And Islam Not BBC’s F.Gardner gives a lot of false emphasis to this ‘first’ Islamikaze while Gardner plays down, as usual, the violent nature of Islamic jihad, and its Islamic inspiration:-
“It is the first time a British Jihadist has gone overseas to carry out a suicide bombing in 10 years.” But not the first, by any means, of murderous Muslims on British passports, who are killing in Syria.
What has been happening is that hundreds of Islamic jihadists who have used Britain as their base have gone to Syria to murder and they have murdered. Gardner is at a loss to understand it. He should study ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Family of UK jihad suicide bomber says he had “
‘never shown any sign of extremism’”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“As we have often seen in other cases, the family of an Islamic jihadist is shocked! Shocked! to find that he was involved in such a thing. Abdul Waheed Majeed showed no signs of “extremism,” according to his family. He was, apparently, a “moderate” of the type that the British government so very much wants in Britain. And yet here again we see that in the absence of any clear action against the understanding of Islam that justifies jihad violence on the part of Muslims in the U.K., there is nothing being done to stop more Muslims from taking up that understanding.”
The bBC, how it has become the public sanitizer of Intolerant Islam in the UK: Woolwich murder: Man pleads guilty to Rigby videos A British Muslim has pleaded guilty to posting videos on YouTube glorifying the killing of Fusilier Lee Rigby.
Royal Barnes, 23, of Hackney, east London, recorded and uploaded three videos shortly after the murder in Woolwich, south-east London, last May. In one of the videos, he hailed the murder as a “brilliant day” and in another he mocked the outpouring of public grief, the Old Bailey heard.
His wife Rebekah Dawson, 22, also uploaded the videos online.
When the bBC reports on anybody who isn’t Islamic, they give you a full run down on his past: Take for example this article on the founder of the EDL
The bBC close their article with: Lennon was jailed for assault in 2005 and also has convictions for drugs offences and public order offences, the court heard.
So on that note, anybody heard the name of the hooded lady above? Rebekah Dawson,
Why its the same as this relgious bigot who was in court only a few weeks ago: Veiled woman admits charge after jury is dismissed
But for some strange reason the bBC don’t mention her past. (Or even in the above article mention that she belongs to Al-Muhajiroun)
Gee, its as if the bBC has become the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism. Hang on what am I saying its as if?
“His wife, who had insisted on wearing a veil in court, had admitted disseminating a terrorist publication at a previous hearing and is awaiting sentence.”
The Islington Gazette report says:
“His wife, who had insisted on wearing her veil in court, had already admitted disseminating a terrorist publication at a previous hearing and is awaiting sentence.”
The Express article says
“Dawson, 22, earned notoriety by refusing to remove her veil in court when she was prosecuted for threatening a witness. She later admitted the charge. She and Barnes are to be sentenced at a later date.”
That all looks pretty similar to me, unless there is something else to which you are referring.
Unless information was raised in court it can’t be reported. So Lennon’s previous convictions could not be reported until the trial was over.
But danny you missed this: Dawson also pleaded guilty at Blackfriars Crown Court earlier this month to a single count of intimidating witness Daudi Yusuf, a security guard at the Finsbury Park Mosque in St Thomas’s Road – several weeks after he was involved in a row with Barnes.
I am not clear what the significance of that is. That information is in neither the Express nor the Mail articles. It is in the other BBC article to which you linked.
The Mail article does add “And Dawson’s guilty plea could only be reported after her husband admitted the offences today.”
But Danny, the point i made which you refuse to acknowledge is the bBC didn’t mention any of that. Others do. Now if you want to quote the law, by all means do, the fact remains others have reported the stupid little bitch for being a radical Islamic agitator.
Now if you wish to defend the bBC , then by all means do, but please be so kind as accept the facts as presented and not the hype which clouds the bBCs inability to report the news.
Your claim was that the BBC didn’t mention her past and that was evidence of bias because there was a difference in how they covered this case and how they covered Lennon.
In support of your argument you cited three other sources which you claim did report her background.
However in the stories to which you link two of the three reported her background in exactly the same way as the BBC.
Furthermore the BBC and The Daily Mail had both previously reported on the case involving Daudi Yusuf.
The only paper to mention Daudi Yusuf in its coverage of Barnes was the Islington Gazette.
So yes there is a difference in how those stories were reported. The Daily Mail, the Express and the BBC cover it one way, the Islington Gazette covers it differently.
I fail to see how that is evidence of bias by the BBC.
Your example of how the BBC reported Lennon was different because that was at the end of the trial when restrictions had been lifted.
I dont know why everyones complaining about Chris Smith and The Labour Party(but of course not the incumbents).
If there is no global warming and this is a one off why increase any precautionary action. After all this blog has pointed out that the last time Somerset was flooded was in the 18th century. What I say is get rid of the Environment agency and allow private insurance take care of it.
WHEN is the BBC going to mention the truth about the Environment Agency – £1.1Billion budget, £580m spent on salaries and pensions, only £20m spent on Dredging.
Never. Those figures are probably typical of every quango and state body. The BBC is no different. .
These quangos etc seem to exist for the benefit of the staff not the country.
Never. The BBC would never get caught having ago at another Public Body. The BBC’s only existence is to support other Public Bodies and those employed by them.
i was watching the bbc news tonight, and if it was not for all this bad weather we are having due to global cooling this story about the 41 year old middle aged pakistani muslim from crawley blowing himself up in syria would of been the top story, the way i see it what he done was a good thing,at least he wont come back to england to blow us all up,another thing,lets stop all this crap about stopping these muslims going to fight in syria.let them go and at the airport take there passports off them and tell them matey once you go to syria thats it your not coming back to england to pose a threat to are security,last thing,as usual all his mates and familys are in denial about this terrosist who blew himself up,have we not heard this story before about what a nice quiet peace loving muslim he was,they say they hope he comes back to england one day and walks through the door to get back with his family,oh yea,you have got more chance of nick griffin converting to islam than that happening.
Bet every one wearing a hi viz vest votes Labour and notice how quickly the camera zoomed in on that worker who was not really trying to hide a snigger when Paxo was setting Hammond up with a tricky question – pre-planned audience participation perhaps?
We know, and the audience confirmed, that Wraysbury was flooded in 2003. One of the hi-vis’ers clearly thought that it was the departed Hammond’s job to have done something about it, as did Miliband when he visited the place yesterday – ‘the government had not acted quickly enough and must take steps to ensure doesn’t happen again.’
Once again Miliband criticises the Government for its failures and the BBC ‘forget’ who ran the country until 2010.
The whole thing was a disgraceful one sided piece of anti Tory propaganda and a cynical manipulation of the people in the audience who are in the thick of the flooding.
Another disgusting piece of sewage from Katz and his Left wing morons.
That was preceded by an AGW propaganda piece in the news by David Shukman, including a lie about Atlantic storm activity and a couple of those back-lit clips of chimney stack emissions.
Never mind. There will be a public enquiry about all this when the floods subside.
That noise you can hear is the Environment Agency shredders going flat out.
Here is Monday’s interview with Labour’s Chris Smith:
[07:10 minutes in – although you might want to watch the preamble)
… and as for the ‘expert’ on the panel. Observation: if someone (or something) has the words ‘Climate Change’ in their job title then they are paid shills, nothing more nothing less..
His ‘this flooding is absolutely the main effect of climate change’ was utterly laughable.
Why it only seems like yesterday that this ‘main effect of climate change’ was going to be ever hotter summers, no more snow, and dried out river beds.
I file these people into three categories.
1. The true believers – AGW is to them what a tambourine is to a hare krishna.
2. The ‘probable’ believers who are on the payroll of Big Green so have to pretend to be true believers.
3. Jo Public who have been suckered by the ‘settled science’ shilling.
New EU sex perversion launched. MEPs have a new EU strategy ‘to protect the fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people’. (As of Tuesday 4 February 2014 it’s about to become EU law). Yup. It’s a huge discrimination to be perverted and get laughed at for wearing the ‘wrong shoes’ or the ‘wrong school uniform’ or no clothes at all. Just waive your new LGBTI bus pass and viola, your away on a freedom lifestyle (drugs free on NHS on the way out).
But Intersex??? that’s a new one – What the hell is that? A perversion the BBC does plug at teh Sochi Olympics? Is there a new ‘agricultural’ sex episode of The Archers soon or the turn of CBBC ‘Newsround’ to informing UK children that their natural parents are to be sent away for ‘re-educational therapists’ and take part in group sex sessions run by the same LGBTIFLMX crowd source. Are they truly bonkers with EU Euthanasia.
