All day today weathermen on BBC and Sky have been breathless with anticipation of a storm arriving late tomorrow and into Monday. I caught some muppet on Sky commenting on the ‘unusually mild’ temperatures in the UK at the moment; the subtext was, as ever, there between the lines (although I could have added, quite reasonably, that we are actually only two months out of August – just what were they expecting? Blizzard conditions in October?).
Anyone remember when weathermen just used to, y’know, report the weather? These days they all seem to feel obliged to give us reading from The Book of the Holy Consensus. I dunno, perhaps it’s a contractual thing.
Expect the BBC to go into a CAGW frenzy as the much-promised storm hits – wall-to-wall saturation of what they must be hoping like hell will prove to be a grand example of what we must now all refer to as ‘extreme weather’.
Because, as we all should know by now, there is no such thing as ‘the weather’ any more. Rain or shine, balmy sunny day or rainy storm, such quaint terminology from a more honest, innocent time has now been erased out of existence to suit the dominant climate narrative.
How true, Phil Ford. I put the radio on this morning 8.45 onto the Radio 4 am thingy, and got the tail end of a chat about *the storm* and the fact that a few trees might get knocked over. Of course the person talking about trees had a vested interest in trees and rolled out that trees will be toppled because of climate change. At 8.48 am I switched off. It really is endless isn’t it??
The trees were described as “vulnerable” on at least three occasions by Evan Davis and the Woodcraft lady (yes, I know its Woodland Scott-but she seemed not to have that phase of her life).
I`m a tree surgeon-and am on standby for the call for the vulnerable trees…usual NHS rates for out-of hours-the buggers refuse to come to A&E, since Rosie Winterton gave me the contract.
The vulnerable tree….the BBC have this weird mind-expansion on Saturday mornings these days!
I heard some of the Clive Anderson show on R4 tonight.
They all talk in some strange new dialect. Mr Anderson excepted.
What shall we call it? Is it based on any particular area?
It ‘s practioners are clearly semi literate. In fact verging on the illiterate. Grunts replacing speech. Dreadful diction and a lack or any respect for the English language.
The BBC or it’s apologists could come up with a name for this .After all the BBC bears a measure of responsibility for this descent into incoherence.
Anyone seen Grant Shapps having his rant at the BBC in the Telegraph? I hope he follows through, although he could be just having one of those periodic “I’m going to fire a shot across their bows” moments.
Hilarious in its predictability, maybe, but not in the certainty that the lid is on and staying there.
“A BBC spokesman said…
He said…,
He said Mr. Easton..”
Has no medium wondered why ‘the BBC’ seems unique in having some un-named spokesperson able to trot out patronising template dismissals that Mandy Rice-Davies would cheer on…. every single time?
It’s farcical.
Let’s start seeing them called out on what the BBC wouldn’t let anyone else get away with.
Who is this ‘spokesperson’?
Does he represent the BBC? All of it? Just PR? Tony & Chris? Who?
Will he come out, in person, on record, to actually be challenged on and debate these airy ‘It isn’t because we say so and that’s that’ claims in public spotlight?
Maybe we need a BBC Factor, where the daftest blow off of the week is aired prime time and the sofa crowd gets to vote on it.
“And this week’s winner is…. The Director of ECU, who is confident in his belief that when Mishal Husain says not enough kids died in Israel to match the Palestinians, this was just fine as she is a broadcast professional and that makes raging compromises in integrity fine by him’.
I’ve just got round to watching Question Time from the other night (I was at Manchester University watching Skid Row/Ugly Kid Joe – building named after Steve Biko, student union twinned with the University of Nablus) and liberal loon Tim Farron (Westmorland and Lonsdale, I wonder how diverse it is there?) called immigration a ‘blessing’.
I wonder whether he regards mass murderers from Rwanda and Sudan a blessing, or the murderers, rapists, paeodophiles, terrorists, or the muggers, pickpockets, beggars, benefit fraudsters, drug-dealers, does he think that it’s a blessing when they clog up our schools, hospitals and prisons, is it a blessing when they blow themselves to smithereens distilling alcohol, it is a blessing that they regard car insurance as optional, is it a blessing that the NHS has to correct botched genital surgery etc etc … does he think that Ukrainian arsehole who killed that old fella was a blessing …
Doyle, that is the whole problem, he actually DOES!
He can, because it hasn’t impacted upon him yet, and he thinks it never will.
It’s the old old story, the liberal is just someone who hasn’t been mugged yet.
“Reggae for Riyadh.
“‘No woman, no drive’ mocks Saudi Arabia.
“Acapella rendition of iconic Bob Marley song takes a jab at kingdom’s ban on female drivers.”
Writing about the Merkel mobile phone spying case, tonight’s top story on the BBC News website, Damien McGuinness tells us “This scandal has caused the biggest diplomatic rift between Germany and the US in living memory.”
Wow. A bigger diplomatic rift than even WWII, apparently. Scary stuff.
Greg Dyke this morning asked said it was all down to G W Bush and nothing to do with the Divine Obama. Obama knew and knows nothing of it. All those Republican bastar*s don’t-you-know
Load of Balls from Dyke as usual. Das Bild newspaper says it has evidence that Obama knew of the telephone taps on Merkel in 2010 and allowed them to continue.
But you see all of this, while true, is actually irrelevant.
It’s right to highlight the bias, the obvious lies as is done here.
However, the system has gotten away with that falsehood and planted it into the minds of squillions of people that trust dear old Auntie.
They just have no clue that Dyke KNEW it was bullshit, but happily lied knowing there was no-one to comment to the contrary.
Obviously if bathouse barry was unaware, he should get impeached for negligence. Either way, its his responsibility.
There needs to be some way to reach Joe Average.
Inbbc news running as its second story this morning the Grant Shapps Telegraph article.
They actually repeated his accusations of opacity and bias!
Bloody hell, have the scales fallen from their eyes?
Next news to say: Balen report released?
Nah……doubt it.
What HAS moved within the inbbc?
Breakast news has actually displayed the front page of the Telegraph with a headline referring to Shapps criticism.
Cast your mind back to another sunday, when the Sunday Mirror broke the Savile scandal, they reviewed the papers and pretended that particular paper hadn’t appeared.
The BBC World service whose slogan is they report the BIG stories of the day reported this morning the death of the actress who played the voice of the teacher in the animation “The Simpsons”. I’m sad when anyone dies but the story that the Iraqui forces killed an Al Qaeda leader was not considered BIG news. Of course , It’s sunday and you can’t expect the BBC reporters to get out of bed to cover real news stories!!
‘Fatal row’?
Any ‘Islamic benedictions’ shared in this frank exchange of views too?
Given the clear facts, David Loyn’s clearly spin-motivated, agenda-serving ‘analysis’ is another BBC shill travesty.
Much more of this and the BBC will need to hire private minders in any military environment to guard against accidental green-on-shit incidents.
I am praying that my sons do not pursue a military career given the pondweed who sends them into danger and the pondscum lower still that use their lives to try and score off the scum above.
I read that article from the bBC, then buggered off to the see how the rest of the world are reporting the same story. Contrast the two different versions:
bBC: “The sources said the Afghan soldier, who was guarding the gate of the academy, had confiscated a laptop computer from a driver, prompting soldiers from Australia and New Zealand to try to take it back from him.They swore at the Afghan soldier and he shot one of the Australians in the chest, the sources added”.
The victim in the above version is the Afghan who paid the price for being swore at by a white soldier.
Now read the version doing the rounds in Australia:
The chief of the NZ Defence Force, Lieutenant General Rhys Jones, revealed details of the incident during a media conference. “One of our instructors at the Afghan army officer academy was doing a task in the adjacent Afghan unit,” he said.
“He was escorted by two Australian force protection people, as they were coming back from that meeting, without notice an Afghani soldier, a single Afghani soldier, shot at them.
“It was the Afghani that fired first. Fired three rounds. One standing and then dropped to his knees and first two more rounds.
“Only one bullet that we’re aware of hit, the second Australian returned fire and critically injured and possibly killed the Afghani. “All were evacuated out before we were able to confirm what happened to the Afghani soldier.”
So a press conference by the chief of the NZ defence force states different from what the bBC and its hidden source have to say. Of course as this is the British hating bBC they immediately make this into a a problem for the British PM.
You can always rely on the BBC to convert everything into a Leftist narrative with only a tenuous connection with any reality. I am surprised they did not seek to explain the incident in terms of Tory cuts.
The independence of the BBC? They must mean independence of all reality in the service of churning out Leftist propaganda – an independence which is sustained by sending people to prison if they do not want to fund them.
Poles jeer through British national anthem at home game. Russians fans shout racist noises at England team.
Both are despicable. But which gets the BBC’s attention? Yep its the racist cat-calls.
Doesn’t that say so much about where the BBC is coming from?
And so the UK moves an another step closer to Sharia law with the introduction of Sharia compliant banking – covered on the Today Program at 07:45
Despite the fact that no UK Sharia compliant bank has been able to turn a profit the city of London has decided to capitalise on all those lovely shiny Arab oil dollars.
There’s nothing on the BBC website at the moment but I don’t think it will be long before it is.
Yup! So-called ‘Sharia-compliant’ islamic banking was covered in the Sunday Programme – in the usual non-critical, subservient way presenters adopt when they mention islam. It is surely fake, in any case. Okay, such banks may not pay interest directly, but they sure make money somehow.
They asked some bloke called Wayne to tell us about it.
What?…no Muslim to tell us?
To be honest, will I…a able to get my Jihad Seekers Allowance paid in directly…or am I not allowed an account?
Will I be able to eat a hot dog before going into the bank?
To be fair-they`re not allowed to invest in gambling or booze…therefore no TV License-NationalLottery and BBC fine wine cellars are haram!
Many of us urged the Conservative Party to tackle BBC bias immediately they came into office. Shapps is right to broach the subject of opacity and political bias, but has done it far too late. We are one year and a half from the next GE, which is not long enough to turn this thing around – or, at any rate, I believe the Conservatives will fail to act strongly enough. They need Rottweilers, but they will be weak, weak, weak. It will be words, words, words, and little action.
This… is more promising.
The emotive ‘Poll Tax’ rallying call has been used before to great effect, and there is no doubt that the BBC is deploying just such a thing, even if they try and separate the business from the collection agency.
And the sofa core set will notice, especially as it impacts those around them, and in ways as if not more offensive to any corporate legal strong-arm abuse of the vulnerable that would have Panorama, Newsnight/BIJ or Watchdog doing a special investigative report… well, before you can say ‘whispering corridors’ and it all gets shelved. ‘Can the continued imposition of a regressive tax to fund Strictly Come Dancing be justified?’
Not by Mr. Patten certainly, who seems to wallow between ‘it was another time’ and ‘we ask the questions’ in not ever seeing the head of the entity that supposedly holds the BBC to account, getting held to account, as part of the job description.
Hate to use the word, but when they came in they had no mandate to do so. It would have been Poll Tax #2, gleefully pounced on by the BBC, Graun & twitterati, who would have dominated the hearts & minds of a politically-weary electorate rallying the troops with tales of assaults on Aunty & Strictly.
Also bias is a lump of waffle the BBC can bat away with ease. Especially tribal whinges from a source like Shapps.
