Problems with the site earlier prevented me posting this but I thought I would share anyway. I was listening to the TODAY programme this morning, just before 7am, and they were doing all they can to push the notion that the Typhoon that has caused so much destruction in the Philippines was “somehow” linked to global warming. They had political hustler Justin Forsyth from Save the Children on asserting that whilst he had no proof global warming had caused this particular event people “knew” there was a connection. A bit like people “know” there is a connection between earning £163,000 and being CEO of Save the Children? As ever the BBC never miss an opportunity to advance their dismal global warming meme….
I too have no proof global cooling had caused this particular event.
I do not know if there is a connection but I could guess that as the upper oceanic temperature lag is about eleven years and in 2002 we had the last vestige of the global warming phase, then the tendency towards lower solar input, contrasted with the sea temperature would change weather trends. If this is the worst typhoon in the Philippines since the 1780’s, this would help prove that we are entering into a mini ice-age starting from 2018 at the earliest.
But that would only be true if there has been a recent change in trend towards more Hurricanes since 2007?
From this weeks Economist:
The responsible authorities were powerless to find out the extent of the disaster, let alone bring relief. In Tacloban and elsewhere, the electricity supply, the water supply and telephone communications were among the first casualties. The local authorities were unable to help survivors as public servants were unable to report for duty. Fallen trees and power lines had blocked roads and floods had swept away bridges. More out-of-the-way places were beyond help.
In the lull between the shock of the storm and the reaction to it, there was an air of desperation. The government sent police reinforcements to Tacloban in response to reports of looting. In some places, the dead were buried in mass graves. Local officials began making wild guesses that many thousands had been killed in their districts.
The guesses might turn out to be correct. But three days after Haiyan struck, the government’s National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council was certain only that the storm had killed 229 people and injured 45—displacing 630,000 and otherwise disrupting the lives of 9.5m. A huge international effort to shelter and feed the survivors and treat the ill and injured is still taking shape.
The Philippines is accustomed to tropical cyclones. About 20 pass over or near it each year. As Typhoon Haiyan approached, tens of thousands of people in its path followed the ordinary drill: leaving their homes and sheltering in public buildings regarded as being storm-proof. But tens of thousands more clearly failed to follow the drill. People tend to be reluctant to leave their homes or businesses in times of emergency, for fear of looters. Typhoons rarely hit the central and southern Philippines, and people there tend not to take storm warnings as seriously as do the storm-hardened peoples of northern Luzon island.
So in the centre of the country ordinary disaster risk-reduction and management measures have proven themselves unequal to challenges posed on an extraordinary scale. Ordinary warning measures were insufficient to rouse many people to abandon their homes and now it turns out that the disaster-relief agencies lack the resources they would need to tend to the damage that has been done.
Well what a surprise:
Philippines typhoon: President lowers death toll estimate
The President of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino, says the death toll from Friday’s typhoon may be lower than first thought. In an interview with CNN, he said the number of 10,000 killed was “too high” and the figure was more likely up to 2,500
The media are bloody terrible for bigging up stories. Bring back responsible reporting.
and the above is what the bBC reports the President of the Philippines as saying, here is what he actually said:
The president of the Philippines says the death toll from the devastating Typhoon Haiyan is likely closer to 2,000 or 2,500, not the previously feared figure of 10,000.
I wonder why the bBC didn’t quote the smaller figure.disgusting reporting from a biased left wing org paid fro out of your hard earned money.
You mean like the winds were reported as being 235 Miles per Hour instead of 235 Kilometres or 146 Miles per Hour but lets not quibble over the odd tiny 90 MPH speed difference. The storm, bad as it was, didn’t even reach the highest category of Five but was only a Category Four but, in their haste to play the Global Warmist Card it was initially reported as, was it, the Strongest Ever or the Strongest since Records Started, I can’t just recall. Even if it had reached Cat 5 it wouldn’t have been unusual as there have been 12 since 1970 or an average of one every three years or so. I’ve not checked prior to that but I suspect even prior to 1970 the average would have been pretty much the same. But still, why ruin a good panic mongering scare story?
