies too!
“They hail from all over the world, and from walks of life. They do all kinds of things: they make music, save lives, raise children, run businesses, write, preach, act and tell jokes.” Ha.
Surely the Unite members held a ballot and voted to strike- how then can the strike be called off without another ballot?
We know that where the union rules (or thinks it does) things are different, but surely some aparatchik can’t make such a decision.
“why the BBC would want to embrace a viewpoint that would result in most of them being fired or worse doesn’t seem to seep into the deep thinkers minds here.”
It is a question you would do better to try to answer yourself. Why are the [Cultural Marxist/Frankfurt School/Pro-EU as you put it] Left so keen to defend Islam. Since you are on the Left maybe you can offer us your explanation.
“this site has utterly failed to attract any serious contributors”
Well nobody would confuse your contributions as serious that is for sure. The Left are so used to being defeated in argument attempting to close down debate seems to be their default position.
Some people come here to protest against being forced to pay for a broadcaster which they view as a biased.
Defending fascist racists is your department. Presumably because he is white this one does not count. It is the “sad people” on this site that are on the side of our free society. You are (transparently and unapologetically) on the side of its enemies.
That is exactly the point. I would go further and say we are a beacon of all that is just, democratic and tolerant in the world. The Left want to destroy all that and take us backwards by several hundred years by destroying our culture and replacing it with a mix of the most primitive, barbaric and oppressive cultures the world has to offer. They somehow, inexplicably, imagine that they can create some kind of touchy-feely, multicultural, egalitarian eco-socialist paradise that will be the example for the rest of the world to follow, generating energy from fresh air and wealth from money trees.
Boy, have they got some living and learning to do.
He was carrying out the hopes of the majority of racists and their supporters who want to build up a state of fear in the UK. And killed an old man. What bravery. Look forward to reading your defence of him. But I suspect it’ll just be abuse.
BTW if I was a Muslim extremist I’d complain about the titl to this this story: Mosque bomber. Suggests that he was from a mosque. Or is that just the sort of daft bias that posters here see if the BBC?
That Ukranian thug who murdered an old man? Who’d want to defend him? Although, of course, if we have an almost open border policy regarding Eastern Europeans (many who are culturally backwards regarding racism) then is this story such a surprise?
Like the plod spokesman said after sentence had been passed (paraphrased) ‘There is no room for white supremacist racism in a multi-faith, multicultural society’.
I don’t expect there will be much about Pavlo Lapshyn because this blog is about bias in the BBC – the clue is in the title.
Although I wonder why the BBC reporters kept on telling us that Mr Saleem had 22 grandchildren: was it just to emphasise the population explosion in the immigrant communities?
‘Not much comment …’
Why should there be? It’s a forum about BBC bias. ‘Look forward to reading your defence of him’
So far, being alone in raising it, you seemed fated to disappointment. ‘But I suspect it’ll just be abuse.’
Guesswork like that promoted to a ill-conceived post will indeed see your BBC Editor application fast-tracked.
But their standards do now seem to have slipped.
what is there to defend? – he was only here for 5 days?
“who want to build a state of fear in the UK” ?
please … 😀 you are a little late with your infantile posturing.
– you should ask gays if they have fear in Tower Hamlets,
– or little girls,(or their families) in Oxford, Derby, or Bradford.
– or Jews in the East End.
– or any prisoners now in fear because of muslim gangs
etc, etc, etc
“Fazia Saleem, whose father Mohammed was stabbed to death by Lapshyn
“If a muslim had carried out this attack, it would have been treated very differently.”
He s right about that … on the BBC anyway, you
wouldn t have known he was muslim for a start.
Anyway here you are Doris, another “Islamofauxbe” for you to pick holes in …
oops! its from erm Arabic TV 😀
the look on the hosts face … priceless
Doris you are as big a half-wit as the lame brained racists that post their drivel any where on the internet – and not just the occasional shite hound or false flag on here.
You do realise that the fat heads of the BNP don’t want Ukrainians in this country either so why on earth do you think this dick head has any connection to them?
And have you stopped to ask yourself WTF a Ukrainian is doing in the UK trying to ‘start a race war’ in the first place? Why isn’t he trying that in the Ukraine?
Perhaps it is a classic case of multi-culti diversity. The more cultures you have the more they are bound to hate each other?
I came here to post examples of BBC bias but if some people come here to counter claims of bias then fair play to them. I would prefer to be part of a blog that, although focussed on finding bias, is not so incestuous that it cannot be criticised and accept solid debate. There’s nothing worse than a forum where everyone agrees to a thread post. It’s the mark of a healthy open society that we can listen and discuss things. If I make a mistake then it should be open to criticism. Likewise if others defending the BBC bias make bold claims that we disagree with we can criticise them.
Dear ember, how long have you lurked in the background before daring to post something?
Your views welcome here, post away, feel free to highlight bullshit ( was gonna write hypocrisy but couldnt spell it) and post away soon.We await your wisdom with bated breath.
‘……is not so incestuous that it cannot be criticised and accept solid debate.’
Ember, the day the likes of Doris and Scott actually stop with their puerile, student angst-like mantras and actually start ‘solid’ debating, I for one will begin to take them seriously.
Sadly there are those posters, doris being one, who come here not to counter claims of bias but to smear all and sundry with unfounded accusations of waycism. I don’t see why they shouldn’t get a robust response when they do so. Her post is complete bollocks and I treated it as such.
Maybe because the actions of a ukranian have nothing to do with us. However anti white english pople left wing c$nts will latch on to it to push the vile multicultural, cultural relativism narative. If aliens droped into the UK they would be under the impression from the left wing that pre 1997 every white english person had been on a crusade against muslim, gassed jews and owned a black slave.
I’m glad you raised it Doris, I’ve been at work for most of the day (just got in in fact) so I’ve not seen to much reporting of this the bit I did see , on sky News, was a bit thin on motive> I saw the bit with P.C. pc Plod out side of the court ,telling us that there’s no room for white supremacists (what about ethno-nationalists are they OK?) And a bit about how every body in his Ukrainian village thought he was a lovely boy ,who loved his mother and worked hard at school (promising architect perhaps) who just happened to like blowing things up. And tapes of a poorly translated interrogation where he said some incoherent about ‘doing it because he was white’ but no mention of a manifesto or links to ‘right wing’ groups.
I wonder why its so important to you that he is right wing rather than another disturbed loner ? .
Would it make the suffering and grief of his victims family less if there was no ideological motive?
would it make the sentence of 40 years draconian ?
For myself I think ,in the absence of a whole life tariff, 40 years is about right for the cruel and senseless killing of a harmless old man regardless of motive
The BBC, claims, sources who say, and what they expect of others but wouldn’t dream of applying to themselves.. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/busy-line.html ‘The DG told MPs this week that one employee has left the organisation following an investigation into harassment – but will we ever know their name, and departure details ?
I wondered about that. Can’t you just see some hapless CEO, under full glare of a Paxo or Humph seeking answers to a Cluster-FUBAR costing the public a bob or two or, worse, an ‘ism, coming out with a ‘someone is responsible and they are now elsewhere’ without a wee bit more probing?
For instance… ‘In at least one case in the past year, I am assured, a compromise agreement (i.e. a pay-off) was required to deliver the exit.’
In a world now no longer as sanguine about rewards for failure, it is one thing to bribe an idiot to take the heave-ho, but delving into those deep, uniquely-funded pockets to remove a bully, on top of their avoiding censure or publicity not always accorded the rest of the non-gilded classes, seems… very generous.
I’ve been ‘encouraged to leave’ a few times in my career, and never on behavioural grounds, but the notion of a thug backing out the door to a barrage of £50 notes and pension guarantees seems a farce only the BBC could conjure.
Interview with Marine le Pen on Newsnight last night. Hate her or love her she was outlining policies on immigration and the future of Europe which are worthy of discussion, stressing that she was neither racist nor xenophobic. But see how the BBC prepared the viewer for this evil woman with a cartoon strip outlining the horrors endured by would be immigrants whose boat had sunk, and how the narrator cries out that nobody cares about us. Then cut to the nasty French women. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03ffw8v/Newsnight_24_10_2013/
Everybody who wants to see a female prophet might do worse that watch Marine Le Pen(18.30 mins into the link above…c/o Llareggub)
She`s got my vote-note the phrases of a well-intentioned but stupid Mr Jones-he uses phrases like “polite society”..”.media stigma” well, public stigma, but we all know the BBC)…and,
(most pitiful of all for their “federalist project”) Littles taking
of Marine to task for traducing the “British”…yes
BRITISH…Catherine Ashton!
Desperate times for the Beeb..they know somethings happening…but Sky won`t be telling them anytime soon insh`Allah!
Thought we were all European now, Alan!
The liberal elite are shitting them,selves…yes, it`s going to take a long time-but this BBC damp squib of a htchet job only makes me more resolute about the BBCs paper tiger of Islamic/EU solidarity.
They`re f***ed, and they know they are!
listening to the same old al bbc intro to an undesirable … the far right, waycist, some comment to push the narrative ya da ya da.
Le Pen, is no ones fool, no nonsense, she must
love the expressions on po faced PC faces in her interviews
oh 😀 … the bbc continual push to associate, “far right, waycist, narrative comments” with UKIP, BNP all but finished, EDL gone, next whipping boy UKIP … so bloody predictable..
Love her use of the word Europist for the kind of PC liberal Tardy that the likes of Alan Little are well-acquainted with.
New word for my lexicon-they call us “phobes” or “deniers”…we call them “Europists” if males-and “Europistes” if female-see, we`re happy to blag the best from European languages too.
This makes Russell Brand and the others that want drugs to eb freely available…he`s a “weedophile”!
Three new words for my creative Thesausus…and it`s not even 11a.m!
From cubicle #7997, a ‘Friday Night #Couldfiles Special’ (see what I did there?): BBC News A 3D printer and what are thought to be components for a “homemade” gun have been seized by police in Manchester: http://bbc.in/1bkVeRw
The plastic magazine and trigger could be combined to make a firearm, detectives believe.
Update: The items seized actually form a “spool holder” for the 3D printer itself, according to the man arrested in Manchester. Police have added that they “cannot categorically say” if they have recovered the component parts for the gun.
Or… ‘thought not’.
Maybe the BBC could wait until a story becomes one before ‘reporting’, or is filling space justification for endless munchkins seeking to post any old thing?
After Lord Hall’s linguistic foray, I tonight found myself watching a comedy on iPlayer from NI, called ‘The Blame Game’.
Seemed affable enough but I have to say I did struggle with rather thick accents.
Maybe not surprising, but what was odd was that none of them seemed to understand each other, either.
Just seen a version of the interrogation of Hall and Patten by Philip Davies MP, in the Parliamentary committee on the media. Davies is the only MP able to take their trousers down. Patten treats the whole thing with contempt and hall waffles on with his answers.
I notice the BBC’s prominent lesbian news presenter (Jane Hill) chaired the “100 women” debate. Obviously she was well within her comfort zone: surrounded by dozens of women.
I’m not sure what the event achieved. Answers on a postcode please.
Was that her in blue ,sucking up to Pauline Nevil Jones and her funky Botswanan telecom lady at 5p.m or so(News 24)?
Someone from wardrobe down here Gok…NOW!
Still-we`re paying, and that`s the news,,,for now…
There’ll be more such Beeboid junkets for like-minded, self-selecting women, at our expense. Cost so far, of bringing women to London from around the world?
Has anybody else noted that kings science academy ( currently under investigation) in Bradford set up by Sajid Raza, has the acronym KSA the exact same as the acronym for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia .
Funny that
pah wrote: It’s also the same initials as the Kettering Science Academy and the Kent Stage Academy
Good point, however those two examples of yours lead with the geographical location of the school. The Bradford one doesn’t, in fact Kings has nothing to do with the area, but hey if you can’t put 2 and 2 together then don’t try to discredit me with a smoke and mirrors post.
Good chunk of the lunchtime news given over to coverage of the ‘world music’ event somewhere in Wales. Cue interview with Cerys Matthews, she who is not averse to spouting a socialist view or several.
‘So what is ‘world music’, Cerys?’
(Cerys, smugly) ‘It’s anything that isn’t Anglo-American rock music, basically’.*
Jagger, Page, Morrison, Van Zant, Clapton, Frey, Plant, Richards, Cocker, Rogers, Iggy Pop et al – you bunch of decadent, talentless Western capitalist bastards. You should have been getting your influences from the worthy…….
…..(report fades to footage of Peruvian clog dancers).
* I think you might have missed a few genres there, Cerys luv.
“BBC staff in revolt as freelance deals are axed in tax row:
“Corporation to phase out contracts which allow workers to be taxed as companies and not individuals.
“BBC pledges to end paying of stars through ‘personal service companies.’
“But it is said to be struggling to unravel the ways in which stars are paid.
“Former Today programme editor Rod Liddle, said staff were in ‘open revolt.’”
So ALL these lefties are in revolt because they will have to pay all their taxes like every other PAYE. The bBC was supposed to stop this practice several years ago, they all have the same low ethics as Ken Livingstone as he was pulling the same tax stunt.
However the best solution is for Osborne to pull the rug on this getout which is widely used by MANY people.
Site down again? I couldn’t get on earlier this morning.
Not BBC bias just an anecdote I want to share.
