This one’s a bit of a bonus for the BBC. The European Court of Justice (sic) has ruled in favour of the “right to forget”, basically meaning that Google should not include search results about information that an individual affected considers to be “inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant”. There are, of course, plenty of examples of individuals whose lives are being blighted by outdated references to previous misfortune. But how far should it extend? Let’s say that Harriet Harman considers her involvement in the NCCL at the time that the Paedophile Information Exchange were affiliated to be “no longer relevant” and that therefore the references should be removed from the internet? Or that José Manuel Barroso – the current President of the European Commission – considers it “no longer relevant” that he was once a member of the Portuguese Communist party? The BBC already does a good job in erasing the past – now they are set to get legal backing to do so. And before you ask – no, I’m sure it won’t apply to the likes of Nigel Farage. See
This may surprise you – but I completely agree. Would Harman’s/Barroso’s associations be deemed irrelevant? If so, by whom? Who gets to say? And who gets to say who gets to say? Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
This is a very poor ruling by the ECJ and will have many bad consequences. It is also practically unworkable. Google will resist each challenge without a court ruling so it will overwhelm the system.
Furthermore as soon as it goes to court that is going to drive the cost up thereby putting it out of reach of the ordinary citizen.
It will be wealthy individuals with something to hide that will benefit the most from this move.
The BBC’s ongoing analysis (should there be any – it might all, ironically, go down the memory hole) will be interesting.
Or their actions. Certainly aa great precedent from on EU-high.
Somewhere deep in archives, Peter Rippon’s phone tinkles… “Hi, Peter… a few things we think are no longer relevant… better forgotten, eh?” Around the period covered by ‘it was a different time’… to now”.
Luckily for the BBC, if they have to play legal poker, they have limitless funds. Again placing them, oddly, along with ‘only the rich’.
Has anyone noticed BBC pronunciation of Boko Haram? Boouko, as in Moouslim. It is the pious way of positioning one’s lips adhered to by BBC women. Like offering a kiss.
However, the s in Paris is still used.
Well I for one am grateful. 200 (almost exclusively Christian) girls being kidnapped by a group called Boko Haram is terrible, but if they are really called Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad then it must be alright after all. Thank you BBC for the clarification.
every time I drive back this week, I have unintentional
5Live comedy gold …
just heard that “climate change” is London s second biggest killer next to smoking? ,(I know, I know).
some waffling friend of the earth waller …
sheesh! “act crazy somewhere else we re all out here”
I wonder if the BBC will bother to report this, in balance with their earlier gloom and doom predicitions of the Antarctic western ice shelf melting away in a thousand years, or so?
They’ve had nothing to say about the steady rise in Antarctic sea ice for the past year – why would they bother now? Anything that inconveniences the approved CAGW narrative – including observable facts – is to be ignored, after all.
Here’s another one, this time about how real world, observable facts compromise the ‘disappearing glaciers’ narrative so beloved of BBC Natural History propaganda programming…
Are any of you active Methodists following Biased BBC?
This is a story that hasn’t had any BBC coverage (yet) but if it plays out as predicted will reach the BBC radar. The 2014 UK Methodists Conference will debate a BDS motion against Israel. If the supposedly neutral briefing materials and the actions of Methodist representatives in Jerusalem is any indication it will pass.
The Methodist resolution is of far greater importance than those of obscure third tier universities or trade unions because the church ‘still’ has moral standing. It is a fair bet that nothing else decided at the June conference will receive anything like the coverage on the BBC.
Letters from active Methodists in parish journals and to delegates as to why BDS is a bad idea would be more useful now.
From the Church that gave us the magnificent Wesley brothers…and now seemingly unable to do other than give us Paul Flowers.
No surprise then that they`ll be shills for Islam….a shared interest in drugs and rent boy procurement would make this an ecumenical matter.
One of the headlines BBC headline news on the World Service was that Israel’s ex Prime Minister was jailed for 6 years for bribery. By reporting it in the passive, it totally ignored the fact that it was the excellent Israeli Justice system that brings all its citizens to justice irrespective of their status.
The BBC never fails to broadcast bad news about Israel and even then it does so in the most negative way possible
The BBC has been forced to soften its critical coverage of Israeli ‘oppression’ in recent years, following the deluge of carnage and mayhem reported in Egypt and Syria. Compared with that the very rare shooting back of an Israeli soldier can no longer be trumpeted as a serious matter.
Israel’s survival as a thriving, tolerant, democratic, diverse, prosperous and technologically advanced society seems a miracle. Many countries with far more natural resources and far fewer enemies have floundered in corruption, oppression and violence.
There are some things which the BBC seem unconcerned about with the Boko Haram enslavement.
Where do you sell 200 slaves in 2014 within walking distance of North Nigeria?
Who is buying these slaves?
While Israel, US and UK help out – where is the African Union?
How is Boko Haram financed and armed?
Nigeria’s President has said “The weapons of choice of these terror groups are the Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW). Of recent, they have acquired the rapid propelled grenades and even surface-to-air missiles. Where do they get these sophisticated weapons?
The total value of what these terrorists possess as individuals, in terms of what they wear, where they live cannot buy an assault rifle.”
Maybe the BBC could so some investigation? I’m sure this report that “Boko Haram has been made all the more dangerous by weapons it acquired during the looting of Libyan reserves after the U.S.-backed NATO campaign that deposed Moammar Gadhafi’s regime” can’t be true. (
‘Maybe the BBC could so some investigation?’
Good one.
Plus I think their twitter feeds are down.
Maybe whip up a hashtag campaign.. #8000reporters&nonewsunlesstheyarehandedapressrelease
may I humbly suggest …
Panto, Bacon, Fatty Nolan, along with K Vaz (as a peace negotiator) … and D Camerimam (as a leading Quranic scholar).
be at the front of the queue, to explain how Boko Haram have just totally “misunderstood”, the religion of peace.
still waiting for the peoples opportunity, to speak on the
BBC about the “Nigerian schoolgirls” the action, and its reporting after the growing “Nigerian schoolgirls” news?
Newswatch – complaints … but … no one available 😀
Newsnight – squat – everything but
Any Answers? … in the header – squat in the show
5live “Your call” squat – G Barlow s tax
J Whine – squat – my favourite painting
last Newsnight – again squat
5live “Your Call” – squat – do you sleep ok?
J Whine – squat – want a home birth?
… can BBC dare to let the public speak?
… what 😀 are they afraid of?
UKIP Youth Wing Chair resigns – citing racism as reason.
