This simply underlines the the faith based nature of the BBC’s brand of bourgeois fauxcialism
Their knee-jerk reaction to the photographs caused them to react like any other unreasoning religious fundamentalist. Forcing the facts to comply with their received truth.
What is more interesting is that there are increasing signs that some on the left are waking up to moral and political bankruptcy of their alignment with islamofacism.
Hopefully more will find the courage to bite the bullet and speak out against it openly.
The BBC is not only ignorant of orthodox Jewish affairs, but they apparently didn’t even bother to ask or read this time. Lazy assumptions = journalism. I suppose they had to rush something out and didn’t have time to research properly, but how does the world’s largest and supposedly most respected media organization not know who these people are? These nutbags have been around since the creation of the State of Israel and are often at anti-Zionist gatherings because that’s what their religious belief tells them to do. Shameful ignorance and laziness on behalf of the BBC journalists who put this together.
Alternatively, I suppose we could act like defenders of the indefensible and believe that the BBC is so totally controlled by Zionists that even anti-Zionist black hats must be portrayed as pro-Zionist.
In reality, though, the BBC just rushed something out without bothering to ask somebody down the hall or spend five minutes looking it up on effing Wikipedia. Which raises the eternal question about BBC making these mistakes: What happened to the “we’re waiting until the facts come in” professional journalist standards that gets thrown in our faces every time we wonder why the BBC hasn’t reported something yet? It’s a lie, and we all know it. They report when and how they feel like it, and “waiting for the facts to come out” is a smokescreen.
Restructuring the management will not prevent this laziness and assumption-based newsgathering to cause future errors of this kind. The problem here lies, as usual, with the personnel.
The answer would appear to be, ‘because she’s worth it’ or, as the BBC prefers, ‘one of the best broadcasters in the country’.
One can see why that would have her gagging to get back to the Katz tanking slip-up.
Does seem a fair old wedge, but let’s not forget this also includes tweets.
Mind you, ‘Ed strode in through/out the door like an Adonis’ as ‘analysis’ does seem steep at about £500 a pop.
Hey, somebody has to tell Nick Robinson what to say on camera when he’s drunk, and to write his blog posts when he’s away. 200K pa is cheap at twice the price.
I just feel sorry for the Newsnight cameramen who will now have to deal with trying to keep “Big Bird” in frame.
The ‘consensus’* is as large as they want it to be, for they are the holy ones whose word is the word of Gaia (or is it Mao, or is it Stalin – take your pick, anyway…)
It’s the only argument they’ve got left apart from pure unadulterated lies.
*Consensus means nothing in science – nullius in verba and all that.
The interview itself had me gagging at the bare faced effrontery of a government science adviser peddling what is a pseudoscience by any definition, using the notion of “consensus” to support his largely unfounded assertions.
Had to turn it off when Dame Nicky mischievously moved the interview on into UKIP bashing territory.
… and when asked whether the flooding was a result of ‘climate change’ the dissembling bastard, knowing full well the answer is ‘don’t be ridiculous’, mealy-mouthed (ie lied) along the lines of…
‘… while it is difficult of course to relate a single incidence blah blah nevertheless over the longer term blah blah’
Kearney-‘World at One’ today extended campaign for even MORE ‘asylum seekers’ to get into Britain, not only from Syria but from neighbouring countries in (Muslim) Middle East.
BBC-NUJ gave over the airwaves for this political propaganda to an anonymous Syrian, Malik, an ‘asylum seeker’ who is already in Britain. Of course, he was unchallenged.The more of these ‘asylum seekers’ who get into Britain, the more they will politically campaign for Britain to take in even more of the two million displaced people from the areas around Syria.
Nasal harpie Jane Garvey-Childs was interviewing Irma Kurtz.
I’m paraphrasing but essentially….
IK : Girls should think twice to avoid ending up alone, drunk, wearing high heels and a micro-mini, in a town centre, at two o’clock in the morning.
Nasal Harpy : (Looking for the twitter-storm money shot) Are you saying that it’s a woman’s fault when she’s raped?
Utterly dreadful – I’ve done a bit of the fighting arts in my time (yerr bully for me) but for my safety there is no way I would be drunk in a town centre at two in the morning (or any other time).
The feminazis deliberately conflate sound sensible advice with ‘she was asking for it’.
Unfortunately the statistics are on my side not Garvey-Childs’.
Perhaps they should think twice to avoid ending up drunk, wearing high heels and a micro-mini, in a town center, in groups as well. Still, at least in this instance the BBC isn’t blaming the rape victims.
BBC Radio London this morning and Vanessa Feltz is telling everyone that if they don’t welcome in the Syrian refugees, well they don’t have any compassion. Glad some old fashioned Londoners rang in to stress that we can’t adequately sort out those affected by floods in the West country. Also these refugees will end up in Tower Halmets and not Highgate. After that they did seem to load the calls with bleeding heart liberals. Vanessa audibly shocked when a nice old lady said, well Israel offered sanctuary and none want to go and just why aren’t Saudi etc doing more? Also we don’t need more devotees of the religion that must be obeyed. It was fun while it lasted.
I think there’s an area of bias that we haven’t covered before.
‘but Labour says’
Only ever heard on issues which the BBC think will promote Labours interests. When did anyone ever hear ‘but Labour says’ on their position on immigration should they win? apparently Millipede is nearly in tears over the peoples attitude to further immigration and his party (plus the BBC) are very quiet about it. I want to know what the Labour parties position is, and it’s not unreasonable to expect the BBC to broadcast it – other than the fact that it runs so counter to what the people want it would damage their electoral chances.
Then there’s the Syrian refugees – ‘but Labour says’ ? Running against public opinion Labour wants every last one of them allowed into Europe, but you aren’t going to hear that!
And it runs on & on with the BBC broadcasting what it believes will play well with voters, and not asking questions or broadcasting what it thinks will expose unpopular Labour policies to the electorate.
Thanks for that subtle dissection of the BBC’s policy on inserting “But Labour says…” The SOP is to state Labour policy or Labour criticisms of Tory policy and announcements – EXCEPT when the Labour line is far beyond the pale, screamingly unpopular.
“Concern about immigration doubles in a year and is now as important to voters as the economy.
“Immigration came joint top with the economy in poll of public’s priorities.
“The proportion identifying it in their top priorities has nearly doubled.
“Number citing the economy as their main concern fell by 11% in a year.
“PM accused of complacency after saying numbers arriving from Romania and Bulgaria were ‘reasonable.’
So Laura Kuenssberg (and yes I did need to copy & paste it !) is leaving ITV to join the BBC Newsnight program as business editor. It might be expected that a business editor would have a wealth of business experience, but it seems that a degree in History from Edinburgh university, and a course in journalism in the US is sufficient to make you an expert.
Of course it might be the fact that as a Scot – almost a given anti Tory, and a liberal uni is more than enough qualification to know all the BBC needs someone to know about business !
Then there’s her salary of £200 000 pa when the show only has 600 000 viewers meaning just her pay costs each one 33 pence each !
The BBC used to employ her a few years back. I’m not sure I like the idea of the BBC getting into a recruitment war with commercial rivals at the expense of licence fee payers.
There was a good speaker on Radio 4 who spoke on the justification of Jewish ritual slaughter and the unjust nature of only labelling kosher slaughtered animals when other methods of killing animals are not going to be labelled eg gassing of pigs . But it was so early in the morning and on the Farming Today programme that it was clear that the BBC really did not want to did not give many people the opportunity to hear it !
The speaker explained that while some Moslems will accept some types of stunning of the animals before slaughter in Jewish law each individual animal has to be killed by a highly trained person.
It’s a poor idea, and sheer fantasy at that. West is just lashing out after being annoyed by the usual edgy BBC comedy, possibly after one drink too many. If thinks his solution will magically force the BBC to provide more intellectual and ideological diversity, he’s a fool. Making the BBC need to impress viewers enough so that they’ll volunteer to cough up more income tax will only make them lower the common denominator ever further, and churn out even more lightweight crap to get ratings. They already claim ratings equals value for money, so West is out of his mind.
That seems to occur fairly regularly in quite a few places these days, JohnM. Yet we’re told over and over again by defenders of the indefensible – including a couple of self-professed journalists – that those opinions are just those of a microscopically tiny extremist minority echo chamber and bear no resemblance to any part of the general public. It’s weird.
‘The comments are revealing’
Revealing? Hope no Philip Madocian notebooks scribbling away anywhere.
But they can certainly be interesting, not least by appearing at all, and staying up.
Of course that can happen too on a BBC HYS (I think one has been mentioned on the Syrian refugee response, which may not be working out as hoped), but oddly such interactive threads are rare, and tend to open after 9am and close before 5pm, especially if things go off narrative.
This came up earlier, and the BBC now seems keen to weigh in. As always I have found the less regulated world of FaceBook to on occasion be eye-opening… BBC News Which side should the media be on?
The Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has criticised national broadcaster ABC for not being patriotic in its reporting on stories like abuse allegations by asylum seekers and claims the country had spied on Indonesia:
Of course, like most BBC tripe, it is based around an idiot question, if one that has here, thankfully, set up the current most liked answer: Top Comments Robert Neve The media should be putting forward impartial facts on important news stories. One day I hope to see it
This and other replies will either delight or appall, depending on viewpoint.
But if I was the BBC high command,I’d be briefing the PR Dept. to repolish that ‘most trusted’ turd or ‘genetic impartiality’ mantra they trot out monthly.
A climate change ‘sceptic’ at the BBC? Who’d have thought it? Not that they allow him to express any of his views of course, why would they he’s only a weather expert with 20 years experience !
“nearly every annual global forecast was wrong”
“all the incorrect predictions were ‘on the warm side'”
“The Met Office has got every annual global forecast so far this century wrong, bar one”.
“He said the 2013 annual temperature also meant that another Met Office prediction, that half the years between 2010 and 2015 would be hotter than the hottest year on record (1998) was wrong already.”
Climate change sceptic Professor Richard Lindzen yesterday told MPs that whatever they were doing to counteract ‘climate change’, the only difference it would make would be to the country’s economy.
Paul Hudson is a good egg – and sounds a good meterologist. Every so often he breaks loose with a solid and well-written sceptical story, the BBC Warmist propagandists must hate him !
The Met Office has been making 2 stupid claims to try to deflect criticism of the stop in warming. 1 – the figures don;t take account of temperature rises in the Arctic where there are few thermometers – but if no thermometers, how can they claim the temperature is rising. 2 – the “lost heat” is somehow being sunk in the oceans, so not measured by surface thermometers. But hey – warm water rises, it does not sink !
That is a measure of the arrogance of the Met Office and the Greens and the Warmists and the crooked “scientists”. An insult to the intelligence, but they know they wilkl seldom be challenged on it – especially by the BBC.
Their claim is bogus. The means of getting any reasonable measurement of ocean temperature was not available until the Argo Project, which completed in 2007.
heat going into the oceans is the warmist version of the child saying ” a big boy did it and ran away”
like the child they really do think people will believe them
Katty Kay wasn’t bowled over by the President’s STFU SOTU speech last night, but she sure was deeply moved by His far-Left hackery about one of her pet issues, “income inequality”.
This was Mr Obama’s last best chance to reset his presidency. I’m not sure he managed a major shift. But he showed where his focus is and made a compelling case for at least trying to improve social mobility – with or without Congress.
This is absolute bias from Katty. She’s already on record numerous times stating her belief that “income inequality” is a social injustice and causes economic damage, so anybody who agrees with her will appear to be making a compelling case. The choir is generally moved by the preacher, no?
Her extreme partisan and ideological bias is also evident in the way she doesn’t understand that the President’s economic policies have not only caused social mobility to stagnate, but to decrease. More people are unemployed than ever, more people work part time, the middle class is shrinking, and more people are on food stamps than ever. Of course social mobility is stagnant and the wealthier people (like Katty and her husband) appear to be relatively more wealthy. It’s the policies which cause this that are dangerous, not an existential threat.
Katty was also deeply moved that the President is now going to achieve what He wants in foreign policy with talks, not troops. Do tell, Katty, do tell. So what does He want to accomplish, sweetheart? I don’t really trust anyone who worries about the power of the Jewish Lobby (Katty), or who says that Israel is now instigating trouble against the President from US Jews (The Community Organizer-in-Chief).
What does He want to accomplish with Iran, Katty? She’s in close with the White House, so she’ll know all about Samantha Powers’ foolishness. Do not trust Katty Kay or the BBC on US issues. She’s another Beeboid who thinks the President’s plans are correct, and opposition is wrong.
Speaking of Beeboids not worthy of trust, where’s the BBC’s US President editor these days? He’s not off making another documentary, is he?
Unfortunately, John, I think the President will now try to wreak as much damage as possible. Remember, aside from the dictatorial use of executive orders, He’s got the unofficial fourth branch of government at His command: Federal Departments and regulation. The EPA, HHS, Transportation, DEA, and IRS all have the ability to essentially create laws as they see fit. And they’re all run by partisan people. The IRS and EPA and the HHS (overseeing ObamaCare) have already done serious damage to the economy and the democratic process, and they don’t show any signs of stopping. Things will only get worse now.