If there is any hope for humanity survival – this is not it. Agenda 21 (under this EU directive) will forcibly take our children away for primary school ‘sex and gender programming’ (without any parents approval required). Concerned Parents could then be arrested for obstruction to a primary EU directive. It would be a hate crime. There is no ‘opt-out’ from this insidious legislation. (Brown’s Labour gov. signed ‘us all up’ to the 2008 Lisbon Treaty – and no UK government can protest without first leaving the EU). There is no doubt that this is ‘aimed’ at our children to make every child parent less under whims of (new) state legislation, robbed of their sexual identity – whilst the same sexual predators (such as those prosecuted under operation ‘Yewtree’ (a BBC favorite drama) can claim NEW sex freedoms from any prosecution in whatever ‘accusation’ they find themselves next. Under age ‘no-more’, no parental safeguarding (no parental opt outs) enforced gender humiliation, teachers will be perverted (or asked to leave) if not disgusted enough of ‘inclusive’ state perversity. All this and more, coming to our doors thanks to our pro LibLab (UK) MEP’s representatives who chose to ignore a 1 million EU signature petition against it. It was passed by 394 MEP votes and was the third (repeated) submission since Christmas 2014.
Those who have ensured this will happen in the UK will have full discrimination for a war against ‘hated’ dissenters. That means most of us here. By the time we all vote in March (European Elections) these new laws will be all over the BBC like a rash of comedians. The meaning of BBC bias is being ‘redefined’ by the EU as a protected identity.
Read more here: If not …’the BBC will inform you of your rights to remain silent, anything you do so will be a war crime and will be used against you in punishment’.
Intersex must be some form of sex with the dead body, as they Inter a dead body with funeral rites.
I imagine it would be a popular form of sex between the young left-wing homosexual paedophile comedians and the old dead left-wing homosexual paedophile comedians at the BBC.
Intersex is a dreadful collection of conditions, effectively a birth defect where the sufferer is born into neither gender to various degrees and to differing degrees.
Janie Lee Curtis is believed to be intersex, suffering from Total Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. chromosomally male, sufferers do not develop as a male because their bodies are completely insensitive to testosterone, and as the default is female, they are born and develop that way.
Anyone here want to tell us all that Jamie Lee Curtis is a man and should behave as such because her chromosomes are male??
There are two other syndromes of lesser extent Partial & Mild androgen insensitivity.
Then there is Kleinfelters Syndrome where an extra Y chromosome is attached, so instead of being XY they are XXY (males only affected) there is triple X for the girls with XXX chromosomes.
Perhaps one of the most horrible is ‘Mosaic’ where some of the body is XY and other parts XX.
Hermpahroditism where the person has both genitals.
At the end of the day all these are birth defects and it’s hardly reasonable to attack someone simply because of their misfortune to be born that way, although it won’t stop the empty headed bigots from doing so.
In terms of the transsexuals again it’s a birth defect. In males it’s cause by insufficient or no testosterone in the womb during the first six weeks gestation or in females, excess testosterone during the first 6 weeks.
These conditions are extremely distressing for those who have them, and the suicide rate is the highest of any group in the country – saving Psychiatrists who kill themselves like lemmings.
You can take the view that they should be allowed to change their gender to what their minds tell them they are, or you can kill them. It seems to me that there are plenty of people who believe they should be killed. How are you any better than the Muslims so often criticised here?
In terms of Gay people for men there is an excess of testosterone in the womb so again it’s effectively a birth defect and not a lifestyle choice. The difference is with someone gay is that you can’t tell by looking at them.
During the communist era of the Soviet Union experiments were undertaken (a most unethical thing) in which they produced Gay and Transgendered people by use of hormones.
The proof is undeniable it is a birth defect whether you like it or not, and there is a degree of protection needed from some very nasty evil people. The degree of that protection should however be open to debate.
Wasn’t being an AIS “freemartin” what Caster Semenya was tested for? (A name I have always found unintentionally comical, with no reflection on the person with the condition.)
You might read that into it because it’s what you want to read! A description of the condition and the reasons why they need some protection is not support for ‘hate crime’ in any way, which I regard as little more than left wing bullying and oppression.
Sometimes replies can get isolated from the piece being replied to.
To which post does yours refer, please? ‘we read from this you support hate crime’
Also, beyond the presumption, who is this ‘we’ you refer to?
All sounding a but ‘Don’t tell ‘im, Pike!’ frankly.
Especially as the hate crime tally conflating individuals with groups is being ticked off again.
“As of Tuesday 4 February 2014 it’s about to become EU law.”
What actually happened is that the EP adopted a proposal that states that EC should produce a non-binding roadmap to protect “the fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people”.
“Concerned Parents could then be arrested for obstruction to a primary EU directive.”
Incorrect. This isn’t an EU directive.
“There is no ‘opt-out’ from this insidious legislation.”
Correct, because it isn’t legislation. It is a motion asking the EC to draw up a roadmap. The motion clearly protects subsidiarity (see above).
“Concerned Parents could then be arrested for obstruction to a primary EU directive.” EU Subsidiarity (if it worked), would mean that there is a vital local level democratic process at work. Your ‘leftish’ entrenched lobby group sets the EU ‘agenda’. You may argue it is not yet an EU ‘directive’ – but the result will be exactly the same -once ratified using the same undemocratic EU process. It is disingenuous to suggest that subsidiarity is a safe ‘proof’ of concept and that MEP’s ‘represent their constituent’ (who are clearly ‘against’ any further steps). That it will ‘NOT’ be rolled out across the EU as a ‘directive’ as an EU ‘roadmap’ is spurious – it will not be a debate – but an extension to ‘how’ to prosecute those who always will oppose it. Parents will have no choice in the mater.
This motion was not about creating a directive. It’s a non-binding motion asking the EC to produce a roadmap.
“EU Subsidiarity (if it worked), would mean that there is a vital local level democratic process at work. “
No, subsidiarity is the principle of decision making being taken at national level except in pan-European legislation. This motion (which is not legislation) explicitly refers to subsidiarity.
“You may argue it is not yet an EU ‘directive’”
Indeed – because it isn’t one.
“but the result will be exactly the same”
No, were it a directive it would necessitate national parliaments to adopt laws. This does not.
“Your ‘leftish’ entrenched lobby group”
The largest group in the EP is the EPP.
“that MEP’s ‘represent their constituent’”
I never mentioned them.
“Parents will have no choice in the mater.”
Parents will have whatever choice is determined by their national governments as this is not an EU directive.
The EP does not have the power to initiate legislation.
I take your (last EP point). It still does not change the intent or direction of travel. Each MEP holds the responsibility of reporting to Brussels and voting as a representation to the wishes of their constituency. It is safe to say that over 1 million European citizens spoke out in opposition of the Lunacek Report. On 4 February, this body did not do so. To their advantage, the LGBT lobby has a full functioning wing inside the EP. This wing consists of elected MEPs, EP employees, and paid activists that are ready to fight in favor of the lobby. Prime examples of the influence created by this wing are the activities surrounding the Lunacek Report. In effect this is a ‘follow on’ to that agenda which will be applied to ‘education’. You can find out how your MEP voted by clicking the links below.
I am`intosex` too… but how come the EU directives are not wholly inclusive?? They forgot celibates … oh, and ginger people. (they don`t choose to be celibate it`s a genetic decision caused by hier fathers insisting on teabagging their mothers beforehand as a wierd form of roleplay symbolising thier bonding much like the Japanese Tea Ceromonies… first is the Teabagging, followed by the man putting the `milk` in a split second before the woman asks “Shall i be Mother”?? to which the man pulls a `face` and shouts “YEAH!!!!” Job done… The common result is a ginger baby who has sunbathed under a tea strainer 9 months later, .. I read it online somewhere can`t find the link right now but when i do i`ll post it…
So just to be clear what you are saying is that we can agree there is no EU law, or even a directive, that will result in concerned parents being arrested. That is clear.
As for whether MEPs and MPs are delegates or representatives I think no one has bettered the views of that great conservative Edmund Burke addressing the voters of Bristol in 1774. (my emphasis)
Certainly, gentlemen, it ought to be the happiness and glory of a representative to live in the strictest union, the closest correspondence, and the most unreserved communication with his constituents. Their wishes ought to have great weight with him; their opinion, high respect; their business, unremitted attention. It is his duty to sacrifice his repose, his pleasures, his satisfactions, to theirs; and above all, ever, and in all cases, to prefer their interest to his own. But his unbiassed opinion, his mature judgment, his enlightened conscience, he ought not to sacrifice to you, to any man, or to any set of men living. These he does not derive from your pleasure; no, nor from the law and the constitution. They are a trust from Providence, for the abuse of which he is deeply answerable. Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion.
