In light of (yet another) guilty verdict for 2 followers of Islam, I wonder if that is why the bBC last night started with a rash of pro Islam articles. First of all we had this article about the mother of the Muslim in teen pop group 1 Direction: Mum Direction: Zayn Malik’s mother on raising a pop star With sales of more than 19 million singles and 10 million albums, One Direction are arguably the most famous boy band in the world. But, in a rare interview, Zayn Malik’s mother Trisha reveals he nearly missed the audition that made him a superstar.
Ok, fine enough but then the bBC becomes all relgious: Trisha Malik was born in Bradford to a white British working class family. Her parents ran a pub in the city, but her life changed when she met and married a British Pakistani, Yasser, and converted to Islam. “I’ve always tried to learn as much as I can about my husband’s religion and culture,” she says. “I made sure the children went to the mosque. Zayn has read the Koran three times.”
Err Hello, is there actually any need for that relgious propaganda broadcast? or even for this: “Until recently, Trisha worked as a halal chef in the kitchen of a local primary school, making meals for Muslim children. On Zayn’s advice she gave up her job.”
Anybody else get the impression that the bBC knowing the verdict would be guilty decided on a damage limitation exercise for those young girls who may start asking questions about Islam and find that actually that to get hold of a pop star they only have to marry a Muslim and convert. The bBC, the propaganda arm of radical Islam in the UK
The BBC has just spent 30 minutes reporting on the guilty verdicts from Woolwich without once uttering either of the forbidden words ‘muslim’ or ‘islam’!
“Family’s tears as Muslim converts are found GUILTY of hacking Fusilier Lee Rigby to death in London street.
“Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale found guilty in 90 minutes.
“However the killers were cleared of attempted murder of police on May 22.
“Adebolajo kissed the Qu’ran and smiled as verdicts were read to Old Bailey.
“Extremists had denied murder on the basis they were ‘soldiers of Allah.’
“Lee Rigby’s family say afterwards that justice has been done after trial.
“‘No one should have to go through what we have been through as a family.’
“His mother Lyn said: ‘Their aim was to divide, to cause conflict, to set people against each other. Lee’s death has actually united people.’
“PM: ‘The nation must confront poisonous narrative of extremism.’
“Adebolajo’s brother Jeremiah says that Lee Rigby’s death was justified.”
The problem with the BBC’s omission of the word “muslim” is that they are left scrabbling for all kinds of convoluted reasons as to why the accused committed the murder.
At the end of INBBC ‘report’ about the “two” being found guilty, there is this bland appeal:-
“What is your reaction to the verdict? We would like to publish a selection of your comments on the BBC News website’s live coverage.”
(Although Beeboids don’t say this, we know they will censor out many comments condemning the Islamic jihadist murderers, and include comments from those supporting the jihadists.)
‘We would like to publish a selection of your comments’
A shiver just ran down my spine.
‘Selected’ by whom?
When the BBC controls what comes in, how it is shaped and what goes out, the chance of the narrative being accurate and objective is about zero.
This is what i mean. The liberals are desperate to know what we, the ordinary English , think. They know we do not think like them. Ignore them and refuse to engage particularly with the BBC.
I watched Newsnight last night and they devoted a section to (and get this) British and American collusion in the treatment of Islamic terrorists inside Kenya since the Westgate. Watch Newsnight and listen to what that arsehole Paxsman has to say at 20.30.
According to the bBC, the British Government is helping Kenya hunt down Islamic terrorists by training tis forces and giving them money. Unlike the help we give to Islamic terrorists in: Libya, Syria,Gaza and Pakistan . But hey lets interview a Muslim in Kenya who is a terrorist recruiter, lets interview lots of young jihadist Muslims who can only blame the Government for their bloodlust.
Yet another example of the bBC blaming the victims for how they react after the peaceful gay death cult carried out a terrorist attack and funny enough the night before 2 Muslims have been found guilty of murder on the streets of London. The bBC, the propagandist arm for Islamic terrorism in the UK
So the BBC has reported on the White House panel deciding to make some recommendations about reining in the NSA a bit. Katty Kay’s interview with former director and retired General Michael Hayden is a reasonable, quick trip through the main points Since this isn’t an issue in which Katty has a personal investment or is specifically about the President or one of His key policies, she’s entirely professional in her demeanor, which helps. She even let Hayden get away with slightly criticizing the President Himself for making yet another blanket, lofty promise it’s impossible to keep, in this case His promise to Angela Merkel that the NSA wouldn’t collect her communications data any longer. Katty let it slide, probably not making the connection.
In any case, while the BBC report on the White House panel’s result curiously omits a rather important story directly related to this panel’s review.
As the BBC mentions, the President met with His panel yesterday (Wednesday) just before the publication of the their review. The day before that, He met with a bunch of top tech bosses about it. This followed a federal court ruling on Monday that what the NSA was doing is unconstitutional.
The official reason the tech bosses were granted an audience with Him is because they’re also lobbying Congress to rein in the NSA. Microsoft, AT&T, and Yahoo, for example, have had their public reputations hit hard by the appearance of complicity with government spying on their customers, so they wanted to tell the President their concerns and that it needed to stop. Google, of course, is in bed with the White House, but the rest aren’t so much in thrall.
Instead, the President turned it into an opportunity for Him to pressure them to help Him with ObamaCare.
The White House even decided to announce that was what the meeting was actually about.
The White House touted the meeting as an opportunity to discuss improvements to the troubled healthcare exchange website, but the technology companies emphasized that they personally urged Obama to rein in the NSA.
The tech bosses are fools if they thought this was going to turn out differently. Needless to say, they weren’t pleased.
‘That wasn’t what we came for,’ a vice-president of a company whose CEO attended told MailOnline. ‘We really didn’t care for a PR pitch about how the administration is trying to salvage its internal health care tech nightmare.’
One executive said that meeting participants were dead-set against straying from the principal focus of the meeting – the uncomfortable and legally untenable position they are in when the National Security Agency demands access to their digital records. …
‘He basically hijacked the meeting,’ the executive said. ‘We all told the White House that we were only there to talk about what the NSA was up to and how it affects us.’
The fact that the Mail got this story and that top US tech execs went to them instead of the US media speaks volumes about just how corrupt and partisan they think our media outlets are. It also puts the lie to the BBC’s defense that they don’t have to report something if the mainstream US media isn’t doing it.
But never mind me. As the BBC’s thought leaders at the Progressive, Obamessiah-supporting Washington Post neglected to mention this, the BBC doesn’t have to, either. Instead, all you need to know is that, as usual, the President is going to make everything just right.
This is written by someone who more or less supports the President’s agenda.
Per a background memo released by the White House on Monday, the top item on the agenda is a discussion of ways the government can use IT to improve the efficiency and customer service levels of The meeting will also address the economic impact of unauthorized intelligence disclosures (with a federal judge’s smackdown of NSA snooping still fresh in the news), and ways the Administration can partner with the tech sector to accelerate economic growth and create jobs. Finally the President will get input regarding America’s growing income inequality and social mobility., information security and individual privacy, job creation and national income inequality: if President Obama can make progress on any two of these issues his second term will be considered a resounding success. If President Obama somehow implements solution on all four before his term expires in 2016, it’ll be time to consider making space on Mount Rushmore.
Note that the White House indicates that ObamaCare is most important, and not the NSA issue about which the tech companies are concerned. So when the cynicism kicks in, it means something.
That’s what makes it so disappointing that the White House would appear to be giving today’s meeting about as much thought as a photo opp with a Cub Scout group.
The schedule is shown at above link, and the Yahoo reporter complains that 1 hour 45 min. isn’t anywhere near enough time to deal with any of these issues in a serious manner, let alone all four of them.
The President has somehow managed to assemble some of the smartest business people in the world in a way that guarantees nothing useful will be accomplished. It’s either the most poorly constructed meeting in history or an unparalleled triumph of media manipulation. Based on the charade that was October’s similar gathering of Wall Street kingpins, the smart money is betting on the cynical photo-op interpretation.
What? The President has already pulled this phony stunt with Wall St, execs? Well I never.
Conclusion: it was a photo op for propaganda purposes only. Magically, this occurs at the same time the media is complaining very loudly about lack of photographer access. And the BBC remains silent. All the most-astute political analysts have no comment.
Instead, Mark Mardell is in Mississippi pushing White House talking points about ObamaCare. No points for guessing if he sees an underlying racial element.
Bias? what bBC bias?
The other day the bBC headline with this news story: UK doctor Abbas Khan ‘murdered’ in Syrian jail
Clear , concise and straight to the point. (Actually according to today’s Guardian Khan was a trainee doctor.) but the message is clear.
Here is how the bBC is currently reporting the guilty verdict for the murderers of British soldier ‘Lee Rigby” Two guilty of Lee Rigby murder
Now before anybody (Like Albaman) points out that everybody knows who Lee Rigby is. The bBC website is worldwide and I am sure little ahmed reading the news on his Iphone while waiting for a truck to take him to the land of milk and honey in Calais doesn’t know who lee rigby was. Anyway here is how the rest of the world are hearing this story:
India Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering British soldier
Germany: British Muslim converts guilty of murdering soldier Lee Rigby
Canada 2 self-proclaimed ‘soldiers of Allah’ guilty of U.K. soldier murder
Israel: Two Islamists Convicted Over London Beheading
America: Two Muslim extremists convicted in fatal attack on British soldier
Strange how the bBC, leaves out the elephant in the room.
Lebanon: Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering British soldier
New Zealand Muslim fanatics guilty of brutal British soldier murder
ireland Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering soldiers
Middle East Muslim converts found guilty of soldier murder in London
It seems everybody else in the World is hearing/reading/watching the real story about how Islam is behind this savage murder in the Uk, but to the bBC, the real victims are two bloody Islamic murderers .
