The week begins, and so a new open thread … enjoy …
And as the Mandelathon continues, just remember that I’m sadder than all of you, I’ve shed more tears than all of you, so therefore I’m better than all of you.
“Mandela touched everyone who met him.” So did Jimmy Savile…
Just imagine what it will be like when saint Tony passes away…
Yes, there aren’t too many plaster saints for the BBC to mourn the passing of now.
They might be a bit ambivalent about St Tony of and even they can’t engineer national grief for when St Polly of Toynbee Hall finally croaks.
Perhaps Doreen Lawrence can fill the void? Suggestions on a post card to Lord Chris Patten, Ivory Towers, BBC Portland Place, PO Box FU2.
The BBC has really gone off BLiar, as have the Liebour party.
The next great left wing totem to be publicly mourned will be Fidel Castro.
St Tony Benn is yet to drop off the perch.
St Michael Adebolajo, soldier of Allah, freedom fighter, will have to do a short term in prison before Queen Warsi demands his release and he is installed in high office, probably a knighthood. His six children will inherit the great wealth he accumulated from his religious writings, film rights, and various directorships of third world charities. BBC celebs will fill the airwaves with tributes.
There’ll be a compo claim from his leftie lawyers on its way too before it’s all finished.
Denis Healey, of bankrupting the country and IMF fame.
Healey is always wrongly maligned. He was at least a better chancellor than Barber, and willing to tell his colleagues the hard truth: “You can’t spend your way out of a recession”.
Oh frabjous day calloo, callay.
I nominate Alex Salmond for canonisation. It was St Alex who won the Battle of Bannockburn and cast off the English yoke, determined to turn Scotland into an EU region under the jackboot of Brussels. No doubt the BBC will reward him by letting newly liberated Scots off paying the license fee. Those undertaxed Sassenachs can cough up more instead….
Oh, God, don’t say that. I’m already wailing and chewing the carpet because of the tragedy in The Cape. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.
There are plenty of saints-to-be for the BBC of the future. St Russell Bland, St Diane Abbutt, St Bonnie Drear, St Barack, lots of them.
Simon Cowell has put the boot into ‘revolutionary’ Russell Brand.” He gets $10 million dollars a movie and lives in a big mansion, give me a break.”
Getting slagged off by Mr. Cowell more likely ensures deification in some quarters, but the point is a good one.
Last night twitter was alive with the MP pay rise. Now as a load of useless, powerless, whipped makeweights I can’t muster much sympathy, but someone posted relative public sector pay.. PM, quango heads, generals etc.
The disparities were eye-watering given responsibilities and skill levels.
The highest was, I think , £250k.
Now, how many on the BBC roster are there who knock that for six?
For the life of me I cannot fathom how thick you have to be to allow the BBC to govern how you rail against inequality when they are hands down the worst troughers by far.
Most of the left are hypocrites of the highest order. Mr Brand may not vote but he is certainly a fellow traveler. As someone posted elsewhere on the site, the BBC contains whole battalions of fully paid up hypocrites, who preach all sorts of leftist rubbish, whilst gorging themselves on the scandalous License Fee imposed on much poorer hardworking folks.
No. All the above. You just don’t get it. You clearly work by normal standards of fairness and an understanding of hypocrisy. The liberal left don’t work to your rules. There’s are completely different. Dianne Abbot, the Toynbee creature, Russell Brand, the Kinnocks, Harriet Harperson etc are from the “do as I say not as I do” school. Anything else is strictly for the sheeple.
Why are they all socialists? Because they can afford it.
“Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a ruthless drive for placing themselves (the elites) at the top of a new hierarchy of power” — Murray Rothbard – Egalitarianism and the Elites (1995)
Michael Savage ” I don’t want to talk about Nelson Mandela, because he’s the black Jesus, if you dare to criticise him you’ll be called a ‘waaycist,’ so I’m not going to. I’d rather talk about men who smoke pot and then grow man boobs !!” Talk about a dismissive put down.
Savage talks to a South African, ”Johannesburg is the infant rape capital of the World.” It’s at 39.00. You won’t hear this on the BBC.
Mysterious new ethnic group involved in Singapore riot… A bit difficult for the BBC, this one. Rioting has taken place in Singapore following the death of an Indian national (see It took place in an area known as Little India. But how can the rioters be described in ethnic terms? They are not “Asians”, at least to the Singaporean way of thinking (or the Chinese way, Japanese way, Korean way, or American way for that matter). The BBC is loathe to use national identities because of stereotyping and because it doesn’t believe in nations anyway. Amazingly, it comes up with the correct description: they are actually South Asians. Astonishing. It’s a phrase they studiously avoid in UK news. For instance, when there is an incident exclusively involving, say, men of Pakistani origin they will incorrectly use the term “Asian”, even though everyone knows it doesn’t involve Hindus from Gujurat, Sikhs from Punjab, Christians from Goa, Buddhists from Sri Linka, much less anyone of Chinese or Japanese background. PS my apologies for discussing a topic that doesn’t involve Mandela.
“”Projectiles were thrown at the SCDF rescuers while they were extricating the body.”
Surprised they didn’t go the ‘bubbling tensions through inequality’ route by way of an excuse. I’m just intrigued, as ever to what pea-brain mindset kicks off a riot (down, Mason) around a supposed accident, but first off targets the guys trying to help the victim.
Lucky there wasn’t a JD Sports nearby.
Also noting the last bit on Chinese bus drivers, as to why simply striking would lead to a jail term.
I recall Singapore being less than sympathetic to trade activism, but was this the only reason.
But sadly, it shows that, even in tightly controlled cultures with totally nationalistic employment protections (an overseas domestic worker gets pregnant and she’s on the first plane out, with bonds forfeited), the minute you allow ghettos to form and foment, trouble will follow.
24 hours on the BBC
Shows too small to fit his great feats
Smoke blown up his bum
‘Til my mind goes numb
BBC, free me from Nelson Mandela
Free free
Free free free Nelson Mandela
BBC, free me from Nelson Mandela
100 Beeboids fly to visit the ANC
Only one man but a large army
No other news as far as I can see
There’s no escape from him
BBC, free me from Nelson Mandela
You have to listen to the BBC reporting on the Muslim atrocities being carried out in Central African Republic.
It’s described as ‘Sectarian’ violence, and never ever with blame attached to either protagonist. Occasionally there will be a mention of Christians and Muslims, but no mention of who is actually killing whom.
This is deliberate misinformation by the BBC on behalf of the Muslims yet again.
A couple of years ago I complained to the BBC about their use of the phrase ‘sectarian’ to describe Muslim on Christian violence. The word doesn’t mean that.
