This New Year should provide the comrades at the BBC with much scope for their bias. We will have the Scottish referendum on the 18th September. Where will the BBC stand on this defining moment for the UK? We have the European elections on the 22nd May. UKIP are forecast to perform strongly but how will the BBC spin a likely win for Farage and his gang? With the UK economy continuing to grow, how will the BBC continue to advance the incoherent Miliband agenda? As our borders are bypassed with hordes of Roma, what angle will the BBC take on this? Thoughts?

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37 Responses to 2014 – SO MUCH SCOPE FOR BIAS!

  1. Demon says:

    1. On Scottish Independence they will be as confused as a dog with two tails. They won’t know which one to chase, If the vote is for independence then the BBC will be delighted that there is a new Socialist Utopian State (aka Dictatorship) with all the misery that will cause. They will also regard it as a snub to the English (which it would be) – a race that they hate, even those born English. However, they will be shitting themselves with the thought that the hard-left parties will find it much more difficult to win Westminster elections without the gerrymandered Scottish seats that tend to make a huge difference now in overall outcomes.

    2. Clearly a win for UKIP will be treated as a snub to Cameron and his “Conservative” Party. They will ignore the fact that many Labour supporters are switching to UKIP as well. They will, however, try to portray the British voters as racist for choosing the decent, sensible option.

    3. If the economy continues to grow then they will push Labour’s more and more desperate lines to try to downplay the Government’s success, for instance; the “Cost of Living crisis” which is a load of Ed Balls. If the economy starts to falter again, or really starts to suffer with unemployment going up etc. then champagne corks will be popping all over Broadcasting House and the rest of their evil empire.

    4. Cameron will also get the blame for the massive increase in immigration since 2000. However, if a Conservative says it must be stopped they will be called racist and all stops out to ensure that it remains the top news item for a week.


    • Thoughtful says:

      1. Scottish Independence matters to the BBC because if Scotland goes independent what will happen to the mandatory television tax?
      There are approximately 2.5 million households in Scotland and assuming they all pay their television tax then there’s a loss of revenue of around £365 million or around 10% of total income.
      Even assuming that the Scots choose to buy in certain programs that isn’t going to cover the amount the BBC stands to lose.
      So from a strictly selfish standpoint and that’s all lefties really care about then the BBC will be opposed to Scottish independence.

      I’m sure that UKIP are going to do well in the European elections, but the BBC aren’t going to have to try too hard with rubbishing the Tories over this, they can do all by themselves without any help from outside! There are predictions that Cameron’s leadership might come under severe criticism from his party, although he will survive it .

      The so called ‘cost of living crisis’ has really caught the Tories on the back foot and they don’t know what to do about it. Years of stealth taxes moving onto life’s essentials has caused this, yet the Tories especially are addicted to hiding their high taxes which affect the poor more than the rich. Cameron deserves all he get for failing to nip this in the bud when he had the chance – it’s his own fault !

      Cameron deserves the blame for mass immigration because he’s done next to nothing to shut the wide open door that BLiar opened!

      The BBC appears to be making a change in their views of mass immigration following a number of apologies, and because “In the past year, two leading liberal thinkers have published controversial books warning against the dangers of excessive levels of immigration.”

      Tonight at 8:00pm Radio 4 will broadcast part one of ‘Immigration good for whom?’ Which appears to be making a major change in the corporations vision of ‘All immigration is good’ !

      Here’s the program notes:

      Experts debate the issue of immigration with residents of Birmingham. Ritula Shah is in the chair.

      As levels of immigration have risen to historically high levels so too has public concern about the issue: a series of opinion polls indicate that UK voters rank its importance as second only to the economy.

      In the past year, two leading liberal thinkers have published controversial books warning against the dangers of excessive levels of immigration.

      Prof Paul Collier, a development economist from Oxford University, and David Goodhart, director of the think tank Demos, both argue that if mass immigration is not properly controlled it has the potential to undermine trust and a sense of mutual obligation.

      In front of an audience hosted by Birmingham City University, the two men debate their ideas with Nazek Ramadan of Migrant Voice and Susie Symes, Chair of the Museum of Immigration and Diversity.

      The event was recorded as part of Birmingham City University’s City Talks series on Tuesday 17th December 2013.

      A hugely left wing biased panel which in itself shows the way the BBC thinks, however the content might mark a major departure from previous thinking.


      • Big Dick says:

        That £365 million is only enough to pay for 3 months of a BBC 1 full service , Radio Scotland , & some Gaelic stuff . After 3 months the switches would be thrown & no more progs from England , ( wouldn`t affect STV as those progs are bought from ITV Plc ) . Sky & Freesat would have to realign their beams, or those BBC channels would be subscription only for Scottish viewers.


