BBC Breakfast in full martial music and black armband mode first thing. Yet again no rigorous examination of his political record. He did though fly with RAF in the war so hats off for fighting the National Socialists. Shame he tried to inflict it on the rest of us. He liked tea. And pipes.
But I suppose someone had to spend the war sipping daquairis on the veranda whilst little Mnubuttu operates the fan. It ain’t have hot mama doncha’kno’.
I stand corrected about his war record. BBC Radio London and Robert Elms continue the eulogies. Lots of ‘We’ going on. BBC assume we all think the way they do…
What annoyed me about Benn and his war service is the way he likes to big up his sacrifice in the war against fascism. It is true that he lost a brother in the war (in an accident) but, like those arseholes who claim to have been in the military and weren’t, his claim to service is somewhat disingenuous.
Utter disgrace that a bunch of keyboard cowards attack someone who was actually in service.
So let’s look at the service David Vance has offered.
He could easily have been in the UDR or RUC reserve taking on terrorists. And what did he do?
Ran off to England and only returned when it was over. That hasn’t stopped this coward trying to attach himself to the coat tails of true heroes.
On of the reasons he was so humiliated in his last election was that this individual turned up at the funeral of a soldier killed in action for cheap publicity.
We are too polite in Ulster create a scene at funeral when a carpetbagger turns up. But we all know his record in defending Ulster. And voted accordingly.
If you are so clever what was Benns war record. Which units was he attached to. What did he do? Pilot? Pen-Pusher ? Ack-Ack loader? When was he commissioned? When did he become a sergeant, the only way he could have flown before his commission? What aircraft did he fly. Was he in combat? How many kills?
‘ From Westminster School he went in 1942 to New College, Oxford, to read PPE, then followed his brother Michael into the RAF; he was training in Rhodesia when Michael’s death left him heir to the title. Posted to the Middle East, he transferred to the Fleet Air Arm, but Japan surrendered before he could see action.’
Pah’s point stands.
But perhaps you are confusing him with Benn senior:
‘His father, William Wedgwood Benn, a distinguished flier in both Wars, served under Ramsay MacDonald and was Attlee’s Secretary for Air. “Wedgie”, a nickname transferred to his son, was ennobled in 1941.’
Anything else to contribute re Benn ‘being in service’?
So enlisted in 1943 when he was eighteen and joined the RAF but saw no combat.
Trained in Rhodesia! To do what I wonder as your link does not elucidate.
According to Wikipedia he was commissioned in March 1945 ( a few weeks before VE day) and gave up his commission a few days before the end of the war.
Nowhere in either does it say he was promoted from AC2 to Sergeant so whatever it was between 1943 and 1945 he was doing it wasn’t flying.
Nowhere is Benn’s service record specific on his flying. This is the thing he liked to big up – how he fought against fascism. What isn’t stated is that he only flew after the Luftwaffe was defeated and then only in places the Germans weren’t active.
So my point still stands.
What you think of Vance is your own business as I have no idea who he is apart from a contributor here.
The hostility of Ex-Soldier to Davis Vance is very familiar. One of our usual “name-for-the-day” trolls who’s picked the name Ex-Solidier from today’s duty roster. I’d bet the nearest this dickhead’s been to the military is when he played with his Action Man collection last week.
Will the BBC be telling us how Benn used to mislead and lie about his war record. He was so fond of recounting how he fought the Nazis (a far left political party by the way) even going so far to get hysterical about it in an encounter with John Bolton (On the BBC natch).
The reality? Well his dad fixed it so that the young Pilot Officer, The Viscount Stansgate would spend his entire WWII service gunning his Spitfire around the skies over Rhodesia and South Africa.
A tired old joke I know, but the only Focker he was going to meet there was himself.
When HM the Queen shuffles this mortal coil – and may it be another 30 years at least – I doubt she’ll get 60% of the flagship Radio 4 News at 8:00 am plus, what, an hour’s-worth of tributes on Today devoted to her demise. But no such reticence from the BBC when one of its favourites – a hereditary aristo no less – dies at an advanced age. Mind you, as others have noted, in all the enconiums to Benn’s life and beliefs, his unfailing opposition to the EU and, literally, speaking truth to power in respect of the Maastricht Treaty have been sidelined. On this issue, almost uniquely in his political life, Benn was correct. To my eternal shame, and to a large extent because Benn was against it, I voted in favour of retaining our membership of the EEC in 1975.
I shouldn’t be too upset about that. The Expensive Eating Club was seen by the vast majority at the time as an international marketplace and not the entry point to a European state. I don’t think many politicians saw that coming.
Benn was only against the EEC because the common opinion, including the Soviet one, was that the EEC would make the member states richer through the removal of trade barriers. He didn’t want that and neither did the USSR.
He was not against the EEC for any democratic reasons.
Sometimes people with opposite positions can come to the same conclusions for different reasons, neither of which are necessarily wrong. Or right come to that.
“He was not against the EEC for any democratic reasons.”
Despite the face he gave many speeches to that effect? For example:
” We are discussing whether the British people are to be allowed to elect those who make the laws under the which they are governed. The argument is nothing to do with whether we should get more maternity leave from Madame Papandreou than from Madame Thatcher. That is not the issue.
I recognise that, when the members of the three Front Benches agree, I am in a minority. My next job therefore is to explain to the people of Chesterfield what we have decided. I will say first, “My dear constituents, in future you will be governed by people whom you do not elect and cannot remove. I am sorry about it. They may give you better creches and shorter working hours but you cannot remove them.”
I said EEC not EU. Umbongo was talking about his shame for his 1975 vote.
Benn changed his arguments not his stance. In 1975 he was against the EEC because it was a ‘capitalist project’ and when it became the EU he was still against it but then it was ‘undemocratic’ . Basically he was just against it and used whatever argument he felt had traction at the time.
“…I was a member of the first British Government in history to be informed that it was behaving illegally by a court whose ruling you could not alter by changing the law in the House of Commons. It was a turning point…”
He also wrote in 1977 that he loathed the EEC, claiming it was bureaucratic and centralised.
As a matter of interest, again I think uniquely, Benn and Enoch Powell made common cause on a matter of politics and put aside fundamental differences to campaign against the EEC. Unfortunately I was still infected by the lingering hype asserting Powell’s alleged “racism” which served, in part, to fool me (and many others besides, encouraged by a complaisant press and, of course, a partisan BBC) into voting wrongly in the referendum.
Whether or not Benn opposed the EEC because he was an anti-capitalist, he certainly opposed it on the basis that it was fundamentally anti-democratic in itself and that by continuing as a member we were damaging our democracy: points he made again in his speech against Maastricht.
I don’t remember it that way, which doesn’t make you wrong of course, but I was against the EEC for purely commercial reasons and I have no memory of the EEC being anything other than a marketplace until the 80’s when it started to get above itself.
Just as a matter of interest do you know what made Benn think the EEC was undemocratic in 1975? I can’t remember there being any institutions then that would have required voting beyond national level until the European parliament was ‘directly’ elected in 1979.
Funnily enough the more you read about the history or the EEC/EU the more sinister it seams. So maybe Benn was right maybe that’s just hindsight talking?
I voted for staying in the EEC, like you, on the basis that it was a free trade area but the fact that Benn was opposed made my decision very easy – even unthinking. As it happens I actually had some knowledge of the underlying “philosophy” behind the EEC because it had been a subject for study in one of my university classes: accordingly I knew but chose to ignore the undemocratic basis and murky history of the whole construct. For instance, it always struck me as odd that the sole elected assembly was (and is) not empowered to propose legislation and its only constraint on the executive is to get rid of the lot and get a new set of appointees. This actually happened once, never – I think – to be repeated and, anyway, the new commissioners were just as corrupt as the old ones: just a bit more discreet.
Even so I was naive not to consider that, given its antecedents, the EEC would not morph into the EU and a future USE. Also, in 1975, the UK government was Labour and was in hock to the unions (no change there then): the EEC – as a free-trade construct – seemed a good counter-weight to domestic socialism. However, quite why Benn was opposed may be a subject for debate, but whatever the reason he was correct.
Your discussion of the progress of EEC to the EU will be helped enormously by the book:
The Great Deception
By Booker and North
The real reasons laid totally bare.
Wonder if , when I find my Arguments for Socialism book…he`ll stick the boot into the BBC.
He may well have done so-or did he reckon that the Left needed it for the Plan?
He himself was vilified by the BBC for years, but now he`s harmless and a bit dead…he`ll be a flagship for Lefty reminiscences, and at our expense and indulgence.
It`s what the likes of Nick Robinson do-he got his first copy of Arguments for Socialism from Brian Redhead you know.
It`s a family heirloom I gather-like Scargills wigstand…only the Left are so craven and creepy.
I was one of the one third who voted “no” in 1975, having read the arrant nonsense in Heath’s white paper and then reading a Fabian pamphlet on the Common Agricultural Policy.
Ever since that referendum I have expressed the view that some people must have voted “yes” simply on the basis that Tony Benn, Enoch Powell and Michael Foot had urged folk to vote “no”. It is thus most interesting for me to see that my conjecture had some basis.
One of the most important aspects of that ‘vote’ was that :
1 it was about an economic community, and not the EU as it is now.
2 It was always intended to develop towards an EU by politicians of all colours who lied to the plebs, aided by the media.
3 most importantly, we were already IN IT, something which appears to escape the memories of millions. A vote about going in would have been entirely different.
I was fortunate to meet Mr Benn many years ago and interview him for the school newspaper. I’m afraid he came across as being as mad as a hatter. What I will say is that he was a man of principles, albeit most of those principles were wrong and misguided and often downright harmful.
I always thought Benn sounded like someone who talked a lot of sense on face value, it was only after he shut up and I thought about it that I realised he was as mad as a hatter. And that is why he was so dangerous.
Re: Wedgie’s ability to make total bollocks sound almost intelligent and reasonable:
One is put in mind of the great apocryphal story about William Jennings Bryan’s fabled Cross Of Gold speech at the 1896 Democratic Presidential Nominating Convention, an oration so spellbinding it wasn’t even cheered for a few seconds after having been delivered, before the audience erupted into loud and sustained cheering.
Two political bosses in the back of the hall, who were conducting their own business and not giving Bryan their full attention throughout, heard the climax of the speech and witnessed the audience reaction and are reported to have had this conversation:
Boss #1: “WTF did he just say?”
Boss #2: “Got no idea– but it sounded good, didn’t it?”
I have also met Tony Benn on several occasions. My father knew him well. He was indeed as mad as a hatter, never ‘politically correct’ and he was always a top-drawer toff. He was never really a ‘man of the people’. He entertained quaint notions about the working class but didn’t really want to rub shoulders with them too much.
However, he was an honest and principled man. True to his beliefs and he was a great parliamentarian. He was fervantly anti-EU, rightly identifying it as the thoroughly undemocratic institution that it is.
Whether you agreed with is politics or not (I and certainly did not for the most part), he was a politician of the old school, and Westinster will be a poorer place for his passing.
Well that’s a mistake anyone could make. Benn said all the right things about Michael Foot but it was rumoured that they disliked each other intensely.
I agree with much of the above.
He knew his Bible-especially the Old Testament battle between the Kings and the Prophets-and that`ll be thanks to his mum.
I heard him speak when I was a useful idiot of the left..and much more recently for a few years now at Tolpuddle.
I argued with him about his useless son and New Labour…and was given short shrift when the TV cameras came nearby.
But he was never personal in his abuse, did stick to policies and issues…and did have courtly civility and a keen brain until two years back.
He`s with God tonight-and I`ll close with his poem as I remember him saying it(an old hymn lyric, I gather)
Dare to be a Daniel
Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm
And dare to make it known.
And-unlike those who were so vicious in their bile and spite towards Mrs T-Benn never dealt in that nastiness.
Flawed and deluded- putty in the hands of EU bureaucrats and Civil Servants-but honourable, and deserves better than BBC hagiographies phoned in by Lefty butt-plugs like Beckett and Meacher.
I never met the bloke, but Benn did come across as batty when I was a kid; he even looked a bit swivel-eyed, like some kind of mad monk. I remember Wilson, years after he was P.M., implying as much in a t.v. interview when he was on about Benn going into a cabinet meeting and suggesting that workers be given the power to sack their managers. Wilson told the story and then just sighed and rolled his eyes skyward. Then as Benn got older he lost that manic look and took on a more avuncular air. Who knows what his true motivations were, but as far as I know he was like most of the Labour cabinet (and party, these days, for that matter): his vocal affinity for the working classes never stretched quite as far as doing any actual work. In any event, the old lad’s dead now, so R.I.P.
Five Live has been quick to let us know that in a recent poll of political heroes, St Tony of Benn came top along with Margaret Thatcher.
However, unlike when 3-time Prime Minister Mrs Thatcher died, when they went directly to her political opponents for comments, the red carpet is rolled out for liberal leftie wonks to serve up their nauseating platitudes.
Billy “I espouse the socialist agenda whilst playing Lord of the Manor in my palatial Devon pile” Bragg, being one such.
Benn himself was not averse to the metropolitan comforts, kicking it back nicely in his Notting Hill pad – man of the people indeed.
