The BBC loves gender “issues”. Here we have a story lifted from the Times Educational Supplement of how an academic has claimed that “Calling teachers ‘Sir’ or ‘Miss’ is depressing, sexist and gives women in schools a lower status than their male counterparts” (see Possibly. Given her background, one would expect the academic to know that the word ‘Miss’ is ultimately a derivative of ‘Mistress’, the feminine version of the word Master (the modern distinction between Mrs and Miss dates from about the 17th Century). Hence terms such as headmaster and headmistress. But perhaps such trivia is more interesting to the BBC and ‘academics’ than real gender issues in education. For instance, less than 10% of primary school teachers are men and in hundreds of schools the only man at all that children might see is likely to be the caretaker. Indeed, in one school I am familiar with the head proudly boasts that there are no male teachers at all and that she won’t be having any. Does this imbalance not have more impact on children growing up than their natural ability to simplify a teacher’s title to a simple one syllable word, without any understanding of its etymology?
I’m sure the suggestion of using teachers’ first names instead will re-balance the implicit power relationship between learning enabler and customer, always assuming that the customer can be bothered to attend the learning facilitation workshop.
Not just in our schools. A shockingly high percentage of those leaving school can’t even speak properly , let alone read , write and count. If any state run enterprise has shown itself to be unfit for purpose, it is the education system over the past 30 years. Teachers and those in charge should be ashamed. They have left the country in a dire state with its young people being unable to compete with our global competitors. Perhaps the most sickening thing of all was Mr Blair’s promise about education , education ,education. Well we spent the money , our teachers are amongst the best paid in Europe, our schools have excellent facilities, but we didn’t get improvement , instead standards just kept falling. No wonder Mr Gove thinks that the only way forward is to dump the education establishment and try to start again.
Sir and Miss are too difficult for the kids to spell these days.
Far better to employ bearded drag queens, so it`s easier for all concerned.
And what about Sir Alex, Sir Alan and Sir Michael Wilshaw…typical lefty flag waving to dissolve any efforts to have any hierarchy…unless it`s Sir Mick Jagger of course or Lord Patten.
F888 off BBC scum!…yet another lefty notch on the bedpan for the death of the culture…contempt is all!
Thankfully we`re not alone.
The mighty Dennis Hayes(Derby Uni!…let that pass!) just blasted the trendy wendy head who opposed his views( enough of your Savile-kind matey familiarities) into orbit.
Poor Eddia Mair winded…a squealing nascent liberal cause kicked to death at birth…and by an Education expert.
Ye Gods…this is rare!
PM inquest going on…and we`ll not be hearing from Dennis Hayes any time soon.
But he shall live on in all our hearts after this!
“The Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education”looks like a grand book SIR Dennis!…and Sir he is for this ambush live on air!
Too many people in education who are left-wing, driven by ideology, spiteful, and have too much time on their hands. They would be utterly unemployable outside the public sector.
It’s not just your tablet. My phone has been doing that too (I don’t like the mobile layout, as the comments aren’t nested, at least on my phone). Go to the bottom and click “View Full Site”, which worked for a while for me.
Seconded. Tx. RD.
Will try the fix with the tablet when I play on site tonight before shut-eye.
Odd it arbitrarily decided to default to it with no option I was aware approving.
Can’t say I like it either.
Very hard to navigate and no preview. Plus no obvious means to make text bigger.
I will say it loaded faster.
Maybe a metaphor for the age? Super fast but pants. Like some BBC editorial scoops that can end up on these pages:)
Thanks Guest Who, re the formatting, I guess that is what is happening on my tablet. Yesterday I was able, by some double tapping to bring back the normal format, but today even that is proving impossible. Takes some getting used to.
I was but a sufferer who articulated a mystery ailment.
All credit to Dr. Deschain who played House with the symptoms described.
I look forward tonight to delivering his magic bullet too.
Disabled ‘online producer’ sacker for being disabled, despite the corporation knowing of her disability before employing her.
There is also some interesting insight about the workings of the corporation, including the poor organisation:
“There was confusion as to who was supposed to be doing what. The product was massively behind schedule, I didn’t know how long current members were going to be on our team.”
No one (or very very few) win at tribunal so I don’t expect she will. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t substance behind the complaint though.
Looks young. Seems poorly qualified for the role though, despite this being evident from the outset.
Maybe she could get herself hired by UKIP?
Then quit.
The BBC’s reporting of the case would be special.
I have to say that the interviewing of the Muslim governor from Parkview school was quite robust, with the Taqqiya monger proving to be completely mendacious, but then at the end comes the gift, what do you think of the appointment of Peter Clarke, former head of Scotland Yard’s anti-terror unit?
A gift of course and something the PC brigade has railed about. 200 people have complained ! What it doesn’t say is that 200 radical leftists have complained from all over the country !
However he didn’t handle any of it well, and showed himself to be as guilty as the suspicions suggested. Of course the interviewer couldn’t call him a liar directly but she made sure he showed himself for what he was.
I find the left wing fascist fascination with Islam strange given that when the religion is actually implemented, they find it unacceptable.
The parallels between Islam (as political ideology rather than religion) and Communism are striking: both are totalitarian, globalist and use subterfuge and ‘useful idiots’ to promote their agenda. What may appeal to the Left is the willingness of Islamists to use violence in pursuit of their aims. There are many in the ranks of the Labour Party and BBC who would like to physically destroy their opponents and secretly envy the willingness of the Islamists to do such.
I’d say it bears a closer resemblance to Fascism than Communism. Interesting to note that Hilters Nazis were the only ones to have the extermination of Jews & Gays as a policy, and Hitler is the only Fascist leader suspected of undergoing Shahada (conversion to Islam).
@ “..The only religion I respect is Islam, the only prophet I admire is the prophet Muhammad..” “..Hence today, I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator, by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of ALLAH.”
One plausible explanation is the Left see Islam as the quickest route to destroying our culture and identity, at which point they think they (the Left) will take over the reins with all their PC, eco-socialist rules of society still intact.
Agreed. I really cannot understand the myopic wilful blindness of the multiculturalists in supporting a religion which is dedicated at its core to turning this once free and tolerant country into a totalitarian monoculture.
Islam does not want to live in peace with other religions. It is dedicated to destroying them.
Pascal Bruckner in his book ‘The Tyranny of Guilt’ attributes this to form of entryism.
The hard left unable to mobilise the ‘proletariat’ saw radical Islam as ready made shock troops in their war against capitalism
I find this explanation convincing as in the early 70s I was briefly a member of the SWP and though even as teenager I could see it as the fraud it was (and is) for a while I kept friends in it and its offspring the ANL
There was clearly a strategy to recruit afro/caribbean youths to their cause (having failed to achieve a paris 68 style solidarity with the trade unions) the irony that they (the SWP) shared their middle class parents stereotypical view of black youths as being naturally more aggressive and violent was lost on them.
This strategy was successful not least as the ANL gave them a moral shield ,so to criticise their revolutionary ends was immediately an act of racism
I can believe that in the wake of the ‘Rushdie affair’ they believed they could replicate this success with muslim youths
But they now find themselves as a man who climbed on the back of a tiger hoping to find a way to dismount without being devoured but all the time riding for red ruin
Will everyone please stop calling Islam a religion. Islam is a totalitarian movement of which religion is only one tentacle. If the Britain becomes an Islamic state those who are Christians and Jews will have a choice convert, submit with Dhimmi status or get out….if they can. For all others, not people of the book, convert or death….
By the way has nobody heard of the red green alliance? Red being the fascist left
It’s the way Al beeb operates. Bring in the deniers and apologists before the report is out and then completely ignore it when the damning evidence is exposed.
This leaves the great unwashed with the impression that nothing is wrong….time to break out the bubbly as once again they mock and treat the British public with contempt.
Sorry I didn’t catch this chap’s name – there are so very many BBC talking heads ready to pop into the News Channel studio to deliver BBC Holy Writ to the willing news anchor.
Yesterday it was a case of another day another anti-UKIP story.
Even at the BBC they must be aware that the viewers are noticing the pattern of attack. The rhetorical question was raised ‘would we be talking about this if another political party were concerned?’
So our BBC bod explains why ‘the Guardian feels justified’ in this story.
But wait a minute…. the Guardian has a well-known and openly acknowledged political agenda of its own.
A case in which the Guardian newspaper thinks its report may be ‘justified’ doesn’t equate to the supposed politically ‘balanced’ BBC being ‘justified’ in going large on a minor story. In fact that paper’s obvious leanings ought to caution a neutral journalist or editor as to the import of the story.
The further explanation for this anti-UKIP splash emerged as being ‘because of the particular issue of race’.
This was not said explicitly – the Guardian angle blurred the real meaning of this odd conversation – but the overall implication given was that either :
1. The Guardian editor dictates what stories are important to the BBC;
2. The buzz notion ‘#race’ was so important to the BBC agenda that the story could not be ignored.
I am less concerned about this young woman now that the BBC describes her as a ‘British born Indian’. As a foreign and non EU national her opinion on the Euro elections is unimportant.
She still has not made clear which race, specifically, is being attacked by a policy of sensible control of immigration.
UKIP have made it clear that their policy on immigration is the least discriminatory, least racist and most practical and fair immigration policy on offer from any of the top four parties.
I’ve never heard of her, never seen her on the front page of a newspaper before, or heard about her on the BBC. She is just a callow youth. Why is she worth the second main headline ?
The BBC did NOT give second-place slot to last week’s UKIP rally where speaker after speaker from ethnic minorities denied that UKIP is racist. People much older and wiser than this young girl.
Besides which – the girl is lying. She claims that UKIP is all about racism and has lost any mention of its local council aims – for instance to restrain council spending, to avoid waste. In my ward the UKIP leaflet starts off in bold headlines – “COUNCIL TAX IS FAR TOO HIGH” and carries on in that vein, instancing items of local waste, proposing ways to reduce the local costs. Not a word about immigration in its discussion of the inefficiencies of the local Council under the established parties
Here’s a repost of mine from the tail-end of the Monday OT:
It’s to be expected – I’ve written here before that in my view the biggest threat to UKIP in the run-up to the EU election will come from within the party itself; here is ample proof of that.
Sanya-Jeet Thandi’s sudden ‘resignation’ (sounds far more dramatic than it actually it; Ms Thandi is actually a student and was merely a member of UKIP’s ‘youth wing’ as the BBC like to call it – any resonance with ‘Hitler Youth’ being, of course merely coincidence) just a week ahead of the election is far too convenient for the liberal fascist media – indeed Ms Thandi’s first act upon ‘announcing’ her self-important, attention-grabbing ‘resignation’ was to pen a piece for the the Grauniad. Why am I not shocked?
This is no more than a carefully-staged attempt to derail the agenda ahead of the election. UKIP should merely thank the self-serving Ms Thandi for her three years of UKIP membership, refuse to comment further and simply move on.
The BBC and all its chums in the fascist left media will attempt to spin this into a much bigger ‘story’ than it deserves to be – with just a week to go before the fateful vote we can look forward to heroic levels of mud-slinging, name-calling, abuse, ad hom attacks, insinuation, etc, from these champions of free speech and democracy.
Yes the liberal inquisition have found their smoking gun ,or so they think
What I havn’t worked out from any reporting ,is why did she join UKIP in the first place?
“I am the daughter of Indian nationals and strongly support immigration…”
I must have missed the policy change from being strongly in support of immigration to being
“racist populism that I cannot bring myself to vote for.”
UKIP have either allways been racists or arent now which is Ms Thandi?
I think the establishment parties do not want any votes from the 80 percent who are against mass immigration, because they are racists.
With diversity training, racist government form filling, multicultural ghettos, council funded language segregation, and many other political correct racial identity projects, its no wonder 80 percent of the population are now accused of racism.
But at least UKIP are not accusing 80 percent of the population of being racist.
What is with the left and their penchant for claiming people are all the same and then in the next breath saying that actually they are different.
That is what causes problems in the UK today.
Indian born in britain would be a better description. They only pick which bits to be british but when it suits them i dont understand etc…….It against my religion etc….
BBC and MSM going all out on UKIP as the panic sets in
a perfectly timed (hmmm) resignation because of …”waycism”
then a continuous pneumatic al beeb rant about the lack
Romagarians … expect more of the same allllll dayyyyyy
year on year still increasing? … and still the largest movement block? … doesn t matter in Al BBC land.
expect rabid searching through all the back catalogue
of UKIP to find some inconsequential morsel, to balloon out of all proportion …
toryboys/bbc/msm/liblabs all pat each other on the back
As the elections get closer and closer the propaganda gets more and more amateur and desperate . More people coming in to the country equals greater demand on housing and services.
They avoid ‘the elephant in the room’
The Times weighed in this morning with a screaming headline about UKIP’s MEPs being expected to hand over 10% of their EU salaries to the party. Interestingly, in its survey of the paper press this morning on Today at around 7:45, the BBC ignored this item. Blimey, if this is all the Times can come up with to smear UKIP then UKIP must be as pure as driven snow.
In general terms we should brace ourselves for really big smears over the weekend and, particularly (since a smear will not be refutable in such a short time and will remain like the smell of particularly unpleasant flatus over the proceedings) in the 24 hours before next Thursday’s election.
Now, what has gone wrong? Has the Eritrean and his mates ‘got’ to her, or was she in someone’s pocket? Either way its an orchestrated anti UKIP smear attempt.