    • Wild says:

      “cost of living crisis”

      I think they mean “cost of Socialism crisis”

      The entire function of the BBC is to protect the bloated public sector. To hell with future generations. To hell with freedom of choice.

      Not only that but because of a quirk in their programming the nomenclature at the BBC hate England with a passion.

      Needless to add like all Leftists they expect you to pay for them. Their vanity does not come cheap. If we were not forced to pay for them the BBC would shrink to the size of The Guardian.

      Poisonous greedy sick in the head middle class totalitarian Leftist twats.


    • ember2013 says:

      If Scotland do vote for independence expect the BBC to fight like cornered tigers for a hike in the licence fee. In order to: “maintain the high quality of programming expected by the parts of the UK which remain united.”


  2. PhilO'TheWisp says:

    The BBC will interview itself about all these issues and conclude they got it “about right.”


  3. Alex says:

    I managed to catch a few minutes of a program called Editors’ Choice, or something along those lines, on BBC News 24 last night and it was very telling of the biased mindset that pervades the BBC. It had foreign correspondent, John Simpson, and three other very middle-to-upper class guests, one of which was another BBC reporter. They were all talking about the need for more diversity in European countries and how football is leading the way in multiculturalism. My main observations and conclusions from this discussion were how terribly far removed these middle class, Left-wing presenters are from everyday life; they spoke at you and partook in idle chit-chat in a manner befitting a dinner party.
    These journalists caught up in their own self-absorbed little bubble, have now become like politicians who needn’t worry about where their next wage packet is coming from; namely because they have endless resources of cash courtesy the tax payer. These wealthy individuals were waxing lyrical about the ‘wonders of diversity’ and how ‘we are embracing other cultures’ without the slightest thought on the lower economic and social bands in society; why didn’t they question whether diversity is good for those on lower incomes or without jobs? And I thought to myself, there lies the problem…. Ever since upper-class Oxbridge and privileged individuals conceptualized and hatched the destruction of national identity on the basis of a Marxist ideology during the post-war period, our nation has been relentlessly eroded by effete snobs who haven’t the slightest care about those below them. Multiculturalism is a rich man’s experiment which those with less have to endure. And I thank this site for providing a platform for some type of fight-back. I sincerely hope that our legitimate concerns regarding the aggressive and ideologically charged BBC behemoth are being noticed by an increasingly wider audience. Onwards and upwards!


    • Mice Height says:

      Well said. Mark Steyn sums up this befuddled Marxist mind-set at 6.00 in this video


      • Alex says:

        Some very interesting points he makes, and refreshing to hear them! It’s funny because, in a similar vain, I had an argument with an old friend on facebook a few days ago and I ended up deleting him. This followed him accusing me of being nazi-like for merely providing a link from the Daily Mail on Muslim fundamentalists patrolling the streets in London to prey on non-Muslims and so on. I couldn’t believe it…. he started coming out with the predictable Left-wing brainwashed nonsense such as ‘I never knew you were a racist and Right-wing bigot…’ and so on. And this was merely for providing a link! He was always a nice chap, but years of brainwashing through his social sciences degree and his move to a right-on hub of multiculturalism and liberalism like Morningside in Edinburgh has obviously changed him for the worse. Likewise, the amount of friends I see on facebook, and I mean nice people and educated, who constantly criticize the Daily Mail and Ukip for being nasty is highly worrying. The Marxists have done a devastating job in their subtle indoctrination. I fear our youth is lost.


        • Span Ows says:

          you should have confronted his “I never knew you were a racist and Right-wing bigot” statement; usually with a couple of exchanges they have defeated themselves.


        • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

          I have folk on my pals list on facebook who ‘share’ pages from a blog called
          ‘ another angry voice’
          If ever you want to see what these lefties kid themselves with take a good look at it. It worries that, by many standards, these folk appear to be intelligent. Yet they swallow the shit that pours forth from another angry voice.
          I highly recommend everyone here take a look, it sure opened my eyes.


            • Alex says:

              What an utter joke of a site. He claims to be ‘independent’ and yet every post is an anti-Tory, economically illiterate Left-wing diatribe. Gee…. I wonder on what side of the fence of the political spectrum his sympathies lie?


              • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

                You aint wrong there alex:
                The problem I have is that supposedly intelligent folk appear to repost this utter shit as if its gospel. His charts/graphs begin with false datums, typically 2010.
                Total shite.