It IS clearly political given the BBC’s clear desire to shape policy and protect itself by getting Ed in and owing them, but going this route is fraught with compromise.
What does need tackling are the abuses… to accuracy and integrity that lie there in black, white, flickering image and captured screen. The ‘views my own’ tweets, newsniffer-archived stealth edits, where there is what is, and what the BBC has tried to make it into. Editorial by omission IS grotesque, but I only have to look at the near daily examples highlighted by BBC Watch, and lack of public outcry, to see these things don’t register or don’t seem to matter.
The key is the BBC’s lack of accountability and arrogance in flaunting this situation.
There are also promising sideshows tied into this. Newsnight/Savile/McAlpine showed an out of control editorial regime overseen by an astoundingly uncurious, very forgetful management regime… Yet all was tucked away using public money with near zero consequences to any complicit. Byford & all the other reward-4-useless-mates layoffs. DMI. An endless list of vast-£ cock ups and abuses, all listed here.
The target for me is BBC Complaints.
The BBC checking the BBC and finding the BBC ‘gets it about right’, internally, in secret, no names, no pack drill, is as dire a conflict of interest as the compelled BBC licence fee is an anachronism.
I want to see the complaints the BBC gets, about what, and their attempts at damage control, out in the open.
Frankly a pol like Shapps wanting the BBC to nicer to him doesn’t float my boat much.
Them misreporting to sway perceptions does.
And no amount of BBC ‘belief’ can wish it away once the power to suppress the asking of legitimate questions or ban those who would publicly hold them to account is removed from them.
Sunlight is the best antiseptic.
And in almost all cases, having seen such as Pollard, Rose, PAC, etc, the most damning evidence against the BBC and its practices are clear to see when their own words or deeds are laid out for all to witness.
It’s the cover ups that will show them for what they are, so it’s little wonder how much of our money they use on legals to prevent anyone from seeing the full story behind an edifice that has been uniquely exempted from too much for too long.
i find it puzzling that the pro Islamic BBC finds little space for praising the most pro-Islamic Prime Minister this country has ever seen. Here is Cameron with his muslim supporters willing that Britain should become a centre for Islamic finance, offering deals for muslim students and start ups for muslim business.
Come on Beeb. Back your man, he is more Islamic than Hussein Obama.
Pro Islamic Prime Minister:
Would that be the same arsehole who trots out the same old same old lines after each terrorist atrocity?
You know, the one that says these disgraceful acts have nothing to do with Islam.
When that savage in Woolwich had stood proudly quoting the qu’ran?
WTF is wrong with our spineless gutless politicians.
My how easy a ride would Old Adolf have had these days, the appeasement of the thirties, multiplied by a thousandfold is what he would have faced from our gutless spineless politicians
When my MP can label Robert Spencer as an extremist, don’t you just know we are in deep deep shit?
The Tories get it wrong again. Shapps is the last person they should have picked to deliver this “shot over the boughs”. It suggests they have no-one more credible than “wide-boy” Michael Green to deliver this. Shapps is so hated this will merely make people think the BBC is worth funding and generate sympathy for Aunty.
James Delingpole:
“Why can’t the BBC be impartial in the climate change debate?
“The Beeb constantly resorts to ‘experts’ whose arguments are bigoted, feeble, fatuous, fallacious and stupid.”
Beeb constantly resorts to ‘experts’ whose arguments are bigoted, feeble, fatuous, fallacious, stupid, and often
programme hosts who believe they re experts….
…. enter afternoon chimp
Richard (yep! reddit last night) Bacon
I watched Marr this morning discussing alleged BBC left wing bias with “you’ll never guess”? Impartiality personified Harriet Harman. Was there any right of reply by anyone with a contrary view? No chance.
Case proven, sell it off Shapps the sooner the better.
Only Islam not the British broadcasting Commissariat could possibly bring on Harriet Harperson to deflect accusations of bias, and keep a straight face while doing so.
Bloody clocks going back meant that I tuned in to ” Sunday”..the “religious” show on Radio 4.
Same agenda from when I baled out in 2009.
1. Paedophile priests in Poland-Catholic.
(well, no…some Archbishop said that divorce and porn made child abuse more prevalent-which, I think you`ll find is the same as Savilising kids…in Beebworld at least).
2. Some Jews squauking about having JSA stopped because they want to keep the Sabbath…they should man up…but Muslims, of course must take their Eids, and get the Fridays-and five times a day every day…off…but of course!
3. Catholic chasing old bones about the British Isles. Harmless enough…but hardly Shia is it?
4. Islamic Banks…more please, social justice demands it
5. Catholic Archbishop interrupted ceaselessly as he tried to explain why he`s hardly Occupy-grade in terms of screwing Big Business.
6. Syrian rebel shill gets unsolicited fawning, no interruptions as he gives us the old vulnerable victim on the run from Assad. Yet offered a fair few top jobs by him too…taqqiya, I believe?
7. Dead cafe movement taking Britain by storm?…that so?
Apparently, death isn`t discussed enough what with religion being binned in terms of Botox and cryogenics.
To be fair to Muslims they talk about it quite a lot…shahada, jihad an`all an`all…only it`s our deaths and not theirs.
And this is BBC religious offerings as winter sets in?
Our Syria chummy was rated one of the worlds 500 top Muslims so they said…how did they choose seeing as there`s been over 21,000 murdering attacks by Islamists since 2001?
Maybe Savile could do us a Top of the Pops Top 20 in Muslim Pop picking.
Bin Laden`s been at the top longerthan Bryan Adams surely?
BBC…political elite…Guardian?…Wet, Wet Wet!
And lethal to us if we let them stay atop their F888in perches!
Facebook has this.. BBC News England & Wales are braced for heavy rain and hurricane-force winds:
The Met Office said the predicted storm – named #StJude after the patron saint of lost causes, whose feast day is Monday – was not one “you would see every year”.
What is the weather like where you are?
Not sure the comments, especially top ones, will be those the BBC ‘selects’.
They are being universally panned fro trying to turn what may well be a bad storm, but hardly rare for the time of year, into the Apocalypse.
This typifies to me the lack of value the BBC now represents.
Such a storm is exactly the kind of thing a public service broadcaster should be preparing folk for, to take sensible precautions.
But by shoe-horning the BBC’s facile need to make everything either a ratings-race with The Daily Express or an ideological climatic complement with the Graun, few pay any attention save to mock.
Which is a pity, because if there is a bit a bit of a blow, best to be prepared.
Because I recall a few in the past exactly like ‘what you can see at this time of the year’, and they can make a mess.
And the BBC dropping it on the MET Office as a #1degreeofsepjob in case it doesn’t pan out, given their links, is so blatant as to be funny if it wasn’t serious.
I’ve rung round the Uk and everybody reports what a lovely day they are having. I’m sure that bad weather is on the way, but I’ve been hearing this since last week and we had our washing out on the line all day yesterday. and the sun is shining right now.
Oh goody!
Chance to get on telly!
Like the tsunami that splashed a BBC ladys boots on the Norfolk coast in 2010…where were YOU when she had to wring her socks out?
Microclimate here-thanks to global boiling, followed by a mini-ice age( wife left the freezer door open in 2007 for 4 hours)…means that I`m due a hell of a kerfuffle her tomorrow.
Put me on the telly…put me on the telly!
Actually your wife leaving the freezer door open would increase the temperature. (The freezer has to use more energy which results in more heat being created than is taken from the cold air in the freezer).
Which is why I`m an expert on Climate Change at East Anglia in my spare time.
I feel it ought to be true…so it is!
You and your thermionics…
May I quote St Stephen of Gatelys Law( Boyzone Hypothesis)
No matter what you tell me…what I belive…or feel is just right for me…is true!
You`re institutionally discriminating against a |Green Scientific Expert…hate crime!
I`m a Tree Surgeon today-lessons have been learned, and I have moved on from Climate Change.
Got to dash-I`m on Radio 5 soon!
P.S-lessons were learned, but never by me…which is why I`m a BBC expert.
Noticed this morning that over 1,000 emails have been released by Ineos which seem to validate their concern that Unit’s site representative Stevie Deans (who was the cause of the strike at Grangemouth in the first place) was indeed using company time and resources to try to fix the Falkirk by-election. Plenty of discussion in the newspapers about this, harking back to Mr Milliband’s gullibility in accepting Unite’s assurances that the changing of ‘testimony’ by several people in the area, which initially pointed a finger at Unite’s attempts to rig the election of the Labour representative to stand in the by-election, and which then was suddenly and inexplicably withdrawn, was all above board and Mr Milliband didn’t need to get involved. So he bowed his head and retreated.
This has been reported by STV, and Sky news this morning, and although I haven’t seen all that much TV or radio this morning, I heard nothing on the BBC, and I did trawl through the BBC’s website, in the obvious places – UK News, Scotland, Politics – you know, trying to rig a by-election would, I suspect, have heralded an explosion of indignation had it been a company director, the Conservative or UKIP parties, or anyone else not falling at the feet of Unite, the Labour Party or the BBC.
If it damages the Labour Party (the political wing of the BBC) the BBC will either ignore it, or if they cannot avoid reporting it, will try to change it into a discussion of something else e.g. the scandal of people who can afford to buy large yachts. The BBC are utterly untrustworthy.
Their one Party State mentality is anti-democratic and self-serving, and about as corrupt as you can get this side of a revolution.
Sick to death of the bBC and its pro Islamic terrorist angle. You know those murderous twats who only take to the sword in which to attack the West (in this case the UK) for its foreign policy. So here’s my suggestion you cock sucking paedophilic bBC wankers. I say we pull all our troops out of each and every islamic land. we then stop all Aid to Islamic countries and then we deport each and every Muslim who does’t have the right to remain here. Every foreign Muslim in prison (not in for murder) is deported along with his family. No more mosques to build in the Uk and muslims to be limited to 2 children. Any Muslim who complains to be deported with his entire family.
There is a reason why so many Islamic countries have dictators, its the only way you can deal with Muslims and their dirty ugly corrupt ways.
Mr Pounce, sir…. you are a regular and serious contributor to this site, and as (I believe) another serious contributor, I hope you will not take this wrongly, but the use of some (and I only mean some) of the words you use in the above post, despite all the provocation you feel, may serve only to enable some BBC sycophant in the future to produce a ‘typical’ list of comments from this site as ‘proof’ that it is no better than some other, incalculably more extreme sites. Contributors here, and I certainly include yourself in this category, are way better than that, and I believe should strive to rise above the level of other posters to this site who seem determined, via ad hominem attacks at every turn, to generate similar denunciations in response and try to trap people into using foul language. I fear for the long-term effect of this site if contributors allow themselves to be drawn into this mode. I hope you accept this comment in the spirit it is offered.
As a most definitely serious (about BBC straying), but often light-hearted commenter, I can only endorse this sentiment and, if ever I do use excessively intemperate or robust language, or notions that can serve those who have notebooks and lists and are prepared to use them, apologise in advance for doing so if provoked. But I do try very hard not to. It does indeed seem to serve better to let those better damned by their own words stand isolated by them.
Everyone has a right to be offended, and Pounce has every right to offend them. Anyway, it doesn’t take much to offend the professional offence takers. Even innocent comments can be used to crucify someone who broaches a subject the leftie trolls don’t want to be discussed.
I just think Pounce is very passionate in his views and doesn’t deliberately set out to offend – unlike our sycophantic Beeboid trolls like Scott.