We must thank the Good Lord that the likes of Benn never got his hands on the levers of power – unilateral disarmament anyone?
However, we’re certainly in for a good old taste of it when the Marxist Milliband steps across the threshold of number 10.
And the corridors of the beeb will be strewn with empty champagne bottles once again.
A “divisive and controversial figure” at the very least.
No wait-the BBC have only one united and uncontroversial take on Tony-and that figure is whatever they can cream from the license fee payer.
So-at the BBC -Tony was a healing force and flypaper at the Sancerre…so you`ll not hear him being described as such by the BBC.
Splitter…traitor…Judas….and any other words that Reg calls the Peoples Popular Front for Judea…or Hamas as they call themselves these days.
Tragically, not as funny either…
Er….his large, middle-class type house is actually in Dorset, not Devon. Bragg gets very shirty and precious when people remark on his move, but,hey, what did he expect? Loves multi-culti Britain….but hates living among the multi-coloured masses himself. Total hypocrite, get down to Tolpuddle and abuse him when he starts to sing, i do, just keep moving in the crowd to avoid trouble. The collection of utter, lefty nazis there has to be seen to be believed.
So do I Robert!
We`ll have to meet-when Lord Bragg of Burton Brigstocke gets out his guitar and escapes the bullet-headed goons that singalong and threaten the likes of me-I hurl a final insult and then cycle off to Bragg Corner-the first corner out of the plae where his bellicose quack no longer hangs on the fetid Marxist breeze.
And there I have my beer and butties-and curse bloody Woody Guthrie for giving Bragg his meal ticket for life!
This guitar employs Facists…and rather wallows in its country pile hypocrisy whilst doling out bonbons to Brixton Primary schoolkids frugging(no law against this) along to Bragg trashing “Get Up Stand up”/One Love” in a Barking Marley mockery!
Will shout out during the five minutes silence(ie booze break and bogs. squirt the suncream) that Bob and Tony will be getting this year!
Wasn`t much of a prophet either our Tony…he clearly said last year that he`d be back again this year…oh dear, hope not!
Still-a decent lefty who taught us much…and Thatcher benefitted from much of his “championing of the oppressed”…like David Miliband I expect
An empty can makes the most noise. Apart from running the GPO, a state monopoly what is his legacy ? It is said that Neil Kinnock hated the site of him, his pontifications ensured 3 terms for Maggie. I have no doubt that his very large estate is organised to pay as little inheritance tax as is necessary. He was part of the Wegwood pottery family, hence his real name Anthony Wegwood Benn.
I can only repeat what I said in the midweek thread regarding Tony Benn. I’m not going to slag him off for his policies even though there are many I didn’t agree with. I respected him for mostly sticking to his scruples and I think it’s a shame there aren’t more like him that for the most part actually seem to want to represent the people.
With that said, there’s nothing within his personal profile, his political achievements, or the circumstances surrounding his death that justifies him being the lead story. An 88 year old man with a modest career dies of natural causes. So what? I’d accept it on a slow news day but it’s not even that. There’s the ongoing talks between the US and Russia regarding the Ukraine, the fallout from the helicopter crash, and the second public knife massacre in China within a matter of a few weeks. Any of these could and should be considered a bigger lead story than the death of Tony Benn. Not to mention the overall fawning towards him which is far different from the more balanced reaction to Thatcher’s death, even though Benn had his own opponents and people who likely would like to challenge his policies. I guess you could argue he never really got high enough up the chain to bother with something like that – which is exactly why he shouldn’t even be the main headline.
None of this is Benn’s fault and I mean him no personal disrespect. But in over-eulogising him, the BBC has ended up getting the exact opposite response. Instead of everyone thinking how great he must have been, people are now becoming increasingly cynical. Complete own goal by the Beeb on this.
Any links between the knife wielding Muslim Uighurs and the missing Malaysian plane worthy of an unbiased BBC investigation into the Religion of Peace?
I have already commented on the scandal of the BBC censoring all mention of Tony Benn’s principled opposition to the un-democratic EU. The most important part of his life, his strong Christian faith, has likewise been completely air-brushed away by the BBC.
Old left were all opposed to EU untill Jacque delors bribed unions with promise of ‘social chapter i.e. french working practices
As mentioned before Wilsons Labour party would today be viewed by the BBC in much the same way they view UKIP.
Would they treat it the same I wonder?
Agree 100% with the comments regarding the undemocratic EU Martin – although Benn hated it predominantly because he saw it as a capitalist movement as opposed to the Socialist/Marxist construct it is.
But “strong Christian faith”?Where did you get that from? The man was agnostic wasn’t he?
Probably a good use of the BBCs old Wood Lane place to give the Left its Mausoleum for the Peoples Tribune types like Benn.
If we embalmed them and lined them up in there…my choice for First Among Equals in the Peoples Palace would have to be John Mortimore…the ultimate Socialist Exemplar…if we did this, then we could save ourselves some time and get Arthurs casket ready…and so avoid the am- dram souffles of shit that poor old Tone got heaped on his head today.
I mean…50 years in “public service”?…and the best the BBC can muster on hearing the news is bleedin` Margaret Beckett?
Ye Gods, he deserved better-at least a loudspeaker ululation from Chris Mason(any relation?) from the back of Saviles Camper van as it held up the traffic on the Westway…
Who`s next for the final walk of shame?…Livingston looked a bit peaky the other night, Beckett sounded tired of eulogising for the flies that are falling. Skinner? Prescott?
Paddy Power will hopefully let us all have a bit of harmless fun…proceeds going towards a statue of Mrs Thatcher in Orgreave eh?
Would prefer Kinnock, the lying, cheating fraud, his whole family are EU teat suckers, then there is pension-killing Brown, mass-murdering Blair, ‘Let them all in’ Blunkett….and the list goes on……
Benn was a typical left wing hypocrite; he gave up his title so he could sit in the HoC but kept hold of the house in Holland Park and the country mansion in Essex.
This idiot had about as much in common with a working man as Blair, Cameron, Miliband and Clegg i.e. nothing.
He closed more mines as part of Wilson’s Government than any Conservative administration.
Can anyone remember any significant piece of legislation he introduced that improved the lot of the working man
Thought not!!
Tony Benn exploited a loophole to avoid paying death duties.
”Hilary Benn is also involved in a scheme to minimise his family’s death-duty bill when his father Tony, 82, dies. Land Registry records show the 53-year-old Minister became a part owner of his father’s £4million London house shortly after the death of his mother Caroline in late 2000.”
More left wing hypocrisy. He was part of the party that brought in death duties with the express intention of impoverishing the landed gentry.
Like all these taxes such as stamp duty and the higher rates of income tax they were originally introduced to tax the very rich and 30 years on they affect 30 % of the population
And you can’t get much more hypocritical/Lord of the Manor than this:
‘He is the Environment Secretary who has promised to open up England’s coastline to walkers.
But Hilary Benn today finds himself embroiled in a row with ramblers after it emerged that there is no coastal footpath in front of his historic family home.
Instead, signs outside the imposing house on the Blackwater estuary in Essex clearly state “no public footpath”, “private garden” and “please do not trespass”.
Ramblers can walk along the foreshore at low tide, but they have criticised Mr Benn over the absence of access along a mile of sea wall that includes the estuary frontage at Stansgate Abbey Farm, the country home of his father, Tony.’
Of course, Beeboids are politically onboard with Tony Benn, as he was pro-Islam, pro-mass immigration, pro-Sinn Fein, pro-Labour Party, pro-multiculturalism, etc.
Must hate Millybund as well as he didn’t win the vote to be party leader! he was given it by his power brokers as his brother won the real party vote !
I note from the BBC News website: Most Popular, “Shared”, 1st place “Labour Stalwart Tony Benn dies at 88”, 4th Place “Obituary: Tony Benn” But in the “Read” section the only interest that the Great British Public show is, in 8th place: “Five small things Tony Benn gave to UK”. Hardly a wailing and gnashing of teeth so methinks yet again the BBC not reflecting the general public, rather just the Islington Set
Caught some of the Sky News “What the Papers Say” – no mention of Benn in the 10 minutes I heard but on Radio 4 at 7:40 articles from SIX papers led with Benn, then, bugger me, 10 minutes later we had “Thought for the Day”. Go on, three guesses…..
Farewell to Tony ‘I don’t mind queueing up with the plebs, I always wait for a queue to prove it’ Benn.
No mention of all those coal mines he closed, surely the Beeb could have sneaked in a bit of Orgreave film.
These things come in threes so they say (were I a leftie I’d say ‘good things’) so I wonder who’s next? Time for a Dennis perhaps? Healey or Skinner? Not that we wish them any ill-will of course.
Good to hear Joe Haines and Shirley Williams sticking the boot into Benn.
Far better than the cliched hagiography that seems to be the BBCs response to any of their favoured ones…started with Diana, and downhill from there.
Will they quote Wilsons famous quote on Benn…that he “immatured with age”?
Still-he kept Labour out of power for over 15 years, so let`s be grateful for that.
Imagine Maggie`s put the kettle on for him by way of thanks…
‘the accompanying picture really tells it as it is’
Certainly would meet the approval of the BBC ‘reporter’ who shared his muggee’s tale and the picture editor who decided to enhance the visual narrative.
I wonder if there are any ‘Briton on Briton’ mugging stats that delve a wee bittie more into who is mugging whom beyond such carefully considered visual representations pervading all UK media?
Or would these turn out to be FoI exempted if deemed detail that the public really doesn’t need to worry their pretty heads about.
Just look at the pictures, sheeple.
He was so wrong on so many hard line socialist fronts, like backing Scargill and was opposed to the Falklands War, but Tony Benn got one thing right:
“My view of the EU has always been not that I am hostile to foreigners but I am in favour of democracy. I think they are building an empire and want us to be part of that empire, and I don’t want that.”
Then his point about leaving the European Community:
“When I saw how the European Union was developing, it was very obvious what they had in mind was not democratic. In Britain, you vote for a government so the government has to listen to you, and if you don’t like it you can change it.”
Wonder who Benn was thinking about when he said on democracy in Europe:
“The people who have sacrificed their view in order to get to the top (in the EU) have very often left no footprints in the sands of time.”
The media loves diversity, but the photoraph they choose to represent crime in Britain is that of a mugger who is white !! It’s a funny old world, isn’t it ?
The photo could have been worse, the victim could have been a muslim woman in a burqua. And the two police officers in the second photograph could have been black.
So they’ve slipped up in the multicultural propaganda, although they did well making the mugger white !!
I remember that the BBC used too depict muggers as white middle-aged catholic nuns, but I think that was just meant to be a silly joke, but now would be regarded as an acceptable politically correct depiction.
NO it would now be seen as un PeeCee for stereotyping said white nuns as ‘good eggs’, by making a joke of the idea that they could be ever be ‘muggers’ and thus implying that their opposites i.e. black young , non Catholic, non nuns were the real muggers!
About the only qualification to the almost ceaseless round of eulogies on the BBC is that he split the Labour Party and lost them four elections. Actually, that’s the only good thing he did.
Those of us who can remember the desperate days of the late 1970s will be only too thankful that he was no longer able to wield any power. Had he prevailed, we would be competing with Greece for economic basket case status in Europe and, conceivably, the Ukrainians would not be the only ones in fear of Russian military power.
Funny what is this obsession you have with who is elected ? are you suffering from electile dysfunction or something ?
no one has probably ever voted for you either so really you should stop playing with your ballet boll£$ks in the cellar and go seek help !
Radio Four, Afternoon Play, had to turn it off! A hypothetical scenario where Scotland has just voted for independence aand Cameron is travelling north for a meeting with Salmond.
Not only does an aid make several complimentary remarks about Salmond, but Salmond is portrayed as confident, informed, relaxed, a ‘man of the people’ controlling the agenda. Cameron is portrayed as dithering, unsure, posh, insecure.
Biased is not the word – blatant propaganda.
Wait!? So Tony Benn was responsible for closing a significant amount of mines – perhaps more than Thatcher – and putting towards the same number of miners out of work!?
And I’m only hearing about this now…. and not from the Beeb.
Plays on Radio 4 were propagandised ( if that is a word) in the 80’s when the BBC began its romance with Irish terrorists and just about every pay somehow had at its heart some poor Irish person being savagely oppressed by the nasty British. That was the reason I began to have doubts about the BBC. Since then I have come to regard the corporation as an organisation dedicated to the ruination of the UK and of England in particular. The BBC has done immense harm to the country and has almost succeeded in undermining our democracy. The sooner it is got rid of the better.
However the scale of propaganda now is eye watering. In the eighties and nineties it was the occasional thing, now its hard to find anything which doesn’t have *propaganda value*. About the only unmeddled programs are wildlife documentaries! Even classic serials have blacks and Asians randomly added!
The second series of the crime drama ‘Shetland’ has specially inserted ‘VEM’s’ which has created a horrible spoiler since the arrested teacher, being black, we just know couldn’t possibly be the perp!
“Israeli doctor treating Syrians says militants deliberately shoot children in the spine”
Apparently a number of Israeli doctors are treating Syrian women and children at the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Western Galilee Medical Centre in Nahariya, northern Israel.
