How many times have you seen an article from the bBC which mentions that Muslims are the victims in the Central African Republic. Well just in case you haven’t here are a few reminders: CAR escape: BBC joins convoy on dangerous journey “Families fleeing Christian militias bent on wiping out the Central African Republic’s Muslim community have been braving lynch mobs at road blocks to journey 650km (400 miles) to Cameroon.”
Central African Republic militia disarmament challenges “In recent weeks tens of thousands of Muslims have fled as Christian militias have stepped up their attacks. The Christian “anti-balaka” fighters say they are taking revenge for atrocities committed by Muslim Seleka rebels last year.”
Central African Republic: ‘Massive scale ethnic cleansing’ The Central African Republic is ravaged by what some human rights groups are calling ethnic cleansing. Mainly Muslim rebels seized power last year but after their leader was forced to stand down in January, Christian militias have been targeting Muslim civilians.
AU troops to treat CAR’s anti-balaka militia as enemy “African Union (AU) peacekeepers in the Central African Republic will treat the anti-balaka Christian militia group as enemy combatants from now, their commander has said.
In each and every story the bBC has no problem telling the story that Muslims are the Victims of Christians and when it comes to asking why Christians are attacking Muslims, they leave out that after Islamic rebels took control of a country which is 85% Christian (the bBC reports that percentage is 50%) they went on the rampage killing as many Non Muslims as possible. The reason why Muslims are now getting targeted is, is because the Christians have said enough is enough.
So with the above in mind here is a bBC Article about a grenade attack on a wake in C.A.R, and see if you can work out who the victims are and who the attackers where? Central African Republic: Bangui grenade attack kills 11 A grenade attack on a funeral in Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic, has killed 11 people, the Red Cross says. A government minister earlier said 20 people were killed, but several sources told the BBC the number was lower. Local residents blame the attack on former fighters from the Seleka militia.
and the only time the bBC point in the direction of actual victims in that article: “Since then, Muslims have been singled out for attack, with thousands fleeing their homes, many to neighbouring countries such as Cameroon and Chad.
So on that note want to guess why the bBC didn’t mention that the victims in this grenade attack are….Christians.
This video reveals the BBC fabricating evidence of chemical attacks in Syria and their role in Ukraine. I know the BBC is bad but this…. We even see dead people wake up and the actors before and after shooting their chemical attack scene. And these scenes that are edited to correct the dialogue.
It was the same with the BBC coverage of Burma. Bangladeshi Muslims waged jihad against the Budhists. But when the Budhists fought back to protect themselves from the Muslim terrorists, the BBC labeled the Budhists as the bad guys.
Frankly you must be doing something wrong to piss off a Budhist.
This is not a word of a lie – This morning, Friday 28 March 2014, I turned on the bedside radio at 07:50 and tuned in to BBC R4, a station I’ve not listened to in the morning for a couple of years now because of the way their “Today” programme upsets my equilibrium for the rest of the day. I’m not sure why I tuned in to that station this morning, except I was restless having been awake for a few hours and I honestly think I was tuning in to hear the weather forecast just before 08:00.
I never heard the forecast.
I caught the end of an “article” on the changes to housing benefit and the presenter said “Thank you” to some “expert” then said now we have a housing minister, [*I cannot remember the name*], and the presenter proceeded to interrogate the minister about the “only 6% change that has happened since you introduced this change to housing benefit”.
I lasted all of less than two minutes before actually screaming at the radio: “LET HER BLOODY WELL SPEAK!”
The “interview” was unbelievable! Butting in constantly by the presenter and this in turn led to the government minister talking over her to try and get her original answers across. At the end it was like two fishwives screaming across the street at each other and neither one listening to what the other was saying.
My blood pressure peaked to dangerous levels and again I switched off this mockery of an unbiased national broadcaster and tuned into Classic FM to try and restore some calm to my day.
Years ago (MANY years ago!), I religiously switched on BBC R4 (or the Home Service) as soon as I awoke and for an hour or so I absorbed the current news of the day as presented by the likes of Jack de Manio as my day began. I am not sure when the rot set in, but the “Today” programme is now totally rotten to its very core with its bias and rude, intrusive “interrogators”. I remember remarking to some friends many years ago after listening to Jimmy Young interviewing Margaret Thatcher on his R2 programme, “*That* is the way to interview politicians!” He was polite, never really interrupting, yet after they finished their spiel he often seemed ready with a stiletto question from himself or a listener which often caught them unawares.
These days there are no “stiletto” questions on BBC R4 – just a squalid gang of thugs, complete with baseball bats, knocking aside any single person who does not agree with their fixed mindset.
I think the whole ‘interviewer as star’ nonsense started with Robin Day who mistook rudeness on his part for incisiveness. Since then BBC interviewers like to show off how much they can p*ss on interviewees, unless they share their politics that is when it’s time for a cosy chat.
It is the narcissism of non-entities, Jeremy Paxman is particularly egregious in this respect.
Andew Neil is the best of them, presumably because he once edited a national newspaper, but I even find him narrow minded and rude. Neil however redeems his Presbyterian vices (and Scottish chippyness) with a ferocious work ethic – he may be brutal but at least his questions are relevant and generally well researched.
If Neil left the BBC most of his audience would go with him, although the Left try to make sure that the only broadcaster in town is the Statist BBC.
“If Neil left the BBC most of his audience would go with him, […] ”
I suppose in a way he is like the miners’ canary and if Andrew ever fell off his perch it would be all over.
Yes, Flexdream, looking back I do believe you are right that it started with Robin Day’s abrupt interventions. The one thing that could be said for Sir Robin is that his abruptness was certainly shared out across the board to all panel members.
BBC lovers will claim I am wrong when I claim I can see and hear rather one-sided “interruptions” by the Dimbleby Bros., on ‘Question Time’ and ‘Any Questions’ but I rather suspect their father must be oft spinning in his grave if he hears the levels his sons have descended to.
(OFF TOPIC – Incidentally, did you know that the BBC refused for four days to transmit Richard Dimbleby’s report from Bergen-Belsen because they simply did not believe it? He had arrived in the camp with British troops and made his report about the bodies, the stench, the cruelty, etc … Yet his BBC bosses in London found it so hard to believe they refused to broadcast it. It was only when he threatened to resign that they changed their minds.
I now wonder to myself just how absolutely “rotten” the BBC has possibly always been?
Was it *EVER* the “best in the world” when you read such facts?
I have to have the volume carefully adjusted on the radio alarm so Mr D, who is slight deaf cannot hear Evan, John, Justin or the monstrous regiment of women. But it means the breakfast conversation is usually me saying ‘did you hear….’ And then wind up Mr D’s blood pressure.
Oh Deborah, you did the impossible!
You made *me* smile about that accursed programme! Though I am now on my own I really do chuckle at your description of the radio alarm volume setting.
When Mrs. W was alive she would never listen to “Today” and when I started chuntering on about Evan, John, Justin or “the monstrous regiment of women”! [I love it!], she would just say, “Well, why do you listen to them?”
Struck me dumb every time.
Sorry if this has been mentioned already
But has the BBC speed dialled The Prison Reform Trust about its views about decriminalising evasion of paying the telly tax ?
It would mean less people in jail !
Yes, less people in jail, though I believe “celebrations” about the possible decriminalising on non payment of the TV Poll Tax are premature.
I believe that the level of proof of non-payment is much lower in a civl court than a criminal court? Can anyone advise here?
And I’ve also read that the likes of bailiffs for civil debts can be sent in much easier than a criminal warrant for non payment would be issued.
Instead of seeing thousands of (usually) single mothers being hauled before the courts, there will be the chance of seeing thousands of new bailiffs employed by the BBC for raiding poorer households to grab goods for payment.
We should be careful what we wish for, though I sincerely believe a wish by the great British public to absolutely abolish the TV Poll Tax would be a simple solution.
You`re right in this Henry.
Crapita will be in charge of prosecutions, whether it`s “civil or criminal”.
But the slippery slope for the end of the BBC is glistening and their fat greasy bottoms are set to slide.
Maybe one of those empty champagne bottles that will herald the “gay marriage circuses” that the BBC will be flaunting in our faces over the next 24 hours.
Brighton-arc lights-Marylebone Registry Office-candles and Bronski Beat?…only wish I could bet on which place will be first to declare the “gay marriage revolution is here”.
I agree that perhaps the licence fee (TV Poll Tax) has now landed at the top of a very slippery slope but it is an absolute fact that all sorts of organisations (usually left wing) who have benefited from BBC spiel over the years will now be voluntarily queuing up to crew the gritters and snowploughs to prevent their very own favourite broadcaster sliding off course.
I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly things happened in Parliament the other day, and even more surprised at the cross-party support the decriminalisation proposal received.
But the Fat Lady ain’t nowhere near singing yet!
Of course, the question of whether the offence of non-payment of the telly tax is to be handled criminally or non-criminally raises the question of whether it will suffice as due process for Joe and Josie Average to receive a notice in the post saying “Pay up by such and such date or you will be dispossessed of your television receiver till you shall have done. You can be held in contempt for refusal to allow the dispossession to take place and even be cited for a breach of the peace as well, so be well advised to permit the taking without incident.”
Or, alternatively, and far more likely administratively, a notice could be sent stating that failure to appear to pay the fee in person or by any other means will result in a default judgment to be entered against you, to be offset against any monies you are due from governmental entities, or levied against your current account in the bank.
One suspects that with the amount in question, i.e., about a C-note and a half, many people would find it was cheaper all around to just let them have the dosh one way or the other and not contest it, and think they got off lucky because the threat of being banged up would never have been on the table anyway.
I see the bBC has joined the movement to overturn the sending of parcels to prisoners: Books protest
17:57: Veteran actress and campaigner Vanessa Redgrave has been speaking at a protest outside Pentonville Prison, in north London, over a ban on sending books to prisoners.
In a Nutshell, in an attempt to stamp out drugs getting into prisons, the authorities have told prisoners they can only receive one parcel during their stay in prison and the left have expressed their opposition by cherry picking the fact that prisoners will no longer be able to receive books.
