The BBC’s Pro-Muslim Immigration Propaganda



Pounce spotted an extraordinary piece of BBC propaganda in the BBC Magazine.


The story, in cartoons, of Amiir, a Somali immigrant to Norway, and his family. Amiir had graduated from Mogadishu University with a degree in literature and married Cawo, a fellow student. They had two children, and a bright future - until the war began in 1991. They had to flee, and ended up in snowy Norway. Amiir got work in a cafe. Cawo became a clearner. But things got better, and they had three more children . They encouraged them to embrace Norwegian culture.




It tells the story of Somali immigrants to Norway.


First thing to note is that this is not an article in the magazine, the cartoon is placed, in prime position, without explanation, there is no attempt to explain what the cartoons are supposed to say, who produced them, nor who the audience is supposed to be.

It is therefore, as said, pure propaganda….because it does of course have a message.


The question you then ask is….who produced the cartoon, and then you ask why?


Who is easy……a small link at the bottom of the cartoon leads you to the ‘Open Society Foundations’.


Who runs and funds that?  George Soros.

So the BBC is placing Soros propaganda on its website without even attempting to make the pretence that it is part of an article or report.

Soros is a multi-billionaire…who massively funds political groups that he favours…notably the Democrats in the US amongst many others around the world trying to topple governments he doesn’t like.


The second question is what are these cartoons for?  Who is the intended audience?


On the OSF’s website you find this:

Through research and advocacy, the At Home in Europe project focuses on advancing equality for groups that are excluded from the mainstream of civic, political, and cultural life in Western Europe—including Europe’s Muslims and white working-class communities.

Muslims excluded?  Really?….if at all….only by their own tendencies and religious convictions.


Here is the cartoon site:

Meet the Somalis    The illustrated stories of Somalis in seven cities in Europe

Meet the Somalis is a collection of 14 illustrated stories depicting the real life experiences of Somalis in seven cities in Europe: Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Leicester, London, Malmo, and Oslo.


Unfortunately it’s a very selective, narrow collection of stories….ones designed to paint a picture of desperate immigrants battling prejudice.

But who is that ‘audience’?  It can’t be recalcitrant Somalis..because it is in English (and because as the cartoons tell us….there are no really recalcitrant Somalis)….therefore the supposition must be that the audience is intended primarily to be the natives of the countries receiving the Somali immigrants….in other words propaganda.


Not surprising when you see who is running the programme:

Nazia Hussain   Director, At Home in Europe Project

A Muslim…..not going to be exactly neutral going by the experience of ‘professional’ Muslims in the UK like Mehdi Hasan…and looking at the cartoons that is bared out….

The intention is to show how wonderful the Somalis are, how willing to integrate, but thwarted in that wish by a prejudiced native population and harassment by the police.

Look at some of the stories….the one on the BBC pages, or Malmo or the Netherlands for instance….Western culture is often derided, the police are always harassing them, Islam is the answer to everything…but you know what….the Somalis all really, really want to integrate and become good Norwegians or Swedes or Dutchmen.


No mention of terrorism, rapes, crime, drugs, anti-Semitism or any other difficulties arising from Somali immigration.


Just out and out propaganda published by an extremist left wing organisation and given prominent ‘top billing’ in the BBC Magazine.















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82 Responses to The BBC’s Pro-Muslim Immigration Propaganda

  1. Simon says:

    Soros has more of an influence on world affairs then Murdoch but then because he has views the bbc agree with they don’t bother look into him

    And for those who don’t know – just look how he sold out his fellow jews during the Holocaust and how he justifies it


  2. David Kay says:

    its been posted before. But in order to balance the BBC propaganda

    The real face of Muslims in Oslo, Norway. Dont ya just luv that diversity


    • Alan says:

      Yes, thanks for that…saw it and was going to use it but forgot….a few facts, ‘More or Less’, that the BBC don’t bandy about.


      • David Kay says:

        im just waiting for Scott to come along and tell me im a bigot and intolerant.



        • Alan Larocka says:

          How do I post a picture? Every time I put the URL link in, the pic doesn’t come up – just a wee box????


          • Roland Deschain says:

            Do you put the URL directly in your post? You should click where it says “You can add images to your comment by clicking here” and put the URL in the box that pops up.


