‘It’s morning after the night before for pro-EU BBC News Channel.’
To be fair, the hangover seems to be pervading the entire MSM.
And while a few seem to be wondering about nibbling at the arm firmly embracing the horror that is Nick, most appear be in total denial at what just happened.
Do I think Mr. Farage and hence UKIP are any kind of solution to the mess we’re in? No. However, he/they have laid bare all that is rotten…to the core… in our politico media estate, especially as it stands… teeters on no more than a status quo that cannot be sustained when the empty vessels that our current leaders are exposed for what they are.
We have Cameron trying to be loved by everyone and simply despised by all, Miliband becoming a bigger joke with each day, and now Clegg beyond laughing stock yet somehow the deputy leader of the country based on a massive ‘democratic’ system stitch-up.
With the entire media system trying desperately to trash Nigel and prop these other pygmies up despite what the actual voting public have seen and heard with their own eyes and ears.
Lucky all these media clowns are not subject to the ballot (and the BBC segment immune form fiscal reality in any form), because if they were they would all be out on their useless, over-privileged, delusional ears.
This is an entertaining little sidebar that neatly encapsulates the ‘when in hole, keep on digging… until you hit one of your own UXB’s’ school of delusion prevailing in certain quarters. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/tomchiversscience/100266190/quisling-euro-bbc-apparatchiks-have-given-the-channel-islands-to-france/
Clearly dealing with the debate wasn’t going to fly, so BBCophile Chivers decides to concoct one of those weird ‘points’ that pro-BBC types do in advance of any anti-BBC types even being bothered to try.
In its own right lame enough.
But better yet, he fouled up even then.
The top rated comment exchange is a treat.
Even down to his ‘gotcha’ halfway, which was simply taking one foot out of his mouth to insert another. Then shoot it.
If this is the calibre of media defender the BBC has going for it… good luck with that.
He deserves credit for engaging, but if ever there was a candidate for seeking shelter in silence lest be thought a fool, he is it.
The BBC are presenting Clegg as the voice for a modern outward looking Britain. But I thought his support for Islam following the killing of Lee Rigby and his multiculty perspective places him among those who want Britain to adopt the values of a seventh century whacko.
Wow. I had never really paid attention too much to Clegg before – always looked like the little sneak in your class at school…………..but this debate showed what a useless bastard he really is. Slimy, sneaky, petulant, fawning, delusional, rambling fuckwit.
This guy is No.2 in the UK government!!!!!!
I too was very disappointed in the Deputy PM. I expected him to argue for Britain in the EU, which he did if poorly. What I didn’t expect were juvenile taunts that Farage would believe Elvis wasn’t dead etc.. That must make even Lib-Dems cringe and wonder if their party leader is a serious politician.
Last night, after the debate BBC News decided to ask two politicians from pro-EU parties who would be least interested in the debate.
One was a Plwyd Cymru woman who babbled about lack of money for Wales. The other was a deluded SNP MEP who dismissed the debate and babbled about how he was anticipating the SNP working with his European partners for an independent Scotland.
Second bias was a ludicrous interview with a UKIP PR man where the BBC interviewer focussed on getting him to congratulate Clegg for having the “courage” to call for the debate in the first place.
It’s obvious that because Clegg’s plan has backfired the BBC wants to do everything but admit that Farage has a connection with the British public.
‘the BBC wants to do everything but admit that Farage has a connection with the British public’
That’s a good way of putting both Farage’s status and the old guard’s pathetic reaction to it.
A reaction which, in the age of the internet, is actually currently self-harming by trying to use old techniques that don’t work and by being so obvious, make matters worse.
I have wearily accepted that being a voter in democratic process for a while will mean a massive dilemma-created headache presented only with choices of politics of the least bad.
And in comparison to the others, Mr. Farage, for all his faults and faux pas (all maxed out by venal tribal media in comparison to the hush-up jobs on their favoured puppets) has evidently ‘spoken for the nation’ a lot more clearly based on actual public response than, say, the BBC, which claims this role on the now laughable notion that it is because they say so.
The man was much more on brief and on form and able to show ‘leadership’ potential than the PPE bobble-heads we are currently stuck with.
But one man cannot form a government all on his own.
However, given the current and recent alternatives’ efforts, he could hardly do much worse.
If want a laugh, the take a read of Chris Huhne’s article in the Grauniad on Sunday, trying to make the drubbing of his ex leader not as bad as it was and attacking UKIP, no doubt much appreciated by the Guardian reading BBC execs, and prepping them for todays denials of UKIP success.
” Nick Clegg won too. He was seen as a conviction politician prepared to mix it for his unpopular beliefs, and as the champion of pro-European sentiment that spreads wider than his party.”
Errrr Yeah! If you believe that you’ll believe anything, but then as a convicted perjurer we shouldn’t place an reliance on anything Huhne has to say.
It’s a worthwhile read for anyone who doesn’t think that the Guardian tells the BBC what to think & report, because much of the lies and excuses in this article are being aired today. Now you can see where they came from.
What annoyed me is the way some media (BBC News got my attention first) were not keen on discussing the poll results but instead relied on the unscientific method of “randomly” choosing debate audience members to give their opinion. As if finding a few Cleggites negated the poll result (an inconvenient result for the BBC if ever I saw one).
So Vince Cable is sent out to bat for the LibDims on tonight’s Question Time, of course he’ll be telling us that Van Clegg was without doubt the victor in last nights debate.
As one would expect a lefty panel, as well as Cable, Peter Hain , radical lesbian feminist and Guardianista Julie Bindel, a diverse Tory offering in Kwasi Kwarteng and Camilla Cavendish (who she?)
Camilla Hilary Cavendish is Associate Editor, columnist and leader writer for The Times. She graduated from Brasenose College, Oxford in 1989 with a first-class degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
Harvard University, where she obtained the degree of Master of Public Administration.
Cavendish became a Trustee of the think-tank Policy Exchange in 2002
The BBC, perhaps realising how much scrutiny it would be under, was uncharacteristically impartial for the Farage v Nicky-no-votes debate. But it was mob rule as normal on QT tonight. There was no attempt by Dimbleby to moderate the comments of the totally unrepresentative left wing extremist, scuffy feminist, Guardian contributor and co-founder of ‘Justice for Women’, Julie Bindel, even when she ranted that “Farage hates the working class, hates women, hates immigrants and hates foreigners”. My, how the randomly-selected audience loved that profound political insight. But let the BBC and the rest of the bourgeois liberal elite indulge their patrician arrogance. They haven’t realised yet that the more they sneer and scoff at Nigel Farage, the stronger his “people’s army” gets.
Yes, Farage clearly ‘hates women’, ‘hates immigrants’ and ‘hates foreigners’ – which is why he is married to one I guess. Poor Mrs Farage must have a torrid time.
LBC set a good example. The BBC followed it, showing that they can be impartial. I didn’t watch QT, but if the BBC have reverted to type I’m not surprised.
On a day when we are told to worry about what it is that is in the air….
I’ve introduced my own new Exasperation Scale to measure BBC output.
Today over Britain it has soared to the maximum Level 10.
A combination of factors is at play.
A dense bank of pro-EU pollution has drifted in from the continent on a light wind of quiet BBC funding to combine with the usual local anti-conservative local emmissions and together these have mixed with a huge cloud of pro-migrant dust from the Sahara and just-about-anywhere-else in the world to settle as they please over the UK.
According to the Times today “the Met Office has admitted that it overstated the threat from air pollution yesterday and said that people had been panicked partly because it had just introduced a new forecasting system.” Unfortunately the main item on the BBC website (at 14:21) is still in panic-inducing mode and I expect that the BBC’s viewers/listeners are still being harangued as I write.
As Autonomus Mind asserts, this is just another aspect of the “the weather’s becoming more extreme due to CLIMATE CHANGE” crapola being pumped out by warmists and transmitted by their willing collaborators in the media, not least at the BBC.
At risk of channeling my inner Alan Davies from QI , I will bite.
Who so tantalisingly out of shot (on my browser) posted this?
Then there may be more to say about that first visible line I can see, basing these stats on a set of parameters perhaps best described as ‘narrow’, erring on the desperate (‘positive mentions in online conversations during the debate’? Between whom? How measured? His missus RT’ing his Mum & Aunty while out the room making a cuppa as he imploded?)