Talking with a friend who is a magistrate about sentencing in general he tells me that they are finding Community Punishments increasingly difficult, as the unemployed are being sent on them – although the government calls them something different. Now for many a Community Punishment only involves them working under a different title for a different government department. For them nothing changes and there is no actual punishment element.
He also said that the number of people coming to court with absolutely no money is breath taking. Last week one accused appeared after being arrested for a no show, when asked why said I have no money to pay for bus fare, it’s easier to be arrested and they feed me too !
You can’t fine someone who has no money, and community punishments are no longer punishments. I wonder if the coalition realise what the effect of their policies are in practice?
what in effect, are those unemployed doing?
driving down the minimum wage …
the same old Tory plan, for the poor the race to the bottom … or … as you stated, thoughtful, if they don t get criminalised first.
All those years in their self and well deserved wilderness, and the Tories have learn t nothing, just like the repeat offender, they can t help it.
what would these people receive, in monetary terms per hour for their work.?
Are you saying conservatives wouldn t want to get rid of the statutory lowest level of wages, in order to further depress remuneration for the poorest workers ?
The classic tragedy of Conservatism. make a bold (and entirely false) claim that its benefit cuts are “making work pay” ?
Incoherent and absurd in equal measure, as stated “the race to the bottom” … fundamentally flawed ideological pseudo economics
Yes, the Tories want the peasants to subsist on low pay, but it was the Attlee administration which started taking bribes from cheap labour employers to permit mass immigration. Now, of course, all Labour and Tory governments do it.
And although the Tories halved the Married Man’s Tax Allowance to force more women onto the workplace, it was Labour who scrapped it. Most women are second income earners, and are therefore willing to work for low pay.
To those champagne socialists on the box, of course, all this is about racial and gender equality, not the exploitation of the masses, for whom they have nothing but contempt.
Funny how BBC coverage of the Australian bush fires has stopped, coincidentally at about the time the Aus. army admitted they started one of the largest. No AGW angle, then.
Before we go over to join Huw Edwards for the 10 O’clock News this evening, viewers may be interested to know that the BBC Newsroom are currently piloting a brand new and experimental fully computerised news script writer and auto cue machine. This breakthrough British designed and EU funded system – nicknamed ‘Beeboid’ – is able to scan the very thoughts and reactions of the BBC newscaster and his production team as they arise during discussions at their daily editorial meetings and when they each carefully read through the day’s news reports in the Guardian. Electronic sensors attached to the BBC team’s foreheads can then upload their thinking about the news of the day directly into the BBC News Database. This database automatically sorts and digitally compiles a script that can be downloaded for the required BBC News bulletin and puts it straight onto the auto cue. Inevitably some minor teething problems were apparent in off-air trials with the new system. However, the BBC has strenuously denied a Daily Mail report that an example news bulletin ‘mind-read’ and complied by the ‘Beeboid’ computer in this way sounded as though it were a dumbed-down version of the Today Programme; but littered with lame jokes, irrelevant comment and included endless references to the presenters’ favourite sports teams, holiday preferences, pets and family. The BBC has insisted that this script leaked to the Daily Mail was definitely not produced by their new computer system but was in fact simply a transcript of the BBC 5 Live Breakfast Show compiled by humans in the normal way without the use of the new computer. Moreover the BBC is confident that it has fully addressed the potential problems and pitfalls that might arise with the ‘mind reading’ facility. After all, Licence Fee payers would not want their news peppered with expletives, commentary on how fancyable Clive Myrie happens to find the weather girl that evening, or indeed the ‘and finally’ item being a reminder to Huw Edwards to collect his own dry cleaning. These types of difficulty will be corrected using a powerful BBC guidelines compliant and PC approved Predictive Text Over Ride.
The first bulletins produced using the new system will follow shortly.
If this news has prompted any thoughts do please get in touch in the usual way.
In time the new system will bypass the cerebral cortex of BBC employees completely. This dangerous brain part will then wither away and die. As is common knowledge, trials are already well underway.
As for the brains of Guardian staff supplying input to the system, these have been replaced with Common Purpose chips, linked together via Anti-SkyNet in order to create doomsday scenarios.
An advanced model, the Monbiot, threatens to terminate all carbon-emitting life forms. All the now-ancient Polly can do is bore us to death.
In my ‘inbox’ this morning is an e-mail from Youtube – inviting me to watch Paxman interview Brand on Newsnight. Who is paying who to send me that (BBC or Youtube?) but who would be using the number of Youtube hits as evidence of the popularity of Newsnight on alternative media?
Not sure the evidence of one’s own eyes and ears served Brand, Paxman or Newsnight much good, along with near-unanimous panning of Mr. Katz’ Slipway to Hell deft new editorial touch across the commentariat.
Yes I wondered about that, I have never had you tube send me any type of video before
And I cant see what in my viewing ‘preferences’ would cause them to ‘recommend’ it to me
My wife received it on her Smart phone as well but not my 20 yr. old daughter
Why are YouTube campaigning for brand I wonder?
If ‘France 24’ were up to political speed, it would use the word ‘ISLAMIKAZE’ rather than ‘kamikaze’ to describe these jihadists:-
From Andrew Boston’s review of Raphael Israeli’s book ‘Islamikaze’-
…” the essential elements embodied by Raphael Israeli’s designation, “Islamikaze”. The author summarizes these relationships as follows:
“…Typologically then, the Muslim fundamentalist self-immolating assassins- who have nothing suicidal about them nor resemble the hari-kari of either the imposed or the voluntary type- come closest to the kamikaze in organization, ideology, execution of their task, posthumous glory, and historical background of self-effacing loyalty, murderous fanaticism (samurai and fida’i, kamikaze and shahid) and culture of shame. It is therefore proposed to adopt the appellation Islamikaze to describe them, combining their inner Islamic motivation and vocation with the other outward attributes of their fellow kamikaze.”
“’Islamikaze’ is an uncompromising, and meticulously documented work. The author first traces the development and largely unchallenged proliferation of Islamikaze to two unique Islamic institutions- jihad war, and its corollary institution dhimmitude.”
Why is it that when two black, crazed Islamic terrorist butchers hack a white soldier to death in broad daylight on a London street the words racist or extremist hardly (if at all) appear in the BBC or other media outlets’ reports? However, when a lone white Ukrainian kills an elderly Muslim the word racism is splashed all over the media, especially the BBC. Unbelievable.
I am constantly struck by how poor the BBC seems to be at communicating basic economic principles to the viewing public. Given the Corporation’s huge resources it is noticably weak in this area. Newsnight’s erstwhile Economics Editor, Paul Mason, was a rather extreme case which however exemplified the fact that the BBC struggles in terms of ecomonics. Mason’s brief was – one supposes – to convey some economically literate insights into the travails of the Euro. But his reports from the continent quickly veered off to explore his pet interest in the danger posed by the far-right, the contrasting potential for good he found in the far-Left particularly as extressed by the young through social media activism and his concern for the plight of third world migrants. Where ever the viewer might happen to stand on the political spectrum this was politics – not economics. BBC economic stalwarts such as Stephanie Flanders and Robert Peston have also been too ready to shift from economics to politics. The BBC clearly finds politics to be the more sexy subject.
Consider what economic education an inteligent ignoramus, new to hearing from the BBC, might draw from their news reports.
Taxation is a very good thing – useful when applied to solving a whole range of social ills such as gambling and drinking. Taxation is the Superman of economic terms. Goodness me, what can’t taxation do? Taxation can even be used to ease world poverty and mediate potential changes in the earth’s climate!
Investment is a good thing – mostly though only when practised by civil servants on behalf of the Government. Or when the idea of the investment is somewhat spurious – such as the big investment in an education system that appears to have produced results in an inverse relationship to the money invested. In fact if you concentrate on the BBC you will learn that it seems the more spurious the so-called investment the more good it is. Consider the so-called investment in watching a group of people have a massive party at our expense – I refer of course to the 2012 Olympics.
Growth is a good thing – although if you were concentrating on the BBC about five years ago you might have noticed a lot of voices on the ecological left arguing against growth in the west. They got their wish come true – but we don’t hear that part of their argument so much.
Given how good investment is supposed to be it is odd that return on that investment is so ill thought of. Profit is a very bad word. Often tantamount to evil. Quite where the growth is to come from without profit is left as an unanswered question. Although the attitude to investment – that no return should be required and if it does transpire it ought to be taxed to the hilt – explains much.
Is it just my reading or does the BBC’s economic message sound rather Marxist?
Do you honestly believe that any lefty understands mathematics more complicated than – “If I buy a loaf of bread worth 50p and hand over a £1.00 coin, then I expect to get back 75p”?
The entire function of the BBC is to educate people to understand that the public sector is wonderful and the private sector is horrid.
They seek to erase your actual experience of the (generally) arrogant, inefficient, and expensive public sector, in comparison with the (generally) efficient, consumer friendly, and competitive private sector, and require you to work like a serf (I understand the polite word for this is “tax payer”) to pay your dues to the public sector unions (and their political wing the Labour Party) because (and this seems to be the entire basis of their claim) they make speeches about how much they care about the poor.
Of course they don’t actually care more about the poor (quite the opposite – in a democracy they want to keep their client base poor because that way it is easier to tell people what to do) but it is important for you to understand that all those stories about public sector incompetence, and the Leftist elite opting to go private (they make speeches about how much they care for the poor so they deserve it) are just lies by the Tory press – indeed since you have the wonderful BBC why have a free press at all? Just learn to love the Stalinist boot stamping on your face because that is true freedom.
When the recession first hit it was the private sector that took the pain. There were countless examples of employees taking pay cuts, downgraded pensions, going on short time, etc etc to save jobs.
Compare and contrast with how the public sector reacted when their time came. And they’re still at it. And their average salaries are still higher than the private sector’s, despite the latter funding them. And their pensions are still far superior, despite the private sector funding them.
If the BBC really was an impartial broadcaster acting in the public interest it would have illustrated this startling contrast in attitudes many times over – nobody can say there haven’t been plenty of opportunities over the past 5 years.
On Today this morning one of the girls abused in the Rochdale paedophile gang case was interviewed. She said that she was sure that the fact that those who abused her were all Pakistani, was part of the reason why the police and social services did nothing, even when they had many reports of this organised abuse. She also said that there were many more abusers than the 9 who stood trial. The interview seemed fair and did not avoid mentioning that the abusers were all of Pakistani origin.
But what struck me was the lack of reaction from the BBC to someone saying that the ethinicity of the criminal was a reason why they were not brought to justice for so long! Imagine if the victims of crime were Pakistani and the perpetrator was white. The BBC would be in overdrive and we would hear nothing else for at least a week. We would have investigations , in depth analysis of why the ethnic minority was being persecuted, claims of institutional bias in the police and social services, ethnic leaders by the hat full , the full panoply of BBC might would be deployed on this. So why the comparative silence over a gang of paedophiles grooming and then raping lots of children? We had one poor young girl , now the mother of child she had after being raped by goodness knows how many Pakistanis, being interviewed.
Does the BBC think that is a sufficient response? Just another example of the double standards they employ.
Actually, she was asked if she thought that most of the men who abused were Pakistan meant it was a racist crime. She replied “they were all Muslim” – not the same thing (some of them were possibly Bangladeshi or Somali). Her response implied it was a religious, or if you like, cultural crime. Even Ms Montague did not have the brass neck to argue with her.
Good point onlyne!
I too noticed the “vulnerable” schtick of troubled young people, as pushed by Monty, with her creepy Pat Hewitt tones( last used in Bradford for her day nosying around for Shannon Matthews).
It took the girl to raise the M word…Minty spent most of the interview saying it was not a race issue.
No , it`s not…it`s religious/social and political one based on Islamist supremacy and the weirdest of sexual views from the Pakistani villages they came from.
The girl mentioned “Muslim” just once-but the BBC think they`ve got away with that.
Ditto the Aghan Presidential candidate getting banned for being a woman, ditto the Saudi women being terrorised out of their Shielas Wheels flashmob!
Same f***in word for the liberal love that never dare speak its name…MUSLIM!
Oh sure, double standards are a given. But the BBC will not acknowledge the link betweet, for example, The Rochdale grooming gang, the men who killed Lee Rigby, or Richard Reed the shoe bomber. There is no racial link – the link is Islam. But the Beeb absolutely refuse to acknowledge this,so if you say it was Pakistanis, the BBC can accuse you of being racist. Islam is beyond critisicm.
But I found amusing the statement on the UAF FB page that as most muslims were of colour then criticism of Islam is racist. And Cameron and his BBC support the UAF
The UAF clowns make it up as they go along. They’ve taken it upon themselves to define what and what is not racism.A front for the violent Left, these lazy, rich-kid drama students will be the first to come crying to mummy and daddy if their Islamic idols ever gain power.
It was a classic example of the liberal unable to cope with reality.
On this matter the liberal is in a real state of confusion. It is better to let their heads whirl.
I keep on saying it. It is no longer possible to reason with a liberal. It is as though the age of reason has never existed They all think they are Saint Just or Marx or Lenin or that fool Russell Brand or some other fantasist with personal problems.
Of course this been the bBC they report the pro Islamic version: The 42-year-old was battered to death after smashing a window at the Aslams’ family takeaway shop in Airdrie.
