Come to think of it, you might wonder why Choudary hasn’t been jailed before, given his record. In 2003 he was investigated for organising terrorist training camps. Around the same time he praised the 9/11 bombers as “magnificent martyrs”. A few months later he predicted attacks on British soil. In 2005 he refused to condemn the 7/7 slaughters in London.
In 2006 he organised a protest outside the Danish Embassy in London where, notoriously, the protestors carried placards saying “Exterminate those who slander Islam”, “Behead those who insult Islam”, and “Be prepared for the real holocaust”. Some might imagine this was clearly an incitement to violence and racial/religious hatred, and worthy of jail time – but no. Choudary received a £500 fine, but it was imposed because he failed to inform police of the planned demo.
At various occasions between 2003 and 2011 he also preached to at least one of the men who went on to kill Woolwich drummer Lee Rigby. Choudary has since refused to condemn this slaughter: he has gone on record as saying Rigby is now “burning in hell”; he has praised one of the killers as a “very nice man”.
And now Choudary’s back in East London doing his provocateur shtick, yet again.
So why isn’t Choudary ever banged up for racism, or incitement to racial and religious hatred? Because, as Assistant Met Commissioner Cressida Dick informed MPs, just after the Rigby murder, “offences under the hatred laws” are “difficult to prosecute” and it seems he never crosses the line.
And that’s true, isn’t it? Hardly anyone is jailed for racial or religious hatred, because it is so “difficult to prosecute”.
I mean, off the top of my head, I can only think of 52-year-old Keith Hurdle, just given four months in prison for a racist rant on a Tube train, and Swansea student Liam Stacey, who got 54 days in prison for some racist tweets, and 42-year-old Jacqueline Woodhouse, given 21 weeks for a racist rant on another train, and six Charlton fans, jailed for 18 months for singing racist songs, and 62-year-old David Rowley, locked up for eight months after sending four racist texts, and Anthony Buck given four months for posting Islamophobic remarks on Facebook, and electrician Darren Tosh, who got 16 weeks inside for some more racist texts, and Grimsby man Terence Baker, who got prison time for being Islamophobic on the Internet, and Glaswegian Stephen Birrell, who got eight months for inciting hatred of Catholics on Facebook, and Gareth Hemingway, of Bognor Regis, who got 15 months for uploading racist clips to Youtube, and 34-year-old Emma West, who spent two weeks in jail for shouting at some foreign people on a tram, and Martin Smith, slammed in a cell for having a potentially racist ringtone, and fortysomething Ronnie Hutton, who spent days behind bars after revving his car in a racist manner, and 19-year-old Celtic fan Sean Smith, who got three months in prison for impersonating a monkey in the direction of a Senegalese footballer.
Exactly and whilst I do not condone any of those you mention it is as clear as day that their offences where miniscule , compared to the vile systematic hatred and very real incitement to racial and religious violence perpetrated by Choudary. Cressida Dick was in command of the De Menezes shooting as I recall. I rest my case.
Absolutely, C.Dick is the epitome of all that is wrong with senior officers in the Police, useless bastards the lot of them. As for the armed police and Rigby, god bless him, seems they need their targets to sit still in an underground carriage and fire their weapons from a few inches to ensure a kill…..those black muslim filth should have been riddled with bullets at the range they were shot, save us a shed load of public money…those officers were incompetent shooters, useless.
Choudary is only preaching what is written in the Qur’an, if they arrest him then it will be an attack on Islam which the authorities can’t even bring themselves to tell the truth about never mind attack.
So they have to limit themselves to a bit of fascist attacking of the untermensch and then they can blame them all for waycism while their brown eyed boys are unaffected !
The job of the media has been described as “speaking truth to power”. In this case it would mean endless questioning of the Government – why isn’t this vile man in jail ?
SOME of the media pursues this question. The BBC – never.
You are spot on and all this achieves is more and more frustration amongst those of us that are deemed not so favourable. It is double standards through and through and in my opinion actually breeds hatred. I know it has a detrimental affect on how I see immigrants and especially Muslims. I wish it wasn’t so.
I forgot to add that in reality my wrath should be directed at the so called Political Elites (and that includes the bloody BBC) that have brought about the current situation and not most immigrants that, although they shouldn’t be here, are only trying to better themselves by working cheaply and undercutting our own kind or by taking the vast array of handouts they can get.
Excellent stuff. I thought as much when I read it on the Torygraph site yesterday.
Two points:
1. If you lift something wholesale from somewhere else (which you shouldn’t really, especialy if it’s copyright), you should have the courtesy to make that clear. Plagiarism (passing off someone else’s work as your own) is Naughty!
2. If we are not to provide ammunition to those who would dismiss this place as merely a talking shop for so-called ‘Islamophobes’, we should stick to BBC bias, not irregularitiies in the application of the rule of law, however indignant about that we may (rightly, in my mind) feel.
Last Dec, I asked the question how will the bBC report the increasing nationalistic nature of the new Chinese empire. (On Jan 1st this year China declared that all of area under its 9 dash line belonged to it and if you were caught inside it, then prepare to pay the price.)
In response to the nationalistic belligerent sea grab, the little nations which surround it, have upped their defence spending and sought military alliances with each other and the US. With yesterdays news from the bBC that Japan has increased her military spending (Err bBC, I read that same thing last much for bringing us breaking stories eh?) So how has the bBC reported the Imperialistic nature of..China? Japan boosts military forces to counter China Japan’s cabinet has approved a new national security strategy and increased defence spending in a move widely seen as aimed at China.
So all good, but this is the bBC, its leftwing bent cannot allow it to disparage any fellow communists , so they blame Japan and not China for this, so the bbC ensures you are made aware that: For a country that, according to its constitution, does not maintain any army, navy or air force, Japan spends an awful lot of money on defence.
And But many on the left in Japan think Mr Abe is using the threat from China to pursue his own nationalist dreams, our correspondent adds.
Ah it’s the nasty Japanese who are at fault and not the Chinese, who the bBC quotes as being the victim:“Japan’s unreasonable criticism of China’s normal maritime activities and its hyping up of the China threat has hidden political motives,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said. Japan ranks fifth in the world for military spending, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, while China is in second place behind the United States. But there’s more.
So according to the bBC, it is the Japanese who are all about building an Imperial empire: Japan’s military revolution hints at Shinzo Abe’s nationalist aims Japan has announced a plan to increase defence spending and transform its military, in a move widely seen as aimed at China. But many on the left believe Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is using the threat from China to pursue his own nationalist dreams, reports the BBC’s Rupert Wingfield-Hayes in Tokyo.For a country that, according to its constitution, does not maintain any army, navy or air force, Japan spends an awful lot of money on defence.
And there you have it, rather than state the truth that actually all the nations which border China are getting bullied by it, the bBC blames. The victims, which isn’t a surprise, be it the UK over Gibraltar, falklands, the US with Islamic terrorists, or even Israel with its blood thirsty neighbours . To the likes of the wankers at the bBC, only those who are willing to make a killing for political, ideological or religious reasons can be victims, those who feel their wrath are the real nasty evil people.
But there’s more The bBC, a not fit for purpose, so called news agency which isn’t fit for purpose
China confirms US warship near-collision China says one of its warships “encountered” a US vessel, confirming US reports of a near-collision in the South China Sea earlier this month. The US said its guided missile cruiser USS Cowpens was forced to take evasive action as the two ships neared each other on 5 December.
The above story has been in the news for over a fortnight, yet the bBC refused to report it, now that China has admitted to carrying it out, the bBC feel warranted to do so, as it paints the US in a bad light. (Google USS Cowpen) What makes this story even more interesting (And worrying) is what the bBC leaves out. Going back to the 9 dash line that China has said encompasses all that it owns, it sent out its Aircraft carrier and a support fleet to sail around the china sea off the coast of the Philippines , while everybody else is sending Aid to the region, China is sending the message that the area off the coast of the Philippines belongs to them and there is nothing the Philippines can do about it. (The Chinese have a history of carrying out military action while the world’s attention is elsewhere ” The US has said its ship was operating in international waters.
But it was bBC, it was in the region just off the Philippines The bBC, the cheerleader for any ideology which doesn’t afford equal rights to its followers.
Notice how in the above map, Vietnam has been coloured in the same colour as China, thus allowing the bBC to substantiate that 9 line dash sea grab.
Further to the Chinese boat indecent here is how the bBC reports the story: China says one of its warships “encountered” a US vessel, confirming US reports of a near-collision in the South China Sea earlier this month….The US said its guided missile cruiser USS Cowpens was forced to take evasive action as the two ships neared each other on 5 December….However, China said the incident was handled with “strict protocol”.”
And here is what really happened:
On December 5, a People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) ship made radio contact with the Cowpens and asked it to leave the area. The USS Cowpens replied that it was in international waters and declined to change course.
Any responsible government needs to plan its defence policy based on present and future threats. From that point of view, what Mr Abe is doing is only sensible and responsible.
Then immediately going on to say why you may not ask.
“However, there are many in Japan who suspect Mr Abe of having another agenda.
Shinzo Abe is at heart a right-wing nationalist. Throughout his political career, he has called for the overturning of Japan’s post-war pacifist constitution. “
Ahhhhh the magic BBC “many”.
Do they mean many Japanese citizens, and if so what is their source for the “many” assumption? Or is it just “many” left wing BBC journos?
Radio 2 news at 11 a.m. Swiss Re reports that last year there was £80 billion losses lost in various disasters but the insurance industry only paid out £27 billion (implied what a mean nasty corporate world the insurance companies live in) well may I suggest that the other £53 billion was damage to property not insured and that the insurance industry is not a charity. The BBC obviously thinks insurance should come free whenever it reports on underwriting houses built in the flood plains of the UK
Driving back, i ve just heard a short bulletin on the BBC that re – the Dr who died in custody in Syria …
now a top dedicated team of Dr s are going over to do a further autopsy?
… top dedicated team of Dr s? – going over now?
… isn t this a bit late?
there is something amiss in this story
My thoughts all morning. This story is being pushed hard by the BBC. I have a suspicion the truth will out before long. I guess its a suspicion bred by being fed propaganda on these issues that turn out to have a whole different meaning in the cold light of day. My main question on all this is why would a Dr who wishing to provide humanitarian aid to the Syrian people find it necessary to sneak into a country in the first place?
I ve tuned back in to hear, AL BBC still going on about it … hmm agenda :-D.
Still no reports about the, mass execution by Jihadi s the other day, including throwing people in ovens! though?
ow queer!
or gunpoint conversions by the same.
“In Kanayé Salafi militants and the jihadists of ‘Jabhat al-Nousra’ have imposed on the pastor not to ring bells. Women must not go out on the street bare-headed, but must be veiled. And if they do not immediately obey these orders, the threat is massacre”
but half a doctored story,
about this … Dr 😀
stop the presses
agenda! what agenda?
All over twitter and FaceBook (the BBC’s favoured means of not having space to be accurate) they have been pushing ‘Criticism of the FCO’.
Only when you read on do you find out this ‘criticism’ appears to have originated from the guy’s brother.
Others may be more cautious with critical views until more facts are know about a geezer who seems to have headed into a war zone for as yet undetermined reasons.
It could at present be anything, but to jump on this as a Brit-bashing effort so soon is beyond contempt for a national broadcaster.
Is there a single editor in the 10,000-strong flower bed they call a newsroom who is not driven by some agenda or another such that any report gets immediately twisted into a campaign rally?
Why are NHS doctors arseing around in Syria , I was under the impression that the waiting lists are longer than ever , and A and E departments are unable to cope .
I have to say, I think your blog post is a bit mad.
Disagree with some of Tonge’s comments, sure. But you can hardly describe them as calling for the cold blooded murder of civialins etc as a means of solving the problem.
She wasn’t thrown out of the party because of her comments.
You omit mention of her being an MP/Lord etc.
The response about testing views in a democracy is basically saying that its ok to hear views you disagree with, in fact its a good thing in a democracy.
“But you can hardly describe them as calling for the cold blooded murder of civilians”
That was precisely what she was doing when she sought to excuse suicide bombings. Does she have to wear a “Bring Back Concentration Camps” T-Shirt for you to notice her pathological hatred of Israel?
There are certain views that have nothing to do with democracy. If someone identifies with the solution to a conflict being solved by people murdering others , a democratic country should ostracise that person for their influence is dangerous. Instead the BBC gave her a free trip to Israel to repeat her outrageous views .
Quote of the day- ” He wrote to me “Surely you agree that in a democracy, views should be tested?”
Yes BBC we do ,but what your views will they be tested?
The best I have heard in defence of our dwindling English freedoms (being lost to the EU) was made here on these very same pages (going from memory so apologies to the original author). Magna Carta states that every Englishman has an automatic entitlement to be born free, without fear of persecution. Whilst (EU) French Napoleonic version relies on the word ‘Libertie’ which confers no such actual freedoms but a ‘right’ to do something. Freedom is an inherent right of being English. Only forgotten about by the EU and BBC who prefer Napoleons crude battle tactics over Nelsons flagships.
“Magna Carta states that every Englishman has an automatic entitlement to be born free, without fear of persecution.”
Does it? Where? Cite version and clause.
An awful lot of crap is written about Magna Carta, usually by people who’ve never actually read it, even in translaion.
The (very real) difference between our freedom and the ‘Libertie’ of the Napoleonic code is the product of Common Law, not what Chrimes (‘English Constitutional History’, p. 96) describes as “primarily a feudal document about feudal customs and the rights of tenants-in-chief”.
troll alert indeed. And how full of shit this particular troll is. Now i know we shouldnt feed these disgusting creatures but, just to prove that this particular troll hasnt got a clue what he’s talking about. Article 29 of the Magna Carta, which is still in force today says
“No Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right.”
My dear troll, freemen are born free. The state doesnt grant them their freedom
The riot, in the Little India district, was Singapore’s worst in more than 40 years.
The violent protests broke out after an Indian national was knocked down and killed by a bus.
The outbreak of public disorder is rare in strictly-governed Singapore.
The wealthy city-state depends heavily on foreign workers, with migrant labourers from South Asia dominating low-paid sectors like construction.
One suspects the BBC may have a broader view on this as a precedent. Speaking to the nation (well, some we know there), the population in general seems to feel those prone to riot may be best not remaining in country. Oddly. Guessing we’ll soon be welcoming them? And families? They have clear skills the UK seems to want here.
Already in the comments there is one loon who has projected this as the government killing an Indian (he was run over by a bus as mentioned in the piece, which the poster appears to feel doesn’t have a bearing) and now covering up.
But nice to see the BBC hosting all means to calm tensions.
Not that that helps me. I look at the BBC’s Facebook page and just see a jumble of stories with no particular order. If there’s a form of dyslexia that applies only to Facebook, I must have it.
The BBC FaceBook pages are a mixed bunch, in what stories are chosen, or not, and how and when ordered. They have a very bad habit of kicking off the threads with frankly barking questions (‘An axe murderer is still on the loose. Are you concerned?’) The Newsnight one is hilarious, and rightly mocked even more that Ian Katz’ daft twitter slipway attempts.
Closest I can get you to this one is this:
Currently 4th down on the left.
Amazing what the world’s most trusted forum creator can drive to the top of the comments: ‘Albert Henry – they killed a indian national now deporting, what is fair in that ? indians should realise how badly they are treated by others and try to work for countrys moral ! try to work in india… enough is enough they suck u r blood.’
Got 17 likes too.
Inaccurate and inflammatory. Should match most BBC editorial then.
Not sure the dominating view that the general public should take justice away from the dozy authorities and into their own hands is quite what they would fancy here, mind.
No Roland-my impression was that they merely quoted Alan Ayckbourne with that truth.
As far as the BBC was concerned he was “their kind of rebel”…good to his mum, multiracial kids out of wedlock in Rio, sniffed Bruce Reynolds cap( he was of the course the “brains” for this Great Train Robbery…emphasis on Great please!).