Just found out that a scientist called Johan Nyberg has a proxy record for hurricane activity going back to 1730. There were peaks in hurricane activity in 1762, 1770 and 1781. So on a run up to a mini ice-age hurricane activity wiggles up and down in a declining sequence in line with the solar cycles from high activity to low activity reaching a low in 1795 and then rising to the highest hurricane activity on record in 1808. Otherwise it looks as if hurricane activity shows no correlations with anything else in climate science. So it does not tell you fuck all about the calibration of carbon dioxide warming.
But the BBC did have a Guardian columnist called moron-batty on the Jeremy Vine show. Although Vine had not invited a scientist, he did quote from some hurricane experts, but moron-batty did think that the scientists had said that if temperatures rise, then this is what we would expect. Of course this is not true as the correlation between hurricane activity and global warming in the 20th century was random because of changing temperature differentiation.
The BBC could have invited Piers Corbyn of Weatheraction, he is the only scientist I know who could explain these type of short term events over a 40 day period. The Met Office have no idea how weather develops beyond the first signs of the development of a hurricane, so they ask computer programmers to guess.
As a 56 year old I “know” that global warming is responsible for my inability to pull 18 year old blondes.
convert to islam, you’ll have no problems then
He said 18 not 13
It’s interesting how this is being handled… or ‘managed’ by those who should be all about the humanitarian needs now than squeezing in other opportunistic extras that suit additional agendas.
I was sent a charity plea earlier.
It sufficed that there had been a major event and help was needed.
However, crammed in was some guff about the possible size/magnitude and causes that really were irrelevant.
I might have responded, but I did a quick check on where money donated goes and what the guys at the top get paid.
They won’t be seeing a penny from me.
There’s a bunch more people around getting whacked by weather that used to miss a lot of ’em.
I see a need for disaster planning based on response and mitigation.
Pissing money away on Ministers & NGOs & Charities & media flying First Class to conferences on redirection of vast funds to wave at the sun… less their cut… not so much.
Analyse that, BBC.
And I’l drink to all of that, in fact I already AM!
“no proof global warming had caused this particular event people “knew” there was a connection”
That is precisely the same meme that George Alagiah was repeating on Monday. Interesting same phraseology.
No mention that typhoons are common in that area and it is certainly not the worst they have had.
You know what I can’t understand is how cunt features Cameron started off handing over £6 million and then within the space of a day upped that to £10. We all known that figure will increase and yet super dooper China has handed over…£200,000. “What about the bBC’s all altruistic Islamic countries SFA. But the British who are been bleed dry by the fucking cunts in power, why we only hand over more money than anybody bloody else.
How about we spend some money in the UK for a change.
Pounce who will vote UKIP next, fuck the Tories, fuck Labour and fuck the lib dems. I will vote for anybody who puts Britain first.
Wonder if we could call up the Spirit of Jimmy Savile to lead a “F*** the BBC….they only lick your arse until your trainers wear out” Party.
No other policies..but we guarantee that Operation Yewtree will not be performed by the private health consortium…
What about the richest country in the world Saudi Arabia? Any details on al-beeb about their aid to foreign countries over the years? Given the humanitarian disasters which have befallen their muslim brethren in the middle east over the last few years, it must be massive!
I live on a storm battered island. Common sense has taught us to build things that will withstand the worst of what our climate will throw at us.
We get the odd extreme blast(100mph+) where your house is moving/creaking with the wind but it’s not “Climate Change”……it’s called “winter.
When you live on a sea level island which is in a typhoon/hurricane area of the world and build tin sheds three feet from the shore you are asking for trouble.
From where I’m standing, the damage and loss of life is indeed horrendous but sadly not surprisng.
“…Common sense has taught us to build things that will withstand the worst of what our climate will throw at us.