Here is what the bBC don’t want you to know about yet another racist murder at the hands of blood thirsty Muslims: The incident on March 23 was the culmination of a long-running feud between Ali’s Kebabs and Nico’s takeaway, where Mr Dryden’s aunt worked, the High Court in Glasgow was told. Nico’s was set up by Hamid Shah last year in Chapel Street, just a stone’s throw away from Ali’s Kebabs, after the Aslam family’s objection to planning permission was dismissed.
The court was told that Mr Shah and his staff were subjected to intimidation, windows were smashed and on one occasion the premises were set on fire. It was also alleged the Aslams threatened to burn down the outlet unless they were paid £150 a week. Mr Shah told the jury that one of the brothers made a cut-throat gesture as he passed the shop. He said: “It is because they are competition and they are trying to scare me.” On the day of the killing, Azeem and Zeeshan Aslam chased Mr Dryden into a back garden and approached him in what was described in court as a “pincer movement” Azeem, 26, repeatedly smacked Mr Dryden with a baseball bat while his 23-year-old brother struck him a piece of wood that had been lying on the ground. Mr Dryden, of Motherwell, suffered serious skull and brain injuries from which he never recovered.
repeatedly beating him with a baseball bat?
his brother with a block of wood?
after trapping him in a pincer movement?
heard saying “Fixed that guy – even broke the baseball bat.”
Yet in court
“Azeem Aslam insisted: “I had to do it – I had no choice.”? ………………… you got that stupid kaffir eh!
yep! sounds like the “religion of peace” to me
Obviously smarting that one of their’s, in the form of Unite / Labour, came a cropper and had to eat humble pie at Grangemouth (where was Miliband by the way – unusually camera shy wasn’t he?), the BBC got their revenge by giving the owner of the refinery a hard time not only getting him to justify his position and his financial position, but Labour’s Jim Naughtie managed to get a dig in about his yacht.
Bizzarely though, the BBC Ten o’clock News opened up another front by asking if this strategic facility should be in private ownership at all, inviting an ‘energy expert’ to confirm that the refinery should be nationalised.
Gregor Gall was the ‘energy expert’ that the BBC ‘smuggled in’ to speak unto the nation. But Gregor is not so much an energy expert as an academic from the hard left of politics, formerly an SWP activist still a member of the Scottish Socialist Party.
It’s not so much that BBC activists are of the left. There is increasing evidence that their editorial decision makers are of the far left, seemingly having wormed their way into the corporation for their own political ends.
The Unite union looks to have panicked as reality came charging in. Not much industry left in Scotland and they were about to smash a fair chunk of what is left. This Gall has never had to face earning a proper living doing a real job so can indulge his fantasies. Much like the average BBC talking head.
Just watching BBC news right now, and they are reporting and commenting upon the delay in the implementation of the changes to disability benefits.
I do notice that to support the points they make they have given interview space to Labour foghorn Rachel Reeves and a “Campaigner” called Sue Marsh, who we are told has Chrones disease and finds it difficult to walk. The government “has put out a statement” to explain their case, but this just gets drowned out by said foghorn and the Campaigner.
Pictures beamed across my TV screen show the Campaigner in high heeled boots with walking stick hanging loosely to one side.
Whilst I’m not one to belittle someone else’s illness, I have to say that she seemed very articulate and had the appearance of someone perfectly capable of work. Maybe she does work, and is just supporting the case, it wasn’t explained but that wasn’t the message that the report was trying to portray.
Later in the same news bulletin, BBC London News talk about affordable housing, and the need to build bigger houses in London as three bedroom one’s are not sufficiently large. They drag out a Green from the London Assembly who complains about someone having to do their homework on the toilet because this is the quietest room in the house. No reply from the Mayor’s office or anything like that.
The problems the greens face, is if and when power cuts hit the UK and the lovies are unable to:
Recharge their phones
Watch Strictly come dancing
or even use their laptops, then at a stroke the Green movement will be virtually wiped off the map.
The weather. As a concerned parent whose offspring is travelling from the continent this weekend I am anxious to gather information regarded the predicted storms at sea. It is a sad commentary on the BBC’s tendency to flavour factual reporting with propaganda, that I have been seeking weather forecasts from sources unrelated to the BBC.
bBBC ‘news’ this evening, interviewing the Chairman of the Football Association. bBBC bimbo: so, it’s the 150th anniversary of the Football Association; what about this week’s racism incidents?
I think that we can compare ‘racism’ in the modern world to blasphemy in the middle ages. Of course to the liberal left and the BBC , almost one and the same thing, racism means whatever they want it to mean. Even patriotism is suspect in their eyes and could easily lead to racist thoughts. Soon, if you have even one secret thought that may be interpreted by someone as being tiny bit racist, you will need to confess it before the ‘Truth and Reconciliation Panel’ chaired by Inquisitor in Chief ,Dame D Abbott. The BBC will of course be delighted to be known as the’ Finders of Racism’ and relish the ability to scrutinise all and sundry, provided they are white. They will lead the movement to free Britain from the sin of racism, no stone will be left unturned, no vestige of a love of country will remain, the old culture will be stamped out , as the new liberal left puritanism sweeps through the country, until we wake to a new golden age, free from the scourge of racism, whether real or imagined. In fact the belief in an omnipotent God, who can read your thoughts and condemn you to eternal damnation is so useful, that the liberal left may bring it back into vogue in order to force confessions from white folks, all of whom were born with the original sin of racism. Other colours were no so burdened of course.
I am not racist.I just want to live in the country I was born in and not to have it invaded by millions of folks with very different cultures to ours.
Naturally if the BBC are to process such people then they are going to need some system, camps perhaps, to handle the numbers. Of course having such large numbers of people together in one place is only going to cause health problems so there will need to be some sort of screening and prevention system. Showers maybe?
Absolutely spot-on. Progressives have devalued and bastardised the word ‘racism’ (along with the ever-useful ‘xenophobia’) to suit whatever their agenda requires it to mean. All part of the bigger Political Correctness Project that is determined to ‘nudge’ public attitudes towards its utopian ‘multicultural’ vision; to criticise this is to become the enemy, to dissent is to become a legitimate target for vilification, belittlement and public humiliation.
‘Progressive liberals’ – a curious concept, when one considers just how wretchedly authoritarian their world-outlook actually is.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Was it me?…or was that Question Time about as fair as I could expect?
Only saw bits of it, but Hitchens was, at least listened to…and even got applause when he blasted the political parties for being silent EU accessories to the energy rip offs.
Old Shouty turned to true self near the ned, but the damage had been done…basically, he`s just a Socialist Worker from 1980, adapted for the thicker or hard of hearing in 2013.
Eek…was I right?
The socialist runt didn’t seem to like it when Hitchens dared to mention the forbidden words : “mass-immigration”. He’s obviously not asked the working class – that he purports to speak on behalf of – their opinion on this one.
Tim Far-wrong even called it a “blessing”!?
A greater endorsement of Hitchens’ analysis – that the political elite are entirely out of touch with the British public – you couldn’t have had heard.
I was pleasantly surprised at just how much latitude Dimbledore gave Peter Hitchens on last night’s QT to adequately make his points free from the usual unnecessary interventions Dimbles specialises in (usually when a speaker goes ‘off-message’ and starts breaking the BBC’s progressive narrative). Definitely an improvement from the fusty Chairman on his p*sspoor record to date. Hitchens was free, for the most part, to launch a most satisfactory attack at both the EU and the CAGW panic mongers (pretty much the same thing in all honesty), while the other panelists just couldn’t rally a coherent reply between them to his Exocet volleys, other than to vaguely bluster the usual tired leftist platitudes and falsehoods.
Another gem of a moment on QT – catch it on iPlayer if you can and savour the moment.
I was also surprised as I was expecting PH to get a much harder time. A positive result for a change made easier by the low quality of those representing the left/liberal viewpoint.
Noted that old Al Madinah canard_what`s Arabic for that?
Need we remind the BBC and its Tardists that Al Madina tends to be a…er…faith school if your faith is not Dibley-lite!
It`s F888in Muslim Islamic supremacy…mad, madrassa!
But not to the BBC…or Shouty….who don`t seem to note that word.
Denying their identity….racist is it not?
Oh-and anybody know who this Chelsea Manning that Owen seems to be taken with?
That bullet-headed speccy squaddie isn`t Bernards lovechild…so why the fawning.
Call me Fulham from now on!…
canard_what`s Arabic for that
Arabic? Well it always sounds like Donald Duck having a seizure to me.
That Libdem arsehole – ‘immigration is a blessing’
Al JaBeeBa is, as ever, giving us only part of the story over immigration/jobs/white murders. Presumably to protect the innocent, a la Stan Freiburg.
Italian jobseeker killed in Maidstone by, allegedly, 4 Lithuanians who accused the Italian of ‘taking our jobs’ (I kid you not!)
Cue ZanuLab, messageboard and Italian outrage against ‘English savages’.
What does Al JaBeeBa report? No mention of the faux outrage or of the ZaNuLab attempt to smear Tories for their (justified) anti- economic immigration.
Saw that Old Shouty was on the panel, assumed that PH would not get a fair hearing – so didn’t bother watching. The BBC really know how to lower audience numbers – but how low do they need to be for QT before it is pulled?
In an email to Question Time, Beatie from Cornwall mocks BBC Labour’s portrait of Britain today.
2245: We’re sharing a boiled egg for Christmas dinner this year. Beatie, Truro
But what of the salmonella risk?
Edwina Currie still about to dish ole Thatch?
Or is Sir John the go-to guy this week?…he was for her sometime way back was she not?
WGAF(who gives a?)
Am I dreaming?
The BBC giving a lot of support to a Yah-Yah Tory?
Oh it was Yaya Toure.
‘A club statement read: “Having carefully studied the video of the game, we found no racist insults from fans of CSKA.”‘
‘The Russian side’s own Ivory Coast player, striker Seydou Doumbia, added: “I didn’t hear anything like that from the CSKA fans.’
So whatever the facts may be our Manc Ivorian must be right in his claims and the BBC are quite right to run with this unsubstantiated smear
A Russian friend, who being a Dinamo fan despises CSKA with her very soul, listened to the incident several times and could not hear the racism Five Live majored long and loud on this morning.
It undoubtedly happens in Russia, but it is not clear to a native speaker it did on this occasion. I tend to believe her rather than Nicky Campbell, or George “I like t’Rugby League, ah do!” Reilly.
Friday fact: Russian monkeys make the same noise as British monkeys: “Oo! Oo! Oo!” Dogs, pigs and chickens make a range of very curious noises.
“Oo! Oo! Oo!” is a funky gibbon – which is an ape not a monkey …
Heard Jim Naughtie on Today beofre the 8am news.
He was at Grangemouth all day yesterday you know…hence the hangover in Edinburgh this morning and an easy lounge back to the Trossachs later,
For spending a day sniffing gas flares at Grangemouth, he seemed rather incurious-anybody else wonder why he didn`t ask the local Labour MP there why the Tories had caused this?
They always do-unless it`s Eric Joyce and he`s already not with the BBCs programme to blame the have-yacht who runs Ineos, Jim says he`s toxic and his yacht won`t be welcome near HIS berth!
No Green types-no SNP either?..reckon Falkirk and Unite are still a bit raw for wee Jim and the useful rebels of the green tartan?
WE paid Jim just to shiff pipes, sniff back the tears and weep at the prospect of unions getting what their members supposedly voted for…oh dear…THAT wasn`t meant to happen.
Payday wonga shops and bookies to come…juts like the rest of Labours Britain, Salmonds SNP rotten boroughs.
Poor Jim…luckily he`ll be on that last helicopter back to Islington tomorrow though!…
Remember the other-week when the US went into both Libya and Somalia . The bBC reporting was so pro Islamic terrorist, and anti-whoever attacked them, that they grasped at any straw in which to report the news of this
Godallah forbid an attack on the soldiers of the Holy Koran. I quote from the bBC:“A statement by Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, al-Shabab’s military operations spokesman, which said that British and Turkish special forces were involved. He said the commander of the British force was killed, and four SAS and a Turkish soldier were wounded.”
As we all found out it was the Americans and not the British but the bBC was happy to report the above. Well today the bBC reports a little further on that British element :
Al-Shabab commander ‘spent time in UK’
Got to love how the bBC goes out of its way to promote Islamic terrorism as a good thing.
Spent time in the UK? Is that really news? I thought it was a given these days.
The BBC tackles the big question: Where is the best palce in the world to be a woman?
Turns out that the answer is Iceland closely followed by the other nordic countries.
But hey BBC I thought you were all about setting the world to rights… so tell us about the worst countries in the world to be a woman….
Well the BBC are not making this easy – you have to consult the map and flick down the report to…..
‘Middle East and North Africa…..This is the region where some of the greatest gender inequalities exist.’
‘But the picture is far from uniform…’
‘…For instance, the Gulf states have tended to invest heavily in female education….’
The BBC can’t bring themselves to mention this but it is Israel that is the blip on the map – the stand out female friendly nation.
And prospective EU member Turkey does poorly in most categories.
Gosh I wonder what could be the cause of these trends?
Sexist white European tourists who go round raping coloureds as it there was still an Empire. Silly me I meant White bBC workers going around raping little boys.
At least the BBC leave the link to the full report.
Out of the 136 countries where it`s not nice to be a lady, Yemen, Saudi, Pakistan,and the like…well Chad too…are at the rock bottom.
