235 Responses to MONDAY OPEN THREAD

  1. Barlicker says:

    Yet another example of left wing multicultural double standards:
    In today’s Independent, Alibai-Brown writes “Who is more dangerous – rabble-rouser Nigel Farrage? Or ape-man Clarkson?” Imagine the ‘offense and outrage’ that would be whipped up by the BBC and the rest of the liberal/left establishment if Clarkson had referred to Alibai-Brown as an ape-woman.



    • Charlatans says:

      See below this Independent article for comments – some really got it right, like this one:

      It is such a shame that this woman is getting paid to label a BBC presenter an ‘ape-man’ and a politician currently backed in the polls by one in three of the electorate as ‘dangerous – rabble-rouser’. It is so unfortunate that such influence she has is not more usefully directed at the more serious problems of the primates sharing her religion in this country, eg: stop female genital mutilation, grooming children for sex, radicalization of muslims going to Syria to kill people, other muslims attempting to subvert teaching in British schools etc.


    • An English Gentleman says:

      I totally agree – that Alibai Brown woman is awful and talentless and everytime I hear her speak or read her articles I realise that she hasn’t got a clue what she is talking about. Furthermore, she always has an opinion (always left wing) on everything.

      What makes it worse is she isn’t even crumpet!


      • Llareggub says:

        Maybe she has an excuse for her racist language, they say FGM has lasting effects on the victims


      • Thoughtful says:

        She’s certainly an anti white racist, some of the things she has come out with would have seen a white person sent to prison in this benighted country.


      • Hexhamgeezer says:

        What lucky folk AB and Abbott are. Without their pigmentation they would languish in well deserved obscurity.


    • Rob says:

      I hear they don’t show Top Gear in Uganda maybe she would like to return there


    • Invicta 1066 says:

      When she first started writing, YAB would complain about her racist father who when still in Uganda would run down the native Ugandans, use racist language and forbid her from fraternizing with them.
      I can also recall her describing the racist sniggering and mouthing ‘monkeys’ on her table of Asians whenever a black person went up for an award at one of those multi-ethnic award ceremonies.
      She has become her father, unfortunately, unlike Uganda, we cannot kick out those who despise us.


      • ROBERT BROWN says:

        She does not hear these criticisms because she has her arse cheeks clamped firmly to her ears. For the hard to comprehend, she has her head stuck firmly up her arse…….


    • George R says:

      Yes. Imagine the Beeboid political reaction if a white person were, e.g., to call South Africa’s Zuma ‘an ape-man’.


  2. Rob says:

    Channel 5 was having a go at UKIP last week saying it was not a serious political party if it accepted a ‘sizeable’ (£5000) donation from a person who said Lenny Henry should emigrate to a black country. Apparently if you want to become a serious political party here is what you must do:

    1. Cheat the taxpayer on an industrial scale
    2. Support paedophile groups
    3. Campaign for the release of Muslim Terrorists
    4. Offer your services as a bare bottom smacker to the local authority
    5. Support and try to cover up item 4

    I could go on but I have to go out.

    As it’s a quiet news day, I’ll leave you with some ‘news fillers’

    Stephen Lawrence
    Climate Change AKA Global Warming
    Bloody Sunday


    • Paddytoplad says:

      All the above quite correct apart from the channel

      I think you meant channel 4
      5 is one of the only channels with a reasonably balanced view.
      4 is just an extension of the beeb


    • Flexdream says:

      Yes, and C4 had a pathetic interview by exBeeboid Matt Frei pitched against UKIP’s Neil Hamilton.


      • John Anderson says:

        If that is not a hatchet job by Crick I am blind and deaf.

        How low will these “journalists” crawl ?


      • Chilli says:

        I thought Hamilton did well and laid CH4’s agenda bare if it wasn’t already obvious to viewers.


    • Flexdream says:

      interview is at 11m 20s in


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        I have to admire the guts of the UKIP interviewees, whether it’s Farage or Hamilton, in having the nous to ridicule such obviously stupid lines of questioning.
        Hamiltons repeated ‘so what’ totally flummoxed matt whatever his name is.
        You could see the desperation on Frei’s physog as he failed to land a glove on an inceasingly defiant Hamilton.
        Time to stick it to these smug self-appointed guardians of our opinions….fuck ’em.
        There, I feel so much better for having watched that.
        Whatever schools of journalism they attended, they had terrible advice on upping the aggression after each failed question.


  3. Old Goat says:

    A bit off topic, but some of you may recall that I posted a copy of a complaint that I sent to Channel 4 news, after their disgraceful item on the Greek donor to UKIP, last week. I received this reply from Channel 4, which as you can see, is rather along the lines of a typical BBC reply:

    Dear Mr Old Goat,

    Thank you for taking the time to contact us regarding CHANNEL 4 NEWS.

    We were sorry to read your criticism around the Ukip reportage and, having spoken to Channel 4 News, they respond as follows:

    This was a robust and challenging interview with a key donor to Ukip, conducted by the very experienced independent and impartial journalist Michael Crick. Whilst the views reported may be considered unpalatable by some it remains Channel 4 News job to be duly impartial and shine a light on such controversial thinking, particularly when someone is a key contributor to a political party in the UK.

    Channel 4 News strives to always be a fair and impartial broadcaster committed to providing independent and in-depth political coverage and we are sorry to read that you feel these reports did not do justice to our normal high standards. We appreciate you taking the time to write in with your comments and for your continued interest in our news output.

    Thank you again for taking the time to contact us. We appreciate all feedback from our viewers; complimentary or otherwise.


    Sam Bradford
    Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries

    Which incensed me a whole lot more, so I replied:

    Michael Crick “independent” and “impartial”? Who are you kidding? The only unpalatable thing is the biased way in which Channel 4 “reports” and delivers its news. The “controversial thinking” is purely on the part of Channel 4, and their standards are far from being “high”. That news item, the reportage, and the delivery was a disgrace, and I’m sure Channel 4 know that, judging by the bad press they have received over it.

    Just the sort of mealy-mouthed response I expected.

    Thank you.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      At least they didn’t pretend to put you on a non-existent audience log.

      And yes, I had to laugh at the “independent and impartial journalist Michael Crick”. Trying to convince themselves?


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Allow me to paraphrase:
      Fuck off we’ll do as we like. Up your plebs.