I wonder how long it’s going to take the BBC to pick up on the story of an Orthodox Jewish couple who left 8 children in a truly disgusting state, and are appearing in court in Manchester.
Seeing as the house was in Salford they must be aware of it.
I turned VD off this morning as she, again, began to wring her hands at the Government’s and Cameron’s failure to protect the West Country, allowing Somerset to drown under the waters of the Tone and Parrett.
I got the clear impression that Five Live were enjoying this, stalking, as they did the Environment Minister earlier in the week and recording his discomfort at the hands of angry villagers, no doubt armed with pitchforks.
What though the BBC have not mentioned is that once again the Tories are having to bail out (literally) a problem which is a Labour creation, in particular the Environment Agency’s acceptance in 2000 that it should go along with the Eco lunacy of letting nature take it course and allow the rivers and waterways to silt up, as this from the DM (below) says, ‘Labour peer, Baroness (Barbara) Young of Old Scone was put in to run it (The Environment Agency) in 2000, she and her officials decided on a new priority.
Instead of managing the Levels as farmland, large parts of them should be allowed to return to being a swampy wilderness as nature reserves for birds and other wildlife.
As Baroness Young famously once observed: ‘I’d like to see a limpet mine put on every pumping station.’ ‘
Once again the ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’ only tells half of the story, preferring to create an impression of (this) government’s failure and a Tory PM, Canute-like’s inability to turn back the tides.
Canute, proved to people that he didn’t have power over nature and the sea. Fortunately for him there was no BBC then, or his impotence would have surely been dissected by a Newsnight special (unless of course he was a socialist).
Yes, the truth is that the excess flooding of the Somerset Levels is down to silted-up rivers which the the Environment Agency – a Labour Quango – has failed to dredge. It is no longer the responsibility of the Dept of the Env. – the fault lies with the Green-obsessed quango and its 2 Labour heads, Baroness Young to start and now Lord Chris Smith. Why isn’t the BBC blaming them ?
It is only the forceful intervention of the Tory Env Minister that may now start to get things moving. Yes he has acted too late, but it was not his primary responsibility.
In Norfolk, the farmers managed to block the idea of the marshes being run by the Environment Agency – drainage and dredging was kept local, and they have not had severe flooding.
As Christopher Booker pointed out in his article in The Sunday Telegraph it’s 4 Somerset MPs – one Tory and three Lib Dems – who are pushing the Environment Agency on this. But it’s more convenient for the BBC to make out it’s one mad, climate change denying Tory who’s making a fuss over nothing for, as the agency keep telling us via the BBC ‘dredging would have made little difference’.
In other words: fuck you whitey rural badger-killing foxhunting Somerset bumpkins, your views and your lives are worth jack shit.
Was in the pub last night with a few of my friends, (one of them has unfortunately had his brain warped by his lecturers and the leftest Eco-loons that infest our university’s). As the night and the quiz went on the conversation got onto the flooding in the somerset levels and how he was convinced that it was all the fault of mann made climate change and all the requests to dredge the rivers should be ignored as it would not make a difference as we were going to have more heavy rain and flooding as an effect of climate change.
Me being the argumentative type, I had to ask where he he was getting all this information about how dredging would have no affect, his reply “it was on the BBC”, it was fair to say I felt like banging my head on the table at the fact I had not seen the obvious before asking him. So after giving myself a headache I suggested that if my bath is 4 foot deep and I try to put 6 foot of water in it I’d be in desperate need of a mop, and he agreed, I then pointed out that the same principle applied to the rivers in the area, in that a river made shallow because of all the silt will not be able to hold and allow the same amount of water to drain as it did when it was being dredged.
After that I suggested he may want to get his news from another provider.
Not BBC related, but worthy of a mention here as the BBC would probably support this chap.
How the hell is it possible that a position such as a Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officer exist? Can indigenous people apply, are any indigenous people employed in such a position? They hate dogs and they hate alcohol two preserves of British culture, whats next an enforced cover up for women when walking through Victoria Park on a sunny afternoon?
This woman was too polite, don’t think my patience would have lasted as long…
Last year I finally persuaded my youngest daughter to sell her flat in Tower Hamlets and move to a new nursing job in Bournemouth. She has probably “lost money” on the deal because house prices have risen faster in TH and London generally than where she has now bought – but the new environment is now far better for her. Just another “white flight” statistic, I suppose.
It is now a pleasure to go to see her and help on her new place. Far better than the “cultural vibrancy” of TH – which is fast becoming a monoculture, Bangladesh-on-Thames, dirty street markets, dingy shops, open hostility on “their” streets,
TH is now one of the most corrupt councils in the land. The woman in Victoria Park was lucky she had a friend with her to take film of that wretched jobsworth.
So in TH you get abused if you are drinking,Gay, holding hands with your girl friend, walking a Dog. This is only the beginning. The Islamic way of way is being forced onto everybody and the bBC informs you…you are the problem and not the fing muslim with blood dripping off his hands screaming out kill the kuffer.
Ooh ooh ooh!
Maybe those Somerset floods are Gaias revenge for the white farmer-yokels culling badgers or letting fox hunting go on too long.
It was also the country seat of Auberon Waugh.
Can I be a BBC environment correspondent now? And can I have my UEA degree within 28 days, so I can be the Green Partys Leader in Europe?
Bit drier there!
I am trying to find the most likely way in which the BBC could be got rid of and we could get back our democracy.
On Monday we opted for a full subscription a la carte idea. But I think this still leaves the possibility , nay probability, that some future misguided government may re-impose the License Fee and re-create the monster from the subscription entity. Also, I don’t think that full subscription offers enough possibilities to buy off various pressure groups who will fight long and hard for the BBC to be preserved in its present form. These groups regard the BBC as a national treasure and the most significant cultural body in the UK.
So I am favouring retention of the License Fee, or at any rate some form of tax, at a reduced level, but scrapping of the BBC and selling off all its assets to as many providers as possible. This would make it impossible to recreate. The new reduced License Fee , obviously renamed, is then used to commission programmes from a wide range of commercial providers, who also make and broadcast their own content. In some way the amount spent with each provider by the commissioning body must be linked to the ratings of the provider. Key would be to find a mechanism whereby the body that does the commissioning, cannot be ‘captured’ by right or left, but reflected the whole spectrum of views and thought in the UK. Each provider would be granted a set amount of funding for News and Current Affairs content and hopefully they would all adopt a different stance and give a different perspective.
Money generated from the sale of BBC assets and a portion of the reduced LF can be given as a grant to the various pressure groups eg the Arts Council , to buy their silence, or even their cooperation if the sweeteners are large enough.
A puppet used in an advert by Vodaphone in Egypt has been accused of using coded messages to promote bomb plots. Hardly surprising living in a Muslim country but the BBC in a broadcasting coup have managed to secure the worlds first English language interview !
Anybody else having trouble viewing Biased BBC in Google or Safari on a mobile device? My iphone loads the home page, which now has green circles for dates, then immediately goes to a blank white page with a tiny symbol top left corner. I can view the site perfectly well on a Windows machine but none of the Apple ones. Help much appreciated.
I thought it was just me. I lost the ability to view it on my Samsung phone when I updated to Android Jellybean, but strangely my Samsung Tab also running Android Jellybean works just fine??
My phone begins to load the mobile version but then reverts to said white screen.
Don’t laugh…..I’ve got a Nokia with Windows Phone 8 and I can’t view Bbbc either.
It loads what looks like a nice mobile version of the site which then vanishes a nanosecond later. Then I’m left with a completely blank screen.
I see the bBC have closed down their HYS on allowing Muslims from Syria to relocate to the UK. Gee I wonder why they have closed it down. Could it be that over 80% say NO.
Fucking liberal MPs rather bother anybody bar the people who they represent.
Vote UKIP and send them all packing.
I am sick to death of false assurances from the Tories on the lines of “only a few Syrians will be let in, and it will be temporary anyway” or Cameron saying “only a moderate number of Roumanians and Bulgarians have arrived” – or “we have cut immigration” when there were still 500,000 immigrants who arrived last year.
How many lies are the British public going to swallow ?
Stir in all the EU nonsense, and all the Green nonsense. All issues where a huge proportion of Joe Public is totally at odds with the 3 main parties – and with the endless BBC propaganda. I can envisage a huge vote in May developing for UKIP – a “plague on all their houses” protest vote.
Honestly, how weak is Cameron? He takes a strong, rational position, but at the first sign of opposition from the Milibund/BBC axis he caves in. I am gobsmacked that he can flip flop so pathetically. Peter Hitchens tried to warn me about him before the election but I still voted for him. More fool me!
Look we all now know Cameron is not a conservative. He never was. Where did he come from so suddenly? One minute nobody has heard of him the next he is leader. The man is a fully paid up member of the liberal elite.
Never more was it necessary tyo vote Ukip in May.
Hope somebody will be keeping tabs on who we get, so the first wrong ones will be used to remind the BBC where their good intentions get us.
Maybe not to Harley St..more likely Bethnal Green Islamist schools, Whitechapel GP clinics for girl abortion certs and FGM confirmations.
Why don`t we take all the Syrian hacks first-and sack five times the number of Beeboids we can replace with them?
Then take Christians only-send the Muslims to more “culturally-appropriate” neighbours with all the money, and plenty room to expand-Saudi, Yemen and other progressive, compassionate umma mates of Mo?
Labour (progressonline is a clearly a branch of the labour party) cultivating its imported voter stock who would have believed it ?
A quick scan of their donas is interesting
Why ,for example is Hitachi involving its self in the European democratic process?
the bbc and there presenters seem pretty chuffed today that clegg and millband bullied david cameron into accepting these syrian refugees who no doubt one they get settled here will not leave and bring the rest of there familys uncles,cousins aunties and co over here for the long stay,meanwhile, while we have become the social services of the world there is a disaster and tragedy going on in somerset where 1000s of residents are up to there necks in raw floodwater and sewerage and have lost everything that they worked hard all there life to get,where is the help for these refugees in there own country,where is clegg and milliband in parliament asking for help for these poor people.the people of somerset have been abandoned and left to fend for themselves and are suffering with no goverment or local help.that is a absolute discrace and shame on all you politicians for ignoring the good people of somerset in there hour of need.
Have to get No10 s ideologue “ship of fools” to sail down there with all that water, and give them a hand, patronising, grasping, and incompetent simpletons
The people of that part of Somerset are almost 100% ethnic English so can be ignored. No brownie points from liberal apologists for helping them out.
Now if it had been a multicultural part of Britain it would have been a very different matter.
The funny thing is that they don’t seem to have a problem praying in ex pubs which they have bought and turned into Mosques and Madrassers for indoctrination.
Liebour party political broadcast on now. Can I tell the difference between that and normal programming. Millibland attempts to knock more money off bank shares. Or peoples pension funds as it could also be called. End to a low wage economy don’t make me laugh Liebour engeneered it with the flood of migrants the Conservatives just followed on. Hopefully people are getting wise to the plot.
1) Labour: Becasue they are after the Islamic vote in which to try and get back into power.
2) Liberals: Becasue they hate what they see in the mirror and feel they must fund every cause going in which to wash their hands (Like Lady Mcbeth) of all the blood the UK has spilled.
3) Torys: after 30 years of being called the Nasty party are trying their best in which to get of that image by trying to be better at handing over other people cash in which to change their image.
alcohol is forbidden by islam because it can help forget about god, it says quoted from a muslim in that daily mail template.your having a laugh there,muslims sell alcohol in every outdoor and corner shop they own in my city.look in my local paper every week at the magistrate and crown court reports and i have lost count of how many muslims use in there defence they was drunk at the time of commiting there offences.go into any nightclub in my city and you will see plenty of muslims drinking while sniffing around showing white girls disrespect,i hate hypocrites and hypocrisy,this religion called islam and there followers seem to have plenty of people that fall into that catergory.and that article in the daily mail above really annoyed me just then.
Radio 4 Six O’Clock News at 26 minutes informs us that some Chinese woman, that you have probably never heard of, has written to her father in Hong Kong to tell him that she is homosexual and is quite happy living with her female companion.
Meanwhile Sharon, of Manchester, tells her mum that she wishes the family would accept her boyfriend Wayne. This, quite rightly, is of no interest whatsoever to the other 7 billion people in the world, or for that matter, the other 60 million people in the UK so doesn’t appear on any BBC outlet.
i find it equally offensive that my fellow countrymen, women and those of a questionable sexual orientation are being called immigrants in their own country. Why would al jabbeba say something so disgusting as that?
Pounce mentioned this on the fag-end of the last thread – ‘Roma schoolgirl Leonarda Dibrani loses Fench residency bid.’
According to the BBC, ‘on Tuesday, the Besancon court upheld an earlier ruling by the public magistrate that the local authorities decision to deport the Dibrani family was justified as they had made no attempt to integrate into French society.’