BTW if that f*****g Eritrean hates us and this country so much why doesn’t he just f**k of back there? Benefits not so good there? Where do the MSM find these people?
Why on earth is ANY TV programme having that young Eritrean guy on as some kind of commentator – he is just filled with ignorant bile.
And what a hypocrite Thandi is – 1 week she is saying that UKIP’s immigration poliocy is not racist, whereas other parties have a racial bias against non-Caucasians. Next week she is a turncoat. But the BBC, Guardian and Channel 4 won’t point out her contradiction of herself ?
“this country owes the rest of the world anything they want” @ 8:39 – well at least that youing man is honest and had the good grace ,unlike Wark, to not know better what I think than I do myself.
And both unashamedly demonstrated the universal tendancy to racial solidarity – Is Mason for stamping out theirs as well I wonder?
This is a yet again a totally manufactured discussion by the bbbc. Where was the white, Christian, English person in the discussion (‘for balance’)? Who the fuck does the Eritrean think he is? If its so bad here go back to Eritrea. Roll on 22nd May……My voting decision has already been made but watching these bbbc manufactured discussions just makes me angry and even more determined to vote for Nigel. The bbbc are so irresponsible in their output. They have made it so that it is almost a crime to have any English thoughts or even support the ‘English’way of life and their overwhelming admiration and open support for anything muslim beggars belief. I just hope they remove the licence fee and then they can fall back down to earth and then perhaps we won’t have the discussions as on the video link above. Appalling, just appalling
Spotted in the video the banner of Ken Loach’s pathetic morons of Left Unity. They posted this scene on their FB page with pride. Please add to the SWP controlled left fascists – Left Unity, along with the UAF, Hope not Hate, and the other anti UKIP brigades.
Yes the usual intolerant, censoring, intimidating political alliance:
SWP, UAF, Occupy, and their supporters in Labour Party and trade unions, not least Beeboids.
…We’re not saying this was predictable, but boy was this predictable! You get an erstwhile supporter of UKIP from an ethnic minority, get them to quit in (manufactured) disgust at the party’s “racism”, and then — stand at a safe distance now — get them to write it all up in the Guardian. Predictable? Nah…”
But what will the effect be of this artificially-amplified outburst by this hypocritical girl ? Will it actually damage UKIP.
Or will it keep the issue of immigration controls to the fore – which is a main driver of UKIP support.
And on the “We want our country back, we want proper border controls” theme – the Trojan Horse story looks far bigger today, and likely to get bigger yet.. Plus I think Office for National Statistics figures for immigration so far in 2014 come out today ?
So the UKIP girl story may have less bite than the BBC/Guardian cabal wanted. Poor timing on their part ?
‘But what will the effect be of this artificially-amplified outburst by this hypocritical girl’
Another backfire, if what I am seeing is anything to go by.
On one thread discussing this (possibly Commentator) first out the traps was a false flag of such direness that I half suspect false-false flagging now.
Because boy did it tip those who may not by UKIPpers off the fence.
Maybe if all the parties… and their tame media… and brain-dead social media shock Jugend… simply p*ssed off back under their tribal agenda-corrupted rocks and let free speech prevail, we’d get back to democratic process via ballot based on informed choice by the electorate.
Fat chance of course. But a £4Bpa social engineering PR propaganda machine sure helps keep things in the gutter.
If I recall, he deemed it ‘explosive’.
But for order-order to start closing for comments is quite something.
And I mean in a not good ‘establishment lean-on’ way.
Unless the ‘hate-site’ faux-flaggers have found a way to ensure they can get a thread closed quite easily.
Seems to me admin of such forums may need to get a bit stricter with IP addys and who claims to be whom to check this trend.
As I said on the previous Open Thread, Guido ( whether it’s Paul Staines or, more likely, Harry Cole) has gone all establishment since he started his Sun On Sunday column. The moderating of comments has become excessive and is the cause of many complaints from its regular users. There are certain words that automatically engage the site’s auto-mod and users are having to double space, use asterisks, spell the words differently or use any other ingenious method they can devise to confound the censorship on Order-Order.Com. It’s a sad decline of a once effective anti-establishment blog.
Attended our local UKIP candidates info meeting in Jewish Hall in Hove last night.
UAF exercised their democratic right to demonstrate outside (in similar numbers to those attending meeting). BBC were there but unable to find link online.
Amazingly there was a rumour if anyone was accused of being a racist there would be arrests:
Although very noisy and certainly getting their points across, I have to say UAF were non violent and much better behaved than seen on telly before. Maybe with the Police almost in similar numbers there was little chance of getting away with bad behavior. Some interesting public comments in local rag:
Most surprisingly I also noticed a UKIP candidate Patricia Culligan actually debating with UAF outside and got listened to; possibly because almost her first words were she used to be in Socialist Workers Party in another life!
Socialist Workers Party. Can they be charged under the Trades Descriptions Act because they are neither socialist nor do the majority of their members work or have ever worked?
Nigel Farage should ignore all those gotcha questions by the Media Industrial Complex ” Are you waaycist ? !!! ” and treat them with the contempt it deserves. It’s a bit like asking ” When was the last time you beat your wife ? ”
If he does answer the ‘waaycist’ question, that means he fighting on the Lefts territory, which they want, and you’ll be dancing to their tune. They don’t care about the answer anyway only in smearing UKIP. If Farage had a black wife and adopted 10 little black kids from Somalia, the lame stream media would still call him ‘waaycist.’
Of course ‘journalists’ aren’t interested in ‘waaycism’ because if they were they’d be reporting all the anti white racist crime like Kris Donald or the Knock Out Game for example.
This is the reality of Mass Immigration yet to hear Shirley Williams and Chukka Obama Clone on Question Time ” Multiculturalism is absolutely marvelous, just wonderful, life couldn’t get any better !! ”
It’s getting beyond a joke now, way past the rampant double standards by the establishment.
If numpties of any hue were allowed to rant how they like and post wherever they want free of fear or favour, they’d simply be ignored like a cat lady muttering to her charges in the trolley.
But because the full forces of law and media get deployed, selectively, they end up with all the notoriety they could wish for, plus serving as polarised lightning rods (that may be a mixed physics metaphor) for any attracted to a personal car crash.
I don’t know now how it gets undone, but the politicians and MSM STFU may be a very good start.
Oh dear, will she face two years of prosecution, children taken off her, MPs denouncing her racism, endless psychiatric examinations? They did it for Emma West.
Nigel Farage should repeat the immortal quote of Dr Martin Luther King Jr,
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
That quote sums up UKIP’s rejection of racist Politically Correct discrimination and social division and the embrace of meritocratic philosophy more than anything else I can think of. All are created equal before the law, and each individual shall only be judged on their own behaviour and character.
That is why I reject the politically correct philosphy of liblabcon, and why I vote UKIP.
BBC and Guardian furiously trying to play down the ONS statistics released today.
The new Bulgarian and Romanian immigration figures do show only 140,000 have come here to work. However that means the need to build some 75,000 housing units to meet the extra demand.
Of course, those figures do not include non-working spouses, children, unemployed and self-employed nationals of these countries, all of whom who need housing.
The most interesting figure if ever provided will be the number of such nationals who have started to seek certain previously unavailable social security benefits since 1 January.
I was watching muted News24 earlier, with the captioning switched on. Details of the employment figures were released (UK unemployed down by 375,000), immediately followed by the caption stating that there were 4000 less employed Romanian/Bulgarians than last month.
It was only when I thought about this I realised what the sneaky BBC bastards had done…
Re: the supposed 4000 less Romanians and Bulgarians working in the first quarter. If you look at the actual ONS pdf it includes numerous caveats about uncertainty and errors and makes clear that these are just *estimates* based on a small survey – also subject to seasonal adjustment. If you ask me it doesn’t past the sniff test: With construction booming and immigration controls dropped you’re trying to tell me that a net 4000 Romanians upped sticks and left for home? Pull the other one. Strikes me there are enough fudge factors and adjustments for these figures to be manipulated to order by the civil servants to provide their LibLabCon masters with ammunition to use against UKIP.
You have to work in the UK for 3 months to qualify for benefits. It is now May. These figures are for January to March. I suspect that the fall in ’employment’ is probably accompanied by a rather large spike in benefit claims.
Because the bBC’s political masters know they are going to get a kicking next week, when the sick to the back of the teeth public send them a message they don’t want to believe.
I eman come on getting the British Nazi party to berate UKIP. whoever next..Boko Haram?
The BBC tries to sanitise today’s ONS immigration figures – eg by omitting dependents.
But surely they key figures are :
1 – huge rise in the number of foreign workers by 292,000 in one year – that is a 7% rise in just one year, including 168,000 more EU workers.
2 Then add in the dependents they bring in
Ergo – Tory/LibDem immigration policy is an utter failure – and will stay a failure because the EU prevents us having any proper border controls. Things are just as bad as when Labour opened the floodgates.
If anyone is looking for a textbook example of outrageous bias from the BBC, let me recommend an earful of the World Service’s reporting on the Australian budget.
I caught this stream of barely disguised invective at around 2 am this morning and, even used to the mother service’s relentless advocacy of socialism as we all are, could hardly believe my ears.
As far as I can make out, the new government’s budget is trying to make sure the Aussies don’t do what we did under Brown – splurge money during a boom and precipitate a collapse. The BBC’s correspondent was in full ‘this is outrageous!’ mode.
Mark my words, they’ll be eating babies and bayoneting aboriginals down under, if they allow the vile capitalist regime to carry on like this. That’s what the BBC thinks, clearly – and it broadcasts that opinion to anyone in the world daft enough to pay it the slightest attention.
‘The number of Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK has fallen by 4,000 since employment restrictions were lifted in January, but is up 29,000 compared with a year ago’.
So there’s been an overall increase, but the BBC headline focuses on the minor dip. A tad misleading, methinks.
From 1984
“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be REDUCED to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. “
Long article in the Guardian basically saying Please, please, please leave the BBC alone and stop picking on us – even when we cock up – because we’re the honest brokers and we know best. we really do.
“The BBC is a battlefield that can be grim and dark and strewn with human wreckage. It is where the British gather to fight their most vicious culture wars. The BBC’s particular and paradoxical relationship with governments – funded as it is by a politically negotiated charter, independent as it strives to be in its journalism – has meant it is caught up in dynamics of high power beyond any other broadcaster.”
Of course the simple expedient of abolishing the whole damn mess simply can not be considered by the writer.
I actually find much in that piece utterly astounding, and damning. Such as this” ‘if I didn’t sign it, it would affect my BBC pension’
Even I did not imagine that as far back as 1987 the integrity of the BBC as an objective anything, especially news, was so easily steered by the staff’s addiction to their pensions, and rotating ferret sack above them’s ability to wield the threat of it being curtailed if boats got rocked. A bit like the EU now, Mr. Clegg?
Much more explained. Too much inexcusable. Especially 28Gate. No wonder even ‘The Future of the BBC’ inquiry was desperate not to go there.
It’s shocking, isn’t it? We all know that socialists are all totally anti-racism, and fascism is an extreme form of right wing thinking that all leftists oppose.
BTW, anyone heard of a party called the National Socialists? I hear they were once quite powerful in Germany, but with a name like that they couldn’t possibly have been fascists.
The programme today on BBC World service about Muslims sheltering in a church had no context whatsoever and repeated the idea again and again that the only victims of the conflict were Muslim .This was clearly propaganda . The conflict actually started when a Muslim group Seleka ran rampage around the Central African Republic in 2013 but without this context it was only the Muslims who were seen as the victims.
Let’s not forget, these are the guys from the level that back in 1987 told a DG to pack up and ship out on the spot and say nothing if he valued his pension.
I doubt that time has seen a cuddlier breed of sack ferret evolve, if Pollard, Rose, PAC, Cohen, Katz, Boaden are anything to go on.
So what they ‘think’ about their internal BBC review may be interesting but likely worth zero on a trust or transparency basis.
Speaking of medical issues, I managed but 2 minutes before a side split.
Mr. Ayre, apparent noble guardian of licence fee interests, is clearly a devotee of the ‘tell it often enough’ school of propaganda.
One can see why the audience, and questions, were limited only to the young pod people visible.
I wonder what those rapt if oddly vacant expressions suggested they were seeing?
I have it bookmarked to try and wade through the next 58′, probably in batches, if my constitution can withstand it.
Earlier today the BBC tried to deflect the positives away from following report on the UK jobless figures with moans and groans about how Romanian and Bulgarian immigration isn’t anywhere near as bad as those nasty Tories made out; Nick Robinson’s ‘analysis’ has been removed.
BBC on a smart-arsed anti-Ukip offensive on the Six ‘News’ just now. Mr Smug Robinson even had the nerve to get the views of Yvette Cooper. I’m amazed considering Labour’s appalling record on unfettered immigration.
And Channel 4 did the same as Cathy Newman was provided with an ex-UKIPer called Alexandra Swann.
Following on this mornings game-changer about an Indian 21 year old woman devastating UKIP by leaving the youth section….hold the front page !
Anyway-Channel 4 could only have imagined the final destruction of UKIP pretensions with Ms Swann there to feed them raw meat.
Oh dear-she could not have been more of a silkier mole sailing under false colours had Nigel have planned it.
For Alexandra was more UKIP and scornful of the political classes than Cathy Newman could stomach-indeed the gears whirred and she helplessly referred to her notes.