While all other outlets were reporting the atrocity, the BBC were in a state of apparent panic, reporting only the merest of details. While the BBC were wringing their hands, Sky were reporting Rigby’s murder in considerable detail, as were some of the UK newspapers’ webpages.
I wonder if the editors at the BBC went into conclave while this was all going on, and instead of reporting the murder, like everyone else, were agreeing the position they would take, and getting their instructions from the BBC’s ‘controlling mind’.
I have just checked the Socialist Worker Newspaper. Nothing at all about the two Muslim murderers. So now we know why the BBC has little to say on the subject
To the BBC, though, this is simply understandable anger at UK foreign policy. That’s why we hear that meme over and over again every time they dare discuss the issue on air (Nicky Campbell, for example). In the minds of Beeboids, to blame religious belief for inspiring the murder would mean tacitly condoning the Bush/Blair war.
After all, we don’t want the BBC taking sides on the issue, right? 😉
Remember that the first of Tony Blair’s wars was in Kosovo where British forces intervened on the side of the Kosovan Muslims to try to save them from Serbian ethnic cleansing. This was three years before 9/11. Will the murderous Islamists tell us if the British foreign policy in Kosovo was wrong?
Exactly, Sir Arthur. The BBC helps only to perpetuate the Islamo-fascist lie that it’s only about foreign policy. You don’t see Nicky Campbell or any other BBC talent reminding their guests of that.
Even this morning, the BBC are calling the two Islamic murdering scum as “Lee Rigby’s attackers”. Why aren’t our right wing politicians challenging the BBC’s constant bias? Can they really be that blind? or scared of the BBC?
“Lee Rigby killer’s UK apologists not just Islamists.
“Radical Islam is the most violent ideology of our time.
It won’t make a blind bit of difference if you’re a soldier, a nurse, a butcher, a baker or a candle stick maker: if you’re an infidel, you’re marked for death.”
The bBC . 2 Islamic murderers and half the story.
Hands up if anybody heard this from the bBC regards those 2 victims found guilty of murder today : The convictions of Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale – two young men from similar backgrounds – raised questions last night about the ability of government, communities and security services to combat attacks by young men with a world view fuelled by hate speeches, resentment and alienation.
Both men grew up within Nigerian Christian families before converting to Islam. They both dabbled in small-time crime, spent time in jail and were radicalised to reject hardline doctrines of fringe extremist groups in favour of something even more violent…The younger man, Adebowale, 22, had a history of mental illness, claiming to hear the voices of spirits. He suffered a breakdown after seeing a fellow teenage drug-dealer cut to pieces by a paranoid crack addict who claimed his victim was an al-Qa’ida terrorist bent on blowing up Kent’s Bluewater shopping centre.
……Michael Adebolajo was born at London’s King’s College Hospital on 10 December 1984, the eldest son of a social worker and nurse from a hard-working Nigerian family. He was brought up reading passages from the Bible under candlelight He grew up in Romford and studied at Marshalls Park school and later Havering Sixth Form College. His school friends included a man who later became a soldier and died while serving in Iraq.
His change appears to have come after he started dabbling with drugs and became known to police for involvement in violent crime. Former friends said that Adebolajo was part of a group that stole mobile phones and threatened people with knives.
His family were so concerned, they moved to Lincolnshire. It did not appear work – police found the Book of Jihad (chapter seven: the virtues of killing a non-believer for the sake of Allah) and other extremist literature there when he was arrested, though he denied knowledge of them.
He returned to south-east London and went to Greenwich University in 2003. Late in his first year of a building-surveying degree, he converted to Islam.
Also did you know that Michael Adebolajo was a father to 7 children, the youngest was only 4 days old when he carried out his murder. Funny how the bBC instead of reporting the above, paint a picture of a victim of western society .
He suffered a breakdown after seeing a fellow teenage drug-dealer cut to pieces by a paranoid crack addict who claimed his victim was an al-Qa’ida terrorist bent on blowing up Kent’s Bluewater shopping centre.
To be honest, given the lies, disinformation, and cover ups by all those in power, I’m not so sure that the guy was paranoid. I have every confidence that given the radicalisation of the nutters surrounding him, that he probably did discuss blowing up a shopping centre.
If these fanatical turd-world scum were white and Christian we’d never hear the bloody last of it but reading this typically selective BBC report, Islam and the wider Muslim community escapes blame.
Both the Fascists/National Socialists and the Communists/Soviet socialists have given Socialism a very violent image, which is very attractive to Muslims.
So I think it must be because of all those Labour Party goons within the BBC, who do not want to put off the attractions that Muslims have for the Labour party.
Two weeks ago, the UK was hit by a severe storm. BBC had been predicting this, it was going to hit South East England, it was forecast; but then Mandela died, and the BBC failed to report on the havoc the storm caused. Yesterday, most of Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and the North of England was hit by an equally severe storm, causing immense disruption, flooding and at least 2 deaths. Precious little information about that on the Beeb website – but then it didn’t reach the South East – no story then there.
Yes, but the cold front that went across the country last night was not caused by Global Warming/Climate change, but the one that hit the South East was. (P.S.) Neither of the storms were in fact storms but basic *Cold Fronts* which we get all the time. Climate change doesn’t really happen other than in the South East of England, or if we are unlucky, Salford.
” but then it didn’t reach the South East” -yes it did
a good portion of south east was flooded including parts of the town I live in the reason why you don’t know that is the BBC didn’t report it
Oh look another Muslim jailed for a knife murder (well 2) hands up those who knew about this story: Boston double murder: Mehmet Ozen jailed for life A landlord convicted of two murders after a row over rent has been jailed for life .Mehmet Ozen argued with tenant Keyleigh Wright about money and then stabbed her in the arm at their Boston home. Her partner Darren Harwood and best friend Charlotte Piccaver went to her aid only for them both to be stabbed to death, Lincoln Crown Court heard.
I wonder why the bBC aren’t calling this a racist hate crime, they do when you look funny at the pricks who subscribe to his gay death cult.
The gruesome Islamic jihad murder of Lee Rigby: INBBC’s lie continues.
In Radio 4 ‘PM’s misleading account, Beeboid Ms PEEL said Lee Rigby’s murderers were brought up as Christians but turned to radical Islam. NO they didn’t: they converted to ISLAM, which motivated them in their murderous jihad.
The Muslim brother, and sympathiser of murderer Islamic jihadist Adebolajo, said:-
“It’s a very tidy narrative to assume that we have this young Christian boy who was radicalised by these bogeymen-like figures – Anjem Choudary, Omar Bakri Muhammad – and while he went on this conveyor belt, as it were, of radicalisation and then the events of Woolwich happened. It’s just not true.”
A spokesman insisted: “The BBC takes bullying very seriously and has introduced major improvements to its policies on harassment.”
See? The result of Dame Janet Smith’s review has already been decided. The Mirror couldn’t be bothered to find out – or, perhaps, disclose – whether or not the demoted employee was one of those guilty of sexual harassment. It makes a difference when the BBC apparatchik mentions only bullying.
Actual ‘sexual harassment… bullying and harassment?
Now, a dodgy ‘ist joke in private in the Green Room… whammo!
They clearly know what really needs taking seriously.
It’s all down to who you know.
Or, in some cases. are related to.
Feeling the trust still?
ps: Have to appreciate the calibre of Flokker the Mirror has too. Bright spark introduces the Daily Mail, and then is the only one to mention what he supposedly dreads seeing mentioned. Which takes real skill.
BBC ‘comedians’ tour with publicly funded, anti-right-wing political propaganda show.
Much like the rest of BBC comedy, then.
Nicely timed for maximum impact aswell….
The UK’s hottest musical comedians present a raucous hour of songs and silliness.
Ahead of 2014’s European Elections, join Jonny & The Baptists to take on Nigel Farage’s ‘fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists’ – and help stop UKIP forever.
From the stars of Radio 4’s The Now Show, Infinite Monkey Cage and Sketchorama, Jonny Donahoe and Paddy Gerver’s 2013 show was nominated for the New Act of the Year, Musical Comedy Award & Amused Moose Edinburgh Award.
Good points. I have now, for many years, come to the conclusion that much of the BBC’s brainwashing and Left-wing propaganda is delivered through the ‘trendy’ and egotistical smart-arse humour panel comedies (HIGNFY etc). Millions of students have been brainwashed this way. You compare today’s you must toe-the-line and be anti-Tory/America crappy Lefty humour with the likes of Young Ones (totally poking fun at lefty student hypocrisy) and Only Fools and Horses and you see what I mean. There is no comedy on the BBC anymore, only Left-wing groupthink that brainwashed students must obey and laugh with, unless they be tagged racist by their equally brainwashed lefty friends.
So true. I was watching some old clips of Smith and Jones on YouTube recently. Many of the sketches were decidedly un-PC, robust and completely non-political…and most importantly, still funny after many years.
How many of the so-called ‘comedians’ at the BBC are funny now. Their offerings certainly won’t last the test of time. Just awful.
Purely OT(sih), but just back from an Xmas outing in our local small town High St.
It’s about 500m in total.
In that space, 3 ‘Father Christmases’ selling Big Isshoo, and two not very good accordion players.
All big smiles and greetings until you don’t look like forking out. Then either pleading or the hump.
Couldn’t guess at their demographic origins. Not local though.
Guessing by the end of that walk many not voting UKIP will at least be wondering who facilitated this new aspect of cultural enrichment.
If it’s a Muslim who’s done it, then the BBC look for pathetic excuses in a foul and grotesque attempt to garner sympathy… however, if it’s a white Christian, they get the BBC book chucked at ’em.
So many staff, so little… well, let’s leave it at that…
Let’s face it, any skill will probably come as a surprise considering what rolls down the old Newsnight half-mast flagship slipway currently.
No mention of interesting uni chums or activist muses, so maybe that’s more taken as ‘preferred’ come the interview?
Certainly the second para lets any applicant know what’s ‘expected’.