There was a bit more than that obviously, over at The Daily Mail:
A court in the eastern city of Besancon threw out the families request to return to France ruling their expulsion did not contradict the countries international commitments to respect family and children’s rights. It noted Mr Dibrani’s ‘lack of prospects for economic and social assimilation into France’ and Mrs Dibrani’s ‘lack of any assimilation into French society.’
Naturally, the BBC report did not mention this either.
Leonarda Dibrani, and most of her siblings, were born in Italy but do not have Italian citizenship.
The head of the family, Reshat Dibrani, admitted he lied in his asylum application when he said the entire family fled Kosovo, where they were persecuted for being Roma. The father is the only member of the family who is a Kosovo citizen.
The court said the regional administration should not be held accountable for the fact that the Dibranis were not actually Kosovar and had lived in Italy before coming to France, since the Dibranis didn’t tell anyone that.
On the strength of His STFU speech yesterday, the President is now on tour to push His agenda on the minimum wage and announce a new plan for savings accounts for lower-income folks. And the BBC is right there to promote it.
“If you work hard, you should be able to pay your rent, buy your groceries, look after your kids,” Mr Obama told Costco employees on Wednesday.
Costco workers are said to earn at least $11.50 an hour, far above the current national minimum wage Mr Obama has asked a gridlocked Congress to increase.
Um, if they already earn way more than the national minimum wage, why is the President even talking to them? What isn’t the BBC telling us?
President Obama is attending two fundraisers today at the Hunts Point mansion of James D. and Janet Sinegal. More information, including a video, is in yesterday’s and today’s KING-5 news. James is the co-founder, with Jeffrey Brotman, of Costco and former President, CEO of the company. Two previous Obama fundraisers were held at Brotman’s Medina LW waterfront mansion.
Also note the obligatory “gridlock”. This leads the reader to think that the President might save us if it weren’t for the Republicans stopping Him. It presumes His policy is the correct one.
On Thursday, Mr Obama plans to visit a General Electric facility in Waukesha, Wisconsin, and speak at a high school in Nashville, Tennessee, to promote measures outlined in his national address.
In other news, the Pope toured Catholic churches to call for renewed faith in Catholicism.
Now, what’s this about a savings plan?
Among his planned proposals is a new savings programme aimed at employees without retirement plans.
The pilot programme – involving “starter” accounts which let employees save and withdraw funds without paying additional taxes – will reportedly be available by the end of the year.
Er, isn’t that what a bank is for? Doesn’t this already exist? If they don’t have a savings account on their own, what’s He going to do, forcibly withhold money from their paychecks and put it in some government-controlled account, where the government earns the interest off the poorest workers, and then benevolently allow them to withdraw some of it? I’m only guessing, and being a bit silly, but the BBC doesn’t care how it works either, really. They just need to repeat the White House press release.
With just three years left in office, Mr Obama faces falling approval ratings and determined opposition from the Republican Party, which controls the House of Representatives and has the numbers in the Senate to block his agenda.
Poor Obamessiah. Trapped in a world He never made, with the odds stacked against Him. Mark Mardell mentioned once that His “Lie of the Year” about ObamaCare (it was reported in the HuffPo, so the Beeboids know about it) hurt His popularity, but I think he got away with it. Certainly no other Beeboid has dared bring that up lately. It wasn’t mentioned in any of yesterday or today’s BBC coverage of His speech. Instead, it’s all presented as Republican intransigence blocking His ability to do wonderful things, and the public is blaming Him for it.
There’s a reason we have that Pro Obama At All Costs category in the sidebar.
Obama on Tuesday signed a presidential memorandum creating a federally backed savings account, fulfilling one of the executive actions promised during his State of the Union address.
He said the order creates “a new type of savings bond we can set up without legislation that encourages Americans to set up a nest egg.”
“I want more people to have the chance to save for retirement through their hard work,” Obama said.
The Treasury-run plan, dubbed “myRA,” is one facet of the president’s election-year push to tackle what he says is a troubling gap between the “haves” and the “have-nots” in society.
Several trade groups for the financial industry welcomed the move. The Investment Company Institute said Obama’s approach “can complement the existing vibrant and competitive private sector retirement offerings.”
Yes, the government is the answer to everything. The financial industry likes it because they can take advantage of it later. Just about the only thing I got wrong was that it won’t be enforced. Yet.
If there’s no penalty for withdrawing from the principal, why would people who previously weren’t able to save much or anything start changing their behavior? Also, if this is such a cunning plan, and such a vital need, why didn’t He try to introduce legislation for this years ago? All that genius and He only thought of it just now? Or did He not really need the “income inequality” weapon until recently?
This audience focus group indicates what a failure Obama’s State of the Union speech was last night. He has ObamaCare and all its lies and failures wrapped round his neck like an albatross. Just about everyone in the US thinks it is a mess. As it will continue to do damage – hopefully it will lose him the Senate come November :
Indeed, John. And this puts the lie to the BBC’s consistent claim that it’s merely the website failure that’s been dragging Him down. Except for that lone admission by Mardell (first he tried to claim that the President didn’t lie at all, and that it was only an impression people had. Then he even tried to claim that the real problem was that the actual best plan wouldn’t have gotten through Congress, and then the Republicans ruined what was left – not His fault, you see, and nothing wrong with the ideals behind it), all BBC coverage of this points only to the failures of the website.
I must admit I’d never heard of Ian Watkins until reading about his recent trial where he admitted to 13 counts of child sex offences, including the attempted rape of a baby. Apparently he had been a rock star who picked up on the phrase ‘Mega Lolz’, and made it his band’s slogan, even designing T-shirts with it.
An ex-girlfriend from 2005 of this scum is BBC Radio1 DJ Fearne Cotton, and it’s fair to assume she was well aware of his use of this phrase.
So knowing what she knows, and what he’s been imprisoned for, even the fact that after pleading guilty he sent a message to a fan joking about the offences.
‘I am going to put a statement out just to say it was mega lolz,’ he said. ‘I don’t know what everyone is getting so freaked out about.’
So would anybody in their right mind really think it appropriate to then use the phrase ‘Mega Lolz’ as a catch phrase in a jingle for their own show?
She did!
Then the BBC say in response to the complaints about it: ‘The term is a commonly used colloquialism amongst young people and the trail reflected this.’
What a sick and stupid world these people live in.
‘The disturbing story of the Lostprophets singer’s conviction for child sex offences doesn’t have to be accompanied by photos of Fearne Cotton and Alexa Chung to catch readers’ attention in the newspapers’
So, she and the BBC are simply acting within the world view that they and the Guardian would wish us all to be living within. Therefore we don’t actually know about her connection with this man. Business as usual.
All day the BBC news drones have been ramming the UK women’s cricket team sucess in Australia down our throats. No mention of the fact that it is “hideously white” and none of them wear a burkha though !
Last few minutes of the news too!
It would be desperate if it wasn`t so sadly transparent.
Funny though that they never seem to show the “crowd” do they.
Poor camerawoman(surely) must have a cricked neck having to point to the very top of the billboards without us getting a glimpse of the acres of public park with nobody watching behind them.
Any of them come out as straight yet?…got to be a news story here!
At least we all know what a “Stonewall” penalty is now!
Wow – give credit to Newsnight for discussing the Nawaz deselection furore. I want to know why the police aren’t arresting all those who made comments online inciting death to Nawaz. You can rest assured that if it was some white British Twitterer making such comments the fuzz would be right on their doorstep. Taser in hand.
I kept hoping that The broadcast Guardian Newsnight would show us the T-shirt, so that Muslims would then blow up the bBBC, solving two problems in one go.
He should expect a cold front from his employers over this…
“The Met Office has got every annual global forecast so far this century wrong, bar one, a BBC weatherman said.
Paul Hudson, a forecaster for BBC’s regional programme Look North, said the Met Office’s predictions had been wrong for 13 years out of the last 14, and said the incorrect predictions had all been ‘on the warm side’ rather than too cold.”</i.
I wonder how long it will be before the BBC picks up on this:
The Council of Europe claims the handouts given to Britain’s jobless are ‘manifestly inadequate’.
To comply, Jobseeker’s Allow- ance (JSA) would have to be hiked by £71, from £67 to £138 a week.
The Council said Britain had signed up to the Social Charter, which is ‘a legally binding economic and social counterpart to the European Convention on Human Rights’.
Britain’s JSA, ESA (both £67 a week) and pension (about £102) all fall well below the £138 a week, or £596 a month, that the Eurocrats have set as the benchmark.
Because all three are below a second threshold of £110 a week, they are rated ‘manifestly inadequate’.
Of course there has been the expected outcry from the Tories, but it’s difficult to take them seriously when the hypocritical Iain Duncan Smith admitted that JSA was insufficient to live on and refused to try doing it for himself.
I realise that this position will not play well with those here who believe that the unemployed should receive nothing other than a daily whipping, but, please read on because this shouldn’t actually cost the country anything.
I have two friends – one works, has qualifications, a supervisory job she has two kids at home, the other a single mother with two kids doesn’t work, and yet she receives more in benefits than the working one comes out with after tax, and has her rent and rates paid into the bargain !
Does anyone here think it’s sane to pay someone who has probably paid contributions into the system £290 per month, whilst at the same time giving a mother with two kids over £1000 in fact closer to £1500!
No wonder so many women choose to have a baby on leaving school, it’s just so attractive, and there’s no way that they can earn that much by working.
The government needs to slash the amount given to single mothers and instead of using it for tax cuts for wealthy people, give it to the job seekers to make the gap between the two less wide and having a baby just to claim benefits less attractive.
I have no doubt that the BBC will have something to say, but Labour might be more reluctant as even they know it would be very expensive to raise JSA with no decreases in other benefits.
You have to admire the way that the BBC brings such a broad range of points of view on any given subject to the Licence Payer.
‘It should definately be free, and the reason why is because it gives everyone a fantastic opportunity for knowledge… so for half-term it’s great to bring your kids in’
‘It’s a decade since most of Britain’s national museums and galleries abandoned entrance fees as a matter of government policy. Since then, only a few other nations around the world have followed suit. Why do so many countries remain wedded to taking money at the door?’
Oh deary me, the UK did the right thing, we made the expensive progressive gesture and the rest of the world just looked on.
But wait, I thought the BBC policy on visitors to our cultural heritage was this….
‘We’re sorry, but we can’t admit babies, or children under 9, on this tour.’
1. Adults £13.50
2. Concessions £11.25
3. Students £10.00
4. Children (between 9 and 15 years) £9.00.
5. Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children or 1 adult and 3 children) £39.00
6. Group rates available
7. Prices are valid until 31 March 2014.
blah blah blah small print blah blah…..
And if you didn’t understand that, we will say it again…
‘We’re sorry, but we can’t admit babies, or children under the age of 9, on the BBC Broadcasting House tour. This is because the tour content is not appropriate for children of this age.’
I’m puzzled as why the content is inappropriate for children. I thought Mr Savile and left the building.
Jenni Murray on Womens Hour is discussing horticulture and there’s someone on talking about the importance of native species and removing the foreigners which have been taking over!
I can’t help but see the parallels with the insane multi cultural policies. Nature is showing you what happens when foreigners take over just because the fascists don’t like reality they’ll ignore it!
Indeed, according to the BBC white rhinos a protected species who’s continued existence is vital to mother earths bio diversity
White Europeans ,a cancer on the world in need of eradication.
When Spain started to cull Ruddy Ducks (a species of waterfowl, it’s not like “Bloody kids ” and culled because their interbreeding with (native) White-headed Ducks was threatening to make the latter extinct) back in the 90’s, the usual suspects gave tongue that this was ‘genocide’ and (obv. most undesirable) “reverse miscegnation”.
Sample of the genre: http:
I’ve no doubt that if Jenni Murray is on Twitter or Facebook these same utter twats righteously concerned individuals will soon be making themselves known to her in the non-aggressive, reasonable and friendly way we’ve come to expect from them.
And tomorrow there`s a joint pincer movement featuring Womans Hour and You and Yours in harmony.
Same hymnsheets-Lennons and Guardians please!
Peter White offers us “some surprising comments” about how Scousers and Cheshire suburbs(Hale, Wilmslow and Alderley Edge?) are coping with the Toricutz of LivinKrysis.
This whilst Dame Jenni had her Cheris Blair eyes to hand at a f***in FOODBANK!
Fat Cat Bankers won`t be coming any fatter that Dame Jenni Murray of the “Sunlit Uplands of NuLabor Privilege”….oh, those poor people!
On More or Less, this would once have been seen as a biased/pre-selected sample to give us the outcome we want…UEA/ClimateChange rules as it were.
But seeing as Harford has been neutered, Jennis porkin` at the Cheshire Foodbank will be seen as a referendum on the Tories and their callous swine.
Remind me to miss it!…the only surprise is that Cherie Blair isn`t doing a Foodbank supermarket Pollydash round the aisles of the nearest fool church offering this crap.
F888OFF Beeb!
Ah, but are they naturalised, born here, citizens or EU subjects?…do they have visas or merely burned their Latin names off as they landed at the Garden Centre?
Not all called Mo are they?…does Islam have a Japanese bindweed I wonder?
Gardeners World won`t be answering that will they?