          • David Kay says:

            some pics from sites work, others dont, its trial and error. I find that pics from wordpress sites work, and if the following pic works, they work from tumblr as well



          • Alan Larocka says:



        • Klaus says:

          Let me do it for him. You’re a bigot:

          ‘to be honest, i dont really give a monkies about 2500 people dying on the other side of the world … far as im concerned, the life of 1 brit is worth 100 filipinos’


          • David Kay says:

            thanks klaus/ trevor or whatever name you’re using today, that means a lot to me. it makes my day if i piss lefties off. so cheers, i’ll pour a remy martin in your honour.

            and yes klaus. why all the fuss over a couple of thousand people dying because of the weather on the otherside of the world, when 7,500 of our own people die every year because of the weather. where’s the outrage?

            i look forwatd to endless hours of coverage from al beeb showing poor mrs miggins freezing to death in her council flat because she cant afford to heat it because of global warming

            Cheers! fine cognac champagne, you cant beat it


      • noggin says:

        to encourage a little more al bbc navel gazing


  3. Roland Deschain says:

    Albaman’s in the neighbourhood. I’m sure he’ll be able to explain everything.


  4. Pounce says:

    I didn’t know that the cartoon belonged to a series, I’ve just read through a few and all I could discern is:
    Muslims are victims in their homelands
    Muslims relocate to the West
    Muslims are victims in the West
    Muslims find salvation in Allah
    White Police are racist

    No wonder the bBC posted that cartoon up, it ticked all their left wing boxes.


  5. Rob Peterson says:

    All I can say is Citizen Khan.

    Alf Garnett would be turning in his grave


    • chrisH says:

      He`s scooted off to Oz has Warren Mitchell!
      No mug he…


      • Rob says:

        He’s a committed leftist, I’m sure he is celebrating diversity down under in his own way. Don’t forget, the BBC expected people to laugh at Alf Garnett, and were mortified that so many white working class people identified with his views. Anyway, Alf was a white working class docker from the East End of London. His sort are extinct now, it’s Banglatown now dontcha know.


        • David Kay says:

          the east end racist is no longer alf garnett, its ahmed mohammed and instead of whitey slagging darkies off its the religion of peace slagging the kaffir off.

          But muslims aren’t racist, they hate the dirty kaffir regardless of the colour of their skin, so that must make it ok, otherwise, the word would have been banned


  6. David Preiser (USA) says:

    So the message that the Mohammedan Somali immigrant’s kids think their home country is a sh!thole and want to firmly integrate into Norwegian society is proof of Islamist propaganda? Weird. I don’t really see this as an attempt to brainwash you into accepting Sharia Law and the Islamification of Britain.

    Is the position of this blog that all Mohammedans are evil and can never be accepted into society? I don’t accept that.


    • Alan says:

      Where does it say that David?

      The post asks why the BBC is promoting what is pure propaganda….and you’ve just proved the point.

      You tell us it promotes the view that ‘Somali kids want to integrate into Norwegian society’…..some do and some don’t……many don’t in fact….where are they in these cartoons? The cartoons promote a one sided view of things.

      As for ‘all Mohammedans are evil and can never accepted into society’.….hyperbole from you……and ‘accepted’ is the wrong word…..because the choice is theirs to make…whether to moderate their religious views and demands or not in a Western society….if not that is their choice not to enter Society……there has to be a compromise just as the Christians compromise their faith and essentially keep it for private use, which they have for a long time now…..until stirred up by Muslim militancy and ever increasing demands for their religious ‘needs’ to be recognised and catered for..


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        Alan, I think you’ve also proved my point. Any message that Mohammedans might possibly integrate is “propaganda” to be exposed and derided, then? I think this is an overreaction. If I believe that it’s possible for Mohammedans to integrate (we’re in agreement that a real compromise from their side is vital, rather than continued appeasement), I’m a fool who has fallen for propaganda? That’s an insult to my intelligence, and denies the existence of many, many comments I’ve made on the subject.


        • Roland Deschain says:

          David, I’ve been concerned on a number of occasions that this blog shows an anti-Muslim agenda. But I don’t think this is one of them. What place is it of the BBC to put up a cartoon, linked from the main page by a very large graphic, telling us that some Muslims wish to integrate? I’m sure they do. But unless they’re going to do the same with a story about those who have no intention of integrating, they’re only telling one side of the story. And that, in my book, is propaganda.


    • Pounce says:

      DP Writes:
      “Is the position of this blog that all Mohammedans are evil and can never be accepted into society? I don’t accept that.”