Wonder if Womans Hour might enlighten us later on what the common denominator might be?
Just as well they`re not including specific areas like Sparkbrook, Chadderton or Bethnal Green isn`t it?
Do you think the BBC would care to check on regional variations in the UK…get their local stringers out for a day?
I can only ask…it`s my BBC you know!
Yes Chris, you can ASK, but they are FOI exempt doncha know.
On the question of gang rape the interviewer on BBC World service strongly said to the African woman being questioned that it was because of provocative dress . She rightly denied this was an excuse.
There should be absolutely no excuse for a man to behave like an animal and commit rape and for a public broadcaster the BBC to justify it is dangerous for society. But than the BBC is keen to find excuses for murder as well !!
Interestingly it seems that women dressed conservatively in Islamic countries have found themselves gang raped. So it appears (As we all know) that a rapsit does what he does because he is f-ing evil.
Time for ” Burkha King ” to open a franchise there, will soon put a stop to this.
The interviewer probably holds child grooming victims to blame for being too young….
” …. a reverse gender gap taking place in the United Arab Emirates. Many more women than men are now finishing university here.”
Doesn’t this count as “Less Equal” ? If so, why is the UAE’s Education graphic coloured green and not orange?
I guess some gender gaps are more acceptable than others.
More women are graduating, BUT because of the usual Islamic discrimination, no one will employ them!
It can’t be anything to do with the religion of peace. It must be the West’s fault. If we weren’t so imperialistic and anti-Islamic, women in the Middle East / N. Africa would be fine.
Don’t forget the joooooz.
The bBC screams out:
EU says distrust of US on spying may harm terror fight
So on that note can anybody point me in the direction of which country has spent more time and effort in fighting Terrorism these past 11 years?
Could it be the UK where Terrorists are paid £1 million in which compensate them for their time in Prison, who then relocate to Londonstan in which to promote their agenda of attacking whites,gays and anybody drinking alcohol on the streets.
Could it be Spain which capitulated to terrorism after Madrid got bombed.
Could it be Sweden with its open door policy (As loved by Al Beeb) to any Muslim who can get there.
The fact is the EU is the the biggest defender of Islamic terrorism going, it has gone hell for leather in attacking the US over how it goes about despatching the followers of Allah to that great mosque in the ground and goes even further in defending the rights of the followers of Allah to kill,rape and maim as they please. Maybe there lies the reason the bBC loves the EU(SSR)
INBBC: on the geography, not the ideology of Islam:-
“Al-Shabab commander ‘spent time in UK'”
(2 min video clip).
Towards what ideology were these Muslims ‘radicalised’?
Towards the unmentioned tenets of Islam.
INBBC forever portrays Islamic jihadists as having no moral responsibility for their choice to take murderous actions against we kafirs.
Instead, we are merely told that such Muslims had a vague thing done to them: ‘they were radicalised,’ by other Muslims.
I know that Radio 4 is going through some wimmin centred phase at the moment – but that is no excuse to have that creature Cherie Blair on Today to tell us about how tough she has had it – people could well be eating their breakfasts at that time of day!
At least they should have given us a warning.
Was Peter Foster brought up?
Nail file in the cake required this week, I`m led to believe…but not by the BBC who don`t seem to have mentioned it.
As the old Yorkshire expression goes ” they all p**s in the same pot”.
Today at 7.18 Radio 4
“In the midst of the on-going political furore over soaring energy bills, Public Health England is today urging people to use their heating this winter – and to turn the thermostat up to 21C in rooms like the living room which are occupied during the day. The Today programme examines what the right temperature is for a home.”
Hasn’t there been every year someone’s recommendations about how to keep warm – I am sure one year it was ‘put a pullover on’ (it’s my recommendation too). But of course keeping the room nice and cosy means more heating, higher heating bills, and more pro-Labour stories for the BBC. It has been so mild so far that our heating has scarcely been on in October – saving us 1/6th of our heating bills – a climate change story for the BBC perhaps?
Does that (Turn up your heating advice) include this arsehole who says that if he wasn’t receiving £32K a year on benefits he would be out robbing people.
What I can’t understand is how these people who earn so much (Sorry did I say earn , I meant scrounge) always live like pigs, oh they have the biggest TVs, Sat channels and the like, but are unable to get their hands on wallpaper, detergent or even books for their children. I won’t even mention the state of their garden.
Scum breeds scum and the bbC loves them until that is they gob off at an immigrant on a tram.
21c is 70f. I would be lying on a beach, with little on, at those temperatures. My heating is staying off for a few more weeks. It’s a bit colder today so guess what? I’m going to pop another layer on. Which I’ll take off again when I start to do my week-end chores* in a few minutes.
This week, according to the BBC it seems that putting a jumper on, or switching supplier is out of touch and an affront to the dignity of people. But in truth, once again, it’s evidence that we are a country of moaners, full of people who can’t be arsed to take ownership of their own problems. They’d sooner give them the government to solve, a legacy of Gordon Brown who took control of everything and taught people not to think for themselves. People have learned that in today’s Britain complaining is better than having a solution.
Get off your arses and take some responsibility, I say. I switched my energy supplier two years ago and my bill this year is HALF of what it was in 2011. When I travel, unlike those that can’t be bothered and like to complain, I book my rail tickets in advance and save a fortune. When I shop, I shop carefully but buy well. I don’t waste food, I also use vouchers and buy offers – I spend £30 a week less than I did last year and eat better.
Labour and the BBC are becoming an unremitting tidal wave of misery and manipulation. They country they describe as todays Britain is a construct created for their own political activism.
* Chores! Yes…bone idle lard-arses might find that doing a few cleaning chores might help them keep warmer, be more fulfilling than watching Jeremy Kyle all day and help ensure that their houses stink less
GDP figures out today, and actually looking quite good with increased growth over the last quarter.
BBC still try to play it down though… noticable that Hugh Pym still wants further evidence of a truly balanced recovery. I guess he wants all three sectors to be showing exactly the same levels of growth for that to be the case, it in his (read the BBC) world it will never be truly balanced.
Pym: But overall economic activity is still not back where it was before the recession.
That the pre-recession economy was fuelled to that height by
mad credit lending and lunatic government borrowing is lost on Mr Pym. Or willfully ignored. Take your pick.
The quarterly figures could have risen by 5% and the BBC report would still have included a ‘But’ or two.
Ed Balls’ comment – utterly predictable.
The thing is I did ‘A’ Economics at School and I learnt then that Labour just don’t have a clue. The only industry that Labour are good at is..Throwing money away.
Be it computer systems for the NHS
Be it waging wars
Be it hand outs to anybody who wants a bit of extra cash
Labour is a world leader.
But ask it about the economy and all they can come up with is…tax the rich, then the not so rich and then the rich some more.
“The only industry that Labour are good at is..Throwing money away.”
Be fair though – They’re also aces at actually raising the money to be wasted in the first place via punitive taxation on their ever expanding roll-call of ‘enemies’.
But ask it about the economy and all they can come up with is…tax the rich, then the not so rich and then the rich some more.
You missed out the next phase: tax the not-very-well-off. By this time there will be fewer rich so even the poor will be taxed more highly.
I’m surprised they haven’t thought up a white bloke tax yet, unless they just don’t want to upset the Poles.
Oh I think their (the liberal inquisition) going of the poles.
Poles – and other non-English whites – would be exempt under the Empire Clause.
The Best place in the world to be a woman!
One of the most amazing pieces of wilful blindness in pursuit of the hierarchy of isms.
“Middle East and North Africa
This is the region where some of the greatest gender inequalities exist. But the picture is far from uniform. For instance, the Gulf states have tended to invest heavily in female education, with a reverse gender gap taking place in the United Arab Emirates. Many more women than men are now finishing university here.
This contrasts with countries like Yemen, where levels of female education are very low.”
I can’t imagine why this might be the case and the BBC isn’t offering any kind of explanation. I wonder why?
The reality is that no matter where in the world you are, the worst places to be a woman are the Muslim countries.
There, I said the unsayable!
Just take a look at these names and the amount involved and ask yourself why it is that this doesn’t even make the local let alone the national news.
In areas with Pakistani immigrants barely a day goes by without them being in court or guilty of some serious crime. It seems it’s a way of life for them, but we’re not even allowed to talk about it.
all delivered to the greater Manchester area?
oh … I wonder which parts?
how complicit is the …. “community”?
have all these goods been recovered?
questions which won t be answered or even asked
sooo … the upshot … get used to it, a lot more where that came from.
If the BBC ever get round to reporting it they’ll say something like, ‘Chris Goodhew and eight other men have been charged following a half-million scam’ or some such shit.
If we are not allowed to talk about how come you are kinking to a press article? Doh.
There were nearly 16000 cases of fraud last year so in fact any reporting is going to be selective. Maybe the press only report cases involving non-whites to fit some prejudices?
I’ve worked in banking for almost all the big banks. I’ve worked in conjunction with fraud departments. The vast majority of reports begin “an asian gentleman”.
The Soca newsletters always read as a pakistani whos who.
And then there is VAT fraud. HMRC are praticaly chasing half the pakistani community.
Not to mention the FCA.
Don’t confuse Doris/Nicked Emus with any experienced realities, you have more chance of getting a paramecium to care about the Great Wall of China.
Should we all still be “clunk clicking every trip”?…Jimmy Savile isn`t exactly Mr Trustworthy any more is he?
Might he not just have been using it as an excuse to lock his prey into position for his station wagon(the one the BBC allwed to be parked at Wood Lane and Dickinson Road for as long as he liked)
Reason I say that is that I see an awful lot of the “Asian Community” in my old town-and they don`t seem to believe Mr Savile, and tend to drive without them.
Fair few have restricted views and long robes tangling with the clutch pedal too?
If it saves just one life…or gets up the nose of the lefty Tardies…then I make no apology for “raising the consciousness”.
No-my pleasure Scorris!..or is it Dott?
Yes A pair of Pakistani brothers in Birmingham about 9 years ago got away with £18Million in Carrousel fraud. HMRC were useless at dealing with it. Massive frauds estimated at £8B and the EU wouldn’t allow the UK to take steps to stop it!
-So much for BBC-NUJ and its lazy, inaccurate political designation of the National Front, as ‘far-right’:-
“Heresy of the week:
“The most dangerous left-wing politician in Europe is French – and her name is Marine Le Pen”
By Peter Franklin.
I live in France. I rather like her. I can’t stand Hollande (and nor can anyone else). Frexit, please.
FN are a patriotic and generally the French are proud of France and its culture. In Britain being patriotic is portrayed as “far right” xenophobic and racist. See how far the Left have corrupted public debate?
Hollande won the day over Sarkozy on the strength of 95% of the Muslim ethnic vote and constant smearing of Sarkozy by the Paris left wing press. If any of this sounds familiar.. think Obama.
Its how the politics of Socialism is conducted.
And when that fails it will be totalitarianism. The Left always resort to totalitarianism; Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao. They lose every argument in the end, but are so convinced of the superiority of their evil ideology that millions have to die before they are defeated.
On the Midweek comment frk posted the following link being a police & other services report that was the front page &5 more pages in the Birmingham Mail. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/local-news/birminghams-crime-gangs-fund-terrorists-6225309
My comment was that such serious criminal & terrorism activities together with female mutilation & a 400% increase in forced marriages has been ignored by the BBC.
Contrast this with their coverage of the so called police CCTV spy cameras in, guess where? That’s right, exactly the same Muslim areas that are cited in the report
The BBC in the Midlands ran & ran the CCTV storey, giving uncritical support to the Muslim clerics and others who called it racist, Islamaphobic and so on claiming they were peaceful law abiding areas.
The cameras were removed. It is quite clear now that there is a link between those cameras put up some two years ago and the report publish on Wednesday
I wonder if the BBC Midlands Today ever get round to mentioning the report they will acknowledge that monitoring criminals and would be terrorists would have been easier and made our lives safer if they hadn’t run a virtual campaign against the CCTV cameras?
You confusing unrelated issues then accusing the BBC of ignoring the straw man you constructed.
There have been stories on all these issues but as you’ve previously proved your inability to support your thoughts your condemnation has no weight.
But you ignore that the adherents of a certain religion account for 5% of the population but 24% of the prison population. So they are 5 times more likely to commit crime? No?
It’s all the fault of whitey.
No of course not Alan, how could you be so Waycist???
Those poor unfortunate ethnic darlings are there because of the clash of their vibrant diversity, the thuggish Police and Judges just don’t understand when they victimise them and throw them into prison where they still remain as vibrant as ever !
”You confusing”
Are you Chinese
But they are connected. It’s the same people involved.
The ‘image’ of the Islamic Republic of IRAN, and INBBC.
INBBC reports this:-
“Iran minister says ‘no need’ to hang criminal again”
But INBBC doesn’t have this online:-
“Iran sentences Christians to 80 lashes for drinking wine for communion”
Another story about ‘those men’
And another one here:
It’s only from local knowledge and other local media that you can find out that the ‘men’ are the usual suspects you might expect to be involved.
Daily Mail: Alex Salmond suffers crushing by-election defeat leaving SNP with a wafer-thin majority in Scottish Parliament
Labour won the contest in Dunfermline, Fife, by 2,873 votes after a fierce battle that saw an unexpectedly high turnout of 42.75 per cent.
Mr Salmond was left personally humiliated after he made a last-minute appearance on doorsteps yesterday evening in a bid to pick up votes.