Now a quick internet search reveals that most prisons have library’s, it is also general knowledge that prisoners have ready access to…TVs,play stations, pool tables, Gyms, education and of course gourmet food. (As well as day trips in which to carry out criminal acts) add the fact that reading as whole has gone down in the Uk, all i see is a petty attempt by the left in which to demonise this government in which to ensure that Labour get back in and finish off the job of ruining the country.
Always a joy to know which side is right when you see Vanessa on the picket line.
It was once Brian Haw…until recently it was Tony Benn…and now dear Vanessa is near-enough the last of the Hampstead Reds still willing to push the old zimmer(BUPA nurse on the minimum wage) onto the stage…sorry picket line.
She available for the Tolpuddle Panto in mid-July?…dear old Benny has left the stage for the last time.
I saw him age a few months when he was the support act to the Columbian Sex Workers Collective a few years back!
Couldn`t Vanessa do a one woman version of the Vagina Monologues, or a play about Rosa Kleb or some such lefty harpie?
Then tour the prisons performing her piece before the prisoners( maybe as a sanction for hogging the joints or not terrorising a juror by Tweet?).
That could empty a few prisons , and she could think she was Johnny Cash…
Ideas are what we do!
I have been most surprised to see usually “sensible” commentators leaping on this bandwagon. There is a very good putdown of the whole rigged story by one who most obviously knows about these things on the Spectator website – Jonathan Aitken. He simply tells the facts about the whole thing and without saying so, he shows up the screaming luvvies for what they truly are:
Vacant, shallow, ignorant people, who neither know about nor care about the “plight of prisoners” but are more than happy to leap onboard a passing bandwagon which attacks the government.
Now, who would ever have thought that the BBC, with *all* of the investigative powers available to them, would ever have fallen for such a false sucker story?
The “books” story is so shallow. Apart from prison libraries which may or may not have very many books available, Jonathan Aitken (ex MP and also well known ex prisoner) explains in an article in this weeks Spectator that prisoners are also allowed to request umpteen books per week/month (I forget which, but it is pretty vast) from a National Library and these books are delivered to the prisoner in a matter of a few days.
The whole “scandal” is yet another falsehood concocted by left-wing luvvies to berate the government. (I have absolutely no great love for this government but I can think of a couple of dozen matters to blast them with before I get involved with the non-matter of no books for prisoners. (Also, as Aitken points out, these rules came in last October and not a single prisoner has raised a complaint!)
OK, let’s leave out the very first part of that headline, “MH370” and take a look at the rest:
How on earth can this blinkered, biased, *alleged* news organisation called the BBC dare to question *ANY* other news provider on earth about their content?
It is absolutely shocking, and I will tell you WHY:
On the day after the budget, a Tory budget which because of the pension annuity changes had met with a great deal of approval across the board in Britain, I awoke and whilst sipping my usual morning cuppa in bed I switched on my Samsung Tablet and began perusing news site. Out of habit I clicked on the BBC first. A HUGE SPLASH! About the positive reactions to the Budget?
GERROFF!!!! The huge splash was about a “possible/maybe/well, you know … “, story about MH370” and to call it a “story” is a correct description. There were NO new facts, NO new leads, NOTHING NEW AT ALL which had not been known the day before. But with a bit of sleight of hand and deft maneouvering the BBC managed to push the possibly succesful Tory budget way down the front page.
They “asked” at the end of their “story” about MH370, has this story affected you? Please reply below.
I told them, YES!, this story has affected me. YOU have made it affect me by promoting a story with NO NEW INFORMATION, which at the end of the day happened on the other side of the world, and has very little significance to the UK at all, YOU HAVE PUSHED IT TO THE VERY TOP OF THE WHOLE NEWS AGENDA and displaced important stories which DO affect me.
Needless to say – no response.
NOTHING !!!!!!!!
(1) Life on other planets: Some mistakes about Mars rocks, but otherwise: None
(2) MH370 has crashed: Some floating rubbish, but otherwise: None
(3) CO2 warming: Some mistaken assumption attributed to Cloud Albedo changes, but otherwise: None
(4) God: Some logical argument about, nothing should exist, but otherwise: None
Since I live in Texas I listen to CNN every day and they have focused on the plane crash a LOT. CNN’s mode of operation seems to be near total coverage of a topic until it’s run to ground. The Treyvon Martin case was the last example that got such absolute coverage. So in fairness it is a legitimate question to ask, but the BBC is guilty of far worse offenses, ie. distortion of the truth.
There are some suspicious looking objects floating on the BBC website. Possibly worthwhile stories. But after a few days they have been shown to be just waste. Now, in local news to eke things out, Evan asks a relative how he feels about his missing, presumed dead, brother.
No doubt smarting after his debating defeat at the hands of Farage on the E.U., Clegg queers his case against Scottish independence by ludicrously bringing UKIP into the argument.
The Beeboid report though, does not even question Clegg’s E.U. federalising political campaigning in this:
“Scottish Lib Dem conference: Clegg says ‘resist false patriotism’ of SNP and UKIP”
By Andrew Black.
Appalling the way Clegg post debate was allowed back on his weekly slot to offer a post debate response after all his wonks had had time to craft replies/shit stir especially badly misrepresenting Farage on Ukraine ()also by the compliant msm ) LBC are you going to offer a similar opportunity to Nigel?
Our Nige , was going to be on LBC today , but he had a prior engagement , so was only on the phone to Nick F. He will be back on either next week or the week after . The broadcasting & elections regulations will come in force soon ,for the Euro`s , so equal time for all , even the f***ing bbc . They will hate it !
If Scotland becomes independent, UKIP in Scotland will have to become SIP, because with independence, the SNP will then have the same pro-EU false Scottish patriotism as Cleggs false British patriotism.
False patriots, are fanatically pro-EU patriots, who pretend to be national patriots, for political gain, but are in truth, European patriots.
Being offended by something is subjective…..What may offend you wont necessarily bother me….
However, when the politically correct brigade have altered the boundaries for certain sections of our society, creatures like this one take full advantage of the role
The BBC offends Islam and most other minority cultures in multicultural Britain, over its support for the decadent pro Gay Marriage stand of the atheists, of the arrogant Imperialist West, and also its arrogant attempts to impose Gay issues on the Worlds less decadent cultures, through invasion and occupation.
Surely a slippery slope.
As indeed are all human rights type lawyers-so maybe “slopes” is a good word for that particular kind of race-hustling, grievance seeking missile that sees compo where the rest of us see compost.
I had no idea that this word meant anything but a gentle decline in the BBC sense.
Yes, Scott etc-I know it`s really an incline…but …oh WGAF?…
Can anyone explain how the BBC led the early evening news with headlines of billions being wiped of the stock market value of assurers like Aviva due to pension changes, ie Osborne’s fault, when the actual loss at market close was eg 2% for Aviva? And no mention of this on any other news channel and not on the BBC website anywhere.
I wonder if ‘Blasphemy’ will equal the new EU ‘hate crime’ agenda against perceived Christians (who may voice valid concerns about the ‘perversion’ or ‘corruption’ of the EU broom cupboard). Its a short step to mass political (left) ideology with one big difference nobody ‘Christian’ wants a totalitarian fascist state with unlimited powers of (hate) persecution with the usual adherents to the Marxist ideology promulgating a lack of respect for all those that disagree – and we will always disagree, we will all have to be silenced. You will have to kill our democracy first. And that’s the point of the BBC, the EU, the political elite are stoning democracy as would the crazed nutters of Pakistan claiming ‘Blasphemy’. One and the same thing perhaps claiming a ‘right’ of attrition (taking us back to the hostilities and polarity of history and documented moral collapse from within). Is it a hate crime to oppose the EU or a Blasphemy?
Socialists hate anyone with more money than themselves, that’s why Hitler hated Jews.
So if the new Socialist paradise was again overturned in a revolution, we could then use the Hatred Laws against the Socialists, but then with the elimination of the Socialists devil creatures, we could then return to the more civilised laws of Christianity, by forgiving those who hate ye.
I suspect the main purpose of the suit is to give fairly obscure actress Somi Guha AKA Somi De Souza some publicity. Mission accomplished
Slant is Vietnam War-era slang describing any Asian, presumably refering to their eyes.
If you look at the photograph at the Daily Mail, Ms. Guha doesn’t have the Epicanthic fold that creates the slanted ‘Asian’ eye. There is very little biographical material available but judging from the photograph and the De Souza name she is a Eurasian from the Indian subcontinent. De Souza is a common Portugese name so I suspect her town of origin is Goa. She is stretching her indignation for slanted eyes Asians a little too far.
BTW Assuming she succeeds in court who gets the £1million quid?
Never heard of the word as slang for Asians before , was under 10 in most of the 60`s , but even after the flood of Vietnam movies from the late 70`s to early 80`s like Full Metal Jacket ,& Apocalypse Now ,never recall that `word` ever in the dialogue ,although a host of other words were used to describe the Vietcong & their like .
They still refer to the spare room subsidy as the ‘bed room tax’. Even though Labour, who coined the slur, do not list it as a tax, the bBC still follow their political masters. When the bBC meets it’s well deserved demise, the employee’s will never accept that it is their continual biassed actions that will have brought about their own destruction.
The tax system in the UK is like the Mad Hatter’s tea party.
[“Oh, you have made a pot of tea. Splendid!”
The Mad Hatter helps himself to a cup from the pot.
“That’s an awfully big cup”, remarked Alice, slightly perturbed by the prospect that there won’t be enough tea to go around.
“Well, I am the host, and this is my party.”
Alice retreated for a moment’s thought, but reassured herself that anyone who has a party does so to share their occasion.
“This may be your party, but we are your guests!”, Alice scolded.
The dormouse didn’t even know if he was a guest. He wasn’t sure where he was yesterday, he was sure he didn’t know what tomorrow was, and as for today – well, he wasn’t sure.
“Here”, said the Hatter, offering his cup towards Alice. “You are right. I do need to share. What is a party without happy guests?”
