Doreen Lawrence becomes UAF honorary president
UAF is very proud to announce that Doreen Lawrence has agreed to become our honorary president.
Doreen Lawrence denies link to group accused of Farage threats
Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon played down her involvement with Unite Against Fascism (UAF), whose members are accused of trying to silence the Ukip leader
The UAF are essentially Unite Union baron Len McCluskey’s storm troopers….sent in to do battle on the streets with those they want to deny the right to speak…..
UAF’s honorary presidents are Ken Livingstone and Doreen Lawrence.
Our elected officers for 2013 are:
Chair – Steve Hart, political officer, Unite
Vice chair – Christine Blower, general secretary, NUT
Vice chair – Hugh Lanning, deputy general secretary, PCS
Vice chair – Azad Ali
Miliband is kept in place by Unite and Owen Jones is another Unite stooge.
Interesting that a so-called ‘anti-fascist’ organisation has Azad Ali, an extremist Muslim, as its vice chair.
Ken Livingstone’s anti-fascist group appoints fascist as vice-chair
One of this blog’s oldest friends, Azad Ali, has a great new post. As the Harry’s Place blog reports, Azad is the new vice-chair of Unite Against Fascism, the ostensibly anti-racist group (in fact more of a meal-ticket for the leadership of the Socialist Workers’ Party.)
Azad is the community affairs co-ordinator of the extremist Islamic Forum of Europe, which controls the East London Mosque and which is dedicated, in its own words, to changing the “very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed … from ignorance to Islam.”
The BBC take a quick peek at the story…..originally broken by Andrew Neil…so you might think…’scoop’!!!…but that’s not how the BBC thinks at all
The BBC’s intent is to move in and, if it can’t erase history, it will try to downplay or ridicule Farage’s claims….that the UAF threatened him….or, if they can’t deny there is substance to Farage’s claim, they will try to excuse the UAF’s actions as a result of his own ‘racism’.
And indeed in the article that is what they do….a sub-heading being entirely misleading….‘Racist adverts’…..UKIP’s adverts were not racist.
The BBC then goes on to give Unite and Hope Not Hate a long say and a chance to denigrate Farage and UKIP.
What the BBC doesn’t bother with is to actually investigate if there is any truth in Farage’s claims…because they know that there is.
The UAF is a Fascist organisation….. Fascists are of course Socialists…never mind the teaming up with Islamic ‘fascists’.
All a bit embarrassing for the BBC….which also doesn’t mention Doreen Lawrence.
All a bit two faced of the BBC which has put a great deal of time and effort into attacking and trying to sideline the EDL… organisation which, unlike the UAF, opposes Islamic ‘fascism’ and all that entails.
But the BBC has never shown the slightest interest in exposing the UAF…….and once again the BBC is guilty of manipulating the news so that its ‘friends’ get protection and positive coverage whilst those it sets it hat against get the full Pravda treatment and face the equivalence of being sent to the camps in Siberia….’exiled’ to the fringes of society by BBC denouncements and erased from history as undesirables.
Quelle surprise.
Put all the sh*t in one basket. All that’s needed is for Emma Thompson to join and they’ll have a nap hand.
The word is SHIT not sh*t
You certainly call a spade a spade DICK.
Surely a Redgrave wearing a kefiyeh can be thrown in for good measure? Is it beyond the wit of man in this day and age?
UAF should read as ‘ United Association of Fascists’.
Or “Unite Against Free speech”
UAF in action –
the BBC have short (and selective) memories of the UAF/Hope not Hate
Old (way off) Waylon Bennett, was given airtime to show once again, his absolute ignorance of the subject on BBC this weekend
Sky News.
“BNP leader Nick Griffin got a “rough ride” on BBC’s Question Time after violent protests beforehand left three police injured.
The Metropolitan Police said the officers had been hurt during the clashes outside BBC Television Centre in west London.
Two suffered minor injuries and the third was treated by paramedics for head injuries.
Police said three people had been arrested during the clashes.
More than 500 people were involved in the demonstration outside the BBC building in White City ahead of the filming About 25 protesters beat BBC security to gain entry to the reception area of the building.”