Winning candidate Cara Hilton was heckled and booed by SNP activists as she made her victory speech. She claimed the result sends a clear message to Mr Salmond ahead of next year’s referendum on Scottish independence.
bBBC: Dunfermline by-election: Labour’s Cara Hilton wins seat from SNP
The bBBC ‘news’ has no mention of Salmond’s personal standing or the impact on the independence vote. Mustn’t say anything that might undermine the bBBC’s anti-British campaign.
..and ‘Wee Nappy’ Salmond has already donned a brightly coloured pair of underpants, outside his trousers, and made the rounds of the BBC studios (and anyone else who’s listening, claiming it was he who won the glorious battle of Grangemouth, singlehandedly, and showed the world just how effectively an independent Scotland can rule the world…
What was that ?…..some sort of £125 million government loan guarantee ?….from Westminster ?……well, never mind, it was still the SNP that rescued Scotland, and the Dunfermline by-election was just a minor blip.
I’m sure Alby will point out some error in your reasoning as soon as his shift starts at Mount Doom.
“Salmond personally humiliated after making appearance on doorsteps.”
As if you actually needed a reason not to put the X next to “SNP” on the form, he actually gives you one in person by manifesting as some sort of Caledonian Fatima. Pure comedy gold.
What’s this “100 women” guff about? According to wiki:
As a male payer of the Licence fee I’d like to know who is paying for this event and why it is targetting 50% of the population but not the rest?
Does everything that the BBC does have to cater to you? Is anything that the BBC does that doesn’t cater to you somehow redundant?
Isn’t that a particularly narcissistic viewpoint, even for the self-obsessed navel-gazers of Biased BBC?
Come on Scott. They spend their lives looking for signs of a BBC Marxist conspiracy run from Frankfurt aided by the EU to restore the Ottoman Empire and introduce Sharia law. Quite why the BBC would want to embrace a viewpoint that would result in most of them being fired or worse doesn’t seem to seep into the deep thinkers minds here.
What is salient is that despite the utter mess the BBC has got itself into over wages and Saville, this site has utterly failed to attract any serious contributors. Apart from Alan who is presumably Vance pretending to be someone else, there are no fresh voices or indeed any voices. Even the USA geek seems to have given up.
What remains is a shrinking collection of left behind people in an echo chamber,
Sad for them, great fun for us:-)
Oi you two!
Credit where credit is due.
The BBC are so predictable that I was able to predict that Titos wife and Felix Dexter would comprise half of “Last Word”…the obituary show on Radio 4 at the moment.
My point being that the BBC is so predictable that we just know there`ll be lefties in their dotage, and multiculti useful tools of alternative comedians that get the tributes.
Safe to say that if you actually HAD changed things…or used to be a “right winger”-there`ll be no mention of them.
The BBC gives its paste and plaster medals to the Miliband archetypes, the Howard Marks safe rebels…you try bringing up a few kids not to riot?…the Beeb won`t bother its arse.
It`s the total predictabilty-the obvious perpetual engineering of the social soul…that cheeses us off.
I have learned much from this site-you seem to keep coming back-so we pray for your continuing interest.
Oh hell-another dead social work lecturer-a champion of the profession! Didn`t get her , but 50% isn`t bad from the “ever-original BBC” is it?
Bless you children!(Prov 26.11)
Oh no. ‘Lefties in their dotage ‘do adverts for financial services to old people. You know the sort of thing, mortgage you house so that your kids can afford your funeral and other such touchingly caring products for Old Folks!
doris says:
October 25, 2013 at 4:11 pm
Come on Scott. They spend their lives looking for signs…
Now, you two (H/T: ChisH… folk are noticing) what was it again that someone once said … ah, yes…
ABBA says:
October 5, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Most of this site is populated by a handful of very lonely men replying to their own posts!
Guessing… you two exempted?
I miss ABBA though, but in a small way, it’s like s/he never left.
But in honour of you and Scott, with thanks for making a boring wet Friday that little more fun, what I will always feel is ‘your’ song (if Diddle joins in later it will be extra fun):
If you think I’m Scott, then believe it. Scott is a gentleman. I am not.
As Alan/Vance could tell you.
doris – think yourself fortunate to be commenting on a site like this. I’ve made my “right wing” comments on so-called liberal sites and they found ways to ban me because I didn’t share their views. If you can make genuine ripostes to things said here then I welcome you to partake in good honest debates.
‘Scott is a gentleman. I am not’
On a purely gender-addressing basis, that was sort of obvious from the names.
Now, if you mean debating-courtesy, to use a favoured couple of phrases from one so far missing… if you say so, but have you a link for that?
If not on the latter, a few examples of the art of gentlemanly discourse may be available to share to suggest otherwise.
Not that anyone who reads his posts need telling.
The BBC must be thrilled to have you ‘fighting’ (if that is your other allusion) their corner with comments like this.
Doris, one thing you must remember: Guest Who is incapable of ever admitting that he’s wrong. If he ever finds himself in a situation where it’s clear that he is wrong, he’ll muddy the waters by producing paragraph after paragraph which waffles on about how everybody else other than him is trying to shut down debate by not agreeing with him.
He’s nearly as bad as Preiser in the arrogant self-delusion stakes. Still, at least when he’s on Biased BBC the rest of the waking world is spared the inconvenience of having to cope with his ridiculous personality.
And here was me thinking afternoon tea was going to be boring..
‘Doris, one thing you must remember’
Given her rather noticeable absence it seemed more like she was keen to forget the whole thing. Good of you to bring it up again.
‘.. incapable of ever admitting that he’s wrong.’
I’ll have to err on taking another view to yours on that. And given your record on the admission front, I’m not sure you’re the best of judges. Or accuser.
Also, as a matter of interest, on what, here, have I been ‘wrong’?
Anytime you are ready’s fine.
‘…paragraph after paragraph which waffles on about how everybody else other than him is trying to shut down debate by not agreeing with him’
Now, in which paragraph of diatribe of yours was this? And, for that matter, what ‘debate’ are you having? It rather reads more like a pointless rant. I merely chipped in on you and doris having a mutual-support Flokker whinge over the garden fence, so getting flustered about anyone intruding to spoil your troll flow is… well… rather funny.
‘He’s nearly as bad as Preiser in the arrogant self-delusion stakes.’
Good to see you read the bit about you being a gentleman from the person you are having a self-centred, non-BBC bias-related conversation with. And dragging in for no coherent reason the one clearly gentlemanly dedicated debater here is not one of your smarter plays, of very few that could rival a box of rocks.
As to the rest, well, when you’re done digging, I’ll stop tipping your own spoil back on top of you.
See what I mean? An arrogant blowhard who’s so in love with sound of his own voice that he doesn’t realise that, far from coming across as a. Once of authority, the pathetic, tedious, grubby little soul he tries so desperately to hide from the world shines through like a beacon.
Guest Who wants our adulation. The most he’ll get is our pity.
“a. Once” should have been “a voice”. The latency of the JavaScript pin the post preview plays havoc with an iPad keyboard…
‘See what I mean?’
Crikey, been watching The Caine Mutiny?
Perhaps not the best plea when everyone bar thee & me have moved on.
I know it, but as you don’t it kills the time to munch a Hob Nob.
Let me know if you’re going to move to thrashing about seeking help against stalkers, as trolls whining about being out-trolled gets a double word score.
‘An arrogant blowhard…yadayada’
Probably ‘words’ more than ‘voice’ but… if you say so. Can’t help but feel that ‘gentleman’ accolade will be even harder to prop up come employee of the month awards.
‘Guest Who wants our adulation. The most he’ll get is our pity’
Bit intrigued as to who this ‘our’ may be. If it’s the BBBC community then that’s already odd as that would suggest ‘you’ have become one of ‘you lot’. Which may again see dark looks over the half pints of shandies at the post-weekend debrief. It’s hard to be credible generalising about a community if now identifying oneself as being at its heart . Plus being a DOTI drive-by specialist who hardly goes near matters of BBC accuracy or integrity would make that a stretch anyway.
But nice you’re thinking of me.
ps: Sympathies on the typo. When your tool lets you down best to blame it. But that really was a loooong way to do it… for a humble non-blowhard.
Scott, what a brilliant piece of self analysis. You don’t do irony, do you?
That huge left wing chip on Scott’s shoulder must really be wearing him down. How can anyone be so miserable is beyond my understanding.
I think it just proves that lefties are pre-conditioned to hate the world and everything with it. The fact that he also considers himself to be part of what the Guardian describes as a “victimised minority” just adds to his obvious personal issues.
His posts are becoming increasingly hysterical and abusive. He hates contradictory opinions and those who don’t hold his own narrow world view. In fact, it’s probably more correct to say he just hates. A very leftie emotion, in fact probably the main emotion that lefties possess.
By the way, have any of Scott’s recent posts had any relevance to any of the points being made? They just seem to be an excuse to pour out bile at his perceived enemies.
Probably best to just ignore him in future. He brings nothing but rancour to the debate.
Wow. Something really hit a nerve with Andy S. Regular readers will note that this is a man who throws hissy fits when asked questions that he can’t answer without exposing his own prejudice and ignorance. If you repeat the question because he’s refused to answer, he continues to throw his toys out of the pram.
Andy, if you want to try and claim the moral high ground, man up and behave like an adult at all times, rather than a recalcitrant little child.
He hates contradictory opinions and those who don’t hold his own narrow world view. In fact, it’s probably more correct to say he just hates.
From Andy. What next? George R accusing somebody of being a raving racist who succumbs to every bit of link bait going? Guest Who accusing somebody of being a dreary up-their-own-backside egotist who can’t write? Preiser accusing somebody of pretending to know about US politics to an audience of imbeciles because it’s the only he’ll get something the validation he craves? Vance accusing somebody of being unelectable because his idea of NI politics are thirty years out of date? David Brims accusing somebody of being a racist halfwit who blames his own failures on black people?
You claim I’m full of hate. Like everything else Andy S comes out with, it has no basis in fact. He’s just a sad, lonely little man who really, truly wants to believe that he can be a bully, but is desperately afraid that people will realise he can’t even do that.
Pity him. Give him a hug. It won’t turn him into a decent human being overnight, but then nothing will.
Thank you Scott, you’ve just proved my point. What an hysterical rant. Shouldn’t take much more to tip you completely over the edge. You’ve just abused just about every decent regular to this site.
If you really knew me you would know I would never throw a hissy fit if I’m proved wrong about an opinion I hold. I am man enough to accept when I’m in the wrong. You, on the other hand, just revert to type. You never disappoint. Whatever next? Finding out where we live so you and your friends can criticise our curtains and soft furnishings?
By the way Scott, only a self obsessed narcissist would have a photograph of himself on all his posts. And you dare accuse others of being egotists.
Oh Andy, you poor man. I know that you’ve taken great offence at being asked a question again that you refused to answer in the past – it hadn’t occurred to me that your indignation was rooted in amnesia.
Remember when you claimed that a nasty and offensive comment was a “false flag” posted by some “leftie” you didn’t like (let’s leave your, and so many others’, use of that term as an insult as something else for which to laugh at you for another day).
When it turned out that it was actually a genuinely nasty comment from a genuinely nasty man, did you acknowledge that you’d got it wrong? No. You went all guns blazing at the people, myself included, who pointed out your stupidity and hypocrisy.
I am man enough to accept when I’m in the wrong.
The facts disprove you, I’m afraid. As so many times in the past.
I realise that your grip on reality as tenuous – describing the bigoted liars and idiots that seek refuge in this site as “decent” backs that up – but don’t try and portray yourself as some sort of virtuous man. Your posts in the pasts reveal the truth – a sad little bloke who wants to throw his weight around, but isn’t very good at it.
Oooooh……Scott! A bitch slapping by you is about as bad as being hit with a feather. By calling me and others on this site liars is projection of the most extreme kind.
If you hate us so much why do you continue to pollute this site with your abusive posts. You never answering the points at hand. You just abuse and insult. I’d just love to see you do the same in a face to face confrontation down at your pub. But then that’s the beauty of trolling for you isn’t it. You don’t risk face to face confrontations. Anyway, if you behave in the same manner in public as you do on, this site, you’d either be eating hospital food through a straw or being locked up for committing a breach of the peace or some other public order offence.
That will be my last reply to you as I don’t want to waste any more energy on a dishonest, demented toe-rag.
I wouldn’t want to ban anyone from posting on this site, but in your extreme case I’d make an exception. You are being deliberately vexatious to disrupt and divert. As well as being obnoxious for the sake of it. A disgraceful and pathetic human being.
Please don’t feed the trolls, they’re full of flea’s, disease and troll aids
Scott. For someone who has such little time or regard for this site you spend a hell of a lot of time on it.
Funny how you two with your extreme left wing views flock together to defend the BBC.
Really funny, that.
Its wider than that, the same leftists that scream about Murdoch and the so called ‘right wing’ popular press, that advocate censorship via Levison of any that oppose their views most loudly ,are the very same that defend the BBC and the poll tax that funds it.
Cui bono?
The point is they don’t cater for certain groups. Only the “minority” or “victim” groups have such blatantly divisive programming made for them e.g. Asian network radio and now this “100 women” – you would never get “100 men” or “Anglo Saxon Network” – programming for white British males.