For lefties were not born to think on the hoof…Cathy was flummoxed and Ms Swann put yet more daylight between the chattering classes and Nigel.
Superb infiltration Nigel and Alex…THIS is the way to turn the liberal elite to jelly.
I`m now ex-UKIP for media purposes now…seems to allow us on to shaft the elite to both their faces!
So reading this article whom do you feel the bBC is saying are the victims here:
Nigerian village vigilantes ‘repel Boko Haram attack:
Residents of three villages in northern Nigeria have repelled an attack by suspected Boko Haram Islamist fighters, an eyewitness has told the BBC. About 200 of the militants were killed during the fighting in the Kala-Balge district of Borno state, he said.
The witness said the residents had formed a vigilante group.
I don’t think the BBC is saying Boko Haram are the victims here at all. That is your interpretation, not what is actually written.
The article also includes this:
“Boko Haram, whose name means “Western education is forbidden” in the local Hausa language, is notorious for raiding towns and villages, burning homes, looting banks and police stations, and killing people.”
How does that portray them as victims?
I agree that Boko Haram should be described as terrorists, because that is what they are. But in this article the BBC is in no way presenting them as victims.
Chris wrote: “I don’t think the BBC is saying Boko Haram are the victims here at all. That is your interpretation, not what is actually written.
But yet an hour later, the bBC have replaced that article with one which reports at how Nigerian troops had shot at a convoy where nobody was hurt. The story about how 200 Terrorists have been killed attacking a village is hidden right down at the bottom of the new article. I quote: Meanwhile, residents of three villages in Borno repelled an attack by suspected Boko Haram fighters on Tuesday, an eyewitness told the BBC. About 200 militants were killed during the fighting in the Kala-Balge district of Borno state, he said.The witness, who asked not to be named because of security concerns, said the residents had formed a vigilante group.
You’d think the bBC didn’t want you to hear about this set back for BH
The original story is still available, although you’re right that it isn’t on the BBC Africa page. It says ‘Last updated 16:30 GMT, 14 May 2014’
The second story (‘Last updated 19:12 14 May 2014’) is a more recent event, hence it is given more prominence. The older story is always sent down the pecking order in news.
“You’d think the bBC didn’t want you to hear about this set back for BH”
Again, I think that’s your interpretation, not what the BBC is actually saying.
“The older story is always sent down the pecking order in news.”
WRONG: there are weekly (probably daily) examples of ‘sticky’ bulletins that seem to grab the limelight and have pictures prominent etc and conversely very NON-STICKY stories that sometimes vanish completely after an hour or so.
Yes, that’s fair enough. But usually when the story is of considerably greater importance than the stories which follow it.
Do you think this incident of the people of a town defending themselves against Boko Haram, whilst undoubtedly newsworthy (and praiseworthy) is of considerably greater importance than the story of Nigerian army troops opening fire on their commander? I would say both are similarly important, in which case the more recent story takes precedence.
And the village vigilantes story hasn’t disappeared, as it still features in the second story.
Chris wrote: “Do you think this incident of the people of a town defending themselves against Boko Haram, whilst undoubtedly newsworthy (and praiseworthy) is of considerably greater importance than the story of Nigerian army troops opening fire on their commander?
So the first where the group guilty of killing over 12,000 people, of kidnapping 275 girls, of blowing up a UN building loses 200 men not 24 hours ago
And the second where a few disgrunted men fired a few rounds at a car, which harmed nobody and which it transpires only the bbC is reporting. Do a serch the only people reporting it all link into the bbC article. Below is a screen dump from Newsnow for Nigeria. Only one outlet reports the story..the bBC.
Why is the fact that the BBC is reporting the army shooting story a sign of support for Boko Haram though?
The summary of the story, as it currently appears on the BBC Africa page, is:
“Soldiers open fire on their commander in the north-eastern Nigeria, witnesses say, as anger grows over failure to tackle Islamist insurgency.”
To me, that clearly suggests that the ‘Islamist insurgency’ (or ‘Islamist terrorism’, as it should be described) carried out by Boko Haram must be stopped.
There is also a report from John Simpson talking about the brutality of BH just below it on that page.
Would that be the very same John Simpson who had this to say about the Terrorists who murdered so many people in London in July 2005: Now that the bombs have exploded, and thousands of newspaper pages and entire days of air time have been devoted to the horror of it all, and to the poor, decent people who are dead and missing, and to the misguided criminals responsible
The bBC is very subtle in its support of Islamic terrorism, once you know what to look for, you see their bias for it it is.
200 Boko Haram terrorists killed attacking two villages in Nigeria at 4am Tuesday morning. The initial bBC report clearly expressed disgust at how vigilantes (Apparently if you are a villager defending your village,life and family you are a ….vigilante to the bBC) had killed so many terrorists and an hour later they have removed that post and replace it with one about how Nigerian troops shot at their commander. Add the many other Pro Boko Haram articles and you’d have to be a fool not to see any bBC bias.
“Boko Haram and the shame of the Left.
Having spent years apologising for Islamist atrocities and calling anyone who raised any concerns an ‘Islamophobe’, Leftists, especially feminists, should hang their heads in shame at events in Nigeria”
Something not right about this story. Homer Simpson, the same who said earlier this week that Islam has no history of forced conversion (sic) is now claiming that vigilantes with machetes and bows and arrows killed 200 Islamist terrorists who seem to be well armed, including missiles liberated by their fellow jihadists from Libyan stockpiles. It will need a proper journalist to find out what’s going on. Others are sceptical too
Shame the BBC has no in-country Nigerian reporter and has to fly in whitey.
It IS confusing to the average listener/viewer who dip in from time to time and just absorb what the BBC say. This is the extremely dangerous way the BBC as a public broadcasting authority is allowed to corrupt the general public into thinking the way they want them to think! Unless people protest loudly and frequently about this , however subtle it may seem to some ,the BBC will continues to get away with their propaganda.
For a number of years now, I’ve been banging my little tin drum how the China is throwing her weight regards the growing Imperial aspirations of Peking.
Which is why China encourages Pakistan to keep the majority of her armed forces agaisnt India
Why China is building bases in..Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma in which to ring fence India in
Has claimed the vast majority of the China sea as her own (Resulting in China using force to (military vessels masquerading as coast guard ships) blockade ,arrest,evict fishermen who while only 10s of miles away from their own shores are over 2000 miles away from China)
Imposed Air and sea zones restricting nations from transiting their own territory.
The otherday Chinese ships blocked Vietnamese ships from stopping a Chinese Oil rig from searching for oil in Vietnamese waters.
Today the Vietnamese people attacked Chinese interests in their country and the bBC’s Nga Pham blames…Vietnamese nationalism.
Really? Has this woman watched any Chinese film of late, they all centre around poor Chinese who are oppressed by foreigners and how somebody fights back. Think I’m kidding watch any recent Chinese blockbuster, the baddies are always: British, American,French,Russian or Japanese.
If any of the above carried out a land?Sea grab the bBC would let you know about the imperialistic nature of the West, yet when its China they have remained silent.
Beeboids’ inadequate analysis of INDIA’s election.
It is interesting to note India’s NDTV channel giving in-depth political coverage of how Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslim voted, unlike Beeboid censorship of this, (not only on India’s election, but also in U.K elections).
And in its ‘reporting’ on India’s election, Beeboids seem reluctant to make clear the political issues between the political parties, such as:
“Counter-terror orgs endorse Narendra Modi for India Prime Minister”
By Robert Spencer.
“Politicians who will stand forthrightly against jihad terror and Islamic supremacism are few and far between all around the world. Narendra Modi in India is among the few, and so he has received the endorsement of Canadians United Against Terror. Indeed, supporters of freedom and human rights the world over should support him.”
When Beeboids did report pre-India election, it was in the form of political propaganda (‘it’s all poverty, no Islamic jihad’) by Beeboid Muslim, Mishal HUSSAIN, for India’s Muslims, as here (April):
“India election: How will the Muslim vote affect the polls?”
One of the BBC’s usual suspects, Norman (‘but Labour say’) Smith, excelled himself at lunchtime managing to dissemble and twist the latest immigration figures to skewer both UKIP and the Tories.
Gleefully telling viewers that the expected influx from Romania and Bulgaria had not arrived and was in fact smaller than the last quarter, he was able to thumb his nose at UKIP….but….
Cleverly (?) though he went on to say that immigration from the rest of Europe had increased over the same period, and he couldn’t resist the opportunity have a pop at the Tories and Cameron’s ‘failure to control immigration’, as promised. Only our Norman could manage such contortions.
‘Some people’, Norman, say you’re biased. I say, Norman, you are lacking integrity.
As the Euro Elections are fast approaching the propaganda gets more transparent…
In the news….
Lots of industrious Poles, all busily working on a roof giving the impression that there is a demand for more and more immigrants – but note the lack of Health and Safety wear, hard hats, ladders not tied, safety harnesses etc., that the HSE would be enforcing on all the British boys doing the same job.
Try harder – “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
The bBC, how it defends drug taking and half the story Kenyan MPs’ bid to evict UK farmers over khat ban
Another article from the bBC berating the Uk for banning Khat . This time its about how many poor people will lose their jobs: “The MPs say that the British move will force almost two million people out of jobs in Meru, which is one of Kenya’s 47 counties and lies to the north-east of Mt Kenya.
REading the bBC article you’d think we were the only people in the world to ban the damn things. However in Europe over 14 countries have banned it and others are following that trend. Then there’s this from France Local (French news website) from March this year: Drugs: French seizures of khat and cannabis soar
Cannabis seizures in France soared last year according to an end-of-year report by French customs officials. Marijuana was not the only illegal substance that was confiscated in huge amounts in 2013. An incredible 44 tomes of the khat was impounded at Channel ports………A spokesperson for French customs told The Local that the ten-fold rise in the amount of khat seized was due in large part to the Netherlands moving to ban the substance in January 2013.
Since then a trafficking network was set up to transport the drugs from the UK to the Netherlands via France. Most of the 49 tonnes of khat were seized at the Channel ports of Calais and Dunkirk.
It seems that since France,Holland,Germany,Poland ,Ireland have banned Khat, the Uk has become a major hub for the importation of the drug into Europe. Strange how the bBC doesn’t mention any other country in Europe which has banned it.
‘In a surprise move, the New York Times newspaper has announced that it has replaced executive editor Jill Abramson – the first woman to lead the paper – with immediate effect.’
‘Mr Baquet, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who formerly edited the Los Angeles Times, will become the first African-American to lead the paper.‘
Unbelievable report on ‘Today’ radio 4 where they went to California ‘silicon valley’ to talk to people in business there.
They interview some selected leftie who claims that the people at the top are paid too much and the rewards for success too high. “There needs to be a wealth tax” he opines.
Yes I can imagine that death of the American Dream being really popular !
Then it’s on to another short that pupils in State schools lack a moral compass, and this is due to the fact that too much emphasis is placed on academic success and this is not the case in Public schools. There needs to be more time set aside for ‘citizenship lessons’.
Forgive me but I always thought that parents were supposed to provide a moral compass, and I’m sure that the favourite brown eyed boys make sure their children have the correct moral values !
No this is a blatant attempt by the fascists to be given time to ‘re-educate’ kids to think the right left wing thoughts. Coming as it does on the heels of the insane calling women ‘Sir’ it illustrates that the teaching ‘profession’ as wholly as politicised as the BBC.
‘He also warned: “There is a kind of aura of political correctness creeping over everything, and therefore anybody who uses colourful language is going to have to keep their mouth shut.”
He then clamped his hand over his mouth to demonstrate the point to the BBC News Channel audience.’
Who said that? A UKIP candidate? Jeremy Clarkson? David Starkey?
The BBC is fully on board, now, with the idea promulgated by The White House/US State Department that the situation in Nigeria is the fault of the government, and not Boko Haram. The cause of this kidnap is the fact that the government “don’t care about people in certain areas of the country”. Realise that in this equation, Government = Christian, and “people in certain areas” = Muslims.
If only the government would give Boko Haram what they want, this wouldn’t have happened.
Thanks, BBC! Got the message! GOT IT! How would I know what to think without you?!
BBC3: In The Flesh – Yes, It’s all About UKIP (believe it or not).
Here’s the strangest thing; I like zombies. I like zombie fiction and I like zombie film and TV (The excellent Walking Dead, based on a hugely popular comic book series, now up to season four on Fox HD, is one of the best examples), so when the BBC commissioned their own zombie series I was naturally intrigued.
Series 1 of In The Flesh (BBC3) passed off rather unremarkably; inoffensive, pretty anodyne, tepid fare in comparison to Fox’s visceral, exciting and often shocking Walking Dead. I really didn’t think In The Flesh would make it all the way to a second series. Amazingly, somehow – and I’ll explain how – it did.
Within moments of watching the second series it became jarringly clear what the true agenda of the second series – and it’s not coincidental timing in the schedules – would be all about. Zombies were to become, in the hands of the BBC, a valuable metaphor for something ‘other’; a cypher for a Far More Important Message to be delivered to BBC3’s presumably 20-something audience. I’ll let the guy off The GuardianTV review page explain:
“…They come here, take our jobs, eat our faces? Not on Maxine’s watch. In the second series of Dominic Mitchell’s superb In the Flesh (BBC3, Sunday), the Victus party MP terminated the symbolic Other with a power tool and told an election rally that the living would no longer tolerate having medicated zombies in their midst. Why? “Behind that mask of makeup and medication is a cold-hearted killer,” she said. “Just one misdose away from tearing your head apart.” I’m not saying that this is how Ukip characterises Romanians in its manifesto, but if it did its electoral share would surely rise….”