    • Rob says:

      Michael Crick’s impartial? I see the spirit of Dr Goebbels is alive and well in Channel 4. Tell the big lie often enough…


  4. Charlatans says:

    Picked up this gem on Order-Order:


    Why would one ever trust Labour again? Highlights which mirror my views:

    Labour collected £5 trillion in taxes and borrowed half a trillion more.
    Labour more than doubled the national debt to over £1 trillion.
    Labour left the UK with the highest budget deficit in the world barring Greece and Ireland.
    Labour increased UK public spending over 1997-2010 faster than any country on earth.
    In 1997 Britain was ranked 22nd in the world for public spending as a percentage of national output; by 2010 it was up to sixth.
    The annual welfare bill doubled to £186 billion at a cost of £6,400 a year for the average worker.
    Immigration soared. Total net migration under the Conservatives from 1979 to 1997 was 265,000; under Labour is was ten times bigger – 2.5 million
    But despite this spending boom (in fact because of this spending boom), things only got worse:

    Unemployment increased by 444,000.
    Public sector productivity fell nearly 4 per cent.
    Value for money in the public sector fell 13 per cent (nearly 25 per cent in education).
    2.5 million jobs were created under Labour of which 1.9 million went to foreigners.
    Unemployment among young people rose by 285,000.
    One in five young people were left without a job.
    More than five million people of working age lived in workless households.
    Numbers in poverty rose by nearly 400,000 and numbers in severe poverty rose by nearly 800,000.


    • chrisH says:

      A reference guide tour de force we`ll all be needing to bookmark…the Conservative women site clearly doing the job that their useless blokes in office are too wimpish to do.


      • Charlatans says:

        Could not agree more. With ammo like that in your armory, it is incredible that the Tories are unable to get their message home and go on to score so many home goals.
        UKIP and Conservatives the dream alliance for 2015, (tactical voting and all that it is surely possible).


        • chrisH says:

          Yes, I too hope that there`ll be a pact of convenience whereby sound Tories are unopposed by UKIP, but the likes of Ken Clarke or Anna Soubry get removed with a split vote.
          Only the liberal elite will want other.


        • #88 says:

          ‘…it is incredible that the Tories are unable to get their message home…’

          Not incredible at all when you think that it is the BBC who decide what gets and doesn’t gets reported to 80% of the British population


    • Thoughtful says:

      The trouble is that you are comparing a Labour government with a Tory party which no longer exists. Would that it did, with Thatchers meritocratic stance on taxation that Dhimmi Dave positively opposes.

      We now have a situation where those who work hard are taxed to death so that those with money are able to keep it and pass it on to undeserving relations tax free.
      While most of us have comparatively modest estates the vast amounts being given away here mean that even more of the tax burden has to fall onto the workers.

      Vote Labour or Tory – doesn’t matter both of them are as bad as each other.


  5. George R says:

    BBC-NUJ ignores: Black Racism and South Africa’s ANC.

    ‘Telegraph’ (£)-

    “South Africa election:
    Jacob Zuma promises more opportunities for non-whites.
    “Jacob Zuma delivers dramatic campaign pledges ahead of South Africa election but his personal popularity takes a further knock as spectators leave during his speech.”

    By Aislinn Laing.



  6. Thoughtful says:

    Shock horror, the ‘cost of living crisis has meant that middle class people don’t have enough to buy at the farmers markets and 50 of them have closed.
    Cue lots of people telling us that the recession is still on going and nothing is picking up despite the statistics.


    • chrisH says:

      No doubt You and Yours will soon be reporting on the closures of food banks, come that day.
      Oh the humanity-jobs culled, no kumquats!
      Ain`t no pleasing you BBC goblins is there Winnie?
      (With hat tip to Chas and Dave, as yet NOT played on the Good Rebellion Show currently on 6Music!0
      They only lived it, and sang it for a good hard-earned living…hardly Dick and Dom now were they. let alone Pussy Riot!)
      Gertcha Beeboids!


    • GCooper says:

      I heard that too, flicking the radio on while making a cup of tea to hear this twaddle on BBC 4 -presumably it was Teatime With Karl (aka The Food Programme)? Only the BBC could turn a once occasionally interesting programme about food into agitprop!

      The obvious explanation for why farmers’ markets are failing is because so many people have discovered that A/ The ‘organic’ movement bases its ideas on nonsense, B/ ‘artisan’ foods are frequently overpriced and often unpalatable and C/ shoppers have learned the hard way that simply because something is locally produced does not make it good.


  7. chrisH says:

    I dare any of you to get over to Radio6 Music.
    Some BBC3 prat called Jolyon Rubinstein is playing his list of rebel music…Marley, Clash, Who-yes folks, all the cliches.
    This gonk proudly boasts of “sticking it to the Man”-yes folks, Iraq demo and giving George Osborne a maths textbook for his telly show is MORE than we the people deserve.
    F888 me!…he`s lauding Tony Benn now, dedicating “Fight the Power” to his memory…bless.
    Yes-Lord Stansgate sure did that…and in a way that the BBC seem to like.
    Dunno about you-but I`m prepared to burn my croissant, and follow Jolyon to the barricades…a true BBC rebel!
    We`re paying for this crap-he`s already had a shout out to public sector workers and nurses…so up yours if you actually have to earn your OWN living, and not pimp off the taxpayer as Jolyon likes to.
    Ye Gods…scary when you`re thinking that we`re in a golden age with Bacon, Campbell and Vine-compared to what`s coming from Jolyon, who likes to move it by all accounts.
    Still-he did say that there`s a bit a child in all of us…have the BBC not told him about what this might mean after the Savile Enquiries!
    Russell Brand is a colossus compared to this lot-and he`s as thick as Jo Brands panini!


    • uncle bup says:

      I didn’t hear the context – maybe the trolls will enlighten me – but I certainly heard Booooooooooom Bacon say today…

      ‘…the speeches of Shakespeare, Churchill, and Obama’.

      Hmm, can anyone spot the odd one out there.

      (droids need not apply)


      • John Anderson says:

        You’ve gotta be kidding ! That is beyond parody


        • Milverton says:

          I assure you Bacon did indeed say exactly that.

          I know because it took me five minutes to mop up the mouthful of coffee I spat over the radio in astonishment.


          • Ken says:

            Has Obama actually ever written a speech himself, since be became President?


    • Dave the rave says:

      I smiled when plan b and miss dynamites little bruv Akala was played.. fight the power indeed.

      Jolyon really enjoyed the sound of his own voice


  8. DJ says:

    Not appearing at the BBC any time soon: an taxpayer funded effort to smear UKIP


    Meanwhile, 847 references a day to America’s ‘Gun Lobby’ and Big Oil.


    • The BBC must be broken up says:

      The BBC does, I’m sure, have a policy of attacking UKIP. On the TV News this morning (6th May) ‘from the South’ (of where I wonder – they never mention England, but I digress) there was a piece about a UKIP member in Basingstoke I think it was, who had posted on Twitter I imagine, something about the women there being ‘plug ugly’. There was something about a knife as well. This was quoted and they had even sent some reporter to show it to people in the street and to ask what they thought – guess which opinions they chose to broadcast. These people would not have known about it otherwise, and it is hardly newsworthy in itself, except as fodder for the BBC’s anti-UKIP campaign.


      • Stewart says:

        Excellent peice here
        ’ Yet despite the efforts of a small army of courageous investigative journalists, endlessly trawling social media for quotable UKIP faux pas, these fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists are still doing well in the polls.’