Dear Pounce, dont ever change!
If the trolls controllers ever wanted to find any hate speech to clobber this site, they would simply post up some false flagged shit.
I love the way you tell it like it is, pray continue.
Bless. I love how Andy pretends that he’s a virtuous soul. At some point, he’s going to realise how everybody else sees him. Please promise me that someone will be there to console hime once he realises what he’s really like? He’s going to need some support…
Are you writing about yourself there Scott or someone else? If you are thinking it is about someone else, then you are deluded. Have you ever stopped to think how others might view you?
Pounce for PM. he tells it like it is. Plus as a soldier, he has front line experience. He knows what he’s talking about. His only concern is the defence of our country.
Thank you for your points, I unlike the vast majority have a double death sentence on my head thanks to the gay death cult.
1) Ex Muslim
2) British armed forces.
Now we can all wax lyrical about how my posts offend some and may give others ammunition to target this blog as a site for right wing bigots. I am nothing of the sort. My POV is if you leave me alone I will leave you alone. However I am sick to death of how Muslims (Yes Muslims)a re championed by the left as only victims (which they are, but by other Muslims) I am sick to death of how we are told to not offend muslims in any form or manner. Oh we can offend everybody else, but Muslims, that includes looking funny at them, eating bacon near them or god forbid supporting Israel. I am more than happy to leave these people alone to their ways, however what I won’t allow is for these people to be allowed Carte Blanche to not only attack my way of life because it doesn’t conform to their bigoted lifestyle (including the right to take off my head) but to be continually told by the bBC that if I don’t subscribe to their mindset that Islam is a religion of peace then I am the bigot. I accept that I am more anti Islam than most, But me and Islam have History as only blood can, that is why nobody knows where i live and why I haven’t had much communication with my blood family for years. (over 30)
Until we treat Islam as an equal in the Uk (No relgious cop-outs) then we are going to see more and more problems, trying to cover up the intolerance of Islam by referring to the person reporting such as a bigot or as giving the left ammunition isn’t the way to go forward.
I am scared of the far right taking control by using Islam as a scapegoat, however the right way isn’t to afford Muslim more rights, this will only give more power to the right, rather lets disable the right by treating Muslims as equals. Lets have the right to openly call them (when warranted) racists, rapists and paedophiles, until we do that all I see for the Uk is troubl.
OK, pounce. I knew a bit about your position from previous posts you have made, and I can see even more clearly now where you are coming from.
I didn’t seek to argue with the points you made in your post, nor to dissuade you in any way from making your points, I just don’t want the messages from here to get lost as a result of the language we use, and your reply is all the more eloquent, in my view, because of that.
I concur with the core thrust of your views, and sympathise with your circumstances. Good luck.
Agreed to a large extent sir.
If we can swap those Muslims who want us dead or dhiimmi wits , for Christians fleeing from the Sword of Islam-1 for 1…then you`ve got a deal.
About time this country woke up to the traitors tendency her with their taqqiya…I`d start with the BBC lefties and Guardian hacks-just to show that there`s no racist implications whatsoever.
I`m nice like that.
Some years ago on the BBC forums I put forward the idea that all Christians should return to traditionally Christian lands, and all Muslims should return to traditionally Muslim lands, and mutually beneficial trade agreements be set up. We should try it for a century and see how we all got on afterwards. I used those words exactly.
Can anybody tell me what the moral of this story is? Greenpeace man fears ‘losing years of life’ in Russia A British journalist detained in Russia after a Greenpeace protest has said he fears “losing years of his life” being kept away from his family and friends……..”I spend 23 hours a day in here with nothing but the occasional book and my thoughts,” he wrote. “We are granted an hour a day for exercise which is held in a shed about 30 metres from my cell. If I’m lucky I might get to shout a quick hello to an English speaker.”He also described some of the food provided. Lunch – soup and a fish stew – “tastes like an ashtray full of seawater,” he said. Another dish “is clearly boiled from breakfast onwards”.
I’m sure the prick in question will find true love with a nice Russian man who likes to sue his hands and his Vodka bottle.
Isn’t this the lament of the captured criminal since the dawn of civilisation? I’m sure all criminals fear their jail sentences. That’s why society imposes them.
It’s interesting what paid ads are intruding in my FB thread as ‘suggested posts’.
And the reaction to the Greenpeace onslaught seems to show their campaign, both the initial high seas ‘protest’, and the follow-up ‘free our boys ‘n girls’ one is backfiring badly.
Most seem to be saying daft to do it, and then ‘grow a pair’ as the consequences of being an activist sink in when things go pear shaped.
Even more funny is the growing ire at intruding on people’s preciously treasured ‘space’ with overt uninvited messages.
Seems that is beyond the pale for most. ‘Another dish “is clearly boiled from breakfast onwards”
They may have to get used to budget airline-style cuisine for a while.
What, these well-educated intelligent protesters didn’t have a clue what might happen to them if they did what they did, and their ever-so-smart leaders and lawyers failed to assess and therefore accept the outcomes of the risks ? Whatever next ?
They were clearly only there on a well-thought-out adventure holiday. You know, a bit of sailing and inflatable boating in the morning, a bit of rope-climbing and abseiling in the afternoon, plant a flag to show we were there, then quickly back to port for a hearty meal and sing-song around the campfire with their brother and sister adventurers. Surely that can’t be a problem for anyone – so why are we in this mess ?
And somehow, the rest of us are supposed to believe that they are so much more intelligent, and know so much better than the rest of us about what’s what on this planet.
He ought to be happy, now that his carbon footprint is minimal for a while yet…those Russians are maybe ahead of the rest of us at times.
Trust that the fish stew comes from a pole and line source too.
Undercover Greenie in Lubyanka…there`ll be a book there soon.
This episode will be the end of GP taking on anything connected with Putin in the future.
Let them stew, as a warning to the rest of the great unwashed.
BBC on FaceBook is a rich seam of comedy. Especially the daft questions they use to frame the ‘story’ to prompt comments (I tend not to now, as some posters the BBC hosts and facilitates are frankly psychos, and what the BBC thinks its doing stirring them up and pointing them at others is beyond me): BBC News Are young Tunisian women leaving their homes to provide sex to Islamist militants in #Syria?
Tunisia’s government says so – with the interior minister claiming that “Tunisian girls are swapped between 20, 30, and 100 rebels”:
Scepticism and shock have met these claims. The BBC’s Ahmed Maher travelled to Tunisia to find out more.
One wonders if, when the cameras are not around, young Ahmed is tempted to swap the BBC badge for ‘Trainee Jihad Nookie QC Dept’ if pickings are a bit sparse amongst the 8,000 flowers of the BBC news cubicle farm?
I’d be tempted to ask if they were leaving willing given the evidence else where that when these ‘men’ share a girl, she often has little choice in the matter.
BBC FB again, bringing the critical news to you first… BBC News Mc Donald’s has decided to stop serving Heinz ketchup after 40 years:
It follows the appointment of a former Burger King CEO as head of Heinz.
Is this a good move? Will you miss the branded ketchup?
Now, some may feel this is not really news.
But without something to do, those 8,000 cubicle-dwellers may get bored and look for real jobs.
Then where would Tony’s empire be?
Got to love how the bBC goes out of its way to water down civilian deaths in Afghanistan and defend Islamic terrorism. Roadside bomb kills 18 wedding guests in Afghanistan A roadside bomb attack in Ghazni province, south of the Afghan capital Kabul, has killed 18 people on their way to a wedding, officials say. They said nearly all of the dead were women and children travelling in a minibus which was completely destroyed. Taliban militants have denied any responsibility for the attack.
So 18 people murdered in Afghanistan all women and children and the bBC reports them as wedding guests. Pedantic from me perhaps? Yet when NATO are accused of doing likewise (Nearly always found out to be false) the bBC will use the adjective ‘Deadly’ along with letting you know women and children were killed. However what makes this article all the more repugnant is how the bBC go running to the Taliban in which to allow them to excuse themselves from their blood lust, can you imagine the bBC doing likewise during WW2:
British army commit genocide agaisnt peaceful French by invading Normandy, thousands of women and children killed. Our ace reporter in Berlin “Abu Bowen” asked Adolf Hitler who was to blame, he replied:
“The racist British who don’t want to be part of Europe”
Human rights groups have demanded that Britian pull her troops out of France, make a full apology to Nazis Germany and extradite British PM Winston Churchill to the Hague (under Nazis control) in which to stand trial.
In other news German security forces were confronted by a small riot in Warsaw, Mr Hitler said the situation is now under control and that nobody was hurt. The bBC reporter on the scene reports that the Germans faced lots of provocation from the Jews, and that in his eyes all the trouble came from the Jews.
It’s only ever wedding guests and funeral mourners that get killed in Afghanistan. If these two events were banned there would be no fatalities at all. Except for the odd British soldier killed by renegade Afghani soldiers or policemen of course.
I see the bBC has aired a story about how with a record number of allegations of rape the police have sent forward less than half the cases which land in their lap. To the bBC this is because of police cuts. I quote: Shadow attorney general Emily Thornberry said she was worried police officers were coming under pressure following budget cuts and might be “cutting corners” as a result.
So I did a google using the following parameters:
Even I was suprised at how many people have been jailed this past year alone on making false rape claims. Maybe the answer lies there bBC.
The man only proved his innocence because he filmed the sexual encounter on his mobile phone and the footage showed she was a willing and active participant.
The BBC are taking the proverbial with the pretence that tonights Strictly Come Prancing is live with the constant “on last nights show” Even SWMBO knows it was recorded last night.
The tendency of three of the four judges to drool over certain male contestants is really quite nauseating, particularly as only one of them is female.
I’d quite like Len Goodman to say to one of the female dancers “Great tits!”, and see how quickly his contract is torn up.
come come …
won t broadcasting call to prayer 5 times a day just to rub it in … suffice? what more does she want? 😀
1/. doesn t she understand, that she now lives in a multicultural society …… so adapt to it
2/. Jewish hour might be considered, offensive to a certain community in the greater Manchester area?
does she want be offensive … nay waycist …
doesn t she know about the “Poor”.TM. Palestinians?
tsk tsk!
BBC pushing the idea that Obama was unaware of the NSA bugging Merkel:
“The chief of the US spy agency NSA has not discussed the alleged bugging of German chancellor’s phone with President Barack Obama, officials say.”
But hang on:
“German media say the US has been tapping the chancellor’s phone since 2002, and Mr Obama was told in 2010.”
So we have a President who doesn’t know what his surveillance services are doing during 2 years of office and over the next three years of knowing some of their operations he fails to act?
Nope, Obama has known nothing about bugging Merkel over the last 5 years in office according to his NSA advisors.
One of the protections afforded to the oppressed people of this benighted land is that of judicial review of the decisions of public bodies, except that apparently judicial review doesn’t apply to the BBC !
In Manchester they have apparently caused outrage amongst the Jewish community by cancelling ‘Jewish Hour on Radio Manchester.
Annoying the Jewish community might seem like a good idea to the Islamophiles in charge of the BBC, but they do tend to have a lot of legal minds in their community so off to court they went last year, only to find that the BBC is actually above the law! Judicial review can’t be applied to the BBC and there is no other legal redress to turn to so it’s off to Europe we go to have the case heard by a different court who will no doubt have no time for Jews on the airwaves even for an hour a week.
