And they are all South Asian! Not very inclusive to leave out other Muslim Women including those from Africa or even Luton. Not very inclusive to leave out women from other religions. But there again, the only decent thing in Luton is the Airport so you can get out!
I wonder if the BBC would allow them to continue to be labelled ‘South Asian’ if they hopped on a flight to the Middle East and ‘offed’ a bunch of Europeans by martyring themselves with a C4 corset and a detonator.
Time to call in an expert over the missing Malaysian aircraft, so who does radio 4 call in? Of course it’s another arch leftie with no expertise in aviation – Will Self !
Jobs for the boys! There’s no way a commercial organisation would bring people like this in to solicit their opinion, because it’s worthless.
The ‘reporting’ seems oddly factual for once. Restrained even.
Can’t think why.
But at least Ellen is still a big fan, and that’s what counts.
… and finally one other thing- the one thing I really despise about Sport Relief (and indeed Comic Relief) is the way that it allows dead-leg performers the chance to flaunt their lack of talent under the banner of charity. Nauseating, it really is.
The BBC like him because, like Jeremy Hardy (and Owen Chav Jones and many others), he is a lefty hated by middle class , middle England. Those people who are “respectable”, work hard, distrust big government, aren’t PC, are fed up with multiculturalism…… and pay their licence fee. Then get two fingers for their trouble.
Recently I suggested hereabouts the idea that BBC 5 Live radio had self-selected its audience.
Well its true.
No conservative would want to subject himself to the endless conveyor belt of gievance mongering legal aid black maria chasing would-be Cherie’s crony campaigners that dominate the Vicky Derbyshire guest list – you’re calling these shysters lawyers? It’s not in the spirit of English law – oh wait you’re quite right : it’s EU law.
No conservative would opt in for a regular passive aggressive ear bashing from the self-regarding twitter-fingered poncified preaning really-really-wannabe radio non-personality or failing that a very kool supply teacher – banging on about Islam Islam Islam one minute then suddenly it’s all the religion that can not be mentioned – and his glee club of property speculating but don’t tell the plebs plastic paddy ladettes – that is Nicky Campbell.
Surely no one with access to a sharp object in the afternoon voluntarily subjects themselves to the overgrown public schoolboy that is pinker than pink Blue Peter annual pulper and avid gay telly watcher Richard Bacon.
Who actually wants their sport subjected to the race hustling crowd mircro-management anyone-but-England and the further oop north you go the sweeter attentions of the BBC 5 Live revolution through joy sports department – put some stabilizers on that, add a solar cell lawnmower motor, give me quick push and have another person hold my one good hand and I think I can ‘medal’ : bronze – if you give me the funding, and before the Chinese bother to get up their own team.
But, according to the BBC, their audience seems to like it.
Well let them pay for it.
At present this site is a laughing stock. We are simply talking to ourselves, like grumpy old men in the snug, ignored and derided by those in the lounge. Concerted action is needed. ‘Outreach’ is the buzzword. Organised campaigns designed to bring BBC bias to the attention of the general public and to politicians will achieve far more than talking amongst ourselves.
We should spread the word by all possible means, and one simple way is by talking to people we meet. All it needs is the planting of a seed of doubt. “Ah yes, but you can’t always believe the BBC you know. They are very biased.” Then change the subject and leave then thinking.
If we are ever to achieve anything the site needs to become more focussed. Many contributions are hopelessly wide of the mark. Unjustified or irrelevant complaints kill the credibility of the whole site. I can just hear people in the BBC reading out some of the nonsense that is posted here and scoffing at it, and then dismissing the whole site out of hand. Contributors should ask themselves whether their posting actually gives evidence of BBC bias or whether it is really about something else. Large volumes of blather might relieve the poster’s feelings but they damage the cause. I’m asking for some intellectual and emotional discipline here; less groundless ranting and more solid fact. Even perfectly valid complaints are devalued if they are accompanied by irrelevant ranting.
In particular posters should try to avoid voicing their opinions on the TV licence fee, immigration, Muslims, and politics generally. It’s fine to involve these issues when they arise within an example of BBC bias, but not otherwise. Gratuitous whining about immigration merely allows our enemies to accuse us of racism, and in fact there have been postings that actually have been blatantly racist. These sentiments are tremendously damaging to the site as a whole. Generalised attacks on the Labour Party allow our enemies to discount what we say about the BBC on grounds of our bias. We also need to be very careful about issues of gender, sexual politics, and sexual orientation. Fine if the matter is relevant; damaging if it isn’t.
Allegations of bias should be properly researched. All too often assertions made on this site can be disproved by a quick look at the BBC News website, or by watching a BBC programme on iPlayer.
Can we have some discipline please?
Thanks Bill. Plenty of good points here.
This site is a good place for angry old gits like me (who are ignored elsewhere) to vent their spleens, and it shows.
Without ‘focussed’, ‘disciplined’ ‘concerted action’ we may as well shout up our own backsides!
I would really like to hear comments about this.
trouble is Bill, most of the points you mention that we should not be talking about, crop up REGULARLY as bias on the bBC, so no, we wont be shutting up anytime soon. So you can take your reverse psychology post elsewhere matey.
And there I was thinking we might get a productive debate going.
Perhaps we deserve to be scorned as blustering old Daily Mail readers by those we seek to criticise.
Always a bit intrigued when the royal ‘we’ gets deployed, usually at the weekend, in conversations between posters not noted for contributions the rest of the time.
As apparent soul mates, maybe you and Bill may feel better served chatting and agreeing on what makes for a ‘laughing stock’ elsewhere, or is this working up to be a grande flounce a deux soon? Again.
Anyhoo… late lunch nicely capped off by a coffee, so back out to play in the showers, leaving the site to be dominated by those who Mr. H once suggested have no life, and of course Albaman, clearly going for some kind of course record.
‘but any reasonable person can see that the number of posts from me are insignificant’
Please define ‘reasonable’.
And ‘because I think it is’ gets extra marks.
Along with quality matching whatever volume you see fit to self-describe.
I’d estimate today you are running several to one on ‘lil ole me. But true, I have not be glued to my desk all day… at the weekend, when it’s sunny (a few April showers too… sorry, make that ‘Global Weirding Apocoalype!).
And other than teasing Flokkers I tend to stay on the topic of BBC bias, inaccuracy, lack of integrity or professional competence. You do stray… a lot.
Plus I like it here.
You, on the other hand, seem to be redefining the masochism of the lonely long distance blog contrarian.
Ok perhaps ‘laughing stock’ was a bit excessive.
But I am rather saddened by the response to Bill and my (what I thought) were well-intentioned contributions.
The majority of posts here are thoughtfully constructed and informative, and I put those from Guest Who in that category. But surely it must be acknowledged that it is possible to veer away from legitimate criticism of the bias on the BBC into what are tantamount to rants bordering on the racist etc. To mix my metaphors a bit, these bad apples only serve to give ammunition to critics of the views expressed here and allow them to dismiss all the comments.
Perhaps I’m mistaken, but I thought Bill was advocating some restraint of these extreme views and more affirmative action in opposing the obvious bias in the BBC. He was not trying to shut up anyone.
I am quite disappointed in the negative ad hominem reaction. I was expecting better.
Can`t speak for anybody else, but I do carry the views generally expressed here into my real life, work and friends etc.
My views are well-known, and coming from a former lefty atheist green liberal fool of a teacher like I once was , it does carry a bit of weight-well, novelty value anyway.
I have learned loads here, it`s a PhD in Media Studies, Statistics, Environmental Geography if you want it.
I never feel like it`s a rant in the snug , in that I get my pint then pick up a few good tips here( like Jihadwatch, Political Islam, Frankfurt School stuff etc)…then off I go back into the world and back Israel, the USA and Jesus as needs be.
Maybe it`s a bit like a cyber “Cheers”-but I`m glad of it.
Not being alone?…no bad thing!
That said, facts and figures count; so if you think we`re a bit of a rabble, you`d be surprised how well we can critique interruptions from BBC hacks as they interview Labour-from how they differ when they interview a Tory.
Add to that the use of language (eg Miliband declares a policy, whereas Cameron defends one)…and , bill, you`ll find this is no snug for the defeated…but a boiler room to end the BBC if at all possible.
The License Fee is under threat like never before-and we here at biased BBC have more than played our part…
Thank you ChrisH for putting the case I would have put forward myself. May I add that so many comments here on various events take the subject forward, and whilst they might not refer to actual BBC bias they expose it by drawing attention to that which is not covered by the BBC. I too, can take an argument presented here and apply it in other aspects of my life. Just to give an example, counter arguments to the BBC narrative on climate change I have used in battles with our local authority whose ridiculous environmental policies are presented as based on unquestionable scientific dogma endorsed by the BBC .
I must thank all you ladies and gentlemen for paying for the most excellent “World Service “. Me and my 25 wives lay in bed many a night listening to the crap the BBC put out.
Clearly I am being seduced into giving Albaman some stats to deploy in a few more posts, having reached parity. But…just…can’t…resist… ‘Ok perhaps ‘laughing stock’ was a bit excessive.’
I’d have to say, a bit more than a bit.
Especially if the intention was a group hug on the basis of sincere introspection. ‘But I am rather saddened by the response to Bill and my (what I thought) were well-intentioned contributions.’
Your pain is felt. ‘The majority of posts here are thoughtfully constructed and informative, and I put those from Guest Who in that category.
Darn, now I feel bad. But thanks. However, you may find yourself in a fight with a few from the Forlorn Hope divisions of Flokkerdom. They have been… hurtful… on lucidity, grammar and much else in the past. But I shall surely keep this on file to show they may even be in a minority. ‘But surely it must be acknowledged that it is possible to veer away from legitimate criticism of the bias on the BBC into what are tantamount to rants bordering on the racist etc.
No argument at all. Perfectly possible. Happens. Which is why I pass ’em by, don’t like and ignore.
Unless the less gratuitous ones tease a raiding party from the bunker, in which case I can often find amusement in teasing them back in. ‘..only serve to give ammunition to critics of the views expressed here and allow them to dismiss all the comments.’
‘They’ can dismiss what they like… and on whatever self-serving basis they choose, and indeed such ammo is often unfortunate.
But also inevitable. Even from those who may not be false flags.
And impossible to curtail on a free-speaking, low-modding, robust exchanges blog.