And thank you for that link. That was very helpful. The biggest opposition by percentage came from two new member states, Poland (30 out of the 39 MEPs who voted were against) and Romania (11/19). The two largest by votes were Germany (31/93) and France (27/69).
Three UK MEPs voted against: the two BNP MEPs and Dianne Dodds from the DUP. 28 voted for it and 33 abstained.
When looking at blocs, the EPP, ECR and EFD all split quite badly while the Greens and S&D voted en masse which is also interesting and might suggest Burke’s views are held in the EP too.
How the bBC reports a 3% failure rate in Police fitness tests. Hundreds fail new compulsory police fitness test Hundreds of police officers have failed a new compulsory fitness test, figures have shown. Figures provided by 27 forces under the Freedom of Information Act revealed nearly 70% of the 363 officers who failed were women. No punitive measures will be taken against those who have not passed, but from September, action could be taken against anyone failing three times. Compulsory testing was introduced in England and Wales last year.
Wow, what a huge failure rate and here is what the bBC tuck into the article later on: In total, nearly 3% of the 13,024 officers tested failed.
Doesn’t sound as bad now does it. Yet, the bBC headline sends a totally different message.
70% of failures were women, but women only make up 10% of the force. So is this the right job for them? I guess the B-BBC won’t be having a massive investigation into this on Newsnight or Panorama.
I forsee a massive upsurge in niche ‘blue’ ‘comediennes’ getting fast-tracked straight onto the QI, MTW, HIGNFY circuit.
No experience of comedy necessary.
No it doesnt. Its factually correct and doesnt do anything other than present a breakdown of the stats. Its only someone that either cant read properly or who has an agenda that would read anything into it. No where does it says its a huge failure rate. You need stronger glasses my friend!
Far be it for me to defend Pounce, he is more than capable of doing that himself, but if you are going to accuse people of not reading perhaps you should take your own advice. Nowhere in his post does he say the BBC call the failure rate ‘huge’.
Funny in all the BBC broadcasts I’ve watched or listened to I’ve never heard them say that CO2, at its current levels, constitutes a midgy 0.04% of the earth’s atmosphere. They’d much rather show us backdrops of chimneys belching black smoke.
This BBC article is another one of those incidences where the bias could be said to be either way. The first bold line of the article together with the caption of the photo could suggest that the government are right to introduce the tests as there have been numerous failures. Alternatively the lines could suggest that the Police Federation were right and the nasty Tories are penalising disabled coppers.
Personally I think the article says the opposite to what you state but is still biased against the Tories. i.e the BBC are saying very few failed this test (introduced by the Tories) so the tests were unnecessary and penalise coppers. (Nasty Tories).
WHOSE unwanted Roma? An article on the BBC website raises the issue of the treatment and behaviour of Roma people – the first such one for, erm, at least a week (see It is based on a report by the European Roma Rights Centre, an organisation that according to its website is supported by the European Union, the Swedish International Development Agency and the Open Society Foundations (financed by left-wing billionaire George Soros). Putting aside the issues of the Roma who, arguably, are as much sinned against as sinning, the title of the article is intentionally misleading: “France’s unwanted Roma”. No, BBC, the whole point is that they are NOT France’s unwanted Roma, they are mainly Romania and Bulgaria’s unwanted Roma who have taken advantage of EU lunacy to go and live in someone else’s country. The sentiment of the average Frenchman was expressed bluntly by Interior Minister Manuel Valls who said that Roma people have “lifestyles that are very different from ours” and that “their destiny is to return to Romania or Bulgaria”.
Soros is the bastard billionaire who makes his billions by destabilising nation states. He still bankrolls Obama and other Communists fronts in the States and his influence has already divided the country and all but bankrupted the economy. He was also responsible for the run on Sterling during the “Black Wednesday” financial debacle in the early 90s.
Soros is more like a James Bond supervillain who is a danger to all democracies.
Caught a few minutes of yesterday’s Woman’s Hour serial: comment of a fictional senior woman police officer “….we are getting criticism from the BBC, Guardian and Independent…” What, not “the media” or “the press”? Only those three have social consciences apparently. The nasty right wing press obviously encourage police inefficiency
Of course I knew it was fiction – but it was written by someone who obviously had an agenda and allowed by a producer who shared those views. This is what the site is about so please do not be patronising, that requires a higher position to start with! Troll indeed
“Free from the BBC licence fee, I no longer fund the Left. I wouldn’t give a hundred pounds a year to the Labour Party, so why hand over hard cash to the broadcasting wing of the Labour Movement?”
I did enjoy today’s daily global warming section on ‘Today’ on Radio 4. When Lord Lawson said there had been no warming over the last 17 years, the presenter forcefully interrupted, denouncing it, declaring “there’s been no RECORDED warming”. Ah yes, of course – that terrible ‘measuring of things’ that gets in the way of a good ideological position, eh? So there’s been warming, but we can’t measure it…for some reason…
The other Sir Something, who was the warmist, essentially claimed the warming is there, but it’s hiding from us, and it will come out again when it’s ready.
Listen to it on iPlayer – that is what he was claiming. Who the hell are these maniacs?
Following on from the LGBTI story there is this gem included in the ‘hate’ crime section.
Hate crime
The current EU framework decision on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law should be revised to include BIAS CRIME and incitement to hatred on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, MEPs say.
It will be for our own good. I think it was St Just who, during the terror of 1792 said that he was actually being merciful as those guillotined would be unhappy with the new France.
The cry of the tyrant down the ages.
Just wondering folks – & this is not strictly a case of bias (unless it’s bias by reporting omission) – but has anyone seen anything, or got a handle, on how the wind farms/turbines are doing in the current “weather” ? Are they contributing massively to the grid , or been shut down because the wind is too strong ? All thoughts welcome…..
There’s a power delivery site that was shared once, that had a bunch of dials (not sure if real time and/or daily tally) for all sources of energy into the national grid.
Can’t recall its name, sorry.
Jeremy Whine’s covering the shockingly shocking news that an independent Scotland won’t be able to use someone else’s currency, or more correctly it’s adopting the SNP talking points and asking for Scots who think ‘This kind of bullying only makes me more likely to vote for independence’.
So the message is that if you live near Jeremy Whine, ask to borrow his fancy car, and if he refuses, tell him he’s bullying you.
Strange how he attacks Danny Alexander for not having a ‘Plan B’, surely that is for the SNP to answer?
Nicola Sturgeon comes up with the weird idea that in a currency union “Scotland’s Oil” will contribute to the UK balance of payments!
Unbelievable reporting on ‘the death of a man who was killed while fighting in Syria’ We then hear that it is being investigated by the North West anti terrorism unit, but only as a matter of fact report.
There’s absolutely no mention of Jihad, or Islam or Muslim in fact it’s probably a more respectful report than a British soldier killed in Afghanistan gets.
Given his well-established “Sources who say” ‘reputation’ here going back years, nice to see others catching up… “It is a running joke that BBC news broadcasts consistently refuse to credit other news organisations – putting up ’Breaking News – the BBC has learned’ graphics half an hour after it was on Sky… notes his regular surprise to see lines from government or opposition press releases (emailed out to every Westminster journalist at the same time) reported as “a Tory/Labour source tells me” on the News at Ten.”
More seriously, given the BBC ‘news’ has long since given up on accuracy or even truth to fit twitter or mobile screens, James Harding’s market rate whip crack to speed up being wrong or just making things up quicker is a worry.
The bBC does yet another whitewash on the intolerant belligerent Islamic State of Gaza, where guns rule and democracy drools. Discovering Gazans’ resilient side After a year of relative calm, tension between Israel and the Palestinians is now increasing again. But as journalists arrive in Gaza City – expecting tensions and unrest – stories of surprise have been coming back. I had come prepared for trouble, with a flak jacket and helmet, driven from the border with Israel in an armour-plated car past a plethora of grey breeze block structures, unfinished due to a lack of cement.
Ah the bBC reports from Gaza and continues to promote this image that Gaza is a place of peace and happiness.
You know that Gaza, where the ruling party Hamas which while democratically elected , has refused elections ever since, that Gaza where the Opposition (Fatah) was driven out by the bullet ,the bomb and in a number of cases by being thrown off roof tops. That Gaza were Gay journalists are murdered , where deadly cross border raids into Israel and Eygpt are two are penny, where women are forced to be 3rd class citizens, where children are indoctrinated from an early age into hate, that Gaza which spends more money on weapons than on its people, that Gaza which like most Islamic nations blames the west for all its ill and the bBC tries to tell me it is a peaceful state.