Unless of course that grotesque excuse of a human being, Jenny Tonge convinces the BBC (as she did of the Haiti earthquake) that the Israelis are secretly harvesting organs.
BBC denies censorship? … (but this report was, tucked away from the main news page, on the black country news page)
“The makers of a BBC Three show claim a discussion about being gay and Muslim was cut because of security concerns … (therefore it was indeed, ahem … censored)
Wednesday’s edition of Free Speech drew criticism on Twitter? after the live show pulled a question asking “when will it be right to be Muslim and gay?”
hmm and the Independent, Guardian,and the Telegraph. Daily Mail, and Facebook, and Youtube, from Atheists, Secularists, multiple blogs, Topnews Euronews from people in England, Ireland and in the US
twitter! … sheesh typical BBC, they never “get it”
Have to love these ‘BBC denies BBC at fault’ headlines… on the BBC (albeit tucked away online when the topic is a bit iffy).
There’s never an actual responsible individual anywhere. Maybe a ‘spokesperson’ who will mutter guff, but usually this amorphous blob ‘the BBC’ talking about itself in deliberately vague terms to make it all go away in a fog of smoke and mirrors.
‘A statement from BBC Three’s Free Speech, issued on Friday, said: “The mosque received threats which gave us cause for concern to the security of their community”
But they are very clear on one thing: it was ”Not censorship’
Nope. Simply caving in to threats.
At best on the same logic that Dave & Theresa used to ban the Jihadwatch guys from… speaking.
This country now has a very messed up notion of what free speech is all about, thanks mainly to the misguided or downright barking efforts of successive Governments and the uniquely dissembling state media monopoly.
This seems like another interdepartmental internal nightmare like Newsnight vs. Panorama on Savile (didn’t take ’em long to crank up the latest).
Clearly the programme makers were pushing things as far as they could for whatever (actually interesting, if doubtless FoI-exempted reason), and then when the ordure hit the fan a bunch of shadowy ‘we don’t interfere with editorial’ types suddenly appeared to… interfere with editorial.
It’s actually quite funny (if tragic) how they are so messed up, their various internecine agenda warriors end up creating such self-harming FUBARs allll the time.
This week, Its everywhere, emails, newspaper articles and science articles including the article “BBC CENSORSHIP” on page 12 of the latest Mensa Space Special Interest group Newsletter.
Lady presenter on Today Programme this morning (Mishal Husain ? ) reports to the effect that ‘…the BBC were asked to appear on the programme this morning to defend the position of Radio 3 and its complete lack of spine on this issue, but declined to send a representative to answer even the simplest of questions….’
Typical – but hold on there just a cotton-pickin’ minute – you ARE the BBC – why don’t you give us your opinion – or would that just show up the BBC for what it is ?
They obviously couldn’t find anyone quickly to eulogise Mr Benn, either, could they ?
If she had used exactly those words, Richard, it would at least make a refreshing change. However, I suspect the actual words used might have been a bit more nuanced in keeping with the BBC’s time-honoured ‘house style’.
And Humphrys was braver than usual in his “Feedback” talk with Roger Bolton this evening.
Less Feedback-more Blowback, as Roger found himself NOT being the Peoples Champion(as the sadsuck likes to think he is)…but defending the BBC from “attack” by one of its own…treachery, infamy, Pearl Harbour?
No wonder we`re stuffed if Humphrys comes across as Lenin in the presence of a hired toady mouthpiece( codpiece more like) like Bolton.
Will someone gather Rogers pearls for him?…poor lamb seems to have clutched them and missed!
Hospital radio or North Norfolk Digital?…both would be better that Bolton and his gummy bear tribute to thick liberal groupthink.
No disrespect, johnnythefish, but her actual words were (and I plead guilty to reading between the lines)…. “Neither Mentorn nor the BBC were prepared to come on the programme this morning….”
Make of that what anyone wills (but I bet my interpretation was very close to the truth !).
No big deal, Richard, I should have made myself clearer. I was wondering what words surrounded that statement but thought it would be nothing like ‘complete lack of spine on this issue’ and ‘declined to answer even the simplest of questions….’
A bad day for freedom of speech and democracy. A good day for Islamofascism, the UAF, Hacked Off and the rest who believe Islam is beyond criticism.
it just worrys me the amount of islamic influence that is going on in all are insitutions in this country,this farce called free speech that banned free speech on bbc 3 last night just exposed 2 things,no1, bbc 3 should be shut down after after this farce,no 2, why did they hold this programme in the birmingham central mosque that in the past has had links to islamic extremism and whos leadership are now campaiging on behalf of the islamic extremist moazaam begg who uses that mosque and now is locked up in belmarch prison awaiting trial on terrorism charges,did that not ring alarm bells with the bbc producers,everybody knows that muslims see homosexuality as haram and those muslim whom dare come out as gay face violence and even death from within members of the muslim community.i.e pakistan and iran.saudi arabia etc do not tolerate homosexuality in them muslim countrys and being hanged from a crane awaits those found of to be gay in them muslim countrys.last night was a victory for the intolerant,bigoted homophobes in the muslim community,and these are supposed to be the moderates who asked the bbc to pull the plug on the gay muslim debate,god help the way this country is going with these intolerant musims,god help us.
‘….why did they hold this programme in the birmingham central mosque that in the past has had links to islamic extremism and whos leadership are now campaiging on behalf of the islamic extremist moazaam begg who uses that mosque and now is locked up in belmarch prison awaiting trial on terrorism charges……’
I suspect their main reason was to show what an open, freedom-of-speech-loving, ‘inclusive’ mosque it actually was.
A joy to see all those flares at half mast in the nations staffrooms(for Bob Crow) now matched by rolled-up sleeves on the corduroy jackets( for Wedgie).
Bet Kleenex shares are up, following from Leftie snivels over the death of Mandela….yes folks a good week for the Fightback.
And none of this is to mock a couple of decent blokes doing their bit…it`s a reaction to how their acolytes treated the death of Thatcher…as well as the usual fairy cake icing and gloop as poured into our earholes by the toadying, insincere, unplanned, making it up on the hoof, rent a rant gobshites of the left there at the BBC.
A “great parliamentarian”=did nothing…who the hell was the pewfiller?
Let the Left beware…a life reduced to your wifes soundbite…the BBC know nothing and care even less.
Come comrades-let`s make common cause, get out of the EU, bring back the death penalty and bin the Beeb!
Bob and Tony deserve it…
It does show what a liar Tony benn was by claiming that he stood for Democracy over his EU opposition .
He was on Television [ I think just after Blairs 97 win ] saying that to institute his socialist workers paradise Labour would neutralise the House of Lords , do away with the Monarchy, [ who had the power to dissolve parliament & call an election ] and then cancel any more elections until the country was completely socialist .
It was very noticeable that after that speech the BBC started a campaign to do everything it could to discredit the Royal Family .
Has anyone noticed the difference in the reaction of the right to the news of Crow and Benn’s deaths, to the reaction of the left to the News of Thatcher’s passing? When Margaret Thatcher died, the left couldn’t hide their sheer delight. Their reaction was disgusting. “Ding dong the witch is dead” they sang at their celebratory parties.
The news of Benn’s death came just a couple of days after the news of Crow dying. Did the right jump for joy, pop the champagne corks, have wild parties, dance in the streets? No. their reaction has been altogether more dignified. Although if the right had celebrated the demise of these two arch lefties, you guarantee that the hypocritical left would be shrieking their disgust at the top of their lungs.
I’m not that far to the right, but I really couldn’t Benn, and I absolutely despised Crow. However, I’m sorry to hear that they have died and I offer my sincerest condolences to their families. Other than that, I have nothing nice to say about them. I will not be celebrating their passing though. I’m far too civilised for that.
I suppose it is because right-wing people are sad when left-wing people die because it means that we can no longer point out how stupid the thinks they say are, because they can no longer say it, because they are dead.
While on the other hand left-wing people are happy when right-wing people die because they regard the sensible truthful things that they say are upsetting and dangerously destructive to the left-wing ideological mindset.
So they celebrate the death of a right-winger, because the right-winger can no longer say sensible things that the left-winger wants censoring.
Its also why the BBC wants censorship, and not just censorship of the criticism of black people or censorship of climate science.
I have been pondering that very question during today’s endless bBBC encomia to Benn. My conclusion is that most people of the right are intrinsically polite, and try to win debates by sensible argument; while many lefties are uncouth and win by being rude and shouting at their opponents.
The bBBC apparently takes the politeness as indicating approval for their beloved loonies, however.
Crow and Benn, anti-EU to their bones.
Apart from that-the very antithesis of “right wingers” and their hated politics.
Yet-no venom or bile, no evil or bitter hatred aimed at either them or their followers from the right.
So who`s the Nasty Party now then?
That`s right the Lib-Lab Fascists…and their Shouty Tendency in the vanguard.
But-as yet, no comments to this effect from either the useless Tories or even UKIP.
Maybe we deserve Labour Fascism by us not taking them on , re fundamental issues and core differences in philosophy like these ones.
The left wing editor of BBC newsnight has replaced left wing economics correspondent [Paul Mason] with left wing – former tuc economist – Duncan Weldon.
The they don’t even try to show any balance do they? Utterly shameless.
Delighted that @DuncanWeldon, one of most exciting and original economic thinkers around, is joining #newsnight as Economics Correspondent— Ian Katz (@iankatz1000) March 14, 2014
Oh, and also,
Ian Katz @iankatz1000 · 4h
Also delighted that the brilliant @TimHarford will be making a series of films on economics for #newsnight
it has been a strange week for the left with bob crow and tony benn passing away,george galloway did not look well on russian television last night,i will leave it at that i think
Priceless bit of self-harm from the odious BBC3 re Gaysians in Islam.
Mishal Hussein( who might be expected to have a steer on this one) was able to say with a straight face that neither the BBC or that “production company of theirs”…Mentorn could summon up a spokesman to defend their censorship of a gay drag queen whose question on being Gay and Muslim would not be getting asked any time soon.
Yes-a convoluted sentence there-but nothing compared to Mishals travails as the National Secular Society took her to bits and the old Muslim Doctor in the radio car feigned deafness or suchlike.
Basically, first whiff of grapeshot and the BBC leave those rainbow flags of theirs in the backs of any passing gays who might need a bit of support seeing as Islam is not at one with the BBC project of gayness.
Not only that-but it censors itself, won`t even ask the questions as set for it by a gay Muslim( orLiberal candidate who dares to post a Jesus n Mo cartoon)..but won`t even enter the Birmingham Central Mosque that it claims to be broadcasting from!
Now wonder Mishal seemed to suck on Justin Webbs gnashers as The NSS bloke told us that-AND said that Mentorn were similarly halal-compliant when it shut down university debates on Islam influence as Nicky Campbell mused nearby…the Big Questions do NOT include any “challenge” to the umma..GOT that?
So Top Trumps winner of grievance mongering is Islam yet again…if the gays hope to get succour from the BBC, they`ll be getting hung from BBC transmitters as soon as you can say George Galloway.
Oh dear-a laughing stock again, and the Benn Procession has to take its place in line behind Bob Crows puffing billy!
The BBC-the place of unintended comedy…enjoy the shows folks…
Bloody Channel 4!
The useless, thick Krishnan reads from Jon Snows old homework about Tony Benn famously saying that “all political life ends in failure”.
Oh dear-that was dear old Enoch was it not?
Sense we`re getting the old Lefty Tippex treatment here, reminding me of those happy days in Red Square on Mayday.
Tony was many things-but original he wasn`t…even had to quote his wifes joke before leaving Parliament.
True though-he was a failure in many ways-but happily kept Labour unelectable during the Thatcher era…
And not a word from Derek Hatton yet…who surely will be kinder to his memory that dear old Shirley and Dame Polly of Toynbee.
Miaow pussycats…now now , lovely girls! Let`s keep those claws clean…
Note the bitchslap between Shirley Williams and Fatty Abbott(God knows how many monks she`s swallowed there eh?).
The Left simply have to shout over opposition-and dear Shirley makes mincemeat of the PIE lady, despite Abbott squauking all over her memories.
Healey toasts him too-and Shirley brings in Foot and Callaghan to deal with Fatty Abbotts myths of Benn the Black and White Minstrel.
Kuennsberg shouts over Shirley too….too many totems and icons of Katz` droolings under threat from acid rain..or lefty tears as we must learn to call them this week.
Benn-like Maggie divides in death as in life….and if that blows up the BBC/Guardian/Lefty consensus of revolutionary tripe…then he`ll be due his celestial cup of tea!
Ah, I can add that to my list
“I’m a proud fatty,” said the Fatty
“I’m a proud black man”, said the Black Man
“I’m a proud Muslim,” said the Muslim
“I’m a proud Gay man,” said the Gay man
“I’m a proud transgender,” said the transgender
“I’m a proud Asian,” said the Asian
“I’m a proud White man,” said the Racist
And just back from another “Reggae Reggae Sauce” Fat-finding mission to Latin America via some nice Carribean haunts as ever.
That barrage balloon of race-hustling black privileges for the Batmanghedghli Kaftan sure gets around…in winter, when her boys in dorm and when there`s a saltfish and rice PIE supper to bungee jump into.