Alice reaches out for the cup, but the Mad Hatter pulls back.
“No, no, no!”
The Hatter raises his unusually large nose into the air and slowly lifts the cup of sweet tea above Alice’s view. He then, with a deliberation that would entice a snail, slowly lowers the cup to an altitude equal to Alice’s nostrils.
“You may take a sip”, said the Hatter, with all good intentions in an image, but not in a heart.
And with that, Alice stood from her seat, and left the table.]
Unemployment benefits are subject to tax. We pay tax at source (PAYE) and then receive benefits in the form of child tax allowance, working tax credits, child care allowances, blah blah blah! (Actually, I don’t receive anything except a 25% discount on my council tax even though I use much less than half of local amenities and council resources than the average family because I’m single without kids – I should get AT LEAST a 50% discount!)
You’re right Fred, the BBC are too blind to see the error of their own ways. Same as teachers. We do seem to be witnessing a divide between the public and private sectors, and yet it is always the public sector which blames it on ‘out of touch’ Conservatives.
But then, I would suggest that teachers and doctors are also out of touch. Would anyone argue against that as vociferously as they would vocally point the finger at Conservative politicians?
They have to be able to ‘moderate’ or censor out the comments they dont want folk to see.
If all were open, it would be impossible for their employees to cope.
Therefore an organisation which can run an item on free speech, but allow it to be censored, sees nothing wrong with limiting your right to a say.
In a word: bastards.
It didn’t seem to be moderated when I posted on an article about SSE freezing their prices. My post appeared instantly, whereas it usually takes a few ‘moderated’ minutes.
Could it be because no one could attack the Labour party on that issue? On another article previously – about the living wage – my comment wasn’t even posted. Possibly because I exposed the futility of such an idea.
Even with those they open, things can slip away from them.
Always interesting which topics the BBC shows the pretence of interactivity but then pulls the plug as things spiral away from the narrative.
There was one the other day that opened after most ‘hard working Brits’ had left for work and took only a few hours to see the BBC’s clear skew being slammed and this rated highly in the hundreds. I wonder if it made it past 4pm in case any actual licence fee payers got home in time to have a say too?
What a lovely day. And nothing like settling down after one to an evening bevvy and catch up on the online overnights, only to enjoy the irony of the whole weekend inbox so far pretty much dominated by one person, aided and abetted by a couple of offsiders, one of whom actually takes a poster who actually wants to be here to task on the volume of their posting. Irony is, clearly, not dead.
Meanwhile, in other, on-topic news, I’d flagged this one to come back to:
First: 1. Daffodiljar
27TH MARCH 2014 – 11:14 Why the fuss? Most young people see this pair as irrelevant, yesterday’s men. Just as most young people see all that exercises The Daily Mail as irrelevant to their forward-looking lives.
Last: 1357. iXDemocracy
27TH MARCH 2014 – 14:13
This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. This entry is now closed for comments “I wonder if it made it past 4pm in case any actual licence fee payers got home in time to have a say too?”
That would be a ‘no’, then.
Must be great to control the edit, modding and plug pulling.
Awoke at 6.20am this morning, flicked on 5Live and, yep, it’s gay marriage, gay marriage, gay marriage.
Now, like many other posters on here, I couldn’t really give a toss what people get up to. Bit uneasy about the re-writing of thousands of lines of statute but then I’m something of a traditionalist.
What I can’t stomach is the way the whole thing is rammed down the throat. It’s like the whole “rubbing of people’s noses in diversity” thing again.
And the flying of the rainbow flag over 10 Downing Street…………? Give me strength.
One thing I have noticed. Ordinarily, the beeb fall over themselves to get a spokesman from the Religion of Peace on to give their opinion.
And yet oddly, over this issue, there’s not a Muslim voice to be heard. Just a lot of attempts to show up Christians as bigoted wonks.
If I didn’t know better I’d say the whole things was massively biased………..
Apparently at the bBC tsunamis are due to..climate change. Can a Zen-like approach help countries with floods? Coping with increased risk of flooding in a changed climate is not just about money. BBC environment correspondent Matt McGrath reports from Japan, where philosophy is just as important as resources.
At a large government research facility in Tsukuba city, engineers have built a 30-sq-m replica of a meandering Japanese river.
At one point along the concrete shore, there’s an unremarkable, small square of wood, with red and white triangles on top. But it is a constant reminder of the power of water to cause tragedy. The wooden marker represents Okawa elementary school, where 84 pupils and teachers lost their lives in the terrible tsunami of 2011.
How devious of this *reporter* to link supposed *Climate Change* with a tsunami which had nothing to do with *Climate Change* but linked it nevertheless to the deaths of school children. Matt McGrath, one to watch, making the news where there is none. More *Climate Change* falsehoods from the BBC.
BBC Radio Devon. If ever there was a radio station purely set up for all the tree huggers out there, then this is it!
This morning it was everything to do with feeling right about the environment, electric cars, and guess what? Yup, all praise to the Lord of *Climate Change*. Today we had the spokesperson from the WWF telling us that in a recent survey of people they asked, those people thought that the recent extreme weather was down to *Climate Change*. Very quickly this group of people they asked, and note the WWF didn’t tell us how many people were asked and who they were, became everyone in the country. Unchecked by the BBC Radio Devon presenter of course, and allowed to ramble on about everything that would get us to part with our cash to help the WWF projects.
Next week, (God help us) the railway line at Dawlish will open thus again linking the far South West with the rest of the U.K. WE have been told that Radio Devon will be at the opening. I can hear it now, Climate Change, Climate Change, Climate Change. Praise the new Lord.
I live in a part of the world where I can get Devon as well as Somerset-as well as the Godawful Solent!
I find at one particular place in the work car park-and on a good day-I can forgo the Wessex Whiners over local BBC outlets, and receive French radio instead.
For a few minutes I can enjoy San Saens or Debussy without having to pay 90% tax and await the Musselmen heading up from Marseilles very soon.
BBC Somerset still seem to be blaming climate change for the soggy roads even now-and have yet to do a Wurzels Live programme as afar as I know.
So much for local radio!
God Bless the Wurzels-they hate the EU as much as we do.
Heard their CD at Tolpuddle one year-can`t imagine they`ll be playing there anytime soon,despite Benns 3pm Sunday tubthumping spot now being in need of filling!
“I Am A Cider Drinker” kept “Silly Love Songs” By Wings (bleuuurghh) from the No 1 spot which I think we can all agree would have marked the end of civilisation for all time. Thus, it is entirely due to the selfless Wurzels that we’re not living in caves and eating the slower-moving ones amongst our own relatives. Narrow margins and all that.
Worthy of a fabbo group statue (in EVERY) town across the land, surely.
Ah Wings!
Only the band that the Beatles could have been!
To quote the great Partridge-if only Coogan could be reset at Matthews Farm to be as wise and all-knowing in real life.
As opposed to the drugged up, sleb shagging Leveson loafer that he turns out to be!
Normal serving of leftie shit this morning on “Today”
Gays, Chris Packham (horrid, lisping twat) and “Big Bird”, Tim Yeo, Dawn French, Steve Coogan, mouthy Giles Fraser, and the usual dose of Global Warming, which is now going to deprive us of coffee, because there are no “cool mountainsides” left, apparently.
Quick switch to Classic FM, and then “Sounds of the Sixties”, with a refreshingly apolitical Brian Matthew, on Radio 2, before returning to Classic FM for the rest of the day.
Ah yes, but I see trouble ahead even here too!
For dear Brian played a hit from 1970!
Although it was technically released in 1969, Roger “The Vocalist” Bowman would NOT have allowed this breaching of the convention.
What next East of Eden? Iain Matthews? Dave and Ansel Collins?
I blame the slippery Phil “The Collector” Swerne for this-poor Brian gets befuddled after 9a.m-and sense Swerne is “twisting his melon maan!”
I have my Green Ink Platignum Escort at the ready now, over best vellum and await the good lady wife to send the stiffest of letters to Swerne( Dale Wintons bagman has rather got above himself!).
Stop the rot!…Brian remains the one thing worth bothering with at the BBC1!
When he goes-no license!
P.S the song he played from 1970(The Youngbloods) was rather good-and I`d never heard it…but that`s not the point is it?).
This is my Biased BBC Troll Test card Transmission-wonder if Scott, Bill or the like will find fault in my ragings here?
Post Brian Matthew I made the mistake of not returning and catching the start of Graham Norton, and yes the first words were ‘gay weddings’ Ipod duly engaged!
And poor Brian used to have to introduce the next show as being “Jonathan Ross after the news”.
The poor man has long suffered, having to introduce the very opposite of the Great Mans ethics, after his display of courtesy, anecdote and knowledge.
If I were him, I d have my fifteen minute toilet break at 9.45 and let it all end on autopilot. Brian deserves dignity.
I think you’ll find the bBC deceive you there, many of the weekend Radio 2 shows aren’t live, Brian s being one of them, probably recorded on Thursday, as is Steve Wright, Dermot O’Leary, and Paul O Grady….
Yes, I jest.
Brian is recorded apparently from a Scottish care home or suchlike well in advance!
I like my version of things though-gets me through most of the BBCs dire porridge.
Brian has his own cinema on site too, so I understand!
Like Desmond Carrington-he`s one of the true greats at the BBC.
An aural Last of the Summer Wine!
Everard, Slack Alice and Pop-it-in-Pete the Postman can have their Special Day!
The showbizz inspired, the star-spangled trippers on the red velvet carpet, the tears and tiaras, all now hold your candles to the wind for Pantomime Marriage is here with us to stay.
Principal boys and old dames everywhere will be rejoicing like it’s their Christmas, Birthdays and Easter – all come together. Look out – he’s behind you!
To most of us no more than a quaint curiosity, but to the initiated it’s better than Magna Carta – ‘that brave Hungarian girl….’
And, as the BBC insists, it’s all about the LOVE
The love of a small, wet and shiny, fresh from the old Etonian showers and ready for a rubdown from Matron – what a clique they are! – yes, it’s all about their love for our National Broadcaster.