      You make a valid point, but the thing is David, for all the good the world tells us about Muslims they all subscribe to the mores of Mohammed and his little black book. You know that book which allows Muslims to:
      1) Excuse themselves from murder by referring to the victim as an apostate
      2) Lie in which to win favourable terms
      3) Cut up little girls
      4) Murder girls for marrying outside their cult
      5)Play the victim card while they have blood on their hands.

      Personally I want to see war between Israel and the rest and each and every Islamic country getting nuked.

      I want to see war between India and Pakistan and Pakistan getting nuked.

      Only by showing Islam that its evil ways will not be tolerated will they get the message that enough is enough.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        Pounce, I’m no fan of any of that, as you well know. I’ve made many, many comments here critical of the BBC’s appeasement and falsehoods regarding the Religion of Peace and Justice and all that crap. I agree with you entirely that a very strong message must ultimately be sent that violence and caveman behavior and preaching jihad will not be tolerated. We may disagree on the nature and delivery of that message, of course. Either way, you’ll have to change most of your government officials as well as the entirety of the BBC before that can happen, but that’s another matter.

        I will not accept these accusations that I’m some dhimmi or “Muslim Arse Kisser” or any of this bullshit. I was making comments critical of the creeping Islamisation and appeasement and balkanization and importing of jihadis and BBC failures for years, long before most people here ever heard of this blog. I bow to no one in my criticism of the BBC on this issue. If I don’t do it in the way that suits people here, that’s too goddamn bad. This kind of intellectual fascism belongs in Left-wing groups, not here.

        Having said that, I believe that an endless stream of rants about the evils of Islam and the evils of Muslim behavior is an absolute waste of time. Nobody here needs convincing. None of this convinces the BBC that they need to change. Most importantly, none of this convinces anyone else that the BBC is biased. I constantly fail to understand why people no longer care about that.

        People want to feel free to express their opinions, I know. So do I, obviously. I get this reaction every time, so let me repeat myself: Freedom of expression does not mean freedom from criticism of that expression. That’s not censorship or dhimmitude or anything of the sort.


    • Albaman says:

      “Is the position of this blog that all Mohammedans are evil and can never be accepted into society?”

      The simple answer is: Yes.

      On any page and on any topic you will see the daily anti-Islam diatribes from regular contributors who seem to be not only tolerated but actively encouraged.


      • David Kay says:

        Albaman, can you point out an example of 1 good thing islam has given to the world this week? Because i can point out a lot of death and destruction


        • Albaman says:

          Across the world there will be many million Muslims doing things that will be of benefit to many people of many different Religions or beliefs. Is such a simple fact beyond your comprehension?
          Those that do wrong should be treated in the same way as those of any other Religion. To do otherwise and to castigate a whole Religion because of the actions of some is a rather biased view.


          • David Kay says:

            so you cant. thanks. i did try looking myself, couldnt find any examples either.


            • Chris says:

              You didn’t look very hard then.


              The point is, as David said, there is a difference between thinking Islam is evil and thinking that all Muslims are evil. So answer me this: do you think that all Muslims are evil?


              • David Kay says:

                a muslim charity collecting money for muslims doesnt count

                not all muslims are evil, just the vast majority of them. take pakistan for instance. they even banned Malala’s book for telling the truth about their cult


                • Albaman says:

                  Strangely David the headline on the Muslim Aid page relates to the Philippines where over 80% of the population are Catholics.


                  • David Kay says:

                    yes and they”ll only give the aid to their fellow muslims.

                    still giving to charity isnt an example of islam doing some good for the world. Take india for example, just sent a probe to mars, this will adavance human knowledge in a variety of scientific areas, any examples of how islam is advancing human knowledge?


                • Chris says:

                  Do you actually know anything about Muslim Aid? Read their website, particularly this: “We work with all in need, regardless of their race, religion, gender, nationality or political opinion.” So you’re wrong, they don’t just collect money for Muslims.

                  On what basis do you say ‘the vast majority’?


                  • Stewart says:

                    ‘Read their website, particularly this: “We work with all in need, regardless of their race, religion, gender, nationality or political opinion.”’
                    The BBC say something very similar and I believe them to the same extent.