He also made a fool out of the Scotland Yard suits like Jack Slipper(never got with the hippie programme, our Jack!)-and , of course, recoded something with the Sex Pistols(well the talentless chuggers section of that confection anyway).
Royal Mail too-THAT stuck it to the Tories, I`d expect.
No-the BBC rather like their NHS leeching tourists who make fools of Plod…freeloading safe Evan Davis likes to think of himself in fact!
-Jack Mills-
Shamefully I had to look it up.
It is strange that the bien-pensant class love their ‘gawd blimey mary poppins, the krays they luved their muver’ criminal stereotype cock-a-nee ,as witnessed by east enders
But those that strive to rise above their station
through hard work are ‘Essex men’ and heaven forfend that Rita should educate here self. (Seek to make political change without the guidance of the liberal inquisition)
then their knuckle dragging racists
Including “recording with the Sex Pistols” according to wee Nicky!
Which-given the BBCs love of all things “faux rebellion”-is hardly “tacky”,,,but indeed “really cool maan” in these days of punk pulchritude.
“I mean it maan”.
Have the Beeb given us how many minutes silence Sir Ronald of Rio is due at our footy matches this weekend?
The BBC love these “sticking it to the man” types…pity it had to be Joe Mills though eh?
Still Biggys-Wiggsy was on trend well in advance of the BBC and its Savile crap…Ronnie said that his coshing of Joe Mills was “regrettable”…did it ever get upgraded to “disappointing” or even “inappropriate”?
The BBC are scum.
Yes they (the BBC) know a lot about ‘Empire building’, only they also employ a pro UN ‘BIAS inspector’ called Lord Williams of Baglan – whose job is (as BBC ‘Trustee’) is to implement a bias towards a ‘new World Order’ within the BBC collective (known as UN Agenda 21)…
The BBC think they can change the world through secret use of UN ‘agenda 21’ protocol and EU directives . We know they’re mad. They know it, we all know it. Only Cameron does’nt know that he is ‘already’ a patron* of ‘Common Purpose’ (and that makes him dangerously mad as that has the same objectives). Agenda 21 is about faking a EU democracy – an empire where only the political elite (read BBC) have the rights and damn the rest of us.
*Cameron admits he is patron of ‘Common Purpose’, (a pro EU charity who tried to regulate (muzzle) the British free press in the UK). Mr Cameron failed to declare that CP post for at least two years (before his election as PM and despite two opportunities to do so in official Westminster registers as a Lobby group).
Festive cheer.
Possibly not for those who have been naughty. ‘We still have the Price Waterhouse Cooper report on the Digital Media Initiative to pass and publish; Dame Janet Smith’s findings on “Savile culture” can’t be far behind; and the PAC have yet to decide if they want to pursue Pollard further….’
There’s three ‘Ho’s’ right there.
Sadly, you have got it about right, right and right there.
Still that blocking worked out well, didn’t it?
And again his name is in pride of place atop the latest failed attempted to abuse trust and obscure transparency to cover up another BBC howler.
Merry Christmas, Lord.
And amongst the actions that the BBC will take…………..
• The executive board will be strengthened, with an increase in the number of non-executive directors from four to six
i.e. MORE JOBS FOR THE BOYS (who no doubt will have worked for the BBC / Guardian or Labour)
• The overall number of boards in the BBC will be reduced by more than 60 percent, to be replaced with appropriately mandated senior individuals who will be “empowered” to take decisions and be held accountable to those
• A more robust reporting pack including an Integrated Assurance and Approvals Plan covering all major projects will be provided monthly to the board by the BBC’s Project Management Office
• A comprehensive update on all major projects will be submitted every quarter to the BBC Trust
On matters Titanic, the market rate floor of the BBC seems dedicated mostly to locating new icebergs to ram, which they now seem to manage weekly.
This increased staffing at such a level should help them locate even more.
The Titanic was considered unaccounta… unsinkable too, which is worth bearing in mind.
@ David Prieser `Helen Boaden will have more company on the board, then. Yeah, that’ll help. “Quick,” cried the captain of the Titanic, “we need more chairs on deck!” ` Classic quip mate… thanx 4 that…
I wonder which of those three institutional problems has a chance of being sent up on next year’s satire about the BBC. The DMI is probably an easy target. But will they portray the Director General as a lying, obfuscating, slick operator? Or just make fun of middle-management and Jeremy Paxman’s “biddable” types who try to enforce the rules on it?
Even if the PwC turns out to be more damning than we expect, I believe the mandarin in charge was already suspended (still keeping his £140K bonus, natch). The report is out today, and without even looking we can bet that it was all down to….wait for it….bad management. It will be just another episode of Mark Thompson either being out of touch or telling fibs about how well it was progressing, an eerie parallel to the US President either being out of touch or (more likely) telling fibs about how well the ObamaCare Exchange website was progressing.
Basically, not matter how damning the report is, nothing significant will change. Linwood has either already moved on with the help of a golden parachute, or will find a new fat paycheck, and it will be blamed on the culture and management structure, not on the individuals. And the comedy will be equally congenial.
The “Savile culture” will be blamed on the same thing. As we discovered at the outset, the goals of that investigation were written with a pre-determined outcome in mind. The BBC has already put measures into place to prevent sexual harassment, job done. No way in hell will the sitcom touch this (see what I did there), even though the culture that allowed it to happen is down to the same thing that caused the DMI fiasco and the Savile/Newsnight debacle: the personnel.
Will the Pollard report be pursued further? Only for a bit of grandstanding, not for any practical, useful purpose.
As for what the upcoming BBC satire will skewer, you can bet it won’t be this, either:
A fourth staff forum may soon join the three that have been encouraging a meeting of minds at the BBC for the last 20 years.
BBC Faith has already held its first meeting, with staff gathering to discuss different religious ideas and the representation of faith in the media.
Its purpose still needs to be clarified, but BBC Diversity is hopeful that BBC Faith could become one of its family of forums that includes BBC Ability, BBC Pride and BBC Black and Asian Forum.
‘BBC Forums have always grown organically and the initial ideas have been suggested to us by members of staff,’ explains head of diversity, Amanda Rice.
‘We’d never impose a forum on a group of employees, but we encourage and facilitate when interest is shown in a particular area.’
You know, somehow I don’t think this is going to turn out well.
Amir-Hussain Shah, who works in BBC Finance, originally suggested a forum for Muslims. Discussing the idea with Rice, both realised the benefit of giving it a broader, multi-faith profile, befitting the key principles of what forums do.
‘Amir and I agreed a singular faith group could seem divisive,’ says Rice. ‘Plenty of organisations have similar forums and they’re mostly multi-faith. It’s a model that works in the police, banking and some local authorities, where we’ve done our research.’
It’s early days for the Faith Forum, but the first meeting was well attended and Shah, who addressed the group, is confident it will grow in the same way as its predecessors.
‘About 20 people came along and there was a good mix of age, gender and faith,’ he says. ‘People are interested in sharing ideas, hearing what other faiths get up to and talking about how faith is represented in the wider media.’
The fledgling forum is likely to evolve slowly, partly to ensure clarity about what it is for – and what it’s not for. The next step will be to formalise its constitution.
‘It won’t be a prayer group and it’s certainly not about one or other religion pushing their beliefs or challenging others,’ says Rice. ‘We need to ensure balance, mutual respect and fair treatment to enable it to grow into a genuinely collaborative space for anyone who has an interest in going along.’
They’ve yet to figure out what the forum is for, eh? Any bets that the Mohammedans who started it knew very well what their goal was (yes, we all see through the BBC’s phony “it was never meant to be a prayer meeting and to air grievances about how the BBC portrays Islam” act, but let’s not get sidetracked into rants about evil Muslims trying to take over, please), only now it’s been derailed so they have to figure out something else that management forced on them?
Still, everyone here should be cheered up by this. Even the most ludicrous BBC mandarins are smart enough to realize what an own goal this could have been. One can only imagine what the discussions are behind closed doors in a forum for Mohammedans who wanted their own group being forced to “share ideas” with others. You might also be encouraged by the clear admission that there’s a divisive element there, and that some BBC staff actually would have been concerned about it.
No matter how it turns out, though, this won’t be a humorous scenario in that new show. Can’t use it to poke fun at the evils of an unfair and unfeeling corporate culture mistreating the poor, hardworking dears.
‘either being out of touch or telling fibs ‘
Standard BBC top floor job spec, surely? If at market rates.
As to the BBC’s abortive forum wheeze (Ariel does pick up some cracking stories) to please the well-staffed and growing Eastern end of the cubicle beds, I think a mid-week musical interlude is in order (apologies if the celebrated lifestyle diversity of the performer offends some):
David Preiser (USA) says:
And Patten tried to block its release. What a shock. He’ll never learn, and he’ll never face any consequences, either.
Of course Patten never learns *because* he never faces consequences.
So Ronnie Biggs has died (just before the BBC show a drama about the TGTR) and my forecast is this: not so much on his lifestory will be shown. Why?
On one hand he ticks the BBC’s admiration box – he spent years spending other people’s money.
But the over-riding factor is he was one of the “hideously white” brigade, so despite a few positive eulogies it’s fingers-crossed that we won’t be inundated with crappy programming.
This morning the BBC has been keen pour cold water on the unemployment statistics by majoring on the difference between pay rises & the rate of inflation, thereby echoing Labour’s campaign on the “cost of living crisis”. I don’t suppose they will hear the message from the government that in actual fact disposable incomes have risen in real terms because of the increase in the starting level for income tax. (e.g. a person earning £20,000 last year has 2.3% more after tax despite an average pay rise of 0.9% – bigger % the lower the income). These are not great riches but should temper the partial BBC message
The Reuters report gives about 60 lines to the good news on employment. It gives 6 lines to the inflation statistics – because they are NOT news, just same as before…..
It is obvious that the BBC is trying to dilute the good news.
Has digital radio gone off the government’s agenda? If you listened to Today recently there is a case for and against it but no facts were permitted in the interview with radio enthusiasts.
Hopefully it will never make the agenda ! The Biased BBC cannot manage to broadcast a high enough bit rate to make it worth listening to, as a result analogue is better.
It’s acknowledged to be so bad by the BBC themselves that they now broadcast radio 3 as a HD channel over the internet !
When you’re used to listening at 24.5 Mbit/sec, 256K just isn’t even close to adequate.
Just to put the icing on it I live in a radio black spot and although I can receive analogue I can’t get DAB or a mobile signal !
Just to add, 256K is actually quite good for the BBC, with most output being 192K for radio 1 – 4 but 5 and world service falls to just 96K
As 256K is regarded as the MINIMUM required for decent audio quality the BBC is massively failing us.
I saw the second show on Constantinople last night on R4.
I learnt that the Turkish conquest of Byzantium was really a good thing as the Turks were very keen on multiculturalism and diversity. Also that the Christians of both East and West were decadent, violent and really very bad indeed.
So not so much a Turkish violent conquest but more of a liberation into the sunny uplands of diversity and so on .
The latitude afforded to what was in reality a brutal assault on a long settled and indigenous people was astounding. Imagine the British Empire being given such latitude. Not in a liberal’s lifetime.
What is it with these upper class liberals? Ashamed of themselves and their country and always looking to praise the other however brutal the other might be.
I await part 3 with interest.
“Ankara has consistently critiqued the European Union as a Christian Club keeping Turkey at arm’s length because of religious prejudice against Islam. Yet, the fall of Constantinople on May 29th in 1453 began an unrelenting, centuries-long pattern of persecution and discrimination against the city’s Christian population. This policy of religious cleansing lays bare the lie of the Ottoman Empire as a benign, multi-cultural polity, and also highlights the violations of human rights and religious freedom that are the hallmark of Turkey’s treatment of its Christian minority populations. The anniversary of the fall of Constantinople is a reminder that the siege against Turkey’s Christians continues to this day — most egregiously, against the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the tiny Greek Orthodox Christian community (fewer than 2,000 in number), as well as against the small Armenian Orthodox and Syriac Orthodox Christian communities (their combined numbers total about 80,000). All of these Christians are survivors tracing their roots to Constantinople when it fell to the Ottoman Turks.”
Funny, that. I happened to be reading a collection of short pieces during the Renaissance dating from the mid-1450s when the Muslims conquered Constantinople. One piece in particular was striking – a desperate appeal from a Cardinal to the Doge of Venice, pleading for help – the Muslims had slaughtered thousands in the city, murder rape and pillage all over the place – or slavery for thousands who were left. Followed by a similar piece by the then-Pope. Pleading on behalf not of Catholics but of Greek Orthodox Christians.
And I know that after the capture of Constantinople there were large numbers of Orthodox churchmen and scholars who fled to Italy.
There is a rule in history study – always prefer contemporary sources giving real-time information to latter-day historians who have a narrative.
Yes this re-writing of history to serve the present ( they have repeatedly promoted the same lie about the Muslim invasion of Spain) is made more sickening by the fact that the scholars extolling these lies know them to be so.
I appreciate that I often pick on the Guardian for their bias, they certainly appear to be the print version of the BBC and they rely on taxpayers as they have somehow managed to classify themselves as a charity – but all the same they manage to put a negative spin on even what could be seen as good news…
UK unemployment rate slips to four-and-a-half year low
To me the word slips implies something unexpected/unwanted e.g. “I slipped on a banana skin and broke my coccyx” – perhaps I am being over sensitive but I just hate the Toynbee faction!
unemployment is collapsing in the UK as the economic recovery has moved into a higher gear
But even the Guardian report gave lots of detail on the improvement in employment figures – relegating the inflation stuff to just a couple of lines. ie the Guardian being far more balanced and fair than the BBC !!!
But it has already be pointed out on hear that Channel 4, a broadcaster from its inception avowedly left wing, is braver and more even handed than the BBC.
Edge of the city, Great global warming swindle ,Undercover mosque, Marathons millions, In search of Mohamed, would any of those have been made by the BBC?
More likely is that Channel 4 wants a slice of that fat BBC license fee (they missed out last time in 2005):
At least C4 ‘even handed’ direction is a viable commercial alternative which in many ways is better all round.
So it turns out that Mark Thompson was involved in trying to make the Digital Media Initiative work? I bet the NY Times will pleased to hear it.
Former finance chief Zarin Patel was also involved. And got well-compensated for her trouble.
Among a series of startling revelations, the annual report showed the corporation’s chief financial officer Zarin Patel, who will leave the BBC in October, saw her pay rise from £337,000 to £352,000.
In 2010, she agreed to surrender one month of salary a year in response to public anger over executive pay, but reverted to her original deal after two years.
In other words, she got the raise right in the middle of the whole DMI falling apart, and Thompson knew full well what he was doing. Shameful.
And this just emphasizes how the BBC keeps on getting away with it. There was a public outcry about executive pay three years ago, the Beeboids pledged to address it, and nothing changed because there’s yet another outcry over it now.
So Thompson was in charge while at least a couple hundred million was handed out to various people at the top, as well as throwing £100 million down the digital toilet. Plus he’s believed to have been cavalier with the truth in front of Parliament (and, I guess, Pollard) over how many scandals now, including these two?
Just like with Savile/McAlpine, you can’t really blame the amorphous “management structure” when the managers themselves are the problem. Yet the BBC and their supporters will continue to shift blame onto an existential cause.
I’m aware of it, #88. Just like in the US where unions – in the private and especially in the public sector – often have a nice deal where pension is based on final salary. So they do loads of overtime, don’t take all the sick leave and vacation days (which naturally roll over, something most in the private sector can only dream of), and presto: a closing salary that’s approaching twice what the base reality should be.
The BBC has become a living caricature of the worst aspects of the public sector, while simultaneously insisting on the complete independence of a private company and remaining accountable only to themselves.
They can do all the investigations and reviews and reports they like, but it won’t change the real problems: the personnel, and the size and scope of the Corporation.