It is plain as a pikestaff (except to BBC reporters and presenters) that the excess flooding of the Somerset Levels for the second year running is the fault of the Environment Agency which has failed to dredge the rivers.
So instead of chasing after the Tories the BBC should be seeking the resignation of the Chairman of the Env. Agency, Lord Chris Smith, not just giving him patty-pat interviews and a free pass.
Odds on BBC hounding Labour Lord Smith and the whole Greenie cult at the Env. Agency ??
The BBC must be in a flat spin today. Even that daft old hippie Michael Eavis (he, of Glastonbury fame) has written an article in the Mail slamming the Environment Agency eco-loons for failing to dredge Somerset’s rivers.
What is a ‘progressive’ news editor to do? Which of the sacred cows gets sent to the corned beef factory?
But surely this is nothing to do with environmentalism or climate change? The bBBC’s line is pure socialism: people bear no personal responsibility for their decisions (in this case, to live below sea level) and expect the state to use other people’s money to bail (or bale) them out.
I am surprised that a Conservative MP goes along with it.
Just got a ‘breaking news’ email from the BBC that the January rainfall is the heaviest ‘since records began’.
OK, so? Lots of rain. Bummer. I still think clearing blocked drains is a better use of limited funds than flying to Bora Bora to debate the merits of sticking mirrors in space with the Maldivian President, flush with cash hoovered via nPower out of some poor old dear’s leccy bill.
I then read on…. ‘…in 1910’.
They are, I presume, still trying to be taken seriously?
This has been a dire winter. I get that. But trying to use it as an excuse for taxes to give away or use on poor engineering-efficient or dubiously reliable tokenism is criminal.
Advocating a £1T ark a la the movie 2012 would make more sense.
And then there’s the penguins, which ‘scientists are saying’… ‘may’….
It’s like the BBC’s science reporting has skipped even Wikipedia and gone straight to the source… of every dubious ‘PR as news’ scare story going.
“…It is plain as a pikestaff (except to BBC reporters and presenters) that the excess flooding of the Somerset Levels for the second year running is the fault of the Environment Agency which has failed to dredge the rivers.”
Well said, John. I do get very upset by the way the CAGW narrative has stolen – yes, actually stolen – £millions from otherwise laudable environmental protection budgets, but don’t expect that grim irony to be acknowledged by the quisling BBC and its common purpose troglodytes.
Flood and coastal defences up and down the UK are in a p*sspoor state because they have been systematically deprived of the many £millions that have been and continue to be wasted chasing CO2 emissions in thrall to The Holy Consensus. Building useless windmills – those offensive new totems to the Climate Religion – hasn’t and won’t ever protect historically vulnerable environments from the worst of perfectly natural, if sometimes extreme, weather.
I notice that Thought for the Day this morning was uttered by Rev Joel Edwards, international director of Micah Challenge. Unfortunately the listeners weren’t warned that Micah Challenge is an assertive global pressure group – apparently mainly Australian – pushing a lefty/greenie agenda in a Christian envelope. For instance, its major “campaigns” for 2013 concerned the usual crapola of equating the relief of poverty with the struggle against corporate tax “evasion”, increased taxes in the developed world to pay for third world aid and the fight against “human-induced climate change”. Thought for the Day, fronted by Edwards (a regular contributor), is a 5 minute propaganda effort: not for Christianity – although Edwards speaks in the usual Newspeak beloved of trendy clergymen – but in the cause of green and left-wing quasi-fascism clothed in the disguise of “help the poor – who could possibly disagree with that?”. In the spirit of enabling political propaganda through religious sermonising, I look forward to the BBC allowing access to the airwaves, through Thought for the Day, to the UK Grand Wizard of the KKK so that he can preach unadulted racism and religious bigotry in the guise of Christian apologetics. After all, complaints concerning such a turn of events – and there’d be an avalanche of those – would only prove that the BBC is “getting it about right”.
Chris Brain? Steve Chalke? Jonathan Edwards? that double-barrelled black woman who feigned Christianity so she could get off Blue Peter and onto Songs of Praise?…and now old Joel(formerly that black bloke who headed the Evangelical Alliance?)
It`s been a bumper crop of faux-Jesus weasels since we lost James Anderton hasn`t it?
Reverend Blue Jeans all…boy do I pine for e Harry Secombe or a Thora Hird….who at least KNEW something about Micah and the others!
The only Formica Challenge is how the hell the likes of Paul Flowers and Joel Edwards etc were able to get into these Blair positions to render the church a eunuch for Islam and F888in Churnalists at the BBC.
No root-no fruit-there`s trouble coming-and it `ll be a bit more than a “challenge” Joel( that name eh?)
Have to appreciate this guy’s turn of phrase; in this case headline… I’m presuming with tongue planted in cheek.
And while this little financial meltdown is headed into the memory hole (though the NAO still seems keen), I still find new detail cropping up that does intrigue.
Two caught my eye, market rate remuneration-wise: ‘When the project first went to “Red”, in December 2011, neither the Trust nor the Executive received the report..’
Responsibilities? Accountabilities? Consequences? ‘This was, of course, the period when Thommo was buffing up his CV ahead of a new, post-Olympic career outside Auntie, and DMI, along with other more damaging issues, went straight into the “Too Difficult” tray.’
Given ongoing rewards in pension form, would not a CEO dropping the entity he was well paid to be in charge of right in it, along with the ‘too difficult’ tray, have a bearing on how these are honoured?
They didn’t enforce standardization before starting the digital archiving process? Never mind the tools, but formatting? Madness. Doomed from the start. The thing is, having read most of Bill Garrett’s and John Linwood’s written statements, this looks more like a case of negligence from the top than a failure of management structure. WDR seems to feel the same on at least one level, and points a finger at the top negligent mandarin.
Fixing the management structure won’t prevent negligence and ill will resulting from putting the wrong people in high places. That’s a personnel problem.
Feeling the urge to offer some balance to The Farce as the BBC and its finest talents have been providing a barrelful of fish at the moment, which has kept even the most desperate of Flokkers in a stacking pattern. Well, bar a couple shot out the sky.
Today had a piece of some less than smart freegans dumpster diving at Iceland.
Being the poor lambs getting snagged by plod was spun up into a twitterstorm by the Graun, it was inevitable that the pre-pro munchkins would have this on the roster, especially as ‘the man’ caved to righteous indignation.
Now I don’t know if Humph is heading into his sunset years grabbing a bit of journalistic rigour around him, or he saw a dubious precedent letting any old chaps in the vineyard if they claim they’re hungry, but he was having none of it.
So the poor fence-vaulting trespasser and his oddly media PR-attuned lawyer seemed well taken aback by this interview shaping well in the direction of a rotting pear.
I should confess that I am known to scope the local skips for booty, but do ask permission to liberate first. Usually given, as skip content is volume charged for.
I applaud the freegan principle too, but see many legal minefields when the liberation involves illegal access and/or the waste producers then being held responsible for food quality or injuries in course of taking such materials without permission.
As the great green wet dream continues to stain Harrabin’s climate change facist night attire, reality wends it’s remorseless way towards him and the rest of the drones in the BBC, Brussels and Westminster AGW temples. Don’t expect to see any of this on their bullshit broadcasts any time soon, but in the end the unstoppable truth tide will drown them like rats.
Shouldn`t the Christians be railing at the BBC for the cartoon that puts Jesus on talking terms with Mo?
If it scared the BBC(which wouldn`t take much as we all know) then maybe we might get some decent theology, and less St James Jones of Liverpool etc, less Giles and Lucy W*nkette of St James in Piccadilly!
The Woolwich killer is to appeal. Such a nice boy who came from a hard working immigrant family, but was soooo upset by UK policy in the Iraq war. Who can blame him? Not the BBC.
‘It was the Iraq war that affected me the most,” Adebolajo told the jury in Court Two of the Old Bailey’.
‘Like his co-defendant, Adebolajo’s family were hard-working Nigerian immigrants’.
Now read the BBC story and ask was Cameron correct to say it had nothing to do with Islam? The BBC now assume that the public can see merit in the actions of this soldier for allah.
If ever there was a case that appeared to hold no doubt as to guilt, that surely was it. Yet some lawyer obviously thinks he will get paid for lodging an appeal. I’d bet it won’t be Mr. Adebolajo who’s paying, either.
‘Oxfam opposes trade from [Jewish] settlements, considered illegal under international law – something Israel disputes.’
‘Actress Scarlett Johansson has quit as an ambassador for Oxfam amid a row over her support for an Israeli company that operates in the occupied West Bank’
‘A spokesman for the actress said she had a “fundamental difference of opinion” with the humanitarian group.’
Oxfam’s policy sounds rather political – with a just a smidge of internationalist legalese – to my non-BBC ear.
BBC : new top trumps supplimentary rule – Anti-Israel card beats Leftie Luvvie
Can’t wait for Oxfam and the BBC to start supporting the new Palestinian State with a human rights violation written directly into its constitution. Then we’ll see their true faces.
‘The news caused uproar online with people on social networking sites questioning why the CPS was taking “starving people” to court.
As sure as eggs is eggs, less than 50 yards from where these ‘starving people’ have there squat, you will find hard-working Eastern Europeans miraculously able to find work and make a living for themselves.
Scarlett Johansson is quitting Oxfam – or being kicked out – because one of the firms she advertises for has a factory in an Israeli settlement on the West Bank.
In the BBC report Oxfam says this is incompatible with the work it does for Palestinians.
Hello ? Is ther any famine in Palestine – especially the West Bank ? What the hell is Oxfam there for ? – except to play the usual leftie politics that most of our “charities” indulge in.
The West Bank – where the PLO Prime Minister is now in the tenth year of his 4-year term of office. Has the BBC ever told us this ? Is that not outright more illegal than the woolly charge of “illegal in international law” that the BBC always parrots whenever Israeli settlements are mentioned.
Poor Scarlett is having a bad week! She has just had her Sodastream ad for the Superbowl blocked because she makes a cheery reference to Pepsi and Coke.
Q.T. some evil woman called Smurf , needs deporting to Saudi or Iran . Thornberry another evil Millipeed henchwoman ,God help us if those bastards get back in May 15.
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tomoMar 28, 23:28 Weekend 29th March 2025 If it isn’t on the BBC it’s fake news
tomoMar 28, 23:22 Weekend 29th March 2025 Claire Fox is going to get a visit? [img][/img]
tomoMar 28, 23:18 Midweek 26th March 2025 Claire Fox is going to get a visit? [img][/img]
The BBC reporting outright lies shocker!!….
This simply underlines the the faith based nature of the BBC’s brand of bourgeois fauxcialism
Their knee-jerk reaction to the photographs caused them to react like any other unreasoning religious fundamentalist. Forcing the facts to comply with their received truth.
What is more interesting is that there are increasing signs that some on the left are waking up to moral and political bankruptcy of their alignment with islamofacism.
Hopefully more will find the courage to bite the bullet and speak out against it openly.
The BBC is not only ignorant of orthodox Jewish affairs, but they apparently didn’t even bother to ask or read this time. Lazy assumptions = journalism. I suppose they had to rush something out and didn’t have time to research properly, but how does the world’s largest and supposedly most respected media organization not know who these people are? These nutbags have been around since the creation of the State of Israel and are often at anti-Zionist gatherings because that’s what their religious belief tells them to do. Shameful ignorance and laziness on behalf of the BBC journalists who put this together.
Alternatively, I suppose we could act like defenders of the indefensible and believe that the BBC is so totally controlled by Zionists that even anti-Zionist black hats must be portrayed as pro-Zionist.
In reality, though, the BBC just rushed something out without bothering to ask somebody down the hall or spend five minutes looking it up on effing Wikipedia. Which raises the eternal question about BBC making these mistakes: What happened to the “we’re waiting until the facts come in” professional journalist standards that gets thrown in our faces every time we wonder why the BBC hasn’t reported something yet? It’s a lie, and we all know it. They report when and how they feel like it, and “waiting for the facts to come out” is a smokescreen.
Restructuring the management will not prevent this laziness and assumption-based newsgathering to cause future errors of this kind. The problem here lies, as usual, with the personnel.
“unreasoning religious fundamentalists.
This is what the left are. A secular puritanism . This moral “high ground’, justifies their superiority to all non believers.
This contributes strongly towards their unreasoned views. Beyond a few facts there is nothing else but dogma.
“Fancy paying 33p every time you watch Newsnight?
” BBC hands new presenter Laura Kuenssberg a £200,000-a-year deal when show only has 600,000 viewers”
Read more:
The answer would appear to be, ‘because she’s worth it’ or, as the BBC prefers, ‘one of the best broadcasters in the country’.
One can see why that would have her gagging to get back to the Katz tanking slip-up.
Does seem a fair old wedge, but let’s not forget this also includes tweets.
Mind you, ‘Ed strode in through/out the door like an Adonis’ as ‘analysis’ does seem steep at about £500 a pop.
Hey, somebody has to tell Nick Robinson what to say on camera when he’s drunk, and to write his blog posts when he’s away. 200K pa is cheap at twice the price.
I just feel sorry for the Newsnight cameramen who will now have to deal with trying to keep “Big Bird” in frame.
