The week begins, and so a new open thread … enjoy …
And as the Mandelathon continues, just remember that I’m sadder than all of you, I’ve shed more tears than all of you, so therefore I’m better than all of you.
“Mandela touched everyone who met him.” So did Jimmy Savile…
Turned on the BBC News and after only approx. half a minute Mandela was mentioned. Turned over to Sky and some screaming lefty was trying to outdo everyone else with his I’m-more-Mandela-knowledgeable-than-you, ego. Alas, I don’t know what I was thinking but I thought I’d chance that extremist left-wing hub of pro-Muslim anti-Christian vileness, Channel 4… I saw Jon Snow and immediately tunred the TV off and sighed. I hate this country.
Please don’t watch Channel 4. It’s not good for your health. Jon Snow and his repugnant rabble of West End metro-trendy Muslim-bum lickers hate Britain and white people. Channel 4 employees are the epitome of the self-loathing middle class liberals.
I think we all knew that the BBC would go into meltdown when Mandela snuffed it but the endless blather is now stomach churning. As soon as his name is mentioned (and that’s about every twenty seconds) I switch channels. It’s becoming deification and anyone who dares to question the excess of grief for the passing of this latter day saint is vilified.
This is manufactured hysteria and it’s really quite unhealthy.
Hypocrites. The BBC have reprimanded Graham Norton – an alleged comedian – after he wore a World Aids Day ribbon on television. According to an article on the BBC website (see “Editorial guidelines state: The BBC must remain independent and distanced from government initiatives, campaigners, charities and their agendas, no matter how apparently worthy the cause or how much their message appears to be accepted or uncontroversial.” As if. All they do is promote government (in waiting) initiatives, campaigns, charities and their agendas, ESPECIALLY if they are unaccepted and controversial.
BBC News US editor Claudia Milne has delivered one tweet since the death of Mandela, a RT of this from Eddie Izzard:
Just goes to show how self-absorbed and far removed these lefties in the media circles are from the rest of us. Most people I know gave it a brief mention in the pub but that was it, and yet the whole media is comparing this man to Jesus Christ (though, I’ve yet to hear a comparison to Mohammed!).
Just had a quick look at BBC online and, yet again, no Mandela stories are in the top 10 most-read.
Got them. Bang to rights. at 0.48 mins.
” as in so many countries, arbitrary borders drawn on maps failed to create a unified nation state. In the absence of national unity people sense of identity came instead from their religion, or their family. That has meant bitter struggles between the Muslim minority and the Christian majority”
What the BBC has said here is quite shocking, they have in effect stated with conviction that diversity and multiculturalism which has been created by the borders not encompassing people of the same ethnicity, identity and religion leads to “bitter struggles” between different groups.
Have they not? That is multiculturalism? diverse peoples with diverse cultures within an area?
Anyone think it would be funny to make a complaint to the BBC regarding this? Should it be a complaint regarding their support for multiculturism now that they have admitted that it leads to violence?
Or how about a troll complaint? – complain about their attack on multiculturism and see how they panic?
Or a complaint about their implicit support for the homogeneity of a nation state along the lines of race and religion?
complan about their double standards. Or are they sayng multiculturalism doesnt work in Africa because they are not cultured and civilised people like us
Round One. Ding ding!
With regard to this statement – “arbitrary borders drawn on maps failed to create a unified nation state. In the absence of national unity people sense of identity came instead from their religion, or their family. That has meant bitter struggles between the Muslim minority and the Christian majority” I believe that the BBC is demonstrating casual racism. It is my understanding that for the past 13 years, the BBC has staunchly supported multiculturalism in the United Kingdom. However, with this statement, I can only infer that you believe that black people, and black societies, are unable to operate as multicultural entities, as the capture of a diversity of cultures, peoples and races within a society due to the borders in question, has in your view; been a cause of bitter struggles between Muslims and non Muslims! I am working under the assumption that you assuredly do not believe that multiculturalism is in any way destructive and malign, due to tensions which may arise as a result of conflicting values, given the vast and unconditional support the BBC has for multiculturalism. As such, I must infer that you believe that African people are not civilized enough to operate a multicultural and diverse society. If this is not casual racism against black people, then it would seems that you do in fact endorse nations which are ethnically, religiously and culturally homogenous, which would be puzzling given your support for multiculturalism. I await your response.
lol. cant wait to see how they answer that one.
Will keep you updated.
But, the only people expected to make the effort to integrate are us, the British people. Go into any Asian shop in the land and they talk in their own language and dress in their own cultural garb. I cannot stand the stinking hypocrisy of the left.
I was in the local kebab shop at the weekend and these two pathetic middle class girls, typical rich-kid students pretending to be poor, asked the Muslim behind the counter if they could have halal meat… I asked why, as I was pleasantly lubricated after imbibing strong ale, and they replied ‘because it’s cool, isn’t it’! I walked out without taking my food, in total disgust.
Well. Look at left wing politics through two prisms. one – religion. two – marxism.
Starting with marxism, referring to Gramsci, Marxism should seek to overthrow the bourgeois culture of the west via allying with “historical forces” even if they contradict the lefts goals and “beliefs”. This now manifests in the support of Muslims, gay people and peodophillia. (see the German 1968 movement, Harmen’s PIE and recent calls for the age of consent to be reduced by a socialist Proff john ashton). They see these forces as being enemies of the west culture. Now enough of the Marxist puppet handlers – now to the everyday.
Most simple minded people support left wing politics, this is because it has been morphed into a proto religion (again, something gramsci encouraged, as he took inspiration from the Catholic church).