School governors often award head teachers a pay rise over their last couple of years before retirement … save them from penury. Most frequent when the majority of governors are ex teachers. I have sat in on those meetings and have wanted to scream ‘where do you think the money is coming from?’
Always intrigues me how the BBC finest can crank eyebrows at expensive corporate or political financial mismanagement when a mere few floors above them their bosses seem pretty much as bad, or even worse. Lucky that accountability thing seems so ingrained as one-way it seldom worries their pretty heads.
But it does seem that there are rumblings from if not within, at least around the bubble (the word ‘transparent’ appears too, if not in a good way)… ‘reveals nearly eight years of executives looking the other way’
Could be worse. On some things it seems some guys ‘n gals in the mile high market rate bracket were being astoundingly uncurious over decades.
Or worse… ‘The BBC has refused to say…’
Hard to imagine many other outfits getting away with this.
Some important revelations – nearly every senior manager knew it was late and in trouble, because the project was supposed to deliver savings to their departments, and didn’t.
In close to 60 pages, PWC offer no assessment of individual performance, and aportion no blame. There are, however, top quality project management-speak recommendations.
Called it. What’s the betting that, just like the Dame Janet Smith review, the goals were set with the desired result in mind, in this case no blame on anyone other than the existential corporation?
The imaginations of Kafka and Camus pale by comparison. Meanwhile, the miserabilii continue to spread the poisonous tentacles infinitely beyond the BBC’s remit.
Without irony, this Harrabin anti-shale gas development propaganda appears online in the ‘business’ section. What business?: not if Beeboids can stop it.
This isn’t surprising. With propagandists, we often see mention of The Big Lie and Goebells, but the Big Truth about propaganda is that You Cannot Fool All of the People All of the Time. This never stops the propagandist; expect lots more anti-fracking propaganda from Harriban and the rest of the BBC over the next year or so……..
non muslims whos freedom of speech is under attack like never before for making so called offensive comments on facebook and twitter are getting arrested in there droves by the stalinist type politacaly correct islamophile state thought police should change there name by depoll to anjem choudary,that is one certain way to avoid every getting arrested and facing the knock on the door and dragged of down to the local gulag police station for questioning about thought crimes.
Be very careful what you say. There is no free speech now. it is like the USSR before the break up. We will have to learn to read between the lines.
But look on the bright side. if you are a BBC reporter there is absolute freedom of speech. It is just that it has to be approved by the hive. But then you would not be a BBC reporter unless you were”reliable”
The BBC could always get Barbera Plett to cover it ….
sobbing journo s
sobbing barrister s
selective reporting.
The only tears of any relevance here are those of Fusilier Rigby s family.
Ensuring that the root cause of what drove them who murdered him, be exposed not bloody covered in platitudes and crocodile tears.
PM in a traffic jam. So I listened. Waste of time really.
The Cuts. Did I realise how dreadful they were in Newcastle on Tyne and Liverpool? That starvation loomed. And that even Tory councils were facing disastrous cutbacks.
The Beeboid seemed to have no idea that the money is running out. That the productive economy has to pay for the circa 1960 East German style economy of those two cities.
The cut seemed to amount to around 3% unless I misheard.
Any private business could do that.
But this is Beeboid land. Fed and nourished in excess by a forced tax. So of course the Beeboids feel at one with the spenders of our money in the decaying cities of the North.
And it led with the Lostprophet who`s been up to no good (to put it mildly).
Maybe when the BBC are wondering why no-one intercepted this “rock star”…they should look at their Whileys, their Dermots, their Moylesys etc who clearly were carrying on that Savile tribute there at the BBC.
No doubt all Watkins interviews will be going the way of Sir James of Wood Lane…onto the cutting room floor if not deleted forever!
Still-bloody Dyfed cops eh?…what are they like?
And-maybe they could tell us which authorities, which media outlets etc were sponsoring Lostprophet gigs in South Wales schools . and always eager to record them!
Wouldn`t be Labour…the BBC in that order would it?
CRB checks?…nah, rock n roll maan!
The stars come out for the BBC (under operation Yewtree). It was never just about Saville (DJ) but a historic BBC culture of child abuse (both boys and girls) over a very long time going back to the 1970’s. One was over 80 and others lacked evidence to charge. The BBC responded by proposing to lower the age of consent (remember Prof Ashton) TV and Radio only last month. The most disturbing list (not yet complete) are on ‘In the their own words’ section of Biased BBC.
Don’t forget that it’s normal for unemployment to fall in the run up to Xmas, and that doesn’t seem to have been mentioned. Equally it is normal for it to rise next month when workers taken on for the period are laid off again.
It will also be of interest to see just how many poor job seekers have had their benefits stopped for spurious reasons, and forced into penury to achieve these figures.
Anyone seen an ‘Asian’ face in the queues for the food banks ?
I dislike Toby Young, but this is interesting. His “Most Biased BBC Journalist of the Year” is the business correspondent for BBC News Online, Hannah Richardson, for what he sees as her hostility towards his free schools ideas.
Aside from Young’s personal investment in it making him less than qualified to judge, Richardson will have to stand in a very long line, behind a few Today presenters, most of 5 Live, and almost the entirety of the US staff. However, what’s actually interesting is the link to something from Guido Fawkes (which is probably why he linked to Young’s piece). It’s a classic example of our Rule #1 for BBC reports.
Bad news for the Department for Education this morning, or so the BBC would have you believe. Apparently a “university think tank” says that “the system of planning teacher training in England has broken down and risks a future shortage of teachers”. Doesn’t sound good, eh?
What the BBC doesn’t tell its readers is that the think tank in question, Million+, is quite obviously a Labour front. No mention that Pam Tatlow, quoted a length in the Beeb piece, ran as a Labour parliamentary candidate at the last election.
Plus connections to the Fabian Society, and Unison. The usual trifecta. Rule #1 in effect. They’re all at it.
the bbc are trying to push this narrative that this muslim doctor from england who commited suicide in his cell and was fighting his jihad in syria was actually murdered by the syrian goverment.where is the proof bbc
Prince Charles has met with several Christian representatives whose particular sects are based in the Middle East. They told him what has been going on in the various countries due to Islamic persecution, much of which Raymond Ibrahim highlights in his articles.
To his credit the Prince forsakes any pc bullshit and identifies clearly the source of this persecution, no doubt to the chagrin of the BBC.
So how do they cover the story?
Well you can read the watered down way they avoid detailing the gruesome and vile manner of this foul Islamic mindset. The very headline distances themselves from making this accusation.
Oh no – not the friends and appeasers of the vile – the BBC.
Though the recent report from PricewaterhouseCoopers on the failed BBC digital initiative project tells us nothing that we didn’t know already, question is will the government take any action, especially in light of the other transgressions.
Notice this ‘lessons have been learned’ statement from BBC Trust:
In response Diane Coyle, Vice Chairman of the BBC Trust, blasted:‘The failure of the DMI project came at an unacceptable cost to licence fee payers and PwC found serious weaknesses in the governance of the project.’
She said that in future the Trust would be ‘more rigorous and transparent about assessing BBC performance’.
Funny how they’ve said nothing about the BBC proposal to spend another £half million on revamping 2 floors of their brand new headquarters which cost already £1Billion, for what they say ‘will make them more creative’.
Waste, corruption, lies….reminds me of the BBC’s occasional lender and grantor in Brussels. Can’t expect the Eurotories to privatise the corporation though, as it spins such good European propaganda, by way of gratitude for the moolah.
The most the government will do is to hold down the license fee for a while, unlike Labour which will put it up as soon as it gets in. And a grateful BBC damns the Eurotories accordingly.
Is it just me, or is everybody else becoming less surprised about IT projects going tits up, we’ve had it with the MOD ,the NHS and now the BBC.
These aren’t just a few thousand quid down the drain , the bill for these foul ups is now running into £Billions!!
Nobody is ever brought to account.
Now the US Federal Reserve are going to scale back the amount of ‘quantitative easing’ we shall see how that will affect the UK economy, and the EU too.
There is also a link to a Downfall spoof, a sure sign that the target is seriously toast…
Mark, Katty et al are going to have to stay way after 4.30pm on this one. Maybe get Barry to bang out a few notes on Bill’s sax? Worth a try, surely?
Well apparently there’s a storm tonight which is causing more cause for concern than when it was forecast, and it’s making headline news on the BBC news channel.
There are a few thousand people without power in Cumbria, and someone has been badly injured when a tree fell on the car.
All this begs the question why the BBC failed to cover the storm of the century when Saint Nelson of Madiba died? The weak excuse they offered that all the information was available on regional news and was adequate is shown up for what it is – lies.
Oh now it’s been moved to the number one top story, but this storm is nothing like as fierce as the last one which wasn’t reported. Nor is the damage, the number killed (none at present) or the numbers without power (only around 10%).
Could we do a poll once a year about now where we pick the most biased story and reporter from the bBC. If we are lucky this will get picked up across the board and expose to more people how biased the bBC are.
great idea Pounce, we could even give a throphy to the lucky beeboid. Catch them leaving work, see if they’ll accept it and post the vid on youtube either way
I’d have to nominate Evan Davis for comparing the nissan main dealer to Jesus Christ
‘In 2009, Eddie Izzard ran 43 marathons in 52 days for Sport Relief and recently promised to continue his attempt to run 27 marathons in 27 days in honour of Nelson Mandela’s time in prison.’
‘The comedian, who plans to run to be Mayor of London in the future, said laughter is the best way to tell if you’re getting the translation right. ‘
Translation is one thing but it helps that the BBC is so eager to help you get your Leftist message across.
‘Newsbeat is the flagship news programme on BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio 1Xtra. Newsbeat is produced by BBC News but differs from the BBC’s other news programmes in its remit to provide news tailored for a specifically younger audience’
OK lads, panic over, it’s safe to carry as before….
Listening with half an ear to the BBC News Channel this morning – they are banging on about private house builders (grrrr!) paying local councils £millions so as to avoid providing ‘affordable homes’. Yeah yeah, gentrification (grrr bad)…. but what’s this….?
‘The BBC has learned….
“The Bureau of Investigative Journalism”
‘Bureau of Investigative Journalism faces fight to survive Newsnight scandal. The bureau, whose managing editor Iain Overton’s tweet lit the fuse on crisis engulfing BBC, relies on documentary cash. The Newsnight story that falsely alleged “a senior Thatcher-era Tory” was a paedophile was, unlike most of the BBC’s journalistic output, worked up in conjunction with an outside agency, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ).’
‘Founded two years ago to bring public interest journalism to the fore in the mould of the US organisation ProPublica, the BIJ is now fighting, alongside Newsnight, for its survival.’
‘….an organisation dependent on TV money.’
BBC : It seems it is now back to business as usual.
I thought they depended on the international socialist potter foundation (and the city of London visa factory)
Run by millionaire labour donors David and Elaine Potter
That aside ( or perhaps not) it seems incredible that ,despite the criticism of bias and mismanagement ,the BBC with all its thousand of minions still choices to farm out work to a discredited organisation.
Don’t forget it not just the McAlpine debacle that the self styled Bureau of investigative journalism are responsible for, but also the help for heroes stich up.
‘Bureau of Investigative Journalism faces fight to survive Newsnight scandal’
The ‘fight for survival’ within the BBC appears to span side-stepping on full pay for screwing up royally, or side-stepping on full pay and then coming back on more money or in a different role. On more money. It’s a jungle out there.
In a sane world the BIJ would be a stain of shame across any journalistic record.
But the old Newsnight slipway seems able to relaunch anything no matter what.
Many at the BBC tried to blame budget cuts for their outsourcing journalism to the BIJ when the McAlpine story fell apart. This will be no different.
“They then compounded the problem by enforcing a series of cuts on programme budgets, while bloating the management. That is how you arrive at the current mess on Newsnight. I very much doubt the problem is unique to that programme.
Unfortunately, one suspects the malaise goes beyond Entwistle’s brief tenure at the top. For the past eight years, the BBC has been cutting thousands of jobs, which has devastated its once legendary journalistic resource. The cuts have also bitten deep into the comms team, which has lost more than 20 per cent of its people and budget of late.
While all this was going on, the top mandarins were hiring more middle management and handing each other raises, bonuses, and fat payoffs. No wonder morale is so low they’ve commissioned a sitcom to poke fun at…um….the corporate culture. Which they think is the way to appease not only the public, but the staff as well.
It’s not the corporate structure: it’s the people running it.
Very important viewer phone in on BBC5live this morning,
after Dr dies in custody, and hundreds are massacred by
Islamic fanatics in Syria, now 100 s from Britain join Jihadi the Muslim fascists, the implications? your thoughts?, on “Your Call”.
oops sorry … no … an American actress on some yank sob show, someone mentioned the word “fat” … obviously she is irreparably damaged … will she sue?, the word “fat” should now be banned?
No – says life coach fitness guru chappie … Yes – says rep for a “big boned” folks club, the unfortunately named Fatima, and on, and on, and on it goes
92k for ‘B team’ talking head and that was 4 years ago!
I looked her up ,and while am glad she overcame her cancer , wonder how it is she feels authorised to speak for the majority of ordinary British citizens
At one point she pontificates about tax payers , is she on PAYE I wonder.
Mind you Foulkes demonstrated exactly how the Tories should deal with the BBC . She and her co-presenter were completely nonplussed and showed it.
CAR death toll much higher than thought, says Amnesty
Under the title is placed a picture with the following subscript:
“Christian militia known as “anti-balaka” are among those accused of atrocities”
Hereby you have placed idea that the Christians are the one doing the killing. Only later you read that allegedly the christian militia killed 40 and the muslims forces killed a 1000 people. But again in the story it is given as fact that the Muslims only reacted on the initial murder of 40 people. But what was the name of the christian militia: anti-baklava which means anti-machete. Could it be possible that the Christians where also reacting to violence with machetes.
This is a country with a majority of Christians which terrorized by Muslim rebel which have taken control of their land. The BBC reports this story as nothing more than a revenge attack. 40 vs 1000
BBC – Adebolajo – half the story – all the time
part of this restrained report
“Mr Adebolajo’s defending barrister, David Gottlieb, told jurors that they “genuinely have a choice” to acquit his client, and that they will be under pressure “from outside, from the mob, from the world, to convict”.
surprise! surprise! … somewhat different from reality
Killer Is A Good Man … Says Sobbing Barrister … Voice cracking with emotion etc etc
Yes yet another crime that can be posted against the Blair regime. But this is of no importance whatsoever when weighed against the crime of letting millions of aliens into our country.
The BBC get worked into a lather about a few suspected terrorists being roughed up, at a time when the west was being successfully targeted by Islamic terrorists.
I don’t understand the liberal left. Do they really think that the rights of a few terrorists are more valuable than the security of the country? Do they really think that the UK should accept millions of aliens and that there won’t be a heavy price to pay for that?
They will go to any lengths to ensure that native Brits are not allowed to express their hostility to mass immigration. The BBC are the most active of the suppressors and edit all news to suit the ‘immigration is good narrative ‘. The killers of Lee Rigby have views which seem to be shared by a significant number of Muslims in this country. How long before native Brits need to be protected from Islamic fanatics ? But will that protection ever be granted?
So it does – “UK was inappropriately involved in rendition” sounds like “Rigby killers motivated by British injustice”. Our fault as usual, in other words.
Oh dear, has Gottlieb been at the Taliban poetry again? Sobbing, voice cracking with emotion; occasionally duetting with Gareth Pierce on ‘Rude Boys Outa Jail’. Continually asking court officials to remind him when to roll out his prayer mat. No tears for Lee, though, or his shattered family. Big tears for the subhuman butchers who should be facing a profoundly symbolic example of British justice – the nine foot drop.
A little background on David ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ Gottlieb; a trial lawyer flown down from beeboid heaven, where only the gutmensch may come and go, talking of Michaeladebolajo:
It’s as expected.