                    • Pounce says:

                      Say’s all I want to know about Muslim Aid:
                      “On the 2 May 2013 an international arrest warrant was issued for its former chairman and long time trustee Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin for war crimes. He was subsequently found guilty in absentia of murdering 18 Bangladesh intellectuals as a leader within Al-Badr, a pro-Pakistan Islamist paramilitary force in the Bangladesh liberation war.”


                  • David Kay says:

                    Chris, i dont for 1 minute believe muslims will give aid unless it goes to their brothers and sisters and not the filthy kuffir

                    but giving to charirty isnt an example of islam doing good for the world.


                    • Chris says:

                      I’ve provided evidence that directly contradicts your opinion, and all you can say is ‘I don’t believe it’. Says a lot about you.

                      And I’m sorry, but giving to charity motivated by Islam, as Muslim Aid does, IS an example of Islam doing good in the world.

                      You didn’t answer my question about how you conclude that most Muslims are evil. I’ll ask another – how do you know that most/all Muslims wouldn’t give money to ‘filthy kaffir’?


                    • David Kay says:

                      no Chris you havnt contadicted me, and it says even more about you.

                      youre the type of person who will defend islam right up until the point they cut your head off for not being a muslim


                    • Chris says:

                      I have contradicted you David.

                      Will I defend Islamic terrorism? No.
                      Will I defend Sharia Law? No.
                      Will I defend Islamic attitudes towards women, gays etc? No

                      Will I defend all Muslims from being lumped together in 1 bracket as evil? Yes.


              • David Kay says:

                see how muslims react to non muslims engaged in charity work in this country



                • Chris says:

                  They weren’t attacked because they were collecting for charity but because of how they were dressed. I’m not excusing the attacks on them at all, I think it’s a disgrace that they were attacked. But to say that Muslims are opposed to others doing charity work is absurd.


                  • David Kay says:

                    ok, what about muslim terrorists massacring hundreds of aid workers every year. it happens all the time doesnt it. they go out to these muslim shit holes to help them, and end up dying for it


                    • Chris says:

                      I’ve never denied that that happens.

                      You originally asked for evidence of Islam doing any good in the world, and I provided it.


                    • David Kay says:

                      sorry, all im doing is posting the bad things islam does, and it does millions of bad thing. its not hard to point out the bad things

                      Lets concentrate on the good islam does can you think of anything else Chris?


                    • Chris says:

                      Why don’t you ask the same question of Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists e.t.c.?


                    • David Kay says:

                      because this thread is about al beebs pro muslim immigration propaganda, not other religions.

                      The religions you mention, they aint the ones causing the trouble tho are they? The true religion of peace, is any religion but islam


                  • Stewart says:

                    “Why don’t you ask the same question of Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists e.t.c.? ”
                    When they start flying airliners into skyscrapers ,blowing up tube trains, beheading young men in broad daylight, shooting up shopping centres, engaging in industrial scale hate crimes I will
                    meantime you keep protesting thought crimes and nothing else


                    • Chris says:

                      I’ve provided evidence of Islam doing some good in the world. I have not denied any of the evil some Muslims have done. As it happens, I do think that, overall, Islam causes more bad than good.

                      You are of course allowed to think that Islam does no good whatsoever in the world. But, as I have shown, it does some good. So I don’t know how you assert that I am ‘protesting thought crimes’.


                    • Stewart says:

                      because I never hear from you on the BBC’s obfuscation on the above real crimes But the thought crime of Islamaphobia or rejection of the BBC’s received wisdom on immigration and up you pop
                      that’s why I said ‘thought crimes and nothing else’


                  • David Kay says:

                    Chris, you’ve provided no proof that islam has done anything good in the world this week. Muslims giving money to charity is not an example of islam doing good. in fact its pretty piss poor


      • DICK R says:



        • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

          Dick R, I have in the past had the opinion i espoused that all followers of islam must be evil.
          Chris ( no H) was then clearly and rightly critical of that point of view. And he was correct.
          I and indeed the rest of the world, is not able to say they are ALL evil.
          If you cast your mind back to 1939 the Government here interned a load of Germans.
          Were all of the interned Nazis? Of course not, but wisely the Govt decided not to enter into a hairsplitting exercise, by making judgements. I really have no idea if at the time there was a ” guardian” newspaper, but today I’m sure they would be at the forefront of defending the ‘ German’ folk.
          Sometimes you have to follow your instincts and follow your nose.
          My nose tells me, that the more these folk defend the indefensible, the deeper in the shit our civilisation sinks.
          If anyone expects anything Islamic to produce benefits for mankind, dont hold your breath.
          Chris’s posts are somewhat bipolar, and appear to flit back and forth.
          Puzzled is what i am.
          So, admitting that no more than I pcan prove all the germans interned were nazis, true, I am firmly of the opinion that I dont want to import more of these savages into my once lovely country.
          In the words often posted on here just remind me,
          Why did we begin playing this game of Russian roulette?