This is the tragedy of the CAGW – so many $billions uselessly diverted to feed a political agenda chasing shadows when all that money could have been – should be – used to invest in adequate infrastructure to protect people living in vulnerable areas against the perfectly natural – sometimes violent – extremes of the weather.
This is the course of action climate sceptics have been arguing for for decades now – and still our pleas for common sense and a halt to the waste of so much money and resources pushing the CAGW meme falls on the deaf ears of the self-interested climate zealots who insist their phantoms are real, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
It’s a scandal of global proportions – and one the BBC has, to its everlasting shame, played a huge part in promulgating. Utterly, utterly disgraceful.
That wouldn’t comply with the other green agenda – population reduction.
Man is a disease subjected on the planet!!!!!!
And it was a bit peeky by Killarney last Saturday morning.
The hired 4×4(free upgrade!) could have been sad, but came through quite well.
Still-west coast of Ireland…November…hate crime!
Sorry…global warming.
Need to redo Professor Nods magnet…I only get hate crime, Torycuts and global warming…oh and racist and Islamophobe as answers to all my many questions.
All our worries-and six BBC lefty solutions to `em all.
60,000 poor people or maybe more have died in that horrific natural disaster in the phillippines and i for one will be putting my hands in my pocket to help the aid effort to relieve the suffering and help the people of the phillippines in there hour of need,we should all help these people as decent human beings but what i am disgusted at are all the usual climate change fanatics who are crawling from under there stones blaming this disaster on global warming,no your wrong again and always will be,the phillippines has always been prone to earthquakes and super typhoons for 1000s of closed.another thing is this,why the hell did the goverment of the phillippines not evacuate these poor people from these at risk islands that bore the full brunt of this typhoon.a hell of alot of people would not be dead and suffering if that was done with the amount of warning they had that this typhoon was approaching the philllippines.
I am Intrigued as to how little credit the Americans get for being the first to provide aid. They are there already while the EU and UK are having meetings.
Has the OIC piled in yet?
In the big tsunami it was the US Fleet that provided the most dramatic aid including clean water, and the Australian Air Force that took over air traffic control. But it was the UN in 5-star hotels that sought the glory.
I’ve seen that at first hand, out in war zones and the UN eat off white china plates, while we make do with foil plates. The local com cen was in the UN camp and we would walk in tooled up with body armour, the looks we would get, some prick actually tried to get me to leave my weapon outside because he found it upsetting, my choice of words were even more upsetting, meanwhile outside the locals had no problem shooting at us. Typical UN
Naw, the US have invaded the Philippines to steal their oil, aided and abetted by the Zionist lobby that controls the Tea Party and most of the Republican Party.
Presumably Global Warming is also responsible for the record low tornado count in the US, and the 45-year low number of Atlantic hurricanes.
Looks like that crafty, capricious, vengeful Gaia saved up all our wealthy white sins for one whopper of a storm to kill a bunch of non-white poor people. Who knew Mother Earth was racist? If only the BBC maintained a smaller carbon footprint and didn’t fly their correspondents and upper management unnecessarily all over the globe all the time, who knows how many lives might have been saved?
The BBC AGW disciples who are using this disaster to push their religion are as despicable as that New Labour bitch that decided on 9/11 to text Blair and the rest of the scum in his government with the advice that “Today would be a good day to bury bad political news”.
Hello you devious disengenous cretins….. get a life …it’s WEATHER !
Funny you should say that. I underwent my Combat Support Boat course at Chatham and there I was taught never to underestimate Mother Nature.
i blame richard bacon on radio 5 live for global warming,the amount of hot air that comes out of his mouth everyday is enough to change the balance of the worldwide weather systems
I wonder why the bBC isn’t reporting who is given what as it usually does:
– AUSTRALIA announced a $10 million package, including medical personnel and non-food items such as tarpaulins, sleeping mats, mosquito nets, water containers and hygiene kits.
– BRITAIN announced a six million pound ($9.6 million) package including aid for up to 500,000 people including temporary shelter, water, plastic sheeting and household items.