Did anyone catch that talk of Army cutbacks on both BBC News and Sky News?
The BBC interviewed someone who kept pushing the idea that with the cutbacks the army should consider working more with European partners (apparently we could learn from the French in Mali because the Iraq and Afghanistan war taught us nothing new) rather than with the USA.
Sky just gave the cold facts: the British army lost out in the cuts – more than the RAF and Navy and that’s why their generals are complaining more.
Just as an addition – Hollande wants British help in Mali – so it can’t be going that well for the slick French.
This in January didn’t look too slick:
French military forces intervened in two African countries simultaneously yesterday with, at best, muddled results. A daring but botched helicopter raid by special forces early yesterday failed to free a French intelligence agent held in Somalia since 2009. The agent is believed to have been killed by his captors. At least one French soldier died and another is missing….
6 o’clock news on Radio 4, “Lee Rigby was murdered by “two fellow Britons”, the BBC reporter tells us. Get the word “fellow” – what kind of fellowiship did these two Soldiers of Allah have with Lee Rigby? Yet more sly use of words.
As others have noticed the 2 murderous Muslims who beheaded (As enshrined their unholy rag of a codex) a British soldier on the streets of London have been found guilty of murder and yet the bBC bends over (5 times a day no less) in which to make these 2 cunts the victims. I give you the bBC Islamic propaganda department: Woolwich: How did Michael Adebolajo become a killer? The two men who killed Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich have been convicted of murder and now face life in prison. Their journey towards violence is still being unravelled.
Still being unravelled Dominic ? The UK which has seen convert after convert after convert towards Islam become intolerant towards others, become vocal in hatred toward their fellow countrymen, who on finding ‘Islam’ have turned to a life of crime, who on numerous occasions have tried to murder for their warped (But common amongst Muslims) relgious beliefs and now we find the bBC trying to explain why these 2 Muslims decided to murder on the streets of London an innocent man , yet leave out the elephant in the room.
Mr Dominic Casciani the reason why these 2 f-ing pricks did as they did is because of Islam. No ifs, no buts, but Islam. If you as the bBCs home affairs correspondent can’t see that, then why don’t you resign and hand over your position to somebody who is able to report the facts.
The bBC, a not fit for purpose org which should be disbanded, due to its traitorous nature towards those who pay its way
The bBBC has already told us what drove Adebolajo: it was Bible readings!
When I complained about their use of that misleading heading in their trial report, they told me We use cross-headings to break up the text of a story and to highlight something that appears further down the same story. In this case we felt it worth highlighting Bible readings as the fact that Michael Adebolajo was brought up a Christian might be something that was not known to a large part of our audience and so would encourage them to read on.
This is another BBc classic. I’ve complained a couple of times where the headline of a story on the web page is to say the best ‘Misleading’. Without fail the response is to the effect of that if you read the whole story as most people do….blah blah blah….
No surprise that this gang move from the force funded BBC to the tax subsidised luvvie stage to seek to influence the electoral process THE STOP UKIP TOUR
This is a serious corruption of the democratic process,
One of the commentators makes the point that this an abuse of public funding and breached charities regulations , I’m not sure if that applied simply to the venue or whether the whole tour receives some kind of ‘arts council’ grant.
This story needs a wider audience
I agree with Noggin. I have never ever been so disgusted or angry with the crass BBC. Jeremy Vine is talking about the verdict in his usual light hearted manner on his light music entertainment show. Then plays another pop song between the discussions and descriptions of the murder of Lee Rigby.
There is no respect, no outrage, not a moments reflection as to whether this was a suitable topic for such “ light” programme, and then to top it all on comes the Muslim spokesman to explain that it is nothing to do with Islam, other than he mentioned Chowdrey, a well-known Muslim who he said encouraged the murderers. In other words it very definitely IS a Muslim/ Islamic problem.
It is beyond belief, the BBC have no concept whatsoever of the gravity and awfulness of the crime committed against one of our finest young men. A man who was prepared to lay down his life for his country is being talked about by Vine, an overpaid BBC celebrity, as just another programme fill in for his fat pay check.
At what point will the government of this country stand up and face the problem of these thousands of fanatical traitors living amongst us. That is to say the BBC.
Gave up on Vine along long time ago, the program goes something like this, four topics two talking heads per 1/2 hour (normally Guardian types) a record (The Jam or the Smiths/Morrisey) two callers (often the same ones from a week or two ago) a record (some 80’s punk or New Wave) and then carefully selected texts and a record (the Dandy Warhols).
It would be nice to reconstruct some “immigrant songs” from the time of the Anglo-Saxon conquest, complete with racially-insensitive expletives. Or some from the Celtic conquest of the Beaker People (“Call these beakers, boyo?”), about a thousand years earlier. Somehow I don’t think it’ll happen.
The BBC allowed someone to say on air that Choudary encouraged murder? That’s pretty major, no? I agree it does put the lie to the claims by various BBC talking heads and defenders of the indefensible that this and other murders were not inspired by religious belief.
I guess it’s okay if a Mohammedan says it, but it’s Islamophobia and hate speech if we say it.
Soldiers of Allah? My arse! They did it to get free food and accommodation for life.
Immigrants throughout the world will see what a soft touch this nation is. The moment they get into this country they will kill the first person they see and we will have to keep them in a style they could only have dreamed of.
You know what JB, I hope there is< I want the soldiers of Allah to carry out mass beheadings in the UK. However Iw ant the people to be losing their heads:
MPs, Liberals, bBC workers and their ilk. Maybe when Abu Bowen loses his head on the streets of London while interviewing one of their hot dial terrorists, then the Political elites may just get it rammed into their single braincell that Islam isn't compatible with the western world.
I have never felt so sad as when I saw Lee Rigby’s family outside the court in tears as a spokesperson read out a statement. Ordinary people like you and me.
How does the BBC decide what to spend its (licence payer’s) money on? Why make a programme about the Great Train Robbers? I can’t imagine anyone I know wanting to see this or wanting criminals to be glamourised. Why not a programme about the train driver? Why not a programme about organised crime in present day Britain, the threat it poses, the tolerance in Northern Ireland as terrorists turned to crime and their links with mainland criminals. Instead we get an expensive drama about some thugs. Festive eh?
“Overnight figures showed that “A Robber’s Tale”, the first episode of The Great Train Robbery, was watched by 23% of the viewing audience for that time, with 5.2 million watching it.”
“BBC1’s The Great Train Robbery got off to a rattling start on Wednesday, grabbing almost twice as many viewers as ITV’s Lucan in the battle of the fact-based dramas.”
I had the misfortune to watch that awful drivel. The BBC just can’t do drama any more, can they? I remember the Great Train robbery very well, and have to say I was shocked at the inaccuracies in the BBC portrayal of it – it was lumbering, and none of the cast seemed to fit, whilst the acting was piss poor. A LOT of the technical details were wrong, and poorly researched, too. Why did they bother?
Accuracy, quality, and taste are irrelevant now. As the BBC top brass told John Redwood, MP, recently, ratings = proper public service broadcasting = good value for the license fee. That’s it.
Until the Charter & Agreement are rewritten and the BBC’s remit redefined in no uncertain terms, this will not change.
Always a pleasure when you reappear; sorely missed indeed.
Just, a small point, but what in your post actually has anything to do with inaccuracy, unprofessionalism or lack of integrity by the force-funded national media monopoly?
All you’ve managed is a poorly considered, irrelevant #2wrongs attempted conflation with some posters on a free forum.
Speaking of which… ‘However, being inaccurate, of poor quality and in bad taste does not stop such posts garnering plenty of “likes”.’
In the spirit of #2wrongs, did you see my recent link and share to the highest ‘liked’ post on the BBC World News page story about the Singapore riot?
It was… ‘robust’. Inflammatory even.
So if trying to tie site hosts to posters as you keep trying to do, be careful what you wish for.
The BBC getting banned from FaceBook or twitter would rather dent their business model of charging in the UK to piggy-back what is free but hosted elsewhere.
Way to troll rather than address the issue, Albaman. I see you’re unable to address a variety of issues, and chose instead to make an ad hominem argument instead.
Albaman. You are like a blind man on the edge of a cliff believing the whispers in your ear that the future is fine. Just keep going forwards. But unlike the blind man all you need to do is actually stop, use your own mind and take a look around at what is happening.
If you promote a programme enough you will get good viewing figures – remember Bonekickers, El Dorado, but that doesn’t mean people liked it (see below)
I saved myself the bother, and I don’t know that anyone I know watched it.
At times like these we, the ordinary English, need to stay silent.
The ramblings of the BBC and the liberal media are not for us. We must shut our ears to them.
Our thought must be with Lee Rigby’s family and friends and all those fine young men who, so badly let done by the politicians, serve this country.
We must ponder on what has happened and what this means for the future of England and our grandchildren.
We must talk amongst ourselves. Our leaders and those who pretend to speak for us have no place or right to be involved.
We should make a note of those involved in anti-British, pro-Islamist, multiculturalism, criminality, corruption and other such activities. Let us hope that one day they will be held to account for their deeds in a proper court of law. And no – the Nuremberg defence of “we were only obeying orders” will not be accepted then.
It is always the Left which takes to the streets when they have one of their grievances. They have an organisation. The BBC and others give them credibility, they sympathise, they tolerate and even campaign for them, and call for change.
Sadly ordinary people like us do not have an street organisation behind us. We have few means to get our opinions aired. When we protest we are tagged as extremists, loonies and the like by the BBC and fellow travellers.
Thankfully we have the internet and blogs like this. All we can do is make the most of it. We must make a big stink. So ‘keep on keepin” on.
The reason is we are too busy working, earning a living and providing for our families. It amazes me how these people afford to go on demos, marches sit ins maybe one day they will be asked .
How the bBC propaganda machine is working overtime in which to try and excuse the blood lust and guilty verdict of 2 Islamic murderers. UK ‘was inappropriately involved in rendition’ There is evidence Britain was inappropriately involved in the rendition and ill-treatment of terror suspects, an inquiry has revealed.Retired judge Sir Peter Gibson reviewed 20,000 top secret documents after allegations of wrongdoing by MI5 and MI6 officers in the wake of 9/11.
Wow the bBC reports that the British security services were guilty of locking up Islamic terrorists who as we all know (via the bBC) are all innocent , but hang on what this, the next line: He found no evidence officers were directly involved in the torture or rendition of suspects.
Hang on, didn’t the bBC just promote otherwise. But hey its a bad news day for Allah and his followers, so of course the bBC has to headline something which will point to a reason as why Muslims murder so easily on the streets of London The bBC, the traitors within our Midst
“UK: Islamic jihadis found guilty of murder of British soldier on London street”
“Note that in this AP story there is no hint of the motivations of these killers until paragraph 10, where ‘martyrdom’ is mentioned, and then explicitly in paragraph 12, where it is noted with some hyperbole that there was a spate of anti-Muslim attacks after this murder — in reality, such incidents were wildly exaggerated at the highest levels. Any such genuine incident is reprehensible, but here again the focus is on crimes against innocent Muslims, not on jihad violence against non-Muslims. This is typical of mainstream media coverage of jihad terror activity.”
Just returned to be greeted with two BBC ‘breaking’ emails back to back. UK ‘was involved in rendition’ There is evidence UK was inappropriately involved in rendition and ill-treatment of terror suspects, inquiry reveals Two guilty of Woolwich murder
Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale guilty of murder of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south-east London
Choices (in and out) and timings, as always, as suggested above, interesting. Especially given one seems based on, well, less than watertight oversight yet was rushed to the top of the email pile in complement to the other.
And they do it because they CAN!
The flokkers back at work after their silence while away on a South African jaunt of some kind, just have to demonstrate they hold the power to distort. Thereby showing us a two fingered salute.
North West tonight spent most of it’s program giving out the message that this outrage has brought every one closer together. Make your own minds up on that one kids.
It’s that pathetic cocktail: person who did wrong turns themselves into the victim and the BBC will then do its best to sympathise with them.
Especially if they’re a chubby-faced black South African.
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Come to think of it, you might wonder why Choudary hasn’t been jailed before, given his record. In 2003 he was investigated for organising terrorist training camps. Around the same time he praised the 9/11 bombers as “magnificent martyrs”. A few months later he predicted attacks on British soil. In 2005 he refused to condemn the 7/7 slaughters in London.
In 2006 he organised a protest outside the Danish Embassy in London where, notoriously, the protestors carried placards saying “Exterminate those who slander Islam”, “Behead those who insult Islam”, and “Be prepared for the real holocaust”. Some might imagine this was clearly an incitement to violence and racial/religious hatred, and worthy of jail time – but no. Choudary received a £500 fine, but it was imposed because he failed to inform police of the planned demo.
At various occasions between 2003 and 2011 he also preached to at least one of the men who went on to kill Woolwich drummer Lee Rigby. Choudary has since refused to condemn this slaughter: he has gone on record as saying Rigby is now “burning in hell”; he has praised one of the killers as a “very nice man”.
And now Choudary’s back in East London doing his provocateur shtick, yet again.
So why isn’t Choudary ever banged up for racism, or incitement to racial and religious hatred? Because, as Assistant Met Commissioner Cressida Dick informed MPs, just after the Rigby murder, “offences under the hatred laws” are “difficult to prosecute” and it seems he never crosses the line.
And that’s true, isn’t it? Hardly anyone is jailed for racial or religious hatred, because it is so “difficult to prosecute”.
I mean, off the top of my head, I can only think of 52-year-old Keith Hurdle, just given four months in prison for a racist rant on a Tube train, and Swansea student Liam Stacey, who got 54 days in prison for some racist tweets, and 42-year-old Jacqueline Woodhouse, given 21 weeks for a racist rant on another train, and six Charlton fans, jailed for 18 months for singing racist songs, and 62-year-old David Rowley, locked up for eight months after sending four racist texts, and Anthony Buck given four months for posting Islamophobic remarks on Facebook, and electrician Darren Tosh, who got 16 weeks inside for some more racist texts, and Grimsby man Terence Baker, who got prison time for being Islamophobic on the Internet, and Glaswegian Stephen Birrell, who got eight months for inciting hatred of Catholics on Facebook, and Gareth Hemingway, of Bognor Regis, who got 15 months for uploading racist clips to Youtube, and 34-year-old Emma West, who spent two weeks in jail for shouting at some foreign people on a tram, and Martin Smith, slammed in a cell for having a potentially racist ringtone, and fortysomething Ronnie Hutton, who spent days behind bars after revving his car in a racist manner, and 19-year-old Celtic fan Sean Smith, who got three months in prison for impersonating a monkey in the direction of a Senegalese footballer.
Exactly and whilst I do not condone any of those you mention it is as clear as day that their offences where miniscule , compared to the vile systematic hatred and very real incitement to racial and religious violence perpetrated by Choudary. Cressida Dick was in command of the De Menezes shooting as I recall. I rest my case.
Cressida Dick is a Common Purpose drone. That should tell you all you need to know about her.
Plus female, plus a lezzie – trois points. Hence her promotion after ordering a visa overstayer shot dead.
Absolutely, C.Dick is the epitome of all that is wrong with senior officers in the Police, useless bastards the lot of them. As for the armed police and Rigby, god bless him, seems they need their targets to sit still in an underground carriage and fire their weapons from a few inches to ensure a kill…..those black muslim filth should have been riddled with bullets at the range they were shot, save us a shed load of public money…those officers were incompetent shooters, useless.
I’m really surprised at these posts !
Choudary is only preaching what is written in the Qur’an, if they arrest him then it will be an attack on Islam which the authorities can’t even bring themselves to tell the truth about never mind attack.
So they have to limit themselves to a bit of fascist attacking of the untermensch and then they can blame them all for waycism while their brown eyed boys are unaffected !