Oh please.
the bBC report: “Safa’s team certainly did this in their show Alwan Extra, with lively items about photography, the lack of cinemas in Gaza
Lack of cinemas in Gaza? While the bBC is happy to lament about this, they don’t mention why. Here let pounce inform you why there are no cinemas in GaThe Death of Cinema in Gazaza: “Heavy slabs of concrete seal the doors of al-Nasr Cinema in Gaza City. Not one aperture exists through which you can see the interior of the building, which has been abandoned for decades. Its towering walls loom over the street, stained black from the old fire. In the 1980s, these walls housed one of the largest cinemas in the Middle East, but now new generations in the Gaza Strip grow old having never been inside a cinema….After 1953, al-Nasr Cinema in the Gaza Strip expanded to 3,000 square meters. The number of cinemas continued to rise, especially in the 1970s, coming to 10 different cinemas in total. These included: al-Nahda, al-Salam, and al-Sabrin in Rafah; al-Huriyya in Khan Younis; al-Nasr, al-Gilaa and al-Amer in Gaza City; and al-Samer Cinema, which was closed in 1969. Most of the films came from Egypt until the Israeli occupation, which started in 1967, thereafter films came from Israel. In the 1970s there was healthy competition between the different theaters, however the 1980s witnessed the escalation of mosque-led opposition against these cinemas. Some of the cinemas were destroyed and others permanently closed.
Almuzain, who’s made a film titled Gaza 36mm, said, “Religious incitement against these cinemas started early on with the ascendance of political Islam in its fight against the secularists and leftists whose military presence was waning. Hence, political Islam groups focused on social change in the late 1970s, and showed their strength in the 1980s by burning the cinemas and converting others into club houses and wedding halls.…“A few months after the establishment of the PA, al-Nasr Cinema opened its doors once again. It started showing movies as part of a government initiative at the time, but it was quickly shut down. During what came to be known as the events of Palestine Mosque of 1996, the cinema went up in flames after clashes between Hamas activists and security personnel from the PA.
I wonder why the bBC don’t mention that salient snippet.
What a confusing web page, its as if the bBC doesn’t want you know where Gay people are getting a hard time for their life choice. Oh they wax lyrical about how bad the UK was, the US was and how India India reinstated a 153-year-old colonial-era law criminalising gay sex. (So by default, its the UK to blame) But the most anti-homosexual countries (which all subscribe to a certain religion) are giving a cop out by been left out of any condemnation . Why?
Really, on the main article there is no map, in fact you have to go out of your way to find it., Can’t say the same when its those pesky jews going around pestering muslims.
It’s there alright (well most of it) but it isn’t particularly useful. Are we supposed to know the name of every country or just guess? What do the different colours mean? Why is a sizable portion of the Southern hemisphere missing?
Or maybe that’s a picture of the map and not the actual map?
Inside the rectal cavity of an underaged child `MR.BBC Presenter` i`m surprised you didn`t learn this considering the SSSShaville debacle… “What`s that?? You never got to read the report?? Me niether but I know its abhorrant to sexually assualt children and btw these laws were in place in the 70`s as well!!!”
Hutton on “Daily Politics” spewed out, as his first words, that the growth isn’t proper and that we should transform the economy into a “stakeholder capitalist” one.
I’d have liked Brillo to force him to explain this better. But never mind.
I’m a bit late to this game, but have to say I do love it when Will Hutton comes on spewing his particular brand of nonsense. It always reminds me that his Work Foundation went bust, prior to being sold.
So the number of suspect packages delivered to army recruiting offices has reached 7 !
4 Were delivered today following 3 delivered earlier in the week – but this is the first I’ve heard about it!
I think we all know who the suspects are, and for any sane country it would be a declaration of war, but not this one!
I realise that the state broadcaster can’t go around casting aspersions until there’s some proof or an official Police statement, but to the rest of us it’s just more fuel on the fire and a state which seems incapable of even saying anything which might possibly offend the religion of peace.
You mean criminal gangs who up until the ceasefire were using the disguise of political and religious ignorance as a cover for thier protection rackets, vice, smuggling etc. have been trying yet again to get the Sectarian violence blighting the entire province and destroying lives once again surely???
While Smith & Moans Alas continue the sterling work entertaining the troops with actual BBC comedy output (hope one of them is a ladyee, or there’ll be hell to pay with Danny, Cohen that is), in other news…
Complaints, irony failure and FOI exclusion all rolled in to one. The smiles just keep coming.
More seriously,
No, sorry, still funny.
I’m guessing FUBAR and SNAFU were already taken for other senior moment projects?
BBC News reporter Jerry Chester was on a shuttle bus across the floods in Worcester city centre.
He said: “The local commercial radio station was playing a version of Take That’s The Flood, with the lyrics changed to be about Worcester. ‘Someone’s got too much free time on their hands,’ said one woman on the bus.”
Yes, Jerry just happened to be within earshot of a woman on the bus who happened to make a remark about a local commercial radio station to no one in particular. I think we can add “woman on a bus” to “sources say” and “some say” and other such euphemisms for “a BBC journalist thinks that….”
Of course, she may have said it but, unlike the BBC, the time that they had on their hands was paid for by advertisers and not the licence fee payer.
When Russell Brand and his idiot showbiz chum were ringing up and abusing an old man and while the assorted paedophiles and rapists, that pass for BBC on air talent, were busy assaulting young kids on BBC premises, their time was paid for out of our pockets.
Another anti Tory, anti Cameron flood disaster, anti ukip, pro catastrophic climate change, pro immigration fest on QT tonight. Cynically held in Scunthorpe where a largely unreported flood disaster happened in December whilst the Beeboids and the msm were fawning over Mandela. Many angry flood victims in the audience plus the usual well planted students and downtrodden immigrant doctor who apparently gets called names every day because of Ukips “scaremongering”.
I am off now….got some back episodes of Balamory and Peppa pig to catch up on.
BBC man Petroc Trelawney suggested that without Scotland England would become a nastier place, and he wouldn’t really like to live there.
Even the backwaters of Radio 3 are infested with Anglophobes.
Search Biased BBC
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And Islam Not BBC’s F.Gardner gives a lot of false emphasis to this ‘first’ Islamikaze while Gardner plays down, as usual, the violent nature of Islamic jihad, and its Islamic inspiration:-
“It is the first time a British Jihadist has gone overseas to carry out a suicide bombing in 10 years.” But not the first, by any means, of murderous Muslims on British passports, who are killing in Syria.
What has been happening is that hundreds of Islamic jihadists who have used Britain as their base have gone to Syria to murder and they have murdered. Gardner is at a loss to understand it. He should study ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Family of UK jihad suicide bomber says he had “
‘never shown any sign of extremism’”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“As we have often seen in other cases, the family of an Islamic jihadist is shocked! Shocked! to find that he was involved in such a thing. Abdul Waheed Majeed showed no signs of “extremism,” according to his family. He was, apparently, a “moderate” of the type that the British government so very much wants in Britain. And yet here again we see that in the absence of any clear action against the understanding of Islam that justifies jihad violence on the part of Muslims in the U.K., there is nothing being done to stop more Muslims from taking up that understanding.”
The bBC, how it has become the public sanitizer of Intolerant Islam in the UK:
Woolwich murder: Man pleads guilty to Rigby videos
A British Muslim has pleaded guilty to posting videos on YouTube glorifying the killing of Fusilier Lee Rigby.
Royal Barnes, 23, of Hackney, east London, recorded and uploaded three videos shortly after the murder in Woolwich, south-east London, last May. In one of the videos, he hailed the murder as a “brilliant day” and in another he mocked the outpouring of public grief, the Old Bailey heard.
His wife Rebekah Dawson, 22, also uploaded the videos online.
When the bBC reports on anybody who isn’t Islamic, they give you a full run down on his past: Take for example this article on the founder of the EDL
The bBC close their article with:
Lennon was jailed for assault in 2005 and also has convictions for drugs offences and public order offences, the court heard.
So on that note, anybody heard the name of the hooded lady above?
Rebekah Dawson,
Why its the same as this relgious bigot who was in court only a few weeks ago:
Veiled woman admits charge after jury is dismissed
But for some strange reason the bBC don’t mention her past. (Or even in the above article mention that she belongs to Al-Muhajiroun)
Gee, its as if the bBC has become the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism. Hang on what am I saying its as if?
“But for some strange reason the bBC don’t mention her past.”
Not that strange. They don’t mention it because the trial is still going on and to do so would be a contempt of court.
The article about Lennon was run once proceedings had ended in which case you can’t be in contempt.
Maybe the guy that posted the videos didnt have a past.
Danny wrote:
Not that strange. They don’t mention it because the trial is still going on and to do so would be a contempt of court.