Have to confess, I am a wee bit confused as to when an Editor becomes an Economics Editor and back again. And if the same person, how this contortion is achieved: ‘The new editor will need to forge a good working relationship with the new BBC Economics Editor’
So good it got written twice!
Funny also to note what other roles candidates who feel they are qualified for this one have applied to as well.
‘Economic innit? No hassle, bro… data protection also can’.
Frankly it reads as gobbledegook, and they deserve what they get.
Meanwhile in other ever-blossoming cubicle garden news, as the austerity measures and management consolidations really bite… ‘another new role he has created’
The rest is worth a read too.
They really have no flippin’ clue other than breeding pointless clones like rabbits*, or finding new ways how to gouge more public money to demonstrate it daily.
*I opened the job description: ‘Direct Reports:
The News Editor will be supported [sic – by] two deputies:
• A Deputy News Editor responsible for output planning will report to the News Editor.
• A weekend News Editor who will run the operation from Thursday through to Sunday.
So there’s two more as well?
Aside from the requirement to forge a good working relationship with Robert Peston (will he have any influence in the hiring or keeping of the job?), this for me was the giveaway:
The ideal candidate for the position of Economic Editor will make the right editorial and policy decisions based upon a clear understanding of the BBC’s distinctive news agenda….
Hello OldBloke, no he said it, as quoted in the guardian in 2007.
“Many British Asians see a society that hardly inspires them to integrate. Indeed, they see aspects of modern Britain which are a threat to the values they hold dear. Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”
i’d rather take our way of life with all its faults than live the life of a muslim. im sure they are very nice people, im just not into the hatred their false god and false prophet preach which so many of them seem to follow word for word
although he actually said British Asian, he was talking about muslims
“We must be careful about the language we use,’ he writes. ‘Many Muslims … are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today.'”
well Mr Cameron, im more than offended by the terrorist threat i face from muslims today. What about me. Do you want me to die just so you dont offend muslims
Thank you for the cut and paste of what he actually said. As a non practicing Christian but a Christian never the less, who still holds most Christian values to my heart, I find his rhetoric insulting, demeaning and downright offensive, as I thought that the values of British life were based on Christianity. Obviously not good enough for the Prime minister of Great Britain where he thinks the priority is that we should integrate with Muslims (islam) and that Muslims should not integrate with us (Christians).
i agree with you. Im a weddings and funerals type of Christian, and occasionally pray to win the lottery, but i look round the world and see whats happening to fellow Christians and im ashamed of our country and the the rest of the western Christian world isnt doing nothing to protect them from genocide at the hands of muslims
Remember when BLiar flew fleets of planes out to Kosovo to “rescue” muslims there? why arent we doing the same for Christains in the muslim world
Im a UKIP voter, i oppose any more immigration and get called racist by the left, but genuine asylum seekers are a different story.
After a sobbing barrister, excusery shills at the BBC
and that arrogant liar Cameron spouting crap again.
The only tears of any relevance here are those of Fusilier Rigby s family.
Ensuring that the root cause of what drove them who murdered him, be fully exposed and do something about it – not bloody, covered in platitudes, excuses and crocodile tears, from false barristers lying Muslim groups, and a shameful excuse for a broadcaster.
The whole BBC media aspect on this, has turned into an insulting, shameful, embarrassing circus, still now …
some, lying Muslim Sheik, and an appallingly airheaded sycophant are stuck on BBC5live with P. Allen deliberating what, WHAT! (eyes to the sky) was his motivation?, what made him go radical? …………….
– as he kissed his Quran as he left court,
– recited the verses justifying his actions,
– said he was a soldier of Allah,
– sat with his Quran in front of him in the trial, –asked to be called by his Jihadi name
– said he was copying the cults founder Mohamhead.
– even quoted his murderous Quran verses at the scene, on camera
– ” I obeyed Allah, that s the end of the story”
– etc etc etc
“We have to redouble our efforts to confront the poisonous narrative of –
Islam? … …. well, no
Muslim mass murderers? … well, no
Islamic fascists then? ….. well, no
Islamic Jihadi killers? ….. well, no
militant Islam then? …. well, no
no, no, and thrice no – its
extremism/violence that lay behind this?
make sure we do everything to beat it in our country.”
‘He is a British citizen and he has shown himself to be honest, upright and honourable. His voice cracked and he appeared to sob as he added:
He is someone who is totally sincere, a man of absolute honesty and moral conviction.’
he had to do his job. obviously he didnt believe what he saying, thats why he was in tears. If he didnt defend these 2 scumbags to the best of his ability, they would have got a retrial and he would have been struck off
he’s been put in an impossible position. I havnt practiced law for 7 years, and ive been out of the army for 15 years. i feel so sorry for the barrister put in that position. My heart goes out to him
David, please don t think I m being too hard … on Barristers …
the facts are, and the actions speak for themselves
this killer is not honourable
not an upright, honest man.
the Barrister is not telling the truth
and he knows it.
i know noggin. like i said he had no alternative and was put in an impossible position. He had to do his job, and he sobbed his heart out as he had to do it
Give me a pistol and 5 seconds alone with these 2 murdering scumbags and they’d both have 2 rounds to the chest and one in the head. I’d buy that barrister a pint though
if you think he was crying because of his love for these 2 scumbags then thats your view but i just cant help thinking what if i was put in that position, id have to do it and i probably be vomitting as i done it
Imagine being a senior lawyer in a firm and you were given that case. Your not going to do it. your going to pass the file to some poor cunt lower down the food chain and he has do it, he has no choice in the matter
His sobbing tells a different story to me than you, i sympathaise with him, you think he scum. Thats cool. Just put yourself in the barristers position. Right now hes probaly one of the most depressed people on the face of the planet and will probably spend the rest of his life on prozac
on the previous page to this some troll dismissed the magna carta as nonsense so i posted what it said.
Whats posted below are the most important few words in the history of humanity. Its the foundation of not just our democracy but of all of the free world. You saw it in action during the lee rigby murder trial. You might not like it, but you should be very proud of it.
“No Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right.”
Literally millions of British soldiers have died to protect them words, including lee rigby
The majority of the worst-hit areas are in London, with Nottingham, Luton and Salford also affected, it said. The housing charity said the figures, based on recorded court proceedings, suggest one in every 105 homes across the country is at risk.
Gravitate down to the chart at the bottom of the page, what do you notice about all the regions listed?
Shelter – a ridiculous charity that, if anything, is supportive of unfettered immigration into this country, despite its obvious consequence of increasing demand for housing, creating a shortage & diving up the cost
If the BBC are moved to comment on the Rigby Murder verdict, they could enlist the help of fellow lefty Dan Hodges (Glenda Jackson’s little lad) Lee Rigby was the victim of this brutal crime, and it’s right that he remains the focus of our thoughts and attention. And, although they are still awaiting sentencing, it’s hard to see how his murderers will ever be free to kill again.
But if I were one if three police officers who confronted the animals – I don’t use the term lightly – who hacked Drummer Rigby to death, I’d be feeling the justice system had just kicked me in the teeth.
I wonder if any of those climate scientists, who predicted continuous warming from the 80s onwards, changed their minds because of the empirical fact that temperatures have been stagnating for 15 years?
Maybe not. Epiphanies are, according to the New Statesman, only possible in one direction: towards a leftist point of view.
You know, DB, I was going to change my mind about the institutional Progressive bias inherent at the BBC, but this new set of facts has made me decide to stick with my principles instead.
I notice that the writers’ previous opinions are presented as mere “principles” and not informed opinion.
Have you seen the BBC’s online coverage of the Duck Dynasty furore, DP? There’s some choice selection of quotes going on.
Here’s the BBC version of Bobby Jindal’s statement:
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has come to the defence of a reality TV star suspended for derogatory remarks he made about homosexuality.
Phil Robertson, who appears in the show Duck Dynasty, was asked to describe sin by a magazine, and said: “Start with homosexual behaviour and just morph out from there.”
The A&E television network later said it was “extremely disappointed”.
But in a statement, Gov Jindal said it was a “messed-up situation”.
Gov Jindal pointed out that Robertson was suspended while “Miley Cyrus gets a laugh”, referring to a US pop star’s raunchy performances.
“Phil Robertson and his family are great citizens of the State of Louisiana,” Jindal said in a statement. “The politically correct crowd is tolerant of all viewpoints, except those they disagree with. I don’t agree with quite a bit of stuff I read in magazine interviews or see on TV. In fact, come to think of it, I find a good bit of it offensive. But I also acknowledge that this is a free country and everyone is entitled to express their views. In fact, I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended.”
BBC: Jindal said it’s “messed up” and something about Miley Cyrus!!!
Actual: Jindal made a point about free speech and hypocrisy.
I’m aware of it, DB. It’s all too depressing, but the BBC is only following the groupthink of the extremist blogosphere and Progressive media. All unapproved thoughts must be stopped. Holding the approved thoughts (or remaining silent if you don’t) is required for freedom these days, and especially at the BBC.
It’s similar to last year’s Chik-fil-A noise, when the CEO said he was not in favor of homosexual marriage. A competition between the boycotters and those who thought free speech was still allowed ensued, and we know which side the BBC was on.
In that case, were told that standing up for free speech was de facto support for homophobia. We’re seeing it again. The main difference this time is that Robertson’s employer – A&E – has a right to decide what goes on their shows. Nobody could fire the owner of Chik-fil-A, so he got away with it, and his company didn’t go out of business. They still even sponsor some college football bowl.
A&E, on the other hand, is risking their enormous profits (it’s a record-breaking cable show) for the sake of maintaining a politically correct public image. In both cases, the free market will make the decision. Until it, too, is no longer free, anyway. We’ll see which “principles” A&E chooses to stand for.
They can’t say they didn’t see this coming, because when they started the show the family insisted on the network allowing their saying of Grace out loud in the show, after the network said they wanted to edit that out. It was only a matter of time before somebody in the Progressive media did a gotcha.