The job of the media has been described as “speaking truth to power”. In this case it would mean endless questioning of the Government – why isn’t this vile man in jail ?
SOME of the media pursues this question. The BBC – never.
“UK: Laws against inciting hatred — funny how an Islamic supremacist hate preacher is never prosecuted”—-funny-how-an-islamic-supremacist-hate-preacher-is-never-prosecute.html
You are spot on and all this achieves is more and more frustration amongst those of us that are deemed not so favourable. It is double standards through and through and in my opinion actually breeds hatred. I know it has a detrimental affect on how I see immigrants and especially Muslims. I wish it wasn’t so.
I forgot to add that in reality my wrath should be directed at the so called Political Elites (and that includes the bloody BBC) that have brought about the current situation and not most immigrants that, although they shouldn’t be here, are only trying to better themselves by working cheaply and undercutting our own kind or by taking the vast array of handouts they can get.
Here’s the link –
Ah, you got there before me.
For those that can stand to read through it, here are the twitter thoughts of brother Choudary.
I suspect not admissible in Court that fact although obvious (by neglect) by the BBC to make any connection with proper news.
Mr Larocka
Excellent stuff. I thought as much when I read it on the Torygraph site yesterday.
Two points:
1. If you lift something wholesale from somewhere else (which you shouldn’t really, especialy if it’s copyright), you should have the courtesy to make that clear. Plagiarism (passing off someone else’s work as your own) is Naughty!
2. If we are not to provide ammunition to those who would dismiss this place as merely a talking shop for so-called ‘Islamophobes’, we should stick to BBC bias, not irregularitiies in the application of the rule of law, however indignant about that we may (rightly, in my mind) feel.
Last Dec, I asked the question how will the bBC report the increasing nationalistic nature of the new Chinese empire. (On Jan 1st this year China declared that all of area under its 9 dash line belonged to it and if you were caught inside it, then prepare to pay the price.)
In response to the nationalistic belligerent sea grab, the little nations which surround it, have upped their defence spending and sought military alliances with each other and the US. With yesterdays news from the bBC that Japan has increased her military spending (Err bBC, I read that same thing last much for bringing us breaking stories eh?) So how has the bBC reported the Imperialistic nature of..China?
Japan boosts military forces to counter China
Japan’s cabinet has approved a new national security strategy and increased defence spending in a move widely seen as aimed at China.
So all good, but this is the bBC, its leftwing bent cannot allow it to disparage any fellow communists , so they blame Japan and not China for this, so the bbC ensures you are made aware that:
For a country that, according to its constitution, does not maintain any army, navy or air force, Japan spends an awful lot of money on defence.
But many on the left in Japan think Mr Abe is using the threat from China to pursue his own nationalist dreams, our correspondent adds.
Ah it’s the nasty Japanese who are at fault and not the Chinese, who the bBC quotes as being the victim:“Japan’s unreasonable criticism of China’s normal maritime activities and its hyping up of the China threat has hidden political motives,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said. Japan ranks fifth in the world for military spending, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, while China is in second place behind the United States.
But there’s more.
So according to the bBC, it is the Japanese who are all about building an Imperial empire:
Japan’s military revolution hints at Shinzo Abe’s nationalist aims
Japan has announced a plan to increase defence spending and transform its military, in a move widely seen as aimed at China. But many on the left believe Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is using the threat from China to pursue his own nationalist dreams, reports the BBC’s Rupert Wingfield-Hayes in Tokyo.For a country that, according to its constitution, does not maintain any army, navy or air force, Japan spends an awful lot of money on defence.
And there you have it, rather than state the truth that actually all the nations which border China are getting bullied by it, the bBC blames. The victims, which isn’t a surprise, be it the UK over Gibraltar, falklands, the US with Islamic terrorists, or even Israel with its blood thirsty neighbours . To the likes of the wankers at the bBC, only those who are willing to make a killing for political, ideological or religious reasons can be victims, those who feel their wrath are the real nasty evil people.
But there’s more
The bBC, a not fit for purpose, so called news agency which isn’t fit for purpose
China confirms US warship near-collision
China says one of its warships “encountered” a US vessel, confirming US reports of a near-collision in the South China Sea earlier this month. The US said its guided missile cruiser USS Cowpens was forced to take evasive action as the two ships neared each other on 5 December.
The above story has been in the news for over a fortnight, yet the bBC refused to report it, now that China has admitted to carrying it out, the bBC feel warranted to do so, as it paints the US in a bad light. (Google USS Cowpen) What makes this story even more interesting (And worrying) is what the bBC leaves out. Going back to the 9 dash line that China has said encompasses all that it owns, it sent out its Aircraft carrier and a support fleet to sail around the china sea off the coast of the Philippines , while everybody else is sending Aid to the region, China is sending the message that the area off the coast of the Philippines belongs to them and there is nothing the Philippines can do about it. (The Chinese have a history of carrying out military action while the world’s attention is elsewhere
” The US has said its ship was operating in international waters.
But it was bBC, it was in the region just off the Philippines
The bBC, the cheerleader for any ideology which doesn’t afford equal rights to its followers.
Notice how in the above map, Vietnam has been coloured in the same colour as China, thus allowing the bBC to substantiate that 9 line dash sea grab.
Further to the Chinese boat indecent here is how the bBC reports the story:
China says one of its warships “encountered” a US vessel, confirming US reports of a near-collision in the South China Sea earlier this month….The US said its guided missile cruiser USS Cowpens was forced to take evasive action as the two ships neared each other on 5 December….However, China said the incident was handled with “strict protocol”.”
And here is what really happened:
On December 5, a People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) ship made radio contact with the Cowpens and asked it to leave the area. The USS Cowpens replied that it was in international waters and declined to change course.
The Cowpens was then shouldered by a PLAN Amphibious Dock Ship that suddenly crossed its bow at a distance of less than 500 meters and stopped in the water. The USS Cowpens was forced to take evasive action to avoid a collision.
You know you have too many warships when the best name you can think of is ‘USS Cowpens!’
You’re forgetting the USS Barry, a Narcissist-class guided missile destroyer.
Not forgetting the Royal Navy’s HMS Daring and her sister ships, HMS Audacity and HMS Suicidal Insanity.
Don’t forget HMS Inadequate, HMS Cutbacks and HMS Equality!
Not forgetting HMS Inadequate, HMS Cutbacks and HMS Equality!
Thomas Cochrane must be spinning
like the proverbial.
So what, you may ask.
Any responsible government needs to plan its defence policy based on present and future threats. From that point of view, what Mr Abe is doing is only sensible and responsible.
(This is from the article.)
Then immediately going on to say why you may not ask.
“However, there are many in Japan who suspect Mr Abe of having another agenda.
Shinzo Abe is at heart a right-wing nationalist. Throughout his political career, he has called for the overturning of Japan’s post-war pacifist constitution. “
Ahhhhh the magic BBC “many”.
Do they mean many Japanese citizens, and if so what is their source for the “many” assumption? Or is it just “many” left wing BBC journos?
Radio 2 news at 11 a.m. Swiss Re reports that last year there was £80 billion losses lost in various disasters but the insurance industry only paid out £27 billion (implied what a mean nasty corporate world the insurance companies live in) well may I suggest that the other £53 billion was damage to property not insured and that the insurance industry is not a charity. The BBC obviously thinks insurance should come free whenever it reports on underwriting houses built in the flood plains of the UK
Driving back, i ve just heard a short bulletin on the BBC that re – the Dr who died in custody in Syria …
now a top dedicated team of Dr s are going over to do a further autopsy?
… top dedicated team of Dr s? – going over now?
… isn t this a bit late?
there is something amiss in this story
My thoughts all morning. This story is being pushed hard by the BBC. I have a suspicion the truth will out before long. I guess its a suspicion bred by being fed propaganda on these issues that turn out to have a whole different meaning in the cold light of day. My main question on all this is why would a Dr who wishing to provide humanitarian aid to the Syrian people find it necessary to sneak into a country in the first place?
I ve tuned back in to hear, AL BBC still going on about it … hmm agenda :-D.
Still no reports about the, mass execution by Jihadi s the other day, including throwing people in ovens! though?
ow queer!
or gunpoint conversions by the same.
“In Kanayé Salafi militants and the jihadists of ‘Jabhat al-Nousra’ have imposed on the pastor not to ring bells. Women must not go out on the street bare-headed, but must be veiled. And if they do not immediately obey these orders, the threat is massacre”
but half a doctored story,
about this … Dr 😀
stop the presses
agenda! what agenda?
All over twitter and FaceBook (the BBC’s favoured means of not having space to be accurate) they have been pushing ‘Criticism of the FCO’.
Only when you read on do you find out this ‘criticism’ appears to have originated from the guy’s brother.
Others may be more cautious with critical views until more facts are know about a geezer who seems to have headed into a war zone for as yet undetermined reasons.
It could at present be anything, but to jump on this as a Brit-bashing effort so soon is beyond contempt for a national broadcaster.
Is there a single editor in the 10,000-strong flower bed they call a newsroom who is not driven by some agenda or another such that any report gets immediately twisted into a campaign rally?
Why are NHS doctors arseing around in Syria , I was under the impression that the waiting lists are longer than ever , and A and E departments are unable to cope .
The BBC has a mad idea that freedom of speech is the most important thing and scarily they actually promote those who seek to justify the murder of innocent people eg The worst incident can be read at
Apologies my response was in reply to Alan’s first item.
I have to say, I think your blog post is a bit mad.
Disagree with some of Tonge’s comments, sure. But you can hardly describe them as calling for the cold blooded murder of civialins etc as a means of solving the problem.
She wasn’t thrown out of the party because of her comments.
You omit mention of her being an MP/Lord etc.
The response about testing views in a democracy is basically saying that its ok to hear views you disagree with, in fact its a good thing in a democracy.
“But you can hardly describe them as calling for the cold blooded murder of civilians”
That was precisely what she was doing when she sought to excuse suicide bombings. Does she have to wear a “Bring Back Concentration Camps” T-Shirt for you to notice her pathological hatred of Israel?
There are certain views that have nothing to do with democracy. If someone identifies with the solution to a conflict being solved by people murdering others , a democratic country should ostracise that person for their influence is dangerous. Instead the BBC gave her a free trip to Israel to repeat her outrageous views .
Quote of the day- ” He wrote to me “Surely you agree that in a democracy, views should be tested?”
Yes BBC we do ,but what your views will they be tested?
Freedom of speech for some, but not others.
The best I have heard in defence of our dwindling English freedoms (being lost to the EU) was made here on these very same pages (going from memory so apologies to the original author). Magna Carta states that every Englishman has an automatic entitlement to be born free, without fear of persecution. Whilst (EU) French Napoleonic version relies on the word ‘Libertie’ which confers no such actual freedoms but a ‘right’ to do something. Freedom is an inherent right of being English. Only forgotten about by the EU and BBC who prefer Napoleons crude battle tactics over Nelsons flagships.
“Magna Carta states that every Englishman has an automatic entitlement to be born free, without fear of persecution.”
Does it? Where? Cite version and clause.
An awful lot of crap is written about Magna Carta, usually by people who’ve never actually read it, even in translaion.
The (very real) difference between our freedom and the ‘Libertie’ of the Napoleonic code is the product of Common Law, not what Chrimes (‘English Constitutional History’, p. 96) describes as “primarily a feudal document about feudal customs and the rights of tenants-in-chief”.
Troll alert!!!!!!!!
troll alert indeed. And how full of shit this particular troll is. Now i know we shouldnt feed these disgusting creatures but, just to prove that this particular troll hasnt got a clue what he’s talking about. Article 29 of the Magna Carta, which is still in force today says
“No Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right.”
My dear troll, freemen are born free. The state doesnt grant them their freedom
Good one. And of course “peers” meant social equals then, not just “lords”.
On FaceBook:
BBC World News
#Singapore to deport 53 foreign workers over riot.
The riot, in the Little India district, was Singapore’s worst in more than 40 years.
The violent protests broke out after an Indian national was knocked down and killed by a bus.
The outbreak of public disorder is rare in strictly-governed Singapore.
The wealthy city-state depends heavily on foreign workers, with migrant labourers from South Asia dominating low-paid sectors like construction.
One suspects the BBC may have a broader view on this as a precedent. Speaking to the nation (well, some we know there), the population in general seems to feel those prone to riot may be best not remaining in country. Oddly. Guessing we’ll soon be welcoming them? And families? They have clear skills the UK seems to want here.
Already in the comments there is one loon who has projected this as the government killing an Indian (he was run over by a bus as mentioned in the piece, which the poster appears to feel doesn’t have a bearing) and now covering up.
But nice to see the BBC hosting all means to calm tensions.
Have they pulled the comments? I don’t see any on that link.
I do see a picture showing a poster of the deceased which is being looked at by two who do not appear to be local, nor from the subcontinent.
Ah, I missed that you’d said “On Facebook”.
Not that that helps me. I look at the BBC’s Facebook page and just see a jumble of stories with no particular order. If there’s a form of dyslexia that applies only to Facebook, I must have it.
The BBC FaceBook pages are a mixed bunch, in what stories are chosen, or not, and how and when ordered. They have a very bad habit of kicking off the threads with frankly barking questions (‘An axe murderer is still on the loose. Are you concerned?’) The Newsnight one is hilarious, and rightly mocked even more that Ian Katz’ daft twitter slipway attempts.
Closest I can get you to this one is this:
Currently 4th down on the left.
Amazing what the world’s most trusted forum creator can drive to the top of the comments:
‘Albert Henry – they killed a indian national now deporting, what is fair in that ? indians should realise how badly they are treated by others and try to work for countrys moral ! try to work in india… enough is enough they suck u r blood.’
Got 17 likes too.
Inaccurate and inflammatory. Should match most BBC editorial then.
Not sure the dominating view that the general public should take justice away from the dozy authorities and into their own hands is quite what they would fancy here, mind.
A tape of Gameshow Nikki interviewing Biggsy on the radio this a.m. proving that Gameshow was as smug a supercilious blank back then as he is now.
‘Yerve done some tacky things in yer time’.
Nothing further your honour.
In fairness, the clip I heard did having him reflecting on the fact that the thug is celebrated whilst the poor train driver is forgotten.
A pity the BBC felt the need to fan that celebrity on his death.
No Roland-my impression was that they merely quoted Alan Ayckbourne with that truth.
As far as the BBC was concerned he was “their kind of rebel”…good to his mum, multiracial kids out of wedlock in Rio, sniffed Bruce Reynolds cap( he was of the course the “brains” for this Great Train Robbery…emphasis on Great please!).
He also made a fool out of the Scotland Yard suits like Jack Slipper(never got with the hippie programme, our Jack!)-and , of course, recoded something with the Sex Pistols(well the talentless chuggers section of that confection anyway).
Royal Mail too-THAT stuck it to the Tories, I`d expect.
No-the BBC rather like their NHS leeching tourists who make fools of Plod…freeloading safe Evan Davis likes to think of himself in fact!
Good job Biggs wasn’t black, or we’d never hear the end of it.
-Jack Mills-
Shamefully I had to look it up.
It is strange that the bien-pensant class love their ‘gawd blimey mary poppins, the krays they luved their muver’ criminal stereotype cock-a-nee ,as witnessed by east enders
But those that strive to rise above their station
through hard work are ‘Essex men’ and heaven forfend that Rita should educate here self. (Seek to make political change without the guidance of the liberal inquisition)
then their knuckle dragging racists
Here strike a light, I was in the Blind Beggar pub the night Ronnie Kray shot George Cornell.
Big pub – cos abaht ten farsand other people also said dey was in there at the same toime.
Noworrimean, at the end of the day, aving said all that.
I take it you’re posting from Essex, Tower Hamlets being a bit iffy for drinkers these days.
Including “recording with the Sex Pistols” according to wee Nicky!