– NEW ZEALAND will give NZ$2.15 million in aid.
– JAPAN is to send a 25-strong emergency medical relief team.
– INDONESIA is to dispatch aircraft and logistical aid including personnel, drinking water, food, generators, antibiotics and other medication.
– The UNITED STATES has sent a team of about 90 Marines and sailors, part of a first wave of promised U.S. military assistance. The U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (USAID) is sending emergency shelter and hygiene materials expected to arrive early this week. It is sending 55 tons of emergency food to feed 20,000 children and 15,000 adults for up to five days. The U.S. EMBASSY is sending $100,000 for water and sanitation support.
– The EUROPEAN COMMISSION said it would provide 3 million euros ($4 million) to help worst-affected areas.
– CHINA will give a total of $200,000 in cash in aid.
– INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE will dispatch an emergency team and has launched a $10 million appeal for aid.
– MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES is strengthening its teams with an additional 30 people including medical personnel, logisticians and psychologists arriving in coming days. MSF is also sending 200 tons of medical and relief items.
– THE U.N. CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF) is airlifting $1.3 million worth of supplies including water purification tablets, soap, medical kits, tarpaulins, and micro nutrient supplements.
– THE WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME is airlifting 40 tons of high-energy biscuits, enough to feed 120,000 people for a day, as well as emergency supplies and communications
And the Muslim nations will send a few nutters from Mindinao to kill the kuffar…and a few mittens with hands still in them.
Maybe some Brylcreem from a beheaded Christains locker…about the only oil that they`ll be offering this Catholic country.
How much do we send to Pakistan every year-disasters or not?
No wonder the Umma think we`ve lost!
Israel has sent aid “A search and rescue force, five officers from the Medical Corps and Homefront Command as well as a representative of the Foreign Ministry, landed in Manila on Monday and flew to the disaster zone. ”
Iran is thinking about it “The Iranian Red Crescent Society announced its readiness to dispatch humanitarian aid to the Philippines”
Unpleasant headline.
…reflecting the very unpleasant opportunism of the BBC.
BBC2 doing a show on 1984/ cold war. They even mentioned the ministry of truth with no sense of irony….
The web-site reports on a study by Kubotu and Chan in Geophysical Research Letters in 2009 that looked at whether typhoons were becoming more common in the Philippines. The study found that “the number of tropical cyclones making landfall in the Philippines in the 20th Century shows no net change”. This despite claims from the global warming crowd that a warmer world should have more such storms.
Whatever you get from the BBC on global warming never involves science.
This morning around 7.35 they had some muppet on from the world bank who described the Typhoon as a category 5. No one from the BBC bothered to tell him that their reporting was consistently of a category 4 . He then went on to say a category 5 was a once in a lifetime event, and there had been two this year alone.
That was proof positive of climate change! No one challenged anything he said and there was no guest brought on to present the other side of the argument.
Doubtless FoI-excluded to even ask, but these days one might wonder if folk are ‘invited’ for what they can be relied upon to mis-speak about almost as a matter of policy. Lucky the market rate talents on hand to assist in the educating and informing of the public were either too thick, polite or under instruction not to offer clarifications to such narratives.
Seems astounding uncuriosity and selective Alzheimer’s is now rotting down nicely from the £300kpa or more floor.
Who have they hired today, I wonder?
“No one from the BBC bothered to tell him that their reporting was consistently of a category 4 .”
Really? If what you say is correct then does that not make the premise of Alan’s comment on November 10th invalid.
Events such as this are often described as “once in a lifetime” or perhaps as a “hundred year event”. For those involved in emergency planning and response this means that there is a 1% chance of the event happening in any one year as opposed to a single occurrence happening in a hundred years.
OK Albaman I’m sorry I didn’t document a full history of BBC reporting. The started off calling it a cat 5 but then at some point downgraded that to a 4.
Sheesh !