I thought that as well Danny, but a number of papers mention that history:
The BBC report says of the wife:
The Islington Gazette report says:
The Express article says
That all looks pretty similar to me, unless there is something else to which you are referring.
Unless information was raised in court it can’t be reported. So Lennon’s previous convictions could not be reported until the trial was over.
But danny you missed this:
Dawson also pleaded guilty at Blackfriars Crown Court earlier this month to a single count of intimidating witness Daudi Yusuf, a security guard at the Finsbury Park Mosque in St Thomas’s Road – several weeks after he was involved in a row with Barnes.
Which is what I was pointing at
I am not clear what the significance of that is. That information is in neither the Express nor the Mail articles. It is in the other BBC article to which you linked.
The Mail article does add “And Dawson’s guilty plea could only be reported after her husband admitted the offences today.”
But Danny, the point i made which you refuse to acknowledge is the bBC didn’t mention any of that. Others do. Now if you want to quote the law, by all means do, the fact remains others have reported the stupid little bitch for being a radical Islamic agitator.
Now if you wish to defend the bBC , then by all means do, but please be so kind as accept the facts as presented and not the hype which clouds the bBCs inability to report the news.
Your claim was that the BBC didn’t mention her past and that was evidence of bias because there was a difference in how they covered this case and how they covered Lennon.
In support of your argument you cited three other sources which you claim did report her background.
However in the stories to which you link two of the three reported her background in exactly the same way as the BBC.
Furthermore the BBC and The Daily Mail had both previously reported on the case involving Daudi Yusuf.
The only paper to mention Daudi Yusuf in its coverage of Barnes was the Islington Gazette.
So yes there is a difference in how those stories were reported. The Daily Mail, the Express and the BBC cover it one way, the Islington Gazette covers it differently.
I fail to see how that is evidence of bias by the BBC.
Your example of how the BBC reported Lennon was different because that was at the end of the trial when restrictions had been lifted.
I dont know why everyones complaining about Chris Smith and The Labour Party(but of course not the incumbents).
If there is no global warming and this is a one off why increase any precautionary action. After all this blog has pointed out that the last time Somerset was flooded was in the 18th century. What I say is get rid of the Environment agency and allow private insurance take care of it.
Why are these scum being constantly referred to as ‘ Britons ‘ by the BBC?
WHEN is the BBC going to mention the truth about the Environment Agency – £1.1Billion budget, £580m spent on salaries and pensions, only £20m spent on Dredging.
Never. Those figures are probably typical of every quango and state body. The BBC is no different. .
These quangos etc seem to exist for the benefit of the staff not the country.
The whole public sector exists for the benefit of the staff !
Don’t forget £30,000 spent on, er, sponsoring a Gay Pride March
Was Chris Smith heading the Environment Agency by then, by any chance?
YES , he bent over backwards to get the funding!!!
I beg to differ, that £30K was money well spent. Just think how many leaking holes that money saw getting plugged that weak—end.
Except it was sponsoring recycling within the event which is well within its remit.
Recycling within the event? The mind boggles.
Do they give that much money to every festival?
Oh dear! ‘Sponsoring Recycling’? That deserves to go in the euphemism file together with ‘covering his expenses’ and ‘discussing Uganda’.
When are the BBC going to note the 15% fall in US CO2 emissions resulting from exploiting fracking gas?
When are the BBC going to highlight that so called feminists ignore the biggest issues for women: FGM, honour killings.
When are the BBC going to look into why the RSPCA doesn’t campaign against halal butchery?
Of course, never. Because when you go through the list you find that none of these lefties gives a shit about what they bleet on and on about.
There’s a great post on the subject called: “Great Unified Theory Of Idiocy”at:
Never. The BBC would never get caught having ago at another Public Body. The BBC’s only existence is to support other Public Bodies and those employed by them.
i was watching the bbc news tonight, and if it was not for all this bad weather we are having due to global cooling this story about the 41 year old middle aged pakistani muslim from crawley blowing himself up in syria would of been the top story, the way i see it what he done was a good thing,at least he wont come back to england to blow us all up,another thing,lets stop all this crap about stopping these muslims going to fight in syria.let them go and at the airport take there passports off them and tell them matey once you go to syria thats it your not coming back to england to pose a threat to are security,last thing,as usual all his mates and familys are in denial about this terrosist who blew himself up,have we not heard this story before about what a nice quiet peace loving muslim he was,they say they hope he comes back to england one day and walks through the door to get back with his family,oh yea,you have got more chance of nick griffin converting to islam than that happening.
INBBC back-pedals on what it wants to believe (wrongly) is ‘moderate’ Islamic Republic of IRAN.
But this report is from ‘leftist’ R.Fisk:-
“Iran’s dead poets society: The execution of Hashem Shabaani shows the pen can be mightier than the sword”
‘Jihadwatch’ on IRAN-
It’s interesting to see Labour’s Newsnight stiring it up tonight with a one sided, biased report.
Compare Paxman’s treatment of Stephen Hammond, with his ‘chat’ with Labour’s Lord Smith a few days earlier.
#88, are you a mind reader? I was just coming on to post the same thoughts in virtually the same words.
Bet every one wearing a hi viz vest votes Labour and notice how quickly the camera zoomed in on that worker who was not really trying to hide a snigger when Paxo was setting Hammond up with a tricky question – pre-planned audience participation perhaps?
We know, and the audience confirmed, that Wraysbury was flooded in 2003. One of the hi-vis’ers clearly thought that it was the departed Hammond’s job to have done something about it, as did Miliband when he visited the place yesterday – ‘the government had not acted quickly enough and must take steps to ensure doesn’t happen again.’
Once again Miliband criticises the Government for its failures and the BBC ‘forget’ who ran the country until 2010.
The whole thing was a disgraceful one sided piece of anti Tory propaganda and a cynical manipulation of the people in the audience who are in the thick of the flooding.
Another disgusting piece of sewage from Katz and his Left wing morons.
That was preceded by an AGW propaganda piece in the news by David Shukman, including a lie about Atlantic storm activity and a couple of those back-lit clips of chimney stack emissions.
Never mind. There will be a public enquiry about all this when the floods subside.
That noise you can hear is the Environment Agency shredders going flat out.
Can you give me the dates of these 2 interviews . Thanks
Here is Monday’s interview with Labour’s Chris Smith:
[07:10 minutes in – although you might want to watch the preamble)
This is last nights’ effort:
Try this if the above link doesn’t work
… and as for the ‘expert’ on the panel. Observation: if someone (or something) has the words ‘Climate Change’ in their job title then they are paid shills, nothing more nothing less..
His ‘this flooding is absolutely the main effect of climate change’ was utterly laughable.
Why it only seems like yesterday that this ‘main effect of climate change’ was going to be ever hotter summers, no more snow, and dried out river beds.
I file these people into three categories.
1. The true believers – AGW is to them what a tambourine is to a hare krishna.
2. The ‘probable’ believers who are on the payroll of Big Green so have to pretend to be true believers.
3. Jo Public who have been suckered by the ‘settled science’ shilling.
New EU sex perversion launched. MEPs have a new EU strategy ‘to protect the fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people’. (As of Tuesday 4 February 2014 it’s about to become EU law). Yup. It’s a huge discrimination to be perverted and get laughed at for wearing the ‘wrong shoes’ or the ‘wrong school uniform’ or no clothes at all. Just waive your new LGBTI bus pass and viola, your away on a freedom lifestyle (drugs free on NHS on the way out).
But Intersex??? that’s a new one – What the hell is that? A perversion the BBC does plug at teh Sochi Olympics? Is there a new ‘agricultural’ sex episode of The Archers soon or the turn of CBBC ‘Newsround’ to informing UK children that their natural parents are to be sent away for ‘re-educational therapists’ and take part in group sex sessions run by the same LGBTIFLMX crowd source. Are they truly bonkers with EU Euthanasia.
If there is any hope for humanity survival – this is not it. Agenda 21 (under this EU directive) will forcibly take our children away for primary school ‘sex and gender programming’ (without any parents approval required). Concerned Parents could then be arrested for obstruction to a primary EU directive. It would be a hate crime. There is no ‘opt-out’ from this insidious legislation. (Brown’s Labour gov. signed ‘us all up’ to the 2008 Lisbon Treaty – and no UK government can protest without first leaving the EU). There is no doubt that this is ‘aimed’ at our children to make every child parent less under whims of (new) state legislation, robbed of their sexual identity – whilst the same sexual predators (such as those prosecuted under operation ‘Yewtree’ (a BBC favorite drama) can claim NEW sex freedoms from any prosecution in whatever ‘accusation’ they find themselves next. Under age ‘no-more’, no parental safeguarding (no parental opt outs) enforced gender humiliation, teachers will be perverted (or asked to leave) if not disgusted enough of ‘inclusive’ state perversity. All this and more, coming to our doors thanks to our pro LibLab (UK) MEP’s representatives who chose to ignore a 1 million EU signature petition against it. It was passed by 394 MEP votes and was the third (repeated) submission since Christmas 2014.