Her madge and all the royals cost us 50 p per head a and this BBC bunt costs two thirds that
Game show was on top form this morning.
Two massive beeboid boxes ticked –“ man made climate change” and slagging off UKIP.
He must have been pretty damn chuffed with himself. But then, when isn’t he, the self important smug wanker?
Interesting that the “chief scientific adviser” talked about having a grown up debate.
Yes indeed, let’s. So bring on the guest with the anti view…………..erm, no, let’s not.
Pure, unadulterated bias
‘How massive is the scientific consensus on man-made climate change?’
‘Very massive’
Of course Wavy Davy has to take the blame for sending out this shiller to ‘do the rounds’.
The scientific consensus is large as those who support it can afford !
The ‘consensus’* is as large as they want it to be, for they are the holy ones whose word is the word of Gaia (or is it Mao, or is it Stalin – take your pick, anyway…)
It’s the only argument they’ve got left apart from pure unadulterated lies.
*Consensus means nothing in science – nullius in verba and all that.
The interview itself had me gagging at the bare faced effrontery of a government science adviser peddling what is a pseudoscience by any definition, using the notion of “consensus” to support his largely unfounded assertions.
Had to turn it off when Dame Nicky mischievously moved the interview on into UKIP bashing territory.
… and when asked whether the flooding was a result of ‘climate change’ the dissembling bastard, knowing full well the answer is ‘don’t be ridiculous’, mealy-mouthed (ie lied) along the lines of…
‘… while it is difficult of course to relate a single incidence blah blah nevertheless over the longer term blah blah’
For BBC-NUJ, political enthusiasts for mass ‘asylum seekers’:-
“British taxpayers will fork out £400m to feed and house asylum-seekers.
“The true price of mass migration was laid bare yesterday by figures showing just what a backlog in asylum-seeking cases costs Britain’s taxpayers.”
”feed and house asylum-seekers.”
And the cost of their prison stay when they rape and riot.
It’s only a matter of time before they too hate and despise those who support them.
What could possibly go wrong huh?
Kearney-‘World at One’ today extended campaign for even MORE ‘asylum seekers’ to get into Britain, not only from Syria but from neighbouring countries in (Muslim) Middle East.
BBC-NUJ gave over the airwaves for this political propaganda to an anonymous Syrian, Malik, an ‘asylum seeker’ who is already in Britain. Of course, he was unchallenged.The more of these ‘asylum seekers’ who get into Britain, the more they will politically campaign for Britain to take in even more of the two million displaced people from the areas around Syria.
£400 million – a tenth of the BBC budget. No wonder they think it’s peanuts.
As reported in the shriek gasp howl Daily Mail.
Nasal harpie Jane Garvey-Childs was interviewing Irma Kurtz.
I’m paraphrasing but essentially….
IK : Girls should think twice to avoid ending up alone, drunk, wearing high heels and a micro-mini, in a town centre, at two o’clock in the morning.
Nasal Harpy : (Looking for the twitter-storm money shot) Are you saying that it’s a woman’s fault when she’s raped?
Utterly dreadful – I’ve done a bit of the fighting arts in my time (yerr bully for me) but for my safety there is no way I would be drunk in a town centre at two in the morning (or any other time).
The feminazis deliberately conflate sound sensible advice with ‘she was asking for it’.
Unfortunately the statistics are on my side not Garvey-Childs’.
Perhaps they should think twice to avoid ending up drunk, wearing high heels and a micro-mini, in a town center, in groups as well. Still, at least in this instance the BBC isn’t blaming the rape victims.
BBC Radio London this morning and Vanessa Feltz is telling everyone that if they don’t welcome in the Syrian refugees, well they don’t have any compassion. Glad some old fashioned Londoners rang in to stress that we can’t adequately sort out those affected by floods in the West country. Also these refugees will end up in Tower Halmets and not Highgate. After that they did seem to load the calls with bleeding heart liberals. Vanessa audibly shocked when a nice old lady said, well Israel offered sanctuary and none want to go and just why aren’t Saudi etc doing more? Also we don’t need more devotees of the religion that must be obeyed. It was fun while it lasted.
Don’t suppose the Caliphate would have a lot of time for Vanessa. Their anti Semitism is very clear.
I think there’s an area of bias that we haven’t covered before.
‘but Labour says’
Only ever heard on issues which the BBC think will promote Labours interests. When did anyone ever hear ‘but Labour says’ on their position on immigration should they win? apparently Millipede is nearly in tears over the peoples attitude to further immigration and his party (plus the BBC) are very quiet about it. I want to know what the Labour parties position is, and it’s not unreasonable to expect the BBC to broadcast it – other than the fact that it runs so counter to what the people want it would damage their electoral chances.
Then there’s the Syrian refugees – ‘but Labour says’ ? Running against public opinion Labour wants every last one of them allowed into Europe, but you aren’t going to hear that!
And it runs on & on with the BBC broadcasting what it believes will play well with voters, and not asking questions or broadcasting what it thinks will expose unpopular Labour policies to the electorate.
Thanks for that subtle dissection of the BBC’s policy on inserting “But Labour says…” The SOP is to state Labour policy or Labour criticisms of Tory policy and announcements – EXCEPT when the Labour line is far beyond the pale, screamingly unpopular.
“Why Europe’s immigration nightmare is only beginning”
(Oct 2013.)
By Khalid Koser.
…” while a one-off event [in this case,drownings off Lampedusa] has attracted attention, the systemic problem has been largely ignored. ”
“Concern about immigration doubles in a year and is now as important to voters as the economy.
“Immigration came joint top with the economy in poll of public’s priorities.
“The proportion identifying it in their top priorities has nearly doubled.
“Number citing the economy as their main concern fell by 11% in a year.
“PM accused of complacency after saying numbers arriving from Romania and Bulgaria were ‘reasonable.’
Read more:
So Laura Kuenssberg (and yes I did need to copy & paste it !) is leaving ITV to join the BBC Newsnight program as business editor. It might be expected that a business editor would have a wealth of business experience, but it seems that a degree in History from Edinburgh university, and a course in journalism in the US is sufficient to make you an expert.
Of course it might be the fact that as a Scot – almost a given anti Tory, and a liberal uni is more than enough qualification to know all the BBC needs someone to know about business !
Then there’s her salary of £200 000 pa when the show only has 600 000 viewers meaning just her pay costs each one 33 pence each !
The BBC used to employ her a few years back. I’m not sure I like the idea of the BBC getting into a recruitment war with commercial rivals at the expense of licence fee payers.
If Laura Kuenssenberg knows nothing about business then she will fit perfectly into the BBC’s business unit!
She is via her family impeccably well-connected which is the route to success at the BBC.
Are we undesirable? I do hope so
What more reason to vote UKIP could any rational person want?
There was a good speaker on Radio 4 who spoke on the justification of Jewish ritual slaughter and the unjust nature of only labelling kosher slaughtered animals when other methods of killing animals are not going to be labelled eg gassing of pigs . But it was so early in the morning and on the Farming Today programme that it was clear that the BBC really did not want to did not give many people the opportunity to hear it !
Kosher & Hallal methods of slaughter are not very different so why not mention that?
The speaker explained that while some Moslems will accept some types of stunning of the animals before slaughter in Jewish law each individual animal has to be killed by a highly trained person.
This idea might have more going for it than it seems at first sight
It’s a poor idea, and sheer fantasy at that. West is just lashing out after being annoyed by the usual edgy BBC comedy, possibly after one drink too many. If thinks his solution will magically force the BBC to provide more intellectual and ideological diversity, he’s a fool. Making the BBC need to impress viewers enough so that they’ll volunteer to cough up more income tax will only make them lower the common denominator ever further, and churn out even more lightweight crap to get ratings. They already claim ratings equals value for money, so West is out of his mind.
The comments are revealing.
I almost thought that I was reading the “Biased BBC” website
That seems to occur fairly regularly in quite a few places these days, JohnM. Yet we’re told over and over again by defenders of the indefensible – including a couple of self-professed journalists – that those opinions are just those of a microscopically tiny extremist minority echo chamber and bear no resemblance to any part of the general public. It’s weird.
‘The comments are revealing’
Revealing? Hope no Philip Madocian notebooks scribbling away anywhere.
But they can certainly be interesting, not least by appearing at all, and staying up.
Of course that can happen too on a BBC HYS (I think one has been mentioned on the Syrian refugee response, which may not be working out as hoped), but oddly such interactive threads are rare, and tend to open after 9am and close before 5pm, especially if things go off narrative.
This came up earlier, and the BBC now seems keen to weigh in. As always I have found the less regulated world of FaceBook to on occasion be eye-opening…
BBC News
Which side should the media be on?
The Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has criticised national broadcaster ABC for not being patriotic in its reporting on stories like abuse allegations by asylum seekers and claims the country had spied on Indonesia:
Of course, like most BBC tripe, it is based around an idiot question, if one that has here, thankfully, set up the current most liked answer:
Top Comments
Robert Neve The media should be putting forward impartial facts on important news stories. One day I hope to see it
This and other replies will either delight or appall, depending on viewpoint.
But if I was the BBC high command,I’d be briefing the PR Dept. to repolish that ‘most trusted’ turd or ‘genetic impartiality’ mantra they trot out monthly.
A climate change ‘sceptic’ at the BBC? Who’d have thought it? Not that they allow him to express any of his views of course, why would they he’s only a weather expert with 20 years experience !
“nearly every annual global forecast was wrong”
“all the incorrect predictions were ‘on the warm side'”
“The Met Office has got every annual global forecast so far this century wrong, bar one”.
“He said the 2013 annual temperature also meant that another Met Office prediction, that half the years between 2010 and 2015 would be hotter than the hottest year on record (1998) was wrong already.”
Climate change sceptic Professor Richard Lindzen yesterday told MPs that whatever they were doing to counteract ‘climate change’, the only difference it would make would be to the country’s economy.
Paul Hudson is a good egg – and sounds a good meterologist. Every so often he breaks loose with a solid and well-written sceptical story, the BBC Warmist propagandists must hate him !
The Met Office has been making 2 stupid claims to try to deflect criticism of the stop in warming. 1 – the figures don;t take account of temperature rises in the Arctic where there are few thermometers – but if no thermometers, how can they claim the temperature is rising. 2 – the “lost heat” is somehow being sunk in the oceans, so not measured by surface thermometers. But hey – warm water rises, it does not sink !
That is a measure of the arrogance of the Met Office and the Greens and the Warmists and the crooked “scientists”. An insult to the intelligence, but they know they wilkl seldom be challenged on it – especially by the BBC.
Also – if the heat is now going into the oceans – why wasn’t it before?
Their claim is bogus. The means of getting any reasonable measurement of ocean temperature was not available until the Argo Project, which completed in 2007.
All you need to know here:
In other words, more global warming lies.
heat going into the oceans is the warmist version of the child saying ” a big boy did it and ran away”
like the child they really do think people will believe them
They never originally claimed or predicted the heat would go into the oceans, it is just a scam yet again.
Katty Kay wasn’t bowled over by the President’s
STFUSOTU speech last night, but she sure was deeply moved by His far-Left hackery about one of her pet issues, “income inequality”.This is absolute bias from Katty. She’s already on record numerous times stating her belief that “income inequality” is a social injustice and causes economic damage, so anybody who agrees with her will appear to be making a compelling case. The choir is generally moved by the preacher, no?
Her extreme partisan and ideological bias is also evident in the way she doesn’t understand that the President’s economic policies have not only caused social mobility to stagnate, but to decrease. More people are unemployed than ever, more people work part time, the middle class is shrinking, and more people are on food stamps than ever. Of course social mobility is stagnant and the wealthier people (like Katty and her husband) appear to be relatively more wealthy. It’s the policies which cause this that are dangerous, not an existential threat.
Katty was also deeply moved that the President is now going to achieve what He wants in foreign policy with talks, not troops. Do tell, Katty, do tell. So what does He want to accomplish, sweetheart? I don’t really trust anyone who worries about the power of the Jewish Lobby (Katty), or who says that Israel is now instigating trouble against the President from US Jews (The Community Organizer-in-Chief).
What does He want to accomplish with Iran, Katty? She’s in close with the White House, so she’ll know all about Samantha Powers’ foolishness. Do not trust Katty Kay or the BBC on US issues. She’s another Beeboid who thinks the President’s plans are correct, and opposition is wrong.
Speaking of Beeboids not worthy of trust, where’s the BBC’s US President editor these days? He’s not off making another documentary, is he?
The short excerpt of Mr Obama’s speech that I heard sounded just like something a dictator might utter.
Like a mug I stayed up to listen to it. He put me to sleep after about 10 minutes, it was all so predictable and phoney.
A couple of blistering reviews here :
Obama is a busted flush, thank goodness. But he can still do damage.
Unfortunately, John, I think the President will now try to wreak as much damage as possible. Remember, aside from the dictatorial use of executive orders, He’s got the unofficial fourth branch of government at His command: Federal Departments and regulation. The EPA, HHS, Transportation, DEA, and IRS all have the ability to essentially create laws as they see fit. And they’re all run by partisan people. The IRS and EPA and the HHS (overseeing ObamaCare) have already done serious damage to the economy and the democratic process, and they don’t show any signs of stopping. Things will only get worse now.