The President hasn’t inserted Himself into the story (no pun intended), but it’s probably only a matter of time. Maybe after he gets back from His $4 million Hawaii vacation.
Robertson’s biggest mistake, though, was choosing the wrong religion from which to make his statement. It’s also a shame that the Left, including the BBC, won’t learn at least one good thing from Christian teachings: loving the sinner while hating the sin. It’s all hate with them.
The damage limitation has started on the BBC. Tonight on the 7.00pm news bulletin on Radio 4, (it’s those men again), they stated that *Two men* have been found guilty of the murder……and that was it. The airbrushing of history starts once more, after all it is “Your BBC”. No it F**king isn’t!
it’ll all be forgotten by tomorrow by the BBC, but not entirely, they’ll have tell mamma on all day telling us how muslims have been called nasty words on the internet
middleclass theatre goers hit by falling plaster more important than reporting on the trial of a working class soldier who brutally murdered. Allah must have answered the BBC’s prayers
When is a disabled paraplegic not regarded as somebody deserving of any sympathy?
When she`s Paul Mc Cartneys ex!
Anybody else fell that the “verbal attacks and physical intimidation” she is accused of are just excuses to justify her not being given a place on the Olympics team?
It would be funny if it was not so po-faced and sanctimonious-hope Heather sticks around to mortify the BBC and their patronising sucking up for Macca at the expense of his little woman”…normally Womans Hour would automatically back her.
Only the BBC would preface the convictions for murdering Lee Rigby with endless quotes from the usual slew of Muslim apologists like Choudhury and Abu Idhazzerin(John Reids beard of 2006).
And include in the same show the “rendition” lies of the Labour Government , by way of linking Rigbys murder to Blair and Straws doublespeak…as if the soldiers deserve it.
Typical Beebsmear…it`s what they do.
Oh-wait, it won`t be Labour in the dock will it?`ll be this current crop of weasels won`t it?
1997-2010…the MacCavity years!
intelligence insulting drivel on AL BBC 1
yep! … “nothin to do with Islam” brigade in full effect
re Woolwich tonight.
Misspent Yoofs – Gangsta s – havin to rebel against the “man” … maaan … it s the “weed” – UK foreign policy …. ya da, ya da, ya da.
but strangely, the imparters of the Allah driven imperative to these “poor lambs” to murder soldiers, comes from …………….. ahem ……………Muslims
ow queer!
Heard a lot about intelligence failures, but nothing about government policy failures. Successive governments have failed to deal with the threat that muslims pose because of their religion.
They appear to be terrified of pissing off Hope Not Hate, UAF and the rest of the socialist rent a mob brigade calling them islamophobes than actually dealing with the muslim problem, How many more people have to die before they deal with it
Having watched Woolwich: The Untold Story. It has left me deeply troubled:
Firstly Peter Taylor implied that:
1. Both Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were in trouble with drugs and gang culture and were both Christians-yet failed to explain why these two men were radicalized, but instead implied that the British system was at fault for forcing them into Islam and radicalization.
2. That Abu Nusaybah-a friend of Adebolajo and associated with radical Islam, is the single source from which the MI5 allegation comes from, and was first aired on Newsnight. We are presented this as a reliable and credible source.
3.It is also worth remembering that until the attack on Drummer Rigby, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale had not breached any law. If however MI5/Special Branch had acted-then no doubt questions would be asked by the BBC and Guardian why an innocent man human rights were being breached.
4.It was also implied that Government funding cuts to the ‘charity’ Street’s in 2011, may well have failed Adebolajo from being radicalized, although throughout the previous period the same charity apparently had no success in deflecting Adebolajo. Why wasn’t the Home Office contacted to see why funding was stopped?
What is more troubling in the BBC’s relationship with Anjem Choudary. This Guardian article already raised interesting questions about the relationship Choudary has with both C4 and the BBC:
1.How did Cathy Newman of C4 news know that Choudary was “very relevant” because he “knew one of the suspects and helped radicalise him””, all this within hours of the attack, with a similar editorial line taken up by the BBC.
2. Following up on this, if they knew of Choudary’s activities, did C4 and the BBC make their concerns aware to the police and Security Service?
3.Why if it was known that associates of Choudary were involved, was he given so much airtime?
4.If Choudary was a well know recruiter for groups like al-Muhajiroun and Hizb ut-Tahrir, why has he been given significant airtime to propagate his views on British Taxpayers licence fee?
5.How did Peter Taylor manage to trace the journey of Michael Adebolajo in Kenya, which apparently MI6 amd MI5 know nothing about, and have interviews with Omar Bakri Muhammed in Beirut, yet the BBC seemingly can’t get an interview with Choudary?
6. How other Muslim ‘guests’ have links with radical Islam, yet appear on the BBC?
This needs to be looked at further, not just on the basis of poor journalism, but by implication, a public funded organization and its relationship to radical Islam.
No doubt the BBC has it in for the Security Service after Snowden, but questions should be asked about the BBC’s behaviour.
Im sure you’ll all agree, ex smokers, those who have gone Tee Total and druggies who have gone clean are the worst type of person when it comes to lecturing others about their habbits, which just makes you want to punch them in the face so you can enjoy your spliff and can of stella in peace. Well who wold have thought it…
Swilling beer, smoking dope and leering at porn, the other side of hate preacher ‘Andy’ Choudary
you beat me too it. Muslim and islam! The link to the Guardian is a little bit better but even that leaves out the words muslim and islam, when it says “The trial resulted in a national debate over the role of gangs of largely Pakistani men in grooming white girls”, (not mentioned by al beeb of course)
But isnt the debate over muslims from all over asia and africa grooming young white girls, not just men pakistan
I haven’t watched the TV drama about Ronnie Biggs, but tell me, did the BBC take the opportunity to explain to the British public how Biggs was in some way simply the wrong kind of Train Robber?
I assume the idea was put over how the very fact that someone got hurt just goes to prove that Biggs and his chums were not really Track Thieves as we know and love them – but instead they misguidedly took up a mistaken strand of extreme Railway Theft.
I do hope the BBC gave sufficient promenance to the idea that Biggs and the gang were only out to drive a rift between Permanent Way Larcenists and the wider public and in this he failed because – despite his reckless and murderous activity – we still, and always will, give due respect to Great Train Robbers.
‘So Graham Garden was asked if he’d accept a secure future for the BBC if it meant he could only ever watch ITV; Annie Nightingale was asked if she’d sell an incriminating recording of Rupert Murdoch’
another BBC-5live opportunity for the nation
to speak on “Your Call” … very important debate
After all the media of the Woolwich verdict,
and news in a damning report that Muslim Paedostani child rape gangs, got away with it because of inherent racism against white working class children, by Rochdale Police … any connection at all? – you know between
these perps? – any factor anyone can see?
cough! Islamic imperative cough, cough! mosque/muslims cough!.
sooooo! , here we go ………….. lets hear it
…… will you use a credit card this Christmas?
Not “just” credit cards. A carefully selected band of left leaning callers and organisations to attack the coalition.
An hour before, Burden conducted a long interview about the report into the Rochdale scandal. I decided to play Burden bingo to see how she managed to avoid the glaringly obvious. She did very well, and in a piece which lasted six minutes, maybe more, she mentioned “Asian” just the once right at the end with a caveat immediately that other communities do the same.
Turning over in disgust John Humphries was trying to nail Anjem Choudray down over the Woolwich killing. Choudray rang rings around him.
Some twenty minutes later along came Peter Fahey, GMP Chief Constable about Rochdale. This time the introduction mentioned the Pakistani perpetrators. Fahey as weak as piss.
Muslims are a protected species in this country, as far as the BBC, the police and politicians are concerned. The rest of us, of whatever hue, culture or belief are endangered by this cosy Common Purpose ideology.
Choudary will always be able to run rings around the BBC because they are trying to achieve the impossible!
Choudary is preaching from the Qur’an, but the BBC can’t have people hearing that, so they’ve got to try to get him to admit to distorting or twisting the teachings into something it is not!
This is an impossibility to achieve. The BBC is unable to interview Choudary without the truth they at all times cannot accept coming out.
One wonders if given the fascists attempts to destroy Christmas with their hideous ‘Winterval’ we shall see a similar attack on Islam and Ramadan by naming it ‘Fastival’? After all we are looking for vibrant equality and diversity and destroying Islam in a similar way would only be right !
vladFeb 23, 16:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The big story in the German election is the unstoppable rise of the AfD. The BBC can’t bear that reality,…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Comment “The sheer insanity, we can’t even give weather payments to our Elderly and have bankrupt councils and they want…
atlas_shruggedFeb 23, 16:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Stew I need to help you with your thinking. You are completely right. The politicians know that they are special…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 machete attacks and drug-fuelled brawls and tasty kebab shops!
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:15 Weekend 22nd February 2025 [img][/img]
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:13 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “When the migrants pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, the French president orders troops to the south and addresses the…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:12 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “Most of Europe is struggling with how to reduce spending, but not Norway. It has invested the income from its…
tomoFeb 23, 16:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 That’s going to look so lame when things really kick off over there – and they will….
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:04 Weekend 22nd February 2025 [img][/img]
tomoFeb 23, 16:02 Weekend 22nd February 2025
In light of (yet another) guilty verdict for 2 followers of Islam, I wonder if that is why the bBC last night started with a rash of pro Islam articles. First of all we had this article about the mother of the Muslim in teen pop group 1 Direction:
Mum Direction: Zayn Malik’s mother on raising a pop star
With sales of more than 19 million singles and 10 million albums, One Direction are arguably the most famous boy band in the world. But, in a rare interview, Zayn Malik’s mother Trisha reveals he nearly missed the audition that made him a superstar.