Thank you. In which case I would love/have loved to see the full spread, as how the BBC got to that visual and text conclusion would be a question well worth posing (even if destined to be rejected by one of those quaint exclusions they are allowed).
well … BBC highlighting deja vu 😀
the latest on this widening story … “witchunt” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-26866271
yep! its area of mostly “Asian”? population, of “Pakistani”?
origin that just happen to have “the call to prayer”
and three? THREE … schools could be looked at,
…. no evidence … anti muslim … anti islam … witchunt http://audioboo.fm/BBCR4Today
Yes, BBC-NUJ still endorses mass immigration into Britain from Islamic societies, despite such consequences as the above (and much worse), for the vast majority of non-Muslim British people.
Birmingham schools ‘Islam plot’ letter ‘is defamatory’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-26653923
BBC news highlights 😀 … “no serious flaws”
“John Brockley, who has been at the school for almost 30 years, said in some cases assemblies are segregated, but he emphasised that many Muslims are comfortable with that arrangement, especially during prayer”
deliberate segregation?
… no flaws at all then
“Nothing in Islam requires turning females into shapeless, faceless zombies; good sense calls for modesty itself to be modest. The time has come everywhere to ban from public places these hideous, unhealthy, socially divisive, terrorist-enabling, and criminal-friendly garments.”
(-Daniel Pipes.)
I won’t listen to them any more but a little blue birdie tells me that the BBC 5 Live crew had a snide little pop at Farage this morning.
John Davidson @dunccup10 10 hrs
@bbc5live Congrats @iainjwatson finally talks post poll results. Shame on newsnight 10 o’clock news and @rachelburden who refused!
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 10 hrs
@dunccup10 @bbc5live @iainjwatson er, didnt i ask the question?
John Davidson @dunccup10 10 hrs
@rachelburden woke up to you[r] pub bore anecdote (your opinion)…then two further reports with no numbers. Report the facts please.
John Davidson @dunccup10 10 hrs
@rachelburden I don’t vote UKIP but when someone beats the dep pri min by these numbers they are newsworthy! Thanks for your reply. #jsaying
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 10 hrs
@dunccup10 No problem. just for clarity, ‘pub bore’ was text, not my opinion.
John Davidson @dunccup10 10 hrs
@rachelburden yes fair but didn’t you proceed with “Here’s a good opinion of last nights debate” the people’s view is the story to me.
I am going to have to go off now and see if I can confirm what I guess is the context, but what does “just for clarity, ‘pub bore’ was text, not my opinion” actually mean?
Is this one of those quaint ‘my views not my own’ disclaimers from Beeboidoweasel #101 or, as damning, ‘here’s one I selected earlier that suits’ editorial decisions management never interferes with unless they do, and anyway is covered by FOI exclusions no matter what?
“I wince every time I hear Barack Obama say ‘The Holy Qur(*gulp*)an’. If he’s a Christian, as he claims to be, the book is not at all holy to him. It’s unseemly and embarrassing to hear a president talk this way.
“The BBC has caught the same disease. I’ve read BBC news articles about alleged desecrators of ‘The Holy Qur’an’ and accounts of newspapers that publish blasphemous cartoons of the ‘Prophet Mohammed. The Beeb doesn’t refer to ‘Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’ in any of its publications, does it? What does this tell you about the official institutional religion at the British Broadcasting Corporation?”
To say ‘the prophet Mohammed’ is accepting that he was a prophet and halfway to accepting Islam as a convert.
To me Mohammed was a schizophrenic paedophile, probably with a dose of paranoia thrown in, but then saying that could see you in prison in oppressive Briton!
No matter what the semantic numbers games that could be played to explain it all away, seeking to exclude a proven political voice of the people on the basis they’d make the 3 Stooges look even sillier would be a hard one to get away with these days.
So maybe best to obliterate all mention.
Well, bar on the internet… which most sensible folk now traverse to get to the actual news.
‘His hope will be to gain the backing of some of the many more who want Britain to stay in Europe and who reject UKIP’s other views on immigration, working women or gay marriage’.
It all rather conjures an image of those stirring (not in a good way) characters whispering in ears in corridors (very BBC today).
Doesn’t really matter if it’s true or not, or even if it gets corrected (the BBC could drag a complaint on factual accuracy past the next election without drawing breath), it’s ‘out there’ now.
Robinson couldn’t analyse a turd. Hopeless. In the true sense of the word. Clegg and Robinson. They belong to yesterday and a media/political class that just needs to F off.
Sorry but that is the only way to put it.
Just what the hell is going on at the Beeb? On Monday we had Panorama exposing corruption and vote rigging in a dodgy east London Muslim run council. I’m sure we’re all surprised at that! And last night’s debate between Nige’ and Nick we appeared to have an audience of normal people. Not a bearded UAF member amongst them. I expected Farage to face an uncouth left wing mob who jeered his every word and hooted with delight at nasty Nick’s snide attempts to potray Farage as a bigoted little Englander. Clegg tried to stir the audience by falling back on the usual mantra of “loving modern, multicultural Britain”. Nick clearly thought that this should have been met with foot stomping and whooping but it didn’t happen and Clegg’s clichés were met with stony silence.
If only Question Time was more like this…
After the way they behaved after the first debate perhaps they thought it wiser to be neutral to everyone’s face and start the snide remarks after the fact.
The audience for QT is small (2.7M if you believe that) so perhaps they think only the committed are watching? They can do as they please and only the ‘usual suspects’ will complain.
The debates on the other hand were too public for them to do anything so obvious as a QT fix. Mind you the Grauniad is playing the line that mostly only UKIP voters were watching …
Really one of their ‘flagship’ programs ,only 2.7mil?
So the pool from which audiences’ are draw is fairly small to begin with . The easier to rig- some might say.
The 2.7M comes from Wikipedia so make of that what you will. I suspect it is a smaller figure in reality; I don’t know that many people who still watch it.
Funnily enough they nearly tripled that figure by asking Nick Griffin on! Freak show figures no doubt.
The answer is Labour of course! few people who voted Fib Dem would switch to a Tory vote, fewer still to UKIP, so the most likely place for them is in the Labour camp, and as we all believe is exactly what the BBC wants.
And finally, in other news… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/body-of-work.html ‘coverage of Syria, is BBC through and through’
Yes, well. Uh-huh. I recall some bits that were very BBC, through and through. Not sure they were worth awarding:
A few weeks ago I made a complaint about the VD interview with the brother of the terrorist who along with his mate, atatcked, murdered and then tried to behead a British soldier on the streets of London. I’ve heard nothing until today and here is what the bBC had to say:
Thanks for recently contacting the BBC. We aim to reply to complaints within 10 working days (around 2 weeks) and do so for most of them but cannot for all. The time taken depends on the nature of your complaint, how many others we are dealing with and can also be affected by practical issues such as whether a production team is available or away on location.
This is to let you know that we have referred your complaint to the relevant staff but that it may take longer than 10 working days to reply. We therefore ask you not to contact us further in the meantime. If it does prove necessary however, please use our webform, quoting any reference number we provided. This is an automatic email sent from an account which is not monitored so you cannot reply to this email address.
In order to use the licence fee efficiently we may not investigate every issue if it does not suggest a substantive breach of guidelines, or may send the same reply to everyone if others have complained about the same issue. You can read full details of our complaints procedures and how we consider the issues raised in feedback at http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/handle-complaint/. In the meantime we’d like to thank you for contacting us with your concerns. We appreciate your patience in awaiting a response.
“In order to use the licence fee efficiently” … ?
on an e-mail reply?
“BBC’s ‘£500,000’ revamp of £1billion HQ that’s only six months old… after staff complained the new building ‘lacked character’
High-spec London HQ only opened in June – £55 million over budget, Corporation will revamp two floors of building after gripes from staff. Critics have branded the decision a ‘ludicrous’ use of the licence fee. Money will be spent making the environment ‘more creative and vibrant’
The overarching conceit of any response in the BBC complaints process is the claim that their actions are guided by a noble desire to best represent the interests of the licence fee payer.
That they by default use this to justify restricting or terminating their own pretend investigations has been rendered the stuff of farce, being now always attempted as the public is continually exposed to Trust-overseen financial abuses raging from multi-million £ staff rewards for failure to such as the DMI fiasco.
Plus a litany of others.
They truly do feel nothing applies to them if it doesn’t suit their own self-defined interests.
The old gang of the BBC, Tories, Lib-Dem’s and Labour should be sh*ting themselves. The stupid punters (us) have had enough. Its a very English revolution to be led by a home counties ex-stockbroker with a French name. But there you are. The Lib/Lab/Con-artists, those preening PPE show-ponies, should be thankful to Farage and UKIP that we are using the ballot box and nothing nastier after their lies, lies and more damned f***ing lies on Europe and immigration.