        • Ken says:

          That is a very good article.

          My take on why the propaganda war against UKIP is failing?

          Simply it is because, regardless of what some fruitcakes sprawl on twitter, the fact remains that the only way to vote for a party which will support, represent and serve the people of Britain, instead of the corrupt foriegn corporatists’ interests, is to vote UKIP.


  9. Alex says:

    ‘Militant’? No, terrorist!



  10. chrisH says:

    34 years to the day when the SAS stormed the Iranian Embassy.
    Thorburn was leading Higgins at the time.
    The SAS did tell Mrs Thatcher afterwards that they thought she`d not let them act like this…but she did.
    Hell-even Willie Whitelaw(who`d been a decent brave soldier in WW2) had the backbone and steel to enable this to occur.
    No doubt it put Islams rise back ten years in this country , because the Iraqi Sunni stooges now found that they could not d888 around, even in the Embassy of the awful Ayatollah.
    That rule of law thing.
    34 years ago today-and only the snooker lads have retained dignity and backbones.
    Imagine ANY of the political class today allowing the SAS in to do some good on our home turf against Islam?
    Every Government needs a Willie doesn`t seem so funny any more…we took them all for granted…hell, I`d settle for a spinal nerve or a neural tube from out media and political elite these days.
    It`s Nigel or bust now eh?


    • chrisH says:

      No anniversary commemoration of this of course-Thatcher and all.
      But there`ll be nothing on Lee Rigby either at the end of the month…the two events show up how low we`ve come as a nation.


    • Rob says:

      Should be commemorated. How often do you see terrorists getting slotted on the streets of England? Now its ‘do you want sparkling or still mineral water with your KFC’ whilst holding hostages


  11. Reed says:

    That ‘N’ word is apparently OK at the BBC if deployed by an edgy, lefty ‘artist’ with a visceral hatred of Thatcher and the Tories…

    With the furore escalating over Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson’s alleged use of the N-word, the BBC is now being accused of double standards.

    It transpires that the song Oliver’s Army, by Elvis Costello, still features on the playlist at Radios 2 and 6, as well as 40 local BBC stations.

    On Oliver’s Army, which has been broadcast in full ‘thousands’ of times since it was released in 1979, Costello sings ‘One more widow, one less white n****r’.



    • Richard Pinder says:

      I knew a white n****r in the 1980‘s, he was an albino.

      Maybe the BBC thinks that its OK to be racist against albinos of African heritage.


      • NotaSheep says:

        I’m a huge fan of Yellowman, no really I am.


        • feargal the cat says:

          The Mongolians call us yellow people, I suppose because we’re generally not as weather beaten as they are.


    • Geoff says:

      To a lesser degree the clean version of Cee Lo Green’s Forget You (Fuck You) has the lyric ‘Oh sh… she’s a gold digger just thought you should know ni….” the end of the ‘n’ word is muted (as was Clarksons effort) but what else rhymes with digger and begins with n? Regardless its a Radio 2 staple. But as its a black guy that sings it thats ok!

      The full album version has the lyric intact.


    • Barlicker says:

      Is it “racist” yet to say that I’m reading ‘Nigger of the Narcissus’ (sorry, Nigger of the N********s?) one of Joseph Conrad’s finest novels ?


    • Dave666 says:

      As stated last week It’s been on BBc 3 several times recently. I’m absolutely positive it has not always had the N word censored every time as well.


    • Chilli says:

      Chris Rock on when white people can say nigger:


  12. Doyle says:

    I was watching Pointless Celebrities t’other day and the subject was countries with a low population density (i.e. Mongolia) and one of the contestants said The Falkland Islands … and I paraphrase this, Richard Osman said something about it being disputed and left it at that. Oy, it’s fucking well OURS, it’s only disputed in the fucking basket case next door.


  13. will says:

    WILDLIFE presenter Chris Packham is a busy boy. Searching Google News tells us he has been making national news headlines in his fight against the killing of migratory birds in Malta. He is also joining animal rights “activists” in seeking to pressure Air France into ceasing transporting primates to Europe for drug testing. From the TV report it is more to do with the treatment of the monkeys in Bongo Bongo Land than their business class transport or Pharma lab conditions.
    The “activists” know that animals are not required for this purpose. Makes one wonder why Big Pharma is wasting money on transporting the creatures. Still ban, ban ban, it’s the Beeboids reflex response


    • Rob says:

      Chris Packham no doubt appearing on that dreadful The One Show very soon, he’s never off it. I can’t stand the guy, he’s on practically every wildlife programme the BBC produce.

      Slightly off topic. I was dumbfounded to hear Dan Snow son of Peter Snow talk about nepotism and it’s not what you know but who you know which got you a job in the East India Company. Same for the BBC eh Dan?


  14. George R says:


    By James Delingpole.



    • Llareggub says:

      As a toddler in Wales, living under Atlee’s socialism, parents and children were frequently bullied by doctors and district nurses who made regular home visits and criticised our working class diets and lifestyles. A bit like the current BBC medical experts. We never knew the chant cited or mumbled by Clarkson. But I think our version said something about medical surveillance:

      ‘Eeeny meeny miny mo,
      Put the baby on the po,
      When he is finished wipe his bum,
      And show the doctor what he’s done’.


  15. Charlatans says:

    Revenge is sweet. If you got a spare hour, this Youtube from convicted Peado Johnathon Miller, reckons he was originally set up for his conviction by Max Clifford – this last week has been as sweet as honey for Johnathon Miller:

    Saville and his BBC handlers get a mention around 39 mins 19 secs in.


  16. John Anderson says:

    I don’t suppose the BBC will be focussing on this report that our great ally Pakistan appears to have been thwarted in plans to attack Israeli and US consulates in India.



  17. ActionNow says:

    Let’s see more action like this on the ground.


    Thanks for your continued support on this forum


    • uncle bup says:

      Sure, mate, just post your address and I’ll trot round and paint your door up for you.

      Maybe bust a few windows as well.


    • Rtd Colonel says:

      What was your last assignment EU Agent Provocateur in the Ukraine or you still learning your trade? Very crude attempt to paint this website as something it isn’t and I question the legality as seems to be inciting violence and will be reported as such – hope your IP address is well hidden.


      • Rtd Colonel says:

        This and the post above by UB were posted to a blatant false flag offensive post last night which has been removed


        • John Anderson says:

          well done


        • Demon says:

          And I thought uncle bup’s post was a sarcastic take on the UAF-BBC types attitudes. As that I thought he nailed their propensity to violence and banning of free speech and independent thought very well.


          • Rtd Colonel says:

            Agree entirely especially if you saw the original link and especially loved the weasel words of the droid thanking people on this site for the continuing support plus his 3 likes – find it hard to believe he has 2 mates!


            • chrisH says:

              I believe Michael Rosen has opened an ear for us all to complain about false flag abuse and trolls(Word of Mouth 4.00 6/5/14 Radio 4).
              Feel free to send him your hurts and sadnesses in a suitably converted Freepost envelope.