I never got a reply which, whilst frustrating on one level, is also satisfying on another, because it means I had them bang to rights.
I heard one report (stupidly forgot to note the details) suggesting that Christians were responsible for instigating inter-communal violence in CAF.
Well, even if they didn’t start the latest round of bloodletting, it’s all the fault of European Christians who colonized Africa in the first place. This is called ‘Root Cause Analysis’ and allows you to take any situation and trace it back to when a white – preferably male and heterosexual – Christian was involved and blame them for everything.
YES the bastards
Well, Nelson Mandela didn’t rise again on the third day. What are those BBC pinkoes going to do now?
Freeze Nelson Mandela?
It seems, according to a friend who lives in South Africa, he has been dead to all intents for the past 3 months but has been mechanically kept ‘alive’ waiting for a major corruption scandal to be exposed. Now it has they have pulled the plug and have successfully diverted attention.
I heard it was whilst the family fought as to who benefits from the Nelson Mandela memorial/museum/theme park to be developed at the grave
I reckon he bit on a cyanide pill when they started singing to him right in front of his face again. Anyone would be desperate as hell for peace from that crap!
One of Saint Nelson’s daughters describes what it was like when he croaked.
So Peter Gabriel and Bono will be at the funeral for some free televisual publicity. Who’d have thunk?
BBC today program at 08:40 “You’ve heard of the cost of living crisis”?
Well yes I have it’s Liebour party speak in the run up to the next election.
Why don’t they just say that they are broadcasting on behalf of Labour?
For me and I expect many, the cost of living started rising out of control circa late 1990’s and hasn’t stopped since, but I don’t expect the BBC to remember that of course. History stopped at that time and only resumed mid 2010.
Well I would have posted a link to the BBC page which carries this story, but unsurprisingly there isn’t one !
Well, that looks like you’ve set Dez et al a challenge. I wonder when they’ll pop up with the BBC link?
Fear not, said he, for Dez will surely oblige us and post a link when one appears. He’s good at that.
He’s probably creating the link as we speak – doubtless on an obscure page in the depths of the BBC website.
Relax, there’s a perfectly innocent explanation for its omission. The public’s insatiable appetite for stories about Mandela means that the BBC website is full and they need to be very selective about any other stuff they add. Short of getting an increase in the TV license to buy more webspace, what are they expected to do?
Five Live in full ‘Asberger’s’ mode today following the stunning revelation Susan Boyle is ever so slightly off piste. I’ve not been this shocked since I heard Tom Daley likes the cock.
Ass-burger’s is the BBC name for the condition known as Asperger’s, and rather than being found in medical textbooks is found in the freezer section of Iceland.
I suspect Gordon Brown has Aspergers, his social cues are very awkward.
Which reminds me, credit where credit is due, BBC London News actually led with this story…
I nearly fell off my chair.
The problem being that I should be surprised that this story got to be aired.
I did note however the carefull tones and rather old fashioned approach BBC LOndon took for serving us this piece of awkward news about Labour – had me quite nostalgic for old time BBC News. No link I’m afraid – but then I notice the story has leaked into national chat (not news as such) … the BBC does still employ Brillo & his sidekick… (to keep them honest, as it were)
Final link – just for laughs….
RE. your last link
Can a socio/ethnic group be bullied?
If so, and based on this list, the white working-class have been repeatedly bullied
people calling you names *
making things up to get you into trouble*
hitting, pinching, biting, pushing and shoving
taking things away from you*
damaging your belongings
stealing your money*
taking your friends away from you
spreading rumours*
threats and intimidation*
making silent or abusive phone calls
sending you offensive text messages*
posting insulting messages on the internet.*
But how can the BBC be held to account?
The scales have fallen from my eyes….
No wonder the BBC London report seemed odd – the little tykes simply repackaged the Sunday Politics report – cutting out references such as ‘the Sunday Politics has learned….’
Which of course expalains why that hotbed of Labour support BBC London aired the story – how could they have ignored a London story reported on elsewhere on the BBC? My universe returns to equilibrium- the cheeky buggers at BBC London would never have investigated this story themselves.
Fancy making us suffer a few seconds of Jo Brand. They were a few seconds too much.
Funny the Boyle “revelation” comes just as she’s flogging her cd for Xmas. Coincidences…eeh?
The people of South Africa seem to have failed to absorb the BBCs hoped for Mandela message. Little evidence of Diana style despair to be found on the streets of Soweto.
No wailing in the streets, no uncontrollable sobbing, merely a culture which lives cheek by jowl with death, and therefore realises ninety-five year old people die, and instead celebrates the life by having a bit of a party.
That must come as a bit of a disappointment to the journos who have had the Mandela go-bag in the cupboard under the stairs for the last few years.
”and instead celebrates the life by having a bit of a party. ”
Turned on my television and all I saw was a lot of butt dancing.
serves you right for watching dianne abbott on strictly come dancing.
“celebrates the life by having a bit of a party”
Oh. And here was I thinking these partying lefties didn’t like Maggie. Seems I owe them an apology.
It’s not just the BBC that have been perpetuating this massive communist cover up in the media.
You see our problem is the media; as Greg Dyke might say “is hideously Jewish”.
Thus our problems are manifold when it comes to dishonest reporting, we’ve even got websites devoted to exposing this corrupting force of the media yet geared to disguise its core fault… such as this website for example.
You see our problem is the media; as Greg Dyke might say “is hideously Jewish”.
You’ve come to the wrong place for anti-semitism. Try the Guardian’s “Comment is Free” which is full of anti-semitic types.
Is it anti-semitism to point out that the BBC has been a communist cover up from the start?
Is it anti-semitic to demonstrate that in every key position of power throughout its halls there are communist Jews?
Is it fair to mention that the only acceptable racism is that enacted by the BBC against all white Europeans and especially white Christians?
Should I instead pretend that they are muslim at the top chain of command at the BBC, would that be more satisfactury to you?
Perhaps the BBC could report on the following article from the Jerusalem Post to show their fair and balanced reporting…
John Reith was an anti-Semite and anti-Communist, as he admired Hitler. A former BBC producer who used to comment here under the name “John Reith” shared your concerns about Jewish power and the damage they do to everything, and Katty Kay’s and other BBC journalists’ fretting about the power of the Jewish Lobby gives us the flavor of the true general attitude at the BBC. The BBC is still riddled with Communists, just not the kind you think. Thank you for playing.
The BBC is full of the Stalinist communist type of commie.
And like Stalin, while the BBC might publicly denounce antisemitism, in reality, they kill them.
Stalin used the NKVD and the BBC uses its news broadcasts. Thats why they wont release the Balen Report.
