The BBC has been wonderfully generous with its time and money indoctrinating, sorry, ‘mentoring’, 30,000 school pupils from around the country and tutoring them on how to become journalists.
Gord help us!
Gord help us if this is what they are teaching them:
Fiona Bruce mentors pupils for Michael Gove interview
Fiona Bruce reveals the BBC’s greatest trick for eliciting sympathy for a ‘victim’ of whatever oppression the government is guilty of now in the BBC’s eyes and making things unreasonably and impossibly difficult for a politician….and thereby altering the viewer’s perceptions of the full narrative…….‘love me, love my dog as well’ type of thing….love the individual immigrant…love, or at least grudgingly accept mass immigration.
That secret is to demand answers for the ‘personal’ circumstances.
Bruce said the pupils should be asking questions directly relevant to them…‘and we were talking about this….for a politician it’s very easy to talk in general terms’ but if the interviewer asks questions about their own personal circumstances saying ‘Your policies are making things worse for are you going to help me’…then that is a bit harder for the politician to answer.
Of course no politician can possibly provide an answer for everyone’s personal circumstances and so such a line of questioning is essentially dishonest and designed to embarrass the politician…he can’t possibly know the full circumstances and even if he did he can’t make policy decisions there and then, and certainly not for one person or one particular group.
The BBC of course loves this as it puts the politician on the spot, generating tension or conflict and the BBC knows that and it will file his answer away for another day only to raise the matter later demanding answers as to why such and such hasn’t been done.
The BBC’s greatest trick…make it personal…immigration?…never mind the massive downsides, ignore them, promote the ‘benefits’ but in particular get personal, get the immigrants individual story, the hardships, the poverty, the ‘appalling’ lives they escape from, the terrible dangers they endured as they risked all to come to Britain..passing through all those countries with the same religion, culture or language to get to a completely foreign and alien UK, which is the only one that will pay you benefits……oh….and most of all tell us how they have come to work and have no intention of claiming any benefits at all…..get the sob story and the listener’s sympathy for one immigrant will then transfer to the narrative on immigration as a whole….let’s fling open those borders.
Remember….‘The enemy is only someone whose story you haven’t heard yet.’
Alan, you forgot to mention the important caveat that all of those techniques are to be put on hold in the event of the re-election of a Labour government.
Yet this is the same technique being used week after week by Labour MPs (and Miliband at PMQs).
E.G.: ‘Will the PM tell the House why Flossy Smith from 3 Acacia Avenue, Sheffield has had to pay the ‘Bedroom Tax despite the fact that she needs the spare rooms for her disabled granny from Sydney, who comes to stay with her every three years’
This is of course usually followed by expert analysis from the BBC / Labour’s Norman Smith, who tells us that it was yet another PMQs win for Ed;
‘Cameron again had difficulty in showing that he understood the impact of the Bedroom Tax on ordinary people, adding to the impression, as Labour say, that Cameron is out of touch’.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so true. But you still made me smile.
Beeboids have been applying such a political approach, spinning the ‘personal sympathy’ line recently, to cases of:
a.) an Islamikaze from Crawley who went on killing spree to Syria, and whom Beeboids (Casciani/Newsnight) headlined as ‘hero’ according to other interviewed Muslims;
b.) Islamic jihad murderer of Lee Rigby, for whom Radio 5 (V.Derbyshire) gave sympathetic propaganda space to the murderer’s relative.
The BBC like to get into schools don`t they?
Who the hell is letting them in?…have they all GOT CRB checks?
Or is a spot on Antiques Roadshow enough?
Maybe if Wilshaw checked their police records, drugs would appear as well as previous checking up on boys sports interests?
He ought to be keeping our schools safe at the very least-the DofE are checking the Age of the Savile Train for their culpability.
They`re learning nothing in schools these days anyway-but at least we could warn them of BBC and Guardian/Labour and Liberal MPs and their previous form in grooming and condoning paedophilia and underage sexual activity.
The morning-after pill being more widely available as school reception should NOT be the come-on for the BBC to re-open its enquiries into childrens sexuality-Savile and the rest of `em have done enough of that over 40 years now!
No wonder they`re so bothered about child porn being too easily available-when the BBC lose their license fee, this will be another option for the likes of Harmans pale descendants from Frankfurt and Stanford.
Just say NO…keep the bBC out of schools and youth clubs unless Wilshaw has personally signed off on them.
About time somebody other that the BBC was the “someone who please thinks about the children”…they`ve already shown what THEY think of them, more like what they would like to do for them.
I make no apology for this-if it saves just ONE child from having to go to a Savile dressing room for a Bacon dose of salts…then I`ll have made my contribution.
Wheres Maggie Atkinsons and Shamis phone numbers?…they seem to be awful quiet about what THEIR BBC are doing to OUR Children.
News at Nonce….Pudsey Caravan park!
Wasn`t this the 60s/70s feminism mantra as spouted by Virago and Spare Rib etc?
That “The personal is political”?
But of course…Harvey Proctor and Cecil Parkinson paid the price for that nearer that time.
But mature and measured reflection(i.e time in office, charities, legal eurofiddles and turkey basted kids with other names somewhere at Bedales) now tells us something different.
It is to be kept separate and we are not to judge if it is a Lord Prescott, a Lord Mandelson, a Lord Kinncock of Bedwetty…a Blunkett, a Scotland, a Laws or a Huhne/Pryce.
For we are now above such things-for these gilded truffles of privilege-the personal is PRIVATE(Leveson says so soon)-the political not personal any longer…but is now PROFESSIONAL!
So no further questions-the Clinton Rules apply in these cases.
God we`re dumb aren`t we?
It`s only personal to the Left if they can yell racist at someone…for themselves it never is because they`re so virtuous and in a crowd of lavender kindred spirits. They can`t be picked off alone as far as they like to think-they`re all in this Common Purpose together…saves them thinking for themselves, or from having to leave the public sector.
Moochers and looters all.
Bring back Arthur Negus-well his named heirs anyway!
Don`t the BBC like to do that usually?
Yes it’s always something like Ayesha who came here when she was nine and couldn’t speak English . Now she’s fifteen , top of her class and wants to train to be an eye doctor .
It’s never Gregor who had to leave his village after the police chief , locals ,even the mafia told him to clear out because he was a criminal nuisance . Now he’s thirty , top of his class in pick pocketing and training himself in credit card fraud .