  18. noggin says:

    Nigeria: 329 schoolgirls abducted by Islamic jihadis
    raped 15 times daily, forced to convert to Islam.


    On the BBC apparently to be sold into slavery,
    yep! that is still going on with Islam …
    so its not “ole colonial whitey”.
    This means the BBC is headscratching, and dumbfounded why? … WHY!?
    … because it is still going on with Islam.

    BBC … social media campaign ?

    Is this clear enough
    ‘God instructed me’ Abubakar Shekau said “the girls should not have been in school in the first place, but rather should get married.
    “God instructed me to sell them, they are his properties and I will carry out his instructions,”

    Protest organiser detained – Meanwhile, a woman who helped organise protests over the abduction was detained and later released. Naomi Mutah was taken to a police station after a meeting called by First Lady Patience Jonathan.

    Will the BBC have an inkling now?
    N Campbell have an emergency “Your Call”
    over the shocking truth of Islamic slavery, and organised Islamic child gang rape? … mandated by Allah!

    Hmmm child gang rape?, by Muslims? ring any bells in Rochdale, Bolton, Oxford or Derby or Nottingham?
    could the BBC? … put 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 together?


    • Thatcher Revolutionary says:

      Why are none of these BBC staff tweeting their outrage over this from the King’s Road latte bars?


  19. George R says:

    Abu Dhabi, Manchester City F.C, and Islamic punishment of stoning a woman to death for adultery.

    INBBC does NOT report:


    “Sharia Abu Dhabi: Asian housemaid sentenced to be stoned to death for adultery”


    But INBBC DOES report:


    “Middlesbrough fans guilty of tearing pages from the Koran during away match”



    • Mark says:

      How do the Labour-voting Ci-teh fans feel about this, when their club is being bankrolled by the Shiekh of Abu Dhabi ?


    • Mark says:

      I wonder what all those Labour-voting Ci-teh fans have to say about this. As long as oil money from Sheik Mansoor of Abu Dhabi is bankrolling their club and buying them success, they’re keeping shtum.


  20. dave1east says:

    any idea why the bbc wants to give space and credence to Benjamin zephania http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/zxcbb9q

    no? well, have a look at his wiki entry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Zephaniah

    in the name of balance, can someone list the right wing nutters that the bbc treats with the same reverence and adulation?


    • Joshaw says:

      Yes, the esteemed poet, playwright and author said:

      “Me? I thought, OBE me? Up yours, I thought. I get angry when I hear that word ’empire’; it reminds me of slavery, it reminds of thousands of years of brutality, it reminds me of how my foremothers were raped and my forefathers brutalised…Benjamin Zephaniah OBE – no way Mr Blair, no way Mrs Queen. I am profoundly anti-empire.”

      Thick f*ck.


      • Mat says:

        Funny never stopped him taking the empires filthy money though has it ?


      • ROBERT BROWN says:

        Er….how many mothers and fathers did you have Benj? How do you know their fates? Thousands of years? The ‘Empire’ as it was known, was short-lived really, starting, i guess, from sometime in the C18 and ending around the time of Suez, 1956? I’m sure someone will fill me in…..BZ a thick f*ck?…..i’ll say so.


  21. George R says:

    U.S. take-over of Channel 5 (and ‘Daily Express’)?

    One might think that Beeboids would be up to speed on this, but no:-

    “Daily Express could be sold in wake of Channel 5 deal, says Richard Desmond.
    “Viacom’s £450m purchase of broadcaster leads the publisher to say he would consider bids for his print portfolio.”

    By John Reynolds.


    Now if this were a News International take-over, and not one by Viacom conglomerate, Beeboids would be all over it.


  22. spooky says:

    BBC Midlands Today tonight, mentions how the Green Party hopes to win votes by opposing HS2. Fair enough except only pro-Green Party voices heard. No mention of the Greens pro-EU, warmist, socialist agenda. Now if only UKIP got such uncritical coverage on BBC….


    • Lobster says:

      That’s odd, I thought UKIP opposed it as well. I wonder if that was mentioned?


    • John Anderson says:

      I just got my Green leaflet for the MEP elections. Green on the outside – Red on the inside ! Lots of leftie twaddle.


      • BBC Love a Labour Luvvie says:

        Does it have a free post address on it? If so post it back to them so it costs (wastes) them money. I got this idea from a rant on a left-winger’s blog (that Daily Mail hate site) where they urged their Labour members to post back all the received UKIP literature to the UKIP Free post address. Wouldn’t be surprised if that hate site may even behind this piece of shit throwing….
        Posting excrement to UKIP


        • Dave666 says:

          Standard tactic. I’ve used it for years. Especially annoying with annoying credit card companies who send me applications for cards I don’t want but very helpfully enclose a freepost envelope.


      • #88 says:

        Green on the outside – (deepest) red on the inside?



  23. OldBloke says:

    The *Unbelievable Truth* programme tonight on Radio 4 “comedy slot” was a mixed bag. I’ve come to expect the lefty jokes and Sarah Palin got it first. Then one of the panel made a satirical comment about the programme being Lefty but then to add to the hypocrisy of that comment, the host then stated that BBC Radio 4 was all about the ideology of “Liberal Democracy”. To think that some come on here and say that the BBC is not biased. Well, if that is you reading this, have a listen to the programme that was on tonight and come onto this forum and tell me and everyone else, otherwise!


    • John Anderson says:

      I seldom listen to Radio 4 “comedy” any more. It ain’t funny.

      What annoys me is that they repeat these jevenile programmes on Radio 4 Extra (Radio 7 as was) I fled there as a haven from PC Radio 4, to listen to classic comedy and drama, but it is now constantly polluted by repeats of the BBC’s current leftie unfunny comedy, with a lot of hosting between programmes by Arfa Smiff as icing on the cake.

      So you can have a run of Dad’s Army and suchlike as amusing background listening – but it is permeated every day by lots of leftie trash.

      I can run, but I can’t hide !

      And the repeat fees are all adding to the amount we pay these boring lefties.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Dave Allen had a big thing about repeats and wouldn’t allow his shows to be repeated more than a set amount of times and with a stipulated time between repeats. A shame other acts aren’t so principled.


  24. Arthur Penney says:

    The latest smearing of UKIP funnily enough is NOT on the BBC website.


    • John Anderson says:

      Where I live, people have been hacking into Facebook and Twitter accounts of UKIP members. As well as defacing UKIP posters with the F-word. Charming ! But I hope it all flashes back on them


  25. Flexdream says:

    BBC news agenda at work. News website home page top story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/..
    “Cuts ‘hitting mental health patients’ ” …. and you thought the Coalition government had protected health spending? Its the ‘Tory cutz innit'(c) ?