Trying hard to generate a ‘hate site’ listing ahead of the consultation findings I see ….
Cripes, if that doesn’t get you a resident on-station Flokker sigh-by, I don’t know what will.
“Thus our problems are manifold…”
This ‘our’ and ‘we’ of whom you so all-inclusively speak; they would be…?
I have to say that there have been some spectacular left wing Jewish screw ups over the years.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who gave away the secrets of the Atomic bomb to Russia, putting all our lives in danger.
David Greenglass who supplied the documents to them
Harry Gold who was the courier.
Rosa Luxemburg Marxist loony
Janet & Helen Suzman Anti Apartheid.
Arthur Zimmermann not particularly left wing but described as “arguably the most destructive person of the twentieth century.”
He was partly responsible for WW1, the troubles in Ireland, dragging the USA into WW1 leading to WWII, almost single handedly responsible for the October revolution in Russia. The destructive abilities of this man are truly incredible ! He nearly cost all of us our lives !
True that there probably is no difference in number of Jewish people going bad to the rest of the population, but when they do the effect they have is disproportionate to their numbers.
And don’t forget George Zimmerman. A bad egg, so the BBC tells me.
My grandmother was very proud that it was a relation of hers who shot Rosa Luxembourg.
But when they are good they also save lives disproportionate to their numbers. See what the tiny Jewish nation is doing to save lives
The above cranks (as opposed to islamists) are best ignored, ladies. They will always blame their impotence on some scapegoat group.
But Thoughtful, these people were atheists who happened to be of Jewish decent and where therefore no more Jewish than Lenin and Stalin were Russian or Georgian orthodox Christians
In fact you could ague that it was their rejection of their cultural and religious heritage that dislocated them from the realities of their actions.
Religion is a difficult one to pull when Most Jews claim that they are a race apart.
I don’t believe Hitler discriminated between Jews with & without religion, nor those who had converted, or were messianic Jews.
But then most Jews aren’t Marxist revolutionaries who claim race is a social construct and most of those who do have renounced their faith and are atheists ,therefore not Jews.
I’m not sure the opinions of Hitler are best guide to the theological motivations of Bolsheviks and Marxists
Sorry, are we talking about Ralph Milliband again?
I suppose you could say Hitler did discriminate between jews because he only killed jews of full blood
Half Jews were OK but couldnt be in the army, although loads wanted to serve and they did up until 1940, they had to work for operation todt instead
quarter jews could be in the army
True until the 20 January 1942 at Wannsee ! when all exceptions were dismissed or redefined after that anyone of any Jewish heritage was a target of the Nazis new order!
I believe most Communists of Jewish descent are self-loathers who hate Israel and their own Hebrew background. George Soros and Noam Chomsky are prime examples. They have no loyalty to their religion and would like to be known as Marxists most of all.
We have our own self loathing Marxists who would willingly sacrifice this country and all its institutions on the altar of collectivism.
Remember, Marxists first and Jewish last!
Some truly amazing reviews of the BBC latest offering to rip people off, the Doctor Who Bluray Box set costing anything up to £300.
But while US buyers get a full set of bonus discs, the UK buyers get just one!
An awful lot of discontented buyers giving it just one star and calling the BBC for being ‘rip off artists’.
At least there is the option of declining the offer.
One uniquely denied any seeking simply to watch live broadcast of others.
By way of balance ‘the Other Mens’ is in the supermarket at £13.99 and I may be tempted.
It was funny and well produced.
Still not worth £13.99.
You’ve paid once, just record and keep!
Fair point.
Now we are ‘off grid’ I must suss out how.
Currently we watch catch-up via the XBox.
I presume this would need to be run through a recorder to capture?
And is not encrypted plus remains legal.
I really don’t want to give TVL any excuse.
Google is your friend!
Many thanks. Most helpful.
It’s usually possible to download popular programmes on the internet. A bloke in the pub told me.
*cough* Pirate Bay app *cough*
Bypasses Virgin’s block, allegedly.
Nothing says ‘legal’ to me like the word ‘Pirate’.
Worked for Mr Depp!
Just looked up the Dr. Who Bluray box set I see what you mean. It also says series1-7 that being the written by a five year old re-imagined crap.
Hang on haven’t we paid for this codswalllop? So this garbage should really not cost much more than packaging and materials. Rather hammer nails into my eyes than watch this.
BBC News leads this morning on the scandal of patients left in ambulances for hours on end. A story garnered by their use of the Freedom of Information Act
This is the third time in the past 12 months or so that the BBC has used the FoI to go on a fishing trip.
Ironinc, isn’t it, when they themselves hide behind their exclusion to bury own their wrongdoing.
It seems that the FoI is only for little people.
BBC Hypocrites
You make an excellent point on the selective attraction of FoI to the BBC’s finest investigators.
I now must search out more on the story, though.
After a recent scare, I would have been more than happy to spend hours in the back of the cab with two chirpy first responders, vs. stuck in a cubicle in A&E.
Thing is, are not ambulances not meant to rush about hither & thither doing ambulancy stuff? How come what presume is a pricey bit of mobile real estate is sitting around idle as a waiting room?
Perhaps statistics say otherwise, but it does seem to me that the BBC was never quite as curious to find these things out pre 2010.
Of course they take it at face value as evidence of failure by the current govt.
Once again they seem curiously uncurious about what might lie behind that. It’s not like they wouldn’t have a clue. A few weeks ago, they had Sir Bruce Keogh on the Today programme talking to him about his recommendations for emergency care.
In that section I noticed how he mentioned that part of the problem with waiting times at A&E was that around 40% of the cases in A&E were not actual emergencies requiring the sort of service A&E is desined to provide..
Strangely enough, they didn’t really seem that keen on exploring that observation then either.
Did anyone see the BBC Grief meter reading on the day Lady T died? I wonder what the reading was.
Well that failed 🙁
So Gameshow Nikki’s assistant-cackler, Rachel Boredom, flies out front of the plane to South Africa, participates intermittently in a ‘show’ where she tells you the sun is shining, what colour the sky is, the stark contrast between rich and poor, and how ‘vibrant’ are the dispossessed.
She then has a couple of days to fill with shopping sightseeing, ‘pampering’ in the hotel spa, and getting shitfaced in one or other of the hotel bars, before flying home front of the plane again.
CF Victoria Fuckingawfulshire and ‘The Countdown To Rio’.
And this benefits us, the television-tax paying public how exactly. Producer capture – the BBC is run entirely for its employees and favoured political causes and nothing else.
Anyone who is not a Droid and who feels £3.5 billion a year ‘is getting it about right’ should be taken into care.
It’s the perfect gig for Rachael as no detailed knowledge is required, just lots of gushing and mundane commentary.