The first two episodes of season 2 of In The Flesh have both made no effort to disguise the series’ aggressive anti-UKIP credentials, using ‘zombies’ as a substitute for…well, for Romanians. Go on, try it; just watch one episode and every time a protagonists mention the undead substitute the word ‘Romanian’ or ‘immigrant’ and I promise you the effect will be abundantly obvious to you.
I suppose in one way we should feel grateful that the wretched BBC no longer feels the need to disguise its electioneering politicisation of what should have been an enjoyable slice of zombie fiction for younger audiences. Yes, it was inevitable, I suppose, that the common purpose hivemind at the Politburo would sooner or later identify the zombie meme as an ideal trojan horse upon which to piggyback in its fiercely pro-EU, anti-UKIP messaging; but to do so quite so nakedly, quite so shamelessly…
Or did I just miss the BBC’s famous ‘impartiality’? I just wanted to watch a harmless series about zombies; instead I got a series of lectures on Why I Shouldn’t Be Voting For UKIP And Why Immigration Is Good For All Of Us.
Ah, Mr Hain, favoured son of many a broadcaster.
Perhaps because both have very unique views on views.
It’s hard to know who to rely upon for education and information on, well anything, these days.
Speaking of favoured sons…
Golly, who knew? Well, readers here may have had an inkling, and a while ago.
I fear Mr. Staines’ recent efforts have made any opinion or sources he chooses to promote subject to a bit of checking now, but the facts do seem hard to dispute.
Not that this will see any great change to the guest priorities from the Today snow to the Newsnight slipway any time soon. ‘“If producers dropped Mo Ansar, he would have nothing to fall back on”
Given the new batch of ‘producers’ these days, I think Mo’s OK a while yet.
Oh great, and now BBBC joins BBC, CiF, Telegraph and all the rest with our comment is awaiting moderation.
Just get Google to erase it all while you’re at it.
Anyway, one for #LOLThurs in case it ever appears: ‘Nick Robinson, the BBC’s political editor, has also abandoned his usual fairness when dealing with the party’
That ‘Toenails’ soubriquet doubtless acquired when not letting his beach feet cause a drama?
Wild guess, but maybe UKIP taking chunks out of Labour may have seen ‘usual fairness’ a wee bit compromised in all sorts of places. Alongside the official Mo Ansar account, there is a Twitter alias – a ‘sockpuppet’ account in the jargon – called @The_TruthTeller, which denigrates Ansar’s enemies. It was originally called @MoAnsar2, and is written either by Ansar, who was unavailable for comment, or by a besotted fan determined to fight his every battle.
Note this from the Spectator article by Nick Cohen:
“The greatest cause of confusion in liberal Europe is the existence of two far-rights: the nativist white far-right, which hates and targets Muslims because they are Muslim; and the religious far right, which hates and targets critics of fundamentalism, including critics who are liberal Muslims and ex-Muslims.”
This is typical of the ‘liberal’ media, we are presented with two instances of the liberal’s nigger, ‘the far-right’, one of which is the dumb, soon to be ex-native, and the other a ‘religious’ variant.
Could the religious bunch be CofE, RC, Baptists, Methodists or even Jews? Of course not! In the context of the article they must be a brand of Muslim but ‘we’ dare not speak the name even when ‘we’ think they are in the wrong.
This all very strange as Cohen’s article is really all about Mo Ansar not daring to speak the name of the Beast! “Throw stones at it!”, he seems to say, (but count me out because I’m a ‘liberal’).
In fairness to Cohen, he did write a whole book criticising what he described as “Islamic fascists” and the lefties who stand up for them, despite their attitudes towards women and homosexuals. Book was called “What’s left?”.
(A friend writes occasional blog posts for the Telegraph. He doesn’t choose either the title or the subtitle of the published piece- that is down to the sub editors. Possibly the subs at the Spectator edited Cohen’s piece to make it “safer”?).
So at least one of Nicky Campbell’s Twitter pals – this one the oddball mohamedan – bites the Twitter dust. There’ll still be a vacant BBC Salford studio seat warm and waiting for the rest of Campbell’s Twitterati fans – the grievance mongers and the lefty campaingers.
Guess who does not like the BBC? Too right wing for Peter Hain’s supporters in UAF who object to BBC showing a debate which includes right wing parties. . From UAF’s FB page.
Unite Against Fascism shared a link.
Peter Hain: ‘No BBC Platform for Racists and Fascists.’
No BBC Platform for Racists and Fascists
Former Secretary of State for Wales and anti-apartheid…
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Stephen Audley Don’t want the beeb accused of a left wing bias – let them have the publicity they need to show their idiocy
Yesterday at 8:04am · Like · 2
Lola Lou Carr 15 times Farage has been on QT… what left wing bias?
No such thing on the BBC…. Their political editor is an old Etonian ffs.
Don’t bother trying to get the news from the BBC any more.
Nicholas (that “vile loathsome little man”) Witchell, has his tongue so far up the Royal families arse that he is actually becoming a Spitting Image type parody of himself.
It’s all a big fucking lie.
Yesterday at 8:20am · Like · 3
Chris Diboll These parties need to be allowed to make fools of themselves.
Yesterday at 8:26am · Like · 5
Simeon Solar BBC is a corrupt mouthpiece for government, and right wing through and through. Cancelled TV license long ago and don’t watch their rubbish. As for far-right groups, if we value liberty we need to listen to their bullshit and then using logic and reason dissect their feeble arguments. If they break the law, platform gets taken away. We don’t actually have free speech in the UK anyway.
Yesterday at 8:26am · Like · 3
Andrew Palmer The Beeb put him on QT and Have I Got News For You, where he gets skewered by Hislop and Merton…….so how can people not see past the amiable and slighlty scatty exterior to the true inner core………..but then again they voted BoJo mayor of London and he just like Farage!
Yesterday at 8:29am · Like · 4
The EU is mostly white. The world is mostly non-white. Labour, LibDem, Conservative, Green and SNP all support the EU with favoured immigration for EU citizens and it’s tariffs against imports from developing countries. Ergo those parties are racist.
Who’s going to be left to go on TV if we ban racists?
Breitbart London is also hitting Mo Anwar. So – lots of media flak flying around this weird guy – a BBC favourite. Seems he has feet of clay. It would be funny – if it was not so damn serious, a prime example of how much of the media thinks it knows what is going on.
Any decent editor at Today or Newsnight would see this a a juicy and entertaining item – well worth a few minutes of airtime. Tumbleweed ?…………. Probably Andrew Neil is the only BBC person likely to touch the story.
There was a blink and you miss it moment on Eddie Mair’s Today program yesterday afternoon/evening. After a discussion about the Romanian figures, Eddie inquired on how the chap from Migrationwatch he was interviewing managed to get a job in Romania in the past. He replies that he was a diplomat and represented HM Government there.
Mair’s reply: “Oh. Its alright for some, isn’t it?”
After a second or two while I expect the guy debated whether to slug him one or not, he said: “Well it was during the Ceaucescu regime so it wasn’t like it was a party.”
The self-awareness from the likes of Mr. Mair may need a wee recalibration, especially when it comes from BBC market rates talking about ‘all right for some’.
The more I hear from and about this chap the less pleasant a proposition he becomes.
Given the market-rate, sack-ferret backstabbing career path that gets a person ahead at the BBC, he seems set for a gilded future.
Until shafted.
Place makes ‘Game of Thrones’ seem like a hippy commune.
I personally don’t have a problem with paying the licence fee . Generally the bBC does a good job. However what I object to is its blatant bias in its news coverage, a bias i must add which has been creeping into its shows:
Spooks (can I say spooks without been classed as a racist?)
Dr Who
Any War drama, where the British are Bad and the enemy are always good.
Any comedy program (Sorry just put them down as just crap)
Question Time, in fact any current affairs program
Any science program
So, you like paying the License Fee. But you list quite a few issues against the BBC.
Such as in your own words:
However what I object to is its blatant bias in its news coverage, a bias i must add which has been creeping into its shows:
Spooks (can I say spooks without been classed as a racist?)
Dr Who
Any War drama, where the British are Bad and the enemy are always good.
Any comedy program (Sorry just put them down as just crap)
Question Time, in fact any current affairs program
Any science program
Maybe I’m too optimistic, but R4 PM seems much better than R4 Today. Just now one of the headline items on PM is about a Christian Sudanese women sentenced to death and 100 lashes for apostasy because she doesn’t follow the religion of her absentee Muslim father, but follows the religion of her mother and her husband.
Well done the BBC.
Maybe I’ll be less cheered when I hear the news item, and I’m sure if this was Today they would bend over backwards to say this had nothing to do with Islam, but it’s still encouraging.
Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag isn’t being charged becasue she left Islam. Rather she has been charged becasue as a so called Muslim she has married a non Muslim.
(Which even in the Uk is enforced)
Just to the likes of the liberal Media, if they report as such: “”We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged to death,” the judge told the woman,
Then anybody who doesn’t know better will simply think the ball is in her court.
Got to love this from the bBCs Farouk Chothia: Analysis
There is a long-running debate in Islam over whether apostasy is a crime. Some liberal scholars hold the view that it is not – and back up their argument by citing the Koranic verse which states: “There shall be no compulsion in religion.”
Islamic Liberal scholars really anybody at the bbC want to name one seeing as each and every Muslim I know has no problem blaming the west for everything and anything. For demanding the destruction of Israel, for the imposition of Sharia law and the right to do as they please in Foreign lands.
Oh and BTW, to any detractors want to name a Muslim girl in the UK married to a…..Non Muslim. I can name lots of dead ones, but a live one?
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The BBC loves gender “issues”. Here we have a story lifted from the Times Educational Supplement of how an academic has claimed that “Calling teachers ‘Sir’ or ‘Miss’ is depressing, sexist and gives women in schools a lower status than their male counterparts” (see Possibly. Given her background, one would expect the academic to know that the word ‘Miss’ is ultimately a derivative of ‘Mistress’, the feminine version of the word Master (the modern distinction between Mrs and Miss dates from about the 17th Century). Hence terms such as headmaster and headmistress. But perhaps such trivia is more interesting to the BBC and ‘academics’ than real gender issues in education. For instance, less than 10% of primary school teachers are men and in hundreds of schools the only man at all that children might see is likely to be the caretaker. Indeed, in one school I am familiar with the head proudly boasts that there are no male teachers at all and that she won’t be having any. Does this imbalance not have more impact on children growing up than their natural ability to simplify a teacher’s title to a simple one syllable word, without any understanding of its etymology?
I’m sure the suggestion of using teachers’ first names instead will re-balance the implicit power relationship between learning enabler and customer, always assuming that the customer can be bothered to attend the learning facilitation workshop.
However the leftwing bBC version of the above excellent post by Mr Ian Rushlow blames it all on Grammars schools aping boarding schools.
Thanks to years of leftwing dogma, our schools are full of people who act like bored Apes.
Not just in our schools. A shockingly high percentage of those leaving school can’t even speak properly , let alone read , write and count. If any state run enterprise has shown itself to be unfit for purpose, it is the education system over the past 30 years. Teachers and those in charge should be ashamed. They have left the country in a dire state with its young people being unable to compete with our global competitors. Perhaps the most sickening thing of all was Mr Blair’s promise about education , education ,education. Well we spent the money , our teachers are amongst the best paid in Europe, our schools have excellent facilities, but we didn’t get improvement , instead standards just kept falling. No wonder Mr Gove thinks that the only way forward is to dump the education establishment and try to start again.
Sir and Miss are too difficult for the kids to spell these days.
Far better to employ bearded drag queens, so it`s easier for all concerned.
And what about Sir Alex, Sir Alan and Sir Michael Wilshaw…typical lefty flag waving to dissolve any efforts to have any hierarchy…unless it`s Sir Mick Jagger of course or Lord Patten.
F888 off BBC scum!…yet another lefty notch on the bedpan for the death of the culture…contempt is all!
Thankfully we`re not alone.
The mighty Dennis Hayes(Derby Uni!…let that pass!) just blasted the trendy wendy head who opposed his views( enough of your Savile-kind matey familiarities) into orbit.
Poor Eddia Mair winded…a squealing nascent liberal cause kicked to death at birth…and by an Education expert.
Ye Gods…this is rare!
PM inquest going on…and we`ll not be hearing from Dennis Hayes any time soon.
But he shall live on in all our hearts after this!
“The Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education”looks like a grand book SIR Dennis!…and Sir he is for this ambush live on air!
Too many people in education who are left-wing, driven by ideology, spiteful, and have too much time on their hands. They would be utterly unemployable outside the public sector.
Comments going well, too. The focus now swinging, as it should, more on who sets and imposes these rules and penalties, vs. Poor dopes running afoul.
Hope this gets posted properly as my tablet seems to have had a fit and is formatting this for mobile instead of the familiar web page. Will take some getting used to.
It’s not just your tablet. My phone has been doing that too (I don’t like the mobile layout, as the comments aren’t nested, at least on my phone). Go to the bottom and click “View Full Site”, which worked for a while for me.
And thanks Roland D re the ‘full site’ as that has brought things back to normal.
Seconded. Tx. RD.
Will try the fix with the tablet when I play on site tonight before shut-eye.