Who will be next do you reckon, David, Jeb Bush, Christie or Hilary?
Hillary. The oligarchy has already decided.
I wonder how long it’s going to take the BBC to pick up on the story of an Orthodox Jewish couple who left 8 children in a truly disgusting state, and are appearing in court in Manchester.
Seeing as the house was in Salford they must be aware of it.
Time for some “complaints from both sides”, I think.
I turned VD off this morning as she, again, began to wring her hands at the Government’s and Cameron’s failure to protect the West Country, allowing Somerset to drown under the waters of the Tone and Parrett.
I got the clear impression that Five Live were enjoying this, stalking, as they did the Environment Minister earlier in the week and recording his discomfort at the hands of angry villagers, no doubt armed with pitchforks.
What though the BBC have not mentioned is that once again the Tories are having to bail out (literally) a problem which is a Labour creation, in particular the Environment Agency’s acceptance in 2000 that it should go along with the Eco lunacy of letting nature take it course and allow the rivers and waterways to silt up, as this from the DM (below) says, ‘Labour peer, Baroness (Barbara) Young of Old Scone was put in to run it (The Environment Agency) in 2000, she and her officials decided on a new priority.
Instead of managing the Levels as farmland, large parts of them should be allowed to return to being a swampy wilderness as nature reserves for birds and other wildlife.
As Baroness Young famously once observed: ‘I’d like to see a limpet mine put on every pumping station.’ ‘
Once again the ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’ only tells half of the story, preferring to create an impression of (this) government’s failure and a Tory PM, Canute-like’s inability to turn back the tides.
Canute, proved to people that he didn’t have power over nature and the sea. Fortunately for him there was no BBC then, or his impotence would have surely been dissected by a Newsnight special (unless of course he was a socialist).
Yes, the truth is that the excess flooding of the Somerset Levels is down to silted-up rivers which the the Environment Agency – a Labour Quango – has failed to dredge. It is no longer the responsibility of the Dept of the Env. – the fault lies with the Green-obsessed quango and its 2 Labour heads, Baroness Young to start and now Lord Chris Smith. Why isn’t the BBC blaming them ?
It is only the forceful intervention of the Tory Env Minister that may now start to get things moving. Yes he has acted too late, but it was not his primary responsibility.
In Norfolk, the farmers managed to block the idea of the marshes being run by the Environment Agency – drainage and dredging was kept local, and they have not had severe flooding.
As Christopher Booker pointed out in his article in The Sunday Telegraph it’s 4 Somerset MPs – one Tory and three Lib Dems – who are pushing the Environment Agency on this. But it’s more convenient for the BBC to make out it’s one mad, climate change denying Tory who’s making a fuss over nothing for, as the agency keep telling us via the BBC ‘dredging would have made little difference’.
In other words: fuck you whitey rural badger-killing foxhunting Somerset bumpkins, your views and your lives are worth jack shit.
Was in the pub last night with a few of my friends, (one of them has unfortunately had his brain warped by his lecturers and the leftest Eco-loons that infest our university’s). As the night and the quiz went on the conversation got onto the flooding in the somerset levels and how he was convinced that it was all the fault of mann made climate change and all the requests to dredge the rivers should be ignored as it would not make a difference as we were going to have more heavy rain and flooding as an effect of climate change.
Me being the argumentative type, I had to ask where he he was getting all this information about how dredging would have no affect, his reply “it was on the BBC”, it was fair to say I felt like banging my head on the table at the fact I had not seen the obvious before asking him. So after giving myself a headache I suggested that if my bath is 4 foot deep and I try to put 6 foot of water in it I’d be in desperate need of a mop, and he agreed, I then pointed out that the same principle applied to the rivers in the area, in that a river made shallow because of all the silt will not be able to hold and allow the same amount of water to drain as it did when it was being dredged.
After that I suggested he may want to get his news from another provider.
Not BBC related, but worthy of a mention here as the BBC would probably support this chap.
How the hell is it possible that a position such as a Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officer exist? Can indigenous people apply, are any indigenous people employed in such a position? They hate dogs and they hate alcohol two preserves of British culture, whats next an enforced cover up for women when walking through Victoria Park on a sunny afternoon?
This woman was too polite, don’t think my patience would have lasted as long…
Last year I finally persuaded my youngest daughter to sell her flat in Tower Hamlets and move to a new nursing job in Bournemouth. She has probably “lost money” on the deal because house prices have risen faster in TH and London generally than where she has now bought – but the new environment is now far better for her. Just another “white flight” statistic, I suppose.
It is now a pleasure to go to see her and help on her new place. Far better than the “cultural vibrancy” of TH – which is fast becoming a monoculture, Bangladesh-on-Thames, dirty street markets, dingy shops, open hostility on “their” streets,
TH is now one of the most corrupt councils in the land. The woman in Victoria Park was lucky she had a friend with her to take film of that wretched jobsworth.
So in TH you get abused if you are drinking,Gay, holding hands with your girl friend, walking a Dog. This is only the beginning. The Islamic way of way is being forced onto everybody and the bBC informs you…you are the problem and not the fing muslim with blood dripping off his hands screaming out kill the kuffer.
Ooh ooh ooh!
Maybe those Somerset floods are Gaias revenge for the white farmer-yokels culling badgers or letting fox hunting go on too long.
It was also the country seat of Auberon Waugh.
Can I be a BBC environment correspondent now? And can I have my UEA degree within 28 days, so I can be the Green Partys Leader in Europe?
Bit drier there!
I am trying to find the most likely way in which the BBC could be got rid of and we could get back our democracy.
On Monday we opted for a full subscription a la carte idea. But I think this still leaves the possibility , nay probability, that some future misguided government may re-impose the License Fee and re-create the monster from the subscription entity. Also, I don’t think that full subscription offers enough possibilities to buy off various pressure groups who will fight long and hard for the BBC to be preserved in its present form. These groups regard the BBC as a national treasure and the most significant cultural body in the UK.
So I am favouring retention of the License Fee, or at any rate some form of tax, at a reduced level, but scrapping of the BBC and selling off all its assets to as many providers as possible. This would make it impossible to recreate. The new reduced License Fee , obviously renamed, is then used to commission programmes from a wide range of commercial providers, who also make and broadcast their own content. In some way the amount spent with each provider by the commissioning body must be linked to the ratings of the provider. Key would be to find a mechanism whereby the body that does the commissioning, cannot be ‘captured’ by right or left, but reflected the whole spectrum of views and thought in the UK. Each provider would be granted a set amount of funding for News and Current Affairs content and hopefully they would all adopt a different stance and give a different perspective.
Money generated from the sale of BBC assets and a portion of the reduced LF can be given as a grant to the various pressure groups eg the Arts Council , to buy their silence, or even their cooperation if the sweeteners are large enough.
Only the BBC could manage this one !
A puppet used in an advert by Vodaphone in Egypt has been accused of using coded messages to promote bomb plots. Hardly surprising living in a Muslim country but the BBC in a broadcasting coup have managed to secure the worlds first English language interview !
Anybody else having trouble viewing Biased BBC in Google or Safari on a mobile device? My iphone loads the home page, which now has green circles for dates, then immediately goes to a blank white page with a tiny symbol top left corner. I can view the site perfectly well on a Windows machine but none of the Apple ones. Help much appreciated.
Yes, me too, for some weeks now.
I’ve had no problem on an iPad mini. Mobile compatibility with some WordPress themes is a pain in the ass, though.
Anyone know a solution?
I thought it was just me. I lost the ability to view it on my Samsung phone when I updated to Android Jellybean, but strangely my Samsung Tab also running Android Jellybean works just fine??
My phone begins to load the mobile version but then reverts to said white screen.
Fine on my iPad air through the Google ap
Same problem on my Samsung
Same problem for me on a 3-year-old htc running Android. It went wrong about three weeks ago.
Ipad works fine
Don’t laugh…..I’ve got a Nokia with Windows Phone 8 and I can’t view Bbbc either.
It loads what looks like a nice mobile version of the site which then vanishes a nanosecond later. Then I’m left with a completely blank screen.
I see the bBC have closed down their HYS on allowing Muslims from Syria to relocate to the UK. Gee I wonder why they have closed it down. Could it be that over 80% say NO.
Fucking liberal MPs rather bother anybody bar the people who they represent.
Vote UKIP and send them all packing.
I am sick to death of false assurances from the Tories on the lines of “only a few Syrians will be let in, and it will be temporary anyway” or Cameron saying “only a moderate number of Roumanians and Bulgarians have arrived” – or “we have cut immigration” when there were still 500,000 immigrants who arrived last year.
How many lies are the British public going to swallow ?
Stir in all the EU nonsense, and all the Green nonsense. All issues where a huge proportion of Joe Public is totally at odds with the 3 main parties – and with the endless BBC propaganda. I can envisage a huge vote in May developing for UKIP – a “plague on all their houses” protest vote.
Honestly, how weak is Cameron? He takes a strong, rational position, but at the first sign of opposition from the Milibund/BBC axis he caves in. I am gobsmacked that he can flip flop so pathetically. Peter Hitchens tried to warn me about him before the election but I still voted for him. More fool me!
Look we all now know Cameron is not a conservative. He never was. Where did he come from so suddenly? One minute nobody has heard of him the next he is leader. The man is a fully paid up member of the liberal elite.
Never more was it necessary tyo vote Ukip in May.
Hope somebody will be keeping tabs on who we get, so the first wrong ones will be used to remind the BBC where their good intentions get us.
Maybe not to Harley St..more likely Bethnal Green Islamist schools, Whitechapel GP clinics for girl abortion certs and FGM confirmations.
Why don`t we take all the Syrian hacks first-and sack five times the number of Beeboids we can replace with them?
Then take Christians only-send the Muslims to more “culturally-appropriate” neighbours with all the money, and plenty room to expand-Saudi, Yemen and other progressive, compassionate umma mates of Mo?
Sadly the vote against UKIP will be huge too – the Eastern Europeans are mobilising, they fear for their future here.
Labour (progressonline is a clearly a branch of the labour party) cultivating its imported voter stock who would have believed it ?
A quick scan of their donas is interesting
Why ,for example is Hitachi involving its self in the European democratic process?
This one?:
Seems to have started early enough, but looks like the plug got pulled at 4.30pm.
the bbc and there presenters seem pretty chuffed today that clegg and millband bullied david cameron into accepting these syrian refugees who no doubt one they get settled here will not leave and bring the rest of there familys uncles,cousins aunties and co over here for the long stay,meanwhile, while we have become the social services of the world there is a disaster and tragedy going on in somerset where 1000s of residents are up to there necks in raw floodwater and sewerage and have lost everything that they worked hard all there life to get,where is the help for these refugees in there own country,where is clegg and milliband in parliament asking for help for these poor people.the people of somerset have been abandoned and left to fend for themselves and are suffering with no goverment or local help.that is a absolute discrace and shame on all you politicians for ignoring the good people of somerset in there hour of need.
MPS don’t care, they only care about their image and their John Lewis account. Vote UKIP next and kick the fuckers out.
Have to get No10 s ideologue “ship of fools” to sail down there with all that water, and give them a hand, patronising, grasping, and incompetent simpletons
always useful
The people of that part of Somerset are almost 100% ethnic English so can be ignored. No brownie points from liberal apologists for helping them out.
Now if it had been a multicultural part of Britain it would have been a very different matter.….i dont think there are prayer rooms for christians,sikhs,hindus or buddhists in the house of commens,but muslims always have to cause trouble dont they
The funny thing is that they don’t seem to have a problem praying in ex pubs which they have bought and turned into Mosques and Madrassers for indoctrination.
Liebour party political broadcast on now. Can I tell the difference between that and normal programming. Millibland attempts to knock more money off bank shares. Or peoples pension funds as it could also be called. End to a low wage economy don’t make me laugh Liebour engeneered it with the flood of migrants the Conservatives just followed on. Hopefully people are getting wise to the plot.
why cant oil rich arab muslim countrys like the uae,quatar and dubai take in these syriain refugees ? britian is full up
1) Labour: Becasue they are after the Islamic vote in which to try and get back into power.
2) Liberals: Becasue they hate what they see in the mirror and feel they must fund every cause going in which to wash their hands (Like Lady Mcbeth) of all the blood the UK has spilled.
3) Torys: after 30 years of being called the Nasty party are trying their best in which to get of that image by trying to be better at handing over other people cash in which to change their image.
Vote UKIP and send all of the above packing.
problem what problem?
good Muslim/bad Muslim… who cares eh?
no limit or quota, doors are now ……… open
alcohol is forbidden by islam because it can help forget about god, it says quoted from a muslim in that daily mail template.your having a laugh there,muslims sell alcohol in every outdoor and corner shop they own in my city.look in my local paper every week at the magistrate and crown court reports and i have lost count of how many muslims use in there defence they was drunk at the time of commiting there offences.go into any nightclub in my city and you will see plenty of muslims drinking while sniffing around showing white girls disrespect,i hate hypocrites and hypocrisy,this religion called islam and there followers seem to have plenty of people that fall into that catergory.and that article in the daily mail above really annoyed me just then.