She would do it just an hour before I go to a meeting round the corner here in Hove, to see what UKIP SE candidates got to say and persuade me to vote for them.
UAF have already mobilised the troops – so they going to have a field day.
Still it is their right to demonstrate – just hope they keep it non-violent.
Read the article (or just glanced at it) – her ideology seems so far removed from UKIPs and so left wing it is hard to see how she could have been attracted to UKIP in the first place.
Guido certainly excited. He reckons it’s ‘explosive’.
Interesting how the allure of a diverse icon can make the most cynical of operators starry-eyed to the point of credulity.
From Panorama researchers to aspiring political leaderships, maybe a smidge of caution could be in order before propelling some box-ticking beauties to the top too quickly to please the Danny Cohens around.
They may just be too good to true.
Guido has gone all establishment since he secured a weekly column in “The Sun On Sunday”, and that after all his disparaging of the MSM’s dead tree press. Since that time I think his credibility as a scourge of the establishment has gone way south. The comments section on his blog is now moderated more than the Guardian’s C.I.F. if that’s possible. Some of the comments posted on this site wouldn’t see the light of day on his blog. Even the most innocent of comments, should it contain a banned word ( Muslim, for instance) is moderated.
Fawkes I’m sad to say, has gone the same way as Ian Hislop and become an establishment pod person.
I’m a UKIP supporter but can understand her change of heart. I think she’s mistaken, and as the daughter of Indian immigrants she should still see UKIP has the least racist immigration policy. However, she’s been bombarded with anti-UKIP propaganda.
I think UKIP does get potrayed as anti-immigrant rather than anti-EU and that is undermining its potential huge appeal to people in the UK with a Commonwealth background.
The Commonwealth includes Pakistan (165 million Muslims), India (160 million Muslims), Bangladesh (150 million Muslims) and Nigeria (60 million Muslims). Be careful what you wish for.
It is too late in the day to discredit UKIP. Nice try but it will make no difference.
The liberal left is running very scared. If I were Farage I would make sure my bodyguards are good.
This girl seems to have impeccable liberal views, What was she doing in UKIP?
If all theses UAF supporters love ethnics so much why don’t they go and live in Somalia or Nigeria and hang out with that guy who kidnapped the 200 kids ?
Bit of OT-ish fun first…
Seems that if the BBC’s great and good speak for the people, once ‘ex’ they can still speak to the person.
Sadly once you leave the fold the support of the BBC cropping crew can not be relied upon to make three a crowd.
Well it’s hard to criticise the BBC for bias at the moment for the coverage of the disgraceful Phil Shyster of Public Interest Lawyers, reporting the UKs service personnel to the war crimes courts.
From past performance the Grauniad crowd loves this man as he positively hates the UK and its people.
Ted Kazinsinsky wrote that most of the so called liberals start of from a position of self loathing, I think he has a point.
I heard on the way home that the Phil Shiner and his merry men of ambulance chasers (All on legal Aid) have succeeded in getting the ICC to have the UK in the dock over allegations of abuse agaisnt Iraqi.
Yes the Same Phil Shiner who runs Legal Aid funded Public Interest Lawyers who funny enough lost a court case only a few months ago regards Iraqi abuse when it transpired that all the allegations were untrue, has hit the jackpot in getting the taxpayer to fund another round of Islamic victimhood.
If on the chance this case also falls flat on its arse, will the government take Shiner to court for wasting the taxpayers money in which to pad his wallet.
Well he is a lawyer.
Mind you the bBC are loving this, Iraqi victims, British service men guilty (well not yet) of human rights abuse. But hang on after millions spent in chasing down non existent claims of abuse where Shiner has been found to have no evidence to bring to the table. (If he had no evidence, why did he continue with pressing the court case?) why hasn’t the bbC mentioned the Al-Sweady Inquiry in its right up. It has no problem promoting allegations as truthful, yet the fact shiner lost big order in court is left out. The bBC, (And Shiner) the traitors within our midst
Remember Norman Kember that idiotic peacenik who travelled over to Iraq, was kidnapped.
Well his fellow toffu eaters would hold candlelight virgins on the corner of the National Gallery. One afternoon there was around 30 to 40 of these people all blocking the path and instead of walking on the road, I walked right through the middle of them. Somebody said something and in front of all these people I said, “Somebody got a problem?” Everybody and I mean everybody looked down at the floor and wouldn’t look into my eyes. At that I exclaimed “And you lot talk about the meek inheriting the earth” Not bloody likely and walked away.
My point, the very people defending the rights of blood thirsty thugs from foreign lands , haven’t anything to say to somebody who looks like he is from a foreign land because they were scared shit of me.
That people is the despicable left scared to call a thug a thug.
Thoughtful wrote: Whether Shyster has received any money for the ICC case is as yet unknown and it might be the case that he hasn’t until the case is accepted.
He picked up £2.1 million for the case he lost agaisnt the British Army. The total cost of that case comes in at around the £31 million mark and a quarter was on lawyer fees.
Has anyone else noticed the subversive nature of BBC programmes for young children? (CBBC)
I have two sons aged nine and two.
The programmes are heavily over represented with ethnic minorities and raise left wing political issues.
One programme with a live audience of under nines stated that cows were dangerous to the planet because of their production of methane gas. It was therefore advised to the kids that they should consider a vegetarian life style.
I also noted that white middle-aged males in suits were not to be trusted in kid’s dramas and the day was always won by a black or brown kid who had been previously been ignored or subject to exclusion.
I registered a complaint with the BBC and whilst in subsequent online discussion with one of their representatives, he left the BBC for a career elsewhere.
In BBC world, is an ethnic minority in their dramas ever guilty of a crime?
Irish Cartoon indoctrinating the kids, Renaming Christmas to Festival of Lights to accommodate the ethnics and a bit of immigration propaganda thrown in too for good measure. Absolutely marvelous !!
Got to love the bBC; Pakistan police charge 68 Pakistani lawyers with blasphemy Pakistani police have charged 68 lawyers with blasphemy in what is thought to be the biggest ever case of its kind in the country. The charges were brought in Punjab after lawyers protested when police detained one of their colleagues. During the protest the lawyers are accused of insulting a companion of the Prophet Muhammad. Police say they acted after a local man complained.Critics say blasphemy laws are often misused to settle scores in Pakistan
So let me get this right the every so Politically correct bBC which has no problem sacking white people:
Carole Thacher
DJ who played the sun has got its hat on.