Which-given the BBCs love of all things “faux rebellion”-is hardly “tacky”,,,but indeed “really cool maan” in these days of punk pulchritude.
“I mean it maan”.
Have the Beeb given us how many minutes silence Sir Ronald of Rio is due at our footy matches this weekend?
The BBC love these “sticking it to the man” types…pity it had to be Joe Mills though eh?
Still Biggys-Wiggsy was on trend well in advance of the BBC and its Savile crap…Ronnie said that his coshing of Joe Mills was “regrettable”…did it ever get upgraded to “disappointing” or even “inappropriate”?
The BBC are scum.
Yes they (the BBC) know a lot about ‘Empire building’, only they also employ a pro UN ‘BIAS inspector’ called Lord Williams of Baglan – whose job is (as BBC ‘Trustee’) is to implement a bias towards a ‘new World Order’ within the BBC collective (known as UN Agenda 21)…
‘… and Lord Williams of Baglan – whose job on the board is to implement the ideas of The United Nations and in particular Agenda 21 through BBC programming.’‘
UN Agenda 21 makes REALLY chilling reading:
USA: (Agenda 21)
UK (Agenda 21)
The BBC think they can change the world through secret use of UN ‘agenda 21’ protocol and EU directives . We know they’re mad. They know it, we all know it. Only Cameron does’nt know that he is ‘already’ a patron* of ‘Common Purpose’ (and that makes him dangerously mad as that has the same objectives). Agenda 21 is about faking a EU democracy – an empire where only the political elite (read BBC) have the rights and damn the rest of us.
*Cameron admits he is patron of ‘Common Purpose’, (a pro EU charity who tried to regulate (muzzle) the British free press in the UK). Mr Cameron failed to declare that CP post for at least two years (before his election as PM and despite two opportunities to do so in official Westminster registers as a Lobby group).
Worse: (2013) Saul Alinsky as an interesting Conservative (chosen by Cameron) to do the dirty work (BIG SOCIETY) for Agenda 21 (Alinsky is a Marxist) say TELEGRAPH:
Festive cheer.
Possibly not for those who have been naughty.
‘We still have the Price Waterhouse Cooper report on the Digital Media Initiative to pass and publish; Dame Janet Smith’s findings on “Savile culture” can’t be far behind; and the PAC have yet to decide if they want to pursue Pollard further….’
There’s three ‘Ho’s’ right there.
“PwC slams BBC for failed £100m digital transformation project.
“Too much focus on technology and not enough priority given to organisation change.”
And Patten tried to block its release. What a shock. He’ll never learn, and he’ll never face any consequences, either.
Sadly, you have got it about right, right and right there.
Still that blocking worked out well, didn’t it?
And again his name is in pride of place atop the latest failed attempted to abuse trust and obscure transparency to cover up another BBC howler.
Merry Christmas, Lord.
When will we get the Balen Report Mr Patten?
‘BBC response
The BBC has issued a statement recognising that it “got this one wrong”
Should that not be… ‘…got this about wrong…again.’?
And amongst the actions that the BBC will take…………..
• The executive board will be strengthened, with an increase in the number of non-executive directors from four to six
i.e. MORE JOBS FOR THE BOYS (who no doubt will have worked for the BBC / Guardian or Labour)
• The overall number of boards in the BBC will be reduced by more than 60 percent, to be replaced with appropriately mandated senior individuals who will be “empowered” to take decisions and be held accountable to those
• A more robust reporting pack including an Integrated Assurance and Approvals Plan covering all major projects will be provided monthly to the board by the BBC’s Project Management Office
• A comprehensive update on all major projects will be submitted every quarter to the BBC Trust
Helen Boaden will have more company on the board, then. Yeah, that’ll help. “Quick,” cried the captain of the Titanic, “we need more chairs on deck!”
No way can that upcoming sitcom about BBC corporate silliness hold a candle to this actual madness.
On matters Titanic, the market rate floor of the BBC seems dedicated mostly to locating new icebergs to ram, which they now seem to manage weekly.
This increased staffing at such a level should help them locate even more.
The Titanic was considered unaccounta… unsinkable too, which is worth bearing in mind.
Funny how independent TV stations don’t need all these boards and freeloaders…..
@ David Prieser `Helen Boaden will have more company on the board, then. Yeah, that’ll help. “Quick,” cried the captain of the Titanic, “we need more chairs on deck!” ` Classic quip mate… thanx 4 that…
I wonder which of those three institutional problems has a chance of being sent up on next year’s satire about the BBC. The DMI is probably an easy target. But will they portray the Director General as a lying, obfuscating, slick operator? Or just make fun of middle-management and Jeremy Paxman’s “biddable” types who try to enforce the rules on it?
Even if the PwC turns out to be more damning than we expect, I believe the mandarin in charge was already suspended (still keeping his £140K bonus, natch). The report is out today, and without even looking we can bet that it was all down to….wait for it….bad management. It will be just another episode of Mark Thompson either being out of touch or telling fibs about how well it was progressing, an eerie parallel to the US President either being out of touch or (more likely) telling fibs about how well the ObamaCare Exchange website was progressing.
Basically, not matter how damning the report is, nothing significant will change. Linwood has either already moved on with the help of a golden parachute, or will find a new fat paycheck, and it will be blamed on the culture and management structure, not on the individuals. And the comedy will be equally congenial.
The “Savile culture” will be blamed on the same thing. As we discovered at the outset, the goals of that investigation were written with a pre-determined outcome in mind. The BBC has already put measures into place to prevent sexual harassment, job done. No way in hell will the sitcom touch this (see what I did there), even though the culture that allowed it to happen is down to the same thing that caused the DMI fiasco and the Savile/Newsnight debacle: the personnel.
Will the Pollard report be pursued further? Only for a bit of grandstanding, not for any practical, useful purpose.
As for what the upcoming BBC satire will skewer, you can bet it won’t be this, either:
Faith considered as new staff forum
You know, somehow I don’t think this is going to turn out well.
They’ve yet to figure out what the forum is for, eh? Any bets that the Mohammedans who started it knew very well what their goal was (yes, we all see through the BBC’s phony “it was never meant to be a prayer meeting and to air grievances about how the BBC portrays Islam” act, but let’s not get sidetracked into rants about evil Muslims trying to take over, please), only now it’s been derailed so they have to figure out something else that management forced on them?
Still, everyone here should be cheered up by this. Even the most ludicrous BBC mandarins are smart enough to realize what an own goal this could have been. One can only imagine what the discussions are behind closed doors in a forum for Mohammedans who wanted their own group being forced to “share ideas” with others. You might also be encouraged by the clear admission that there’s a divisive element there, and that some BBC staff actually would have been concerned about it.
No matter how it turns out, though, this won’t be a humorous scenario in that new show. Can’t use it to poke fun at the evils of an unfair and unfeeling corporate culture mistreating the poor, hardworking dears.
‘either being out of touch or telling fibs ‘
Standard BBC top floor job spec, surely? If at market rates.
As to the BBC’s abortive forum wheeze (Ariel does pick up some cracking stories) to please the well-staffed and growing Eastern end of the cubicle beds, I think a mid-week musical interlude is in order (apologies if the celebrated lifestyle diversity of the performer offends some):
David Preiser (USA) says:
And Patten tried to block its release. What a shock. He’ll never learn, and he’ll never face any consequences, either.
Of course Patten never learns *because* he never faces consequences.
So Ronnie Biggs has died (just before the BBC show a drama about the TGTR) and my forecast is this: not so much on his lifestory will be shown. Why?
On one hand he ticks the BBC’s admiration box – he spent years spending other people’s money.
But the over-riding factor is he was one of the “hideously white” brigade, so despite a few positive eulogies it’s fingers-crossed that we won’t be inundated with crappy programming.
This morning the BBC has been keen pour cold water on the unemployment statistics by majoring on the difference between pay rises & the rate of inflation, thereby echoing Labour’s campaign on the “cost of living crisis”. I don’t suppose they will hear the message from the government that in actual fact disposable incomes have risen in real terms because of the increase in the starting level for income tax. (e.g. a person earning £20,000 last year has 2.3% more after tax despite an average pay rise of 0.9% – bigger % the lower the income). These are not great riches but should temper the partial BBC message
The Reuters report gives about 60 lines to the good news on employment. It gives 6 lines to the inflation statistics – because they are NOT news, just same as before…..
It is obvious that the BBC is trying to dilute the good news.
Has digital radio gone off the government’s agenda? If you listened to Today recently there is a case for and against it but no facts were permitted in the interview with radio enthusiasts.
Hopefully it will never make the agenda ! The Biased BBC cannot manage to broadcast a high enough bit rate to make it worth listening to, as a result analogue is better.
It’s acknowledged to be so bad by the BBC themselves that they now broadcast radio 3 as a HD channel over the internet !
When you’re used to listening at 24.5 Mbit/sec, 256K just isn’t even close to adequate.
Just to put the icing on it I live in a radio black spot and although I can receive analogue I can’t get DAB or a mobile signal !
Just to add, 256K is actually quite good for the BBC, with most output being 192K for radio 1 – 4 but 5 and world service falls to just 96K
As 256K is regarded as the MINIMUM required for decent audio quality the BBC is massively failing us.
I saw the second show on Constantinople last night on R4.
I learnt that the Turkish conquest of Byzantium was really a good thing as the Turks were very keen on multiculturalism and diversity. Also that the Christians of both East and West were decadent, violent and really very bad indeed.
So not so much a Turkish violent conquest but more of a liberation into the sunny uplands of diversity and so on .
The latitude afforded to what was in reality a brutal assault on a long settled and indigenous people was astounding. Imagine the British Empire being given such latitude. Not in a liberal’s lifetime.
What is it with these upper class liberals? Ashamed of themselves and their country and always looking to praise the other however brutal the other might be.
I await part 3 with interest.
Not R4 but BBC4
Excerpt from above:-
“Ankara has consistently critiqued the European Union as a Christian Club keeping Turkey at arm’s length because of religious prejudice against Islam. Yet, the fall of Constantinople on May 29th in 1453 began an unrelenting, centuries-long pattern of persecution and discrimination against the city’s Christian population. This policy of religious cleansing lays bare the lie of the Ottoman Empire as a benign, multi-cultural polity, and also highlights the violations of human rights and religious freedom that are the hallmark of Turkey’s treatment of its Christian minority populations. The anniversary of the fall of Constantinople is a reminder that the siege against Turkey’s Christians continues to this day — most egregiously, against the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the tiny Greek Orthodox Christian community (fewer than 2,000 in number), as well as against the small Armenian Orthodox and Syriac Orthodox Christian communities (their combined numbers total about 80,000). All of these Christians are survivors tracing their roots to Constantinople when it fell to the Ottoman Turks.”
Oh, I see. The Turkish position is that the human rights stuff was all a front for Islamophobia. I’m sure the BBC will get right on it.
“All of these Christians are survivors tracing their roots to Constantinople ”
Not that there were many survivors once the Turks broke the walls down in 1453.
So the takeover of Byzantium was benign ?
Funny, that. I happened to be reading a collection of short pieces during the Renaissance dating from the mid-1450s when the Muslims conquered Constantinople. One piece in particular was striking – a desperate appeal from a Cardinal to the Doge of Venice, pleading for help – the Muslims had slaughtered thousands in the city, murder rape and pillage all over the place – or slavery for thousands who were left. Followed by a similar piece by the then-Pope. Pleading on behalf not of Catholics but of Greek Orthodox Christians.
And I know that after the capture of Constantinople there were large numbers of Orthodox churchmen and scholars who fled to Italy.
There is a rule in history study – always prefer contemporary sources giving real-time information to latter-day historians who have a narrative.
Yes this re-writing of history to serve the present ( they have repeatedly promoted the same lie about the Muslim invasion of Spain) is made more sickening by the fact that the scholars extolling these lies know them to be so.
The BBC is somewhat of an expert at re-writing history and they use it to put forward propaganda about a current conflict. One of the worst examples of this can be seen at
I appreciate that I often pick on the Guardian for their bias, they certainly appear to be the print version of the BBC and they rely on taxpayers as they have somehow managed to classify themselves as a charity – but all the same they manage to put a negative spin on even what could be seen as good news…
To me the word slips implies something unexpected/unwanted e.g. “I slipped on a banana skin and broke my coccyx” – perhaps I am being over sensitive but I just hate the Toynbee faction!
To me that sounds like a good thing.
But even the Guardian report gave lots of detail on the improvement in employment figures – relegating the inflation stuff to just a couple of lines. ie the Guardian being far more balanced and fair than the BBC !!!
But it has already be pointed out on hear that Channel 4, a broadcaster from its inception avowedly left wing, is braver and more even handed than the BBC.
Edge of the city, Great global warming swindle ,Undercover mosque, Marathons millions, In search of Mohamed, would any of those have been made by the BBC?
More likely is that Channel 4 wants a slice of that fat BBC license fee (they missed out last time in 2005):
At least C4 ‘even handed’ direction is a viable commercial alternative which in many ways is better all round.
So it turns out that Mark Thompson was involved in trying to make the Digital Media Initiative work? I bet the NY Times will pleased to hear it.
Former finance chief Zarin Patel was also involved. And got well-compensated for her trouble.
In other words, she got the raise right in the middle of the whole DMI falling apart, and Thompson knew full well what he was doing. Shameful.
And this just emphasizes how the BBC keeps on getting away with it. There was a public outcry about executive pay three years ago, the Beeboids pledged to address it, and nothing changed because there’s yet another outcry over it now.
So Thompson was in charge while at least a couple hundred million was handed out to various people at the top, as well as throwing £100 million down the digital toilet. Plus he’s believed to have been cavalier with the truth in front of Parliament (and, I guess, Pollard) over how many scandals now, including these two?
Just like with Savile/McAlpine, you can’t really blame the amorphous “management structure” when the managers themselves are the problem. Yet the BBC and their supporters will continue to shift blame onto an existential cause.
It’s really important that in their last year these BBC execs get the biggest rise they can….to boost their final salary pension.
Quite often, in the Civil Service, you’ll see people get promoted or a temporary promotion in their final years, for the same purpose.
I’m aware of it, #88. Just like in the US where unions – in the private and especially in the public sector – often have a nice deal where pension is based on final salary. So they do loads of overtime, don’t take all the sick leave and vacation days (which naturally roll over, something most in the private sector can only dream of), and presto: a closing salary that’s approaching twice what the base reality should be.
The BBC has become a living caricature of the worst aspects of the public sector, while simultaneously insisting on the complete independence of a private company and remaining accountable only to themselves.
They can do all the investigations and reviews and reports they like, but it won’t change the real problems: the personnel, and the size and scope of the Corporation.
Re the civil service thing, you left out “If your face fits”
School governors often award head teachers a pay rise over their last couple of years before retirement … save them from penury. Most frequent when the majority of governors are ex teachers. I have sat in on those meetings and have wanted to scream ‘where do you think the money is coming from?’
Always intrigues me how the BBC finest can crank eyebrows at expensive corporate or political financial mismanagement when a mere few floors above them their bosses seem pretty much as bad, or even worse. Lucky that accountability thing seems so ingrained as one-way it seldom worries their pretty heads.
But it does seem that there are rumblings from if not within, at least around the bubble (the word ‘transparent’ appears too, if not in a good way)…
‘reveals nearly eight years of executives looking the other way’
Could be worse. On some things it seems some guys ‘n gals in the mile high market rate bracket were being astoundingly uncurious over decades.
Or worse…
‘The BBC has refused to say…’
Hard to imagine many other outfits getting away with this.
Called it. What’s the betting that, just like the Dame Janet Smith review, the goals were set with the desired result in mind, in this case no blame on anyone other than the existential corporation?
The imaginations of Kafka and Camus pale by comparison. Meanwhile, the miserabilii continue to spread the poisonous tentacles infinitely beyond the BBC’s remit.