Since Brazil was described by the Five Livers as ‘the spiritual home of football’ despite the recent 150th Anniversary of the English FA presumably South Africa is ‘the spiritual home of…….’
Fill the gap as you will.
Wouldn’t be surprised if these ‘assignments’ are advertised within under the banner ‘Ever fancied a holiday in…?’ or ‘In need of a short break? Then why not try….’
Sorry to lower the tone of the whole site but I am still seething from the obvious manipulation of the results on Strictly this weekend. The Swingathon was obviously contrived to enable the contestants deliberately marked low in the first round to be lifted back up the scoreboard (Natalie). In the mean time it was obvious that the camera was hardly on Patrick who could be seen (if you watched carefully in the background) either standing still or jumping very flat-footedly being given second place and so lots of extra points. Ashley was guaranteed a place in the dance-off last night as it has been obvious for weeks that the judges (producers?) wanted him off the programme. Mr D rightly predicted that it would not be the obvious contestant that he would need to dance against (Suzanne) but one of the best – making the choice an obvious one. So Patrick in the dance-off and him the judges favourite. Again Mr D predicted that one of the judges would disagree with the others – although he did not say it would be Len who should be up for an Oscar for his faux anger performance. We are no longer told the numbers of people who phone in to vote (I guess the number is down hugely) and the producers can tell us anything they want about the home audience’s choice. Trust the BBC? I would rather trust the Taliban.
Goodman was a bit tetchy this week all through, I thought.
Anyway, my tip for the dance-off next week? Patrick and Susanna Reid, who I have found to be pretty talentless (although a trier) really irritating all through and feel should have gone a couple of weeks ago. She is pulled through by the BBC breakfast vote though I think.
In sheer talent terms, I reckon the final should include Natalie (who probably will not win) Abbey (who probably will) and Sophie Ellis Baxter.
I base my predictions on the commentary bias of the judges which includes directional “pushes” to the audience as to who to vote for. What is only a matter of time is the usual pointing to voting irregularities which normally arise when voting details (including numbers) are kept secret.
Spot on Deborah. This is Mrs B’s programme of choice and she has complained loudly for weeks about the fixing and the easy ride that some contestants get. Surely the BBC must release the vote. They get the licence fee whatever so in the public interest they should reveal all, otherwise like much of their broadcasting it really isn’t very transparent. Just biased.
This odd mix of approved BBC appointed judges plus the mysteriously counted public referendum is a wizard wheeze, isn’t it? Oh the Common Purpose. Programs for Societal Leadership (Revolutionary Vanguard ahem) – or some such. Reminds me a lot of where we are going with Sports Personality of the Year, where the BBC and Cleggy wanted us to go with AV and where we already are with the EU.
The other thing I’m slightly uneasy about is the somewhat incestuous nature of the the professional dancers, who all seem to be either engaged to each other, married to each other or otherwise used to date each other.
Actually, now I come to think about it, not unlike the so called experts you see across some other programmes, antiques programmes in particular.
Surely, with a multi-billion pound revenue stream, the BBC could have done slightly better in this respect.
My take is that Patrick was to be kept in at all costs whatever the reason, although I could hazard a guess.
Maybe Len was angry because a dictat had come down from BBC PC/Diversity dept and he was inexplicably scored high to try and prevent the possibility of him being in the bottom two.
If so I can understand Lens anger, otherwise if he really thought Ashley was better, why the hell didn’t he score him higher or Partrick lower in the first dance? (he scored them both 9).
Something a bit fishy here.
Something has looked odd for a number of weeks. Len’s observation in the dance off about heel leads in Patrick’s dance was particularly odd in that Craig who would normally spot and take apart such things seemed to totally miss which was even more curious because his decision to keep Patrick made specific reference to the steps in his dance.
What also appeared odd in the Swingathon was the timing of the end of the dance in that Natalie just somehow managed to finish her dance with a head turn to the left right at the moment the camera to her left became the broadcasted shot.
Sophie will not make the final I don’t think because she’s getting picked up on niggly little points yet the chosen ones are getting a pass on on fundamentals like dance steps.
Not a bad show in theory, but aren’t all these things fixed? I’m not saying that’s a good thing; in fact it says a lot about the medium. But shouldn’t we be aware of both it and the ramifications it has for supposedly ‘factual’ programmes:- news and dokkos.
Another fatal house fire in a northern mill town, how long before the BBC get around to telling us the family were Iranian?
Ahh well that all depends. If plod were to perhaps give an indication this was a “waycist” attack by evil white neighbours then it make get some air time. However the Beeb have jumped to that conclusion before then found that burning down houses in the middle of the night is how certain groups settle domestic disputes. If it looks that way then this story is down the memory hole.
‘Fatal House Fire’ – isn’t that what we used to call a Pakistani Divorce?
Formal identification of the victims has yet to take place. Neighbours said the couple who live at the house are Hassan and Mona Rafie.
They said Hassan is a retired architect and Mona works at Next in Bolton.
It is also thought that the woman’s mother, who is from London, was staying with the couple.
The couple have two sons – the eldest is understood to be a doctor and the other is understood to be studying medicine at university.
What Beeboids don’t mention about Labour’s KINNOCK wanting to put income tax rates up to 50%:-
“Eurocrats told: Keep dodging taxes”
“… former EU commissioners, including Lord Kinnock and Lord Mandelson, can receive their five-figure taxpayer-funded pensions at far lower tax rates than are paid by other British citizens.
“The decision is bound to infuriate millions of pensioners.
“Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party, said: ‘Tax, for Eurocrats, is something that happens to other people.’”
I think we can rely on Lady Hodge and the BBC to ignore this one. BTW this is the result of a search on the BBC website: search parameters “eu pensions”.
As various African adventures play out in hotel bars across the Southernmost parts, I will give rare credit to Ch4, who last night managed to lead its email alert thusly:
Subject: Terrified Christians too scared to leave airport
‘I’m in the Central African Republic, Jon is in South Africa, and Cathy is in London, we will be on your screens at 7.30pm.
French troops struggle to control the terror as CAR’s Christians hide
We start tonight with some frankly astonishing images of the airport today in Bangui the capital of the Central African Republic.
Tens of thousands of Christian families – 35,000 says the Red Cross – are flung all around the airport perimeter in makeshift camps amidst the hangars of light leisure aircraft. The playthings of the rich have become surreal shelters for people terrified into destitution. They think if they leave they’ll be butchered by the Seleka Moslem militia.
Tonight the French military commander here in Bangui said his priority is to disarm Seleka – let’s see if the thousands at the airport believe that tomorrow and go home.