Sam Mason who asked for a white driver for her daughter
Colin Murray on a satirical show who said:” “Give me 20 minutes with her and I’m pretty sure I could turn around Clare Balding”
Goes out of its way to defend the inexcusable the arrest (and possible murders) of 68 people in Pakistan down to Islams bloody penchant for refusing to allow people to see how ugly, barbaric and a crook their founder was. According to the bBC: Critics say blasphemy laws are often misused to settle scores in Pakistan.
Really bBC only critics say that do they, not normal people Like these
How about when the Bishop of Sahiwal committed suicide by blowing his brains out on the steps of the high court in 1998, becasue he was sick to death (no pun intended) of how Muslims used the Blasphemy law to persecute Christians. with all these facts and many more the bBC plays safe by promoting fact as a supposition.
The bBC, traitors to the British (non Islamic) public by being the mouth piece of radical Islam, paid for by you.
The BNP on bBC1 and a party political broadcast.
They even have a vicar telling you to vote BNP
Oh fuck they now have a fat bastard who while promoting his English roots lives in Wales.
BNp having an election broadcast outrageous ehh pounce. They should ban it. Freedom of speech that’s what I say. I lived in Wales once does that make me a “fat Bastard” as well.?
Saw it as well but they censored some ‘cartoon’ then the bloke said some things that were bleeped out………..I feel like we are living in Orwell’s 1984……….
Well, I now have all the Election literature from all the main parties, Conservative, Liberal, Labour, BNP, Green and UKIP, and in due course will make nice firelighters for my wood burner. The thing I noticed is that they all attack UKIP more than the other parties in all of the literature. They must be worried. But the one thing that stands out more than anything else is the Labour “Election Communication South West” leaflet. Why? Because the numpties at Labour haven’t realised that the vote on 22nd May is for the European Parliament seat(s) elections! I don’t know if it is the same leaflet in your area, but someone ought to tell the Labour party that this is not a General Election but a European one! Unbelievable. Maybe the BBC who support the Labour party so well, should have a word. Only the brain dead would vote for Labour based on the content of their leaflet. It beggars belief, it really does.
Here we have only had UKIP, Greens and Libour. Oh and the Libour council candidate. I was hoping that any of the parties would knock on the door so we could have a little bit of a chat. The Libour campaign seems to be completely aimed at parents. As my “child” is now 23 and after attending university is working part time in a shop this and their claim to be “fighting” for jobs cuts no ice here. I think possibly the St. George cross flying on the property may be putting them off. Not much coverage by North West tonight on the subject they did do a what might happen but of course any possible vote slippage on labour was played down.
Got to love how the left and Islamic corner have gone all out in which to defend the slitting of animals throats as somehow..Islamophobic: Halal meat labelling plan rejected by MPs
Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi said: “I am a bit concerned about the way this debate on halal and kosher has been taking place in the country and also some of the things said in the chamber as well.“At the heart of this debate is the suggestion that somehow halal and kosher meat is actually more painful for the animal.
I cut my first throat (As a Muslim) at an abattoir in Barnsley, which was rented out and used to supply the local Islamic population with meat. As you saw back and thro with your knife on a very aware animal you utter the Islamic prayer :
” bismillahi al r-rahmani al r-rahim”
Let me tell you, animals know only too well that they are getting their throats cut. To that end I feel that Halal meat be banned from the UK.
In the name of PC, we have overturned years of animal welfare so as not to be classed as…racists. I mean where are the animals rights crowd when you need them? Happy attacking Non Muslims, I wonder why that is?
And of course observant Sikhs are forbidden to eat meat from ritually slaughtered animals. With the lack of labelling many will have done so – remember the furore and I believe sacking of a dining assistant when 2 children were served pork at their own request at a primary school. Why hasn’t this been more widely publicised and indeed insistence on full disclosure being given to prevent Sikhs inadvertently falling foul of this? Case for compensation against restaurants/supermarkets etc . Normally not one for the compo culture but could be a useful tool in achieving greater transparency!
The hard left are now initiating violence on UKIP candidates and supporters….Not a word from the BBC of course because the UAF and Hope Not Hate are part and parcel of them..
At least 3 UKIP posters in my area have been defaced with the F word and also damaged.
The local press are reporting it – but not a peep on BBC London. And where is Mr Plod – at least one of the sites is covered by CCTV, and nation wide various HnH and SWP people and their ilk have openly boasted on the Facebook or Twitter accounts that they have done damage. Criminal damage.
But what is the effect of these defacements which have been happening all over the country ?
1 – for people minded to vote UKIP – does it deter them or encourage them ?
2 – for people who did not intend voting UKIP – does it increase the likelihood they will turn out on polling day, or do a lot of people feel real distaste at the SWP etc – and some might change their vote ?
3 for people who did not intend to vote – perhaps never vote – what impact on them ?
Overall – might all this damage gain votes for UKIP or lose votes ? – in the local elections as well as the MEP elections ?
This note describes the methods of slaughter used by the Jewish and Muslim religions. It also contains the recommendation of the Farm Animal Welfare Council Report to end the religious exemption for slaughter without pre-stunning. The Labour Government’s response, in April 2004, rejected that recommendation.
EU law, like UK law before it, requires farm animals to be stunned before slaughter. However, there is an exception for religious slaughter.
The Jewish method of slaughter, Shechita, requires animals not to be stunned before slaughter. Islamic food rules, for Halal meat, can be satisfied with animals stunned before slaughter, but there is no definitive ruling and slaughter without pre-stunning does also take place. Most Halal meat in the UK comes from animals that were stunned before slaughter.
The Farm Animal Welfare Council has concluded that slaughter without pre-stunning does cause suffering to the animals.
Much of the meat on an animal killed by religious slaughter may not qualify as Kosher or Halal meat. There is no requirement that it should be labelled as meat from an animal killed without pre-stunning.
The European Parliament voted in June 2010 to require compulsory labelling for all meat from animals killed without pre-stunning. The Council of Ministers would have to approve that legislation. The Coalition Government does not support it.
The Coalition Government has no intention of making Halal or Shechita slaughter illegal
Jews have always claimed kosher slaughter causes less distress to the animal than other means. Scientific confirmation of this not clear either way.
There is enough research confirming that claim to make a blanket statement that permitting kosher slaughter puts religious rights over animal rights hard to sustain.
Claiming that attacking Shechita is somehow an act of protecting the animal from distress is contradicted by notable authority on animal handling systems Temple Grandin. She has observed that the way animals are handled and restrained prior to slaughter likely has a greater impact on their welfare than whether or not they are stunned.