It is not unusual for a tropical storm to vary in intensity over its life cycle and this is what happened in this case.
“After becoming a tropical storm and attaining the name Haiyan at 0000 UTC on November 4, the system began a period of rapid intensification that brought it to typhoon intensity by 1800 UTC on November 5. By November 6, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) assessed the system as a Category 5-equivalent super typhoon on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale; the storm passed over the island of Kayangel in Palau shortly after attaining this strength.
Thereafter, it continued to intensify; at 1200 UTC on November 7, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) upgraded the storm’s maximum ten-minute sustained winds to 235 km/h (145 mph), the highest in relation to the cyclone. At 1800 UTC, the JTWC estimated the system’s one-minute sustained winds to 315 km/h (195 mph), unofficially making Haiyan the fourth most intense tropical cyclone ever observed. Several hours later, the eye of the cyclone made its first landfall in the Philippines at Guiuan, Eastern Samar, without any change in intensity; if verified, this would make Haiyan the strongest tropical cyclone to make a landfall on record, surpassing the old record of 305 km/h (190 mph) set by Atlantic Hurricane Camille in 1969. Gradually weakening, the storm made five additional landfalls in the country before emerging over the South China Sea. Turning northwestward, the typhoon eventually struck northern Vietnam as a severe tropical storm on November 10. Haiyan was last noted as a tropical depression by the JMA the following day.”
In some cases tropical storms have moved from being classified as category 5 to category 4 and then back to category 5 before once again reducing in severity.
the typhoon wasnt as bad as what al beeb tried to make out tho was it. And not that many people died.
in fact, more people will die because of the cold in this country this winter than died in the Philippines. Thats the real scandal
“the typhoon wasnt as bad as what al beeb tried to make out tho was it.”
“Super Typhoon Haiyan’s estimated maximum sustained winds were up to 195 mph on Nov. 7, 2013. This places Haiyan in elite company among tropical cyclones.”
“………… since 1969, there have been only three other tropical cyclones worldwide with maximum sustained winds of 190 mph or more”
“………………. Haiyan was the most intense tropical cyclone to make landfall in recorded history”
well less than 2500 have died because of the weather in the phillipines. 7,500 died last year because of the weather in this country, according to the ONS. Charities put the figure at 17,500
so, its a bit of a storm in a tea cup isnt it.
And your view on the BBC’s vile, fear-inducing and totally one-sided global warming opportunism is what, exactly?
to be honest, i dont really give a monkies about 2500 people dying on the other side of the world because of the weather when 3 times that figure die in our country because of the weather every year!
as far as im concerned, the life of 1 brit is worth 100 filipinos
sorry if that offends you, i just think charity starts at home
No doubt your sentiments will garner a lot of likes from the self-proclaimed “Christians” who use this site.
al jazeera are now giving the figure at 2000 dead beacuse of the weather.
i can only hope and pray that only 2000 britons will die this winter. But i know god wont answer my prayers, and the number will be closer to 10,000
Climate change did NOT kill the people in the Phillipines. A bad typhoon in a typhoon zone hit landfall in a crowded area – and the storm surge did most of the killing. Now put down at around 2500.
By contrast, Miliband’s Climate Change Act DID kill people in the UK last year – and it will kill many many more people this year through fuel poverty. Including children as well as elderly people.
So which news does the BBC trumpet ?
And which news does the BBC suppress ?
Christians who also advocate the murder of the unarmed and dying.
The again, I do believe hypocrisy is also a Christian value.
klaus you seem to be more concerned about people on the otherside of the world dying because of the weather rather than your fellow countrymen dying because of the weather
do you hate your country and its people that much. you lefties are sick
‘For those involved in emergency planning and response’
Always interesting what can tease some out of the kind of bunker it may be that over-populated 3rd World coastal centres need more annually than fossil fuel-propped subsidy machines in the West.
In a moment of rare agreement, I do however see this as a distasterous event of significance and the victims in need of sympathy and tangible support (not the ‘how awful is it?’ 30′ mic kind before hitting the hotel bar later).