Read more: Bodies lie at parliament’s front door in CAR
Well, at least the chap who is in CAR doing actual reporting, whilst Jon swaps war stories on the calibre of shebeen with Rach & the rest of the girls from Aunty after a hard day standing in front of buildings noting who is going in, out or hasn’t arrived yet.
And it’s back to the cheap supermarket in Barnsley with ‘You & Yours’ and in their gushing praise the BBC drops in the real reason why people need this service.
Where people can receive debt advice, addiction support, budgeting advice, and there will be lessons in how to cook !
So it has nothing to do with benefit cuts or the usual reasons trotted out by the lefties and much of it seems to be self inflicted.
The One Show helpfully reported that those 500 selected recipients of benefits in Barnsley could now buy packs of luxury liquer chocolates at less than half-price.
We need a shop for the hard working rich folk devoid of all these benefit scroungers…..then I remembered we have Waitrose!
global warming is now so catastrophic, polar bears floating on melting icebergs have got as far south as south africa. Unfortunately for this polar bear, he came across the nelson mandela fan club
Just as well he hasn’t mixed a cross ply and a radial tyre on the same neck.
Add some petrol and you have a Polar Boer….
Terrible editorial in the New Scientist this week about Global Warming. So full of ifs and mights and maybes that Charles Lutwidge Dodgson would have been proud.
Dodgson was a mathematician so would have dismissed the crackpot interpretation of graphs that the Warmist nutcases rely on.
Quite comical to see the alarmists scrabbling around the Settled Science Dustbin to see what crackpot theories they can find to prove their first crackpot theory still holds good and their models were 100% accurate after all.
Love the grief-o-meter!
Today our elected democratic representatives will spend up to 7 and a half hours paying tributes to Mandela in the House of Commons. Yes, that’s 7 and a half hours….
Let’s face it, they’ve got bugger all else to do, since so much legislation comes from the EU.
A predictable sympathetic report from the defence of the Soldier of Allah, a quietly spoken man with a Christian background. He will go down for a couple of years and probably end up as a reporter for religious affairs at the BBC.
i doubt the BBC would ever give him a job. To the average beeboid, he’s a white right wing extremist…..communist council bans free speech,not in china or north korea but in birmingham !!!
Sounds about right for Birmingham, well they did ban:
The Union flag from Police cars as certain communities would find it racist.
Christmas and replaced it with ‘Winterval’ as certain communities wouldn’t find it as offensive as….Christmas.
And it was also the place where the council refused to lower their flags to half mast when Maggie died.
There’s (according to Bill Bryson anyway) a phrase in French: Etre de Birmingham. It means to be bored to death, which is understandable to anyone who’s been marooned there. And I speak as one who’s been to Sidcup, Basildon and sundry other charm-free plague spots.
Guessing that Brum’s exciting ethnic mix will soon result in the meaning changing from ‘bored to death ‘ to ‘hacked’.
I’ve just clicked on the link and scanned it.
Makes you proud to be British, doesn’t it.
You can’t even call anyone a “commie puff” anymore without some taxpayer-funded box-ticker getting their knickers in a twist about it. No wonder the country’s going to Hell in a bucket. I notice that ‘Nazi’ is still all right, though! I wonder if they’d feel the same way about ‘National Socialist’. That would really confuse them I would imagine.
It must be worth a Freedom of Information request to discover how many beeboids, and at what cost, have gone to South Africa to
enhance their leftie credentialsdisplay their griefeducate us racistsenjoy a freebie holidayreport on the most important ‘news’ item ever in the history of the universe.i heard that the bbc are sending up to 500 of the employees over to south africa to cover mandelas funeral, the gravely voiced rachel burden from the breakfast show is already over there getting us prepared for a week of mandelamania.very nice indeed.contrast that to a few 100 miles up the road from south africa in the central africa republic which is a christian country overtaken by the muslim minority called the seleka al qaeda scum who are going of a rampage of genocide and murder against the christian majority whos men.women and children are being tortured,raped and butchered in there 1000s with machetes by these muslim savage cowards in there rampaging mobs,.where are the bbc covering this story,nowhere to be seen,in fact the only media outlet covering this genocide against the christians is channel 4 and there brave journalists,maybe i am wrong,but what is happening in the africa central republic to these poor christians at the hands of these muslim savages in there own christian lands is a more important than story than nelson mandelas funeral and the bbc circus that is following it.
‘i heard that the bbc are sending up to 500 of the employees over to south africa to cover mandelas funeral,’
You do, I dread to hope, jest?
I hope so: I called only 150. Potential large spread betting losses.
“i heard that the bbc are sending up to 500 of the employees over to south africa to cover mandelas funeral”
Lucky it doesn’t clash with Glastonbury, huh ?
Oh God, Glasto!
Dedicate some godawful caterwauling dross to the memory of St Nelson, howling ovation guaranteed. Will anyone be able to resist the temptation?
It really doesn’t bear thinking about.
One item that will probably not be making it onto tonight’s BBC Midlands Today, despite being front page news on the main Birmingham Newspapers..
Gang of four Asian youths have been terrorising peaceful law-abiding suburbs in Birmingham hurling rocks at all and sundry with impunity and hurling racial insults.
Arrested time and again they just laughed at the law and carried on for nine months until issued with Asbos.
If they were white the BBC would lead with the storey about white racist thugs.
Of course I may be wrong!
Speaking of what makes it or not, given the BBC’s thirst for errant opinion from on high (low simply meaning plod bangs you up no matter what these days)needing correction, it will be interesting how this one plays out….
Lucky the schedules are simply packed and the mass migration of the BBC flower beds South for the winter can excuse sparse coverage of local issues.
Surprise? No I was right.
Apologies if this has been mentioned already but even the BBC have managed to report that it has recieved no less than 1000 complaints about the excessive Mandela coverage.
Unfortunately it hasn’t made any difference or eased the coverage.
There’s a surprise……..(not).
And, as I reported here last Thursday ( the bBBC complaints telephone line was jammed and not taking calls, so the 1000 complaints must have been a gross underestimate.
Although their ‘News’ Editor has already had his say, defending their excessive coverage, I notice that he didn’t explain why they spent most of Thursday evening’s ‘news’ with one bBBC staff member interviewing another about ‘how they felt’. And I have had no reply to my e-mail complaint to the bBBC website.
‘bBBC complaints telephone line was jammed and not taking calls, so the 1000 complaints must have been a gross underestimate.’
So the whole thing is, at best, estimated anyway, and doubtless by that beacon of trust and transparency, the BBC.
Bit like their crowd number assessments that can vary widely depending on the event being in or out of BBC favour.
‘I have had no reply to my e-mail complaint to the bBBC website’
Wild guesses as to what it may be, if it comes at all?