Surely the question of whether non Muslims should be forced to eat Halal meat (there is no Jewish equivalent of this situation) is a separate issue from whether the method is more or less humane?
As we well know from the Climate Change debate we should be very careful about blanket statements that the science on animal distress during slaughter or anything else is settled.
BTW It doesn’t seem that the BBC has adopted a position either way on slaughter and totally ignores the moral question of forcing Halal on non-Muslims.
pounce already pinned this dark comedy
but the insane basket case that is Pakistan
is the comedy gold …
You could say that with unending cousin
marriages, and generations of MADrasses
… end result a blasphemer behind every bush,
if ones not there, there is someone down the road that looks like one.If you check the twisted non logic, the lawyers aren’t accused of blasphemy for any actual blasphemy, but
because they were protesting against a man named Umar, and someone passing by overheard and thought they were using the name of another Umar (a buddy of Mohamhead?).
Sheesh! … just imagine what would happen, if Muslims started using the actual name of Mohamhead …… (oops! … oh wait :-D)
This is the problem when attempting to be ‘diverse’ and welcoming, more often than not it will bite you on the ass and when you’re not you’re racist…..
It’s to be expected – I’ve written here before that in my view the biggest threat to UKIP in the run-up to the EU election will come from within the party itself; here is ample proof of that.
Sanya-Jeet Thandi’s sudden ‘resignation’ (sounds far more dramatic than it actually it; Ms Thandi is actually a student and was merely a member of UKIP’s ‘youth wing’ as the BBC like to call it – any resonance with ‘Hitler Youth’ being, of course merely coincidence) just a week ahead of the election is far too convenient for the liberal fascist media – indeed Ms Thandi’s first act upon ‘announcing’ her self-important, attention-grabbing ‘resignation’ was to pen a piece for the the Grauniad. Why am I not shocked?
This is no more than a carefully-staged attempt to derail the agenda ahead of the election. UKIP should merely thank the self-serving Ms Thandi for her three years of UKIP membership, refuse to comment further and simply move on.
The BBC and all its chums in the fascist left media will attempt to spin this into a much bigger ‘story’ than it deserves to be – with just a week to go before the fateful vote we can look forward to heroic levels of mud-slinging, name-calling, abuse, ad hom attacks, insinuation, etc, from these champions of free speech and democracy.
No analysis behind the fact that all these ‘groomers’ (paedophile rapists to you and me) appear to be Muslims. The BBC are just too scared to make the glaring link that we’re all aware of. In this country, the populace are now afraid of speaking out against Muslims for fear of offending them. Shocking.
The BBC loves gender “issues”. Here we have a story lifted from the Times Educational Supplement of how an academic has claimed that “Calling teachers ‘Sir’ or ‘Miss’ is depressing, sexist and gives women in schools a lower status than their male counterparts” (see Possibly. Given her background, one would expect the academic to know that the word ‘Miss’ is ultimately a derivative of ‘Mistress’, the feminine version of the word Master (the modern distinction between Mrs and Miss dates from about the 17th Century). Hence terms such as headmaster and headmistress. But perhaps such trivia is more interesting to the BBC and ‘academics’ than real gender issues in education. For instance, less than 10% of primary school teachers are men and in hundreds of schools the only man at all that children might see is likely to be the caretaker. Indeed, in one school I am familiar with the head proudly boasts that there are no male teachers at all and that she won’t be having any. Does this imbalance not have more impact on children growing up than their natural ability to simplify a teacher’s title to a simple one syllable word, without any understanding of its etymology?
One obscure young student resigns from UKIP – making wild but unsubstantiated allegations in a Guardian article.
How does this become the second main headline on the BBC Today programme at 7.30am ? Why not – if they really want to blow up a UKIP story – the continuing defacement of UKIP election posters ?
I’ve never heard of her, never seen her on the front page of a newspaper before, or heard about her on the BBC. She is just a callow youth. Why is she worth the second main headline ?
The BBC did NOT give second-place slot to last week’s UKIP rally where speaker after speaker from ethnic minorities denied that UKIP is racist. People much older and wiser than this young girl.
Besides which – the girl is lying. She claims that UKIP has lost any mention of its local council aims – for instance to restrain council spending, to avoid waste. In my ward the UKIP leaflet starts off in bold headlines – “COUNCIL TAX IS FAR TOO HIGH” and carries on in that vein, instancing items of local waste, proposing ways to reduce the local costs. Not a word about immigration in its discussion of the inefficiencies of the local Council under the established parties.
“Funny, she wasn’t that obscure when UKIP were keen to put her in front of the TV cameras to defend the party…”
Yes just 7 days ago, if she had any doubts about the party she would have refused to argue the point with a Muslim Eritean then.
All far too convenient, she was either ‘got at’ or the whole thing has been orchestrated, regardless, its another smear that has backfired, just read the comments in The Mail, or even The Guardian a publication I’m sure you’re familiar with.
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This one’s a bit of a bonus for the BBC. The European Court of Justice (sic) has ruled in favour of the “right to forget”, basically meaning that Google should not include search results about information that an individual affected considers to be “inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant”. There are, of course, plenty of examples of individuals whose lives are being blighted by outdated references to previous misfortune. But how far should it extend? Let’s say that Harriet Harman considers her involvement in the NCCL at the time that the Paedophile Information Exchange were affiliated to be “no longer relevant” and that therefore the references should be removed from the internet? Or that José Manuel Barroso – the current President of the European Commission – considers it “no longer relevant” that he was once a member of the Portuguese Communist party? The BBC already does a good job in erasing the past – now they are set to get legal backing to do so. And before you ask – no, I’m sure it won’t apply to the likes of Nigel Farage. See
This may surprise you – but I completely agree. Would Harman’s/Barroso’s associations be deemed irrelevant? If so, by whom? Who gets to say? And who gets to say who gets to say? Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
This is a very poor ruling by the ECJ and will have many bad consequences. It is also practically unworkable. Google will resist each challenge without a court ruling so it will overwhelm the system.
Furthermore as soon as it goes to court that is going to drive the cost up thereby putting it out of reach of the ordinary citizen.
It will be wealthy individuals with something to hide that will benefit the most from this move.
The BBC’s ongoing analysis (should there be any – it might all, ironically, go down the memory hole) will be interesting.
Or their actions. Certainly aa great precedent from on EU-high.
Somewhere deep in archives, Peter Rippon’s phone tinkles… “Hi, Peter… a few things we think are no longer relevant… better forgotten, eh?” Around the period covered by ‘it was a different time’… to now”.