          • Chris says:

            There are 2 of us called Chris on here, that’s why. Maybe I should add something to my name to make it clear.


            • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

              I clearly identified you ad Chris ( no H )
              Hopefully correct?


              • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

                And i never mix Chris and Chris H


              • ChrisL says:

                No, there’s another poster called ‘Chris’ as well as ChrisH. Hence the confusion. From now on I’ll post as ChrisL (just to be ultra clear, I’m the one who’s been arguing with David Kay this evening).


                • chrisH says:

                  It wasn`t this Chris(ChrisH) that said that all Muslims aren`t evil !
                  That`s not to say that they are…course not…but their Koran clearly can be literally and simply applied to do evil deeds(Sura 8/9…tahwib) was cited by the Woolwich butchers of Lee Rigby…correctly quoted and in rightful context too!
                  But-you`ll not be surprised at this-the BBC and Guardian edited it to ensute that Tahwib was not cited.
                  Those scriptures-like may others are evil and unambigous in the Koran…but an apostate from Islam faces death…what the hell is the BBCs excuse to wipe all sign of evidence for why Islam is evil to its core.
                  Muslims are not…not all of them, but just the ones the BBC like to talk to as a rule of thumb.
                  The BBC quislings that edit such stuff though better get ready to have their muffins toasted by God…for THEY are evil as accessories” to murder.


                • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

                  That is the last time I respond to
                  Chris H
                  Chris L
                  Anyone else wanna add one?

                  Are you saying Chris L that you have been posting under ” Chris” ?


                  • ChrisL says:


                    I often go long periods without posting, and while I wasn’t someone else called ‘Chris’ started posting. I’ll change just to make it clearer, although it will probably be clear by the tone of our comments.


    • Joshaw says:

      “all Mohammedans” is a lot of people and obviously (to me anyway) they aren’t all evil. Very few people are evil – and I’d maintain that also applied to Germany 1933-1945.

      I suspect that a lot of Muslims are like Germans in the 1930s. Rightly or wrongly they feel hard done by and although they do not generally approve of extremist behaviour, they will turn a blind eye if it benefits their community in the long run. In the case of Muslims, I’m sure many would quietly prefer to live under Sharia Law given the choice, and some polls have supported this.

      Immigration to the UK and other EU member states has been on a scale not conducive to integration. Muslim arrivals have been able to slip into Muslim host communities without having to adapt, and Sharia must be an attractive option when it suits.

      Unfortunately, due to inept or downright malicious immigration policies over the last 50 years, I doubt whether integration on any scale is achievable at this late stage. Extremism has taken a hold – how do you reach an alien, established community which doesn’t think it needs any outside involvement?


  7. Bangernofski says:

    Citizen Khan is all part of the propoganda. You’ve got nothing to worry about they are all bumbling self styled community leaders who get into all sorts of hilarious 1970s sit com situations. Don’t Panic! Corporal Jones was the local non-halal butcher if I remember rightly…


    • chrisH says:

      Certainly no danger of a laugh anyway.
      Anybody else recall a laughter track set to stun before?
      And just not funny…poor old Felix Dexter has “shame” written on “Cause of death” on his certificate surely.
      It`s never been used to describe the death of a BBC or Guardian hack before as far as I can tell.


  8. Pounce says:

    The bBC Islamic terrorist misinformation machine at work:
    US names Nigeria’s Boko Haram and Ansaru ‘terrorists’
    The US has designated Nigeria’s Boko Haram and Ansaru militant groups as foreign terrorist organisations.
    The state department described the move as “an important” step to help Nigeria “root out violent extremism”. It means US regulatory agencies are instructed to block business and financial transactions with the groups. Boko Haram wants to impose Islamic law in northern Nigeria, and has been blamed for thousands of deaths.