Everybody I meet is going to ditch the Tories and vote UKIP. The debate just confirmed things.
If I was Cameron I would be very afraid.
Where I live it has been very solid Tory for ever. But there has been a change. Swift as change always is.
Cameron has consistently called it wrong and gay marriage just did not help. It upset too many people for little political gain.
Not so much a reaction as a sudden outbreak of reality.
Cameron could still turn it round. Transferable tax allowances to the full amount for married couples and the return of grammar schools and a no strings EU referendum might help .
But these are never going to be Cameron’s policies. The Tory party has had it.
The Lib Dems are irrelevant and the Labour lot are incompetent morons. Everything to play for now.
Are the BBC reading this site and not only noting the content, but acting / reacting to it?
Earlier on this thread I wrote a piece on the 19 year old asylum seeker and her return to Mauritius. I said that the BBC failed to explain that her claim did not meet the treaty obligations, and had been a one sided report only dealing with the people who wanted her to remain in the UK.
It covers in reasonable enough detail the legal reasons why her claim for asylum failed, for a very unusual example of what can be done when they put their minds to it.
If I was running a £4 billion pound protection racket, I’d make bloody well sure I had a team not only reading this site, but actually taking part and acting in all manner of underhand ways.
“if Cameron whips his arse”?#*?
now that s a big if … too far
Cameron is an patronising arrogant moron
if any of these snide Tory fuckwits had any balls at all
they d do their own dirty work, instead of using
Lib Dems as punch bags for their consistent fuck ups,
and I mean for the general populous, as they themselves are busy lining their pockets.
all those years in their self deserved wilderness, and repeat the same disastrous ideas …
I have a deeply unpleasant relative who can be prone violence. I best move to another part of my town or call the police. NO! Hold on…Let me think…I know Ill fly to California and remain there even though I know it breaks the law. Ill go to court five times with legal aid and try to stay at the cost of thousands. Ill get the national TV service not mention anything that might show me and my family, who also came over with me, in a bad light even though we are in California illegally and even say “oh don’t send me back I’m doing my exams” at the cost to the tax payer… No its balls its all a lie I just want to live in California.
QT is still bashing the same people its getting tired and the bbc still haven’t learned and i hope it gets whats coming to it.
The audience is still biased and when a good question is asked Dimbledum still cuts it off mid sentance.
LBC should do their own version with sky and kill off the QT programe
It’ll be interesting to see if the BBC have the courage (and the integrity) to feature Nigel Farage or any other UKIP party member in the next few weeks – QT last night was a complete snooze-fest; the usual uninteresting, tired, well-worn political cliches we’re all so weary of hearing; all the same old, same old discredited ‘progressive’ mantras that have failed us all so completely for so long.
When will the BBC understand that whenever they have a genuine radical on like Mr Farage the debate springs to life; it becomes edgy, exciting and, dare I say it, actually engaging?
My worry is that now that it’s becoming ever-more obvious (even to the dimwits at the Politburo) that not only does UKIP have a hitherto unanticipated (by them) popularity nationally (across all parties and social classes) but that UKIP also look like trumping every other mainstream party in the coming EU elections in terms of voter intentions, the Bolshevik Brainwashing Corporation might attempt to close down Mr Farage’s exposure on its channels. Can’t have the ‘enemy’ being allowed to exercise a bit of free speech; it might inspire the proles to actually vote for him – and that really would be unacceptable.
After how well LBC did, that’s a really good suggestion. They have a good chair, and can get a balanced audience. It would be good to hear a wide range of political debates, especially with people I disagree with but who are eloquent.
el Cleggo doesn’t cut the mustard.
The woman feminist Blindle had a laugh at mens willies last night, when referring to the Nige/Clegg debate. Who cares, I cannot imagine any self respecting willie going anywhere near that dyke.
But say if Chubbie Brown was on the panel ( we can only wish ) and made a joke about the female equivalent, can you imagine the feminazi backlash.
Once again this demonstrates the male and in particular the straight male are the only ones who can be abused without any reproach.
‘Newsnight’s coverage of the debate typified your point. Both pundits; “Lord” Danny Finkelstein and the Labour ex-spin-meister both dismissed the debate as little more than an annoying irrelevance, unlikely to alter the course of the Ship of State.’
Ian Katz’ selections of topic, guests and editorial line often intrigue, if luckily being ring-fenced from any serious questioning. It’s not like those who hired him and those he hires are likely to do so as he seems a team player.
Maybe too late, for this OT …
BUT ….
BBC 5Live news goes overboard on Panto Breakfast.
Yep! shilling for Islam … with “mothers against radicalisation” hey!, just a minute, now hold on there N …
isn t this laudible? … these poor mothers etc?
The idea is, sadly as it turns out it is a “victim” propaganda
project …. these “mothers” were horrified at online sites constantly turning youth (into heartless mass murderers?), read … onto “radicalisation, following Islam s mandated instructions … oops!
silly me, I mean “Al Quaida inspired terrorism TM”
They were horrified by …
the passages in the Quran inspiring this madness? …
well, actually no
” all the abuses” in Abu Graib ….
“all that footage of American soldiers shooting innocent civilians” …
“the oppression of the poor Palestinians”
Instead of concerted targeting of
Why? this “youth” have a imperative instilled into them, to rush all over the world murdering instead, of any allegiance to the nation the inhabit.
Why? full integration here, attempting to lead a productive life, is secondary to an absurd fabrication created to hate others, like in Israel
hope it doesn t turn into a “radical mothers” project, considering the carefully selective way they were “horrified”
1hr 26″ (50 sec) … http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03yqn00
‘Welcome to our live page, in which we will be updating you with all the developments following overnight storms that have left thousands without power and disrupted transport.’
‘I wonder how that “bit of a perception” was propagated?’
Just one of the many no-lose dodges by our glorious media [cough] profession [uncough].
Stir up a controversy and then ‘report’, ‘critics claim’, ‘sources are saying’, ‘a row has broken out’ on the very thing you have created.
BBC reporter also stressed ‘the cost’ of repairs. £15m or was it more? Various big scary figures were bandied about as if to reinforce the constant narrative – if only ‘we’ would do something about the…. weather.
Funny that, considering the BBC’s other central narrative that the more tax money spent on infrastructure (eg HS2) the merrier. This spending apparently invariably comes back as a huge boost to the economy.
About 8.45 this morning on Radio 4, was an interview with Frederick Forsyth about his coverage of the Biafran War for the BBC. He tells how the BBC encouraged false information. Interviewer quickly pointed out that this was a long time ago and today the BBC does not impose reporting requirements on its correspondents. Whew. I was so relieved to hear that the era of BBC bias and lies has long gone. Or was this interview further proof of what a bunch liars they are?
‘He tells how the BBC encouraged false information. Interviewer quickly pointed out that this was a long time ago and today the BBC does not impose reporting requirements on its correspondents.’
That interviewer seems to have been well briefed. If perhaps not on accuracy. I wonder if that advice came from him/her, or above?
But then, in the BBC world, yesterday was ‘a different time’ when it suits. And tomorrow is another day.
Maybe they need to employ Dr. Who as Head of News so the ethical stance of the moment can be ported to wherever, and whenever required?
Bishop Harries on a delayed Thought for the Day channelled his inner marxist by going to town on lefty French economist Thomas Piketty’s recipe for global ruin. Piketty’s solution to global inequality involves, of course, a global tax on the “rich” to be administered by those wonders of the age politicians and bureaucrats who work tirelessly on their own our behalf. As usual, Tim Worstall and commenters defenestrate any justification for Piketty’s “kill the rich” assertions in a few well-chosen words.
Odd isn’t it that when economics or politics raise their heads in TFTD it’s, in my listening experience anyway, always from the left and/or is, effectively, a feminist, warmist or gay-activist rant. Is there no cleric or religious layman in the world available who takes a non-“progressive” – even traditionalist – line on economics or the ills of society (or even religion) and could be given 3 minutes in the TFTD sun?
Harries talks this stuff.
Yet only an hour or so later, a Russian on Desert Island Discs is not given the choice to bin the “Complete Works of Shakespeare” in favour of similar from Tolstoy, Pushkin, Chekhov or Dostoevsky instead.
Which would surely be more “culturally sensitive”.
He was an Ex Red Army bloke who would have turned down Solzhenitsyn I imagine…but he ought to have been given the choice to bin the Bard…and not the Bible as-of course-he did!
Another example of the BBC skewering Christianity to oblivion and irrelevance-it`s now routine.