Luckily for the BBC, if they have to play legal poker, they have limitless funds. Again placing them, oddly, along with ‘only the rich’.
Has anyone noticed BBC pronunciation of Boko Haram? Boouko, as in Moouslim. It is the pious way of positioning one’s lips adhered to by BBC women. Like offering a kiss.
However, the s in Paris is still used.
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.
BBC report on the importance of sleep for well being.
‘Pioneering genetic research is now uncovering how living life against the clock is damaging our health.’
Happily, BBC Newsnight are doing their best to send us off to bed early.
‘Life for the Griffiths family in Rhyl, north Wales, is nothing short of hectic.’
And check the photo – you guessed it – a typical BBC public sector worker multi-culti family.
But is that Rolf Harris standing behind the sofa?
Everybody works for the public sector. i thought we all knew that. They are the only people who really matter.
The rest are tax dodgers and crooks.
“Who, What, Why: Exactly what does the phrase Boko Haram mean?”
Who gives a damn? By their actions you’ll know them.
Well I for one am grateful. 200 (almost exclusively Christian) girls being kidnapped by a group called Boko Haram is terrible, but if they are really called Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad then it must be alright after all. Thank you BBC for the clarification.
Aslseelt, Didn’t they do “Whiter shade of pale”?
every time I drive back this week, I have unintentional
5Live comedy gold …
just heard that “climate change” is London s second biggest killer next to smoking? ,(I know, I know).
some waffling friend of the earth waller …
sheesh! “act crazy somewhere else we re all out here”
I wonder if the BBC will bother to report this, in balance with their earlier gloom and doom predicitions of the Antarctic western ice shelf melting away in a thousand years, or so?
They’ve had nothing to say about the steady rise in Antarctic sea ice for the past year – why would they bother now? Anything that inconveniences the approved CAGW narrative – including observable facts – is to be ignored, after all.
Here’s another one, this time about how real world, observable facts compromise the ‘disappearing glaciers’ narrative so beloved of BBC Natural History
propagandaprogramming…Are any of you active Methodists following Biased BBC?
This is a story that hasn’t had any BBC coverage (yet) but if it plays out as predicted will reach the BBC radar. The 2014 UK Methodists Conference will debate a BDS motion against Israel. If the supposedly neutral briefing materials and the actions of Methodist representatives in Jerusalem is any indication it will pass.
The Methodist resolution is of far greater importance than those of obscure third tier universities or trade unions because the church ‘still’ has moral standing. It is a fair bet that nothing else decided at the June conference will receive anything like the coverage on the BBC.
Letters from active Methodists in parish journals and to delegates as to why BDS is a bad idea would be more useful now.
From the Church that gave us the magnificent Wesley brothers…and now seemingly unable to do other than give us Paul Flowers.
No surprise then that they`ll be shills for Islam….a shared interest in drugs and rent boy procurement would make this an ecumenical matter.
One of the headlines BBC headline news on the World Service was that Israel’s ex Prime Minister was jailed for 6 years for bribery. By reporting it in the passive, it totally ignored the fact that it was the excellent Israeli Justice system that brings all its citizens to justice irrespective of their status.
The BBC never fails to broadcast bad news about Israel and even then it does so in the most negative way possible
The BBC has been forced to soften its critical coverage of Israeli ‘oppression’ in recent years, following the deluge of carnage and mayhem reported in Egypt and Syria. Compared with that the very rare shooting back of an Israeli soldier can no longer be trumpeted as a serious matter.
Israel’s survival as a thriving, tolerant, democratic, diverse, prosperous and technologically advanced society seems a miracle. Many countries with far more natural resources and far fewer enemies have floundered in corruption, oppression and violence.
The one diamond in a sea of shit
There are some things which the BBC seem unconcerned about with the Boko Haram enslavement.
Where do you sell 200 slaves in 2014 within walking distance of North Nigeria?
Who is buying these slaves?
While Israel, US and UK help out – where is the African Union?
How is Boko Haram financed and armed?
Nigeria’s President has said “The weapons of choice of these terror groups are the Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW). Of recent, they have acquired the rapid propelled grenades and even surface-to-air missiles. Where do they get these sophisticated weapons?
The total value of what these terrorists possess as individuals, in terms of what they wear, where they live cannot buy an assault rifle.”
Maybe the BBC could so some investigation? I’m sure this report that “Boko Haram has been made all the more dangerous by weapons it acquired during the looting of Libyan reserves after the U.S.-backed NATO campaign that deposed Moammar Gadhafi’s regime” can’t be true. (
‘Maybe the BBC could so some investigation?’
Good one.
Plus I think their twitter feeds are down.
Maybe whip up a hashtag campaign.. #8000reporters&nonewsunlesstheyarehandedapressrelease
may I humbly suggest …
Panto, Bacon, Fatty Nolan, along with K Vaz (as a peace negotiator) … and D Camerimam (as a leading Quranic scholar).
be at the front of the queue, to explain how Boko Haram have just totally “misunderstood”, the religion of peace.
still waiting for the peoples opportunity, to speak on the
BBC about the “Nigerian schoolgirls” the action, and its reporting after the growing “Nigerian schoolgirls” news?
Newswatch – complaints … but … no one available 😀
Newsnight – squat – everything but
Any Answers? … in the header – squat in the show
5live “Your call” squat – G Barlow s tax
J Whine – squat – my favourite painting
last Newsnight – again squat
5live “Your Call” – squat – do you sleep ok?
J Whine – squat – want a home birth?
… can BBC dare to let the public speak?
… what 😀 are they afraid of?
I ve just caught this 😀 classic
“way off” Weyman strikes again.
UKIP Youth Wing Chair resigns – citing racism as reason.
She would do it just an hour before I go to a meeting round the corner here in Hove, to see what UKIP SE candidates got to say and persuade me to vote for them.
UAF have already mobilised the troops – so they going to have a field day.
Still it is their right to demonstrate – just hope they keep it non-violent.
I may or may not be back on line tomorrow. Send out a search party if nothing heard from me by noon.
Read the article (or just glanced at it) – her ideology seems so far removed from UKIPs and so left wing it is hard to see how she could have been attracted to UKIP in the first place.
Guido certainly excited. He reckons it’s ‘explosive’.
Interesting how the allure of a diverse icon can make the most cynical of operators starry-eyed to the point of credulity.
From Panorama researchers to aspiring political leaderships, maybe a smidge of caution could be in order before propelling some box-ticking beauties to the top too quickly to please the Danny Cohens around.