Those who have ensured this will happen in the UK will have full discrimination for a war against ‘hated’ dissenters. That means most of us here. By the time we all vote in March (European Elections) these new laws will be all over the BBC like a rash of comedians. The meaning of BBC bias is being ‘redefined’ by the EU as a protected identity.
Read more here: If not …’the BBC will inform you of your rights to remain silent, anything you do so will be a war crime and will be used against you in punishment’.
Intersex must be some form of sex with the dead body, as they Inter a dead body with funeral rites.
I imagine it would be a popular form of sex between the young left-wing homosexual paedophile comedians and the old dead left-wing homosexual paedophile comedians at the BBC.
Intersex is a dreadful collection of conditions, effectively a birth defect where the sufferer is born into neither gender to various degrees and to differing degrees.
Janie Lee Curtis is believed to be intersex, suffering from Total Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. chromosomally male, sufferers do not develop as a male because their bodies are completely insensitive to testosterone, and as the default is female, they are born and develop that way.
Anyone here want to tell us all that Jamie Lee Curtis is a man and should behave as such because her chromosomes are male??
There are two other syndromes of lesser extent Partial & Mild androgen insensitivity.
Then there is Kleinfelters Syndrome where an extra Y chromosome is attached, so instead of being XY they are XXY (males only affected) there is triple X for the girls with XXX chromosomes.
Perhaps one of the most horrible is ‘Mosaic’ where some of the body is XY and other parts XX.
Hermpahroditism where the person has both genitals.
At the end of the day all these are birth defects and it’s hardly reasonable to attack someone simply because of their misfortune to be born that way, although it won’t stop the empty headed bigots from doing so.
In terms of the transsexuals again it’s a birth defect. In males it’s cause by insufficient or no testosterone in the womb during the first six weeks gestation or in females, excess testosterone during the first 6 weeks.
These conditions are extremely distressing for those who have them, and the suicide rate is the highest of any group in the country – saving Psychiatrists who kill themselves like lemmings.
You can take the view that they should be allowed to change their gender to what their minds tell them they are, or you can kill them. It seems to me that there are plenty of people who believe they should be killed. How are you any better than the Muslims so often criticised here?
In terms of Gay people for men there is an excess of testosterone in the womb so again it’s effectively a birth defect and not a lifestyle choice. The difference is with someone gay is that you can’t tell by looking at them.
During the communist era of the Soviet Union experiments were undertaken (a most unethical thing) in which they produced Gay and Transgendered people by use of hormones.
The proof is undeniable it is a birth defect whether you like it or not, and there is a degree of protection needed from some very nasty evil people. The degree of that protection should however be open to debate.
She looked quite female in Trading Places.
Wasn’t being an AIS “freemartin” what Caster Semenya was tested for? (A name I have always found unintentionally comical, with no reflection on the person with the condition.)
we read from this you support hate crime. Which makes you what kind of person I wonder. Protected under law no doubt!
You might read that into it because it’s what you want to read! A description of the condition and the reasons why they need some protection is not support for ‘hate crime’ in any way, which I regard as little more than left wing bullying and oppression.
Sometimes replies can get isolated from the piece being replied to.
To which post does yours refer, please?
‘we read from this you support hate crime’
Also, beyond the presumption, who is this ‘we’ you refer to?
All sounding a but ‘Don’t tell ‘im, Pike!’ frankly.
Especially as the hate crime tally conflating individuals with groups is being ticked off again.
“As of Tuesday 4 February 2014 it’s about to become EU law.”
What actually happened is that the EP adopted a proposal that states that EC should produce a non-binding roadmap to protect “the fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people”.
“Concerned Parents could then be arrested for obstruction to a primary EU directive.”
Incorrect. This isn’t an EU directive.
“There is no ‘opt-out’ from this insidious legislation.”
Correct, because it isn’t legislation. It is a motion asking the EC to draw up a roadmap. The motion clearly protects subsidiarity (see above).
“Concerned Parents could then be arrested for obstruction to a primary EU directive.” EU Subsidiarity (if it worked), would mean that there is a vital local level democratic process at work. Your ‘leftish’ entrenched lobby group sets the EU ‘agenda’. You may argue it is not yet an EU ‘directive’ – but the result will be exactly the same -once ratified using the same undemocratic EU process. It is disingenuous to suggest that subsidiarity is a safe ‘proof’ of concept and that MEP’s ‘represent their constituent’ (who are clearly ‘against’ any further steps). That it will ‘NOT’ be rolled out across the EU as a ‘directive’ as an EU ‘roadmap’ is spurious – it will not be a debate – but an extension to ‘how’ to prosecute those who always will oppose it. Parents will have no choice in the mater.
This motion was not about creating a directive. It’s a non-binding motion asking the EC to produce a roadmap.
“EU Subsidiarity (if it worked), would mean that there is a vital local level democratic process at work. “
No, subsidiarity is the principle of decision making being taken at national level except in pan-European legislation. This motion (which is not legislation) explicitly refers to subsidiarity.
“You may argue it is not yet an EU ‘directive’”
Indeed – because it isn’t one.
“but the result will be exactly the same”
No, were it a directive it would necessitate national parliaments to adopt laws. This does not.
“Your ‘leftish’ entrenched lobby group”
The largest group in the EP is the EPP.
“that MEP’s ‘represent their constituent’”
I never mentioned them.
“Parents will have no choice in the mater.”
Parents will have whatever choice is determined by their national governments as this is not an EU directive.
The EP does not have the power to initiate legislation.
I take your (last EP point). It still does not change the intent or direction of travel. Each MEP holds the responsibility of reporting to Brussels and voting as a representation to the wishes of their constituency. It is safe to say that over 1 million European citizens spoke out in opposition of the Lunacek Report. On 4 February, this body did not do so. To their advantage, the LGBT lobby has a full functioning wing inside the EP. This wing consists of elected MEPs, EP employees, and paid activists that are ready to fight in favor of the lobby. Prime examples of the influence created by this wing are the activities surrounding the Lunacek Report. In effect this is a ‘follow on’ to that agenda which will be applied to ‘education’. You can find out how your MEP voted by clicking the links below.
In other words, the “oppressed” become the oppressors. How’s that EU democracy working for you all?
I am`intosex` too… but how come the EU directives are not wholly inclusive?? They forgot celibates … oh, and ginger people. (they don`t choose to be celibate it`s a genetic decision caused by hier fathers insisting on teabagging their mothers beforehand as a wierd form of roleplay symbolising thier bonding much like the Japanese Tea Ceromonies… first is the Teabagging, followed by the man putting the `milk` in a split second before the woman asks “Shall i be Mother”?? to which the man pulls a `face` and shouts “YEAH!!!!” Job done… The common result is a ginger baby who has sunbathed under a tea strainer 9 months later, .. I read it online somewhere can`t find the link right now but when i do i`ll post it…
So just to be clear what you are saying is that we can agree there is no EU law, or even a directive, that will result in concerned parents being arrested. That is clear.
As for whether MEPs and MPs are delegates or representatives I think no one has bettered the views of that great conservative Edmund Burke addressing the voters of Bristol in 1774. (my emphasis)
And thank you for that link. That was very helpful. The biggest opposition by percentage came from two new member states, Poland (30 out of the 39 MEPs who voted were against) and Romania (11/19). The two largest by votes were Germany (31/93) and France (27/69).
Three UK MEPs voted against: the two BNP MEPs and Dianne Dodds from the DUP. 28 voted for it and 33 abstained.
When looking at blocs, the EPP, ECR and EFD all split quite badly while the Greens and S&D voted en masse which is also interesting and might suggest Burke’s views are held in the EP too.
How the bBC reports a 3% failure rate in Police fitness tests.
Hundreds fail new compulsory police fitness test
Hundreds of police officers have failed a new compulsory fitness test, figures have shown. Figures provided by 27 forces under the Freedom of Information Act revealed nearly 70% of the 363 officers who failed were women. No punitive measures will be taken against those who have not passed, but from September, action could be taken against anyone failing three times. Compulsory testing was introduced in England and Wales last year.
Wow, what a huge failure rate and here is what the bBC tuck into the article later on:
In total, nearly 3% of the 13,024 officers tested failed.
Doesn’t sound as bad now does it. Yet, the bBC headline sends a totally different message.