It’s a typical political scheme by Beeboids to use the BBC’s global broadcasting empire to pursue their own interests and propaganda, at our expense.
And what do ‘feminists’ (with very few exceptions) do about Islam and ‘100 women’?
(Don’t lose your Arabic audience, INBBC, nor Labour’s potential Muslim vote in U.K, by criticising.)
Note the inevitable unrepresentative political presence (as one of the 100) of Mrs BLAiR- hand-picked by Beeboids.
There was a feminism conference this afternoon apparently.
A BBC lady in blue was elated at the sheer presence of a black lady telecom engineer( Botswana I think) who was in fact…Madame Deputy General of the Commonwealth or such like…big curtsey, ma`am!
She was patronised both by our Beebette as well as the ubiquitous Pauline Nevil-Jones,,,anybody else wonder what she is actually for, apart to give a template to Judi Dench.
Oh how they gaily gassed…sisters doing it for themselves, ladies in mans world…need I give you the script?
Anyway-it was a ball and dancies, drinky poos to flooww, so ever so sorry to detain you your Ladyboys/ships or whatever.
Think they had their footy boots on, but couldn`t tell!
Yes folks…Mrs Banks and her suffragettes in Mary Poppins live on…Vicky Pryce souvlakis to follow?
Oh…that Yemeni thingy about Muslims being somewhat curt to the ladies etc?…no problem….bloody UN reports, and Islam…don`t mix, let`s leave the fellas to the port!
Godawful crap-even for a Friday weekend collapso…we`ll be apying for the frangipandies too!
As a letter in The Times pointed out, not one of the bBBC’s 100 Women is a scientist.
The Beeboid 100 club:-
“They hail from all over the world, and from walks of life. They do all kinds of things: they make music, save lives, raise children, run businesses, write, preach, act and tell jokes.” Ha.
‘100 Women’? Surely that should be ’99 Mostly-Feminist Women and 1 Transgender’ ?
Surely the Unite members held a ballot and voted to strike- how then can the strike be called off without another ballot?
We know that where the union rules (or thinks it does) things are different, but surely some aparatchik can’t make such a decision.
No – I think that the Ballot empowered UNITE to call a strike. Whether UNITE did or didn’t was up to them.
“Sad for them, great fun for us”
If your idea of fun is being so humiliated that you opt to comment under a new name every few days I suggest you see a psychiatrist.
“why the BBC would want to embrace a viewpoint that would result in most of them being fired or worse doesn’t seem to seep into the deep thinkers minds here.”
It is a question you would do better to try to answer yourself. Why are the [Cultural Marxist/Frankfurt School/Pro-EU as you put it] Left so keen to defend Islam. Since you are on the Left maybe you can offer us your explanation.
“this site has utterly failed to attract any serious contributors”
Well nobody would confuse your contributions as serious that is for sure. The Left are so used to being defeated in argument attempting to close down debate seems to be their default position.
Some people come here to protest against being forced to pay for a broadcaster which they view as a biased.
Get over it.
Defending fascist racists is your department. Presumably because he is white this one does not count. It is the “sad people” on this site that are on the side of our free society. You are (transparently and unapologetically) on the side of its enemies.
That is exactly the point. I would go further and say we are a beacon of all that is just, democratic and tolerant in the world. The Left want to destroy all that and take us backwards by several hundred years by destroying our culture and replacing it with a mix of the most primitive, barbaric and oppressive cultures the world has to offer. They somehow, inexplicably, imagine that they can create some kind of touchy-feely, multicultural, egalitarian eco-socialist paradise that will be the example for the rest of the world to follow, generating energy from fresh air and wealth from money trees.
Boy, have they got some living and learning to do.
What have I missed?
For INBBC to report?:-
‘Fox News’:-
“Benghazi attackers told guards ‘We’re here to kill Americans'”
Not much comment on the white racist facing 40 years in isolation in jail.
He was carrying out the hopes of the majority of racists and their supporters who want to build up a state of fear in the UK. And killed an old man. What bravery. Look forward to reading your defence of him. But I suspect it’ll just be abuse.
BTW if I was a Muslim extremist I’d complain about the titl to this this story: Mosque bomber. Suggests that he was from a mosque. Or is that just the sort of daft bias that posters here see if the BBC?
That Ukranian thug who murdered an old man? Who’d want to defend him? Although, of course, if we have an almost open border policy regarding Eastern Europeans (many who are culturally backwards regarding racism) then is this story such a surprise?
Like the plod spokesman said after sentence had been passed (paraphrased) ‘There is no room for white supremacist racism in a multi-faith, multicultural society’.
Must have been a friend of yours, Doris.
But their is place for islamist supremecy. F@cking police and their anti white marxist interpretation of racism.
Doris, forgive me, but is there something wrong with you?
I don’t expect there will be much about Pavlo Lapshyn because this blog is about bias in the BBC – the clue is in the title.
Although I wonder why the BBC reporters kept on telling us that Mr Saleem had 22 grandchildren: was it just to emphasise the population explosion in the immigrant communities?
I wonder if Mr Saleem’s mosque practises segregation of men and women, and what views the imam holds of gay marriage?
I’m sure Scott and Doris will be able to tell us, they must know a lot about Islam to approve of it so.
‘Not much comment …’
Why should there be? It’s a forum about BBC bias.
‘Look forward to reading your defence of him’
So far, being alone in raising it, you seemed fated to disappointment.
‘But I suspect it’ll just be abuse.’
Guesswork like that promoted to a ill-conceived post will indeed see your BBC Editor application fast-tracked.
But their standards do now seem to have slipped.
what is there to defend? – he was only here for 5 days?
“who want to build a state of fear in the UK” ?
please … 😀 you are a little late with your infantile posturing.
– you should ask gays if they have fear in Tower Hamlets,
– or little girls,(or their families) in Oxford, Derby, or Bradford.
– or Jews in the East End.
– or any prisoners now in fear because of muslim gangs
etc, etc, etc
“Fazia Saleem, whose father Mohammed was stabbed to death by Lapshyn
“If a muslim had carried out this attack, it would have been treated very differently.”
He s right about that … on the BBC anyway, you
wouldn t have known he was muslim for a start.
Anyway here you are Doris, another “Islamofauxbe” for you to pick holes in …
oops! its from erm Arabic TV 😀
the look on the hosts face … priceless
Ali Abd Al Aal – prominent Egyptian researcher
Doris you are as big a half-wit as the lame brained racists that post their drivel any where on the internet – and not just the occasional shite hound or false flag on here.
You do realise that the fat heads of the BNP don’t want Ukrainians in this country either so why on earth do you think this dick head has any connection to them?
And have you stopped to ask yourself WTF a Ukrainian is doing in the UK trying to ‘start a race war’ in the first place? Why isn’t he trying that in the Ukraine?
Perhaps it is a classic case of multi-culti diversity. The more cultures you have the more they are bound to hate each other?
I came here to post examples of BBC bias but if some people come here to counter claims of bias then fair play to them. I would prefer to be part of a blog that, although focussed on finding bias, is not so incestuous that it cannot be criticised and accept solid debate. There’s nothing worse than a forum where everyone agrees to a thread post. It’s the mark of a healthy open society that we can listen and discuss things. If I make a mistake then it should be open to criticism. Likewise if others defending the BBC bias make bold claims that we disagree with we can criticise them.
Dear ember, how long have you lurked in the background before daring to post something?
Your views welcome here, post away, feel free to highlight bullshit ( was gonna write hypocrisy but couldnt spell it) and post away soon.We await your wisdom with bated breath.
‘……is not so incestuous that it cannot be criticised and accept solid debate.’
Ember, the day the likes of Doris and Scott actually stop with their puerile, student angst-like mantras and actually start ‘solid’ debating, I for one will begin to take them seriously.
I agree with you entirely, almost.
Sadly there are those posters, doris being one, who come here not to counter claims of bias but to smear all and sundry with unfounded accusations of waycism. I don’t see why they shouldn’t get a robust response when they do so. Her post is complete bollocks and I treated it as such.
If that is not to your taste well, meh.
Maybe because the actions of a ukranian have nothing to do with us. However anti white english pople left wing c$nts will latch on to it to push the vile multicultural, cultural relativism narative. If aliens droped into the UK they would be under the impression from the left wing that pre 1997 every white english person had been on a crusade against muslim, gassed jews and owned a black slave.
I’m glad you raised it Doris, I’ve been at work for most of the day (just got in in fact) so I’ve not seen to much reporting of this the bit I did see , on sky News, was a bit thin on motive> I saw the bit with P.C. pc Plod out side of the court ,telling us that there’s no room for white supremacists (what about ethno-nationalists are they OK?) And a bit about how every body in his Ukrainian village thought he was a lovely boy ,who loved his mother and worked hard at school (promising architect perhaps) who just happened to like blowing things up. And tapes of a poorly translated interrogation where he said some incoherent about ‘doing it because he was white’ but no mention of a manifesto or links to ‘right wing’ groups.
I wonder why its so important to you that he is right wing rather than another disturbed loner ? .
Would it make the suffering and grief of his victims family less if there was no ideological motive?
would it make the sentence of 40 years draconian ?
For myself I think ,in the absence of a whole life tariff, 40 years is about right for the cruel and senseless killing of a harmless old man regardless of motive
Doris you sound a bit racist against Slavs. Do you have the same attitude to Slavic people that Hitler had, ie they are somehow subhuman?
There’s an old saying “scratch a liberal and you’ll find a fascist”.
And with a liberal your 3 pints away from an anti-Semite.
And with a liberal/green your 3 pints away from a anti-Semite.
The BBC, claims, sources who say, and what they expect of others but wouldn’t dream of applying to themselves..
‘The DG told MPs this week that one employee has left the organisation following an investigation into harassment – but will we ever know their name, and departure details ?
I wondered about that. Can’t you just see some hapless CEO, under full glare of a Paxo or Humph seeking answers to a Cluster-FUBAR costing the public a bob or two or, worse, an ‘ism, coming out with a ‘someone is responsible and they are now elsewhere’ without a wee bit more probing?
For instance…
‘In at least one case in the past year, I am assured, a compromise agreement (i.e. a pay-off) was required to deliver the exit.’
In a world now no longer as sanguine about rewards for failure, it is one thing to bribe an idiot to take the heave-ho, but delving into those deep, uniquely-funded pockets to remove a bully, on top of their avoiding censure or publicity not always accorded the rest of the non-gilded classes, seems… very generous.
I’ve been ‘encouraged to leave’ a few times in my career, and never on behavioural grounds, but the notion of a thug backing out the door to a barrage of £50 notes and pension guarantees seems a farce only the BBC could conjure.
Interview with Marine le Pen on Newsnight last night. Hate her or love her she was outlining policies on immigration and the future of Europe which are worthy of discussion, stressing that she was neither racist nor xenophobic. But see how the BBC prepared the viewer for this evil woman with a cartoon strip outlining the horrors endured by would be immigrants whose boat had sunk, and how the narrator cries out that nobody cares about us. Then cut to the nasty French women. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03ffw8v/Newsnight_24_10_2013/
Everybody who wants to see a female prophet might do worse that watch Marine Le Pen(18.30 mins into the link above…c/o Llareggub)
She`s got my vote-note the phrases of a well-intentioned but stupid Mr Jones-he uses phrases like “polite society”..”.media stigma” well, public stigma, but we all know the BBC)…and,
(most pitiful of all for their “federalist project”) Littles taking
of Marine to task for traducing the “British”…yes
BRITISH…Catherine Ashton!
Desperate times for the Beeb..they know somethings happening…but Sky won`t be telling them anytime soon insh`Allah!
Thought we were all European now, Alan!
The liberal elite are shitting them,selves…yes, it`s going to take a long time-but this BBC damp squib of a htchet job only makes me more resolute about the BBCs paper tiger of Islamic/EU solidarity.
They`re f***ed, and they know they are!
listening to the same old al bbc intro to an undesirable … the far right, waycist, some comment to push the narrative ya da ya da.
Le Pen, is no ones fool, no nonsense, she must
love the expressions on po faced PC faces in her interviews
oh 😀 … the bbc continual push to associate, “far right, waycist, narrative comments” with UKIP, BNP all but finished, EDL gone, next whipping boy UKIP … so bloody predictable..
“Marine Le Pen rejects ‘extreme right’ label”
Love her use of the word Europist for the kind of PC liberal Tardy that the likes of Alan Little are well-acquainted with.
New word for my lexicon-they call us “phobes” or “deniers”…we call them “Europists” if males-and “Europistes” if female-see, we`re happy to blag the best from European languages too.
This makes Russell Brand and the others that want drugs to eb freely available…he`s a “weedophile”!
Three new words for my creative Thesausus…and it`s not even 11a.m!
From cubicle #7997, a ‘Friday Night #Couldfiles Special’ (see what I did there?):
BBC News
A 3D printer and what are thought to be components for a “homemade” gun have been seized by police in Manchester: http://bbc.in/1bkVeRw
The plastic magazine and trigger could be combined to make a firearm, detectives believe.
Update: The items seized actually form a “spool holder” for the 3D printer itself, according to the man arrested in Manchester. Police have added that they “cannot categorically say” if they have recovered the component parts for the gun.
Or… ‘thought not’.
Maybe the BBC could wait until a story becomes one before ‘reporting’, or is filling space justification for endless munchkins seeking to post any old thing?