Ok, fine enough but then the bBC becomes all relgious:
Trisha Malik was born in Bradford to a white British working class family. Her parents ran a pub in the city, but her life changed when she met and married a British Pakistani, Yasser, and converted to Islam. “I’ve always tried to learn as much as I can about my husband’s religion and culture,” she says. “I made sure the children went to the mosque. Zayn has read the Koran three times.”
Err Hello, is there actually any need for that relgious propaganda broadcast? or even for this:
“Until recently, Trisha worked as a halal chef in the kitchen of a local primary school, making meals for Muslim children. On Zayn’s advice she gave up her job.”
Anybody else get the impression that the bBC knowing the verdict would be guilty decided on a damage limitation exercise for those young girls who may start asking questions about Islam and find that actually that to get hold of a pop star they only have to marry a Muslim and convert.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of radical Islam in the UK
The BBC has just spent 30 minutes reporting on the guilty verdicts from Woolwich without once uttering either of the forbidden words ‘muslim’ or ‘islam’!
Beeboid Islam apologist, GARDNER, has this question for police:-
“How did the police and MI5 miss the Woolwich murderers’ switch from legitimate activism to violent jihad? ”
Question for Gardner:-
‘How did you miss reporting the Islamic motivation for the gruesome jihad murder of Lee Rigby’?
INBBC headline:
“Two” [Muslims] “guilty of Lee Rigby murder”
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Family’s tears as Muslim converts are found GUILTY of hacking Fusilier Lee Rigby to death in London street.
“Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale found guilty in 90 minutes.
“However the killers were cleared of attempted murder of police on May 22.
“Adebolajo kissed the Qu’ran and smiled as verdicts were read to Old Bailey.
“Extremists had denied murder on the basis they were ‘soldiers of Allah.’
“Lee Rigby’s family say afterwards that justice has been done after trial.
“‘No one should have to go through what we have been through as a family.’
“His mother Lyn said: ‘Their aim was to divide, to cause conflict, to set people against each other. Lee’s death has actually united people.’
“PM: ‘The nation must confront poisonous narrative of extremism.’
“Adebolajo’s brother Jeremiah says that Lee Rigby’s death was justified.”
Read more:
The problem with the BBC’s omission of the word “muslim” is that they are left scrabbling for all kinds of convoluted reasons as to why the accused committed the murder.
At the end of INBBC ‘report’ about the “two” being found guilty, there is this bland appeal:-
“What is your reaction to the verdict? We would like to publish a selection of your comments on the BBC News website’s live coverage.”
(Although Beeboids don’t say this, we know they will censor out many comments condemning the Islamic jihadist murderers, and include comments from those supporting the jihadists.)
‘We would like to publish a selection of your comments’
A shiver just ran down my spine.
‘Selected’ by whom?
When the BBC controls what comes in, how it is shaped and what goes out, the chance of the narrative being accurate and objective is about zero.
This is what i mean. The liberals are desperate to know what we, the ordinary English , think. They know we do not think like them. Ignore them and refuse to engage particularly with the BBC.
I watched Newsnight last night and they devoted a section to (and get this) British and American collusion in the treatment of Islamic terrorists inside Kenya since the Westgate. Watch Newsnight and listen to what that arsehole Paxsman has to say at 20.30.
According to the bBC, the British Government is helping Kenya hunt down Islamic terrorists by training tis forces and giving them money. Unlike the help we give to Islamic terrorists in: Libya, Syria,Gaza and Pakistan . But hey lets interview a Muslim in Kenya who is a terrorist recruiter, lets interview lots of young jihadist Muslims who can only blame the Government for their bloodlust.
Yet another example of the bBC blaming the victims for how they react after the peaceful gay death cult carried out a terrorist attack and funny enough the night before 2 Muslims have been found guilty of murder on the streets of London.
The bBC, the propagandist arm for Islamic terrorism in the UK
So the BBC has reported on the White House panel deciding to make some recommendations about reining in the NSA a bit. Katty Kay’s interview with former director and retired General Michael Hayden is a reasonable, quick trip through the main points Since this isn’t an issue in which Katty has a personal investment or is specifically about the President or one of His key policies, she’s entirely professional in her demeanor, which helps. She even let Hayden get away with slightly criticizing the President Himself for making yet another blanket, lofty promise it’s impossible to keep, in this case His promise to Angela Merkel that the NSA wouldn’t collect her communications data any longer. Katty let it slide, probably not making the connection.
In any case, while the BBC report on the White House panel’s result curiously omits a rather important story directly related to this panel’s review.
As the BBC mentions, the President met with His panel yesterday (Wednesday) just before the publication of the their review. The day before that, He met with a bunch of top tech bosses about it. This followed a federal court ruling on Monday that what the NSA was doing is unconstitutional.
The official reason the tech bosses were granted an audience with Him is because they’re also lobbying Congress to rein in the NSA. Microsoft, AT&T, and Yahoo, for example, have had their public reputations hit hard by the appearance of complicity with government spying on their customers, so they wanted to tell the President their concerns and that it needed to stop. Google, of course, is in bed with the White House, but the rest aren’t so much in thrall.
Instead, the President turned it into an opportunity for Him to pressure them to help Him with ObamaCare.
The White House even decided to announce that was what the meeting was actually about.
The tech bosses are fools if they thought this was going to turn out differently. Needless to say, they weren’t pleased.
The fact that the Mail got this story and that top US tech execs went to them instead of the US media speaks volumes about just how corrupt and partisan they think our media outlets are. It also puts the lie to the BBC’s defense that they don’t have to report something if the mainstream US media isn’t doing it.
But never mind me. As the BBC’s thought leaders at the Progressive, Obamessiah-supporting Washington Post neglected to mention this, the BBC doesn’t have to, either. Instead, all you need to know is that, as usual, the President is going to make everything just right.
More info on the above audience the President granted to top tech mavens. This is from Yahoo (whose CEO attended), the day before the meeting.
Obama’s tech titan summit a wasted opportunity
This is written by someone who more or less supports the President’s agenda.
Note that the White House indicates that ObamaCare is most important, and not the NSA issue about which the tech companies are concerned. So when the cynicism kicks in, it means something.
The schedule is shown at above link, and the Yahoo reporter complains that 1 hour 45 min. isn’t anywhere near enough time to deal with any of these issues in a serious manner, let alone all four of them.
What? The President has already pulled this phony stunt with Wall St, execs? Well I never.
Conclusion: it was a photo op for propaganda purposes only. Magically, this occurs at the same time the media is complaining very loudly about lack of photographer access. And the BBC remains silent. All the most-astute political analysts have no comment.
Instead, Mark Mardell is in Mississippi pushing White House talking points about ObamaCare. No points for guessing if he sees an underlying racial element.
The BBC is a propaganda arm of the White House.
Bias? what bBC bias?
The other day the bBC headline with this news story:
UK doctor Abbas Khan ‘murdered’ in Syrian jail
Clear , concise and straight to the point. (Actually according to today’s Guardian Khan was a trainee doctor.) but the message is clear.
Here is how the bBC is currently reporting the guilty verdict for the murderers of British soldier ‘Lee Rigby”
Two guilty of Lee Rigby murder
Now before anybody (Like Albaman) points out that everybody knows who Lee Rigby is. The bBC website is worldwide and I am sure little ahmed reading the news on his Iphone while waiting for a truck to take him to the land of milk and honey in Calais doesn’t know who lee rigby was. Anyway here is how the rest of the world are hearing this story:
Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering British soldier
British Muslim converts guilty of murdering soldier Lee Rigby
2 self-proclaimed ‘soldiers of Allah’ guilty of U.K. soldier murder
Two Islamists Convicted Over London Beheading
Two Muslim extremists convicted in fatal attack on British soldier
Strange how the bBC, leaves out the elephant in the room.
Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering British soldier
New Zealand
Muslim fanatics guilty of brutal British soldier murder
Two Muslim converts found guilty of murdering soldiers
Middle East
Muslim converts found guilty of soldier murder in London
It seems everybody else in the World is hearing/reading/watching the real story about how Islam is behind this savage murder in the Uk, but to the bBC, the real victims are two bloody Islamic murderers .
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
This takes me back to the day of the attack.
While all other outlets were reporting the atrocity, the BBC were in a state of apparent panic, reporting only the merest of details. While the BBC were wringing their hands, Sky were reporting Rigby’s murder in considerable detail, as were some of the UK newspapers’ webpages.
I wonder if the editors at the BBC went into conclave while this was all going on, and instead of reporting the murder, like everyone else, were agreeing the position they would take, and getting their instructions from the BBC’s ‘controlling mind’.
the BBC were still reporting the murder of lee rigby as a road traffic accident when sky were saying it was a terrorist attack
I have just checked the Socialist Worker Newspaper. Nothing at all about the two Muslim murderers. So now we know why the BBC has little to say on the subject
And in China:
‘Soldiers of Allah’ guilty of killing UK serviceman
Vile BBC scum – extremist Islamist minions to the last!
To the BBC, though, this is simply understandable anger at UK foreign policy. That’s why we hear that meme over and over again every time they dare discuss the issue on air (Nicky Campbell, for example). In the minds of Beeboids, to blame religious belief for inspiring the murder would mean tacitly condoning the Bush/Blair war.
After all, we don’t want the BBC taking sides on the issue, right? 😉
Remember that the first of Tony Blair’s wars was in Kosovo where British forces intervened on the side of the Kosovan Muslims to try to save them from Serbian ethnic cleansing. This was three years before 9/11. Will the murderous Islamists tell us if the British foreign policy in Kosovo was wrong?
Exactly, Sir Arthur. The BBC helps only to perpetuate the Islamo-fascist lie that it’s only about foreign policy. You don’t see Nicky Campbell or any other BBC talent reminding their guests of that.
Even this morning, the BBC are calling the two Islamic murdering scum as “Lee Rigby’s attackers”. Why aren’t our right wing politicians challenging the BBC’s constant bias? Can they really be that blind? or scared of the BBC?
