Something else to thank the BBC for…….
Press reform: Tighter regulation planned for Britain ‘poses worldwide threat’
The global organisation for newspaper publishers has questioned Britain’s reputation as a beacon of free media in a stinging rebuke to the Government over its plans to reform the press.
The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) said that British plans to introduce tighter regulation of the press through a Royal Charter posed a “worldwide” threat to international press freedom.
“Given the UK’s continued influence over developing nations where media are essential for the spread of democratic values, the future of a free, independent press that can hold power to account is under threat worldwide,” it said.
The Society of Editors today seized on the WAN-IFRA findings as evidence that politicians were compromising the workings of a free press.
“The conclusions of such a distinguished international organisation about press freedom in the UK is a sad and damning indictment of the political classes in a country that prides itself on being the mother of modern democracy,” said Bob Satchwell, the society’s Executive Director.
Beeboids: ‘Press freedom? -Nothing to see here. Move along.’
Hacked Off: ‘Press freedom? -Nothing to see here. Move along.’
When you consider that all the Press is controlled anyway, mostly by their 1%s owners, & the fact that we now live under,as Lord Christopher Monckton calls it, “A very nasty EU dictatorship”, all this hot air is a bit of a joke, really.
The BBC is busy exporting its Marxist propaganda, working towards its One World Govt ambition, subsidised by secret EU grants it’s not anxious to talk about.
The EU is totally corrupt & bankrupt. No reputable firm of auditors has been found willing to sign off its fraud-ridden accounts for 19 years now.
The EU exists on subsidies from the Fed in America.
The Fed is a consortium of private banksters who are in the process of bankrupting America, hoping to foist One World Govt on us after the next & planned World Financial Crash.
The Fed exists on a Charter from the Bank of England, which itself is a consortium of private banksters, not owned by the Brit govt, ie the taxpayers.
Both banks create money out of thin air, then lend it AT INTEREST, to both our govts, & private individuals, what a scam.
Join the movement to bring back the £Bradbury, last used (when the banks were in trouble, surprise, surprise) in 1913.
Let’s get our fiat currency out of the grips of the banksters running this World towards a totalitarian One World Govt.
Look at
& google Agenda 21 for dummies
If you google just agenda 21, you get the vanilla lies the 1%s want you to believe. This is about on a par with all the vanilla pap we get fed by our MSM.
Go on youtube & put in:
Agenda 21’s Globalist Death Plan for Humanity.
Try: 21 for dummies.
I think that capitalism is evolving alternatives to banks, so the lefties who think they are saving third way corporate multinationalist economics, by forcing the customer through taxation, to save their beloved liberal fascist banks from going bust, will be spat out by the customers turning to buying gold, silver and bit coin, and voting UKIP.
& hopefully using mutuals & joint venture partnerships as sources of capital.
Too few people know that bank loans are recallable “on demand”.
That means they can literally call in your loan, ie demand you repay it in full, instantly, or they are legally entitled to take possession of your house, say, or whatever asset you’ve put up as security for your loan.
“…posed a “worldwide” threat to international press freedom”
And yet the BBC seems so keen.
The BBC, which never misses an opportunity to snipe and denigrate the Murdoch media empire, sees nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to curtailing press freedom in the name of ‘accountability’, and something it doubtless considers ‘the greater good’ (a delightfully vague catch-all which can be misinterpreted at will), etc.
This is how liberal fascism works and one would be hard-pressed to find a more blatant example of the pernicious doctrine at work than by starting first with the hateful Corporation, all it represents, all it stands for and all it supports.
“Royal Charter ‘a major error that will curb press freedom.’
“Press freedom organisation has called Charter ‘no form of solution at all.’
“Any regulation must have support of industry, claims WAN-IFRA.
“Exclusion of news media’s input was a ‘major error.'”
Read more:
Now who do YOU think L`ren Scott should have invited to her final soiree , and who among us all will dish the dirt on that somewhat peaky shift dress that she would rather be seen dead in…or wha`EVA!
And will the Stones make Melbourne?
Real questions matey…and what Leveson is all about!
Finally, will she too choose the Bonecomber 3000 walnut and mahogany casket that Michael Jackson had…in tribute to James Brown who chose the similar bespoke terminal vehicular fashion statement back in 2009.
Five years on-what say you?…Nina Nana and Smeeta Smitten can be texted or found on twitter.