  26. Alex says:

    Those terrible cuts, again…. This was happening under the last government but the BBC don’t care about that:



  27. Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

    Aljabeeba breakfast wakes up reluctantly to the kidnap of hundreds of girls by islamic savages in Nigeria.
    They bring on Bonnie Greer ( who she?) for a such valued opinion. Such opinion so valued they insert it into later mentions in their headlines.
    And this perceived wisdom? Bonnie informs us this kidnap happened 3 weeks ago, but she only heard about it a week ago.
    Errr…..say that again?
    Well, actually they did say it again, that was the part they inserted into later headlines.
    Any credence given to the fact that the lib-dumb-left media have censored out any news until forced to acknowledge it? Nope, great big elephant once again.
    And I’m supposed to pay attention to ill informed idiots?


    • Merched Becca says:

      It appears that this site broadcasts the headline news much quicker than the INBBC


      • noggin says:

        “she only heard about it a week ago”
        sheesh! … must be listening to the BBC
        (always, the very last if they consider it
        ahem …. “sensitive”, and thus their right to censor the “news”).
        The outrage globally about
        A- The enslavement of these children by Islamic Jihadi s, mandated by Islam
        B- The gang rape of these children by the same, mandated by Islam
        C- The deliberate “feet dragging” by that countries government., (sounds like Rochdale, or Bolton, or Derby, or Oxford etc).

        I noted yesterday, should be shotgun debate about the factual real reason for this, “Your Call” 5live, Radio 2, Toady, Newsnight

        … with that in mind 5Live N,(interesting hair) Campbell, this morning, the debate …
        … are “immigrants” welcomed enough here?
        cue only “immigrant” callers, no wider expansion of the question allowed,
        re – if not … the possible reasons why not
        ………………………. off switch …………………………….


        • Ember2014 says:

          Kirsty Wark is presenting a TV series about sexism online. Maybe they could conclude that it is western misogyny causing groups, such as Boko Haram, to act so beastly towards young women?


          • chrisH says:

            And-true to form-no effort by Womans Hour to look into what is happening to these girls in Nigeria.
            Has Boko Haram put out a statement saying what their nuanced negotiating position is on gay marriage, abortion and divorce, drug legalising or UKIPs racism?
            Until they do..the BBC won`t want to know will they…nor does Womans Hour…for these ” detained students” are not women in the true sense, even by African standards.
            Not likely to become them either…but as long as Jane Austen is on the currency somewhere, then let the trading of the girls begin…
            The BBC…condoning evil now since 1979…


    • Stewart says:

      Even the guardian has noticed ( though I note comments are closed)


  28. noggin says:

    “I thought that Britain was a bit too anxious to appease its increasingly aggressive and demanding Muslim minority. When British Prime Minister David Cameron said,
    “I want London to stand alongside Dubai as one of the great capitals of Islamic finance anywhere in the world,” Britain’s surrender to Sharia became an even more pressing concern, as Cameron will discover that Sharia finance cannot be separated from the rest of Islamic law any more than he could separate a bowl of blood pudding into its constituent parts.
    But this past week came five signs that Britain is going to capitulate entirely to Sharia – or else descend into chaos and civil conflict — even sooner than most observers think.”


    only 5? … PM. D Camerimam must consult Warsi, T Ramadan much more often


    • noggin says:

      does the BBC put 2 and 2 together, over all of these issues and the many other glaring examples?
      does PM. D Camoron?, does the wider media?


  29. JimS says:

    Jeremy Vine enthusiastically embraces the prediction that ‘ethnic minorities’ will be 30% by 2050.
    He has on a guest who uses the term ‘black’ that Vine says isn’t liked by Americans as they are ‘African-Americans’ now regardless. Funny that as I thought the term ‘black’ was imported from the US anyway. His guest also seems to like the term ‘mixed heritage’ (the goal posts keep moving!). He bemoans the fact that he is in a minority of minorities in Cornwall and doctors and hairdressers don’t understand his needs, (but we are all the same!). Now that might be an excellent reason for everyone staying ‘home’ but I think the case was being argued for more ‘minorities’ outside of the divided cities.
    Generously the guest allowed people to hold the view that immigration was ‘bad’ but clearly what was needed was a ‘mature discussion’, i.e. “I’m right and your wrong”.


  30. Dave s says:

    Driving last night I listened to the increasingly bizarre and confused R4.
    An item about whether intelligence is genetic and whether some of us are born smart and some less smart.
    This of course is a subject the liberal elite cannot handle. It is an either or matter. True or false .So the case for was made with extreme caution.
    In the end the consensus was that if intelligence was inherited then it was best to ignore this reality.
    The usual liberal flight from reality in action.
    The second item concerned the tragic deaths of illegal emigrants from Mexico in the desert. Yes it is sad but it is unwise to attempt to cross those deserts illegally.
    The definitive BBC position is one of unrealistic empathy. If only the USA opened it’s borders to anyone then this would not happen.
    Does a liberal have the slightest notion of what reality is anymore?
    This flight from reality is why the West is now so confused ,so unable to act and so likely to go down in confusion and decay. The liberal domination of the media, academia and politics has produced a society that is quite unfitted to face the 21st century. I am sure this is not lost on the rest of the world.


  31. jpt says:


    Reported without question.


    • John Anderson says:

      The report was the banner headline on the front of the Sun today – I don’t think they mentioned the Sun on the Today programme.

      They story looks like great news for the UKIP campaign – is that why the BBC appears to be downplaying it ?

      Or is Mark Easton still trying to think of a spurious rebuttal of plain facts we can see all around us – especially in the schools? In my leafy outer suburb of London, there is acute pressure on school places, panic building of new classrooms and schools, a huge increase in interpreters – and already Ofsted are marking down schools that previously had a good record. Lord knows what it is like in inner London boroughs.


    • John Anderson says:

      McGrath goes from strength to strength.


    • OldBloke says:

      “There have been episodes of temperatures in urban areas that are amplified by the heat island effect, where it just never recovers over the night and that dramatically affects humans,” said Prof Yohe.

      “It’s impossible for the night to cool the earth.”

      Not Co2 then, but concrete and tarmac? Sheesh!


  32. George R says:

    BBC-NUJ seems to confine its reporting of this to its newpaper review today.

    ‘Daily Mail’-

    “Ethnic minorities ‘will make up one third of the population by 2050’ as Britain’s melting pot continues to grow.
    “One in four children under ten is already from a minority group.
    “Over next few decades the proportion will soar, Policy Exchange says.
    “Currently 14 per cent of the UK population are from ethnic minorities.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2620957/Ethnic-minorities-make-one-population-2050-Britains-melting-pot-continues-grow.html#ixzz30wMxyur8


    • Dave s says:

      The BBC/liberal mafia cannot handle this in any realistic way.
      In reality what is happening is population replacement. The indigenous English are being replaced by others.
      Demographics is destiny and this is a reality that nobody can spin away.
      This is what the elite wanted. Change the people change the culture.
      There remain a few questions.
      We , the indigenous like all threatened indigenous peoples throughout history would like to know why?
      What really was so awful about old England that the liberal elite could not bear to let it be?
      What drove these people to do this? Money? Power?
      Hatred ? What ?
      Wisdom is not something Western liberals possess. Always in thrall to some ism or other they are unable to understand reality and the human condition.
      What they have given us, the indigenous and the incomers is a future that nobody can forsee and that future is uncertain. The smooth flow of the generations that was once the strength of old England has been shattered. There is very little precedent in history for a situation like this turning out well . In fact I cannot find one. .
      I hope they are ashamed of themselves.