Odd it arbitrarily decided to default to it with no option I was aware approving.
Can’t say I like it either.
Very hard to navigate and no preview. Plus no obvious means to make text bigger.
I will say it loaded faster.
Maybe a metaphor for the age? Super fast but pants. Like some BBC editorial scoops that can end up on these pages:)
Thanks Guest Who, re the formatting, I guess that is what is happening on my tablet. Yesterday I was able, by some double tapping to bring back the normal format, but today even that is proving impossible. Takes some getting used to.
Thank you very much for that Guestwho. Mrs Panick now has her Ipad correctly formatted.
I was but a sufferer who articulated a mystery ailment.
All credit to Dr. Deschain who played House with the symptoms described.
I look forward tonight to delivering his magic bullet too.
Do as we say not as we do !
Disabled ‘online producer’ sacker for being disabled, despite the corporation knowing of her disability before employing her.
There is also some interesting insight about the workings of the corporation, including the poor organisation:
“There was confusion as to who was supposed to be doing what. The product was massively behind schedule, I didn’t know how long current members were going to be on our team.”
No one (or very very few) win at tribunal so I don’t expect she will. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t substance behind the complaint though.
Looks young. Seems poorly qualified for the role though, despite this being evident from the outset.
Maybe she could get herself hired by UKIP?
Then quit.
The BBC’s reporting of the case would be special.
Two contrasting reports on sex gangs in Oxford.
“Oxford grooming ring was race-hate gang rape”
By Carole Malone.
(May, 2013.)
“Oxford sex gang: Scores more victims identified”
(14 May, 2014).
#Bring back our white girls.
I have to say that the interviewing of the Muslim governor from Parkview school was quite robust, with the Taqqiya monger proving to be completely mendacious, but then at the end comes the gift, what do you think of the appointment of Peter Clarke, former head of Scotland Yard’s anti-terror unit?
A gift of course and something the PC brigade has railed about. 200 people have complained ! What it doesn’t say is that 200 radical leftists have complained from all over the country !
However he didn’t handle any of it well, and showed himself to be as guilty as the suspicions suggested. Of course the interviewer couldn’t call him a liar directly but she made sure he showed himself for what he was.
I find the left wing fascist fascination with Islam strange given that when the religion is actually implemented, they find it unacceptable.
The parallels between Islam (as political ideology rather than religion) and Communism are striking: both are totalitarian, globalist and use subterfuge and ‘useful idiots’ to promote their agenda. What may appeal to the Left is the willingness of Islamists to use violence in pursuit of their aims. There are many in the ranks of the Labour Party and BBC who would like to physically destroy their opponents and secretly envy the willingness of the Islamists to do such.
I’d say it bears a closer resemblance to Fascism than Communism. Interesting to note that Hilters Nazis were the only ones to have the extermination of Jews & Gays as a policy, and Hitler is the only Fascist leader suspected of undergoing Shahada (conversion to Islam).
@ “..The only religion I respect is Islam, the only prophet I admire is the prophet Muhammad..” “..Hence today, I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator, by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of ALLAH.”
-Adolf Hitler
One plausible explanation is the Left see Islam as the quickest route to destroying our culture and identity, at which point they think they (the Left) will take over the reins with all their PC, eco-socialist rules of society still intact.
Good luck with that, as they say.
Excellent comment.
Agreed. I really cannot understand the myopic wilful blindness of the multiculturalists in supporting a religion which is dedicated at its core to turning this once free and tolerant country into a totalitarian monoculture.
Islam does not want to live in peace with other religions. It is dedicated to destroying them.
Pascal Bruckner in his book ‘The Tyranny of Guilt’ attributes this to form of entryism.
The hard left unable to mobilise the ‘proletariat’ saw radical Islam as ready made shock troops in their war against capitalism
I find this explanation convincing as in the early 70s I was briefly a member of the SWP and though even as teenager I could see it as the fraud it was (and is) for a while I kept friends in it and its offspring the ANL
There was clearly a strategy to recruit afro/caribbean youths to their cause (having failed to achieve a paris 68 style solidarity with the trade unions) the irony that they (the SWP) shared their middle class parents stereotypical view of black youths as being naturally more aggressive and violent was lost on them.
This strategy was successful not least as the ANL gave them a moral shield ,so to criticise their revolutionary ends was immediately an act of racism
I can believe that in the wake of the ‘Rushdie affair’ they believed they could replicate this success with muslim youths
But they now find themselves as a man who climbed on the back of a tiger hoping to find a way to dismount without being devoured but all the time riding for red ruin
Will everyone please stop calling Islam a religion. Islam is a totalitarian movement of which religion is only one tentacle. If the Britain becomes an Islamic state those who are Christians and Jews will have a choice convert, submit with Dhimmi status or get out….if they can. For all others, not people of the book, convert or death….
By the way has nobody heard of the red green alliance? Red being the fascist left
It’s the way Al beeb operates. Bring in the deniers and apologists before the report is out and then completely ignore it when the damning evidence is exposed.
This leaves the great unwashed with the impression that nothing is wrong….time to break out the bubbly as once again they mock and treat the British public with contempt.
BBC man ‘forgets’ what the Guardian is
Sorry I didn’t catch this chap’s name – there are so very many BBC talking heads ready to pop into the News Channel studio to deliver BBC Holy Writ to the willing news anchor.
Yesterday it was a case of another day another anti-UKIP story.
Even at the BBC they must be aware that the viewers are noticing the pattern of attack. The rhetorical question was raised ‘would we be talking about this if another political party were concerned?’
So our BBC bod explains why ‘the Guardian feels justified’ in this story.
But wait a minute…. the Guardian has a well-known and openly acknowledged political agenda of its own.
A case in which the Guardian newspaper thinks its report may be ‘justified’ doesn’t equate to the supposed politically ‘balanced’ BBC being ‘justified’ in going large on a minor story. In fact that paper’s obvious leanings ought to caution a neutral journalist or editor as to the import of the story.
The further explanation for this anti-UKIP splash emerged as being ‘because of the particular issue of race’.
This was not said explicitly – the Guardian angle blurred the real meaning of this odd conversation – but the overall implication given was that either :
1. The Guardian editor dictates what stories are important to the BBC;
2. The buzz notion ‘#race’ was so important to the BBC agenda that the story could not be ignored.
Either way the BBC wasn’t coming clean.
I am less concerned about this young woman now that the BBC describes her as a ‘British born Indian’. As a foreign and non EU national her opinion on the Euro elections is unimportant.
She still has not made clear which race, specifically, is being attacked by a policy of sensible control of immigration.
UKIP have made it clear that their policy on immigration is the least discriminatory, least racist and most practical and fair immigration policy on offer from any of the top four parties.
Re-posted from the Monday Open Thread :
I’ve never heard of her, never seen her on the front page of a newspaper before, or heard about her on the BBC. She is just a callow youth. Why is she worth the second main headline ?
The BBC did NOT give second-place slot to last week’s UKIP rally where speaker after speaker from ethnic minorities denied that UKIP is racist. People much older and wiser than this young girl.
Besides which – the girl is lying. She claims that UKIP is all about racism and has lost any mention of its local council aims – for instance to restrain council spending, to avoid waste. In my ward the UKIP leaflet starts off in bold headlines – “COUNCIL TAX IS FAR TOO HIGH” and carries on in that vein, instancing items of local waste, proposing ways to reduce the local costs. Not a word about immigration in its discussion of the inefficiencies of the local Council under the established parties
Here’s a repost of mine from the tail-end of the Monday OT:
It’s to be expected – I’ve written here before that in my view the biggest threat to UKIP in the run-up to the EU election will come from within the party itself; here is ample proof of that.
Sanya-Jeet Thandi’s sudden ‘resignation’ (sounds far more dramatic than it actually it; Ms Thandi is actually a student and was merely a member of UKIP’s ‘youth wing’ as the BBC like to call it – any resonance with ‘Hitler Youth’ being, of course merely coincidence) just a week ahead of the election is far too convenient for the liberal fascist media – indeed Ms Thandi’s first act upon ‘announcing’ her self-important, attention-grabbing ‘resignation’ was to pen a piece for the the Grauniad. Why am I not shocked?
This is no more than a carefully-staged attempt to derail the agenda ahead of the election. UKIP should merely thank the self-serving Ms Thandi for her three years of UKIP membership, refuse to comment further and simply move on.
The BBC and all its chums in the fascist left media will attempt to spin this into a much bigger ‘story’ than it deserves to be – with just a week to go before the fateful vote we can look forward to heroic levels of mud-slinging, name-calling, abuse, ad hom attacks, insinuation, etc, from these champions of free speech and democracy.
Yes the liberal inquisition have found their smoking gun ,or so they think
What I havn’t worked out from any reporting ,is why did she join UKIP in the first place?
“I am the daughter of Indian nationals and strongly support immigration…”
I must have missed the policy change from being strongly in support of immigration to being
“racist populism that I cannot bring myself to vote for.”
UKIP have either allways been racists or arent now which is Ms Thandi?
The point here is that the Fascist left simply cannot understand why their bully word isn’t working, as everyone shares their view!
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
I think the establishment parties do not want any votes from the 80 percent who are against mass immigration, because they are racists.
With diversity training, racist government form filling, multicultural ghettos, council funded language segregation, and many other political correct racial identity projects, its no wonder 80 percent of the population are now accused of racism.
But at least UKIP are not accusing 80 percent of the population of being racist.
the BBC describes her as a ‘British born Indian
What is with the left and their penchant for claiming people are all the same and then in the next breath saying that actually they are different.
That is what causes problems in the UK today.
My view is that she appears rather stupid, and she could well be a plant from another party.
Indian born in britain would be a better description. They only pick which bits to be british but when it suits them i dont understand etc…….It against my religion etc….
It’s worth posting, I think, the separate analysis column on the BBC’s web page regarding this story:
“So why does the resignation of a 21-year-old UKIP member warrant an authored piece in the Guardian and generate national headlines?
Would the same happen if a similar figure gave up on the Conservatives, Labour or the Liberal Democrats?
To be frank, it probably wouldn’t.
But UKIP is the new kid at the political disco, with water bombs in his (or her) pockets.
Not just that, the party’s popularity is rising and so, therefore, is the scrutiny it is under.
The single most toxic accusation that can be levelled at the party is racism.
Nigel Farage knows that. He held a special event last week, surrounded by supporters from ethnic minorities, to say it was rubbish.
Sanya-Jeet Thandi’s direct contradiction of this is why her article has grabbed attention.”
It comes across to me like he’s trying to convince himself.
I have to say the whole thing stinks of either a set up or she’s been got at.
I would be willing to bet that her student loan has mysteriously “gone away”
BBC and MSM going all out on UKIP as the panic sets in
a perfectly timed (hmmm) resignation because of …”waycism”
then a continuous pneumatic al beeb rant about the lack
Romagarians … expect more of the same allllll dayyyyyy
year on year still increasing? … and still the largest movement block? … doesn t matter in Al BBC land.
expect rabid searching through all the back catalogue
of UKIP to find some inconsequential morsel, to balloon out of all proportion …
toryboys/bbc/msm/liblabs all pat each other on the back
As the elections get closer and closer the propaganda gets more and more amateur and desperate . More people coming in to the country equals greater demand on housing and services.
They avoid ‘the elephant in the room’
The Times weighed in this morning with a screaming headline about UKIP’s MEPs being expected to hand over 10% of their EU salaries to the party. Interestingly, in its survey of the paper press this morning on Today at around 7:45, the BBC ignored this item. Blimey, if this is all the Times can come up with to smear UKIP then UKIP must be as pure as driven snow.
In general terms we should brace ourselves for really big smears over the weekend and, particularly (since a smear will not be refutable in such a short time and will remain like the smell of particularly unpleasant flatus over the proceedings) in the 24 hours before next Thursday’s election.
My fiancée (ethnically Chinese, but very English) says ‘laycist’ when she wants to take the mic out of the PC brigade.
This is her just one week ago.
Now, what has gone wrong? Has the Eritrean and his mates ‘got’ to her, or was she in someone’s pocket? Either way its an orchestrated anti UKIP smear attempt.
BTW if that f*****g Eritrean hates us and this country so much why doesn’t he just f**k of back there? Benefits not so good there? Where do the MSM find these people?
Why on earth is ANY TV programme having that young Eritrean guy on as some kind of commentator – he is just filled with ignorant bile.
And what a hypocrite Thandi is – 1 week she is saying that UKIP’s immigration poliocy is not racist, whereas other parties have a racial bias against non-Caucasians. Next week she is a turncoat. But the BBC, Guardian and Channel 4 won’t point out her contradiction of herself ?
“this country owes the rest of the world anything they want” @ 8:39 – well at least that youing man is honest and had the good grace ,unlike Wark, to not know better what I think than I do myself.
And both unashamedly demonstrated the universal tendancy to racial solidarity – Is Mason for stamping out theirs as well I wonder?
This is a yet again a totally manufactured discussion by the bbbc. Where was the white, Christian, English person in the discussion (‘for balance’)? Who the fuck does the Eritrean think he is? If its so bad here go back to Eritrea. Roll on 22nd May……My voting decision has already been made but watching these bbbc manufactured discussions just makes me angry and even more determined to vote for Nigel. The bbbc are so irresponsible in their output. They have made it so that it is almost a crime to have any English thoughts or even support the ‘English’way of life and their overwhelming admiration and open support for anything muslim beggars belief. I just hope they remove the licence fee and then they can fall back down to earth and then perhaps we won’t have the discussions as on the video link above. Appalling, just appalling
“The bbbc are so irresponsible in their output. ”
That is Channel 4.