You go girl…Sarah Montague( Today Style Warrior Editor)
I have been genuinely puzzled by the way in which Hacked Off have been able to mobilise so much support for their supposed outrage. After all most of the Hacked Off folks are just celebs who have had their phones hacked and some tittle tattle about them printed in the press. This is obviously far too small an issue to result in the press being muzzled. So why has the press been muzzled?
Well my belief is that the Liberal Left establishment and their state funded mouthpiece the BBC, have jumped on the Hacked Off band wagon to further increase their control over the British media/press. They already have the BBC and some newspapers, eg Guardian, in their pockets but so far some newspapers remain outside of their control and report stories from a non leftist stance.
The left fear that if dissenting views are published and widely read, then their lies and deceit will be revealed to the British people and they simply cannot have that. So they have to find a way to curb these non leftist sources of news and Hacked Off have given them an excuse. The Royal Charter should be stoutly resisted by all who value freedom and British values. The same goes for the inevitable attempt that the left will launch to find a way to control what appears on new technology platforms. Hopefully there are so many ways to disseminate content on new tech platforms, that it will be beyond them and in future the British will be able have their news and current affairs delivered free from left wing propaganda and the BBC and old fashioned TV will be consigned to the dustbin.
‘After all most of the Hacked Off folks are just celebs who have had their phones hacked and some tittle tattle about them printed in the press.’
The celebs and the Milly Dowler faux outrage were a front for Hacked Off who in turn are a front for the familiar subversive and undemocratic network of leftist activist groups we’ve become familiar with over the last few years. The fact that they had exclusive access to the three main political party leaders to draft the new legislation tells you all you need to know about how well and truly fucked this country is.
‘Other groups described as “partner organisations” by Hacked Off’s website include the newly-established Youth Media Agency, which complained that the media’s “discriminatory” coverage of the August 2011 riots “singled out children and young people as the rioters” (72 per cent of those arrested were under 25) and Trans Media Watch, which condemns newspapers for “stigmatising” transsexuals. Alleged examples of discrimination, which Trans Media Watch wants to ban, included a reference to the Bois de Boulogne, a park in Paris, as “containing transsexual prostitutes”.
Another Hacked Off “partner” is Engage, an “anti-discrimination” group including Islamist sympathisers and whose staff have justified the killing of British soldiers. Engage was exposed by The Sunday Telegraph, in what it would no doubt protest to a regulator was “discriminatory” reporting.’
Common Purpose and Hope Not Hate are in there somewhere too.
All they need to do is to recruit PIE as a partner organisation and it’ll be back to the future.
At least Hacked Off supporter Harriett Harman will be back amongst friends
A free society and socialism is like sunlight to a vampire, except of course that vampires are fictional, and the cravings of Leftists for a totalitarian State are all too real.
The BBC, as usual reports the defence when it supports the accused (Labour, Democrats, Islam, letting the BBC go unrestricted) etc. not the charge. Press reform: Media reaction to regulation deal
So what is so terrible? The report is so wrapped in legalese that it is (at least to me) practically unreadable. So I thought it a good idea to see what the BBC thinks the report says.
Q&A: Press regulation
What were Leveson’s key recommendations?
In his November 2012 report, Lord Justice Leveson suggested:
• Newspapers should continue to be self-regulated – and the government should have no power over what they publish
• There had to be a new press standards body created by the industry, with a new code of conduct
• That body should be backed by legislation, which would create a means to ensure the regulation was independent and effective
• The arrangement would provide the public with confidence that their complaints would be dealt with seriously – and ensure the press were protected from interference
Hardly earth shattering. Anyone who has ever tried to find their way through the BBC complaint procedure will welcome this.
And right on cue, BBC weirdo, Richard Bacon (if ever anyone, anyone at all exemplifies the need for reform at the BBC, it’s him) offers us Steve Coogan on the anniversary of the Royal Charter.
Coogan treats us to a ten minute diatribe….’wonderful Guardian, Independent, FT’….’nasty Daily Mail, nasty Dacre, nasty Murdoch’…wonderful co-signatories of today’s ‘Hacked Off’ ad in some national papers…including, Coogan tells us, Polly Toynbee That’s Polly Toynbee one of the most bile-ridden, spite-filled hypocrites in journalism today. Yes Coogan (outed by the press, who he will never forgive) ticked every lefty box that there was.
It was interesting that by way of balance Bacon then invited comment on Coogan’s rant from a journalism lecturer – who just turned out to be an executive board member of ‘Hacked Off’.
Purely an accident, Bacon told us. Yeah, right.
winston churchill warned after world war 2 that the fascists of the future will claim to be anti fascists.was a man ever so right with his prediction.i need say no more.