It’s interesting how the BBC itself is actually seeking to be the Opposition to the Coalition..
The government has denied BBC reports it is seeking a commitment from energy firms to hold their prices down until 2015.
The companies told BBC News ministers had asked them to keep bills on hold so long as there is no significant move in global wholesale energy prices.
Government sources deny this, and say they are focusing instead on boosting competition and reducing green levies to cut annual bills by about £50.
The BBC has decided that Miliband’s stunningly cynical and undeliverable policy to “freeze” energy prices for 18months is beyond serious critique as you would have concluded had you heard the easy trot afforded Caroline Flint on Today this morning.
Not so much as anti coalition but anti Cameron pro Miliband. Poor old Dave doesn’t stand a chance. Sooner or later CHRIS will be along exhorting you to Vote UKIP! As if that wouldn’t help Ed. Auntie will set the days agenda if they can (and they try every day) with a story that they will claim “holds the Government to account” in the best tradition of the fourth estate, but is little more than opposition propaganda swallowed whole, then regurgitated. Even right leaning blogs like Guido and Coffeehouse get overexcited at the westminster groupthink and pile on the ordure. The right is hamstrung, the Left will win with their client state, the BBC will pop the champers again. I’ll be an expat.
Living under any of the LIBLABCON is like living under a foreign occupation.
YOU are going to deliver a LabLib coalition. Enjoy.
I don’t understand how it has become accepted practice to impose a poll tax within energy bills rather than financial assistance to poorer people for insulation etc being borne by the exchequer. Does it just demonstrate the success of Brown’s stealth tax subterfuge?
That is an excellent point and ought to be the nub of the argument. Any sensible reporter – not the BBC then – would ask the government why laudable aims like insulation for people’s houses should be paid for from fuel bills (thereby taxing the poor) rather than from general taxation as all other welfare is.
Surely even Cameron couldn’t miss the open goal of “that’s how Gordon Brown and Ed Miliband decided to disguise this tax when they introduced it”?
Said so a few weeks ago. We do not, as yet anyway, have political parties funded by the state. But the BBC, as it is consistently anti-coalition and pro-Labour, has become a state funded party, with the added huge advantage, that it has a virtual monopoly of TV and radio.
What surprises me is the extent of stupidity of the Conservatives. Even a dog, if kicked long enough, understands who is the kicker, and what to do about it.
Hmmm, but BBC is the Liberal and Labour ‘elite’ squad. Liberals like to block any progress being made that might damage their (already untrustworthy) reputation. They may think they’re on a bread winner when they try to form a coalition with Labour, but it’s no secret they have a desperate (loss of membership), only Labour will be worse being financially inadequate (they don’t have another Lord Sainsburys ‘bank’ to rely on and the Co-op ‘bank’ is not looking to promising either (thanks to Flowers). Only the UK voters can save the country from ruin now. (I am excluding the BBC which will act as Labours only cod piece).
The trouble with state funded parties you would have to fund them all (to avoid discrimination, racial bias, equality meassures, Scotland (Lothian question remains) and all the while Europe (EU) creeps closer to snuff out whatever democracy we had left. It’s going to be a tough battle, not sure Cameron up to the job.
He isnt. Vote UKIP
To add what seems to me a major point:
This state-funded party operates UNELECTED.
Surely, because of global warming it will no longer be necessary to waste money on insulating houses ,and because it will be so warm ,very little energy will be used anyway, so the price will not matter too much.
Hahaha, I see what you did there. Did you?
John Pienaar (him again) declared on BBC Radio 5Live Question Time Extra Time that Dave Cameron was ‘playing catch-up’ with Ed Miliband’s promise to cap energy prices.
I don’t know about you, but I detect a BBC political correspondent who either believes Miliband’s proposal is credible, or who has a ‘hidden agenda’.
Cameron has already announced plans to lower energy duties/taxes, and there’s nothing wrong with asking energy companies to keep their prices down for the sake of their customers.
Would Miliband have ever considered asking energy companies nicely to keep their prices down BEFORE he announced a new law to freeze prices?
As the victim said to the mugger; “If you’d have asked me for £10 before you mugged me, I would have given it to you!”
I happen to think that the “quiet man turning up the volume” impression that the BBC is training Ted MilliPede for, only shows that it`s getting hot around there for them all.
1. Burning money with no prospect of anybody but others peoples civil partners grandchildren will be doing anything about. They know they`re running on empty-it`s electronic blips and irredeemable.
2. But they must be seen to be doing something -anything-as long as there`s BBC cameras and Stephens Green, an air ticket to nothing and nowhere that will make a scrap of difference to the West. Hence the majoring on minors(plebs), the desperate efforts to engage with we who hate and despise them and their playtime floppy levers and activity centres. All to pretend that the Potemkin village they can`t even bother to put up again any more is somehow able to withstand the first puff from the EU, let alone the burning spears of Islam and the identity warriors like gays, lefties etc.
3. The medias shrill white noise, hysteria over nothing(Oscar Pastorius, horsemeat, Glasgow)…as opposed to what happened in Woolwich, Geneva etc…is truly evil and self immolation…a cultural suttee for them all.
Give them the Jonestown manual, tell them Moonie Man is waiting for them by the Tardis parking zone up there in Nirvana…and let`s start to restore this ship before there is REAL trouble.
The BBC have lost the will to live, will sacrifice other peoples lives and kids. The alternative-man up and face the truth-is too painful for the lazy dolts.
The political class and their media, academic, charity blowhards with big words that signifynothing…they`re going.
The EUrocopter, Concorde, Troikas, Lee Rigby , Obama are all parts of the same rotten jigsaw. Let `em go…but don`t let them hold any part of you as they crave your conscience or an armistice…they`ve lost. Islam knows it too.
ChisH wrote: …but don`t let them hold any part of you as they crave your conscience or an armistice…they`ve lost. Islam knows it too.
I think you are right on all counts. This is the last hurrah of the liberal loons and marxists, and Islam as well. All three dogmas have nothing at their centre except endless repetition of a mantra.