Hence not worth getting too exercised about.
Other forums.. CiF, Tel, the BBC FaceBook pages have much worse.
It is simply a fact of life in a democracy (well, other than those with eroding dark clouds like vague or variable ‘hate’-style laws, #HackedOff, etc).
‘Perhaps I’m mistaken, but I thought Bill was advocating some restraint of these extreme views and more affirmative action in opposing the obvious bias in the BBC. He was not trying to shut up anyone.
Then, sorry, the opening line was a very poor way to start, especially when then followed by a raft of dictates on posting parameters.
Especially as there is no evidence this site is a laughing stock, other than around the bitter tear-stained shandies of the BBC staff canteen, PR special ops debrief or useful idiot complimentary mercenary squads. That counter heading for 30,000,000 suggests there is an audience. ‘I am quite disappointed in the negative ad hominem reaction.’
Clearly. But as of now, I see no ad hominems at all. Simply disagreement. Well, bar these quaint one degree of separation comparisons from the ether:
“grumpy old men in the snug, ignored and derided by those in the lounge”
“deserve to be scorned as blustering old Daily Mail readers”
“a good place for angry old gits like me (who are ignored elsewhere) to vent their spleens”
I’m afraid if you and Bill want to wallow in such shared self-description fine, but please include me out of the ‘we’ attempt.
Oh, and… ‘In particular posters should try to avoid voicing their opinions on the TV licence fee, ‘
Interesting ‘advice’ there. Especially at present. Sorry, I do think it does fall under relevant topics for discussion, so I’ll pass on that too.
Leha seems to have noticed what’s likely at play. Interesting approach, but… ‘I was expecting better.’
Guess this reply will not serve either.
I can’t tell you how sorry I am about that.
We’re a “laughing stock” and, at the same time, “Daily Mail readers”. Well a lot of people buy the Daily Mail (not me, as it happens) so who’s doing the laughing? Guardian readers (lowest circulation after the Independent) or the BBC (who cares?).
And if we’re really a “laughing stock”, why come here?
We’re racists? Doesn’t mean much.
We discuss things like immigration? Obviously that’s because the BBC doesn’t. We discuss what the BBC omits.
Lastly, we are less relevant because the BBC’s many shortcomings are now being discussed widely elsewhere. Mission almost accomplished perhaps. I’ll be well pleased when this site becomes totally redundant.
Has anybody seen this bBC article which hints/points in the direction that becasue somebody scored a goal against GB at football he was killed:
Only on fully reading the article do you find that while Joe Gaetjens scored a goal against GB in 1950, he lived a normal life until 1964. Hardly warranting this crap: “The footballer who beat England – then disappeared”
The bBC, which can find any excuse in which to try and blame the UK for…anything.
it’s the weekend. The TV is on mainly because the man over the road has decided the weekend is the best day to throw stuff in a skip. The Tv is just background. What is this “highlight” of sport relief. Obviously I’ve now switched to Midsummer murders now. So having BBc an unwatchable wasteland of crap last night wasn’t enough,I assume I didn’t watch any of it, we now have “highlights”. Davina BEYOND BREAKING POINT, well obviously it wasn’t as she did her “challenge” as I saw on Breakfast BBc. What’s worse is we are paying for this crap.
If anyone above has picked up on this already then it’s worth repeating:
Courtesy of Breitbart we have this:
Major Revamp at BBC’s £1bn New HQ Just 18 Months After Opening
BBC bosses have asked for a major make-over for their new London headquarters, even though they’ve only been open for 18 months. The £1 billion headquarters, known as New Broadcasting House (NBH), will get the revamp despite complaints from staff.
Under the plans, revealed in reply to a letter to the BBC’s in-house magazine Ariel, the sixth and seventh floors of the building will be given an ‘EastEnders’ theme, after the Corporation’s flagship soap opera. The carpets will be torn up and replaced with a “street scape” featuring landmarks from the soap, which is set in a fictional East London square.
There will be an Albert Square hot-desking area, which will include iron railings, and a ‘Queen Vic’ themed meeting room – inspired by the soap’s fictional local pub.
“If Stephen Kinnock makes it to the Commons he will join a growing list Labour figures following in the footsteps of family members who defined the party for a generation.
Will Straw, son of former Home Secretary Jack, has been selected to contest the seat of Rossendale and Darwen in Lancashire.
David Prescott, son of former Deputy Prime Minister John, missed out on becoming the candidate for the seat of Greenwich but was has not given up hope of finding a berth.
Euan Blair, son of former PM Tony, reportedly has his eye on finding a seat, but after being linked with Coventry North West, incumbent Geoffrey Robinson was reselected.
Jo Dromey, son of Labour MPs Harriet Harman and Jack Dromey, has denied being on the look out for a seat but many in the party expect him to stand.
Emily Benn, granddaughter of Tony and niece of Hillary, stood in the 2010 general election anbd could do so again.”
Can`t speak for anybody else, but I do carry the views generally expressed here into my real life, work and friends etc.
My views are well-known, and coming from a former lefty atheist green liberal fool of a teacher like I once was , it does carry a bit of weight-well, novelty value anyway.
I have learned loads here, it`s a PhD in Media Studies, Statistics, Environmental Geography if you want it.
I never feel like it`s a rant in the snug , in that I get my pint then pick up a few good tips here( like Jihadwatch, Political Islam, Frankfurt School stuff etc)…then off I go back into the world and back Israel, the USA and Jesus as needs be.
Maybe it`s a bit like a cyber “Cheers”-but I`m glad of it.
Not being alone?…no bad thing!
That said, facts and figures count; so if you think we`re a bit of a rabble, you`d be surprised how well we can critique interruptions from BBC hacks as they interview Labour-from how they differ when they interview a Tory.
Add to that the use of language (eg Miliband declares a policy, whereas Cameron defends one)…and , bill, you`ll find this is no snug for the defeated…but a boiler room to end the BBC if at all possible.
The License Fee is under threat like never before-and we here at biased BBC have more than played our part…
The BBC are similarly infested by the old bay networks aren`t they?
Dimblebys? Michelmores? Magnussons?
Maybe the obvious nepotism networks involved in both incestuous silos like the BBC and the Labour Party tell us why a Toynbee won`t use mums name, but dads instead….the same old names tends to show them up for the rats nests of privilege they spend their lives denouncing or demanding be opened up to competition.
It`s as if in their bare-faced hypocrisies and duplicitous double standards( witness both organisations tax-affairs) the BBC and Labout think they`re a dream team for liberal thinking and propagation…but it`s actually a suicide pact between them.
Untrustworthy and unelectable respectively-only publicly funded life support machines keep both cadavers going.
Time to stop plugging them with your pound coins…they`re both dead-and the quicker you kill them, the better chance we`ve got of a new start for this country.
Instead, BBC-NUJ censors out a Muslim rapper’s death threat to Geert Wilders a few days ago, but gives big uncritical support to Muslim Moroccans against Geert Wilders online today.
French Jew Beaten on Paris Metro –
Assault reportedly carried out by four unidentified Arab men
Stephanie Butnick – News Tablet
bbc …………………….look! no time for that! … ahhh! … but they do have this
Wilders accused of discrimination.
“being circulated on social media with some critics drawing comparisons between Mr Wilders and Adolf Hitler”
At risk of mere reference to a Guido sending Agent Joe Weekend into a spin:
Like too many words deployed in editorial to perk up a headline, I would be hard-pressed to see the exchange as a ‘spat’.
Looking at the two posts, Guido made a simple statement, challenged on accuracy by Ray Snoddy but from the hilarious basis that it is only how the funding works that is in the frame.
Fewer services or higher fees may be the terms the public sector likes to think in, but they do tend to miss other options.
And folk may see not uniquely funding at all James Purnell’s talents as part of a compelled fee, as attractive.
Should WE pay reparations for slavery? …
oooohhh! … Nikki Campbell in best “colonial guilt” mode
one can assume on orchestrated faux debate show …
“The Big Questions” tomorrow … will the Al BBC audience
contain its usual mandated Islamic presence?
Being a “great religion TM” and all that?.
If so will they be asked about ending Islamic slavery …
still running today? as in fact Islam neither ignores nor condemns slavery.
In fact, a large part of the Sharia is dedicated to the practice.
Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was :-
a slave owner and trader.
captured slaves in battle.
had sex with his slaves.
he instructed his men to do the same.
The Qur’an actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves than it does to telling them to pray five times a day.
Reparations played a large part in the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, and as a committed Fascist one can only assume that Campbell is seeking their rise to power again.
Well well, it appears the new and controversial addition to Newsnight, Duncan Weldon has been a supporter and admirer of Mosley’s fascists earlier on in his life.
What’s more interesting is how he refers to Mosley’s group as far-right. In fact it’s far-left, but it’s a ploy often used by the likes of the BBC and left-wingers to distance themselves from the more evil connotations related to groups such as BUF, Nazis, BNP, etc.
The BBC actually confirmed this a few years ago when Digger, a member on my site, complained about the use of right-wing in this regard. Here’s what the BBC responded with:
The BNP was born out of the National Front – a “national” party, who like many parties purporting to represent the national interests of a particular country, claim themselves to be national socialists. NS is an extremely left wing form of political belief – Hitler’s Nazi party were national socialists, and therefore technically left wing – but so left wing as to appear right wing in their extreme and racist views. The same can apply to the BNP.
Have to presume this was an attempt to get on record some juicy archive stuff for the ‘balance’ claims, like Nic Robbo’s dalliance back when he had hair. Which was a very long time ago.
Still, gives the inevitable anon BBC spokesweasel another opportunity to rummage in the cokkie cutter jar and solemnly intone that no matter what their political views and activism last week or a minute ago, all BBC staff pin such views on the dart board on the door.
However, ‘bizarre’ seems closer to the mark. Can’t wait for Katz to deploy this on twitter as I don’t think most of his tripe washes too well and this one will see him filleted.
They claimed that the writer has been searching for words to include in a scene where the characters were playing a ‘Klingon’ version of Scrabble.
A spokesman said: ‘In searching for obscure words for a Klingon-themed game of Scrabble, a word was unwittingly featured in the board game that it since transpires has negative connotations. No offence was intended.’
So ‘jigaboo’ is a Klingon word is it? Well I never!