Anti-BBC bias at the BBC ? Never !!!
Spotted in the video the banner of Ken Loach’s pathetic morons of Left Unity. They posted this scene on their FB page with pride. Please add to the SWP controlled left fascists – Left Unity, along with the UAF, Hope not Hate, and the other anti UKIP brigades.
Yes the usual intolerant, censoring, intimidating political alliance:
SWP, UAF, Occupy, and their supporters in Labour Party and trade unions, not least Beeboids.
From the Commentator:
Stupidest “racism” smear yet against UKIP
…We’re not saying this was predictable, but boy was this predictable! You get an erstwhile supporter of UKIP from an ethnic minority, get them to quit in (manufactured) disgust at the party’s “racism”, and then — stand at a safe distance now — get them to write it all up in the Guardian. Predictable? Nah…”
Full story:
But what will the effect be of this artificially-amplified outburst by this hypocritical girl ? Will it actually damage UKIP.
Or will it keep the issue of immigration controls to the fore – which is a main driver of UKIP support.
And on the “We want our country back, we want proper border controls” theme – the Trojan Horse story looks far bigger today, and likely to get bigger yet.. Plus I think Office for National Statistics figures for immigration so far in 2014 come out today ?
So the UKIP girl story may have less bite than the BBC/Guardian cabal wanted. Poor timing on their part ?
‘But what will the effect be of this artificially-amplified outburst by this hypocritical girl’
Another backfire, if what I am seeing is anything to go by.
On one thread discussing this (possibly Commentator) first out the traps was a false flag of such direness that I half suspect false-false flagging now.
Because boy did it tip those who may not by UKIPpers off the fence.
Maybe if all the parties… and their tame media… and brain-dead social media shock Jugend… simply p*ssed off back under their tribal agenda-corrupted rocks and let free speech prevail, we’d get back to democratic process via ballot based on informed choice by the electorate.
Fat chance of course. But a £4Bpa social engineering PR propaganda machine sure helps keep things in the gutter.
It backfired so much that Guido (who thought it quite significant) closed the comments on the story, something that rarely happens.
If I recall, he deemed it ‘explosive’.
But for order-order to start closing for comments is quite something.
And I mean in a not good ‘establishment lean-on’ way.
Unless the ‘hate-site’ faux-flaggers have found a way to ensure they can get a thread closed quite easily.
Seems to me admin of such forums may need to get a bit stricter with IP addys and who claims to be whom to check this trend.
As I said on the previous Open Thread, Guido ( whether it’s Paul Staines or, more likely, Harry Cole) has gone all establishment since he started his Sun On Sunday column. The moderating of comments has become excessive and is the cause of many complaints from its regular users. There are certain words that automatically engage the site’s auto-mod and users are having to double space, use asterisks, spell the words differently or use any other ingenious method they can devise to confound the censorship on Order-Order.Com. It’s a sad decline of a once effective anti-establishment blog.
Attended our local UKIP candidates info meeting in Jewish Hall in Hove last night.
UAF exercised their democratic right to demonstrate outside (in similar numbers to those attending meeting). BBC were there but unable to find link online.
Amazingly there was a rumour if anyone was accused of being a racist there would be arrests:
Although very noisy and certainly getting their points across, I have to say UAF were non violent and much better behaved than seen on telly before. Maybe with the Police almost in similar numbers there was little chance of getting away with bad behavior. Some interesting public comments in local rag:
Most surprisingly I also noticed a UKIP candidate Patricia Culligan actually debating with UAF outside and got listened to; possibly because almost her first words were she used to be in Socialist Workers Party in another life!
Socialist Workers Party. Can they be charged under the Trades Descriptions Act because they are neither socialist nor do the majority of their members work or have ever worked?
I’d also like to add I’ve been to one of their parties and it was shit. I never pulled
Let’s face it, would you really WANT to pull with one of them ?
That was very much my brief experience of them in the 1970s.
I used to referred to them at trade union meetings as the Student Wankers Party.
Most laughed others scowled menacingly
You’ve heard of our International Health Service….
now I see the BBC is trying out a potential new corporate slogan
‘Welcome To Wherever You Are’
Radio 4 | 4 June
‘So look forward to hearing jokes from Beirut, Brazil and beyond….’
Nigel Farage should ignore all those gotcha questions by the Media Industrial Complex ” Are you waaycist ? !!! ” and treat them with the contempt it deserves. It’s a bit like asking ” When was the last time you beat your wife ? ”
If he does answer the ‘waaycist’ question, that means he fighting on the Lefts territory, which they want, and you’ll be dancing to their tune. They don’t care about the answer anyway only in smearing UKIP. If Farage had a black wife and adopted 10 little black kids from Somalia, the lame stream media would still call him ‘waaycist.’
Of course ‘journalists’ aren’t interested in ‘waaycism’ because if they were they’d be reporting all the anti white racist crime like Kris Donald or the Knock Out Game for example.
Racist Black Woman ranting ” I hate white people, white c**ts ” why wasn’t this on the front pages and on the 6 o’clock news ?
This is the reality of Mass Immigration yet to hear Shirley Williams and Chukka Obama Clone on Question Time ” Multiculturalism is absolutely marvelous, just wonderful, life couldn’t get any better !! ”
It’s getting beyond a joke now, way past the rampant double standards by the establishment.
If numpties of any hue were allowed to rant how they like and post wherever they want free of fear or favour, they’d simply be ignored like a cat lady muttering to her charges in the trolley.
But because the full forces of law and media get deployed, selectively, they end up with all the notoriety they could wish for, plus serving as polarised lightning rods (that may be a mixed physics metaphor) for any attracted to a personal car crash.
I don’t know now how it gets undone, but the politicians and MSM STFU may be a very good start.
Oh dear, will she face two years of prosecution, children taken off her, MPs denouncing her racism, endless psychiatric examinations? They did it for Emma West.
Some racists are just more equal than others.
Nigel Farage should repeat the immortal quote of Dr Martin Luther King Jr,
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
That quote sums up UKIP’s rejection of racist Politically Correct discrimination and social division and the embrace of meritocratic philosophy more than anything else I can think of. All are created equal before the law, and each individual shall only be judged on their own behaviour and character.
That is why I reject the politically correct philosphy of liblabcon, and why I vote UKIP.
UKIP are the ONLY mainstream NON racist party.
Now we have racist government form filling.
I don’t know whether to put British, English, European, White, Anglo-Saxon-Celtic or English but I do have a bit of Irish if it may please you.
BBC and Guardian furiously trying to play down the ONS statistics released today.
The new Bulgarian and Romanian immigration figures do show only 140,000 have come here to work. However that means the need to build some 75,000 housing units to meet the extra demand.
Of course, those figures do not include non-working spouses, children, unemployed and self-employed nationals of these countries, all of whom who need housing.
The most interesting figure if ever provided will be the number of such nationals who have started to seek certain previously unavailable social security benefits since 1 January.
I was watching muted News24 earlier, with the captioning switched on. Details of the employment figures were released (UK unemployed down by 375,000), immediately followed by the caption stating that there were 4000 less employed Romanian/Bulgarians than last month.
It was only when I thought about this I realised what the sneaky BBC bastards had done…
Re: the supposed 4000 less Romanians and Bulgarians working in the first quarter. If you look at the actual ONS pdf it includes numerous caveats about uncertainty and errors and makes clear that these are just *estimates* based on a small survey – also subject to seasonal adjustment. If you ask me it doesn’t past the sniff test: With construction booming and immigration controls dropped you’re trying to tell me that a net 4000 Romanians upped sticks and left for home? Pull the other one. Strikes me there are enough fudge factors and adjustments for these figures to be manipulated to order by the civil servants to provide their LibLabCon masters with ammunition to use against UKIP.
You have to work in the UK for 3 months to qualify for benefits. It is now May. These figures are for January to March. I suspect that the fall in ’employment’ is probably accompanied by a rather large spike in benefit claims.
“Trojan Horse” implies something secretive or covert but this really isn’t, is it?
It is being done more or less openly in the knowledge that few people will challenge it, and those who do can be silenced as racists or Islamophobes.
I don’t recall the BBC pushing anything that Nick Griffin or the BNP said ?
Yet here is a nice BBC website headline today, “UKIP’s immigration policy is based on race – BNP’s Nick Griffin” :
How low will the BBC stoop in its vendetta against UKIP ?
When you think about it, Nick Griffin endorsing UKIP would be worse.
I doubt the BBC have thought about it.
That’s funny, the BNP advert starts with a Farage animation, welcoming controlled imigration, the BNP Bulldog growels with disgust.
Because the bBC’s political masters know they are going to get a kicking next week, when the sick to the back of the teeth public send them a message they don’t want to believe.
I eman come on getting the British Nazi party to berate UKIP. whoever next..Boko Haram?
The BBC tries to sanitise today’s ONS immigration figures – eg by omitting dependents.
But surely they key figures are :
1 – huge rise in the number of foreign workers by 292,000 in one year – that is a 7% rise in just one year, including 168,000 more EU workers.
2 Then add in the dependents they bring in
Ergo – Tory/LibDem immigration policy is an utter failure – and will stay a failure because the EU prevents us having any proper border controls. Things are just as bad as when Labour opened the floodgates.
If anyone is looking for a textbook example of outrageous bias from the BBC, let me recommend an earful of the World Service’s reporting on the Australian budget.
I caught this stream of barely disguised invective at around 2 am this morning and, even used to the mother service’s relentless advocacy of socialism as we all are, could hardly believe my ears.
As far as I can make out, the new government’s budget is trying to make sure the Aussies don’t do what we did under Brown – splurge money during a boom and precipitate a collapse. The BBC’s correspondent was in full ‘this is outrageous!’ mode.
Mark my words, they’ll be eating babies and bayoneting aboriginals down under, if they allow the vile capitalist regime to carry on like this. That’s what the BBC thinks, clearly – and it broadcasts that opinion to anyone in the world daft enough to pay it the slightest attention.
Jo Novo (Australian blogger) has a different view.
… got crook on some rough grog and yodeled up me brekkers.
Romanian and Bulgarian migration: UK worker numbers show dip –
‘The number of Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK has fallen by 4,000 since employment restrictions were lifted in January, but is up 29,000 compared with a year ago’.
So there’s been an overall increase, but the BBC headline focuses on the minor dip. A tad misleading, methinks.
From 1984
“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be REDUCED to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. “
A bit like Denis Healey using the cut in VAT in 1974 to claim that inflation was down from 20+% to 8.4%.
Long article in the Guardian basically saying Please, please, please leave the BBC alone and stop picking on us – even when we cock up – because we’re the honest brokers and we know best. we really do.
I think this is the nub of the problem
“The BBC is a battlefield that can be grim and dark and strewn with human wreckage. It is where the British gather to fight their most vicious culture wars. The BBC’s particular and paradoxical relationship with governments – funded as it is by a politically negotiated charter, independent as it strives to be in its journalism – has meant it is caught up in dynamics of high power beyond any other broadcaster.”
Of course the simple expedient of abolishing the whole damn mess simply can not be considered by the writer.
Time for a Judicial Review, me thinks ?
I actually find much in that piece utterly astounding, and damning. Such as this”
‘if I didn’t sign it, it would affect my BBC pension’
Even I did not imagine that as far back as 1987 the integrity of the BBC as an objective anything, especially news, was so easily steered by the staff’s addiction to their pensions, and rotating ferret sack above them’s ability to wield the threat of it being curtailed if boats got rocked. A bit like the EU now, Mr. Clegg?
Much more explained. Too much inexcusable. Especially 28Gate. No wonder even ‘The Future of the BBC’ inquiry was desperate not to go there.
How France’s National Front is winning in socialist heartland –
It’s shocking, isn’t it? We all know that socialists are all totally anti-racism, and fascism is an extreme form of right wing thinking that all leftists oppose.
BTW, anyone heard of a party called the National Socialists? I hear they were once quite powerful in Germany, but with a name like that they couldn’t possibly have been fascists.
The programme today on BBC World service about Muslims sheltering in a church had no context whatsoever and repeated the idea again and again that the only victims of the conflict were Muslim .This was clearly propaganda . The conflict actually started when a Muslim group Seleka ran rampage around the Central African Republic in 2013 but without this context it was only the Muslims who were seen as the victims.
Very ‘Senior’ Labour MP in “Roll Up Rapists” Rant –
I can’t see anything on the BBC news website about this, yet when a Tory or UKIP supporter makes a gaffe, they are all over it.
It was a different time.
They have finally published a (not prominently placed) article:
The article ends by telling us that:
‘In July 2013, Mr Mitchell underwent surgery to repair a leaky heart valve.’
Given that this is completely irrelevant to his tweets, I can only assume it was thrown in to garner sympathy.
Yes it strange how the BBC have concentrated on the comments of Conservative MP Claire Perry ,ignoring this
Let’s not forget, these are the guys from the level that back in 1987 told a DG to pack up and ship out on the spot and say nothing if he valued his pension.
I doubt that time has seen a cuddlier breed of sack ferret evolve, if Pollard, Rose, PAC, Cohen, Katz, Boaden are anything to go on.
So what they ‘think’ about their internal BBC review may be interesting but likely worth zero on a trust or transparency basis.