                • Stewart says:

                  And I thought the Tooting popular front had disbanded – seriously that’s a joke suite isn’t it?


                  • Stewart says:

                    Should be joke site I don’t know where that suite came from
                    Bodo’s circus supply maybe


                  • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

                    If you venture into it, and post facts, you’ll find out how much if a joke site it really is.


                    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

                      Any snippets of info that discredit the site host would be gratefully reused here upon the folk who post on FB.


              • Alex says:

                You’re best staying away from biased and aggressive pages like that. You simply cannot reason with idiots and extremists such as this. In fact, there is no debate on his page…. just ad hominem attacks on those who enjoy a different political perspective.


        • chrisH says:

          My story is similar too.
          My lesson of 2013 is just how nasty the Left Liberal elite are…mid Staffs/Julie Bailey…and then the appalling evil intentions as shown to Margaret Thatcher…as opposed to the Tippex on Mayday approach to Ralph Miliband, the saccharine gloop and lotus petals as showered on Mandelas rubber tyred cremation.
          Truly evil-and when 20 something stooges have been brought up on such crap…we can see how they behaved to Lady Thatchers memory…the schools, unis and unions had truly done their job!
          And it is THESE “caring” types who want five more years and another run at our taxes…as Mark Steyn says-they don`t care, but their attitudes and postures seem to be well-rewarded and thought of…by themselves and the BBC natch.
          I pray for a Winnie-type suttee of the BBC/Guardian Bonfire of all their vanites…and maybe God will use the Roma or Muslims to do what we should have done whilst we still had the brains and the balls.


        • DJ says:

          One of the key selling points of liberalism is that by claiming that everyone on the right is a moron, it allows very stupid people to feel smart without having to do any actual thinking.


      • Span Ows says:

        He finishes with a better line: “If you loot the future to bribe the present eventually you run out of future”.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      In olden days, these middle class morons either joined the Christian priesthood or joined the forces to travel the World. Now they want to join the Climate priesthood or bring the World to Britain. But as is still the case today, despite a love of other cultures, they still prefer to live and vote Labour in the hideously white anti-Labour strongholds, rather than live in Labours multicultural inner city shitholes.

      A middle class moron is someone who was too thick for University, so entered University through the Arts, Media, Humanities, Sociology, English and other subject’s dumbed down or introduced by New Labour.

      This was a deliberate tactic by New Labour to obtain the fifty percent at University scam. I assume these people make up about 99 percent of BBC employees.


      • Chingfordassociates says:

        Actually I don’t think the BBC would be very interested in many of the graduates from the ‘new’ universities. The BBC is actually very fond if the old school tie: you just need to look at the backgrounds of a lot of their presenters: private education followed by Oxford/Cambridge.
        This in my opinion explains a lot of the left wing bias of the BBC…they feel guilty about their own priviledge so they latch on to left wing beliefs to assuage their guilt, thinking that this somehow makes them more ‘of the people.’ They’re completely mistaken in this belief of course as people involved in the left (especially the hard left) are invariably ‘posh’
        You only have to check the backgrounds of the people involved in UAF/Occupy and BBC regulars Polly Toynbee/Owen Jones/Laurie Penny to see this.


  4. chrisH says:

    Hey-lets give the BBC some credit.
    Given that a few of their kind are trapped in ice somewhere near the Antarctic, I choose to believe that they are not making a case which should be obvious to any Beeboid worried about the apocalypse.
    Namely-Michael Schmacher…and the part played by global warming in exposing those rocks that nearly did for him.
    Ten years ago-Meribel Poly found that no rocks were exposed off -piste..Labour maintained the ski runs and all was dandy.
    Now-with the Tory cuts and global melting of rocks high up on the pistes…the snow has disappeared and Michael nearly copped it.
    If he`s not the current latest victim of man-made climate fiddling by Big Oil etc…it`s only because they`re flapping about their Guardian expose of drowning polar bears, and sunburned penguins..since the confirming mother ship seems to be frozen.
    Schumacher may yet join “The Snowman” as an early casualty of climate change…the UEA seem most impressed at my connecting these events, and I hope to be UN/EU Rapporteur(Prescott College) by Friday.


  5. Stuart says:

    It’s started. On the 2pm News on Radio 2 a Beeboid told us that economic migration from Romania and Bulgaria just isn’t going to happen that we’re all racists. How can he possibly know?


    • Span Ows says:

      he’s already wrong.


    • ember2013 says:

      And what can we do if he is wrong? It will be too late to do anything. But I suppose that’s what he wants.