‘They claimed …
A spokesman said…’
This anonymous BBC ‘spokesperson’ crops up so much, they must be the hardest working individual in the corporation!
At least this time the template was avoided but given the attempted excuse I can see why they tend to stay to the tried and trusted.
If the cover up is often worse than the error, such an idiotic attempt to still avoid a hands up mea culpa with such a daft reason really shows their wiring is defective.
I’m am sure it would be more colourful in Klingon, but I call BS.
More mind bending on the BBC… An article on the website about “Girls in gangs leading desperate lives” (see It is illustrated by a photograph of a girl with blonde hair. But take a look at the website of the charity referenced – XLP (see and note the places they operate (Peckham, Southwark, Lewisham, Tower Hamlets, Islington, Camden) and the ethnicity of the “youf” in their photographs. It is painfully apparent that whilst these problems may indeed affect all communities, there is one that seems particularly involved or at risk and its members are not usually known for having blonde hair. In which case, why not use a more representative photograph?
Albeeba breakfast now analysing why a low percentage of successful post grad history course applicants are black.
The obviously biased ( and black) reverend nutcase on puts it down to …….yes you guessed it……institutional racism!
Fuck all to do with how many apply, or anything about ability, work rate, intelligence even…
Nope it’s all down to racism, ever the victim. If I dont get on in life it’s your fault.
Yes, saw that. Also saw the previous item about gang culture and an articulate black woman and former gang member who said something along the lines that less rap would help, amongst other things.
Institutional racism in education system (which, in my wife’s experience, is more likely to be anti-white) or other institutional problems in the black “community”?
A priceless bit of BBC speak this morning. Surfing various channels made the mistake of tuning to BBC 1. The few seconds it was on I caught Andrew Marr speaking about the budget and a boost for the “Tories” in the polls. He solemnly asks “How can Labour fight back”.
I don’t normally watch it…but some psychobabble on Gameshow’s Sunday handwringing programme is talking about her post traumatic slavery syndrome and how she is still traumatised from it together with neo colonialism (and how she’d like several thousand quid bob compensation, no doubt).
I was going to say more but a voice from upstairs has just told me that I’ve got to do the bathroom, then clean the oven, then replace the garden fence and when I’ve done that Sunday lunch has to be put on…and it’s my turn to do the ironing.
Two questions:
Where does Gameshow get these victims and nutters from?
Today the bBC reported on the first step in replacing English law with Sharia law. Even they appear to be shocked at the results of their multi culti stupidity.
England has a particularly strange will / inheritance system, in that it is the only country in the civilised world where it is possible to leave a son or daughter out of a will completely if the writer so desires it.
Odd because this amounts to similar terms as the Sharia wills. To make matters worse with the English system, the tax free nature of it means that it is doubly unfair.
Having said all that, the Sharia compliant wills fly in the face of everything the fascists claim they are trying to achieve. Women are left nothing, illegitimate children, any offspring who is no longer a Muslim, or failed to have an Islamic marriage, can be excluded.
Anyone gay or adopted, is excluded, and those who do qualify need to declare their Muslim faith in the Mosque before an Imam.
Of course some of the fascists are up in arms about the fact, but the hierarchy of isms will mean that anyone who objects will be labelled as ‘vile’ or ‘hate filled’ and it will be steamrollered through parliament.
This is of course the thin end of the wedge and we can look forward to the public execution of gays and jews, and the victims of rape. The removal of the hands of thieves, and the stoning to death of adulterers.
Of course some voices will be raised, but groups like the student union and the LGBT organisations will make sure they are silenced in their own quest for martyrdom in the name of Fascism Equality & diversity, and total rank stupidity !
I note in a couple of papers that a new film “Noah” is to be banned in parts of the Middle East.
It`s about a religious zealot who squauks on about climate change and over population…and does something about it!
No wonder the BBC don`t know how to play this-clearly portraying a “Muslim Prophet”( well, a Jewish one from a few thousand years earlier-same thing then!) gets a Fatwa-which will “disappoint” the BBC.
But this is a climate change hero surely at one and the same time…Russell Crowes tribute to George Porritt/Jonathan Monbiot tag team of privileged virtues…surely?
Fetch the popcorn…be good to see Greens and Muslims at each others sandals, should the liberal media choose to “exacerbate the problem” by publicising it.
I predict a hush up myself.
Yes, we can expect BBC-NUJ Beeboids to misuse their global broadcasting empire to inflict even more blataant pro-Labour Party bias on the British people, in the run up to the 2015 General Election.
Oh Yes. The stakes are high, not just because the lefties at the BBC want to see their party (Labour) elected but because the BBC licence fee and charter renewal take place during 2015-2020.
Labour in power and they have friends over seeing these. Conservatives in and it will be harder. I dare say “Dave” will do the establishment thing but his back benchers and a few in the Cabinet will play hard ball. The public mood is turning cool and the internet is changing the way and increasing number of people view television. It will be a lot more comfortable for them with their friends in power.
“Tories cash in on pensions joy: Dramatic poll reveals parties neck and neck after Budget boost.
“A new poll has shown the Conservative’s slash Labour’s poll lead from 11 points less than a year ago to one.
“42 per cent said they would rather see David Cameron as Prime Minister.
“38 per cent put their faith in Labour leader Ed Miliband.
“The poll showed Boris Johnson is favourite to replace Mr Cameron.
“George Osborne has overtaken Theresa May in second place.”
A debate on whether descendants of African slaves deserve reparations based on the unsubstantiated concept of “Trans generational trauma” which seemed to be a major part of the argument but was never proven. Nicky Campbell went along with it (and it’s clear the editorial staff at TBQ thought it worthy of being the basis of the debate) – waste of 20 minutes.
Reparations for slavery? How about reparations for an entire people forced out of their own country and then persecuted and slaughtered for 2000 years? Rather than financial compensation, how about just giving them their land back? Why does black slavery have such an appeal for the Left (complex psychological sexual themes aside) but the Jews of Israel do not? And isn’t it about time the Romans, Vikings, Normans, Algerians & Moroccans (corsairs) coughed up for Britain?
“Should WE pay reparations for slavery? …
Nikki Campbell in best “colonial guilt” mode
one can assume on orchestrated faux debate show …
“The Big Questions” … will the Al BBC audience
contain its usual mandated Islamic presence?
Being a “great religion TM” and all that?.”
simple answer … no,
on Islamic slavery? …
“mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it” is order of the day.
I only tuned in for that section … it actually turned out to be so ludicrous, well I tuned back out
Just seen published in the Jewish News Page 5 (originally published in The Times )of Radio 4 Bias complaints upheld . One of the complaints upheld was that of Chris’s from biasedbbc about Sarah Montague in November falsely stating that Christians were persecuted in Israel- so well done to Chris for not being fobbed off and achieving this admission from the BBC.
“Sharia Law to be enshrined in British legal system as lawyers get guidelines on drawing up documents according to Islamic rules.
“The guidelines on wills could mean women are denied an equal inheritance.
“Adopted children could also face losing out under Law Society document.
“The move has been criticised as a backwards step by equality campaigners.”
-Another inevitable consequence for British people of the implementation of the political class’s (inc INBBC’s) continuing policy of mass immigration into U.K from Islamic countries-
“Islamic law to be enshrined in British legal system as lawyers get guidelines on ‘Sharia compliant’ wills”
absolutely appalling just check it out on “google, UK literally hundreds of devious Islamic/useful idiot type sites giving all the gen … to openly DISCRIMINATE, flout Islam and get away with it.
“going to hell in a handcart!” …
the poison is in … the patient hasn t even twitched yet
‘‘There is a wide variety of spiritual, religious and cultural beliefs within our population, and the Law Society wants to support its members so they can help clients from all backgrounds.’ (Law Society)
from earlier in OT
a note of pertinence … for Cameron, Johnson, Hughes, BBC, Ch4 etc
You cannot go “dancing through the daisies”, just a couple of steps with sharia!.
You allow sharia in any form, and that is it, as to the throwback adherent s to this creed, it supersedes ANY man made laws
It is obvious, the brainwashed mass of Islam are well used to “give an inch take a mile” … and why not, eh!
who is taking action against it?
… so congratulations
Law Society, or the deliberately ignorant fuckwits we have No10, or shills like the BBC
Freedom of speech is in their sights, and “blasphemy law” on the back burner.
so I do hope you re happy … its coming
“A Pakistani man, who was recently acquitted in a blasphemy case, was gunned down in Jehlum district of Punjab province.
Sharafat Gola told police that his brother – Ashraf Gola, a former chairman of a district council – was travelling along with a friend Iftikhar Ahmed in a car when unidentified men intercepted it near Pind Dadan Khan, some 250 kilometres from Lahore, and sprayed it with bullets leaving both dead.
Sharafat said his brother was recently acquitted in a blasphemy case but those pursuing it had threatened him of dire consequences”
Good old BBC still refuse to report why our NHS is collapsing. We all know that immigration and health tourism is the root cause but the BBC will make it out as if ‘cuts to budgets’ are the fundamental cause. Pathetic.
Oh, by the time they reached the news at 13:00 hrs, they managed to fit in another reason, it’s down to the aging population as well.
Immigration net figures over 200,000 per year, and it is totally ignored on albeeba.
Suck up the bullshit plebs.
Just listening to the “Sunday” programme this morning-the BBCs rainbow/sharia black flagship.
It`s not Stourton so a bit less “Uriah Hippie” that usual.
But it`s nearly all Islam as victim, as putting their weight behind abolishing slavery(oh really?) as perky immigrants needing a fair go in Italy or places north in the EU, the new need to protect them in the CAR now they`re getting a taste of their own mint tea…and crap over Islamic feminism and the intersectionality of this(eh?…read the Koran and debate this if you dare).
Meanwhile-hot on the heels of the need to show understanding and pastoral care for slave trafficked folk?-the lady who lost her brother and was there to throw light on MH370-got rudely bumped off for some Big Bang/Bash the Creationist piece.
Funnily enough the writer of Rev got as much uninterrupted time to Bang On about his new series coming up as he needed-and then more some!
Oh so BBC!
Curtail the sister of the dead bloke-but give a BBC scriptwriter as much time as he needs…MUCH more positive, ratings can only benefit.
Beeboids’ main political attack, and lead headline, on Radio 4’s ‘World This Weekend’ about the violence of gangs in England is in criticising the police.