I would love for someone to ask the GIAR high command to explain how it is that while the BBC’s entire staff is dutifully cranking anything Nelson Touched out they can find (BBC FaceBook is currently seeking images of any signs around the world bearing his name), the articles resulting from such sterling efforts seem near universally avoided by the public being spoken at.
It’s almost like they are living in a bubble listening to their own echoes.
And notice how the BBC have cunningly used the word “extensive” rather “excessive” (can you imagine someone complaining about “extensive” reporting?). Plus the onanistic description of “probably… the most significant statesman of the last 100 years”? Really? More so than J F Kennedy? Winston Churchill? Lloyd George? Charles de Gaulle? Franklin Roosevelt? Gandhi? Or several dozen other worthy candidates.
In complement.
Lucky the Dr. Who Xmas special writers can simply pop back in time to rewrite it.
Spot on, Ian. That comment from Harding really takes the biscuit. If he in all seriousness can think that Mandela is more significant than those leaders of the Western World who faced down firstly the Nazis and then the totalitarian USSR, then he is clearly unfit to edit and arbitrate news output.
The Islamic Jihad murder of LEE RIGBY.
It seems that even Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has now given up on its attempted propaganda disguise that Lee Rigby’s Muslim muderers were not Islamic jihadists acting in accord with Islamic doctrine.
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“UK jihad murderer: ‘I believe the best way to conduct any act is to copy Mohammed…I will never regret obeying the command of Allah'”
2.) INBBC:-
“Lee Rigby murder trial: Michael Adebolajo ‘a soldier of Allah'”
I keep hearing he loved Al Quaida, like a metronome … ad nauseum on the bloody BBC, didn’t hear them keep repeating how he loved his religion though ….
which he stated equally as vehemently
To the BBC, it’s nothing to do with religion. It’s all about legitimate grievance against UK (and US/Western) foreign policy. Most of them agree with him, so they’re not likely to see his religious belief as a negative influence.
The killers of Lee Rigby are pleading an unusual ‘defence’ claiming that they were under orders from their God to do this foul deed. It seems very like the defence often used in War Crime trials of ‘following orders’ but with a supernatural element.Bringing their God into play may open the possibility of an insane verdict.
Interesting to see how the BBC report on this and what slant they put on things. Is it best from the BBC narrative that Isalm is a religion of peace for the two perpetrators to be found guilty or insane?
false religion – false god – false defence
If they were soldiers and not (by their own admission) in uniform then I believe that the SOP is to treat them as spies.
The penalty for spying in wartime is well known.
The status of soldier is quite clearly defined in the Geneva Conventions
These two do not meet the defintion and are therefore no more than common murderers
As far as I am aware someone/thing telling you to do something is not a defence in law but may be submitted in support of a diminished responsibility defence when it is of the ‘voices in the head’ variety
Belief in Allah evidence of diminished responsibility? I can’t see them going there….
On the plus side they will have a very unpleasant prospective stay in jail to look forward to
Could Allah potentially be put on trial for this?
Er, no. He could be interviewed since a serious allegation has been made. But a strong suspicion must exist that the defendant is making it up to try to spread and diffuse the blame. The allegation can only be taken seriously if corroborating evidence is uncovered.
My own suspicion is that the defendant(s) is a bit of a tit. A highly dangerous tit, certainly, but no intellectual and probably a bit drug-addled. The sooner he’s behind bars, preferably only to leave feet first, the better. Then he can have a word with God himself and see if he got the message right. It is always possible that the Almighty might not be as pleased with him as he imagines.
If the mass outbreaks of cultural absolution and moral flagellation that we’ve witnessed on the BBC are indications of the cheesy hypocrisy of the Left, it might be worth taking stock of what the response might be when the Lawrences pass away…. it just might the Messiah and Saviour of mankind type of stuff!
Story from Channel 4. What is our other ( much more generously ) publicly funded broadcaster going to report? Can the BBC spare anyone from its planned coverage of Mandela’s funeral?
In others news, as the entire BBC news budget for next year is blown on biz class seats to Jo’burg, Capetown, Durban & Sun City, look what else is adding up, or not….
Anyhoo, at least we can be assured there will be all the usual oversights now a feature of the BBC’s internal systems…
‘Well, the words may soon be visible, but their meaning could well be a matter of continuing opacity.’
Why do I sense a belief in Getting It About Right is agin strong in the Farce?
Feel the trust, gaze at the transparency…
1hr 26 min –
V Drearybyshire BBC 5live reports
fighting between “gangs of former rebels” ?
“French troops fire on rebels” ?
“fighting between rival groups” ?
this mystery goes on until …
it finally it filters out through a correspondent on the ground that its Muslims Jihadi s, killing Christians and destroying their villages, they had to flee and first to an airport, then a church compound
that they are now attempting to gather some weapons to protect themselves …
just a minute?, VD has just reported fighting between “rival” groups …
isn t an attempted massacre … the clear fact.?
what is this nonsense?
Coming soon via Calais !
risk of genocide? … Islamic jihadi s? … mass murder?
but not on V Derbyshire s watch
Is BBC-NUJ, at long last, learning the reality about ‘Foreign Aid’?:-
“Aid agencies ‘paid Somalia’s al-Shabab’ during famine”
lee rigbys killier was a nice christian boy before he discovered islam at university,then he turned into a murdering soldier of allah,the religion of peace and harmony they call islam at its base core,allah hu akbar
The BBC’s report on the Fusillier Rigby murder trial has a section that is mostly devoted to Michael Adebolajo’s admission that he had killed Fusilier Rigby and his statement that “My religion is everything. “When I came to Islam I realised that… real success is not just what you can acquire, but really is if you make it to paradise, because then you can relax,” he added. Of al-Qaeda, Mr Adebolajo said: “Al-Qaeda I consider to be Mujahideen. I love them, they’re my brothers. I have never met them. I consider them my brothers in Islam.”
The sub heading that the BBC decided was correct was ‘Bible studies’.
I have the screen shot here for when the BBC decide that that was a really poor decision.
Yes, I too am becoming a little concerned with the BBC’s focus on this vile scum bag’s fondness of Islam. I don’t want to know if he thought as himself as ‘Allah’s soldier’… I just want to see him drop dead.
Adebolajo said:
“I obeyed Allah and that is the end of the story for me.”…
“I believe the best way to conduct any act is to copy Mohammed. It was not for malice … ????????
He told the court:
“Jihad is by its very nature, political. It’s not something that is to be taken lightly”
“I will never regret obeying the command of Allah, so that’s all I can say. I am doing what Allah commands me to do. I cannot do anything else. I don’t consider I have a choice. It is compulsory upon me.”
