Once again the BBC dashes in to ‘protect’ Muslims by debunking claims about Christian deaths:
Are there really 100,000 new Christian martyrs every year?
On the internet, the statistic has taken on a life of its own, popping up all over the place, sometimes with an additional detail – that these 100,000 lives are taken by Muslims.
The BBC did the same when claims about Muslim birthrates suggested we might be over run in the near future, the BBC even producing their own film and placing it on YouTube to counter the film ‘Muslim Demographics’.
Unfortunately for the BBC they will have to work a bit harder….with only 157,000 viewers they have a bit of catching up to do with ‘Muslim Demographic’s‘ 15 million.
Always interesting and informative what the BBC tries to debunk…fair enough you might say if those figures were wrong……but why not other claimed figures that have important social and political consequences?
Such as the ‘rising tide of Islamophobia’ figures produced by the discredited ‘Tell Mama’ pressure group.
Come onto the BBC to tell of a mass uprising against Muslims who now cannot walk the streets in peace and you will always get a welcome at the BBC it seems.
632 anti-Muslim hate incidents recorded by Tell Mama
There doesn’t seem to be a level playing ground here….figures that are damaging to Muslims are debunked…figures that support the Muslim cause are given credibility and authority by the BBC when they definitely don’t deserve such preferential treatment.
the comments in the BBC propaganda called “muslim Demographics are worth reading. Sadly for al beeb they cant censor youtube comments.
“How low can BBC go!? Jesus Christ… Regardless of the statistical reliability of that video, BBC’s reaction couldn’t be any lower. Since when did the BBC become the spokesman for Islam? Clearly there is an agenda behind this video – why else would anyone bother to even consider making it? Unless of course that individual or entity has a deep concern about the image of Muslims, which of course could indicate something about one’s ideology.”
Presumably we`re not to Tell Mama when the local imam puts his hands down our shawar kameez though eh?
That`d be Islamophobic…so lets keep FGM and marrying our young cousins off to Uncle Omars mates grandad is “keeping it in the family”.
Whatever happens in Lahore stays in Lahore…and will doubtless become all-too-apparent to the rest of us when it`s too late for us.
But good for the Islamofashionistas at the BBC, and Shepherds Bush Green…
‘figures that are damaging to Muslims are debunked…figures that support the Muslim cause are given credibility and authority by the BBC’
Absolutely spot on.
You’re forced back to that position because the lies on these sites have been discredited. Keep the faith anyway!
… drunk again?
… care to explain?
Keep not thinking for yourself Gonzo!
With you tube awash with videos making all sorts of claims,
about all sorts of subjects (aliens ,Diana Spencer, the free masons ) one wonders why the BBC felt moved to enter the fray on this issue , after all they’ve never felt the need to counter the hundreds of virulently anti Jewish videos out there, But if it was meant to discredit the claims about Muslim demographic jihad, they did a very poor job .
In fact they summarised it themselves by saying
‘we don’t know if any or all of this is true ‘ but we (the BBC) don’t like to think so.’
And those few statistics (very few) they do give are highly speculative themselves.
Just what was the point if not to act as Islamist advocate?
Further proof, if it were needed, that the BBC with its 70% news coverage and commitment to ‘impartiality’, has set itself up as the broadcaster of choice for Islam.
This is a truly staggering piece of one-sided, agenda-driven reporting, aimed purely at debunking someone else’s film that doesn’t fit the BBC/leftist world view.
Compare and contrast with their reluctance to debunk the data and models on which the global warming scam is built.
Agenda? What agenda?
Bias? What bias?
Raymond Ibrahim, one of the foremost experts on the scale of Muslim persecution of Christians, has written in The Commentator about this BBC article:
Liberal-Left BBC minimises Christian persecution