Good old Michael Dobbs did us all a good turn on BH this morning in the Paper Reviews (9.40am or so 23/3/14 ;R4)
He started it off-straight to FGM and Sharia Law.
Oh dear…poor show, croissants spluttered.
Next up-he wondered about The Voice etc…all those talent shows seemed not to reward the black acts did they?
Again-even with the patronising trivia piece on “popular culcha”…Dobbs Dobbed them in it?
Is this so, asked our Labour Lady of the Lords?…Paddy will now have to watch “Schtrikklee” as did Sarah Teather(oh dear).
Final piece found our Labour Lady of the Lords in the splendid postion of defending Kinnocks son, Blairs Son and Straws boy in their quests to rise meritocratically to shoo-in Labour seats, hence by-passing the chavs that actually live there!
It`s in their mothers milk apparently-the Dimbleby Defence or the Milliband Momentum factors come into play here-so f***off you plebs!
A fine few minutes-reckon Dobbs will have to get a paperboy again next week(and not in a BBC-Savile kinda way either!)
Just the usual amount of bias today on the impartial BBC. One small example of how pernicious it is. Andrew Marr Show, some Daily Mail journalist was praising the budget saying how it was a jolly good thing that people were trusted to spend their own money. Marr steps in to say yes but you are a well known Conservative.
Two hours later Potty Toynbee is rubbishing the budget and predicting dire consequences if people are allowed to spend their savings what they want to. Andrew Neil missed to need to remind everyone that Potty is a leftist nutter. Also i wonder why the panel of three on his week end show always has at least two journalists from leftist newspapers?
Note this INBBC headline again censors ouy reference to Muslim perpetrators who carried out this massacre on Christians.
INBBC: revise your headline weasel words:-
“Four shot dead in Kenya church attack”
-to more accurate:-
“Kenya: Islamic jihadists storm church, murder four people”
What a disgraceful display of bias on Radio 4 throughout the day!
07:10 John Laurenson reports from Riace where immigrants are welcome and encouraged to stay.
Maslaha is a new project about Islam and feminism. How does Islam work within the Western ideas of feminism where traditionally religion has been left at the door? Latifa Akay and Shelina Janmohamed discuss.
08:10 Sunday Worship – Inside Anger
From the Syrian Orthodox Cathedral in West London.
08:48 A Point of View
Sarah Dunant compares our reaction today to climate change with responses in the seventeenth century to extreme weather.
08:58 Tweet of the Day
With Massive curmudgeon and Liebour supporter Bill Oddie
09:00 Broadcasting House
Caroline Wyatt listens to the National Youth Orchestra of Afghanistan.
11:15 Desert Island Discs
With Dame Claire Bertschinger the woman who inspired Live Aid.
12:32 The Food Program – Micro Bakeries
How on earth they managed to find what must be the only black guy in the UK running one leaves me gobsmacked.
15:00 Sunday Drama – The Prince
Based on Machiavelli’s book, with frequent swipes at the Tories and Lib Dems.
16:30 Poetry Idol – Middle Eastern poetry
Shahidha Bari travels to Abu Dhabi to join the audience of ‘Million’s Poet’, a massive televised competition to find the best poet in the Middle East.
17:00 Gay Rights – Tying the knot
Reverend Richard Coles looks at how gay marriage became the defining issue of recent years – and asks whether it represents the last… With lots of use of the latest bully phrase ‘marriage equality’.
17:40 Profile – Matteo Renzi
Edward Stourton profiles Matteo Renzi, the new Italian prime minister. He asks if this former boy scout – nicknamed ‘demolition man’ for his desire to smash the political establishment – can turn around Italy’s fortunes. Another left wing liberal who has Tony BLiar as his model.
All interspersed with the usually biased news output.
If any one of the bBC apologists who frequent these pages can explain how this isn’t liberal bias then I’d like to hear the explanation – I could do with a laugh.
I don’t think there can be any doubt what so ever over the bBCs liberal left bias – it’s blatantly obvious.
Every time I switch Radio 4 on there is some liberal left cause or theme being promoted or discussed.
I suspect if you listened to Radio 4 all day, every day you’d end up with a list like yours but only longer. Meanwhile, evidence of right-wing bias is inevitably and notably absent when the BBC’s supporters come on here spouting their vacuous accusations.
Factual evidence of BBC bias has always been this site’s strongpoint and long may it continue.
Again, the mindset seems to be solely revolving around how to ensure the free flow spigot of unique funding continues, if by other means.
There seems no appreciation that what that money gets used for is not adequate across a variety of key criteria, and the option of not having to pay for what is not liked, trusted or wanted needs to be offered to those who wish it.
A Britain unique in the world where to access the internet or watch a TV one gets compelled to fund a propaganda system is an anachronism too far.
If Sherlock entertains, I’ll happily subscribe.
If Today, BBC Breakfast, Vine & One Show or Newsnight pump out skewed agenda in lieu of objective news, they should survive, thrive or fall on the content they serve.
I afford them zero value. In fact I consider them often contrary to my democratic, free speaking interests.
Hence I will not subscribe.
from earlier in OT
a note of pertinence … for Cameron, Johnson, Hughes, BBC, Ch4 etc
You cannot go “dancing through the daisies”, just a couple of steps with sharia!.
You allow sharia in any form, and that is it, as to the throwback adherent s to this creed, it supersedes ANY man made laws
It is obvious, the brainwashed mass of Islam are well used to “give an inch take a mile” … and why not, eh!
who is taking action against it?
… so congratulations
Law Society, or the deliberately ignorant fuckwits we have No10, or shills like the BBC
Freedom of speech is in their sights, and “blasphemy law” on the back burner.
so I do hope you re happy … its coming
“A Pakistani man, who was recently acquitted in a blasphemy case, was gunned down in Jehlum district of Punjab province.
Sharafat Gola told police that his brother – Ashraf Gola, a former chairman of a district council – was travelling along with a friend Iftikhar Ahmed in a car when unidentified men intercepted it near Pind Dadan Khan, some 250 kilometres from Lahore, and sprayed it with bullets leaving both dead.
Sharafat said his brother was recently acquitted in a blasphemy case but those pursuing it had threatened him of dire consequences”
A rather serious charge of how the BBC digitally changed words in their footage reporting on the chemical attacks in Syria. The Pallywood style of this reporting will be familiar to many.
Fabrication in BBC Panorama’s ‘Saving Syria’s Children’
Correspondence with the BBC over allegations that the Panorama documentary ‘Saving Syria’s Children’ broadcast on 30 September 2013 included staged sequences purporting to show the aftermath of an alleged incendiary bomb attack on an Aleppo school on 26 August 2013
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Fedup2Jan 22, 16:46 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Two murders by a Muslim invader in Germany today – a month before the election -let’s hope the Germans get…
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diggJan 22, 16:45 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Short sentence lady, quite possibly paid off to come up with this nonsense…. Put nothing past the Dems….
diggJan 22, 16:42 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Islamists in the UK now represent far too big a voting block to upset by particular political parties hence spreading…
Hilarious item on Today about Muslim women going to a football match.
And they are all South Asian! Not very inclusive to leave out other Muslim Women including those from Africa or even Luton. Not very inclusive to leave out women from other religions. But there again, the only decent thing in Luton is the Airport so you can get out!
I wonder if the BBC would allow them to continue to be labelled ‘South Asian’ if they hopped on a flight to the Middle East and ‘offed’ a bunch of Europeans by martyring themselves with a C4 corset and a detonator.
Time to call in an expert over the missing Malaysian aircraft, so who does radio 4 call in? Of course it’s another arch leftie with no expertise in aviation – Will Self !
Jobs for the boys! There’s no way a commercial organisation would bring people like this in to solicit their opinion, because it’s worthless.
Bye bye BBC?
The ‘reporting’ seems oddly factual for once. Restrained even.
Can’t think why.
But at least Ellen is still a big fan, and that’s what counts.
Oh no!!! Its that Russell Brand again. He gets everywhere! Why do the BBC love this guy so much, its almost like sycophantism in reverse.
Well, now there’s a gap in my Saturday night viewing now that he’s pitching up on MOTD.
… and finally one other thing- the one thing I really despise about Sport Relief (and indeed Comic Relief) is the way that it allows dead-leg performers the chance to flaunt their lack of talent under the banner of charity. Nauseating, it really is.
The BBC like him because, like Jeremy Hardy (and Owen Chav Jones and many others), he is a lefty hated by middle class , middle England. Those people who are “respectable”, work hard, distrust big government, aren’t PC, are fed up with multiculturalism…… and pay their licence fee. Then get two fingers for their trouble.
Recently I suggested hereabouts the idea that BBC 5 Live radio had self-selected its audience.
Well its true.
No conservative would want to subject himself to the endless conveyor belt of gievance mongering legal aid black maria chasing would-be Cherie’s crony campaigners that dominate the Vicky Derbyshire guest list – you’re calling these shysters lawyers? It’s not in the spirit of English law – oh wait you’re quite right : it’s EU law.
No conservative would opt in for a regular passive aggressive ear bashing from the self-regarding twitter-fingered poncified preaning really-really-wannabe radio non-personality or failing that a very kool supply teacher – banging on about Islam Islam Islam one minute then suddenly it’s all the religion that can not be mentioned – and his glee club of property speculating but don’t tell the plebs plastic paddy ladettes – that is Nicky Campbell.
Surely no one with access to a sharp object in the afternoon voluntarily subjects themselves to the overgrown public schoolboy that is pinker than pink Blue Peter annual pulper and avid gay telly watcher Richard Bacon.
Who actually wants their sport subjected to the race hustling crowd mircro-management anyone-but-England and the further oop north you go the sweeter attentions of the BBC 5 Live revolution through joy sports department – put some stabilizers on that, add a solar cell lawnmower motor, give me quick push and have another person hold my one good hand and I think I can ‘medal’ : bronze – if you give me the funding, and before the Chinese bother to get up their own team.
But, according to the BBC, their audience seems to like it.
Well let them pay for it.
Non-payment of TV licence could result in viewers having BBC programmes blocked.
Bring it on, I say.
I think that is called subscription.