70% of failures were women, but women only make up 10% of the force. So is this the right job for them? I guess the B-BBC won’t be having a massive investigation into this on Newsnight or Panorama.
Clearly these tests discriminate unfairly against women. Institutional sexism at work.
I forsee a massive upsurge in niche ‘blue’ ‘comediennes’ getting fast-tracked straight onto the QI, MTW, HIGNFY circuit.
No experience of comedy necessary.
No it doesnt. Its factually correct and doesnt do anything other than present a breakdown of the stats. Its only someone that either cant read properly or who has an agenda that would read anything into it. No where does it says its a huge failure rate. You need stronger glasses my friend!
Far be it for me to defend Pounce, he is more than capable of doing that himself, but if you are going to accuse people of not reading perhaps you should take your own advice. Nowhere in his post does he say the BBC call the failure rate ‘huge’.
har, haaar, the troll pwned – hugely.
Funny in all the BBC broadcasts I’ve watched or listened to I’ve never heard them say that CO2, at its current levels, constitutes a midgy 0.04% of the earth’s atmosphere. They’d much rather show us backdrops of chimneys belching black smoke.
This fuckwitt agentsmith ,more like Wolfie Smith ,go n take a swim in the Somerset Level`s with a lump of concrete on your back .
This BBC article is another one of those incidences where the bias could be said to be either way. The first bold line of the article together with the caption of the photo could suggest that the government are right to introduce the tests as there have been numerous failures. Alternatively the lines could suggest that the Police Federation were right and the nasty Tories are penalising disabled coppers.
Personally I think the article says the opposite to what you state but is still biased against the Tories. i.e the BBC are saying very few failed this test (introduced by the Tories) so the tests were unnecessary and penalise coppers. (Nasty Tories).
WHOSE unwanted Roma? An article on the BBC website raises the issue of the treatment and behaviour of Roma people – the first such one for, erm, at least a week (see It is based on a report by the European Roma Rights Centre, an organisation that according to its website is supported by the European Union, the Swedish International Development Agency and the Open Society Foundations (financed by left-wing billionaire George Soros). Putting aside the issues of the Roma who, arguably, are as much sinned against as sinning, the title of the article is intentionally misleading: “France’s unwanted Roma”. No, BBC, the whole point is that they are NOT France’s unwanted Roma, they are mainly Romania and Bulgaria’s unwanted Roma who have taken advantage of EU lunacy to go and live in someone else’s country. The sentiment of the average Frenchman was expressed bluntly by Interior Minister Manuel Valls who said that Roma people have “lifestyles that are very different from ours” and that “their destiny is to return to Romania or Bulgaria”.
Soros is the bastard billionaire who makes his billions by destabilising nation states. He still bankrolls Obama and other Communists fronts in the States and his influence has already divided the country and all but bankrupted the economy. He was also responsible for the run on Sterling during the “Black Wednesday” financial debacle in the early 90s.
Soros is more like a James Bond supervillain who is a danger to all democracies.
Caught a few minutes of yesterday’s Woman’s Hour serial: comment of a fictional senior woman police officer “….we are getting criticism from the BBC, Guardian and Independent…” What, not “the media” or “the press”? Only those three have social consciences apparently. The nasty right wing press obviously encourage police inefficiency
Take some more of your tablets my friend. It wasnt real, it was fiction as I think you initially pointed out and then presumably immediately forgot.
I think you are not detecting the irony here. Clear to me . Fiction or non fiction does not come into it. A question of attitude perhaps?
I smell another Beeboid troll
Yes, it’s a bit rank, isn’t it?
Of course I knew it was fiction – but it was written by someone who obviously had an agenda and allowed by a producer who shared those views. This is what the site is about so please do not be patronising, that requires a higher position to start with! Troll indeed
The BBC would never pursue an agenda through its drama, would it?
Hang on, tell me again which BBC departments were represented at their secret 28gate meeting?
“Free from the BBC licence fee, I no longer fund the Left. I wouldn’t give a hundred pounds a year to the Labour Party, so why hand over hard cash to the broadcasting wing of the Labour Movement?”
I did enjoy today’s daily global warming section on ‘Today’ on Radio 4. When Lord Lawson said there had been no warming over the last 17 years, the presenter forcefully interrupted, denouncing it, declaring “there’s been no RECORDED warming”. Ah yes, of course – that terrible ‘measuring of things’ that gets in the way of a good ideological position, eh? So there’s been warming, but we can’t measure it…for some reason…
Love it.
And that tells you all you ever needed to know about how these morons have been completely consumed by the madness.
The other Sir Something, who was the warmist, essentially claimed the warming is there, but it’s hiding from us, and it will come out again when it’s ready.
Listen to it on iPlayer – that is what he was claiming. Who the hell are these maniacs?
Good caustic comment from Lord Lawson: “….measurements are actually not unimportant.”
Nice spot, Joed.
Run it by me again: ‘Educate, entertain and inform’ is it?
Brainless morons.
Following on from the LGBTI story there is this gem included in the ‘hate’ crime section.
Hate crime
The current EU framework decision on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law should be revised to include BIAS CRIME and incitement to hatred on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, MEPs say.
Bias crime ! Now there’s a thought !
Only the wrong sort of bias, you can be sure.
Bias crime = thought crime?
Step by step those camps are being built.
It will be for our own good. I think it was St Just who, during the terror of 1792 said that he was actually being merciful as those guillotined would be unhappy with the new France.
The cry of the tyrant down the ages.
Just wondering folks – & this is not strictly a case of bias (unless it’s bias by reporting omission) – but has anyone seen anything, or got a handle, on how the wind farms/turbines are doing in the current “weather” ? Are they contributing massively to the grid , or been shut down because the wind is too strong ? All thoughts welcome…..
There’s a power delivery site that was shared once, that had a bunch of dials (not sure if real time and/or daily tally) for all sources of energy into the national grid.
Can’t recall its name, sorry.
Here you go;
Hopefully they have all been blown over !
I love the way they tweaked the dials to make the poxy 4% of wind power equal nuclear, coal, gas etc…. unbelievable!!
Jeremy Whine’s covering the shockingly shocking news that an independent Scotland won’t be able to use someone else’s currency, or more correctly it’s adopting the SNP talking points and asking for Scots who think ‘This kind of bullying only makes me more likely to vote for independence’.
So the message is that if you live near Jeremy Whine, ask to borrow his fancy car, and if he refuses, tell him he’s bullying you.
Strange how he attacks Danny Alexander for not having a ‘Plan B’, surely that is for the SNP to answer?
Nicola Sturgeon comes up with the weird idea that in a currency union “Scotland’s Oil” will contribute to the UK balance of payments!
From the bit I heard of this, the Little Scotlanders were hoist by their own bile-spitting bigotry.
Unbelievable reporting on ‘the death of a man who was killed while fighting in Syria’ We then hear that it is being investigated by the North West anti terrorism unit, but only as a matter of fact report.
There’s absolutely no mention of Jihad, or Islam or Muslim in fact it’s probably a more respectful report than a British soldier killed in Afghanistan gets.
Jihad poppy appeal for this November?
Another British patriot doing a Jan Palach in response to the Swiss Referendum and the bloody Tories.
This should have gone here
Found this about old favourite ‘Red Robo’
And the paper he read story in?
Given his well-established “Sources who say” ‘reputation’ here going back years, nice to see others catching up…
“It is a running joke that BBC news broadcasts consistently refuse to credit other news organisations – putting up ’Breaking News – the BBC has learned’ graphics half an hour after it was on Sky… notes his regular surprise to see lines from government or opposition press releases (emailed out to every Westminster journalist at the same time) reported as “a Tory/Labour source tells me” on the News at Ten.”
More seriously, given the BBC ‘news’ has long since given up on accuracy or even truth to fit twitter or mobile screens, James Harding’s market rate whip crack to speed up being wrong or just making things up quicker is a worry.
The bBC does yet another whitewash on the intolerant belligerent Islamic State of Gaza, where guns rule and democracy drools.
Discovering Gazans’ resilient side
After a year of relative calm, tension between Israel and the Palestinians is now increasing again. But as journalists arrive in Gaza City – expecting tensions and unrest – stories of surprise have been coming back. I had come prepared for trouble, with a flak jacket and helmet, driven from the border with Israel in an armour-plated car past a plethora of grey breeze block structures, unfinished due to a lack of cement.
Ah the bBC reports from Gaza and continues to promote this image that Gaza is a place of peace and happiness.