Is that the same Zarin Patel who demanded damages and a permanent injunction over articles about the tax affairs of corporation staff?
Why not have yet another anti-shale gas propaganda piece by veteran Beeboid, Hampstead Harrabin?
Under photos of:
1.) veteran high-cost protester, ‘greenie’ Harrabin himself, and
2.) more high-cost protesting ‘greenies’, apparently lead by an eight year old,
-we are fed biased language like this, which Harrabin hopes we won’t notice:-
“squeezed water supplies”, “environmental upheaval”, etc.
Is Harrabin referring to the environmental upheaval caused by illegal high-cost ‘greenie’ occupiers?
“Half of the UK ‘suitable for fracking’, report says”
Without irony, this Harrabin anti-shale gas development propaganda appears online in the ‘business’ section. What business?: not if Beeboids can stop it.
2.) of
Notice how the first photo in that article echoes Harrabin’s views by showing protestors against fracking.
The most surprising thing is that polls show that, despite the doomsaying from people like Harrabin, opinion is divided equally on fracking.
This isn’t surprising. With propagandists, we often see mention of The Big Lie and Goebells, but the Big Truth about propaganda is that You Cannot Fool All of the People All of the Time. This never stops the propagandist; expect lots more anti-fracking propaganda from Harriban and the rest of the BBC over the next year or so……..
non muslims whos freedom of speech is under attack like never before for making so called offensive comments on facebook and twitter are getting arrested in there droves by the stalinist type politacaly correct islamophile state thought police should change there name by depoll to anjem choudary,that is one certain way to avoid every getting arrested and facing the knock on the door and dragged of down to the local gulag police station for questioning about thought crimes.
Be very careful what you say. There is no free speech now. it is like the USSR before the break up. We will have to learn to read between the lines.
But look on the bright side. if you are a BBC reporter there is absolute freedom of speech. It is just that it has to be approved by the hive. But then you would not be a BBC reporter unless you were”reliable”
as I stated only last week
“1984” here we come
freedom of expression
freedom of speech
while at the same time
Killer Is A Good Man, Says Sobbing Barrister
Judge reminds-jury Islam not on trial
“UK will classify “Islamist extremism” as a distinct ideology” ?
Cameron – nothing to do with Islam etc
truly – the world turned inside out
That court news piece is quite… Interesting.
I must rewatch ‘My. Cousin Vinnie’ again to restore my faith in legal procedure.
The BBC could always get Barbera Plett to cover it ….
sobbing journo s
sobbing barrister s
selective reporting.
The only tears of any relevance here are those of Fusilier Rigby s family.
Ensuring that the root cause of what drove them who murdered him, be exposed not bloody covered in platitudes and crocodile tears.
what an insulting, embarrassing circus
BBC gives Balls a webpage to respond to Tory criticism:
Go on Mr Balls, have your say!
I’m sure there’s no connection whatsoever between this and his invitation to give an allegedly humbling piano performance on Vine’s show.
They may have been moved to respond quickly given…
This is, of course, from the home team.
The comments meanwhile, have not been kind either.
Odd that the bbc sees its mission as more damage control.
By their tweets you shall know him
More on Turkey, and BBC-NUJ’s politically aligned to Islamising Erdogan-
BBC-NUJ political line: “by some”-
“The wave of arrests are being portrayed by some as an attack on Mr Erdogan, in a feud with a former ally.”
The name GULEN is not mentioned.
Of course, it is BBC-NUJ policy to support the entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U, so why criticise Erdogan?
We are already at this stage:-
“Turkey, EU Sign Deal for Talks on Visa-Free Travel”
Of course, I
PM in a traffic jam. So I listened. Waste of time really.
The Cuts. Did I realise how dreadful they were in Newcastle on Tyne and Liverpool? That starvation loomed. And that even Tory councils were facing disastrous cutbacks.
The Beeboid seemed to have no idea that the money is running out. That the productive economy has to pay for the circa 1960 East German style economy of those two cities.
The cut seemed to amount to around 3% unless I misheard.
Any private business could do that.
But this is Beeboid land. Fed and nourished in excess by a forced tax. So of course the Beeboids feel at one with the spenders of our money in the decaying cities of the North.
And it led with the Lostprophet who`s been up to no good (to put it mildly).
Maybe when the BBC are wondering why no-one intercepted this “rock star”…they should look at their Whileys, their Dermots, their Moylesys etc who clearly were carrying on that Savile tribute there at the BBC.
No doubt all Watkins interviews will be going the way of Sir James of Wood Lane…onto the cutting room floor if not deleted forever!
Still-bloody Dyfed cops eh?…what are they like?
And-maybe they could tell us which authorities, which media outlets etc were sponsoring Lostprophet gigs in South Wales schools . and always eager to record them!
Wouldn`t be Labour…the BBC in that order would it?
CRB checks?…nah, rock n roll maan!
The stars come out for the BBC (under operation Yewtree). It was never just about Saville (DJ) but a historic BBC culture of child abuse (both boys and girls) over a very long time going back to the 1970’s. One was over 80 and others lacked evidence to charge. The BBC responded by proposing to lower the age of consent (remember Prof Ashton) TV and Radio only last month. The most disturbing list (not yet complete) are on ‘In the their own words’ section of Biased BBC.
The left just cant help themselves ,its in their genes I guess
As for the Tory council which keeps cutting council tax and improving services – hello? Are you there, Beeboids?
Adam Parsons (BBC business reporter, presenter of R5L’s Wake Up To Money) responds to the good news that unemployment has fallen faster than expected:
Words fail. Stupid George Osborne thinking improving the economy is a good thing….
Don’t forget that it’s normal for unemployment to fall in the run up to Xmas, and that doesn’t seem to have been mentioned. Equally it is normal for it to rise next month when workers taken on for the period are laid off again.
It will also be of interest to see just how many poor job seekers have had their benefits stopped for spurious reasons, and forced into penury to achieve these figures.
Anyone seen an ‘Asian’ face in the queues for the food banks ?
I dislike Toby Young, but this is interesting. His “Most Biased BBC Journalist of the Year” is the business correspondent for BBC News Online, Hannah Richardson, for what he sees as her hostility towards his free schools ideas.
Aside from Young’s personal investment in it making him less than qualified to judge, Richardson will have to stand in a very long line, behind a few Today presenters, most of 5 Live, and almost the entirety of the US staff. However, what’s actually interesting is the link to something from Guido Fawkes (which is probably why he linked to Young’s piece). It’s a classic example of our Rule #1 for BBC reports.
What the BBC doesn’t tell you
Plus connections to the Fabian Society, and Unison. The usual trifecta. Rule #1 in effect. They’re all at it.
the bbc are trying to push this narrative that this muslim doctor from england who commited suicide in his cell and was fighting his jihad in syria was actually murdered by the syrian goverment.where is the proof bbc
Being forced to provide proof is against their human rights.
What they don’t say is that he got into Syria without a visa – ie he was a terrorist sympathiser.
Another story where there is an air of vagueness from the BBc with any facts.
Prince Charles has met with several Christian representatives whose particular sects are based in the Middle East. They told him what has been going on in the various countries due to Islamic persecution, much of which Raymond Ibrahim highlights in his articles.
To his credit the Prince forsakes any pc bullshit and identifies clearly the source of this persecution, no doubt to the chagrin of the BBC.
So how do they cover the story?
Well you can read the watered down way they avoid detailing the gruesome and vile manner of this foul Islamic mindset. The very headline distances themselves from making this accusation.
Oh no – not the friends and appeasers of the vile – the BBC.
Christians persecuted by Islamists, says Prince Charles
BBC late to the date again
Still better than never I guess
Does Charles still wish his title to read ” defender of faith”. Instead of ” the faith”?
Though the recent report from PricewaterhouseCoopers on the failed BBC digital initiative project tells us nothing that we didn’t know already, question is will the government take any action, especially in light of the other transgressions.
Notice this ‘lessons have been learned’ statement from BBC Trust:
In response Diane Coyle, Vice Chairman of the BBC Trust, blasted:‘The failure of the DMI project came at an unacceptable cost to licence fee payers and PwC found serious weaknesses in the governance of the project.’
She said that in future the Trust would be ‘more rigorous and transparent about assessing BBC performance’.
Funny how they’ve said nothing about the BBC proposal to spend another £half million on revamping 2 floors of their brand new headquarters which cost already £1Billion, for what they say ‘will make them more creative’.
And as far as ‘transparent’ goes, you can judge by just how much from the news that head of BBC Trust Patten tried to block release of the report.
But their statements sound good for Joe public.
BBC condemned for not moving in to halt huge IT project which wasted £100million of licence fee for money
Waste, corruption, lies….reminds me of the BBC’s occasional lender and grantor in Brussels. Can’t expect the Eurotories to privatise the corporation though, as it spins such good European propaganda, by way of gratitude for the moolah.
The most the government will do is to hold down the license fee for a while, unlike Labour which will put it up as soon as it gets in. And a grateful BBC damns the Eurotories accordingly.
Is it just me, or is everybody else becoming less surprised about IT projects going tits up, we’ve had it with the MOD ,the NHS and now the BBC.
These aren’t just a few thousand quid down the drain , the bill for these foul ups is now running into £Billions!!
Nobody is ever brought to account.
Now the US Federal Reserve are going to scale back the amount of ‘quantitative easing’ we shall see how that will affect the UK economy, and the EU too.
Only we’ll see the BBC spin it in the US as a positive and supporting the President, whereas in the UK it’s apparently not such a good thing.
There is also a link to a Downfall spoof, a sure sign that the target is seriously toast…
Mark, Katty et al are going to have to stay way after 4.30pm on this one. Maybe get Barry to bang out a few notes on Bill’s sax? Worth a try, surely?
Well apparently there’s a storm tonight which is causing more cause for concern than when it was forecast, and it’s making headline news on the BBC news channel.
There are a few thousand people without power in Cumbria, and someone has been badly injured when a tree fell on the car.
All this begs the question why the BBC failed to cover the storm of the century when Saint Nelson of Madiba died? The weak excuse they offered that all the information was available on regional news and was adequate is shown up for what it is – lies.
Oh now it’s been moved to the number one top story, but this storm is nothing like as fierce as the last one which wasn’t reported. Nor is the damage, the number killed (none at present) or the numbers without power (only around 10%).
Or my outhouse roof
covering their backs but its too late ,the people have noticed the emperor has no clothes,the BBC is busted.
Could we do a poll once a year about now where we pick the most biased story and reporter from the bBC. If we are lucky this will get picked up across the board and expose to more people how biased the bBC are.
great idea Pounce, we could even give a throphy to the lucky beeboid. Catch them leaving work, see if they’ll accept it and post the vid on youtube either way
I’d have to nominate Evan Davis for comparing the nissan main dealer to Jesus Christ
Have a look at Toby Young’s Telegraph post
Hey kids, that nice man Eddie Izzard is just great, isn’t he…
‘In 2009, Eddie Izzard ran 43 marathons in 52 days for Sport Relief and recently promised to continue his attempt to run 27 marathons in 27 days in honour of Nelson Mandela’s time in prison.’
‘The comedian, who plans to run to be Mayor of London in the future, said laughter is the best way to tell if you’re getting the translation right. ‘
Translation is one thing but it helps that the BBC is so eager to help you get your Leftist message across.
‘Newsbeat is the flagship news programme on BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio 1Xtra. Newsbeat is produced by BBC News but differs from the BBC’s other news programmes in its remit to provide news tailored for a specifically younger audience’
Mind you BBC Newsbeat have previously promoted some dubious stuff
‘Speaking to Radio 1’s Zane Lowe, lead singer Ian Watkins said the band were motivated by “healthy competition”.’
‘Lostprophets release their new album Weapons on 2 April (2012).’
Also on’t forget that Watkins was one time partner of Radio 1, nepotistic tattooed BBC luvvie and Top Of The Pops presenter (!) Fearne Cotton…
I believe Jimmy Saville used to enjoy his charity runs too !
OK lads, panic over, it’s safe to carry as before….
Listening with half an ear to the BBC News Channel this morning – they are banging on about private house builders (grrrr!) paying local councils £millions so as to avoid providing ‘affordable homes’. Yeah yeah, gentrification (grrr bad)…. but what’s this….?
‘The BBC has learned….
“The Bureau of Investigative Journalism”
Wait a minute that rings a bell…
‘Bureau of Investigative Journalism faces fight to survive Newsnight scandal. The bureau, whose managing editor Iain Overton’s tweet lit the fuse on crisis engulfing BBC, relies on documentary cash. The Newsnight story that falsely alleged “a senior Thatcher-era Tory” was a paedophile was, unlike most of the BBC’s journalistic output, worked up in conjunction with an outside agency, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ).’
‘Founded two years ago to bring public interest journalism to the fore in the mould of the US organisation ProPublica, the BIJ is now fighting, alongside Newsnight, for its survival.’
‘….an organisation dependent on TV money.’
BBC : It seems it is now back to business as usual.
I thought they depended on the international socialist potter foundation (and the city of London visa factory)
Run by millionaire labour donors David and Elaine Potter
That aside ( or perhaps not) it seems incredible that ,despite the criticism of bias and mismanagement ,the BBC with all its thousand of minions still choices to farm out work to a discredited organisation.
Don’t forget it not just the McAlpine debacle that the self styled Bureau of investigative journalism are responsible for, but also the help for heroes stich up.
‘Bureau of Investigative Journalism faces fight to survive Newsnight scandal’
The ‘fight for survival’ within the BBC appears to span side-stepping on full pay for screwing up royally, or side-stepping on full pay and then coming back on more money or in a different role. On more money. It’s a jungle out there.
In a sane world the BIJ would be a stain of shame across any journalistic record.
But the old Newsnight slipway seems able to relaunch anything no matter what.
Many at the BBC tried to blame budget cuts for their outsourcing journalism to the BIJ when the McAlpine story fell apart. This will be no different.
Defenders of the BBC blame misguided cuts as well:
While all this was going on, the top mandarins were hiring more middle management and handing each other raises, bonuses, and fat payoffs. No wonder morale is so low they’ve commissioned a sitcom to poke fun at…um….the corporate culture. Which they think is the way to appease not only the public, but the staff as well.
It’s not the corporate structure: it’s the people running it.
But at least these fatcats have the BBC Trust to keep an eye on them. Oh, wait – the Trust operates on a “hands off” basis.
Very important viewer phone in on BBC5live this morning,
after Dr dies in custody, and hundreds are massacred by
Islamic fanatics in Syria, now 100 s from Britain join Jihadi the Muslim fascists, the implications? your thoughts?, on “Your Call”.
oops sorry … no … an American actress on some yank sob show, someone mentioned the word “fat” … obviously she is irreparably damaged … will she sue?, the word “fat” should now be banned?
No – says life coach fitness guru chappie … Yes – says rep for a “big boned” folks club, the unfortunately named Fatima, and on, and on, and on it goes
cue “Twilight Zone” music
“Patten’s complacency is letting the BBC rot”
Read more:
Patten a patron of Common Purpose and board member of EDF, where do this guy’s priorities really lie?
Well paid Carrie Gracie (£92K)
she famously fesses up at 5.20 here
on the News Channel this morning she reveals something of the office culture at the BBC as she introduces the newsroom Christmas tree
‘In the BBC Newsroom, we are always in doubt whether to be Christmasy or not….’
92k for ‘B team’ talking head and that was 4 years ago!
I looked her up ,and while am glad she overcame her cancer , wonder how it is she feels authorised to speak for the majority of ordinary British citizens
At one point she pontificates about tax payers , is she on PAYE I wonder.
Mind you Foulkes demonstrated exactly how the Tories should deal with the BBC . She and her co-presenter were completely nonplussed and showed it.
Is BBC-NUJ now able to oppose the Islamic jihad violence in e.g. Syria and Britain?
Or are the Al Qaeda Muslims who use Britain as a base, BBC-NUJ’s ‘freedom fighters’ still?