At present this site is a laughing stock. We are simply talking to ourselves, like grumpy old men in the snug, ignored and derided by those in the lounge. Concerted action is needed. ‘Outreach’ is the buzzword. Organised campaigns designed to bring BBC bias to the attention of the general public and to politicians will achieve far more than talking amongst ourselves.
We should spread the word by all possible means, and one simple way is by talking to people we meet. All it needs is the planting of a seed of doubt. “Ah yes, but you can’t always believe the BBC you know. They are very biased.” Then change the subject and leave then thinking.
If we are ever to achieve anything the site needs to become more focussed. Many contributions are hopelessly wide of the mark. Unjustified or irrelevant complaints kill the credibility of the whole site. I can just hear people in the BBC reading out some of the nonsense that is posted here and scoffing at it, and then dismissing the whole site out of hand. Contributors should ask themselves whether their posting actually gives evidence of BBC bias or whether it is really about something else. Large volumes of blather might relieve the poster’s feelings but they damage the cause. I’m asking for some intellectual and emotional discipline here; less groundless ranting and more solid fact. Even perfectly valid complaints are devalued if they are accompanied by irrelevant ranting.
In particular posters should try to avoid voicing their opinions on the TV licence fee, immigration, Muslims, and politics generally. It’s fine to involve these issues when they arise within an example of BBC bias, but not otherwise. Gratuitous whining about immigration merely allows our enemies to accuse us of racism, and in fact there have been postings that actually have been blatantly racist. These sentiments are tremendously damaging to the site as a whole. Generalised attacks on the Labour Party allow our enemies to discount what we say about the BBC on grounds of our bias. We also need to be very careful about issues of gender, sexual politics, and sexual orientation. Fine if the matter is relevant; damaging if it isn’t.
Allegations of bias should be properly researched. All too often assertions made on this site can be disproved by a quick look at the BBC News website, or by watching a BBC programme on iPlayer.
Can we have some discipline please?
Thanks Bill. Plenty of good points here.
This site is a good place for angry old gits like me (who are ignored elsewhere) to vent their spleens, and it shows.
Without ‘focussed’, ‘disciplined’ ‘concerted action’ we may as well shout up our own backsides!
I would really like to hear comments about this.
trouble is Bill, most of the points you mention that we should not be talking about, crop up REGULARLY as bias on the bBC, so no, we wont be shutting up anytime soon. So you can take your reverse psychology post elsewhere matey.
And there I was thinking we might get a productive debate going.
Perhaps we deserve to be scorned as blustering old Daily Mail readers by those we seek to criticise.
Always a bit intrigued when the royal ‘we’ gets deployed, usually at the weekend, in conversations between posters not noted for contributions the rest of the time.
As apparent soul mates, maybe you and Bill may feel better served chatting and agreeing on what makes for a ‘laughing stock’ elsewhere, or is this working up to be a grande flounce a deux soon? Again.
Anyhoo… late lunch nicely capped off by a coffee, so back out to play in the showers, leaving the site to be dominated by those who Mr. H once suggested have no life, and of course Albaman, clearly going for some kind of course record.
“………… and of course Albaman, clearly going for some kind of course record. ”
Thanks, but any reasonable person can see that the number of posts from me are insignificant when compared with your own contributions.
‘but any reasonable person can see that the number of posts from me are insignificant’
Please define ‘reasonable’.
And ‘because I think it is’ gets extra marks.
Along with quality matching whatever volume you see fit to self-describe.
I’d estimate today you are running several to one on ‘lil ole me. But true, I have not be glued to my desk all day… at the weekend, when it’s sunny (a few April showers too… sorry, make that ‘Global Weirding Apocoalype!).
And other than teasing Flokkers I tend to stay on the topic of BBC bias, inaccuracy, lack of integrity or professional competence. You do stray… a lot.
Plus I like it here.
You, on the other hand, seem to be redefining the masochism of the lonely long distance blog contrarian.
Ok perhaps ‘laughing stock’ was a bit excessive.
But I am rather saddened by the response to Bill and my (what I thought) were well-intentioned contributions.
The majority of posts here are thoughtfully constructed and informative, and I put those from Guest Who in that category. But surely it must be acknowledged that it is possible to veer away from legitimate criticism of the bias on the BBC into what are tantamount to rants bordering on the racist etc. To mix my metaphors a bit, these bad apples only serve to give ammunition to critics of the views expressed here and allow them to dismiss all the comments.
Perhaps I’m mistaken, but I thought Bill was advocating some restraint of these extreme views and more affirmative action in opposing the obvious bias in the BBC. He was not trying to shut up anyone.
I am quite disappointed in the negative ad hominem reaction. I was expecting better.
Can`t speak for anybody else, but I do carry the views generally expressed here into my real life, work and friends etc.
My views are well-known, and coming from a former lefty atheist green liberal fool of a teacher like I once was , it does carry a bit of weight-well, novelty value anyway.
I have learned loads here, it`s a PhD in Media Studies, Statistics, Environmental Geography if you want it.
I never feel like it`s a rant in the snug , in that I get my pint then pick up a few good tips here( like Jihadwatch, Political Islam, Frankfurt School stuff etc)…then off I go back into the world and back Israel, the USA and Jesus as needs be.
Maybe it`s a bit like a cyber “Cheers”-but I`m glad of it.
Not being alone?…no bad thing!
That said, facts and figures count; so if you think we`re a bit of a rabble, you`d be surprised how well we can critique interruptions from BBC hacks as they interview Labour-from how they differ when they interview a Tory.
Add to that the use of language (eg Miliband declares a policy, whereas Cameron defends one)…and , bill, you`ll find this is no snug for the defeated…but a boiler room to end the BBC if at all possible.
The License Fee is under threat like never before-and we here at biased BBC have more than played our part…
Thank you ChrisH for putting the case I would have put forward myself. May I add that so many comments here on various events take the subject forward, and whilst they might not refer to actual BBC bias they expose it by drawing attention to that which is not covered by the BBC. I too, can take an argument presented here and apply it in other aspects of my life. Just to give an example, counter arguments to the BBC narrative on climate change I have used in battles with our local authority whose ridiculous environmental policies are presented as based on unquestionable scientific dogma endorsed by the BBC .
Your a f*****g hero chrisH.
Ndabaningi is that you?
Yes Bwana. How’s the camel.
Traded it for 25 sheep, they are much prettier.
I must thank all you ladies and gentlemen for paying for the most excellent “World Service “. Me and my 25 wives lay in bed many a night listening to the crap the BBC put out.
Clearly I am being seduced into giving Albaman some stats to deploy in a few more posts, having reached parity. But…just…can’t…resist…
‘Ok perhaps ‘laughing stock’ was a bit excessive.’
I’d have to say, a bit more than a bit.
Especially if the intention was a group hug on the basis of sincere introspection.
‘But I am rather saddened by the response to Bill and my (what I thought) were well-intentioned contributions.’
Your pain is felt.
‘The majority of posts here are thoughtfully constructed and informative, and I put those from Guest Who in that category.
Darn, now I feel bad. But thanks. However, you may find yourself in a fight with a few from the Forlorn Hope divisions of Flokkerdom. They have been… hurtful… on lucidity, grammar and much else in the past. But I shall surely keep this on file to show they may even be in a minority.
‘But surely it must be acknowledged that it is possible to veer away from legitimate criticism of the bias on the BBC into what are tantamount to rants bordering on the racist etc.
No argument at all. Perfectly possible. Happens. Which is why I pass ’em by, don’t like and ignore.
Unless the less gratuitous ones tease a raiding party from the bunker, in which case I can often find amusement in teasing them back in.
‘..only serve to give ammunition to critics of the views expressed here and allow them to dismiss all the comments.’
‘They’ can dismiss what they like… and on whatever self-serving basis they choose, and indeed such ammo is often unfortunate.
But also inevitable. Even from those who may not be false flags.
And impossible to curtail on a free-speaking, low-modding, robust exchanges blog.
Hence not worth getting too exercised about.
Other forums.. CiF, Tel, the BBC FaceBook pages have much worse.
It is simply a fact of life in a democracy (well, other than those with eroding dark clouds like vague or variable ‘hate’-style laws, #HackedOff, etc).
‘Perhaps I’m mistaken, but I thought Bill was advocating some restraint of these extreme views and more affirmative action in opposing the obvious bias in the BBC. He was not trying to shut up anyone.
Then, sorry, the opening line was a very poor way to start, especially when then followed by a raft of dictates on posting parameters.
Especially as there is no evidence this site is a laughing stock, other than around the bitter tear-stained shandies of the BBC staff canteen, PR special ops debrief or useful idiot complimentary mercenary squads. That counter heading for 30,000,000 suggests there is an audience.
‘I am quite disappointed in the negative ad hominem reaction.’
Clearly. But as of now, I see no ad hominems at all. Simply disagreement. Well, bar these quaint one degree of separation comparisons from the ether:
“grumpy old men in the snug, ignored and derided by those in the lounge”
“deserve to be scorned as blustering old Daily Mail readers”
“a good place for angry old gits like me (who are ignored elsewhere) to vent their spleens”
I’m afraid if you and Bill want to wallow in such shared self-description fine, but please include me out of the ‘we’ attempt.
Oh, and…
‘In particular posters should try to avoid voicing their opinions on the TV licence fee, ‘
Interesting ‘advice’ there. Especially at present. Sorry, I do think it does fall under relevant topics for discussion, so I’ll pass on that too.
Leha seems to have noticed what’s likely at play. Interesting approach, but…
‘I was expecting better.’
Guess this reply will not serve either.
I can’t tell you how sorry I am about that.
A few thoughts.
We’re a “laughing stock” and, at the same time, “Daily Mail readers”. Well a lot of people buy the Daily Mail (not me, as it happens) so who’s doing the laughing? Guardian readers (lowest circulation after the Independent) or the BBC (who cares?).
And if we’re really a “laughing stock”, why come here?
We’re racists? Doesn’t mean much.
We discuss things like immigration? Obviously that’s because the BBC doesn’t. We discuss what the BBC omits.
Lastly, we are less relevant because the BBC’s many shortcomings are now being discussed widely elsewhere. Mission almost accomplished perhaps. I’ll be well pleased when this site becomes totally redundant.
INBBC boycotts Franch elections?
INBBC sees fit not to report on French elections.
Who does it take its political lead from?:-
“Salafist group calls for boycott of French local elections”
(‘French’ not ‘Franch’ above, line 1.)