      • GCooper says:

        Agreed – and as evidence look at smugness of Bliar’s Labour cronies. They threw the doors open quite deliberately, knowing that the only effective action that could be taken to undo their wickedness would be unpalatable to most British people – repatriation.


        • johnnythefish says:

          What’s more #1: it wasn’t in their 1997 election manifesto.

          What’s more #2: the BBC have never asked them why it wasn’t.


  6. stuart says:

    i am getting sick and tired of listening to alex salmond on the bbc.let him have his independance,the scots are all socalists anyway, be rid of them i say.as for ukip,i have gone of them since nigel farage done a u turn on his immigration policy,i think nigel farage and ukp is in for big a shock in the next few months,he might be all pals with bbc journalists now with his proposal to let in syrian asylim seekers,but that love affair wont last long with the bbc i promise,here is might prediction for ukip in the coming months,the bbc and guardian journalists are going to get up to quite a few dirtys tricks to smear that party,no doubt they have already got undercover reporters out there filming ukip candidates with there secret microphones looking for any potential comments that might be deemed as racist or homophobic etc,the european elections are going to be a dirty business of smears,i think ukip wont do as good as people think.


  7. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Happy New Year to all, and here’s hoping you have a better year than the US is poised to have.


  8. David Preiser (USA) says:

    That’s just for the UK, David, V. There’s even more chance for extremely biased coverage and commentary on events coming up in the rest of the world.

    The phony Russian clearing out of Syrian chemical weapons
    ObamaCare begins to destroy lives and the economy
    Hillary officially announces for President
    US midterm elections and political threats to The Obamessiah’s agenda
    The phony peace talks between Israel and people who want to wipe them off the face of the earth the Palestinian Authority
    European economies continue to screw up
    Hollande’s 75% tax takes effect
    Some new weather event which can be spun to suit the Warmist agenda
    The BBC’s beloved Venezuela approaches Zimbabwe status
    The neo-Marxist mayor of NYC starts destroying the city, bit by bit
    Mexico becomes ever more chaotic
    The next round of European Parliament elections
    Sudan continues its descent into hell
    Yet another country in Africa will fall to Islamo-fascists
    China vs. everybody else continues to build up military tension
    US States with struggling economies and dire public pension debt will get some ideas from seeing Colorado take in almost half a billion dollars in revenue during the opening hours of legalizing recreational marijuana
    The Nobel Peace Prize Laureate-in-Chief keeps racking up the drone war body count and expands warmongering into yet another country. Or two.
    Cuba starts feeling the effects of a small influx of US tourist dollars
    Another bombing or killing spree somewhere in Europe or the US which will initially be blamed on Right-wing extremists
    The next chapter in the Passion of St. Edward
    The growing push to de-legitimize Israel will encourage more violence against Jews everywhere
    Another sexy gun crime by a mentally ill person in the US to exploit
    Guantanamo Bay will still be open
    Nelson Mandela will still be dead

    We already have evidence on the BBC’s position on all of these, so let the bias begin.


  9. chrisH says:

    Just seen Michael Palins excellent documentary on Andrew Wyeth.
    I will now give the BBC a few days grace-this was a fine programme.
    Now why the hell don`t the BBC just do this kind of stuff for us? http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03njgvc/Michael_Palin_in_Wyeths_World/


  10. Robin says:

    Beeboids ,stop interviewing Romanian or Bulgarians arriving and getting them to say that their compatriots are law abiding and will work .What do you expect ? ” My fellow countrymen are feckless scrounges who specialise in begging and thieving ” ? And don’t make out that they are coming here as a favour to us .
    In fact in 2014 stop being half wits and do your jobs properly .


    • GCooper says:

      The BBC’s coverage of the Romanian/Bulgarian influx has displayed nothing but contempt for any reasonable standards of balanced reporting.

      The Corporation set-out with its fellow travellers on the Left to claim there was no potential problem and has done everything (just) short of adopting North Korean levels of absurdity to maintain that position.

      Today’s photo op with Vaz the Vile (probably the most repellent MP in the house) coupled with the bleeding heart interviews, showed the BBC to be exactly what posters and commenters here say it is – a media outlet for ‘progressive’ political opinions and little else.

      Still, never mind. The more outrageous the BBC becomes, the sooner it will collapse in a barrage of ridicule and we will finally be rid of its posturing and preaching.


    • DICK R says:

      Up to now the BBC have only interviewed Romanians who seemed quite decent types with reasonable English , but will they have reporters at Victoria coach station when the real problem arrives in the shape of thousands of ‘ Roma ‘ travelling on Romanian passports .