“Abuse ‘rife in secret al-Qaeda jails in Syria'”
‘Jihad Watch’:-
“Leader of West-backed Free Syrian Army defects to al-Qaeda group, calls FSA ‘apostates'”
CAR death toll much higher than thought, says Amnesty
Under the title is placed a picture with the following subscript:
“Christian militia known as “anti-balaka” are among those accused of atrocities”
Hereby you have placed idea that the Christians are the one doing the killing. Only later you read that allegedly the christian militia killed 40 and the muslims forces killed a 1000 people. But again in the story it is given as fact that the Muslims only reacted on the initial murder of 40 people. But what was the name of the christian militia: anti-baklava which means anti-machete. Could it be possible that the Christians where also reacting to violence with machetes.
This is a country with a majority of Christians which terrorized by Muslim rebel which have taken control of their land. The BBC reports this story as nothing more than a revenge attack. 40 vs 1000
The BBC is the enemy.
Do we blame inequality, racism, George Bush, or the repercussions of British Colonialism? I’ve lost track.
Shortage of foreign aid?
BBC – Adebolajo – half the story – all the time
part of this restrained report
“Mr Adebolajo’s defending barrister, David Gottlieb, told jurors that they “genuinely have a choice” to acquit his client, and that they will be under pressure “from outside, from the mob, from the world, to convict”.
a choice to acquit ? … so he didn t do it then?
surprise! surprise! … somewhat different from reality
Killer Is A Good Man … Says Sobbing Barrister … Voice cracking with emotion etc etc
Judge reminds-jury Islam not on trial
still … breaking news lightens post Mandiba mood at BBC.
Yes yet another crime that can be posted against the Blair regime. But this is of no importance whatsoever when weighed against the crime of letting millions of aliens into our country.
The BBC get worked into a lather about a few suspected terrorists being roughed up, at a time when the west was being successfully targeted by Islamic terrorists.
I don’t understand the liberal left. Do they really think that the rights of a few terrorists are more valuable than the security of the country? Do they really think that the UK should accept millions of aliens and that there won’t be a heavy price to pay for that?
They will go to any lengths to ensure that native Brits are not allowed to express their hostility to mass immigration. The BBC are the most active of the suppressors and edit all news to suit the ‘immigration is good narrative ‘. The killers of Lee Rigby have views which seem to be shared by a significant number of Muslims in this country. How long before native Brits need to be protected from Islamic fanatics ? But will that protection ever be granted?
So it does – “UK was inappropriately involved in rendition” sounds like “Rigby killers motivated by British injustice”. Our fault as usual, in other words.
Oh dear, has Gottlieb been at the Taliban poetry again? Sobbing, voice cracking with emotion; occasionally duetting with Gareth Pierce on ‘Rude Boys Outa Jail’. Continually asking court officials to remind him when to roll out his prayer mat. No tears for Lee, though, or his shattered family. Big tears for the subhuman butchers who should be facing a profoundly symbolic example of British justice – the nine foot drop.
A little background on David ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ Gottlieb; a trial lawyer flown down from beeboid heaven, where only the gutmensch may come and go, talking of Michaeladebolajo:
It’s as expected.
Did anyone catch that talk of Army cutbacks on both BBC News and Sky News?
The BBC interviewed someone who kept pushing the idea that with the cutbacks the army should consider working more with European partners (apparently we could learn from the French in Mali because the Iraq and Afghanistan war taught us nothing new) rather than with the USA.
Sky just gave the cold facts: the British army lost out in the cuts – more than the RAF and Navy and that’s why their generals are complaining more.
Just as an addition – Hollande wants British help in Mali – so it can’t be going that well for the slick French.
This in January didn’t look too slick:
Is it going swimmingly?
BBC 5live
following on 3 mins of guilty verdict re Fusilier Rigby
closely followed by 3 people and 10 mins of
“nothing to do with Islam”
there are no words
6 o’clock news on Radio 4, “Lee Rigby was murdered by “two fellow Britons”, the BBC reporter tells us. Get the word “fellow” – what kind of fellowiship did these two Soldiers of Allah have with Lee Rigby? Yet more sly use of words.
As others have noticed the 2 murderous Muslims who beheaded (As enshrined their unholy rag of a codex) a British soldier on the streets of London have been found guilty of murder and yet the bBC bends over (5 times a day no less) in which to make these 2 cunts the victims. I give you the bBC Islamic propaganda department:
Woolwich: How did Michael Adebolajo become a killer?
The two men who killed Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich have been convicted of murder and now face life in prison. Their journey towards violence is still being unravelled.
Still being unravelled Dominic ? The UK which has seen convert after convert after convert towards Islam become intolerant towards others, become vocal in hatred toward their fellow countrymen, who on finding ‘Islam’ have turned to a life of crime, who on numerous occasions have tried to murder for their warped (But common amongst Muslims) relgious beliefs and now we find the bBC trying to explain why these 2 Muslims decided to murder on the streets of London an innocent man , yet leave out the elephant in the room.
Mr Dominic Casciani the reason why these 2 f-ing pricks did as they did is because of Islam. No ifs, no buts, but Islam. If you as the bBCs home affairs correspondent can’t see that, then why don’t you resign and hand over your position to somebody who is able to report the facts.
The bBC, a not fit for purpose org which should be disbanded, due to its traitorous nature towards those who pay its way
The bBBC has already told us what drove Adebolajo: it was Bible readings!
When I complained about their use of that misleading heading in their trial report, they told me
We use cross-headings to break up the text of a story and to highlight something that appears further down the same story. In this case we felt it worth highlighting Bible readings as the fact that Michael Adebolajo was brought up a Christian might be something that was not known to a large part of our audience and so would encourage them to read on.
This is another BBc classic. I’ve complained a couple of times where the headline of a story on the web page is to say the best ‘Misleading’. Without fail the response is to the effect of that if you read the whole story as most people do….blah blah blah….
No surprise that this gang move from the force funded BBC to the tax subsidised luvvie stage to seek to influence the electoral process
This is a serious corruption of the democratic process,
One of the commentators makes the point that this an abuse of public funding and breached charities regulations , I’m not sure if that applied simply to the venue or whether the whole tour receives some kind of ‘arts council’ grant.
This story needs a wider audience
I agree with Noggin. I have never ever been so disgusted or angry with the crass BBC. Jeremy Vine is talking about the verdict in his usual light hearted manner on his light music entertainment show. Then plays another pop song between the discussions and descriptions of the murder of Lee Rigby.
There is no respect, no outrage, not a moments reflection as to whether this was a suitable topic for such “ light” programme, and then to top it all on comes the Muslim spokesman to explain that it is nothing to do with Islam, other than he mentioned Chowdrey, a well-known Muslim who he said encouraged the murderers. In other words it very definitely IS a Muslim/ Islamic problem.
It is beyond belief, the BBC have no concept whatsoever of the gravity and awfulness of the crime committed against one of our finest young men. A man who was prepared to lay down his life for his country is being talked about by Vine, an overpaid BBC celebrity, as just another programme fill in for his fat pay check.
At what point will the government of this country stand up and face the problem of these thousands of fanatical traitors living amongst us. That is to say the BBC.
Gave up on Vine along long time ago, the program goes something like this, four topics two talking heads per 1/2 hour (normally Guardian types) a record (The Jam or the Smiths/Morrisey) two callers (often the same ones from a week or two ago) a record (some 80’s punk or New Wave) and then carefully selected texts and a record (the Dandy Warhols).
Repeat for half hours 2,3,and 4….
Maybe occasionally a special such as “Immigrant Songs”
It would be nice to reconstruct some “immigrant songs” from the time of the Anglo-Saxon conquest, complete with racially-insensitive expletives. Or some from the Celtic conquest of the Beaker People (“Call these beakers, boyo?”), about a thousand years earlier. Somehow I don’t think it’ll happen.
The BBC allowed someone to say on air that Choudary encouraged murder? That’s pretty major, no? I agree it does put the lie to the claims by various BBC talking heads and defenders of the indefensible that this and other murders were not inspired by religious belief.
I guess it’s okay if a Mohammedan says it, but it’s Islamophobia and hate speech if we say it.
More Rigby style murders to come.
Soldiers of Allah? My arse! They did it to get free food and accommodation for life.
Immigrants throughout the world will see what a soft touch this nation is. The moment they get into this country they will kill the first person they see and we will have to keep them in a style they could only have dreamed of.
Jeebee wrote:
“More Rigby style murders to come.”
You know what JB, I hope there is< I want the soldiers of Allah to carry out mass beheadings in the UK. However Iw ant the people to be losing their heads:
MPs, Liberals, bBC workers and their ilk. Maybe when Abu Bowen loses his head on the streets of London while interviewing one of their hot dial terrorists, then the Political elites may just get it rammed into their single braincell that Islam isn't compatible with the western world.
I have never felt so sad as when I saw Lee Rigby’s family outside the court in tears as a spokesperson read out a statement. Ordinary people like you and me.
How does the BBC decide what to spend its (licence payer’s) money on? Why make a programme about the Great Train Robbers? I can’t imagine anyone I know wanting to see this or wanting criminals to be glamourised. Why not a programme about the train driver? Why not a programme about organised crime in present day Britain, the threat it poses, the tolerance in Northern Ireland as terrorists turned to crime and their links with mainland criminals. Instead we get an expensive drama about some thugs. Festive eh?
Looks like many people wanted to watch it:
“Overnight figures showed that “A Robber’s Tale”, the first episode of The Great Train Robbery, was watched by 23% of the viewing audience for that time, with 5.2 million watching it.”
“BBC1’s The Great Train Robbery got off to a rattling start on Wednesday, grabbing almost twice as many viewers as ITV’s Lucan in the battle of the fact-based dramas.”
I had the misfortune to watch that awful drivel. The BBC just can’t do drama any more, can they? I remember the Great Train robbery very well, and have to say I was shocked at the inaccuracies in the BBC portrayal of it – it was lumbering, and none of the cast seemed to fit, whilst the acting was piss poor. A LOT of the technical details were wrong, and poorly researched, too. Why did they bother?
Accuracy, quality, and taste are irrelevant now. As the BBC top brass told John Redwood, MP, recently, ratings = proper public service broadcasting = good value for the license fee. That’s it.
Until the Charter & Agreement are rewritten and the BBC’s remit redefined in no uncertain terms, this will not change.
“Accuracy, quality, and taste are irrelevant now.”
The posts by a number of individuals on this blog proves your point on a daily basis!!
However, being inaccurate, of poor quality and in bad taste does not stop such posts garnering plenty of “likes”.
albaperson, your post is a prime example of that
Always a pleasure when you reappear; sorely missed indeed.
Just, a small point, but what in your post actually has anything to do with inaccuracy, unprofessionalism or lack of integrity by the force-funded national media monopoly?
All you’ve managed is a poorly considered, irrelevant #2wrongs attempted conflation with some posters on a free forum.
Speaking of which…
‘However, being inaccurate, of poor quality and in bad taste does not stop such posts garnering plenty of “likes”.’
In the spirit of #2wrongs, did you see my recent link and share to the highest ‘liked’ post on the BBC World News page story about the Singapore riot?
It was… ‘robust’. Inflammatory even.
So if trying to tie site hosts to posters as you keep trying to do, be careful what you wish for.
The BBC getting banned from FaceBook or twitter would rather dent their business model of charging in the UK to piggy-back what is free but hosted elsewhere.
Just want to wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Way to troll rather than address the issue, Albaman. I see you’re unable to address a variety of issues, and chose instead to make an ad hominem argument instead.
Albaman. You are like a blind man on the edge of a cliff believing the whispers in your ear that the future is fine. Just keep going forwards. But unlike the blind man all you need to do is actually stop, use your own mind and take a look around at what is happening.
If you promote a programme enough you will get good viewing figures – remember Bonekickers, El Dorado, but that doesn’t mean people liked it (see below)
I saved myself the bother, and I don’t know that anyone I know watched it.
At times like these we, the ordinary English, need to stay silent.
The ramblings of the BBC and the liberal media are not for us. We must shut our ears to them.
Our thought must be with Lee Rigby’s family and friends and all those fine young men who, so badly let done by the politicians, serve this country.
We must ponder on what has happened and what this means for the future of England and our grandchildren.
We must talk amongst ourselves. Our leaders and those who pretend to speak for us have no place or right to be involved.
Shut our ears to the left, yes.
Stay silent? No. Shout from the roof tops.
Ever see the film Network with Peter Finch?
He had everyone in the nation hanging out of their windows shouting, “I’M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!”
We should make a note of those involved in anti-British, pro-Islamist, multiculturalism, criminality, corruption and other such activities. Let us hope that one day they will be held to account for their deeds in a proper court of law. And no – the Nuremberg defence of “we were only obeying orders” will not be accepted then.
It is always the Left which takes to the streets when they have one of their grievances. They have an organisation. The BBC and others give them credibility, they sympathise, they tolerate and even campaign for them, and call for change.
Sadly ordinary people like us do not have an street organisation behind us. We have few means to get our opinions aired. When we protest we are tagged as extremists, loonies and the like by the BBC and fellow travellers.
Thankfully we have the internet and blogs like this. All we can do is make the most of it. We must make a big stink. So ‘keep on keepin” on.
The reason is we are too busy working, earning a living and providing for our families. It amazes me how these people afford to go on demos, marches sit ins maybe one day they will be asked .
How the bBC propaganda machine is working overtime in which to try and excuse the blood lust and guilty verdict of 2 Islamic murderers.
UK ‘was inappropriately involved in rendition’
There is evidence Britain was inappropriately involved in the rendition and ill-treatment of terror suspects, an inquiry has revealed.Retired judge Sir Peter Gibson reviewed 20,000 top secret documents after allegations of wrongdoing by MI5 and MI6 officers in the wake of 9/11.
Wow the bBC reports that the British security services were guilty of locking up Islamic terrorists who as we all know (via the bBC) are all innocent , but hang on what this, the next line:
He found no evidence officers were directly involved in the torture or rendition of suspects.
Hang on, didn’t the bBC just promote otherwise. But hey its a bad news day for Allah and his followers, so of course the bBC has to headline something which will point to a reason as why Muslims murder so easily on the streets of London
The bBC, the traitors within our Midst
‘Jihad Watch’:-
“UK: Islamic jihadis found guilty of murder of British soldier on London street”
“Note that in this AP story there is no hint of the motivations of these killers until paragraph 10, where ‘martyrdom’ is mentioned, and then explicitly in paragraph 12, where it is noted with some hyperbole that there was a spate of anti-Muslim attacks after this murder — in reality, such incidents were wildly exaggerated at the highest levels. Any such genuine incident is reprehensible, but here again the focus is on crimes against innocent Muslims, not on jihad violence against non-Muslims. This is typical of mainstream media coverage of jihad terror activity.”
Just returned to be greeted with two BBC ‘breaking’ emails back to back.
UK ‘was involved in rendition’
There is evidence UK was inappropriately involved in rendition and ill-treatment of terror suspects, inquiry reveals
Two guilty of Woolwich murder
Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale guilty of murder of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south-east London
Choices (in and out) and timings, as always, as suggested above, interesting. Especially given one seems based on, well, less than watertight oversight yet was rushed to the top of the email pile in complement to the other.
And they do it because they CAN!
The flokkers back at work after their silence while away on a South African jaunt of some kind, just have to demonstrate they hold the power to distort. Thereby showing us a two fingered salute.
North West tonight spent most of it’s program giving out the message that this outrage has brought every one closer together. Make your own minds up on that one kids.
Just to keep the Mandela fest warm, how long before this reaches the BBC News pages, “Mandela signer checked into hospital”
It’s that pathetic cocktail: person who did wrong turns themselves into the victim and the BBC will then do its best to sympathise with them.
Especially if they’re a chubby-faced black South African.