      • Geoff says:

        My father died just prior to Blair becoming PM. He would find the country unrecognisable today, just 18 years on.

        Of that generation, one would have to be at least 87 today to have seen service in WW2, the last to have a collective common aim. As that generation quickly fades so does Britain, replaced by Marxist brainwashed morons who are happy to standby, capitulate and eventually have the rug pulled from under their feet.

        Those of us who are ‘awake’ and can see what is happening are bound to near silence, forever fearful of the thought police (see the establishment attacks on Farage & Clarkson).

        Maybe my father thought it was all worth it, today I’m not so sure for what he and his generation fought to protect, our post war politicians have given away by stealth. No one over the age of 57 has ever had the opportunity of any form of recourse, even back then they were lied to….


      • chrisH says:

        The BBC reperted this story re BMEs as being a political issue in that those who want their voted might want to target their efforts at key demographic segments, and not simply treat them all as one blob of minority.
        Er…I find that most of us already know the segment that are going to give us hell, who are reproducing even faster that other favoured BME groups…and , it is fair to say are NOT ignored or treated as one group, indistinguishable from all the others.
        No folks…Islam is now past any stage where they could plead we`re not sensitive to their grievances…in fact nearly all the courts, schools, hospitals, courts and media do nothing else but kowtow to Muhammad and his goon squad.


  33. Thoughtful says:

    Seeing a cheap holiday deal in Kenya I was shocked to see the travel advice from the foreign and commonwealth office. It’s a very matter of fact type of report and doesn’t mention that the perps are of course the ‘religion of peace’ but just have a read of this truly shocking advice and see just how much the biased BBC has been withholding from you, and consider whether you’d like to holiday here, no matter how cheap, before and after reading it.

    Of course the other issue is that by with holding this information the BBC is deliberately putting people in harms way.

    “The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all but essential travel to areas within 60km of the Kenya-Somali border; to Kiwayu and coastal areas north of Pate Island; to Garissa District; to the Eastleigh area of Nairobi; and to low income areas of Nairobi, including all township or slum areas. See Terrorism and Local travel.

    There is a high threat from terrorism, including kidnapping.

    On 4 May two explosive devices were detonated on buses travelling out of Nairobi. There was at least one fatality and many injuries

    On 3 May there were twin explosions in Mombasa resulting in a number of fatalities.

    On 23 April a car bomb exploded outside Pangani police station in the Eastleigh suburb of Nairobi. A number of fatalities have been reported.

    The death on 1 April of a prominent cleric in Mombasa has led to unrest and increased tension in the area. There is a possibility of further disturbances in the Mombasa area, particularly on Fridays after prayers. You should follow the local news, remain vigilant at all times, and avoid demonstrations and large crowds.

    On 31 March there were explosions in the Eastleigh suburb of Nairobi. A number of fatalities have been reported with many more injured.

    A number of worshippers were killed during an attack on a church in Likoni, Mombasa on Sunday 23 March. There is a possibility of further disturbances in the Mombasa area. Likoni is the area where the ferry runs from Mombasa to Southern beach and tourist resorts.

    On 17 March a large Improvised Explosive Device, together with some weapons, were found in a car impounded by police in Mombasa. Local media are reporting that Kenyan police believe there may be additional similar bombs in the wider region and are pursuing these threats.

    On 2 February 2014, police raided the Musa mosque in Majengo district of Mombasa, resulting in several deaths.

    A small explosion took place at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on 16 January. There were no reported casualties. Airport services were not affected.

    On 12 December 2013 a failed grenade attack on a vehicle took place in the Likoni area of Mombasa. On 14 December 2013 an explosion took place on a public bus in the Pangani area of Nairobi, in the outskirts of the Eastleigh suburb. Six were killed and a further 24 injured. On 1 January 2014, a number of people were injured in a grenade attack on a nightclub in Diani, near Mombasa.

    In September 2013 a major attack took place at the Westgate shopping centre in the Westlands district of Nairobi. You should avoid the cordoned area around the shopping centre. Further large-scale attacks can’t be ruled out.

    You should take care in public places where people gather, and exercise a heightened level of vigilance. Monitor local and international media and keep up to date with this travel advice by subscribing to email alerts. See Terrorism.

    There are frequent incidents of violent crime including mugging, armed robbery and carjacking, particularly in the large cities. See Crime.”


    • chrisH says:

      And the media continue to blame the security services and governments of Nigeria and Kenya for these crimes.
      As if money`s no object, and that the Mohammadans can`t easily sneak over borders and terrorise/murder along the way.
      Basically, the BBC and the lefties will blame ANYBODY apart from Al Shabab and Boko Haram…who are always vulnerable and prone to upset….like Gerry Adams and Sinn Fein.
      Desperate crawling, twisting and cringing from the BBC-as if Islam will spare the cowards and quislings.
      To be fair to these terror nutjobs…they know the spineless and toadying of the BBC as much as we do-and despise them just as much.


  34. Geoff says:

    So far this year the BBC has paid £20k to MP’s for personal appearances, that’s more than all newspapers combined.

    From the figures shown it appears the corporation has actually paid more to Tory MP’s rather than Labour (£10150/£9857) but £8200 of the Tory figure went to Rory Stewart (Tory) for 2 two part documentaries.



    • Ember2014 says:

      It’s always easy to spend on MPs when it’s other peoples’ money.


  35. Flexdream says:

    al Beeba doing its best to discredit the Ofsted investigation into Trojan Horse.
    “Birmingham ‘Trojan Horse’ school governor accuses Ofsted of bias”
    Never mind the small matter that Ofsted haven’t reported yet, al Beeba have dug up one governor Mohammed Ashraf (no sniggering there) to say “there had been an “unusual” focus on matters such as prayer and the teaching of sex education during the school’s inspection.” Well blow me, why on earth might Ofsted be focussing on that eh? I’m baffled.
    I wonder is this “Mohammed Ashraf” would be the same “Mohammed Ashraf” nominated here by “Sparkbrook Islamic Centre”? (http://theneighbourhood.info/blog/2013/02/09/sparkbrook-forum-awards-and-clean-medina-project/)
    So, al Beeba smearing Ofsted before any report has appeared and only able to get one school governor to criticise Ofsted. What are the Beeb worried about?
    Here is a list of the school governors. Would Lenny Henry be concerned about the diversity?
    Mr Shafique Mohammed
    Mr Ashraf Mohammed
    Ms Olivia Hines
    Dr Asif Rao
    Mr Ibrar Khan
    Mr Rafique Mohammed
    Mrs Sofia Begum
    Mr U. Qureshi
    Mrs Sam Padbury
    Mr Hardeep Saini


  36. Thoughtful says:

    Apparently name calling and bullying can cause significant psychological damage in one in three people.
    We hear all the usual ‘victims’ but nothing about the victims of wrongly used meaningless ‘isms’, like ‘waycism’ etc. No surprise there with the bullies at the BBC not wishing to diminish the power of the lefts favourite bully word.