A sadly unrequited love.
Do you, Posh boy, never had a real job, wondering where he fits in, confused-about-his-political-outlook – do you take this BBC to be your social conscience, your guide and mentor, your unfaithful uncivil partner in your world view?
And will you, BBC, dishonour and lampoon him anyway? And at the end of many a long day when he’s been out pretending to fix the deficit will you – just for the fun of it – continue to vigorously take him up the arse just like you always did?
You will?
Then, David Cameron and the BBC – I do hereby – with the very few powers still invested in me as a British citizen – solemnly pronounce you : absolutely worthy of each other.
Wasn’t it refreshing to see the Nige’ versus Nick tv debate on LBC / Sky the other night? The presenter, Nick Ferrari, was impeccably impartial, the respectful audience applauded both participants and didn’t behave like excitable performing seals when their preferred point of view was expressed or catcall and jeer when they disagreed. I believe the next one is to be on the BBC. Oh dear! It will be choc full of virulent lefties, the sneering Dimbleby (he couldn’t spell impartial) will be the host and Nigel Farage will be lucky if he escapes in one piece. It’s not going to be fair and it’s not going to be pretty.
Normal service has been resumed…
I’m not sure that Dumbo’s ego will leave enough space in the room for Farage, or even Clegg, to get much of a look in. No doubt central casting will be busy this weekend rounding up a suitable audience.
Ferrari was excellent. The better a chair is in a debate, the less you notice them.
Think it was on Thursdays Today news at 8a.m where I heard that the FA will not be given £1.5 million to “nurture” the grass roots of the English game-because they`re “not doing enough” to make the game more popular or more played.
That word “nurture” was then followed up by our BBC Sports blatherer by the “grass roots not getting nourishment”?
Nurture?…nourishment?…Luis Suarez and John Terry?
Nah, we don`t get enough about football-and people have given up playing because it`s no longer a local source of pride-just an excuse for Lineker to get free crisps in his taxi up to Anfield as he likes.
Love the use of this new therapeutic language though-and the fact that a Suarez or Terry would never recognise such shite still gives hope for their Ambassadorships!
“Why pictures of Martin McGuinness embracing Cherie Blair are so offensive: RUTH DUDLEY EDWARDS deplores the Establishment’s hunger to ingratiate itself with the men of murder.”
James Purnell, Labour luvvie paid £300,000 of our money to help the bBBC get even more of our money, is the only person in Britain who thinks the bBBC doesn’t have enough token women and ethnic minorities: “It’s worrying not to have enough older women. They are under-represented. We haven’t been proactive enough. There has been a social bias we have a duty to try to correct . . . It’s the same with diversity. We are paid for by everyone, but we are still too white and male.” (£)
James Purnell should commit suicide, and that would leave a vacancy for someone like Melanie Phillips or Donna Laframboise.
It would also vastly improve the quality of BBC journalism, which is dominated by inferior middle class white male arts qualified left-wing environmentalists, trying to pass themselves off as the best scientific experts.
Scott, isn’t it just like Lord? Kinnock wishing Pickles dead from running a marathon and a Labour shadow minister tweeting it. Actually in my book it is two from the hideously nasty Labour Party. And how gracious Pickles was when he accepted their apology.
Silly me, I was forgetting – Biased BBC commenters can’t be expected to have standards of decency. Hypocrisy and vile behaviour are to be lauded, as long as you or your mates are doing it.
It’s all rather pathetic. And the fact you seem to think it is justified makes it all the sadder.
Scott wrote: “It’s all rather pathetic. And the fact you seem to think it is justified makes it all the sadder.”
No nobody is justifying it, there are plenty on here who condemn such words, however little pricks like you never ever condemn the actions of the left.
There lies the hypocrisy.
But not, I notice, you. Nor anyone else on this thread to date. It’s all the Left’s fault! Quick, blame Muslims, too, before somebody else does and you miss your chance to be outraged and feel persecuted!
And don’t forget that I am in Mensa (I didn’t mention it in that post) so I am a superior middle class white person. And I like to tell people just that. Often.
So you are good at doing IQ tests. How high is your social IQ? (Pretty low from your comment)
(In case you did not know)
= Mind
= Table.
So ‘Mensa’ does not come from ‘mind’ – it comes from ‘table’ – in fact a metaphorical ’round table’.
One fact about ‘Mensa’.
Churchill asked what ‘Mensa’ meant and he was told amongst other things that it means ‘O Table’ – vocative – you would use it to speak to a table’. ‘But I never do’ – he said.
Dateline London and it’s that man again. Apparently Owen Jones is an expert on domestic Turkish politics, the USA’s foreign policy and Milliband’s britches! Is there no end to this man’s talent (and access to my TV tax)
Today they discussed how bad it was to have a “Pax America,” gloating about its weakening under Obama. No one was on the right arguing how the Anglosphere is our nation’s best security in the next century. Typical leftwing self-destruction mode by the panellists.
Not only does BBC-NUJ continue to campaign and propagandise to have Britain colonised by mass immigration, but also it spends the licence fee on funding such activities as this, by INBBC Arabic:-
“BBC’s Arabic Film and Documentary Festival calling in all budding filmmakers now!”
Did any one know it was “Leave all your house lights on & bugger off down the pub ” night ,to save some panda`s or other , I think Big Ben was turned off or some other tourist attractions . I completely missed this event ,did Al- bbc close down all their TV & Radio Stations for the evening ? I was in the pub , all lights blazing there .
I was wondering why I hadn’t seen Moto Gp on the BBc. Oh yes they aren’t showing it BT has it. Well that’s another couple of hours less I’ll be watching in my ever decreasing consumption of the BBc’s output. I did have to look around a bit to check out what happened.
A fabulous day for the BBC as the IPCC issues its latest report on Global Warming (sic) – see Of course, anything that doesn’t fit the agenda is studiously avoided by the BBC, say, like the absence of any temperature rise for the past 18 years. They also avoid the actual definition of climate change specified in the report: “Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings such as modulations of the solar cycles, volcanic eruptions, and persistent anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in land use”. Well, you can’t expect them to pick up on a minor detail like solar cycles or volcanic eruptions having an impact – can’t do much about them can we, eh? Those who think this new acceptance of reality at the IPCC is to be welcomed – think again. The message of the report is actually that regardless of cause the solutions are the same: more taxation, more regulation, more social control and world government. Now that will be a message the BBC will be keen to push in the coming days and weeks.
What happened yesterday? For me the site was down and from the number of posts it looks like it was for other too.
Much hand wringing over a Mauritian asylum seeker who doesn’t want to go back to the paradise island. Of course Mauritius is a popular holiday destination and anyone who has been there will tell you that there is no issue with the usual problems which might cause someone to need to flee in fear of their lives.
Little detail is given about the asylum claim nor the reasons for its refusal, merely the usual left wing ‘allow every one who wants, to come to Britain and stay here’, and there has been a petition!
The Home Office says that the legal process has been followed as has other procedures with the result that she has no claim and should be returned.
And there you have the staggering bias of BBC thrown into sharp relief. Believing the outcome of certain cases which it wants to be true, and totally ignoring the outcome of other cases which it never wants to be true.
The BBC never ever ever believes or accepts the findings of the immigration courts, and 100% of the time accepts what ever made up story an asylum seeker wants to tell them.
So when a failed one is interviewed and maintains the lie, the BBC always adopts a position of credulous belief in a way that it does not with any other crime, and yes it is a crime to make a false claim for asylum despite it never being prosecuted.
It’s just so typical and illustrative of a hopeless left wing bias in the BBC.
“The BBC never ever ever believes or accepts the findings of the immigration courts, and 100% of the time accepts what ever made up story an asylum seeker wants to tell them”
Yet the BBC and witness statements, and court findings, or even procedures, can often be so much more ‘in tune’ with each other.
One to follow indeed.
Search Biased BBC
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How many times have you seen an article from the bBC which mentions that Muslims are the victims in the Central African Republic. Well just in case you haven’t here are a few reminders:
CAR escape: BBC joins convoy on dangerous journey
“Families fleeing Christian militias bent on wiping out the Central African Republic’s Muslim community have been braving lynch mobs at road blocks to journey 650km (400 miles) to Cameroon.”
Central African Republic militia disarmament challenges
“In recent weeks tens of thousands of Muslims have fled as Christian militias have stepped up their attacks. The Christian “anti-balaka” fighters say they are taking revenge for atrocities committed by Muslim Seleka rebels last year.”
Central African Republic: ‘Massive scale ethnic cleansing’
The Central African Republic is ravaged by what some human rights groups are calling ethnic cleansing. Mainly Muslim rebels seized power last year but after their leader was forced to stand down in January, Christian militias have been targeting Muslim civilians.
AU troops to treat CAR’s anti-balaka militia as enemy
“African Union (AU) peacekeepers in the Central African Republic will treat the anti-balaka Christian militia group as enemy combatants from now, their commander has said.
In each and every story the bBC has no problem telling the story that Muslims are the Victims of Christians and when it comes to asking why Christians are attacking Muslims, they leave out that after Islamic rebels took control of a country which is 85% Christian (the bBC reports that percentage is 50%) they went on the rampage killing as many Non Muslims as possible. The reason why Muslims are now getting targeted is, is because the Christians have said enough is enough.
So with the above in mind here is a bBC Article about a grenade attack on a wake in C.A.R, and see if you can work out who the victims are and who the attackers where?
Central African Republic: Bangui grenade attack kills 11
A grenade attack on a funeral in Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic, has killed 11 people, the Red Cross says. A government minister earlier said 20 people were killed, but several sources told the BBC the number was lower. Local residents blame the attack on former fighters from the Seleka militia.
and the only time the bBC point in the direction of actual victims in that article:
“Since then, Muslims have been singled out for attack, with thousands fleeing their homes, many to neighbouring countries such as Cameroon and Chad.
So on that note want to guess why the bBC didn’t mention that the victims in this grenade attack are….Christians.