In normal circumstances we have contract law where a buyer pays their money and a service is delivered. In the UK you are forced to pay your money and the BBC delivers what ever it likes and you have to lump it because there’s nothing you can do about it!
Front page headlines from an on-line News Website today include:
Kirdish militants tighten grip on Syria’s northeast.
Israel to free more Palestinian prisoners.
A dozen bombings in Iraq kill 55 people
Blast kills 5 at rally for Indian opposition candidate
Bomb kills 18, mostly women, on way to wedding in Afghanistan
Bomb attach on Iraqi soldiers, Shi’ites kill at least 49.
Not the BBC website, however, this is on Reuters. If you want to find out what is going on in the world, the BBC is the last place to look. There is a more balanced view on al-Jazeera.
Scare mongering by the media regards a windy day, FFS people are been told not to go out, it exactly the same when it snows the whole country shuts down.
We live near the River Wye.
A while ago we signed up to the EA’s floodline.
First time we paid heed to email & text alerts, complemented by hysterical local media #prasnews, to head for the hills, so we did. And felt silly when the bankside footy pitch got a bit soggy.
Fooled twice, shame on us.
So we then ignored them and now have cancelled.
Hence their value is… zero.
After a decade of asking I still await any council or EA feedback on what AOD level can be anticipated on a worst case scenario, as I am prepared and keen to create a sensible coffer wall around the lower part of my property in case of a one in 500 event. I prefer precaution to being a victim.
So far… no reply.
It is hard to imagine quite what all the money they get is for, as so far it has been to reactive upstream measures that have mainly served to push floods down to where other left hand, left hand authorities have authorised building of affordable housing on historic flood plains.
The media love these as they get lots of at home family in wellies in the kitchen vox pops.
They seldom join the dots beyond asking if the climate is changing.
Its pathetic, lies in an attempt to control the public by keeping them in fear.
Sky were wetting themselves with a reporter in Weston Super Mare saying how windy it is. I live not too far away and in the last hour I climbed to a high spot with the dog, its as still as anything.
One observation (as Monday is bin day here) if it is as windy as they claim its going to be, one thing we didn’t have to worry about in 1987 was flying wheelie bins. Of course one death by wheelie bin being blown into the road will be acceptable in the pursuit of the greenies wet dream….
One of my pet gripes about the bBC is hoe they try to portray any area they are reporting from as really really dangerous with there penchant for the liberal donning of very clean body armour. Just watching the start of the midnight news and the bBC’s little video clip spot which allows them to kill time as long as they want. One of those clips had a bBC reporter in front of a damaged building wearing body armour , the man behind the camera filming him is wearing a ……shirt. Love it
The weather report from the met Office and transmitted via the BBC (who made much comment about *The Storm* stated that in the South West peninsular of England would have Storm force 10/11 winds. Well, yesterday morning at 5.30 am I had a shufftie at the weather radar (not the BBC’s) and it really looked like the *storm* was breaking up and heading into France. Indeed yesterday saw heavy and frequent showers and a wind that you would expect in Oct accompanied with those showers. At 11.00pm last night it was flat calm on Dartmoor, but the *storm* had an embedded cold front which will always produce frontal winds of note. This went through at midnight and took about 2 hours with strong winds and rain. Nothing special. It all went quiet at 2.30am. This morning a few leaves around, no damage (we get a lot worse around here) and dead calm again. I think it is fair to say the public service Met Office has not come out smelling of roses in these parts. I’ll let you decide on how you think another public service agent (the BBC) are spinning the *Storm that never was*?
According to Football Racism Outreach workers at the BBC’s University of East Anglia, out-of-control Global Warming means we can expect ever increasing amounts of storms and other extreme right-wing weather events in the future, fuelled by the Tory cuts. Er, or something like it.
You do understand what a weather forecast is, right? Uncertainty is part of the deal. The tree at the end of my street that lost its life three hours ago would tend to disagree with your assessment.
‘The tree at the end of my street that lost its life three hours ago’
If that does not get half the 8,000 cubicle flowers despatched to cover the period of mourning in your ‘hood, I don’t know what will.
BBC H&W here is still pleading for eye-witness accounts and imagery of the ‘wild’ night.
There has been wind here before. Trees have been felled.
Last night was not one. However some local weather was elevated to the coming of the Fifth Horseman by the likes of the Daily Express… and the entire BBC estate, projecting a part of the country to the entire UK.
It has been mocked, rightly, where it was used in excess (some tweets on reporters on various beaches dodging dog walkers, as they emote over choppy seas, in October, are a hoot), as it will only mean actual warnings of value get diluted.
The problem with non news is it is mixed with actual news, and is created by too many non-newsmakers with too much space and not enough content.
But that all said, I am sorry for your loss. I hope you may be reassured that the tree probably felt no pain. In fact, in nature, this is one way those whose time has come get winnowed out (the bad part is when population densities increase risk of human injury below).
A bit like your post has managed for your contributions.
BBC is hitting FaceBook: BBC News A major storm is continuing to batter parts of England and Wales.
Tens of thousands of homes are without power, and rail services have been cancelled across much of southern Britain.
How have you been affected by the storm and the disruption it is causing?
It has a picture of a fallen tree branch spoiling Aviva’s day.
They might need you over there as they can’t close for comments and the comments really aren’t going the way hoped.
A tale of arboreal woe may see feedback ‘split’ more.
In fifteen years we’ve lost 3 trees on our 3/4 of an acre alone. Lemons and lemonade… they still feed the wood burner. I don’t expect to find any windfalls (wondering what the origins of the term may be) here when I walk the dog.
Two stand out moments from BBC 5 Live’s performance this morning.
Breathless female reporter tells us what she saw on her journey along the road from home. Arriving at the rail station in her blustery excitement she refers to Greater “Anglican” Trains
I visualise His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury rushing to the filing cabinet to check the CofE pension fund portfolio – in case of another lefty pronoucement from the pulpit this time regarding that BBC favourite re-nationalisation of transport going all PR SNAFU because of the large mot blown into his Gracious Comrade’s own eye.
Meanwhile in popart / artpop news a BBC guest refers to some references to Lou Reed’s hefty drug usage in “the right wing press”.
As opposed to the “Left-wing BBC”?
Tony ‘I’m English by Default’ Livesey lets it ride without further comment. I guess he knows it. Nudge nudge wink wink.
I’m beginning to see the light.
You could say the BBC is Left-wing by Default – eh Tony?
As someone who lives in the South East I can tell you it takes a major event like this to get even the merest mention of this region or the capital on Five Live Weather. You can go a week without a single reference.
‘…it takes a major event like this to get even the merest mention of this region or the capital on Five Live’
You are right of course. Even when 5 Live (Salford Local Radio) is sneakily broadcast from a cupboard in White City the presenters don’t like to let on. Loss of street cred – innit?
Even this morning’s sudden focus on Southern England is ‘balanced’ with ‘texts’ from Northerners telling the South to buck up. Time for a tax strike do you reckon? How long would the North last without Southern tax payers?
I tweeted the Five Live weather bod a few weeks ago asking why we rarely get a mention down here and he told me there is not the time in a one minute slot to mention everyone. I replied that we are hardly ever mentioned and I’m still waiting for a response.
I think I dimly remember complaints to Five Live a few years ago that t’North and Scotland were mentioned too late in the bulletin so they began to start up there rather than finish. I don’t know of another national weather service that starts in Shetland, and it is not that I have an issue with that per se. It is the exclusion of the South East and London pretty much week by week.
The actual serious news here seems a bit tucked away. ‘A 17-year-old girl has died after a tree fell onto the static home she was sleeping in’
Which is, truly, tragic, whilst highlighting the capricious irony and often futility of trying to second guess Nature.
Here in the West Country, I can rely on the generous Biased BBC community out there to give generously to my “Vulnerable Trees” charity.
Evan Davis and some poppet from the Woodland Trust raised this ishoo of nashunal importance on Toady(Sat 26th)-and I am proud to announce that you can adopt a Wessix Tree (£100 pa.)
or buy a wristband c/o some charming Chinese children always smiling (£5.00+£20p/p…10% discount if you`re a member of Saviles Soirees Society…the child is included in the price in that case).
I and my surgical strike force(Tre Division) are on standby duty, await your call-and lots of money please…you saps!(a joke there, I`m told).
I am just waiting for the BBC to start talking about climate change being responsible for the small storm we have just had. Never mind the fact that these events have always occurred here from time to time. No, we must all pay more green taxes as it’s our fault, or the Tories fault 🙂
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non-licence payerFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 bBC still chosing to ignore the visit you get from the Greater Manchester Police if you choae to criticise your…
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pugnaziousFeb 23, 19:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Afghan wants to box for ‘his country’….apparently that’s Ireland…according to the BBC… ‘Young asylum seeker’s dream to box for Ireland’…
All day today weathermen on BBC and Sky have been breathless with anticipation of a storm arriving late tomorrow and into Monday. I caught some muppet on Sky commenting on the ‘unusually mild’ temperatures in the UK at the moment; the subtext was, as ever, there between the lines (although I could have added, quite reasonably, that we are actually only two months out of August – just what were they expecting? Blizzard conditions in October?).
Anyone remember when weathermen just used to, y’know, report the weather? These days they all seem to feel obliged to give us reading from The Book of the Holy Consensus. I dunno, perhaps it’s a contractual thing.
Expect the BBC to go into a CAGW frenzy as the much-promised storm hits – wall-to-wall saturation of what they must be hoping like hell will prove to be a grand example of what we must now all refer to as ‘extreme weather’.
Because, as we all should know by now, there is no such thing as ‘the weather’ any more. Rain or shine, balmy sunny day or rainy storm, such quaint terminology from a more honest, innocent time has now been erased out of existence to suit the dominant climate narrative.
How true, Phil Ford. I put the radio on this morning 8.45 onto the Radio 4 am thingy, and got the tail end of a chat about *the storm* and the fact that a few trees might get knocked over. Of course the person talking about trees had a vested interest in trees and rolled out that trees will be toppled because of climate change. At 8.48 am I switched off. It really is endless isn’t it??
The trees were described as “vulnerable” on at least three occasions by Evan Davis and the Woodcraft lady (yes, I know its Woodland Scott-but she seemed not to have that phase of her life).
I`m a tree surgeon-and am on standby for the call for the vulnerable trees…usual NHS rates for out-of hours-the buggers refuse to come to A&E, since Rosie Winterton gave me the contract.
The vulnerable tree….the BBC have this weird mind-expansion on Saturday mornings these days!
Was he referring to trees in Tower Hamlets? You know, ‘the most vulnerable in da community’.
I heard some of the Clive Anderson show on R4 tonight.
They all talk in some strange new dialect. Mr Anderson excepted.
What shall we call it? Is it based on any particular area?
It ‘s practioners are clearly semi literate. In fact verging on the illiterate. Grunts replacing speech. Dreadful diction and a lack or any respect for the English language.
The BBC or it’s apologists could come up with a name for this .After all the BBC bears a measure of responsibility for this descent into incoherence.
Anyone seen Grant Shapps having his rant at the BBC in the Telegraph? I hope he follows through, although he could be just having one of those periodic “I’m going to fire a shot across their bows” moments.