Why on earth should the BBC boycott French Elections? Francois Hollande is obviously going to wipe the floor and his supporters make huge gains.
Then again – maybe not.
Has anybody seen this bBC article which hints/points in the direction that becasue somebody scored a goal against GB at football he was killed:
Only on fully reading the article do you find that while Joe Gaetjens scored a goal against GB in 1950, he lived a normal life until 1964. Hardly warranting this crap:
“The footballer who beat England – then disappeared”
The bBC, which can find any excuse in which to try and blame the UK for…anything.
Sorry left out which article. Look up Sudden death
it’s the weekend. The TV is on mainly because the man over the road has decided the weekend is the best day to throw stuff in a skip. The Tv is just background. What is this “highlight” of sport relief. Obviously I’ve now switched to Midsummer murders now. So having BBc an unwatchable wasteland of crap last night wasn’t enough,I assume I didn’t watch any of it, we now have “highlights”. Davina BEYOND BREAKING POINT, well obviously it wasn’t as she did her “challenge” as I saw on Breakfast BBc. What’s worse is we are paying for this crap.
If anyone above has picked up on this already then it’s worth repeating:
Courtesy of Breitbart we have this:
Major Revamp at BBC’s £1bn New HQ Just 18 Months After Opening
BBC bosses have asked for a major make-over for their new London headquarters, even though they’ve only been open for 18 months. The £1 billion headquarters, known as New Broadcasting House (NBH), will get the revamp despite complaints from staff.
Under the plans, revealed in reply to a letter to the BBC’s in-house magazine Ariel, the sixth and seventh floors of the building will be given an ‘EastEnders’ theme, after the Corporation’s flagship soap opera. The carpets will be torn up and replaced with a “street scape” featuring landmarks from the soap, which is set in a fictional East London square.
There will be an Albert Square hot-desking area, which will include iron railings, and a ‘Queen Vic’ themed meeting room – inspired by the soap’s fictional local pub.
Read it and weep.
Just what planet do these freaks inhabit.
Who or what inhabits the the sixth and seventh floors of the building?
For BBC-NUJ-Labour Party:-
‘Daily Mail’-
(Jan, 2014)-
“If Stephen Kinnock makes it to the Commons he will join a growing list Labour figures following in the footsteps of family members who defined the party for a generation.
Will Straw, son of former Home Secretary Jack, has been selected to contest the seat of Rossendale and Darwen in Lancashire.
David Prescott, son of former Deputy Prime Minister John, missed out on becoming the candidate for the seat of Greenwich but was has not given up hope of finding a berth.
Euan Blair, son of former PM Tony, reportedly has his eye on finding a seat, but after being linked with Coventry North West, incumbent Geoffrey Robinson was reselected.
Jo Dromey, son of Labour MPs Harriet Harman and Jack Dromey, has denied being on the look out for a seat but many in the party expect him to stand.
Emily Benn, granddaughter of Tony and niece of Hillary, stood in the 2010 general election anbd could do so again.”
Read more:
BBC-NUJ only has:
“Neil Kinnock’s son Stephen selected to fight Aberavon seat”
Can`t speak for anybody else, but I do carry the views generally expressed here into my real life, work and friends etc.
My views are well-known, and coming from a former lefty atheist green liberal fool of a teacher like I once was , it does carry a bit of weight-well, novelty value anyway.
I have learned loads here, it`s a PhD in Media Studies, Statistics, Environmental Geography if you want it.
I never feel like it`s a rant in the snug , in that I get my pint then pick up a few good tips here( like Jihadwatch, Political Islam, Frankfurt School stuff etc)…then off I go back into the world and back Israel, the USA and Jesus as needs be.
Maybe it`s a bit like a cyber “Cheers”-but I`m glad of it.
Not being alone?…no bad thing!
That said, facts and figures count; so if you think we`re a bit of a rabble, you`d be surprised how well we can critique interruptions from BBC hacks as they interview Labour-from how they differ when they interview a Tory.
Add to that the use of language (eg Miliband declares a policy, whereas Cameron defends one)…and , bill, you`ll find this is no snug for the defeated…but a boiler room to end the BBC if at all possible.
The License Fee is under threat like never before-and we here at biased BBC have more than played our part…
The BBC are similarly infested by the old bay networks aren`t they?
Dimblebys? Michelmores? Magnussons?
Maybe the obvious nepotism networks involved in both incestuous silos like the BBC and the Labour Party tell us why a Toynbee won`t use mums name, but dads instead….the same old names tends to show them up for the rats nests of privilege they spend their lives denouncing or demanding be opened up to competition.
It`s as if in their bare-faced hypocrisies and duplicitous double standards( witness both organisations tax-affairs) the BBC and Labout think they`re a dream team for liberal thinking and propagation…but it`s actually a suicide pact between them.
Untrustworthy and unelectable respectively-only publicly funded life support machines keep both cadavers going.
Time to stop plugging them with your pound coins…they`re both dead-and the quicker you kill them, the better chance we`ve got of a new start for this country.
Apparently, BBC-NUJ does not report this sort of racist attack:-
“Paris: Muslims screaming Death to the Jews’ break Jewish teacher’s nose, draw swastika on his chest”
Instead, BBC-NUJ censors out a Muslim rapper’s death threat to Geert Wilders a few days ago, but gives big uncritical support to Muslim Moroccans against Geert Wilders online today.
French Jew Beaten on Paris Metro –
Assault reportedly carried out by four unidentified Arab men
Stephanie Butnick – News Tablet
bbc …………………….look! no time for that! … ahhh! … but they do have this
Wilders accused of discrimination.
“being circulated on social media with some critics drawing comparisons between Mr Wilders and Adolf Hitler”
Not for INBBC to report about a Dutch Muslim:
“Head Shot: Dutch Muslim who lived on welfare for 10 years poses with five heads” – See more at:
Response to latest Islamic jihads massacre in KABUL.
Will INBBC join the boycott of the Taliban after the murder of journalist?
“Afghan journos boycott Taliban coverage after they murder reporter”
At risk of mere reference to a Guido sending Agent Joe Weekend into a spin:
Like too many words deployed in editorial to perk up a headline, I would be hard-pressed to see the exchange as a ‘spat’.
Looking at the two posts, Guido made a simple statement, challenged on accuracy by Ray Snoddy but from the hilarious basis that it is only how the funding works that is in the frame.
Fewer services or higher fees may be the terms the public sector likes to think in, but they do tend to miss other options.
And folk may see not uniquely funding at all James Purnell’s talents as part of a compelled fee, as attractive.
Should WE pay reparations for slavery? …
oooohhh! … Nikki Campbell in best “colonial guilt” mode
one can assume on orchestrated faux debate show …
“The Big Questions” tomorrow … will the Al BBC audience
contain its usual mandated Islamic presence?
Being a “great religion TM” and all that?.
If so will they be asked about ending Islamic slavery …
still running today? as in fact Islam neither ignores nor condemns slavery.
In fact, a large part of the Sharia is dedicated to the practice.
Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was :-
a slave owner and trader.
captured slaves in battle.
had sex with his slaves.
he instructed his men to do the same.
The Qur’an actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves than it does to telling them to pray five times a day.
hmmm … probably not
Reparations played a large part in the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, and as a committed Fascist one can only assume that Campbell is seeking their rise to power again.
Well well, it appears the new and controversial addition to Newsnight, Duncan Weldon has been a supporter and admirer of Mosley’s fascists earlier on in his life.
What’s more interesting is how he refers to Mosley’s group as far-right. In fact it’s far-left, but it’s a ploy often used by the likes of the BBC and left-wingers to distance themselves from the more evil connotations related to groups such as BUF, Nazis, BNP, etc.
The BBC actually confirmed this a few years ago when Digger, a member on my site, complained about the use of right-wing in this regard. Here’s what the BBC responded with:
The BNP was born out of the National Front – a “national” party, who like many parties purporting to represent the national interests of a particular country, claim themselves to be national socialists. NS is an extremely left wing form of political belief – Hitler’s Nazi party were national socialists, and therefore technically left wing – but so left wing as to appear right wing in their extreme and racist views. The same can apply to the BNP.
Very devious, as we’ve come to expect.
‘I was a fascist and admired Sir Oswald Mosely’: Bizarre claims of new Newsnight reporter as he denies being a ‘dangerous leftie’
Duncan Weldon was adviser to Harriet Harman and worked for TUC
BBC man supported Fascist leader after reading biography of him
Tories claim appointment is evidence of BBC’s anti-Conservative bias
Wrote article for university newspaper explaining his right-wing views
Have to presume this was an attempt to get on record some juicy archive stuff for the ‘balance’ claims, like Nic Robbo’s dalliance back when he had hair. Which was a very long time ago.
Still, gives the inevitable anon BBC spokesweasel another opportunity to rummage in the cokkie cutter jar and solemnly intone that no matter what their political views and activism last week or a minute ago, all BBC staff pin such views on the dart board on the door.
However, ‘bizarre’ seems closer to the mark. Can’t wait for Katz to deploy this on twitter as I don’t think most of his tripe washes too well and this one will see him filleted.
Anyone seen BBC films?
I didnt know this website existed!
Talk about crude propaganda. Undoubtedly there is much more to be found here.
Dear oh dear. Racist, racist old BBC…
They claimed that the writer has been searching for words to include in a scene where the characters were playing a ‘Klingon’ version of Scrabble.
A spokesman said: ‘In searching for obscure words for a Klingon-themed game of Scrabble, a word was unwittingly featured in the board game that it since transpires has negative connotations. No offence was intended.’
So ‘jigaboo’ is a Klingon word is it? Well I never!
maHvaD Qot chaH ‘e’ vIHar. As Worf might say.
‘They claimed …
A spokesman said…’
This anonymous BBC ‘spokesperson’ crops up so much, they must be the hardest working individual in the corporation!
At least this time the template was avoided but given the attempted excuse I can see why they tend to stay to the tried and trusted.
If the cover up is often worse than the error, such an idiotic attempt to still avoid a hands up mea culpa with such a daft reason really shows their wiring is defective.
I’m am sure it would be more colourful in Klingon, but I call BS.