You know that Gaza, where the ruling party Hamas which while democratically elected , has refused elections ever since, that Gaza where the Opposition (Fatah) was driven out by the bullet ,the bomb and in a number of cases by being thrown off roof tops. That Gaza were Gay journalists are murdered , where deadly cross border raids into Israel and Eygpt are two are penny, where women are forced to be 3rd class citizens, where children are indoctrinated from an early age into hate, that Gaza which spends more money on weapons than on its people, that Gaza which like most Islamic nations blames the west for all its ill and the bBC tries to tell me it is a peaceful state.
Oh please.
the bBC report:
“Safa’s team certainly did this in their show Alwan Extra, with lively items about photography, the lack of cinemas in Gaza
Lack of cinemas in Gaza? While the bBC is happy to lament about this, they don’t mention why. Here let pounce inform you why there are no cinemas in GaThe Death of Cinema in Gazaza:
“Heavy slabs of concrete seal the doors of al-Nasr Cinema in Gaza City. Not one aperture exists through which you can see the interior of the building, which has been abandoned for decades. Its towering walls loom over the street, stained black from the old fire. In the 1980s, these walls housed one of the largest cinemas in the Middle East, but now new generations in the Gaza Strip grow old having never been inside a cinema….After 1953, al-Nasr Cinema in the Gaza Strip expanded to 3,000 square meters. The number of cinemas continued to rise, especially in the 1970s, coming to 10 different cinemas in total. These included: al-Nahda, al-Salam, and al-Sabrin in Rafah; al-Huriyya in Khan Younis; al-Nasr, al-Gilaa and al-Amer in Gaza City; and al-Samer Cinema, which was closed in 1969. Most of the films came from Egypt until the Israeli occupation, which started in 1967, thereafter films came from Israel. In the 1970s there was healthy competition between the different theaters, however the 1980s witnessed the escalation of mosque-led opposition against these cinemas. Some of the cinemas were destroyed and others permanently closed.
Almuzain, who’s made a film titled Gaza 36mm, said, “Religious incitement against these cinemas started early on with the ascendance of political Islam in its fight against the secularists and leftists whose military presence was waning. Hence, political Islam groups focused on social change in the late 1970s, and showed their strength in the 1980s by burning the cinemas and converting others into club houses and wedding halls.…“A few months after the establishment of the PA, al-Nasr Cinema opened its doors once again. It started showing movies as part of a government initiative at the time, but it was quickly shut down. During what came to be known as the events of Palestine Mosque of 1996, the cinema went up in flames after clashes between Hamas activists and security personnel from the PA.
I wonder why the bBC don’t mention that salient snippet.
Has anybody visited the bBC webpage on :
Where is it illegal to be gay?
What a confusing web page, its as if the bBC doesn’t want you know where Gay people are getting a hard time for their life choice. Oh they wax lyrical about how bad the UK was, the US was and how India India reinstated a 153-year-old colonial-era law criminalising gay sex. (So by default, its the UK to blame) But the most anti-homosexual countries (which all subscribe to a certain religion) are giving a cop out by been left out of any condemnation . Why?
Oh I forgot, see if you can find the Map
“Has anybody visited the bBC webpage ”
Thanks to you, yes I have.
“its as if the bBC doesn’t want you know where Gay people are getting a hard time”
Then why would they raise the topic at all?
“Oh I forgot, see if you can find the Map”
It’s that multicoloured thing on the right under the picture
Really, on the main article there is no map, in fact you have to go out of your way to find it., Can’t say the same when its those pesky jews going around pestering muslims.
OK danny boy please point out where the map is here:
Under where it says “Countries are coloured and categorised by their most anti-gay or pro-equality laws.”
It then says:
“Legal status of same-sex relationships”
On the same line it says “Filter by”
and below that is the map.
Or go to the image of the woman and scroll down.
Without taking a screen grab I have no way of describing it, but it is right there.
I just checked it on my iPad and it’s there as well.
You mean this page danny:

Err, no map?
Let me try again:

On my PC a picture of the map is between them photos …
For some reason on whatever device you are using it is not allowing the content from the iframe to be displayed. Are you using an old browser?
It’s there alright (well most of it) but it isn’t particularly useful. Are we supposed to know the name of every country or just guess? What do the different colours mean? Why is a sizable portion of the Southern hemisphere missing?
Or maybe that’s a picture of the map and not the actual map?
I don’t follow you here, Pounce. The map is clearly the big mappy thing slap bang in the middle of the article.
Shoddy research – Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka didn’t exist in 1860.
Inside the rectal cavity of an underaged child `MR.BBC Presenter` i`m surprised you didn`t learn this considering the SSSShaville debacle… “What`s that?? You never got to read the report?? Me niether but I know its abhorrant to sexually assualt children and btw these laws were in place in the 70`s as well!!!”
Hutton on “Daily Politics” spewed out, as his first words, that the growth isn’t proper and that we should transform the economy into a “stakeholder capitalist” one.
I’d have liked Brillo to force him to explain this better. But never mind.
I’m a bit late to this game, but have to say I do love it when Will Hutton comes on spewing his particular brand of nonsense. It always reminds me that his Work Foundation went bust, prior to being sold.
One cannot remind people enough of this.
So the number of suspect packages delivered to army recruiting offices has reached 7 !
4 Were delivered today following 3 delivered earlier in the week – but this is the first I’ve heard about it!
I think we all know who the suspects are, and for any sane country it would be a declaration of war, but not this one!
I realise that the state broadcaster can’t go around casting aspersions until there’s some proof or an official Police statement, but to the rest of us it’s just more fuel on the fire and a state which seems incapable of even saying anything which might possibly offend the religion of peace.
I’ve known for a while, a missive was sent around all Army establishments early on this week.
Same here. My senses have been deluged by continuous news reports of large puddles in villages, all week.
Apparently Irish Republicans, according to evening news bulletin.
You mean criminal gangs who up until the ceasefire were using the disguise of political and religious ignorance as a cover for thier protection rackets, vice, smuggling etc. have been trying yet again to get the Sectarian violence blighting the entire province and destroying lives once again surely???
Ancient BBC Time Lords mull Beeb’s future.
“Should Auntie lose weight and compete for your dosh?”
By Andrew Orlowski.
Let’s give some political context to the following, shall we, Islam Not BBC (INBBC)?:-
1.) INBBC:-
“Syria crisis threatens regional press freedom – RWB”
By Mike Wooldridge.
A global context:-
2.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Twenty-five years after the Rushdie fatwa, free speech is in serious danger.”
By Robert Spencer.
While Smith & Moans Alas continue the sterling work entertaining the troops with actual BBC comedy output (hope one of them is a ladyee, or there’ll be hell to pay with Danny, Cohen that is), in other news…
Complaints, irony failure and FOI exclusion all rolled in to one. The smiles just keep coming.
More seriously,
No, sorry, still funny.
I’m guessing FUBAR and SNAFU were already taken for other senior moment projects?
Worcestershire floods: River Severn at ‘record’ level
Yes, Jerry just happened to be within earshot of a woman on the bus who happened to make a remark about a local commercial radio station to no one in particular. I think we can add “woman on a bus” to “sources say” and “some say” and other such euphemisms for “a BBC journalist thinks that….”
Of course, she may have said it but, unlike the BBC, the time that they had on their hands was paid for by advertisers and not the licence fee payer.
When Russell Brand and his idiot showbiz chum were ringing up and abusing an old man and while the assorted paedophiles and rapists, that pass for BBC on air talent, were busy assaulting young kids on BBC premises, their time was paid for out of our pockets.
INBBC’s politically sympathetic chat with Britain’s enemies.
“Former Afghan prisoners enjoy freedom in Kabul”
By Mr Loyn.
“Karzai: Release of jihadis from prison ‘of no concern’ to U.S.; U.S. should ‘stop harassing’ Afghanistan”
By Robert Spencer.
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
-another ‘British’ man* (*Islamic jihadist), sometimes in Syria:-
“British Muslim fighting in Syria posts Twitter ‘torture’ footage with caption: ‘Can’t wait for feeling you get when U just killed some1′”
– See more at:
Another anti Tory, anti Cameron flood disaster, anti ukip, pro catastrophic climate change, pro immigration fest on QT tonight. Cynically held in Scunthorpe where a largely unreported flood disaster happened in December whilst the Beeboids and the msm were fawning over Mandela. Many angry flood victims in the audience plus the usual well planted students and downtrodden immigrant doctor who apparently gets called names every day because of Ukips “scaremongering”.
I am off now….got some back episodes of Balamory and Peppa pig to catch up on.
Sky newspaper review 10:30pm
Re: Scottish independence
BBC man Petroc Trelawney suggested that without Scotland England would become a nastier place, and he wouldn’t really like to live there.
Even the backwaters of Radio 3 are infested with Anglophobes.