A bad, fat boomerang….the bugger keeps coming back…
Can I add her to my Mausoleum Wish List( Kick the Bucket List) for W11 Wood Lane Palace of the Peoples Bureau?
Reinforcing will be needed-but for once we`ll be getting public sector funding “value for money” on losing this bulbous tub of guts in a dreadlock weave.
The Beeb a few years back were pushing how great the Socialist Paradise of Venezuela is. They promoted Kens imaginative oil deal. But there is total silence about the results of this Socialism today. I wonder why?
Just to get food!
As a matter of interest I stood outside a foodbank in Glasgow for 30 minutes recently to see all the starving masses getting their lifesaving rations.
Now the way the Churches, Al Beeb and the Looney Left were harping on about these I was expecting to see famine stricken souls with ribs protruding being borne on stretchers and on deaths door through starvation but nothing could be further from the truth.
The majority were severely obese and with their rippling layers of fat I was surprised that they managed to get past the front door.
All had mobile phones and most were adorned in designer clothes. All had to finish their cigarettes before they entered and about half of them finished boozing from their carry-outs before going in.
Yep – the food banks are being well used but not to ward off starvation but so that the money saved from not buying food could be better spent on important things like booze and fags.
Ah but the regime in Venuzuela has sent its condolences regarding Tony Benn. Meanwhile, Ken Livingstone, Tariq Ali, Kate Hudson (of CND and the People’s Assembly) together with the late Bob Crow and dozens of eminent lefties, MPs, union bosses, and self described ‘progressive women’ are raising their flags in support of this socialist paradise. Very soon their efforts will be covered in an ‘unbiased’ BBC report of how this workers state is responding to attacks from capitalist aggression. It is becoming the latest left wing cause. Meanwhile, donations to the Venuzuelan Solidarity Campaign will be appreciated.
No chance of these ‘progressives’ actually moving to the self-evident paradise that is Chavez’s legacy I don’t suppose? Nope, just like they were during the Cold War then.
Can only imagine Prescott fancying his chances of renewing his dalliances with Tracy Temple, what with all those funeral biers and mausoleum prospects currently on offer what with Benn and Crow.
BBC=Before Benn and Crow!
Which tells me that the BBC is soon to implode….insh`Allah!
Why doesn’t INBBC report on its Islamic jihad ‘heroes’ in France?
INBBC’s Casciani did a long piece this week (‘Newsnight’ and online) extolling the Islamic virtues of an Islamikaze who travelled from Crawley to massacre people in Syria.
This is France:
“France: Four more Muslims charged with organizing jihad trips to Syria”
By Robert Spencer.
“As long as jihad is being waged anywhere, this is going to be a problem for France, as well as for the rest of Eurabia. French authorities, like other Eurodhimmi authorities, like to pretend that all the Muslims in their land are ‘moderate,’ ‘peaceful,’ and fully accepting of the values of the native culture, despite moutains of evidence to the contrary. This is not the case, and jihadis returning ‘home’ from abroad, having become ‘radicalized’ wherever they were, are going to vex Eurabian authorities for decades to come.”
Sorry but not related to BBC bias but still relevant to the mindset of the Left and its socialist class ‘warriors’. I thought I’d post a link to this childish but typically nasty lefty site concerning the Tories as it highlights the type of mindset that the BBC find appealing (especially on its ‘comedy’ panel shows).
There are more sites popping up that apotheosize Tony Benn. Now, it’s sad that anyone passes away and he might have been a kind and ethical man BUT, for all of his lefty supporters on facebook posting saintly quotes of him demonizing the rich bankers and Tories makes me ask the question: ‘What did his party do when in power?’ Yep, they made it worse!
And can you recall the nasty antics surrounding Thatcher’s funeral by 20-year-old middle class brats? Whether you liked the woman or not, where was the respect for the departed? It all reinforces my view that we are dealing with indoctrinated drones who can’t think for themselves.
Anti-right, anti-white, anti-British is now an entrenched mindset that has been inculcated into the young of today by the likes of the BBC. They’ll never change. So this will inevitably lead to violence. I blame the media and the education, especially universities which have been hijacked by the left.
The eulogies to Wedgy Benn on facebook were in the majority saying: while you may have disagreed with him he stuck views he stuck to his views and principles come what may.
When I pointed out that so did Adolf, or Pol Pot, or Stalin, they didnt appear to appreciate the point.
BBC denies censorship? … (but this report was, tucked away from the main news page, on the black country news page) … as was noted it did eventually make it onto the main news page in the “also ran” lines
“The makers of a BBC Three show claim a discussion about being gay and Muslim was cut because of security concerns … (therefore it was indeed, ahem … censored)
Wednesday’s edition of Free Speech drew criticism on Twitter? ….. after the live show pulled a question asking “when will it be right to be Muslim and gay?”
Twitter! (shakes head … safe in that world of their own eh!)
hmm … and the Independent, and Guardian, and the Telegraph. and the Daily Mail, and on Facebook, and on Youtube, and from Atheists, and from Secularists, multiple blogs, Topnews, Euronews from people, and indeed the gay community in England, Ireland and in the US
Twitter! … sheesh typical BBC, they never “get it”
The subject turned up on BBC News-Watch this very morning, no one was available 😀 to comment, but a statement was issued …
bleating on about threats being issued at the mosque? … so after much considered and concerned small change shit
the Al BBC turned yellow again
… or words to that effect
yep! … and, so our mandated Islamic Homohaters are
wait for it … victims!.
Only recently found out that UKIP have an MEP down here in Wessex that represents the “constituency” of “South West England AND GIBRALTAR!”.
Yet I see now UKIPpers running this one out to scorn…I`m presuming that the “dignity of Parliamentary boundaries” is beyond the joke.
Doesn`t augur well does it, should UKIP get some seats…just because the EU lets you include “Gibraltar” in your ward boundaries only makes you a bit of a qusiling if you don`t point out just how ludicrous and presumptuous the EU is, in daring to lob Gib in with Bristol as a “constituency” of bureaucratic delusional madness.
INBBC is disinclined to report the Islamic imposition of ‘jizya’ on Christians in Egypt-
Raymond Ibrahim:
“Islamic Jizya-Vigilantes target Christian minorities.
If Christian infidels are not made to pay jizya (tribute) to the state — as Koran 9:29 mandates — the ‘jizya-vigilantes’ will get that money one way or another. Welcome to the unfolding horror of Christians in the Islamic world.”
Another from the Beeboid Benediction Collection.
Got to say, getting the cold-blooded murder of six souls as ongoing ‘unrest’ is a new low for Aunty’s flexible guidelines of werds and frazes.
At least the caption gives us ‘”This was a brazen attack during dawn prayer”
Rather thought that, beyond the standard mayhem and mutilation thing, any beard-on-beard rumpus activity around religious times and places was a bit of a no-no on the PR front with the rest of the RoP community living in fe… well, depending on who has been offed by whom, they could be anything from dancing in the streets to dialing Tell Mama and Ian Katz (no joy there guys; he doesn’t do weekends).
Have to say the tonality seems a lot more neutral compared to other parts of the world where six folk getting killed can be enough to clear the schedules fro a wailing and knashing and rending of vestments sesh.
I have to say that as soon as I saw this clip of the pilot’s friend Peter Chong tell the BBC’s Jonathan Head that Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was a ‘Social and Poltical Activist’ (10th March) a cold chill ran up my spin. Our Jonathan seemed to be oddly reassured.
Give me a pilot who enjoys stamp collect,ing model trains, tropical fish – in fact almost any hobby but social and political activism.
Went out just now to but a copy of the Times.
I`m not normally a fan of Matthew Parris(bit wet and liberal for me) but his savage taking down of we on the Right is spot on.
He says we`re way too soft and pliant in letting the Left hate us and our kind( Thatcher, Powell)-whilst meekly nodding along as real traitors like Hobsbawn and (yes) Benn and Crow get the “national treasure as Uncle Joe” mythologising on the (cloven) hoof.
He`s right_ I recant and repent-about time we began to treat the Left as they do to us…they want us dead because they want THEIR Utopia over our corpses…why the hell can`t we demand the same for them…as if we actually DO want a better world for our kids, not a Caliphate with a rainbow flag allowed on Warsis anniversary.
Parris is right….f*** the Left!…and their useless Trojan show ponies and filth columnists…
Too right .This is a culture war and losing is not an option.
That said I still do not speak ill of the left’s departed. Silence is the best option.
It is just something a true conservative should do. Let the left shout abuse at the dead.
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BBC Breakfast in full martial music and black armband mode first thing. Yet again no rigorous examination of his political record. He did though fly with RAF in the war so hats off for fighting the National Socialists. Shame he tried to inflict it on the rest of us. He liked tea. And pipes.
I read somewhere the spent the war flying spitfires in Kenya. Not many Nazis their – another sorelian myth perhaps
Hurricanes in South Africa and Rhodesia IIRC.
Combat hours: 0
But I suppose someone had to spend the war sipping daquairis on the veranda whilst little Mnubuttu operates the fan. It ain’t have hot mama doncha’kno’.
I stand corrected about his war record. BBC Radio London and Robert Elms continue the eulogies. Lots of ‘We’ going on. BBC assume we all think the way they do…
What annoyed me about Benn and his war service is the way he likes to big up his sacrifice in the war against fascism. It is true that he lost a brother in the war (in an accident) but, like those arseholes who claim to have been in the military and weren’t, his claim to service is somewhat disingenuous.
Utter disgrace that a bunch of keyboard cowards attack someone who was actually in service.
So let’s look at the service David Vance has offered.
He could easily have been in the UDR or RUC reserve taking on terrorists. And what did he do?
Ran off to England and only returned when it was over. That hasn’t stopped this coward trying to attach himself to the coat tails of true heroes.
On of the reasons he was so humiliated in his last election was that this individual turned up at the funeral of a soldier killed in action for cheap publicity.
We are too polite in Ulster create a scene at funeral when a carpetbagger turns up. But we all know his record in defending Ulster. And voted accordingly.
A totally yellow coward.
‘In service’?
Are you claiming Benn was a maid?
If you are so clever what was Benns war record. Which units was he attached to. What did he do? Pilot? Pen-Pusher ? Ack-Ack loader? When was he commissioned? When did he become a sergeant, the only way he could have flown before his commission? What aircraft did he fly. Was he in combat? How many kills?
Pah means that you are ignorant and know nothing or even how to conduct an internet search! Pathetic.
Suggest you read the Daily Telegraph obituary.
I await Vance’s list of achievements or maybe PAH can list them.
I’ll not be holding my breath.
From your link:
‘ From Westminster School he went in 1942 to New College, Oxford, to read PPE, then followed his brother Michael into the RAF; he was training in Rhodesia when Michael’s death left him heir to the title. Posted to the Middle East, he transferred to the Fleet Air Arm, but Japan surrendered before he could see action.’
Pah’s point stands.
But perhaps you are confusing him with Benn senior:
‘His father, William Wedgwood Benn, a distinguished flier in both Wars, served under Ramsay MacDonald and was Attlee’s Secretary for Air. “Wedgie”, a nickname transferred to his son, was ennobled in 1941.’
Anything else to contribute re Benn ‘being in service’?
Yep, his brother died mid-1944 so a year after enlistment Tony Benn was in Africa, where there was no fighting at the time.
So where was he I wonder between mid-1943 and mid-1944? Rhodesia or the UK?
So enlisted in 1943 when he was eighteen and joined the RAF but saw no combat.
Trained in Rhodesia! To do what I wonder as your link does not elucidate.
According to Wikipedia he was commissioned in March 1945 ( a few weeks before VE day) and gave up his commission a few days before the end of the war.
Nowhere in either does it say he was promoted from AC2 to Sergeant so whatever it was between 1943 and 1945 he was doing it wasn’t flying.
Nowhere is Benn’s service record specific on his flying. This is the thing he liked to big up – how he fought against fascism. What isn’t stated is that he only flew after the Luftwaffe was defeated and then only in places the Germans weren’t active.
So my point still stands.
What you think of Vance is your own business as I have no idea who he is apart from a contributor here.
Earls Court is that you again?
The hostility of Ex-Soldier to Davis Vance is very familiar. One of our usual “name-for-the-day” trolls who’s picked the name Ex-Solidier from today’s duty roster. I’d bet the nearest this dickhead’s been to the military is when he played with his Action Man collection last week.
Will the BBC be telling us how Benn used to mislead and lie about his war record. He was so fond of recounting how he fought the Nazis (a far left political party by the way) even going so far to get hysterical about it in an encounter with John Bolton (On the BBC natch).
The reality? Well his dad fixed it so that the young Pilot Officer, The Viscount Stansgate would spend his entire WWII service gunning his Spitfire around the skies over Rhodesia and South Africa.
A tired old joke I know, but the only Focker he was going to meet there was himself.
I’m sure the Beeb will go for how he was a “pantomime villain to his right wing enemies” before he became a “national treasure”.