‘Maybe the BBC could wait until a story becomes one before ‘reporting’’
Meanwhile, in other news…
Comments, as usual, well worth the time, too.
Dame Nicky this morning discussing fat kids (sorry not fat, anything but fat – mustn’t hurt their self-esteem).
The chat moved to watching TV.
To paraphrase the dame; “Now my daughter loooooooooves Horrible Histories” (BBC)
“And stuff on the CBBC channel” (BBC)
“And on CBeebies” (BBC)
“However, we don’t allow her to watch, what we like to call the Amercian rubbish” (not BBC)………(snigger, snort, dripping with smug, self-satisfaction).
No. No bias at the BBC. None at all. Move along please.
I wonder if he spies on his daughter, like Gordon Ramsay does?
Creepy, creepy-but obviously nothing to fuss ourselves with.
There’s a tubby Northern Irish bloke who handles that side of things at Five Live. Allegedly.
After Lord Hall’s linguistic foray, I tonight found myself watching a comedy on iPlayer from NI, called ‘The Blame Game’.
Seemed affable enough but I have to say I did struggle with rather thick accents.
Maybe not surprising, but what was odd was that none of them seemed to understand each other, either.
Just seen a version of the interrogation of Hall and Patten by Philip Davies MP, in the Parliamentary committee on the media. Davies is the only MP able to take their trousers down. Patten treats the whole thing with contempt and hall waffles on with his answers.
I notice the BBC’s prominent lesbian news presenter (Jane Hill) chaired the “100 women” debate. Obviously she was well within her comfort zone: surrounded by dozens of women.
I’m not sure what the event achieved. Answers on a postcode please.
Was that her in blue ,sucking up to Pauline Nevil Jones and her funky Botswanan telecom lady at 5p.m or so(News 24)?
Someone from wardrobe down here Gok…NOW!
Still-we`re paying, and that`s the news,,,for now…
There’ll be more such Beeboid junkets for like-minded, self-selecting women, at our expense. Cost so far, of bringing women to London from around the world?
Has anybody else noted that kings science academy ( currently under investigation) in Bradford set up by Sajid Raza, has the acronym KSA the exact same as the acronym for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia .
Funny that
It’s also the same initials as the Kettering Science Academy and the Kent Stage Academy
The plot thickens …
pah wrote:
It’s also the same initials as the Kettering Science Academy and the Kent Stage Academy
Good point, however those two examples of yours lead with the geographical location of the school. The Bradford one doesn’t, in fact Kings has nothing to do with the area, but hey if you can’t put 2 and 2 together then don’t try to discredit me with a smoke and mirrors post.
then don’t try to discredit me with a smoke and mirrors post.
Good chunk of the lunchtime news given over to coverage of the ‘world music’ event somewhere in Wales. Cue interview with Cerys Matthews, she who is not averse to spouting a socialist view or several.
‘So what is ‘world music’, Cerys?’
(Cerys, smugly) ‘It’s anything that isn’t Anglo-American rock music, basically’.*
Jagger, Page, Morrison, Van Zant, Clapton, Frey, Plant, Richards, Cocker, Rogers, Iggy Pop et al – you bunch of decadent, talentless Western capitalist bastards. You should have been getting your influences from the worthy…….
…..(report fades to footage of Peruvian clog dancers).
* I think you might have missed a few genres there, Cerys luv.
What about Slavic/Hispanic/Asian metal do those genres not count as world music?
Any one might think, wrongly I’m sure, that her definition was coloured by bourgeois liberal self loathing.
Indeed, wonder if there was any Scandinavian folk metal?
It’s not exactly ‘Immigrant Song’ is it?
Maybe if it’s turned up to 11?
Yes Mr S is very fond of all that ‘Viking metal’ business
INBBC: politically filtering the Islamic jihad message from Africa.
INBBC somehow excludes ITSELF from this transmission of the jihadists (INBBC ‘militants’*) message from Africa.
“Militant Islam in Africa – how the message gets out”
[* -the misuse of the euphemistic word ‘militant’ above is part of INBBC’s role in politically assisting to get the jihadists’ message out.]
-Another example of how INBBC assists Islamic jihadists in getting their message out of Africa, out of Nigeria, in this case:-
“Nigerian militants raid northern city of Damaturu”
In this case, the Islamic jihadists are again termed mere ‘militants’ and INBBC’s Ross resorting to using words like ‘audacious’ and ‘human rights’.
“BBC staff in revolt as freelance deals are axed in tax row:
“Corporation to phase out contracts which allow workers to be taxed as companies and not individuals.
“BBC pledges to end paying of stars through ‘personal service companies.’
“But it is said to be struggling to unravel the ways in which stars are paid.
“Former Today programme editor Rod Liddle, said staff were in ‘open revolt.’”
Profit is a filthy word!
Has anyone informed HMRCs IR35 investigation team I wonder?
So ALL these lefties are in revolt because they will have to pay all their taxes like every other PAYE. The bBC was supposed to stop this practice several years ago, they all have the same low ethics as Ken Livingstone as he was pulling the same tax stunt.
However the best solution is for Osborne to pull the rug on this getout which is widely used by MANY people.
I would have thought that as ardent socialists they would just LOVE paying more and more in taxes to help the state.
Site down again? I couldn’t get on earlier this morning.
Not BBC bias just an anecdote I want to share.
Talking with a friend who is a magistrate about sentencing in general he tells me that they are finding Community Punishments increasingly difficult, as the unemployed are being sent on them – although the government calls them something different. Now for many a Community Punishment only involves them working under a different title for a different government department. For them nothing changes and there is no actual punishment element.
He also said that the number of people coming to court with absolutely no money is breath taking. Last week one accused appeared after being arrested for a no show, when asked why said I have no money to pay for bus fare, it’s easier to be arrested and they feed me too !
You can’t fine someone who has no money, and community punishments are no longer punishments. I wonder if the coalition realise what the effect of their policies are in practice?
what in effect, are those unemployed doing?
driving down the minimum wage …
the same old Tory plan, for the poor the race to the bottom … or … as you stated, thoughtful, if they don t get criminalised first.
All those years in their self and well deserved wilderness, and the Tories have learn t nothing, just like the repeat offender, they can t help it.
When did the tories reduce the minimum wage? I must have missed the announcement.
In fairness, they did away with the wages councils back in the 1980s
what would these people receive, in monetary terms per hour for their work.?
Are you saying conservatives wouldn t want to get rid of the statutory lowest level of wages, in order to further depress remuneration for the poorest workers ?
The classic tragedy of Conservatism. make a bold (and entirely false) claim that its benefit cuts are “making work pay” ?
Incoherent and absurd in equal measure, as stated “the race to the bottom” … fundamentally flawed ideological pseudo economics
Yes, the Tories want the peasants to subsist on low pay, but it was the Attlee administration which started taking bribes from cheap labour employers to permit mass immigration. Now, of course, all Labour and Tory governments do it.
And although the Tories halved the Married Man’s Tax Allowance to force more women onto the workplace, it was Labour who scrapped it. Most women are second income earners, and are therefore willing to work for low pay.
To those champagne socialists on the box, of course, all this is about racial and gender equality, not the exploitation of the masses, for whom they have nothing but contempt.
Funny how BBC coverage of the Australian bush fires has stopped, coincidentally at about the time the Aus. army admitted they started one of the largest. No AGW angle, then.
Before we go over to join Huw Edwards for the 10 O’clock News this evening, viewers may be interested to know that the BBC Newsroom are currently piloting a brand new and experimental fully computerised news script writer and auto cue machine. This breakthrough British designed and EU funded system – nicknamed ‘Beeboid’ – is able to scan the very thoughts and reactions of the BBC newscaster and his production team as they arise during discussions at their daily editorial meetings and when they each carefully read through the day’s news reports in the Guardian. Electronic sensors attached to the BBC team’s foreheads can then upload their thinking about the news of the day directly into the BBC News Database. This database automatically sorts and digitally compiles a script that can be downloaded for the required BBC News bulletin and puts it straight onto the auto cue. Inevitably some minor teething problems were apparent in off-air trials with the new system. However, the BBC has strenuously denied a Daily Mail report that an example news bulletin ‘mind-read’ and complied by the ‘Beeboid’ computer in this way sounded as though it were a dumbed-down version of the Today Programme; but littered with lame jokes, irrelevant comment and included endless references to the presenters’ favourite sports teams, holiday preferences, pets and family. The BBC has insisted that this script leaked to the Daily Mail was definitely not produced by their new computer system but was in fact simply a transcript of the BBC 5 Live Breakfast Show compiled by humans in the normal way without the use of the new computer. Moreover the BBC is confident that it has fully addressed the potential problems and pitfalls that might arise with the ‘mind reading’ facility. After all, Licence Fee payers would not want their news peppered with expletives, commentary on how fancyable Clive Myrie happens to find the weather girl that evening, or indeed the ‘and finally’ item being a reminder to Huw Edwards to collect his own dry cleaning. These types of difficulty will be corrected using a powerful BBC guidelines compliant and PC approved Predictive Text Over Ride.
The first bulletins produced using the new system will follow shortly.
If this news has prompted any thoughts do please get in touch in the usual way.
In time the new system will bypass the cerebral cortex of BBC employees completely. This dangerous brain part will then wither away and die. As is common knowledge, trials are already well underway.
As for the brains of Guardian staff supplying input to the system, these have been replaced with Common Purpose chips, linked together via Anti-SkyNet in order to create doomsday scenarios.
An advanced model, the Monbiot, threatens to terminate all carbon-emitting life forms. All the now-ancient Polly can do is bore us to death.
In my ‘inbox’ this morning is an e-mail from Youtube – inviting me to watch Paxman interview Brand on Newsnight. Who is paying who to send me that (BBC or Youtube?) but who would be using the number of Youtube hits as evidence of the popularity of Newsnight on alternative media?
I got that too… Weird.
Not sure the evidence of one’s own eyes and ears served Brand, Paxman or Newsnight much good, along with near-unanimous panning of Mr. Katz’ Slipway to Hell deft new editorial touch across the commentariat.
Yes I wondered about that, I have never had you tube send me any type of video before
And I cant see what in my viewing ‘preferences’ would cause them to ‘recommend’ it to me
My wife received it on her Smart phone as well but not my 20 yr. old daughter
Why are YouTube campaigning for brand I wonder?
Edwards is in line to anchor the 2015 General Election results.
I think you dropped a ‘w’ somewhere in there.
INBBC is politically determined to get out its message that, according to this jihadist’s father, Islamic jihad is no threat to we kaffirs.
“Belgium dilemma over Syrian ‘jihadis'”
By Duncan Crawford,
BBC News, Antwerp.
(inc video clip)
In contrast:-
“Syrian jihadists’ new recruitment technique: slick suicide attack videos”
(inc video clips).
If ‘France 24’ were up to political speed, it would use the word ‘ISLAMIKAZE’ rather than ‘kamikaze’ to describe these jihadists:-
From Andrew Boston’s review of Raphael Israeli’s book ‘Islamikaze’-
…” the essential elements embodied by Raphael Israeli’s designation, “Islamikaze”. The author summarizes these relationships as follows:
“…Typologically then, the Muslim fundamentalist self-immolating assassins- who have nothing suicidal about them nor resemble the hari-kari of either the imposed or the voluntary type- come closest to the kamikaze in organization, ideology, execution of their task, posthumous glory, and historical background of self-effacing loyalty, murderous fanaticism (samurai and fida’i, kamikaze and shahid) and culture of shame. It is therefore proposed to adopt the appellation Islamikaze to describe them, combining their inner Islamic motivation and vocation with the other outward attributes of their fellow kamikaze.”
“’Islamikaze’ is an uncompromising, and meticulously documented work. The author first traces the development and largely unchallenged proliferation of Islamikaze to two unique Islamic institutions- jihad war, and its corollary institution dhimmitude.”
Why is it that when two black, crazed Islamic terrorist butchers hack a white soldier to death in broad daylight on a London street the words racist or extremist hardly (if at all) appear in the BBC or other media outlets’ reports? However, when a lone white Ukrainian kills an elderly Muslim the word racism is splashed all over the media, especially the BBC. Unbelievable.
Non BBC approved thought for the day
I am constantly struck by how poor the BBC seems to be at communicating basic economic principles to the viewing public. Given the Corporation’s huge resources it is noticably weak in this area. Newsnight’s erstwhile Economics Editor, Paul Mason, was a rather extreme case which however exemplified the fact that the BBC struggles in terms of ecomonics. Mason’s brief was – one supposes – to convey some economically literate insights into the travails of the Euro. But his reports from the continent quickly veered off to explore his pet interest in the danger posed by the far-right, the contrasting potential for good he found in the far-Left particularly as extressed by the young through social media activism and his concern for the plight of third world migrants. Where ever the viewer might happen to stand on the political spectrum this was politics – not economics. BBC economic stalwarts such as Stephanie Flanders and Robert Peston have also been too ready to shift from economics to politics. The BBC clearly finds politics to be the more sexy subject.
Consider what economic education an inteligent ignoramus, new to hearing from the BBC, might draw from their news reports.
Taxation is a very good thing – useful when applied to solving a whole range of social ills such as gambling and drinking. Taxation is the Superman of economic terms. Goodness me, what can’t taxation do? Taxation can even be used to ease world poverty and mediate potential changes in the earth’s climate!
