Owen Jones is right wing isn’t he?

…as is Ed Balls of course.
We must understand the BBC as a pre-eminent state propagandist and censor by omission, says John Pilger.
Yet another comedian gets into politics (thanks to nofanofpoliticians for pointing this out)
The ‘Firebrand’ Owen Jones says the BBC is biased to the right…no really….though I’m pretty certain this is a leaked script from the BBC’s right of centre ‘Now’ show….
The claim of ‘liberal bias’ is a clever fairytale that allows the right to police the corporation and set the wider political agenda
This is from a person who thinks Marx has all the answers….probably thinks Marx is right wing as well!
‘Chavs of the World Unite!!!! You have nothing to lose but your Burberry caps!!!!’
Jones is just another dodgy charlatan…..plagiarising others work…and saying nothing new…spot the difference:
Jones today:
The claim of ‘liberal bias’ is a clever fairytale that allows the right to police the corporation and set the wider political agenda
Mehdi Hasan (surprise!) in 2009:
The accusation that the BBC is left-wing and liberal is a calculated and cynical move by the right to cow the corporation into submission.
He claims the Left say nothing to defend the BBC….
‘….the left’s reticence is symptomatic of a wider phenomenon – of a right with few scruples about going on the offensive, while the left adopts a relentlessly defensive posture.’
Hasan said:
‘….it is time for liberals and the left to fight back and force the BBC to acknowledge its real bias.’
Why not just reprint Hasan’s article?….oh they did…with Jones’ name on it.
Hmmm…the BBC has so many ‘friends’ on the Left who are more than ready to leap to its defence Jones is either lying or delusional.
Leader: The need for the BBC is as great today as it has ever been
We must defend the BBC from Murdoch and death by a thousand Tory cuts
The BBC fightback begins By George Eaton – 14 November 04:01 In tomorrow’s New Statesman, BBC director of television Roger Mosey and Joan Bakewell ride to the corporation’s defence.
Did like his final flourish:
For too long, the right has got away with weaving a fairytale of BBC leftwing bias. Until the left starts complaining – and loudly too – the BBC’s agenda will be shaped by supporters of government, big business, the free market and western foreign policy. That does not just subvert honest journalism: it undermines our democracy.
That’ll be the BBC that relentlessly pounds Big Business, the Tories and Western Foreign policy…going so far as to suggest Jihadis might be justified!
Which is why Harriet Harman felt the need to say:
The BBC is a loved and trusted institution, but it has enemies waiting to pounce.
So the Right are the enemy then…not the driving force behind the BBC?
This is the person who loves the BBC so much that she thinks it shouldn’t have its enormous political, commercial and social power reined in:
“Certainly, several media organisations would be affected by a 15 per cent cap,” it read. “But there is one for which such an insistence upon plurality would be devastating. That is the BBC.”
So the presumably left wing Labour deputy leader thinks that the ‘right wing’ BBC should be allowed to run riot…that’s very generous of her.
Signs of delusion:
When the financial system went into meltdown, BBC interviews were dominated by City voices like stockbrokers and hedge fund managers, rather than critics of a sector that had plunged the country into disaster
So no one from Occupy was ever heard on the BBC? Never mind Giles Fraser being given a job there…and let’s not forget Paul Mason….wasn’t it all over for Capitalism a while back on the BBC?
Take the privatisation of the NHS: it is barely given any coverage by the BBC.
WTF….ha ha ha……the reforms of the NHS never mentioned on the BBC in critical terms?…..Owen you are kidding….yourself, not us.
No doubt he thinks welfare doesn’t get a mention either.

Not saying Jones is ignorant, opportunistic ‘issues’ junky…but he clearly is.
The same goes for foreign issues, too. When Israel invaded Gaza in 2009 the BBC provoked uproar when it refused to give the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal any airtime.
Yep…the BBC is pro-Israel. Fairy tales?…..Owen those drugs must really be kickass.
Tory politicians favour the BBC as a useful recruitment service too. After Andy Coulson was driven from No 10, David Cameron replaced him with the then BBC news controller Craig Oliver.
Tory politicians? Cameron is no Tory….and he has long kowtowed to the BBC’s agenda not the other way round….turning the Conservative Party into a party without conviction or values. Oliver was appointed purely as a sop to the BBC…..as Coulson was News Corp. and hated by the Left.
Patten…a pro EU Tory wet, Nick Robinson..gone native…..and look who the BBC employs ”off the street’…all who have the same mindset….wet Tory Portillo, Diane Abbot, Stacey Dooley, Giles Fraser, Alistair Campbell, Jacqueline Smith….never mind all the ‘comedy’.

Up the workers! Mugs.
Hilariously the worst criticism of the BBC comes from the Left…..so who is trying to influence the BBC’s agenda and damage democracy?…and this is just from the New Statesman:
By giving a platform to climate change sceptics, the BBC is misleading the public
The BBC is colluding in the government’s attack on benefit claimants
Why is Nigel Farage on Question Time so often?
BBC will play a “short clip” of Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead
What can be done about the BBC’s raw deal for migrants?
Savile: Denialism and the “grooming the nation” delusion
Why is Andrew Neil so keen to bash the New Statesman?
As Gaza is savaged again, understanding the BBC’s role requires more than sentiment
Memo to Fleet Street: it isn’t just the BBC that makes mistakes