Blatant Lies to create war
This video reveals the BBC fabricating evidence of chemical attacks in Syria and their role in Ukraine. I know the BBC is bad but this…. We even see dead people wake up and the actors before and after shooting their chemical attack scene. And these scenes that are edited to correct the dialogue.
Yes, and ‘Jihadwatch’ has this:-
It’s the BBC’s standard last-first reporting technique honed to perfection when reporting on Gaza.
It was the same with the BBC coverage of Burma. Bangladeshi Muslims waged jihad against the Budhists. But when the Budhists fought back to protect themselves from the Muslim terrorists, the BBC labeled the Budhists as the bad guys.
Frankly you must be doing something wrong to piss off a Budhist.
This is not a word of a lie – This morning, Friday 28 March 2014, I turned on the bedside radio at 07:50 and tuned in to BBC R4, a station I’ve not listened to in the morning for a couple of years now because of the way their “Today” programme upsets my equilibrium for the rest of the day. I’m not sure why I tuned in to that station this morning, except I was restless having been awake for a few hours and I honestly think I was tuning in to hear the weather forecast just before 08:00.
I never heard the forecast.
I caught the end of an “article” on the changes to housing benefit and the presenter said “Thank you” to some “expert” then said now we have a housing minister, [*I cannot remember the name*], and the presenter proceeded to interrogate the minister about the “only 6% change that has happened since you introduced this change to housing benefit”.
I lasted all of less than two minutes before actually screaming at the radio: “LET HER BLOODY WELL SPEAK!”
The “interview” was unbelievable! Butting in constantly by the presenter and this in turn led to the government minister talking over her to try and get her original answers across. At the end it was like two fishwives screaming across the street at each other and neither one listening to what the other was saying.
My blood pressure peaked to dangerous levels and again I switched off this mockery of an unbiased national broadcaster and tuned into Classic FM to try and restore some calm to my day.
Years ago (MANY years ago!), I religiously switched on BBC R4 (or the Home Service) as soon as I awoke and for an hour or so I absorbed the current news of the day as presented by the likes of Jack de Manio as my day began. I am not sure when the rot set in, but the “Today” programme is now totally rotten to its very core with its bias and rude, intrusive “interrogators”. I remember remarking to some friends many years ago after listening to Jimmy Young interviewing Margaret Thatcher on his R2 programme, “*That* is the way to interview politicians!” He was polite, never really interrupting, yet after they finished their spiel he often seemed ready with a stiletto question from himself or a listener which often caught them unawares.
These days there are no “stiletto” questions on BBC R4 – just a squalid gang of thugs, complete with baseball bats, knocking aside any single person who does not agree with their fixed mindset.
I think the whole ‘interviewer as star’ nonsense started with Robin Day who mistook rudeness on his part for incisiveness. Since then BBC interviewers like to show off how much they can p*ss on interviewees, unless they share their politics that is when it’s time for a cosy chat.
It is the narcissism of non-entities, Jeremy Paxman is particularly egregious in this respect.
Andew Neil is the best of them, presumably because he once edited a national newspaper, but I even find him narrow minded and rude. Neil however redeems his Presbyterian vices (and Scottish chippyness) with a ferocious work ethic – he may be brutal but at least his questions are relevant and generally well researched.
If Neil left the BBC most of his audience would go with him, although the Left try to make sure that the only broadcaster in town is the Statist BBC.
“If Neil left the BBC most of his audience would go with him, […] ”
I suppose in a way he is like the miners’ canary and if Andrew ever fell off his perch it would be all over.
Yes, Flexdream, looking back I do believe you are right that it started with Robin Day’s abrupt interventions. The one thing that could be said for Sir Robin is that his abruptness was certainly shared out across the board to all panel members.
BBC lovers will claim I am wrong when I claim I can see and hear rather one-sided “interruptions” by the Dimbleby Bros., on ‘Question Time’ and ‘Any Questions’ but I rather suspect their father must be oft spinning in his grave if he hears the levels his sons have descended to.
(OFF TOPIC – Incidentally, did you know that the BBC refused for four days to transmit Richard Dimbleby’s report from Bergen-Belsen because they simply did not believe it? He had arrived in the camp with British troops and made his report about the bodies, the stench, the cruelty, etc … Yet his BBC bosses in London found it so hard to believe they refused to broadcast it. It was only when he threatened to resign that they changed their minds.
I now wonder to myself just how absolutely “rotten” the BBC has possibly always been?
Was it *EVER* the “best in the world” when you read such facts?
I have to have the volume carefully adjusted on the radio alarm so Mr D, who is slight deaf cannot hear Evan, John, Justin or the monstrous regiment of women. But it means the breakfast conversation is usually me saying ‘did you hear….’ And then wind up Mr D’s blood pressure.
Oh Deborah, you did the impossible!
You made *me* smile about that accursed programme! Though I am now on my own I really do chuckle at your description of the radio alarm volume setting.
When Mrs. W was alive she would never listen to “Today” and when I started chuntering on about Evan, John, Justin or “the monstrous regiment of women”! [I love it!], she would just say, “Well, why do you listen to them?”
Struck me dumb every time.
Sorry if this has been mentioned already
But has the BBC speed dialled The Prison Reform Trust about its views about decriminalising evasion of paying the telly tax ?
It would mean less people in jail !
Yes, less people in jail, though I believe “celebrations” about the possible decriminalising on non payment of the TV Poll Tax are premature.
I believe that the level of proof of non-payment is much lower in a civl court than a criminal court? Can anyone advise here?
And I’ve also read that the likes of bailiffs for civil debts can be sent in much easier than a criminal warrant for non payment would be issued.
Instead of seeing thousands of (usually) single mothers being hauled before the courts, there will be the chance of seeing thousands of new bailiffs employed by the BBC for raiding poorer households to grab goods for payment.
We should be careful what we wish for, though I sincerely believe a wish by the great British public to absolutely abolish the TV Poll Tax would be a simple solution.
You`re right in this Henry.
Crapita will be in charge of prosecutions, whether it`s “civil or criminal”.
But the slippery slope for the end of the BBC is glistening and their fat greasy bottoms are set to slide.
Maybe one of those empty champagne bottles that will herald the “gay marriage circuses” that the BBC will be flaunting in our faces over the next 24 hours.
Brighton-arc lights-Marylebone Registry Office-candles and Bronski Beat?…only wish I could bet on which place will be first to declare the “gay marriage revolution is here”.
I agree that perhaps the licence fee (TV Poll Tax) has now landed at the top of a very slippery slope but it is an absolute fact that all sorts of organisations (usually left wing) who have benefited from BBC spiel over the years will now be voluntarily queuing up to crew the gritters and snowploughs to prevent their very own favourite broadcaster sliding off course.
I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly things happened in Parliament the other day, and even more surprised at the cross-party support the decriminalisation proposal received.
But the Fat Lady ain’t nowhere near singing yet!
@ Henry Wood
Of course, the question of whether the offence of non-payment of the telly tax is to be handled criminally or non-criminally raises the question of whether it will suffice as due process for Joe and Josie Average to receive a notice in the post saying “Pay up by such and such date or you will be dispossessed of your television receiver till you shall have done. You can be held in contempt for refusal to allow the dispossession to take place and even be cited for a breach of the peace as well, so be well advised to permit the taking without incident.”
Or, alternatively, and far more likely administratively, a notice could be sent stating that failure to appear to pay the fee in person or by any other means will result in a default judgment to be entered against you, to be offset against any monies you are due from governmental entities, or levied against your current account in the bank.
One suspects that with the amount in question, i.e., about a C-note and a half, many people would find it was cheaper all around to just let them have the dosh one way or the other and not contest it, and think they got off lucky because the threat of being banged up would never have been on the table anyway.
I see the bBC has joined the movement to overturn the sending of parcels to prisoners:
Books protest
17:57: Veteran actress and campaigner Vanessa Redgrave has been speaking at a protest outside Pentonville Prison, in north London, over a ban on sending books to prisoners.
In a Nutshell, in an attempt to stamp out drugs getting into prisons, the authorities have told prisoners they can only receive one parcel during their stay in prison and the left have expressed their opposition by cherry picking the fact that prisoners will no longer be able to receive books.
Now a quick internet search reveals that most prisons have library’s, it is also general knowledge that prisoners have ready access to…TVs,play stations, pool tables, Gyms, education and of course gourmet food. (As well as day trips in which to carry out criminal acts) add the fact that reading as whole has gone down in the Uk, all i see is a petty attempt by the left in which to demonise this government in which to ensure that Labour get back in and finish off the job of ruining the country.
Always a joy to know which side is right when you see Vanessa on the picket line.
It was once Brian Haw…until recently it was Tony Benn…and now dear Vanessa is near-enough the last of the Hampstead Reds still willing to push the old zimmer(BUPA nurse on the minimum wage) onto the stage…sorry picket line.
She available for the Tolpuddle Panto in mid-July?…dear old Benny has left the stage for the last time.
I saw him age a few months when he was the support act to the Columbian Sex Workers Collective a few years back!
Wait though , if you make prison unpleasant criminals won’t want to go back there , and we can’t have that .
Couldn`t Vanessa do a one woman version of the Vagina Monologues, or a play about Rosa Kleb or some such lefty harpie?
Then tour the prisons performing her piece before the prisoners( maybe as a sanction for hogging the joints or not terrorising a juror by Tweet?).
That could empty a few prisons , and she could think she was Johnny Cash…
Ideas are what we do!
I have been most surprised to see usually “sensible” commentators leaping on this bandwagon. There is a very good putdown of the whole rigged story by one who most obviously knows about these things on the Spectator website – Jonathan Aitken. He simply tells the facts about the whole thing and without saying so, he shows up the screaming luvvies for what they truly are:
Vacant, shallow, ignorant people, who neither know about nor care about the “plight of prisoners” but are more than happy to leap onboard a passing bandwagon which attacks the government.
Now, who would ever have thought that the BBC, with *all* of the investigative powers available to them, would ever have fallen for such a false sucker story?