Can`t imagine Richard Harries or Giles, Lucy etc will car though-why not offer them Das Kapital instead of the Bible would be their take on it.
Apparently our Ruskie hates his students unless they`re foreign…why else would he squauk about “border controls” for them-but say nothing about New Labours tuition fees that saddle our kids?
Typical BBC crap-he seemed to levitate frogs and improve the level of pencil marking we can look forward to in forty years!
He can cross out those Bible words then can`t he?
Crapola-whats Russian for that?
“PM promises swift action to deal with ‘terror school’ plot: Hardline views ‘taught in assembly’, say teachers.
“Government is believed to be investigating 12 schools in Birmingham.
“There are claims male and female pupils were being segregated.
“‘Plot’ said to plan Muslim takeover, though its authenticity is questioned.
“Cameron: ‘It’s not acceptable, we can’t have that happening in our country.'”
Heard the ludicrous Humphrys equate the “allegation” that a n assembly was used to honour the life of a departed martyr who was from Al Queda; with the usual tosh about Jesus rising from the dead via faith schools like Catholic/CofE.
All the same innit?..indoctrination an` all?
Birminghams Municipal Schools monkey agreed in his way…as such NuLabour apparatchiks would.
And yet, when Todays hackette was allowed into thew school in question: she wasn`t allowed to interview anybody but the governor who`s caused all this-and a housetrained maths teacher…and had to be accompanied by a male at all times!
Oh-and all segregation of the boys from the girls was voluntary…in much the same way as our contributing to Humphrys pension pot is, I assume.
An incurious Humph and Today hackette saw nothing in all of this…Catholics, Protestants…Al Queda…all the same shit innit?
Ok as I stated recently I’ve complained about the BBcs coverage concerning Yashika Bageerathi and her deportation, as it is essentially the same as that for X factor failure Gamu, which I also complained about at the time. However one aspect of the way the reporting was pitched which I didn’t pick up on has now been revealed. Mrs Dave666 was at the Executive office of Superlarge International yesterday when she overheard one of her fellow workers stating “it’s terrible what they are doing to that child”. Thinking this comment was of consequence she went over and engaged the worker conversation. What child? What is the terrible deed being done? Of course it transpired that she was referring to Yashika. Mrs Dave666 pointed out the “child” is in fact an adult and is 19. It turns out that the co-worker thought they were deporting a 14-15 year old. It then dawned on me why they were focusing on the Headteacher and the fellow pupils opposition . I would surmise it was exactly to give this impression.
This site is a rich (sadly) seam of examples of when the BBC considers young people to be children, or adults, depending on the needs of the narrative.
One day a Craig list would be interesting matching the ‘news’ event with the age of supposed victims or perpetrators.
I think it is now a moveable feast, post Savile.
If you`re young at heart-got your fingers on the nub of youth-or self identify as a baby…the BBC think that`s enough!
Presuming that the BBC staff who`ll yet to be found as pestering kiddies will be allowed to serve their time in childrens homes…or is that the Islamist fantasy for Oxford, Bradford, Leeds, Rochdale, Oldham, Blackpool and other northern towns?
Wasn`t Humprhys quicker than usual to tell us all that the BBC no longer leans on its stiffies when it comes to reporting?
After 8.30 today. we had the mighty Freddie( Frederick to you Humph!) Forsyth on to disabuse Humph of his BBC take on the Nigerian war way back.
Freddie resigned/was sacked for not just piping what the BBC and the Foreign Office wanted-Humph could only dream, and fear for his pension pot should this become commonplace!
Humphrys was ill-informed and cliched in all personal and historical details-and Freddie purrred brutally, yet resisted the numerous chances to finish Humphrys career-which I was rooting for.
Still-Forsyth is the real thing-and the fact that Humph had to reassure us all on a couple of occasions that such massaging, fibs and outright lies don`t go on as they once did.
No indeed-Forsyth doesn`t crouch about Kabul in a borrowed burqa to enjoy slam poetry as Lyse Doucett does!
Now then, now then guyz an gals!…over to Harrabin with the EU Smog Index figures…and then YouGov will recalibrate Cleggs recent victory before we go at 9!
The BBC just phone their bilge in-and now, happily; the sluices are backing up!
Popcorn please!
“The BBC spoon-feeds pro-European Union, pro-mass immigration, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian and liberal bias, and downplays the danger of Islam and Islamic terrorism, to the nation on an almost 24/7 basis. Worryingly, a large amount of people are naïve enough not to realise that the BBC is not being balanced in its views or reporting”. http://chersonandmolschky.com/2014/03/31/bbc-free-speech-islam-potent-mix/
The BBC keeps presenting the appointment of Linda Yueh as its Chief Business Correspondent as a coup. But it appears that one can no longer comment on her blog posts!
Why? Well her article from Wednesday only got 14 of which 2 were moderated so it would appear that Linda Yueh is attracting very little public interest. Still I am sure she will find time to post more pictures of herself on twitter.
Her second name sounds like what we say when we`re throwing up doesn`t it?
How apt for a Beeb business hack-wonder if she`ll get round to telling us how many businesses she has successfully run?
I sense that the Chinese and Hong Kong governments send us their duds, knowing that we`ll think they`re bound to be enterprising…always find work at the BBC.
Yueh is probably a North Korean reset in Shenzhen specifically to send our businesses down the portaloo-and the BBC is a prime perch for that.
“Afghan policeman screams “Allahu akbar,” murders AP photographer”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“This was an Afghan policeman — a unit commander named Naqibullah. Ostensibly an exponent of the Karzai regime, America’s ostensible ally. The problem is that there is no reliable way to distinguish ‘moderates’ from Islamic jihadists, and the politically correct U.S. command in Afghanistan makes no attempt to do so, anyway. Such inquiries would be ‘Islamophobic.'”
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
It’s morning after the night before for pro-EU BBC News Channel.
The BBC wonders what their mate Nick is saying on local commercial radio this morning?
LBC will be chuffed for getting that plug.
Seems Nick Clegg is saying those two debates (which he lost hands down) were just the start of a debate that will last months and years.
Strange, the general consensus seemed to be that the longer it went on the weaker and less effective Clegg’s arguments became.
One wonders why it is that he (and apparently our national broadcaster) think the EU will win in the long run?
Oh wait, have I just answered my own question?
‘It’s morning after the night before for pro-EU BBC News Channel.’
To be fair, the hangover seems to be pervading the entire MSM.
And while a few seem to be wondering about nibbling at the arm firmly embracing the horror that is Nick, most appear be in total denial at what just happened.
Do I think Mr. Farage and hence UKIP are any kind of solution to the mess we’re in? No. However, he/they have laid bare all that is rotten…to the core… in our politico media estate, especially as it stands… teeters on no more than a status quo that cannot be sustained when the empty vessels that our current leaders are exposed for what they are.
We have Cameron trying to be loved by everyone and simply despised by all, Miliband becoming a bigger joke with each day, and now Clegg beyond laughing stock yet somehow the deputy leader of the country based on a massive ‘democratic’ system stitch-up.
With the entire media system trying desperately to trash Nigel and prop these other pygmies up despite what the actual voting public have seen and heard with their own eyes and ears.
Lucky all these media clowns are not subject to the ballot (and the BBC segment immune form fiscal reality in any form), because if they were they would all be out on their useless, over-privileged, delusional ears.
This is an entertaining little sidebar that neatly encapsulates the ‘when in hole, keep on digging… until you hit one of your own UXB’s’ school of delusion prevailing in certain quarters.
Clearly dealing with the debate wasn’t going to fly, so BBCophile Chivers decides to concoct one of those weird ‘points’ that pro-BBC types do in advance of any anti-BBC types even being bothered to try.
In its own right lame enough.
But better yet, he fouled up even then.
The top rated comment exchange is a treat.
Even down to his ‘gotcha’ halfway, which was simply taking one foot out of his mouth to insert another. Then shoot it.
If this is the calibre of media defender the BBC has going for it… good luck with that.
He deserves credit for engaging, but if ever there was a candidate for seeking shelter in silence lest be thought a fool, he is it.
Now bring on Cameron and Millipede for a debate.
Paint drying would be more entertaining. I don’t want to hear any more rubbish from the political class.
The BBC are presenting Clegg as the voice for a modern outward looking Britain. But I thought his support for Islam following the killing of Lee Rigby and his multiculty perspective places him among those who want Britain to adopt the values of a seventh century whacko.
Wow. I had never really paid attention too much to Clegg before – always looked like the little sneak in your class at school…………..but this debate showed what a useless bastard he really is. Slimy, sneaky, petulant, fawning, delusional, rambling fuckwit.