Investment is a good thing – mostly though only when practised by civil servants on behalf of the Government. Or when the idea of the investment is somewhat spurious – such as the big investment in an education system that appears to have produced results in an inverse relationship to the money invested. In fact if you concentrate on the BBC you will learn that it seems the more spurious the so-called investment the more good it is. Consider the so-called investment in watching a group of people have a massive party at our expense – I refer of course to the 2012 Olympics.
Growth is a good thing – although if you were concentrating on the BBC about five years ago you might have noticed a lot of voices on the ecological left arguing against growth in the west. They got their wish come true – but we don’t hear that part of their argument so much.
Given how good investment is supposed to be it is odd that return on that investment is so ill thought of. Profit is a very bad word. Often tantamount to evil. Quite where the growth is to come from without profit is left as an unanswered question. Although the attitude to investment – that no return should be required and if it does transpire it ought to be taxed to the hilt – explains much.
Is it just my reading or does the BBC’s economic message sound rather Marxist?
Do you honestly believe that any lefty understands mathematics more complicated than – “If I buy a loaf of bread worth 50p and hand over a £1.00 coin, then I expect to get back 75p”?
The entire function of the BBC is to educate people to understand that the public sector is wonderful and the private sector is horrid.
They seek to erase your actual experience of the (generally) arrogant, inefficient, and expensive public sector, in comparison with the (generally) efficient, consumer friendly, and competitive private sector, and require you to work like a serf (I understand the polite word for this is “tax payer”) to pay your dues to the public sector unions (and their political wing the Labour Party) because (and this seems to be the entire basis of their claim) they make speeches about how much they care about the poor.
Of course they don’t actually care more about the poor (quite the opposite – in a democracy they want to keep their client base poor because that way it is easier to tell people what to do) but it is important for you to understand that all those stories about public sector incompetence, and the Leftist elite opting to go private (they make speeches about how much they care for the poor so they deserve it) are just lies by the Tory press – indeed since you have the wonderful BBC why have a free press at all? Just learn to love the Stalinist boot stamping on your face because that is true freedom.
When the recession first hit it was the private sector that took the pain. There were countless examples of employees taking pay cuts, downgraded pensions, going on short time, etc etc to save jobs.
Compare and contrast with how the public sector reacted when their time came. And they’re still at it. And their average salaries are still higher than the private sector’s, despite the latter funding them. And their pensions are still far superior, despite the private sector funding them.
If the BBC really was an impartial broadcaster acting in the public interest it would have illustrated this startling contrast in attitudes many times over – nobody can say there haven’t been plenty of opportunities over the past 5 years.
On Today this morning one of the girls abused in the Rochdale paedophile gang case was interviewed. She said that she was sure that the fact that those who abused her were all Pakistani, was part of the reason why the police and social services did nothing, even when they had many reports of this organised abuse. She also said that there were many more abusers than the 9 who stood trial. The interview seemed fair and did not avoid mentioning that the abusers were all of Pakistani origin.
But what struck me was the lack of reaction from the BBC to someone saying that the ethinicity of the criminal was a reason why they were not brought to justice for so long! Imagine if the victims of crime were Pakistani and the perpetrator was white. The BBC would be in overdrive and we would hear nothing else for at least a week. We would have investigations , in depth analysis of why the ethnic minority was being persecuted, claims of institutional bias in the police and social services, ethnic leaders by the hat full , the full panoply of BBC might would be deployed on this. So why the comparative silence over a gang of paedophiles grooming and then raping lots of children? We had one poor young girl , now the mother of child she had after being raped by goodness knows how many Pakistanis, being interviewed.
Does the BBC think that is a sufficient response? Just another example of the double standards they employ.
Actually, she was asked if she thought that most of the men who abused were Pakistan meant it was a racist crime. She replied “they were all Muslim” – not the same thing (some of them were possibly Bangladeshi or Somali). Her response implied it was a religious, or if you like, cultural crime. Even Ms Montague did not have the brass neck to argue with her.
Thanks for the correction. I don’t think that it alters the issue of double standards though.
Good point onlyne!
I too noticed the “vulnerable” schtick of troubled young people, as pushed by Monty, with her creepy Pat Hewitt tones( last used in Bradford for her day nosying around for Shannon Matthews).
It took the girl to raise the M word…Minty spent most of the interview saying it was not a race issue.
No , it`s not…it`s religious/social and political one based on Islamist supremacy and the weirdest of sexual views from the Pakistani villages they came from.
The girl mentioned “Muslim” just once-but the BBC think they`ve got away with that.
Ditto the Aghan Presidential candidate getting banned for being a woman, ditto the Saudi women being terrorised out of their Shielas Wheels flashmob!
Same f***in word for the liberal love that never dare speak its name…MUSLIM!
Oh sure, double standards are a given. But the BBC will not acknowledge the link betweet, for example, The Rochdale grooming gang, the men who killed Lee Rigby, or Richard Reed the shoe bomber. There is no racial link – the link is Islam. But the Beeb absolutely refuse to acknowledge this,so if you say it was Pakistanis, the BBC can accuse you of being racist. Islam is beyond critisicm.
But I found amusing the statement on the UAF FB page that as most muslims were of colour then criticism of Islam is racist. And Cameron and his BBC support the UAF
The UAF clowns make it up as they go along. They’ve taken it upon themselves to define what and what is not racism.A front for the violent Left, these lazy, rich-kid drama students will be the first to come crying to mummy and daddy if their Islamic idols ever gain power.
It was a classic example of the liberal unable to cope with reality.
On this matter the liberal is in a real state of confusion. It is better to let their heads whirl.
I keep on saying it. It is no longer possible to reason with a liberal. It is as though the age of reason has never existed They all think they are Saint Just or Marx or Lenin or that fool Russell Brand or some other fantasist with personal problems.
I see there has been yet another non racist murder of a white man by Muslims in the Uk as reported by the bBC:
Azeem and Zeeshan Aslam convicted of killing Anthony Dryden
Of course this been the bBC they report the pro Islamic version:
The 42-year-old was battered to death after smashing a window at the Aslams’ family takeaway shop in Airdrie.
Here is what the bBC don’t want you to know about yet another racist murder at the hands of blood thirsty Muslims:
The incident on March 23 was the culmination of a long-running feud between Ali’s Kebabs and Nico’s takeaway, where Mr Dryden’s aunt worked, the High Court in Glasgow was told. Nico’s was set up by Hamid Shah last year in Chapel Street, just a stone’s throw away from Ali’s Kebabs, after the Aslam family’s objection to planning permission was dismissed.
The court was told that Mr Shah and his staff were subjected to intimidation, windows were smashed and on one occasion the premises were set on fire. It was also alleged the Aslams threatened to burn down the outlet unless they were paid £150 a week. Mr Shah told the jury that one of the brothers made a cut-throat gesture as he passed the shop. He said: “It is because they are competition and they are trying to scare me.” On the day of the killing, Azeem and Zeeshan Aslam chased Mr Dryden into a back garden and approached him in what was described in court as a “pincer movement” Azeem, 26, repeatedly smacked Mr Dryden with a baseball bat while his 23-year-old brother struck him a piece of wood that had been lying on the ground. Mr Dryden, of Motherwell, suffered serious skull and brain injuries from which he never recovered.
The bBC, the traitors within our Midst
repeatedly beating him with a baseball bat?
his brother with a block of wood?
after trapping him in a pincer movement?
heard saying “Fixed that guy – even broke the baseball bat.”
Yet in court
“Azeem Aslam insisted: “I had to do it – I had no choice.”? ………………… you got that stupid kaffir eh!
yep! sounds like the “religion of peace” to me
I liked this http://youtu.be/E8bR4EU2eUg
BBC R4’s PM on Saturday evening led with a breathless ‘Labour says….’ story about benefits and the disabled.
It’s pretty clear that the BBC not only does this fully consciously but is well aware that we know they are doing it and can do nothing to stop them.
I would love to be able to say ‘yet’.
This happened on TV News at 5.30pm too… clearly a centralised message distributed by Command and Control.
They’re at it again!
Obviously smarting that one of their’s, in the form of Unite / Labour, came a cropper and had to eat humble pie at Grangemouth (where was Miliband by the way – unusually camera shy wasn’t he?), the BBC got their revenge by giving the owner of the refinery a hard time not only getting him to justify his position and his financial position, but Labour’s Jim Naughtie managed to get a dig in about his yacht.
Bizzarely though, the BBC Ten o’clock News opened up another front by asking if this strategic facility should be in private ownership at all, inviting an ‘energy expert’ to confirm that the refinery should be nationalised.
Gregor Gall was the ‘energy expert’ that the BBC ‘smuggled in’ to speak unto the nation. But Gregor is not so much an energy expert as an academic from the hard left of politics, formerly an SWP activist still a member of the Scottish Socialist Party.
It’s not so much that BBC activists are of the left. There is increasing evidence that their editorial decision makers are of the far left, seemingly having wormed their way into the corporation for their own political ends.
That was a brilliant catch #88!
The Unite union looks to have panicked as reality came charging in. Not much industry left in Scotland and they were about to smash a fair chunk of what is left. This Gall has never had to face earning a proper living doing a real job so can indulge his fantasies. Much like the average BBC talking head.
Just watching BBC news right now, and they are reporting and commenting upon the delay in the implementation of the changes to disability benefits.
I do notice that to support the points they make they have given interview space to Labour foghorn Rachel Reeves and a “Campaigner” called Sue Marsh, who we are told has Chrones disease and finds it difficult to walk. The government “has put out a statement” to explain their case, but this just gets drowned out by said foghorn and the Campaigner.
Pictures beamed across my TV screen show the Campaigner in high heeled boots with walking stick hanging loosely to one side.
Whilst I’m not one to belittle someone else’s illness, I have to say that she seemed very articulate and had the appearance of someone perfectly capable of work. Maybe she does work, and is just supporting the case, it wasn’t explained but that wasn’t the message that the report was trying to portray.
Later in the same news bulletin, BBC London News talk about affordable housing, and the need to build bigger houses in London as three bedroom one’s are not sufficiently large. They drag out a Green from the London Assembly who complains about someone having to do their homework on the toilet because this is the quietest room in the house. No reply from the Mayor’s office or anything like that.
Lord, give me strength!
Surely a green would rather someone lived in a tree house or a mud hut, wouldn’t they? Ecoloons surely can’t have started agitating for more building?
The problems the greens face, is if and when power cuts hit the UK and the lovies are unable to:
Recharge their phones
Watch Strictly come dancing
or even use their laptops, then at a stroke the Green movement will be virtually wiped off the map.
There are plenty of houses for sale on this street in London as a large family of Muslims has decided to sell up and move out.
I play my guitar in the bog, maybe ill get a grant for a recording studio?
Bigger houses facing east?
The weather. As a concerned parent whose offspring is travelling from the continent this weekend I am anxious to gather information regarded the predicted storms at sea. It is a sad commentary on the BBC’s tendency to flavour factual reporting with propaganda, that I have been seeking weather forecasts from sources unrelated to the BBC.
bBBC ‘news’ this evening, interviewing the Chairman of the Football Association. bBBC bimbo: so, it’s the 150th anniversary of the Football Association; what about this week’s racism incidents?
Christ! Don’t they EVER give it a rest?
I think that we can compare ‘racism’ in the modern world to blasphemy in the middle ages. Of course to the liberal left and the BBC , almost one and the same thing, racism means whatever they want it to mean. Even patriotism is suspect in their eyes and could easily lead to racist thoughts. Soon, if you have even one secret thought that may be interpreted by someone as being tiny bit racist, you will need to confess it before the ‘Truth and Reconciliation Panel’ chaired by Inquisitor in Chief ,Dame D Abbott. The BBC will of course be delighted to be known as the’ Finders of Racism’ and relish the ability to scrutinise all and sundry, provided they are white. They will lead the movement to free Britain from the sin of racism, no stone will be left unturned, no vestige of a love of country will remain, the old culture will be stamped out , as the new liberal left puritanism sweeps through the country, until we wake to a new golden age, free from the scourge of racism, whether real or imagined. In fact the belief in an omnipotent God, who can read your thoughts and condemn you to eternal damnation is so useful, that the liberal left may bring it back into vogue in order to force confessions from white folks, all of whom were born with the original sin of racism. Other colours were no so burdened of course.
I am not racist.I just want to live in the country I was born in and not to have it invaded by millions of folks with very different cultures to ours.
Naturally if the BBC are to process such people then they are going to need some system, camps perhaps, to handle the numbers. Of course having such large numbers of people together in one place is only going to cause health problems so there will need to be some sort of screening and prevention system. Showers maybe?
Yes, I’m sure they’d be up for that.
“…racism means whatever they want it to mean.
Absolutely spot-on. Progressives have devalued and bastardised the word ‘racism’ (along with the ever-useful ‘xenophobia’) to suit whatever their agenda requires it to mean. All part of the bigger Political Correctness Project that is determined to ‘nudge’ public attitudes towards its utopian ‘multicultural’ vision; to criticise this is to become the enemy, to dissent is to become a legitimate target for vilification, belittlement and public humiliation.
‘Progressive liberals’ – a curious concept, when one considers just how wretchedly authoritarian their world-outlook actually is.
That’s a ‘racist’ incident which is flatly denied by the Russian club, and which doesn’t seem to have been recorded.