Thanks to #88 who draw my attention to the snakelike Andy Burnham….who lives by the motto that in every disaster there is opportunity.
Burnham, he who ducks and dives when questioned about Stafford Hospital, has suddenly found the time to be ‘outraged’ about something…the altering of the Hillsborough Wikipedia page….and the BBC are happy to give him plenty of …er…rope you might call it……..
In fact the BBC joins in with his mad conspiracy theories about this as he suggests it goes all the way to the top.
The BBC presenter asks ‘Given the location of the computer just how damaging do you think this is?’
Talk about a leading question….how damaging to whom exactly? The present government? Why is this damaging to government at all…it’s just some herbert with time on his hand and a grievance…’s not MI5.
Burnham tells us that this is coming from ‘the heart of government….who’d have thought the authorities could stoop so low in their treatment of Hillsborough victims and survivors…sickening and appalling that someone within government could aim this type of abuse at them….and it shows what I have been up against from government and the Establishment…it may have been a rogue individual but perhaps it is more than that….but it shows just how high up those attitudes went!’
The man is barking…the same man who blocked a public inquiry into Stafford Hospital now complains about the ‘Establishment’ conspiring to silence him.
Here’s the BBC giving credence to his madness:
The BBC is employing that old trick of hyping and hyping a very dubious allegation and making loose associations with whomsoever it is targeting, in this case the present government, knowing that mud sticks whatever the final outcome….perhaps it was merely a cleaner in a government office but the BBC, and Burnham, would no doubt be happy if David Cameron is dragged into this in whatever capacity and have his name suddenly mentioned alongside such allegations smearing him however tenuous the link.
Didn’t this start back in 2009?
Must admit I can’t remember the party in Government then but I’m sure the BBC will tell us.
I wouldn’t hold your breath on that one Arthur. To them only good things happened between 1997 and 2010 and if wasn’t for those nasty bankers… etc etc.
And of course evil stalked the country between 1979 and 1997 and has since 2010.
IP addresses are not exactly the most reliable way of tracking a posting either. They have a nasty habit of changing.
Either way this started under Labours watch so is Labours problem – not that we’d ever hear that from the BBC.
Is there anyone in media land still outraged by the Heysel Stadium ‘disaster’? I believe that action left 39 mainly Italian football fans dead.
This greasy twat has been shouting loud about justice for the 96.
He needs to heed the calls for justice for the fuckin 1200
Didn`t the Scousers boo this preening nomark when last he dared to speak for Liverpool at Anfield in 2009?
Is that available in the BBC archives….a Ceausescu moment?
Nah, must have dreamed it-and besides Burnham is no longer the “Government”-but a passionate Scouser seeking truth.
Unless it means he has to go down the M6 to Mid-Staffs where the truth doesn`t allow him to meet Stevie G!
Some of us are still waiting for a guy at the BBC to ask the obvious question: if you’re that enraged, why did it take 12 years for your government to order an investigation?
Burnham always forgets to mention the enquiry set up by Jack Straw, with limited terms of reference ( sound familiar) which was another whitewash and concluded that there was nothing new to add to the original investigation.
LFC and there supporters seem to be looking for the latest enquiry to exonerate them from all responsibility. The disaster needs to be split into pre and post 3-06 pm.
Addressing the post disaster first there has clearly been a cover up by senior police officers and politicians and with a bit of luck some of them will end up in jail. PCs and Sergeants do not alter witness statements unless instructed.
Prior to the incident, the FA, SWFC, The Police, The HSE and Sheffield council all new the stadium did not have a safety certificate.
At the previous two semi finals there had been severe crowd congestion and people being treated for crushing injuries.
The stadium had fences because at the time every major club in he land had a section of supporters who were no better than wild animals as such policing was undertaken on the basis of public safety and not crowd safety.
A gate was opened, in error, to attempt to alleviate crushing outside the ground.
Thousands of fans, arriving late, poured through the gate, a lot without tickets and worse for wear for drink, and crushed and killed 96 fans already inside the ground.
LFC fans are responsible for some of what went on.
It would be nice in all this if Heysel was mentioned from time to time after all there were 39 innocent deaths
Good stuff above.
I`d forgotten the Straw Report…it`s as if Labour were incompetent and uncaring until the Tories came into view in 2010.
Usual surfing off the dead corpses as liberals are inclined to do…unless it`s Aberfan or Mid-Staffs, when the BBC and Labour prefer us all to “seek closure, draw a line under it all and move on”…as in Savile, Baby P and other scandals when Labour allowed them, and tried then to cover up on their culpability.
True Labour…from Aberfan to Mid-Staffs…
Manchester is a city.
Birmingham is a city.
Leeds is a city.
Liverpool is a state of mind.
Pity City.
i have being trying hard to think about making a comment about this serious issue raised on this blog,one word for the smearers of the liverpool 97 and those who want to make politacal capital out of this tradegy,you all scum simple as that.
No-one is smearing the dead – they got into the ground in good time.