More mind bending on the BBC… An article on the website about “Girls in gangs leading desperate lives” (see It is illustrated by a photograph of a girl with blonde hair. But take a look at the website of the charity referenced – XLP (see and note the places they operate (Peckham, Southwark, Lewisham, Tower Hamlets, Islington, Camden) and the ethnicity of the “youf” in their photographs. It is painfully apparent that whilst these problems may indeed affect all communities, there is one that seems particularly involved or at risk and its members are not usually known for having blonde hair. In which case, why not use a more representative photograph?
Albeeba breakfast now analysing why a low percentage of successful post grad history course applicants are black.
The obviously biased ( and black) reverend nutcase on puts it down to …….yes you guessed it……institutional racism!
Fuck all to do with how many apply, or anything about ability, work rate, intelligence even…
Nope it’s all down to racism, ever the victim. If I dont get on in life it’s your fault.
Yes, saw that. Also saw the previous item about gang culture and an articulate black woman and former gang member who said something along the lines that less rap would help, amongst other things.
Institutional racism in education system (which, in my wife’s experience, is more likely to be anti-white) or other institutional problems in the black “community”?
A priceless bit of BBC speak this morning. Surfing various channels made the mistake of tuning to BBC 1. The few seconds it was on I caught Andrew Marr speaking about the budget and a boost for the “Tories” in the polls. He solemnly asks “How can Labour fight back”.
Oh the concern…..
Exactly. For most weeks the Tories have lagged Labour in the polls. Did Marr ever ask: “How can the Tories fight back?”
I rest my case.
I don’t normally watch it…but some psychobabble on Gameshow’s Sunday handwringing programme is talking about her post traumatic slavery syndrome and how she is still traumatised from it together with neo colonialism (and how she’d like several thousand quid bob compensation, no doubt).
I was going to say more but a voice from upstairs has just told me that I’ve got to do the bathroom, then clean the oven, then replace the garden fence and when I’ve done that Sunday lunch has to be put on…and it’s my turn to do the ironing.
Two questions:
Where does Gameshow get these victims and nutters from?
Where’s my compensation?
Apparently it’s all down to ‘intergenerational transmission of trauma and oppression’, which ‘we’ can’t move on from.
Today the bBC reported on the first step in replacing English law with Sharia law. Even they appear to be shocked at the results of their multi culti stupidity.
England has a particularly strange will / inheritance system, in that it is the only country in the civilised world where it is possible to leave a son or daughter out of a will completely if the writer so desires it.
Odd because this amounts to similar terms as the Sharia wills. To make matters worse with the English system, the tax free nature of it means that it is doubly unfair.
Having said all that, the Sharia compliant wills fly in the face of everything the fascists claim they are trying to achieve. Women are left nothing, illegitimate children, any offspring who is no longer a Muslim, or failed to have an Islamic marriage, can be excluded.
Anyone gay or adopted, is excluded, and those who do qualify need to declare their Muslim faith in the Mosque before an Imam.
Of course some of the fascists are up in arms about the fact, but the hierarchy of isms will mean that anyone who objects will be labelled as ‘vile’ or ‘hate filled’ and it will be steamrollered through parliament.
This is of course the thin end of the wedge and we can look forward to the public execution of gays and jews, and the victims of rape. The removal of the hands of thieves, and the stoning to death of adulterers.
Of course some voices will be raised, but groups like the student union and the LGBT organisations will make sure they are silenced in their own quest for martyrdom in the name of Fascism Equality & diversity, and total rank stupidity !
I note in a couple of papers that a new film “Noah” is to be banned in parts of the Middle East.
It`s about a religious zealot who squauks on about climate change and over population…and does something about it!
No wonder the BBC don`t know how to play this-clearly portraying a “Muslim Prophet”( well, a Jewish one from a few thousand years earlier-same thing then!) gets a Fatwa-which will “disappoint” the BBC.
But this is a climate change hero surely at one and the same time…Russell Crowes tribute to George Porritt/Jonathan Monbiot tag team of privileged virtues…surely?
Fetch the popcorn…be good to see Greens and Muslims at each others sandals, should the liberal media choose to “exacerbate the problem” by publicising it.
I predict a hush up myself.
“Greens and Muslims at each others sandals, ”
Genius, ChrisH, pure genius!
Labour lead falls to just one point !
Lets see the bBC panic over this as they surely must !
They already have. Andrew Marr on his show this AM – “How Can Labour Fight back”
Yes, we can expect BBC-NUJ Beeboids to misuse their global broadcasting empire to inflict even more blataant pro-Labour Party bias on the British people, in the run up to the 2015 General Election.
Oh Yes. The stakes are high, not just because the lefties at the BBC want to see their party (Labour) elected but because the BBC licence fee and charter renewal take place during 2015-2020.
Labour in power and they have friends over seeing these. Conservatives in and it will be harder. I dare say “Dave” will do the establishment thing but his back benchers and a few in the Cabinet will play hard ball. The public mood is turning cool and the internet is changing the way and increasing number of people view television. It will be a lot more comfortable for them with their friends in power.
Or put another way, “how can we help Labour fight back”
“Tories cash in on pensions joy: Dramatic poll reveals parties neck and neck after Budget boost.
“A new poll has shown the Conservative’s slash Labour’s poll lead from 11 points less than a year ago to one.
“42 per cent said they would rather see David Cameron as Prime Minister.
“38 per cent put their faith in Labour leader Ed Miliband.
“The poll showed Boris Johnson is favourite to replace Mr Cameron.
“George Osborne has overtaken Theresa May in second place.”
Read more:
The Big Questions.
A debate on whether descendants of African slaves deserve reparations based on the unsubstantiated concept of “Trans generational trauma” which seemed to be a major part of the argument but was never proven. Nicky Campbell went along with it (and it’s clear the editorial staff at TBQ thought it worthy of being the basis of the debate) – waste of 20 minutes.
So can I claim compo for “post generational trauma” on account of my ancestors being raped and pillaged by the Vikings then Nicky ?
Reparations for slavery? How about reparations for an entire people forced out of their own country and then persecuted and slaughtered for 2000 years? Rather than financial compensation, how about just giving them their land back? Why does black slavery have such an appeal for the Left (complex psychological sexual themes aside) but the Jews of Israel do not? And isn’t it about time the Romans, Vikings, Normans, Algerians & Moroccans (corsairs) coughed up for Britain?
I doubt if Jews would have time to try this one – they’re too busy gaining PhDs , Nobel Prizes and inventing lots of useful stuff.
Like the further teasing subtext of the ‘all views my own’ incantation to ward off any actual accountability.
“Should WE pay reparations for slavery? …
Nikki Campbell in best “colonial guilt” mode
one can assume on orchestrated faux debate show …
“The Big Questions” … will the Al BBC audience
contain its usual mandated Islamic presence?
Being a “great religion TM” and all that?.”
simple answer … no,
on Islamic slavery? …
“mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it” is order of the day.
I only tuned in for that section … it actually turned out to be so ludicrous, well I tuned back out
Just seen published in the Jewish News Page 5 (originally published in The Times )of Radio 4 Bias complaints upheld . One of the complaints upheld was that of Chris’s from biasedbbc about Sarah Montague in November falsely stating that Christians were persecuted in Israel- so well done to Chris for not being fobbed off and achieving this admission from the BBC.
Saw this headline in the Telegraph
Islamic law is adopted by British legal chiefs
“Sharia Law to be enshrined in British legal system as lawyers get guidelines on drawing up documents according to Islamic rules.
“The guidelines on wills could mean women are denied an equal inheritance.
“Adopted children could also face losing out under Law Society document.
“The move has been criticised as a backwards step by equality campaigners.”
Read more:
See above !
-Another inevitable consequence for British people of the implementation of the political class’s (inc INBBC’s) continuing policy of mass immigration into U.K from Islamic countries-
“Islamic law to be enshrined in British legal system as lawyers get guidelines on ‘Sharia compliant’ wills”
“Islamic law (sharia) is adopted by British legal system”
absolutely appalling just check it out on “google, UK literally hundreds of devious Islamic/useful idiot type sites giving all the gen … to openly DISCRIMINATE, flout Islam and get away with it.
“going to hell in a handcart!” …
the poison is in … the patient hasn t even twitched yet
check this out
42 mins 25.
‘‘There is a wide variety of spiritual, religious and cultural beliefs within our population, and the Law Society wants to support its members so they can help clients from all backgrounds.’ (Law Society)
Useful idiots.
from earlier in OT
a note of pertinence … for Cameron, Johnson, Hughes, BBC, Ch4 etc
You cannot go “dancing through the daisies”, just a couple of steps with sharia!.
You allow sharia in any form, and that is it, as to the throwback adherent s to this creed, it supersedes ANY man made laws
It is obvious, the brainwashed mass of Islam are well used to “give an inch take a mile” … and why not, eh!
who is taking action against it?
… so congratulations
Law Society, or the deliberately ignorant fuckwits we have No10, or shills like the BBC
Freedom of speech is in their sights, and “blasphemy law” on the back burner.
so I do hope you re happy … its coming
“A Pakistani man, who was recently acquitted in a blasphemy case, was gunned down in Jehlum district of Punjab province.
Sharafat Gola told police that his brother – Ashraf Gola, a former chairman of a district council – was travelling along with a friend Iftikhar Ahmed in a car when unidentified men intercepted it near Pind Dadan Khan, some 250 kilometres from Lahore, and sprayed it with bullets leaving both dead.
Sharafat said his brother was recently acquitted in a blasphemy case but those pursuing it had threatened him of dire consequences”
Just one atrocity too many, and this will all end in tears … much sooner than I envisaged.
How Islamised will Beeboids make new version?-
“Civilisation returns to television: BBC set to remake landmark documentary series on the history of western art”
Read more:
BBC – “The hunt is now on for ‘leading cultural figures’ to front the show” …. UH OH!
Well Mary Beard did a great job of painting the Roman Empire as ‘vibrant’, egalitarian multicultural paradise – reckon she should be given another go.
Good old BBC still refuse to report why our NHS is collapsing. We all know that immigration and health tourism is the root cause but the BBC will make it out as if ‘cuts to budgets’ are the fundamental cause. Pathetic.
Oh, by the time they reached the news at 13:00 hrs, they managed to fit in another reason, it’s down to the aging population as well.
Immigration net figures over 200,000 per year, and it is totally ignored on albeeba.
Suck up the bullshit plebs.