This guy is No.2 in the UK government!!!!!!
As we say of a certain jockey in racing circles. he is a CXXX’s CXXX.
I don’t think you like him much.
I too was very disappointed in the Deputy PM. I expected him to argue for Britain in the EU, which he did if poorly. What I didn’t expect were juvenile taunts that Farage would believe Elvis wasn’t dead etc.. That must make even Lib-Dems cringe and wonder if their party leader is a serious politician.
Cleggie must be the worst Deputy PM since, oh, well, erm….
Oh yes – John Prescott…
Two examples of bias.
Last night, after the debate BBC News decided to ask two politicians from pro-EU parties who would be least interested in the debate.
One was a Plwyd Cymru woman who babbled about lack of money for Wales. The other was a deluded SNP MEP who dismissed the debate and babbled about how he was anticipating the SNP working with his European partners for an independent Scotland.
Second bias was a ludicrous interview with a UKIP PR man where the BBC interviewer focussed on getting him to congratulate Clegg for having the “courage” to call for the debate in the first place.
It’s obvious that because Clegg’s plan has backfired the BBC wants to do everything but admit that Farage has a connection with the British public.
‘the BBC wants to do everything but admit that Farage has a connection with the British public’
That’s a good way of putting both Farage’s status and the old guard’s pathetic reaction to it.
A reaction which, in the age of the internet, is actually currently self-harming by trying to use old techniques that don’t work and by being so obvious, make matters worse.
I have wearily accepted that being a voter in democratic process for a while will mean a massive dilemma-created headache presented only with choices of politics of the least bad.
And in comparison to the others, Mr. Farage, for all his faults and faux pas (all maxed out by venal tribal media in comparison to the hush-up jobs on their favoured puppets) has evidently ‘spoken for the nation’ a lot more clearly based on actual public response than, say, the BBC, which claims this role on the now laughable notion that it is because they say so.
The man was much more on brief and on form and able to show ‘leadership’ potential than the PPE bobble-heads we are currently stuck with.
But one man cannot form a government all on his own.
However, given the current and recent alternatives’ efforts, he could hardly do much worse.
‘PPE bobble-heads’ an excellent description of the herd.
http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/air-pollution-latest-advice/ I imagine the media reporting of the “pollution” helped calm down the situation…NOT!
If want a laugh, the take a read of Chris Huhne’s article in the Grauniad on Sunday, trying to make the drubbing of his ex leader not as bad as it was and attacking UKIP, no doubt much appreciated by the Guardian reading BBC execs, and prepping them for todays denials of UKIP success.
” Nick Clegg won too. He was seen as a conviction politician prepared to mix it for his unpopular beliefs, and as the champion of pro-European sentiment that spreads wider than his party.”
Errrr Yeah! If you believe that you’ll believe anything, but then as a convicted perjurer we shouldn’t place an reliance on anything Huhne has to say.
It’s a worthwhile read for anyone who doesn’t think that the Guardian tells the BBC what to think & report, because much of the lies and excuses in this article are being aired today. Now you can see where they came from.
What annoyed me is the way some media (BBC News got my attention first) were not keen on discussing the poll results but instead relied on the unscientific method of “randomly” choosing debate audience members to give their opinion. As if finding a few Cleggites negated the poll result (an inconvenient result for the BBC if ever I saw one).
So Vince Cable is sent out to bat for the LibDims on tonight’s Question Time, of course he’ll be telling us that Van Clegg was without doubt the victor in last nights debate.
As one would expect a lefty panel, as well as Cable, Peter Hain , radical lesbian feminist and Guardianista Julie Bindel, a diverse Tory offering in Kwasi Kwarteng and Camilla Cavendish (who she?)
Camilla Hilary Cavendish is Associate Editor, columnist and leader writer for The Times. She graduated from Brasenose College, Oxford in 1989 with a first-class degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
Harvard University, where she obtained the degree of Master of Public Administration.
Cavendish became a Trustee of the think-tank Policy Exchange in 2002
Pretty much a right of centre Tory !
The BBC, perhaps realising how much scrutiny it would be under, was uncharacteristically impartial for the Farage v Nicky-no-votes debate. But it was mob rule as normal on QT tonight. There was no attempt by Dimbleby to moderate the comments of the totally unrepresentative left wing extremist, scuffy feminist, Guardian contributor and co-founder of ‘Justice for Women’, Julie Bindel, even when she ranted that “Farage hates the working class, hates women, hates immigrants and hates foreigners”. My, how the randomly-selected audience loved that profound political insight. But let the BBC and the rest of the bourgeois liberal elite indulge their patrician arrogance. They haven’t realised yet that the more they sneer and scoff at Nigel Farage, the stronger his “people’s army” gets.
Yes, Farage clearly ‘hates women’, ‘hates immigrants’ and ‘hates foreigners’ – which is why he is married to one I guess. Poor Mrs Farage must have a torrid time.
LBC set a good example. The BBC followed it, showing that they can be impartial. I didn’t watch QT, but if the BBC have reverted to type I’m not surprised.
bBC flagship “In or Out” debate last night didn’t get a mention on the bBC 1 o’clock news.
On a day when we are told to worry about what it is that is in the air….
I’ve introduced my own new Exasperation Scale to measure BBC output.
Today over Britain it has soared to the maximum Level 10.
A combination of factors is at play.
A dense bank of pro-EU pollution has drifted in from the continent on a light wind of quiet BBC funding to combine with the usual local anti-conservative local emmissions and together these have mixed with a huge cloud of pro-migrant dust from the Sahara and just-about-anywhere-else in the world to settle as they please over the UK.
BBC experts reckon this is all perfectly normal.
According to the Times today “the Met Office has admitted that it overstated the threat from air pollution yesterday and said that people had been panicked partly because it had just introduced a new forecasting system.” Unfortunately the main item on the BBC website (at 14:21) is still in panic-inducing mode and I expect that the BBC’s viewers/listeners are still being harangued as I write.
As Autonomus Mind asserts, this is just another aspect of the “the weather’s becoming more extreme due to CLIMATE CHANGE” crapola being pumped out by warmists and transmitted by their willing collaborators in the media, not least at the BBC.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Quisling Euro-BBC apparatchiks have given the Channel Islands to France”
By Tom Chivers.
Only in BBC land……………
Asian Cup: South Korea 3 North Korea 0.
NK News: “NK came second, and SK came next to last.”
At risk of channeling my inner Alan Davies from QI , I will bite.
Who so tantalisingly out of shot (on my browser) posted this?
Then there may be more to say about that first visible line I can see, basing these stats on a set of parameters perhaps best described as ‘narrow’, erring on the desperate (‘positive mentions in online conversations during the debate’? Between whom? How measured? His missus RT’ing his Mum & Aunty while out the room making a cuppa as he imploded?)
It was on the BBC news webpage.
Thank you. In which case I would love/have loved to see the full spread, as how the BBC got to that visual and text conclusion would be a question well worth posing (even if destined to be rejected by one of those quaint exclusions they are allowed).
I did see it but instantly didn’t bother reading the crap underneath.
Remember the BBC re muslim Trojan Horse” in Bham school system … its highlighted comment
“i don t believe it”? … well as i ve stated previously
believe it!
Depart for Education widens probe to include another 12 Birmingham schools
well … BBC highlighting deja vu 😀
the latest on this widening story … “witchunt”
yep! its area of mostly “Asian”? population, of “Pakistani”?
origin that just happen to have “the call to prayer”
and three? THREE … schools could be looked at,
…. no evidence … anti muslim … anti islam … witchunt
Yes, BBC-NUJ still endorses mass immigration into Britain from Islamic societies, despite such consequences as the above (and much worse), for the vast majority of non-Muslim British people.
Birmingham schools ‘Islam plot’ letter ‘is defamatory’
BBC news highlights 😀 … “no serious flaws”
“John Brockley, who has been at the school for almost 30 years, said in some cases assemblies are segregated, but he emphasised that many Muslims are comfortable with that arrangement, especially during prayer”
deliberate segregation?
… no flaws at all then
BBC-NUJ campaign against ‘global warming’, but not against BURKA-
“Burka escape: Teenager arrested over terror suspect disappearance”
“Nothing in Islam requires turning females into shapeless, faceless zombies; good sense calls for modesty itself to be modest. The time has come everywhere to ban from public places these hideous, unhealthy, socially divisive, terrorist-enabling, and criminal-friendly garments.”