    So according to the bBc Boko Haram only want the northern ‘Islamic’ half of Nigeria to be rule by the unholy Koran. (I wouldn’t even wipe my arse on it after having a ruby) Which is funny as the Northern half is already under Sharia law, don’t believe me, here let the bBC tell you:
    Analysis: Nigeria’s Sharia split
    Thousands of people have been killed in fighting between Christians and Muslims following the introduction of Sharia punishments in northern Nigerian states over the past three years.
    and here is how the bBC reported the day when Sharia became law:
    Nigerian Muslims welcome Sharia law
    The northern Nigerian state of Zamfara has begun implementing Islamic law or Sharia. At a ceremony in the state capital, Gusau, Sharia judges or Kadis were sworn in and Sharia courts formally declared open. The events were greeted with enthusiasm by the state’s Muslim majority. Thousands of people cheered on the streets of Gusau cheered and shouted “God is great”.


    • Pounce says:

      So you see Sharia law is already in place across Northern (Islamic) Nigeria, what Allah’s fav African Islamic terrorists want is Sharia law across the whole of Nigeria including the Southern Christian half. Here let the Guardian tell you:
      Boko Haram vows to fight until Nigeria establishes sharia law
      The Islamist group Boko Haram, which has killed almost 1,000 people in Nigeria, will continue its campaign of violence until the country is ruled by sharia law, a senior member has told the Guardian.”We will consider negotiation only when we have brought the government to their knees,” the spokesman, Abu Qaqa, said in the group’s first major interview with a western newspaper. “Once we see that things are being done according to the dictates of Allah, and our members are released [from prison], we will only put aside our arms – but we will not lay them down. You don’t put down your arms in Islam, you only put them aside

      I wonder why the bBC doesn’t want you to know the full story????

      The bBC, the traitors within our Midst”


      • Pounce says:

        As for the bBC reporting that Boko Haram have been blamed for thousands of deaths, err, I think they are gulity and have admitted it, nothing blamed about it at all.

        See, that is how the bBC, defends Radical Islamic terrorism. Which is why they close off their little puff piece with this:
        the army is frequently accused of carrying out human rights atrocities there, our correspondent says.

        Oh dear, the poor muslims are only blowing schools, mosques,Churches and the UN becasue the army is giving them a hard time.

        My fucking heart heart bleeds.


    • John Anderson says:

      So the UN has now designated Boko Harem as a terrorist organisation.

      But the BBC will continue to avoid the T word. “We mustn’t make moral judgments” and crap like that


  9. stuart says:

    no mention of the dangerous somalian bogus asylum seeker mohammed ahmed mohammed who is a dangerous terrorist on the run in the uk minus his tag,no mention of the rapists,paedophiles who attack 11 year old white girls and cant get deported but gets compensation and somalian murderers and rapists who are clogging are prisons to bursting point and they cant get deported as well.who are the bbc trying to fool with there pro muslim biased crap,all over europe we are having problems with somalian immigrants who are involved in terrorism and sexual crimes against white girls,we know that but the bbc and radio 5 are blind to these facts.i am sick and tired of people attacking eu immigration,the real problem has been third world immigration from muslim countrys that have brought misery up and down the citys of the uk,you dont here jack straw apologising for that do you,but pick on poor old whitey eu immigrant because they are a easy target,it makes me damm sick the lot of this.


  10. Pounce says:

    The bBC Muslim propaganda machine at work:
    Challenging the image of Ashura in Iran
    As Shia communities around the world mark Ashura, the image of the festival in Iran has become one of scenes of black-clad mourners and grief. As BBC Persian’s Siavash Ardalan reports, this is part of the state’s efforts to reinforce an ideological message and retain clerical control – but unofficial ceremonies create a different picture.

    and here are the pictures the bBC posts in which illuminate how Shai muslims celebrate Ashura:




    Now type in Ashura into google and look at the pictures a totally different picture from what the bBC tries to tell you what it is.


    • Llareggub says:

      The flagellation pics look interesting. Now that is cultural enrichment


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Lololol, ty pounce,
      What a whole different picture I have now.
      I can just imagine evan davies in there, a 3 kg weight suspended from his albert, no on second thoughts fuck it, no way.
      What a bunch of fuckin nutcases, and we want them to enrich US?,


    • David Kay says:

      i google it and upon seeing the pics….yikes!


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        Just think of the enrichment they can bring here!


        • David Kay says:

          i go to china town every chinese new year, thats fun. i dont think i want anything to do with muslims celebrating Ashura tho. I wouldnt be able to eat the BBQ ribs i have as a starter