    All on ‘Word of Mouth’ with Michael Rosen – a Socialist Workers Party type.


    • Andy S. says:

      “Control the language and you control the masses” – Saul Alinsky.

      ” Ridicule, Disparage, Target, Isolate.” Saul Alinsky in “Rules For Radicals”.

      These words of wisdom cannot be repeated often enough.


      • London Calling says:

        Too true.
        Every time you read anything in the compliant-media, ask yourself: Why am I being told this? Who wants me to know it? Why? Who supplied the story? Who pays for it to be planted?


        • GCooper says:

          This is of particular importance and cannot be stressed enough. Any bunch of loons can give itself a prestigious sounding title and the BBC (not alone, in fairness) often seizes on stories from these bodies and runs them with a prominence they rarely deserve.

          The problem is compounded by the BBC’s ‘charidee’ fixation. Nakedly political propaganda has become to stock in trade of many famous charities, which use their past reputations to disguise the fact that they are now more or less mere pressure groups for Leftist causes.

          The BBC selects among the dross pumped out by these fake charities and pressure groups for a large part of its lamentably weak news output.

          An analysis of the Corporation’s output would reveal an alarmingly high proportion of its ‘news’ is nothing of the sort. It is just churnalism from its favoured ‘liberal’ sources.


    • chrisH says:

      As for the guff about “sports stars being hurt” by personal comments?
      Before the game turned into the sissy fest it is now, the likes of Tommy Smith, Norman Hunter or Nobby Stiles revelled in the hatred that was aimed at them…and if anything such players stuffed the abuse down the throats of the abusing fans for sheer spite.
      Just as it should be.
      No running off to “Kick It Out” and lily wringing milksops from Bedford Uni to deal with the nasty men!
      An anodyne piece of crap from Rosen…as you say the closing down of debate by saying anything you like is a hate crime or racist etc, deserves real expolaration.
      But Rosen won`t give us that.
      Still-wasted half an hour of our time without the gratuitous hypocrisy and double dealings of the Left…but crap nonetheless.


  37. George R says:

    BBC-NUJ (along with U.K political class) campaigns for a majority non-white Britain, through mass immigration and colonisation here; and the results are already apparent.

    “Up to 30% of UK population will be from ethnic minorities by 2050 – study”



    • Thoughtful says:

      It’ll be much sooner than 2050 if Liebour are re-elected with their plans for more mass immigration.


      • George R says:

        Migration Watch:-
        UK Press Comment on the Revised Net Migration Statistics released by the ONS
        (April 10)-

        The ONS has today revised the net migration figures between 2001 and 2011, in light of the undercounting of immigration during that period, discovered as a result of the 2011 Census. Commenting, Sir Andrew Green, Chairman of Migration Watch UK said:

        “This is final confirmation that net foreign immigration under Labour totalled nearly 4 million, two thirds from outside the European Union. It also shows that the peak of net migration was almost 275,000 a year, making it even more difficult for the present government to get the numbers down to the tens of thousands.”



        • John Anderson says:

          Don’t forget that the ONS is committed to publishing the first stats of Bulgarian and Romanian immigration on the day of the European and Council elections


  38. pah says:

    Does anyone know why anyone should give a flying dingo’s fart about this ?

    Its is all over the BBC news with Wallace gurning away incoherently. Oh, I see now …


  39. Thoughtful says:


    Chris Patten standing down as Head of Governors of the BBC !


    • Arthur Penney says:

      Great! Which senior (ex) Guardian journalist is going to replace him?


      • Doublethinker says:

        It will be interesting to see who is appointed. Obviously this is an opportunity to put someone in who will seek to end the leftist bias of the BBC. It probably isn’t possible for one man , no matter who, to actually achieve much change at the BBC. But will the government put someone in post who, at least, is recognisably NOT one of the liberal left elite. Somehow I doubt it.


    • Merched Becca says:

      I think he has been reading this site ?
      Well done biasedBBC


    • Merched Becca says:

      Now how about the trustees next ?


    • Deborah says:

      But Diana Coyle standing in. I am sure it was this lady on Radio 4 at 9am this morning giving reasons why wealthy people affected political change and therefore democracy should banned (I am paraphrasing a bit but at least it was Leftist propaganda and at worst I am assuming Common Purpose. I was only driving a short journey but I didn’t hear anyone putting an opposing view.


  40. George R says:

    The late Lawrence Auster wrote this about America over 20 years ago.

    It could be applied to the non-white future of Britain too, which the U.K political class (inc Beeboids) is continually campaigning for:-

    “Even if we succeeded in exploding the entire open-borders ideology, there are many people who would still feel the same irresistible compulsion to embrace, or surrender to, the grand immigration project and everything it implies. Appeals to reason and to the desire for collective survival can only persuade reasonable people who want to survive. But what if Americans, in their heart of hearts, don’t want to survive? What if they are indifferent—or numbed—to the prospect of being displaced, dispossessed, and marginalized? What if the European American majority doesn’t care if it becomes a minority in a racially divided, ungovernable country, and if its identity, history, and way of life disappear from the face of the earth?

    “And if this is so, why is it so?

    “An attempt to answer that question must take us into the heart of the moral, religious, and racial misconceptions that define modern American democracy. ”

    -from Conclusion of article–

    “H U D D L E D
    C L I C H É S.

    “Exposing the Fraudulent
    Arguments That Have Opened
    America’s Borders to the World.”

    By Lawrence Auster.



    • George R says:

      BBC-NUJ views the mass immigration and colonisation of Britain from the viewpoint of the immigrant colonisers, as below.

      Apparently BBC-NUJ regards the erstwhile white ethnic majority of British people as secondary, in the BBC-NUJ immigrant project to reduce the whites of Britain into a minority.

      Note how censored and politically biased this edited version of the Policy Exchange report is:-

      “Ethnic minorities ‘shouldn’t be treated as single group'”



      • Thoughtful says:

        “Ethnic minorities ‘shouldn’t be treated as single group’”

        What’s wrong with that?
        You think we should treat Caribbean blacks as being as great a threat as Muslims?
        Or White Catholic Polish people ?

        The truth is that so many disparate croups have been given access to the UK that their differences are so great that they cannot be treated as a single group.


      • Joshaw says:

        “Ethnic minorities ‘shouldn’t be treated as single group’”

        Why not? As a white person, this happens every time I fill in an official form.