“Lee Rigby killer’s UK apologists not just Islamists.
“Radical Islam is the most violent ideology of our time.
It won’t make a blind bit of difference if you’re a soldier, a nurse, a butcher, a baker or a candle stick maker: if you’re an infidel, you’re marked for death.”
The bBC . 2 Islamic murderers and half the story.
Hands up if anybody heard this from the bBC regards those 2 victims found guilty of murder today :
The convictions of Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale – two young men from similar backgrounds – raised questions last night about the ability of government, communities and security services to combat attacks by young men with a world view fuelled by hate speeches, resentment and alienation.
Both men grew up within Nigerian Christian families before converting to Islam. They both dabbled in small-time crime, spent time in jail and were radicalised to reject hardline doctrines of fringe extremist groups in favour of something even more violent…The younger man, Adebowale, 22, had a history of mental illness, claiming to hear the voices of spirits. He suffered a breakdown after seeing a fellow teenage drug-dealer cut to pieces by a paranoid crack addict who claimed his victim was an al-Qa’ida terrorist bent on blowing up Kent’s Bluewater shopping centre.
……Michael Adebolajo was born at London’s King’s College Hospital on 10 December 1984, the eldest son of a social worker and nurse from a hard-working Nigerian family. He was brought up reading passages from the Bible under candlelight He grew up in Romford and studied at Marshalls Park school and later Havering Sixth Form College. His school friends included a man who later became a soldier and died while serving in Iraq.
His change appears to have come after he started dabbling with drugs and became known to police for involvement in violent crime. Former friends said that Adebolajo was part of a group that stole mobile phones and threatened people with knives.
His family were so concerned, they moved to Lincolnshire. It did not appear work – police found the Book of Jihad (chapter seven: the virtues of killing a non-believer for the sake of Allah) and other extremist literature there when he was arrested, though he denied knowledge of them.
He returned to south-east London and went to Greenwich University in 2003. Late in his first year of a building-surveying degree, he converted to Islam.
The above i found at the independent news website
Also did you know that Michael Adebolajo was a father to 7 children, the youngest was only 4 days old when he carried out his murder. Funny how the bBC instead of reporting the above, paint a picture of a victim of western society .
He suffered a breakdown after seeing a fellow teenage drug-dealer cut to pieces by a paranoid crack addict who claimed his victim was an al-Qa’ida terrorist bent on blowing up Kent’s Bluewater shopping centre.
To be honest, given the lies, disinformation, and cover ups by all those in power, I’m not so sure that the guy was paranoid. I have every confidence that given the radicalisation of the nutters surrounding him, that he probably did discuss blowing up a shopping centre.
If these fanatical turd-world scum were white and Christian we’d never hear the bloody last of it but reading this typically selective BBC report, Islam and the wider Muslim community escapes blame.
How many Muslim atrocities does it take for the sandal-wearing bell-ringing Lefties to condem the violence that pervades Islam.
Both the Fascists/National Socialists and the Communists/Soviet socialists have given Socialism a very violent image, which is very attractive to Muslims.
So I think it must be because of all those Labour Party goons within the BBC, who do not want to put off the attractions that Muslims have for the Labour party.
Two weeks ago, the UK was hit by a severe storm. BBC had been predicting this, it was going to hit South East England, it was forecast; but then Mandela died, and the BBC failed to report on the havoc the storm caused. Yesterday, most of Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and the North of England was hit by an equally severe storm, causing immense disruption, flooding and at least 2 deaths. Precious little information about that on the Beeb website – but then it didn’t reach the South East – no story then there.
Yes, but the cold front that went across the country last night was not caused by Global Warming/Climate change, but the one that hit the South East was. (P.S.) Neither of the storms were in fact storms but basic *Cold Fronts* which we get all the time. Climate change doesn’t really happen other than in the South East of England, or if we are unlucky, Salford.
” but then it didn’t reach the South East” -yes it did
a good portion of south east was flooded including parts of the town I live in the reason why you don’t know that is the BBC didn’t report it
Sorry I thought you meant the storm two weeks ago. I think that the most recent storm has had more coverage, but that’s not say enough
Oh look another Muslim jailed for a knife murder (well 2) hands up those who knew about this story:
Boston double murder: Mehmet Ozen jailed for life
A landlord convicted of two murders after a row over rent has been jailed for life .Mehmet Ozen argued with tenant Keyleigh Wright about money and then stabbed her in the arm at their Boston home. Her partner Darren Harwood and best friend Charlotte Piccaver went to her aid only for them both to be stabbed to death, Lincoln Crown Court heard.
I wonder why the bBC aren’t calling this a racist hate crime, they do when you look funny at the pricks who subscribe to his gay death cult.
The bbC, the traitors within our midst
The gruesome Islamic jihad murder of Lee Rigby: INBBC’s lie continues.
In Radio 4 ‘PM’s misleading account, Beeboid Ms PEEL said Lee Rigby’s murderers were brought up as Christians but turned to radical Islam. NO they didn’t: they converted to ISLAM, which motivated them in their murderous jihad.
“UK: No controls on jihad murderer’s movements or activities after his return from attempt to join al-Shabaab jihad terror group”
The Muslim brother, and sympathiser of murderer Islamic jihadist Adebolajo, said:-
“It’s a very tidy narrative to assume that we have this young Christian boy who was radicalised by these bogeymen-like figures – Anjem Choudary, Omar Bakri Muhammad – and while he went on this conveyor belt, as it were, of radicalisation and then the events of Woolwich happened. It’s just not true.”
Read more:
So obviously we need to investigate what these clowns were told in which mosques which made them commit this atrocity? Hello……..?
“BBC bosses have allowed sex pests and bullies to keep their jobs despite the Jimmy Savile scandal.
Two workers found guilty of sexual harassment and seven of bullying and harassment were still employed in the summer.”
…oops – I have no idea where that link came from.
See? The result of Dame Janet Smith’s review has already been decided. The Mirror couldn’t be bothered to find out – or, perhaps, disclose – whether or not the demoted employee was one of those guilty of sexual harassment. It makes a difference when the BBC apparatchik mentions only bullying.
Actual ‘sexual harassment… bullying and harassment?
Now, a dodgy ‘ist joke in private in the Green Room… whammo!
They clearly know what really needs taking seriously.
It’s all down to who you know.
Or, in some cases. are related to.
Feeling the trust still?
ps: Have to appreciate the calibre of Flokker the Mirror has too. Bright spark introduces the Daily Mail, and then is the only one to mention what he supposedly dreads seeing mentioned. Which takes real skill.
BBC ‘comedians’ tour with publicly funded, anti-right-wing political propaganda show.
Much like the rest of BBC comedy, then.
Nicely timed for maximum impact aswell….
The UK’s hottest musical comedians present a raucous hour of songs and silliness.
Ahead of 2014’s European Elections, join Jonny & The Baptists to take on Nigel Farage’s ‘fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists’ – and help stop UKIP forever.
From the stars of Radio 4’s The Now Show, Infinite Monkey Cage and Sketchorama, Jonny Donahoe and Paddy Gerver’s 2013 show was nominated for the New Act of the Year, Musical Comedy Award & Amused Moose Edinburgh Award.
I’m sure it’ll be a right ̶s̶m̶u̶g̶f̶e̶s̶t̶ laugh.
Good points. I have now, for many years, come to the conclusion that much of the BBC’s brainwashing and Left-wing propaganda is delivered through the ‘trendy’ and egotistical smart-arse humour panel comedies (HIGNFY etc). Millions of students have been brainwashed this way. You compare today’s you must toe-the-line and be anti-Tory/America crappy Lefty humour with the likes of Young Ones (totally poking fun at lefty student hypocrisy) and Only Fools and Horses and you see what I mean. There is no comedy on the BBC anymore, only Left-wing groupthink that brainwashed students must obey and laugh with, unless they be tagged racist by their equally brainwashed lefty friends.
So true. I was watching some old clips of Smith and Jones on YouTube recently. Many of the sketches were decidedly un-PC, robust and completely non-political…and most importantly, still funny after many years.
How many of the so-called ‘comedians’ at the BBC are funny now. Their offerings certainly won’t last the test of time. Just awful.
I think the BBC confuses the word Comedian with the word Communist.
It would explain what has happened to the BBC since the fall of communism.
A typical bureaucratic cock up at the BBC.
It would also explain why the BBC described a seminar that included the head of comedy, as a seminar of “the best scientific experts”.
UKIP will be quaking in their boots!!!!
Take your point
No publicity bad publicity ,at least not for UKIP it seems
Purely OT(sih), but just back from an Xmas outing in our local small town High St.
It’s about 500m in total.
In that space, 3 ‘Father Christmases’ selling Big Isshoo, and two not very good accordion players.
All big smiles and greetings until you don’t look like forking out. Then either pleading or the hump.
Couldn’t guess at their demographic origins. Not local though.
Guessing by the end of that walk many not voting UKIP will at least be wondering who facilitated this new aspect of cultural enrichment.
The violence and corruption in Islam.
Virtually every item of Beeboids’ ‘News Middle East’ online page (even in its euphemistic accounts) is about the violence and/or corruption in Islam:-
If it’s a Muslim who’s done it, then the BBC look for pathetic excuses in a foul and grotesque attempt to garner sympathy… however, if it’s a white Christian, they get the BBC book chucked at ’em.
It won’t be long until we get some lefty journalists blaming these loathsome acts of Islamic brutality on our foreign policy. Pathetic.
So many staff, so little… well, let’s leave it at that…
Let’s face it, any skill will probably come as a surprise considering what rolls down the old Newsnight half-mast flagship slipway currently.
No mention of interesting uni chums or activist muses, so maybe that’s more taken as ‘preferred’ come the interview?
Certainly the second para lets any applicant know what’s ‘expected’.