But while on the subject of politicians and priorities, maybe the BBC could get QT to crank up a special evening hosted by the number-crunching Ms. Moral Relativity Husain herself, pack the crowd with some rather brutal sceptics, and invite on the Philippine Ambassador to see if he can be moved to tears too.
The BBC wouldn’t be so crass and insensitive, though, would it?
The latest ploy to frighten the horses is to admit that “of course, the cause of any one particular event cannot be laid at the door of global warming/climate change . . . ” and then go on to assert that “on the other hand we can expect more such events due to gw/cc”. In other words it’s propaganda pure and simple. As you say, the “expert” from the World Bank asserted unchallenged the category 5 nature of this typhoon: an assertion which completely undermines any claim to his “expertise” in these matters. Simply speaking he lied and, what’s more, Naughtie (?) knows he lied but was happy for the lie to be broadcast.
And wasn`t it the University of East Anglia who were proudly able to trumpet on the Toady Show this morning that some black-tailed wigged birdthing was now getting its head messed with due to global warming.( 8am news…check if you even give a stuff about BBC science reporting)
Like dude…stay off the joints maan.
Is this the quality of “global warming research” we can now expect?…and would this UEA be the same bookcookers that were found out to be lying frauds in late 2009 in regard of world willy warming or what have you?
Of course they are-and no mention of THAT ever again in the presence of a Beeboid.
Or else the snail sex text pest Steve Jones will give you the evils in the panini line…if only the thickfuck had contented himself to being a Sex Pistol eh?
Couldn`t we pin Chris Packham to a turbine blade by Selsey Bill, so all birds know how best to enter his winter wonderland?
“…The latest ploy to frighten the horses is to admit that “of course, the cause of any one particular event cannot be laid at the door of global warming/climate change . . . ” and then go on to assert that “on the other hand we can expect more such events due to gw/cc”.”
Yes, this exactly. Sums up the incipient hypocrisy and deeply-embedded urge to misinform at work in the BBC regarding ‘climate change’.
OT as it is not a BBC story, but I was struck by what was penned by the author and the calibre of responses, highlighting who seems to get first crack at speaking to the nation on subjects they either know little about or, worryingly, feel the need to shape.
At least here the comments have stayed open. A lot of fact, well sourced, for free.
If it had been the BBC the piece would have been a Harrabinned broadcast-only ‘report’ or if enabled, closed very early.
Just a quick reminder that a typhoon in the Philippines is unheard of, and a unique event, and one storm is enough to convince the world population that the existence of humanity on the planet has completely buggered the climate:
Part of the real agenda behind global warming is, as we know, redistribution of wealth from the West to the ‘developing’ countries:
‘Inevitably, the wrangling has already started over whether man-made climate change was behind the disaster. Some are sure of the answer: Naderev Sano, the Philippines’ representative at the latest round of UN climate change talks (and a resident of Tacloban), broke down in tears as he addressed his fellow delegates this week, placing the blame firmly on global warming and pledging to go on hunger strike until a deal is reached.’
The deal being ‘Give us more of your fecking billions’.
Makes me cry too, but for a different reason.
Any updates on the Filipino “hunger strike”? No? I thought not. After all this is just another bit of grandstanding from the “give us your money” kleptocracy. His guaranteed miracle survival will, I guess, not be reported by the BBC (or the rest of the suckers in the MSM) but the fact of this grandstanding will become another bien pensant beacon to the developed world’s uncaring attitude to “global warming”.
Hows Frankie Boyle?
Not heard much from him, so was thinking the best of it!
just heard BBC reporter on news24 describe this as “climate change in action” during an interview with a gov minister
what a load of bollox
Isn’t it strange that the CC supporters will use the large typhoon to confirm global warming, at the same time they wilfully ignore the fact that the 2013 Hurricane season is one of the least active on record.
No doubt if they did address this it would be further evidence of climate change too !