They may just be too good to true.
Guido has gone all establishment since he secured a weekly column in “The Sun On Sunday”, and that after all his disparaging of the MSM’s dead tree press. Since that time I think his credibility as a scourge of the establishment has gone way south. The comments section on his blog is now moderated more than the Guardian’s C.I.F. if that’s possible. Some of the comments posted on this site wouldn’t see the light of day on his blog. Even the most innocent of comments, should it contain a banned word ( Muslim, for instance) is moderated.
Fawkes I’m sad to say, has gone the same way as Ian Hislop and become an establishment pod person.
I’m a UKIP supporter but can understand her change of heart. I think she’s mistaken, and as the daughter of Indian immigrants she should still see UKIP has the least racist immigration policy. However, she’s been bombarded with anti-UKIP propaganda.
I think UKIP does get potrayed as anti-immigrant rather than anti-EU and that is undermining its potential huge appeal to people in the UK with a Commonwealth background.
Mass immigration is inclined to have a negative economic effect on immigrants already in UK.
Robert Rowthorn
Click to access Rowthorn_Immigration.pdf
The Commonwealth includes Pakistan (165 million Muslims), India (160 million Muslims), Bangladesh (150 million Muslims) and Nigeria (60 million Muslims). Be careful what you wish for.
It is too late in the day to discredit UKIP. Nice try but it will make no difference.
The liberal left is running very scared. If I were Farage I would make sure my bodyguards are good.
This girl seems to have impeccable liberal views, What was she doing in UKIP?
If all theses UAF supporters love ethnics so much why don’t they go and live in Somalia or Nigeria and hang out with that guy who kidnapped the 200 kids ?
Aaah Weyman returns, I wondered where he had disappeared to. No actually I didn’t. Last time I saw him on the internet he was being arrested.
Bit of OT-ish fun first…
Seems that if the BBC’s great and good speak for the people, once ‘ex’ they can still speak to the person.
Sadly once you leave the fold the support of the BBC cropping crew can not be relied upon to make three a crowd.
Well it’s hard to criticise the BBC for bias at the moment for the coverage of the disgraceful Phil Shyster of Public Interest Lawyers, reporting the UKs service personnel to the war crimes courts.
From past performance the Grauniad crowd loves this man as he positively hates the UK and its people.
Ted Kazinsinsky wrote that most of the so called liberals start of from a position of self loathing, I think he has a point.
I heard on the way home that the Phil Shiner and his merry men of ambulance chasers (All on legal Aid) have succeeded in getting the ICC to have the UK in the dock over allegations of abuse agaisnt Iraqi.
Yes the Same Phil Shiner who runs Legal Aid funded Public Interest Lawyers who funny enough lost a court case only a few months ago regards Iraqi abuse when it transpired that all the allegations were untrue, has hit the jackpot in getting the taxpayer to fund another round of Islamic victimhood.
If on the chance this case also falls flat on its arse, will the government take Shiner to court for wasting the taxpayers money in which to pad his wallet.
Well he is a lawyer.
Mind you the bBC are loving this, Iraqi victims, British service men guilty (well not yet) of human rights abuse. But hang on after millions spent in chasing down non existent claims of abuse where Shiner has been found to have no evidence to bring to the table. (If he had no evidence, why did he continue with pressing the court case?) why hasn’t the bbC mentioned the Al-Sweady Inquiry in its right up. It has no problem promoting allegations as truthful, yet the fact shiner lost big order in court is left out.
The bBC, (And Shiner) the traitors within our midst
they did report that this had been to court once and that Shiner had lost, on Radio 4.
Whether Shyster has received any money for the ICC case is as yet unknown and it might be the case that he hasn’t until the case is accepted.
But its not on the web news article., which was my point.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if one of the so called Iraqi victims Shiner defends ends up beheading him.
Remember Norman Kember that idiotic peacenik who travelled over to Iraq, was kidnapped.
Well his fellow toffu eaters would hold candlelight virgins on the corner of the National Gallery. One afternoon there was around 30 to 40 of these people all blocking the path and instead of walking on the road, I walked right through the middle of them. Somebody said something and in front of all these people I said, “Somebody got a problem?” Everybody and I mean everybody looked down at the floor and wouldn’t look into my eyes. At that I exclaimed “And you lot talk about the meek inheriting the earth” Not bloody likely and walked away.
My point, the very people defending the rights of blood thirsty thugs from foreign lands , haven’t anything to say to somebody who looks like he is from a foreign land because they were scared shit of me.
That people is the despicable left scared to call a thug a thug.
Thoughtful wrote:
Whether Shyster has received any money for the ICC case is as yet unknown and it might be the case that he hasn’t until the case is accepted.
He picked up £2.1 million for the case he lost agaisnt the British Army. The total cost of that case comes in at around the £31 million mark and a quarter was on lawyer fees.
Sorry just checked he picked up £2.8 million
Has anyone else noticed the subversive nature of BBC programmes for young children? (CBBC)
I have two sons aged nine and two.
The programmes are heavily over represented with ethnic minorities and raise left wing political issues.
One programme with a live audience of under nines stated that cows were dangerous to the planet because of their production of methane gas. It was therefore advised to the kids that they should consider a vegetarian life style.
I also noted that white middle-aged males in suits were not to be trusted in kid’s dramas and the day was always won by a black or brown kid who had been previously been ignored or subject to exclusion.
I registered a complaint with the BBC and whilst in subsequent online discussion with one of their representatives, he left the BBC for a career elsewhere.
In BBC world, is an ethnic minority in their dramas ever guilty of a crime?
Irish Cartoon indoctrinating the kids, Renaming Christmas to Festival of Lights to accommodate the ethnics and a bit of immigration propaganda thrown in too for good measure. Absolutely marvelous !!
I’m a dickhead, I just saw this headline over at Harrys place:
Russian nationalists warn of the danger of, um, Conchita Wurst
And I thought why are the Russians complaining about German Sausage
Got to love the bBC;
Pakistan police charge 68 Pakistani lawyers with blasphemy
Pakistani police have charged 68 lawyers with blasphemy in what is thought to be the biggest ever case of its kind in the country. The charges were brought in Punjab after lawyers protested when police detained one of their colleagues. During the protest the lawyers are accused of insulting a companion of the Prophet Muhammad. Police say they acted after a local man complained. Critics say blasphemy laws are often misused to settle scores in Pakistan
So let me get this right the every so Politically correct bBC which has no problem sacking white people:
Carole Thacher
DJ who played the sun has got its hat on.