Speaking of medical issues, I managed but 2 minutes before a side split.
Mr. Ayre, apparent noble guardian of licence fee interests, is clearly a devotee of the ‘tell it often enough’ school of propaganda.
One can see why the audience, and questions, were limited only to the young pod people visible.
I wonder what those rapt if oddly vacant expressions suggested they were seeing?
I have it bookmarked to try and wade through the next 58′, probably in batches, if my constitution can withstand it.
Earlier today the BBC tried to deflect the positives away from following report on the UK jobless figures with moans and groans about how Romanian and Bulgarian immigration isn’t anywhere near as bad as those nasty Tories made out; Nick Robinson’s ‘analysis’ has been removed.
BBC on a smart-arsed anti-Ukip offensive on the Six ‘News’ just now. Mr Smug Robinson even had the nerve to get the views of Yvette Cooper. I’m amazed considering Labour’s appalling record on unfettered immigration.
And Channel 4 did the same as Cathy Newman was provided with an ex-UKIPer called Alexandra Swann.
Following on this mornings game-changer about an Indian 21 year old woman devastating UKIP by leaving the youth section….hold the front page !
Anyway-Channel 4 could only have imagined the final destruction of UKIP pretensions with Ms Swann there to feed them raw meat.
Oh dear-she could not have been more of a silkier mole sailing under false colours had Nigel have planned it.
For Alexandra was more UKIP and scornful of the political classes than Cathy Newman could stomach-indeed the gears whirred and she helplessly referred to her notes.
For lefties were not born to think on the hoof…Cathy was flummoxed and Ms Swann put yet more daylight between the chattering classes and Nigel.
Superb infiltration Nigel and Alex…THIS is the way to turn the liberal elite to jelly.
I`m now ex-UKIP for media purposes now…seems to allow us on to shaft the elite to both their faces!
So reading this article whom do you feel the bBC is saying are the victims here:
Nigerian village vigilantes ‘repel Boko Haram attack:
Residents of three villages in northern Nigeria have repelled an attack by suspected Boko Haram Islamist fighters, an eyewitness has told the BBC. About 200 of the militants were killed during the fighting in the Kala-Balge district of Borno state, he said.
The witness said the residents had formed a vigilante group.
How dare these people defend themselves?
I don’t think the BBC is saying Boko Haram are the victims here at all. That is your interpretation, not what is actually written.
The article also includes this:
“Boko Haram, whose name means “Western education is forbidden” in the local Hausa language, is notorious for raiding towns and villages, burning homes, looting banks and police stations, and killing people.”
How does that portray them as victims?
I agree that Boko Haram should be described as terrorists, because that is what they are. But in this article the BBC is in no way presenting them as victims.
Chris wrote:
“I don’t think the BBC is saying Boko Haram are the victims here at all. That is your interpretation, not what is actually written.
But yet an hour later, the bBC have replaced that article with one which reports at how Nigerian troops had shot at a convoy where nobody was hurt. The story about how 200 Terrorists have been killed attacking a village is hidden right down at the bottom of the new article. I quote:
Meanwhile, residents of three villages in Borno repelled an attack by suspected Boko Haram fighters on Tuesday, an eyewitness told the BBC. About 200 militants were killed during the fighting in the Kala-Balge district of Borno state, he said.The witness, who asked not to be named because of security concerns, said the residents had formed a vigilante group.
You’d think the bBC didn’t want you to hear about this set back for BH
The original story is still available, although you’re right that it isn’t on the BBC Africa page. It says ‘Last updated 16:30 GMT, 14 May 2014’
The second story (‘Last updated 19:12 14 May 2014’) is a more recent event, hence it is given more prominence. The older story is always sent down the pecking order in news.
“You’d think the bBC didn’t want you to hear about this set back for BH”
Again, I think that’s your interpretation, not what the BBC is actually saying.
“The older story is always sent down the pecking order in news.”
WRONG: there are weekly (probably daily) examples of ‘sticky’ bulletins that seem to grab the limelight and have pictures prominent etc and conversely very NON-STICKY stories that sometimes vanish completely after an hour or so.
Yes, that’s fair enough. But usually when the story is of considerably greater importance than the stories which follow it.
Do you think this incident of the people of a town defending themselves against Boko Haram, whilst undoubtedly newsworthy (and praiseworthy) is of considerably greater importance than the story of Nigerian army troops opening fire on their commander? I would say both are similarly important, in which case the more recent story takes precedence.
And the village vigilantes story hasn’t disappeared, as it still features in the second story.
Chris wrote:
“Do you think this incident of the people of a town defending themselves against Boko Haram, whilst undoubtedly newsworthy (and praiseworthy) is of considerably greater importance than the story of Nigerian army troops opening fire on their commander?
So the first where the group guilty of killing over 12,000 people, of kidnapping 275 girls, of blowing up a UN building loses 200 men not 24 hours ago
And the second where a few disgrunted men fired a few rounds at a car, which harmed nobody and which it transpires only the bbC is reporting. Do a serch the only people reporting it all link into the bbC article. Below is a screen dump from Newsnow for Nigeria. Only one outlet reports the story..the bBC.

Why is the fact that the BBC is reporting the army shooting story a sign of support for Boko Haram though?
The summary of the story, as it currently appears on the BBC Africa page, is:
“Soldiers open fire on their commander in the north-eastern Nigeria, witnesses say, as anger grows over failure to tackle Islamist insurgency.”
To me, that clearly suggests that the ‘Islamist insurgency’ (or ‘Islamist terrorism’, as it should be described) carried out by Boko Haram must be stopped.
There is also a report from John Simpson talking about the brutality of BH just below it on that page.
The BBC does not support Boko Haram.
Would that be the very same John Simpson who had this to say about the Terrorists who murdered so many people in London in July 2005:
Now that the bombs have exploded, and thousands of newspaper pages and entire days of air time have been devoted to the horror of it all, and to the poor, decent people who are dead and missing, and to the misguided criminals responsible
The bBC is very subtle in its support of Islamic terrorism, once you know what to look for, you see their bias for it it is.
200 Boko Haram terrorists killed attacking two villages in Nigeria at 4am Tuesday morning. The initial bBC report clearly expressed disgust at how vigilantes (Apparently if you are a villager defending your village,life and family you are a ….vigilante to the bBC) had killed so many terrorists and an hour later they have removed that post and replace it with one about how Nigerian troops shot at their commander. Add the many other Pro Boko Haram articles and you’d have to be a fool not to see any bBC bias.
“Boko Haram and the shame of the Left.
Having spent years apologising for Islamist atrocities and calling anyone who raised any concerns an ‘Islamophobe’, Leftists, especially feminists, should hang their heads in shame at events in Nigeria”
For INBBC to investigate: how many Islamic jihadist supporters of Boko Haram are in U.K?
“British-born Boko Haram ringleader ‘arrested’ as Nigerian government urge terror group to talk to them two months after schoolgirls were kidnapped”
Read more:
Something not right about this story. Homer Simpson, the same who said earlier this week that Islam has no history of forced conversion (sic) is now claiming that vigilantes with machetes and bows and arrows killed 200 Islamist terrorists who seem to be well armed, including missiles liberated by their fellow jihadists from Libyan stockpiles. It will need a proper journalist to find out what’s going on. Others are sceptical too
Shame the BBC has no in-country Nigerian reporter and has to fly in whitey.
It IS confusing to the average listener/viewer who dip in from time to time and just absorb what the BBC say. This is the extremely dangerous way the BBC as a public broadcasting authority is allowed to corrupt the general public into thinking the way they want them to think! Unless people protest loudly and frequently about this , however subtle it may seem to some ,the BBC will continues to get away with their propaganda.
For a number of years now, I’ve been banging my little tin drum how the China is throwing her weight regards the growing Imperial aspirations of Peking.
Which is why China encourages Pakistan to keep the majority of her armed forces agaisnt India
Why China is building bases in..Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma in which to ring fence India in
Has claimed the vast majority of the China sea as her own (Resulting in China using force to (military vessels masquerading as coast guard ships) blockade ,arrest,evict fishermen who while only 10s of miles away from their own shores are over 2000 miles away from China)
Imposed Air and sea zones restricting nations from transiting their own territory.
The otherday Chinese ships blocked Vietnamese ships from stopping a Chinese Oil rig from searching for oil in Vietnamese waters.
Today the Vietnamese people attacked Chinese interests in their country and the bBC’s Nga Pham blames…Vietnamese nationalism.
Really? Has this woman watched any Chinese film of late, they all centre around poor Chinese who are oppressed by foreigners and how somebody fights back. Think I’m kidding watch any recent Chinese blockbuster, the baddies are always: British, American,French,Russian or Japanese.
If any of the above carried out a land?Sea grab the bBC would let you know about the imperialistic nature of the West, yet when its China they have remained silent.
Beeboids’ inadequate analysis of INDIA’s election.
It is interesting to note India’s NDTV channel giving in-depth political coverage of how Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslim voted, unlike Beeboid censorship of this, (not only on India’s election, but also in U.K elections).
And in its ‘reporting’ on India’s election, Beeboids seem reluctant to make clear the political issues between the political parties, such as:
“Counter-terror orgs endorse Narendra Modi for India Prime Minister”
By Robert Spencer.
“Politicians who will stand forthrightly against jihad terror and Islamic supremacism are few and far between all around the world. Narendra Modi in India is among the few, and so he has received the endorsement of Canadians United Against Terror. Indeed, supporters of freedom and human rights the world over should support him.”
When Beeboids did report pre-India election, it was in the form of political propaganda (‘it’s all poverty, no Islamic jihad’) by Beeboid Muslim, Mishal HUSSAIN, for India’s Muslims, as here (April):
“India election: How will the Muslim vote affect the polls?”
“The Muslim Devastation of India”
One of the BBC’s usual suspects, Norman (‘but Labour say’) Smith, excelled himself at lunchtime managing to dissemble and twist the latest immigration figures to skewer both UKIP and the Tories.
Gleefully telling viewers that the expected influx from Romania and Bulgaria had not arrived and was in fact smaller than the last quarter, he was able to thumb his nose at UKIP….but….
Cleverly (?) though he went on to say that immigration from the rest of Europe had increased over the same period, and he couldn’t resist the opportunity have a pop at the Tories and Cameron’s ‘failure to control immigration’, as promised. Only our Norman could manage such contortions.
‘Some people’, Norman, say you’re biased. I say, Norman, you are lacking integrity.
As the Euro Elections are fast approaching the propaganda gets more transparent…
In the news….
Lots of industrious Poles, all busily working on a roof giving the impression that there is a demand for more and more immigrants – but note the lack of Health and Safety wear, hard hats, ladders not tied, safety harnesses etc., that the HSE would be enforcing on all the British boys doing the same job.
Try harder – “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
The bBC, how it defends drug taking and half the story
Kenyan MPs’ bid to evict UK farmers over khat ban
Another article from the bBC berating the Uk for banning Khat . This time its about how many poor people will lose their jobs:
“The MPs say that the British move will force almost two million people out of jobs in Meru, which is one of Kenya’s 47 counties and lies to the north-east of Mt Kenya.
REading the bBC article you’d think we were the only people in the world to ban the damn things. However in Europe over 14 countries have banned it and others are following that trend. Then there’s this from France Local (French news website) from March this year:
Drugs: French seizures of khat and cannabis soar
Cannabis seizures in France soared last year according to an end-of-year report by French customs officials. Marijuana was not the only illegal substance that was confiscated in huge amounts in 2013. An incredible 44 tomes of the khat was impounded at Channel ports………A spokesperson for French customs told The Local that the ten-fold rise in the amount of khat seized was due in large part to the Netherlands moving to ban the substance in January 2013.
Since then a trafficking network was set up to transport the drugs from the UK to the Netherlands via France. Most of the 49 tonnes of khat were seized at the Channel ports of Calais and Dunkirk.
It seems that since France,Holland,Germany,Poland ,Ireland have banned Khat, the Uk has become a major hub for the importation of the drug into Europe. Strange how the bBC doesn’t mention any other country in Europe which has banned it.
I was hoping that banning Khat might lead to a few of our enrichers moving on. It appears that our European friends have outflanked us once again.
‘New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson replaced’ –
‘In a surprise move, the New York Times newspaper has announced that it has replaced executive editor Jill Abramson – the first woman to lead the paper – with immediate effect.’
‘Mr Baquet, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who formerly edited the Los Angeles Times, will become the first African-American to lead the paper.‘
Enough of the identity politics BBC!
Unbelievable report on ‘Today’ radio 4 where they went to California ‘silicon valley’ to talk to people in business there.
They interview some selected leftie who claims that the people at the top are paid too much and the rewards for success too high. “There needs to be a wealth tax” he opines.
Yes I can imagine that death of the American Dream being really popular !
Then it’s on to another short that pupils in State schools lack a moral compass, and this is due to the fact that too much emphasis is placed on academic success and this is not the case in Public schools. There needs to be more time set aside for ‘citizenship lessons’.
Forgive me but I always thought that parents were supposed to provide a moral compass, and I’m sure that the favourite brown eyed boys make sure their children have the correct moral values !
No this is a blatant attempt by the fascists to be given time to ‘re-educate’ kids to think the right left wing thoughts. Coming as it does on the heels of the insane calling women ‘Sir’ it illustrates that the teaching ‘profession’ as wholly as politicised as the BBC.