“The Koran is the law”, and on David Cameron’s reaction to the attack, telling the court:
“He’s clearly NOT listening or didn’t see the footage we saw.”
cue – BBC/Cameron/Warsi/Vague/Johnson …
and “nothing to do with Islam”
In Syria,
In Somalia,
In Egypt,
In Afghanistan,
In Pakistan
In our Universities
In our Prisons
In our cities
In terrorism central, in our nation … the Mosque
AND the abject hypocrisy of jailing that soldier for 10 years! … trumpeting his name, endangering him in prison, endangering his whole family outside.
By those spineless high handed simpletons,
who could never even imagine the position he was in, where his next footstep be his last, the so called “police” he was mentoring could shoot him in the back, at any minute! …
bloody handwringing, politically correct, w-nkers
hypocrites all, the world has turned in on itself
shame on them all.
But our Prime Minister and Deputy PM insist that the Woolwich killing has nothing to do with Islam
Not only the BBC he was betrayed by those smug senior officers who’s only concern is their precious careers hanging on by a thread in a Royal navy that has more admirals than frigates and an army with more Generals than infantry battalions and an Air vice Marshal for each fighter squadron.
Why no ‘public inquiry’ into which Mosque taught him that Islam was all about killing?
NotaSheep, you beat me to it. Disgusting, insidious smear by association.
Funny how Dez is nowhere to be seen. He says this doesn’t exist.
There is a great line in that report…
“On Monday he said he wanted to film the scene of the attack to get his message across without people being brainwashed by the BBC”
Brainwashed by the BBC? What could that mean? That the BBC keeps saying the religion of peace is a religion of peace.
‘Bible readings’ is still there, 7 hours after the item was first posted, so it is obviously deliberate. The usual outrageous bBBC behaviour: anything they can do to deflect attention away from the Religion of War.
My complaint has been sent.
I complained too, and was surprised to get a reply so quickly.
So swift was their reply, in fact, that they forgot to read and inwardly digest the nature of my complaint, fobbing me off with a bit of ‘that’s what he said in court so our report is accurate’ flannel.
It wasn’t accuracy I was complaining about, you dolts: I was offended by the choice of topic and wording for the subheading.
I had exactly the same response and have e-mailed them back.
Thank you for your quick reply. Unfortunately, in your haste, you appear not to have read my complaint, which was entitled ‘Biased sub-headings in report’. It is not about Adebolajo’s testimony, or whether the BBC’s report of it was accurate, but about the BBC News Editor’s choice of sub-headings for the report.
Adebolajo’s defence is that he is a Muslim, a ‘soldier of Allah’, and committed to killing British soldiers because of his Islamic religion. Perhaps your News Editor could explain why s/he chose to use ‘Bible readings’ – a clear reference to Christianity – as the only phrase to pick out as a sub-heading?
I give them marks for persistence. Their latest story is
We use cross-headings to break up the text of a story and to highlight something that appears further down the same story. In this case we felt it worth highlighting Bible readings as the fact that Michael Adebolajo was brought up a Christian might be something that was not known to a large part of our audience and so would encourage them to read on.
Thank you again for contacting us.
BBC News website
‘I give them marks for persistence”
At least you are matching them.
Looking at your and Hadda’s shared experiences with CECUTT at its most risible, at least the arrogant sloth and insincerity of the BBC ‘Complaints’ procedure is laid bare.
The choice seems to be between a Hugs’ e-mail to nowhere or a default cookie cutter generic non-answer.
Or, rather, answering what they feel will close the dialogue even if nothing to do with the point raised.
Hard to excuse.
And, of course, if one does persist in pointing this out, as some have found, a banning awaits.
It’s BBC trust-building at its best.
Worth appealing. At least they have to eventually take your complaint seriously . Appeal to your local MP .
I got the very same cookie-cutter response.
I replied to them, thanking them again for their swift response, and for looking at bit harder at my actual complaint (never hurts to be polite).
I then pointed out the words chosen for their heading are still offensive, and suggested a less contentious alternative to achieve the same stated purpose (which I have no problem with in itself), with explanation of why my suggestion is better than theirs.
I’ve made my point, been civil, and I hope I’ve made them think a bit more carefully about the implications of the words they use (yeah, I know . . .).
That’ll do for me on this one.
Back in June, the BBC went in to bat against the deportation of smug beardy lefty Trenton Oldfield, the man who interrupted the Boat Race. Back then I wrote
Of course, the BBC needn’t worry about Oldfield. There is no chance that he will be deported. A smug, beardy, parasitical lefty lawyer will probably make a mint ensuring that it does not happen.
The lawyer turned out to be a woman who doesn’t seem to have a beard, but otherwise I was right.
Boat Race protester Trenton Oldfield wins deportation case
What a farce accusing your country of birth as racist, maybe he would prefer it if he was deported to India along with his wife and half caste kid. typica f’ing lefty.
Remember folks the racism card trumps all!
He says that he can’t live in Australia because it would be racist to his wife, so what’s stopping him moving to India with her?
Always assuming that he’s telling the truth of course !
Its shows how absolutely pathetic our judiciary are. If he said they don’t sell Smarties in Aus’ therefore he can’t go back our judges would believe him. Idiots.
i agree with you alex,i would love to see him die a painfull death at the hands of lee rigbys family and freinds,but it wont happen or be allowed in this liberal country.the next best is a full life sentence of mental torture and hell everyday in his miserable cell,most lifers would love a quick death because after the first few years of there life sentence the reality of no release hits them hard.very hard,this guy is going to suffer mentally when he is locked up for life.that to me is a good way of slow torturing this moron when he wakes up in his filthy pissed filled cell everyday.if we cant hang him lets see him suffer in that dammed 6ft by 8ft cell everyday,that is what i will be praying to my god what happens to him.
For his own safety, he will have to be put in solitary. Dead man walking if not.
If they send him to one of those especially ‘enriched’ prisons, he’ll be considered a hero and will have his own bodyguard.
Perhaps one of the inmates will give him a hot cup of tea, with lots of sugar in it.
Listening to an otherwise interesting maths programme at 4.30 on R4 one of the ‘expert’ panel threw in a gratuitous gag, apropos of absolutely nothing that had gone before. ‘If 42 is the answer, what is the question? It’s Boris Johnson asking what is the average IQ of the working class’.
Left wing class war lies aired yet again by the impartial broadcaster we can all trust.
Insidious and relentless.
Casual Leftist remarks – to be expected on the BBC
And tonight on *I’m sorry I haven’t a clue* another dig at UKIP. You now what? I have never voted in my life as I have always felt that the political parties didn’t deserve my vote, but at the next general election, I am going to vote UKIP. It might even help getting rid of the BBC in its present form. I can but hope.