Sam Mason who asked for a white driver for her daughter
Colin Murray on a satirical show who said:” “Give me 20 minutes with her and I’m pretty sure I could turn around Clare Balding”
Goes out of its way to defend the inexcusable the arrest (and possible murders) of 68 people in Pakistan down to Islams bloody penchant for refusing to allow people to see how ugly, barbaric and a crook their founder was. According to the bBC:
Critics say blasphemy laws are often misused to settle scores in Pakistan.
Really bBC only critics say that do they, not normal people Like these
How about when the Bishop of Sahiwal committed suicide by blowing his brains out on the steps of the high court in 1998, becasue he was sick to death (no pun intended) of how Muslims used the Blasphemy law to persecute Christians. with all these facts and many more the bBC plays safe by promoting fact as a supposition.
The bBC, traitors to the British (non Islamic) public by being the mouth piece of radical Islam, paid for by you.
It’ll be happening in Britain sooner than you think if the Fascists have their way.
The BNP on bBC1 and a party political broadcast.
They even have a vicar telling you to vote BNP
Oh fuck they now have a fat bastard who while promoting his English roots lives in Wales.
BNp having an election broadcast outrageous ehh pounce. They should ban it. Freedom of speech that’s what I say. I lived in Wales once does that make me a “fat Bastard” as well.?
Is this the real Dave666 or his Beeboid sock-puppet?
But Dave, I was referring to Mr Nick Griffin. Are you now saying that you are he?
Saw it as well but they censored some ‘cartoon’ then the bloke said some things that were bleeped out………..I feel like we are living in Orwell’s 1984……….
Well, I now have all the Election literature from all the main parties, Conservative, Liberal, Labour, BNP, Green and UKIP, and in due course will make nice firelighters for my wood burner. The thing I noticed is that they all attack UKIP more than the other parties in all of the literature. They must be worried. But the one thing that stands out more than anything else is the Labour “Election Communication South West” leaflet. Why? Because the numpties at Labour haven’t realised that the vote on 22nd May is for the European Parliament seat(s) elections! I don’t know if it is the same leaflet in your area, but someone ought to tell the Labour party that this is not a General Election but a European one! Unbelievable. Maybe the BBC who support the Labour party so well, should have a word. Only the brain dead would vote for Labour based on the content of their leaflet. It beggars belief, it really does.
Here we have only had UKIP, Greens and Libour. Oh and the Libour council candidate. I was hoping that any of the parties would knock on the door so we could have a little bit of a chat. The Libour campaign seems to be completely aimed at parents. As my “child” is now 23 and after attending university is working part time in a shop this and their claim to be “fighting” for jobs cuts no ice here. I think possibly the St. George cross flying on the property may be putting them off. Not much coverage by North West tonight on the subject they did do a what might happen but of course any possible vote slippage on labour was played down.
Got to love how the left and Islamic corner have gone all out in which to defend the slitting of animals throats as somehow..Islamophobic:
Halal meat labelling plan rejected by MPs
Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi said: “I am a bit concerned about the way this debate on halal and kosher has been taking place in the country and also some of the things said in the chamber as well.“At the heart of this debate is the suggestion that somehow halal and kosher meat is actually more painful for the animal.
I cut my first throat (As a Muslim) at an abattoir in Barnsley, which was rented out and used to supply the local Islamic population with meat. As you saw back and thro with your knife on a very aware animal you utter the Islamic prayer :
” bismillahi al r-rahmani al r-rahim”
Let me tell you, animals know only too well that they are getting their throats cut. To that end I feel that Halal meat be banned from the UK.
In the name of PC, we have overturned years of animal welfare so as not to be classed as…racists. I mean where are the animals rights crowd when you need them? Happy attacking Non Muslims, I wonder why that is?
And of course observant Sikhs are forbidden to eat meat from ritually slaughtered animals. With the lack of labelling many will have done so – remember the furore and I believe sacking of a dining assistant when 2 children were served pork at their own request at a primary school. Why hasn’t this been more widely publicised and indeed insistence on full disclosure being given to prevent Sikhs inadvertently falling foul of this? Case for compensation against restaurants/supermarkets etc . Normally not one for the compo culture but could be a useful tool in achieving greater transparency!
They would be picketing a research lab where experiments on mice are curing cancer.
The hard left are now initiating violence on UKIP candidates and supporters….Not a word from the BBC of course because the UAF and Hope Not Hate are part and parcel of them..
At least 3 UKIP posters in my area have been defaced with the F word and also damaged.
The local press are reporting it – but not a peep on BBC London. And where is Mr Plod – at least one of the sites is covered by CCTV, and nation wide various HnH and SWP people and their ilk have openly boasted on the Facebook or Twitter accounts that they have done damage. Criminal damage.
But what is the effect of these defacements which have been happening all over the country ?
1 – for people minded to vote UKIP – does it deter them or encourage them ?
2 – for people who did not intend voting UKIP – does it increase the likelihood they will turn out on polling day, or do a lot of people feel real distaste at the SWP etc – and some might change their vote ?
3 for people who did not intend to vote – perhaps never vote – what impact on them ?
Overall – might all this damage gain votes for UKIP or lose votes ? – in the local elections as well as the MEP elections ?
I figure that this is a sign of extreme petulance by groups such as Hope not Hate and the UAF because they’re realising that they’ve lost.
By realising that they’ve lost, they’ve given up hope, so have reverted to hatred.
Therefore, Hope not Hate, have just become another failed cause, reverting to the ideological hypocrisy of the emotionally violent socialist impulse.
Click to access sn01314.pdf
This is a good read on Halal. From 20th Dec 2011:
This note describes the methods of slaughter used by the Jewish and Muslim religions. It also contains the recommendation of the Farm Animal Welfare Council Report to end the religious exemption for slaughter without pre-stunning. The Labour Government’s response, in April 2004, rejected that recommendation.
EU law, like UK law before it, requires farm animals to be stunned before slaughter. However, there is an exception for religious slaughter.
The Jewish method of slaughter, Shechita, requires animals not to be stunned before slaughter. Islamic food rules, for Halal meat, can be satisfied with animals stunned before slaughter, but there is no definitive ruling and slaughter without pre-stunning does also take place. Most Halal meat in the UK comes from animals that were stunned before slaughter.
The Farm Animal Welfare Council has concluded that slaughter without pre-stunning does cause suffering to the animals.