Radio 4 Six O’Clock News at 26 minutes informs us that some Chinese woman, that you have probably never heard of, has written to her father in Hong Kong to tell him that she is homosexual and is quite happy living with her female companion.
Meanwhile Sharon, of Manchester, tells her mum that she wishes the family would accept her boyfriend Wayne. This, quite rightly, is of no interest whatsoever to the other 7 billion people in the world, or for that matter, the other 60 million people in the UK so doesn’t appear on any BBC outlet.
Mark Steel in Utopia! Mark Steel’s in Town – Southall
Mark Steel = Lord Haw Haw
Welsh immigrants in Southall?
i find it equally offensive that my fellow countrymen, women and those of a questionable sexual orientation are being called immigrants in their own country. Why would al jabbeba say something so disgusting as that?
Pounce mentioned this on the fag-end of the last thread – ‘Roma schoolgirl Leonarda Dibrani loses Fench residency bid.’
According to the BBC, ‘on Tuesday, the Besancon court upheld an earlier ruling by the public magistrate that the local authorities decision to deport the Dibrani family was justified as they had made no attempt to integrate into French society.’
There was a bit more than that obviously, over at The Daily Mail:
A court in the eastern city of Besancon threw out the families request to return to France ruling their expulsion did not contradict the countries international commitments to respect family and children’s rights. It noted Mr Dibrani’s ‘lack of prospects for economic and social assimilation into France’ and Mrs Dibrani’s ‘lack of any assimilation into French society.’
Naturally, the BBC report did not mention this either.
Leonarda Dibrani, and most of her siblings, were born in Italy but do not have Italian citizenship.
The head of the family, Reshat Dibrani, admitted he lied in his asylum application when he said the entire family fled Kosovo, where they were persecuted for being Roma. The father is the only member of the family who is a Kosovo citizen.
The court said the regional administration should not be held accountable for the fact that the Dibranis were not actually Kosovar and had lived in Italy before coming to France, since the Dibranis didn’t tell anyone that.
Read more:
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On the strength of His STFU speech yesterday, the President is now on tour to push His agenda on the minimum wage and announce a new plan for savings accounts for lower-income folks. And the BBC is right there to promote it.
President Obama tours to call for minimum wage rise
First stop, Costco.
Um, if they already earn way more than the national minimum wage, why is the President even talking to them? What isn’t the BBC telling us?
Also note the obligatory “gridlock”. This leads the reader to think that the President might save us if it weren’t for the Republicans stopping Him. It presumes His policy is the correct one.
Why GE? What isn’t the BBC telling us? Oh, that’s right: the CEO is the President’s Jobs Czar.
In other news, the Pope toured Catholic churches to call for renewed faith in Catholicism.
Now, what’s this about a savings plan?
Er, isn’t that what a bank is for? Doesn’t this already exist? If they don’t have a savings account on their own, what’s He going to do, forcibly withhold money from their paychecks and put it in some government-controlled account, where the government earns the interest off the poorest workers, and then benevolently allow them to withdraw some of it? I’m only guessing, and being a bit silly, but the BBC doesn’t care how it works either, really. They just need to repeat the White House press release.
Poor Obamessiah. Trapped in a world He never made, with the odds stacked against Him. Mark Mardell mentioned once that His “Lie of the Year” about ObamaCare (it was reported in the HuffPo, so the Beeboids know about it) hurt His popularity, but I think he got away with it. Certainly no other Beeboid has dared bring that up lately. It wasn’t mentioned in any of yesterday or today’s BBC coverage of His speech. Instead, it’s all presented as Republican intransigence blocking His ability to do wonderful things, and the public is blaming Him for it.
There’s a reason we have that Pro Obama At All Costs category in the sidebar.
I was only being facetious but it turns out I was mostly right about the President’s new Savings Plan For Us:
Wall Street endorses Obama’s IRA account
Yes, the government is the answer to everything. The financial industry likes it because they can take advantage of it later. Just about the only thing I got wrong was that it won’t be enforced. Yet.
If there’s no penalty for withdrawing from the principal, why would people who previously weren’t able to save much or anything start changing their behavior? Also, if this is such a cunning plan, and such a vital need, why didn’t He try to introduce legislation for this years ago? All that genius and He only thought of it just now? Or did He not really need the “income inequality” weapon until recently?
This audience focus group indicates what a failure Obama’s State of the Union speech was last night. He has ObamaCare and all its lies and failures wrapped round his neck like an albatross. Just about everyone in the US thinks it is a mess. As it will continue to do damage – hopefully it will lose him the Senate come November :
(By the way – can we swap Laura K or any of the Newsnight women for Megyn Kelly ? Or even Kermit the Frog ?)
Indeed, John. And this puts the lie to the BBC’s consistent claim that it’s merely the website failure that’s been dragging Him down. Except for that lone admission by Mardell (first he tried to claim that the President didn’t lie at all, and that it was only an impression people had. Then he even tried to claim that the real problem was that the actual best plan wouldn’t have gotten through Congress, and then the Republicans ruined what was left – not His fault, you see, and nothing wrong with the ideals behind it), all BBC coverage of this points only to the failures of the website.
I must admit I’d never heard of Ian Watkins until reading about his recent trial where he admitted to 13 counts of child sex offences, including the attempted rape of a baby. Apparently he had been a rock star who picked up on the phrase ‘Mega Lolz’, and made it his band’s slogan, even designing T-shirts with it.
An ex-girlfriend from 2005 of this scum is BBC Radio1 DJ Fearne Cotton, and it’s fair to assume she was well aware of his use of this phrase.
So knowing what she knows, and what he’s been imprisoned for, even the fact that after pleading guilty he sent a message to a fan joking about the offences.
‘I am going to put a statement out just to say it was mega lolz,’ he said. ‘I don’t know what everyone is getting so freaked out about.’
So would anybody in their right mind really think it appropriate to then use the phrase ‘Mega Lolz’ as a catch phrase in a jingle for their own show?
She did!
Then the BBC say in response to the complaints about it: ‘The term is a commonly used colloquialism amongst young people and the trail reflected this.’
What a sick and stupid world these people live in.
Radio 1 DJ Fearne Cotton slammed for using paedophile Ian Watkins’ catchphrase ‘mega lolz’ in a jingle
A redundancy anyway – if you’re not laughing ‘out loud’ you’re not laughing.
Suppose the BBC will be promoting this bloke only in that he makes Savile look better.
The BBC didn`t have him running the creche there did he?
Nice Chris, very Christian of you.,
…but you see the connection of this guy to the fragrant Ms Cotton is a fact that we plebs didn’t ought to have been told about.
‘The disturbing story of the Lostprophets singer’s conviction for child sex offences doesn’t have to be accompanied by photos of Fearne Cotton and Alexa Chung to catch readers’ attention in the newspapers’
So, she and the BBC are simply acting within the world view that they and the Guardian would wish us all to be living within. Therefore we don’t actually know about her connection with this man. Business as usual.
All day the BBC news drones have been ramming the UK women’s cricket team sucess in Australia down our throats. No mention of the fact that it is “hideously white” and none of them wear a burkha though !
Shocking I say, absolutely shocking !
Last few minutes of the news too!
It would be desperate if it wasn`t so sadly transparent.
Funny though that they never seem to show the “crowd” do they.
Poor camerawoman(surely) must have a cricked neck having to point to the very top of the billboards without us getting a glimpse of the acres of public park with nobody watching behind them.
Any of them come out as straight yet?…got to be a news story here!
At least we all know what a “Stonewall” penalty is now!
Wow – give credit to Newsnight for discussing the Nawaz deselection furore. I want to know why the police aren’t arresting all those who made comments online inciting death to Nawaz. You can rest assured that if it was some white British Twitterer making such comments the fuzz would be right on their doorstep. Taser in hand.
I kept hoping that
The broadcast GuardianNewsnight would show us the T-shirt, so that Muslims would then blow up the bBBC, solving two problems in one go.And the woman they got on with the feminazi didn’t half put her in her place !
He should expect a cold front from his employers over this…
“The Met Office has got every annual global forecast so far this century wrong, bar one, a BBC weatherman said.
Paul Hudson, a forecaster for BBC’s regional programme Look North, said the Met Office’s predictions had been wrong for 13 years out of the last 14, and said the incorrect predictions had all been ‘on the warm side’ rather than too cold.”</i.
It’s a shame the BBC don’t ask Mo Ansar’s views on 9/11 and the Jews. Looks @ Nicky Campbell et al.
Scroll down the page. He’s anything but moderate.
I wonder how long it will be before the BBC picks up on this:
The Council of Europe claims the handouts given to Britain’s jobless are ‘manifestly inadequate’.
To comply, Jobseeker’s Allow- ance (JSA) would have to be hiked by £71, from £67 to £138 a week.
The Council said Britain had signed up to the Social Charter, which is ‘a legally binding economic and social counterpart to the European Convention on Human Rights’.
Britain’s JSA, ESA (both £67 a week) and pension (about £102) all fall well below the £138 a week, or £596 a month, that the Eurocrats have set as the benchmark.
Because all three are below a second threshold of £110 a week, they are rated ‘manifestly inadequate’.
Of course there has been the expected outcry from the Tories, but it’s difficult to take them seriously when the hypocritical Iain Duncan Smith admitted that JSA was insufficient to live on and refused to try doing it for himself.
I realise that this position will not play well with those here who believe that the unemployed should receive nothing other than a daily whipping, but, please read on because this shouldn’t actually cost the country anything.
I have two friends – one works, has qualifications, a supervisory job she has two kids at home, the other a single mother with two kids doesn’t work, and yet she receives more in benefits than the working one comes out with after tax, and has her rent and rates paid into the bargain !
Does anyone here think it’s sane to pay someone who has probably paid contributions into the system £290 per month, whilst at the same time giving a mother with two kids over £1000 in fact closer to £1500!
No wonder so many women choose to have a baby on leaving school, it’s just so attractive, and there’s no way that they can earn that much by working.
The government needs to slash the amount given to single mothers and instead of using it for tax cuts for wealthy people, give it to the job seekers to make the gap between the two less wide and having a baby just to claim benefits less attractive.
I have no doubt that the BBC will have something to say, but Labour might be more reluctant as even they know it would be very expensive to raise JSA with no decreases in other benefits.
I’ll await this on Radio 4 with baited breath !
You have to admire the way that the BBC brings such a broad range of points of view on any given subject to the Licence Payer.
‘It should definately be free, and the reason why is because it gives everyone a fantastic opportunity for knowledge… so for half-term it’s great to bring your kids in’
‘It’s a decade since most of Britain’s national museums and galleries abandoned entrance fees as a matter of government policy. Since then, only a few other nations around the world have followed suit. Why do so many countries remain wedded to taking money at the door?’
Oh deary me, the UK did the right thing, we made the expensive progressive gesture and the rest of the world just looked on.
But wait, I thought the BBC policy on visitors to our cultural heritage was this….
‘We’re sorry, but we can’t admit babies, or children under 9, on this tour.’
1. Adults £13.50
2. Concessions £11.25
3. Students £10.00
4. Children (between 9 and 15 years) £9.00.
5. Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children or 1 adult and 3 children) £39.00
6. Group rates available
7. Prices are valid until 31 March 2014.
blah blah blah small print blah blah…..
And if you didn’t understand that, we will say it again…
‘We’re sorry, but we can’t admit babies, or children under the age of 9, on the BBC Broadcasting House tour. This is because the tour content is not appropriate for children of this age.’
I’m puzzled as why the content is inappropriate for children. I thought Mr Savile and left the building.
Oh the hypocrisy!
Jenni Murray on Womens Hour is discussing horticulture and there’s someone on talking about the importance of native species and removing the foreigners which have been taking over!
I can’t help but see the parallels with the insane multi cultural policies. Nature is showing you what happens when foreigners take over just because the fascists don’t like reality they’ll ignore it!
Indeed, according to the BBC white rhinos a protected species who’s continued existence is vital to mother earths bio diversity
White Europeans ,a cancer on the world in need of eradication.
When Spain started to cull Ruddy Ducks (a species of waterfowl, it’s not like “Bloody kids ” and culled because their interbreeding with (native) White-headed Ducks was threatening to make the latter extinct) back in the 90’s, the usual suspects gave tongue that this was ‘genocide’ and (obv. most undesirable) “reverse miscegnation”.
Sample of the genre: http:
I’ve no doubt that if Jenni Murray is on Twitter or Facebook these same
utter twatsrighteously concerned individuals will soon be making themselves known to her in the non-aggressive, reasonable and friendly way we’ve come to expect from them.Link didn’t work.
And tomorrow there`s a joint pincer movement featuring Womans Hour and You and Yours in harmony.
Same hymnsheets-Lennons and Guardians please!
Peter White offers us “some surprising comments” about how Scousers and Cheshire suburbs(Hale, Wilmslow and Alderley Edge?) are coping with the Toricutz of LivinKrysis.
