Plenty of coverage for this BBC report:
Sue Lloyd Roberts hears how a religious sect that believes in Aliens and the pursuit of pleasure is trying to help victims of female genital mutilation in Burkina Faso
FGM, Clitoraid and The Pleasure Hospital
I heard the report on FOOC, it’s been on Newsnight and it’s in the Independent (as above) as well.
On FOOC we heard that FGM was a practise carried out by Asian, African and Middle Eastern people….wonder which ones exactly.
This though made me laugh, the presenter’s description of the ‘Raëlians‘ as a ‘bizarre religious sect’…
The initiative for Clitoraid and the Pleasure Hospital comes from the Raëlians, a bizarre religious sect who believe in UFOs, and that the purpose of life is the pursuit of pleasure.
And Christianity or Islam aren’t bizarre religious sects?
Is not the concept of an unseen God controlling everything not bizarre in itself never mind the details…creating the Earth in 6 days, women made from a rib, feeding the 5000 with one hamburger, burning/talking bushes, virgin births, coming back to life…flying to Heaven on a winged horse?
Would the BBC admit Islam is ‘bizarre’? They might certainly go that far in speaking about Christianity if given the chance.
Why do the Raëlians get singled out as ‘bizarre’?
Raëlians are individualists who believe in sexual self-determination.[4] As advocates of the universal ethic and world peace, they believe the world would be better if geniuses had an exclusive right to govern in what Rael terms Geniocracy.
Sounds a lot like the BBC.
The ‘pursuit of pleasure’.…an appalling way to lead a life.
Having followed your link and given the dualist nature of the BBC’s new faith, I’m surprised their not more sympathetic towards the the ‘Raëlians’
Perhaps its their belief in a judgement day that grates with the BBC’s ‘do as thou wilt’ philosophy
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