    • 45543 says:

      A short audio clip from the Mark Levin Show along similar lines:

      “This is the original audio file of Dick Lamm’s now rather famous and very short “My Plan to Destroy America” remarks from October 18, 2003.”

      How many of the former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm’s plan points can you tick-off for the UK too?


  41. AsISeeIt says:

    Lord Patton stepping down for health reasons.

    I wish him well.

    I do hope the PM selects a decent successor who can get a grip on the BBC and hold it to its Charter. I’ve given up on expecting real reform.


    • Llareggub says:

      I am amazed that he succumbed to heart problems, which may have been connected to his weight. He, more than anyone else, should have been aware of the BBC’s constant campaigns against sugar, fattening food, and the need to avoid obesity.


      • chrisH says:

        Wonder if the BBC are stacking up snacks by reception when you go into the building?
        Pattens weight issues may be related.
        You know something?…they need the Green Goddess making them all do exercise, lest their flabby self-regard becomes a contagion without antibiotics to counter it.

        I make no apology for worrying about things I know nothing about and care even less for…for speaking on things that are of no interest, but meddle and stickybeak into the lives of others.
        I`m passionate about media health…and reckon we need to shut down the BBC and all food outlets and bars within a twenty minute run, by way of caution before an independent inquiry.
        Oh, I care too much-and feel even more virtuous for so doing!


    • pah says:

      Patton stepping down for health reasons

      Is he finally full?


  42. Stewart says:

    But who will replace him?


    • OldBloke says:

      Is the board hideously white?


      • John Anderson says:

        I would not be at all surprised if UKIP put abolition of the BBC licence tax in their General Election manifesto. It could well be a vote winner. And it might help to spike the BBC “journalists” guns during the campaign.

        CORRECTION – I WANT UKIP to do that.


        • Stewart says:

          In the event that UKIP are able to get enough seats to produce a hung paliment, I would like to think they would make that a condition of coalition


  43. George R says:

    What Islam Not BBC (INBBC) doesn’t get about its Islamic Boko Haram ‘militants’ (i.e. ‘jihadists’):-

    “’They started shouting ‘Allahu akbar,’ and we knew’: Nigerian Islamic jihadists kidnap eight more girls, between ages of 12 and 15.”



  44. noggin says:

    Nigeria: 329 schoolgirls abducted by Islamic jihadis
    raped 15 times daily, forced to convert to Islam.


    “Suspected Boko Haram militants? … have kidnapped eight more girls in northeastern Nigeria.
    The latest kidnapping happened on Sunday night in the village of Warabe, in Borno state. The girls taken were between the ages of 12 and 15.”


    hmm … back to “insurgents” and “militants” at the BBC
    so ……………………………
    for a more factual report

    They started shouting ‘Allahu akbar,’ and we knew”: Nigerian Islamic jihadists kidnap eight more girls, between ages of 12 and 15


  45. Old Goat says:

    ‘Bye, Mr. Patten – get well – soon-ish.


  46. Dave666 says:

    I remember complaining about racist Diane Abbott being on the BBc …What do you mean she’s still on!

    Meanwhile over at BBc North West they are desperately trying to hype up “what is know as the Bedroom tax”. Yes we are revisiting people from a year ago. The poor lady who had to move from the house she loved.Take it from me love it’s much worse when you used to own it and not just rent it with a subsidy. They even managed to drag Scottish independence into it and tell us no less than 3 times more people in this area are affected than anywhere else in the country. Oh and right just at the end they mentioned almost as an afterthought that it’s saving £1 million pounds a day.


  47. chrisH says:

    I noted that the Sarah Montague managed a trip up north this morning-clearly she drew the short straw and had to go up to hideous Stockton-on Tees( but would have stayed in Thornaby should she have had need too).
    But what else are those air miles for?
    Anyway-how have all those years of Labour quangos and New Labour dynasties turned out up there…well, the “moaning minnies who live there only seem to have jobs and prospects due to Thatcher as far as I can tell.
    But no-the Poly tunnel of wind from Teesside Uni wants to spit in Thatchers eyes-or is happy to tell us that others would-and this from a Uni that has facilities in part only due to her and her Tories.
    Still-having been shell-shocked by her day trip to Bradford for Shannon Matthews, it`s good to see Sarah has once again visited the good folk of the north.
    Well done you!


  48. chrisH says:

    Mandy Stock got the hot sweet tea treatment this morning on Today c/o Sarah Montague…indeed, she was almost able to draw her chair up to the Aga at one point!
    Mrs Stocks husband was killed by a disqualified driver a few years ago…and the Tories want to up the sentences for scum like this.
    I only comment because I think we`ve found the first group of crims and scum that were NOT invited to reply, were NOT in a survivors group and claiming from Lottery charity funds…and were not being invited to blame the feds, the judgemental insurance companies or the elitist and excluding car manufacturers and sales force.
    No-no such advocacy group wanting rights yet for the murdering scum that kill people whilst disqualified, are on drugs, drunk etc….but I just KNOW I could soon create one for Sarah to interview…and become the new Gerry, Osama or Huhne!
    No cause too low-and was surprised nobody from Labour or Amnesty/PIL was able to shoot Mrs Stock and the Tories down for being disproportionate.
    Certainly this group of transgressors are lower than paedos are , there at the BBC.
    But for how much longer?


  49. chrisH says:

    An interesting little aside on Today this morning.
    Some ex LibDem MP called Howarth started his anti-nuclear arguments by saying that
    a) he was speaking as a Cambridge academic, not a Lib Dem of old
    b)You don`t really need to believe Wikipedia when it says he`s a member of Friends of the Earth.
    So Evan(to be fair) says “are you e member then of FoE?”
    Howarth can only say “yes”…albeit with lots of sniggers,
    Lovely little vignette of a lying ex Lib Dem trying to be objective, only to be rumbled as an FoE mouthpice-and exposed for all that too.
    The BBC won`t have liked that one bit…but it shows the nature of the massaging classes as they try yo half-truth their way through life.


  50. JimS says:

    On Saturday I watched “102 Minutes That Changed America” on More 4. Essentially it was a compilation of ‘citizen’ video clips made during ‘9/11’.
    After about 30 minutes or so I realised that something was missing. Unlike the majority of films coming out of America, where there seems to be a race to see who can get the first ‘F***’ or ‘S***’ in, apart from a near-continuous stream of ‘OMG’s there was no bad language!
    Now if ‘ordinary’ people can witness one of the worst attacks on civilisation in recent years without ‘Effing’ and defecation surely the BBC could manage a simple ‘comedy’ show without doing the language. But then they are to busy making niggardly complaints about Clarkson’s inevitable decline.
    P.S. One of my favourite American films is Witness. Although it shows scenes of murder and violence, (whacking). I think the first and (only?) use of the ‘S’ word is when someone steps in cow droppings. That was funny and appropriate then but would be lost in the noise now.