Wickedness in the World
The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. So make yourself an ark of cypresswood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.
I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.
Friday 11 July 2003
BBC Four: Your central question is did Jesus die on the cross rather than did Jesus die at all.
Richard Denton: It is really.
BBC Four: You say that the resurrection and the literal truth of the Gospel have in the past been the cornerstone of Christianity.
RD: Exactly. And the idea that you can go on preaching this to the ordinary stupid faithful while not believing it yourself seemed to me truly offensive.
All those Christian ‘ordinary stupid faithful’ who believe. What fools!!
BBC on 5Live yesterday were having a great laugh at this:
UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
A UKIP councillor has blamed the recent storms and heavy floods across Britain on the Government’s decision to legalise gay marriage.
David Silvester said the Prime Minister had acted “arrogantly against the Gospel”.
In a letter to his local paper he said he had warned David Cameron the legislation would result in “disaster”.
Curious they didn’t have a similar snook at this by the Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, Professor of Theology, Chicago Theological Seminary from a few days earlier:
Cold as Hell: The Chilling Effect of Global Warming
Hell is normally depicted as a “lake of fire,” as in Revelation 20:10. This week in the Midwest, however, Hell is likely to look more like lakes of ice, as dangerous cold from a polar vortex, brings “wind chills that could hit 50, 60 or even 70 below zero.”
The science of what is causing this current extreme cold is, in fact, complex, and research is ongoing.
But while the science of changes to the polar vortex and its relationship to global warming are complex, the Christian theology of our failure to protect the creation is not complex.
Simply put, the Christian theological argument must start with our sinful failure to take care of the creation, as God intends (Gen. 2:15). Instead, we are trashing the planet and changing its climate primarily through the fossil fuel emissions.
Sin against the creation abounds.
The climate is where the weird things are. You may not know the cause, but everybody knows the weather sure has gotten weird. Weird is threatening. Weird is scary.
And you should be scared.
In history, artists have portrayed scenes of the fiery Hell as very scary.
Today, there is a Hell coming toward us, but it is a frigid apocalypse, brought on by our own sinful disregard of the planet.
The future prospects are chilling.
So that’ll be Global Cooling then?
Christopher Booker also blames Cameron…for a different reason:
Stupidest post yet Alan.
Really? …explain exactly why.
Coincidence? The Telegraph
Anyway only a Millie (bear with little brain) takes the story of the flood as gospel (pun intended).
But not sure how this relates to Biased BBC reporting.
Sure, you explain your point first.
Clear as day…you’ve just got to use your brain.
Now explain why it’s ‘stupid’….you can’t can you…despite it being at your level of understanding apparently.
Making that he’s clocking around 5 hrs to marshall the latest non reply.
Maybe redirected to the Guardian & Mirror sites for a a bit of firefighting as things seem to have flared a bit since even the home crowd don’t like some stuff emerging.
That or arranging loaves & fishes for the local food bank.
I must be honest and say that I don’t understand this at all. I’m not trolling unlike some, I often agree with stuff on here and have no love for the BBC, but I guess I’ve just missed the point here. Is it that you’re saying Christianity is true and God is flooding us all? Or that the BBC is hypocritical for only reporting on the UKIP guy saying gay marriage is the cause while ignoring the guy who says all climate change is down to sin? It’s not clear enough.
Its the contradiction I think.
On the one hand the BBC is keen to highlight the absurdity of David Silvester’s apocalyptic view and yet holds one equally as ridiculous in the form of man made global warming .
Where man kinds sin-full acts will be punished with ecological Armageddon ,and holds it it with equally fundamentalist zeal,so much so, that the evidence (that thing that BBC apologists so often demand on here ) will never sway their faith.
Repent the end is nigh
About the UKIP guy .
Naturally this is better than caviar and champagne to the BBC , I do wonder though if these ex Conservatives making crass statements are a plant to portray UKIP as fruit cakes etc .
David Silvester said it while he was a Conservative Councilor. He wrote his letter to his party leader, david cameron. he then saw the light and defected to UKIP.