It would be good to see some follow through.
I don’t believe for a moment that this pusillanimous crew of fake-Tory halfwits has the courage to take on the BBC.
Still the BBC’s response as reported by the Telegraph was hilarious. It’s good to see the Corporation can still produce some comedy output.
Mark Easton has: ““long record of reporting without fear or favour”. Spike Milligan at his finest couldn’t have matched that!
Hilarious in its predictability, maybe, but not in the certainty that the lid is on and staying there.
“A BBC spokesman said…
He said…,
He said Mr. Easton..”
Has no medium wondered why ‘the BBC’ seems unique in having some un-named spokesperson able to trot out patronising template dismissals that Mandy Rice-Davies would cheer on…. every single time?
It’s farcical.
Let’s start seeing them called out on what the BBC wouldn’t let anyone else get away with.
Who is this ‘spokesperson’?
Does he represent the BBC? All of it? Just PR? Tony & Chris? Who?
Will he come out, in person, on record, to actually be challenged on and debate these airy ‘It isn’t because we say so and that’s that’ claims in public spotlight?
Maybe we need a BBC Factor, where the daftest blow off of the week is aired prime time and the sofa crowd gets to vote on it.
“And this week’s winner is…. The Director of ECU, who is confident in his belief that when Mishal Husain says not enough kids died in Israel to match the Palestinians, this was just fine as she is a broadcast professional and that makes raging compromises in integrity fine by him’.
I’ve just got round to watching Question Time from the other night (I was at Manchester University watching Skid Row/Ugly Kid Joe – building named after Steve Biko, student union twinned with the University of Nablus) and liberal loon Tim Farron (Westmorland and Lonsdale, I wonder how diverse it is there?) called immigration a ‘blessing’.
I wonder whether he regards mass murderers from Rwanda and Sudan a blessing, or the murderers, rapists, paeodophiles, terrorists, or the muggers, pickpockets, beggars, benefit fraudsters, drug-dealers, does he think that it’s a blessing when they clog up our schools, hospitals and prisons, is it a blessing when they blow themselves to smithereens distilling alcohol, it is a blessing that they regard car insurance as optional, is it a blessing that the NHS has to correct botched genital surgery etc etc … does he think that Ukrainian arsehole who killed that old fella was a blessing …
Doyle, that is the whole problem, he actually DOES!
He can, because it hasn’t impacted upon him yet, and he thinks it never will.
It’s the old old story, the liberal is just someone who hasn’t been mugged yet.
Saudi Arabia’s rules ban women drivers.
BBC-NUJ’s mild report:
“Saudi ban on women drivers: Protests to change law”
(2 min video clip).
‘Times of Israel’ has:-
“Reggae for Riyadh.
“‘No woman, no drive’ mocks Saudi Arabia.
“Acapella rendition of iconic Bob Marley song takes a jab at kingdom’s ban on female drivers.”
(4 min video.)
Writing about the Merkel mobile phone spying case, tonight’s top story on the BBC News website, Damien McGuinness tells us “This scandal has caused the biggest diplomatic rift between Germany and the US in living memory.”
Wow. A bigger diplomatic rift than even WWII, apparently. Scary stuff.
Greg Dyke this morning asked said it was all down to G W Bush and nothing to do with the Divine Obama. Obama knew and knows nothing of it. All those Republican bastar*s don’t-you-know
Load of Balls from Dyke as usual. Das Bild newspaper says it has evidence that Obama knew of the telephone taps on Merkel in 2010 and allowed them to continue.
But you see all of this, while true, is actually irrelevant.
It’s right to highlight the bias, the obvious lies as is done here.
However, the system has gotten away with that falsehood and planted it into the minds of squillions of people that trust dear old Auntie.
They just have no clue that Dyke KNEW it was bullshit, but happily lied knowing there was no-one to comment to the contrary.
Obviously if bathouse barry was unaware, he should get impeached for negligence. Either way, its his responsibility.
There needs to be some way to reach Joe Average.
‘Sky News’ preview on ‘Sunday Telegraph’ (£), front-page:-
“The BBC could lose its rights to receive all of the television licence fee, according to a Grant Shapps interview with the Sunday Telegraph.”
Inbbc news running as its second story this morning the Grant Shapps Telegraph article.
They actually repeated his accusations of opacity and bias!
Bloody hell, have the scales fallen from their eyes?
Next news to say: Balen report released?
Nah……doubt it.
What HAS moved within the inbbc?
Breakast news has actually displayed the front page of the Telegraph with a headline referring to Shapps criticism.
Cast your mind back to another sunday, when the Sunday Mirror broke the Savile scandal, they reviewed the papers and pretended that particular paper hadn’t appeared.
The BBC World service whose slogan is they report the BIG stories of the day reported this morning the death of the actress who played the voice of the teacher in the animation “The Simpsons”. I’m sad when anyone dies but the story that the Iraqui forces killed an Al Qaeda leader was not considered BIG news. Of course , It’s sunday and you can’t expect the BBC reporters to get out of bed to cover real news stories!!
1.) ‘JihadWatch’ has this:-
“Afghan soldier attacks ‘allies,’ one NATO soldier wounded”
2.) INBBC has this:-
“Fatal row in first week at UK-run Afghan officer academy”
‘Long War Journal’ has:-
“Clash inside Kabul base kills Afghan soldier, injures 2 NATO troops”
‘Fatal row’?
Any ‘Islamic benedictions’ shared in this frank exchange of views too?
Given the clear facts, David Loyn’s clearly spin-motivated, agenda-serving ‘analysis’ is another BBC shill travesty.
Much more of this and the BBC will need to hire private minders in any military environment to guard against accidental green-on-shit incidents.
I am praying that my sons do not pursue a military career given the pondweed who sends them into danger and the pondscum lower still that use their lives to try and score off the scum above.
I read that article from the bBC, then buggered off to the see how the rest of the world are reporting the same story. Contrast the two different versions:
“The sources said the Afghan soldier, who was guarding the gate of the academy, had confiscated a laptop computer from a driver, prompting soldiers from Australia and New Zealand to try to take it back from him.They swore at the Afghan soldier and he shot one of the Australians in the chest, the sources added”.
The victim in the above version is the Afghan who paid the price for being swore at by a white soldier.
Now read the version doing the rounds in
The chief of the NZ Defence Force, Lieutenant General Rhys Jones, revealed details of the incident during a media conference.
“One of our instructors at the Afghan army officer academy was doing a task in the adjacent Afghan unit,” he said.
“He was escorted by two Australian force protection people, as they were coming back from that meeting, without notice an Afghani soldier, a single Afghani soldier, shot at them.
“It was the Afghani that fired first. Fired three rounds. One standing and then dropped to his knees and first two more rounds.
“Only one bullet that we’re aware of hit, the second Australian returned fire and critically injured and possibly killed the Afghani. “All were evacuated out before we were able to confirm what happened to the Afghani soldier.”
So a press conference by the chief of the NZ defence force states different from what the bBC and its hidden source have to say. Of course as this is the British hating bBC they immediately make this into a a problem for the British PM.
The bbC, the traitors within our midst
You can always rely on the BBC to convert everything into a Leftist narrative with only a tenuous connection with any reality. I am surprised they did not seek to explain the incident in terms of Tory cuts.
The independence of the BBC? They must mean independence of all reality in the service of churning out Leftist propaganda – an independence which is sustained by sending people to prison if they do not want to fund them.
Poles jeer through British national anthem at home game. Russians fans shout racist noises at England team.
Both are despicable. But which gets the BBC’s attention? Yep its the racist cat-calls.
Doesn’t that say so much about where the BBC is coming from?
And so the UK moves an another step closer to Sharia law with the introduction of Sharia compliant banking – covered on the Today Program at 07:45
Despite the fact that no UK Sharia compliant bank has been able to turn a profit the city of London has decided to capitalise on all those lovely shiny Arab oil dollars.
There’s nothing on the BBC website at the moment but I don’t think it will be long before it is.
Yup! So-called ‘Sharia-compliant’ islamic banking was covered in the Sunday Programme – in the usual non-critical, subservient way presenters adopt when they mention islam. It is surely fake, in any case. Okay, such banks may not pay interest directly, but they sure make money somehow.
They asked some bloke called Wayne to tell us about it.
What?…no Muslim to tell us?
To be honest, will I…a able to get my Jihad Seekers Allowance paid in directly…or am I not allowed an account?
Will I be able to eat a hot dog before going into the bank?
To be fair-they`re not allowed to invest in gambling or booze…therefore no TV License-NationalLottery and BBC fine wine cellars are haram!
Many of us urged the Conservative Party to tackle BBC bias immediately they came into office. Shapps is right to broach the subject of opacity and political bias, but has done it far too late. We are one year and a half from the next GE, which is not long enough to turn this thing around – or, at any rate, I believe the Conservatives will fail to act strongly enough. They need Rottweilers, but they will be weak, weak, weak. It will be words, words, words, and little action.
“MPs attack BBC’s ‘poll tax’ licence fee.
“The future of the BBC’s licence fee will come into question as MPs launch an investigation into Corporation spending.”
By: David Steph.
This… is more promising.
The emotive ‘Poll Tax’ rallying call has been used before to great effect, and there is no doubt that the BBC is deploying just such a thing, even if they try and separate the business from the collection agency.
And the sofa core set will notice, especially as it impacts those around them, and in ways as if not more offensive to any corporate legal strong-arm abuse of the vulnerable that would have Panorama, Newsnight/BIJ or Watchdog doing a special investigative report… well, before you can say ‘whispering corridors’ and it all gets shelved.
‘Can the continued imposition of a regressive tax to fund Strictly Come Dancing be justified?’
Not by Mr. Patten certainly, who seems to wallow between ‘it was another time’ and ‘we ask the questions’ in not ever seeing the head of the entity that supposedly holds the BBC to account, getting held to account, as part of the job description.
Hate to use the word, but when they came in they had no mandate to do so. It would have been Poll Tax #2, gleefully pounced on by the BBC, Graun & twitterati, who would have dominated the hearts & minds of a politically-weary electorate rallying the troops with tales of assaults on Aunty & Strictly.
Also bias is a lump of waffle the BBC can bat away with ease. Especially tribal whinges from a source like Shapps.
It IS clearly political given the BBC’s clear desire to shape policy and protect itself by getting Ed in and owing them, but going this route is fraught with compromise.
What does need tackling are the abuses… to accuracy and integrity that lie there in black, white, flickering image and captured screen. The ‘views my own’ tweets, newsniffer-archived stealth edits, where there is what is, and what the BBC has tried to make it into. Editorial by omission IS grotesque, but I only have to look at the near daily examples highlighted by BBC Watch, and lack of public outcry, to see these things don’t register or don’t seem to matter.
The key is the BBC’s lack of accountability and arrogance in flaunting this situation.
There are also promising sideshows tied into this. Newsnight/Savile/McAlpine showed an out of control editorial regime overseen by an astoundingly uncurious, very forgetful management regime… Yet all was tucked away using public money with near zero consequences to any complicit. Byford & all the other reward-4-useless-mates layoffs. DMI. An endless list of vast-£ cock ups and abuses, all listed here.
The target for me is BBC Complaints.
The BBC checking the BBC and finding the BBC ‘gets it about right’, internally, in secret, no names, no pack drill, is as dire a conflict of interest as the compelled BBC licence fee is an anachronism.