I did that at the last one for exactly the same reason – and I never voted until I was forty. So that’s at least two votes they’ll be getting next time – yours and mine. Let’s face it, if it gets up the noses of Cameron, Clegg, Verybland, the Guardian and the Beeb it’s gotta be doing something right.
So sad to see the BBC’s standout comedy programme infested by the lazy bias that thinks just stereotyping UKIP is funny. What about Sinn Fein (we know where the bodies are buried), Labour (four more wars), Respect (the party of peace), or Conservative (the gay marriage bureau). Somehow it could only ever be UKIP to be the Auntie’s Aunt Sally.
Last Friday was the biggest day for news our region has seen for some time, thanks to Thursday’s extraordinary weather. The Yorkshire coast had the worst storm surge for sixty years, with Whitby and Scarborough inundated. In Leeds the high winds lifted a woman off her feet and put her in hospital. In Auckley the roof was blown off Hayfield School. There were countless power cuts (we were off for five hours here in Braithwell), a man on a mobility scooter was killed by a falling tree, a large building collapsed in Hull, there were floods all over the place, and transport links were badly disrupted.
I put the BBC’s ‘Look North’ on expecting to see a full roundup of the day’s local news, but to my astonishment the programme devoted almost fifteen of its 27 minutes to Nelson Mandela, with the Yorkshire news, sport, and weather squeezed into the remaining twelve minutes.
This was a crucial day for regional news. Local stories were of immediate interest and importance to so many of us. It was the sort of day when local TV news should come into its own; yet on that day ‘Look North’ failed lamentably to live up to its mission statement: to bring us ‘the latest news from around Yorkshire’. The BBC national news covered Mr Mandela’s death at great length and in more than adequate detail. We didn’t want or need yet more of it from ‘Look North’, even with the flimsy pretext that it was ‘the Yorkshire Mandela story’.
Luckily I’d recorded ‘Calendar’ on ITV, and was pleased to see a good comprehensive set of reports about the storm’s aftermath, with a bit of other news as well, and with only three minutes out of 29 devoted to Mr Mandela.
I’ve thought for some time now that Look North suffers from unbalanced editorial judgement, but this edition, with its total overkill on the Mandela story at the expense of vital local information, was the limit. I shan’t bother with the programme anymore. My ‘series link’ has been deleted.
Tim Iredale produces the most blatant pro Labour propaganda for Look North. Always has the camera into which he is speaking positioned high so that when he speaks against the Conservatives it is done with a perfect sneer.
You should complain to the BBC. The more people who complain about the unreasonable amount of Mandela coverage the better, and eventually they will be forced to make a public response in which they will deny they did anything wrong, which is what they always do.
The only way we can force the issue however is by complaint, so please do so. I have already made the same complaint, although I had to wait until the day after as the lines were so busy at 11:00pm They weren’t accepting calls !
Quote: ” In Leeds the high winds lifted a woman off her feet and put her in hospital” Beats taking the bus and much cheaper! 😎
Probably safer than going by ambulance or taxi, too.
You know, at first I thought that the two creatures who murdered Lee Rigby were the very worst kind of beings to grace this planet. Now, thanks to the bbbc I discover that I was wrong and these creatures are in fact dedicated, religious, congenial chaps and that their views should be ‘respected’ and that really, somehow it is my fault that they ended up in the situation they now find themselves Thanks, bbbc
I hope that the bbbc allow me to enjoy the ‘winter lights’ celebrations on the 25th December without offending anyone…………..
Incredible that the Beeb are currently reporting the PROSECUTION, yet spinning it as sympathetically as poss.
Just wait til we get to the defence, we’ll all be sobbing in sympathy for these devout religious peace-loving victims of hideous racist Britain.
Ah, ah….don’t say “winter lights”. It sounds too much like “Feast of Lights”, ie Chanukah, and so might upset the moslems *. Stick to “Winterval” instead.
* plus a couple of cranks who commented on this post ealier.
I’ve been waiting for the BBC to post an update or correction to this news brief about Sec. of Defense Hagel’s visit to Pakistan where he insisted that any US frowning at Iran must be backed up by military strength. I held out hope that they’d actually make a report about the real issue regarding Iran, but it looks like they’ve decided to censor the news of Iran’s new agreement with Afghanistan.
All the BBC can manage is that Hagel’s made his visit “Mr Hagel’s remarks came at a time of heightened tension between Washington and its Gulf Arab partners.” The Saudis were upset we didn’t bomb Syria. The main thrust of the piece is that the so-called Gulf Arab partners are worried that the US is going to ignore them because of the so-called Pivot to Asia.
This is true enough, and if one didn’t know that Iran’s new freedom has allowed them to make the diplomatic rounds and strengthen their position in the region, it would seem like the most important issue. Trust the BBC to be casual with the truth.
Regional expert James Reynolds made a report about Iran’s foreign minister doing just that, clearly making light of the situation. Reynolds humorously lists the different stops the Iranian mouthpiece has hit, but curiously leaves out Afghanistan. I wonder why?
Afghanistan is the highest-profile issue of any of those countries, and Karzai spurning the US to sign an agreement with a sworn enemy ought to be newsworthy. Is this why the President supposedly ended the war? Curious minds might be wondering just what the President and Sec. of State Kerry have been doing over there. The BBC, however, thinks you don’t need to know about it.
Quotation from “According to figures compiled from Iranian media reports, some 190 executions were carried out during the first half of 2013 when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was in power. However, the number of executions only since June when Rouhani replaced Ahmadinejad has reached more than 370.”
And this is the State the BBC portrays as moderate and trusted to be responsible with nucleur toys!
When it comes to political propaganda on South Africa:
“Nelson Mandela and the Left’s Self-Congratulatory Preening.
“Why the invocations of human rights in the wake of an icon’s death ring hollow.”
By Robert Spencer.
A reprise.
“Scrap the Licence Fee and Privatise the BBC”
And still the Mandela-worship continues. On tonight’s News at Ten, the first item was the Muslim murderers (5 minutes), then the second item (lasting 8 minutes) was a 23-year-old story, that a bBBC reporter was there when the Blessed Saint Nelson held a rally at a football stadium in 1990.
The bBBC’s News Editors have lost all sense of perspective, if ever they had any in their metropolitan loony bubble.
Although ITV News were in S Africa the story was further down the running order. ITV was far more balanced….and the newsreader said, ‘Thank you for watching.’
Immigration, the Liberal Elite hear your pain but you WILL learn to live with it: Radio 3 Night waves (follows brief mandatory reference to St. Mandela)