(-Daniel Pipes.)
are we talking about hoodies because they need banning too !
I won’t listen to them any more but a little blue birdie tells me that the BBC 5 Live crew had a snide little pop at Farage this morning.
John Davidson @dunccup10 10 hrs
@bbc5live Congrats @iainjwatson finally talks post poll results. Shame on newsnight 10 o’clock news and @rachelburden who refused!
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 10 hrs
@dunccup10 @bbc5live @iainjwatson er, didnt i ask the question?
John Davidson @dunccup10 10 hrs
@rachelburden woke up to you[r] pub bore anecdote (your opinion)…then two further reports with no numbers. Report the facts please.
John Davidson @dunccup10 10 hrs
@rachelburden I don’t vote UKIP but when someone beats the dep pri min by these numbers they are newsworthy! Thanks for your reply. #jsaying
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 10 hrs
@dunccup10 No problem. just for clarity, ‘pub bore’ was text, not my opinion.
John Davidson @dunccup10 10 hrs
@rachelburden yes fair but didn’t you proceed with “Here’s a good opinion of last nights debate” the people’s view is the story to me.
I am going to have to go off now and see if I can confirm what I guess is the context, but what does “just for clarity, ‘pub bore’ was text, not my opinion” actually mean?
Is this one of those quaint ‘my views not my own’ disclaimers from Beeboidoweasel #101 or, as damning, ‘here’s one I selected earlier that suits’ editorial decisions management never interferes with unless they do, and anyway is covered by FOI exclusions no matter what?
“Beating the Mohammed Meme”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“I wince every time I hear Barack Obama say ‘The Holy Qur(*gulp*)an’. If he’s a Christian, as he claims to be, the book is not at all holy to him. It’s unseemly and embarrassing to hear a president talk this way.
“The BBC has caught the same disease. I’ve read BBC news articles about alleged desecrators of ‘The Holy Qur’an’ and accounts of newspapers that publish blasphemous cartoons of the ‘Prophet Mohammed. The Beeb doesn’t refer to ‘Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’ in any of its publications, does it? What does this tell you about the official institutional religion at the British Broadcasting Corporation?”
To say ‘the prophet Mohammed’ is accepting that he was a prophet and halfway to accepting Islam as a convert.
To me Mohammed was a schizophrenic paedophile, probably with a dose of paranoia thrown in, but then saying that could see you in prison in oppressive Briton!
4 mins 35
on the BBC but had to come from a caller.
that woman is ill
So the lead story on the 18:00 hour news is a change to “plain” fag packets. Is that really the most important story of the day? Really?
I see the beeb has saved millibananas from himself by completely censoring his call for farage to be banned from tv debates at the next election.
No matter what the semantic numbers games that could be played to explain it all away, seeking to exclude a proven political voice of the people on the basis they’d make the 3 Stooges look even sillier would be a hard one to get away with these days.
So maybe best to obliterate all mention.
Well, bar on the internet… which most sensible folk now traverse to get to the actual news.
‘His hope will be to gain the backing of some of the many more who want Britain to stay in Europe and who reject UKIP’s other views on immigration, working women or gay marriage’.
Nick Robinson – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-26864280
Are UKIP opposed to women being in the workplace? If so, it’s news to me (and probably news to Nigel Farage).
And given that UKIP are no longer opposed to gay marriage, Robinson might be barking up the wrong tree with that one too.
It all rather conjures an image of those stirring (not in a good way) characters whispering in ears in corridors (very BBC today).
Doesn’t really matter if it’s true or not, or even if it gets corrected (the BBC could drag a complaint on factual accuracy past the next election without drawing breath), it’s ‘out there’ now.
Robinson couldn’t analyse a turd. Hopeless. In the true sense of the word. Clegg and Robinson. They belong to yesterday and a media/political class that just needs to F off.
Sorry but that is the only way to put it.
A credit check:
And now, here is the BBC ‘news’…
‘They are cherry-picking evidence which sustains their own view’
Just what the hell is going on at the Beeb? On Monday we had Panorama exposing corruption and vote rigging in a dodgy east London Muslim run council. I’m sure we’re all surprised at that! And last night’s debate between Nige’ and Nick we appeared to have an audience of normal people. Not a bearded UAF member amongst them. I expected Farage to face an uncouth left wing mob who jeered his every word and hooted with delight at nasty Nick’s snide attempts to potray Farage as a bigoted little Englander. Clegg tried to stir the audience by falling back on the usual mantra of “loving modern, multicultural Britain”. Nick clearly thought that this should have been met with foot stomping and whooping but it didn’t happen and Clegg’s clichés were met with stony silence.
If only Question Time was more like this…
After the way they behaved after the first debate perhaps they thought it wiser to be neutral to everyone’s face and start the snide remarks after the fact.
The audience for QT is small (2.7M if you believe that) so perhaps they think only the committed are watching? They can do as they please and only the ‘usual suspects’ will complain.
The debates on the other hand were too public for them to do anything so obvious as a QT fix. Mind you the Grauniad is playing the line that mostly only UKIP voters were watching …
Really one of their ‘flagship’ programs ,only 2.7mil?
So the pool from which audiences’ are draw is fairly small to begin with . The easier to rig- some might say.
The 2.7M comes from Wikipedia so make of that what you will. I suspect it is a smaller figure in reality; I don’t know that many people who still watch it.
Funnily enough they nearly tripled that figure by asking Nick Griffin on! Freak show figures no doubt.
Just think of this. If Clegg loses, who benefits?
The answer is Labour of course! few people who voted Fib Dem would switch to a Tory vote, fewer still to UKIP, so the most likely place for them is in the Labour camp, and as we all believe is exactly what the BBC wants.
James Delingpole at Breitbart has a theory about this
And finally, in other news…
‘coverage of Syria, is BBC through and through’
Yes, well. Uh-huh. I recall some bits that were very BBC, through and through. Not sure they were worth awarding:
But that was a different time. Now, it’s all uniquely funded but also sort-of but not-so’s-you’d-think commercial, overseen by a board only the BBC could assemble:
‘aka Mrs Jack Straw’
Of course.
A few weeks ago I made a complaint about the VD interview with the brother of the terrorist who along with his mate, atatcked, murdered and then tried to behead a British soldier on the streets of London. I’ve heard nothing until today and here is what the bBC had to say:
Thanks for recently contacting the BBC. We aim to reply to complaints within 10 working days (around 2 weeks) and do so for most of them but cannot for all. The time taken depends on the nature of your complaint, how many others we are dealing with and can also be affected by practical issues such as whether a production team is available or away on location.
This is to let you know that we have referred your complaint to the relevant staff but that it may take longer than 10 working days to reply. We therefore ask you not to contact us further in the meantime. If it does prove necessary however, please use our webform, quoting any reference number we provided. This is an automatic email sent from an account which is not monitored so you cannot reply to this email address.
In order to use the licence fee efficiently we may not investigate every issue if it does not suggest a substantive breach of guidelines, or may send the same reply to everyone if others have complained about the same issue. You can read full details of our complaints procedures and how we consider the issues raised in feedback at http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/handle-complaint/. In the meantime we’d like to thank you for contacting us with your concerns. We appreciate your patience in awaiting a response.
Kind regards,
BBC Complaints.
“In order to use the licence fee efficiently” … ?
on an e-mail reply?
“BBC’s ‘£500,000’ revamp of £1billion HQ that’s only six months old… after staff complained the new building ‘lacked character’
High-spec London HQ only opened in June – £55 million over budget, Corporation will revamp two floors of building after gripes from staff. Critics have branded the decision a ‘ludicrous’ use of the licence fee. Money will be spent making the environment ‘more creative and vibrant’
The overarching conceit of any response in the BBC complaints process is the claim that their actions are guided by a noble desire to best represent the interests of the licence fee payer.
That they by default use this to justify restricting or terminating their own pretend investigations has been rendered the stuff of farce, being now always attempted as the public is continually exposed to Trust-overseen financial abuses raging from multi-million £ staff rewards for failure to such as the DMI fiasco.
Plus a litany of others.
They truly do feel nothing applies to them if it doesn’t suit their own self-defined interests.
The old gang of the BBC, Tories, Lib-Dem’s and Labour should be sh*ting themselves. The stupid punters (us) have had enough. Its a very English revolution to be led by a home counties ex-stockbroker with a French name. But there you are. The Lib/Lab/Con-artists, those preening PPE show-ponies, should be thankful to Farage and UKIP that we are using the ballot box and nothing nastier after their lies, lies and more damned f***ing lies on Europe and immigration.