When HM the Queen shuffles this mortal coil – and may it be another 30 years at least – I doubt she’ll get 60% of the flagship Radio 4 News at 8:00 am plus, what, an hour’s-worth of tributes on Today devoted to her demise. But no such reticence from the BBC when one of its favourites – a hereditary aristo no less – dies at an advanced age. Mind you, as others have noted, in all the enconiums to Benn’s life and beliefs, his unfailing opposition to the EU and, literally, speaking truth to power in respect of the Maastricht Treaty have been sidelined. On this issue, almost uniquely in his political life, Benn was correct. To my eternal shame, and to a large extent because Benn was against it, I voted in favour of retaining our membership of the EEC in 1975.
I shouldn’t be too upset about that. The Expensive Eating Club was seen by the vast majority at the time as an international marketplace and not the entry point to a European state. I don’t think many politicians saw that coming.
Benn was only against the EEC because the common opinion, including the Soviet one, was that the EEC would make the member states richer through the removal of trade barriers. He didn’t want that and neither did the USSR.
He was not against the EEC for any democratic reasons.
Sometimes people with opposite positions can come to the same conclusions for different reasons, neither of which are necessarily wrong. Or right come to that.
“He was not against the EEC for any democratic reasons.”
Despite the face he gave many speeches to that effect? For example:
” We are discussing whether the British people are to be allowed to elect those who make the laws under the which they are governed. The argument is nothing to do with whether we should get more maternity leave from Madame Papandreou than from Madame Thatcher. That is not the issue.
I recognise that, when the members of the three Front Benches agree, I am in a minority. My next job therefore is to explain to the people of Chesterfield what we have decided. I will say first, “My dear constituents, in future you will be governed by people whom you do not elect and cannot remove. I am sorry about it. They may give you better creches and shorter working hours but you cannot remove them.”
I said EEC not EU. Umbongo was talking about his shame for his 1975 vote.
Benn changed his arguments not his stance. In 1975 he was against the EEC because it was a ‘capitalist project’ and when it became the EU he was still against it but then it was ‘undemocratic’ . Basically he was just against it and used whatever argument he felt had traction at the time.
Tony Benn in 1977 when it was still lthe EEC
“…I was a member of the first British Government in history to be informed that it was behaving illegally by a court whose ruling you could not alter by changing the law in the House of Commons. It was a turning point…”
He also wrote in 1977 that he loathed the EEC, claiming it was bureaucratic and centralised.
As a matter of interest, again I think uniquely, Benn and Enoch Powell made common cause on a matter of politics and put aside fundamental differences to campaign against the EEC. Unfortunately I was still infected by the lingering hype asserting Powell’s alleged “racism” which served, in part, to fool me (and many others besides, encouraged by a complaisant press and, of course, a partisan BBC) into voting wrongly in the referendum.
Whether or not Benn opposed the EEC because he was an anti-capitalist, he certainly opposed it on the basis that it was fundamentally anti-democratic in itself and that by continuing as a member we were damaging our democracy: points he made again in his speech against Maastricht.
I don’t remember it that way, which doesn’t make you wrong of course, but I was against the EEC for purely commercial reasons and I have no memory of the EEC being anything other than a marketplace until the 80’s when it started to get above itself.
Just as a matter of interest do you know what made Benn think the EEC was undemocratic in 1975? I can’t remember there being any institutions then that would have required voting beyond national level until the European parliament was ‘directly’ elected in 1979.
Funnily enough the more you read about the history or the EEC/EU the more sinister it seams. So maybe Benn was right maybe that’s just hindsight talking?
I voted for staying in the EEC, like you, on the basis that it was a free trade area but the fact that Benn was opposed made my decision very easy – even unthinking. As it happens I actually had some knowledge of the underlying “philosophy” behind the EEC because it had been a subject for study in one of my university classes: accordingly I knew but chose to ignore the undemocratic basis and murky history of the whole construct. For instance, it always struck me as odd that the sole elected assembly was (and is) not empowered to propose legislation and its only constraint on the executive is to get rid of the lot and get a new set of appointees. This actually happened once, never – I think – to be repeated and, anyway, the new commissioners were just as corrupt as the old ones: just a bit more discreet.
Even so I was naive not to consider that, given its antecedents, the EEC would not morph into the EU and a future USE. Also, in 1975, the UK government was Labour and was in hock to the unions (no change there then): the EEC – as a free-trade construct – seemed a good counter-weight to domestic socialism. However, quite why Benn was opposed may be a subject for debate, but whatever the reason he was correct.
Your discussion of the progress of EEC to the EU will be helped enormously by the book:
The Great Deception
By Booker and North
The real reasons laid totally bare.
Wonder if , when I find my Arguments for Socialism book…he`ll stick the boot into the BBC.
He may well have done so-or did he reckon that the Left needed it for the Plan?
He himself was vilified by the BBC for years, but now he`s harmless and a bit dead…he`ll be a flagship for Lefty reminiscences, and at our expense and indulgence.
It`s what the likes of Nick Robinson do-he got his first copy of Arguments for Socialism from Brian Redhead you know.
It`s a family heirloom I gather-like Scargills wigstand…only the Left are so craven and creepy.
I was one of the one third who voted “no” in 1975, having read the arrant nonsense in Heath’s white paper and then reading a Fabian pamphlet on the Common Agricultural Policy.
Ever since that referendum I have expressed the view that some people must have voted “yes” simply on the basis that Tony Benn, Enoch Powell and Michael Foot had urged folk to vote “no”. It is thus most interesting for me to see that my conjecture had some basis.
I was 4 years old in 1975,
I have never been given the choice weather to vote for or against the EEC/EU.
Great, eh?
One of the most important aspects of that ‘vote’ was that :
1 it was about an economic community, and not the EU as it is now.
2 It was always intended to develop towards an EU by politicians of all colours who lied to the plebs, aided by the media.
3 most importantly, we were already IN IT, something which appears to escape the memories of millions. A vote about going in would have been entirely different.
I was fortunate to meet Mr Benn many years ago and interview him for the school newspaper. I’m afraid he came across as being as mad as a hatter. What I will say is that he was a man of principles, albeit most of those principles were wrong and misguided and often downright harmful.
I always thought Benn sounded like someone who talked a lot of sense on face value, it was only after he shut up and I thought about it that I realised he was as mad as a hatter. And that is why he was so dangerous.
Re: Wedgie’s ability to make total bollocks sound almost intelligent and reasonable:
One is put in mind of the great apocryphal story about William Jennings Bryan’s fabled Cross Of Gold speech at the 1896 Democratic Presidential Nominating Convention, an oration so spellbinding it wasn’t even cheered for a few seconds after having been delivered, before the audience erupted into loud and sustained cheering.
Two political bosses in the back of the hall, who were conducting their own business and not giving Bryan their full attention throughout, heard the climax of the speech and witnessed the audience reaction and are reported to have had this conversation:
Boss #1: “WTF did he just say?”
Boss #2: “Got no idea– but it sounded good, didn’t it?”
I have also met Tony Benn on several occasions. My father knew him well. He was indeed as mad as a hatter, never ‘politically correct’ and he was always a top-drawer toff. He was never really a ‘man of the people’. He entertained quaint notions about the working class but didn’t really want to rub shoulders with them too much.
However, he was an honest and principled man. True to his beliefs and he was a great parliamentarian. He was fervantly anti-EU, rightly identifying it as the thoroughly undemocratic institution that it is.
Whether you agreed with is politics or not (I and certainly did not for the most part), he was a politician of the old school, and Westinster will be a poorer place for his passing.
Wasn’t there some fracas over a tramp that was found sleeping in his shed?
Yes the aptly named tramp was one ‘Dennis Rough’. I don’t think there was a fracas though. Benn was quite sympathetic I recall.
He probably mistook said tramp for Michael Foot.
Well that’s a mistake anyone could make. Benn said all the right things about Michael Foot but it was rumoured that they disliked each other intensely.
IWUTIT Benn was initially furious and called the police but when the press turned up became ‘sympathetic’. I might be doing him an injustice though.
I agree with much of the above.
He knew his Bible-especially the Old Testament battle between the Kings and the Prophets-and that`ll be thanks to his mum.
I heard him speak when I was a useful idiot of the left..and much more recently for a few years now at Tolpuddle.
I argued with him about his useless son and New Labour…and was given short shrift when the TV cameras came nearby.
But he was never personal in his abuse, did stick to policies and issues…and did have courtly civility and a keen brain until two years back.
He`s with God tonight-and I`ll close with his poem as I remember him saying it(an old hymn lyric, I gather)
Dare to be a Daniel
Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm
And dare to make it known.
And-unlike those who were so vicious in their bile and spite towards Mrs T-Benn never dealt in that nastiness.
Flawed and deluded- putty in the hands of EU bureaucrats and Civil Servants-but honourable, and deserves better than BBC hagiographies phoned in by Lefty butt-plugs like Beckett and Meacher.
I never met the bloke, but Benn did come across as batty when I was a kid; he even looked a bit swivel-eyed, like some kind of mad monk. I remember Wilson, years after he was P.M., implying as much in a t.v. interview when he was on about Benn going into a cabinet meeting and suggesting that workers be given the power to sack their managers. Wilson told the story and then just sighed and rolled his eyes skyward. Then as Benn got older he lost that manic look and took on a more avuncular air. Who knows what his true motivations were, but as far as I know he was like most of the Labour cabinet (and party, these days, for that matter): his vocal affinity for the working classes never stretched quite as far as doing any actual work. In any event, the old lad’s dead now, so R.I.P.
Five Live has been quick to let us know that in a recent poll of political heroes, St Tony of Benn came top along with Margaret Thatcher.
However, unlike when 3-time Prime Minister Mrs Thatcher died, when they went directly to her political opponents for comments, the red carpet is rolled out for liberal leftie wonks to serve up their nauseating platitudes.
Billy “I espouse the socialist agenda whilst playing Lord of the Manor in my palatial Devon pile” Bragg, being one such.
Benn himself was not averse to the metropolitan comforts, kicking it back nicely in his Notting Hill pad – man of the people indeed.
We must thank the Good Lord that the likes of Benn never got his hands on the levers of power – unilateral disarmament anyone?
However, we’re certainly in for a good old taste of it when the Marxist Milliband steps across the threshold of number 10.
And the corridors of the beeb will be strewn with empty champagne bottles once again.
God help us.
A “divisive and controversial figure” at the very least.
No wait-the BBC have only one united and uncontroversial take on Tony-and that figure is whatever they can cream from the license fee payer.
So-at the BBC -Tony was a healing force and flypaper at the Sancerre…so you`ll not hear him being described as such by the BBC.
Splitter…traitor…Judas….and any other words that Reg calls the Peoples Popular Front for Judea…or Hamas as they call themselves these days.
Tragically, not as funny either…
Supporter of the UAf
" rel="nofollow ugc">
Afraid this picture makes him look like Mr Herbert from Family Guy!
Deserves better….
Yes I totally agree ChrisH, Mr Herbert does deserve better!
Er….his large, middle-class type house is actually in Dorset, not Devon. Bragg gets very shirty and precious when people remark on his move, but,hey, what did he expect? Loves multi-culti Britain….but hates living among the multi-coloured masses himself. Total hypocrite, get down to Tolpuddle and abuse him when he starts to sing, i do, just keep moving in the crowd to avoid trouble. The collection of utter, lefty nazis there has to be seen to be believed.
So do I Robert!
We`ll have to meet-when Lord Bragg of Burton Brigstocke gets out his guitar and escapes the bullet-headed goons that singalong and threaten the likes of me-I hurl a final insult and then cycle off to Bragg Corner-the first corner out of the plae where his bellicose quack no longer hangs on the fetid Marxist breeze.
And there I have my beer and butties-and curse bloody Woody Guthrie for giving Bragg his meal ticket for life!
This guitar employs Facists…and rather wallows in its country pile hypocrisy whilst doling out bonbons to Brixton Primary schoolkids frugging(no law against this) along to Bragg trashing “Get Up Stand up”/One Love” in a Barking Marley mockery!
Will shout out during the five minutes silence(ie booze break and bogs. squirt the suncream) that Bob and Tony will be getting this year!
Wasn`t much of a prophet either our Tony…he clearly said last year that he`d be back again this year…oh dear, hope not!
Still-a decent lefty who taught us much…and Thatcher benefitted from much of his “championing of the oppressed”…like David Miliband I expect
My apologies for the Devon/Dorset cock up Robert (are you sure they’re not the same place?)
Keep up the good anti-leftie fight. Your reward will be great.
An empty can makes the most noise. Apart from running the GPO, a state monopoly what is his legacy ? It is said that Neil Kinnock hated the site of him, his pontifications ensured 3 terms for Maggie. I have no doubt that his very large estate is organised to pay as little inheritance tax as is necessary. He was part of the Wegwood pottery family, hence his real name Anthony Wegwood Benn.
Ah! I was wondering why I hadn’t heard a dickie bird from Mr Kinnock.
I didn’t think of Kinnock at all. Funny that.
But now you mention it…..
There’s socialism isn’t it?
I can only repeat what I said in the midweek thread regarding Tony Benn. I’m not going to slag him off for his policies even though there are many I didn’t agree with. I respected him for mostly sticking to his scruples and I think it’s a shame there aren’t more like him that for the most part actually seem to want to represent the people.