I want to see the complaints the BBC gets, about what, and their attempts at damage control, out in the open.
Frankly a pol like Shapps wanting the BBC to nicer to him doesn’t float my boat much.
Them misreporting to sway perceptions does.
And no amount of BBC ‘belief’ can wish it away once the power to suppress the asking of legitimate questions or ban those who would publicly hold them to account is removed from them.
Sunlight is the best antiseptic.
And in almost all cases, having seen such as Pollard, Rose, PAC, etc, the most damning evidence against the BBC and its practices are clear to see when their own words or deeds are laid out for all to witness.
It’s the cover ups that will show them for what they are, so it’s little wonder how much of our money they use on legals to prevent anyone from seeing the full story behind an edifice that has been uniquely exempted from too much for too long.
i find it puzzling that the pro Islamic BBC finds little space for praising the most pro-Islamic Prime Minister this country has ever seen. Here is Cameron with his muslim supporters willing that Britain should become a centre for Islamic finance, offering deals for muslim students and start ups for muslim business.
Come on Beeb. Back your man, he is more Islamic than Hussein Obama.
“UK Foreign Minister Shills for Financial Jihad.”
(The influence of Muslim Minister, WARSI.)
“Britain’s a world-leader in sharia banking – but we haven’t grasped the sinister and dangerous implications”
Melanie Phillips
Pro Islamic Prime Minister:
Would that be the same arsehole who trots out the same old same old lines after each terrorist atrocity?
You know, the one that says these disgraceful acts have nothing to do with Islam.
When that savage in Woolwich had stood proudly quoting the qu’ran?
WTF is wrong with our spineless gutless politicians.
My how easy a ride would Old Adolf have had these days, the appeasement of the thirties, multiplied by a thousandfold is what he would have faced from our gutless spineless politicians
When my MP can label Robert Spencer as an extremist, don’t you just know we are in deep deep shit?
Cameron and Hague must be in hock BIG time to the Saudis and Qataris
The Tories get it wrong again. Shapps is the last person they should have picked to deliver this “shot over the boughs”. It suggests they have no-one more credible than “wide-boy” Michael Green to deliver this. Shapps is so hated this will merely make people think the BBC is worth funding and generate sympathy for Aunty.
James Delingpole:
“Why can’t the BBC be impartial in the climate change debate?
“The Beeb constantly resorts to ‘experts’ whose arguments are bigoted, feeble, fatuous, fallacious and stupid.”
This is an solid gold classic 😀
Beeb constantly resorts to ‘experts’ whose arguments are bigoted, feeble, fatuous, fallacious, stupid, and often
programme hosts who believe they re experts….
…. enter afternoon chimp
Richard (yep! reddit last night) Bacon
I watched Marr this morning discussing alleged BBC left wing bias with “you’ll never guess”? Impartiality personified Harriet Harman. Was there any right of reply by anyone with a contrary view? No chance.
Case proven, sell it off Shapps the sooner the better.
Only Islam not the British broadcasting Commissariat could possibly bring on Harriet Harperson to deflect accusations of bias, and keep a straight face while doing so.
Bloody clocks going back meant that I tuned in to ” Sunday”..the “religious” show on Radio 4.
Same agenda from when I baled out in 2009.
1. Paedophile priests in Poland-Catholic.
(well, no…some Archbishop said that divorce and porn made child abuse more prevalent-which, I think you`ll find is the same as Savilising kids…in Beebworld at least).
2. Some Jews squauking about having JSA stopped because they want to keep the Sabbath…they should man up…but Muslims, of course must take their Eids, and get the Fridays-and five times a day every day…off…but of course!
3. Catholic chasing old bones about the British Isles. Harmless enough…but hardly Shia is it?
4. Islamic Banks…more please, social justice demands it
5. Catholic Archbishop interrupted ceaselessly as he tried to explain why he`s hardly Occupy-grade in terms of screwing Big Business.
6. Syrian rebel shill gets unsolicited fawning, no interruptions as he gives us the old vulnerable victim on the run from Assad. Yet offered a fair few top jobs by him too…taqqiya, I believe?
7. Dead cafe movement taking Britain by storm?…that so?
Apparently, death isn`t discussed enough what with religion being binned in terms of Botox and cryogenics.
To be fair to Muslims they talk about it quite a lot…shahada, jihad an`all an`all…only it`s our deaths and not theirs.
And this is BBC religious offerings as winter sets in?
Our Syria chummy was rated one of the worlds 500 top Muslims so they said…how did they choose seeing as there`s been over 21,000 murdering attacks by Islamists since 2001?
Maybe Savile could do us a Top of the Pops Top 20 in Muslim Pop picking.
Bin Laden`s been at the top longerthan Bryan Adams surely?
BBC…political elite…Guardian?…Wet, Wet Wet!
And lethal to us if we let them stay atop their F888in perches!
Facebook has this..
BBC News
England & Wales are braced for heavy rain and hurricane-force winds:
The Met Office said the predicted storm – named #StJude after the patron saint of lost causes, whose feast day is Monday – was not one “you would see every year”.
What is the weather like where you are?
Not sure the comments, especially top ones, will be those the BBC ‘selects’.
They are being universally panned fro trying to turn what may well be a bad storm, but hardly rare for the time of year, into the Apocalypse.
This typifies to me the lack of value the BBC now represents.
Such a storm is exactly the kind of thing a public service broadcaster should be preparing folk for, to take sensible precautions.
But by shoe-horning the BBC’s facile need to make everything either a ratings-race with The Daily Express or an ideological climatic complement with the Graun, few pay any attention save to mock.
Which is a pity, because if there is a bit a bit of a blow, best to be prepared.
Because I recall a few in the past exactly like ‘what you can see at this time of the year’, and they can make a mess.
And the BBC dropping it on the MET Office as a #1degreeofsepjob in case it doesn’t pan out, given their links, is so blatant as to be funny if it wasn’t serious.
I’ve rung round the Uk and everybody reports what a lovely day they are having. I’m sure that bad weather is on the way, but I’ve been hearing this since last week and we had our washing out on the line all day yesterday. and the sun is shining right now.
West Wales – 0030 – flat calm. As predicted by Netweather.
The wind is predicted to rise at about 0300 to about 35MPH.
The storm is further south than the MO predicted, Why can a web based outfit get it close whereas the £multimillion only predict national disaster?
Sorry, I think I can answer my own question:-)
Oh goody!
Chance to get on telly!
Like the tsunami that splashed a BBC ladys boots on the Norfolk coast in 2010…where were YOU when she had to wring her socks out?
Microclimate here-thanks to global boiling, followed by a mini-ice age( wife left the freezer door open in 2007 for 4 hours)…means that I`m due a hell of a kerfuffle her tomorrow.
Put me on the telly…put me on the telly!
Actually your wife leaving the freezer door open would increase the temperature. (The freezer has to use more energy which results in more heat being created than is taken from the cold air in the freezer).
Having studied applied thermodynamics, I can verify that fact Mr Penny.
Which is why I`m an expert on Climate Change at East Anglia in my spare time.
I feel it ought to be true…so it is!
You and your thermionics…
May I quote St Stephen of Gatelys Law( Boyzone Hypothesis)
No matter what you tell me…what I belive…or feel is just right for me…is true!
You`re institutionally discriminating against a |Green Scientific Expert…hate crime!
I liked the way the laws were taught to me at school (many years ago)
1) You can’t win, you can only break even.
2) You can only break even at absolute zero.
3) You can’t reach absolute zero.
I`m a Tree Surgeon today-lessons have been learned, and I have moved on from Climate Change.
Got to dash-I`m on Radio 5 soon!
P.S-lessons were learned, but never by me…which is why I`m a BBC expert.
Noticed this morning that over 1,000 emails have been released by Ineos which seem to validate their concern that Unit’s site representative Stevie Deans (who was the cause of the strike at Grangemouth in the first place) was indeed using company time and resources to try to fix the Falkirk by-election. Plenty of discussion in the newspapers about this, harking back to Mr Milliband’s gullibility in accepting Unite’s assurances that the changing of ‘testimony’ by several people in the area, which initially pointed a finger at Unite’s attempts to rig the election of the Labour representative to stand in the by-election, and which then was suddenly and inexplicably withdrawn, was all above board and Mr Milliband didn’t need to get involved. So he bowed his head and retreated.
This has been reported by STV, and Sky news this morning, and although I haven’t seen all that much TV or radio this morning, I heard nothing on the BBC, and I did trawl through the BBC’s website, in the obvious places – UK News, Scotland, Politics – you know, trying to rig a by-election would, I suspect, have heralded an explosion of indignation had it been a company director, the Conservative or UKIP parties, or anyone else not falling at the feet of Unite, the Labour Party or the BBC.
Bias by omission ? You bet.
If it damages the Labour Party (the political wing of the BBC) the BBC will either ignore it, or if they cannot avoid reporting it, will try to change it into a discussion of something else e.g. the scandal of people who can afford to buy large yachts. The BBC are utterly untrustworthy.
Their one Party State mentality is anti-democratic and self-serving, and about as corrupt as you can get this side of a revolution.
Sick to death of the bBC and its pro Islamic terrorist angle. You know those murderous twats who only take to the sword in which to attack the West (in this case the UK) for its foreign policy. So here’s my suggestion you cock sucking paedophilic bBC wankers. I say we pull all our troops out of each and every islamic land. we then stop all Aid to Islamic countries and then we deport each and every Muslim who does’t have the right to remain here. Every foreign Muslim in prison (not in for murder) is deported along with his family. No more mosques to build in the Uk and muslims to be limited to 2 children. Any Muslim who complains to be deported with his entire family.
There is a reason why so many Islamic countries have dictators, its the only way you can deal with Muslims and their dirty ugly corrupt ways.
Mr Pounce, sir…. you are a regular and serious contributor to this site, and as (I believe) another serious contributor, I hope you will not take this wrongly, but the use of some (and I only mean some) of the words you use in the above post, despite all the provocation you feel, may serve only to enable some BBC sycophant in the future to produce a ‘typical’ list of comments from this site as ‘proof’ that it is no better than some other, incalculably more extreme sites. Contributors here, and I certainly include yourself in this category, are way better than that, and I believe should strive to rise above the level of other posters to this site who seem determined, via ad hominem attacks at every turn, to generate similar denunciations in response and try to trap people into using foul language. I fear for the long-term effect of this site if contributors allow themselves to be drawn into this mode. I hope you accept this comment in the spirit it is offered.
As a most definitely serious (about BBC straying), but often light-hearted commenter, I can only endorse this sentiment and, if ever I do use excessively intemperate or robust language, or notions that can serve those who have notebooks and lists and are prepared to use them, apologise in advance for doing so if provoked. But I do try very hard not to. It does indeed seem to serve better to let those better damned by their own words stand isolated by them.
Freedom of speech …
such a valuable, necessary, and wonderful thing
even if it offends
Everyone has a right to be offended, and Pounce has every right to offend them. Anyway, it doesn’t take much to offend the professional offence takers. Even innocent comments can be used to crucify someone who broaches a subject the leftie trolls don’t want to be discussed.
I just think Pounce is very passionate in his views and doesn’t deliberately set out to offend – unlike our sycophantic Beeboid trolls like Scott.