It’s those pesky Baby Boomers again – they’ve had it all, eh?
Just listening to the “Sunday” programme this morning-the BBCs rainbow/sharia black flagship.
It`s not Stourton so a bit less “Uriah Hippie” that usual.
But it`s nearly all Islam as victim, as putting their weight behind abolishing slavery(oh really?) as perky immigrants needing a fair go in Italy or places north in the EU, the new need to protect them in the CAR now they`re getting a taste of their own mint tea…and crap over Islamic feminism and the intersectionality of this(eh?…read the Koran and debate this if you dare).
Meanwhile-hot on the heels of the need to show understanding and pastoral care for slave trafficked folk?-the lady who lost her brother and was there to throw light on MH370-got rudely bumped off for some Big Bang/Bash the Creationist piece.
Funnily enough the writer of Rev got as much uninterrupted time to Bang On about his new series coming up as he needed-and then more some!
Oh so BBC!
Curtail the sister of the dead bloke-but give a BBC scriptwriter as much time as he needs…MUCH more positive, ratings can only benefit.
Beeboids’ main political attack, and lead headline, on Radio 4’s ‘World This Weekend’ about the violence of gangs in England is in criticising the police.
Info, for BBC-NUJ:-
“British firms (organized crime)”
Good old Michael Dobbs did us all a good turn on BH this morning in the Paper Reviews (9.40am or so 23/3/14 ;R4)
He started it off-straight to FGM and Sharia Law.
Oh dear…poor show, croissants spluttered.
Next up-he wondered about The Voice etc…all those talent shows seemed not to reward the black acts did they?
Again-even with the patronising trivia piece on “popular culcha”…Dobbs Dobbed them in it?
Is this so, asked our Labour Lady of the Lords?…Paddy will now have to watch “Schtrikklee” as did Sarah Teather(oh dear).
Final piece found our Labour Lady of the Lords in the splendid postion of defending Kinnocks son, Blairs Son and Straws boy in their quests to rise meritocratically to shoo-in Labour seats, hence by-passing the chavs that actually live there!
It`s in their mothers milk apparently-the Dimbleby Defence or the Milliband Momentum factors come into play here-so f***off you plebs!
A fine few minutes-reckon Dobbs will have to get a paperboy again next week(and not in a BBC-Savile kinda way either!)
Hopefully all independent candidates will get as much coverage.
Not just the looney left ones.
Just spotted this near the bottom of the Mail website. Only three comments and the newest one 16 hours ago as of 16.45 pm – yeah, right!
By the way is there a reason why comments on this site go out of sequence after about 200?
Any chance of a new open thread please? This one is getting a bit full.
Just the usual amount of bias today on the impartial BBC. One small example of how pernicious it is. Andrew Marr Show, some Daily Mail journalist was praising the budget saying how it was a jolly good thing that people were trusted to spend their own money. Marr steps in to say yes but you are a well known Conservative.
Two hours later Potty Toynbee is rubbishing the budget and predicting dire consequences if people are allowed to spend their savings what they want to. Andrew Neil missed to need to remind everyone that Potty is a leftist nutter. Also i wonder why the panel of three on his week end show always has at least two journalists from leftist newspapers?
INBBC: ‘we see no Islamic jihadists in Kenya’:
Note this INBBC headline again censors ouy reference to Muslim perpetrators who carried out this massacre on Christians.
INBBC: revise your headline weasel words:-
“Four shot dead in Kenya church attack”
-to more accurate:-
“Kenya: Islamic jihadists storm church, murder four people”
What a disgraceful display of bias on Radio 4 throughout the day!
07:10 John Laurenson reports from Riace where immigrants are welcome and encouraged to stay.
Maslaha is a new project about Islam and feminism. How does Islam work within the Western ideas of feminism where traditionally religion has been left at the door? Latifa Akay and Shelina Janmohamed discuss.
08:10 Sunday Worship – Inside Anger
From the Syrian Orthodox Cathedral in West London.
08:48 A Point of View
Sarah Dunant compares our reaction today to climate change with responses in the seventeenth century to extreme weather.
08:58 Tweet of the Day
With Massive curmudgeon and Liebour supporter Bill Oddie
09:00 Broadcasting House
Caroline Wyatt listens to the National Youth Orchestra of Afghanistan.
11:15 Desert Island Discs
With Dame Claire Bertschinger the woman who inspired Live Aid.
12:32 The Food Program – Micro Bakeries
How on earth they managed to find what must be the only black guy in the UK running one leaves me gobsmacked.
15:00 Sunday Drama – The Prince
Based on Machiavelli’s book, with frequent swipes at the Tories and Lib Dems.
16:30 Poetry Idol – Middle Eastern poetry
Shahidha Bari travels to Abu Dhabi to join the audience of ‘Million’s Poet’, a massive televised competition to find the best poet in the Middle East.
17:00 Gay Rights – Tying the knot
Reverend Richard Coles looks at how gay marriage became the defining issue of recent years – and asks whether it represents the last… With lots of use of the latest bully phrase ‘marriage equality’.
17:40 Profile – Matteo Renzi
Edward Stourton profiles Matteo Renzi, the new Italian prime minister. He asks if this former boy scout – nicknamed ‘demolition man’ for his desire to smash the political establishment – can turn around Italy’s fortunes. Another left wing liberal who has Tony BLiar as his model.
All interspersed with the usually biased news output.
If any one of the bBC apologists who frequent these pages can explain how this isn’t liberal bias then I’d like to hear the explanation – I could do with a laugh.
I don’t think there can be any doubt what so ever over the bBCs liberal left bias – it’s blatantly obvious.
Every time I switch Radio 4 on there is some liberal left cause or theme being promoted or discussed.
I suspect if you listened to Radio 4 all day, every day you’d end up with a list like yours but only longer. Meanwhile, evidence of right-wing bias is inevitably and notably absent when the BBC’s supporters come on here spouting their vacuous accusations.
Factual evidence of BBC bias has always been this site’s strongpoint and long may it continue.
Yes, even on the ‘World this Weekend’ at 1 pm, the top BBC-NUJ report was criticising the police for gang violence in England.
Blatant, blatant Beeboid political bias: all day and every day. And it’s getting worse under HALL and PURNELL.
Some comments on this comment in the “Is the BBC Biased” site, here:
I don’t normally do this but I’d like to comment on a comment at Biased-BBC as – unusually – I’ve heard a lot of Radio 4 today. Plus it will serve as a reflection on what I’ve heard.
Some comments on this comment in the “Is the BBC Biased” site, here:
I don’t normally do this but I’d like to comment on a comment at Biased-BBC as – unusually – I’ve heard a lot of Radio 4 today. Plus it will serve as a reflection on what I’ve heard.
Again, the mindset seems to be solely revolving around how to ensure the free flow spigot of unique funding continues, if by other means.
There seems no appreciation that what that money gets used for is not adequate across a variety of key criteria, and the option of not having to pay for what is not liked, trusted or wanted needs to be offered to those who wish it.
A Britain unique in the world where to access the internet or watch a TV one gets compelled to fund a propaganda system is an anachronism too far.
If Sherlock entertains, I’ll happily subscribe.
If Today, BBC Breakfast, Vine & One Show or Newsnight pump out skewed agenda in lieu of objective news, they should survive, thrive or fall on the content they serve.
I afford them zero value. In fact I consider them often contrary to my democratic, free speaking interests.
Hence I will not subscribe.
NIGERIA: Which mass murders has BBC-NUJ not reported today- 1.), or 2.), below? And why?:-
“Suspected Islamists kill 20 in market bomb in northeast Nigeria”
“Nigeria: Police probe Ibadan ‘house of horror'”
Why should BBC-NUJ report the following? The wrong kind of racism?
“French Interior Minister: Anti-Zionism is the New Jew-Hatred”
from earlier in OT
a note of pertinence … for Cameron, Johnson, Hughes, BBC, Ch4 etc
You cannot go “dancing through the daisies”, just a couple of steps with sharia!.
You allow sharia in any form, and that is it, as to the throwback adherent s to this creed, it supersedes ANY man made laws
It is obvious, the brainwashed mass of Islam are well used to “give an inch take a mile” … and why not, eh!
who is taking action against it?
… so congratulations
Law Society, or the deliberately ignorant fuckwits we have No10, or shills like the BBC
Freedom of speech is in their sights, and “blasphemy law” on the back burner.
so I do hope you re happy … its coming
“A Pakistani man, who was recently acquitted in a blasphemy case, was gunned down in Jehlum district of Punjab province.
Sharafat Gola told police that his brother – Ashraf Gola, a former chairman of a district council – was travelling along with a friend Iftikhar Ahmed in a car when unidentified men intercepted it near Pind Dadan Khan, some 250 kilometres from Lahore, and sprayed it with bullets leaving both dead.
Sharafat said his brother was recently acquitted in a blasphemy case but those pursuing it had threatened him of dire consequences”
Just one atrocity too many, and this will all end in tears … much sooner than I envisaged.
Just as the British people had no say on E.U law superseding British law, so too we have had no democratic say on the imposition of Sharia law.
BBC-NUJ knows this, but appears to be complicit, or unconcerned.
Yes, and on the Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN, INBBC finds space for this:
a ‘report’ headlined thus, today:-
“OK! magazine launches in Pakistan”
-but INBBC has not space for reporting the murder of a man acquitted of infringing Islamic Sharia law*. (*Coming soon to U.K.)
BBC-NUJ censors Islamic take-over of English schools.
There’s nothing on this currently at its on-line ‘Education’ pages-
“Government intervenes at school ‘taken over’ by Muslim radicals”
How the BBC ‘staged’ Syria chem attack.
A rather serious charge of how the BBC digitally changed words in their footage reporting on the chemical attacks in Syria. The Pallywood style of this reporting will be familiar to many.
Fabrication in BBC Panorama’s ‘Saving Syria’s Children’
Correspondence with the BBC over allegations that the Panorama documentary ‘Saving Syria’s Children’ broadcast on 30 September 2013 included staged sequences purporting to show the aftermath of an alleged incendiary bomb attack on an Aleppo school on 26 August 2013
And a ‘waycist’ joke which you’;; never ever hear the like of on the bBC just to end the week.
How many Africans does it take to change a light bulb?
1 to screw it in and the other 5 to dance for no obvious reason !