I commend the phrase (as seen further up this thread) of ‘PPE bobble heads’ to the house.
Courtesy of Guest Who @ 2.05.
Everybody I meet is going to ditch the Tories and vote UKIP. The debate just confirmed things.
If I was Cameron I would be very afraid.
Where I live it has been very solid Tory for ever. But there has been a change. Swift as change always is.
Cameron has consistently called it wrong and gay marriage just did not help. It upset too many people for little political gain.
Not so much a reaction as a sudden outbreak of reality.
Cameron could still turn it round. Transferable tax allowances to the full amount for married couples and the return of grammar schools and a no strings EU referendum might help .
But these are never going to be Cameron’s policies. The Tory party has had it.
The Lib Dems are irrelevant and the Labour lot are incompetent morons. Everything to play for now.
Are the BBC reading this site and not only noting the content, but acting / reacting to it?
Earlier on this thread I wrote a piece on the 19 year old asylum seeker and her return to Mauritius. I said that the BBC failed to explain that her claim did not meet the treaty obligations, and had been a one sided report only dealing with the people who wanted her to remain in the UK.
Now this appears on the web page
Yashika Bageerathi and the law
It covers in reasonable enough detail the legal reasons why her claim for asylum failed, for a very unusual example of what can be done when they put their minds to it.
Odd that it should appear at this time though.
If I was running a £4 billion pound protection racket, I’d make bloody well sure I had a team not only reading this site, but actually taking part and acting in all manner of underhand ways.
Hello BBC ….
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.
Hello BBC …
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Wel merched, wêdd hynny mor dda, wedest ti honno dwywaith ‘te?
Hwyl !
Dysgwr Cymraeg
Love to see them do a Cameron v Millipede debate soon,i bet even if Cameron whips his arse the beeboids would do anything to defend their master.
“if Cameron whips his arse”?#*?
now that s a big if … too far
Cameron is an patronising arrogant moron
if any of these snide Tory fuckwits had any balls at all
they d do their own dirty work, instead of using
Lib Dems as punch bags for their consistent fuck ups,
and I mean for the general populous, as they themselves are busy lining their pockets.
all those years in their self deserved wilderness, and repeat the same disastrous ideas …
I have a deeply unpleasant relative who can be prone violence. I best move to another part of my town or call the police. NO! Hold on…Let me think…I know Ill fly to California and remain there even though I know it breaks the law. Ill go to court five times with legal aid and try to stay at the cost of thousands. Ill get the national TV service not mention anything that might show me and my family, who also came over with me, in a bad light even though we are in California illegally and even say “oh don’t send me back I’m doing my exams” at the cost to the tax payer… No its balls its all a lie I just want to live in California.
U.K to provide ‘Sharia-compliant’ loans for Muslim students.
Will Sharia-compliant BBC-NUJ give its approving ‘report’ on this further Islamisation of U.K?
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Plan for ‘Sharia-compliant’ student loans to get more Muslims into university”
“UK plans Sharia-compliant student loans to get more Muslims into university”
By Robert Spencer.
For Labour Party-supporting BBC-NUJ:
1.) ‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Labour’s union links are at breaking point”
By Dan Hodges.
2.) ‘Independent’-
“Ukip, not Labour, is now Britain’s most working-class party”
By Chris Blackhurst.
Newsnight: trying to convince me that if I pay more taxes and kowtow to the EU we will all be saved from the sand clouds and pollution!
QT is still bashing the same people its getting tired and the bbc still haven’t learned and i hope it gets whats coming to it.
The audience is still biased and when a good question is asked Dimbledum still cuts it off mid sentance.
LBC should do their own version with sky and kill off the QT programe
It’ll be interesting to see if the BBC have the courage (and the integrity) to feature Nigel Farage or any other UKIP party member in the next few weeks – QT last night was a complete snooze-fest; the usual uninteresting, tired, well-worn political cliches we’re all so weary of hearing; all the same old, same old discredited ‘progressive’ mantras that have failed us all so completely for so long.
When will the BBC understand that whenever they have a genuine radical on like Mr Farage the debate springs to life; it becomes edgy, exciting and, dare I say it, actually engaging?
My worry is that now that it’s becoming ever-more obvious (even to the dimwits at the Politburo) that not only does UKIP have a hitherto unanticipated (by them) popularity nationally (across all parties and social classes) but that UKIP also look like trumping every other mainstream party in the coming EU elections in terms of voter intentions, the Bolshevik Brainwashing Corporation might attempt to close down Mr Farage’s exposure on its channels. Can’t have the ‘enemy’ being allowed to exercise a bit of free speech; it might inspire the proles to actually vote for him – and that really would be unacceptable.
Time to censor the debate!
After how well LBC did, that’s a really good suggestion. They have a good chair, and can get a balanced audience. It would be good to hear a wide range of political debates, especially with people I disagree with but who are eloquent.
el Cleggo doesn’t cut the mustard.
The woman feminist Blindle had a laugh at mens willies last night, when referring to the Nige/Clegg debate. Who cares, I cannot imagine any self respecting willie going anywhere near that dyke.
But say if Chubbie Brown was on the panel ( we can only wish ) and made a joke about the female equivalent, can you imagine the feminazi backlash.
Once again this demonstrates the male and in particular the straight male are the only ones who can be abused without any reproach.
Beeboid ears burning?:-
“Annihilation of Nick Clegg a disaster for europhiles”
“The major parties don’t get UKIP, and neither does the BBC”
By Rod Liddle.
‘Newsnight’s coverage of the debate typified your point. Both pundits; “Lord” Danny Finkelstein and the Labour ex-spin-meister both dismissed the debate as little more than an annoying irrelevance, unlikely to alter the course of the Ship of State.’
Ian Katz’ selections of topic, guests and editorial line often intrigue, if luckily being ring-fenced from any serious questioning. It’s not like those who hired him and those he hires are likely to do so as he seems a team player.
For info:-
European Parliament election, 2014 (United Kingdom):
Thursday, 22 May.
Maybe too late, for this OT …
BUT ….
BBC 5Live news goes overboard on Panto Breakfast.
Yep! shilling for Islam … with “mothers against radicalisation” hey!, just a minute, now hold on there N …
isn t this laudible? … these poor mothers etc?
The idea is, sadly as it turns out it is a “victim” propaganda
project …. these “mothers” were horrified at online sites constantly turning youth (into heartless mass murderers?), read … onto “radicalisation, following Islam s mandated instructions … oops!
silly me, I mean “Al Quaida inspired terrorism TM”
They were horrified by …
the passages in the Quran inspiring this madness? …
well, actually no
” all the abuses” in Abu Graib ….
“all that footage of American soldiers shooting innocent civilians” …
“the oppression of the poor Palestinians”
Instead of concerted targeting of
Why? this “youth” have a imperative instilled into them, to rush all over the world murdering instead, of any allegiance to the nation the inhabit.
Why? full integration here, attempting to lead a productive life, is secondary to an absurd fabrication created to hate others, like in Israel
hope it doesn t turn into a “radical mothers” project, considering the carefully selective way they were “horrified”
1hr 26″ (50 sec) …
‘There was “a bit of a perception” that Cornwall was closed for business’
This from the BBC man at the reopening of that coastal railway track.
You’ll know what I’m talking about because you will recall those TV pictures of the damaged line.
Gosh, I wonder how that “bit of a perception” was propagated?
Who was it who revelled in all the doom and gloom?
‘Welcome to our live page, in which we will be updating you with all the developments following overnight storms that have left thousands without power and disrupted transport.’
‘I wonder how that “bit of a perception” was propagated?’
Just one of the many no-lose dodges by our glorious media [cough]
profession[uncough].Stir up a controversy and then ‘report’, ‘critics claim’, ‘sources are saying’, ‘a row has broken out’ on the very thing you have created.
“Closed for business” except for cars, buses & coaches for the hoards rushing to their holiday destination in…March.
BBC reporter also stressed ‘the cost’ of repairs. £15m or was it more? Various big scary figures were bandied about as if to reinforce the constant narrative – if only ‘we’ would do something about the…. weather.
Funny that, considering the BBC’s other central narrative that the more tax money spent on infrastructure (eg HS2) the merrier. This spending apparently invariably comes back as a huge boost to the economy.
Cast your bread upon the water…?
About 8.45 this morning on Radio 4, was an interview with Frederick Forsyth about his coverage of the Biafran War for the BBC. He tells how the BBC encouraged false information. Interviewer quickly pointed out that this was a long time ago and today the BBC does not impose reporting requirements on its correspondents. Whew. I was so relieved to hear that the era of BBC bias and lies has long gone. Or was this interview further proof of what a bunch liars they are?