EXACTLY! This councillor shared his thoughts with his boss (Brave Dave). Nearly a year later, the intrepid MSM and Biased BBC come up with this ‘news’ – clearly leaked to embarrass UKIP – they take the bait and are downright dishonest not to say he was a Tory at the time!!
Well Alan, I appreciated your post (like so many of them) and I do wish we could hit a ‘like’ button for them. Sometimes I feel there is nothing I can add to you post but have enjoyed reading it, and you may well have provoked me into giving some thought about what you have written. Sometimes you do run a bit close to not spelling out how it links to the BBC bias, but it is usually due to the BBC’s bias by omission, which those of us who regularly visit the site, can see at once. Alan, just ignore the trolls.
It seems a broadbrush response to me.
For one of the “ordinary, stupid faithful”, makes enough sense.
1. There is biblical grounds from the Judeo-Christian traditions to account for floods.
2. But even if that`s not your thing, then Bookers article accounts for Britain being a duckpond, when basic physics, maths and council/environmental/ quangos/E.U/State numpties presume to leap in-like Afghanistan, NHS reform etc…same shit.
3. The BBC are serial scoffers and liars, who would only accept the “Scriptural rationale” if it was a Muslim saying it…as they do, but who`d ask them-might risk being done up a la Rushdie!
If you believe in God, and the expertise of a Booker(who lives in Somerset, I think)…AND you`re aware of the leftyliberal conspiracy against the truth(with poncing prelates blessing the bandwagons and workshop entrances-Giles Fraser anybody?)…then it`s all fathomable.
It seems a broad brush response to me.
For one of the “ordinary, stupid faithful”, makes enough sense.
1. There is biblical grounds from the Judeo-Christian traditions to account for floods.
2. But even if that`s not your thing, then Bookers article accounts for Britain being a duckpond, when basic physics, maths and council/environmental/ quangos/E.U/State numpties presume to leap in-like Afghanistan, NHS reform etc…same shit.
3. The BBC are serial scoffers and liars, who would only accept the “Scriptural rationale” if it was a Muslim saying it…as they do, but who`d ask them-might risk being done up a la Rushdie!
If you believe in God, and the expertise of a Booker(who lives in Somerset, I think)…AND you`re aware of the leftyliberal conspiracy against the truth(with poncing prelates blessing the bandwagons and workshop entrances-Giles Fraser anybody?)…then it`s all fathomable.
In the beginning there was the Word and Word was Harrabin and he foretold of the calamities to befall mankind…
The UKIP councillor may have some eccentric views. Scratch the surface of some people and you will find beliefs which are counter to rational understanding. For example, wouldn’t it be interesting to question some “Respect” councillors about homosexuality – done in a covert way of course – don’t make it obvious otherwise they will answer in a way they expect you to want to hear.
The BBC and all the ohter lefty leaning meeja would have us believe that all UKIP supporters are nasty right wing fascists or disillusioned Conservative voters, but go into my local (yes I am very fortunate to still have one) in a strong working class area and you will find just as many Labour supporters satingthey will be switching allegiance to UKIP.
They know that only to well, why else would ‘hope not hate’ is concentrating on UKIP?
The better UKIP do with disenchanted labour voters the the more vitriolic will the BBC’s attacks become
Expect a renewed offencive
I’d guess about 99% of UKIP, and other party supporters, do not believe that floods are God’s punishment. A proper news organisation might be expected to do some investigation and report that. Or is it more about attacking UKIP than about the news.
This truly ridiculous story was the top headline on Radio 4 at 6pm Sunday. That’s right, forget Syria, CAR, Chinese sabre rattling, euro zone crisis, UK property bubble etc. etc. the big news is that a UKIP councillor believes God caused flooding because of gay marriage. This is news?!
The reports have carried UKIP’s response, saying its not the party’s view.
I think we can take for granted that the vast majority of UKIP (and all people who aren’t intellectually defective) do not believe that floods are God’s punishment for gay marriage.