This whilst Dame Jenni had her Cheris Blair eyes to hand at a f***in FOODBANK!
Fat Cat Bankers won`t be coming any fatter that Dame Jenni Murray of the “Sunlit Uplands of NuLabor Privilege”….oh, those poor people!
On More or Less, this would once have been seen as a biased/pre-selected sample to give us the outcome we want…UEA/ClimateChange rules as it were.
But seeing as Harford has been neutered, Jennis porkin` at the Cheshire Foodbank will be seen as a referendum on the Tories and their callous swine.
Remind me to miss it!…the only surprise is that Cherie Blair isn`t doing a Foodbank supermarket Pollydash round the aisles of the nearest fool church offering this crap.
F888OFF Beeb!
Ah, but are they naturalised, born here, citizens or EU subjects?…do they have visas or merely burned their Latin names off as they landed at the Garden Centre?
Not all called Mo are they?…does Islam have a Japanese bindweed I wonder?
Gardeners World won`t be answering that will they?
It is plain as a pikestaff (except to BBC reporters and presenters) that the excess flooding of the Somerset Levels for the second year running is the fault of the Environment Agency which has failed to dredge the rivers.
So instead of chasing after the Tories the BBC should be seeking the resignation of the Chairman of the Env. Agency, Lord Chris Smith, not just giving him patty-pat interviews and a free pass.
Odds on BBC hounding Labour Lord Smith and the whole Greenie cult at the Env. Agency ??
The BBC must be in a flat spin today. Even that daft old hippie Michael Eavis (he, of Glastonbury fame) has written an article in the Mail slamming the Environment Agency eco-loons for failing to dredge Somerset’s rivers.
What is a ‘progressive’ news editor to do? Which of the sacred cows gets sent to the corned beef factory?
KlymitChaynge innit!
…..and it is a damn good and thorough article too – the BBC would have no answer to it
But surely this is nothing to do with environmentalism or climate change? The bBBC’s line is pure socialism: people bear no personal responsibility for their decisions (in this case, to live below sea level) and expect the state to use other people’s money to bail (or bale) them out.
I am surprised that a Conservative MP goes along with it.
Just got a ‘breaking news’ email from the BBC that the January rainfall is the heaviest ‘since records began’.
OK, so? Lots of rain. Bummer. I still think clearing blocked drains is a better use of limited funds than flying to Bora Bora to debate the merits of sticking mirrors in space with the Maldivian President, flush with cash hoovered via nPower out of some poor old dear’s leccy bill.
I then read on…. ‘…in 1910’.
They are, I presume, still trying to be taken seriously?
This has been a dire winter. I get that. But trying to use it as an excuse for taxes to give away or use on poor engineering-efficient or dubiously reliable tokenism is criminal.
Advocating a £1T ark a la the movie 2012 would make more sense.
And then there’s the penguins, which ‘scientists are saying’… ‘may’….
It’s like the BBC’s science reporting has skipped even Wikipedia and gone straight to the source… of every dubious ‘PR as news’ scare story going.
“…It is plain as a pikestaff (except to BBC reporters and presenters) that the excess flooding of the Somerset Levels for the second year running is the fault of the Environment Agency which has failed to dredge the rivers.”
Well said, John. I do get very upset by the way the CAGW narrative has stolen – yes, actually stolen – £millions from otherwise laudable environmental protection budgets, but don’t expect that grim irony to be acknowledged by the quisling BBC and its common purpose troglodytes.
Flood and coastal defences up and down the UK are in a p*sspoor state because they have been systematically deprived of the many £millions that have been and continue to be wasted chasing CO2 emissions in thrall to The Holy Consensus. Building useless windmills – those offensive new totems to the Climate Religion – hasn’t and won’t ever protect historically vulnerable environments from the worst of perfectly natural, if sometimes extreme, weather.
Absolutely baffling.
I notice that Thought for the Day this morning was uttered by Rev Joel Edwards, international director of Micah Challenge. Unfortunately the listeners weren’t warned that Micah Challenge is an assertive global pressure group – apparently mainly Australian – pushing a lefty/greenie agenda in a Christian envelope. For instance, its major “campaigns” for 2013 concerned the usual crapola of equating the relief of poverty with the struggle against corporate tax “evasion”, increased taxes in the developed world to pay for third world aid and the fight against “human-induced climate change”.
Thought for the Day, fronted by Edwards (a regular contributor), is a 5 minute propaganda effort: not for Christianity – although Edwards speaks in the usual Newspeak beloved of trendy clergymen – but in the cause of green and left-wing quasi-fascism clothed in the disguise of “help the poor – who could possibly disagree with that?”. In the spirit of enabling political propaganda through religious sermonising, I look forward to the BBC allowing access to the airwaves, through Thought for the Day, to the UK Grand Wizard of the KKK so that he can preach unadulted racism and religious bigotry in the guise of Christian apologetics. After all, complaints concerning such a turn of events – and there’d be an avalanche of those – would only prove that the BBC is “getting it about right”.
“Micah Challenge is an assertive global pressure group – apparently mainly Australian – pushing a lefty/greenie agenda”
I wonder what could possibly have brought a member of such a group to the attention of the BBC?
Chris Brain? Steve Chalke? Jonathan Edwards? that double-barrelled black woman who feigned Christianity so she could get off Blue Peter and onto Songs of Praise?…and now old Joel(formerly that black bloke who headed the Evangelical Alliance?)
It`s been a bumper crop of faux-Jesus weasels since we lost James Anderton hasn`t it?
Reverend Blue Jeans all…boy do I pine for e Harry Secombe or a Thora Hird….who at least KNEW something about Micah and the others!
The only Formica Challenge is how the hell the likes of Paul Flowers and Joel Edwards etc were able to get into these Blair positions to render the church a eunuch for Islam and F888in Churnalists at the BBC.
No root-no fruit-there`s trouble coming-and it `ll be a bit more than a “challenge” Joel( that name eh?)
Is there anyone brought in for Thought for the Day who doesn’t push that agenda somehow?
Rabbi YY Rubinstein spoke of commitment within marriage but because he did not say whether it was between a woman and a man it was OK for the BBC.
I meant in their daily activities more than in what they said on air, but thanks.
Have to appreciate this guy’s turn of phrase; in this case headline… I’m presuming with tongue planted in cheek.
And while this little financial meltdown is headed into the memory hole (though the NAO still seems keen), I still find new detail cropping up that does intrigue.
Two caught my eye, market rate remuneration-wise:
‘When the project first went to “Red”, in December 2011, neither the Trust nor the Executive received the report..’
Responsibilities? Accountabilities? Consequences?
‘This was, of course, the period when Thommo was buffing up his CV ahead of a new, post-Olympic career outside Auntie, and DMI, along with other more damaging issues, went straight into the “Too Difficult” tray.’
Given ongoing rewards in pension form, would not a CEO dropping the entity he was well paid to be in charge of right in it, along with the ‘too difficult’ tray, have a bearing on how these are honoured?
They didn’t enforce standardization before starting the digital archiving process? Never mind the tools, but formatting? Madness. Doomed from the start. The thing is, having read most of Bill Garrett’s and John Linwood’s written statements, this looks more like a case of negligence from the top than a failure of management structure. WDR seems to feel the same on at least one level, and points a finger at the top negligent mandarin.
Fixing the management structure won’t prevent negligence and ill will resulting from putting the wrong people in high places. That’s a personnel problem.
Feeling the urge to offer some balance to The Farce as the BBC and its finest talents have been providing a barrelful of fish at the moment, which has kept even the most desperate of Flokkers in a stacking pattern. Well, bar a couple shot out the sky.
Today had a piece of some less than smart freegans dumpster diving at Iceland.
Being the poor lambs getting snagged by plod was spun up into a twitterstorm by the Graun, it was inevitable that the pre-pro munchkins would have this on the roster, especially as ‘the man’ caved to righteous indignation.
Now I don’t know if Humph is heading into his sunset years grabbing a bit of journalistic rigour around him, or he saw a dubious precedent letting any old chaps in the vineyard if they claim they’re hungry, but he was having none of it.
So the poor fence-vaulting trespasser and his oddly media PR-attuned lawyer seemed well taken aback by this interview shaping well in the direction of a rotting pear.
I should confess that I am known to scope the local skips for booty, but do ask permission to liberate first. Usually given, as skip content is volume charged for.
I applaud the freegan principle too, but see many legal minefields when the liberation involves illegal access and/or the waste producers then being held responsible for food quality or injuries in course of taking such materials without permission.
As the great green wet dream continues to stain Harrabin’s climate change facist night attire, reality wends it’s remorseless way towards him and the rest of the drones in the BBC, Brussels and Westminster AGW temples. Don’t expect to see any of this on their bullshit broadcasts any time soon, but in the end the unstoppable truth tide will drown them like rats.
sorry second link should have been this.
after this, re M Nawaz death threats/Religion OK? – phone in debate show, which was turned very quickly into a “lorra lorra Panto failed comics palava” by host Nikki Campbell and buddies, this sad charade … which (as usual) only followed on from :-
well now we have this incisive take on the issue,(and moderate M Nawaz).
Shouldn`t the Christians be railing at the BBC for the cartoon that puts Jesus on talking terms with Mo?
If it scared the BBC(which wouldn`t take much as we all know) then maybe we might get some decent theology, and less St James Jones of Liverpool etc, less Giles and Lucy W*nkette of St James in Piccadilly!
…and the BBC go along with blatant censorship thus aligning themselves with a sixth century ideology whose adherents have a sixth century mindset.
Archbishop Cranmer’s Blog
The Woolwich killer is to appeal. Such a nice boy who came from a hard working immigrant family, but was soooo upset by UK policy in the Iraq war. Who can blame him? Not the BBC.
‘It was the Iraq war that affected me the most,” Adebolajo told the jury in Court Two of the Old Bailey’.
‘Like his co-defendant, Adebolajo’s family were hard-working Nigerian immigrants’.
Now read the BBC story and ask was Cameron correct to say it had nothing to do with Islam? The BBC now assume that the public can see merit in the actions of this soldier for allah.
If ever there was a case that appeared to hold no doubt as to guilt, that surely was it. Yet some lawyer obviously thinks he will get paid for lodging an appeal. I’d bet it won’t be Mr. Adebolajo who’s paying, either.
We will pay, he’ll be given legal aid!!
I note that the BBC (or is it Oxfam?) are redifinining for us the meaning of the word ‘humanitarian’
‘Oxfam opposes trade from [Jewish] settlements, considered illegal under international law – something Israel disputes.’
‘Actress Scarlett Johansson has quit as an ambassador for Oxfam amid a row over her support for an Israeli company that operates in the occupied West Bank’
‘A spokesman for the actress said she had a “fundamental difference of opinion” with the humanitarian group.’
Oxfam’s policy sounds rather political – with a just a smidge of internationalist legalese – to my non-BBC ear.
BBC : new top trumps supplimentary rule – Anti-Israel card beats Leftie Luvvie
Can’t wait for Oxfam and the BBC to start supporting the new Palestinian State with a human rights violation written directly into its constitution. Then we’ll see their true faces.
This is how Israel treats its Palestinian Arab workers
An example of Israeli humanitarianism
BBC London News place this story prominently in their BBC1 TV broadcast today.
The men acted illegaly but our BBC happily informs us that the CPS have dropped the case ‘due to media and public pressure’
Yes, ‘media and public pressure’ in that order.
The Lefty media now coercing our legal system about which of our laws to enforce and which to ignore for PC reasons.
Might as well scrap Parliament and the Jury system?
And the BBC are quite chuffed with this little victory
‘A man who was accused of stealing food from bins outside an Iceland store has said he will continue to take “unused food”.
‘Speaking to BBC Radio 4, William James said: “I think it is wrong for people to try and lock this away.”‘
‘The news caused uproar online with people on social networking sites questioning why the CPS was taking “starving people” to court.
As sure as eggs is eggs, less than 50 yards from where these ‘starving people’ have there squat, you will find hard-working Eastern Europeans miraculously able to find work and make a living for themselves.
Scarlett Johansson is quitting Oxfam – or being kicked out – because one of the firms she advertises for has a factory in an Israeli settlement on the West Bank.
In the BBC report Oxfam says this is incompatible with the work it does for Palestinians.
Hello ? Is ther any famine in Palestine – especially the West Bank ? What the hell is Oxfam there for ? – except to play the usual leftie politics that most of our “charities” indulge in.
The West Bank – where the PLO Prime Minister is now in the tenth year of his 4-year term of office. Has the BBC ever told us this ? Is that not outright more illegal than the woolly charge of “illegal in international law” that the BBC always parrots whenever Israeli settlements are mentioned.
Poor Scarlett is having a bad week! She has just had her Sodastream ad for the Superbowl blocked because she makes a cheery reference to Pepsi and Coke.
sorry – I had not seen that you had posted on this already
Q.T. some evil woman called Smurf , needs deporting to Saudi or Iran . Thornberry another evil Millipeed henchwoman ,God help us if those bastards get back in May 15.