With that said, there’s nothing within his personal profile, his political achievements, or the circumstances surrounding his death that justifies him being the lead story. An 88 year old man with a modest career dies of natural causes. So what? I’d accept it on a slow news day but it’s not even that. There’s the ongoing talks between the US and Russia regarding the Ukraine, the fallout from the helicopter crash, and the second public knife massacre in China within a matter of a few weeks. Any of these could and should be considered a bigger lead story than the death of Tony Benn. Not to mention the overall fawning towards him which is far different from the more balanced reaction to Thatcher’s death, even though Benn had his own opponents and people who likely would like to challenge his policies. I guess you could argue he never really got high enough up the chain to bother with something like that – which is exactly why he shouldn’t even be the main headline.
None of this is Benn’s fault and I mean him no personal disrespect. But in over-eulogising him, the BBC has ended up getting the exact opposite response. Instead of everyone thinking how great he must have been, people are now becoming increasingly cynical. Complete own goal by the Beeb on this.
“second public knife massacre in China”
link to that please
China knife attack in Hunan’s Changsha leaves six dead
thanks- just got up ,on late shift ,had caught other stories but not that one
Any links between the knife wielding Muslim Uighurs and the missing Malaysian plane worthy of an unbiased BBC investigation into the Religion of Peace?
“I feel your pain brother.” Don’t make me laugh. Or better still don’t insult my intelligence.
I have already commented on the scandal of the BBC censoring all mention of Tony Benn’s principled opposition to the un-democratic EU. The most important part of his life, his strong Christian faith, has likewise been completely air-brushed away by the BBC.
Mr Crow was anti-EU too.
But that aspect of his political life has been glossed over at the BBC/Guardian.
Old left were all opposed to EU untill Jacque delors bribed unions with promise of ‘social chapter i.e. french working practices
As mentioned before Wilsons Labour party would today be viewed by the BBC in much the same way they view UKIP.
Would they treat it the same I wonder?
And pro-death penalty!
Bring it back!
Only to honour Bob Crow though eh?
Agree 100% with the comments regarding the undemocratic EU Martin – although Benn hated it predominantly because he saw it as a capitalist movement as opposed to the Socialist/Marxist construct it is.
But “strong Christian faith”?Where did you get that from? The man was agnostic wasn’t he?
Wow. There will be much weeping, wailing & gnashing of teeth at the BBC.
They’re dropping like flies.
Maybe the Labour Party conference will be hit by an asteroid? Fingers crossed.
Crow, Benn, Livingstone ? I can’t really say it but all good thing come in 3’s.
Would prefer Scargill.
Probably a good use of the BBCs old Wood Lane place to give the Left its Mausoleum for the Peoples Tribune types like Benn.
If we embalmed them and lined them up in there…my choice for First Among Equals in the Peoples Palace would have to be John Mortimore…the ultimate Socialist Exemplar…if we did this, then we could save ourselves some time and get Arthurs casket ready…and so avoid the am- dram souffles of shit that poor old Tone got heaped on his head today.
I mean…50 years in “public service”?…and the best the BBC can muster on hearing the news is bleedin` Margaret Beckett?
Ye Gods, he deserved better-at least a loudspeaker ululation from Chris Mason(any relation?) from the back of Saviles Camper van as it held up the traffic on the Westway…
Who`s next for the final walk of shame?…Livingston looked a bit peaky the other night, Beckett sounded tired of eulogising for the flies that are falling. Skinner? Prescott?
Paddy Power will hopefully let us all have a bit of harmless fun…proceeds going towards a statue of Mrs Thatcher in Orgreave eh?
Oh no Livingstone defiitely.
Scargill is pretty much a pariah these days so let him have a long, miserable life to reflect on the damage he did.
The Mad Hatton of Liverpool.
Just remembered – already gone, bless him.
Would prefer Kinnock, the lying, cheating fraud, his whole family are EU teat suckers, then there is pension-killing Brown, mass-murdering Blair, ‘Let them all in’ Blunkett….and the list goes on……
Ali G ( Sascha Baron Cohen ) interview with Tony Benn.
Benn was a typical left wing hypocrite; he gave up his title so he could sit in the HoC but kept hold of the house in Holland Park and the country mansion in Essex.
This idiot had about as much in common with a working man as Blair, Cameron, Miliband and Clegg i.e. nothing.
He closed more mines as part of Wilson’s Government than any Conservative administration.
Can anyone remember any significant piece of legislation he introduced that improved the lot of the working man
Thought not!!
Tony Benn exploited a loophole to avoid paying death duties.
”Hilary Benn is also involved in a scheme to minimise his family’s death-duty bill when his father Tony, 82, dies. Land Registry records show the 53-year-old Minister became a part owner of his father’s £4million London house shortly after the death of his mother Caroline in late 2000.”
More left wing hypocrisy. He was part of the party that brought in death duties with the express intention of impoverishing the landed gentry.
Like all these taxes such as stamp duty and the higher rates of income tax they were originally introduced to tax the very rich and 30 years on they affect 30 % of the population
It’s hardly exploiting a loophole to make sure your will makes best use of the Inheritance Tax nil rate band. It’s common sense.
Just like any other tax avoidance scheme is common sense – it’s a pity the ‘brothers’ don’t like anyone else’s perquisites.
Hypocrisy writ large, from the Left.
And you can’t get much more hypocritical/Lord of the Manor than this:
‘He is the Environment Secretary who has promised to open up England’s coastline to walkers.
But Hilary Benn today finds himself embroiled in a row with ramblers after it emerged that there is no coastal footpath in front of his historic family home.
Instead, signs outside the imposing house on the Blackwater estuary in Essex clearly state “no public footpath”, “private garden” and “please do not trespass”.
Ramblers can walk along the foreshore at low tide, but they have criticised Mr Benn over the absence of access along a mile of sea wall that includes the estuary frontage at Stansgate Abbey Farm, the country home of his father, Tony.’
What was that about the Kinder trespass again, Tony?
I remember that well. Got to keep the proles of the estate paths, what what!
Of course, Beeboids are politically onboard with Tony Benn, as he was pro-Islam, pro-mass immigration, pro-Sinn Fein, pro-Labour Party, pro-multiculturalism, etc.
Of course both Tony Benn and Bob Crow were elected to their positions. No wonder Vance does not like them.
You must hate Baroness Ashton.
Viscount shtanzgate -elected!
Must hate Millybund as well as he didn’t win the vote to be party leader! he was given it by his power brokers as his brother won the real party vote !
That would be left wing democracy in action, Mat.
Are you and Flawedlogic, George Arse, Demonseed, Vitali, Jimbo, Willie, steve brown, Hadhood, Agent Smith, Barabbas, Steve Collins, etc..
What a bore you are
Where are the elected editors of tax-sucking, politically leftist, global broadcasting empire which is the BBC?
I note from the BBC News website: Most Popular, “Shared”, 1st place “Labour Stalwart Tony Benn dies at 88”, 4th Place “Obituary: Tony Benn” But in the “Read” section the only interest that the Great British Public show is, in 8th place: “Five small things Tony Benn gave to UK”. Hardly a wailing and gnashing of teeth so methinks yet again the BBC not reflecting the general public, rather just the Islington Set
Caught some of the Sky News “What the Papers Say” – no mention of Benn in the 10 minutes I heard but on Radio 4 at 7:40 articles from SIX papers led with Benn, then, bugger me, 10 minutes later we had “Thought for the Day”. Go on, three guesses…..
Farewell to Tony ‘I don’t mind queueing up with the plebs, I always wait for a queue to prove it’ Benn.
No mention of all those coal mines he closed, surely the Beeb could have sneaked in a bit of Orgreave film.
These things come in threes so they say (were I a leftie I’d say ‘good things’) so I wonder who’s next? Time for a Dennis perhaps? Healey or Skinner? Not that we wish them any ill-will of course.
Good to hear Joe Haines and Shirley Williams sticking the boot into Benn.
Far better than the cliched hagiography that seems to be the BBCs response to any of their favoured ones…started with Diana, and downhill from there.
Will they quote Wilsons famous quote on Benn…that he “immatured with age”?
Still-he kept Labour out of power for over 15 years, so let`s be grateful for that.
Imagine Maggie`s put the kettle on for him by way of thanks…
“Briton is mugged or robbed every three minutes as UK street crime soars” – Daily Express.
I thought the Beeb would have made something of this, especially as the accompanying picture really tells it as it is.
That Briton must have been having a very bad day.
Now that is very funny !
‘the accompanying picture really tells it as it is’
Certainly would meet the approval of the BBC ‘reporter’ who shared his muggee’s tale and the picture editor who decided to enhance the visual narrative.
I wonder if there are any ‘Briton on Briton’ mugging stats that delve a wee bittie more into who is mugging whom beyond such carefully considered visual representations pervading all UK media?
Or would these turn out to be FoI exempted if deemed detail that the public really doesn’t need to worry their pretty heads about.
Just look at the pictures, sheeple.
He was so wrong on so many hard line socialist fronts, like backing Scargill and was opposed to the Falklands War, but Tony Benn got one thing right:
“My view of the EU has always been not that I am hostile to foreigners but I am in favour of democracy. I think they are building an empire and want us to be part of that empire, and I don’t want that.”
Then his point about leaving the European Community:
“When I saw how the European Union was developing, it was very obvious what they had in mind was not democratic. In Britain, you vote for a government so the government has to listen to you, and if you don’t like it you can change it.”
Wonder who Benn was thinking about when he said on democracy in Europe:
“The people who have sacrificed their view in order to get to the top (in the EU) have very often left no footprints in the sands of time.”
”I wonder if there are any ‘Briton on Briton’ mugging stats.”
” UK Enrichment News.” Gosh, Look at their mug shots !!
The media loves diversity, but the photoraph they choose to represent crime in Britain is that of a mugger who is white !! It’s a funny old world, isn’t it ?
The photo could have been worse, the victim could have been a muslim woman in a burqua. And the two police officers in the second photograph could have been black.
So they’ve slipped up in the multicultural propaganda, although they did well making the mugger white !!
I remember that the BBC used too depict muggers as white middle-aged catholic nuns, but I think that was just meant to be a silly joke, but now would be regarded as an acceptable politically correct depiction.
NO it would now be seen as un PeeCee for stereotyping said white nuns as ‘good eggs’, by making a joke of the idea that they could be ever be ‘muggers’ and thus implying that their opposites i.e. black young , non Catholic, non nuns were the real muggers!
Could the choice of picture have something to do with the fact that the reporter is one Anil Dawar?
Anil right enough!
About the only qualification to the almost ceaseless round of eulogies on the BBC is that he split the Labour Party and lost them four elections. Actually, that’s the only good thing he did.
Those of us who can remember the desperate days of the late 1970s will be only too thankful that he was no longer able to wield any power. Had he prevailed, we would be competing with Greece for economic basket case status in Europe and, conceivably, the Ukrainians would not be the only ones in fear of Russian military power.
(Tony Benn of course!)
“David Vance @DVATW 7h
Sad to read of the passing of Tony Benn, aged 88. He was a great Parliamentarian and speaker whose politics were toxic.”
Obviously not as toxic as your own politics – you know, the ones upon which you stood for election and failed!!
Funny what is this obsession you have with who is elected ? are you suffering from electile dysfunction or something ?
no one has probably ever voted for you either so really you should stop playing with your ballet boll£$ks in the cellar and go seek help !
It’s Friday, it’s 3 o’clock and it’s the crackers hijacking the thread, like clockwork.
Can set your watch by ’em. Which reminds me: tea!
Friday is POETS day at the BBC (Piss Off Early Tomorrow’s Saturday).
Radio Four, Afternoon Play, had to turn it off! A hypothetical scenario where Scotland has just voted for independence aand Cameron is travelling north for a meeting with Salmond.
Not only does an aid make several complimentary remarks about Salmond, but Salmond is portrayed as confident, informed, relaxed, a ‘man of the people’ controlling the agenda. Cameron is portrayed as dithering, unsure, posh, insecure.
Biased is not the word – blatant propaganda.
Wait!? So Tony Benn was responsible for closing a significant amount of mines – perhaps more than Thatcher – and putting towards the same number of miners out of work!?
And I’m only hearing about this now…. and not from the Beeb.
The scores were:
Wilson and Stansgate: 211 in 5 years
Thatcher: 154 in 11 years
So there!
Plays on Radio 4 were propagandised ( if that is a word) in the 80’s when the BBC began its romance with Irish terrorists and just about every pay somehow had at its heart some poor Irish person being savagely oppressed by the nasty British. That was the reason I began to have doubts about the BBC. Since then I have come to regard the corporation as an organisation dedicated to the ruination of the UK and of England in particular. The BBC has done immense harm to the country and has almost succeeded in undermining our democracy. The sooner it is got rid of the better.
Hardly awash, a few strange patterns on a few buildings, it seems the headlines says we are all flying them from our rooftops.
Anything to undermine the English.
However the scale of propaganda now is eye watering. In the eighties and nineties it was the occasional thing, now its hard to find anything which doesn’t have *propaganda value*. About the only unmeddled programs are wildlife documentaries! Even classic serials have blacks and Asians randomly added!