Have to confess, I am a wee bit confused as to when an Editor becomes an Economics Editor and back again. And if the same person, how this contortion is achieved:
‘The new editor will need to forge a good working relationship with the new BBC Economics Editor’
So good it got written twice!
Funny also to note what other roles candidates who feel they are qualified for this one have applied to as well.
‘Economic innit? No hassle, bro… data protection also can’.
Frankly it reads as gobbledegook, and they deserve what they get.
Meanwhile in other ever-blossoming cubicle garden news, as the austerity measures and management consolidations really bite…
‘another new role he has created’
The rest is worth a read too.
They really have no flippin’ clue other than breeding pointless clones like rabbits*, or finding new ways how to gouge more public money to demonstrate it daily.
*I opened the job description:
‘Direct Reports:
The News Editor will be supported [sic – by] two deputies:
• A Deputy News Editor responsible for output planning will report to the News Editor.
• A weekend News Editor who will run the operation from Thursday through to Sunday.
So there’s two more as well?
Aside from the requirement to forge a good working relationship with Robert Peston (will he have any influence in the hiring or keeping of the job?), this for me was the giveaway:
In other words, follow Paul Mason’s perspective.
on a day like today, its worth remembering what our traitorous Prime Minister thinks
Fucking cunt, I only hope that he and his like get hit by a car and lose their head.
Has Cameron really said this or has intimated that he thinks like this?
Hello OldBloke, no he said it, as quoted in the guardian in 2007.
“Many British Asians see a society that hardly inspires them to integrate. Indeed, they see aspects of modern Britain which are a threat to the values they hold dear. Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”
British Asians are role models says Cameron
i’d rather take our way of life with all its faults than live the life of a muslim. im sure they are very nice people, im just not into the hatred their false god and false prophet preach which so many of them seem to follow word for word
although he actually said British Asian, he was talking about muslims
“We must be careful about the language we use,’ he writes. ‘Many Muslims … are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today.'”
well Mr Cameron, im more than offended by the terrorist threat i face from muslims today. What about me. Do you want me to die just so you dont offend muslims
Thank you for the cut and paste of what he actually said. As a non practicing Christian but a Christian never the less, who still holds most Christian values to my heart, I find his rhetoric insulting, demeaning and downright offensive, as I thought that the values of British life were based on Christianity. Obviously not good enough for the Prime minister of Great Britain where he thinks the priority is that we should integrate with Muslims (islam) and that Muslims should not integrate with us (Christians).
i agree with you. Im a weddings and funerals type of Christian, and occasionally pray to win the lottery, but i look round the world and see whats happening to fellow Christians and im ashamed of our country and the the rest of the western Christian world isnt doing nothing to protect them from genocide at the hands of muslims
Remember when BLiar flew fleets of planes out to Kosovo to “rescue” muslims there? why arent we doing the same for Christains in the muslim world
Im a UKIP voter, i oppose any more immigration and get called racist by the left, but genuine asylum seekers are a different story.
After a sobbing barrister, excusery shills at the BBC
and that arrogant liar Cameron spouting crap again.
The only tears of any relevance here are those of Fusilier Rigby s family.
Ensuring that the root cause of what drove them who murdered him, be fully exposed and do something about it – not bloody, covered in platitudes, excuses and crocodile tears, from false barristers lying Muslim groups, and a shameful excuse for a broadcaster.
The whole BBC media aspect on this, has turned into an insulting, shameful, embarrassing circus, still now …
some, lying Muslim Sheik, and an appallingly airheaded sycophant are stuck on BBC5live with P. Allen deliberating what, WHAT! (eyes to the sky) was his motivation?, what made him go radical? …………….
– as he kissed his Quran as he left court,
– recited the verses justifying his actions,
– said he was a soldier of Allah,
– sat with his Quran in front of him in the trial, –asked to be called by his Jihadi name
– said he was copying the cults founder Mohamhead.
– even quoted his murderous Quran verses at the scene, on camera
– ” I obeyed Allah, that s the end of the story”
– etc etc etc
BBC there are NO words
“We have to redouble our efforts to confront the poisonous narrative of –
Islam? … …. well, no
Muslim mass murderers? … well, no
Islamic fascists then? ….. well, no
Islamic Jihadi killers? ….. well, no
militant Islam then? …. well, no
no, no, and thrice no – its
extremism/violence that lay behind this?
make sure we do everything to beat it in our country.”
Hi Noggin, imagine you were a Barrister, and had to defend these 2 murdering sumbags, you have no choice in the matter, you have to do it.
i for one would certainly be in tears as i tried to defend them
‘He is a British citizen and he has shown himself to be honest, upright and honourable. His voice cracked and he appeared to sob as he added:
He is someone who is totally sincere, a man of absolute honesty and moral conviction.’
hmm … he ought to cry
he had to do his job. obviously he didnt believe what he saying, thats why he was in tears. If he didnt defend these 2 scumbags to the best of his ability, they would have got a retrial and he would have been struck off
he’s been put in an impossible position. I havnt practiced law for 7 years, and ive been out of the army for 15 years. i feel so sorry for the barrister put in that position. My heart goes out to him
ive had 5 very good friends murdered by terrorists btw, its why i hate them so much
David, please don t think I m being too hard … on Barristers …
the facts are, and the actions speak for themselves
this killer is not honourable
not an upright, honest man.
the Barrister is not telling the truth
and he knows it.
i know noggin. like i said he had no alternative and was put in an impossible position. He had to do his job, and he sobbed his heart out as he had to do it
Give me a pistol and 5 seconds alone with these 2 murdering scumbags and they’d both have 2 rounds to the chest and one in the head. I’d buy that barrister a pint though
if you think he was crying because of his love for these 2 scumbags then thats your view but i just cant help thinking what if i was put in that position, id have to do it and i probably be vomitting as i done it
Imagine being a senior lawyer in a firm and you were given that case. Your not going to do it. your going to pass the file to some poor cunt lower down the food chain and he has do it, he has no choice in the matter
His sobbing tells a different story to me than you, i sympathaise with him, you think he scum. Thats cool. Just put yourself in the barristers position. Right now hes probaly one of the most depressed people on the face of the planet and will probably spend the rest of his life on prozac
on the previous page to this some troll dismissed the magna carta as nonsense so i posted what it said.
Whats posted below are the most important few words in the history of humanity. Its the foundation of not just our democracy but of all of the free world. You saw it in action during the lee rigby murder trial. You might not like it, but you should be very proud of it.
“No Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right.”
Literally millions of British soldiers have died to protect them words, including lee rigby
This is the same piece of filth that started licking Muslim arse on the very day of the Woolwich murder.
No-one could have made me defend those shits.
Oh look the bBC batting for thieving Roma scum
Anybody seen this:
‘Eviction threat hangs over more than 200,000 homes’
More than 200,000 households in England are at risk of repossession or eviction, according to Shelter.
The majority of the worst-hit areas are in London, with Nottingham, Luton and Salford also affected, it said. The housing charity said the figures, based on recorded court proceedings, suggest one in every 105 homes across the country is at risk.
Gravitate down to the chart at the bottom of the page, what do you notice about all the regions listed?
Shelter – a ridiculous charity that, if anything, is supportive of unfettered immigration into this country, despite its obvious consequence of increasing demand for housing, creating a shortage & diving up the cost
Nearly 3 years ago Neil Hamilton at the Mail made this prediction, along with most of us here:
Unsurprisingly, it’s been proved totally correct. The fact that this man represents Trust is as accurate as the BBC represents its charter.
The Mail sums up this man based on some of his actions and inactions that have come to light since.
Patten ‘s complacency is letting the BBC rot
If the BBC are moved to comment on the Rigby Murder verdict, they could enlist the help of fellow lefty Dan Hodges (Glenda Jackson’s little lad)
Lee Rigby was the victim of this brutal crime, and it’s right that he remains the focus of our thoughts and attention. And, although they are still awaiting sentencing, it’s hard to see how his murderers will ever be free to kill again.
But if I were one if three police officers who confronted the animals – I don’t use the term lightly – who hacked Drummer Rigby to death, I’d be feeling the justice system had just kicked me in the teeth.
Follow the link in this tweet to see the sort of achingly right-on views that impress BBC political journalist Martin Rosenbaum:
What a load of soppy Left-wing garbage. These suckers have no balls… The BBC/Guardian/Left is full of sissies and wood-turners.
I wonder if any of those climate scientists, who predicted continuous warming from the 80s onwards, changed their minds because of the empirical fact that temperatures have been stagnating for 15 years?
Maybe not. Epiphanies are, according to the New Statesman, only possible in one direction: towards a leftist point of view.
Not from the NS. They managed to find a climate change “denier” Willard Foxton who converted to the religion of moonbatism
You know, DB, I was going to change my mind about the institutional Progressive bias inherent at the BBC, but this new set of facts has made me decide to stick with my principles instead.
I notice that the writers’ previous opinions are presented as mere “principles” and not informed opinion.
Have you seen the BBC’s online coverage of the Duck Dynasty furore, DP? There’s some choice selection of quotes going on.
Here’s the BBC version of Bobby Jindal’s statement:
And here’s the full version via Time:
BBC: Jindal said it’s “messed up” and something about Miley Cyrus!!!
Actual: Jindal made a point about free speech and hypocrisy.
I’m aware of it, DB. It’s all too depressing, but the BBC is only following the groupthink of the extremist blogosphere and Progressive media. All unapproved thoughts must be stopped. Holding the approved thoughts (or remaining silent if you don’t) is required for freedom these days, and especially at the BBC.
It’s similar to last year’s Chik-fil-A noise, when the CEO said he was not in favor of homosexual marriage. A competition between the boycotters and those who thought free speech was still allowed ensued, and we know which side the BBC was on.