3 police officers injured after “ANTI FASCIST” protesters broke into the BBC’s TV Centre ahead of BNP leader Nick Griffin’s appearance on the Question Time programme
It is quite clear from the evidence that Doreen Lawrence is lying through her teeth when she denies any connection with UAF. Not that the ‘impartial’ BBC will be holding her to account for it – either their Rapid Rehabilitation Unit will move into overdrive or the story will get quietly ignored, a la Harman/Paedophile Information Exchange. Let’s face it, when you’ve got 70% of the media coverage it’s you who can decide not only what makes the news, but also what news you want to make.
The stinking, putrid Left in all their lying, violent, anti-democratic fascist glory. Ken Livingstone and Azad Ali – the UK’s leading Hitler and Stalin tribute act.
I think I’m right in saying our beloved prime minister is also a supporter of the UAF. No surprise there then. I mean Dave will grab any passing, fashionable pc gimmick in an attempt pacify the Guardianistas. Where I think these violent, undemocratic thugs have been clever is in choosing their names. Hope not Hate, well who would argue with that? Unite Against Fascism, yes, I’m sure most sane people agree. The Animal Liberation Front sound like a pleasant bunch of bunny huggers, not the notoriously aggressive terrorists that released mink into the countryside that has had such a devastating impact on native voles. The group that always bring a smile to my face are the most inappropriately named of the lot, the “Socialist Workers Party.” I guess it does sound better than Spongers and Soap Dodgers Party!
Gilligan’s piece of 2013 seems unjustifiably critical of anti-Islamic jihad EDL, still-
“Anti-fascists fuel the fire of hate”
‘One reason why UAF will not campaign against Islamist extremists is that one of its own vice-chairmen, Azad Ali, is one. As well as his UAF role, which he took up last year, Mr Ali is community affairs coordinator of the Islamic Forum of Europe, a Muslim supremacist group dedicated to changing “the very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed from ignorance to Islam”.
Mr Ali has written on his blog of his “love” for Anwar al-Awlaki, the al-Qaeda cleric closely linked to many terrorist plots, including the September 11 attacks, and used to attend talks by Abu Qatada, the extremist cleric whom Britain is seeking to deport.
He has described al-Qaeda as a “myth” and denied that the Mumbai attacks were terrorism. On his blog, he also advocated the killing of British troops in Iraq.’
Got that, BBC?
see the thing is, when so called anti fascists behave like fascists the plot begins to unravel,the uaf are just a cover name for the socalist workers party which is just a cover name for the communist party of great britian.lets look at one of the leading founders of the uaf martin smith.just google his name about alleged sexual assualts including rape against young women in the socalist workers party that was covered up by the uaf and the swp,that is the type of people you are dealing with here,be in no doubt these far left uaf/hope not hate fascists have decided to use violent tactics to silence nigel farage and ukip,i say we confront these far left uaf fascists and let them know you wont destroy are democrasy and are freedom of speech,we must lot left these far left fascists win,never.
Is there anything Baroness Lawrence of Giro won’t do to stay in the headlines? Oh wait not seen her holding up a bring back our girls placard yet but it’s early days I suppose
She would do well to take a leaf out of her husbands book, and keep out of the limelight, not allow herself to be used by these wretched groups for their own nefarious reasons and show some dignity in her grief.
She’s of the type who will be seen holding a placard ‘We are all Boko Haram’ now when justified measures are taken to eliminate this bunch of genocidal misfits.
Steve Hart formerly of Unite – pushed out during infighting.
Tweets by SteveHartUnite
Steve Hart son of Judith Hart, former Labour cabinet minister.
These Labour people do love nepotism and ensuring their own spawn secure a place in the ranks of the ruling elite.
I never though I would feel anything other than sympathy for a mother whose son had been murdered and then along came Doreen Lawrence.
And in Birmingham:-
“The Tab reports that the students were abused by a postman, who branded them “rich, upper class d*cks”, while a student wearing a University of Birmingham hoodie said the sign was “offensive” and threatened the students with disciplinary action.”
I think it’s the postman who abused them should face disciplinary action!
The Woolwich Butcher was a UAF spokesman
Has anything been offered to Pc Keith Blakelock’s wife?
Her husband was hacked to death in 1985 by a gang of black youths during the Tottenham Riots. No one has been convicted.
His family speaks:
She has behaved with dignity and patience. But no offer of a House of Lord’s seat. Will the BBC triumph her case?