The “books” story is so shallow. Apart from prison libraries which may or may not have very many books available, Jonathan Aitken (ex MP and also well known ex prisoner) explains in an article in this weeks Spectator that prisoners are also allowed to request umpteen books per week/month (I forget which, but it is pretty vast) from a National Library and these books are delivered to the prisoner in a matter of a few days.
The whole “scandal” is yet another falsehood concocted by left-wing luvvies to berate the government. (I have absolutely no great love for this government but I can think of a couple of dozen matters to blast them with before I get involved with the non-matter of no books for prisoners. (Also, as Aitken points out, these rules came in last October and not a single prisoner has raised a complaint!)
The bBC and the Pot calling the kettle “Black”
Are US news broadcasters overdoing the Malaysia plane story?
This from the bBC,?
Bloody rich if you ask me.
Thanks for the pointer to that BBC page.
It is bloody well unbelievable!
MH370: What does US news get right?
OK, let’s leave out the very first part of that headline, “MH370” and take a look at the rest:
How on earth can this blinkered, biased, *alleged* news organisation called the BBC dare to question *ANY* other news provider on earth about their content?
It is absolutely shocking, and I will tell you WHY:
On the day after the budget, a Tory budget which because of the pension annuity changes had met with a great deal of approval across the board in Britain, I awoke and whilst sipping my usual morning cuppa in bed I switched on my Samsung Tablet and began perusing news site. Out of habit I clicked on the BBC first. A HUGE SPLASH! About the positive reactions to the Budget?
GERROFF!!!! The huge splash was about a “possible/maybe/well, you know … “, story about MH370” and to call it a “story” is a correct description. There were NO new facts, NO new leads, NOTHING NEW AT ALL which had not been known the day before. But with a bit of sleight of hand and deft maneouvering the BBC managed to push the possibly succesful Tory budget way down the front page.
They “asked” at the end of their “story” about MH370, has this story affected you? Please reply below.
I told them, YES!, this story has affected me. YOU have made it affect me by promoting a story with NO NEW INFORMATION, which at the end of the day happened on the other side of the world, and has very little significance to the UK at all, YOU HAVE PUSHED IT TO THE VERY TOP OF THE WHOLE NEWS AGENDA and displaced important stories which DO affect me.
Needless to say – no response.
NOTHING !!!!!!!!
(1) Life on other planets: Some mistakes about Mars rocks, but otherwise: None
(2) MH370 has crashed: Some floating rubbish, but otherwise: None
(3) CO2 warming: Some mistaken assumption attributed to Cloud Albedo changes, but otherwise: None
(4) God: Some logical argument about, nothing should exist, but otherwise: None
Since I live in Texas I listen to CNN every day and they have focused on the plane crash a LOT. CNN’s mode of operation seems to be near total coverage of a topic until it’s run to ground. The Treyvon Martin case was the last example that got such absolute coverage. So in fairness it is a legitimate question to ask, but the BBC is guilty of far worse offenses, ie. distortion of the truth.
There are some suspicious looking objects floating on the BBC website. Possibly worthwhile stories. But after a few days they have been shown to be just waste. Now, in local news to eke things out, Evan asks a relative how he feels about his missing, presumed dead, brother.
Beeboids are: pro-Clegg, anti-Farage.
No doubt smarting after his debating defeat at the hands of Farage on the E.U., Clegg queers his case against Scottish independence by ludicrously bringing UKIP into the argument.
The Beeboid report though, does not even question Clegg’s E.U. federalising political campaigning in this:
“Scottish Lib Dem conference: Clegg says ‘resist false patriotism’ of SNP and UKIP”
By Andrew Black.
“Nigel Farage steps up his criticism of reckless EU foreign policy”
Appalling the way Clegg post debate was allowed back on his weekly slot to offer a post debate response after all his wonks had had time to craft replies/shit stir especially badly misrepresenting Farage on Ukraine ()also by the compliant msm ) LBC are you going to offer a similar opportunity to Nigel?
Our Nige , was going to be on LBC today , but he had a prior engagement , so was only on the phone to Nick F. He will be back on either next week or the week after . The broadcasting & elections regulations will come in force soon ,for the Euro`s , so equal time for all , even the f***ing bbc . They will hate it !
Let’s face it – Clegg knew he had lost.
(He should have told Norman Smith tho’)
If Scotland becomes independent, UKIP in Scotland will have to become SIP, because with independence, the SNP will then have the same pro-EU false Scottish patriotism as Cleggs false British patriotism.
False patriots, are fanatically pro-EU patriots, who pretend to be national patriots, for political gain, but are in truth, European patriots.
Being offended by something is subjective…..What may offend you wont necessarily bother me….
However, when the politically correct brigade have altered the boundaries for certain sections of our society, creatures like this one take full advantage of the role
And shes got form…
The BBC offends Islam and most other minority cultures in multicultural Britain, over its support for the decadent pro Gay Marriage stand of the atheists, of the arrogant Imperialist West, and also its arrogant attempts to impose Gay issues on the Worlds less decadent cultures, through invasion and occupation.
The offense industry, with the likes of Suma Goha, is becoming increasing ridiculous – a rapidly declining slope.
Surely a slippery slope.
As indeed are all human rights type lawyers-so maybe “slopes” is a good word for that particular kind of race-hustling, grievance seeking missile that sees compo where the rest of us see compost.
I had no idea that this word meant anything but a gentle decline in the BBC sense.
Yes, Scott etc-I know it`s really an incline…but …oh WGAF?…
Can anyone explain how the BBC led the early evening news with headlines of billions being wiped of the stock market value of assurers like Aviva due to pension changes, ie Osborne’s fault, when the actual loss at market close was eg 2% for Aviva? And no mention of this on any other news channel and not on the BBC website anywhere.
Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Trailing behind ‘Jihadwatch’, INBBC finally puts up a version, but not in the context of repressive, intolerant Sharia law:-
“Sawan Masih: Pakistani Christian gets death penalty for blasphemy”
‘Jihadwatch’ on Pakistan:-
I wonder if ‘Blasphemy’ will equal the new EU ‘hate crime’ agenda against perceived Christians (who may voice valid concerns about the ‘perversion’ or ‘corruption’ of the EU broom cupboard). Its a short step to mass political (left) ideology with one big difference nobody ‘Christian’ wants a totalitarian fascist state with unlimited powers of (hate) persecution with the usual adherents to the Marxist ideology promulgating a lack of respect for all those that disagree – and we will always disagree, we will all have to be silenced. You will have to kill our democracy first. And that’s the point of the BBC, the EU, the political elite are stoning democracy as would the crazed nutters of Pakistan claiming ‘Blasphemy’. One and the same thing perhaps claiming a ‘right’ of attrition (taking us back to the hostilities and polarity of history and documented moral collapse from within). Is it a hate crime to oppose the EU or a Blasphemy?
Socialists hate anyone with more money than themselves, that’s why Hitler hated Jews.
So if the new Socialist paradise was again overturned in a revolution, we could then use the Hatred Laws against the Socialists, but then with the elimination of the Socialists devil creatures, we could then return to the more civilised laws of Christianity, by forgiving those who hate ye.
Am I the only one who doesn’t get Jeremy Clarkson’s alleged racist joke on Top Gear, about which an unknown actress wants to make £1million out of the BBC?
I suspect the main purpose of the suit is to give fairly obscure actress Somi Guha AKA Somi De Souza some publicity. Mission accomplished
Slant is Vietnam War-era slang describing any Asian, presumably refering to their eyes.
If you look at the photograph at the Daily Mail, Ms. Guha doesn’t have the Epicanthic fold that creates the slanted ‘Asian’ eye. There is very little biographical material available but judging from the photograph and the De Souza name she is a Eurasian from the Indian subcontinent. De Souza is a common Portugese name so I suspect her town of origin is Goa. She is stretching her indignation for slanted eyes Asians a little too far.
BTW Assuming she succeeds in court who gets the £1million quid?
The lawyers.
Never heard of the word as slang for Asians before , was under 10 in most of the 60`s , but even after the flood of Vietnam movies from the late 70`s to early 80`s like Full Metal Jacket ,& Apocalypse Now ,never recall that `word` ever in the dialogue ,although a host of other words were used to describe the Vietcong & their like .
Ditto here. Gooks and charlie were US slang I’d heard, but never slope.
Apparently if, like her, one is inclined to the left it is a waycist term !
Pronunciation: /sləʊp /
Surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface:
The only person called ‘Slope’ I’ve heard of is this one:
Obadiah Slope, as played here by Alan Rickman in BBC production of ‘Barchester Chronicles’ (1982):-
(3 min video clip)-
They still refer to the spare room subsidy as the ‘bed room tax’. Even though Labour, who coined the slur, do not list it as a tax, the bBC still follow their political masters. When the bBC meets it’s well deserved demise, the employee’s will never accept that it is their continual biassed actions that will have brought about their own destruction.
The tax system in the UK is like the Mad Hatter’s tea party.
[“Oh, you have made a pot of tea. Splendid!”
The Mad Hatter helps himself to a cup from the pot.
“That’s an awfully big cup”, remarked Alice, slightly perturbed by the prospect that there won’t be enough tea to go around.
“Well, I am the host, and this is my party.”
Alice retreated for a moment’s thought, but reassured herself that anyone who has a party does so to share their occasion.
“This may be your party, but we are your guests!”, Alice scolded.
The dormouse didn’t even know if he was a guest. He wasn’t sure where he was yesterday, he was sure he didn’t know what tomorrow was, and as for today – well, he wasn’t sure.
“Here”, said the Hatter, offering his cup towards Alice. “You are right. I do need to share. What is a party without happy guests?”
Alice reaches out for the cup, but the Mad Hatter pulls back.
“No, no, no!”
The Hatter raises his unusually large nose into the air and slowly lifts the cup of sweet tea above Alice’s view. He then, with a deliberation that would entice a snail, slowly lowers the cup to an altitude equal to Alice’s nostrils.
“You may take a sip”, said the Hatter, with all good intentions in an image, but not in a heart.
And with that, Alice stood from her seat, and left the table.]