The second series of the crime drama ‘Shetland’ has specially inserted ‘VEM’s’ which has created a horrible spoiler since the arrested teacher, being black, we just know couldn’t possibly be the perp!
A story you Definitely won’t hear from the BBC:
“Israeli doctor treating Syrians says militants deliberately shoot children in the spine”
Apparently a number of Israeli doctors are treating Syrian women and children at the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Western Galilee Medical Centre in Nahariya, northern Israel.
Unless of course that grotesque excuse of a human being, Jenny Tonge convinces the BBC (as she did of the Haiti earthquake) that the Israelis are secretly harvesting organs.
BBC denies censorship? … (but this report was, tucked away from the main news page, on the black country news page)
“The makers of a BBC Three show claim a discussion about being gay and Muslim was cut because of security concerns … (therefore it was indeed, ahem … censored)
Wednesday’s edition of Free Speech drew criticism on Twitter? after the live show pulled a question asking “when will it be right to be Muslim and gay?”
hmm and the Independent, Guardian,and the Telegraph. Daily Mail, and Facebook, and Youtube, from Atheists, Secularists, multiple blogs, Topnews Euronews from people in England, Ireland and in the US
twitter! … sheesh typical BBC, they never “get it”
it is …. now
One of the most powerful Condell videos. His sentiments and warnings are uncontestable.
Good old Pat, on the money as usual….send this to your MP if you can, and the BBC, send it every day, piss them off.
It’s on the main news page. And the Entertainment section.
This isn’t…
Have to love these ‘BBC denies BBC at fault’ headlines… on the BBC (albeit tucked away online when the topic is a bit iffy).
There’s never an actual responsible individual anywhere. Maybe a ‘spokesperson’ who will mutter guff, but usually this amorphous blob ‘the BBC’ talking about itself in deliberately vague terms to make it all go away in a fog of smoke and mirrors.
‘A statement from BBC Three’s Free Speech, issued on Friday, said: “The mosque received threats which gave us cause for concern to the security of their community”
But they are very clear on one thing: it was ”Not censorship’
Nope. Simply caving in to threats.
At best on the same logic that Dave & Theresa used to ban the Jihadwatch guys from… speaking.
This country now has a very messed up notion of what free speech is all about, thanks mainly to the misguided or downright barking efforts of successive Governments and the uniquely dissembling state media monopoly.
This seems like another interdepartmental internal nightmare like Newsnight vs. Panorama on Savile (didn’t take ’em long to crank up the latest).
Clearly the programme makers were pushing things as far as they could for whatever (actually interesting, if doubtless FoI-exempted reason), and then when the ordure hit the fan a bunch of shadowy ‘we don’t interfere with editorial’ types suddenly appeared to… interfere with editorial.
It’s actually quite funny (if tragic) how they are so messed up, their various internecine agenda warriors end up creating such self-harming FUBARs allll the time.
This week, Its everywhere, emails, newspaper articles and science articles including the article “BBC CENSORSHIP” on page 12 of the latest Mensa Space Special Interest group Newsletter.
Lady presenter on Today Programme this morning (Mishal Husain ? ) reports to the effect that ‘…the BBC were asked to appear on the programme this morning to defend the position of Radio 3 and its complete lack of spine on this issue, but declined to send a representative to answer even the simplest of questions….’
Typical – but hold on there just a cotton-pickin’ minute – you ARE the BBC – why don’t you give us your opinion – or would that just show up the BBC for what it is ?
They obviously couldn’t find anyone quickly to eulogise Mr Benn, either, could they ?
If she had used exactly those words, Richard, it would at least make a refreshing change. However, I suspect the actual words used might have been a bit more nuanced in keeping with the BBC’s time-honoured ‘house style’.
She actually did say that the BBC had declined to comment, so Richard D has a point.
And Humphrys was braver than usual in his “Feedback” talk with Roger Bolton this evening.
Less Feedback-more Blowback, as Roger found himself NOT being the Peoples Champion(as the sadsuck likes to think he is)…but defending the BBC from “attack” by one of its own…treachery, infamy, Pearl Harbour?
No wonder we`re stuffed if Humphrys comes across as Lenin in the presence of a hired toady mouthpiece( codpiece more like) like Bolton.
Will someone gather Rogers pearls for him?…poor lamb seems to have clutched them and missed!
Hospital radio or North Norfolk Digital?…both would be better that Bolton and his gummy bear tribute to thick liberal groupthink.
No disrespect, johnnythefish, but her actual words were (and I plead guilty to reading between the lines)…. “Neither Mentorn nor the BBC were prepared to come on the programme this morning….”
Make of that what anyone wills (but I bet my interpretation was very close to the truth !).
No big deal, Richard, I should have made myself clearer. I was wondering what words surrounded that statement but thought it would be nothing like ‘complete lack of spine on this issue’ and ‘declined to answer even the simplest of questions….’
A bad day for freedom of speech and democracy. A good day for Islamofascism, the UAF, Hacked Off and the rest who believe Islam is beyond criticism.
OK, johnnythefish – I did perhaps read a tad further into the announcement than the bare words use by Ms Husain. (Blush)
As you say, a bad day for freedom of speech and democracy.
it just worrys me the amount of islamic influence that is going on in all are insitutions in this country,this farce called free speech that banned free speech on bbc 3 last night just exposed 2 things,no1, bbc 3 should be shut down after after this farce,no 2, why did they hold this programme in the birmingham central mosque that in the past has had links to islamic extremism and whos leadership are now campaiging on behalf of the islamic extremist moazaam begg who uses that mosque and now is locked up in belmarch prison awaiting trial on terrorism charges,did that not ring alarm bells with the bbc producers,everybody knows that muslims see homosexuality as haram and those muslim whom dare come out as gay face violence and even death from within members of the muslim community.i.e pakistan and iran.saudi arabia etc do not tolerate homosexuality in them muslim countrys and being hanged from a crane awaits those found of to be gay in them muslim countrys.last night was a victory for the intolerant,bigoted homophobes in the muslim community,and these are supposed to be the moderates who asked the bbc to pull the plug on the gay muslim debate,god help the way this country is going with these intolerant musims,god help us.
‘….why did they hold this programme in the birmingham central mosque that in the past has had links to islamic extremism and whos leadership are now campaiging on behalf of the islamic extremist moazaam begg who uses that mosque and now is locked up in belmarch prison awaiting trial on terrorism charges……’
I suspect their main reason was to show what an open, freedom-of-speech-loving, ‘inclusive’ mosque it actually was.
Let’s celebrate one big red bitten BBC arse.
A joy to see all those flares at half mast in the nations staffrooms(for Bob Crow) now matched by rolled-up sleeves on the corduroy jackets( for Wedgie).
Bet Kleenex shares are up, following from Leftie snivels over the death of Mandela….yes folks a good week for the Fightback.
And none of this is to mock a couple of decent blokes doing their bit…it`s a reaction to how their acolytes treated the death of Thatcher…as well as the usual fairy cake icing and gloop as poured into our earholes by the toadying, insincere, unplanned, making it up on the hoof, rent a rant gobshites of the left there at the BBC.
A “great parliamentarian”=did nothing…who the hell was the pewfiller?
Let the Left beware…a life reduced to your wifes soundbite…the BBC know nothing and care even less.
Come comrades-let`s make common cause, get out of the EU, bring back the death penalty and bin the Beeb!
Bob and Tony deserve it…
who would have thought it?
They really don’t even try to hide it do they?
It does show what a liar Tony benn was by claiming that he stood for Democracy over his EU opposition .
He was on Television [ I think just after Blairs 97 win ] saying that to institute his socialist workers paradise Labour would neutralise the House of Lords , do away with the Monarchy, [ who had the power to dissolve parliament & call an election ] and then cancel any more elections until the country was completely socialist .
It was very noticeable that after that speech the BBC started a campaign to do everything it could to discredit the Royal Family .
Has anyone noticed the difference in the reaction of the right to the news of Crow and Benn’s deaths, to the reaction of the left to the News of Thatcher’s passing? When Margaret Thatcher died, the left couldn’t hide their sheer delight. Their reaction was disgusting. “Ding dong the witch is dead” they sang at their celebratory parties.
The news of Benn’s death came just a couple of days after the news of Crow dying. Did the right jump for joy, pop the champagne corks, have wild parties, dance in the streets? No. their reaction has been altogether more dignified. Although if the right had celebrated the demise of these two arch lefties, you guarantee that the hypocritical left would be shrieking their disgust at the top of their lungs.
I’m not that far to the right, but I really couldn’t Benn, and I absolutely despised Crow. However, I’m sorry to hear that they have died and I offer my sincerest condolences to their families. Other than that, I have nothing nice to say about them. I will not be celebrating their passing though. I’m far too civilised for that.
I suppose it is because right-wing people are sad when left-wing people die because it means that we can no longer point out how stupid the thinks they say are, because they can no longer say it, because they are dead.
While on the other hand left-wing people are happy when right-wing people die because they regard the sensible truthful things that they say are upsetting and dangerously destructive to the left-wing ideological mindset.
So they celebrate the death of a right-winger, because the right-winger can no longer say sensible things that the left-winger wants censoring.
Its also why the BBC wants censorship, and not just censorship of the criticism of black people or censorship of climate science.
I have been pondering that very question during today’s endless bBBC encomia to Benn. My conclusion is that most people of the right are intrinsically polite, and try to win debates by sensible argument; while many lefties are uncouth and win by being rude and shouting at their opponents.
The bBBC apparently takes the politeness as indicating approval for their beloved loonies, however.
Crow and Benn, anti-EU to their bones.
Apart from that-the very antithesis of “right wingers” and their hated politics.
Yet-no venom or bile, no evil or bitter hatred aimed at either them or their followers from the right.
So who`s the Nasty Party now then?
That`s right the Lib-Lab Fascists…and their Shouty Tendency in the vanguard.
But-as yet, no comments to this effect from either the useless Tories or even UKIP.
Maybe we deserve Labour Fascism by us not taking them on , re fundamental issues and core differences in philosophy like these ones.
The left wing editor of BBC newsnight has replaced left wing economics correspondent [Paul Mason] with left wing – former tuc economist – Duncan Weldon.
The they don’t even try to show any balance do they? Utterly shameless.
I’ve a good mind to write to Lord Patten about this – or I could just discuss it with my cat!
Gosh I thought… and did that! But my cat saved me the postage by meowing something that sounded like ‘f*ck you, pay me’.
Or, one could always tell Patten to go home and get his freakin’ shinebox– there’s that option, too.
Oh, and also,
Ian Katz @iankatz1000 · 4h
Also delighted that the brilliant @TimHarford will be making a series of films on economics for #newsnight
Who he? Oh this is him….
The chancellor’s claim that Britain’s slow recovery vindicates his policies is drivel
it has been a strange week for the left with bob crow and tony benn passing away,george galloway did not look well on russian television last night,i will leave it at that i think
Priceless bit of self-harm from the odious BBC3 re Gaysians in Islam.
Mishal Hussein( who might be expected to have a steer on this one) was able to say with a straight face that neither the BBC or that “production company of theirs”…Mentorn could summon up a spokesman to defend their censorship of a gay drag queen whose question on being Gay and Muslim would not be getting asked any time soon.
Yes-a convoluted sentence there-but nothing compared to Mishals travails as the National Secular Society took her to bits and the old Muslim Doctor in the radio car feigned deafness or suchlike.
Basically, first whiff of grapeshot and the BBC leave those rainbow flags of theirs in the backs of any passing gays who might need a bit of support seeing as Islam is not at one with the BBC project of gayness.
Not only that-but it censors itself, won`t even ask the questions as set for it by a gay Muslim( orLiberal candidate who dares to post a Jesus n Mo cartoon)..but won`t even enter the Birmingham Central Mosque that it claims to be broadcasting from!
Now wonder Mishal seemed to suck on Justin Webbs gnashers as The NSS bloke told us that-AND said that Mentorn were similarly halal-compliant when it shut down university debates on Islam influence as Nicky Campbell mused nearby…the Big Questions do NOT include any “challenge” to the umma..GOT that?
So Top Trumps winner of grievance mongering is Islam yet again…if the gays hope to get succour from the BBC, they`ll be getting hung from BBC transmitters as soon as you can say George Galloway.
Oh dear-a laughing stock again, and the Benn Procession has to take its place in line behind Bob Crows puffing billy!
The BBC-the place of unintended comedy…enjoy the shows folks…
Bloody Channel 4!
The useless, thick Krishnan reads from Jon Snows old homework about Tony Benn famously saying that “all political life ends in failure”.
Oh dear-that was dear old Enoch was it not?
Sense we`re getting the old Lefty Tippex treatment here, reminding me of those happy days in Red Square on Mayday.
Tony was many things-but original he wasn`t…even had to quote his wifes joke before leaving Parliament.
True though-he was a failure in many ways-but happily kept Labour unelectable during the Thatcher era…
And not a word from Derek Hatton yet…who surely will be kinder to his memory that dear old Shirley and Dame Polly of Toynbee.
Miaow pussycats…now now , lovely girls! Let`s keep those claws clean…
Denis Healey on Benn on Newsnight. Ooooh Bitter!