Simple minded people now seek moral guidance from left wing politics. They flock to it to be told how to behave as a good person. Their views have no basis in reality, and are supported by what is barely disguised as faith. (look at the name of “Hope not hate” = hope is pretty much faith is it not?). Their constant banging on about the poor is a simplistic bastardization of Christianity. Their constant hatred of Christianity is due to it being a threat, a competitor. They receive their wisdom form their priests and prophets residing in their media cathedrals who issue sermons on a daily basis (Polly Toynbee, Monbiot et al at the Guardian). They now even have their own “day of judgement”, in which we will all be smited if we do not end our evil, greedy capitalistic ways (Noahs Ark, Sodom and Gomorah etc) – climate change.
If you are wondering where God is in thie proto religion, then I give you the state. Problems with world hunger – the state will save the day. People being greedy in banks etc – get the state to take them over. People being mean to each other – the state must intervene to stop it. the state, the state, the state, or GOD.
Anyone one seen the latest TVL trailer? As one would expect of the bBC the depicted family is of course black father, white partner and a gaggle of half caste kids all living in perfect harmony with the in-laws around at Xmas, because of course the majority of families in the Uk are just like this…..aren’t they?
Drip, drip, drip…
Almost as bad as the Halifax advert!
The new BBC advert for the TV mafia extortion machine is pathetic. It seems to imply that setting up your TV License is somehow the most important thing you must do upon entering your new home. The BBC are clinging on and we simply can’t get rid of ’em.
what about Natwest’s lesbian fest.
i dont think they would have got away with using 2 blokes, it would have been a PR disaster
I assumed that the bBBC advert was aimed at those most likely to be criminals and thus avoid paying their TV tax.
From the Daily Telegraph:
The statement as to why the BBC wiped the news slate for broadcast of their new god.
“the decision had been made because Mandela was “the most significant statesman” of the last 100 years. ”
Funny but seeing as the BBC great inspiration Vladimir Illych Lenin was still alive within that time period one might have thought he was a pretty significant statesman.
Or Perhaps Adolf Hitler & Winston Churchill?
Or Maybe JFK?
Or Chairman Mao
Or General Franco
In Fact the most destructive man of the twentieth century Arthur Zimmerman was far more significant.
It is a feeble excuse that the BBC have concocted to deflect the public anger and discontent, and it is easily shown to be fallacious. On the other hand the apparatchiks probably believe that it’s true !
Apologies clicked report in error. And the list of great statesmen missed out Mrs Thatcher.
Sacrilege! The print version of the bBBC, the Guardian, gives a balanced assessment of Nelson Mandela.
Enough is enough. The publicity for the death and funeral of Nelson Mandela has become absurd. Mandela was an African political leader with qualities that were apt at a crucial juncture in his nation’s affairs. That was all and that was enough. Yet his reputation has fallen among thieves and cynics. Hijacked by politicians and celebrities from Barack Obama to Naomi Campbell and Sepp Blatter, he has had to be deified so as to dust others with his glory. In the process he has become dehumanised. We hear much of the banality of evil. Sometimes we should note the banality of goodness.
Part of this is due to the media’s crude mechanics. Millions of dollars have been lavished on preparing for Mandela’s death. Staff have been deployed, hotels booked, huts rented in Transkei villages. Hospitals could have been built for what must have been spent. All media have gone mad. Last week I caught a BBC presenter, groaning with tedium, asking a guest to compare Mandela with Jesus. The corporation has reportedly received more than a thousand complaints about excessive coverage. Is it now preparing for a resurrection?
The rise of majority rule in South Africa was one of the noblest moments in African history. The resulting Nobel peace prize was rightly shared between Mandela and De Klerk, a sharing that has been ignored by almost all the past week’s obituaries. There were two good men in Cape Town in 1990.
But as David Beresford’s admirable Guardian obituary relates, he was a worse than ordinary president. He did little to resist the drift to cronyism and corruption, was a poor executive, and never deployed his talents to tame Mugabe or ease the horrors afflicting the rest of Africa. He preferred to see out his office meeting celebrities and raising dubious money.
The world may crave a “Mandela-like icon”, but to what end? For serious media outlets to discuss him alongside Mother Teresa, Gandhi and Jesus of Nazareth is barking mad. He was Nelson Mandela. After seeing their former president doused in virtue and squeezed dry of glory by an assembly of world celebrities, South Africans should repatriate his reputation. Mandela gave them signal service for a brief few years in the 1990s, and if it suits them to revere him as a symbol of unity, goodness and peace, so be it. That is their business.
But the South African quality I recall Mandela possessing to the full was not saintliness, it was a hardened sense of irony. I doubt if he is wearing the BBC’s tin halo right now. I would bet he is laughing his head off.
It would appear that French soldiers are now dying at the hands of the religion of peace as they move to protect the Christians from being hacked to death/slaughtered in Central Africa. As there are in excess of 100 BBC journo’s in that part of the world, I guess we can expect wall to wall coverage of what is really going on can’t we. Can’t we??
Still not watching the Bbc wake me up when it’s all over.
sorry, i wont be able to as i’ll be dead in 2552
Joys of Islamisation. alert
“Again: Turkish Students Arrested for Nazi Salutes at Auschwitz,”
would they be a few more of those”far left” that Panto Nikki
was bandying around this morning? muslim too? better change that UAF to Union of Arrogant Fascists eh! 😀
and I thought the BBC says that “far right” was fascist?
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