Unemployment benefits are subject to tax. We pay tax at source (PAYE) and then receive benefits in the form of child tax allowance, working tax credits, child care allowances, blah blah blah! (Actually, I don’t receive anything except a 25% discount on my council tax even though I use much less than half of local amenities and council resources than the average family because I’m single without kids – I should get AT LEAST a 50% discount!)
You’re right Fred, the BBC are too blind to see the error of their own ways. Same as teachers. We do seem to be witnessing a divide between the public and private sectors, and yet it is always the public sector which blames it on ‘out of touch’ Conservatives.
But then, I would suggest that teachers and doctors are also out of touch. Would anyone argue against that as vociferously as they would vocally point the finger at Conservative politicians?
Can anyone tell me why the BBC website is only open for comments posting on chosen news articles?
Surely, if one news item is open for debate, they ALL should be open?
They have to be able to ‘moderate’ or censor out the comments they dont want folk to see.
If all were open, it would be impossible for their employees to cope.
Therefore an organisation which can run an item on free speech, but allow it to be censored, sees nothing wrong with limiting your right to a say.
In a word: bastards.
It didn’t seem to be moderated when I posted on an article about SSE freezing their prices. My post appeared instantly, whereas it usually takes a few ‘moderated’ minutes.
Could it be because no one could attack the Labour party on that issue? On another article previously – about the living wage – my comment wasn’t even posted. Possibly because I exposed the futility of such an idea.
Even with those they open, things can slip away from them.
Always interesting which topics the BBC shows the pretence of interactivity but then pulls the plug as things spiral away from the narrative.
There was one the other day that opened after most ‘hard working Brits’ had left for work and took only a few hours to see the BBC’s clear skew being slammed and this rated highly in the hundreds. I wonder if it made it past 4pm in case any actual licence fee payers got home in time to have a say too?
What a lovely day. And nothing like settling down after one to an evening bevvy and catch up on the online overnights, only to enjoy the irony of the whole weekend inbox so far pretty much dominated by one person, aided and abetted by a couple of offsiders, one of whom actually takes a poster who actually wants to be here to task on the volume of their posting. Irony is, clearly, not dead.
Meanwhile, in other, on-topic news, I’d flagged this one to come back to:
1. Daffodiljar
27TH MARCH 2014 – 11:14
Why the fuss? Most young people see this pair as irrelevant, yesterday’s men. Just as most young people see all that exercises The Daily Mail as irrelevant to their forward-looking lives.
1357. iXDemocracy
27TH MARCH 2014 – 14:13
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“I wonder if it made it past 4pm in case any actual licence fee payers got home in time to have a say too?”
That would be a ‘no’, then.
Must be great to control the edit, modding and plug pulling.
Awoke at 6.20am this morning, flicked on 5Live and, yep, it’s gay marriage, gay marriage, gay marriage.
Now, like many other posters on here, I couldn’t really give a toss what people get up to. Bit uneasy about the re-writing of thousands of lines of statute but then I’m something of a traditionalist.
What I can’t stomach is the way the whole thing is rammed down the throat. It’s like the whole “rubbing of people’s noses in diversity” thing again.
And the flying of the rainbow flag over 10 Downing Street…………? Give me strength.
One thing I have noticed. Ordinarily, the beeb fall over themselves to get a spokesman from the Religion of Peace on to give their opinion.
And yet oddly, over this issue, there’s not a Muslim voice to be heard. Just a lot of attempts to show up Christians as bigoted wonks.
If I didn’t know better I’d say the whole things was massively biased………..
Apparently at the bBC tsunamis are due to..climate change.
Can a Zen-like approach help countries with floods?
Coping with increased risk of flooding in a changed climate is not just about money. BBC environment correspondent Matt McGrath reports from Japan, where philosophy is just as important as resources.
At a large government research facility in Tsukuba city, engineers have built a 30-sq-m replica of a meandering Japanese river.
At one point along the concrete shore, there’s an unremarkable, small square of wood, with red and white triangles on top. But it is a constant reminder of the power of water to cause tragedy. The wooden marker represents Okawa elementary school, where 84 pupils and teachers lost their lives in the terrible tsunami of 2011.
How devious of this *reporter* to link supposed *Climate Change* with a tsunami which had nothing to do with *Climate Change* but linked it nevertheless to the deaths of school children. Matt McGrath, one to watch, making the news where there is none. More *Climate Change* falsehoods from the BBC.
Yes, McGrath really is a case.
BBC Radio Devon. If ever there was a radio station purely set up for all the tree huggers out there, then this is it!
This morning it was everything to do with feeling right about the environment, electric cars, and guess what? Yup, all praise to the Lord of *Climate Change*. Today we had the spokesperson from the WWF telling us that in a recent survey of people they asked, those people thought that the recent extreme weather was down to *Climate Change*. Very quickly this group of people they asked, and note the WWF didn’t tell us how many people were asked and who they were, became everyone in the country. Unchecked by the BBC Radio Devon presenter of course, and allowed to ramble on about everything that would get us to part with our cash to help the WWF projects.
Next week, (God help us) the railway line at Dawlish will open thus again linking the far South West with the rest of the U.K. WE have been told that Radio Devon will be at the opening. I can hear it now, Climate Change, Climate Change, Climate Change. Praise the new Lord.
I live in a part of the world where I can get Devon as well as Somerset-as well as the Godawful Solent!
I find at one particular place in the work car park-and on a good day-I can forgo the Wessex Whiners over local BBC outlets, and receive French radio instead.
For a few minutes I can enjoy San Saens or Debussy without having to pay 90% tax and await the Musselmen heading up from Marseilles very soon.
BBC Somerset still seem to be blaming climate change for the soggy roads even now-and have yet to do a Wurzels Live programme as afar as I know.
So much for local radio!
God Bless the Wurzels-they hate the EU as much as we do.
Heard their CD at Tolpuddle one year-can`t imagine they`ll be playing there anytime soon,despite Benns 3pm Sunday tubthumping spot now being in need of filling!
“I Am A Cider Drinker” kept “Silly Love Songs” By Wings (bleuuurghh) from the No 1 spot which I think we can all agree would have marked the end of civilisation for all time. Thus, it is entirely due to the selfless Wurzels that we’re not living in caves and eating the slower-moving ones amongst our own relatives. Narrow margins and all that.
Worthy of a fabbo group statue (in EVERY) town across the land, surely.
Ah Wings!
Only the band that the Beatles could have been!
To quote the great Partridge-if only Coogan could be reset at Matthews Farm to be as wise and all-knowing in real life.
As opposed to the drugged up, sleb shagging Leveson loafer that he turns out to be!
Normal serving of leftie shit this morning on “Today”
Gays, Chris Packham (horrid, lisping twat) and “Big Bird”, Tim Yeo, Dawn French, Steve Coogan, mouthy Giles Fraser, and the usual dose of Global Warming, which is now going to deprive us of coffee, because there are no “cool mountainsides” left, apparently.
Quick switch to Classic FM, and then “Sounds of the Sixties”, with a refreshingly apolitical Brian Matthew, on Radio 2, before returning to Classic FM for the rest of the day.
Ah yes, but I see trouble ahead even here too!
For dear Brian played a hit from 1970!
Although it was technically released in 1969, Roger “The Vocalist” Bowman would NOT have allowed this breaching of the convention.
What next East of Eden? Iain Matthews? Dave and Ansel Collins?
I blame the slippery Phil “The Collector” Swerne for this-poor Brian gets befuddled after 9a.m-and sense Swerne is “twisting his melon maan!”
I have my Green Ink Platignum Escort at the ready now, over best vellum and await the good lady wife to send the stiffest of letters to Swerne( Dale Wintons bagman has rather got above himself!).
Stop the rot!…Brian remains the one thing worth bothering with at the BBC1!
When he goes-no license!
P.S the song he played from 1970(The Youngbloods) was rather good-and I`d never heard it…but that`s not the point is it?).
This is my Biased BBC Troll Test card Transmission-wonder if Scott, Bill or the like will find fault in my ragings here?
Post Brian Matthew I made the mistake of not returning and catching the start of Graham Norton, and yes the first words were ‘gay weddings’ Ipod duly engaged!
And poor Brian used to have to introduce the next show as being “Jonathan Ross after the news”.
The poor man has long suffered, having to introduce the very opposite of the Great Mans ethics, after his display of courtesy, anecdote and knowledge.
If I were him, I d have my fifteen minute toilet break at 9.45 and let it all end on autopilot. Brian deserves dignity.
I think you’ll find the bBC deceive you there, many of the weekend Radio 2 shows aren’t live, Brian s being one of them, probably recorded on Thursday, as is Steve Wright, Dermot O’Leary, and Paul O Grady….
Yes, I jest.
Brian is recorded apparently from a Scottish care home or suchlike well in advance!
I like my version of things though-gets me through most of the BBCs dire porridge.
Brian has his own cinema on site too, so I understand!
Like Desmond Carrington-he`s one of the true greats at the BBC.
An aural Last of the Summer Wine!
Bring back the most awesome of awesomness of radio programmes, Sing Something Simple. 😎
Nigel Ogden-the Organist entertains.
Don`t tell the rampant homophiles about this one though-might get the wrong end of the oboe!
Ooh Matron!
On the odd occasion I hear the theme tune I still get that sinking feeling of bath time and school tomorrow!
Me too ,it hastened a retune to Radio Luxembourg,in the early 70`s .
At last, at last, at last….
Everard, Slack Alice and Pop-it-in-Pete the Postman can have their Special Day!
The showbizz inspired, the star-spangled trippers on the red velvet carpet, the tears and tiaras, all now hold your candles to the wind for Pantomime Marriage is here with us to stay.
Principal boys and old dames everywhere will be rejoicing like it’s their Christmas, Birthdays and Easter – all come together. Look out – he’s behind you!
To most of us no more than a quaint curiosity, but to the initiated it’s better than Magna Carta – ‘that brave Hungarian girl….’
And, as the BBC insists, it’s all about the LOVE
The love of a small, wet and shiny, fresh from the old Etonian showers and ready for a rubdown from Matron – what a clique they are! – yes, it’s all about their love for our National Broadcaster.