Much of the meat on an animal killed by religious slaughter may not qualify as Kosher or Halal meat. There is no requirement that it should be labelled as meat from an animal killed without pre-stunning.
The European Parliament voted in June 2010 to require compulsory labelling for all meat from animals killed without pre-stunning. The Council of Ministers would have to approve that legislation. The Coalition Government does not support it.
The Coalition Government has no intention of making Halal or Shechita slaughter illegal
Repeated (more or less) from Trojan Sheep.
Jews have always claimed kosher slaughter causes less distress to the animal than other means. Scientific confirmation of this not clear either way.
There is enough research confirming that claim to make a blanket statement that permitting kosher slaughter puts religious rights over animal rights hard to sustain.
Claiming that attacking Shechita is somehow an act of protecting the animal from distress is contradicted by notable authority on animal handling systems Temple Grandin. She has observed that the way animals are handled and restrained prior to slaughter likely has a greater impact on their welfare than whether or not they are stunned.
Similarly, there are studies that pre-slaughter stunning is actually much less humane. As said the scientific jury is out.
Surely the question of whether non Muslims should be forced to eat Halal meat (there is no Jewish equivalent of this situation) is a separate issue from whether the method is more or less humane?
As we well know from the Climate Change debate we should be very careful about blanket statements that the science on animal distress during slaughter or anything else is settled.
BTW It doesn’t seem that the BBC has adopted a position either way on slaughter and totally ignores the moral question of forcing Halal on non-Muslims.
pounce already pinned this dark comedy
but the insane basket case that is Pakistan
is the comedy gold …
You could say that with unending cousin
marriages, and generations of MADrasses
… end result a blasphemer behind every bush,
if ones not there, there is someone down the road that looks like one.If you check the twisted non logic, the lawyers aren’t accused of blasphemy for any actual blasphemy, but
because they were protesting against a man named Umar, and someone passing by overheard and thought they were using the name of another Umar (a buddy of Mohamhead?).
Sheesh! … just imagine what would happen, if Muslims started using the actual name of Mohamhead …… (oops! … oh wait :-D)
“mad I tell you … they re all mad”
Looks like a classic “mole” operation.
I can’t believe even the most naive young person would join UKIP not realising that they wanted to restrict EU immigration by leaving the EU.
In fact here is their 1997 manifesto describing intent to restrict immigration:
1997 UKIP manifesto
This is the problem when attempting to be ‘diverse’ and welcoming, more often than not it will bite you on the ass and when you’re not you’re racist…..
It’s lose lose from an indigenous perspective
It’s to be expected – I’ve written here before that in my view the biggest threat to UKIP in the run-up to the EU election will come from within the party itself; here is ample proof of that.
Sanya-Jeet Thandi’s sudden ‘resignation’ (sounds far more dramatic than it actually it; Ms Thandi is actually a student and was merely a member of UKIP’s ‘youth wing’ as the BBC like to call it – any resonance with ‘Hitler Youth’ being, of course merely coincidence) just a week ahead of the election is far too convenient for the liberal fascist media – indeed Ms Thandi’s first act upon ‘announcing’ her self-important, attention-grabbing ‘resignation’ was to pen a piece for the the Grauniad. Why am I not shocked?
This is no more than a carefully-staged attempt to derail the agenda ahead of the election. UKIP should merely thank the self-serving Ms Thandi for her three years of UKIP membership, refuse to comment further and simply move on.
The BBC and all its chums in the fascist left media will attempt to spin this into a much bigger ‘story’ than it deserves to be – with just a week to go before the fateful vote we can look forward to heroic levels of mud-slinging, name-calling, abuse, ad hom attacks, insinuation, etc, from these champions of free speech and democracy.
No analysis behind the fact that all these ‘groomers’ (paedophile rapists to you and me) appear to be Muslims. The BBC are just too scared to make the glaring link that we’re all aware of. In this country, the populace are now afraid of speaking out against Muslims for fear of offending them. Shocking.
The BBC loves gender “issues”. Here we have a story lifted from the Times Educational Supplement of how an academic has claimed that “Calling teachers ‘Sir’ or ‘Miss’ is depressing, sexist and gives women in schools a lower status than their male counterparts” (see Possibly. Given her background, one would expect the academic to know that the word ‘Miss’ is ultimately a derivative of ‘Mistress’, the feminine version of the word Master (the modern distinction between Mrs and Miss dates from about the 17th Century). Hence terms such as headmaster and headmistress. But perhaps such trivia is more interesting to the BBC and ‘academics’ than real gender issues in education. For instance, less than 10% of primary school teachers are men and in hundreds of schools the only man at all that children might see is likely to be the caretaker. Indeed, in one school I am familiar with the head proudly boasts that there are no male teachers at all and that she won’t be having any. Does this imbalance not have more impact on children growing up than their natural ability to simplify a teacher’s title to a simple one syllable word, without any understanding of its etymology?
One obscure young student resigns from UKIP – making wild but unsubstantiated allegations in a Guardian article.
How does this become the second main headline on the BBC Today programme at 7.30am ? Why not – if they really want to blow up a UKIP story – the continuing defacement of UKIP election posters ?
…… or the story about a UKIP MEP’s home being attacked, and Farage being under threat ?
One obscure young student resigns from UKIP
Funny, she wasn’t that obscure when UKIP were keen to put her in front of the TV cameras to defend the party…
Funny, no views on the attacks & threats?
I’ve never heard of her, never seen her on the front page of a newspaper before, or heard about her on the BBC. She is just a callow youth. Why is she worth the second main headline ?
The BBC did NOT give second-place slot to last week’s UKIP rally where speaker after speaker from ethnic minorities denied that UKIP is racist. People much older and wiser than this young girl.
Besides which – the girl is lying. She claims that UKIP has lost any mention of its local council aims – for instance to restrain council spending, to avoid waste. In my ward the UKIP leaflet starts off in bold headlines – “COUNCIL TAX IS FAR TOO HIGH” and carries on in that vein, instancing items of local waste, proposing ways to reduce the local costs. Not a word about immigration in its discussion of the inefficiencies of the local Council under the established parties.
“Funny, she wasn’t that obscure when UKIP were keen to put her in front of the TV cameras to defend the party…”
Yes just 7 days ago, if she had any doubts about the party she would have refused to argue the point with a Muslim Eritean then.
All far too convenient, she was either ‘got at’ or the whole thing has been orchestrated, regardless, its another smear that has backfired, just read the comments in The Mail, or even The Guardian a publication I’m sure you’re familiar with.