Dear Pounce, dont ever change!
If the trolls controllers ever wanted to find any hate speech to clobber this site, they would simply post up some false flagged shit.
I love the way you tell it like it is, pray continue.
I think pounce has some experience on this subject.
Thirded (is that possible?).
Bless. I love how Andy pretends that he’s a virtuous soul. At some point, he’s going to realise how everybody else sees him. Please promise me that someone will be there to console hime once he realises what he’s really like? He’s going to need some support…
fuck off queenie
Are you writing about yourself there Scott or someone else? If you are thinking it is about someone else, then you are deluded. Have you ever stopped to think how others might view you?
Pounce for PM. he tells it like it is. Plus as a soldier, he has front line experience. He knows what he’s talking about. His only concern is the defence of our country.
god bless you Pounce.
Thank you for your points, I unlike the vast majority have a double death sentence on my head thanks to the gay death cult.
1) Ex Muslim
2) British armed forces.
Now we can all wax lyrical about how my posts offend some and may give others ammunition to target this blog as a site for right wing bigots. I am nothing of the sort. My POV is if you leave me alone I will leave you alone. However I am sick to death of how Muslims (Yes Muslims)a re championed by the left as only victims (which they are, but by other Muslims) I am sick to death of how we are told to not offend muslims in any form or manner. Oh we can offend everybody else, but Muslims, that includes looking funny at them, eating bacon near them or god forbid supporting Israel. I am more than happy to leave these people alone to their ways, however what I won’t allow is for these people to be allowed Carte Blanche to not only attack my way of life because it doesn’t conform to their bigoted lifestyle (including the right to take off my head) but to be continually told by the bBC that if I don’t subscribe to their mindset that Islam is a religion of peace then I am the bigot. I accept that I am more anti Islam than most, But me and Islam have History as only blood can, that is why nobody knows where i live and why I haven’t had much communication with my blood family for years. (over 30)
Until we treat Islam as an equal in the Uk (No relgious cop-outs) then we are going to see more and more problems, trying to cover up the intolerance of Islam by referring to the person reporting such as a bigot or as giving the left ammunition isn’t the way to go forward.
I am scared of the far right taking control by using Islam as a scapegoat, however the right way isn’t to afford Muslim more rights, this will only give more power to the right, rather lets disable the right by treating Muslims as equals. Lets have the right to openly call them (when warranted) racists, rapists and paedophiles, until we do that all I see for the Uk is troubl.
OK, pounce. I knew a bit about your position from previous posts you have made, and I can see even more clearly now where you are coming from.
I didn’t seek to argue with the points you made in your post, nor to dissuade you in any way from making your points, I just don’t want the messages from here to get lost as a result of the language we use, and your reply is all the more eloquent, in my view, because of that.
I concur with the core thrust of your views, and sympathise with your circumstances. Good luck.
Agreed to a large extent sir.
If we can swap those Muslims who want us dead or dhiimmi wits , for Christians fleeing from the Sword of Islam-1 for 1…then you`ve got a deal.
About time this country woke up to the traitors tendency her with their taqqiya…I`d start with the BBC lefties and Guardian hacks-just to show that there`s no racist implications whatsoever.
I`m nice like that.
Some years ago on the BBC forums I put forward the idea that all Christians should return to traditionally Christian lands, and all Muslims should return to traditionally Muslim lands, and mutually beneficial trade agreements be set up. We should try it for a century and see how we all got on afterwards. I used those words exactly.
Anyway, after my two week ban was over… 🙂
Can anybody tell me what the moral of this story is?
Greenpeace man fears ‘losing years of life’ in Russia
A British journalist detained in Russia after a Greenpeace protest has said he fears “losing years of his life” being kept away from his family and friends……..”I spend 23 hours a day in here with nothing but the occasional book and my thoughts,” he wrote. “We are granted an hour a day for exercise which is held in a shed about 30 metres from my cell. If I’m lucky I might get to shout a quick hello to an English speaker.”He also described some of the food provided. Lunch – soup and a fish stew – “tastes like an ashtray full of seawater,” he said. Another dish “is clearly boiled from breakfast onwards”.
I’m sure the prick in question will find true love with a nice Russian man who likes to sue his hands and his Vodka bottle.
My thoughts were
‘welcome to the medieval world you wish to impose on the rest of us’
Isn’t this the lament of the captured criminal since the dawn of civilisation? I’m sure all criminals fear their jail sentences. That’s why society imposes them.
It’s interesting what paid ads are intruding in my FB thread as ‘suggested posts’.
And the reaction to the Greenpeace onslaught seems to show their campaign, both the initial high seas ‘protest’, and the follow-up ‘free our boys ‘n girls’ one is backfiring badly.
Most seem to be saying daft to do it, and then ‘grow a pair’ as the consequences of being an activist sink in when things go pear shaped.
Even more funny is the growing ire at intruding on people’s preciously treasured ‘space’ with overt uninvited messages.
Seems that is beyond the pale for most.
‘Another dish “is clearly boiled from breakfast onwards”
They may have to get used to budget airline-style cuisine for a while.
What, these well-educated intelligent protesters didn’t have a clue what might happen to them if they did what they did, and their ever-so-smart leaders and lawyers failed to assess and therefore accept the outcomes of the risks ? Whatever next ?
They were clearly only there on a well-thought-out adventure holiday. You know, a bit of sailing and inflatable boating in the morning, a bit of rope-climbing and abseiling in the afternoon, plant a flag to show we were there, then quickly back to port for a hearty meal and sing-song around the campfire with their brother and sister adventurers. Surely that can’t be a problem for anyone – so why are we in this mess ?
And somehow, the rest of us are supposed to believe that they are so much more intelligent, and know so much better than the rest of us about what’s what on this planet.
Welcome to the real (hard) world, chaps !
He ought to be happy, now that his carbon footprint is minimal for a while yet…those Russians are maybe ahead of the rest of us at times.
Trust that the fish stew comes from a pole and line source too.
Undercover Greenie in Lubyanka…there`ll be a book there soon.
This episode will be the end of GP taking on anything connected with Putin in the future.
Let them stew, as a warning to the rest of the great unwashed.
The moral of the story? Listen to the BBC too much and you may grossly misjudge the consequences of your actions.
BBC on FaceBook is a rich seam of comedy. Especially the daft questions they use to frame the ‘story’ to prompt comments (I tend not to now, as some posters the BBC hosts and facilitates are frankly psychos, and what the BBC thinks its doing stirring them up and pointing them at others is beyond me):
BBC News
Are young Tunisian women leaving their homes to provide sex to Islamist militants in #Syria?
Tunisia’s government says so – with the interior minister claiming that “Tunisian girls are swapped between 20, 30, and 100 rebels”:
Scepticism and shock have met these claims. The BBC’s Ahmed Maher travelled to Tunisia to find out more.
One wonders if, when the cameras are not around, young Ahmed is tempted to swap the BBC badge for ‘Trainee Jihad Nookie QC Dept’ if pickings are a bit sparse amongst the 8,000 flowers of the BBC news cubicle farm?
I’d be tempted to ask if they were leaving willing given the evidence else where that when these ‘men’ share a girl, she often has little choice in the matter.
BBC FB again, bringing the critical news to you first…
BBC News
Mc Donald’s has decided to stop serving Heinz ketchup after 40 years:
It follows the appointment of a former Burger King CEO as head of Heinz.
Is this a good move? Will you miss the branded ketchup?
Now, some may feel this is not really news.
But without something to do, those 8,000 cubicle-dwellers may get bored and look for real jobs.
Then where would Tony’s empire be?
Got to love how the bBC goes out of its way to water down civilian deaths in Afghanistan and defend Islamic terrorism.
Roadside bomb kills 18 wedding guests in Afghanistan
A roadside bomb attack in Ghazni province, south of the Afghan capital Kabul, has killed 18 people on their way to a wedding, officials say. They said nearly all of the dead were women and children travelling in a minibus which was completely destroyed. Taliban militants have denied any responsibility for the attack.
So 18 people murdered in Afghanistan all women and children and the bBC reports them as wedding guests. Pedantic from me perhaps? Yet when NATO are accused of doing likewise (Nearly always found out to be false) the bBC will use the adjective ‘Deadly’ along with letting you know women and children were killed. However what makes this article all the more repugnant is how the bBC go running to the Taliban in which to allow them to excuse themselves from their blood lust, can you imagine the bBC doing likewise during WW2:
British army commit genocide agaisnt peaceful French by invading Normandy, thousands of women and children killed. Our ace reporter in Berlin “Abu Bowen” asked Adolf Hitler who was to blame, he replied:
“The racist British who don’t want to be part of Europe”
Human rights groups have demanded that Britian pull her troops out of France, make a full apology to Nazis Germany and extradite British PM Winston Churchill to the Hague (under Nazis control) in which to stand trial.
In other news German security forces were confronted by a small riot in Warsaw, Mr Hitler said the situation is now under control and that nobody was hurt. The bBC reporter on the scene reports that the Germans faced lots of provocation from the Jews, and that in his eyes all the trouble came from the Jews.
It’s only ever wedding guests and funeral mourners that get killed in Afghanistan. If these two events were banned there would be no fatalities at all. Except for the odd British soldier killed by renegade Afghani soldiers or policemen of course.
INBBC: reporting ‘sexual jihad’.
INBBC reporter, Ahmed Maher, goes to Tunisia to interview the parents of ONE (of 19) Muslim women arrested for ‘sexual jihad’ in Syria.
Note, INBBC’s Mr Maher does NOT relate sexual jihad to Islamic tenets.
“Tunisia’s ‘sexual jihad’ – extremist fatwa or propaganda?”
“How Islamic Doctrines Justify Sex Jihad”
I see the bBC has aired a story about how with a record number of allegations of rape the police have sent forward less than half the cases which land in their lap. To the bBC this is because of police cuts. I quote:
Shadow attorney general Emily Thornberry said she was worried police officers were coming under pressure following budget cuts and might be “cutting corners” as a result.
So I did a google using the following parameters:
Even I was suprised at how many people have been jailed this past year alone on making false rape claims. Maybe the answer lies there bBC.^headlines
The man only proved his innocence because he filmed the sexual encounter on his mobile phone and the footage showed she was a willing and active participant.
“The man only proved his innocence because he filmed the sexual encounter on his mobile phone.”
It’s the feel good story of the year! Good grief. What have we become? I’m pleased for him, but blimey.
The BBC are taking the proverbial with the pretence that tonights Strictly Come Prancing is live with the constant “on last nights show” Even SWMBO knows it was recorded last night.
The BBC contsantly lying to you and yours…
The tendency of three of the four judges to drool over certain male contestants is really quite nauseating, particularly as only one of them is female.
I’d quite like Len Goodman to say to one of the female dancers “Great tits!”, and see how quickly his contract is torn up.
If we ever do a most irrelevant, press release driven BBC article of the month feature McDonald’s to stop serving Heinz ketchup must be a contender.
Who cares?
stopped buying heinz stuff after the health facists got to them and they removed all the salt, sugar and flavour from their products.
Apparently it was just business. A competitor with connections to Burger King bought up Heinz.