In that case, were told that standing up for free speech was de facto support for homophobia. We’re seeing it again. The main difference this time is that Robertson’s employer – A&E – has a right to decide what goes on their shows. Nobody could fire the owner of Chik-fil-A, so he got away with it, and his company didn’t go out of business. They still even sponsor some college football bowl.
A&E, on the other hand, is risking their enormous profits (it’s a record-breaking cable show) for the sake of maintaining a politically correct public image. In both cases, the free market will make the decision. Until it, too, is no longer free, anyway. We’ll see which “principles” A&E chooses to stand for.
They can’t say they didn’t see this coming, because when they started the show the family insisted on the network allowing their saying of Grace out loud in the show, after the network said they wanted to edit that out. It was only a matter of time before somebody in the Progressive media did a gotcha.
The President hasn’t inserted Himself into the story (no pun intended), but it’s probably only a matter of time. Maybe after he gets back from His $4 million Hawaii vacation.
Robertson’s biggest mistake, though, was choosing the wrong religion from which to make his statement. It’s also a shame that the Left, including the BBC, won’t learn at least one good thing from Christian teachings: loving the sinner while hating the sin. It’s all hate with them.
Nowhere is groupthink more prevalent at the BBC than in its coverage of America.
The damage limitation has started on the BBC. Tonight on the 7.00pm news bulletin on Radio 4, (it’s those men again), they stated that *Two men* have been found guilty of the murder……and that was it. The airbrushing of history starts once more, after all it is “Your BBC”. No it F**king isn’t!
it’ll all be forgotten by tomorrow by the BBC, but not entirely, they’ll have tell mamma on all day telling us how muslims have been called nasty words on the internet
I wonder if the BBC will be reporting this one?
From the “How Not To Be A World-Class News Presenter” Dept:
I see the bBC is milking the theatre roof collapse, you’d think the bBC is on a mission to change the headlines.
middleclass theatre goers hit by falling plaster more important than reporting on the trial of a working class soldier who brutally murdered. Allah must have answered the BBC’s prayers
When is a disabled paraplegic not regarded as somebody deserving of any sympathy?
When she`s Paul Mc Cartneys ex!
Anybody else fell that the “verbal attacks and physical intimidation” she is accused of are just excuses to justify her not being given a place on the Olympics team?
It would be funny if it was not so po-faced and sanctimonious-hope Heather sticks around to mortify the BBC and their patronising sucking up for Macca at the expense of his little woman”…normally Womans Hour would automatically back her.
she must have been hopping mad not getting selected after all that training
Only the BBC would preface the convictions for murdering Lee Rigby with endless quotes from the usual slew of Muslim apologists like Choudhury and Abu Idhazzerin(John Reids beard of 2006).
And include in the same show the “rendition” lies of the Labour Government , by way of linking Rigbys murder to Blair and Straws doublespeak…as if the soldiers deserve it.
Typical Beebsmear…it`s what they do.
Oh-wait, it won`t be Labour in the dock will it?`ll be this current crop of weasels won`t it?
1997-2010…the MacCavity years!
intelligence insulting drivel on AL BBC 1
yep! … “nothin to do with Islam” brigade in full effect
re Woolwich tonight.
Misspent Yoofs – Gangsta s – havin to rebel against the “man” … maaan … it s the “weed” – UK foreign policy …. ya da, ya da, ya da.
but strangely, the imparters of the Allah driven imperative to these “poor lambs” to murder soldiers, comes from …………….. ahem ……………Muslims
ow queer!
Heard a lot about intelligence failures, but nothing about government policy failures. Successive governments have failed to deal with the threat that muslims pose because of their religion.
They appear to be terrified of pissing off Hope Not Hate, UAF and the rest of the socialist rent a mob brigade calling them islamophobes than actually dealing with the muslim problem, How many more people have to die before they deal with it
Having watched Woolwich: The Untold Story. It has left me deeply troubled:
Firstly Peter Taylor implied that:
1. Both Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were in trouble with drugs and gang culture and were both Christians-yet failed to explain why these two men were radicalized, but instead implied that the British system was at fault for forcing them into Islam and radicalization.
2. That Abu Nusaybah-a friend of Adebolajo and associated with radical Islam, is the single source from which the MI5 allegation comes from, and was first aired on Newsnight. We are presented this as a reliable and credible source.
3.It is also worth remembering that until the attack on Drummer Rigby, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale had not breached any law. If however MI5/Special Branch had acted-then no doubt questions would be asked by the BBC and Guardian why an innocent man human rights were being breached.
4.It was also implied that Government funding cuts to the ‘charity’ Street’s in 2011, may well have failed Adebolajo from being radicalized, although throughout the previous period the same charity apparently had no success in deflecting Adebolajo. Why wasn’t the Home Office contacted to see why funding was stopped?
What is more troubling in the BBC’s relationship with Anjem Choudary. This Guardian article already raised interesting questions about the relationship Choudary has with both C4 and the BBC:
The questions I would liked raised are:
1.How did Cathy Newman of C4 news know that Choudary was “very relevant” because he “knew one of the suspects and helped radicalise him””, all this within hours of the attack, with a similar editorial line taken up by the BBC.
2. Following up on this, if they knew of Choudary’s activities, did C4 and the BBC make their concerns aware to the police and Security Service?
3.Why if it was known that associates of Choudary were involved, was he given so much airtime?
4.If Choudary was a well know recruiter for groups like al-Muhajiroun and Hizb ut-Tahrir, why has he been given significant airtime to propagate his views on British Taxpayers licence fee?
5.How did Peter Taylor manage to trace the journey of Michael Adebolajo in Kenya, which apparently MI6 amd MI5 know nothing about, and have interviews with Omar Bakri Muhammed in Beirut, yet the BBC seemingly can’t get an interview with Choudary?
6. How other Muslim ‘guests’ have links with radical Islam, yet appear on the BBC?
This needs to be looked at further, not just on the basis of poor journalism, but by implication, a public funded organization and its relationship to radical Islam.
No doubt the BBC has it in for the Security Service after Snowden, but questions should be asked about the BBC’s behaviour.
If the BBC can find them hopefully so can the drones……………BOOM
Where is the most important story on the BBC? Relegated to local news, nothing to see here, move along.
Oh look over there, a ceiling has collapsed!
Im sure you’ll all agree, ex smokers, those who have gone Tee Total and druggies who have gone clean are the worst type of person when it comes to lecturing others about their habbits, which just makes you want to punch them in the face so you can enjoy your spliff and can of stella in peace. Well who wold have thought it…
Swilling beer, smoking dope and leering at porn, the other side of hate preacher ‘Andy’ Choudary
Read more:
Spot the missing word:
you beat me too it. Muslim and islam! The link to the Guardian is a little bit better but even that leaves out the words muslim and islam, when it says “The trial resulted in a national debate over the role of gangs of largely Pakistani men in grooming white girls”, (not mentioned by al beeb of course)
But isnt the debate over muslims from all over asia and africa grooming young white girls, not just men pakistan
I’ve got it ……..ASIAN!!!!!!!
I haven’t watched the TV drama about Ronnie Biggs, but tell me, did the BBC take the opportunity to explain to the British public how Biggs was in some way simply the wrong kind of Train Robber?
I assume the idea was put over how the very fact that someone got hurt just goes to prove that Biggs and his chums were not really Track Thieves as we know and love them – but instead they misguidedly took up a mistaken strand of extreme Railway Theft.
I do hope the BBC gave sufficient promenance to the idea that Biggs and the gang were only out to drive a rift between Permanent Way Larcenists and the wider public and in this he failed because – despite his reckless and murderous activity – we still, and always will, give due respect to Great Train Robbers.
You know there is something seriously wrong when your comedy/satire team are put out to do your Corporate PR…
‘So Graham Garden was asked if he’d accept a secure future for the BBC if it meant he could only ever watch ITV; Annie Nightingale was asked if she’d sell an incriminating recording of Rupert Murdoch’
BBC : Beyond satire….
another BBC-5live opportunity for the nation
to speak on “Your Call” … very important debate
After all the media of the Woolwich verdict,
and news in a damning report that Muslim Paedostani child rape gangs, got away with it because of inherent racism against white working class children, by Rochdale Police … any connection at all? – you know between
these perps? – any factor anyone can see?
cough! Islamic imperative cough, cough! mosque/muslims cough!.
sooooo! , here we go ………….. lets hear it
…… will you use a credit card this Christmas?
PS –
will we have an snivelling excusefest on VD
V Drearybyshire about just these issues?
when no one can call in to speak to anyone?
Not “just” credit cards. A carefully selected band of left leaning callers and organisations to attack the coalition.
An hour before, Burden conducted a long interview about the report into the Rochdale scandal. I decided to play Burden bingo to see how she managed to avoid the glaringly obvious. She did very well, and in a piece which lasted six minutes, maybe more, she mentioned “Asian” just the once right at the end with a caveat immediately that other communities do the same.
Turning over in disgust John Humphries was trying to nail Anjem Choudray down over the Woolwich killing. Choudray rang rings around him.
Some twenty minutes later along came Peter Fahey, GMP Chief Constable about Rochdale. This time the introduction mentioned the Pakistani perpetrators. Fahey as weak as piss.
Muslims are a protected species in this country, as far as the BBC, the police and politicians are concerned. The rest of us, of whatever hue, culture or belief are endangered by this cosy Common Purpose ideology.
Choudary will always be able to run rings around the BBC because they are trying to achieve the impossible!
Choudary is preaching from the Qur’an, but the BBC can’t have people hearing that, so they’ve got to try to get him to admit to distorting or twisting the teachings into something it is not!
This is an impossibility to achieve. The BBC is unable to interview Choudary without the truth they at all times cannot accept coming out.
It’s never going to happen.
One wonders if given the fascists attempts to destroy Christmas with their hideous ‘Winterval’ we shall see a similar attack on Islam and Ramadan by naming it ‘Fastival’? After all we are looking for vibrant equality and diversity and destroying Islam in a similar way would only be right !