‘He tells how the BBC encouraged false information. Interviewer quickly pointed out that this was a long time ago and today the BBC does not impose reporting requirements on its correspondents.’
That interviewer seems to have been well briefed. If perhaps not on accuracy. I wonder if that advice came from him/her, or above?
But then, in the BBC world, yesterday was ‘a different time’ when it suits. And tomorrow is another day.
Maybe they need to employ Dr. Who as Head of News so the ethical stance of the moment can be ported to wherever, and whenever required?
Bishop Harries on a delayed Thought for the Day channelled his inner marxist by going to town on lefty French economist Thomas Piketty’s recipe for global ruin. Piketty’s solution to global inequality involves, of course, a global tax on the “rich” to be administered by those wonders of the age politicians and bureaucrats who work tirelessly on
their ownour behalf. As usual, Tim Worstall and commenters defenestrate any justification for Piketty’s “kill the rich” assertions in a few well-chosen words.Odd isn’t it that when economics or politics raise their heads in TFTD it’s, in my listening experience anyway, always from the left and/or is, effectively, a feminist, warmist or gay-activist rant. Is there no cleric or religious layman in the world available who takes a non-“progressive” – even traditionalist – line on economics or the ills of society (or even religion) and could be given 3 minutes in the TFTD sun?
Harries talks this stuff.
Yet only an hour or so later, a Russian on Desert Island Discs is not given the choice to bin the “Complete Works of Shakespeare” in favour of similar from Tolstoy, Pushkin, Chekhov or Dostoevsky instead.
Which would surely be more “culturally sensitive”.
He was an Ex Red Army bloke who would have turned down Solzhenitsyn I imagine…but he ought to have been given the choice to bin the Bard…and not the Bible as-of course-he did!
Another example of the BBC skewering Christianity to oblivion and irrelevance-it`s now routine.
Can`t imagine Richard Harries or Giles, Lucy etc will car though-why not offer them Das Kapital instead of the Bible would be their take on it.
Apparently our Ruskie hates his students unless they`re foreign…why else would he squauk about “border controls” for them-but say nothing about New Labours tuition fees that saddle our kids?
Typical BBC crap-he seemed to levitate frogs and improve the level of pencil marking we can look forward to in forty years!
He can cross out those Bible words then can`t he?
Crapola-whats Russian for that?
Birmingham, Islam and Schools.
Two latest reports from –
1.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
“PM promises swift action to deal with ‘terror school’ plot: Hardline views ‘taught in assembly’, say teachers.
“Government is believed to be investigating 12 schools in Birmingham.
“There are claims male and female pupils were being segregated.
“‘Plot’ said to plan Muslim takeover, though its authenticity is questioned.
“Cameron: ‘It’s not acceptable, we can’t have that happening in our country.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2596510/PM-promises-swift-action-deal-terror-school-plot-Hardline-views-taught-assembly-say-teachers.html#ixzz2xuP8i1lI
2.) BBC-NUJ:-
“Park View School denies promoting extremist views”
By Peter Wilson.
Heard the ludicrous Humphrys equate the “allegation” that a n assembly was used to honour the life of a departed martyr who was from Al Queda; with the usual tosh about Jesus rising from the dead via faith schools like Catholic/CofE.
All the same innit?..indoctrination an` all?
Birminghams Municipal Schools monkey agreed in his way…as such NuLabour apparatchiks would.
And yet, when Todays hackette was allowed into thew school in question: she wasn`t allowed to interview anybody but the governor who`s caused all this-and a housetrained maths teacher…and had to be accompanied by a male at all times!
Oh-and all segregation of the boys from the girls was voluntary…in much the same way as our contributing to Humphrys pension pot is, I assume.
An incurious Humph and Today hackette saw nothing in all of this…Catholics, Protestants…Al Queda…all the same shit innit?
Ok as I stated recently I’ve complained about the BBcs coverage concerning Yashika Bageerathi and her deportation, as it is essentially the same as that for X factor failure Gamu, which I also complained about at the time. However one aspect of the way the reporting was pitched which I didn’t pick up on has now been revealed. Mrs Dave666 was at the Executive office of Superlarge International yesterday when she overheard one of her fellow workers stating “it’s terrible what they are doing to that child”. Thinking this comment was of consequence she went over and engaged the worker conversation. What child? What is the terrible deed being done? Of course it transpired that she was referring to Yashika. Mrs Dave666 pointed out the “child” is in fact an adult and is 19. It turns out that the co-worker thought they were deporting a 14-15 year old. It then dawned on me why they were focusing on the Headteacher and the fellow pupils opposition . I would surmise it was exactly to give this impression.
This site is a rich (sadly) seam of examples of when the BBC considers young people to be children, or adults, depending on the needs of the narrative.
One day a Craig list would be interesting matching the ‘news’ event with the age of supposed victims or perpetrators.
I think it is now a moveable feast, post Savile.
If you`re young at heart-got your fingers on the nub of youth-or self identify as a baby…the BBC think that`s enough!
Presuming that the BBC staff who`ll yet to be found as pestering kiddies will be allowed to serve their time in childrens homes…or is that the Islamist fantasy for Oxford, Bradford, Leeds, Rochdale, Oldham, Blackpool and other northern towns?
Wasn`t Humprhys quicker than usual to tell us all that the BBC no longer leans on its stiffies when it comes to reporting?
After 8.30 today. we had the mighty Freddie( Frederick to you Humph!) Forsyth on to disabuse Humph of his BBC take on the Nigerian war way back.
Freddie resigned/was sacked for not just piping what the BBC and the Foreign Office wanted-Humph could only dream, and fear for his pension pot should this become commonplace!
Humphrys was ill-informed and cliched in all personal and historical details-and Freddie purrred brutally, yet resisted the numerous chances to finish Humphrys career-which I was rooting for.
Still-Forsyth is the real thing-and the fact that Humph had to reassure us all on a couple of occasions that such massaging, fibs and outright lies don`t go on as they once did.
No indeed-Forsyth doesn`t crouch about Kabul in a borrowed burqa to enjoy slam poetry as Lyse Doucett does!
Now then, now then guyz an gals!…over to Harrabin with the EU Smog Index figures…and then YouGov will recalibrate Cleggs recent victory before we go at 9!
The BBC just phone their bilge in-and now, happily; the sluices are backing up!
Popcorn please!
Talking of Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ DOUCET, she now says:-
“Afghans set to defy the Taliban in presidential vote”
“The BBC spoon-feeds pro-European Union, pro-mass immigration, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian and liberal bias, and downplays the danger of Islam and Islamic terrorism, to the nation on an almost 24/7 basis. Worryingly, a large amount of people are naïve enough not to realise that the BBC is not being balanced in its views or reporting”.
World at One just now and the BBC is campaigning to spend more of my money on the railways.
The BBC is bad for my wallet and makes us poorer
The BBC keeps presenting the appointment of Linda Yueh as its Chief Business Correspondent as a coup. But it appears that one can no longer comment on her blog posts!
Why? Well her article from Wednesday only got 14 of which 2 were moderated so it would appear that Linda Yueh is attracting very little public interest. Still I am sure she will find time to post more pictures of herself on twitter.
Her second name sounds like what we say when we`re throwing up doesn`t it?
How apt for a Beeb business hack-wonder if she`ll get round to telling us how many businesses she has successfully run?
I sense that the Chinese and Hong Kong governments send us their duds, knowing that we`ll think they`re bound to be enterprising…always find work at the BBC.
Yueh is probably a North Korean reset in Shenzhen specifically to send our businesses down the portaloo-and the BBC is a prime perch for that.
Islamic jihadist/policeman shouting’ Allahu akbar’ murders woman reporter.
Two reports:-
“Afghan policeman screams “Allahu akbar,” murders AP photographer”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“This was an Afghan policeman — a unit commander named Naqibullah. Ostensibly an exponent of the Karzai regime, America’s ostensible ally. The problem is that there is no reliable way to distinguish ‘moderates’ from Islamic jihadists, and the politically correct U.S. command in Afghanistan makes no attempt to do so, anyway. Such inquiries would be ‘Islamophobic.'”
“Afghan policeman shoots dead AP reporter Niedringhaus”
Beeboids are keen on using British people’s money as ‘foreign aid’, so they will be reluctant to report this:-
“UK opens inquiry into Muslim charity after volunteer poses with jihadis”
shouldn t that be “inquiry into muslim to muslim charity”