A sadly unrequited love.
Do you, Posh boy, never had a real job, wondering where he fits in, confused-about-his-political-outlook – do you take this BBC to be your social conscience, your guide and mentor, your unfaithful uncivil partner in your world view?
And will you, BBC, dishonour and lampoon him anyway? And at the end of many a long day when he’s been out pretending to fix the deficit will you – just for the fun of it – continue to vigorously take him up the arse just like you always did?
You will?
Then, David Cameron and the BBC – I do hereby – with the very few powers still invested in me as a British citizen – solemnly pronounce you : absolutely worthy of each other.
A fine parable for our times.
You`re good at these sir!
Keep `em coming as the spirit moves you!
Wasn’t it refreshing to see the Nige’ versus Nick tv debate on LBC / Sky the other night? The presenter, Nick Ferrari, was impeccably impartial, the respectful audience applauded both participants and didn’t behave like excitable performing seals when their preferred point of view was expressed or catcall and jeer when they disagreed. I believe the next one is to be on the BBC. Oh dear! It will be choc full of virulent lefties, the sneering Dimbleby (he couldn’t spell impartial) will be the host and Nigel Farage will be lucky if he escapes in one piece. It’s not going to be fair and it’s not going to be pretty.
Normal service has been resumed…
I’m not sure that Dumbo’s ego will leave enough space in the room for Farage, or even Clegg, to get much of a look in. No doubt central casting will be busy this weekend rounding up a suitable audience.
Ferrari was excellent. The better a chair is in a debate, the less you notice them.
Think it was on Thursdays Today news at 8a.m where I heard that the FA will not be given £1.5 million to “nurture” the grass roots of the English game-because they`re “not doing enough” to make the game more popular or more played.
That word “nurture” was then followed up by our BBC Sports blatherer by the “grass roots not getting nourishment”?
Nurture?…nourishment?…Luis Suarez and John Terry?
Nah, we don`t get enough about football-and people have given up playing because it`s no longer a local source of pride-just an excuse for Lineker to get free crisps in his taxi up to Anfield as he likes.
Love the use of this new therapeutic language though-and the fact that a Suarez or Terry would never recognise such shite still gives hope for their Ambassadorships!
Two articles relating to M. McGUINNESS:-
1.) BBC-NUJ:-
“Martin McGuinness asked to support Colombian peace process”
2.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
“Why pictures of Martin McGuinness embracing Cherie Blair are so offensive: RUTH DUDLEY EDWARDS deplores the Establishment’s hunger to ingratiate itself with the men of murder.”
Read more:
McGuiness has a lot to thank the Blairs for.
James Purnell, Labour luvvie paid £300,000 of our money to help the bBBC get even more of our money, is the only person in Britain who thinks the bBBC doesn’t have enough token women and ethnic minorities:
“It’s worrying not to have enough older women. They are under-represented. We haven’t been proactive enough. There has been a social bias we have a duty to try to correct . . . It’s the same with diversity. We are paid for by everyone, but we are still too white and male.” (£)
He could have a point you know. I understand the BBC once hired a white guy for a non-job on nearly £300,000 pa without even advertising it.
I’m sure Jimmy will get right on that case.
James Purnell should commit suicide, and that would leave a vacancy for someone like Melanie Phillips or Donna Laframboise.
It would also vastly improve the quality of BBC journalism, which is dominated by inferior middle class white male arts qualified left-wing environmentalists, trying to pass themselves off as the best scientific experts.
I think resigning would do just as well
James Purnell should commit suicide
Doesn’t take much for some people’s hideous sides to show, does it?
Scotty wrote|:
Doesn’t take much for some people’s hideous sides to show, does it?
What you mean when the left danced to the tune: “The witch is dead”
When Neil Kinnock wanted to See Eric Pickles have a heart attack
When you Scott openly Attack David Vance.
Oh look it’s that ‘H’ word again.
Is that Jonnies ring you are wearing Scott?
Scott, isn’t it just like Lord? Kinnock wishing Pickles dead from running a marathon and a Labour shadow minister tweeting it. Actually in my book it is two from the hideously nasty Labour Party. And how gracious Pickles was when he accepted their apology.
And lets not forget this delightful snap shot
The caring ,sharing left – dont you just feel the love?
Silly me, I was forgetting – Biased BBC commenters can’t be expected to have standards of decency. Hypocrisy and vile behaviour are to be lauded, as long as you or your mates are doing it.
It’s all rather pathetic. And the fact you seem to think it is justified makes it all the sadder.
Scott wrote:
“It’s all rather pathetic. And the fact you seem to think it is justified makes it all the sadder.”
No nobody is justifying it, there are plenty on here who condemn such words, however little pricks like you never ever condemn the actions of the left.
There lies the hypocrisy.
there are plenty on here who condemn such words
But not, I notice, you. Nor anyone else on this thread to date. It’s all the Left’s fault! Quick, blame Muslims, too, before somebody else does and you miss your chance to be outraged and feel persecuted!
Scott wrote:
“Quick, blame Muslims, too, before somebody else does
How about answering the question posed rather than trying to act like a cunt and playing Devils advocate.
“Nor anyone else on this thread to date. ”
What do you think of the treatment of homosexuals in Saudi Arabia?
And don’t forget that I am in Mensa (I didn’t mention it in that post) so I am a superior middle class white person. And I like to tell people just that. Often.
So you are good at doing IQ tests. How high is your social IQ? (Pretty low from your comment)
(In case you did not know)
= Mind
= Table.
So ‘Mensa’ does not come from ‘mind’ – it comes from ‘table’ – in fact a metaphorical ’round table’.
One fact about ‘Mensa’.
Churchill asked what ‘Mensa’ meant and he was told amongst other things that it means ‘O Table’ – vocative – you would use it to speak to a table’. ‘But I never do’ – he said.
You are also a pathetic troll who uses someone else’s name.
Sorry, Arthur Penney and Sykes, this “Richard Pinder” is an imposter.
This is the 2nd time that I have noticed this has happened.
I will have to ask Mr Vance, to note that this Richard Pinder must be using a different email.
Dateline London and it’s that man again. Apparently Owen Jones is an expert on domestic Turkish politics, the USA’s foreign policy and Milliband’s britches! Is there no end to this man’s talent (and access to my TV tax)
Today they discussed how bad it was to have a “Pax America,” gloating about its weakening under Obama. No one was on the right arguing how the Anglosphere is our nation’s best security in the next century. Typical leftwing self-destruction mode by the panellists.
the left are overseeing the destruction of the west. They wont be happy until we dissapear up our own arses, o wait………
Harrys place have come out with a beauty regards the bBC’s fav Islamic spokeman:
Not only does BBC-NUJ continue to campaign and propagandise to have Britain colonised by mass immigration, but also it spends the licence fee on funding such activities as this, by INBBC Arabic:-
“BBC’s Arabic Film and Documentary Festival calling in all budding filmmakers now!”
“As part of the festival, administrators will bestow the BBC Arabic Young Journalist Award,”
The BBC is as beyond parody as it is reform
Currently top news on the BBC website are gay marriages. With plenty of photos. Yes, they are ramming it down our throats, covered in pre-cum.
Registrars up & down the land will be getting heartily sick of “Tainted Love” & the Bronski Beat catalogue
Did any one know it was “Leave all your house lights on & bugger off down the pub ” night ,to save some panda`s or other , I think Big Ben was turned off or some other tourist attractions . I completely missed this event ,did Al- bbc close down all their TV & Radio Stations for the evening ? I was in the pub , all lights blazing there .
Something to do with “Earth Hour”!!!!!!!!
I was wondering why I hadn’t seen Moto Gp on the BBc. Oh yes they aren’t showing it BT has it. Well that’s another couple of hours less I’ll be watching in my ever decreasing consumption of the BBc’s output. I did have to look around a bit to check out what happened.
A fabulous day for the BBC as the IPCC issues its latest report on Global Warming (sic) – see Of course, anything that doesn’t fit the agenda is studiously avoided by the BBC, say, like the absence of any temperature rise for the past 18 years. They also avoid the actual definition of climate change specified in the report: “Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings such as modulations of the solar cycles, volcanic eruptions, and persistent anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in land use”. Well, you can’t expect them to pick up on a minor detail like solar cycles or volcanic eruptions having an impact – can’t do much about them can we, eh? Those who think this new acceptance of reality at the IPCC is to be welcomed – think again. The message of the report is actually that regardless of cause the solutions are the same: more taxation, more regulation, more social control and world government. Now that will be a message the BBC will be keen to push in the coming days and weeks.
What happened yesterday? For me the site was down and from the number of posts it looks like it was for other too.
Much hand wringing over a Mauritian asylum seeker who doesn’t want to go back to the paradise island. Of course Mauritius is a popular holiday destination and anyone who has been there will tell you that there is no issue with the usual problems which might cause someone to need to flee in fear of their lives.
Little detail is given about the asylum claim nor the reasons for its refusal, merely the usual left wing ‘allow every one who wants, to come to Britain and stay here’, and there has been a petition!
The Home Office says that the legal process has been followed as has other procedures with the result that she has no claim and should be returned.
And there you have the staggering bias of BBC thrown into sharp relief. Believing the outcome of certain cases which it wants to be true, and totally ignoring the outcome of other cases which it never wants to be true.
The BBC never ever ever believes or accepts the findings of the immigration courts, and 100% of the time accepts what ever made up story an asylum seeker wants to tell them.
So when a failed one is interviewed and maintains the lie, the BBC always adopts a position of credulous belief in a way that it does not with any other crime, and yes it is a crime to make a false claim for asylum despite it never being prosecuted.
It’s just so typical and illustrative of a hopeless left wing bias in the BBC.
“The BBC never ever ever believes or accepts the findings of the immigration courts, and 100% of the time accepts what ever made up story an asylum seeker wants to tell them”
Yet the BBC and witness statements, and court findings, or even procedures, can often be so much more ‘in tune’ with each other.
One to follow indeed.