The wrong type of Religion for good ola Auntie
“Broadcasters, who cancelled the show last year blaming budget cuts, say minority groups are well-represented on the station and elsewhere on the BBC”
for crying out loud … doesn t she listen to Nihal?
there s BBC Asian network … what more does she want?
come come …
won t broadcasting call to prayer 5 times a day just to rub it in … suffice? what more does she want? 😀
1/. doesn t she understand, that she now lives in a multicultural society …… so adapt to it
2/. Jewish hour might be considered, offensive to a certain community in the greater Manchester area?
does she want be offensive … nay waycist …
doesn t she know about the “Poor”.TM. Palestinians?
tsk tsk!
BBC pushing the idea that Obama was unaware of the NSA bugging Merkel:
“The chief of the US spy agency NSA has not discussed the alleged bugging of German chancellor’s phone with President Barack Obama, officials say.”
But hang on:
“German media say the US has been tapping the chancellor’s phone since 2002, and Mr Obama was told in 2010.”
So we have a President who doesn’t know what his surveillance services are doing during 2 years of office and over the next three years of knowing some of their operations he fails to act?
Nope, Obama has known nothing about bugging Merkel over the last 5 years in office according to his NSA advisors.
BBC decisions now even free from legal oversight!
One of the protections afforded to the oppressed people of this benighted land is that of judicial review of the decisions of public bodies, except that apparently judicial review doesn’t apply to the BBC !
In Manchester they have apparently caused outrage amongst the Jewish community by cancelling ‘Jewish Hour on Radio Manchester.
Annoying the Jewish community might seem like a good idea to the Islamophiles in charge of the BBC, but they do tend to have a lot of legal minds in their community so off to court they went last year, only to find that the BBC is actually above the law! Judicial review can’t be applied to the BBC and there is no other legal redress to turn to so it’s off to Europe we go to have the case heard by a different court who will no doubt have no time for Jews on the airwaves even for an hour a week.
In normal circumstances we have contract law where a buyer pays their money and a service is delivered. In the UK you are forced to pay your money and the BBC delivers what ever it likes and you have to lump it because there’s nothing you can do about it!
Read the story here:
With all the money the BBC get from the EU – can you really imagine the case going against them?
Front page headlines from an on-line News Website today include:
Kirdish militants tighten grip on Syria’s northeast.
Israel to free more Palestinian prisoners.
A dozen bombings in Iraq kill 55 people
Blast kills 5 at rally for Indian opposition candidate
Bomb kills 18, mostly women, on way to wedding in Afghanistan
Bomb attach on Iraqi soldiers, Shi’ites kill at least 49.
Not the BBC website, however, this is on Reuters. If you want to find out what is going on in the world, the BBC is the last place to look. There is a more balanced view on al-Jazeera.
What is it with the UK
Scare mongering by the media regards a windy day, FFS people are been told not to go out, it exactly the same when it snows the whole country shuts down.
The trouble is that we’ve all come to expect that such warnings are overblown, if you’ll excuse the pun. So we ignore them.
Unfortunately, like the boy who cried “wolf”, there eventually will be a genuine warning. By which time no-one will be listening.
We live near the River Wye.
A while ago we signed up to the EA’s floodline.
First time we paid heed to email & text alerts, complemented by hysterical local media #prasnews, to head for the hills, so we did. And felt silly when the bankside footy pitch got a bit soggy.
Fooled twice, shame on us.
So we then ignored them and now have cancelled.
Hence their value is… zero.
After a decade of asking I still await any council or EA feedback on what AOD level can be anticipated on a worst case scenario, as I am prepared and keen to create a sensible coffer wall around the lower part of my property in case of a one in 500 event. I prefer precaution to being a victim.
So far… no reply.
It is hard to imagine quite what all the money they get is for, as so far it has been to reactive upstream measures that have mainly served to push floods down to where other left hand, left hand authorities have authorised building of affordable housing on historic flood plains.
The media love these as they get lots of at home family in wellies in the kitchen vox pops.
They seldom join the dots beyond asking if the climate is changing.
Its pathetic, lies in an attempt to control the public by keeping them in fear.
Sky were wetting themselves with a reporter in Weston Super Mare saying how windy it is. I live not too far away and in the last hour I climbed to a high spot with the dog, its as still as anything.
One observation (as Monday is bin day here) if it is as windy as they claim its going to be, one thing we didn’t have to worry about in 1987 was flying wheelie bins. Of course one death by wheelie bin being blown into the road will be acceptable in the pursuit of the greenies wet dream….
One of my pet gripes about the bBC is hoe they try to portray any area they are reporting from as really really dangerous with there penchant for the liberal donning of very clean body armour. Just watching the start of the midnight news and the bBC’s little video clip spot which allows them to kill time as long as they want. One of those clips had a bBC reporter in front of a damaged building wearing body armour , the man behind the camera filming him is wearing a ……shirt. Love it
There might, or might not, be a hurricane tonight but Labour/bBBC will surely be spinning over the release of the latest report on the Nationalised Death Service.
Seems like Shapps (or whatever you trolls think his name is) has got a bone in his mouth:-
The weather report from the met Office and transmitted via the BBC (who made much comment about *The Storm* stated that in the South West peninsular of England would have Storm force 10/11 winds. Well, yesterday morning at 5.30 am I had a shufftie at the weather radar (not the BBC’s) and it really looked like the *storm* was breaking up and heading into France. Indeed yesterday saw heavy and frequent showers and a wind that you would expect in Oct accompanied with those showers. At 11.00pm last night it was flat calm on Dartmoor, but the *storm* had an embedded cold front which will always produce frontal winds of note. This went through at midnight and took about 2 hours with strong winds and rain. Nothing special. It all went quiet at 2.30am. This morning a few leaves around, no damage (we get a lot worse around here) and dead calm again. I think it is fair to say the public service Met Office has not come out smelling of roses in these parts. I’ll let you decide on how you think another public service agent (the BBC) are spinning the *Storm that never was*?
According to Football Racism Outreach workers at the BBC’s University of East Anglia, out-of-control Global Warming means we can expect ever increasing amounts of storms and other extreme right-wing weather events in the future, fuelled by the Tory cuts. Er, or something like it.
You do understand what a weather forecast is, right? Uncertainty is part of the deal. The tree at the end of my street that lost its life three hours ago would tend to disagree with your assessment.
‘The tree at the end of my street that lost its life three hours ago’
If that does not get half the 8,000 cubicle flowers despatched to cover the period of mourning in your ‘hood, I don’t know what will.
BBC H&W here is still pleading for eye-witness accounts and imagery of the ‘wild’ night.
There has been wind here before. Trees have been felled.
Last night was not one. However some local weather was elevated to the coming of the Fifth Horseman by the likes of the Daily Express… and the entire BBC estate, projecting a part of the country to the entire UK.
It has been mocked, rightly, where it was used in excess (some tweets on reporters on various beaches dodging dog walkers, as they emote over choppy seas, in October, are a hoot), as it will only mean actual warnings of value get diluted.
The problem with non news is it is mixed with actual news, and is created by too many non-newsmakers with too much space and not enough content.
But that all said, I am sorry for your loss. I hope you may be reassured that the tree probably felt no pain. In fact, in nature, this is one way those whose time has come get winnowed out (the bad part is when population densities increase risk of human injury below).
A bit like your post has managed for your contributions.
Memorial Concert!
BBC is hitting FaceBook:
BBC News
A major storm is continuing to batter parts of England and Wales.
Tens of thousands of homes are without power, and rail services have been cancelled across much of southern Britain.
How have you been affected by the storm and the disruption it is causing?
It has a picture of a fallen tree branch spoiling Aviva’s day.
They might need you over there as they can’t close for comments and the comments really aren’t going the way hoped.
A tale of arboreal woe may see feedback ‘split’ more.
In fifteen years we’ve lost 3 trees on our 3/4 of an acre alone. Lemons and lemonade… they still feed the wood burner. I don’t expect to find any windfalls (wondering what the origins of the term may be) here when I walk the dog.
Ah, but how do you know it was anything to do with the high winds? (Or stiff breeze, as we call it north of the border.) It might have been suicide.
Anyway, my condolences on the loss of life of your local tree. Bless.
The high winds are incidental – the damage has been caused solely by the Tory Cutz.
‘You do understand what a weather forecast is, right? Uncertainty is part of the deal.
Such hypocrisy that the BBC backs 100-year ahead forecasts, a.k.a. climate change, as ‘settled’ then.
Two stand out moments from BBC 5 Live’s performance this morning.
Breathless female reporter tells us what she saw on her journey along the road from home. Arriving at the rail station in her blustery excitement she refers to Greater “Anglican” Trains
I visualise His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury rushing to the filing cabinet to check the CofE pension fund portfolio – in case of another lefty pronoucement from the pulpit this time regarding that BBC favourite re-nationalisation of transport going all PR SNAFU because of the large mot blown into his Gracious Comrade’s own eye.
Meanwhile in popart / artpop news a BBC guest refers to some references to Lou Reed’s hefty drug usage in “the right wing press”.
As opposed to the “Left-wing BBC”?
Tony ‘I’m English by Default’ Livesey lets it ride without further comment. I guess he knows it. Nudge nudge wink wink.
I’m beginning to see the light.
You could say the BBC is Left-wing by Default – eh Tony?
Could have been worse, she might have said ” east angular”.
As someone who lives in the South East I can tell you it takes a major event like this to get even the merest mention of this region or the capital on Five Live Weather. You can go a week without a single reference.
‘…it takes a major event like this to get even the merest mention of this region or the capital on Five Live’
You are right of course. Even when 5 Live (Salford Local Radio) is sneakily broadcast from a cupboard in White City the presenters don’t like to let on. Loss of street cred – innit?
Even this morning’s sudden focus on Southern England is ‘balanced’ with ‘texts’ from Northerners telling the South to buck up. Time for a tax strike do you reckon? How long would the North last without Southern tax payers?
I tweeted the Five Live weather bod a few weeks ago asking why we rarely get a mention down here and he told me there is not the time in a one minute slot to mention everyone. I replied that we are hardly ever mentioned and I’m still waiting for a response.
I think I dimly remember complaints to Five Live a few years ago that t’North and Scotland were mentioned too late in the bulletin so they began to start up there rather than finish. I don’t know of another national weather service that starts in Shetland, and it is not that I have an issue with that per se. It is the exclusion of the South East and London pretty much week by week.
Perhaps the other regions just get more weather.
The actual serious news here seems a bit tucked away.
‘A 17-year-old girl has died after a tree fell onto the static home she was sleeping in’
Which is, truly, tragic, whilst highlighting the capricious irony and often futility of trying to second guess Nature.
Here in the West Country, I can rely on the generous Biased BBC community out there to give generously to my “Vulnerable Trees” charity.
Evan Davis and some poppet from the Woodland Trust raised this ishoo of nashunal importance on Toady(Sat 26th)-and I am proud to announce that you can adopt a Wessix Tree (£100 pa.)
or buy a wristband c/o some charming Chinese children always smiling (£5.00+£20p/p…10% discount if you`re a member of Saviles Soirees Society…the child is included in the price in that case).
I and my surgical strike force(Tre Division) are on standby duty, await your call-and lots of money please…you saps!(a joke there, I`m told).
I am just waiting for the BBC to start talking about climate change being responsible for the small storm we have just had. Never mind the fact that these events have always occurred here from time to time. No, we must all pay more green taxes as it’s our fault, or the Tories fault 🙂