Note the bitchslap between Shirley Williams and Fatty Abbott(God knows how many monks she`s swallowed there eh?).
The Left simply have to shout over opposition-and dear Shirley makes mincemeat of the PIE lady, despite Abbott squauking all over her memories.
Healey toasts him too-and Shirley brings in Foot and Callaghan to deal with Fatty Abbotts myths of Benn the Black and White Minstrel.
Kuennsberg shouts over Shirley too….too many totems and icons of Katz` droolings under threat from acid rain..or lefty tears as we must learn to call them this week.
Benn-like Maggie divides in death as in life….and if that blows up the BBC/Guardian/Lefty consensus of revolutionary tripe…then he`ll be due his celestial cup of tea!
is there a worse MP than fatty abbott?
beeb love her!
I think she’s too stupid to do much damage.
You wouldn’t like to be in her way when the cry of “Free pies – all you can eat ! ” goes up though.
What a fattist remark!
Ah, I can add that to my list
“I’m a proud fatty,” said the Fatty
“I’m a proud black man”, said the Black Man
“I’m a proud Muslim,” said the Muslim
“I’m a proud Gay man,” said the Gay man
“I’m a proud transgender,” said the transgender
“I’m a proud Asian,” said the Asian
“I’m a proud White man,” said the Racist
“I’m a proud Englishman” said the Little Englander.
Is that a put down?
To the left it is.
“I’m a proud Scotsman”, said the Scottish patriot (living anywhere but).
And just back from another “Reggae Reggae Sauce” Fat-finding mission to Latin America via some nice Carribean haunts as ever.
That barrage balloon of race-hustling black privileges for the Batmanghedghli Kaftan sure gets around…in winter, when her boys in dorm and when there`s a saltfish and rice PIE supper to bungee jump into.
A bad, fat boomerang….the bugger keeps coming back…
Can I add her to my Mausoleum Wish List( Kick the Bucket List) for W11 Wood Lane Palace of the Peoples Bureau?
Reinforcing will be needed-but for once we`ll be getting public sector funding “value for money” on losing this bulbous tub of guts in a dreadlock weave.
“Num num num ! Fondoooooooue ! Want itttt ! Give to Mummy ! Num num num belch squelch ! “
Two headlines of same story:-
‘Daily Mail’:-
“British Muslim couple jailed for ‘offensive in the extreme’ YouTube videos that glorified murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby”
Read more:
Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“Lee Rigby murder: Couple jailed for glorification videos”
To be fair on the 10″ clock news they described them as Muslims.
To be fair, INBBC doesn’t describe them as Muslims in its online report. But ‘Daily Mail’ rightly does.
Not in the headlines, where it matters.
The headline on the 10″ clock news was Muslim couple jailed. They showed the video. Though they did mention they were converts, what ever that means?
Maybe they responded to your complaint? For once:)
Will INBBC now put in the word ‘Muslim’ in its online report?
The Beeb a few years back were pushing how great the Socialist Paradise of Venezuela is. They promoted Kens imaginative oil deal. But there is total silence about the results of this Socialism today. I wonder why?
Well it looks like Venezuela has returned to the Socialism of Germany in the 1940s. With some pretty fancy arm symbols just to get food.
Just to get food!
As a matter of interest I stood outside a foodbank in Glasgow for 30 minutes recently to see all the starving masses getting their lifesaving rations.
Now the way the Churches, Al Beeb and the Looney Left were harping on about these I was expecting to see famine stricken souls with ribs protruding being borne on stretchers and on deaths door through starvation but nothing could be further from the truth.
The majority were severely obese and with their rippling layers of fat I was surprised that they managed to get past the front door.
All had mobile phones and most were adorned in designer clothes. All had to finish their cigarettes before they entered and about half of them finished boozing from their carry-outs before going in.
Yep – the food banks are being well used but not to ward off starvation but so that the money saved from not buying food could be better spent on important things like booze and fags.
Well said. “Used” is not the same as “needed”.
It’s a protest movement, nothing more.
To be fair the mobiles are probably unpaid for and the designer clothes knock offs from the market but the beer and fags are harder to explain away.
As to the picture above surely that’s no different to a stamp from a night club only in reverse. It stops them going back in for more.
Either way they are both symbols of socialist policies designed to enrich those in power at the cost of those they purport to represent.
Ah but the regime in Venuzuela has sent its condolences regarding Tony Benn. Meanwhile, Ken Livingstone, Tariq Ali, Kate Hudson (of CND and the People’s Assembly) together with the late Bob Crow and dozens of eminent lefties, MPs, union bosses, and self described ‘progressive women’ are raising their flags in support of this socialist paradise. Very soon their efforts will be covered in an ‘unbiased’ BBC report of how this workers state is responding to attacks from capitalist aggression. It is becoming the latest left wing cause. Meanwhile, donations to the Venuzuelan Solidarity Campaign will be appreciated.
No chance of these ‘progressives’ actually moving to the self-evident paradise that is Chavez’s legacy I don’t suppose? Nope, just like they were during the Cold War then.
Can only imagine Prescott fancying his chances of renewing his dalliances with Tracy Temple, what with all those funeral biers and mausoleum prospects currently on offer what with Benn and Crow.
BBC=Before Benn and Crow!
Which tells me that the BBC is soon to implode….insh`Allah!
The impoverished state of Venezuela offers many opportunities for the not-very blessed one:
“Coom ‘ere, Senorita. If you have a pull on my wee willie winkie I’ll give you half of this loovly Kit Kat ! ”
(Said in Welsh, of course).
Welsh, interesting, yes…..perhaps he has that famous welsh place name tattooed on his dick…you know the one, no not Llanfair…PG,
Wasn’t it Ludo when he was relaxed ?
A non-BBC-NUJ critique of BENN’s politics:-
” Gifted, principled, and so very wrong”
Read more:
Why doesn’t INBBC report on its Islamic jihad ‘heroes’ in France?
INBBC’s Casciani did a long piece this week (‘Newsnight’ and online) extolling the Islamic virtues of an Islamikaze who travelled from Crawley to massacre people in Syria.
This is France:
“France: Four more Muslims charged with organizing jihad trips to Syria”
By Robert Spencer.
“As long as jihad is being waged anywhere, this is going to be a problem for France, as well as for the rest of Eurabia. French authorities, like other Eurodhimmi authorities, like to pretend that all the Muslims in their land are ‘moderate,’ ‘peaceful,’ and fully accepting of the values of the native culture, despite moutains of evidence to the contrary. This is not the case, and jihadis returning ‘home’ from abroad, having become ‘radicalized’ wherever they were, are going to vex Eurabian authorities for decades to come.”
Sorry but not related to BBC bias but still relevant to the mindset of the Left and its socialist class ‘warriors’. I thought I’d post a link to this childish but typically nasty lefty site concerning the Tories as it highlights the type of mindset that the BBC find appealing (especially on its ‘comedy’ panel shows).
There are more sites popping up that apotheosize Tony Benn. Now, it’s sad that anyone passes away and he might have been a kind and ethical man BUT, for all of his lefty supporters on facebook posting saintly quotes of him demonizing the rich bankers and Tories makes me ask the question: ‘What did his party do when in power?’ Yep, they made it worse!
And can you recall the nasty antics surrounding Thatcher’s funeral by 20-year-old middle class brats? Whether you liked the woman or not, where was the respect for the departed? It all reinforces my view that we are dealing with indoctrinated drones who can’t think for themselves.
Anti-right, anti-white, anti-British is now an entrenched mindset that has been inculcated into the young of today by the likes of the BBC. They’ll never change. So this will inevitably lead to violence. I blame the media and the education, especially universities which have been hijacked by the left.
The eulogies to Wedgy Benn on facebook were in the majority saying: while you may have disagreed with him he stuck views he stuck to his views and principles come what may.
When I pointed out that so did Adolf, or Pol Pot, or Stalin, they didnt appear to appreciate the point.
Grammar obviously not my strongpoint:
Should of cousre say stuck to his views and principles.
This is a follow on, from yesterday.
BBC denies censorship? … (but this report was, tucked away from the main news page, on the black country news page) … as was noted it did eventually make it onto the main news page in the “also ran” lines
“The makers of a BBC Three show claim a discussion about being gay and Muslim was cut because of security concerns … (therefore it was indeed, ahem … censored)
Wednesday’s edition of Free Speech drew criticism on Twitter? ….. after the live show pulled a question asking “when will it be right to be Muslim and gay?”
Twitter! (shakes head … safe in that world of their own eh!)
hmm … and the Independent, and Guardian, and the Telegraph. and the Daily Mail, and on Facebook, and on Youtube, and from Atheists, and from Secularists, multiple blogs, Topnews, Euronews from people, and indeed the gay community in England, Ireland and in the US
Twitter! … sheesh typical BBC, they never “get it”
The subject turned up on BBC News-Watch this very morning, no one was available 😀 to comment, but a statement was issued …
bleating on about threats being issued at the mosque? … so after much considered and concerned small change shit
the Al BBC turned yellow again
… or words to that effect
yep! … and, so our mandated Islamic Homohaters are
wait for it … victims!.
Does Warsi want to give Gibraltar to Islamic empire rather than to Spain?
“UK is not ‘stepping back’ from Gibraltar, minister insists”
Only recently found out that UKIP have an MEP down here in Wessex that represents the “constituency” of “South West England AND GIBRALTAR!”.
Yet I see now UKIPpers running this one out to scorn…I`m presuming that the “dignity of Parliamentary boundaries” is beyond the joke.
Doesn`t augur well does it, should UKIP get some seats…just because the EU lets you include “Gibraltar” in your ward boundaries only makes you a bit of a qusiling if you don`t point out just how ludicrous and presumptuous the EU is, in daring to lob Gib in with Bristol as a “constituency” of bureaucratic delusional madness.
Not for BBC-NUJ ‘Education’ to report on-line:-
The Islamic world of extreme Islamic jihad violence-
INBBC notices this, but re-interprets ‘Islamic jihad murders’ as ‘unrest’. Well done, INBBC’s Ms Guerin (!):-
“Egypt unrest: Six soldiers shot dead in Cairo”
INBBC is disinclined to report the Islamic imposition of ‘jizya’ on Christians in Egypt-
Raymond Ibrahim:
“Islamic Jizya-Vigilantes target Christian minorities.
If Christian infidels are not made to pay jizya (tribute) to the state — as Koran 9:29 mandates — the ‘jizya-vigilantes’ will get that money one way or another. Welcome to the unfolding horror of Christians in the Islamic world.”
Another from the Beeboid Benediction Collection.
Got to say, getting the cold-blooded murder of six souls as ongoing ‘unrest’ is a new low for Aunty’s flexible guidelines of werds and frazes.
At least the caption gives us ‘”This was a brazen attack during dawn prayer”
Rather thought that, beyond the standard mayhem and mutilation thing, any beard-on-beard rumpus activity around religious times and places was a bit of a no-no on the PR front with the rest of the RoP community living in fe… well, depending on who has been offed by whom, they could be anything from dancing in the streets to dialing Tell Mama and Ian Katz (no joy there guys; he doesn’t do weekends).
Have to say the tonality seems a lot more neutral compared to other parts of the world where six folk getting killed can be enough to clear the schedules fro a wailing and knashing and rending of vestments sesh.
INBBC’s report:
“Syria crisis: Kurds fight to keep out encroaching jihadists”
Perhaps Beeboid Muir could ask among these Islamic jihadists to check which of them are the Beeboids’ ‘British’ Islamic jihad ‘heroes.’
Why doesn’t INBBC report the following?
After all, some of INBBC’s ‘British’ Islamic jihad ‘heroes’ could be among the perpetrators:-
“Syria: Islamic jihadists kidnap 94 Alawite women and children, demand release of 2,000 jihadist prisoners in exchange.”
By Robert Spencer.
I have to say that as soon as I saw this clip of the pilot’s friend Peter Chong tell the BBC’s Jonathan Head that Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was a ‘Social and Poltical Activist’ (10th March) a cold chill ran up my spin. Our Jonathan seemed to be oddly reassured.
Give me a pilot who enjoys stamp collect,ing model trains, tropical fish – in fact almost any hobby but social and political activism.
I guess you have to be a BBC bod to think this guy’s off duty activity was nothing to ask any further questions about.
Went out just now to but a copy of the Times.
I`m not normally a fan of Matthew Parris(bit wet and liberal for me) but his savage taking down of we on the Right is spot on.
He says we`re way too soft and pliant in letting the Left hate us and our kind( Thatcher, Powell)-whilst meekly nodding along as real traitors like Hobsbawn and (yes) Benn and Crow get the “national treasure as Uncle Joe” mythologising on the (cloven) hoof.
He`s right_ I recant and repent-about time we began to treat the Left as they do to us…they want us dead because they want THEIR Utopia over our corpses…why the hell can`t we demand the same for them…as if we actually DO want a better world for our kids, not a Caliphate with a rainbow flag allowed on Warsis anniversary.
Parris is right….f*** the Left!…and their useless Trojan show ponies and filth columnists…
Too right .This is a culture war and losing is not an option.
That said I still do not speak ill of the left’s departed. Silence is the best option.
It is just something a true conservative should do. Let the left shout abuse at the dead.