‘He also warned: “There is a kind of aura of political correctness creeping over everything, and therefore anybody who uses colourful language is going to have to keep their mouth shut.”
He then clamped his hand over his mouth to demonstrate the point to the BBC News Channel audience.’
Who said that? A UKIP candidate? Jeremy Clarkson? David Starkey?
No. This time it’s a Labour MP
BBC Radio 4, 8.40am.
The BBC is fully on board, now, with the idea promulgated by The White House/US State Department that the situation in Nigeria is the fault of the government, and not Boko Haram. The cause of this kidnap is the fact that the government “don’t care about people in certain areas of the country”. Realise that in this equation, Government = Christian, and “people in certain areas” = Muslims.
If only the government would give Boko Haram what they want, this wouldn’t have happened.
Thanks, BBC! Got the message! GOT IT! How would I know what to think without you?!
BBC3: In The Flesh – Yes, It’s all About UKIP (believe it or not).
Here’s the strangest thing; I like zombies. I like zombie fiction and I like zombie film and TV (The excellent Walking Dead, based on a hugely popular comic book series, now up to season four on Fox HD, is one of the best examples), so when the BBC commissioned their own zombie series I was naturally intrigued.
Series 1 of In The Flesh (BBC3) passed off rather unremarkably; inoffensive, pretty anodyne, tepid fare in comparison to Fox’s visceral, exciting and often shocking Walking Dead. I really didn’t think In The Flesh would make it all the way to a second series. Amazingly, somehow – and I’ll explain how – it did.
Within moments of watching the second series it became jarringly clear what the true agenda of the second series – and it’s not coincidental timing in the schedules – would be all about. Zombies were to become, in the hands of the BBC, a valuable metaphor for something ‘other’; a cypher for a Far More Important Message to be delivered to BBC3’s presumably 20-something audience. I’ll let the guy off The Guardian TV review page explain:
“…They come here, take our jobs, eat our faces? Not on Maxine’s watch. In the second series of Dominic Mitchell’s superb In the Flesh (BBC3, Sunday), the Victus party MP terminated the symbolic Other with a power tool and told an election rally that the living would no longer tolerate having medicated zombies in their midst. Why? “Behind that mask of makeup and medication is a cold-hearted killer,” she said. “Just one misdose away from tearing your head apart.” I’m not saying that this is how Ukip characterises Romanians in its manifesto, but if it did its electoral share would surely rise….”
The first two episodes of season 2 of In The Flesh have both made no effort to disguise the series’ aggressive anti-UKIP credentials, using ‘zombies’ as a substitute for…well, for Romanians. Go on, try it; just watch one episode and every time a protagonists mention the undead substitute the word ‘Romanian’ or ‘immigrant’ and I promise you the effect will be abundantly obvious to you.
I suppose in one way we should feel grateful that the wretched BBC no longer feels the need to disguise its electioneering politicisation of what should have been an enjoyable slice of zombie fiction for younger audiences. Yes, it was inevitable, I suppose, that the common purpose hivemind at the Politburo would sooner or later identify the zombie meme as an ideal trojan horse upon which to piggyback in its fiercely pro-EU, anti-UKIP messaging; but to do so quite so nakedly, quite so shamelessly…
Or did I just miss the BBC’s famous ‘impartiality’? I just wanted to watch a harmless series about zombies; instead I got a series of lectures on Why I Shouldn’t Be Voting For UKIP And Why Immigration Is Good For All Of Us.
Peter Hain objects to ‘far right’ parties participating in BBC debate. So call out UAF, SWP, and Ken Loach’s pathetic Left Unity failures to demonstrate outside the BBC in Wales. No platform eh.
First rule of a far left party.
There is no such thing as a fart left party.
What about ‘no licence fee’ full fucking stop
Ah, Mr Hain, favoured son of many a broadcaster.
Perhaps because both have very unique views on views.
It’s hard to know who to rely upon for education and information on, well anything, these days.
Speaking of favoured sons…
Golly, who knew? Well, readers here may have had an inkling, and a while ago.
I fear Mr. Staines’ recent efforts have made any opinion or sources he chooses to promote subject to a bit of checking now, but the facts do seem hard to dispute.
Not that this will see any great change to the guest priorities from the Today snow to the Newsnight slipway any time soon.
‘“If producers dropped Mo Ansar, he would have nothing to fall back on”
Given the new batch of ‘producers’ these days, I think Mo’s OK a while yet.
Oh great, and now BBBC joins BBC, CiF, Telegraph and all the rest with our comment is awaiting moderation.
Just get Google to erase it all while you’re at it.
Anyway, one for #LOLThurs in case it ever appears:
‘Nick Robinson, the BBC’s political editor, has also abandoned his usual fairness when dealing with the party’
That ‘Toenails’ soubriquet doubtless acquired when not letting his beach feet cause a drama?
Wild guess, but maybe UKIP taking chunks out of Labour may have seen ‘usual fairness’ a wee bit compromised in all sorts of places.
Oops – another friend of the BBC has had a bit of bad luck!
If only they’d subjected him to the kind of forensic examination they apply to UKIP members of Trumpton Parish council.
Alongside the official Mo Ansar account, there is a Twitter alias – a ‘sockpuppet’ account in the jargon – called @The_TruthTeller, which denigrates Ansar’s enemies. It was originally called @MoAnsar2, and is written either by Ansar, who was unavailable for comment, or by a besotted fan determined to fight his every battle.
Note this from the Spectator article by Nick Cohen:
“The greatest cause of confusion in liberal Europe is the existence of two far-rights: the nativist white far-right, which hates and targets Muslims because they are Muslim; and the religious far right, which hates and targets critics of fundamentalism, including critics who are liberal Muslims and ex-Muslims.”
This is typical of the ‘liberal’ media, we are presented with two instances of the liberal’s nigger, ‘the far-right’, one of which is the dumb, soon to be ex-native, and the other a ‘religious’ variant.
Could the religious bunch be CofE, RC, Baptists, Methodists or even Jews? Of course not! In the context of the article they must be a brand of Muslim but ‘we’ dare not speak the name even when ‘we’ think they are in the wrong.
This all very strange as Cohen’s article is really all about Mo Ansar not daring to speak the name of the Beast! “Throw stones at it!”, he seems to say, (but count me out because I’m a ‘liberal’).
In fairness to Cohen, he did write a whole book criticising what he described as “Islamic fascists” and the lefties who stand up for them, despite their attitudes towards women and homosexuals. Book was called “What’s left?”.
(A friend writes occasional blog posts for the Telegraph. He doesn’t choose either the title or the subtitle of the published piece- that is down to the sub editors. Possibly the subs at the Spectator edited Cohen’s piece to make it “safer”?).
So at least one of Nicky Campbell’s Twitter pals – this one the oddball mohamedan – bites the Twitter dust. There’ll still be a vacant BBC Salford studio seat warm and waiting for the rest of Campbell’s Twitterati fans – the grievance mongers and the lefty campaingers.
Did Boco Harem have a hit with The whiter shade of pale in the sixties ??
Guess who does not like the BBC? Too right wing for Peter Hain’s supporters in UAF who object to BBC showing a debate which includes right wing parties. . From UAF’s FB page.
Unite Against Fascism shared a link.
Peter Hain: ‘No BBC Platform for Racists and Fascists.’
No BBC Platform for Racists and Fascists
Former Secretary of State for Wales and anti-apartheid…
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195 people like this.
Stephen Audley Don’t want the beeb accused of a left wing bias – let them have the publicity they need to show their idiocy
Yesterday at 8:04am · Like · 2
Lola Lou Carr 15 times Farage has been on QT… what left wing bias?
No such thing on the BBC…. Their political editor is an old Etonian ffs.
Don’t bother trying to get the news from the BBC any more.
Nicholas (that “vile loathsome little man”) Witchell, has his tongue so far up the Royal families arse that he is actually becoming a Spitting Image type parody of himself.
It’s all a big fucking lie.
Yesterday at 8:20am · Like · 3
Chris Diboll These parties need to be allowed to make fools of themselves.
Yesterday at 8:26am · Like · 5
Simeon Solar BBC is a corrupt mouthpiece for government, and right wing through and through. Cancelled TV license long ago and don’t watch their rubbish. As for far-right groups, if we value liberty we need to listen to their bullshit and then using logic and reason dissect their feeble arguments. If they break the law, platform gets taken away. We don’t actually have free speech in the UK anyway.
Yesterday at 8:26am · Like · 3
Andrew Palmer The Beeb put him on QT and Have I Got News For You, where he gets skewered by Hislop and Merton…….so how can people not see past the amiable and slighlty scatty exterior to the true inner core………..but then again they voted BoJo mayor of London and he just like Farage!
Yesterday at 8:29am · Like · 4
The EU is mostly white. The world is mostly non-white. Labour, LibDem, Conservative, Green and SNP all support the EU with favoured immigration for EU citizens and it’s tariffs against imports from developing countries. Ergo those parties are racist.
Who’s going to be left to go on TV if we ban racists?
Breitbart London is also hitting Mo Anwar. So – lots of media flak flying around this weird guy – a BBC favourite. Seems he has feet of clay. It would be funny – if it was not so damn serious, a prime example of how much of the media thinks it knows what is going on.
Any decent editor at Today or Newsnight would see this a a juicy and entertaining item – well worth a few minutes of airtime. Tumbleweed ?…………. Probably Andrew Neil is the only BBC person likely to touch the story.
There was a blink and you miss it moment on Eddie Mair’s Today program yesterday afternoon/evening. After a discussion about the Romanian figures, Eddie inquired on how the chap from Migrationwatch he was interviewing managed to get a job in Romania in the past. He replies that he was a diplomat and represented HM Government there.
Mair’s reply: “Oh. Its alright for some, isn’t it?”
After a second or two while I expect the guy debated whether to slug him one or not, he said: “Well it was during the Ceaucescu regime so it wasn’t like it was a party.”
Nasty piece of work?
The self-awareness from the likes of Mr. Mair may need a wee recalibration, especially when it comes from BBC market rates talking about ‘all right for some’.
The more I hear from and about this chap the less pleasant a proposition he becomes.
Given the market-rate, sack-ferret backstabbing career path that gets a person ahead at the BBC, he seems set for a gilded future.
Until shafted.
Place makes ‘Game of Thrones’ seem like a hippy commune.
Mair is a leftie snake. I shuddered yesterday when I heard he is in the running for Paxman’s job.
Don’t forget he’s gay too so that ticks another BBC box and ensures that he’s among ‘friends’….
Yet another nutjob election candidate ignored by the BBC/MSM. Wrong party again?
Conservatives select islamist as local election candidate in Newark:
O/T but has anyone else been having problems accessing this site?
I haven’t since last night on my home broadband, I’m assuming my ISP (Sky) is blocking it?
Yes – This is the first successful attempt since last night.
Same here, though looking at comments some have been getting on.
Why do I HAVE to pay £12 every month (Annual Licence Fee £145.50) for a Channel I would not miss and do not watch?
Does this happen in any other country?
I personally don’t have a problem with paying the licence fee . Generally the bBC does a good job. However what I object to is its blatant bias in its news coverage, a bias i must add which has been creeping into its shows:
Spooks (can I say spooks without been classed as a racist?)
Dr Who
Any War drama, where the British are Bad and the enemy are always good.
Any comedy program (Sorry just put them down as just crap)
Question Time, in fact any current affairs program
Any science program
So, you like paying the License Fee. But you list quite a few issues against the BBC.
Such as in your own words:
However what I object to is its blatant bias in its news coverage, a bias i must add which has been creeping into its shows:
Spooks (can I say spooks without been classed as a racist?)
Dr Who
Any War drama, where the British are Bad and the enemy are always good.
Any comedy program (Sorry just put them down as just crap)
Question Time, in fact any current affairs program
Any science program
The classic case of propaganda more than “creeping” into the BBC’s shows is in a Spooks episode
Maybe I’m too optimistic, but R4 PM seems much better than R4 Today. Just now one of the headline items on PM is about a Christian Sudanese women sentenced to death and 100 lashes for apostasy because she doesn’t follow the religion of her absentee Muslim father, but follows the religion of her mother and her husband.
Well done the BBC.
Maybe I’ll be less cheered when I hear the news item, and I’m sure if this was Today they would bend over backwards to say this had nothing to do with Islam, but it’s still encouraging.
Regards the post by Flexdream. Just a correction.
Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag isn’t being charged becasue she left Islam. Rather she has been charged becasue as a so called Muslim she has married a non Muslim.
(Which even in the Uk is enforced)
Just to the likes of the liberal Media, if they report as such:
“”We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged to death,” the judge told the woman,
Then anybody who doesn’t know better will simply think the ball is in her court.
Got to love this from the bBCs Farouk Chothia:
There is a long-running debate in Islam over whether apostasy is a crime. Some liberal scholars hold the view that it is not – and back up their argument by citing the Koranic verse which states: “There shall be no compulsion in religion.”
Islamic Liberal scholars really anybody at the bbC want to name one seeing as each and every Muslim I know has no problem blaming the west for everything and anything. For demanding the destruction of Israel, for the imposition of Sharia law and the right to do as they please in Foreign lands.
Oh and BTW, to any detractors want to name a Muslim girl in the UK married to a…..Non Muslim. I can name lots of dead ones, but a live one?
Thanks for the Pounce. I should have added that the 100 lashes is for adultery. Apparently the death penalty on its own wasn’t severe enough!